#yes I am talking about armandaniel
serpentarius · 5 months
cannot express how badly I want that vampire to kiss that old man
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
I've never read any of the Vampire Chronicles. All of my knowledge of these books come from wiki summaries and fan posts on Tumblr. So imagine my surprise when I find out Daniel & Marius were a legit couple! I knew Armand sent Daniel to live with Marius for awhile after he got turned, but I thought he was just helping Daniel because he was half mad. Also, I always assumed ArmanDaniel was endgame because of the way everyone talks about them, but apparently Armand steals Daniel from Marius only to leave him again?! Apparently Daniel Marius & Armand are all apart in the end, but it's implied they all still love each other?
Is this true? And what are your thoughts on Daniel & Marius together? Do you think it's a romance that will or should appear on the show?
Well, Armand and Daniel are endgame. At least the last we hear of them (Daniel and Armand) they are together, which... kinda defines that for me :)
AFAIK it is not canon that Armand leaves Daniel again, I think people infer that from the speech in Blood Communion, but for me the fact that Armand omits Daniel there actually fits, because his relationship with Daniel cannot be quantified like that. (Of course, Anne for whatever reason forgot?/chose not to write Daniel into the last book, but in-universe it makes sense to me.)
And yes, Marius and Daniel were an item, and yes they all are part of the later books and still love each other... :) I mean, if you have eternity... it is probably logical that you drift apart and back again?
As for Marius and Daniel on the show... mhh. I mean, I could see it. Marius for sure would hold a lot of fascination for Daniel, even if he is not half mad after the ordeal of QotD (and the turning after all the shit before) - this Daniel, the old show!Daniel would probably be extremely fascinated, especially if he can remember his past with Armand then. This is independent of whether he might get a new body or not, but of course a real relationship with them leaving would be after his turning.
I'm sure they will make Marius quite appealing... and then dig into the more unsavory aspects... of which we might get hints before we might get to see them.
Marius is also someone - totally apart from any of that - who has been through the millennia... who can take a distraught fledgling from a just as distraught Armand (because he was forced to turn Daniel, which likely weighed quite heavily on him) after Akasha (or whatever) happens and can care for Daniel.
So yes, I could see them go there. Not too.... explicitly relationshippy / romantic maybe, that would probably be too much for the show, which already has a lot of complications and pairing going, even now.
But in general, I think they will introduce that element, too. There's a lot that can be done with it, too, and I bet Daniel could also provide a lot of very sharp commentary. In the later books he is not afraid to contradict Marius right in front of the whole council, and I am quite sure that this fearless and pushy element is something that the show would want to incorporate later on as well (and, arguably, Daniel shows that behavior even now, so.... :)).
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