#yes I drew Disney channel nonsense
geonij31 · 1 year
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Not Star Wars but I watched Phineas & Ferb again and I love my boys.
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shhhushhh · 5 years
I was tagged by @treason-and-plot  and @parystrange - thank you, lovely people.
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
1. Dogs or Cats? Cats. I had a cat for 20+ years that is still more than half of my life and I find them amazing creatures that you don't have to walk out at 5:30 in the morning -__-
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Normal old fashioned ones
3. If you could live in anywhere were would that be? as a typical eastern European my answer should be “anywhere but not in my own country” :D
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Pffff... Have no idea
5. Favorite childhood TV show? Well... I remember with a warm feeling how I’m watching Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, also Twin Peaks (yes, I was allowed to watch it in grade school like all the other kids and I can assure you we grew up just fine)
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?  I... don’t look toward a movie but a couple of TV shows - Westworld and The New Pope (which is the second season of The Young Pope)
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? that will be embarrassing... I sim way too much I guess. But I have a Haruki Murikami book waiting for me to pick it up again.
8. Marvel or DC? Marvel even though I feel my age is not their target group anymore (which is absolutely understandable)  so I drew the line after the last Thor which was AMAZING!!
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?  I didn’t chose Marvel for X-Men. So I’ll pick an avenger or two - Thor, Dr. Banner, Dr. Strange and Iron Man. I just adore all those actors...
10. Night or Day? I can’t pick up - I used to be a night owl.
11. Favorite Pokémon? I consider this utter nonsense. Sorry if there are die-hard fans amongst you, lovely people.
12. Top 5 bands: RHCP, the initial Destiny’s Child, Spice Girls... This is truly hard since I’m more into solo artists;
13. Top 10 books: I believe I gave such a list once (mostly with classics) so now I’ll say I greatly enjoyed everything from Peter Mayle and his feel-good books about life in Provance.
14. Top 4 movies: I did that too so I’ll just start with my forever No1 Snatch and continue with almost everything of Guy Ritchie. I just love the man - I felt an urgent need to rewatch The man from U.N.C.L.E. Same goes to Quentin Tarantino (special mention to Kill Bill 2) but truly just anything. ALSO I love Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight.
15. America or Europe? Both have their own charm.
16. Tumblr or Twitter? I don’t own Twitter.
17. Pro choice or Pro life? Pro choice!!! Heads up for future story arcs.
18. Favourite YouTuber: We used to watch Ray William Johnson fall the time. Recently we found an old channel - Talking Kitty Cat and I’m in love with Sylvester.
19. Favourite author? I’ve read the most from Agatha Christie so probably her?
20. Tea or coffee? Coffee - only one cup in the morning with lots of milk but still.
21. OTP? As I said I love The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and The Unfinished Kiss between Illia and Gaby dragged me into a fanfiction swirl years ago. My favorite OTP from my story is at times inspired by them.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Well, that’s a question Jess asked Drago once...
I will tag @belasims @simcatcher @kevinvoncrastenburg @hydrangeachainsaw @dreamsongsims @nocturnalazure @desiree-uk @klauseconfessions @subarusvx @justasimthing and @babysantasims3333
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