geoselenictheomachy · 10 months
stil. figuring out how i wanna draw him
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deermook · 2 years
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I’ve tasted friendship (ah-ah!)
I’ve tasted you (oh no!)
I’ve tasted dying and it tased good
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alphacinder · 2 years
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it be finished!!!!!!!!!! the gnarliest garb!! woohoo!!!!
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hotchs-big-hands · 11 months
Oh HELL yeah okay I'm tempted by this
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I would wear this 100% that is my WIFE
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hotniatheron · 6 months
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tearcynical · 8 months
thanks to that one FREAK for reminding me I have tumblr have some art, as a treat
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catierambles · 2 years
This is going to be a damn series isn’t it
WC 1001
Warnings: None? I think
@kmuir1 , @ms-betsy-fangirl , @kebabgirl67 , @themanfromu , @duckymomo-26 , @identity2212 , @mis-lil-red , @7eamfantasy  
The book fell from nerveless fingers and a shocked silence fell over the room as the figure appeared in the summoning circle, standing there with her arms crossed over her stomach and a bored expression on her face.
“Holy shit.” One of them said with a nervous chuckle, “We actually fuckin’ did it.”
“Why have you called me here?” She asked, looking between the young men standing in a circle around her. The house they were in was a mess, beer bottles and red solo cups scattered around the common room amidst clothing and stacks of dirty dishes. “This place is filthy. You couldn’t have at least tidied up before summoning me?”
“We didn’t think it was going to work.”
“Well it did, and here I am.” She said, “Now, who was the one who actually spoke the incantation?”
“Me.” One said with a brief wave of his hand and she looked him over, seeing the curly dark hair and bright blue eyes.
“Your name?” She asked.
“Mike.” He said, “These are--”
“I didn’t ask for their names.”
“Right, okay.” Mike said.
“What the hell are we doin’ talking to it?” One said, “We summoned a succubus, guys! A sex demon.”
“Are your options so limited on this plane that you must resort to summoning?” She asked, inspecting her nails. “Or is binding the will of a female entity the only way you can get anyone to touch you?” Mike snorted, hiding a laugh behind his hand and she winked at him.
“I mean, you are bound, right?” Another asked, “You have to do everything we say?”
“Correction.” She said, “I have to do everything he says, as he is the one that spoke the incantation.” She pointed at Mike briefly and they all looked at him.
“Um, that’s not,” He bent, picking up the book again and flipping through the pages, “That’s not what this says.”
“Are you going to trust some musty old tome or someone who has first-hand experience with such matters?” She asked with a smile and there was silence, “Precisely. Now, Mike, what would you have me do?”
“You’re not what we were um…expecting.” He said and she arched a brow at him.
“What were you expecting? Some scantily clad horned woman who wanted nothing more than to take you all for a ride?” She tugged her suit jacket straight, “Sorry to disappoint.” She pointed at Mike again, “Come here.” She said, beckoning him with a finger and he swallowed heavily, walking towards the circle slowly. He stopped just on the other side of it and she looked him over again, giving him a slower appraisal this time before meeting his eyes with a smile. “You look positively…angelic.” She said, “I like you. I don’t like them. Get rid of them.”
“Bullshit! We’re not--!” One said and she glared at him, his voice dying with a choking sound.
“Silence is a virtue.” She said.
“I thought that was patience.” Mike said and she looked at him with a snort.
“She can do that? She shouldn’t be able to do that while still in the circle!”
“How little you boys know.” She said, not taking her eyes off Mike. “But you, you’re not a boy, are you?” He shook his head, “No, you’re definitely a man. You know what a man would do, Mike?”
“He would break the circle and release me.” She said, “Then I would be able to show him how…appreciative I am.”
“Mike, don’t do it. I got a bad feeling about this.”
“I can’t touch you while the circle separates us, Michael.” She gave a soft snort after saying his name, “Michael. How wonderfully coincidental.”
“How?” He asked.
“I knew a Michael, The Michael.” She said, “I wonder how he would feel about me being summoned by someone who bears his name.” She gave a thoughtful hum, “Enough about that. Do you want me to touch you, Michael?”
“Yeah.” He said with a quick nod.
“Then you have to break the circle, or join me in it.” Her clothes vanished with a wave of her hand, leaving her in a black lace bustier and panties, her stilettos still on her feet. “Please, Michael. I want to touch you so badly.” She said as she sank down to her knees, looking up at him and biting down on her bottom lip gently.
“Fuck.” He sighed as he looked her over. He went to step forward but one of his friends grabbed him by the back of his hoodie, dragging him back.
“Something’s not right, Mike. This isn’t going how the book said it would.” She gave him a look as she stood, a robe coming over her shoulders and she tied it closed loosely.
“Someone was raised a good Christian boy.” She said with a sigh.
“I don’t think we summoned what we think we did.”
“You’re just now figuring this out?” She asked and gave the circle a glance before stepping over the edge and leaving it without issue. They all scrambled back with a sound, trying to get as far away from her as possible. Chains crossed over the front door of the house, barring them from leaving, flames jumping over the thresholds of the room and keeping them contained within.
“What the hell did we summon?”
“You summoned nothing.” She said, “You think your feeble attempts at the arcane proved fruitful? Oh, we heard the incantation, but there was no pull. One of my girls was about to take pity on you, but I decided that this would be much more fun.” Raising a hand, she snapped her fingers and chains pulled them down to their knees with heavy manacles around their wrists. Untying the robe, she let it pool on the floor before going to Mike and weaving her fingers through his hair, pulling his head back to look into his eyes, seeing as the pupils blew wide with lust. “Now, Michael, let’s see how angelic you really are.”
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attractthecrows · 3 months
passing curiosity. no real lasting anything.
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worldwidewebzy · 1 year
I need to do something NOW
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Everytime I go into the Zosopp tag, I just see people SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING about the lack of posts IN the Zosopp tag. THE ZOSOPP ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES
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spiritualcr4mp · 2 years
getting new glasses today 🤓
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deep-sea-horror · 2 years
Rebel Yells 07 - Doppelganger [HQ]
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luuciidaasimon · 12 days
Oc posting⁉️⁉️
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My son
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baflegacy · 8 months
random assortment of amangela headcanons from my fics (if you wanna ask/talk about smosh headcanons or my fics, just hit me up!):
it’s a risk:
would never admit it, but board af legacy was definitely when angela realized she had a crush on amanda
both knew they had a Moment during under the mistletoe. both were also too drunk then so they dont want to think about it too hard
its a risk! angela did legitimately forget they shared a room during vidcon. will always think about that ‘what if’ if she went for it sooner rather than later
most of the cast more or less know they liked each other, much to angela’s embarrassment and amanda’s disappointment. spencer puts up a “congrats on banging!!!!” banner in the office when the cast sees them holding hands
(more under the cut)
let’s make this bed get squeaky:
shayne topp no. 1 amangela supporter. courtney and chanse are no. 2 & 3 respectively
first time angela had That Dream she definitely woke herself up calling out amanda’s name. forces her brain to block it out
lmtbgs! amanda my favorite girlfailure <3 will Always get flustered when shayne or chanse tease her about angela
one night amanda asks angela what Is her dream about. angela tells her. amanda won’t stop thinking about it the entire weekend. they make the fantasy come true. it involves amanda in glasses.
makes me wanna try her on:
amanda didnt expect angela to come to the shoot but as soon as she knew she got to wear the Jesse costume the gears started turning in her head on ways in making angela suffer
both of them are THE definition of ‘you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look so stupid’. will Not back down from the unspoken competition of making each other get flustered
everyone at smosh knows they have a weird thing going on. Everyone. no one wants to open that can of ‘will-they-or-won’t-they’ worms thank you very much <3
angela with the tattoo is amanda’s version of the Jesse Costume and whoops suddenly the both of them aren’t available to shoot eat it or yeet it :( (tommy knows why. tommy never wanted to know why)
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redbowkid-27 · 5 months
Urhfjfg okay daymn i think I'll mostly draw sketchy lineart drawing, or even i have no time to draw at all. Being 18 soon is kicking me in the ass + college
Hope y'all have a nice day tho
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iqmmir · 7 months
what post of mine did you screenshot
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This one ^ i think about it a lot.. it just makes me go :] lily is Bunny...
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