#yes I'm a bitch
bebe-benzenheimer · 1 year
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As a firm supporter of the EDDIE IS KAS Theory or of all the EDDIE IS ALIVE AND IN THE UPSIDE DOWN thing, and knowing that season 5 will take place after a couple of years gap, my brain made me notice something:
If all this theories are true, this means thet our boi Eddie has been stuck in the Upside Down all alone/being possessed and or tortured by Vecna, surrounded by monsters and with no hope of salvation for YEARS!
Not days, not weeks, YEARS.
Now close your eyes and imagine little dork Eddie suffering like hell in the quite literal hell for years, praying that Steve, Dustin, just someone would come and save him, or that Vecna would just kill him already, because by now he knows that everyone thinks he's dead and even that little trace of hope that has been keeping him alive is pointless anyway.
Yeah... That hurts.
Your day has just been worsened.🥲✌️
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nouverx · 3 months
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Pov the cannibal overlords are judging your outfit (or discussing how they're going to cook you tonight, your choice 👀)
Based on very cool outfits for them I saw on twitter! Here's Alastor and here's Rosie
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i'm unwell!!! because in stede's eyes, ned low was right!! ned says "he [ed] only likes you because of your bumbling amateur status" and calls stede blackbeard's "pet" just like izzy did in series 1
so stede steps up as a captain, kills the man who harmed his crew, and suddenly, for once in stede's life, he isn't a joke! the gentleman pirate is taken seriously and welcomed into the pirate community!
and what happens less than 24 hours later? ed calls their night together a mistake, AND LEAVES.
yes, obviously the situation is more nuanced, and these old men are once again struggling to communicate, but i 100% understand why stede went a bit of the rails at the end of episode 7. stede's been so focused on trying to help ed, that he's completely ignored his own ongoing identity crisis and trauma, and after the incident at the academy in series 1, this meltdown was long overdue.
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hychlorions · 4 months
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(looks at the time) ooh... the bitching hour
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sergle · 8 months
youtube has SO much nerve doing their little "don't use an adblocker pleaseeee we want your money so bad you're so mean :(" you LITERALLY let people get doxxed on your website and this is the torch you're burning
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anneslifeinchrist · 2 years
Was giving a test today and as I was literally moving to give the tests out a kid was like I have to leave early for sports and I’m like????? Now is not the time, do your test swiftly. Apparently there were four kids in that class who decided they just wouldn’t bother telling me ahead of time so I could make arrangements for them. They thought that as I was passing things out was the right time to do this. And then they were upset they didn’t finish in time before they ‘had’ to go to sports. AND THEN I SAW THEM STILL WANDERING AROUND THE BUILDING WHEN I WENT TO RUN THE SCANTRONS LATER!?!?!? They clearly didn’t have to leave and their teammate has complained to me about how they don’t play at the school. I had another kid in the class who told me they would have to leave around the start of class (and they told me yesterday and reminded me today) and so I am having them take it tomorrow during their study hall. Then the kids are like when do we get extra time? What do you mean? You didn’t use your fucking normal time? You chose to leave early for sports. Literally five or six more minutes and they would have finished. 
What the hell is wrong with the American school system in which they prioritize something as menial as sports over education. I cannot remember people missing class for normal games - state championships sure, but not normal stuff. (I never missed school for sports when I was in sports - I was a champion in my age division when I was 14ish, I wasn’t just sitting on the bench.) I even looked up my high school’s schedule on the way back machine - school got out at 2:36 and the first sport thing after was at 4. Plenty of time to get where you were going. I’m honestly furious about this. School is for academic enrichment, sports should be an afterthought. 
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godhurts · 2 months
Hear me out: somno but the dom is the one who's asleep?? Like a very tired mommy sleeping in a lot and a really impatient pet that can't control their instincts? They see her ass poking out of the sheets and can't help rubbing their needy parts on it. They moan softly as they start humping it slowly and gently as not to wake her up, but soon get too desperate, need to feel more. They slide it inside her and start moving gently, whimpering, mumbling "please please please." By then she wakes up, but doesn't do anything except smiling at her adorable needy pet. "Does it feel good baby?" she says in a sleepy voice, letting them know she's awake. They can't look her in the eye out of embarrassment, but can't stop either so they end up fucking and falling back asleep together 🩷
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lastminutestarwarsfan · 4 months
I was NOT prepared for General Grievous to jump down with a "Hello there" to Obi Wan in the Clone Wars, the original meme just got 10000% funnier. And Obi-Wan remembering some encounter from like 3 years ago and being able to reference it and mock Grievous mid-fight is so ridiculously in character. Yall be mocking Anakin for being dramatic but you forget who his big brother is.
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vanilladove · 16 days
hiii hello vani<3 may i request smt angsty with dazai and reader in which he’s acting neglectful/unfaithful as a partner and you just deal with it? but you don’t hate him or anything you’re just really sad about it hehe tysm ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
☾⋆.ೃ࿔* ghostin
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gif creds fybugoustraydogs | divider creds benkeibear
₊ ⊹☁ pairing: dazai x gn!reader
₊ ⊹☁ genre: angst :,)
₊ ⊹☁ content warnings: distant/neglectful relationships; canon mentions of double suicide bc dazai lol...i couldn't bring myself to write a cheating dazai i'm sorry T~T inspired by ghostin + better off by ariana grande!
₊ ⊹☁ word count: 1.9k
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You shivered under the cold sheets when your alarm had woken you up. The space next to you was empty, your lover nowhere to be found.
It had been like this for months now, but it was nothing new due to the nature of his job. Dazai always became distant right before handling a new enemy for the Armed Detective Agency. He only disclosed vague details to you, explaining that withdrawing himself was a way to protect you since he didn’t want enemies knowing about you. Before leaving, he’d muttered something about keeping you away from “the demon”.
But you had to admit, the feeling of being 'safe' from a far away, unknown enemy didn't compare to being wrapped in your lover's arms, the soft kisses on your forehead, gently running your hands through his brown fluffy hair, and whispering sweet nothings to eachother. You missed his corny jokes and the nights you two would have together after drinking too much sake, giggling on the floor and watching the stars on your open balcony—Dazai always pointing out the constellations and telling you the stories and lore behind each one.
He had been staying at a secret location far from your shared apartment, so the sheets didn’t smell like his musky, warm cologne anymore. The space felt ghostly now, and hanging out with your friends barely helped. Stirring a sugar cube and cream into your morning coffee, the things they said repeated in your head.
“Just break up with him..."
"You don’t deserve someone who ignores you—especially if he puts work above you…”
"He's definitely cheating on you with all the travel he's always away on..."
Your friends didn’t understand though. They didn’t understand the depth of your relationship or how Dazai loved you. He was a reserved man; he didn't let anyone into his heart, always putting on a flamboyant front to mask his true self. Even becoming his partner and finally moving in with him was a feat in itself and was something he'd hesitantly accepted. You knew he had a traumatic upbringing and that the ones he cared for eventually left his life, often in a tragic way; the last thing his broken heart could take was losing you.
Which was why you put up with the cold sheets in the morning, the single serving meals, and all the sad movie nights alone—because deep down, you knew he cared about you. Your lonely conscious couldn't handle any other explanation.
You tiredly shaped the triangular onigiri filled with snow crab and placed it in the wooden bento box, along with some tamagoyaki and salad, savoring the momentary heat in your hands. It was Dazai's favorite lunch—something you used to pack for him everyday. You forcibly dragged yourself out of bed to make it for him after receiving a text—from an unknown number, of course—that he was stopping by the apartment to grab something. You knew it was futile waking up early; it wouldn't stop him from leaving with no explanation, from not being targeted by the port mafia, the hunting dogs, or "the demon". How silly and lovesick you were.
Closing the lid, you put the dishes in the sink and placed a piece of bread into the toaster, staring intently as you waited for it to finish, which seemed like forever. You took a sip from your mug, cringing when the lukewarm liquid touched your tongue. Shit, your coffee had gone cold. That never happened when he was still there.
The lock clicking snapped you out of your somber thoughts, and you turned your head around to face the self-inviting visitor. Gaze softening, you admired the tall man in front of you, wrapped in a tan trench coat, which you instinctively slipped off from behind him, his tense shoulders relaxing under your fingertips as you draped the coat on a nearby chair. Wordlessly, you both exchanged melancholic glances before Dazai made the first move, stepping forward to close the space between you two. His slender fingers slowly came up to caress your face, the foreign touch making your cheeks heat up. Leaning forward, he closed his eyes and placed a soft kiss on your cold lips, "Hi, bella."
Forcing yourself to open your lids again and not overindulge in the much needed contact, you smiled at your lover, but it didn't quite connect back to your eyes, "Welcome hom—errr—back...You needed something from here, right?" You replied, choosing your words carefully so he couldn't hear your evident desperation.
Dazai blinked carefully, "Yeah, a flash drive. It's in one of the kitchen cabinets. Is it fine if I look around for a bit?" You nodded, looking down at the tiled floor and smiling at nothing. Dazai was always like that, hiding important things in the most impractical places as a precaution. As he fished through the cabinet, he turned his head briefly to look down at the abandoned mug sitting on the counter, "Is that for me?"
You wiped the nostalgic grin off your face, reaching for your coffee, which you'd made in Dazai's usual mug, "A-Ah, no. It's mine, sorry," Dazai raised an eyebrow at you, "I made it earlier this morning, but it's cold now. I'll make you some more." You offered, trying to brush off his suspicions and the strange looks he was giving you.
He sighed, stroking your hair lightly, "It's fine, darling, brew yourself a new cup, and I'll drink this one." He gave you one last reassuring pat before picking up the mug and slipping away into your shared room to look for something else, giving you no time to protest. What seemed like a sweet gesture really had a double meaning: I'm not staying long enough for a new batch of coffee, so I'll just take the cold cup.
A pit formed in your stomach as you dumped out the used coffee filter and reached for a new one. Your vision started to blur, stopping you before you could open the lid of the coffee grounds. Wet drops falling on the back of your hands made you realize you were crying. Instinctively, you brought your hands up to cover your mouth and block any sobs from Dazai, who was still next door in your bedroom.
Stop it.
You tried to coerce yourself, but you couldn't help it. The despair was too agonizing; to have the one you needed most close to you but not being able to tell them to stay, to hold you, especially since you knew how precious you were to him—if you asked, he'd drop everything to stay the night with you. Everyone at the ADA was aware of that, which was why they'd sat you down and conveyed that you couldn't dote too much on Dazai. You understood that and had stayed by his side anyways, knowing that being with him sometimes was better than never. Even if it broke your heart in the process. Even if it meant crying silently in the kitchen while your lover was in the next room, oblivious to the tears wetting your sleeves.
Deep down, you wished he would notice the pain you were in. You wished he would text and call you more or at least take you out to dinner and do special things when he'd finally come back, but he always resumed your daily routines almost like he'd never left. It made your heart ache, feeling like he disregarded his long leaves and their effects on you. You sniffled quietly and quickly wiped your tears away upon hearing rustling from the bedroom doorway signaling that Dazai was almost done grabbing what he needed.
Inhaling deeply, you breathed in and out slowly to calm your frantic heart and turned to the side to face the counter as your partner walked back into the kitchen.
"Found what you were looking for?" You asked, trying to cover your face with your hair and sneakily wipe away any residual tears.
Dazai swiftly passed by you, going towards the chair to slip his trench coat back on and grab the lunch you'd made him. "Yeah, I found it. Thanks for the bento and coffee by the wa—" Your eyes widened as he trailed off mid-sentence, all of a sudden feeling his presence next to you. He bent down to peer over at your face, evidently still swollen and a bit red from crying.
He rotated your body towards him and pushed the stay hairs from your face, intently observing your features. "Bella, have you been crying?" He stroked your cheeks delicately, "And your eyebags are so dark...have you been getting enough sleep?" He looked genuinely worried, peering into your eyes for any sort of insights, but it was too hard to maintain eye contact with him.
"I'm fine...I—" You muttered, words trapped in your throat.
Tell him you miss him. That you don't want him to leave you again.
No, don't! Let him walk out as usual. Your sadness isn't worth letting a countless number of innocent people get harmed or killed.
Thoughts conflicting and wearing your tired soul out, you only mustered a weak smile, placing your cold hands on top of Dazai's. "If I died now, would you still die with me?"
"You promised we'd commit a double suicide together. Would you still—" Dazai's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him, his warmth and comforting scent making tears fall again, not knowing the next time he would be back. You cursed yourself internally for breaking down in front of him, but you couldn't hold your emotions in any longer. He only held you silently, running his hands through your hair as you sobbed into his chest. You felt lightheaded, crying for several minutes, the only condoling things being the scent of Dazai's cologne and the way he held you to remind you he was still with you.
You looked up from his chest, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes, which were swirling with uncertainty. A pained expression was on his face, no doubt from your actions. "I'm sorry, my love. I'm so sorry..." He lifted your face up to kiss your lips gently and kiss away your salty tears before pulling you back into his chest. "I was selfish to think you wouldn't be hurt by me always being away. I tried to turn a blind eye to focus on work, but..." He exhaled shakily, "...somehow I always hurt the people closest to me...even the one I love the most."
Dazai squeezed you tighter in his arms, "I love you, and I know we'll get past this, darling. I don't expect you to forgive me, but please, please don't think of resorting to that." He cradled your face, forcing you to look up at his broken eyes.
This was the power you had over him. Prison, criminals, and even the mafia couldn't break him anymore, but your tears could melt his gaudy, confident facade instantaneously and bring him to his knees. Exactly what everyone warned you about.
You nodded slowly, the last of your cry session being wiped away by Dazai's thumbs. You hugged him back, listening as his rampant heartbeat went back to normal, staring off to the side.
"Listen, bella, I'm going to be gone for a few months. I suspect I'm going to be arrested and sent to a high-security prison...probably somewhere overseas. We won't—we won't be together for a while." You heaved, holding your breath, "But," He turned your head to face him, "I'm going to stay here for a couple of days until then. Is that okay?"
Before you could think, you crashed your lips on his, and Dazai only happily kissed back, smiling, grateful to have cheered up his love again.
"Y-Yeah, that's fine. I love you, Osamu." You sniffled back. He could stay forever if he wanted to, but you'd take a few days.
"I love you, too, bella. I always will, even when I'm not with you. Enough for the both of us."
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bebe-benzenheimer · 1 year
Officer: We found this woman sexually assaulted and tossed in the dumpster this morning, barely clinging to life. Time is of the essence.
Abolitionist: ok, first we need to examine the root social causes of why this happened-
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khaotunq · 8 months
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i'm your hell, i'm your dream; i'm nothing in between
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everchased · 5 months
cleave is such a sexy weapon action and larian is so sexy for putting it in their game when 5e ROBBED us of it as a feat and tried to act like great weapon master was a good replacement
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zombiejunk · 6 months
i have such a fondness for the relationship between sam and dean in the earlier seasons, and especially when viewing it through a slashy lens. like. it reeks. it's bitterness and it's an agonizing familiarity. it's offputting pangs because even at this height of disconnect, everyone else is still an outsider. it's crammed full of some weighty thing there might never be a word for. something's been gutted and the rot of it festers. scoop out the bad parts, but it'll never go away. they love through their hate and hate through their love. and it's so fucking horrible a lot of the time. how they meet each other's every breaking point, how they design it just by being. it is so much pain brought by love and they throw themselves on the sword every time. part of me always gets the aftertaste of "nothing will be okay. not ever". there will always be this thing that terrifies them to touch and it drives nearly everything they do for (and to) each other. it's like watching them prolong an inevitable loss by losing bits and pieces instead. but they cling and cling to the crumbling edge. and no matter what else it is it will always be a kind of love. this is pretty much exactly why i fell so captivated by them. the biggest horror of supernatural is them.
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hajihiko · 2 years
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back off our boy!
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Philip lore.
Tiddy under cut:
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Philip was not skinny propaganda. He's in his Santa Claus era let him have soft.
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