#yes farmworld finn
Bip, have you met your Reverse bad end version? (Wipper??? Or what it be Wason? Idfk)
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helicidal · 8 months
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finn trio in some random outfits suggested by ppl on discord
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jincheeto · 1 year
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I love them all bisexually
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[Day 22] stop staring at me like that.
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axepng · 1 year
Tried out different brushes + styles on Krita
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I'm gonna be posting so much Bad End Friends art soon I'm gonna go insane
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phospadparadscha · 1 year
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I’m so glad we got to find out in the finale if farm world finn did in fact maybe/maybe not death (or concussion)
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emiplayzmc · 2 years
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Have I finally posted full-fledged fanart for this semi-dead fandom? WELL, YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY I DID!
So, yeah! Bad End Friends fanart! Was wanting to do some silhouette practice, and what better way to practice that than some slightly ominous silhouettes of traumatized and possessed blorbos? Enjoy!
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spiderh0rse · 11 months
rewatching Simon and Marcy as I am oft to do, and thinkin a bit about how the crown is shown to change people.
There's not a ton of examples to work from. Gunther, who instantly changed physically, Farmworld Finn, who's hair seemed to grown immediately and who's eyes changed colour but otherwise was entirely offscreen, and Simon.
I love talking about Farmworld Finn, and he is interesting here, wearing the crown for what was at least two years straight (presumably) and changing back instantly to how he looked before it the second it was off, but he's not the main focus right now. (Also I seriously doubt there's no side effects. At LEAST two years straight. Time seems to move faster in Farmworld than in Ooo, could've been longer. Likely was.)
Anyways. Simon. I'm interested in how those tangible changes to his body seem to happen. In Holly Jolly Secrets and Betty, we see that it doesn't instantly turn him into the Ice King, just mess with his head and give him ice powers. So why doesn't it? Later on, it immediately changes how he looks pretty severely, everyone else we see becoming its bearer changes pretty much instantly, why not Simon?
Some lack of magic in the surrounding area making him slightly resistant to it would be my absolute best guess (gunther being exposed to magic his whole life, farmworld sitting right on top of their crown and mushroom bomb for centuries) if it weren't for how much magic Simon had come into contact with. The Enchiridion at least, and a few other occult tomes besides, if the one we can see him reading during the Come Along With Me flashback is any indication. It remains my absolute best guess, as I. Don't actually have any others right now. Still. Something for me to think on.
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this can’t be happening to me
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cosmignon · 1 year
oh man i love farmworld finn's story getting further continuation in f&c... it's such an interesting contrast between him and prime finn. he feels very down to earth in comparison but still quietly whispers math in positive exclaimation and im like oh yes thats finn alright. love that big guy
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sunrise-imagines · 1 year
So uh, tucks hair behind my ear, I just read your farmworld Finn pda headcanons and I was wondering if maybe you'd be at all interested in elaborating on that part you wrote about dancing with him? The vibes are immaculate on that and I just adore your writing!
Absolutely! I just added that as a last little bit on a whim but I’m glad you liked it! I’m really proud of this one, hope you enjoy!
Also, I decided to name FW Huntress Wizard “Tressa”, since vampireworld HW is called Huntress and I don’t want the two to get mixed up
TW: Reader is referred to with the term “Mom”, but no gendered pronouns are used
Farmworld Finn x Reader
Slowdancing Together
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• A few years ago, while he and Jay had been scavenging the wasteland for valuables, Jay came across a strange device and didn’t know what it was, so he asked his dad to come take a look.
• Finn recognized it as a record player, explaining that they had one in his old family home before it got destroyed, and that it’s used to play music.
• Growing even more interested in the contraption, Jay begged him not to sell it and instead take it home, and after enough pleading he finally said yes.
• The two brought it back and placed it on the kitchen table, the other kids gathering around in awe as they had never seen anything like it before.
• Tressa thought that it wasn’t very useful, but was nonetheless happy to see the kids so excited.
• After trading Choose Bruce for a box of old records, there were a few nights where they would put one on and Tressa and the kids would dance along to the music. They tried to get Finn to join them, but he refused to budge from his seat on the couch, seeing such a pass time as too silly for him.
• It wasn’t until Tressa took his hands and pulled him along with her that he finally got up, shuffling around awkwardly while she took the lead and she showed him the steps. Finally, a small smile graced his features as he looked at his family with joy.
• But it was soon after that his wife died, and thus the record player was shoved in a storage box and forgotten, as it was only one more reminder of what he had lost.
• Fast forward to after you two get together, you’re doing some spring cleaning and sorting through boxes in the attic when you stumble across the old record player.
• You wipe the dust off the top, surprised that the pragmatic Finn would even have something like this.
• After finishing in the attic, you take it downstairs and put it in the living room, asking Finn where it came from.
• He scoffs, saying that Jay had found it a long time ago and they barely ever used it. He promptly tells you to just throw it away, saying, “It’s just a piece of junk, no use in keeping it.”
• You frown at his words, it must have been important to him if he decided to keep it all these years. So instead you decide to set up a little surprise.
• That night, after tucking the kids into bed, Finn comes down the stairs only to be met with the sound of a soft piano melody crackling through the air.
• He enters the room to see that you’ve put on your nicest outfit, styling your hair in a way that frames your features, making you somehow look even more beautiful.
• He asks what you’re doing, and you reply that you wanted to spend a little one-on-one time with him, as a thank you for working so hard to support everyone. He stays frozen in place, unsure of what to do for the first time in a while.
• He can’t help keeping his eyes on you as you approach him, taking his hands in yours, and he involuntarily flinches away from your touch.
• You immediately look concerned, saying that you don’t have to if he isn’t comfortable with it. Finn apologizes, reassuring you that’s it’s not your fault, it’s just…been a long time for him. He’s doesn’t know if he remembers the steps, and he’s afraid he might step on your toes if he tried, or worse.
• You smile at him, saying that it’s okay if he doesn’t remember. You can make up your own dance together.
• With that he nods, taking your hands once again and you lead him to the center of the room. He lets you guide his hands to rest on your hips, and you place yours on his shoulders.
• You stay like this for awhile, swaying back and forth to the music. Right now, it’s just you and him, together in your own little world.
• You lay your head on his chest, breathing in his natural scent as he holds you in his arms. Finn sighs and rests his head on top of yours, finally able to relax and just be.
• He knows that no matter what happens, you’ll always have each other, and that’s good enough for him.
Little bonus!
•While the two of you are wrapped up in each other’s embrace, Jay shushes his younger siblings as they all watch from the stairs, still in their PJs.
Bonnie perks up and asks, “Does this mean we’re getting a new mom?”
Jay smiles, looking at how happy his dad looks for the first time in years, and replies, “I sure hope so.”
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fyeahmeddy · 1 year
"Farmworld Finn kidnapped those kids when he was Ice Prince!"
Let's go back on Adventure Time lore, shall we?
In Crossover (season 7, episode 22) Finn is sent to destroy Farmworld Finn because he was endangering the multiverse. Turns out, the Lich was the real culprit and he was destroyed in that universe.
But Prime!Finn feels sorry for Farmworld!Finn because he's under the influence of the Crown, so he asks Prismo to help him
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Prismo does help him! He moves the Crown back in time so it gets destroyed during Farmworld's atomic explosion also fixing an animation error in the original episode in a masterful movement so Farmworld!Finn is cured from the Crown's influence
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And Farmworld goes back to normal!! All the ice starts melting, people can get out of their ice prisons just like Farmworld!Finn's parents here!
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Everyone gets unfrozen!! Farmworld is rolling out normally again!! And Farmworld!Finn gets his parents back!! That's why the Destiny Gang and all of humanity still exists in this universe!! There would be no need for Finn to kidnap or keep kidnapped kids. The kids could go back to their parents or maybe they weren't even separated at all, just frozen together!!
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helicidal · 6 months
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its just so relatable!!11!
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aria-greenhoodie · 9 months
Hihihi! You have a lot of neat AUs!! I’d really like to know about the Candy Sphinx one!!
YES EHEHEHEHE IVE MADE A LOT OF DESIGNS FOR THIS ONE ALLREADY! Basically, this AU just makes every character into a candy sphinx because I love them. The canon reason for it existing is that during the GOLB fight of the finale, both Goliad and Stormo somehow ended up in the time room when GOLB was releasing a burst of energy. Stormo wished that there were more of him and his brother’s kind, so they didn’t have to be alone (much to Goliad’s chagrin) to which this version of the universe was made. Obviously because I’m not normal about Petrigrof I focus a lot on them but every character exists in the universe!
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In all honesty this entire AU is just an excuse to draw more weird fucked up cat creatures but shhhh…
A lot of the characters’ families and dynamics are slightly changed, for example, Marceline is Simon and Betty’s biological kit, Finn and Fern are brothers from the same litter rather than being the same person (or sphinx, in this case), and I may have done a wee bit of universe-bending to allow certain characters like Fionna, Winter King, and Farmworld Finn to exist because I WANT TO DRAW CHARACTERS AS CANDY SPHINXES
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These are all the designs I’ve drawn in color thus far! Oh, and have some sketches!
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This AU is very much a Self-indulgent excuse to draw fucked up cats, but it does have some light lore :3 I’m gonna make a chart explaining the lineage of all the sphinxes soon, since it’s not the same as Canon Ooo…
Click for Quality btw!
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
Oh no OG Finn 😭😭😭
Please, PLEASE, alternate ending PLEASE.
I love og finn sm 😭😭😭
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summary: reader has trouble figuring what universe they want to stay in. Prismo gives them some leniency and lets them visit Farmworld. Finally, reader makes their decision.
tw: ANGST! bittersweet
a/n: YES!!! I love og Finn sm omg. I made this so angsty but idk how else it would go otherwise...I might make a chapter six of this B section, but it would probably be short lol (This starts like the other one, obviously ends differently tho)
wc: 1.2k
Chapter Five [B]
Master List | Chapter One
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“Heeeeeey,” Prismo drew out, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Sorry about leaving you there for so long.”
I blinked, unsure how to feel. On one hand, I did want to leave my previous scenario…but leaving forever? And without saying goodbye, or letting them know that I was safe? I bit my lip glancing to the side only to see the tv wall still on. My eyes widened as it showed Finn trekking through the forest, a worried glare set on his face as he followed the lantern light in the same direction I took off. 
Prismo followed my view, “Oh, sorry. Don’t mean to distract you.” Then he turned the tv off, turning the wall back yellow.
I blinked, turning to face the pink wishmaster, “I have to go back.”
This time Prismo blinked at me, “You don’t wanna go back to your old world?”
I hesitated, and Prismo seemed to notice. He turned the tv back on, revealing the Finn from my world. Turning the volume up, it revealed Finn on the phone with Marcy.
“You haven’t found them yet?” He asked in a worried tone, desperation filled his expression. 
“No,” Marcy was heard from the phone. “I’m sorry man. But I’m sure they're fine, maybe they went on a trip?”
“Without telling me?” Finn asked, slightly hurt. “They’d never do that.”
Suddenly, the situation got 10x worse. I felt torn. How do I have two different Finn’s searching for me? I frowned looking towards Prismo. I suddenly felt like crying. No matter which world I choose, I’d be leaving people behind. I started pacing, thinking of all the pros and cons. My frown started to wobble, as no matter what I did, it would be the wrong choice. The thought of Finn endlessly searching for me throughout Ooo, once again being left behind by someone he cared about. Or Finn going back to his family, having to explain the person they’ve grown so used to had run off, and only glob knows what happened to them. 
“Whoah, whoah,” Prismo spoke up, turning the tv off once more. “Hey, since I kinda caused this whole mess…sorry ‘bout that…I can be a bit more lenient.” I looked up at the pink deity, unsure of what he meant. “How about you go back to Ooo, talk with Finn, and then make your decision. I’ll put a sticky note in your front pocket to send you back. If you’re still unsure, I can send you to the magicless world and you can talk to that Finn. How does that sound?”
Pursing my lips together, I replied, “Could…I actually talk to the Finn from the magicless world first?”
“Sure,” He shrugged, snapping his fingers. Like that, I was back to my campsite, this time, Finn was sitting against a tree. He stared at me with wide eyes, unsure of what just happened.
“Hey,” I said awkwardly. “I just…I really wanted to apologize for what I did, and…I think I might go back to my world.” He blinked, eyes turning cold. His gaze fell onto the embers of the fire that were close to dying. 
“Why did you come back?” He asked, the barriers I managed to tear down seemed to be up once more. 
I fiddled with my hands, not sure if this was the best thing to do anymore, “I…I didn’t want you to worry about me…and I wanted to say goodbye to the kids if I could…”
“Leave,” He snapped, glaring daggers at me. “I can tell them you’re gone.”
I shrunk down, shoulders tensing, “O-of course. I’m sorry. Bye.”
Fumbling under his scrutiny, I pulled the note out of my pocket and once more, I was in the yellow cube. 
“Yeesh,” Prismo mumbled. “You really seemed to stomp on his heart.” 
I felt guilt churning in my stomach as the tv projected Finn, now alone. He scowled and stomped on the fire before taking his lamp. Leaving back towards his house. I didn’t mean to, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I played with his feelings, and just left. 
“It's for the best,” Prismo tried to reassure. “I’m not exactly allowed to let you stay in an alternate universe. That’s probably a rule for a reason.”
I bit my lip, looked down and nodded, “Yeah…could…could I go to Ooo now?”
“Yeah,” Prismo replied softly. Once again, I was snapped away, only to find myself in the Candy Tavern. Soft music was playing, and there were only a few patrons. It felt like there was a lump in my throat when I saw Finn sitting at the counter. Walking over, I sat next to him, staring at the table.
I heard him call my name, only to ask, “Are you okay?”
It was like he broke the dam with that question, and I felt unwanted tears start to fall. Without a word, Finn pulled me into a warm hug, letting me cry into his shoulder. I hugged him back like my life depended on it. I took in his familiar smell, focused on the feeling of his shirt under my fingers, and the sound of the soft music that surrounded us. I slowly calmed down, reluctantly pulling away, only to find a drink set in front of me.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“...it's kinda embarrassing…” I mumbled before taking a swig of the drink.
“I won’t judge,” He replied softly. 
The warmth in his eyes seemed to envelope me, and I broke down, telling him about how I found myself in an alternate universe. How I managed to find an alternate version of him and how I may have grown feelings. How I even ended up kissing him only for him to not reciprocate. Then how Prismo found me, and gave me the option, and how I went back to say goodbye, only to realize how much I must’ve hurt and twisted his feelings. And how I currently felt like a monster for doing so.
“...why did you come back?” He asked somberly. 
I paused, eyes watering once more, “I couldn’t leave you.”
I continued to stare at my drink, missing the way Finn’s face grew into a light rosy color. Missing the way his heart skipped a beat at such a bold confession. Missing the way he stared at me with so much love and adoration, he looked like he was going to explode. Missing the way his eyes watered as well, coming to a realization that he still had a reason to be here even after Jake had passed. 
“It seems that no matter what universe, I’ll always fall for you,” Finn confessed, bearing his heart.
I tensed, looking over to him in surprise. My heart beat faster and my face felt warmer. I searched his eyes, which held no sense of joke or lies. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed with an abundance of emotions. Confusion, gratitude, guilt, warmth, shame…love. It was all so confusing.
“I-I probably shouldn’t have said that,” Finn said, shoulders tensing as he stared down into his cup, voice raised slightly. “Forget I said that.”
“That was really romantic,” I mumbled, my ears felt like they were burning. “But…maybe we could take it slow. Let me get over…whatever in the nightosphere I went through.”
“O-of course!” Finn exclaimed. “I-I wasn’t expecting anything, I’m not sure why I even said that…well…I mean I do like you…a lot. But I don’t want to pressure you! Especially when you just got back from all of that.”
I couldn’t stop the fond smile that fell over my face at his rambling. I missed him, more than I realized. 
I chuckled fondly, “I missed you so much Finn.”
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witch-among-stars · 1 year
Wake up, babes, new  Fionna & Cake Official Trailer just dropped
And I'm analyzing the heck out of it
First of all, let's establish that the series will take place in several different dimensions. The first one we see is Fiona's (First picture). This world seems to be similar to ours; no mushroom war to be seen around, and people live normally. The second picture, however, is the world of Adventure Time. I think this is the city that humans have built on the Land of Ooo after arriving there at the end of the series. Simon apparently moved there, as can be seen by his apartment corresponding to the color palette of the human city + the little human girl.
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Interestingly, Simon's apartment has a lot of relics from the past: phones, a vinyl player, and a hair dryer. For me, this is an indication of his deep nostalgia for the past and the pain of seeing the world change around him so drastically. It is completely understandable because, unlike Marceline, Simon (being stuck in the form of the Ice King) never had time to process the trauma of his world coming to pieces.
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The next interesting picture we see is the Ice Prince Finn. The Ice Prince Finn is Finn from when alternative dimension (Farmworld Finn). In this parallel dimension, the bomb never exploded, so mutations never happened. Farmworld Finn makes his first major appearance in the episode "Finn the Human," where he gets possessed by the Ice King's crown and becomes the Ice Prince Finn. Interestingly, The Ice Prince Finn was later cured from the crown in an episode called "Crossover." My guess is that in the Fionna series, either we will see The Ice Prince Finn before he got cured OR the world where Finn never got cured. The first one is more believable.
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Fionna says that she keeps having a dream about "a cruel Ice Prince." Finn is the only one who has ever been called the Ice Prince. But if we compare the appearances of the mentioned characters, it is clear they are not the same. So the question remains: who is the newer Ice Prince? This one looks way younger than our Simon when he got possessed by the crown (third picture). However, the new Ice Prince indeed looks very familiar to Simon, only younger. My guess is that this is Simon from an alternative dimension who got fully possessed by the crown the moment he got it. If we look at the young Simon from the episode "Holly Jolly Secrets," he is almost identical to the new Ice Prince.
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All of these pictures seem to be from the Farmworld Finn's dimension. I suppose it will have major importance in the series. And yes, this is my beloved Huntress Wizard. I so hope for some Finntress content (we were robbed in the main show).
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That's all for now. The trailer has way more secrets and things to decipher but I am too tired. Please share your theories! Thanks for reading.
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