#yes I know the origins of tramp tramp tramp from the usa
corporealconcept · 8 months
I thought that I might’ve been an east german commie in a past life because while I was listening to an auto-generated playlist a song comes on that I swear I’ve never heard before and yet the melody resonates within my very blood and bones so I just accept that this is just a thinness in our temporal plane or whatever and that solange lorelei singt wird deutschland sein before I realize that the melody is the same as “god save ireland” which I have definitely heard before and would make a lot more sense for me to know
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365days365movies · 3 years
April 4, 2021: The Great Dictator (1940) (Part One)
So, Charlie’s been having an...interesting few years.
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His marriage to Lita Grey has resulted in children, and a BITTER-AS-FUCK divorce, with Grey alleging that Chaplin had subjected her to “sexual perversions”. Other than the whole “she was 16, he was 35″ thing, which is...bad, obviously, Chalin was also a fan of orgies, fondling, and...pies. Yeah. Pies. Warning here, the next paragraph is...uncomfortable.
Dude would allegedly audition actresses having then sit on a couch, strip naked for him, and then he’d grope them on said couch. Then, he’d have them stand up against the wall, and he’d...well, he’d throw pies at them. Yeah. Um. He, uh...yeah.
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I know, Matt Mercer, I know. And Hollywood agreed, because they didn’t really see to care? This info, amongst other stuff that I can’t seem to find out more about, was enough for grounds of divorce against Chaplin, and Lita Grey was gone from his life, taking the kids and a lot of money with her.
Film fame continued for Chaplin, though, and his 1927 film The Circus was a huge hit. But now, the “talkie” had been invented, and Chaplin HATED it. He believed that it was an unartistic addition to the medium, eliminating the need for his pantomiming. And, uh...he was technically right about that last point. He chose not to give the Tramp a voice, and made the film City Lights, which came out in 1931, and is considered one of his greatest films.
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But the writing was VERY MUCH on the wall at this point, and silent films were a thing of the past. Still, City Lights did really well, and was Chaplin’s favorite of his films. Then, in 1932, he met Pauline Goddard (who was 21), and she would eventually become his third wife. He made his next major (still silent) film, Modern Times, in 1936, and it didn’t do quite as well. That’s because Chaplin had started to become more politically conscious, and used the film to make commentary on the industrialization of the USA, which he disliked. And that, interestingly enough, was a sign of the end for Chaplin.
Still, the film was good, as was still popular then and now. But in the years to follow, something else would rear its head and plague Chaplin...something with the same mustache.
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Hooooooo boy. Yeah, Hitler was rising to power in the 1930s, and Chaplin fuckin’ HAAAAAAAATED HIM. At the time, remember, Hitler’s fascist policies definitely weren’t universally derided, and he didn’t show his true monstrous colors in the early 1930s. But, Chapin still understandably disagreed with his politics and character, which was interesting for a few reasons. The two were bourn FOUR DAYS APART FROM EACH OTHER, had similar rags-to-riches origins, and both used that same toothbrush mustache. But Hitler was a feverish militaristic nationalist dictator, and Chaplin was...not that.
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However, this would inspire Chaplin’s next ambitious film, considered to be one of his greatest films ever, and his first ever talkie film. And one that would age interestingly, considering what would come afterwards. In 1939, Chaplin began making this film, the United Kingdom declared war of Germany, and Europe became embroiled in the Second World War. And then, in 1940, Chaplin’s controversial (at the time) film, The Great Dictator was released. And...oh BOY, this will be Chaplin’s high and low point, lemme tell you. 
But enough history (for now)! Let’s jump into this movie; I’m very excited! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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WAR!!! A world war has ended, and another is about to begun! The small (fictional) country of Tomainia is preparing for war by testing their gigantic anti-aircraft gun, Big Bertha. Helping with these efforts is a Jewish Barber (Charlie Chaplin), and YES. THAT IS HOW HE’S CREDITED. After some comedic hijinks with the gun, and with one of the large shells, enemy aircraft is sighted ahead.
The Barber gets aboard another anti-aircraft gun (which he has no control over), but soon falls off of it. He’s directed into the trenches with the others, and is given a grenade, which he has no idea to use, and Chaplin shows that his physical comedy is as funny WITH sound as it was without. 
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On the battlefield, the Barber encounters and rescues a downed pilot, Commander Schultz, and helps him back t his plane as the enemy approaches. They get on the plane together, only for the pilot to repeatedly faint in mid-air. In the process, they begin to fly upside down for a period, and once again, Chaplin shows that he’s just as funny speaking as he was silent.
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Despite their attempts, the pair crash as the plane runs out of fuel, but both men survive. The country has lost the war at this point, and the Barber is now unconscious and brought to a hospital. 20 years pass, and he’s finally able to leave, unaware of how his country of Tomainia has changed in the process. Now, they are ruled by a ruthless dictator, Adenoid Hynkel (Charlie Chaplin).
And i case you were wondering what the phrase “on the nose” actually meant...GODDAMN, this is an on-the-nose parody of Hitler. I mean, it’s very funny, of course, but HOT DAMN is it not even a little bit subtle. Also, living in a post-Trump world...Jesus, this is eerie. Anyway, the other reason this film is great is the fake German. And yeah, honestly, this is a very funny scene, even with the dark undertone, and the knowledge of what would be to come in World War II under Hitler’s regime.
Alongside his primary aides, Minister of War Herring (Billy Gilbert) and Secretary of the Interior (and Minister of Propaganda) Garbitsch (Henry Daniell), he makes a speech that’s clearly a parody of Hitler’s speeches. He also namedrops the Jewish population in the speech, which immediately makes them a target by his stormtroopers. This is noted by Mr. Jaeckel (Marice Mossovich), an elderly Jewish man who lives in the ghettos of Tomainia.
Mr. Jaeckel bemoans the fate of the country under Hynkel’s rule, and also notes the fate of those like his tenant, a young woman named Hannah (Paulette Goddard) who lost her parents since the last war. He also mentions the Barber, who writes every few weeks to say that he’ll be back soon. Just then, the Barber actually DOES wake up, completely unaware of what’s occurred in the last few years.
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He heads to his barber shop, which has been boarded up, with the word “Jew” painted on the boards. Did I mention that this is a very on-the-nose satire? Anyway, he attempts to reopen his shop, only to be savaged by stormtroopers following Hynkel’s orders to control the ghetto. He fights back against two of them, and is saved by Hannah, who had attempted to stand up to them earlier with little success. They bond over this, and become friends.
But Hynkel’s savaged even more by a crowd of stormtroopers next, and they grab him with the intent to hang him from a lamppost, only for him to be saved by Commander Schultz, the pilot from the plane! He guarantees that he will never be attacked again, and that courtesy extends to his friends. He barber reopens his shop, and begins to fall in love with Hannah in the process.
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Back to Hynkel. He’s enduring Herring’s introductions of military technology, including a bulletproof uniform and a parachute hat. Neither work, to hilarious effect. He then speaks to Garbitsch about the financial state of affairs in the country, which aren’t great. Gabitsch sugggests speaking with a banker, Epstein, to finance the money.
Garbitsch, by the way, is a massive Grima Wormtongue figure, and basically just fuels his megaloaniacal fervor, convincing him to extend his desires to the world at large, not just limit them to their small country of Tomainia. Soon, well...soon, the world will be in the hands of Emperor Hynkel; an Aryan world in the hands of a brunette dictator. And that starts YET ANOTHER of the most iconic scenes of the film. But only one of the most iconic.
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It’s darkly beautiful, in and out of context. And eventually, the inflatable globe pops, which makes this even more poignant. Meanwhile, in the ghetto, the Barber is doing his best Bugs Bunny impression and cutting hair to a classical music piece (Brahms’ Hungarian Dance No. 5). Bugs did the whole Barber of Seville routine WAY after this in Rabbit of Seville in 1950. One of the best Bugs Bunny shorts ever.
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Back in the palace, bad news arrives. Epstein, the banker, has refused to give Hynkel any money, as he’s Jewish, and is protesting against the persecution of his people in the ghetto. Hynkel immediately decides to double down on his attacks on the ghettos, which he calls on Schultz to perform. But he refuses, noting that the persecution of an innocent people will only serve to demoralize the entire country. Hynkel sends Schultz to a concentration camp as a result, and proceeds on his path.
In the ghetto, people have been doing OK, as the stormtroopers had been lightening up their attacks on the ghetto, to attempt to please Epstein to get more money. But no more of that. As Hannah and the Barber are about to go on a date, loudspeakers broadcast an angry speech from Hynkel, in fake German. And while it’s never translated...the reactions from the populus, Hannah, and the Barber, aren’t difficult to read. Hynkel just waged war on the ghetto and the Jews.
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Well, will you look at that; a halfway point! Let’s stop here, then head into a Part Two. See you there!
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Pete Davidson BREAKS SILENCE on Ariana Grande Split
Pete Davidson BREAKS SILENCE on Ariana Grande Split
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Pete Davidson BREAKS SILENCE on Ariana Grande Split, Pixar News.
Online Hollywood Celebrity News, Pixar News, Pete Davidson BREAKS SILENCE on Ariana Grande Split.
New Hollywood Celebrities Coming Out Celebrity News Youtube by Marvel Studios, LLC (originally known as Marvel Films from 1993 to 1996) is an American motion picture studio based at The Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California and is a subsidiary of Walt Hollywood Studios, itself a wholly owned division of The Walt Hollywood Company, with film producer Kevin Feige serving as president. Previously, the studio was a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment until The Walt Hollywood Company reorganized the companies in August 2015.
What Hollywood Celebrity has both parents alive?
Mulan, Sleeping beauty, Lady and the Tramp, The Incredibles,One Hundred and One Dalmatians,Peter Pan, Brave, The Lion King 2 and Frozen, but their parents die.
What is Mulan’s last name?
Although Mulan is set in north China, where the dominant language is Mandarin, the Hollywood film uses the Cantonese pronunciation, “Fa”, of her family name. In Mandarin her name is pronounced “Hua”.
Where are there Hollywoodlands in the world?
Hollywoodland – Hollywoodland Resort – Anaheim, California USA. The Magic Kingdom – Walt Hollywood World – Orlando, Florida USA. Hong Kong Hollywoodland – Hong Long Hollywoodland Resort – Penny’s Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Tokyo Hollywoodland – Tokyo Hollywood Resort – Urayasu, Chiba, Japan.
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One week after calling off their engagement, Pete Davidson is finally speaking out on the Ariana Grande split.
he’s handling the situation the only way he knows how — lots of slightly inappropriate jokes.
News that Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson called off their engagement broke just over a week ago and the comedian finally broke his silence on the sad situation. While co-hosting Judd & Pete for America comedy show on Saturday night in West Hollywood, the SNL star addressed the split and made some self-deprecating jokes in the process.
He opened the show by saying QUOTE “Well, as you could tell, I don’t want to be here. There’s a lot going on. Does anybody have any open rooms? Looking for a roommate?”
The couple lived in a $16 million NYC apartment together for the duration of their engagement, but Pete previously admitted that because Ariana was the one who bought it, he always felt like he was just a guest staying in her house.
Pete also addressed all the tattoos he got in honor of the “God is a Woman” singer, admitting that he’s going to have to get a lot of cover-ups in the coming weeks.
He joked QUOTE “I’ve been covering a bunch of tattoos, that’s fun. I’m f–king (bleep) 0 for 2 in the tattoo [department]. Yeah, I’m afraid to get my mom tattooed on me, that’s how bad it is.”
Pete then told a story about being called stupid for getting so many tattoos in the first place. While 93% of people agreed that getting so many tats was a dumb idea, his friend stood by his side and supported his decision. Now that Pete and Ari broke up, however, even his buddy admits the body art was a bad idea.
Pete said QUOTE “So, obviously you know we broke up or whatever but when me and her first got engaged we got tattoos. And it was like in a magazine like, ‘Was Pete Davidson stupid?’ And 93% of it said yes So my boy, he was like, ‘Don’t listen to that s–t (bleep) man. They’re literally f–king (bleep) haters.’ And I’m like, yeah, f–k (bleep) that. I’m not stupid. And the other day we were in my kitchen and he was like, ‘Yo bro. Turns out you were stupid.'”
Pete already covered the Dangerous Woman tattoo he had behind his ear and Ariana was spotted sporting a Bandaid over one of her tattoos for Pete during a recent performance.
Pete concluded his set by calling himself a QUOTE “good guy that just keeps getting kicked in the d*ck (bleep),” which is actually really heartbreaking when you think about it.
It’s clear that Pete is super heartbroken over his breakup with Ariana. Reports did say the celebs are still talking and aren’t totally ruling out a future reunion, but ultimately they both need to do whatever makes them happy. What did you think about Pete’s first comments about the split? Are you surprised he talked about it so candidly? Will he and Ari get back together? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. I’m your host Sinead De Vries, thanks for watching Clevver. Please click to the right to watch another new video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels.
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Get The Latest & Current Celebrity News, Pete Davidson BREAKS SILENCE on Ariana Grande Split.
Hollywood Media Networks is a business segment and primary unit of The Walt Hollywood Company that contains the company’s various television networks, cable channels, associated production and distribution companies and owned and operated television stations. Media Networks also manages Hollywood’s interest in its joint venture with Hearst Corporation, A+E Networks, and ESPN Inc. Hollywood Celebrities Watch Online, Pete Davidson BREAKS SILENCE on Ariana Grande Split.
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myvmk · 7 years
MyVMK Newsletter 01/21/2018
Updated January 21st, 2018
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With a new year comes new begins and new ideas.. but we decided to be a little bit different this year by bringing a new theme that is sure to give everyone some sweet nostalgia. It's TV Disney month on MyVMK! We have lots of great great things planned for this month so keep on tuning into the newsletter to catch the 411 on all things new! Please note that all releases will happen on the 1st, 8th, the 15th and the 22nd of every month at 12am EST. This will be the schedule until further notice.
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Welcome Guests to the Tipton Hotel, home of some of the most wealthy and the most mischievous. Care to join our team? Pick up your very own Tipton Bell Hop uniform, complete with hat, jacket and pants. To really get a feel for the job, be sure to grab a luggage cart and get to work - they also double as excellent seats! In honor of one of the most wealthiest ducks around, why not take home your very own Scrooge McDuck flat. And to give yourself a glimpse into the daily life of the rich, you can get your very own coin rugs! Complete with options to swim in the gold or shine just as bright! Available in the Emporium until the 25th!
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  Come try your luck for this week's Host prize, a Ranger Wing and the Consolation prize, a Rufus! Stay in line after the event for a special queue prize, a Recess Tire Seat.
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  Join the MyVMK Staff for an impromptu game of Hide and Seek! All throughout the month, the staff will be hosting Hide and Seek games and hiding in public rooms only. Games will be announced as an in-game announcement and on our Twitter (@MyVMK) 15 minutes before the game begins. To win, you must walk up to a staff member that is hidden and say the following statement exactly: "I found you (StaffMemberName)!". Make sure to use the correct prefix (VMK_/HOST_/GA_). If you win, you will have the chance to choose one of the three exclusive pins seen above. You are allowed to win only two times per hide and seek event. The staff will not hide in rooms where players are already sitting. Do not "camp out"! This will ensure everyone has a fair chance at finding the staff members. Good luck out there, seekers!
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Make sure you tune into one of our newest shows. Grab a ticket and head over to Soundstage D Trades to dance the night away and have a chance to obtain some exclusive items! We do not accept Free, NPC, or 1 Credit Pins!
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Pull this month's exclusive pins from the Sword in the Stone! For a chance to win, ride the rides in the Fantasyland Courtyard and you will have a chance at getting a Sword in the Stone pin! You can use this pin to have a chance at pulling the sword from the stone, and if you succeed, you will win one of these pins as a prize or some credits!
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Avast there mateys! Sail on over to the Pirates Treasure room for a chance to plunder some great loot! Collect them all or ye will be caught in Davey Jones Locker! Available all month!
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The votes are in and we are really proud to anounce our 2017 Winter Dreams Compeition Winners!!
Best Overall Winner! Stephherrs
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Spend your holidays at Rockefeller Plaza! Enjoy an evening of people watching or try your hand at ice skating! There's fun for the whole family!
Best Overall Runner-Up! OswaldtheRabbit
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Welcome to Elsa's Ice Palace. High up in the mountains outside Arendelle, Elsa's fortress of solitude sits. Everything changes with a surprise visit from Anna, who changes their fates forever. Come admire the beauty of these frozen fractals
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Are you tired of spending the holidays at home? Are you looking for adventure? Well here at Ski Wonder, we invite you to spend the winter skiing and relaxing at our all inclusive resort! Call us for availability. Daily Ski pricing and rentals available,too
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A Lady and the Tramp Christmas. We call it Bella Notte.
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Best Theme Winner! Fotogirl
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As winter approaches the fairies of the warm woods make preparations for the final season of the year. If you are a warm fairy you must never cross over the bridge to the winter side or you may suffer irreversible damage to your wings.
Best Theme Runner-Up! MagicAvinash
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Aloha! And welcome to your very own tropical holiday getaway! Why not hop on a surfboard and hit the waves? When you get tired, refresh yourself with some coconut eggnog which we like to call "coconog". Mele Kalikimaka!
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A mining village deep in the Everest Mountains.
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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, A young prince lived in a shining castle.... On this day, nine years ago, an Enchantress put a spell on him, and the castle.... Christmas Day
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The villagers are celebrating the first day of winter playing outside and enjoying the winter bloom by the river bend at the foot of the mountain.
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Inside the Gingerbread House! There's no place like home for the holidays! So why not spend it sitting next to a beautiful tree, colorful decorations, and the smell of gingerbread filling the room? Cozy up and enjoy the holiday spirit!
Most Creative Winner! Angelo
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Welcome to the Disney Christmas Toy Shop! You're sure to have a warm welcome upon visit, as this store is filled with holiday cheer. Spread that cheer by picking out the perfect gifts that this place has to offer!
Most Creative Runner-Up! HenWen
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Mickey's Magical Gift Celebration! Celebrate the holidays in Mickey's Winter Wonderland. Help Mickey unwrap gifts and... Oh boy, Mickey's gift is already unwrapped is that Reindeer Pluto?
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welcome to frozen falls! this mystical frozen waterfall is home to the yeti and some other creatures. if you look hard enough, you'll find them all! (hint: there's 11 animals (not including the yeti)
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Welcome to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Parade! Some of the best seats are found right here on Main Street USA! Pull one up and enjoy the parade!
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It is a cold winter's Christmas Eve, and millions of children across the world have left warm cookies and milk out for Santa Claus to enjoy. Two flavors (chocolate chip & peppermint) will be the perfect treat for the jolly bearded man in the red suit!
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Welcome to the the Fairy Ice Grotto. In the clearing there is a hot watering hole for travelers to go for a dip. Fairies hide in the shrubbery and can only show their true form in the petals of the icy lotus. This grotto is full of secrets!
These are the Prizes for the 2017 Winter Dreams Competition
Winner Prize: Winter Dremas Comp Winner Medal Two Magic - Enchanted Flurry Room Pin - Starlight Wonderland Beanie - Penguin
Runner-Up Prize: Winter Dremas Comp Runner-Up Medal One Magic - Enchanted Flurry Room Pin - Starlight Wonderland Beanie - Polar Bear
Participation Prize: Winter Dreams Comp Participation Medal Beanie - Moose
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  Create a Great Guest Room! Get Recognized!
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Player created Guest or Game Rooms demonstrate originality in concept and design. Our judges are looking for creativity, so try using traditional items in different and unique ways. Rooms are judged randomly by MyVMK Staff every month and selected from player rooms.
December Best Guest Room
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Join Hopper in “Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage”! Explore beyond the coral reef with Marlin, Dory, and Nemo! Board a submarine and begin your journey under the sea. Watch as the ocean floor suddenly comes to life in this amazing submarine voyage! Congratulations!
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The Best Guest Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Guest Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
    Create a Great Game Room! Get Recognized!
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Create a game room and play with friends and others, and a MyVMK staff member may notice your idea! Game rooms that get the nod offer a new game idea or a new twist on an old favorite. In all rooms we look for room owners who welcome everyone with a smile and show a willingness to answer questions about their room.
December Best Game Room
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Check out “Colddivers Game” by Jolber. Count well ahead to send enemy players into cold water! Add 1 or 2 to the scoreboard to try stay dry! Last player remains wins. Congratulations!
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The Best Game Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Game Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
This could be you! Find out the details on entering for Best Guest Room and Best Game Room by clicking here!
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Ever wanted to know more about your favorite staff member? Now you can! Every month we will be interviewing a different member of the MyVMK Staff. Here is the most recent interview!
Whenever your stuck in a rut this staff member is sure to give you the wings to soar. Say hello to this months staff of the month, HOST_Pegasus!
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What is your favorite thing to do around the Kingdom?
Meet and visit players, and build fun new events!
What is the best item for building your rooms?
Definitely the trees/greenery we have - I love it all!
What has been your favorite HOST event thus far?
In general, my favorite has been Skeleton Dance (HOST_Nala - October 2016). Of my events, my favorite was Ride the Tide (July 2017)
What is your favorite mini-game in MyVMK?
HAUNTED MANSION! Always up for a game :)
What is your favorite type of Guest Room?
They're all amazing, but my favorite Guest Rooms are Expedition Everest and Refreshment Corner
Favorite MyVMK memory?
When I met each of the most amazing people I know am lucky enough to call good friends
What is your favorite Public Room in the Kingdom?
My favorite Public Room is The Haunted Mansion Lobby - lots of detail, you can play my favorite mini game, and lots of hiding places ;)
What is your favorite theme on VMK?
Any holiday theme! It's fun to get into the spirit of the holidays!
What is your favorite Disney park?
EPCOT! I love visiting the World Showcase and learning about different countries!
Who is your favorite Disney Character?
Tinker Bell, and of course Pegasus!
Is there any advice you would give to players?
Mm, my advice is limited to only building: try not to stick to cliches and really push yourself to do something unique and not to always go for something that you've seen before. There are certain themes/items that people will always rave over no matter how often they've seen it, don't be one of them. Symmetry is one of my biggest pet peeves in building, don't do it unless your theme calls for it. It's always been such a cop out, so be imaginative, fresh, and new with your ideas. You never know what you can come up with, so don't doubt yourself. :)
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