#yeah i had a redwall phase
hhhhunty · 9 months
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Yadda yadda draw this steven universe panel as your comfort characters
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admutual · 5 years
any hayley or steve childhood headcanons hell add stan if thats ok!!
oo !!
hayley ones:
hayley was always bringing weird animals inside and trying to convince stan and francine to let her keep them. multiple instances of her running inside, covered in dirt, and holding a garter snake begging ‘please please can we keep her??’ while steve screams in terror.
that hc i mentioned of francine always standing up for the other kids ,, hayley inherited that trait. my god she was The Most protective kid during her school years, she absolutely refused to let anyone get walked over when she knew they didn’t deserve it.
hayley was a wolf girl growing up,, change my mind. and black wolves were always her fave.
hayley definitely read animorphs growing up. those books shaped her and her fave character was cassie,,, also once she got more comfortable with living with roger she bullied him for not looking as cool as an andalite or a hork-bajir.
hayley went through an emo phase during her middle and high school years. she tried really hard to get an emo fringe, she was always blasting mcr and the used and three days grace, and her first job was at a hot topic.
hayley and stan were obviously tight-knit buds back in the day. like ,, she’d set up tea parties for them in the backyard, going out to movies was almost a weekly activity for the two of them, they were always planning picnics together,, they were really close. also every time they went to familyland together, hayley was always trying to drag him along with her to the more Extreme rides. francine kept telling her she’d go since she knew stan wasn’t the biggest fan of those rides like she was, but hayley kept insisting and it’d always end with stan near traumatized. big cia man goes on scary missions daily but he can’t handle a little roller coaster.
hayley’s hair was . pretty often a Mess when she was young. it was staticky, always sticking up at some angle, she often got too excited that she never took the time to comb out her hair in the mornings. plus it’s always been a habit of hers to play with her hair whenever she gets too excited or nervous, so even if she got it all straightened out it’d still turn into a mess by the end of the day.
hayley was always covered in scrapes and bruises. there was never a day where she didn’t have a bandaid somewhere.
she was a really tall kid during elementary school. she was almost always the tallest kid in her class. around high school everyone outgrew her though and now she’s . really short compared to most people her age, but yeah when she was little . Tall Girl (2019).
hayley skateboarded in middle school, and she was really damn good at it. she got in loads of trouble for skateboarding on school property and she thought she was the coolest kid for doing it.
stan and francine tried really hard not to curse around hayley when she was little (once steve came around they gave up trying), but occasionally something would slip out and hayley would always parrot it. stan looking at a bill and muttering ‘shit’ and then in the living room hearing what is obviously a toddler screaming ‘SHIT’
hayley, like steve, was always kinda lonely during her school years. steve eventually found friends in snot, barry, toshi, and roger too once he moved in, but hayley never really learned proper social skills as she was often pushed away for being the loud rowdy ‘annoying’ kid, and they always viewed her attempts to try to get close to others as too ‘desperate’. she has found friends in her adulthood, but yeah during her childhood she mostly just stuck around her family.
hayley was That Kid who would always use those fake clip-on earrings you’d get from claires, as well as cutting up the spiral from her notebook to use as a fake lip piercing, and she’d spend all day trying to convince her classmates ‘yeah no it’s real’
hayley liked stealing her dad’s camera and using it to film fake vlogs. they have multiple reels that go from cute family videos, to hayley making lps vids and fake cooking tutorials.
hayley drew a lot growing up and francine still has dozens of her drawings magneted to the fridge. hayley’s always cringing and asking her to take them down, but tbh francine’s never going to.
hayley’s always loved being outside at night. occasionally she’d sneak steve out with her to play in the backyard and it’d always lead to them in the treehouse, and stan catching them because they kept shining their flashlight against their bedroom window.
steve ones:
steve’s definitely adhd, autistic, and dyslexic. (the latter’s literally canon, and the two former ones are hcs that to me feel so obvious that i’m always a little hesitant calling it a hc). i really like imagining his parents being really patient with him in this area, even stan learned to be more composed and gentle with him when it came to this, and the two of them helping him find ways to cope. francine especially enjoyed nights helping him read.
steve’s interest in birds has been with him for pretty much his entire life, i like to imagine it’s always been his biggest special interest. also i’ve noticed there’s random scenes where stan’s displayed a bit of an interest or at least an appreciation of birds, so i kinda like to imagine stan used to take steve to the park for birdwatching trips when he was young before steve started going with roger. sometimes francine and hayley would tag along, but mostly it was just stan taking steve out and listening to him ramble about all the birds he’s spotting,, every time steve had a bad day stan’s immediate solution was to take him to the park.
when roger first moved in, he and steve were inseparable. steve was obsessed with learning everything about him and his species and his home planet, while roger saw steve as the one safe person to be around (francine, hayley, and klaus were still anxious towards him while stan was too strict and controlling for him). for a good few months until he started bonding with the rest of the fam roger would get really mopey whenever steve would go to school or leave to hang with his other friends, and the second steve walked through that door roger would excitedly hug him and try to lead him off to go do something together.
@a-d-lesbian got me into the hc that steve’s a theater kid and like ,, i’m always thinking about steve getting a tiny little background role in a 6th grade christmas show that they were required to do as a class, and he just loses his mind. he convinces stan and francine to let him invite the grandparents, he has francine film every scene he’s in where he just . Stands There. and then after the show when they get home he makes them all rewatch them all because he’s really damn proud of himself.
steve’s fave books growing up were always xenofiction. stuff like warrior cats and guardians of ga’hoole and redwall. he loved that shit. like i’m just imagining him trying to get his friends to larp warrior cats but none of them read it so they don’t know what he wants them to do, and he keeps assigning them warrior cat sonas and calling them by warrior cat names at school,, and he keeps calling god ‘starclan’ (which makes stan. Mad). am i projecting? that’s a secret, i’ll never tell.
steve was absolutely the Anime Kid in middle school. the amount of times he got yelled at for naruto running in the hallways was far too much. and his faves were fruits basket, nichijou, and k-on.
i’m so obviously projecting with my steve hcs here but i’m not gonna stop and i’m gonna say steve’s a trans guy. i know it makes no sense in canon, but canon’s dead it’s mine now. anyways he’s known since around the time he started middle school, and stan and francine love him and support him and i don’t have much else to say without getting Too Projecting, but yeah steve’s trans.
steve was pretty socially anxious growing up. he did get better as he grew older obv, but when he was little he was A Mess in school.
steve loved making flower crowns when he was little. he learned how to in his 2nd grade art class and just obsessed over it for a good few years and he was always making them for the fam. francine, stan, and hayley didn’t mind, they thought it was cute. i can see hayley learning to make them too and the two of them exchanging crowns,, and francine probably learned how to make some too during her college years and steve would always get really excited whenever she tried making some with him. poor roger though, once he moved in, steve took him as his new model and roger was forced to suffer through sitting in the hot sun while steve covered him in flowers.
steve never stopped singing. oh my god, stan loves him but he eventually reached a point where he started hiding their disney movies because steve would always loudly sing along and he just wanted some peace and quiet to work.
i like to imagine klaus has a sibling-esque relationship with pretty much the entire fam, but especially with steve. he was always pretty protective of him despite not really being able to do anything if he got hurt, and klaus was always there to talk to whenever steve needed it.
steve’s always liked to help francine bake. originally it was just so he could claim the mixer of batter before hayley could, but he quickly got really invested and he still loves helping out.
and in general for the both of them:
steve was the type of kid who bonked his head against the table a little and would spend the rest of the night crying while francine comforted him,, while hayley was the type of kid who could fly down the stairs and leave an actual dent in the wall and she’d still jump up assuring everyone ‘i’m okay!!’
hayley and steve used to play pokemon together growing up. hayley was more casually into it while steve was more obsessed (i like to imagine it was a special interest of his growing up). nowadays hayley doesn’t play it too often, but every now and then some big news will happen like new starters getting revealed, and steve will show her and hayley still can’t help but get at least a bit excited each time.
francine tried to do cute little family halloween costumes a few years. the idea of them doing an addams family group costume is precious.
francine always took them out for christmas photos every year. just dozens of photos of the four of them in the tackiest sweaters. they don’t do it as often anymore (or at least they don’t take as many photos outside of a few while they’re setting up the tree) but they still have framed photos of them that they set on the fireplace mantle every year.
listen …….. there were definitely multiple instances when they were really little of stan coming home from work ,, and steve and hayley excitedly tackling him,,,, and stan dramatically acting like he’s being attacked and losing ,,,
despite roger being a Dick, he was super protective of the two of them back in the day. either of them come home from school with a bruise, and roger’s already planning out an elaborate revenge scheme.
as for stan ,,
i’m adopting @stancine’s hc to say he was definitely a country boy. i kinda like to imagine his uncle on his mother’s side lived on a farm, and stan was really close to him growing up and it just sorta became monthly to take weekend trips to see him.
stan loved horses. he was definitely a Horse Kid, and his fave breeds are clydesdales and friesians.
sheep too!! one of his favorite yearly activities is during the springtime when his uncle helps him out with shearing the sheep.
also stan loved camping. he loved going out on walks through the woods and he especially loved fishing, but the second the sun went down he cowered in the back of the tent next to his mom because he was terrified of the noises coming from outside.
stan was a really quiet kid growing up. he sucked at properly standing up for himself, that’s kinda the reason he’s so harsh on steve for accepting mistreatment because he knows how hard it is and he doesn’t want his son to go through the same shit he did.
mother’s day was always one of his favorite holidays. he’d be obsessed with planning the whole day around trying to make it perfect for betty. making her breakfast in bed and saving up his allowance to buy her a gift, and he’d always make elaborate art projects for her every year.
stan . tried to learn how to ride a motorcycle in high school. it was this random obsession he got for no reason where he just really wanted one, but he always panicked whenever he got the chance to try one out. never even got his permit because he was so scared.
stan had a lot of pent-up anger as a kid that he never even recognized as anger until he got older. because of that he often broke his toys on accident because something wasn’t working correctly, and sometimes he’d snap at teachers on accident. obv he still had a problem with it but at least now he knows what’s going on and can at least try to work on dealing with it.
betty used to read to stan at night when he was really young. they didn’t have many books around so it was just stan listening to her read the same four dr. seuss books over and over. he didn’t mind though.
stan’s always loved writing and a good chunk of his free time was writing little short stories. he took a creative writing class in high school and he almost immediately became the teacher’s pet.
stan was a pretty lonely socially inept kid and i like to think growing up he tried getting a lot of his ‘advice’ on how to interact with others through television. one time he tried to get a girl’s attention by doing the ‘throwing pebbles at their window’ trope, but he fucked up and got too big a stone and threw it too hard, and just shattered this poor girl’s window. and stan spent the rest of the night crying in his room before caving and turning himself in.
i can see him being really into superheroes when he was younger. just him bounding around the house with a blanket for a cape, acting out random scenes he read out of the latest issue he bought.
stan was obv a dog kid. he’d often find himself going to the adoption shelter near his house just to see the dogs there whenever he was feeling down. and his fave breeds were golden retrievers, pit bulls, and shelties.
god i have tons more for all of them but i’m gonna stop because this is already long enough as it is.
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inwintersolitude · 5 years
- November 2nd 2019 -
Have you ever been to a Chinatown in any of the cities you've been to? Yeah, I've been to the Chinatowns in both London and San Francisco.
How old was the oldest person you've dated? My husband is the only person I've ever been in a relationship with. He's 32 now, and was 22 when we started dating.
Do you know anyone who has their own podcast? Apparently one of my former flight instructors now has an aviation podcast, but I've never listened to it. Nor do I really want to listen to it, because he was a narcissistic ass, haha.
Who is the first person under C in your phone's contacts? How old are they? My friend Collin. He's 30.
Have you ever been to couple's counseling? Nope. Never needed it.
How often does your employer ask you to work overtime? I'm not working now. But at my most recent job, I ended up working overtime at least once or twice a week. And it was always a case of me being told (rather than asked) to work overtime. If a flight was due back late, then I'd simply have to stay. Or if a flight was schedule for very early in the morning before my shift, then I'd have to be there at like 4-5 a.m. to get the plane ready. I couldn't just say "nah I'm not working overtime." I had to be there.
What did you have for dinner last night? Eggplant parmesan.
How many children do you want, and how did you decide on this number? I don't want any children. I have zero maternal qualities and I know I would severely hate being a parent. I value having free time, a quiet and clean home, and the freedom of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want.
Where did your last kiss take place? In the front foyer.
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? Yeah, quite a bit. I was a total bookworm when I was a kid.
^ What were some of your favorite books? The Magic Treehouse series, the Redwall series, the Island trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and My Side of the Mountain.
When and why did you last feel lonely? It's been so long that I don't even remember. I enjoy solitude, I'm not at all prone to loneliness.
Are you more of a visual learner or an auditory learner? Definitely more of a visual learner.
Do you have any dietary restrictions? I don't have any food allergies, but I'm not able to eat a lot of really chewy or hard foods, like bagels, almonds, raw carrots, etc. because of my jaw problems.
Do you prefer Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, or something else? Google Maps.
What is your favorite coffee brand? I don't drink coffee.
What is your favorite tea brand? Harney and Sons.
Have you ever worn false eyelashes? Nope.
How old does someone have to be for you to see them as an adult? Maybe 20 or 21, as long as they have their shit together and aren't just living the life of an overgrown teenager.
Do you ever 'manspread' when you sit down? Haha, sometimes.
Have you ever broken a friend's trust? Not that I'm aware of. I've never had a friend tell me that.
Which of your good habits has made the biggest positive difference in your life? Not comparing myself to others. And rarely drinking soda, juice, or other sugary drinks.
Have you ever dated someone who was very lazy? No.
When was the last time you were in a crowded place, and where was it? A week ago, at a steakhouse that my husband and I went to for dinner. It was a weekend night so it was rather busy.
Have you ever turned down a job offer? Yes.
What was the last medical appointment you scheduled? It was my appointment with my dentist for my occlusal analysis, to start phase two of my TMJD treatment. And holy hell did my jaw hurt after over an hour of holding my mouth open and having scanners and impression trays shoved in there. I couldn't eat solid foods the rest of the day, haha.
What are some of your favorite alcoholic drinks? Gin and tonic, and riesling.
Have you ever taught an elderly relative how to use a computer/smartphone? Yes, I've taught my Granny how to do a lot of things on her iPhone. And my husband and I have taught his mom how to do things on her computer, phone, and iPad. She's not elderly, she's in her 60's, but she's rather tech-illiterate.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Calvin Klein.
How many people can be seated at your kitchen table? Six, but we only have four of the chairs at the table. The other two are upstairs, one in the lounge and one in the master bedroom.
Have you ever had a dream in which you died? Yes. I had a nightmare several years ago that my husband and I died in a car accident. And I had another nightmare where I didn't necessarily die in the dream, but I was looking at my own dead body.
What are your favorite vegetables? Spinach, eggplant, and zucchini.
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worldsentwined · 7 years
Writing Meme
@vefanyar​ tagged me in this thing, so here goes! I’m going to put it under a cut because some of the answers got long. XD
1) How many works in progress do you currently have? Uh....looking at my fanfic folder I *think* about 19? So if you add in my poor neglected novel and the sequel to my poor neglected novel and my poor neglected short story, that’d be...22.
Of course, I’m only actively working on two of them now, but the others are there, watching me reproachfully every time I start something new instead of finishing one of them.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction? *points to above ask and also 93 fanfics posted to AO3 in the past 2 years* Yeah, I’d say so. ^_^;
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? I like them both for different reasons! Ebooks are nice for travel (and even for going back-and-forth to work - my kindle is much lighter than a hardcover). Paper books are nice for re-reading or checking for a quote (because trying to find specific parts of a book on my non-touchscreen, keyboard-less kindle is a pain in the ass). Plus my library system usually has a longer waiting list for the ebook version. And I do like to get physical versions of books I like enough to get signed.
4) When did you start writing? I’ve been spinning stories in my head for as long as I can remember, but my early attempts to write them down tended to fizzle out rather quickly. I heard about NaNoWriMo in college, but it always seemed like too much work to add on when I already had so much to do. So it wasn’t until I was a year out of college and facing unemployment that I really started to think seriously about writing a novel, and because I was only working part time when November rolled around, I finally tried my hand at NaNo. (I won, and ended up with a terrible and complicated unfinished novel, but everyone has to start somewhere). 
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? I was part of a writer’s group for a few years, with some ladies who I mostly didn’t know when I started out but who became friends after a while. Due to various people moving and the remaining members being bad at planning, we don’t meet anymore, but I would still feel comfortable asking them to beta-read for me if I had some original fiction to share.
For fanfic, my usual go-to beta readers are @vefanyar​ and @minutia-r​, though I have sometimes poked other people too. (And then of course once the fics are finished, they get shared with everyone who cares to look at them.)
6) Where is your favourite place to write? Weirdly enough, my most productive place to write tends to be the circ desk computer at work - for some reason ideas flow really well when I’m standing there? But since I get interrupted there pretty often, I also tend to write at the dining room table or in bed. (I’ve been avoiding the dining room recently because the television is distracting, but I also have an unfortunate tendency to fall asleep over my computer if I write in bed. Probably I should make an effort to clear my desk off).
7) Favorite childhood book? There are so many - I went through all kinds of phases where I just loved one particular book, and I read voraciously. Standouts include the Narnia series, the Redwall books, and The Ghost of Opalina by Peggy Bacon. I honestly have a harder time remembering childhood books - it’s much easier to bring to mind books I read as a young teen, in terms of long-term impact. Many of my lifelong favorite authors (Diana Wynne Jones, Robin McKinley, Terry Pratchett, Patricia C. Wrede) didn’t find their way to me until middle school.
8) Writing for fun or publication? For the last few years I’ve pretty much been writing for fun - unless you count posting fanfics as “publication”, heh. I do still dream of being published though, I just have to get back on that horse. (Or sailing ship, as the case may be).
9) Pen and paper or computer? Usually computer, though sometimes if I get stuck it helps to scribble things down on paper first. I also have occasional bouts of late-night angsty poetry, and those go on paper too.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes? In high school I was chosen for a special summer course in writing - I think it was because we’d had to write “journals” for the first few minutes of English class every day, and rather than writing about things in my life I wrote a serial story about two of my OCs. (Ciorra the Red-haired Magic Wolf Shapeshifter and Celander the Super Powerful And Handsome Mage. Hoooo boy.) It was a cool experience to have a writing-focused class with people from other schools, but it was focused on poetry which was not as exciting for me then.
I had one creative writing class in college too, also mostly focused on poetry, which I enjoyed except for the occasional snobbery of the English/Lit majors. 
11) What inspires you to write? In fanfiction, what usually happens is I get an idea like “wouldn’t it be funny if...?” or “Well if this happened, then...” and suddenly I’ve written 500 words. Often this is the result of conversations with other people (I’m looking at you, SynS chat) or having drawn something. Fun fact, my whole SSSS Hipster Band AU happened because I doodled Reynir and Tuuri in skinny jeans.
For original fiction, it seems like characters show up in my head and won’t leave me alone until I’ve developed a whole storyline and a world for them. 
Tagging (if you feel like it): *squints* Okay, I feel like Elleth tagged most of my usual suspects, so how about... @gaemmel and @zolotayafeya (whose new username I almost forgot, oops!)
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