#yes I lazily drew something;;;; and it's more of me wishing a tall beautiful woman would make me feel pretty bhjfhbjdvfbhjdjvhbdvjhbdhjbf
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Gay women who will kick your ass in a pokémon battle while getting distracted by each other
Anyway Pokémon Masters has completely ruined me
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Trials of a Queen
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Loki dies tragically on the battlefield, and Lily vows to find the killer and get revenge for the death of Loki.  After several long years of searching and near escapes, she tracks down the person she believes killed Loki.  But before she can kill them, Loki appears and stops her, revealing that he was never dead, that it was all a ruse to see if she would stay true to him.  That was an Asgardian custom, to see if the woman was worthy to be their wife. 
OC(s) Used: Lily
Warning(s):  Miscarriage
Word Count: 1,354
"Loki, no!"  I screamed, watching in horror as he fell to an enemy sword.  My heart seemed to stop entirely, my body suddenly doused with a horrible, icy-cold chill that sent shivers down my back.  
Laying aside any thought of battle, I ran to his side, falling to my knees next to his prone figure.  "My love, please hold on.  We just need to get you to the palace."  I choked out between my shuddering sobs.  
Loki smiled faintly, his porcelain cheeks paling beyond normal standards as crimson stained his clothing.  Weakly, his hand grasped my own, trying to comfort me.  "Lily-" He began, but his voice was quiet, fading.  
His breath rattled in his throat as his eyes slowly clouded over; his heaving chest falling, never to rise again.
Disbelieving horror filled me, and I took a trembling breath, still clutching Loki's limp hand between my own, hoping that warmth would fill it again, that this was just another of his pranks.
But he remained still, unmoving as his body grew stiff and cold under the cheerless rays of the Asgardian sun.  Leaving me alone, griefstricken to mourn him.
2 years later....
I darted silently between the rows of wooden crates.  I could hear the loud, rapid breathing of my prey directly ahead; there was no escaping me now.
I had waited two long years for this day; for when I could finally hunt down the scum that killed Loki, and give them the payment they deserved for such a horrible deed.  Two long years where I mourned for Loki with every breath that I took, the ache of his loss still strong within my heart.  
Heading in for the kill, I pounced on the person before me, knocking them to the hard, cold concrete floor of the warehouse we were in.  Silver flashed in the scarce beams of sunlight leaking through the dusty windows as I drew my dagger.
Ensuring that my entire weight was upon their weakly struggling body, I raised the silver weapon high in the air, smiling for the first time in two years, albeit in a grim manner, at my triumph.  Now justice would be served, and my beloved would be avenged.
Just as my dagger began its plunge downwards, straight towards my prey's heart, a sudden voice stopped me.  
"Lily!"  It called, and instantly tears stung my eyes, the melancholy familiarness of it made the ache in my heart throb more painfully.  I had heard that voice many times in the course of the past two years, and by now had learned to ignore its phantom calls.
"It's just a hallucination.  He's not here."  I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath, and repositioning my dagger, my arm falling again as the weapon began another attempt to take a life.
"Lily, stop.  I'm not a hallucination, I'm right here, my love."  
That voice again.  Why did it still torment me?  Why couldn't I just forget all the pain, the anguish I had suffered through?
But curiosity got the better of me, and I relaxed the arm holding the dagger, slowly twisting around to look behind me, towards the source of the noise.  
He stood there, looking exactly the same as I remembered him.  Tall, with long curly black hair cascading onto his shoulders.  He still wore the same sad smile I remembered him wearing in the battle.  
I shuddered at the sight, tears brimming in my eyes as I looked at him, the enemy beneath me forgotten.  
Then, as if in a trance, I stood up, walking slowly towards Loki's figure.  Stopping right in front of him, I looked at him sadly, wishing that he actually stood before me, that he still walked the same paths as me.  But something was very different about this hallucination.  Normally, he faded away as I approached him; but as I now stood before him, he still retained a solid form.
"You've normally faded away by now."  I murmured softly, my eyes raking over each and every one of his features, taking the time to re-etch them into my memory.  
Loki frowned, the expression foreign on his face.  "My love, I am right here.  I will not fade away from you."  He whispered softly, and my eyes widened slightly.  Hesitantly, I reached out a trembling hand towards his gaunt cheek.  
My fingers connected with the warm, comforting flesh that I knew as Loki's.  A startled gasp fled  
my lips, and I quickly raised my other hand to frame his face.  "Loki?"  I breathed, unable to believe what I was seeing and feeling.
Loki smiled, leaning in to kiss me gently.  I hungrily returned his embrace, curling myself closer against his lean body, allowing his arms to encircle me, gently pressing on the small of my back.
Pulling away, I rested my forehead on his, my eyes closed in bliss.  "I thought you were dead."  I whispered, and Loki's chest rumbled against mine as he laughed softly.
"I had to pretend I was, my love.  It is the Asgardian custom to do such a thing to their beloved, to see if they will remain true."  He murmured, and I recoiled away from him, escaping his arms.
"Loki?  Does that mean?"  I asked quietly, and he nodded silently, grinning at me.  My hand flew to my mouth as Loki held out a hand towards me, a thin golden band lying in its center.
"Will you do me the honor of becoming my queen, Lily of Midgard?"  He asked softly, blue eyes showing the slightest hint of nervousness.
Taking a moment to breath and steady my rapidly pounding heart, I nodded.  "Yes, Loki."  I managed to croak out, allowing him to slip the band onto my finger.  Loki then raised my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.
"Shall we return to Asgard then, my queen?"  He asked, smiling the most beautiful, stunning smile I had ever seen cross his face.
Later that night, Loki and I lay curled up together in his long vacated chambers.  I was snuggled up against his warm torso as he held me in a protective embrace; one that I had sorely missed.
But I couldn't relax, not with a certain memory plaguing me.  Something that I had meant to tell Loki before the battle, but had never gotten the chance to.
"Loki?"  I asked softly, and he hummed lazily in response, his fingertips brushing gently against my face as he traced random patterns on my skin.  "Do you remember when I called you into my room just before the battle?"  
"Yeah, what about it?"  He answered, continuing with his tracings across my arm.  
"I never told you why I called you in there.  The battle interrupted us before I could do so."  I whispered, and Loki suddenly stopped his tracings.
"Go on," he murmured.  
I hesitated a moment before continuing.  "I was going to tell you that I was pregnant."  I said softly, and Loki sat up abruptly, his bare chest illuminated in the moonlight.
"You were pregnant?  Where is the child?"  He asked, staring hard at me with his piercing blue eyes.
I blinked rapidly up at him, biting my lip.  "Loki, I lost the baby.  It was right after the battle, and your..."  I trailed off, "the healer's said it was because of the stress I was experiencing."  
As I spoke, Loki grew somber, and settled himself back down on the mattress.  He pulled me closer to him, burying his face in my hair.  "I'm sorry, Lils.  I didn't know, I should have been there for you."  He muttered against my brown tresses.
"It wasn't your fault, Loki.  You didn't know."  I murmured back, relaxing in his embrace and resting my head in the crook of his neck.  
"But I still should have been there."  He countered, leaving me silent.  One could never win against Loki when it came to games such as this.  
Feigning exhaustion, I yawned.  Loki noticed this, and stopped talking, resuming his gentle pattern tracing on my skin as I drifted off into the best sleep I'd had in several years.
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gotham-ruaidh · 6 years
Chapter 16
The Cottage
Thursday, February 2, 1826
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Just over an hour later, the cottage emerged from behind a spray of tall rooibos bushes. Tucked into the far northwest corner of the Noord Toring estate, it had been built at least a hundred years before as a place for temporary or occasional shelter.
 “We’ve six or so cottages scattered around the perimeter,” Jamie had explained during their walk through the fields, shifting his sack of provisions. “Back when the farm was mostly open pasture, it was common to move with the herd; if they ended up here, why sleep on the ground when you can have a roof over your head?”
 Claire tugged her own sack of provisions to sit higher on her shoulder, gripping Jamie’s hand. “When was the last time you were up here?”
 “Oh – years ago. Since Papa converted this part of the farm to grow potatoes, when I was small, we only come up here to plant and harvest.”
 The cottage’s whitewashed walls glowed in the sunset, thick thatched roof curling over the eaves. Jamie set down his sack, took Claire’s and placed it beside his own, and unceremoniously hoisted her into his arms.
 “Jamie!” she gasped, laughing. “What are you – ”
 “Carrying you over the threshold,” he smiled, turning to the side to gently push open the door. “I am traditional – in case you hadn’t noticed.”
 She rolled her eyes and couldn’t help but kiss him as he set her down in the small, yet cozy room.
 It was spare, simple – yet beautiful and comfortable. A fireplace in one corner; a large bed tucked up against the only window; two chairs, a table, and a battered cabinet to hold dishes and spare blankets. Everything was old, but had clearly been cleaned recently: the linens on the bed were fresh, the floors and chairs swept. A set of kudu horns twirled above the doorway.
 All they really needed.
 She turned to face Jamie – and awkwardness suddenly bloomed.
 “I’ll get our things,” he mumbled, and was gone.
 Claire took a shallow breath, balling her hands into fists. Crossed the room to the cabinet, found half a dozen thick candles, and set one on a cheery blue dish.
 Jamie reappeared to briefly drop their bags beside the table, then stepped back to securely – loudly – bolt the door – then returned to find his wife rummaging in her sack.
 “Found it!” she exclaimed, proudly producing her box of matches, turning to the table to strike a flame into existence.
 When she turned toward him – face bathed in candlelight – his heart just about burst.
 “Claire,” he croaked. “Claire – I hope you know, we don’t have to rush into anything. We – we have a few days.”
 “It’s all right, Jamie,” she teased. “I know you won’t force yourself on me.”
 “Never,” he breathed. Intense.
 Now she smiled, and sat on the bed, extending an inviting hand. “Come here.”
 And he did – sitting at least three feet away. Her smile widened.
 “Let’s hold hands – keep our connection.”
 He didn’t need to be asked twice – sliding over, tangling his hands with hers. Tension ebbed.
 “See? It’s easier when we touch, isn’t it?”
 “It is,” he whispered. “It’s simpler.”
 “It’s all simple, Jamie. There’s nothing complicated about this. There’s no need to rush. Why don’t you tell me about your family?”
 That garnered a smile – and his eyes met hers, sparkling.
 “How many generations back?”
 “Now – you must tell me something I’ve been absolutely dying to know since I arrived.”
 Jamie had produced the bottle of whisky about an hour before; Christ his bride could drink.
 He leaned down to peck her smoky lips. “And what’s that, may I ask?”
 She rubbed her nose against his – playful. Settled her bum a bit deeper on his lap.
 He flooded his mind with images of sheep manure and rotting potatoes. Praying that she didn’t feel what his trousers were struggling to hide.
 She laughed – deep and throaty and beautiful. “Why do you all pronounce the J in Jamie, but not in Janna?”
 His lips curled, chest bursting with love for this woman.
 “Are you laughing at me?” she mock-pouted.
 “I most certainly am!” he roared, bravely diving into the heaven of her neck – trailing his lips down to her collarbones, then the newly liberated skin he had exposed by unhooking the top three buttons of her dress, thirty minutes before.
 Her hands dug into the hair at the base of his neck. Pulling him closer.
 “We’re a complicated family, Nebhongo,” he breathed against her exquisitely soft breasts, kissing the top of one, then the other. Tasting her racing heartbeat.
 Then pulled back – to see his wife watching him, eyes wide, stone cold sober.
 “Do you think…” she whispered. “That is – would you mind if…”
 “Yes,” he whispered back. “And no. No, I won’t mind.” He swallowed, framing her beautiful face between his hands. Wishing the skin of his palms was as soft as her cheeks. “As long as you don’t mind that your husband is a completely terrified novice.”
 “That’s good.” She raised up her chin just the slightest amount. Brave. Strong. Confident. “As long as you don’t mind that your wife is as well. Guess that means we’ll have to learn together.”
 She pushed his hands to the front of her dress.
 “What a terrible chore,” he smiled, unhooking more buttons.
 “Indeed,” she agreed, smoothing back his hair.
 Somewhere deep in the night, the candle started to sputter. Jamie moved to get up, but Claire lay a gentle hand on his warm, smooth thigh.
 “Leave it,” she whispered. “I don’t mind being in the dark with you.”
 He shifted closer to her on the mattress, tucking the wool blanket tighter around her bare shoulders. Pressing her naked body all along the length of his own naked body. Stroking her temple, inches away on the pillow they shared.
 “I’m sorry about that first time,” he murmured. Not caring that her hand lazily explored the twisted scars of his back, her wedding ring cool against the dead skin. “I should have done more for you.”
 “You do so much for me already.” Now she lay her palm flat against his back, drawing him closer. “It’s normal. It doesn’t have to be perfect every time.”
 “For someone who bled that first time, you know a lot about what passes between a man and a woman,” he teased.
 “I took medical classes at Oxford. I’ve treated dozens of patients – both here and there. I understand how the body reacts.” She smiled. “And I also had a very long chat with Janna and Suzette. I asked them a lot of very direct questions.”
 “Did you?” he smiled. “Learn anything interesting?”
 “That’s for me to know – and you to find out.” She tilted up her chin, and he kissed her and kissed her and kissed her.
 The candle sputtered one final time, and then died, casting the room into darkness. Only the stars, shining thousands of miles outside their window, cast a faint glow on the single large room.
 “I had a long talk with Papa, last night.” He drew in a deep breath, then released it just as slowly. “I asked him for advice. I know the…the mechanics of course, growing up on a farm. But not what to do, to…”
 “Sshh,” she soothed, lips settled against his forehead. “Thank you for doing that. It honors me that you did.” She kissed his eyebrows, one, then another. “And you must have heeded his advice…those other times, Jamie, I – ”
 “You have my Mama to thank for that,” he smiled. “She woke me this morning – and it must have been on my mind, because before she could tell me that breakfast was almost ready, I asked her how a man can best please a woman.”
 Claire pulled back a bit, hands skimming Jamie’s bold features in the darkness. “What did she tell you?”
 Her fingers traced his smile. “That’s for me to know, Claire,” he replied, gently rolling them so that she straddled him, his hands anchored on her hips, thumb dipping into her navel, “and you to find out.”
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
scenario w someone trying to seduce away Tsuna, Dino and Xanxus' pregnant s/o thinking that now's the chance since they have lost interest in her
Admin Enma would like to apologize for being an absolute donut and misreading the prompt, Anon. Instead, here are some women trying to steal away the men because they think the S/O lost their interest now that she’s pregnant. Please forgive Admin Enma, she is sorry.
When the announcement of the pregnancy reached the ears of the mafia world, many people tripped over themselves to give the Vongola Decimo their congratulations. Presents were sent to him and his wife - diapers, powdered formula, baby clothes, baby toys - and they sent back personal thank you cards for their thoughtfulness. Each present was also pre-screened and analyzed for safety protocols but of course, that was to be expected.
Some of his closest friends were amused by the man’s outlook towards his pregnant wife. The first few months were filled with anxiousness and overprotection, much to her dismay and Tsuna’s insistence. She even went far as to get multiple doctor’s notes on how she was still capable to doing her regular desk job without any issues, not that Tsuna didn’t ignore them. But the effort was there and Tsuna eased up just a tiny bit. Instead of five bodyguards to look after her through the day, there was three.
There were some women who saw this as their chance to climb the ladder in the mafia world. It was evident near the end of the second trimester during a formal party held by an ally family that women had their sights set on Tsuna once more since his marriage to his wife.
“She looks like she swallowed a watermelon!”
“Do you see how her stomach is bulging out of her dress?!”
“Yes! What a shame too, that dress was designed by the same man who did my dress tonight.”
“Really? It flatters you but definitely not her.”
“Oh dammit all, Abrienne is making the first move.”
Sure enough, a slender woman had managed to strike a conversation with the Vongola boss and his wife. Abrienne was what many people can call beautiful, tall with nice curves, flawless skin, and shiny hair. She knew exactly what to wear to accent her best assets and took advantage of it. She also knew exactly what to say to befriend the wives of many bosses only to sweep their men from under their feet.
“The poor woman.”
“She has no idea what Abrienne is capable of.”
“Do you think Don Vongola would still acknowledge the child as his heir if he leaves her?”
The women at the party watched as discreetly as they could at how Abrienne caused the Donna to laugh brightly, holding onto her husband for support and to her belly, as if laughing too hard would make her due date come faster. They stared petulantly at the triumphant look on Abrienne’s face as the Donna left to go towards the direction of the bathroom, the female Mist guardians following behind her for protection, and completely missed the adoring look the man sent his wife.
Abrienne latched onto Tsuna’s arm quickly, tiptoeing up to whisper in his ear. It was exciting for the women to watch the scene unfold as she gave him the most seductive look she could after lowering herself back down and licking her lips. They watched in horror and fascination as the Don Vongola retched his arm out of her hands, his face full of controlled rage and spat something at.
The could-have homewrecker stepped back, causing the women to burst into conversation as they watched the Vongola walk away from Abrienne. The next time they saw him, he was completely wrapped around his wife and was practically showing her off to everyone he came across.
“Oh my!”
“That was exciting!”
“The Donna is so lucky to have him!”
“I wish my husband was like the Don Vongola when I was pregnant!”
The meeting was dragging on and on and the other man would just not shut up. Dino resisted the need to roll his eyes as he listened to the boss of some small family from the west of his territory drone on about how beneficial an alliance between their families would be for the both of them.
Normally Dino would have killed this man and crushed his family’s forces under his boot but he wanted to challenge himself to a bloodless 9 months while his wife was pregnant to avoid causing her stress. It was a challenge he had set himself and he was doing pretty well 7 months in.
The other man’s wife smiled serenely next to him, occasionally fluttering her eyes at the Don Cavallone. Her make up perfectly accentuated her face, bringing attention to her bright green eyes. She was a young thing, probably 10 or so years younger than her husband and was around Dino’s age.
“Ah, my apologies, Don Cavallone,” the man said after listening to Dino mused aloud on the prospects of an alliance. “May I be excused to go to your nearest restroom? I’m afraid I drank too much water as a result of talking your ears off. That was terribly rude of me.”
Dino laughed it off politely. “It’s all right, my friend. My subordinate here will guide you to a room. I will go ahead and draft a treaty while you are gone.”
Both men stood up and shook hands before the elder left the room, following after one of Dino’s men. The blonde sat down in his chair, glancing at the picture of his pregnant wife on his desk before beginning to type out a treaty on his computer.
There was a silence between Dino and the other man’s wife as he typed away on his laptop. Such an alliance would be beneficial and the other man seemed like a good business partner to work with. Everything he had proposed, albeit in a lengthy way, was sound and fair and if Dino worked hard enough, he could find an advantage to use and abuse.
“Ahem, Don Cavallone,” the woman interrupted his thoughts, causing him to pause in his typing. He looked up to see her look at him under hooded eyes and knew exactly where this was going.
He quirked an eyebrow before turning his attention back to his computer. “Yes,” he indulged her to go on. Dino was always fast at typing, something he was proud of. Given no distractions, he could probably finish this document and print it out just as the older man returned to his office.
“Ahem,” she went again. Dino sighed as he looked up from his desk to look at the woman. He was not amused at the sight of her shirtless, obviously trying to use what little breasts she had to entice him. “Everyone knows your wife is pregnant but I figured someone of your caliber wouldn’t be interested in a woman as big as she is now.”
She leaned forward on the desk with her arms, obviously hoping to push her breasts up more than they were by her push-up bra. “Of course, I won��t tell if you don’t.”
Dino stared at her face for a moment before leaning into her space with a smirk. He pressed a button on the phone on his desk, never breaking eye contact. “Martin,” he told the subordinate standing outside his office as a guard, “can you please come in and remove this trash in front of me. Thank you.”
The woman stared in shock as she was bodily hauled, shirtless and all, out of the office by one of his men. Dino picked up her shirt she left in her chair, threw it outside of his office, before sitting down back at his desk and returning to his typing. This time, he added he condition of the other man to file for a divorce in order to secure their treaty.
There was nothing more amusing to Xanxus than someone trying to cozy up to him to climb up the social mafia ladder. He’s had men and women throw themselves at him multiple times throughout his entire life and he’s always used and thrown them away before they could do anything. They were his toys, they were the ones who chose to play with fire.
However, this time it was just annoying. The woman practically ground her hips against his side, hoping to elicit some carnal reaction from him. Useless really, he wasn’t in the mood. Even if he was, he had an S/O he knew would be happy to take care of him. Pregnancy hormones were a blessing sometimes.
Xanxus didn’t do anything to tell her off, but he didn’t encourage her either. It wasn’t bothering him at all, just a mild annoyance that would surely tire of his lack of reaction and reciprocation.
The entire night, she had plastered herself to him. It was beyond annoying now, it was down right irritating. He could feel the woman’s lips on his cheek and his neck, biting at his ear. It was funny to see how desperate she was for his dick, for a higher position in the mafia world.
It was when she tried to palm him between his pants that drew the line.
Tired of playing games, Xanxus roughly shoved the woman off of him. He watched as she fell to the floor with a shriek, her eyes flashing with anger. “What is your problem?”
He stared back at her, not amused and with disgust lacing his voice, “Nothing. I don’t like it when trash try to hang off of me.”
She stood up, huffing and fixing her bra through her outfit without a care of who was watching. “I was trying to offer you something. Figured your pregnant bitch wouldn’t put out and thought you might need someone to warm your bed.” The woman scowled at him, her face distorting ugly. “I guess you’re pretty happy with your hand.”
Xanxus lazily took out his gun and pointed it at her head, watching her freeze in place. “One - you’re trash. Two - trash like you shouldn’t say a damn thing out the woman carrying my child. Three - we have plenty of sex, most definitely better than anything you can try to give.” He used the barrel of his gun to push her down to the floor, the fear in her eyes getting his blood boiling.
Damn, he hopes his pregnant lover was ready for a long night.
He pulled out his wallet and threw a couple of bills at the woman on the floor. “Here, this is probably more than what you would get in a night out standing on the corner. I’ll be sure to tell my men about you if they’re interested for a romp.”
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fenrysisbae · 7 years
The Heir of Dimensions: Five
Yes, I used lines from the actual books. Those and plot of Queen of Shadows are property of Sarah J. Maas. I am just a fanfiction writer. --------------------------------------- Allana stared at the dress laid out for her and sighed. She changed from the towel wrapped around herself into the silken dress. There were two diamond shaped holes in the arms of the dress and then one at the back that the edges on her sides were drawn so her sides, including the numbers on her ribs were visible. She let her straight hair fall around her shoulders. She had Aedion cut it because she was tired of the long hair. She pulled on some shoes and walked out and into Aelin's room after knocking. "It looks much better on you than it did myself. Sit." Aelin ordered and Allana sat on the stool. She fidgeted, "Aelin, what does family mean to you?" There was a brush running through her hair and there were a few tendrils of hair in between her shoulders. Then a comb was dragged into her hair, a jeweled comb that was like the skies of night and the ocean. Aelin brushed some kohl across her eyelids and then painted her lids a deep burgundy. "Perfect, and family, Allana, is those like my cousin and Rowan. They are my family. As are you, no matter what happens in the end, you are family to me now." The queen spoke and she had a hard time not crying. She stood and hugged her tightly. They stood silently until she drew back. "Since I've been here... In your world, I haven't felt comfortable or felt like I have a place here. Now I know what I need to do." She swallowed, "If we... If there is no way back for me, I am yours to command. I will be a loyal subject, or if you'll have, member of your court, but that will have to be filled by now, no?" "I can always make room for you." The queen grinned and they walked out arm in arm. Aedion faced them, dressed in a tunic of deep green, and whistled, "Well, if you didn't already scare the living shit out of me, you've certainly done it now." Allana grinned at her mentor's gaze on the form fitting black velvet then to the golden dragon on the back. It made her feel better when Aedion looked at her gown rather kindly. "You look nice." He noted to her and she turned to show him the opening where her tattoos were stark as day. "I rather enjoy this. At home, people would frown at the tattoos." She laughed and the males noted the true joy in her eyes for once. ~*~ As the rode up to what she now knew as the Assassin's Keep, seemed inviting. She knew otherwise due to Aelin. "Be on your guard, and you two keep your fat mouths shut. Especially with the Blag commander. No matter what you hear or see, just keep your fat mouth shut. No psychotic territorial bullshit." Aelin ordered and Allana hugged her friend. "Remind me to tell you tomorrow how charming you are." Aedion grinned. Aelin stepped out first and Allana followed with a blank face. She was slightly behind Aelin on the stairs when the front door opened. She was rather unhappy on the inside, but she kept her face blank as her ears twitched. A man with auburn hair and white teeth greeted them. "Welcome home." He purred. It took everything not to cringe inwardly. He beckoned them into the hall, "And welcome to your friends." His eyes lingered on her figure generously. "Your favor." Aelin noted. The Vlag commander made Allana's skin crawl and her eyes were narrowed slightly as it hissed. "I would have preferred the servants' door for our guest." He spoke tightly. She noticed his green tunic and was suddenly grateful she was in a deep navy, offsetting her eyes instead of her hair. She stood beside Aelin and Rowan towered over the two women. She was uneasy and watched as her friend held the man's hands. "You look ravishing, but I'd expect nothing less. Not even a bruise after trapping out guest. Impressive." He sniffed her causing Allana to look away slightly, "And you smell divine, too. I'm glad my gift was put to good use." Rowan was bristling and she left her hands at her sides. The slits up the sides of her legs were meant to distract most of the men there, she knew. Aelin wanted her to utilize her eternal beauty to entice them, draw their attention elsewhere and it was working. "You look well, I suppose you already know my companions." Aelin smirked. He turned to Aedion, "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting your cousin." His eyes looked over the golden haired male as if trying to find any weakness, "You've recovered well, General. Or should I call you 'Your Highness,' in honor of your Ashryver lineage? Whichever you prefer, of course." Aedion grinned lazily, "I don't give a shit what you call me. Just take this rutting thing off my hands." Arobynn slowly turned to Allana and Rowan. "You two, I don't know," He mused, "It's been an age since I saw one of the Fae, let alone two. I don't remember them being quite so large." Rowan walked deeper into the hall and stood over the women, "You can call me Rowan. That's all you need to know." He tilted his head and she knew something was coming. "Thank you for the oil, my skin was a little dry." Arobynn blinked in surprised and looked to the smaller female. "You may call me Allana." She stood with her hands folded in front of her waist. He then turned to Aedion, "Third door to the left-- take him downstairs. Use the fourth cell. Allana, dear, how about waiting in the drawing room? It's the fifth door to the right." She bobbed  her head slightly and looked to the three before going into the drawing room. Lysandra stood and hugged the smaller woman. "I want to talk with you." She smiled and she noted as she took in what Allana wore, "That looks wonderful on you." "Thank you, and what exactly would you like to chat over?" She saw on the couch and the two women leaned close. "Where exactly do you come from? Fae normally aren't as... Small as you or come looking as if you're something else." "I'm from a different world, Lysandra. I'm afraid that this can be saved for later though." She looked to the doors where Aedion and Rowan walked through. The two stood while Rowan paced impatiently. She waited with them chatting with Lysandra until called to dinner. She stiffened when she was forced to sit to the left of the King of Assassins. She sat silently as Rowan sat to her right and Aedion was sitting on the other side of her mentor. Lysandra was silent and she was grateful to know what went on in the shifters mind. "I have to say," The tall man to Allana's left mused, "You're a rather quiet group. Or has my protégée scared you into silence?" Allana bristled unhappily when she saw his hand on her knee. Aedion watched Aelin eat, but she was silent. "You want us to make small talk after you just interrogated and butchered a demon?" He lifted one eyebrow. Arobynn took his hand off her knee, waving it, "I'd like to hear more about you all." Allana heard the quiet, "Careful." "Shouldn't I be concerned about who my protégée is living with?" He questioned. His hand was back on her knee, causing her lips to turn to a frown and had to bite back a growl. "You weren't concerned about who I was living with when you had me in Endovier." "Is that what you think I did? Lysandra can tell you the truth: I fought tooth and nail to free you from the prison. I lost half my men to the effort, all of them tortured and killed by the king. I'm surprised your friend the captain didn't tell you. Such a pity he's on roof top duty tonight." Allana gritted her teeth and closed her eyes slightly. "He did try, you know. For months and months." Lysandra spoke. She was instantly glad she was on their side and she would feel even better when they left. "Do you plan on telling me why you insisted we stay for dinner?" Arlin drawled. "How else would I get to see you? You would have just dumped that thing on my doorstep and left. And we learned so much-- so much that we could use together." Her skin crawled even more, "Though I have to say, this new you is much more... subdued. I suppose for Lysandra that's a good thing. She always looks at the hole you left in the entry wall when you threw that dagger at her head. I kept it there as a little reminder of how much we all missed you." Arobynn began to rattle on about a few moments Lysandra and Aelin brawled. They were interesting until Allana felt the table rattle. She glanced to her mentor and almost laughed. His eyes were lust filled and she knew she would wish to stay in the warehouse possibly for the rest of the night. Her attention went back to the conversation when it went silent. "Did you ask me something?" Aelin glanced at the man at the head of the table, who had a good grip on her thigh. "I asked," He spoke, "if you've had fun these past few weeks, wrecking my investment properties and ensuring that all my clients won't touch me." -------------------------- Just ask to be tagged!
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