#yes YES i'm gonna watch black sails as soon as i have time I KNOW I SHOULD
akwolfgrl · 3 months
Promise day 4
Zoro watched as they drew near to the Braite, the moon dipping below the horizon; the sun just started to peek out. He hadn't seen Sanji in a few months. He was busy trying to save enough money to buy new earrings. They were gold and dangle like his own, but they had a heart made from a blue gem. They caught the light just right and sparkled in a way that reminded Zoro of the shining across the sea. When he first saw them, he had to have them. They looked just like his mate's eyes. 
Johnny came to sit beside him yawning, it was still early. They sailed through the night. The Baratie would be getting ready for the day soon, Zoro was going to find Zeff and ask for Sanji's hand in marriage, he thought it was old fashioned but Curly loved romantic shit. Besides, the old geezer would kill him if he didn't. 
“Wow, is that what I think it is?” Johnny asked him, pointing at the weird fish shaped restaurant, and Sanji had told him about Zeffs chicken figurehead from back when he was a pirate. The old geezer had questionable taste when it came to the shapes of boats. “Man, I've heard of this place! The food is supposed to be to die for! There's always a good fight to see, and rumor has it there is a pretty blond omega who works there,” He felt Yosaku join them. “People saw he looks like an angel,”
“All ture, the pretty blonde's my mate,” Zoro proudly bragged. He wasn't jealous of other men looking. They had no chance. Women on the hand were a different story. 
“Wait, you have a mate?” Yosaku asked, shocked for some reason. 
“No fucking duh, the marks right thire,” Zoro pointed to the back of his neck, right where Sanji could always protect him. 
“Wow would ya look at that!”
“Way to go bro!”
Zoro spotted a blonde head out on the deck, most likely smoking a cigarette and having black tea watching the sun rise. Zoro couldn't wait anymore. He patted his haramaki, making sure the jewelry box was tucked away safely. Zoro stood up and jumped out of their small boat.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm swimming to Sanji!” Their boat was going too slow, and he couldn't wait any longer, Zoro swam towards his omega, his Sanji. His heart was pounding in his chest at the thought of holding the blond in his arms once again. 
When he got to the deck, Sanji was waiting for him, his hair aglow in the early morning light. Zoro understood why people would compare Sanji to an angel…if they never met him. 
“Marmio? It's about damn time you made your way back here,” Sanji smirked. “Maybe you should stay in the water a little longer, I'll bring you some soap, and you can wash your smelly ass,” Sanji's smoke hearts betrayed how happy he was to see him. 
“See if I ever come for a visit again if you're gonna be like that,” Zoro huffed before climbing out of the water. 
“The old geezer would be happy,” 
“Well that's too damn bad for him,” Zoro grinned and scooped Sanji into his arms and spun him around. 
The blonde laughed and took his face in between his hands, his long fingers caressing his cheeks before their lips met. Zoro could taste the omegas tea and cigarettes. Something that shouldn't be so addictive but yet it was. When they finally came up for air, Zoro put Sanji back down 
"Marry me." The words tumbled out of his mouth as he returned Sanji to the floor.
The omega looked at him with amusement in his blue eyes, "Aren't you forgetting something,”
"What? Oh." Zoro dropped to one knee and took out the jewelry box. The earrings glittered in the sunlight. "Marry me, I don't wish to be apart from you for a second longer,”
“Yes!” Sanji launched himself at Zoro, knocking them both to the deck, kissing the life out of him. 
“Hey! You two no fucking on the deck!” Patty yelled at them. 
Zoro didn't need to look to know that Sanji was flipping the other alpha off.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Linktober: Withered
(Me: I'm gonna keep on schedule guys! :D, Also me: *Doesn't keep on schedule* PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I'M JUST SO HORRIBLE AT KEEPING TRACK OF THINGS- Also, this story is based on Spirit Tracks Link, but I've never played Spirit Tracks and have no idea on the character, so I tried to use socialc1imbs (I'm not gonna tag them just in case they're not a fan of this kind of writing) SO I HOPE HE'S OKAY)
You knew that Spirit could see ghosts.
It was a fact.
But not in the “I see dead people.” sort of way, no he wasn’t terrified by it, the blonde saw it in a Ghost Whisper sort of sense. When he saw those beyond death, walking around either grieving a life lost or begging for those to help finally rest their suffering soul he was ready to help without much thought- the hero in him really, with a kind heart and determined heart like his brother of the sails and winds.
Speaking of the Sailor, you knew the boy supported the same gift, usually accompanying his twin to complete a favour or two to allow the dead to pass the veil and finally let them have their eternal sleep- or whatever may lay beyond death.
You knew they could see them because you could see them too.
No idea how such a thing came to be, you weren’t a seer or labelled any such back in your world, but suddenly you had woken up and people of a heavenly blue walked in the land of the living.
You weren’t sure what to feel at that moment, excitement? Fear? Confusion was certainly there.
The Dynamic Duo had discovered such a fact when crossing through the ruins of a ruined farm within the traveller’s timeline, burnt to the ground by a hoard of monsters wanting to cause chaos for the sake of causing it, a barn of cattle losing their lives within the embers never to be seen again. The two had dodged and weaved through the many wandering ghosts, mooing in distress while the other heroes walked straight through without a care in the world.
It was only when Spirit and Wind had turned back they saw you on the horizon, cooing towards a little ghost foal who trotted after you merrily, the hoard meeting the two of you halfway before disappearing with a blink of an eye.
You were roped into their very good deeds as soon as it was confirmed.
“This is trespassing, Engi, I don’t think-”
“This is the only way to help Mrs Seine pass on!”
“Okay, but, listen- I don’t want to be chased by some madman with a pitchfork like last time.”
Wind had caught something earlier within the week when you had settled in a lovely country, sick as a dog, the decision was made that you would all be staying until he had recovered- a good one. 
Spirit and you had taken the chance to check out the place in the meantime, after all, it was cosy and you weren’t about to be cooped up in the inn any longer. So you explored, chatting to a few villagers about possible black-blooded sightings or a shadow with no owner- alas you fell short, but that was nothing to fret, not with Mrs Seine sat within her withered garden as she wailed about her precious plants.
You had both looked at one another before approaching her.
And now you were here, in her garden with fallen flowers in the dead of night to feed them a concoction of red potion, sap, water and some other things you didn’t quite know, only associated with the art of gardening.
“She said Mr Seine sleeps like a log!” Spirit whispered-shouted, kneeling down to yank at some of the invasive plants. “We’ll be fine as long as we’re not hooting like some sort of train!”
“Yes, but, Mr Seine also has neighbours I don’t want them deciding to be neighbourly and beat the ever-loving shit out of us!”
“Just pour the potion!”
“Watch your tone before I kick you, brat!”
“You’re too slow, you old coot!”
A curse tickled your tongue before you jumped as Mrs Seine’s voice wailed about her garden once again, hurrying to lift the watering can over some petunias by your feet. “Alright, god damn.”
“Coward.” The snicker had landed the blonde head first into the grass when you kicked him.
An hour or so later the both of you were finally done, panting from the hard work, sweating like a pig in a slaughterhouse and covered in dirt but still proud, looking over the restored garden with the variations of colours, standing proud under the light of the moon which shone down directly on you both.
Proud was the word you would use, not for you but for the boy under your arm, looking over your shared labour. It was expected of a hero to be good of heart but to see it in action truly filled you with such a feeling, overjoyed to be the tilted “Guide” of someone who was just kind. Spirit (as well as Wind) had done these things because they wanted to, were good to these ghosts because they could, they didn’t want a thing out of this, no form of payment, just to see the joy over the dead’s faces when a favour could be fulfilled.
Mrs Seine’s face was definitely worth it. The black tears of anguish finally fading away to show her old face lighten, a smile breaking through with gratitude in her eyes as she gently stroked over her prized possession; cupping a single rose within the rich rose bush with a fondness of a lifetime, turning to you both a final time.
“Thank you.” And with that, she was gone.
A silence settled between you both when you finally squeezed him to your side, catching his eyes when he looked up at your face. “You’re a good kid, Link.”
His own smile broke out as he opened his mouth to respond- only for the sound of the back door opening to cut him off.
You didn’t even wait to see the look of Mr Seine before throwing the boy under your arm and leaping over the small wire fence, racing into the night.
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Watching Black Sails 3x7
My watching is picking up pace again, maybe because I'm procrastinating other things with it... like doing my taxes.
Oh damn, did Max know exactly where to find her?? - Pls don't fight, pls don't fight...
Oh, okay, this is a planned meet-up. Also Anne on a horse is doing things to me. She looks so cool!
"Fuck what he needs." My thoughts exactly.
Well that went well. But also I'm confused - what was the night at the cave Anne was referring to? Because the last time we've seen them together, Jack had definitely not been arrested yet.
Also Max arguing for Jack's life (and, granted, probably her own ambitions for Nassau...) is maybe a bit ironic?
"it will tear her to pieces." I just want my lesbians to be happy, is that too much to ask?? Appearantly...
"Now you come back with nothing but him -" Well, I for once am happy he did!! But the ships would've been nice as well.
Vane seems as into Flint's military speeches as the rest of us.
"I don't know yet." Not what you want to hear from your most important ally in that kind of situation! But the queen seems to know quite a bit about military strategy herself.
Man, I wish Jack were long gone by now! Alas...
Yes, pirate queen Madi soon!!
That man does not look healthy at all. A plague in Nassau is the last thing we need right now... or is it?
Yay, Jack is not being tortured!! - Wait, Rogers is married??
Nooo, don't give Jack to the Spanish!! Bad, bad governor! (And Max is genuinely upset. .__.)
Haha, I bet I know what Featherstone is thinking right now!
I don't think the Spanish need to provoke Anne at all, when they meet up with her without Jack, she will tear into them like a rabid dog.
Yes, wlw solidarity! Or something.
"I don't know what is worse, Anne dying for Jack or surviving without him." T_T
Oh, a peace offering!
Hm, maybe I don't know what Featherstone was thinking.
Vane is still really pissed about the whole thing, huh? That really got under his skin.
Oh wow, is Billy actually being helpful?? - Yes, Silver is back!!
I love every single sentence of that conversation between Max and Eleanor. God, this show does relationships between women so well even though there aren't that many.
Eleanor playing with fire, nothing new here...
Okay, maybe I feel for Rogers a bit. Who could resist a woman like her? - And it's been a while since the show has been that explicit, right? I kinda missed it. It somehow feels different than in a lot of other shows, more interesting.
Okay, that's an interesting post-sex topic. But it kind of feels like Nassau itself is fighting back against the foreign invaders.
"You're one of them." Man, you have no idea how much. Or do you?
And I don't really believe Eleanor when she says she no longer wishes to be that way. But Rogers appearantly does.
Love Vane being all sneaky. And Featherstone's "Hand over Jack or Nassau burns. This is a dilemma to us how?" is really funny.
Roger's dream of a new Nassau is already falling apart, one Featherstone at a time.
"He's fine. - He's dying." From falsehood to truth in under 5 seconds flat. But love for the slave girl from season 1 (who's appearantly named Eme, which I had forgotten) to get some plot! I always felt like she would be a bigger part of the narrative, and then she wasn't.
That's not a very full tavern for Silver's show. But it's probably safer that way.
Oof, and he's immediately back to insulting his audience. But I love that he's basically telling the ghost story Flint wrote for himself so long ago.
Oh, of course Madi knows Eleanor, they grew up together! But Madi should be careful about what she says, Eleanor did free Eme from slavery after all, there might still be some loyalty there...
Guess we're gonna find out who is already sick of civilized life and would rather go back on the account (or is simply more terrified of Flint than England).
It is such a delight to see Silver work. The man definitely has a way with words.
UGH, Dufresne. Somebody finally kill that guy.
I think he's making a mistake underestimating Silver here. A lot has happened since they last saw each other.
YES! (They're really controlling the room well with just a handful of men.)
Ewwwww. But yeah, that'll send a message. They couldn't have planned this better. (Also the Silver of S1 would have never. - Although - he did stab a man in the first episode.)
Aww, Flint checking up on Silver! - Ugh, these two are so co-dependent. No wonder everybody is insane over them.
Everybody like: Oh shit, Flint is alive! Rogers is about to find out Eleanor named the wrong pirate as the most dangerous one.
Rogers playing 5d chess in regards of how to (not) react to this newest development, and probably still coming up short in the end. There is no way Flint isn't already two steps ahead.
Idk if Max wants to help with this. Isn't this a way to get Anne (and Jack) out of harms way? She's gotta see this.
Either way, Idelle is not wholy on board, I think. But I love how much influence the whores have in this show because everybody always underestimates them.
Ugh, she is back. Is that wise? She wasn't very nice to the girls who do remember her. Why not Idelle?
But Max doesn't want some random whore, she wants Anne. ;_;
Huh, Flint is impressed. Maybe I did underestimate Rogers. Either way, this will certainly be a meeting to remember.
Oh god, Rogers immediately twists the knife that is Thomas Hamilton. Let's hope Flint won't jump over the table and try to strangle him. (And how much does Eleanor know about that whole story? Certainly not everything.)
"Nobody's being hanged." Well, except for Jack maybe?? Since you're giving him to the Spanish??
"So what is it you're fighting for that we're not already offering?" Revenge.
Also they're just gonna pardon the burning of Charlestown? Or did they blame all of that on Vane?
"I no longer seek anything from England except her departure from my island." Flint really has the best lines.
Featherstone trying to bring some brain cells to Vane's single-minded pursuit of Anne Bonny and the cache... but maybe in vain (haha).
If this gives me just one actual interaction between Charles and Anne, instead of them merely existing in the same space, I will be happy.
Those are maybe too many men to kill even for Bonny. But maybe not for the both of them?
Oh Anne! She's gonna think Max betrayed her! This is breaking my heart.
So this was the plan? Let the money get away and leave Anne ready for anything? Not a bad plan, but still.
Oh, they had already met up before! So Anne was playing a role. That explains how she gave up rather easily.
Vane has actually though this through!! Or maybe somebody else thought it through for him. And this also means that they're forcing Flint's hand, who might otherwise not be so interested in Jack's rescue.
I approve. Surely nothing will go wrong...
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ellicler · 2 years
izzy hands is a sad and desperate little man futilely struggling against the systems he hates, yet unable to escape their conditioning. he constantly recreates the very power structures that he’s trying to destroy because a. he thinks they’re effective, b. they’re the only thing he knows and c. he’s inherently someone who likes existing inside of very ordered and familiar lines and he’s afraid of the chaos of change, of stepping into the disordered unknown. (in that way edward is very complementary and very healthy for him.)
there’s three major areas where he exhibits the same dynamic (they’re all interconnected of course). first is obviously patriarchy with its toxic masculinity, its cycles of abuse, its denial of true intimacy. a lot has been said on this point by people more eloquent than me. it’s stede who has the idea to propose an idiotic and visionary question, ‘and what if it wasn’t like that?’ (stede who has more leisure and more intellectual breathing room as a member of the privileged class. this show is so good.) other pirates (even the ones from blackbeard’s crew) accept this freedom of emotional expression, izzy vehemently rejects it.
second is the (british naval) hierarchy, and probably more generally western colonialism as a theme. it’s great we got to see how much izzy despises the british (’do you really want to lick the king’s boots?’) and yet his intransigence about the hierarchy on blackbeard’s ship is something weirdly parallel to the inhumane discipline on the british fleet. what are you even a pirate for, if you don’t have workplace democracy and a preestablished code of conduct? all right, a ship needs a certain amount of discipline to function, and you want to beat you enemies at their own game, but leaving no freedom for your crew makes you honestly indistinguishable from the system you hate. (it does make me wonder if izzy has some past background in the military fleet.) this is also a perspective that best explaines the rather odd scene of izzy as captain of Revenge lording it over the crew. he’s pointedly having dinner while they work (very much a parallel to the ep1 dining scenes with the british officers, a caste who hold themselves above the simple sailors serving them and get killed for their arrogance) and he also chooses to put to physical work the three men of color from the original crew (who doesn’t love to add a bit of racism to their classism). from the POV of the audience (and the crew) izzy is achieving precisely nothing with this show of symbolic power, but for him it’s probably the natural way to display and reinforce his new status (he wants to establish new boundaries quickly). a hilarious values dissonance. (mate just take a page out of blackbeard’s book and threaten someone with a knife through the eye, even that would’ve worked better.)
third is christianity with its ideas about love, servitude and virtue. (as @knowlesian hasn’t yet written the Weird White Jesus post, i’m forced to muddle through on my own, but i didn’t notice it before their game-changing izzy meta. unfortunately christian insanity is background noise to me, i was raised and bred on dostoyevsky.) there’s a very specifically christian emotional tone about self-sacrifice and suffering as the Greatest virtue, about self-abjection and self-negation due as service to your idol who is the quintessence of all perfection and power. the worship and unquestioning obedience due to White God Jesus and his proxies on this earth are trained into you and that's something that leaves a permanent impression on one’s sense of self. so once you rebel against the corrupt and selfish authorities you still carry that expectation of the Perfect Incarnation of Authority in you, an empty place inside your soul. you’ve learned that joy in acceptance of suffering is the highest form of love. you must not only submit willingly to the pain inflicted on you but also find happiness and fulfillment in it. ...i’m sure it’s plain to see the more extreme of izzy’s kinks have a lot of themes in common with this, but it’s also about the general psychological need to find the perfect leader and submit oneself wholly and entirely to his cause. you can’t just respect and follow a good man: you have to make a God out of him. (again, from edward’s POV being objectified in this way is just a colonisation narrative, again as @knowlesian pointed out here).
so anyway. izzy hands season 2 challenge. if your violent defiance of these systems is to be worth a damn, you have to stop letting yourself be defined by their narratives
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List of TV Shows I Want to Watch in 2022
Last updated: March 20
New content (I might have seen parts of those shows but there is at least one season per show that I haven’t seen yet)
Arcane (Season 1) - The aesthetics looks so cool.
Biohackers (Season 1 / 2) - I love this show, I really need to ask H. when we continue watching the second season. Update: I asked, we’re getting back into this soon.
Black Sails (Season 1 / 2 / 3) - I love shows about pirates.
Centaurworld (Season 1 / 2) - Watching this show is the closest I ever gotten to a chemically induced trip.
Disenchantment (Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4) - Needs more mermaid.
Dopesick (Season 1) - I haven't even seen the trailer but I heard good things about it. If anyone has some thoughts about this, let me know.
Good Omens (Season 1 / 2)
Killing Eve (Season 1 / 2 / 3 / 4) - I am so excited for the new season.
Only Murders in the Building (Season 1) - I'm gonna be honest here, I wanna watch this because of Selena Gomez. Aside from that, I have absolutely no idea what this show is about. I assume there is a murder. Update: L. said it is good!
Our Flag Means Death (Season 1) - Gay pirate show. Yes. So many times yes.
Sex Education (Season 1 / 2 / 3)
Shadow and Bone (Season 1) - I was looking forward to this so much that I never actually started to watch it.
Space Force (Season 1 / 2)
The Great (Season 1 / 2)
The Owl House (Season 1 / 2 / 3) - I am sad this will be a last season. I am not ready to say goodbye.
The Witcher (Season 1 / 2)
The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (Season 1) - The length of the title is intriguing.
The Queen's Gambit (Season 1) - I got so many recommendations for that one.
Warrior Nun (Season 1 / 2) - My excitement knows no boundaries.
What We Do In the Shadows (Season 1 / 2 / 3) - I admit, it takes some time for me to warm up to the ideas of vampires, but we’re getting there.
Young Royals (Season 1) - The premise sounds exactly like my thing.
Rewatch (I absolutely adore doing rewatches)
Community (Season 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6)
Hannibal (Season 1 / 2 / 3) - Ah, the show that made me learn English. I didn't want to wait another year for the translation so learning English was my only option.
Inside Job (Season 1)
Kipo and the Ago of Wonderbeasts (Season 1 / 2 / 3) - Great character work and I especially love how they worked music into the narrative.
One Day at a Time (Season 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
She-Ra (Season 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5) - I don't think I need to tell Tumblr why I love that one.
Tatort Saarbrücken (Episode 1 / 2 / 3) - Tumblr made me watch it, I take no responsibility this obsession.
The Good Place (Season 1 / 2 / 3 / 4) - This is my comfort show and I will probably watch it at least one more time this year.
So yeah, there is a lot I want to watch so I will absolutely not be able to watch all of that because I will get distracted by other shows as well. Aaaanyway, if you have any recommendations that I think I would like based on this list, let me know, I absolutely love watching shows based on recommendations!
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The Last Dragon
Below the read more I've posted 7 very small sections of a fic that is based on this beautiful and tragic fanvid. I got literal chills watching it. If you wanna sob over our queen and her son wanting to avenge his mother, give it a watch.
I don't think I'll ever go any further, as my writing had an unfortunate run in with a brick wall, which then toppled over it and crushed any urge to write the next bit.
It's not too terrible--though it could actually be total shit, I'm not known for my writing 😂--and it was just gonna gather dust on my laptop, so figured I might as well post it. This was one of my ways of dealing with that fucked up last season within the framework of the show. I dont believe this is Dany's end, and I loathe with every fiber of my being what happened to her and her found family. And after seeing that video, the idea of Drogon doing everything he could to avenge the mother he loved more than anything appealed to that anger inside me. So I'll understand if this isnt for everyone ❤
Chapter 1
He flies, great black wings carrying them away.
Sharp, massive claws curl in gently. Protectively.
Mother is gone.
The cold creeps, burning against his scales the way fire never has.
Mother don’t leave.
A whisper on the wind calls to him.
Mother it hurts.
East, it sighs. It smells of smoke, and fire. Hope.
He follows, wings beating faster.
They took you.
The rage flares, searing away the cold.
They killed you.
The heat of it bursts within him, scaled skin shaking with the strength of it.
Fire and blood.
Jaws stretch wide, and the air burns red with grief.
Chapter 2
The sky bleeds red from the dying sun when Drogon reaches Volantis. The whisper that drew him there stops as he lands on an open balcony.
A woman stands before him, black hair and red robes flying up in the gust of wind from his wings. His claw gently opens, Mother’s cold body slowly sliding onto the hard stone.
Crimson, mournful eyes watch the red woman kneel by Mother, pale fingers hovering over her, not touching, for a long moment.
“I cannot bring her back, Drogon,” she murmurs, regretful.
He throws his head back, bellows fury and sadness into the sky. No, Mother, come back. I am alone.
A faint brush at the back of his mind--where Mother used to be, his brothers, the thoughts they shared together--grasps his attention. Makes him look back down at the red woman.
“I cannot give you back Daenerys Targaryen, but I can give you something else.”
His nostrils flair, and his head moves closer.
“I can give you the revenge you desire. As it stands, you may be able to raze the whole of the Seven Kingdoms, turn it all to ash, but that would not be what your mother wanted.”
Drogon growls, lips pulled up in a snarl. Sheep. All are sheep. Betrayed Mother. Killed Mother. No mercy.
She nods her head. Comprehends what he is unable to say out loud.
“Yes, they all betrayed Daenerys, took from her and killed her when her visions grew too great for their small minds. They could not grasp that the Mother of Dragons was above all a breaker of chains. She would have freed us all.”
She pauses, then continues, her voice hard. “They need to be punished. And they will be. But Daenerys’ dreams must be realized. Dragon’s Bay must remain free. The Dothraki cannot return to what they were, raping and pillaging. And the petty lords of Westeros must be laid low. Those who destroyed Daenerys must see their reigns come to an end not only by dragon fire, but by the unification of the people they have ground into the dust, unified against them.”
“A dragon has the power to do great things, but to lead men, to lead armies, that is the one thing you cannot do, Drogon. Not as you are. You must be more. And by the Lord of Light’s grace, you can become exactly what the people need.”
Drogon rumbles in frustration, steam billowing from between his sharp, clenched teeth. He doesn’t understand.
“Human, Drogon. You must become human.”
Chapter 3
They take Mother, to clean her, he is told. Remove the dagger, her clothes. Wash the blood away.
The red woman directs him to fly from the balcony, down into an open courtyard below. A large fire pit rages with a towering flame. It warms him, feels like Mother’s hand caressing his scales.
Dragons cannot cry. A mournful moan makes his great neck tremble. Human. Perhaps he can cry when he is human.
People in red robes enter the courtyard, one after another, until they circle around Drogon. His tail twitches. Their closeness agitates him.
The red woman appears, crossing the circle to stand in front of the fire. Hatred fills him when he sees what is in her hands. The dagger stained with Mother’s blood. Coward. The coward’s dagger.
“I am sorry Drogon. It is a necessary piece of the ritual. Soon,” she soothes, “you will have all you need to begin your campaign against the traitors.”
Another voice brushes against that same place in his mind. That lonely place where Mother, Rhaegal, and Viserion once lived. Soon, it too promises.
The red woman turns her head, scans the other acolytes before catching Drogon’s eyes.
“Let us begin.”
Voices hum together in chant, and the sky is filled with an agonized roar.
Chapter 4
He groans.
Drogon, my love.
Everything hurts.
You cannot sleep forever, my beautiful boy.
He moves his head slightly. Cringes at the sharp pain.
Wake up, Drogon.
Mother? Why does everything hurt so much?
It’s time.
The voice begins to fade. He reaches out a hand, slowly, to make it stay, and freezes. He has a hand. A human hand.
Fingers curl into his palm, and the nails scratch against his skin, bite into it. His legs scrape against the stone as he slowly stretches out one, then the other.
He can still feel the fire to the side of him; it feels heavier, pressing on his skin but it does not hurt his flesh.
What burns more painfully is the missing weight of his wings. No flight for him now.
Cold fingers brush his shoulder, curve sharply to hold him when he recoils.
He doesn’t like to be held, or touched, no one but Mother, and his brothers, but they are gone. Gone, gone, gone…
“Drogon! It is only me, Kinvara!” The voice finally penetrates, and he stops pulling away.
Allowing for her help, he rolls carefully onto his back. Sharp pebbles dig into his skin. No scales to protect him anymore.
He feels her fingers move to his face, tracing the human features. “Open your eyes Drogon. See what the Lord of Light has gifted to you.”
Gift? No gift. Just more pain. Weakness. But he opens his eyes. The fire from the pit is soothing, warm. Warmer than...before. Would it burn him? His hand flinches towards it but he’s not close enough to touch.
He turns his eyes toward Kinvara. She is smiling, eyes reflecting the fire’s light.
She waves a hand towards an acolyte. “Bring me a robe. We must cover our dragon prince.”
Red cloth is laid over him, and two other acolytes help Drogon to sit. They hold him up as the other wraps the robe around him more securely.
Drogon grits his teeth, blood rushing angry and hot.
He tries to talk, mouth struggling to form the human words. “W-We—” He growls, tries again. “W-Weak.”
“For now,” she says. “But you will grow stronger, I promise you.”
Drogon struggles to stay awake, but bone deep exhaustion pulls at him, and his frustration wanes as he slips into slumber.
Chapter 5
Four moons pass before Drogon is ready to set sail for Meereen. He was like a hatchling again, unsteady, vulnerable, and he hated it. Kinvara and her priests taught him the ways of his new body, how to eat and walk, to read their words.
Coarse fabric to wear instead of steely scales.
But now it is time. Time to search out Grey Worm. Daario. The Unsullied and Dothraki. Train with them and become stronger. Much stronger.
He knew how to fight as a dragon. Armies and castles were nothing against the heat of his fire. He must learn how to wage war as humans do.
Wrapped in a red cloak, hood hanging low over his face, Drogon is ready to begin.
Chapter 6
They are waiting for him at the dock after the sun has set, Grey Worm and Mother’s sellsword, two silent figures who do not move, do not speak until Drogon stands before them.
Daario breaks the silence first. “Drogon?”
He pulls back his hood, unnaturally crimson eyes in a human face flashing in the near dark.
Daario sucks in a breath, then huffs out a laugh. “If the red priests had not sent word ahead, I may not have believed it. But by the gods, here you stand.” He reaches out an arm for Drogon to clasp.
He does so, hesitantly, but with a firm grip. Human greetings still puzzle him.
Grey Worm steps closer then kneels, bows his head bowed, fist pressed against his chest. “Ñuha dārilaros. Bisy qringaomatan īlva dāria. Īlon emagon ossēntan se nāpāstre skoriot pōnta iōrtan (My prince. This one failed our Queen. We should have killed the traitors where they stood.).”
Drogon does not know if he is asking for forgiveness or absolution.
Dragons have no real concept of forgiveness. He should be angry the traitors were allowed to live. But Grey Worm is kin, as the little scribe had been. Mother’s old bear too, and the white-haired knight. Everyone who had been under Mother’s protection, had been under her children’s protection as well. And would continue to be.
“Rise, Grey Worm.” His voice is rough and sharp edged, and it seems to startle the two men to hear him speak. “Those that hurt Mother, that used her and took her life will be punished as they deserve. But I need your help. So rise. Let us repay them with fire and blood. For Mother. For Missandei. For them all.”
He holds out a hand, waits.
Grey Worm looks up, eyes bright with unshed tears. His lips tremble, then firm. He takes Drogon’s hand.
Chapter 7
They convene in Mother’s chambers, the map room he would never have been able to fit in before almost cavernous to him now.
Spread out around the table, the three men pull together a plan as they look down at the map.
First, they will weed out the opposition in Essos, solidify their hold in the east. Astapor, Yunkai, they will all come to heel, every slave freed. They would be as clever as Mother had been, keep the number of innocents lost as low as they could. Drogon would prefer to burn through the Good Masters, snap them up and tear them apart, but for Mother, he would be patient, and take the slower path. All the slavers would still die, and their victims would live, and live free.
But for what Drogon had planned, he needed steel in place of claws, armor instead of dragonhide. He needed Grey Worm and Daario to make him as fearsome as a human as he’d been as a dragon. And that would take time.
He ground his blunted teeth together; he hated waiting. Hated it. But let the traitors think they were safe for a while longer. It would be all the sweeter when he ripped that feeling of safety away, just as they ripped Mother away from him. His brothers. His home.
They would feel his pain. And then they would feel nothing at all.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
graduation day pt. 4
fem!reader x finn balor
one month has passed since Finn asked reader to marry him. Reader and Finn haven’t spoken because his question freaked her out a little bit. She called her mom to come visit, and reader confesses everything that’s happened since graduation day to seek advice from her mother ... “all i know is that i love him”
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word count: 5.4k+
warnings: fluffy, smut, sad!finn, a long imagine because yeah
— next part will be the final part of the series .... i spent about a week or so working on this for y’ all so i hope you like it —
masterlist || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 | part 5 || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You sit in your apartment, waiting for the knock on your door that says that your mother is here.
You didn’t know what to do about Finn so you called her, asking her to come visit. You’re going to tell her everything. Why you didn’t come home after graduation and the real reason you never came home for Christmas. You’re going to tell her everything that’s happened between you and Finn, including the marriage proposal.
“Marry me, Y/N,” Finn says to you.
Your eyes are wide and on the ring that Finn is holding out to you.
His words hang in the air for a moment before you say, “Finn, I-”
Finn interrupts, saying, “I know it’s probably too soon but the past seven months or so have been the best of my life. I’ve loved the past seven months with ya.”
“I have too,” you say. “It’s just that my parents don’t even know you exist, your parents don’t know I exist. The teachers and everyone at school probably know now because of Veronica’s loud mouth. I think we should deal with that before we get engaged, Finn.”
His facial expression changes from happy and hopeful to upset and worried. “Yeah,” he says. “That’s true.” Sadness is laced in his voice.
You take his face in your hands and say, “It’s not a no, Finn. I’m not saying no. I’m saying just wait a little bit. Introduce me to your parents and I’ll introduce you to mine. Let’s deal with whatever comes our way after winter break. Once all of that is taken care of then yes, I’ll marry you.”
Finn nods and a small smile forms on his lips. “Okay,” he says.
You smile and peck his lips before you fell asleep in his arms.
When you woke up that morning, you overthought everything. You overthought meeting his parents and you overthought him meeting yours. Your anxiety was so high about going back to work after winter break, which is tomorrow.
It freaked you out so you left before Finn woke, locking your apartment door and not speaking to Finn. Last week, that’s when you called your mom and asked her to come to Florida for a few days. She arrives today.
You’re curled up on your couch with a cup of warm coffee in your hands and a blanket on your body. You’re watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix. It’s about nine in the morning.
The knock you’ve been waiting for comes at 9:30. You walk to the door, looking through the peep hole to see your mother.
You open the door, putting the coffee down on the little table by the entrance. Your mother says, “Hi, Y/N.” She smiles. “I’m so happy that you called.”
Tears immediately prick your eyes and you hug your mom. Tight. “I missed you, Mom,” you say, almost crying into her shoulder.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” she asks, looking over at you and seeing the tears on your cheeks. “Why are you crying?”
You wipe the tears and say, “A lot has happened and I haven’t been able to get it all out.”
Your mom walks inside your apartment and says, “Come talk to me.” You nod, grabbing your coffee and shutting the apartment door, locking it again.
After setting her things down in your extra bedroom, your mother joins you and sits on the couch.
“Tell me what’s wrong, Y/N,” she says to you.
You sigh and say, “I, uh, I’m in a relationship. Well, I think I’m in a relationship. I don’t know anymore. Um, he proposed and it kind of freaked me out.”
Your mom tilts her head on confusion and she asks, “In a relationship with who?”
“Finn Balor,” you say quietly.
She blinks and says, “That name sounds familiar.”
You mumble, “He was my English professor in my senior year.”
Your mother blinks at you and asks, “You’re dating your English professor? Y/N L/N!”
“In my defense, he’s my former professor,” you say. “Former as in nothing happened until after I graduated.”
Your mom says, “You said he proposed.”
Nodding, you say, “He did. Last month. It freaked me out and I haven’t talked to him since.”
“Why did it freak you out?” your mom asks.
You sigh, “Because he’s seventeen years older than me, almost eighteen. He has an established career and I’m fresh out of college. I haven’t met his parents because they’re in Ireland, he hasn’t met you and Dad. There’s so much I don’t know about him.”
Your mother listens to every word. She waits until you’re done talking to say something. “What do you know about him? What kind of person is he?”
After thinking for a second, you say, “I know that I love him. I know he loves me too. I know that he’s a nice person that cares deeply for me. I know that I do want to spend the rest of my life with him, even though it's only been about seven months. He's so nice, Mom. Aside from the fact he's almost twenty years older than me, and my former teacher, you'd love him."
She says, "I'd like to meet him, Y/N. I would."
You blink at her and say, "You actually want to meet him?"
Your mom nods and says, "Honey, if you love someone as much as you love Finn, and you think that you'll spend the rest of your life with him, then you don't let them go. I'd love to meet Finn. It's nice to see you in a solid relationship even though it's only been a little bit. I never expected to see you with your teacher but I can tell he makes you happy, sweetheart."
"He makes me so happy, Mom," you say. "I've never been happier and I'm happiest when I'm with him."
She grabs her things and stands up, saying, "Let's go so I can meet him."
You look up at your mother and say, "I am not dressed to go see Finn, Mom."
Your mother says, "So get your butt up and into your room to get dressed. We leave in fifteen minutes."
Sighing, you get off the couch and walk down to your bedroom. You raid your closet to find something to wear. You find a cream-colored sweater dress that falls about halfway down your thighs. You pair that with a pair of light grey knee high heeled boots. They give you an extra three inches. You brush out your long Y/H/C colored hair before tying it into a messy bun on top of your head.
Once you're dressed, you put on some natural makeup before leaving the room. Your mom looks up at you and says, "Look at you. It's been a little bit since I've been you and you look beautiful."
You say, "Yeah, yeah. Let's just please get this done." You grab your car keys and look at your mom. She smiles at you and both of you leave your apartment.
Your mom sits in the passenger's seat while you get in the driver's seat.
Finn's house isn't that far away from your apartment. It's a five minute drive, tops. That's too short of a drive. You haven't spoken to Finn in a month. You haven't spoken to him since he proposed.
It's been too long, and you don't know if he'll even be willing to have you back in his life when you can just up and disappear like this.
You park on the street outside of Finn's house. Your mom gasps, "Wow. What a nice house. He must be paid really well at Full Sail."
"Yeah," you sigh, turning off the engine. "I get paid decently well as an assistant so I can't imagine what his salary is. I never asked."
As you get out, you notice a car you don't recognize in the driveway and your heart drops into your stomach as you think about who's car that could possibly be. You let out a little sigh as you walk up the walkway to the front door. You close your eyes for a second and hope it's Finn that opens the door.
After a very long minute, you knock three times. "I'll get it," a female voice calls from inside the house.
Your worst nightmare is coming true. You know who's probably inside the house.
The door opens and it's not who you thought it was. It's an older woman who looks a little bit like Finn. A wide smile forms on her lips and she says, "Oh my goodness. Ya must be Y/N!" Your eyes widen when you realize that you're standing in front of Finn's mother.
"Yeah," you stammer. "That's me. I'm Y/N. And this is my mother, Y/M/N."
Finn's mother says, "It's nice to finally meet ya, Y/N and Y/M/N. She turns and yells into the house. "Finn! There's someone here for ya! I didn't know that ya invited Y/N and her mother over!"
Finn's voice says, "That's because I-" He cuts himself off when he sees you. He stands in the foyer and he stares at you.
You look back at him and say, "Hi, uh, Finn."
He approaches the door. He's in a black t-shirt and loose black and white gym shorts. His hair is longer than it was when you last saw him.
"I, um, didn't know ya were coming over," Finn says as he stands behind his mom.
You look at Finn, trying to come back to reality, as you say, "She was in town and she wanted to meet you. I didn't know your mom was in town either."
Finn says, "My parents came in for New Years and are leaving next week. I thought I told ya."
He raises his eyebrows, trying to get you to catch on to what he's trying to say. You realize it and say, "Oh, right. I completely forgot."
His mom says, "Well, now that we're all here, how about we all eat some lunch? I know it's a little early but I make the best macaroni and cheese dish."
Your mom says, "I'd love to help." She walks into the house, walking away with Finn's mother. You're face-to-face alone with Finn for the first time since Christmas Eve.
"I didn't know your parents were in town," you say, starting to explain and apologize. "My mom wanted to meet you after I told her about what's been happening. I'm so sorry."
Finn says, "It's okay. I was hoping to see ya while they were in town. I was actually gonna stop by your apartment after classes tomorrow so ya could meet them."
You stare up at him and say, "Finn, I just wanted to explain why I just disappeared for the past month. I woke up beside you the next morning and just began to think. I started overthinking everything and it really freaked me out."
"Ya could have talked to me instead of disappearing," he says. You can hear the shakiness in his voice as he talks. "Maybe I could have eased everything that freaked ya out."
Knowing that Finn's about to possibly cry is enough to get you to tear up. "I know," you say. "I just didn't want you to think that it was about you. I wasn't freaking out about you."
Finn looks down at you and says, "That's all I've been thinking about since I woke up and saw ya weren't with me. I've been thinking about what I did wrong or what I did that chased ya away."
"It wasn't you, Finn," you say, starting to breakdown. "I promise it wasn't you. It's all me. You have done nothing wrong."
He looks at you and says, "Then tell me what I can do so ya can come back to me. I need ya, Y/N. I love ya. I love ya so much. I haven't been able to focus on what I've been needing to do because I spent the past few weeks trying to figure out what I did wrong."
You notice the tears that are starting to fall down his face. You cup his face in your hands and say, "I am so in love with you, Finn. So in love with you. You haven't done anything wrong. I was overthinking about meeting your parents and then what could happen tomorrow since it's the first day back at school since the party. It just really freaked me out. I love you, Finn."
Finn listens to every word you say and he leans into your touch. His eyes meet yours and he says, "I told my parents about ya at Thanksgiving. They've been excited to meet ya and when they do, we haven't spoken for a month."
"My timing isn't the best, is it?" you ask, trying to make a little light of the situation.
He shakes his head and he says, "Definitely not, but it's not impossible to work with either, Y/N."
You smile and say, "Let's go officially introduce me to your parents and I can introduce you to my mom."
Finn nods and says, "I want to do one thing before ya meet my parents." You raise your eyebrows at him in question as he leans down into you. He presses a long kiss to your lips. You smile against Finn's lips before you kiss him back.
He laces his fingers with yours and pulls back. "Come on," Finn says. "It's about time that ya met my parents."
You nod and walk into the house, holding Finn's hand. He closes the door behind you.
The two of you walk into the kitchen, where his parents and your mom stand. The sound of your heels on the wooden floor announces yours and Finn's arrival into the room.
"Mum," Finn says, clearing his throat. "Dad." His parents both look at him. You stand close to Finn. "I wanted to officially introduce ya both to my girlfriend, Y/N L/N. Y/N, my parents, Leonie and Fintan Devitt."
Finn's parents both smile as you look at your mom. "Mom," you say. "I wanted to officially introduce you to my boyfriend, Finn Balor. Finn, my mom, Y/M/N."
Your mother smiles at you before looking at Finn's parents. Finn's mom says, "It's wonderful to finally meet ya, Y/N. Officially, of course."
You smile and your mom says, "It's good to meet you too, Finn. I wish that Y/D/N was here to meet you too but maybe you and Y/N can come and visit us someday."
"I'd like that, Mrs. L/N," Finn says. You look up at Finn and he looks down at you.
Finn's mom says, "They're so cute together."
Your mom agrees as she helps Finn's mom cook the mac n' cheese dish.
He leans down and whispers in your ear, "Ya had nothing to worry about. They don't care about the age difference and they don't care that ya are a former student. They never have."
You look up at Finn and say, "You could have told me that."
Finn smiles and says, "I'm starting to get that."
After lunch is ready, the five of you sit at the dining room table. Finn's mom serves everyone. You take the first bite of the meal and you say, "This is amazing, Mrs. Devitt."
"Thank ya, sweetheart," she says.
You eat and make small talk with everyone at the table. The afternoon into the evening is full of laugher and conversation.
Finn's forgiven you for leaving and disappearing on him, but you still want to make up for it.
That night, you're sitting on the couch with your legs thrown across Finn's lap. You've also taken off the heeled boots you were wearing when you arrived. You're playing with Finn's fingers. He has a smile on his face as he watches you play with his fingers.
Your mom looks at the time and says, "Y/N. It's late. Do you want to head back to your apartment?"
Finn looks down at you and you glance up at him, saying, "It's a little late to drive home. I know it's only five minutes but I'm exhausted."
You look up at Finn and he says, "You're welcome to stay here for the night, Mrs. L/N. I have plenty of rooms in the house. Make yourself at home in one of the extra guest rooms."
Your mom says, "Thank you, Finn. That's very nice of you."
He smiles and nods at her before looking down at you. You yawn and Finn says, "Come on. Let's get ya to bed. Ya have to be up early tomorrow morning anyway so it's okay if ya go to bed early tonight."
You nod and start to get up, smoothing out your dress. You look at Finn's parents and say, "It was good to meet you both again. I'm sorry it didn't happen sooner."
"No problem, dear," Finn's mom says. "Have a good night."
You smile and say, "You too. Goodnight, Mom."
Your mom says, "Sleep tight, sweetheart."
Finn takes your hand and the two of you walk up to the third-floor bedroom that Finn sleeps in. You walk into the room and fall face first onto Finn's bed. He laughs and closes the door.
"Are ya that tired?" he asks.
You turn your head and look at Finn. "I just really missed your bed," you say, smiling. "It's more comfortable than mine."
Finn sits next to you and says, "I'm starting to think we broke your bed or something because it hasn't been comfortable for a while."
You sit up and look at Finn. "That's not a lie," you say. "Now you owe me a bed."
He laughs and says, "Or ya could just come and stay in my bed, with me. Just a suggestion." He smiles.
You giggle and say, "I'll think about it. Sometimes I just like to use your bed for things other than sleeping."
Finn raises his eyebrows and asks, "Like what?"
"Like," you say, pausing for a second before crawling onto Finn's lap. "This." You lean in and kiss him gently.
He laughs against your lips and pulls back, saying, "My parents are right downstairs and your mom could be anywhere."
You glance at the clock and it says that it's half past nine. You say, "It's not even ten yet. Your parents are probably still in the living room and we're two floors above them."
Finn stares up at you and says, "Ya haven't seen me in a month and ya already want to get in my pants."
"Who wouldn't want to get in your pants?" you giggle. "There are lots of things I've missed and being in your pants is one of them."
He smiles and asks, "What else did ya miss?"
You think for a second before you say, "That accent, your jokes, your smile. I missed being in your presence. I missed sleeping in your t-shirts or in your bed." Your hands slide to Finn's cheeks. "I missed sometimes falling asleep and waking up beside you."
Finn looks up at you as you speak and the smile on his lips gets bigger. His hands slip to your waist and he says, "So ya actually did miss me and didn't just miss getting in my pants."
You giggle and say, "The last thing I missed was getting in your pants. I liked you long before I ever got in your pants."
Finn leans up and says, "That's enough for me." You smile and close the space between your lips.
Immediately, the kiss is intense. Your hands roam from Finn's cheeks and down his chest. His hands slip under your dress and rest on your thighs.
Your hands slide under his t-shirt and you push up the fabric until his abs are exposed. You pull back from his lips and attach your lips to his neck. He sighs softly. You run your fingers over his abs before you push him back and prop yourself up on your arms.
Finn sighs, "Y/N"
"Hm?" you ask, pulling back from his neck and looking down at him.
He says, "You've met my parents. I've met your mom."
You raise your eyebrows and say, "That's a true fact."
Finn traces circles into your thighs as he says, "When I proposed on Christmas Eve, ya told me that ya would marry me once I met your parents and ya met mine."
You say, "I did say that." You smile.
He smiles when he realizes that you know where this conversation is going.
"Ya gonna make me get down on one knee to ask ya again?" he teases.
You lean down and kiss him. As he kisses you back, you say against his lips, "Yes, I'll marry you, Finn."
Finn reaches up and cups your face in his hands. The kiss gets more intense. He reaches down and pulls your sweater dress over your head, leaving you in your white bra and matching panties.
You start to grind against Finn's crotch, a sigh leaving your lips. You're still straddling Finn's waist as you grind against his growing bulge.
Soft sighs leave Finn's lips and he mumbles, "Ya better stop that, baby. Ya keep doing that and I'll have to do something about it."
Pulling away, you look down at Finn. You start to sit up, dragging your fingers down his chest. "You won't do anything," you say, smirking. "I'm in charge tonight. I have a little bit of time to make up for."
Finn bites his lip and watches as you reach behind you, unclasping the bra and letting the fabric fall from your body. You toss the piece of clothing to the floor.
"Hey," you say, catching Finn's attention. "My eyes are up here, Balor." He looks up at you and you smile.
He wraps his arms around your bare waist. You start to push up Finn's shirt and you look down at his upper body as he helps you pull the piece of clothing over his head. You move down, straddling his thighs instead of his waist.
You lean down, looking up at Finn with your eyes, and leave kisses on his chest and abs. You kiss down to the waistband of his shorts before you pull the shorts off.
Biting your lip, you trace his semi-erect member over his boxers with your finger.
Finn props himself up and watches you. You start to pull off his boxers and lick your bottom lip. His member pops out of his boxers. You smirk a little bit.
You take him in your hand and start to stroke him. You lick the tip of his member and smirk before you start to take him in your mouth.
A soft groan escapes Finn's lips and he falls onto his back, looking up at the ceiling.
As you start to bob your head up and down, Finn's groans turn into soft moans. His fingers slide into your hair and he helps you move your head.
You swirl your tongue around his member, occasionally sucking.
Finn starts to twitch in your mouth and he sighs, "Baby, keep doing that and I won't last much longer."
With a pop, you release him from your mouth. You smirk at Finn as you get on your knees, pulling off your panties. You crawl back onto Finn's waist. He watches as you position him at your entrance.
Before you lower yourself onto his member, you lean down and press a lingering kiss to his lips. "You relax, baby," you mumble against his lips. "I'll take good care of you."
He looks up at you and smirks as you lower yourself onto him. Finn's hands are on your waist as you slowly begin to bounce up and down on Finn, going further down onto him every bounce.
Soft moans and sighs escape both your lips and Finn's lips. Your hands are on his chest so you can stay balanced.
You try not to move too roughly so the bed doesn't make any noise and make your parents suspicious. You throw your head back and accidentally let out a loud moan.
"Baby," Finn gasps. "Shh. They'll hear us."
You bite your lip and say, "Sorry." You keep moving as Finn sits up. He kisses you so you stay quiet. You moan softly against his lips as you both near your climaxes.
Finn's hands roam your body as your walls clench around Finn. You moan and whine into the rough kiss as you reach your high. You release around Finn and he follows suit, releasing into you a few moments later.
Both of you collapse onto the bed with a sigh. A thin layer of sweat has appeared on both of you as you messily kiss.
You pull yourself away from Finn to lay beside him. He reaches over into the drawer of the bedside table. He pulls out a little box, the same one from Christmas Eve, and presents it to you.
He rolls onto his side to look at you. He opens the box, revealing the same beautiful ring as before. Only this time, it doesn't freak you out.
Finn takes the ring out and takes your left hand. He looks up at you and asks, "Are ya sure ya want to marry me? Ya won't freak out and run off?"
Shaking your head, you say, "Nope. You're stuck with me. I want to marry you, Finn."
Smiling, he slides the ring on your finger and kisses you. You kiss him back before the two of you embrace in a hug. The hug turns into a cuddle session and you're asleep within a few minutes.
Finn's alarm going off in the morning wakes you both up. He rolls over and turns it off as you yawn and rub your eyes.
"Good morning, my love," Finn says, kissing your cheek. "Time to get up for school."
You groan and say, "I don't wanna go."
He laughs and says, "Come on. New classes start today. I know for a fact that my schedule is light this semester so I will be able to see ya more often. Don't ya get a new assignment today too?"
Yawning, you nod. "Yeah," you say. Your eyes widen and you look at Finn. "I may not be working with Veronica anymore."
He smiles and shakes his head. "Ya won't be because as a matter of fact, I requested ya be my assistant for the semester. I may have a light schedule but my classes are at least forty students and two hour classes so that means lots of work and assignments that need to be graded."
Immediately, you jump onto Finn and leave kisses on his face. "Thank you," you say, giggling. "Thank you. Thank you."
Finn laughs and says, "We're gonna be late. Just put on what ya wore yesterday and we can leave the school after my noon class."
You smile and nod, getting dressed and fixing your hair.
In the light of the rising sun that is shining through the window, you catch a glimmer of the silver engagement ring on your finger as you rush to get dressed. You stop and look at the pretty ring on your finger.
"Ya having second thought?" Finn asks in your ear.
You shake your head and look up at Finn. "I was just admiring the ring. It's beautiful," you say. "Absolutely stunning."
He smiles and says, "Just like ya."
Giggling, you peck his lips and say, "Alright. Let's go. We don't wanna be late."
Finn nods and gets his things together. The two of you walk downstairs together and smell coffee being made in the kitchen.
Your mom is making coffee when you appear in the kitchen. "Good morning," she says. "I didn't think the two of you would have actually been able to get up this early after last night."
Finn asks, "What happened last night?"
"We were blasting music down here," your mom says. "Having fun and talking. I'm guessing we didn't actually keep you up like we thought."
You shake your head and say, "Nope. We fell asleep pretty quickly last night. Is there coffee for me to take to work?"
Your mom nods and says, "Go to town. You too, Finn."
Finn smiles and says, "Thank ya, Mrs. L/B." He grabs two travel mugs from a cabinet and pours coffee into both of them. You add extra creamer and sugar to yours.
As you close the lid to the travel mug, your mother asks, "Where did you get that?" You look at her and find her eyes fixated on the ring on your finger.
You look at Finn before slowly saying, "I got it after Finn proposed again last night.
She asks, "So its official? The engagement is real this time?"
Finn smiles and says, "It's real this time. Ring and all."
You giggle and your mom says, "Oh, sweetheart. Congratulations." She hugs you. "My baby is all grown up."
Glancing at the time, you say, "Okay, Finn and I have to get to work. Please don't make a big deal out of the engagement. Not until I tell Dad."
She nods and says, "Okay, okay. Go to work. We'll talk after."
Finn takes your hand and you leave the house with him.
In the car on the way to school, Finn says, "I was serious when I said about ya coming and spending every night in my bed with me. We work together now so it would be easier if we just carpooled together from my house."
"Move in with you?" you ask, looking at Finn. "Is there anymore serious conversations you want to have today?"
Finn smiles and says, "No more serious conversations after this. Not until we start planning the wedding at least."
You laugh and say, "Since it is easier to just move in with you then yes, I'll move in with you. I wouldn't mind falling asleep next to you and walking up next to you every day either."
He pulls into the parking lot and says, "I wouldn't mind that either."
Teachers and students mill around campus already. It's close to nine in the morning so classes have definitely already started.
Finn gets out of the car and you get out after him. You meet Finn at the front of the car and he holds his hand out. "People definitely know," he says. "Let's just embrace it at this point."
You smile and take his hand. The two of you begin to walk toward the English building. Teachers look at the two of you and you're suddenly thankful that they probably can't see the engagement ring on your finger since Finn's holding your left hand.
Finn walks up to his office with you. As you walk down the hallway, you can hear Veronica's voice. She's in the head of the department's office.
You eavesdrop a bit.
"I don't care if she's a good assistant, I want her fired," she is yelling. "She's a former student dating her teacher! It's completely inappropriate considering she was just his student less than a year ago!"
You cover your mouth and Finn says, "They can't actually fire ya for that. Nothing happened until I wasn't your teacher anymore."
"Technically, we did sleep together before I got my diploma," you remind him. "It was only by a few hours though."
Finn unlocks his office and walks inside, saying, "Ya were pretty much my former student at that point. Now look at us. A year after we met and now we're engaged to be married."
You sit at Finn's desk and say, "Crazy how things can change in a year."
He leans over his desk to be face to face with you as he says, "Give us another year or two and ya will be Mrs. Balor."
You laugh and Finn kisses you before you head to your first class with him of the semester.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
*The Best French Hot Chocolate*
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 12 minutes
2 Cups Whole Milk
½ Cup Heavy Cream
1 Tablespoon Powdered Sugar
12 Ounce Dark Chocolate
Whipped cream
Add milk, powdered sugar and heavy cream to a saucepan and heat over medium - high heat until simmering, being careful not to scald or boil. While the milk mixture is heating, chop the dark chocolate ( For best flavor, use a good quality chocolate that's at least 60 - 70% cacao ). Once simmering and heated thoroughly, remove from the heat and add the chopped chocolate to the saucepan. Whisk until smooth. Pour into small mugs and serve immediately with whipped cream and a little extra chopped chocolate on top.
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❄ Three Wishes ❄
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"Weird, I never noticed the hole in the ceiling until now." You said to yourself as you looked up at the said hole in the cream - colored ceiling of your bedroom.
And you noticing even the smallest of cracks in the walls, and ceilings, of your bedroom? In the dark?
This insomnia really was taking a toll on your whole body and your mental health!
And now, as you lay on your bed staring at the gaping hole in the ceiling, you couldn't help but wonder: if you didn't get to be in a relationship with that guy, would you still have difficulty sleeping? Would you be able to fall asleep at approximately ten in the evening?
Would you be able to concentrate more in the morning because you were able to have ample, not just enough, rest?
You sighed. You, thinking about what ifs, when it's already half - past two in the morning?
You growled helplessly as you took your pillow from underneath your head and covered your face with it to muffle the sound, all the while kicking the super soft bedsheets and flailing your legs about. Then, you threw the thing halfway across the room and sat up, ruffling your already messy hair.
"You should not be blaming him, girl!" You scolded yourself for, like, the ndth consecutive night since breaking up with that narcissist. "You should NOT be blaming him!" You swung your legs to the edge of the bed, reached for your fluffy bunny slippers, and stood. You opened the lamp, switching it on for the third time that evening. "It's all my fault! It's. All. My. Freaking. Fault!"
Meanwhile, as you made your way downstairs to get yourself a glass of water, all the while mumbling to yourself how it was your fault you couldn't sleep, V, Griffon, and Shadow were listening just outside your room, waiting for the perfect opportunity to execute the plan.
"That girl is goin' cuckoo, V!" Griffon exclaimed as he flew back down after observing your erratic movements and surveying the room as stealthily as he could. "She's talkin' to herself."
"No." Shadow, who was calmly standing next to the poet, rebutted. "More like, she's blaming herself. But, why?"
"That,... we'll know very soon." V answered as he tapped the ground with his metal cane, signaling for his familiars to begin the mission. And when you finally entered your room and closed the door, you heard some weird tapping on your window. 
At first, you thought it was only your over - active imagination but, when the tapping resumed and at a more rapid intensity, you couldn't help but grab the flower vase on your vanity table for protection. Wielding the porcelain ornament like a makeshift weapon, you cautiously stepped towards the window where the noise was coming from. You grabbed the heavy pink curtain with your free hand and hastily drew it, revealing a most curious winged - visitor flying just outside the window.
"Griffon?" You uttered, setting the vase down and immediately opening the glass window to let him in.
"Special delivery!" The bird gleefully announced as he drew back and waved his wing, showing the man standing just behind him.
The man,... standing just behind him,...
But, wait! You're on the second floor of the house!
"Did my heart love ‘till now?" The man greeted you, his smile ever so charming, his voice ever so soothing, his presence,... ever so calming. And with those mere words, you felt all the anxiety and weariness leave your entire system, hopefully for good. He,... only has such power over you. "Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty 'till this night."
"V?!" You couldn't help but shriek in fright as you leaned on the windowsill to see the man clearly and how he was able to come face to face with you. He looked and stood so confident! So proud! So majestically dark! And then, you finally noticed the thing he was standing on: a seemingly sentient swirling and curving set of jet - black stairs that glimmered and shone like a million diamonds against the moonlit, winter sky. It connected from the ground to where the poet's feet were, helping him balance.
How was he doing all this?!
"Wh - wha - ? H - how?!" You stammered as you gazed at the green - eyed man clad in a dark sweater before you.
The poet chuckled and took out a book from his black canvas bag, opened it, and took a deep breath. "She speaks!" V read with a clear and low voice that pierced through the silence of the night.
"W - well, of course! I - "
"Oh, speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as is a winged messenger of Heaven."
Is this man, you thought as you felt the sides of your lips curve up into a smile, reciting Romeo and Juliet?
V went on, seeing that his reading made you smile. "Unto the white upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy - puffing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air." V closed the book shut, seemingly waiting for your response, and that's when you finally remembered!
He was emulating the famous balcony scene from the Shakespearean play!
"Your turn, my lady." V told you in a teasing tone and that devilish smirk of his.
How is no one seeing all this?! "Oh! I - ah, let me see, ah," You stammered as you tried to recall Juliet's words. You slapped your forehead when your messed up mind finally conjured up some incoherent words and tried to recite. "Oh, V - err, I mean, Romeo! Yes, Romeo, where,... art thou, oh Romeo. I - is that it?"
The poet hummed in agreement. He, then, crossed his arms and tilted his head to side, watching you closely and with clear interest. "Yes, go on."
"Okay! Umm," You mumbled, tapping your chin as you tried to recall more of Juliet's words. "Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or - "
" ... or if thou will not be," V recited, helping you with the lines. " ... but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be,… a Sparda."
Wait, Sparda? "Oh, I'm not sure if it went like that. But, I don't really care! I'm not fond of that tragic play, anyway."
"Oh! Why is that?" V asked, seemingly surprised when he heard you say those words to him, outright.
"Call me stupid but, I prefer happy endings, thank you very much."
"Not stupid, no,..." V only uttered as he, once again, was made captive of your sweet smile. "I adore,... happy endings, as well,..."
"I'm glad to hear that." You answered. Feeling the cold creep up on your skin, you finally realized that the poet was practically standing on the cold outside your room! He must be freezing! "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry! Come in!" You opened your window wider and reached for his hand with your own, pulling it and helping him enter your room.
Soft, dainty hands clasped together with large, rough ones, your hands stayed joined a few more moments after letting the man into your room. Green and (E/C) eyes locked onto each other, you felt yourselves moving closer to chase that warmth and that gentleness. Two hearts beating in unison, you felt you were instantly connected to each other as he leaned down and -
"Ah, V," The two of you turned and noticed both Griffon and Shadow waiting for you. " ... we're gonna, uhh, make the thing now." Griffon said in a calm voice when, in fact, the cheese right in front of him was both killing him and making him giddy inside at the same time. Well, it was the first time he has seen his Master this happy. And for that, he was glad.
He was glad that his Master finally met you.
"Oh! Of course." V answered as he unwillingly let go of your hand. "Of course."
"The thing?" You asked, confused at the familiar's words and disappointed that the tender moment between you and V were cut short.
"Yes. Let them handle it." V replied, feeling confident of his trustworthy familiars. "For now, I have,... something for you."
"Really?" You said, your peripheral vision catching sight of the familiars opening the door and going outside to who knew where. "Like a surprise?"
"Yes. If you may,..."
A few moments later, you were back to your bed with your back against the propped up pillows and the lower part of your body covered with the soft and fragrant sheets to make you warm and comfortable. And as you wiggled your toes and watched the poet as he made himself comfortable on the chair next to your bed, you couldn't help but feel excited of what's to come. He, then, reached for his bag and took from it an old leather - bound book that seemed worn down and yet so beloved. With a flourish of his slender tattooed fingers, he opened the book and turned to a certain page, stealing a longing glance from you as he gently smiled to reassure you that everything will be fine.
"I will now tell you,... the story of how Love and Soul came to be." He spoke with that low, almost whisper - like voice of his that made the atmosphere even more relaxing and comfortable. He really knew what he was doing. "I will tell you,... the myth of Cupid and Psyche." His eyes going back to his old book, he began reading. "There was once a King who had three daughters, all lovely maidens, but the youngest, Psyche, excelled her sisters so greatly that,... beside them she seemed a very goddess consorting with mere mortals. The fame of her,... surpassing beauty spread over the earth, and everywhere men journeyed to gaze upon her with wonder and adoration and to do her homage,... as though she were in truth one of the immortals."
"She must be so beautiful, then!" You couldn't help but speak of your opinions regarding Psyche. And to V, it was a good thing. It meant that you're invested in the story. "And she's worshipped like a god!"
"I don't believe in gods," V answered with a smile. " ... for I only believe in one, true, beautiful goddess whose smile I always fervently pray to see everyday of my life."
His words making your heart swell and your body really warm, you settled back to your pillows, hugging a brown stuffed bear and keeping it close to your chest.
Then, V went on. "They would say that even Venus herself could not equal this mortal. As they thronged in ever - growing numbers to worship her loveliness no one any more gave a thought to Venus herself. Her temples were neglected, her altars foul with cold ashes, her favorite towns deserted and falling in ruins. All the honors once hers were now given to a mere girl destined some day to die. It may well be believed that,..."
Meanwhile, as V went on with his bedtime story, the familiars silently made their way towards the kitchen to do their Master's bidding, and that was to make you a nice cup of warm chocolate.
Except that they never made anything in their whole life aside from fried Empusa or skewered Hell Antenora, and that spelled trouble for the both of them.
"Ah, how do we do it again?" Griffon whispered, carefully trying to make his way towards the kitchen in the darkness of the house.
"Just boil some liquid and pour the chocolate in!" Shadow answered as she successfully located where the utensils were hidden.
"Ah, how do we do exactly that? And what liquid are we talkin' about here?"
Shadow stopped sniffing the neatly stacked utensils in the cupboard and stared at her companion with such dread in her own, red eyes.
"I don't know."
Griffon stared back at her with wide, golden eyes that made the situation seem worse. "Oh, fuck!"
"Didn't you read the instructions Master gave you?"
"What instructions?"
"You, imbecile! The paper that Master handed you earlier!"
"Oh! Is that the,... ahh,... instructions? Haha! Didn't know about that! Too bad, huh?!"
Shadow's eyes dangerously narrowed as she stalked towards Griffon like the dangerous predator that she was. "What did you do to the paper, Griffon?" She asked, a hint of that frightening growl escaping her throat.
Now, if demonic birds could even sweat, Griffon would probably be soaked and dripping wet as of that moment. "Ah, ah, I can explain! Listen to me very, very carefully, kitty - cat - "
"STOP CALLING ME A KITTY - CAT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO THE PAPER!" Shadow growled, the sound of her voice making the four corners of the old house tremble, its frightening noise reaching the second floor and making V stop reading.
"What was that?" You questioned, your eyebrows furrowed and your voice laced with worry and nervousness at the frightening noise you just heard.
"What do you mean by that, my dear?" V, on the other hand, pretended he did not hear anything.
"Ah, I thought I heard some noise downstairs,..."
"I C - CAN'T B - BREATH!" Wheezed Griffon, trying to escape Shadow's tail that went over his face, suffocating him. "H - HELP! AGHK! S – STOP! I BEG YA!”
"OF ALL THE THINGS YOU HAVE TO THROW AWAY, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL?! YOU, STUPID,... BIRD BRAIN!" Shadow growled, not caring at all whether Griffon would enter his stalemate state due to her ceaseless attack or just end up dead due to asphyxiation.
"Who is in my house?!"
Both Shadow and Griffon gasped as they looked at Adelaide, who was still in her night gown and pointing her rolling pin at them. Luckily for the familiars, it was too dark for her to see them.
Carefully putting Griffon down, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, Shadow cautiously stepped away and cleared her throat. "We're not your enemies, Adelaide. Put your weapon down."
"Stupid cat!" Griffon whispered savagely at what the demonic cat just did.
"Shut up! She can't see us!"
"Oh! Ye're right,..."
"I'm one step away from calling 911!" Adelaide threatened as she tightened her grip on the rolling pin. "Reveal yourself!"
Shadow, who was mainly the cause of all the noise in the first place, made one last desperate move to deceive the old woman. Clearing her throat once more and hoping for the old woman to believe her ruse, she spoke. "Adelaide, my dear, I' am your mother."
"Mother?!" The old woman spat. "But my mother has been dead a long time ago!"
"Yes, I' am." Shadow answered as she gestured for Griffon to move away. "And I've come to visit you in your dream."
"Dream? I'm,... dreaming? This is a dream?"
"Why, yes, my dear! Otherwise, how could I speak with you like this?"
Both familiars breathing a sigh of relief, they watched as the old woman finally brought her guard down. Believing every word that the demonic feline just uttered, she said, "Mother, why have you come to visit me?"
"Go on!" Griffon whispered to Shadow as he hid behind one of the chairs.
"I was,... just checking whether you're doing fine." The feline went on with the lie.
"I'm fine but," Adelaide spoke, making the familiars nervous. How long would this go on? " ... it's my grandchild. I'm worried about her."
"Worried? Tell me why."
"It's about this man named V." The old woman answered, the mere mention of their Master's name making them even more cautious. And intrigued. "Tell me, mother: is he really the one for (Y/N)? I'm afraid. She was hurt by someone before. I,... don't want anyone to hurt her like that, anymore. I don't want to see her cry ever again. So, I want to know: is this man, V, really the one for her?"
Shadow took a deep breath. Standing on her hind legs, she placed one of her paws on the old woman's right shoulder, hoping to reassure her. "Tell me, is your grandchild crying now?"
"Then, does she look happy?"
"Why, yes! Yes, she is. She looks so happy,... whenever V visits her."
"And this V," Shadow went on. " ... does he look like a man who would make her cry?"
And to this, the woman became really emotional. Wiping away the tears that escaped her eyes, she said, "No. In fact, I knew it. I knew it in my bones that he would never do such a thing to her. I know he would make her happy and I know he would make her forget what happened to her in the past. I' am aware. I,... believe,... that V,... loves her. With all his heart."
"Then, keep on believing!" The familiar answered, putting her other paw on her left shoulder. "Believe that V would do everything you've said and more. He will make her,... the happiest woman on earth!"
"I understand!" Adelaide happily answered as she wiped her tears with the sleeves of her nightgown. "Thank you so much, mother! Oh, I missed you so much!"
"Oh!" Shadow was surprised when the old woman suddenly hugged her tightly. Adelaide, on the other hand, did not care ( or did not notice ), even for a second, that what she was feeling against her own body was thick, demon fur instead of actual human skin.
Shadow noticed Griffon pointing at something in the cupboard with his wing. And that's when a bright idea struck her head.
"I missed you too, dear child." Shadow cooed as she gently brushed Adelaide's silver gray hair with her large paw. "Now, if you may, I want you to do something for me, then I'll be off,..."
Meanwhile, back in your bedroom, the two familiars arrived just in time to see you giggling as you listened intently at V, who was now holding a large stuffed lamb that he took from your bed and making weird movements with it, like he was making a child laugh.
"The sheep were indeed very fierce, but if Psyche would wait until they came out of the bushes toward evening to rest beside the river," The poet read energetically as he noticed, at the corner of his eye, both Griffon and Shadow helping each other place the cup of the desired hot beverage on the table next to your bed. Nodding and humming in approval, he went on. " ... she could go into the thicket and find plenty of the golden wool hanging on the sharp briars."
You smiled as V threw the stuffed lamb and caught it in mid air, looking really engrossed in his story - telling.
It was getting really late, even Griffon and Shadow settled cozily next to you as you listened to the poet's tale. For a moment, you never noticed the time, or your own anxiety and insomnia, until V finally reached the ending of the story and the familiars’ soft snores reverberated inside the room.
" ... so all came to a most happy end. Love and the Soul had sought and, after sore trials, found each other, and that union could never be broken. For it is a difficult matter," V read in a whisper as he slowly closed the book. " ... to keep Love imprisoned. The end."
You couldn't take your eyes off him as if you were mesmerized by his words and his whole being. You clutched at the sheets and spoke softly, "It’s a beautiful story, V. Thank you so much,... for sharing it with me."
The poet smiled as he returned the book to his bag. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now, it is getting late, and - "
"Wait!" You interrupted him as you quickly grabbed the end of his sweater, preventing him from leaving.
He turned and looked down at you, his smile never leaving his kind features. "How can I be of service to you, my lady?"
"Will you listen to my story?" You asked him. "A different one."
"Well, of course. Let me," He uttered, lifting the sleeping Griffon and putting him on the chair he was sitting on. " ... just move this fellow so I could listen to you well." He, then, sat next to you.
You smiled, feeling safe and sound with the incredible warmth beside you. You couldn't believe it - V, sitting oh so close to you, inside your room, in the middle of the night,...
You almost chuckled at the thought of your grandma catching the two of you like this.
"Alright, let's hear it, your story." V whispered, his shoulder brushing against yours as he crossed his arms and made himself comfortable.
"Umm," You stammered, gulping down and clearing your throat to ease the nerves that suddenly overtook your senses. " ... it's fine, right? Me opening up to you?"
"As long as you're comfortable with it."
"Alright." You took a deep breath and looked once more at the hole in the ceiling. "I met this man, his name was Christopher Lancaster."
Of course, V thought as the feeling of dread filled his chest at the mere mention of the man who made you suffer in your former life through very frighteningly inhuman ways. It always has to be him,...
"For a time, we were very much in love. I was young, and I was very much in love with love." You confessed, scoffing right after at the mere absurdity of it all. "I honestly thought he was the one. He was young, and handsome, and talented, and, well, you could say he has everything in this world. But, I was wrong. He didn't have everything. He was asking for more." You looked down, fidgeting at the sheets. "He wanted to have me. You know what I'm saying?"
Oh, no, no, no, no, V thought helplessly as some unpleasant thoughts suddenly plagued his already overworked mind. Please, say you didn't! Please, say you didn't,...
"And you know what? I refused." You told him, and for a moment, V felt like he could already rest in peace, knowing that Lancaster was not able to lay a single finger on your skin. He turned and noticed you looking up at him with such wide and innocent eyes. "I refused him, V. And I didn't know why. I knew I loved him, he was everything I could ask for. But, I don't know why I did what I did.
"Then, he changed. He became violent and harsh. He humiliated me in front of others. He made fun of my family. He said I'm too domestic. Just because I refused to be intimate with him."
Those words back then. He said that, domestic.
So, that's what he meant!
For a while, V clutched angrily at the sheets of the bed, balling them into his left fist as he tried to control his anger. But, then again, he had to remind himself that he's not here to make matters worse.
He was here to make you feel better.
He was here to fulfill your wish.
"You know, I should've left him after that but, I was stupid enough to hold onto him. To hold onto the person who doesn't truly love me the way I loved him. I believed, for such a long time, that I could change his ways. That I could bring back the days when we were alright. Again, I was wrong. After everything I did for him, he still left me. He found another, someone who truly deserves him."
You were about to succumb to your weakness and let it all out in front of the one person you knew you could trust, when you heard him speak.
"You should be glad that he left you, then. A person,... who truly loves you,... would never, ever leave you for such a thing. There is a saying," V turned to you, brushing away, with his long fingers, the tears that your traitorous eyes let out. " ... love,... is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." He, then, reached for your cheeks and brushed the remaining tears in them with his thumbs, making your face warm. "It is not rude, it is not self - seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 
After that, he let go of your cheeks, only to pull you into his arms for an embrace you didn't know, didn't expect, you needed. And it made you even more emotional than ever before. Pulling him closer to you, you wrapped him in your arms, reciprocating the embrace, and buried your face in his chest, letting out the tears, and your burden, in him,...
... in the man you never knew would miraculously come into your life.
Feeling your trembling body against his, he tightened his embrace and buried his face in your fragrant hair. Rubbing your back and trying to soothe your tired body, he went on. "Love,... does not delight in evil,... but rejoices in the truth. It always protects,... always trusts,... always hopes,... always perseveres." V closed his eyes as he felt some tears of his own escaping him. I'm supposed to make you happy, not make you cry like this! "Seeing you happy,... is the only single thing in this world that keeps me going. So, please, smile," He removed his hands from you and cupped your cheeks once more. Looking deeply into your eyes, he gently laid his forehead against yours, the tender gesture finally making you smile despite all the tears. " ... and be happy. Don't ever blame yourself for what happened in the past. It was never your fault. Live for the people you love. Smile,... for there are people who truly loves you. And they would never leave you, no matter what. Don't forget about that."
With one last tear containing the remnants of your feelings for your former lover, you nodded and smiled, more than ready to do exactly what V has told you to do. He was right, there are people,... who truly loves you. There are people,... who would never leave you, no matter what.
There's always a special someone,...
.... who would stay with you,
... and love you,...
... no matter what life throws at you,...
... until the end of time.
You laid your hands against his, clutching them, and never letting them go. "So, I assume you would scold me if I say I was stupid for being so emotional?"
"I won't scold you." V answered, never taking his hands off your face. "We are all emotional beings, after all. Demon, or no."
"Stay with me, please. Until I fall asleep."
After finishing the chocolate drink that the familiars graciously made for you, you settled back to your bed, actually feeling sleepy. Tucking you in and stroking your hair, he laid down next to you and recited one last poem for the evening, hoping it would finally help you relax.
"O soft embalmer of the still midnight," he whispered, seeing you close your eyes and turn to him. " ... shutting, with careful fingers and benign,... our gloom - pleas'd eyes, embower'd from the light,... enshaded in forgetfulness divine." V's mouth opened in awe as your arm went around him, pulling him closer to your body. "O soothest sleep! If so it please thee,... close in midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes,... or wait the Amen, ere thy poppy throws around my bed its lulling charities. Then save me,... or the passed day will shine upon my pillow, breeding many woes." He closed his eyes, emulating your movements and pulling you close to his. "Save me from curious conscience,... that still lords its strength for darkness, burrowing like a mole; turn the key deftly in the oiled wards,... and seal,... the hushed casket of my soul.
"Good night, my lady." He pressed his lips on your forehead, already hearing your soft breathing. "Parting is such sweet sorrow,... that I shall say good night 'till it be morrow. Let us meet,... in the land of dreams. In a beautiful garden,... somewhere only we know. See you soon, my love."
My love,...
Somehow, those words were the first things that came to your mind the moment you woke up. It's as if,... the gentle words were engraved on your mind, heart, and soul, making its presence known and not leaving you alone,...
Stretching your arms and yawning a lot, you realized that V was, of course, gone, and so were his familiars. And they didn't just leave, they even cleaned some of the mess from last night. The stuffed animals were carefully placed back to your shelves, the flower vase was back to your vanity table, even the curtain looked new.
You sighed, slightly feeling guilty that the night you spent with V has to end. You really enjoyed spending time with him, and you were able to relax and fall asleep without tossing and turning too much on your bed. You hoped that something like that would happen again, of V tapping into your window, in the middle of the night, and offering to read you stories once more as you sipped on the chocolate drink that Griffon and Shadow made for you. You hoped that he would stay with you and recite poems for you once more, until you fall asleep. You hoped that you could feel his arms around you again,...
As much as you wanted to stay in your bed and fondly think of the events that unfolded last night, the sun was already high up into the sky, and you still have lots of things to do. You swung your feet to the edge of the bed and reached for your neatly placed fluffy bunny slippers. You were about to make your way towards the bathroom to wash your face when you noticed something on the bedside table,...
❄ @la-vita , @dreaming-gamer , @clevermentalitybeliever , @birdgirl69 , and @v-vic . ❄
"Good morning, dearie!" Adelaide greeted you. "What do you want for - HEY!"
"I'll be back, gran!" You announced as you quickly made your way outside the house.
Still in your wool pajamas, you ran straight towards V's house and began knocking rapidly on his door. It was opened a few minutes later by the man, himself, who was still in his sleepwear and messy bed hair, as if he woke up just to answer you.
Fighting the urge to giggle at his unkempt, and yet adorable, appearance, you smiled at him and handed him a piece of paper. He took it and read it. The single word written in it still not registering in his mind, he asked you, " ... pardon?"
"You said, please, say yes." You excitedly informed him. "And I said, yes! I'm going to the New Year's Ball with you, V!"
It took the poet a full minute before he finally realized what you were talking about. And when he finally realized what your words truly meant, his eyes slowly widened and his mouth fell open in shock. He grabbed his messy hair with both hands and spoke, "That - that's your answer, right? You'll go to the Ball with me?"
"Hahaha! Of course, you silly poet!" You laughed as you threw yourself at him, hugging him and placing a tender kiss on his cheek. Oh, how sweet you smelled. What a nice morning, indeed! "See ya!"
And before V could even reciprocate with a kiss of his own, you took your hands off him, waved, and went back to your house.
Which was a good thing, seeing that he hasn't even gargled or brushed his teeth,...
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lancetuckershairgel · 5 years
Lost Boy
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Starring: Chris Evans as Captain Hook, Sebastian Stan as TJ Hammond, and Tom Holland as Peter Pan (and Anthony Mackie as Mr Smee but he isnt in the story. He was...swabbing the deck or something)
Warnings: drug use, feelings
Word Count: 1,545
A/N: Ahhhhhh!!! This is my new favorite thing ever and it took a turn from TJ being Pan but still. Me likey.
Tag List: @southernbell91 @book-dragon-13 @marvelgirl7 @anxiousamandapanda @randomfandompenguin @louisianaspell @jobean12-blog @leisurelypanda @buckysforeverprincess @tranquil--heart @abovethesmokestacks @brat-in-a-teacup @marvelandotherfandomimagines @collinsstanharbour @nerdy-bookworm-1998
Another bullshit party where TJ Hammond fell under the scrutiny of his parents, their colleagues, and the press left him itching for a fix. He couldn't get out of that place fast enough and relief washed over him the second he stepped foot inside the sanctuary that was his apartment. He tossed  his leather jacket on the couch before he grabbed a beer from the fridge, popped the cap off on the counter, and made his way into the bedroom. 
He lost count of how many lines of white powder he had snorted. He didn't care. Anything to numb him and wash away the feelings. He laid back on his bed and stared at the ceiling, his heart pounding in his chest and eyes glazed over. His fingers tingled and he felt the euphoric sensation of being high overcome him. Just as he was drifting away he heard a scratching at his window, loud enough to draw his attention back to the present. He sat up, swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked at the frame. He didn't think his heart could beat any faster but when the window began to slide open he thought the organ would pound right through his chest. 
"Wh-who's there?" TJ whispered 
A shadowy figure crawled through the open space and heavy boots clunked on the hardwood floor with a thud. TJ couldn't move, the effects of the drugs causing his reactions to be hindered and response time to be much slower than normal. His eyes were wide as the man began to walk toward him and he shook with fear. 
"Don't be afraid." The man spoke "I won't hurt you, my dear boy."
"Wh-who are you?"
The man reached out his arm and TJ jumped but couldn't bring himself to move away from the man's reach. A shiver ran down his spine when something cold slid down his cheek and under his chin, tilting his head up. Blue eyes shown bright with fear and wonder as he looked up at the man. In the dark TJ couldn't make out much but he could see vague features. Long dark hair, a beard. The man was dressed in all black. Slowly, TJ lifted his hand to the object under his chin, his fingers curling around the man's wrist and sliding to his hand. There wasn't a hand. Instead there was a hook. 
"You..you have a hook for a hand!"
"Clever boy." The man chuckled "And now you have answered your own question. I am Captain Hook."
"Yeah right." TJ laughed 
"Don't believe do ya? Come, let me show you."
"Show me what? Your ship? A treasure?"
"Sure, why the hell not." 
TJ shrugged and followed the man to the window, assuming this was a fever dream from his high. The wind on his face sure felt real, as did the man's towering presence next to him. 
"I suppose were gonna fly?" 
"We sure are. Go on, take my hand."
TJ curled his fingers around the hook and off the men flew, out the window and up to the sky. As they began to pass through the clouds the silhouette of a ship appeared in the distance. 
"This is one hell of a trip." TJ thought to himself as he looked over the shining lights if D.C. below him. 
Once the pirate's ship had set sail through the sky, TJ leaned against the front, wind blowing gently against his face. The man, Captain Hook, appeared next to him, leaning against the wooden edge and looking out across the stars. 
"Where are you taking me?" 
"Aye, my boy. See the bright star there?" Hook gestured with his makeshift hand and TJ nodded "That's the first star. We go straight from there and on til morning, then we'll be in Neverland."
"Neverland? You mean with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and the lost boys?"
"My child, you are a lost boy." Hook sighed, not looking at TJ
TJ raised his eyebrows but didn't respond. Instead he stood alongside Hook and watched as they carried on with their journey. 
Upon arriving in Neverland, TJ followed the pirate off the ship and into the forest. Pixies, fairies, TJ didnt know what they were, flew overhead and he brushed their falling dust off his shoulder with a scowl. 
"They like you." Hook chuckled, drawing his sword to cut through vines 
"I don't like glitter."  
"It isn't glitter." Hook corrected "Pixie dust. It's special."
"Can I snort it?"
Hook paused his step and gave a sideways glance to TJ before carrying on.
"I wouldn't recommend it."
Soon the pair arrived at a campsite. Teepees and a fire, a pot of stew and wooden platter of bread, headdresses, everything one would expect at a Lost Boy camp, everything except the Lost Boys. 
"Where is everyone? Do I get to meet Peter Pan?" 
Hook laughed as he began to pour stew into a bowl. He handed it to TJ who sat on a wooden stump and began to eat. 
"The boys are off on an adventure."
TJ shoveled the food into his mouth, not realizing how hungry he actually was. 
"I want to go on an adventure."
"Oh but my boy aren't you already having one?" 
"Yeah, sure, but I want to wrestle a crocodile and pillage a village" TJ laughed "That rhymed. I want to find treasure"
"Well then, my lad, we can do all those things. Except maybe wrestle a crock."
While TJ ate, Hook told him tales of Neverland and how he became to be a resident. He debunked a few myths, such as he and Pan being enemies and a crocodile taking his hand. 
"So how'd you lose it?" 
"Aye, an unfortunate accident with the sword." Hook nodded solemnly "No matter. Are you done, Lad?"
TJ had finished his stew and felt pretty full. He thanked Hook before the pirate lead him away from camp. Through the woods and to Skull Island, dark cave with the rocks forming a skull. 
"Let's find treasure shall we?" 
TJ didn't know how long they had been in the cave. Hours. Days. He didn't care about the time, he was enjoying being a make believe pirate. He jumped from rock to boulder, climbing and exploring the cave. Eventually he found the treasure cove and his eyes lit up. Hook watched, leaning against the stone wall with his arms crossed over his chest, as TJ dove in. He tried on jewelry and pretended to drink wine from a gold goblet, he shoved diamonds and rubies into his pockets with Hooks permission. Last he picked up a crown adorned with jewels and placed it on his head. 
"How do I look, Captain?" 
"Like a proper young prince" Hook flashed him a smile 
On the way back from the island TJ began to get tired, his legs aching from all of the walking. Hook obliged in giving him a backride back to the camp where Peter and the Lost Boys were waiting for them. TJ took in Peter Pan, a young boy as expected, who had brown hair and big brown doe eyes. He had a complete innocence about him that TJ admired and envied. 
"Captain Hook! Who have you got there? Not another lost boy!"
Peter introduced himself to TJ and encouraged him to play with the lost boys. Seeing how young Peter and the boys were made TJ suddenly feel feel conscious and like he didn't belong. Hook noticed the long expression and put his arm around the boy. 
"What's wrong, my boy?" 
"I don't belong here. I'm thirty years old.Not a kid."
"Everyone is a kid at heart, some more than others.  Being a Lost Boy doesn't mean that you're a child, it means you need some guidance, love, and a little pixie dust."
"Yeah? I guess you're right."
TJ spent the rest of the night carefree. He played with the lost boys and had a sword fight with Peter. He ate more stew and met Tinkerbell who was exactly as he expected. When the sun began to peak over the horizon the lost boys retreated into their teepees and Peter climbed up to his treehouse for a long sleep. TJ yawned as Hook lead him back to the ship. 
"Do I have to go home?" 
"I don't want to." 
Hook scooped the sleepy TJ into his arms and carried him onto the ship, laying him in his bed. 
"You can come back any time. All you have to do is believe." 
TJ closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep as Hook covered him with a quilt and stroked his cheek with the smooth edge of his hook. 
TJ awoke to light shining. He sat up and looked around, no longer on the pirate ship but instead back in his apartment. He looked over at the window and saw that it was not only closed, but locked as well. He frowned, unable to not feel disappointed by the fact that he hadn't really gone to Neverland with a handsome pirate and instead had experienced a wild, cocaine induced trip. He sighed and got up, making his way to the shower, by passing the window. If only he had seen the gold pixie dust print left on the windowsill.  
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lettalady · 3 years
For the fandom ask: F, J, and O 💕💕💕
Oooh thank you for the ask, darling and all the hearts right back at you.
Ask me: Fandom Edition
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Thinking back to some of the earliest fixations ... does it count to say I'm very firmly in the Agatha Christie fandom and don't see myself leaving any time soon? Maybe that just qualifies as being a fan of an author and medium... who knows. One of the first fandoms I joined and started writing stories for was The Backstreet Boys. Skipping forward, I think we can safely credit TWH and said fandom with my return to writing. If I hadn't stumbled upon the blog TWHFrustration (@twhfrustration gets all the credit for being a nurturing and absolutely fantastic space for creators in the Tom Hiddleston fandom) and gathered enough nerve to start posting there so many other things might never have come to pass. Re-opening the door and giving myself permission to walk through it resulted in so many fantastic friendships and fics discovered. (Not to mention so many works, fics, drabbles, and fragments that welled up and spilled out of me in the process.) So long answer long -- sorry -- years.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
I may have just sort of answered that question without meaning to in the winding path that was the previous answer. But I think maybe tumblr is well suited for that purpose? You follow people that post things that you're passionate about, yes, but in so doing you're exposed to their other hyper fixations and are afforded the opportunity to discover those things for yourself, too. Maybe there's a superficial awareness at the start but then you're exposed to gifsets and the creative things produced because someone else has been captivated and think... oh.... maybe I'll give it a try. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that's just me. But guys, keep posting what you're posting. You never know what will make someone decide to give that show, that movie, etc, a chance.
Did I binge through Supernatural right as it was ending, all because of tumblr? Yes. Yes I did. Did I start binging Black Sails because of tumblr? Yes, again. Did I let myself sink into the Chris Evans fandom because of tumblr? (Are you sensing a pattern yet?) Did I fall further into the Hiddleston fandom because of tumblr? Have I watched absolutely shit things because an actor from something else I enjoy to the ends of the earth was it in, and totally regret said watching save for those few moments wherein said actor was on screen? (Do I need to keep saying the affirmative response at this point? ahahah)
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
Ok I guess I'm gonna go hit refresh on Spotify and see what it shuffles up. [ Ghost - Natasha Blume ] I'm rocketed back to another WIP that I really should update sometime soon: A Turn of the Knife. To call Ransom and GG an OTP may not be exactly accurate, but damn if the song doesn't smack of their relationship, at least to my mind. Honestly it could also work for The Long Journey Home, no matter what pairing you consider the OTP. Helmut and his wife, Helmut and the reader, Bucky and the reader.
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