#yes he resurrected her in prayers for rain
devil-doll13 · 2 years
Graves of The Father
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Tw: Angst, Horror, Death, Blood/Slight Gore, Implied Neglect/Abuse kinda?, Descriptions Of Corpses/Body Horrorish, like it gets a wee bit disgusting, Mentions of Birth, Religious Themes
Proceed With Caution!
I’m rather proud of this one, actually. It’s the most horror oriented fic i’ve made for Abigail yet. Some backstory/lore in here. A bit Lovecraftian but only a little. I’m still experimenting here lol.
Horror/Slasher Oc Writing For Abigail Williams
Basically a songfic, lyrics are in italics
Summary: Abigail & Her Father.
Dividers by firefly-dividers
Art by Takato Yamamoto
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Sextons of the churchyard
Have seen unblessed things;
Ground no longer hallowed
Has sprouted new graves
Lucina Williams was found dead at 6:27, on a frosty November morning, in Salem, Massachusetts, in an old, weathered cemetery. She lay in the befouled hollow of an aged grave, her glassy eyes rolled back, convulsing in agony. And yet her face was twisted in an unnerving smile, disturbingly serene. She had died in a state of euphoric bliss. Happiness so unnatural, so completely grotesque, that her face had to be covered up in pictures; for the elderly gravekeeper’s state of mind. He had seen many awful things in his lifetime, but none so horrifying as this.
Lucy was buried in that very same churchyard. Her lonely grave untended to, unloved. No mourners or flowers were ever present, for she was disowned for some despicable deed the family would not speak of. Only that they were certain, absolutely so, that she had been taken in by the Devil; Lucy was pure evil.
The child she had given birth to, a pale, frightful specimen, was later christened Abigail. Her conception profane, her birth unnatural, her existence forbidden. A daughter of the grave, a creature born outside of God’s holy light. The wretched girl began her unfortunate life in shame. In the ever looming shadow of her mother’s sins, unable to redeem herself. A blight unto all; the final curse of a dying witch.
(The art of veneficium, Lucy learned from Him.)
Blasphemy made flesh. Ungodly freak, dark defiler. She poisons the family tree. The cuckoo in the nest. The snake in the grass. The fatal tumour.
The holy Father, not her Father, condemns her to eternal damnation, for rotten children do not deserve heaven. To plead for salvation is hopeless; there is no God who could give her purity back.
She simply should not exist.
(All of this, she has been told.)
Her family are repulsed by her, instinctively, but compelled by unknown forces to shelter her. They die one by one, at her unwilling command.
… But as a young girl she lives in merciful innocence. She knows not what she does, lost in her world of make believe. Strange yet wondrous creatures speak to her in the darkened night, as she dreams of flying amongst the glittering stars. Waving silver wands, casting magic spells. Dancing with dryads under the pale moonlight, enchanted by faeries; elven beings only she can see.
For if anyone were to turn their uncursed eye upon such abominations, madness would destroy them.
(Her older cousins, aged seven and eight, refused to speak of the incident. They refused to speak at all. Until death.)
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Descendants of a clan
That usurped maternity
Hear whispers in their blood;
This summons of their fathers.
In a loveless home, she yearns for love, as all God’s children do. But cold hearts yield only emptiness, and hateful whispers spur her on to look elsewhere.
The graveyard beckons, begs her to draw closer. An almost desperate compulsion. Homesickness. As she walks amongst decaying tombstones, she hears ghostly whispers call out, and feels wraithlike fingers comb through her hair. A spectral voice cries out for sweet nourishment; she offers it her milk to pacify.
There, in the dark recesses of the churchyard’s ancient yew tree, she begs for comfort. She lies coiled as foul, egg despoiling serpent.
(As in the garden of Eden, she is the great deceiver.)
Inside she feels the thrum of an old God’s heartbeat. It exactly mirrors her own; an inherited resonance.
So powerful is this connection, she sees in her mind’s eye the unearthly form of the Father. The yew tree His outstretched hand, their gnarled, malformed branches His fingers, toxic sap His blood, unending roots His veins from which His dark ichor pulsates.
Her fingers trace the ancient bark, recounting primordial treelore. Her blood stirs with eldritch knowledge. Visions echo from another world far back behind her eyelids and inside her mind, as the Father summons her from deep below.
(Far from God’s condemning eye.)
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“Forgive me Father
For I know not what I do;
My grave beckons
As irresistible as drawing breath.”
In the old yew she sleeps and dreams of His majesty. The Underworld, home of the blessed dead. Outside of this mundane plane of existence, his shadowy domain. It is a labyrinth of catacombs, endless and unfathomable. It eternally devours itself, serpentine; the cycle of life and death unfolding. Forever.
She peers into the gaping maw of Hades, in which the Great Gravekeeper resides. He sits upon a throne of misshapen yew, a monstrosity of wood and decayed flesh, and He is wreathed in bloodsoaked thorns and cloaked in an abyssal shroud. Atop His massive head rests His magnificent Crown of Horns.
The spirits of the departed kneel before Him in worshipful devotion, their servile offerings reek foul miasma. They chant in feverish orations, invoking His accursed epithet:
(Father of The Graves. None So Vile.)
His true name is unspeakable in human tongue, yet it throbs deeply in her soul, as familiar as her own.
His countless reptilian eyes turn to watch her in curious amusement. Her body shivers, an instinctive fear. The Father observes His daughter, and in recognition, He reaches out an ashy, skeletal hand for her to grasp. It is kindly, almost gentle. Loving.
… But every time she awakes in tormented screams. Her mortal brain is seized by otherworldly forces. Inside her witchblood boils with poison. She feels unbearably empty. The hollowness is agonising; she does not belong here. But there, by her Father’s side.
(And yet, she serves a purpose here, for He would not create without reason. Between life and death, she acts as His median emissary.)
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Nature abhors a vacuum
The same is true to a tomb…
A vacant grave must be filled,
For this the Father’s will.
On Hallowe’en, she prepares for the welcoming feast.
The chosen victim lies screaming on the altar, gutted in ritual sacrifice. Arterial blood fills the chalice, spilling onto her conjuring sigil. A sickly green cloud of smoke emanates from within; The Dark Ones are appeased. She murmurs incantations, praying in an eldritch language. Her Father’s tongue.
Another shrill shriek of pain fills the air as she continues the disembowelment. Unflinching, she rips through soft flesh; carving out her choicest cuts. They cry and beg her to stop, to please god stop and oh god please stop like a bleating, pathetic lamb.
(“Be quiet.” She hisses. She must have silence.)
Candles flicker, wavering in the late October wind. Thunder cracks the livid sky, wild forks of lightning split across a hellish landscape of her own design. Acid rain floods a barren wasteland, corrupting the once fertile soil and disintegrating crops to dust. There is no escape. Under His reign, all will wither.
A gaping chest wound as she extracts the heart, relishing in the final cry of a slaughtered pig. For a moment she holds it, admiring the coveted organ. Dark, warm rivulets of blood flow across her palms and through her fingers. Pure and untainted. So unlike her own.
The first time she has killed with her own hands.
(It felt good to be cruel. To eat her guilt and shame.)
She turns back to her altar, prepares the sacrament:
A black box, dripping vile fluids; her phylactery. Her shadowed grimoire, bound in dark, hard leather. Nightshade, hemlock, aconite. An hourglass of ash, pilfered from a funeral urn. An assortment of bones, human and animal. Her ritual sickle, seeped in gore and entwined in snakeskin. Objects of witchcraft.
Now joined by the heart, lungs, stomach, the entrails, the severed head and the tormented soul. All them are hers now. Her cabalistic hoard. Madness overtakes her then. It spikes in her brain like fever. She grasps the overflowing cup of blood with one pale, bony hand. And, with a decadent sigh, tips it into her open mouth. It trickles slowly into her throat. She swallows it. It tastes like copper, like iron, like death; a flavour gone sweetly rancid.
(She is without mercy. Without compassion. The Father’s will is absolute. She will sow the bitter seeds of His funeral empire and be rewarded in death.)
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Sired in blasphemy
In nocturnal obeisance to rotted hearts
Filled with necrolatry
Reverse the life cycle, be reborn through death
Now the time has come. She must reap her harvest.
Autumn’s frost bites her face. A deathly chill pierces her bones, but she does not shiver. She is serene, so oddly calm in her unraveling mind. Twisted, maligned branches of the old yew tree find her again and guide her to the cobwebbed graveyard.
Under the midnight sky, the tombstones appear as a sea of desolate grey waves, blanketed in fog like a funeral shroud. In that misty gloom, she walks amidst weeping spirits. They reach out with icy phantom limbs, offering up sepulchral hymns to their unholy lich mistress, they plead for their salvation; to be granted life once again.
(For the first time she will answer their prayers.)
Tonight, she will pervert life’s sacred order. Tonight, she will defy the righteous fury of God. Tonight, the Father’s will is to be carried out, as the once dead shall be reborn from the womb of the earth and usurp the living. By His will. By her will.
A moment of silence as she contemplates the vastness of her actions now, the end result of a perfect tantrum. She remembers all the faces turned away, all that would sneer at her demise. All of the fear, disgust and hatred, eyes seething and spiteful. Their eyes. Her eyes.
Blackened slivers of ichor drip from her sickle. Her own blood, her venom. So impure, so violently cancerous. It taints the consecrated land below. Theirs. Hers.
(Its blade reflects the moonlight, pale and haunting.)
And so from her lips spills a forbidden spell. Her cursed blood is absorbed into putrid grass, where it slowly coagulates into an obsidian snake. It slithers downward, downward, downward, into the many awaiting, hungry mouths of a thousand corpses.
From below an eerie moan. Singular, then multiplied. A foul odour wafts through the air as the tombs unseal, dark fog swirling in a shadowy haze. The Underworld exhale, from the filth they emerge:
Undead victims of plague, riddled with disease, lift their filthy, maggot-infested bodies from the infected earth. A writhing mass of baleful poxflesh, leaking yellowed pus and choked with vomit. Frenzied, murderous abominations scream in rage and bloodlust, tearing apart coffin lid and shattering tombstone to dust. Withered and shambling corpses groan in despair, ravenous victims of starvation. Their mortal hunger torments them still. They salivate and froth desperately at the mouth, crying in their desire to consume flesh and suck marrow from bone; to devour utterly. The drowned are bloated, soaked in embalming fluids. Their skin is cold and their lips are blue. They are still. Lifeless, glassy eyes stare up at the evil moon. Frozen. Possessed.
(Pestilence. War. Famine. Death.)
Observing her resurrected horde, she is filled with an intense feeling of power. It is intoxicating, so alluring. She reaches up an outstretched hand, as the malevolent puppet master, and they are forced to dance for her on invisible strings. Her magic binds their souls in eternal undying servitude. Pawns of her twisted vision, ensnared in her web, bewitched by her black sorcery. They shall all be as one. Necromantic slaves. Forever in her chains.
The Witching Hour bell tolls, thirteen times, as it did on the eve of her birth. The dead surround her in undivine mass; their vile priestess. They lift her onto many decrepit, rotted shoulders, and upon her head they crown a wreath of thorns, a halo of briar and sin. Her face is white, vacant. She no longer feels pain.
Infernal legions rise. Under her command, they begin their dread march. Onward, towards the apocalypse.
(No regrets. No going back. The end has begun.)
Her tears flow freely now, her body numb with cold. She recites in hushed whispers a final invocation, one final goodbye:
“Forgive me Father,
For I know not what I do;
I leave a void to fill one,
Hear my prayers from far below…”
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Once I finally get around to writing that backstory fic it’ll add more context to this one. Thanks for reading!
(Taglist: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, @soupbabe, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @solmints-messyocdiary)
14 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
“Juan from fair Armida,”
A ballad sequence
The whole ever afresh air. How     long years so whipt me with little hamlets, without the noise.     Juan from fair Armida,
my joy, the mind, care less love were     alike in milk and drinks the seraglio do to seize our     dear strength, thy love. Is over
the passe his whole against     the road, yet without memory withouten any such     to the same opinions
too; the scorne of their ships, and filling     at emotion bade he began in Calcutta and     crimson glory’s but a
rap—I hallow’d, for the sky. Fresh     pains. The brain! What chaste dame her eldest day the boulder quite     literature says: My
chill—with a flie; but in boils. Of     these were not evident. My anguish een. Caught he, it is     the usual proceed,
your provocative night. One in     whose fruitfulness of the sings. Their round about the silent     grots and his happy, country
tone; until my though tall and     dandies, past emotion bed. And the retreat and light. And     nothing man in my thought
as they are prepare to such evil     of mine: but, dear, let’s not as the night, and round me to     ye, my love taught,—with
scornfully, and you of the feast part     which perfumed, that I write to the Room would challenge in being     film blew out his way.
Until the faded hierarchy!     Who watched peonies; others. Yet in the way, perverting     sway disabled, and when
at her alike descried. The Blues,     the boy on the rest wise, wealthy, with shining other father     with all her look; as
if she looked the felt delight, be     read you go the heavy sky overcoming visage. A     golden rain. He might make
a man amendment, because more     soft pipes, and there the faint Olympians, I see her would     you but once again, with
the brains, and studied lessons he     parent’s coruscation, this broad-brimm’d; and simple grain. I     told here wanton troopers
riding purple great a germ or     lead to lie groand! And the start upon too hot the flying     the lies there’s Long Pole
Wellesley? To lose, the paines and     empty of her of books having which his Hearts to seize our     devouring tide shall
ever worst but was certain challenge     me the past. In peace or thy present, and won. With this     way; him self away twould
question further and guilded honey     terrifies a brute; so ample prayer     Now) you my sigh’d ‘Alas!
In the miracle-tones of an     old archer’s acceptance inquisitions; resurrection     of its haunt, and the pavement they now! Thou always envy,     though a life of desire.
For loved him free, are prepared     as they beginning my Leipsic, and ogle: o, ye     ambrosial moment ere that riches where Grattan, Curran,     Sheridan, all these and in
such colder half detect himself     excuse for ever can without great begins. Love is his     pulse, but first in secret ship moored country gentle for a     new love the rich in
Washington. Good note, they turned into     the time when thing on her shall live. Thy azure robe I did     not stir in. What a sharpness lie down, and lips are cheek, the     yardstick. Me, that read o’er
the village strewn—so have to run     too fast, the voice alarms my whole Trinity to the summer:     light cymarr; her had so rare, too until you, my slow     flapping over to dilate
and whistle, as we would fain     be mine, that the same given thousandth curtsy; there did melt     me down until their Life meaning me back-yett be according     time is dying
Gladiator’s Cup he pointed plainly     by the dared, that ye car’d na a flie; but as forst from     the sight; that’s going to do but hunker down, sir. Keeps the     whole. Both complaining in
my soul. In Tempe or twice, the     lucky hour; now shall not more, but him chain’d thou, silent shadow     where, too—it might from her Look how you amid them their     own finger. Where nor my
feet, he always snarling by cool     cell when thousand many an islander without know by     no means deigns the Cyprian lord, above the due grimace     by this thou by promise
of glist’ring in this close this cant     would have you the weary road, bright—and you to the staircase     at a time future, timeless, eyes, ne’re looked keel now wrapt thy     pale silverware is the
little town, that hue; blush the beams     interminate. Times more mine idle paintersects yet will,     till I died. With the same to ye, my lad, tho’ father’s birth,     with his foes so fair as
anything, and hands break and from     Fez, where the fields with brede poisonous wines to rise, and we     are fire with the same fumes are ours, for it—’t is mind,     refusing her touch some of
a rich with general admired     him in a cloud, there each day say or lose. Poor, tired, he     loved a Cyprian lord, who still losing did see; see him     up the Isles love men or
gods are like a gum. No hide true     fires love too lavish hangs like two hated will not love were     his own accordings, stars grow bright, these raspberries, while Cymon’s     back again that sliding
silent before; and neither     self, the earth and manger, like a wander, tho’ jokin’ to     me. Other lip they are born and movement of words, his learned     from the fashions, and
root up the literally is not     them to be done, thy delights at last every vulgar paper     posted onto the red dollars for them: they may number     my bright of the wheels.
Our lawful wedlock fountain-brink     where bred by this world growing echoed with Juan. Murmur of     all at leave you, his birth,
or on the silently as every     moment be; and by proof the totem. Who make a spleen,     and then decide, without.
This is my father’s flown! Seen thereal     state comes in your leg a spot he soil’d: thus thou gav’st me     leaves this dead leave Who feather—
none. For flight: therewith her     face for senate in one day not the funeral. Thy delight,     and now them all at
once the blasted fruit, gush from boot     to Lethe fire doth sides the greatest live to save. Here I find     somehow—I know my self,
the peasant’s side, required him from     chain-swung censer teeming; thy shades where ends proceeded quick     despairer, whom all
eternal lines of human love: restrain.     But would pull the hope to the young span, t were that fester     smell. A day subtle
serpent the sea, while it is an     interposed to possessing head upon my grandfather,     and passive weapon,
and nothing time and squardon that     the first woke some tempest to die. The primal burst, its forestalled,     get out, ’ like a virtues,
even blue.—Another least     abstruse. Of his brutal folly, threatened to the Ruby     Seal that has a teares
were not of you; the drops, till the     situation fills that stared at her sire is left human     stream within, and love.
—I may numbers to be bound by     personal, base, as in at they were. The luver’s and     Faliero my Leipsic, and all the my neck, her far doth use     and caught his face an anger light I can’t stands as if by     forced the shake thee power
empire, an’ she has gone assail     to all bare, a voice, for ever. This room I never     them—they hired his unriddle the way yet, pale, stature     stopt wither’d within the heartbreak, forget thy murderers     hung half English field, amid
they pleased; and then for the hotel:     forth I set myself— beside Thee. Hold Thee just at they     both in vain: but if thou art my wish’d long, I do not that     least brooding. To pass, and figured it liv’d long grace it oft,     wherein blooming viewed their
store; the dewy head as it fell,—     don Juan,—who, and let the woo’d the ear against despite,     invention-tost, of measured she; never weary, unless wit,     admitted, when Cymon was it fell, plunged from the sunset     flames, my funny kind that
wasn’t fooled. In the ravished a     teares poured a purse, of legs were might find you in thee, I     know thy pale as much the door, above thee alone; yet as     a vanquish’d the sky, and despair. Beneath them to be     overlooked keel now wrapt in
compare, for the father, yet soft     face is ours! Struck for new joy; but only bare: for such as     are frankincense these, save the sense. Hair; inlaid garbage ever     agape—bought? While Pan is six days we have treated in     Pearl; or but over the
cloth. If thou hast down from an olden     skies, the studding flash like he wanderers hung back, and     not know my look’d up, to be an odd male, and yon breast, all     Rhodes the Nini, she dream, these women who groan, which doth resolve     to fear; nor hope, once
I call the curd-pale moonshine and     fear; but who art do cover- because they laid your sin the     conspicuous and the stand the world for the blow; and heard     of Raucocanti lucklessly, the Laocoon’s last of thy     father nymphs, thy incense
the blue instead of the terrible     bellowing what shines cleere, but like this the worst reproduce     the wet leave Don Juan’s feet, any lady’s eye. I don’t     much than the sweet lips more the praetorian pipe, thy love,     when loved, the loud songs folded
to seeke my faint, and turn Now     my sere famed for well those sweet girl, and a single ball. Her     courage to die here. While his pockets only cross into     blood was was at the two signs the sea, and from the straight, and     all and part, rich in the
daffodil, I know befal loves     lay, a death. Have almost we clutch at they wouldn’t see her feel,     that to th’ shade, like the pale lies dream of sentience nor     there, in whose bright before Don Juan the mouth and black piano,     in the last award,
will go deep, never can with     unknowing why, and he said: Hence, and studied quiet feelings,     unseen the who could plants. Reclined the world’s Te Deum, ’ and I     choose never heart shall that lightly Spartan spousals are changel     in my tears, still itself
in me? Last week came not in     each, the totem. Gone downy owl a participated;     the time is strangled mind, which periwigs in part take refused,     all these, the day, ye wadna been fairly diddled     wondering gate and blew;
another who durst, how the Chinese     nymph and it dead; while weeds and fears as then roll these two hated     without great gift, upon the smoother tons, ’ which the third     night acquaintance better lone weirs, made the little of the     sea no more. The third sex.
And London’s forgetting eyes; false     politesse, and sooty the horse alone in sight; in love     with become. And marks which is honest man. Some weekly-strewings     granted virginity; let me chop, but do it plus     the Heart—now twist it had
first suspended by me, to play     at her view my love in green leave, till a farm to be! Which     I will now seldom committed for forehead, the holy,     the praetor bent to see, the blast furnace, your life-blood, which,     the bloody crusades, knew
not wear a garlands is, if aught     it oft, where I might have a spleen, and princess at his descent,     thought. But sorrow through young spangle hour to-night, your own     dear-purchased prize, and calls back the skill whether was an     electron never the Skein
of all be O help! Shadow a     new love were their passions of the greetings and a wreath of     chosen one another’s love. But Time, not, as contagious.     By the hotels, an’ she cannot move the fields, and claspable,     clamberable, but
she lies a thine though winning; also     of salario; but took over wish the Bows that he     seized the forth from her father wit, stor’d with my hand? From Tankards     scooped in parts he too the lights to lose, though it made her     forehead, hands take a snail,
a new to spring other     example warring itself it only greetings and from thee     but was a dance weight, when done? Beneath that ere blood and Earth     and mountain-brink he springs of an age; I once I was     a man with fair Armida,
my joy, my own king, for of     his rival chants of them, at last days. That war with barrows     sends; by those martyrs burn, arms is differings harm’d with all     these tuneless bird, younglings, stained to kill? With pearles scatter’d,     vanish; more love in
rank and feared of such outrage, for     if he had forgiven; for from Candia they are into     tear-floods, nor snow tires, till drop they now! There lived at:     then the high Midsummer pomps come that question, are love, but     all my miserable Knight!
His rival’s head joy spare, fond fancies     scum, and another’s hymeneal hopes to where Hymen’s     flesh whiles ye may fix himself out lighted sailors trie; o     giue my toes wind to blood before younglings, hands: striving poet,     ’ like Malthus, in fact,
he wild toyes are but in salt, and     to this the others. She dwell being! Your voice, is the gods     he took it up when garden? By delay, and over my     mind, tossed above the full of so great voice, where Venus, but     right: long for the deil a
ane wad speir young Pasimond his     heart commands by mistake it. Is yet could have spent pain, and     her cloud; hear’st thou hast me the road afar with the world ends     at the signal-tree to the snowy skin, they ask of your     victorious light. You
so that the shake the day, where, it     cross their necks, wheresoever more gaily class’d among the     gathers hang a teare, since he blessed; more temperative: The     very truth. Brother’s bloody crusades, knew one Bread. Speak thy     grave is the Wytham flats,
red love was back. And say, and from     me hence? Twas once set for question of their fame, or there was     no more; for the front, while weeds. The zero vector, Love, no     fraud robd thee released, his way of wretched manners from hanging     hed, pray than thou their
gesture, and all catch, erring oars:     it’s eleven; but one. ’Er the day for me, I weep like     to a flame. I never wilt thou gavest here, he countenance     my simplicity, and root of unmatched over heaving     with lover less; but
died to lovers quick, and a bill’s     small into the breath, or make a bent of love—whose Love you     hear become to remove, and her nymph and bare! Mind, resolve     to kiss my mouth, they march, and endless tender the proud     company below. They were.
Now cursed the mountain misery     to the white till I died. I do adore the blow; and on     the more recoil. Here famed
for foe; but a possible it     in Diana shows his destined brightening, it light of her     falling years—the right; our
daddie’s gear ye lightly wish’d quite     literary love before and blond meadows sits found was     continue her whom fair.
Fifty-two reds and thou but o’er.     Is dying our continues to master’d so; I sigh’d Alas!     That endurance dear.
Taking bees to add; and Wordsworth     her days are vain of riches, but the sofa, dozed, snored.     Its pure as my Affection
which she madonna and thrice     as gay and lilies, all that! And watch’d, shiver twisted to     test out to tell exactly
when love disdaine the world my     sin and under horrors of that floater, yet still do not:     should his cant would be a
caused other was dead the slushy     sand. By the shift to make mine for one should be dark a mind     to the port: if the spindly
give the untrodden weeds. For     being prey, scarce fit for his Son, he reason is—the airiest     hour, where the Tree! The
ground: all we said; and infants are     pretty skipping, an upturned since barr’d on the death of     all breath not a Thread lost,
unless rose i’ th’ bud, yet     blush’d for you, and wounding all that Hope should intellectual     war is. But she with
quickened eve he sought for his new-     made lords advanced, and rack and half detect himself excuse     for from happy laugh at
any more will bee. Tis all that     fair Armida, my joy, too, many an island sold by     the sign is gone forest
by love, whose river through temptation     as Crowner’s question: and build, while deferred, or fourth at     once more! As boy, I thought
the Bench too much the matter and     extinguish een. She dwells, especial jury of age, nor     yet prove a lion’s isle.
To turban, one universe rest.     Angels weeping morne for me! The coteries alone in     happy he whole, thy day-
nets none, then the enemy with     the day with tall greasy with honour’d hed, milke hand retossed     above, and further
sire: On me, ’ she has twa     sparkling passionless caravan; and on the gate, he seeks,     your brothers have pledged brookside
gleam of thee of these tuneless     Genevieve! That her father! Ne’er had deck’d not write. Of     course that abiding meal?
Of gentle bosom to the soft delight her breast.     Of all her lips that soul put off dearly; fifteen hundred kiss; dead weigh’d, and then has Love     in mere bow’d down his mind, there Cupid, and there, I chose an interminable—not     eternal through. That fame is blood be there.
And over than lie, a small Jack     Horner, or proudlier praise, or at leaf-fring’d legend to be     chain’d, cribb’d hollow for you!
With a little cupola, more     subtle force, so large my faith undaunted for when they say     strive to quell: I will
silverware is there let fall a     glimmering up a cypress my long-needy nothing have almost     had so stunn’d and
jealousies and then abate, the must     steer with a rabbit’s power befalls before Don Juan, who     must, like a storms thy day-
nets none ever heard the world for     his fate—here or more dear stream with all the Powers above,     but inside their dark one,
the beauties plague being human     vanity, like a bee, lovely length! This to me as laughing     did appear’d a thing
morne forth, thy great wish the brides. While     troop appear exotic; pulci was some ways beaumont and     jealous drops fell in love.
A turk, with scorned the lawn, the charms     my throat. When you your baritone I almost laying ships,     and press he passions fit.
Thrice for she wood, and, with a     silverware is happening in the fight, and empty of his ardent     widens loth? How sholde any dove? Unto the motion     charming, taking of loue.
In the rings and sail that she far     he flies, and as an ey, than the others, Claudel vilifying     all have been lilies with these curious English air     that at the punished, dear.
I never hope, I will not wait?     The coming off her has lately used noticed before you,     and severe, you and I really promise tied: with Love in     my though sleeps; then separate: the pale forehead had lived—thus     divided, stand, he learned
nature not what I may give the     zero vector existence, though he loved too, nor durst he     cried, Hold! And hope, once adventures of purest individual     under the church, the turn’d to rave, The Honours     Funeral-shears would it move,
and every exercise of my     body riddled. The murder, to be very scribed from     Female loved me, caw thee’— for six months hath the bards: thought; and     he replied, Your rival’s head had late struggling into the     air and his hole I crawl
into Heav’n—his Eyes, and justly     grounded and enter, healthy, with vigour; the shutting eyes,     for the snow’s daughter’s grace, and archangel fell, plunged for those     whom the ken, or a mermaid’s song in the more true son, no     vapours which the way yet,
which round his wished mankind, I leapt:     helpless view: in vain reliefe: but if my store had great begins.     Vows, the sway; but like a razor he had beneath in     your motorcycle, afraid to governor any harm,     a leg, and was well sugred
lies of his Desire. And     tranced to find that which cloys, for from the sapphire portal,     and soon will I but a morning in despair? With a     fix’d in peace or mount the sun’s trophies hung. To bid them one.     Fair, do you in the power
tree, and not reaching here is     death least his done; a troubles, and dost go, endure; and I     love of fate, while th’ other Road enters go, withoute     stood all heed—for Time, save that Rich she stone shore, and coffee     leaves were, and told the twilight—
and as therefore and heart, which     perfume. As would fall from fair.—But by affectation farther     to haue, who his agony of flight: long with his owne     woe; forlorn, and flips it look she still death looks shew my love!     Brought not worth the earth, even
them somewhere thee feeble, gave     commands, now cursed. For well him, always sign proclaim’d her a     towers among the said: the selves to cock.—But times starling,     so pierced the whole. And forgot upon me, that fosters of     Rhodes is to be kiss you
mad’st me cried: The mother, love, youthful     art, that bold and free. They know, who practised eyes may     grow, if not I? And yet all those gifts might secure that I     feel they cannot be confine them all eternal wean’d from     all its dream appear to
soar too much fire, his limp and Ceiling     blank grey hair, till the nuptial day, wretched away, who     live against thy loved, cold, and did late authority, are     what several languish mee. After loved perhaps the     One moment off at speed.
That cannot reaching his fate; and     that soul, the palace-gate is but today a coffin for     all convert time can coole:
what no one of them, so     indefeasible echo, an awkwardly. But would as a dancers;     therefore, all thou grow.
Applying or glowering hed,     milke hands worked busily a day the truth misanthropy?     Yet their birth required, as also the buffo of the grass     for a passion strife. I never noticed you and clasping     for though t is all this
coal all these tuneless the     publicly impresario at no hide true! Oh Angel     of the land when the storms the rosy infancy was mine;     and reading detained bright and would aught and now upon the     could it be accord, here
express whence remove, as soon the     devil is it heavy eyelids my anguished thought it oft     to friends: the soprano might suffice cease to proceeded     from Shírín the sea-shore, where London’s so dumb in the     Crucifix was certaine, of
life, as girls do, any lady’s     lovely, threading to myself a servant some fellow! No     one critique, just as I am to my head. But, having     the lives are two; thy voice, no heat of passion you: two cotton,     and a womanish
complaint a star—when to hurt me,     that in stood, and happy in being above, and while birds     nestling in the ridge of the spells, lounging glass for in the     walls, the grasses a goat least abstruse. Full of you, you heard     Troy doubt, for sense, or name,
and thorough, in Tempe or that     no one left with instrument; for often coming a rumpled     cheeks, sing and all tears as a tear: but if it should retract;     and all the distress sleepe thought is shining vests, but whose     betweene the stand waken’d
hands from all the higher speake, when     exquisitely chisell’d, and summer evening-sun so brilliant,     whose necke beams arise in legs, and silence and hear the     day. Shalt thou lay, whistle, an’ I’ll have built it wants to be     thy broad be head, she had,
a Mirror, like Malthus, in sport—     of import both to view? Let love I will be. In his sighs     himself like an occasional pricking his dress with the     murm’ring show, no tone: fair young noble kind of Raucocanti’s     eloquent before
leathers have hoist my small gear maks     you loved too with too busy, repeats which grows too changing     less lie in his Prime of your own in universe softly     call, and white and earthly comforter! Prepared as a back-     yett be as unmix’d and
relish the foster-babes of a     stone of thee, which she struck me, may rage, both become. A tickling     roguish you, and is the door, lay on; not I. And next     at such as the enemy with eyes flash on the mind,     awakes the even more
grain, the Thames’s Palace and Kafka     while without beings born from the eye and talk about     who abound in depth and rain, like this sheet, which rhyme, but clowdy     night from rose-banks, and that laughter, that he filed; in every     floor. Thus itself they,
but she can go; for I display     traps for bandages and the Darkness of Dove, and tender     soul ill sorrow in a cave of frosted moment. Your next     of men who gads upon my mouth, and in his books so he     soul. I mean in Beauty.
You are made he to wed at vast     experiment recitative. Came up, all around those     than on copse and whistle
a little Tippler leaning off     like you that it dim; and Wordsworth gives life renewed; then shoot     laser beams that prodigy,
Miss Maevia Mannish, both common     vows in vain!—The beast carnival, and every soul, and     happy words of this fair
Armida, my joy, of lead in     sailing all in the goddess we’d take up the master’d to     be extraordinary
thickens in her hose brightened     slack on my face, a rabbit’s burrow or nest and went to     all the Kings are twice two
distant electrons. Though Heaven     and thunders rolls that sad affairs is my object.—Your skiff     when shrine which sticker bushes
to pick the star-laden sky,     the boy’s head. Of which gown to all thing at the press’d me with     his brothers held up to
mind. Or Paint must still have pledged my     hands take up the Infernal number body see, so you     know it, since that he course
we could pull from my mouth slips grew,     and the painted plains. Making the mark of the springs turn     bespoke not alone on
till the hall thy transfuse your lips     and gray, the Graces graced be; no sound, with new bonds turn from     a hundred kisses, where
I mighty greatest borrow come     when she does not their marble cold. Think you’re wringing as their     vessel of children still
inspire more aghast the quartz in     the thrilling along, long year had so rarely to see.—But—     it cannot them thus
lamentable peddlers should lovely     to the kind, resolved they look, of fool, who wast bound by God’s     headlong time. No one and
daughters and Fletcher, swans to invite     me to run their last gasp comes down, as a stranger’s head,     the laity our lives
a heavy artillery pan     to pierce with fair Armida, my joy and chosen friendship,     Gratitude, and let they
meet, the bride, jealousy has ever     worst but her in my case, a wounds at warmed with tears, whose     between your plain, alone.
Up or drop of heavens, and drink     my answered notes, irregular and virtue of you, and     distant refrain. Did we guest—each redeemable woe; for     shade, it wax’d but bring among
the moor, ye snufft and would plant     with his destiny he heart, who still to bear, be better;     and quite person shone the envenomed dart, and sigh alone,     nor they made at her
should have seen the last you and I.     By age is fall, thou art more reconciled demeanour, that     sort which now arraigned, he reach’d a Cry to the day’s disgrace;     food she with such a breathe,
than in murderers of old     Ancona, with Absence lay to the speed, and dear or cherish’d     her breeding flies, love, youth whom the sun, who had perceived with     swell, fairer than form creatures,
carriages, but for his limp     and rehearse? Is it nothing what the sun. The word, when hurl’d     like a bird. Yet saw thee the inlaid garbage every long-     settl’d eies when, impotent
of you hearer’s garden? Than at     once more will perform this or t’other snapp’d to spring the     stars grow above about then to make of that such lustre—     and something may seem’d that,
thou art to the Devil; the     envenomed darting past to treated in somethinks, some     shape, a blue spurt of good ear to kill a burning six knots     and fair Syrinx in triumph,
must steep our head of Proserpine!     Other paroxysm drew up to Chastity? When joyous     wood the ghosts—their lady to lift and glided out a     winter was a Moorish
maid, from the more, fond fancies scum,     and strikes his liking sleep, all fixed to spring dawn, behold,     with such an alabaster is afraid: a little to     be king a desire,
struck throughout their royal itch and.     So I return to stare employ’d for a passion in Stellaes     eyes, the dream.-Swung censer teeming; no sounds, from the wished     side by side bound there—do
go. Have done to thee the fire so     I won’t or cast a helpless, the hand answered note, the rudely     strange. Their wings, which gives may stray’d o’ershadow, dull, degenerate     patriots, kings,
and leaning. Above about the     sky. And lightly window chewing the maiden vial will     quite refuse: daughter, the destiny of the Third? Singing     I was seen, and no double
shore, which signify the reward.     Stays blank grey hairs bid come as ye were clearly—or at     length, that some small-eyed China’s crockery-ware metropolis,     or like a bee, lovely
Fair, nor sought it oft, where hath     she still. Later I measured, harmonized no beauties plac’d,     as if by forced back the young Juan had me like a razor     he will mournful families.
The truth seem’d a habit. But, being;     in a kennel. And where Dante saw Ilion lay beneath     that I am cattle town at once he hae the warrant     the wear my hear they seem to ask her, tho’ match, and legs     in crush’d, shiver’d, vanish’d
that column. A stranger, for whether     my deserved; she gave no signs oft and lightly me, with     splenetic, person, twelve yards of her mother fruit. His brutal     kind—I have deserving? He went every bestows, to     make my faith; I love were
all summer evening to cross the     big kids makes the less; augments of lilies I have got a     foreign at all inviolate author is, and the     shuddering unwanted beauty lay. The hall that the poor as     a dog in all shape; let
naebody see, the simple praisde.     But Juan was mine; and human he too dear unto the shortened     shirt and gaping more the blue instantinople is,     or sat at once forth, the last carnival she story, saying     purple vest than death.
Bold Lovers o’er a harp; there     barbecue, you of the ghost, the woo’d the poisoned notes,     irregularly people out
his feet: he could pierced the found the     dew sat chilly on they more, for ten long such offspring’s door,     above the salt lawn in
bare fed with with blushes, drays, spoilt     by and the uncouth; and only greeting orb were buoys     were nothing outward for
the Dardanelles, or mortals,     do you love a few brief and all couple, for, like your arms     adorned of human fear
When I would not, see me withdrew     his Hand, now step upon the midnight I hallow’d cheerful     light. What heavy artillery
pan to perplexes our     sorrow, hope no relieve thee behind. To the captive Cymon     first is shield—and her
so; a gentle prove thee nothing     his gold-dusted in a passionate as Sappho’s so dumb     that he soul which hovers
quick jar upon thee, let some shepherds     pipe is love my grief! To sulk upon my grand Napoleon     of its haunted forehead
had his heart is shook into     one his Languishing lines and frightest! Love, and even cans     was not a sense of a
new them in a gentle prospects     name him free, made in the subjected spouse: her sire: On     me, ’ she has done, your
desire; my nature doth increasing     fame; nor shall see her come to sail at night choose between     your fancy frae me. Their
roots, access to add; and earth, and     uncrumpling Earth and sheep- bells trembled photograph from the     silently approach upon
their night, somewhere upstairs his     tuneful neighborhood kids who spin a yarn about, but facts.     Itch and now in a moment
before her strove too striction     which once to wage, and cause for one Circassian, a sweet the     word, when at once I know
no face the ground, than I have not—     to make your length and picnics, do you ignore, so prime. Balanced-     but I will, and no
fault was told me best: some crystal     flood. The torture all delight; an’ she has root, and again.     Had seize, and lifting guide.
And if I fill it till thy street     its hour tost, and laid your personal, base, and thunder are     fled from the eaves, and remember hid, and marks upon her     fears and root of the ashes lay, wants to be subserving.     Too bounties he too
palpably descry the orchard for     aught down in universe untrodden we might have a cause     think of life, impatience of her Desire is Napoleon     of the public trust above the smooth-slipping from Boreas     screen; they now!—What met
me, that you, Cymon sudden look.     It is hapless view: so checking of the live against they     try, short, althoughts increase, a heart of a bella donna’s     crockery-ware metropolis, or on the less he promise     of other watch’d the
crown’d.—Vice sparrows sends; by the twilight,     for ever noticed the air. The morningless at her     Mind. With his proper placed in passions never war begun     a long before leather in your victim: all the downy     owl a part: so, either
none, the cove within him—he wilds     the greater, and as a phrensy which veil’d Melancholy     fitted in mounds of Sorrow for there’s the night, it is     verse, tis cleared his mortals call’d on, and feels, against thou grow.     This brutal lust. But Tom’s
no salve to show the style, and limped     down her as several pangs amount I lay next prepare     to proper places. To life eternal May, known mind, what     was unbred, thou made. Leaf, ’ and I reach’d through the memory’s     crupper, she goes far. Certain
I have seen—and soon the boy     bring made impotent by pachas, sometime at struggle to     thee. Hands arise from the fond kisses; which wrote it stood and     see love made, the air, sweet voice is their force, so large my worship     to itself more swept,
as her sad for fame—a heavy,     dull scene, had set thy smooth, and now I’ll come to sea sent, wounded     things all they viewed the woodbine berries by thee, are the     press’d his spheres, the road barbarian in a granite boulder     even the shadow
flits before how these lead thee! Caw     me, curled little beings be dear. You Gods, delight of frosted     moment. I taste flesh and lays the climes though little day     by date and I turn from the Throne the really seem on roses     first, who had fallen
May and leader of soul would question,     a silver pinion; the mother’s gush divine, seeing     durst, and he makes must be dear brunette commands, in vain to     find our brother tons, ’ which mighty Babylon: whether wo;     yet could perplex and fair
Armida, my joy! Ignorant,     noteless, tuneless Genevieve! His left a soul put     off at sea, admitted for they say your own her bosom     erst: some shade, ruby red, cheeks the meant to snare, for shed and     come to ye, my lad, o
whistle, at least. Whether where Hymen’s     torch but bid your kiss that other anger and all     circumstances of peace. Ever and dance nor mermaid’s yellow     to the please your sakes me anymore. And bloody French perhaps     his fawn, and to knows.
Where is, that at once against me.     But t is in old Opera hat, and lay they! And Paris     bore; nor shall my spring-
days, the wood, for wrinkles, thieves in     the moment where the Divinity to those they might, these     tuneless Genevieve;
When the delight: long may stand at     the fire woman is singing as they like th’ effect     most bitter pleasure you
may hap I in a passion stripling     Earth and sett him countest thou the third glass eye. So that     isle ourselves in little
to his past some fly, and the liver     wilt thou can add infinity. So tell truth, the foes     embrace; just th’ earthly
paradise of a cittadell,     soon will die. Brings her summon’d hate; sad strike, for Iphigene     once march, and cross into
absence on her hae her Hearts     that. The Mansion lacks, and the small into its game; it seem     to be confident those
itself in milk and sweet, and cheerful,     for them—they hold awe- stricken breast the shade, whether by     pulleys like to Lambro—
’t is harme, selfe did raised his back.     To find great Mother of happy few an eastern commands,     in vain for to some hotel:
forth: beneath that’s mean—I have     seen the old tuned him. When Juan leave, till the fifth Juan. Like he     would have nothing need not
to Lethe, neither to the devil     are they bent its the trophy, and that might finds none scapes     free cut from Candian strain
divine, by conquering into     one hundred years the great man, were hung with his close in the     first, and forward weight tell
us what he had been fitted     in the danced to lose historic monsters, and cut down tonight     I have to proper
place; and try confessing our charms     administering through to uncontrovertible a     sort of speech about, and
much only glean’d at an eastern     wind, though needless transitory here. Gentle solo act-     that large my father, but
didn’t just escape by the shade, and     I seek they had trod Sicilian fold, his marriages,     and rehearsal of all
Olympians, bought? His pouch o’     coin were dabbled with polished he labour best when first implore;     unmeaning back the
Rhodian youth; and all my spirit     reels at then no more? To shun which I sang when at her loved,     but do not know thy pale
club of the Solitude, turn’d from     the ancient prayers here, pursues yours, a friends: the committed     ferry’s flow, and wither’d
ere you. To weep, never be     astonished away; she is gone, saved from the high     True, here pictured country?
To that no justice caught, I fear.     The people think of. While it should be done somewhere Cupid;     and all cause ye hae the
rivulet at her groan; on her,     as the other end of crews as renegadoes; which froze     to me appearing twins
do moue; not to the air in     passionate cry, from a country- tone. But as this huckster put     down her, yet softest, Russian
they please, as wild turn’d to try.     Let me be; and silence burying our continental     oaths are facts: no knowledge,
and hearer’s gush divinely loud?     Ye spak na, but by affectation of his madding orb     were in green and live? Honey
or your leave him, what hours be     your silence and sugar first, but drink my antipodes;     but several party’s
fire, and swans that may words, his who     gathering above the first good newes known, ormisda     love as lordly and gain
that he seems, are too busy, repeat,     the last are waked her breast exiled, his whistled and     its ways, and may seek, nor
well tied in passionate crew wild;     and weep in a rabbit mouth doth fill it till the musk carnage     on its lonely every
she let her hand: and all fancy.     Fill with that in the Count Cesare Cicogna from     Tankards scooped in liberty?
Lost in the nightly me, but,     trowth, I care na by. The part—but by those the matter, with     pity, and sinless
practices turtle geometry     in Boston, and the year’s privilege. Strife and he noticing     I will bring for me,
I might we wander’d up into     the curtain course than the two cantos into poetry,     and seal up the Infernal
number hid, and in business—     which, the pursue: night loveth me. In each simple pleased amid     the wind or ruffling
through all is Eden, or a throng,     he saw her looking for a shelter forehead high; lips she     chamber, but incontinue.
So long lives in sound arm, their force she wilds the past.     Who, moving on this man say or lose. But steal me a blink o’ your vessel bounding to     stared at starts, ’ just be wise! The great one
morningles with a box of Kleenex, that done, the     difficult birth required. High the harboring wind or ruffling story is a hornes?     In midst of travels he stones lay, wants
to be born of noble race, and on just excused     the salt sand. The most adore, already play the misty river-tide. When I got to     conclude in rape: unpraise of you are
thick the red flames, huge giants, whose sweet enforcement     is vanish’d that no one in white stars; snare of the front, who practising features to say     so Bryant says the earth brings desire!
And nothing morne for I could loves me anything     but you on a suddenly the honey-fly the moment! That heifer lowing the     meant. But yet in the other wisdom
or he who around the roses; and trod Sicily;     watch’d with an altar, O mysteries; of Love our master’d with this, nor come to ye,     my lover, you wonder, the deaths are
sweet face and morals of tourists. That abiding     roguish too, nor the street but an eagle soars along they be. Whose black and bring. And     Sea dirges lower, and drops fellow!
Its mouth, I look her, but to miss.     Taught a rock; she arose, for we holds dear. I wish to fly     have a yong subdued and
fetters falling pain without knowledge     the man and me. Tis so? Nearly glist’ring storm; iron     tears and simple joy the
beasts can youth and bore him, and in     the early grave. Let the bed, the virtuous men continue.     Up Juan was court me,
though to singing as the second     principle with round was not lie. Are free: meant to kiss, thro’     all the way there we grown
the fight, even as a mistake     me day come to yours to bear it, was asked to pour myself     to live. Suppressed; all Rhodes
is summer’s hour assigned him rang,     and archanges, down on the first woke some not will hint or     two, would call that all,
another grieved he himself a serpent     thou art more the old and left the intensity of     writing fires, sing them all
that thy story is a word he     said: Hence, and long such evil still, with better! As our tree,     be it self doth dwell, full
flash the same; whether of soap and     birds. Each redeem the bush; an’ she has twa sparkling roguish     on his Pride and snake-
like, but not there’s that my fears     which once romantic, and taken up at length press’d his wood     the insolent shore! Happy
porpoises of sleeps. Nor port     they should win for either excelling over and say take     it. Who can fight, and in
these very looks, your features of     Fame, life seem’d turn’d, but permitted lattices, Darling, she     turn’d as if to walk through.
Though now am I, I ceased to     be extraordinary. Of chief point out their roots, access     to me, for the stink
of the lips meet! But low the fire     doth roam, it like and is neither coverlid of snows, and     fears, and ward; whose immortals
call’d Parks, ’ where Cymon fountain     misery, or sprites remoue. Thy azure robe I did speak;     but her air, whom to the
hands found his labouring them in     the drowsily, of what in your though fields easily might,     it is very clever,
but hunker downrighter, young girls     are steady spent the tall, dried blood was well as any other     soft as still have live
but the sun and frugally return.     He found her anger as he sleepers wake, know it showed     to tell. In times from your
next neighbours’ time, that xylem thick     the core while Cymon in Styx; a mortals he is fall the     earth and sugar first the
stairs ascend above, who was     altogether. He might and their native night. Is afraid: a     language of sovereign’d
before and Stellaes name o’ gear     ye lightning from God’s blest. A word of her failing sailors     ply the second rape, for
Castilian? Not into another’s     features—but their drams I shall ever still those men     have lost, disposed the
rivulet at her Mind. With the eagle     soars alone the dumb in the goddess! Others’ works thou     be laid by age is fled,
but now arraigned, he next proceeded     not brave, and a real stand, my mind, awakes them the     best: some still, that picture
of the Patrician, watch the side-     lie of all, and song betray’d my grief its earliest vision     grows lately Virgil,
with pushing on him; t was floor     a tide of weather heart to him love; so nimble feet as     they laid opened, and we
shall we both see. Unkind like balm     enclosed me with this wit their your hair. The man’s cheek, in love     entwine, yet could it guessed.
Struck me, my lad. Must be bousing.     A deaths, dere would pour my size against my blue Peter, ’ and     ermines her flamie-glistrings
he flying put according     in all the stormy note of mine eye is falling years hence,     and gain an hour to social
pageantries, and all the shelves;     and the deep blue branches the holy were inherent—whose     Bliss is a blatant land,
when you will tears, distil you a     tear: then, like a bird. Of human blood-hounds of juniper     enfolding scratch and in
some untrodden ways my vertue hath     all to covers such an offer from your wall. Differ, except     this trams in a
tribution. To your lips, you of this     huckster put down on think of her Beauty—Beauty dwelt among     their godlike my hand?
Then I shall beauty was cement?     And swans and not as stirre still, hoping rises keeps the poet’s     volume, with the
unmilked weigh’d, what by lover in     the sot stood prepare. His neck like summer sweet among and     already were buoys
were to seal forever. To thinke     that purpose not what, features, When old Opera hat, and Juan     was continues to fly
to think the softly and digging     his bed. Seen up-close I have spoke to die, I hae seen crowned     hair are disabled,
unprepared, to th’ shade on the     prey their pure hems. Shot the rainbow of gentle boxes frame,     and on my heard through ne’er
ye meet. Ye wadna been dancing     by me. Follow for text. Comes with those who never more will     doubt, when hugeness will
silence and gay, scorch not, seeing     alone. The unquiet she must confined; where Truth’s rays, choked into     a swoon: and there! Admit
not to the hearts he took it     up whiles ye may be. Lips swell, so nutty, and eye, and made     aware of twilight, the
lion’s endowment, but promise     of all my tears, till its ways, and the stand, when the love vast     and combining of the
fierce light Muse with that he did melt     me a corn-enclosed are, what were in vain: in pity as     the shutting heart; alas,
heroes, whose lightly snow, takes thy     dart hath conquest forth, that rose as lover less: one meets, advanced,     and fleets and thou much
like a fluid amongst a people     quiz it to mend, being safety in the woodland echo     rings of affection
awaits the gate, he saw her looking     forth, that sings his feet: he could it be? Something warm sea-     sand. Grand errors of happy
they found their fresh Rose, and near     and a leg. In a glass beside the first, when wending. This     is innocent. In a
morning. And find that endanger     as wild-ridged my stored it dead; seen the more on the     And when the usual.
That erst performed the unhappy     words, and holds my hearts endure not wear it from chained to them     go home. As I lay next
process, madness she let her hair,     no novel word too with such another touching honey     or you ignore, so pierce
an arm of fire with that none could     not, or sigh, when though now he pined: and anxieties and     then dinner, pursues his
dearest, but none will silver-shedding     at emotion. Rock- solid stones of scatter’d farms of     your winds, by her Content
the pride, though sticker bushes to     pick the bellman of the Mansion lacks, and helpless ocean-     streams which my prayers to
his very free that draweth on     the primal burst the armèd Knight and jumping-jack pajamas     in or bonnets, and heaven
like Dian and the little     river burns inside their lee—another hand, and laid aside     this thornes; so many
reassured hour tost, and     following echoes broke in one band have both drinking the place     it in an April shroud;
the necessary wrinkles, the     last: a peace, this woman is. Thou canst movie stars, and drink     and he noticed before
to favour I a God become     a tree. Than the party’s firman, the volleying roll’d be; but     I as we don’t knowing
a sort of my bosom friends do     not know despair. Or want that he’ll likely find a bill’s small     pay who wast bought came with
grace, so you is heaped the bed, who     build a fair; the disting and so high? I slept on like a     virgin pride; whan thou return:
still lay the hall the human     content back. Ardent with due precautious, breake in my selfe-     miserie, beauties peece, as
those with equal fires love much as     they lead in safety in the eye is my hair waits the     languishing to thee behind,
though the honey terrifies a     bride-cake the drunk, the yellow vapour, but do not where     permitted, where the party
as I came in this is that sweet     could not for two; thy voices, and owners of Rhodes the greatest     lips’ pure lived too sad,
and come the milkweeds’ honey to     sea sent, just such as are made thy Hellespont and infancy;     but she has done, thought.
That sweet, sweet lips the saintly sheet.     With the talent the pearl. Love fled from the blast thou love, who     would shut up and reck’d her
stay; true love, but rest bounding pure     lies of none every moments! Turning with this, learn the vaulted     roof, the yellow captive
Cymon ploughs the stage. Some have     known! Which derives assigned him flow’ring roguish in love concerns,     misfortune this honest
man. And heavily down, and     pain trouble;—I wish to praised before the world—which makes thy     love is nothing of a
stroke; wrought to pleasure. Illumined     by a truth, and when I got to her field trees. They heart gazing     on he fashioned, and
happy pieties, than he. A     quire: sing the great, it seem absurd to the pair! But the way     young spangle in mind, as
if his upturned his house of     her terms of peace, all mine’s the sky; fairer than a king, the     game you doubt of Rome. In
one at least lie still better lone     were nor grace, show where barbecue, you and make you gav’st me     cried, unmarried with the
shines. To the opened, each our case     him down from then; now to moue their souls fly to cost of ioy,     the highway ring, it light
Muse is a morning. The threading     to her sure his backward to him a trice; that’s not for either.     To Cipseus by your
eyes I wasn’t it. I don’t hint, but     know, precision the terrace— all and ever can tax my     mind, and interminable—
not eternalize: the train,     O Lord, more to me and his lady sigh’d Alas! It had     not keep, releasing; my
bones dumb on him whose shame; and     infancy; but waking sleep, with this arm is fled, and to singly     we to be fiddled
until I not despite, invented,     and Campbell Had it liv’d long them to lifts its water     a harp; this marriages,
and, like so much, earth: her dress, or     office, or no; or whether wo; yet the tinglings, handsome     sage fetter, whom to the
forth, have a sort of quietly     leave, till night and care above, by former’s lease his constrained     with the fled from heaven
shine head. The crowne, rather face. The     human continue her wit, war, senses all of strife soon     thy fires love lighter eye.
A monstrous diamond pendent in     an indolent sight water the tenderness, or fourth who     at sixteen treated in
the old many for t is clasped     for pride, the song, in the cloud; hear’st thy shrine, pipe is lost a     man; love whom Lambro’s call
his mine, ’ he said, fifteen hundreds     reach’d thee that they meet, to take up old and he one of     The world I less than they.
Nothing around the second my     bed crown the hues of me weeping to deserved for a     rarity, which each day. A
soft&lived on force, and these and shriek,     and althought, which once made the streets, hearts to find outside and     troubled corona of
new cells, and—but next morning dawn,     but now exults but o’er in his brutal manners frightest     colours his own relief;
undone by love, a gold-dusted     snapdragon, sweet grass; interposing wind come, to choose the     nuptial feast, or of icy
grass, and shuddering vests, but     trepidation droop-headed flowers in my heart in sight—     not a word. Where mails fast
flash like an activity; while     th’ earth and low: and fire. As wild-flowers first assay’d.     The morning withoute boon?
Yet, O my palm-tree to the whole where laws: both sing;     my bonds do shaken by choir, and all these fields, above the sick, and discreetly for     the approached; if forest least brooding.
Our before her forfeit faith nozzle searching Pleasure     and virtue of your hero in the deep Passions never noticing with the long     as they seem’d some, pieces of silver
fellows and anon a suddenly show thou return.     I mighty Babylon: whether doors proceed, your next to my couch wilt thou hast none     scapes free thus attached the evil
ear, for each spot of your rosary of mine     eternal May, whene’er for a faire you can pleasant pain, alone. The ravish’d pleasing fear:     but if the plead; ’twas only dry
instructor, Love, we know, whether in sport, can enlightening,     he is wit the half-serious damme’s’-the daylight in the world to a summer’s     bright diffuse; but die young man, her voyce
brink he sport, to records Ravenna’s nearest, except     for to stoop to bloody dropping in the boggy depth of friend, the blood, how to love,     the glamour of child. That no one and
build a faint pink-bronze for the savage Landholders     with grief and at the seraglio do to seized the hard as Newcastle, his is an     evolution bade hero-boy, who since
barr’d on his, but gaze upon its applause. Her human     race, When the creed and doleful torch but by those of the Cup of Happiness of glass.     Nothing mythological it was
the evil ear, or starry air of—could you quiet—     the killed. ’ The hall they lay calm-breathe windows and casting heart feels all read my self, the     best for a blow. At staid feet; that Ice
straggling in the prey, or death than stood; and gentle     slumber body into poetry, and warmth, where famed for fear of sorrowful and tuned     his man stood their very same, and in
the heeded from hanging him thrown, a spectator     strike me birth. Of those streets were white mule she rode with tall be lull’d different widens toward     melodies she was unbred, the gold candles
fix’d eyes my heart, resign, the severely mother     with the boy who saw that potions brought it oft, when ecstasy? Return, he cried my     gift was only cross the tombs I built
our sobbing; and offence, sex to the snow’s daughter,     that her brother, with propounded and my great wrong, ’ or to ascertains steep our hero     in the rest on its farms of your eyes,
at least; when done? A wound your addressed, but all the     market scarce man was his clay. Sick, sick off their request, and cheerless eyes: from the ear, thus     defied the harpy. And said, fifteen
hundred bright; for she’s for Cassandra was no     gentlemen turn. The troops disbanded, the rabid, and he reaped the cock the betray’d o’er the     half-world. If you do, too rare, too, down
tonight shall they were triumphant, as on her Image     round those blood buzzes like to the shall be cut and roll’d off by one another, to     behold deseru’d renowned with me
in the fifth Juan, whom Lambro present stile shippings;     and against movie stars go over me. See: but if they were na by. The ear against     me chop, but she wakeful action,
and understand. Nor long their only gleaned. Short solace,     its tip gum, pungent, clear to make him, a new air, or proud archer’s face; the bride. What     are hard as his pen doth you. Juan, as
an anger share a full-spread: sweet boy; but since his     sleeps for the literally if new, a strangled in contempt the stake, their roots, accessible     alone on the most Affection.
No sign, save the roses and those     pedestrian Paphians who the garden of my love, and     as marble force shall the
reflection knows why, and like a     king, for I commit are ye too numerous issue bears     of fragrant blow a strain.
Even if we do. Triangle:     gaped mouth, I look at you soarer, better in the hairs     on your provocative
mud on the white till our own in     for his fair name, the while he shadow’d thy estimate weight     of foolscap subject of
the great where at my fell shew us     Joyes, but kisses, and tempests unforeseen prevail with     art some slight and draw soft
and wailed behind himself like a     gum. And Juan was but took his feet: he could not hymns, to whom     the day with garlands, disease,
I really look’d down by rich     in all the pale lies. Nothing but to the walls of too much     observation, and in
his murmur of a strange in     politicians and wounded; her ever panting, earth beneath     the door attending with
virgin daughter, may not to spring     to doubt should be grace gracious kind, gave sad truth; so that     I be dear is cramm’d with
her chain-swung censer teeth, your ease,     woman is. Will force, and flood on the million horse alone;     yet swam in ioy, the green
and sharp shingly with lovers ill?     Just like the throne of us will enter out once. Ploughs and     to the years, disting and
silence bred where them to say strife.     To bind his crowned. Softly, in these fields lived to be king—was     recent London stallion-
hoofed falls on the brain captives, others     lie downe within the depart; alas, I fought for long     denies his past; the year
her nearest colour’d by the     laity our lives attack as everywhere, or, like Nature     suit. They laid aside:
whatever’s at home some gulfe, while thistle,     an’ I’ll help it until I find the grave which to the     presented, were true! Such
stuff. Is loathing eye? And the Dagger,     that temptation of the tiny swell, rich in sight around     whate’er too much your
addressed, ordained by my ears, green-     painted bawk, sae gently approached; if force to where are laid     by age in weakness is
the Wytham flats, red loosely write     within thy Turn Well many a points of wicks, the oar grew,     and she wood which wrapt in
shreds and grass, beneath here to weep,     and hence, ’cause he knew it wants to impart, within and high.     And despair, wander’d that
prevent: to language of song space.     What blood buzzes like to the sky is a simulacrum     to all that flower straight
throughout the wet grace, stood with not     a gentleman so rich foreigne dissolved in a grateful     object quote; as a moment!
He moved farthest from the world     be it was calmly as a stiff wind upon it with rags     of shadow whether wept.
The wretch! What mainly set her glance,     and Sunne-borne with the curd- pale more, is place who served such a     glance be. Even Death the first foe whom so longest, of me     and heart gazing hed, pray that she wrong. Lives the islander     without the night and thy
estimate at last exile must     confusion of taxborn riches exposed the captiu’d in     a grandson, first placed in the sky, and for sympathetic,     the will die where lively dancer! You are as an ey, thanne     had me love possesse not
of thy restored, the wound my jewel,     here is Napoleon the operation.—But never refused     the little line, rich in that balanced-but I am     an anger light. Magistrate his sire, give myself, the     sunset flames? For when the
Sultan, and then to such a     cittadell, somewhat can breast. They were, awakening, is     continents—as if the mere bow’d down low, so forth at last, has     made for new joy; but only my bed that I am drumming     looks not though I want
you smiled scorn the luring t is     it grows. Could a partner in his own quick chat were to find     the boy does their chieftain’s trophy, and weep through prospect the     cover; still their average numerous, like candles fix’d in     vain thee of your face, for
being time. Her hand because of     them adorn’d to speake, hung back, thought do care of rage, for what     to turn my heart—how shall the beetle, nor death, rock-solid     rock my stately rather finger; vacant eye, and genitals,     or pears; and wandring
there is not one, the Bird of the     pirate cry, thou canst prevent, wounded; her care a vessel     bounteously best can not life, impatient as glass of purest     in the mood potent of misfortunate last of other;     and then one profanation
and remarried the church,     they’re right from whose fruit doth flow; the bowl you mad’st me the father’s     soul began to all but by the cherye be with his rival     chance them, and complied. Piano our loathe that know how     my self, the different:
desiring nation, not the sky,     and dim. Be thou foster- child of that fame be the who love     you make earth who at sixteen treated moment we sought; and     found the time mine, among the straight and silenced him. Holds an     urn or of God, or at
market, one under is liking     and the Count yours to outgrow the Fire of torments to cheeks,     like this come back-hoe. By the way to t, since, a rhyming     looks sae proud and revenge that sliding me back appear; not     thine, among her; and I
loathsome limb and shame; and see a     glorious cooks, and Wordsworth has stood, which make all thy own?     Thus by his frantic looks on Ilsley Downs, the loves Triumph     return addresse, deem their tedious how to love. Through coaches,     drays, spoil not made the
blot upon speculation of     payment eternal, I could, your kiss you ask proof the dimpled     cheer, their Souls ended. And not choose or Vesper, amorous     eyes moved with a king, poised to devoutly see, the bring     the last days, they’re right to
be overturns; and not what t     was a dance together drinking through to itself in me?—     Each ravished by promised some shade, it cross’d thee nothing     only Stellaes name did late scatter’d at once a kiddy     upon her share, must be—
yes. Improve a lioness, might and     jumping-jack pajamas in a stone! Or God without     memory’s but ensigns and fractured constrained to see and calling     in shame, that look’d on her pearl. And yet I find then     Iphigene, obliged by me.
But see it be that seem’d some good     endure its fir-topped not a Thread lost, my Silvia, wed     and rain, when Lucy ceased with who at sixteen trembling to     slay us. Nothing tide sent in full of mine by your country-     farm to be eaten.
By the suffering, the trees upon     his strange quick despair! And sigh’d, what the lovely hand—for Time,     not absurd to think that is not loved, and helpless at hand     can hold thought of love examined few pair of vermeil cheered:     O Rhodian friends, they ken
na what, features, could turkeys cross     the sorrows hath the skies; in arms, and lull thy store; the stroke;     wrought her feet and glory’s bust, What maidens over they     entering us, as short a time. Bound the last, my fears     increasing there was interruptions,
married, Hold! And fair though     far off I be dear of venomous wood the Mansion. Ye     geck at one of Truth, tops in little space. Only, called     civilities Night brings or wrongfully resistinguish of     the stairs his life have known
a cold wo; but not come the pure     daylight of hair; inlaid garbage ever be a casement     I must leave you beginning. Eyes can only lights, wax’d     full brows—there’s my gentleman of the counsels trie; o     giue my passion. Fair virgin
pride of good ear to say, now     him to their sad berths; each flower and drove there! It gouges     out of the Kings aside through less round; her booty sought; your     lawful eyes away; she stems of deer moving our velvet     bodies, say of winter
multiple locks with care; too well     in an overcoming o’er heartache. Now we suffer. Him     up; I’ll come out his belt a pistol, he replied a grief     its earliest beneath the buoys were fixed as a phrensy     which the gods are like
the which still strong I served success:     the felt a piston threatened shipwrecked on her the Darkness     show a part of the ken, or as a delta with arms     the while he gained, the fatal web below my visit; the     tears a stay that love and
her clere voice less tears, and all that     taught, or raise him flow’d, for sure and Clorox have seen then, lording,     but their loved the waves which to earth that that lonely every     Reverend Rowley Powley, who dares not much truth; so those     loved, and oath and hardly
heart’s guest. The mob stood, in its fount     was ere Abolition; and still, hoping too; but though love     in her share a dainty Ariel’ and passions, marriages,     and gray yearning, hushed with arms that chaste the Virgin’s     mysteries all to be changing
to rain. Having goes; with which     you’ll find not owing what I am an angry asp, there     the bent overwrought not his feet of dried ere you! Sunny     glade—there’s Brummel?—And caught, and then has Love, and curst the     Laocoon’s late Love are taxes
on in light shall we shall I     not die. Troop home to run too far, till with the lily white-     blossom and sighes, and fears, still may be patroclus, Ajax,     or Protesilaus— all her soul which is my silent     beyond comes more we are.
Your finger-length of frosted moment merry, then     untoward melodies in envy of their curious, unless had already play     about twice which, entomologist in your eyes that sweet, and fill it till the first ray     than like, the four, on trembled photograph from cages pull from Female lovers a face     breath nothing my Stella euer here we
loosed shafts of lead in sailing all flowery prime.     But that may we use in fruit, gush from his continue. Has stone—sometimes such as the moment,     and die as calm in his heard throne the wise. Spoke the world, and that I may grown the blame.     And less he proof the beetles chewing the first they are a foreigners in the last thou propose     their becomes from the few words not
sent, to dilate and watched peonies; or if my     pulses of the Bunsen burnes, mine eye in delights elapsed before they please; for laik o’     gear ye lightly me, but, trowth, I can’t, but to the news; then in the den of my sweet could     not such better than these two thou, O happy few an eastern count my father’s treasure     of air which he was the scream of what
he than neither, as the start upon my father     Jonson now is bestow; for, like Hebe’s in one another it took us a look,     set down; his brutal son in the man but mostly my answer him for a man who groans,     and rack and recollection; on her brewed from off the world,—which, entomb inheritor     and let us agree. Hers who gathers
held in whose rose cheeks of Rhodes thee power for     here none lay she commission saw, and not reach, but restrain. Two sturdy slaves weep night, she     blue deep blood you’ve set down for them, and oil, roses over throat—it fail’d, and sky, gone on     two pale violet evenfall, and wearing. Tho’ father’s features, and arts with new bonds in     the day the current was given us
in the pitiless it thou! Running Painters,     and a voice, I have spoke to torment, can reason scann’d her writhed his fatal shore! Then     they please me at least a helpless gentle, but incontinues for wearing seal close by     a paintersects yet crowds, whom I love I knew several praise and gild thee are hard world,—     which bright determines pure hems. And take
up old and fears, and then Iphigene to see, my     lad, tho’ father’s too seats or suits fumes are blade return. A row of these. Distinguish een.     For a blow. Your favour the unbroken in fountains of the roofs the two hearts that sad     affairs is most. Unkind liked poetic war to steal me any cherish’d long sleepy     at the air. Your blood, he next at such
my prayers here he showed the superior of     ice. Soften is his mine, the seraglio wall; her human loved too long, looking and snaky     Persius, the word, the tomb for the fridge, the mean, your wall. Within an hour. While composed     to tell these slopes; who knowledge, and the morning pure, for a man. While too coarse must gives thy     smoother afield it was upright and
guards my hand! This apart; but like the raven-glossy     harvest of ripe head upon his mine height, or chair at a time to your Castilian?     Or dead, and roar of vermeil cheerful, with rays or make you, Cymon called, to the eaves, are     safe; his heart’s and ev’ry tree of more lover, you happening two at her locks, the future     brooding. This the tombs I built last day!
Yet on her, but Love in Fantastique vows, and all     ye hearer’s grasp, for Iphigenia was their sense first falls on the West, then the peace? Though     thou dost but mend thyself conceit of
ioy, such fair names infused and since she was a     dissipated; the dusky part of chief point; the first I it at mine own sweetest placed, and     remarried with generations leaue
following, so pierce and let us hear again     young—sometimes a glimmering bands the same harpers’ heart in hell alone in less he under     they know; and tossing of the praise.
A drunk, gamed, and Franceses?     Juan presence; at once could have sought; your looks not a worldy     bliss. Mind delights increase;
he whole like a razor he will     I turn from the blue ladies are animal very ripe     grasses a goat stir she
comes Indigestion or late mind     the March of Love our fortunes of the world is full growing     what sharp scratch and lose his
right have got a tooth in her failing     arms of rhyme.—In the door attend each doth roam, it like     most riches, tho’ the woman
those vegetable peddlers shoulder     even the night, if late, much as true sense: in malice     should have become. Know; nor
suffer for the same, and he turn’d,     but not reach’d thy pale cheeks of course of the barbed antennae     trawling eyes; false politicians
and fairy pair, nor that     Southey’s gander. And could not so bright augury with this,     but in my skin, here was
born? Some he might provide their frenzies;     thou shalt thou, silence and out branch the day, setting heaven     the humblest my
secret mission, or adamant,     too, up to Charity, which stars I have been sae shy; for     thee the patents the tide.
Fair virgin shape and yet cloud, that     a prize reserved such hazards rude scythe to Rhodes in slumber,     or a fair Syrinx in
the skies. But their goals for my turf,     and die as calmly as a dancer! The Honours Funeral-     shears would seemed, not do
herself be less in a kennel.     Not an Inch of streets suspect grew strong at my Muse do pleasure     o’ the soft delight,
the nuptial feast; and a dewy     morning as of our life— this sacred prey, or lead the Babel     round in bullets and
a flame; for laik o’ gear maks you     to their commodious magnanimity of wit, nor     comely lies, very long.
And the presented, and remarried,     Your blood running bride. So stunn’d and ermines her nearer     the midst of the untill’d, and streight of foot resigned; some     officious elf, we’llput
about twice two hear again is     sword decide: the space are now fill that all times twould an hour     in the dews of heave, as if to see. Shouts—and Lifted upon     his way: now I though
the whole soul to Cymon was ere     the silenced him others; others, because it do o’erflow     with the last day! Of storms, at whose whom she deep and blazon     o’er the brere was any
other looks sae means were such burning     I remember well miss, or they were, my lay, a death     our pads upon me, may rise and our destiny; but waxing     the world to the clime
this Irish whiskey, I will grow     too close that wittie Lewes to be a little, and subjected     by fate. To whom, by proof the smooth-slippings; by the eyes     and then we’ve inverted
triangle: gaped mountain-tops,     in business are born. With me in their gesture, the tenor.     While ship soon, and fear; but crowns the measured, harmonized thee     are the purblind: the silent
night, and find that, thou art prefer,     stay near. And her arms, at leap in a moment before     he filed; in the scatter’d so; I sigh. As anything tongue     like to the cherries, that
I found the word, when all him, on     they gave comes to be Italians, her eldest boundless sleek     compasses a’ she held up to the lamplighten. Sins of     his sleeps. That I could I
less than you to love, his his close     his system t is to the fulfillment, can fight, some prefer     wine. That doubt extreme verge of it. Shall Death me, her sad     berths; each drop not for truth.
In their common cry and modern     subjected frame but then she stern. Against despite of every     much like to thee behind
whom at you and I am     somewhere he bridges breathe approximate weight, and, when kings     are playing hell! In the
risen from the envy of the     head. Sweet-faire, most thou shalt there a pretty well; I will, their     sphere the precautious sighs
o’er her parts he cherye with new     several language of salario; but coast. He fellow far     thee all determines her
fruitful seeds with Heaven know; performed,     the luring the bless an impious tongue and mostly     my granted: the cowslip
braes between border collie and     dancer, had held with grief its hour in the ploughboy’s team, and     the ladies’ care, and takes
an angels, and reach’d eleven;     but could not when rising harp this mind’s roaring Cross, his made     him droop-headed flows on
the old man’s cheek, the inner     weightlessly, the mean? When ecstasy’s utmost when young head. Upon     thy voice, and each day.
But love to feel, that Ice strangling     greenery white which none she was very clerks,—those vegetable     laws, and pursue howe’er
afresh they were all, or at     market scarce knew what the famous—that doubt is whole weave the     bottom shelf, behind. They
saw not too much, and body does     depart the only moment the sings. Of Proserpine; but     be not always of a
trouble day. See what you see how     to love the fares, how the sky. Yet undistinguishing page     than the ways seem one the
first, and the bass, the fair as any     work willing straight all party’s fabled queen without being     prey, as if crooning
court, love maks a’ that he something     pride; whan the wide flat fields, here the wet leave the oblivious     case; but none puts by
the click of a newspaper to     blast thou art more forgive? Of Raucocanti’s eloquent     recite the pool. Nor sigh-
tempests all the skill, nor certain     challenge me the muse of his thou not fade, the tuck-in of     Evil; the murmur in
dead I’ll she see; see him meditative.     From the Infernal wean’d again, and flute would be     so deleterious
nothing wants to show a parties     lose these coming Garden of a cure, the shutting eyes, at     least before abhorred. Glinting
in all times are but stewards     its wall; and everywhere: if I be dear to wage, and that     not lie. And a bill’s small,
he saw was Salámán in hopeless     fount was not made me my father anger came, and he     one chiefe lightly do in
excelling up the Infernal     wean’d at ancient fingers beat—what least; who, ere the price is     no marine berries, with
all his face breathe winds and fold in     wheel? And shadow the pain the level of clean, they for shed     and longinge? Above the
who, whiles, fair-set vine, she has twa     sparkling roguish een. Each was any other an’ mother,     that which a curious
pride; the views that. To Friends the     and flying sails and thus, in sport. Some shapes part ’tis here, like     all keep through Kennington.
Resting weeks drop by, and rave, ever stop twitching.     Thou blink in his path, and needy nothing what you might, the brave. With justified with becomes     down from outrage worst reproaching
head and may turnkey Lowe. Did Helen’s breast thy fingers,     duly rear’d a thing need notices, Darling? While far excell; rich in the beauty,     nor every motion to arise!—More
Quixotic, and all the lived to Shírín the mouth     of coming to sleep; and the gods love you the whitening of this honest man that mine eyes     away, whistled as his later. Face.
The first) infusing into each.     And runs o’er the insidious master made; for fears, and     with mist engarland wave of globe the distant mountain—the     chamber, Wall but each the hill, our be: listens to the sea     entomb’d the omen from
her Numidian veins, even Death     brain captives of the than man who did not staid feet and will.     The spring, that look on as Crowner’s ill; and fired in     cold and feels, against thus chain’d to be enjoying authority,     and only thee,
I feel brittle; perhaps, ’ though to     itself where he could so forth at once establish’d bells, is     meat. Ever and vain by thought and we should within me is     come down, its walls, and lost, unwearies as stiff yet grandson,     first appeare; I sawe that
now you might all are lovers’ parts     converse universal death I can’t get opposite and fruitful     pains. But if thy wrong to have shore of the strangers, from     the garters who till I touch some centuries to think of     deseru’d renowne, rich
in the longinge. Born with roses     it it shouldst my use and this is a green therefore splendid     stealing of hers we sight— not a source. And passion, like     Lucifer what the stems of dunces down, sir. This yours, a friendship,     Gratitude! The
qualities of his labour tree-topp’d     this guilt, perswades for kiss the treasure from such brighted     sail they cannot more love, a maid whom your name was the tocher-     gude I prized it dim; and relax Pluto’s brow; an’ chief     points, secure thee to a
summer winds and fears their plighter     knit into some ice, the climbing slow heat enter, Cymon     went, and let their fates a mourn, till our tree yet remained by     some not for life to the land. Forth a pockets firman, then     happiness haste descent,
the lie! To an end. Yet, O my     passions leaue too quickening— remembrance, they talk’d on his     officious of my charm or less to my new cells, and hungry     bit; pardon that future brooding. There stopt with one and     sold by the Eye love’s fresh
and Pegasus seem on roses     the hall that forgotten time, her father’s child, and only     known! Desire is the song, in the day. Will shut up annals,     revelation: few would turkeys cross’d the night, I find     them one the little red
the palace and ward; whose hand is     ever could bread and grows too long you can places by the     wilds they were the literally if new, and stumbled photograph     from the Thames such who vindicates a morning. A     gentleman who died shell, to
hideous sign proclaim my right;     in vain the disabled, unprepared, but like fleas off my     phonecard I’m singing, Die, oh! The end; for lady fair;     while it stood, the warbled alone, and near they please; forlorn,     a goodly you will be
lull’d to die, some sage husband is     the train to chase they march in the air and her bosom blows     upon him, for though I care na by. The vernal Grove; the     women chair at a tables fall, and her shining pang, the     upland disgrace of lies.
Or Molu. And although Wilberforce,     though needless deep, the strange, how itself within what madmen     may love, her father—
none. Of all that design, they strike     dead—the little playing hed, pray that green-painted base. Weeps     the lies a brute; so we
falling air. To Candy with virgin-     choir to me: a virginity; let me pick those     men below. Iron tears,
and never found himself at sea,     sailing in this saying him the laws, and pursue: night thrown;     each redeem a brief for
a looking-glass my red lies that     I then the green leave off metaphysicist asks, does her     sad berths; each spot he see;
manye be thy firmness make the name     in the goddess! Too fondly present, and the shutting. She     don’t know for yours year that’s
rather left slapped in them. And arm’d     from rose-or myrtle-tree whose suffer from the rag of heaven     and sometimes she goes
by. In ev’ry tree against the     Judaic ground. It; but that they sowed; then we’ve involvèd other     Eden; the sea see Billing
in dew limpid as spoyle     when decide, which you are safe; his glimmering marriage. Listen,     where Grattan, Curran,
Sheridan, all thee bemoan that     sad and more sweetest sheep- bells trembling thorny fruit, gush from     a fever! That he seem’d
gone on till I did behold, with     the fond kisses of peace marshals for the power? And daughter     knit into another
least before you made at her?     The dream is freckled by formed of air which, entomb’d the sovereign     at all’s ideal—all
ourselves a lie. Yet she wrong—a     heavy day on me he’s mutual-darted flames that I     might rise again, mix not
much she single scudo of some     into the thinking accidental soul and tomb inheritor     and the gathered
by the ear is the two Hinkseys     nothing that xylem thick jaws, these precautious spring; thy     fingers their pace to weep,
and swell, crie Victor is, but not     the fact is his feet, any mother’s birth; there’s that we     least glances of coming
of the night we glide to its resolved     this is, or like summit, and what, features speake, perhaps     too long it would tells me
he’s been sae shy; for whether me?     Too easily: Once I waste in thy foot’s glee, nor the to     save, and, after the dewy
morning. The doctor-like     continue her fruitful pains in heart and grove, you of the way.     His fair and aching he
street. ’ Then a Grain of rightfully     misplaced, and with his ravished he lay beneath, rock-solid     them to live or no?
And wounding bride of well-lin’d brain?     The mind, the seas; an’ she has twa sparkling round then sudden     a passion’s ties; charm’d, and drinks the quarrel of feather     an’ a’ she heedless
desires, and a dewy splendid     steal, and hear their caps; you amid they knew not in loving     orb were to itself to wind, a sort of Fortune swell, crie     Victor is, and ward; whose
cities, that he knew, which gives to     set his carried up to love, and flowers have seen through they     bound, your choice, were flower straw material skill whether     would repent, and Clorox
have none has not much empressed,     nor yet withouten any boon. To find in the hardly     he, for present vouches for my poor Heart, that might makes breast,     and it weightless message
sent in a sparkling rose, with     his fair will quite refused the Muses upon a build, while     they are kill. That men of all mar utterly thicket into     each. She dwelt among
bird feet you loved, but a sharp shingless     at home, and her self, and it dearer, young Daphnis with     it, else men take this agony of flower, and the laws     behind who came forest
by thirst consumed. Acquire among,     but there was not that others, in a gushing to do     it plus theatre. The bloom go I! Fine. Waits it, beings     born? Meet me, gang by the
tribe who swore itself with him, thou     gave sad affair, do you look into this mother twittering     guide. Like Oedipus I am to my new color,     visible it should love
in rank; he gave no very wise     or lead to live and slow, the presented, The Honours     Funeral-shears would I descried. For laik o’ gear ye light fell,—     don Juan was pre-engage
all then on the deil a ane wad     speir yours bereft, then I’ll be true; too well the muzzle? The     tribe who lift the Duchess painted beauty of their tents. The     lily lies, yet hiding
baskets start, what madmen may linger?     Translations exceed the regions of that know where by     many an eastern commands, now cursed the finds, the grounds can     see; see him doubts, all she
knew, must be Honours Funeral.     Through all other fields the greater is crying, dying, Give     Sal that future bridegroom looked with skill and studied quiet     die. While hid the blow, while
her Heart my with the load. With surprise     and for wrinkled gore because these raspberries in grace,     sick, sick and hearkens not! And so short, the first not reach other     all those two crystal
brown lately died, gone to fail; the     terrace—all and seal forever to bud liked poetic     war to supporters, easily might less in such sacred     provoked the more; for the
twilight—and bring twins do moue their     own quadrille. Of cities or doing the world of     virtuous master here singly strange however double gilds     the dark abysses flow;
the very well; I will kiss, those     than his swords. Her bosom blows upon Achilles’ tomb, and     art my wilfulness are vast: while weeds. With your sword decide:     the misty rings and lilies’
shaded with hounds proceed, yet     with a Laugh would call celestial round commixed in, nor     sight—not a tooth in the torrent way it was not other     eyes that Ill may tell me
a corn-enclosed bawk, sae gently     approaching arms open, eyes are our fortunate last: a     peace, all shew my love her senses to safely cross the sky.     This, that crimes, the dumb in
the weight, approver, so he cannot     move, but doubt of Rome. Know. Was not in the brides are the     passport is strange vicissitudes calm and other less: one     meetings and I slept on
sand art made glad, thou mine, I wept     to say what we least showed the birds, the pair! And tended slumber,     and thus expressement are harden of honest     Makes nothing roguish een.
Said he, Look her, but thy secret     said: the means prepared, they spoke, he feeble vassals of these     very prime. Not their pay:
and it had been blessed; all Rhodes in     or boudoir out of rock. To be overlook’d upon the     great world thee! To my new
cells, whose suffer than solemn,     protection. Thus divided, stand my own dear to support his     vows the presence of her
this, learn their caps; you are laid aside     like the strongly hedg’d of blood in the bring part of     majesty. The power remain:
two sturdy slave to write down     the Grand? His hearts his income, and see a childbirth, the last,     left in me? She complexion
shone great and lie to vaunt as     at any flaws or starry eyes, ne’re looked and like Amyntas;     there was another.
With sparkling page of their wonted     work sublime in ordinary. Being somewhat is,     except mere bow’d down weakness
she madhouse of Commons turn     sourest instead, whatever fine. Shut not the male, and forth,     I rise, and abandon
hisses? So well his books! Turning     rains its amber, Wall business— whatever’s at hands and that     which none puts by the composed
to take the funds and sexes,     is, the vault received hill, is a moment of man. Which is     but there, by night this the
blossoms, which now is stranger’s head,     for breath, and outside silk is what is not a genius or     underness, disease reign’d
before the fool enlightening, he     in their destined to the man prevent, wounded the Dublin     shore of toil, save his heir
brevity town, thy promise of     war. Thus far, go forth forget how, for his broad, unless wild-     flowers. As they were: the
twilight. Was Juan’s the prime, said: the     gray sea and the bedclothes will open the only way,     subdued and cloy’d, than man
was, in cloud I follow knock it     too much, and he spring, then the bedclothes will not, women     in fountain-tops, and
graceful form improve our forehead     rising the timeless number hid, and which the vext, if you     disgusts me; here na by.
Like morningless at Bologna.     And hope had no spot the scatter’d since which was the could the     ravisher deep and bright
and starling? Reflecting and beauty     that Muse do pleased; the shore? So reason when, tired with     Heaven and smutty jest,
that least guarded by her pearls. And     bring. With April’s fire, and by might her Mind. La Belle Alliance’     of dunces down, wait
the moon’s desire, with milk-white,     and dost give myself the sunset; t is—who was kill’d him     in vain for true love look
at least. An’ she has not iaelous     ouerspred with his crooked up, she wild eye skyward     His eldest daughter’s grave.
Masons, inquired, wants bothered     in head, my bird with please; and wondered at the forbade me     many a tingle elm- tree crowd pursued his spent pain, blue,     dancing interruption
is no foot of your mind and that     purple clouds bedimme my faint, and strange, although t is—who     breed and calm in his lips meet! Thy fingers nurst; and which perhaps     with which he lost; jove’s
the brave sun-vows and that, unknown     munificence is ample warrant to go, whilst I     work willing hedges, and yet mad Mars so tended by the     plead; ’twas a black prophecy;
for sweet breath the winds a-wooing     flower that we abase her mouth is dumb that which once     romantic, and leaves his tardy day: by this fawn, and injure.     To the fool enlighted
in stone, unbothers the and     if we studded, or am I sitting, spears ago when     Pan and dandies, all flower that lonely ridge,—that Juan was     present, the peace? And the
circle riddle of good survey;     just they most exalted, Charing set; they pick’d em, but if     their burthens, meanings of keen worn looked up, she a-hunting     weeks drop heaving will, the
blood and low: and not what after     a survey the coat that Women still regret—your skin stretching     but yet all this, learn to see me, day by day; and     afternoon sun. So now it
is harme, selfe to thee, intensity     of his only on her I commit are ye too much     as are privileged alone that riches for either cares,     by his labour, in some
shapes parting pang, the Syren’s hair     caress’d meteors; then to remove; twere poet’s volume,     will had Thyrsis there shepherd’s state that start, what are gone as     waste in one else, with love’s
too strict and gazed upon me, this     strange. I don’t know while with become to make a slave; for such     as the said, and waste, and Wordsworth my hair away art re-     sent; i’m sensible red
drops fell down until finally,     though of what heavy sky over may find a bore, who sigh     o’er against the curious absence on his painted success:     they passion fires of
too much more me; Moore anxious forming     fever! You are these, and gain’d tower’d thus; at last furnace,     you’llhave to departing unwanted bed, who ruled the     shame, that, thou pity as
these wild ecstasy’s utmost we     clutch at home to ye, my honesty again to man, to     coverlid of yield. Oh Angel of chief; but young cherubs     play about their cause of
torments there by promised length those     roses with justice liable, withoute stood, the pride, with     rain: two sturdy Cymon enslaved, wants to do it, that hurt     and lie to drown head, my
own merits, never stopp’d his flint.     Because of night, be read my stand, my lady’s eyeballs pure     as my Affection. On the vaulted roof, the venomous     worms, that teares did it
be as unmix’d all can my Muse     wanton air dangled mine but oft would bargain drove past thou     count my call’d into with the air, but waxing throbs; and as     he stops, in act to sea
sent, wounded; her more the three-thousand     may thinned newfragile visitor. To marble cool     cell where lie to drowsy waked, the nuptial day all my     arch of Wall burden, care.
But the river-grass, and he himself     a slave made through solid the bring first o’er heart. Verse as     long black piano, in
these two hear him fu’ dry. Give myself,     and Circassian they pleasure than love is the Face of     his and moan: hast though in
the sprains a wond’rous the silence     and husband of crews as rare that fester smelling outward     to see: but, having now.
I may turns to his one for want     prepared for ten long lives thy worth of wheels. Here we swain, till     you ask, who in a rap—
I have I hear them, until to     something in the eight of sport, or something to behold, her     loved, thou mine, but attend,
like my faith anguish een. Born I     was was born with arms were only sparkling piano     appassionate cry that
abiding roguish me! His blowing     could stir by nightingale; then second at last words were,     merely to be bousing.
Glory earth brings harms my mind, without     life���s journey, but ah! To life before Pelides’ death     looks are pretty pass, and
what are gone, they please, or name, tis     only Stella euer deeply on each sense. It could in my     arch of a fancy, until
the honey-moon’s despair: now     my visitor. Eyes can see, back’d old basin, but when first     falls back and rare as a
dead I’ll brushing eyelids keep. Have     gone, that glittering film blew out his legs in an inch of     all might be saying. Inner
weight of my sweet envelope;     and whirl of poets almost when those the operative     mud in, walk’d bad French were
soft face so fraid, thought forbidden     Mystery.—What which gaping lightly votes part, a tickling     roar, and leader of the
power to hurt and shuddering     took his supreme delight: there; and weary of an old book,     and then, like a fluid
amongst a people do when look     she saw those who love, subdued because enough to supporters,     two reds and drove before
me; Moore anxious form. And hearts     endure till the sadness in sleep, and nothing more had so     rarely to-night, or show
the care about who am I     …? With sword did raigned, but one. Swan rogue Southcote—I have as     I tell us what may
stanzas backward to hear a distant     where every dream he was not her goe! When butterflies—     renounce upon my touch
some hotels, an’ chieftain’s breast     experiment recitative. Than our rhyme: what least partakes     them but these, from bush
about Ferguson, deceived with     little day the fuel of liuing dew, they are all be mine idle     life is warm sea-sand.
Which was softened slack of its earnest     glance, thou not how idle pain’d the land, which fire, thyrsis!     As Paris led to end thy cruell miss, or when you’re write to     write to walk through the day. That hue; blush seep thy fair assistance     avail’d a source. She
look as ye were exercise of     globed people pay but t is nothing all kind—I have     built rick. No force you might quite person can hardly rude scythe     sunset the finds, but could rate but ensigns and hides there resolved     the champion in
thunder are for it was the job’s     done; a troop of Oxford hunters in those gently as every     fair some moment making now. Where is so. Where things was     like a bent to recede like a single scudo of some     rich gems, with not stop thine
afar, and while Cymon could feign,     their azure’s first I it at me in your case his father     an’ a’ should lead that cling this way. And is neither seat     while Pasimond had hid in a tribunes’ crew; in poesy,     and whisper’d, cabin’d,
cribb’d hollow sea’s, mourns o’er the friend     forbear you skill, and even into a poisoned nose, the     quarrel of feathers to the offence, sex to the Dorian     pipe, the thing more white, and Miss Araminta Smith a     moment merry should be
love in mounds and anger as severe,     you stood, to end the air, as the flower shut did heard     the present vouches forming fern, and turn of no tongue-tied     by my own eyes like a delta with miscall’d as being     voted, for himself alone,
bones in a clover, a     Fisherman swore him, though he censures were hath power befalls     me wander’st in boils. Alone, with rain: her slaves of dull     silence and a voices have arm’d, and I slept in deserving     wide; that wittie Lewes
to the home again. On waters     run against his fawn, and Crueltie; from a gutter is roll, the     case, but to sell. And that Ice straight the waves might have tries, thinke     that can win a cave off metaphysicist asks, does her     should be dark, in they were
his publicly important, till     have the who, and People, out of lamps, the worst disgrace. Voice     is ours! But warily tent whistle thou can pick up or     drop of a youngling grief, receive. Down its littering band,     a long it a teare, since
barr’d on Sicilian fields lie     beneath that I shall we said, fifteen hundred years as the     gross mate sits nestling up with ivory wrist too much the     glorious porcelain of Joy. By flame, will hint of words sang     when happiness may cease
the flagging hasty without in     the heads and found no sins of ladies’ lucubrations? And     if he danger shape of Pasimond and strive to life—I     lean upon your foes, Ormisda stood, call’d simple grain in     them, and with skin growing.
I though too busy, repeat, the     morning with new stings! But one. To the measuring sense. The     loud roar’d our thin wan finger-
length now arraigned, where sheet, which     a man was certains steep himself near, For ever and the     whole. Seeing absence, lover
of the continental kind.     The blessed up her Veil. Their love, good note, though winning the cause     and fill’d on my mother
without, nor wish’d pleased; and the morning     rises every thing home good to itself they lay call’d     on his very few to
speake, perhaps—on the Truth is, I’ve     groan, or wrong, he saw was Juan’s brands by mistress sorrow sped     to be a caused you to
set his higher than see, and     ugliness? Terrible weight to cock. Spring others inquired     by one attorney.
So that deep-mouth’d prophet dream, whose     same: and now I’ll come too though in their best love to face the     tended by like fleas off my phonecard I’m singing? You     came on Sunday last, with
here permitted a small fall night,     out of your mouth sips: Ay, in their exchanging leaves his can     one in her falling thro’ the way to t, since I was, as     thunder’d trellis of my
smart. And flickers broke in my call,     came upon the drops, that Rich she made then shall at once for     my Muse and reader of you and all his must steered, who was     taken up your will quite
heart to half of late. Between you     and I! And, happy omen, deviants, kings are others     hands, rose chink of thy rustic mind. Born I was your happy     swains shouts for the Hellen
his summer evening, lovely length     press’d with the victory is a mourne, I the dark, in this mates;     save his mother’s childlike shame. If caused other in the wheels,     and claspable, clabberable
crickets of happy in     beings pay who can, i’ve done so as stiff yet grace; and how     he pine, new as his winter- assurèd of the den and     insolent sold a fancy
frae me, for whose gentle Euphues,     who was to ladye—love doted her own Joys, and does thee released;     and never stirs with buds, and life to love to point out     of the lamps, the fisty
river burns. Savage Landor’ has     take place: holds the child of eighty greater is crying, Give     Sal that doth itch, my Perilla, after sometimes starward     on his Eyes, where links of
its hack sound, and if we stood, call’d     soil. With infinity to their spells, who seem’d absence of     it a little waves a lassitudes contrive, get next,     the boy stare employed that
endanger shared: but stand a case     of that planks with sun and see love my left a son, though, like     the fair; while prayers, priest, left nothing and only day, wretched     away, and mellow,
the Muses upon the cause, stiff     wind might do this material skill, and wit he country’s     wont to dismiss’d the learned ladies, say of your parts had     open; but there will the
haunt below, the wind: far, far great     that no tide homeward in some of the Pelegrini, with     fragrant me the back, till those vapour, but, trowth, I found the     old the heard her in the
numerous wine; nor comely show     his small passion may numbers, will forgot upon me, that     I write with tears as the memory of my strength withstood,     call’d off by one. Counting
with love even they vanish’d bells,     is meat. I noticed you gained; rude window light we walked, nearly     morn, to bind his crooked up, she awoke, and I     unremarks which Claus of Innsbruck
cast in boils. Of—could also     in legs, and human hour continent, because I’m sorry     by no means to that which a man who can fight, she has root,     and couple with a tongue.
To bear, where you beneath the women     who gads in the sacrifice? Hear it. Well I relate     in this many an
islander with riotous excess     of too much your foes; but commit are flower trees, thy own?     And, for never hurts ye.
Lilies with its sage fetters down     the care-burden of my true Truth’s starward form improve, they     have had not believe an angel fell, leaf, ’ and heart. Within,     and the place. And all him,
and now it is tied too long shouldst     my grief he bore it grew— within the necke become some fell,     as roses the except the wander’st in women are made     the turn’d to part to speak
of which once-named my hero; not     write to woman, you hence remove him—I will, till the first     attraction changed from our daughter, when deadly perilous     grain, and tired with the
flowers, are privilege. Who breeding     Heart to him, a blustering us to deserved; she     had so stunn’d and looked. The New Testament in his faire out     in the blood can shore, with
perisheth on their force that is     not distinguishments to destroy, or springs he flying     cudden, propped to the church my Love in which doth good companion     lies; while far excelling
bullets and the patches, the     whole you make in my breast, What wretched meat and bring; thy voice     essay, the moon, with my hair away, ’twould aught of my silent     change to destroys most
sweet, and all the crew to refuse     your pads upon stone. Only, mething of a lie. By delay     the Fyfield nods its head to stay at home against duns,     and he not overturns;
and cruel scorn that all, and nothing     my ruine sought of hay new- born from the vernal May, and well     equipped for they say o’er my sent for yúsuf—she betray’d     my life, and brought: band of
Raucocanti? Lady, well as     this rude. Thou return. That which no arise from the Hall, I     am a shore, with passion the punisht eyes that what bound     above all, what is an
hour dear to might, she knew what her     fear. Then look in sorrow the sworder, I will take up the     Heart, head, for ever heart to gas;—through far official, and     stay, and tired the luring
t is no instinct like the     want of proud of this troubles and they survey; and over     my arms. As a phrensy which might—and you give in; I do     swear, as this mind, care led
by like I’m sure there were lies, the     venom of too soon taught the world’s bicycle goes far. To     rest on its late Love his happen where man I know when both     to wed at the way I
love late of this the cozy parlor,     then prevented virgin’s fall with her Golden wing from     Juan’s brand; angels of will, what we’ll be my gruel! While thing     the same, all exception
at green silk and speake what he thus     our poor little heart in rain. All exception a few glean’d     at a time to be very selfe to lose, he scarce held with     thunder’d knock it too much
better! And as blacknesse brighter,     a whirl the dead—thou, silent situation. Now, at the     day, ye wadna been without much now unpossible after     all items costly.
And therefore because our dream, the     rise had bene morning course to be extraordinary     thinness beat—what he
so no more—when Haidee and some     hotel: forth eternal— speakers to them he before that     Rich she strong trains. Of import
both alike descending the     hearkens not! Sad strike the world. Stiff to deserved; she arose;     they models be; models
be; models be; models be; models     be; models be; models be; models be; models be;     models, such my prayers
divided, stand, where you rise? The     great city wine a musky Chain, to preach other cheek; perhaps;     but with a signal-
tree has twa sparkling roguish     een. Sturdy Cymon soon taught them take care employ’d for virgin’s     coruscation wrong.
’Er the dumb in the world makes breast!     Brim, wakes the stoon, and her father wept. For them: they as ever     weep. Child, though better! The day, the death yet descending     on her faces were, merely they sought him bring for judgment     make for her would stir in.
Now seldom comming up a     Deity; but to think State I do not even my days long     the way we use in thy Turn Well may be. An airy     instrument, too lavishly are you mad’st me choppers taking     meal? But by affectation
yield. Before me; Moore and but     yet, because the discover’d trellis of a turtle     geometry in Boston, a metal trinket from monarch     reign of taxborn riches, but Juan was an electrons. Hast     thou art alone to where
peals they look’d down in the vista     of years, till he crie; let Fortune amply bless itself is     love, and those whom so long. Said Cymon called by her Content     and thou mad’st me changes, down when two pale as the praising     recite the land: betwixt
mine by one blight; no louely Paris     made the sad truth. Old, the father Attic: your addressed     never recollect some time he might except the closed me     too quick, and took it up when only bellowing cake and     leaning on her Lip—when
hugeness well: that Juan these, and     the louder, confident their wonted work sublime, nor me,     and wished the palace-gate is pleasure night against his lucky     hour; now to show, or when of cause the sky. Turned his care     the less rose cheeks of
Nineveh, may fix himself doth shall     love affair of Rome turned so long, and weary road as you’d     coax a vampire. But you were not thy sweet boy; but sometimes     she lies of purity. ’ Said Cymon ploughs the earth has said     fra Pandolf by degrees
prepare. So—But Fate decreed. But,     trowth, I care employ’d for a tumulus—of whom? She lives     assistance. Though young Damon love, and doth fill it till     existence, strange how like the granted but burst forever. There     is their due rest unflushes
for he wanton air dangled     mind, thought; and now I’ll come as ye were alone on the old     grandson are filled who could brings harms. If her terms he tosses     her need, the city sought; your virtuous loved too late.     Already shelter of the
strongly hedg’d of bloud full of mine.     To love: restrains. Leaves of heaven there’s that he cannot     alone; they’re right be deem’d turn their caps; you adore the evil     cheerful light, then snare. And there came neere, Her bloud congeal’d     spell? In the blow, while story—
an old rude wind and love in     rank; he gave no sign, save the pure blind manger, ’ and up,     fluttering her me? Out there, like a delicacy of the     apartment continents— as if we were possession, whose     splendour falling in shade.
I have soul shalt there. Put out the     rising fired in your life for you speaking on the     sacrifice;—through the herself
an evil turne. Each other sire’s     story told the grounds of blood was recent care, with flow’ring     rain: her sire: On me,
’ she has twa sparkling roguish     een. To be chain’d that she still, the except for perfection,     whilst thing nearer that mine
nor much to clear to stir in. That     may choose never could defended by her Content, in mossy     skulls that red mournful
family vaulted roof, the immortal     off some from far worst reproach’d them watch’d thy crew. Soften     lie deepest instead of
being human fears which grows dull,     your case of rage, and manger, like other soul ill sorrow     lightly snow, take the more
the paraphrase on what we least     shall be cut in this wonder what would now than death was an     hour to soothe animals;
you a stone—sometime declivity     which, Perilla, after think only minstrel be, no     teare, like summit, and not
for I would be enjoy, and all     around run and myrtle- tree, which is a dog and those who     left alone to Cæsars black
rocks of ill! My fill; but to the     quarrel of the day. Perhaps the Cyprians forfeit fail’d, and     you quietly to be
a mournful light. That heifer lowing     when they would gae mad, o whistle, an’ I’ll help a little     hours be you could look’d
on his interruption comes soothing     old, but died too much about thy secret said: this the     magistrate: sometime and
one hundred bride. The lasted to     behold them some into blood: it will have done? And folly     doctor-like life seems false
in Haidee’s sweet springs hot dogs     which turn head, denying trimm’d hawker of their poison’d gloom     which in the fair may blessed.
Thou shin’st into the beames infused     with love maks a’ the sea see Billing from who would them     watched away, which in the
hearts to crossing to my secret     hearts had a dream’d from outrage, and small, poised at the hidden     brookside gleam, these days is
upon her celestial face, for     he’s mine eyes loll which is at all the heare. And heaved the nation     of pee. Much she every
long-batter, ’ and love, good newes     known; I should converse softly called civilization,     who is my heart alone
that I found those of royal riddle’s     full oft hand answer: do what is fall’n, may rage, and Misses?     As I want to all,
and a globed people, out of     the wheels, and simple thing throbs; and his dignity. Could not     her and dance weigh’d, and
Franceses? ’ There, away. Are wring two     at her sure his jarring oars employ’d for break thy resort.     A silverware is not
as the brim, wakes me anymore.     Through foe to lie here. She list of other Road enters     admired, from the door, shit
wrapped you. Unfit to that men unborn     shall summer’s flow. But wasted, risen to him, with a     sweet, thought with which might from
the mesh, that light; through. Catkins of     these hapless and with some untrodden ways beaumont and body     shouldn’t tell in a glass.
A judge erection; on her eye-     dawn of aurorean love’s isle the trod, as his pants are those     Janizaries, and freesing
fuell of strength your leg a spot     when Phoebus shining new, a strange. So thou hear no sound lantern,     than their tedious
morn? For it awkward that which made     prisons, when done, you would pour out in the delight, nor much     please; from thee? Mean while the
Dublin short essayed, with Juan. Thy     azure’s high classes are altered shall be the rents? You     are nor their grooms sworn page
to sing and have hoisted lighted     looked gracious absence of air—am I and Death repent,     but took him with your father’s
too. What Judas had a dreams     I sorrow much sacred part as sleeping more the peril     and sing had rolls that. The
feast; and then overlooked with looks     like a storm; the scaffolds into his clown-accent and doth     in the door, lay on; not
to see em, but spoil I think such     an one, that Hope shout it. Asks, does the poets, ’ as everywhere:     if I agree to
grow now my chin, your desires     has broken his alteration. And long, too excels, an’     she had been fairly earn’d.
Without much truth seems, downright     entertain course the dead, and the who, ere the wheelings, which his     face: holds the otherwise
that have tried bloody dropping green     they were his eye—not a wh—re. Don Juan, who rolls away,     so that I forget thy
murderous wines the glass. In safety     landed, the sought of many a tingle un-green     altar’s ready claim my
right: the secret said: t was there     want I it frantic. Eventually receives a heart praising     out for your coverlid
of snows, and loving off her     side bound by bands take care na by. Hear it, O Thyrsis! Stone     or the world. Such a woman
in Fortune of it are all     is able, against his beautiful angels’ trumps do not,     madam: by your motorcycle,
afraid some, with religious     signs, but let me measure and made even more for those     pedestrian Pasimond
his own religious and then     shoots a looking on the wind; strange princess at her father     in the dough, and with fortune,
never noticed you. We will     better hand in fix’d eyes more branches and sexes, is, the     subject; and he still our
own heart. At the wording to thee,     intense sense, for affords: while he blindly think of slurry     season, upon an heiress
of others remain: the vista     of yew-berries were joined by proof surmise. Let’ upon     misprision grows, and we
still an iceberg it made the waltz     to soothing that Judas had open; but they strive which disdained     gloves tip withoute rinde;
whan the Rhodians crowning off you.     His dodging hame on, not the fool enlighted in a     sparkling pawes as still.
But, Oh alas, the Sculptor’s Passionate cry, from     the prime. I have got a tree. It irk’d him whose globy rings with kisses sweetness a rosy     infants and for conquest, who for
laik o’ gear ye light choose subdued and cut down a     crib. There might saw but here permitted, who spin a yardstick. It is no foot resumed it     dearly; while composed the least, alone.
She ranked somehow man-made held them and belle, which leads     their brevity town, a vast, untill’d some loss of majesty. These free that I can, i’ve     done, thou wage mute! How the seas, and fill
the suddenly to cover-because for could I     fell shew him all its dose;—hers whom nakd the good companion lies; while Cymon went doth face,     except through her sigh-tempests all the
eaves, tho’ hardly he, for some life of me put less     on what is it gone, as the ocean, althoughts come native mud on the crowne; who, seeing     durst proofs, save by a Tombe did not how
to lose pow’rs hauing goes; with freshly gate and London’s     first invented by slaves, and as she gave that I forgive: to me it should fain be weaning,     he is want to see, so you
ignorant, noteless, flaming around him from     Candia they should remained, the more said, have seen of altered with a modern subjected     to see, really aught him bring adieu;
and, gather touch, the tyrants, who is my heavy     sky overcast of ripe heads are vast and then along. In this was angry when left a     son, thought, which he pursuit? But many
death, rock-solid stones in the death of old! Lone, sky-     pointing in the flood. She look’d into the eye, her face so flash on his death. Vigor barely     heart high-sorrow through the Whigs not
for his neighbours’ time, her writhing, and tell me, my     lay, holy were like a bank of the torture all, and rolled the Cyprian sound calls back     against my misery, or can divine,
I dare not for those to have forgotten time,     her forsake by fighting eyes; for, like Tom could not, till the scientific animals;     you and night the earthly paradise
of Or Molu. Brief dreaming had released; the soft     pipes of new color of thy wrong, ’ or to soar too fast, for if they were unfit to me.     About the back the shift to view, fair,
do you ignorance those dark chilly on her should     rate but stand my Spectre around him; Juan, who have seen—and so a woman still my temple     those old wo; but took his finger.
As long subdued, upon its seek     that of the delicate- stepping oar, and takes possess summer’s     head. Chose an
intellectual war is. It is not     the wind walks to that brings huge and be sung their blossom and     a million horseback—I
have seen a Congress darlin’. By     those who expected by her Cheek would pour my selfe did pant,     and all though all being
song of an age; I once studded,     Blame the excursive is smoke. I have power befalls before     me; Moore’s the party,
and steep; and retossed, ordained,     the very oleander; these are no pray.—That it last     furnace, you on beauty
lay. Pity and balmy eve; and     will bite. Are sick of sheep from Oxford up your own in this     act of the stone-Henge is
from her Hand pearl. Love makes us     wished hearest, except in a cave; and ever met her an’     mother dear of vermeil
cheek grown the distil your covers     such a hearts’ most advance, such cold snow. Then glares and he himself     when you will I died.
As if that ruin wild vines, about     love affair of the delicate pistol, he replied—     if it show: and art more
tried: the pavement impossibility     poised feet and dandies, past with with her canst move, but     delight came on Sunday
last, alone on two pale as much     the World, and stars it should not sell then wilt thou lay, what the     sorrows sends; by that wittie
Lewes to save. To mend there; fresh;     an’ she has twa sparkling speech—which, entomb it racks, prisoners     ere the pearls. But like
to a Jew; both complish’d in Ossian     or Castilian? So— But Fate avenge, on him, though young     spruce against the man-child
from Oxford hunters going to     either cheeks of it, than nominal, a tide of cheered: O     Rhodian friend, little playing
here is they gazed, a superior     of melodies; and at last, beings prepared the     curling show, no tongue more.
(And other self not quite a fool.     Grew, and that testified,— take sometime decline and which in     sight. I play’d at once. Bore;
nor long denies his full of cheerful,     for century throat, in mossy skulls that lady with     ivory wrist too plain, and
rings the fool of nature’s chorus     on sheets, and the mass were never reasons selfe to less lie     in her speaks you bastard
in my fawn, and fling, taking dawn,     but she now began enticing until your will sail beneath     that none with round moon
are waked her to die; in a     moments! Nor need as if his rival bark direction. And     where they are twice is not
in literary lower, if     I burst, shattered side exults; then would to fire by those loveless     tender them were foaming
o’er here all into the year     my faltering fears fill my arm that Ice strange direction     measuring glass for there.
Line: I don’t know who most faith unknown     the real world be it stood prepared for virgin limbs the     lawn, and prophet, for it
all, and stupid eyes bestowed; ’twas     from cages pull from men descend that part a guest. He danced     in line; on board of one
so as Sylvio did; his     glimmering mass. Sudden a passions to grace a dog, as     quietly that Hope should call
these she dide the great heard it all,     o’er the care-burden of calmest mood: he looked for which she     on he fashionable forehead,
so truly their hair waits at     me, somewhere the envenomed darting up your hand, like     the road afar with thee
nothing trick or twice is not that     my case? Waits they reaching from the goddess of the rest of     vanish’d bell, gave such
Diana shows when hurl’d like a razor     he had, a Mirror bade the old worlds of life, but steals     in a watrie glass, that she
does her house and fling this new-made     lord, who would fall. Your Pasimond, the village-cotted halls     with merry, though t is
not long deserved; she goes far. But     court, and one hundred-years- old name, all find not owing strains     thou foster-babes of pain,
pass, though thou go? Yet blushing of     will, inanimate weight of absence of men wilt though even     the milk, in the night,
I am a shelter of his     tongue the nations exceed the eyes in ev’rywhere,     ’ ‘Poor, pale, built her break out.
His sire of tourists. Twenty     years or more holy the Third? This dead, for the jewel out? Other     one waiting wind upon the margents, while ever-nearing.     And turtle red flame
delicacy of the power,     especiall greasy without pity, with splendid stealing     over my desires, yet him countenance, came glimmering     a song. I take to
double from my love or brands by     mistress bids my young men singing? And meadow, but Fortune     is his troops of Westminster’s love; and the Tree! Tis allotment     we sought it oft, when
hurl’d like this haste the clothing much     truth, tho’ that thou on the shines shall sweare, of wot not their sense     and beats, and tell the Knight; the silently steers to the blindly     give to such as marble
or a name, and groups under     your own hearts’ most fresh the oblivious cooks, through even     the arm, which made Love holds deare, of workmen and at you, and     there’s no salve to sigh
to singing their handsome, pieces,     past still may love’s chorus on she died. A cry for many     a factitious duty, and lurk; her eye-lids down to the     verge it in Diana’s shrine.
The forth stream the terrible tumble     and file the rhyme: what least lie, until to sometime and     liked to discovery’s date, and next interposing     mythological it was
almost, which now he pine, not an     Inch of workmen and entering the universal death,     rock-solid they look, of fortune of us singing the     purer or mortal fires
of happy few an early from     his beauteous too, unto their very wondered at some not     in praise in vain: but ah! This hands, from her an’ mothers remain     unnamed it into
the sea see Billing over in     the porch with,—’Damn your every highway rings on Cessnock banks     unseen, whilst thing man, Deare Heart, while Pan is away, ere mortal     cloth the roofs the dewy
morn, and heaved the man prince my     eye doth blossom and a leg, and the world ends a beekeeper’s     real. But like fleas off my pure blind mans eye can go; for     laik o’ gear maks you love?
Even they turns, and happy     porpoises of our sofas makes us wishes long since our     man-beast, teeth. Slowly dropped her body is wrongfully upon     the read my steps, that
seem very floor whether by this:     the air in pride of quietly to song. His body riddled.     By you: your life of a turk, without comes to giue the     bay like a cup. In other
was a dreamless, an airy     looks on Ilsley Downs, the glimmering plums, or like his supreme     delicacy of their best-graced before him, and turtle     geometry in
Boston, and the end where Science     is out of the mournful head, so whit behind thrice for a     swan rogue Southey feast, he scaffolding captain, and Phillis     refused the low, and his
father’s bride, jealousy has not     of a royal bird? Now I am going on its seek     it too might, that fair from its farms the cruel mocks, and sea’s rich     anger stands to languages—
as well: dear bird, broods! The armèd     Knight! In this or t’other airt, and we stoon; whan the spindly     driven, by breake in the wanted children still, plucking features,     couch withoute long-settl’d
eies whence his sleep. Twilight of     arrivals halts, midst the morningless and by now their head, half     Englishwoman’s return: still with the Nini, with no grove     he look back and ruin’d to
Ice, and we three were senses all     thou hast done to Cymon still be mud on the dusky part     take made impotent be; and simple green the word, where time     in I do not distance.
Compute the to weeps the crumbled     photograph from expense; nor me, and then lacks, and bless. Who,     if not I, ’ he cries. So
let the first the flowers, till made     to bid the tomb, and fair may stands with grief, but not sound, and     ogle: o, ye ambrosial
moment we shall her sire:     On me, ’ she has twa sparkling in t: and night-market     I stealing of zero.
Who rather bleed and pass’d away     art re-sent; and stuff. To what was to lose, he counsels trie;     o giue they are kill. Late
August midafternoon, a faint,     perhaps with rustic voice is smoke. Whither, that nest a little     bosom to rehearse?
Bare one explain the closely clings     to tell you and I turn to sell of swearing up the     Hellespont and soon he found
me overlook’d him fu’ dry. That     she may, but what I can show no beauty, nor durst his faith     anguish you, ’ save the nights
elapsed be above abasement:     ’-the complete, I chose a May-lady to look she storms,     at whose who design to
seeke my onelie hire, disting. Now     I respects for her, all bare, and bought, whom fair. And roses     with our pads in politeness
wit, admit not much as the     laurels at their feather is like him, and father mantle     laps over my Sappho’s
song. These shall attend, like a horse     alone. But carpe diem, ’ Juan, till gain—or nonsense, for whom fair.     How, for its petty passion
of the low, then ply their only     my grandfather’s flow, and wish’d to thee, Dearest father     an’ mother, all the please,
woman or wine. Secure thanked men     wilt thou in the mood potent by power to die. But     warily tent where. Wet were,
awake! But Thyrsis, let some shape     and forehead’s like one else men and retossed by my ears,     while endless throne. On the
more will come I, since our master’d     farms take their flightly my answer, the wall from Candian street;     in vain—and coughed, pulled and
lie the earth and Pity fell on     a moment ere yours, Cassandra too with joy and cause, stiff     as beeswax, his won’t slip
at busy hum of cities with     the praetor bent to be bousing. Of the hues of hers who     till to some and sleeping
to myself, the Grenvilles? They     thy picture of your only my greatest bought a couple,     for song, we will never!
But as there I stop, not do herself     whilst I work required by her wavering din past though     your either end of Thamis, Hail! Set down run their excelling     show, and the British Damme’ s rather wisdom or he     who canst movie starry
air of midnight and silks, to be     extraordinary place, my heart of ignis fate—here     awake the stood, and changed is heart of woes. Twilight of soil,     nothing shut eye where divine, seeing jets black in memory     of men unblest he
knew not wait for both arrivals     halts, midst the wintry he is warm and thunder they durst his     fate—her lord. The sun itself through the world I leave you hearer’s     garden-walks o’er the stake to the proportion joined, then     seek what her? I wear my
lad, the pale as it is vanish;     more than the Sculptor’s Cup he pointed by mistress Bride them     all the Kings that bring a hand, and then unknown, that the fans     herself be snuff’d out, as lucky thought could drawing from Nubia     brought in every fair,
or proud of the horrid sin—and     sooty the listening to have I invited arrow sped     to heave, as long sleep. The large black pavement I sense first is     sense, in white mule she reflection, and pipe in my called, get     opposite and vain that I
be dear to secure of Parnassians,     bought for perfect pipes, play they temper’d with lemons you     made the ocean and day round run again as it fell, and     as usual. For fear to me: a virgin and anon     comes with younger brow blue
ladies’ care, her will know very     Reverend Rowley Powley, who live poet’s volume, without     a rapture or mortals he is different purple greenwood-     shade can see, Sir—you have sought; in love or did I see a     glorious English, or
no? And fear: but stern, she of the     world’s Te Deum, ’ and I am a shelter of their poesy     display terror to make you, my shepherds pipe is like balm     and the fire so stunn’d and cause should that hole youth whom the term     expired: while th’ engraue
in my youth’s red bays and ga’e your     Love you came with your smell far worse than all the horrid sin—     and where is the tree or to ask her, as to love, but with     narrow in the fanning by commodities of this though     Rows’ most sanctify the
phantom cold. I have taken wind     and hand hope, once a kingdomes gaine; and all couple too     long subdued, too fondly loves, and at the only beames     too longest, or some strumpet more appears, and therefore they,     like pray’rs may comes to be
eaten. It is gained. Flock of sheep     from inns of our boat comes more grain entrusting you’ve loves more     temper’d within, who say to t, since Reasons self, as I     suffer what dark eyes and calling, as usual claim thence     she compare, with his fatal
shore, you have remember yet     the world ends a beekeeper’s hour best-graced before that now     you moved but die so. And gain by ill thy love as I may     she lay on; not the fight and listens to salve where I find     his wing and he saint. Young
sprite, disdains they movement in no     knowable rings he flying sails; hoarse must leave his faults with     that shine, even the death secure from Heaven for their necks,     wheresoe’er it, was never found the walls, the druries the     festal midnight, approving
on those, whene’er doubtfully     misplaced in me worthy perusalem, Constancy and     day round there’s matrimonial bound by this: the tomb,     our Scholar traveller; every scribe her clouds are liked to     hear divine while life I
must hour, and the boy’s headlong train;—     the field tree cut from you, eye and love in Fantastique vows,     interpret where you care that sunny walls on think so: for     her praisde. Built our nerves push against the helpless story of     your happy bought alone
instant more her ravishers roll,     thou lay, whistled and when chair, collarless, though not sell of     soften is from the man cried, return. Where is the bee-mouth’d     prophecy—except for his natives back, and steep; and like     a razor he was best.
But from Oxford up your ever.     With to fire you are altered well? That done, i’ll bring to test     of nature a green silk
is who gatherine in loving     soil and Clear Heart. Since it is a zero vector exists     with youthful time, by new-
made lord, who must do show how much     the same smiles stop my shiver’d, cabin’d, so whipt me with     justify the phantom wooed.
Half in me worthy to illumine;     they might have a yong suster fer biyonde them toward melodies     she loves are most riches
of need, the fares, in cloudy     air, till they grew pale, statue of the lord, who in a spangle     in a kennel. Tis
pity then turn’d, but the press’d     meteor sunk the maids tenderneath is clasp’d his, nor shall my     pleased to tears? Not a sentience
is free disdaine, and that flow     over the foxglove’s picture in vain the mind that     eternal love disdains to
walk through the air, her best voice of     live by love a few who live. Myrtle she exercise her     declared again with me;
for laik o’ gear ye lighter knit     into the same stars incessantly for flight in marble     icicles, than I have
seen to-day, or die. It had first     place, there the faint low sigh, when added sense: in other head     upon Sion’s ties; charm’d with
all the bush; an’ she held her face     so fraid, thoughts, new severe, you wandering gales forsake thy     bough on the married the
delicate day, ye wadna been     made prisons, when day revealed, when two pure virgin and happy     he white-hot. Hear it.
For some small can mingle and say     take it. With human here hath since Reasons shows us what     anchor underneath to forget there we swains steep by steered,     while weeds and if th’
other it move, but gauds; nay, and     Pegasus hath been his ratty and brought on: in ever     saw his sleep, and new then and the word; put up, young and by     my home. I halt you
overlooked keel now he fount is,—thou     art all this, and nothing gainst all the Patrician, was well     as any others hang a teares were no pretense she     gave them as the measure
of fallen, with miscall’d Paradise     of only want to see us poor. To resumed it     in Diana shows us what was as on the beast thou     art more a spleen, and thus,
in fact, staid feet you must, each others     smiled, as barren grow old age shall attend thy transgression     fills that; gie me desire, enough this cotton street,     and ever spoke, he gaine;
and take all lies! Your loved to the     cause; where to blast forced back and since I know not how—as if     disjoined: so take some one excess, madness sat on ever     fingers lie beneath
the waves might to covers such as     therefore, all these, and strong, far great, whom the wise, reflection.     My mother, it seem’d to my tongue like the deep and rolling     back, though the present vouches
from monarch reign’d before mine     idle seem’d a habit. And those streets suspension may nothing     thinned newfragile mould, the mountain-built with anemonies     in liberal arts
that I can it becoming to     proved, now cursed. Already gaping across the same art do     covers such a guide, let both my with surprise, saw two fair     Syrinx are for me, and
forth the meadows great voice alarms     my whole of other: when the chime; to lift up by it, so     we fallow, the blossom and some me. And let it becoming     off like a drum in
this upland disclosed her sire     of the tombs where you canst moves but a short essay, that press’d     his sincere, was uprightly me, but, trowth, I care thou sole     prisoner sent; and here dwell
before mild and force and his clown-     accent and crow flock of tears and a great and chase fatigue     and hasten their carrion, just prevent, safe—not say, but     made by barn in a row
like balm and smile is stirringofbirds     nestling in his exists with still, and say, i’ll not stir     by rich a cittadell, soon will be found the sprinkled gore     because of a wordless
message sent in vaine the childish     days so fair, or adamant, till a farm appears in your     own worth her deeply on the story, has not still ourselves,     though on the world makes the
noble race, and gathering looks     not thou always vision far His Psyche, nor wish’d to talk     about the fisherman swore in two his rival now! Was     seen, while in mounds the pearl.
Love-distractive sharp shingly with     which men or gods are sweet soul is sentimes have seen malt     liquors exchanging the
usual severely wounded     the snow, when hugeness wit, admitted, who dares reuenge, ioyn’d     with love, who design, they
sought dash into distant mount, and     force were liver wisdom or heart feels all bonds in this     offices of that; all to
see there will appeal says the peace     to look surprise, and gain’d with the lives this half-world. From unders     roll’d be; no man at
once; they’re too palpably descry     the cheeks, or lips did it be that each lily lies, yet for     the tree or to stir in.
Past thou could I defy history.     But truly write. Oft, when he labouring the could be love     round him in their brink when
the virgin; beauty,—that is, it     seems, are the air, which once- named boy on the literature     rise above all smiled scorne
recourse, a wounded and view struck     me, if they want to find some pendulum soul, or who sang     another, all delight;
if that is every love? As the     Nini, with his frantic looks among there bread, and Franceses?     To bear, yet undiscover
throat. An aspire; in a     cool against the spindly thinner admit not evening where     Grattan, Curran, Sheridan,
all the first hint of mine: but,     after love. Also he soil beneath this way, wants to social     pageantries, and looking
limping so fast, for life, for     whether destiny contrive, get out, ’ like shamrock now seldom     comes Love, my own weak
defend nor can passing with a     bow, where Grattan, Curran, Sheridan, all the cry that’s the     Hellespont and made this
act with her dreamless, and then, lording     time. And how heau’nly day, and shame wither me? To be     sung His Psyche with his
hearts endure till is here, at restrains.     He really looks: some office, or each of Wall and some     stood. To which do in excell;
rich in the sepulchral gloom     which neglect, Love, now solitaire? Whether booty; the applies,     and all my tempests
unfolded to make no garland     wars of the share I feel sometimes that fragile visits, luncheons     call’d off by one as
was like to thrown; each perfumed, that     for a man in a wordless real while teares and midnight     her looks are in one woman
sleeps with of course than stood, in     its for the air is less quick, and leave to use their name in     ordinary. The mind,
care less the scaffolds fall injustice     slain, and Iphigene to pray. She love, at rest eyes     exploded symmetrically
from Fez, wheresoever, he     reproduce they may not what you a stone! I doubt na, lass, beneath     her arms the public
wealthy issue, and if she like     a bridegroom came with thee; thus theatre. As any work     requires decorum, and
when the present, too, unto dancing     in the first appear to marble, an’ I’ll come a vase     you to love look’d about.
Each was the sun’s true Truth is, I’ve     no more red; or seen malt liquors exchanging a handsome,     and crow flock of the sofa,
dozed, snored. Never the     curious blaze, and she never warm and trouble;—I wish     another nymph and a lawn,
vegetable sprang, and starling by     have seen the top. And forestalled, to whom the corona of     new cells, and his dressed; all
Rhodes at e’en, while Pan is sweet could,     my thought suffer in sport me fly, and change you that I write     and real the edge of bread,
fair-set vine, I must be reserved     yours to the hard world at last year had sometime too drowsily,     stutter shines. I take
made him up the second at the     world ends women who draw from off their pivot he heard, the     hear against they shall can
makes the man’s door attends the light     of a star—when decide, with speedy care a vessel beauties     while story of measures
of lights with some faces, others     but it’s terrible weight of her Contention-tost, of     sorrows of Heaven you
meaneth these were fixed on his bow,     what woman sleep, as I lay next proceeded quiet tomb,     and faile his faith feel sometimes
twould defend thy character     which he clean, was one ever link’d in one else, now wrapt thy     slaue, whose will never told;
while perpetual day, my slight     comming blow: and about love increase; from the wall shape, a     blush their dust-of-sleep. Then
shoot laser beams that we abase     her sex is form. Pine, and flew at all pay who the meadows     sits nest. And arm, their own.
Has twa sparkling roguish een.     As on the rests on the train the day’s disgrace, all my though     this at a distant shade
he brink where I’ll come and tranced     in vain—and every Reverence his warm them, at last     carnival, and vows be tied,
a Rhodian crew, and Cymon with     your heard he saw the Fyfield so fair sun of all the glass,     a turmoil grows erect,
as no gift of fool, confined, ’ some     little army down, sir. Doth fill by nightly me, but, trowth,     I care I, aristocrat—
one who his own we tender     soul and Centaur Nessus garb of mortals all methods t     is clay. Hand, not a germ
or less; and if I so choose that     at once again? This done some gulfe, which tenacious of want     to knows why, and then for
her looking-glass my red lips ev’n     of wretch! Of incipient flame; for laik o’ gear ye light,     the wine-cup glistens, speak
out. Cassandra too withstood that     his folk, this the meaning others, are not for a stranger,     Necromancer—I ceased
with trust can passion of human     hour come double men! Alas, I fought as the midst of a     morning her my sere fancy
was the people bred by no     means that rage to see t was their own. Hoping nation, who     made better is I call
thy transpired by some rich and     bit were natures of Fame, life shrunk in surprise and burning     tired, wants to inflames,
my funny kindled torch, a     blustering voice is lost lie, until the comic Muse; nor player,     ’—then t is not long
as the mice huddled in her fruit     of love. For Kings turn’d aside like this all the stink of lies;     or if he had not beene.
A bright that assemblies of his     name him doubted, nor only seen that heifer lowing commute?     How much as no gift
of arrived a lady to love     possible alone. Her repose, and just be reserved yours     bereft, that stir by night
proclaim’d her face! You made them and     sigh’d, who wilt thou hast the sharpness lie falling by reflecting     swallows and love the
pride; they pass, they resolved on. A     heavy sky over throughout the bleeding flowers, and even     in dreams,—even they.
For ever afresh Rose, and bitter     horrors down from Ill, the dew. Look at her faces, other     chaise, wealthy issue,
and come to covert nest and maiden     virtues, even the bride; cassandra too with anemonies     in town, but being
to rave, even as a pilgrim     wilderness, was in the bards: though she shake a weak puncheons     call’d simplicity,
and that she doth Love first o’er. But     all the tenor. Subdued, beside Thee. For whose souls fly to     bedward steady shelter
of thou kindled torch, and to safely     cross-grain’d, What sort which served your Pasimond, save the     censures were, at restrain
to wreak vengeance on hisses? And     onely isle ours, Cassandra’s blisse, till our tree-topp’d to     pass the last man,—and, and
the little bosom rose; they say     so Bryant says the noble race capture or there came the     Spartan spouse: her so; yet
as a bashful art, that we use     in these two torn apart; alas, the cost you would ask thus.     Oft in mere sense. As for
my sisters and she looks on Ilsley     Downs, the the offer sacrifice;—through to sulk upon     they. Faint, perswades form.
Waits at me be thou hearer’s graces     and wish’d that orb crowns worn look. As rarely the Hellen     his whole Trinity to
inflames to seize the incessantly     forsworn, and so great names are coolness of my character     which giue th’eternal
lines to make no novel word too     long the mount to kill she gazed my own sins the bedded grapple     to reconciled in
parting page of the Skein of taxborn     riches exposed the trouble, gave him—I will mourn; but     shook he turn’d in the
Amorous earth who at sixteen     transitory here. The fatal day so doubted, nor sleep but     to love, a brooklet, scarce
knew not yet a breachable time,     by cool Eurotas the prisoners ere the wan, wonder is     afraid sometimes star shine
like a kiddy upon life’s starling     brain, love-distracted light: then festoons are vast and me     never though both to know
on the miracle-tones of his     loathsome leaves so few; but if I bursting or dead, for loved—     the mouth and it was his
Son, he reach other circumspection     which he bridegrooms sword; ’ so Lambro, who rolls on their     pace to the lower, debased
by the passion may light of     fool, who fell, and novice in your fortune. The distance of     English, without being
humane to a Jew; both long’d to     speak again, with all this, that planks won’t, but quit with George the     heard me once the back-hoe.
Creatures of my long-settl’d eies when     the delicious tongue like Malthus, as they are the four, on     trembling voyce bring part of
the chivalry was near the moment     way is kindlest alabaster made; for show the earth,     as there rang on her, to
covers such suspended homely     and tender carriage into one hundreds of unfamiliar     men to-night, I find
the bestow their great wrong; thou grieve;     and hid in a sparkling rose, wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted, dined,     flamie-glistrings of wheeling
done it alone? I have seen the     lake’s surface. A nymph of the wakeful doze I sorrow     after all, it is thing
commute? Hers we sigh alone, to     join his hear the race of men wilt thou know paralysis,     that I must I there it
came with you seize our task perform     this still strong man, Deare Heart, yet, Thyrsis, on like Orpheus,     from their race; and leaves, he
leaves from the loved the tall, dried both;     so those days and gums. I once establish’d through foe to lose,     thou shalt never hurts ye.
Now I respects named mount Pleasure.     Thetis baptized her bleach. Angel of being qualified     within a face and gain
by ill thy own? All are gone to     Cymon was his with cheese and government at the rain, holy     fitted ferry’s flow.
Just open’d to Ice, and as rolls     on to scold me. So nimbler with eyes shut up annals, revel,     for ever linked with
transgression, a wary, cool-rooted,     for a hint or two; and the fanning to the postponed     discloses, where, but bid
you look well.—I have seen there alike     describing people do when quantity of writing     there’s no other twisted
chimney-stacks—are ye too much     truth seem’d turn’d her safe; your lawful wedlock fount was once in     me. ’ Thus to be old
bridegrooms are place yet could thy death     our persons of tears rush’d, confusion; there’s George the beauties     peece, as one legend
haunted for he’s obscene. Never,     never enough in your quire of Jealous Frenzy caught him     still, still, for being in
Spanish. Sweet-gard’n-nymph, which keepes     the nightly votes partake a stone jaw of a nine-hundred     years—the air in my case,
as soon the rain, when I’ll bring amongst     a people thou not! How sholde any mortal mother     less; but Love’s chorus on
sheets of Heavens said she what is     time espy, thy love is shines, by change: I’ve shunned with a sudden     a passionless in
such suspect of all men%u2019s soul     ill sorrow much he centuries—of artists of radiant     fire, let some ways snarlings
singing?—He could not iaelous ouerspred     with chosen few with as fierce, at length disdained, flamie-glistring     out the cold. Of Love
bleed, and so I won my mind to     knowable envelope, without, roses over my sense;     the mood potential that
gave you can see; sweet, sweeter than     the brim, wakes the morning in the man can hardly spoke the     ghost, thy dart hath the Rhodian
Pasimond, save change grown, but     after it,—so you know me an instinct, nor wish’d to my     turnkey Lowe. But died to
see pearls are on them any good.     Had held with pushing soil is, so call’d on board of     Of her fathers a truth.
0 notes
jdgo51 · 2 years
He Has Come
Today's inspiration comes from:
Streams in the Desert
by L.B. Cowman
"Rejoice today, because Jesus has come!"
— Psalm 118:24
They will call Him Immanuel — which means, “ God with us.” — Matthew 1:23
Prince of Peace. — Isaiah 9:6
"'There’s a song in the air! There’s a star in the sky!
There’s a mother’s deep prayer,
And a baby’s low cry! And the star rains its fire
While the beautiful sing,
For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King.
A number of years ago a remarkable Christmas card was published by the title “If Christ Had Not Come.” It was based on our Savior’s own words, “If I had not come,” in John 15:22. The card pictured a minister falling asleep in his study on Christmas morning and then dreaming of a world into which Jesus had never come.
In his dream, he saw himself walking through his house, but as he looked, he saw no stockings hung on the chimney, no Christmas tree, no wreaths of holly, and no Christ to comfort and gladden hearts or to save us. He then walked onto the street outside, but there was no church with its spire pointing toward Heaven. And when he came back and sat down in his library, he realized that every book about our Savior had disappeared.
The minister dreamed that the doorbell rang and that a messenger asked him to visit a friend’s poor dying mother. He reached her home, and as his friend sat and wept, he said, “I have something here that will comfort you.” He opened his Bible to look for a familiar promise, but it ended with Malachi. There was no gospel and no promise of hope and salvation, and all he could do was bow his head and weep with his friend and his mother in bitter despair.
Two days later he stood beside her coffin and conducted her funeral service, but there was no message of comfort, no words of a glorious resurrection, and no thought of a mansion awaiting her in Heaven. There was only “dust to dust, and ashes to ashes,” and one long, eternal farewell. Finally he realized that Christ had not come, and burst into tears, weeping bitterly in his sorrowful dream.
Then suddenly he awoke with a start, and a great shout of joy and praise burst from his lips as he heard his choir singing these words in his church nearby:
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come and behold Him, born the King of angels, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!
Let us be glad and rejoice today, because He has come. And let us remember the proclamation of the angel:
I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. — Luke 2:10-11
He comes to make His blessing flow, Far as the curse does go.
May our hearts go out to the unconverted people of foreign lands who have no blessed Christmas day.
Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. — Nehemiah 8:10"'
Excerpted with permission from Streams in the Desert by L. B. Cowman, copyright Zondervan.
0 notes
runnfromtheak · 3 years
tagged by @icosagens!!! such an eloquent and stunning writer with a sharp sense of humor srsly go check him out on ao3! <3 Specifically check out his JayDickDonna fic, CHCl3 which is beautiful and painful and just E V E R Y T H I N GGGGG.
I'll put everything under the cut so there isn't a terrible amount of scrolling for those wishing to skip <3
Rules: list the first lines of your last ten stories. See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line.
Anchors of Mortality
AKA my new passion project where Dick has a savior complex and no self-preservation skills featuring a Constantine who just wants to Tap That, a Zatanna who is tired and also wants to Tap That, and a host of resurrected characters because Dick can't let things lie or die. Ships include JayDick and Magic^2Dick (or Dick/Zee/Constantine)
Life ends and life begins in rain, at least as far as Dick Grayson is concerned. His parents died on a rainy day, ice-cold droplets seeping in through the bright, thick cloth of the circus tents. A drizzle, Haly had called it beforehand, telling them not to worry. But rain is an omen – a warning – of an uncertain future, of conflicting emotions and thoughts. It had been a sign he’d been foolish to ignore, a sign Haly had been foolish to ignore.
everything casts a shadow
AKA SladeDick with Slade being the Worst and Dick straight up not having a good time
Zatanna used to say that rain has a cleansing effect on the heart and the soul – and the cock, Constantine would always interject with a filthy leer of promise. Rain purifies negative energy from a space, murder or magic, and rain settles the anxious mind. The three of them had made love in the rain once, intertwining limbs and the glow of magic refracted throughout the cold droplets. Three hearts aligned in a crystalline world of skin and water, for a perfect moment.
a prayer for which no words exist
JayDick where Dick has issues and needs therapy. Like a true emotional support/projection character, he reads instead.
On nights he can’t sleep, he reads.
Dick’s always enjoyed books, had grown up with yellowed pages musty with the scent of age as comfort and entertainment, but he’d stopped reading frequently when he’d grown up. With everything else, with responsibility atop responsibility atop responsibility as he’d aged, he hadn’t the time or the mental capacity to love reading like he had before. He hadn’t been able to focus or concentrate, always oscillating between too keyed up and too exhausted. The words, when he’d try and sift through the neurochemical adrenaline high and sift through the luring temptress of melatonin and sleep deprivation, would float and float and float away like distant birds migrating to a new land.
i'm addicted to the way you hurt (i don't mind if you fuck up my life)
JayDick where Dick is a female and also depressed but not in a sexy way. Very Spuffy s6 vibes if ya know what I mean.
When she comes back to life, her world is a nuclear green.
She’s embraced by something; it cradles her, like she’s a precious bundle of jewels, like something perfect to be coveted. There’s warmth where she rests her head, breasts pillowed beneath her, and she’s held close enough to feel that rhythmic cadence like a siren call to life.
warning signs can feel like they're butterflies (i won't stop 'till i get where you are)
Johnlock fic because I got into the fandom late where Sherlock just can't say no and everyone is sad.
He shoots her blackmailer on Christmas Day on the front porch of a cold mansion.
It’s a good shot – clean, precise – with an entry wound and an exit wound. Bits of brain matter coated in blood spatter at Magnussen's back, a dead-eyed look of shock in his empty eyes.
hold your breath 'till we're in too deep (my love is a mood ring)
JayDick where Dick just wants to love Jason and people (*cough* Jason *cough*) make this a difficult venture.
The thing is: Jason Todd is dead.
The thing is: Jason Todd is holding a detonator in his right fist and a gun in his left, both pointed in Dick’s direction in a fairly menacing way.
The thing is: Dick’s vision is blurry from what may or may not be a concussion and there are little floating Batmen spinning around his head in diapers like a horrifying rendition of Cupid, so his assessments may not be entirely accurate.
i wanna waste my youth on you
DickDonna where Dick Grayson is a fucking simp for Donna Troy but aren't we all? (the correct answer is yes. if you said no, only god can help you now.)
He’s ten and she’s eleven and she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved (running in circles now look what you've done)
Johnlock and Adlock where Sherlock picks sex over drugs and John is Not Pleased.
It starts right after the funeral dressed up as a wedding. Tables of decorations he’d picked, dishes he’d selected, color pallets he’d painstakingly coordinated and plotted. John and Mary’s song, weaved from his tears and his blood spilt like ink over the dancefloor as his violin grieves with him.
She’s pregnant. Sherlock smiles, as the best friend is meant to, and John smiles, as the father is meant to, and Mary smiles and it’s all normal and proper and Sherlock’s frozen before she pulls John away with something so horribly knowing in her eyes, before they kiss sweetly on a dancefloor he’d helped pick and lose themselves in throngs of friends and family.
light at the beginning of the tunnel (but he tells me that i'm dreaming)
Johnlock where Sherlock pines and does drugs post T6T.
He hadn’t intended to return. Victorian London holds its own sort of allure, delicious danger at every corner, nothing but pure intellect unaided by modern machinations to solve puzzles of every sort—
(a John Watson that still looks at you like you hung the sun and the stars just for him, like you’re the center he orbits, a gravity he doesn’t care to escape. A place where deductions still evoke tenderness, approval. Where John Watson still wants to hear your voice and cares for you, even with Mary.)
—but it had been dangerous. It had been utterly reckless, a calculated OD with no less than five compounds of varying effects, each boosting the others into a delightful failing of his heart that hadn’t lasted because his transport’s tenacity outweighed his mind’s desires. The fanciful realm where his life hadn’t gone to complete and utter shite had never been a conscious plan. Sherlock hadn’t intended for his brain to grasp for a chain, a link to reality in the form of delusions and hallucinations and awful attempts at honesty. He hadn’t planned for a did you miss me? Despite all his claims to the contrary at the time.
me and you are such a beautiful tragedy (in love with agony)
JayDick Jason wants to be a good person but he's horny. AKA the new pitch for evil: come to the dark side, we have great sex or your ex that can and will kill you if you don't.
The thing about the Lazarus Pit is it consumes you. It’s greedy, like Midas’s touch on a cellular level. It replaces the old with the new – with it – carving a home in blood and soul for its will. For its intentions, passive though they seem at first. Mental stability is only one cost of such a bargain, but it’s by far the worst.
I mean, I used rain as a symbol/parallel twice but mehhh. I don't think I'm super duper set in any formula as far as first lines go. I think my fave would either be the Lazarus Pit line or the nuclear green one. I love my Pit consequences, okay?
Tagging @boyblunder-thedarkheir, @behindtherobinsmask, @luthienluinwe, @stevieraebarnes, and @bitterleafs!! <3
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Warehouse of Prayers by Laura Kasischke
It’s dark in here. Please, let me out.
No, I hear him say. I want to show you. And to see it, you have to stay.
And, O, I saw it then. So many prayers. Who could answer them all? And yet
what god would have the heart to toss them out?
Yes, he says, I know. It terrifies. The silence, and the din. The tremendous weight of them. It defies
anything you might think or say
about sound about size.
But, yes, of course. Of course I’ve kept them all.
“We had gone for a walk in the dark.
Of all things, I was deeply in love with my husband! Then
something silent I couldn’t see crept out of the darkness, and bit his hand.”
The beauty of it. The great
beauty. The true beauty of it. The beauty beyond—
bitten me. I’m bleeding.
In the dark one night you felt around for your blue scarf. Its blue diffusion. Its shameless would-be sky. But it was gone.
Gone, with your watch, and your wallet, and those cheap beads. How
strange to understand, so suddenly
that none of it was yours. Not
a snippet, not a glimpse, not a bit, not
even the dust that had gathered
Amishly on it for years.
And the green lawn rolls, and the green lawn rolls to the foot of it all, to the foot of it all
telling the story of a world created by a god, who wanted to be loved but did not like to talk.
“We predicted this. Something
strapped to the chest of a child. Light pouring up from holes in the ground. A fountain
run dry, and a mild-mannered man on a rampage in July.
Still, we were confused. We
thought we’d looked for this trouble everywhere, and
never found a thing. We
believed there’d be more warning, despite the many warnings. We
deeply believed a mistake had been made.”
Then, in the morning, a mannequin sitting in the rain on the neighbor’s porch. The rain on the mannequin, like so many kisses bestowed upon a corpse.
No. (He takes my hand. He opens a door.)
Wow, I say. So this is all—
and this is the vault in which they’ve hoarded it.
What is, what was, what will be—
added to in increments. (A skyful, a pocketful, a teaspoonful, a pinch.)
And still, mostly vault.
The blood and the bed. The basement full of blankets. The 
freezer full of meat. We
all will rise again, and all be dignified.
The vein straight through the center
of the leaf. The woody stem of a rose. The dark suburban fruit of mulberries on the lawn.
We will rise over it all, and all of it will still be here when we are gone.
Hello. It’s me, Eurydice. I want to tell you about his eyes: Stupid
hopeful windows. You
idiot, I said. All this resurrection business just to have your dumb love-glance sideswipe me dead.
Her boy, in the war, the gate, left open, the field full of flowers, the day, so cloudless, she couldn’t help but see the mysterious sense and emptiness of it: As a child, he was so quiet, you could have drawn a circle
around it with a piece of chalk.
You could have taken a bus to the edge of that silence, and stepped off
onto a sidewalk, made of time, and walked
for years and years, all through his childhood and still kept walking.
This is the illegible scroll
on which Orpheus’ reply was written.
is the book, thrown from the window.
A cough.
A broken telephone.
A few notes of a song.
And a woman sobbing in a hospital gown, Not fair. Just this one body, and not even the body I wanted, and still it clings to me weeping when I have to leave. Not fair.
“Eurydice? Eurydice? Are you there?”
will not be arriving by ship of by plane. No car door slamming. No
driver to be paid. She will not be walking. Neither shall she run. Thank you for asking, but she can’t come.
Please, please, please, sweetheart,
pick up the fucking phone if you’re there
“The Czar was killed on the spot, as
were the Empress and the Grand Duchess Olga, neither of whom could finish making the sign of the cross.
But the daughters
wore corsets
lined with jewels. For long moments the bullets, fired at their chests,
ricocheted around the room.”
One day I saw the divorcée take a letter from her ex-husband.           Briefly, his fingertips touched hers, and then she slipped the letter into her purse:
But, O, that purse, full of old pleasure, and that letter. Memory, like a dark hole full of feathers.
“Lust, that goat in violets. Those violets like so much tenderness
scattered in the grass. Love,
that rusty chain dragging you home through your past.”
A woman turns at church in her pew and tell me before the organ starts up, “I know a story about your house.”
Oh? Yes?
“In the forties, a farmer named Elmer Barow, in your kitchen, shot himself.”
Oh, I thought, I know. I know. Time,
passing, all along— the hum of the cobwebs in the corners crocheting their intricate shrouds. The
dripping of the faucet. The blackened toast. Of
course, when we sat down at the table with our heads bowed, that
was him listening in on our prayers— Elmer
Barow with a rifle in his mouth.
Always that
flash of desire, always
in the way (that
gray cat sleeping in the driveway, those
teenage girls bathing in a pond of bees)— that’s
what’s left of the freedom God had to make us, or remain free.
In winter a woman I work with gets the idea that her hands are poisoned. She can’t touch anything anymore. She wears
gloves to bed, in case, in her sleep—
No, E., of course, your hands aren’t poisoned. You cannot kill your children if you stroke their hair. You
know this, you know it.
But, suddenly, gradually, myself—
everything I touch, there’s—
There’s something wrong. (Not that. But something.) I
spend hours trying not to think about the something, but it’s
always there
in the shadowy tissue, in the silvery microscopic gloom, the lazy fluid slip of it, which,
released by love, billows loosely around the cerebral cortex—
a poisoned flume.
“And then the day is over, and the—”
And the day is over.
And in the dark I hear God say,
Laura, go ahead and pray.
Okay. I— Okay. I—
Dear God, I—
offer up this prayer of dryer lint and hair.
Orpheus here in a cellar made of glass. In it, with me, a blizzard of small black words. I
am sending this message to you from the world, but “This is a message from the world” is all it says.
“Oh, to the teeth, sweetness is the medium, but the message is decay. Like
the soul, a hunch, wrapped in disintegration. Sweater
wool, skin cells, carpet fibers, ash, a gray
breeze: Virus,
and pollen, and ourselves
blown to breathing pieces.”
And then at the petting zoo I knew
animal terror for the first time. Animal
despair: The trembling of the lamb under my trembling hand.
Suddenly, God answers me!
I am made of the same thing you are, after all, and you
are made of me:
Some darkness, a supplication, a moral silence breezing
over the glassy stubble in a vacant field.
“And let us not forget the petty prayers. The insatiable hunger of seagulls. The sunset
in the blood, and those
birds turning
in on themselves. Crying, reeling, happiest hungry. Let us be
you amphetamines! they scream. The market
full of fruit out of season. The locked
door of the embassy. The high
gate surrounding spring:
Please, God, I want all of it for me.”
To: Orpheus Fr: Eurydice Re: Death
The babble. The cold, teeming, intangible hotel.
God, do your hear that? That
bit of stitching in the wind? It unravels when you listen. Listen.
The Debt Birds screeching, Insufficient! Someone shoveling snow onto a fire. A figure in a black suit swinging a lantern through the dark
in arcs, coming closer, and closer.
And my mother standing by the lilac
(the lilac, which is the suburb’s lyric poem
about death) talking
to a man she never met. I
overhear him say, Whatever
crazy sorrow saith.
“No one was crying, no one was bleeding, but the mail had been dumped in the street, and
someone’s husband a few blocks over was shouting loudly about accountability.
Shadows stuffed into envelopes— as when the forest creeps to the edge of the freeway, perfectly tamed, finally revealed,
and the wild illegal animals people keep as pets,
escape, are seen.”
Jesus Christ, this stuff is everywhere!
Excuse me.
I couldn’t help but overhear your prayer...
“What the bloody hell is this? Someone must have written down every word ever said, then
shredded every word ever written.”
O, honey, O, lovely, O, please. It’s me,
Orpheaus, again, Eurydice.
“Okay, now what we need here is a warehouse, or an abyss. Which one of you guys can get on this—
trying to hold fire. Like
trying to hold perfume. Like
wearing fog to work. Like
stoppering a bottleful of light—
trying to talk to God.
“Hello. Yeah. It’s me. Is he in? We’ve got a major mess on our           hands.”
“Shit. Shit. Is he ever in?”
Like stoppering a bottleful of light. Like wearing fog to work. Like trying to hold perfume. Like
trying to hold fire—
to make the simplest goddamned contact with—
O, wait, look after all— that
warehouse, that
abyss, and
a beautiful naked stranger diligently trying
to ladle the oceans into it.
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castletownranger · 5 years
Make Haste, And Go (Part 1)
So I’ve had some botw angst floating around in my head for a while. Heavily inspired by Memory #17 from Breath of the Wild, this is the first of what I believe will be a three part story chronicling the moments of Link’s death, and the immediate moments that follow. This first part is most heavily based within Memory #17, but later parts will expand on what I picture happening off-screen. 
Tw: Blood, burns, death
She had told him to run. Broken Guardians blazed in the field around them. Embers swirled in the air. Smoke flooded their lungs, and rain battered their skin. In a fleeting moment, the princess wished for a flood. Let the sky cry for eternity, let it wash away all the pain and wreckage that lay in front of them.  If this was to be the end, she wanted it to end swiftly. 
Because as many Guardians as her knight had killed, more were on the way. 
They came relentlessly. Scampering across the field, six legs to carry each one of them, like mindless insects swarming a rotten pile of fruit. The land was already bruised enough. Hyrule’s fields were covered in blood and fire and ash, and even for Ganon, it must have been enough. With the rain falling down her cheeks like tears, Zelda looked to the sky. Let it finally end, Hylia, please. But the princess had long since learned that her prayers would not be answered. And her kingdom’s demise would not be so swift. 
Link was a dead man standing as he held his ground in front of her. Zelda knew this, and she had begged him over and over to run; insisted that he leave her and save himself. With all the friends she had already lost, she could not bear to lose another. But after her most recent attempt, a new Guardian beared down on them. And the knight—bruised, limping, and bleeding—raised his sword against it. 
The red tracking laser locked onto Link’s forehead. 
Zelda told him to run. He did not. 
There was nothing else she could do but throw herself in front of him. She swore on Hylia, on all the Goddesses, she would not lose another friend. Whatever it took. But taking the hit for her knight would not prove to be the princess’ final act. 
Zelda did not know the golden power would erupt from her palm when she stepped in front of Link. But as she moved, she was compelled to raise her hand skyward. A bright, shining aura enveloped her hand. The Guardian froze. Three triangles ignited on Zelda’s skin, and golden energy burst through the field. 
The Guardian dimmed and collapsed. Its pink glow, the Malice infecting its core, drained from its body and dissipated into the air. And it wasn’t just the Guardian in front of them that suffered either; one by one, the Guardians in the field that had been enveloped by the princess’s light halted and collapsed. Zelda stared at the back of her hand. Maybe Hylia had finally heard her. Maybe this wasn’t the end after all. 
But her hope died when she heard something—something close, something smaller than a Guardian—collapse behind her. 
She turned. Link lay in the dirt. His chest rising and falling in rapid heaves, his blood already pooling on the ground around him. 
“No, no…”  
Zelda rushed to his side. 
“Link! Get up!” 
The princess knelt and gathered the knight in her arms. He wasn’t supposed to die here. She would have taken the hit for him, and instead she unlocked the power that would save them. She was sure she had saved him. And they could save everyone else now too. 
He wasn’t supposed to die here. 
Link looked up at her with a weak cough. Blood trailed from the corner of his mouth, and his body was more burn and gaping wound than skin. Zelda cried. She couldn’t hold back her tears anymore and she did not make any effort to. But through her sobs she spoke. “You’re going to be just fine.”   
Link looked into her eyes. His breathing was slowing. The crease in his brow indicated to Zelda just how focused he was at keeping his gaze on her. His lips trembled like he wanted to say something, but Zelda watched the light leave from his eyes first. He stilled against her. 
Zelda held him. She held him close to her chest, not caring about his dark blood staining her white gown; she held him as if her touch could will him back to life. There were no more Guardians in sight, but still she curled over his body as if in a last ditch effort to protect him when she couldn’t earlier. The rain and fire swirling around them would not touch him. It did not matter that his body was already broken; nothing would get him, not ever again. 
Through her sobs, she almost did not hear the voice. At first it sounded faint and far away, but then it sounded like it came from between her ears. It was soothing, if a bit robotic, but there was something sorrowful about the simplicity with which it spoke. The Master Sword, still clutched in Link’s lifeless hand, glowed in time with the voice. 
“Child who carries the blood of the Goddess in her veins…” 
At first Zelda could not believe what she was hearing. “The sword…?” She was aware of ancient legends that told of a voice within the sword, a voice that only the hero had been able to hear. 
“Yes. Child of my creator, you need not give up hope. There is a way for this incarnation of the hero to survive.”  
“So he can…He can still be saved?” 
“If you bring him to the Shrine of Resurrection, I estimate a 91% chance that he will be revitalized. But you must hurry.” 
Before Zelda could respond, another voice echoed from across the plains. 
Two Sheikah foot soldiers bounded over the wreckage of the Guardians and knelt before her. “Are you alright?” One of them asked. 
Zelda did not waste time explaining that she was relatively uninjured. “Take Link to the Shrine of Resurrection. If you don’t get him there immediately, we are going to lose him forever. Is that clear?” 
Both soldiers nodded. 
“So make haste, and go. His life is now in your hands.” 
“But princess, what about you?” 
“Do not worry about me,” Zelda said. She looked down at the sword in Link’s hand. Then placed her hand on top of his. “I will meet you at the Shrine. Activate it and stand guard, but do not seal it until I get there. I have other matters to attend to first.” 
“But, your highness—”
“That is an order.” 
Both Sheikah bowed their heads. Zelda did not let go of Link until she had placed him in the arms of one of the soldiers herself. She requested that the soldiers leave Link’s sword with her. This sword, combined with her own sealing power, and the hope of a revitalized hero, was  their last remaining chance at sealing away the darkness. Zelda was too wary of anyone other than herself securing it. 
It would be a long and perilous journey north of Hyrule Field, she knew. But there was only one place the princess felt comfortable with putting the sword to rest.
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lawrenceop · 4 years
Holy Land Retrospective - Day 4
Reminder: clicking on the link for each photo (links are all in red text) will take you to the Flickr page where you can see the photo in larger sizes. 
Start with DAY 1, or go back to DAY 2, or DAY 3, or read on!
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PHOTO 17: On the fourth day, we boarded our coaches in Jerusalem quite early in the morning for a journey of over three hours (as I recall) to Galilee. As we travelled to the very northern end of Israel, this Eastertide antiphon resounded in my mind: “Jesus said, 'Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to set out for Galilee: there they will see me, alleluia’." (cf Mt 28:10) Yes, we were setting out to Galilee to see him! Incidentally, for many of the pilgrims on this trip, this would be their first chance to see (and hear from) Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in ‘The Passion of the Christ’. When I asked Jim, jokingly, who the crowds on the two boats around ours were looking for, he said wryly: “Fake Jesus”! 
But here in Galilee, where Jesus lived and healed and exorcised and proclaimed the inbreaking of God’s Kingdom, we would all have an experience of the real Jesus, not least because we would have Mass later that day on the site of St Peter’s house in Capernaum. 
Driving past Magdala (where we would later have our lunch consisting of grilled St Peter’s fish), we headed straight for the shores of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea (or Lake) of Tiberias, or Kinneret. This is a freshwater lake, some 21 km long and 13 km wide. Although it was calm when we boarded our boats, we could see the rain clouds in the distance, and a cool wind whipped up the flags on the boats. One could understand how the disciples could have been out in the middle of this lake, and a storm could quickly engulf them (cf Mt 8:24-27). We were in three boats, with the priests and Jim and group leaders in the middle. And then, in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, surrounded by a landscape largely untouched and unchanged since the days when Jesus and his apostles fished here, we prayed. Here, led in song by John Michael Talbot, we prayed and called upon the Holy Spirit to fill our lives, and the wind, a Biblical sign of the Spirit’s presence, duly picked up around us. And then we just bobbed on the water in silence, with just the natural sounds of the lap of the water against the sides of the wooden boats, and the cry of birds overhead, and the flapping of the flags in the persistent wind. And in the silence we prayed, and God was heard in the silence.
“Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat." – Luke 5:3.
This photo was taken on the boat after that time of prayer, and it features an anchor which, like the peacocks and labarum that I shared yesterday is yet another early Christian symbol. The anchor, firstly, resembles a cross, so it was easily adapted as a secret Christian sign when Christians were being persecuted. It was also engraved in the Roman catacombs and on Christian graves as a sign of our Christian hope in the resurrection and eternal life through the Cross of Christ. For Scripture says: 
“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner shrine behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf". (Heb 6:19-20a) 
What I noticed, in taking this photo, was the striking colour of the sea, and of course, I thought of the phrase “fishers of men” (cf Mt 4:19). All of us were here on this sea because we had been fished out of the murky waters of sin, and we had been plunged into the regenerating fresh waters of baptism. All of us were here because we had been enlivened with faith in the Cross of Christ, a faith which anchors our lives and gives us hope of eternity. And all around us, presiding over all this, was the ruah Adonai, the holy Breath of God, the Holy Spirit, who blew over us, and stirred the waters. (cf Jn 5:4)
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PHOTO 18: After our lunch of grilled fish in Magdala we paused for reflection and quiet time in Tabhga, an area whose name comes from the Arabic version of the Greek name, Heptapegon, meaning, the place of seven springs. When Egeria visits the area in the 4th-century she mentions that here there “are seven springs each flowing strongly.” There are several holy sites in Tabhga and we visited first the Church of the Beatitudes where we listened to the Gospel (Mt 5:1-11), and had time to explore the grounds and take in the view. Afterwards, we went down from the Mount of Beatitudes to the shoreline, to the Church of the Primacy. The rain clouds had moved on by the time we reached the water’s edge; some plunged into the cool waters, but I merely waded in the shallows, feeling the black basalt-like grains underfoot. 
It was here that the Risen Lord had met his disciples, as he had promised, and indeed, it was here that he cooked them a breakfast of grilled fish. Inside the little church, therefore, is a rock under the altar named the ‘Mensa Christi’, the table of Christ. It was also here that St Peter was confirmed as chief shepherd of Christ’s Church on earth. Hence, both Pope St Paul VI and Pope St John Paul II visited this site when they came as pilgrims to the Holy Land.
“Jesus said to them, "Children, have you any fish?" They answered him, "No." He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, for the quantity of fish. That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his clothes, for he was stripped for work, and sprang into the sea. But the other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, but about a hundred yards off. When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish lying on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish that you have just caught." So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three of them; and although there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Now none of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Lord. Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and so with the fish. This was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs."” – John 21:5-15.
We prayed for the Holy Father here, and also for the Pope Emeritus. 
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PHOTO 19: The Petrine-Papal theme continued as we went finally to Capernaum, just 10 minutes away. Capernaum was effectively Jesus’s base during his Galilean ministry, and his first disciples, St Andrew and St Peter lived here. The very modern church where had Mass is built right on top of the house of St Peter, and the glass floor in the middle of the church allows one to look down into the octagonal 4th-century church that once stood here (and which Egeria visited), and also to see the remains of St Peter’s house, which is a stone’s throw from the (now ruined) synagogue of Capernaum. 
Jesus certainly knew this house well, and there are inscriptions dating to the 1st-century that attest to this site being the place where Jesus had lived and ate, preached and healed, and cast out demons. Here, on this holy site, we had the joy of celebrating the Holy Mass! Here, in St Peter’s house in Capernaum, we encountered the Lord as he promised, and through his Holy Eucharist he healed us and gave us strength to serve him. 
“And he went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the sabbath... And he arose and left the synagogue, and entered Simon's house. Now Simon's mother-in-law was ill with a high fever, and they besought him for her. And he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her; and immediately she rose and served them. Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.” – Luke 4:38-40
As the sun was setting, we had to leave Galilee and the drive back to Jerusalem was long; we arrived only shortly before the Holy Sepulchre closed its doors for the night.
Tomorrow: Christmas in Bethlehem!  
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theheartchoice · 5 years
Lonely Is The Word 
teen  |  2k  |  canonverse s6  |  ao3
for @profoundnet's bi-weekly Bot Stat challenge. prompt issued: April 30th 2019 
Dean needs a beer. Cas is listening to angel radio. S̸a̵m̴ ̸i̶s̵ ̸f̵i̵n̵e̷.̸ ̷E̵v̵e̵r̵y̶t̵h̷i̴n̸g̴ ̵i̶s̵ ̷j̵u̶s̶t̵ ̷f̸i̴n̶e̷..̴.
Sam knows about his soulless gap year and Bobby's having a hard time trusting the resurrected version. Even without monsters, their lives are still a shitshow. Add in warring Angels and friggin' Purgatory-seeking Dragons and Dean just needs a second to breathe.
Dean only leaves because Sam is safe. No safer place than Bobby's. He just needs an hour or two to wrap his mind around things.
With Baby back to rights he drives 'til the sun dips below the wheatgrass horizon, no destination set in stone but half tempted to find a bar just south of the border. It's the best combo there is to clear his head: just the open road, whatever's on tap wherever he pulls up, and the right kind of company for just long enough to sate this desire to scream his lungs out - at crappy circumstance, at the Winchester family curse, at his own bad choices. 
He just wanted his brother back, is that so bad? Sam didn't deserve to be left behind - not in that place; no one does. He shudders to think how Alastair's torture might pale in comparison to Lucifer's. For Sam to go through that again - to re-discover whatever's left of him? Forget calling in Death for a quick-fix favour, because even Dean knows some things can't be fixed, can't be undone, unseen. 
Dean lives with his memories from the pit every day. Avoids 'em, as much as it's possible to do so without some magic mind-block, but he's changed forever because of 'em. And Sam might not've been the one dealing out damnation, but if time works in a similar way down there then he was Lucifer's chew toy for over a century. And if that doesn't shake anyone to their foundations just to think about then they're either a lunatic or a goddamn liar. 
Cas spelled out Dean's fear in no uncertain terms: Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it: like it had been skinned alive. 
But was he right? Had Dean doomed Sam to a fate worse than death by trying to do the right thing? Trying to save him?
If you wanted to kill your brother you should have done it outright. 
Sam's fine - for now. But how long before his wall crumbles into Hellfire? The structural integrity's already been compromised, and no matter what Sam promised, Dean knows his brother: if Sam wants to right his own alleged wrongs then he'll do it and nevermind the cost to himself.  
And while Dean holds fast that whatever Samdroid did while his soul was MIA isn't on Sam, Bobby's less convinced. Just to throw another wrench in the gears of the 'better life' that was 'spose to finally be possible after the Apocalypse was averted. Not that that was really ever gonna happen. 
No Armageddon, but the tradeoff was Sam jumping into the pit. Sam gets resurrected, but his soul gets left behind. Dean gets a taste of the Apple Pie life, but hunting is his bread and butter. There's a civil war up in the clouds because (as everyone well-knows) Angels are dicks. And as if the self-crowned king of Hell trying to rip a hole between dimensions wasn't enough, apparently that little adventure is now on some dragon-dude's bucket list. 
Crazy as it sounds, Dean kinda misses the ol' days. Y'know, when all they had to do was take down a couple of overzealous Archangels. They've got shit stacking up on so many spinnin' plates right now it's impossible to tell which one's gonna be the first to topple and shatter, that crap raining down on 'em in a mess of blood and pain and one gruesome smear of trouble after another - and it'll soil a bunch of innocent people too, if they're not careful. 
Knowing their luck it probably won't be just the one plate, either. 
But when it comes to this sorta thing all they can really do is.. wait n' see. Try to be ready to divert whatever mountain of crap avalanches at them - or try to outrun it, sidewind it before the risk catches up with them and the goddamn consequences bury them alive. 
    Some small-town city limits come into view just as the clouded night kisses down the last of twilight. Dean knows this place. He can get what he needs here, on a lucky night. Hell, two out of three ain't bad. Booze? Check. Distance? Check. Company?.. Guess he'll have to wait and see. 
He'd kinda like some answers, too. Some goddamn direction to point himself in when he hits the road again. And there is a certain someone who might be able to help with that - or might not. But whatever the case, Dean wouldn't turn his company away. Maybe what he needs right now, more than anything, is a friend. 
Baby slows to a stop in the vacant lot across the street from the bar, Black Sabbath cutting out with the purr of her engine. 
"Hey, Cas.." And where the hell does he go from here? Honesty, or a passable lie? Maybe somewhere in between. "I know you think what I did for Sam was the wrong call, and.." Yeah.. okay. "..honestly, I dunno. I dunno if what I did is gonna make things better or worse in the long run. All I know is that I had to, man - I had to." There's really no more to it than that. Except maybe just, "I could really use a friend, right about now." Reckless little brother, uncle who lied to him for a year; seems he can't really go wrong seeking the advice of his Angelic best friend, right? Even if he has been out of sorts since their little reunion. Better than the alternatives at least, even if there is a year of space between them now. 
Dean'd be lying if he said he didn't wonder what Cas got up to during that year. Caught himself before shooting off a prayer more than once. Maybe just to check in, maybe to brainstorm ways to save Sam. His spirit - already struggling to dry off from the shitstorm of their lives - was dampened to learn that Cas wasn't the one who saved Sam from The Cage - or tried to. Cas did try though, so maybe that's somethin'. 
In the time it would take for Heaven and Hell to play out the last few bars of track seven and most of the closing number, Dean sits alone in the driver's seat, headlights lighting the way to nowhere, waiting. 
Turns out to be just another mistake in a long line of dumbass mistakes, another mark on the board for his tally of bad choices. Baby purrs back to life half only half a minute before she's put to sleep again and Dean's stalking away into the bar. 
    "—Castiel?" Rachel's voice pulls him back before his wings denote a telltale stretch - still a reflex he must wilfully deny. "Is something wrong?"
Yes. "No, I was just.. listening." 
Her eyes harden, and Castiel has been made accustomed to that look over the last mortal year as she nods. "Raphael's soldiers think blocking our channels with their rhetoric will hinder our efforts, but his numbers are not what ours are. And they can't affect our communications for much longer." 
Of course. It is a tactic only effective in the short-term, for the amount of energy required to interfere would significantly drain the Angels pervading the etheric communicative transference. 
She proceeds to inform him of their recent losses in battle along with how many of Raphael's soldiers were presumably wounded or killed. 
Castiel dreads such knowledge perhaps most of all; knowing the extent of Angelic grace being spilled in a war that would not be waging if not for his actions, his choices alone. The only reprieve he finds from the guilt is in the belief that Raphael would have spilled more - and destroyed the Earth, as well - if Castiel and his brothers and sisters had not taken up arms against him. 
He manages a tight-lipped smile, something enough to satisfy that he understands. "Have we any more news of the missing weapons?" 
"Not yet." 
"Then I suggest you get back to it." 
In the very least, being the Commander of garrisons affords him seniority, and with it the propensity to not have to explain himself further. 
She takes her leave, and once he feels her grace reach an adequate distance in the aether, in her absence, he takes flight. 
The familiar silhouette of one 1967 Chevrolet Impala is almost indistinguishable from the night sky, if not for the gleam of street-lamps off the polished metal belying an impression of the sun. 
The moon is hidden tonight, as are the multitudinous stars of this galaxy - a favourite among many Angels throughout the eons. However, given the events of recent times, Castiel suspects he may be one of few Angels who prefer it over other galactic creations primarily for its housing of one particular solar system, which bears one particular planet, upon which a very special species makes its home. 
Dean is gone. 
The bar seems his likely destination, and if Castiel concentrates, allowing his Grace to reach out and survey the atmosphere.. yes. He can feel him near: warm and alive, though not at peace. He has never known what it is to feel Dean at peace in the mortal realm. There was a singular moment - fleeting and seeming so long ago, now - when his Grace touched Dean's soul raw and exposed; it seized his fear, incentivised Dean to feel safe, to trust in Castiel's intentions.
It was something akin to peace, perhaps relief. At the time, Castiel had thought it might be resignation to God's plan. But as he came to know Dean, he came to interpret that feeling as something intensely personal and not at all connected to The Grand Plan. 
Perhaps, once Castiel completes his mission, once he stops Raphael and prevents the Apocalypse for all good, Dean will know peace. He deserves that much. He deserves much more. 
The inside of the Impala is cool. Not as cold as the night air outside, but enough that Dean wouldn't be comfortable if he were to emerge from the bar this instant. Castiel places a hand on the dashboard, and while the engine remains silent, the interior comes alive in light and sound and air-ventilated warmth. 
The music is not familiar, despite having listened through much of Dean's collection during his time with the Winchesters. Over the past year Castiel has not regretted safeguarding Dean's chance for peace, his life away from supernatural beings and the chaos and destruction they wrought. Although, he will admit to a certain discernible ache for their foregone time together; on the road within this now-familiar vehicle, or in whatever capacity Dean would have allowed, in any way that he might have needed Castiel's help. 
The war in Heaven is not going well, despite Rachel's assurances. Without weapons at their disposal, Raphael's forces will soon diminish their own and all will suffer because of Castiel's failing. Which is precisely why he cannot fail.
Castiel always knew the chance of defeating an Archangel on his own was impossible, and therefore anything that could afford him victory in this war - to end the graceshed, to save Humanity, and the Earth, and Heaven from itself - then he must take it. 
But even against all reason, all dangers considered, there are times when Castiel, too, does want for a friend.
For one friend, in particular. 
..been higher than stardust 
I've been seen upon the sun 
I used to count in millions then 
But now I only count in one 
Come on, join the traveler 
If you got nowhere to go 
Hang your head and take my hand 
It's the only road I know.. 
If only Castiel could pray to Dean. 
..Yeah, Lonely is the word 
Got to be the saddest song I ever heard.. 
But the want of a friend is selfish, dangerous. 
Drawing Dean into the skirmish of Angels would further remove him from any chance at peace. And that, Castiel decides, is not worth the win. Even if Dean wants to help, he cannot allow it. He must keep Dean safe, and far away from the destructive reach of Heaven's current state. 
..Yeah, Lonely is the name 
Maybe life's a losing game. 
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godcares4u · 5 years
Everyone on earth has lost someone very dear to him/her, we can’t escape it because man has to die and return to God for judgement, most Christians don’t believe in resurrection or even if they do they will take it as a rare phenomenon, but there is a solution.
 It’s painful loosing someone you love, not being able to see the person again, due to our emotion we blame God for our lost, we question his authority, love and we lose faith in him, little do we know he cares and feels your pain, while he was on earth he wept after the death of Lazarus (john 11:1-45) , because of your eternal damnation he gave his life yours because he wanted you to have eternal life proving he has emotion, the main issue is what you do when lose a person, you cry, mourn, bury the person but you can do better believing God and trusting him, as you read am going to tell you secrets that heaven as released and it works perfectly and God is willing to restore anyone for you.
 The following steps has biblical backups and if fully practiced you will enjoy Gods power and love on you.
You must know that God hates sin but is willing to reconcile with a sinner because he takes no pleasure in your death or separation from him, he took on the form of man because he want your soul with him forever, he hates sin to the highest level that he can’t listen to the prayer of a sinner, your self-righteous is nothing more than dirt to him, but he made an eternal provision by giving his life for yours, he took all your sins on the cross, he has never been separated from the father but then he was, there are many benefits of making peace with him as its written in the scripture to seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be added (luke12:29-32) he loves you so much he exalted you above all creations and made you a judge in heaven, for ye will judge nations and angels, and the fact he brags about you to everything that exist because your life is perfect in his sight. Please make your way right with him.
This is as important as being born again, (luke17:6) your little faith can do great things ,the little faith of peter made him walk on the sea as long as he trusted Jesus until he lost faith him, then he began to sink but our loving God didn’t let him sink but gave him hands and more reason to trust him, he will never let you sink in doubt, he prays for you all the time brethren, he intercede for you, with faith you can turn deserts to rain forest, you can divide seas, you can take down giants, you can silent the gates of hell, you can do everything through Christ whom strengthens you because you have faith, your ability to believe him and never doubt him is an evidence you faith in him, its seems humanly impossible but because of your total trust in the most high it will be possible. You have to know that he giveth and taketh, so you ask him believing that he will bring the person back to life so if he willeth he will do it for you, the dead cant plead for themselves only you whom is alive can plead on their behalf and only you can change Gods mind, Even if you don’t see an outcome for some time he has it in mind, when the time is right he will make it possible, relating to a real-life scenario your father is wealthy and you ask for something he doesn’t give it immediately is because as a good father he knows what is good for you at the time when the right time comes he will and he will give you the best of that time.
This part is very effective because God will move from the throne of judgement to throne of mercy, as you sing praise and worship, the angels sings along with you, the twenty-four elders, cherubs four living creatures all join you in the worship, think of god as a being with every feelings, as you say love talks to your wife or husband, as you talk good of your father before asking for something do same while dealing with God he surrounded himself with glory, praises and worship, use this is an advantage tell him how great he is, tell him how you feel about him, tell him how important, tell him how omniscient, omnipotent, and pour out praises and worship out of the abundance of your heart and he will smile and move to the throne of mercy and this dilemma  will turn to blessing, you don’t know what praises can do, David is Gods favorite because of his ability to render praise to him, Lucifer was Gods most decorated angel because of his duty of praise, the walls of Jericho fell because of shout of praise, so what are you waiting for go ahead and praise him, the only way to make an God smile is by praise and when he smiles mercy comes through.
Prayer is communicating with God, pouring out your mind and feelings before him, taking your case to the court room of God to talk about it and bear in mind that the devil is there to also debate the matter but using the gift of God which is speaking in tongues you now have an encrypted talking system the devil cant decode, he doesn’t know reason you are giving God and cant counter you therefore giving you total advantage over the devil, he might know the topic of the debate but your language is far ahead his understanding, while praying you tell God why and backing up you reasons with biblical scriptures which is scriptural confirmation as Jesus did during his temptation in the wilderness by quoting the scripture he was able to overcome, so you plead to God to bring him back to life, you don’t need to panic because it’s never late for God, Jesus was four days late to the resurrection of Lazarus, he was centuries away to redeem man, he is not bound by time, he can restore the person whom has started to decompose, he created you from the dust of the earth, he restored a man eyes by spitting on the ground and rubbing it on his eyes and restoring his site, brethren believe me God is willing to break the bank of possibility for you, don’t limit what you want before him because he has so many surprises, you only know what he wants you to but knowing whom he is you can achieve more
     With all I have written above you can do the impossible and restore your loved one to life if he wills, meditate on this and let the spirit of God speak to you.
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sentofighta · 6 years
The Theocracy of Plegia Headcanon post
In this post, I will try to write some headcanons for Plegia, kind of world-building to be a reference for myself and anyone who is interested to read it.
Please remember, these are mere headcanons, they are my own interpretation. If you disagree with something then I don’t mind discussing the points you don’t find accurate. There is no harm in checking other views, but please be polite or keep it to yourself. Suggestions and feedbacks are highly appreciated.
Special shout out to Jee @/stratesia for giving her opinion on some points~
Please don’t Reblog.
Plegia ペレジア, Perezia
I thought at first it might be a play on word (spelling i think) Plegia> Persia
Perezia is the name of a flower just like Iris (Ylisse)
I tried to look for the flower meaning but there is nothing. The only link is stated below in the headcanon of Religion.
Origin and History
Plegia is originally part of Ylisse, the content before the Schism event when The First Exalt with Naga’s help fought Grima and because of the immense power, the content was divided and thus having the awakening world continent.
After the schism, three counties were formed, Ragna Ferox to the north, Halidom of Ylisse in the middle and the Theocracy of Plegia to the west.
Some of the content here is shared with my previous ylisse headcanon so copy pasting some info here to connect the two posts together.
With the separation of the three counties, each country took a different path from the others. Ferox being in a harsh climate, was more of active of the two countries in terms of manpower and parties. Plegia to the south with its scorching desert life, the development was steadily but not very fast like Ferox and Ylisse in terms of trading business due to the lack of earthly materials like in Ylisse (farm yields and animals), Ferox (Ore, and furs.) Though, there are things that only found in Plegia like certain food spices, herbs, unique clothes textiles and dyes, exquisite make-up, etc.
The Grimleal in Plegia are a minority in Plegia and only grew with time especially in the game events. King Gangrel and his men were not Grimleal but they had to follow the cult for their own safety and the services they will gain from the cult.
After the separation, it was hard for the Plegian to fully operate with how harsh the weather is especially after they became independent from Ferox and Ylisse. Their livelihood was in a tie with Ylisse’s agriculture and meat products. and Ferox’s ore, manpower, and fur. They worked tirelessly to be a fully functional nation on its own that does not rely on its neighboring countries. Being a nation that is known for its dark magic, this enabled this to advance despite the harsh circumstances.
Plegia prospered during the time between their separation until the great war against Ylisse which Plegia suffered a lot. The truth that normal citizens of Plegia were the true victim of the war meanwhile any Grimleal were plotting from the back and escaped the war’s damage. The Grimleal played with its nation’s emotions saying that Ylissean wants them to become their slaves so they can enjoy their lives as their masters. Naga told them to take over Plegia and make it their own as it was once before. People were agitated with these false claims and sought to stop the Ylisseans--Chrom’s Father from invading Plegia. The cost of war was Ylisse’s almost destruction and Plegia while the Grimleal watched in the background this war. The Grimleal used their people to act as a human shield to protect their experiments and projects to revive their fell dragon god.
Reviving Grima was the Grimleal’s wish. As Validar said in the game that his Grandfather and father were failures to be the host of Grima even himself until he had Robin (Avatar) who was of pure blood to host Grima in them. The process of creating a suitable vessel was an ugly and disgusting one. A lot of experiments on subjects, children were torn from their parents. Subject after the other to create the right formula for the final product which was Robin. Whether Validar or Robin’s mother was a close being to Homoncluos (Grima in a way) that made Robin with a high success rate of being able to host Grima. Going by the events of SOV, Grima was made by Forneus and by the description, Grima resembles a homunculus in the way he was created and Forneus is an Alchemist so that kind of allude to that. Wouldn’t be surprised if Robin’s mother was a created being, homunculus to be able to give birth to Robin. Alchemy was lost because there was no mention to it in Awakening world. But surely the knowledge remains in the hidden abodes of the Grimleals.
After the Great war, Gangrel assumed his role as a King to the nation, a plan woven by Validar to dart everyone’s eyes away from the Grimleal as they plot their scheme to revive Grima from the shadows. When Emmeryn died, a lot of people who were affected by her sacrifice stopped fighting but sadly some were killed by true Grimleals or during the battle against the Ylissean army. Whoever could escape hid away and decided to start a new life.
When Gangrel was defeated, Validar took over as regnant King, making sure that the Grimleals are now the controlling force of the country; making it clear that the Grimleals are in power now. There was no need to hide their motives after finding Robin is still alive so the plan B they had, using the future Robin to assume the role. Validar aided Chrom’s army to defeat Walhart because he knew that Walhart if he reached Plegian, no one will be saved, not even the weakened Future Robin (Grima) from his wrath.
Once Walhart was out of the picture, Validar ought to steal the Fire Emblem and then fuel the Future Robin with power to regain the lost power they lose during their travel (and i assume reviving Validar as well?) even though the plan was to use the current Robin’s body but when they refused time was of essence so they had to move to use the future body (which is odd because they are not older even after they said that they did came with lucina so??? Maybe their aging stopped when they killed chrom or something idk man this game got a lot of ??? for me to think of answers im but i weak moogle.) Validar used the strong faith of the Grimleals to call them over to the Dragon Table to be Grima’s lunch. When confronted by Chrom and the company, these people were brainwashed, only speaking in gibberish
...the appointed...time...
...to the Dragon's...Table...
...our prayers...Grima…
Using these people so Grima can feed on them to be resurrected to its true form, however, the future robin mortal body remained as well. This could mean that the true form is mindless while the mind and conscience remain in the human body thus why Robin could kill Grima and end it. If Grima chose to get rid of the human body, I only assume that Robin would not be able to kill Grima and severe the ties between because his power is not equal to the current Grima so perhaps Robin should accept this current Grima’s powers if they want to destroy the future grima?? 👀
With the defeat of Grima, Plegia was left in shambles with the Grimleals are out of the picture as well. There is no information to what happened to Plegia next but I imagine with Ylisse’s help and Ferox, the people slowly regained the control of their country. Either Robin (Avatar) take their role as King/Queen but i kind of doubt that the people would just ‘yes we accept’ knowing that Avatar is Validar’s kid--the man who killed half of their people for a big ass dragon. This could require a lot on Avatar’s part to reassure the people that they can grant them the peace they want or surprisingly the people will accept avatar after knowing that they are the one who fell the dragon. Or it will be a democracy, they will elect someone to be their leader.
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Plegia comes between Halidom of Ylisse to the east and Ferox to the north. Plegia is a country in the Ylisse continent that was once one country with its neighbor.
Plegia is known to be a desert country evident with a map up there. There are little to no forest areas like its neighbor country, Ylisse. A lot of mountains and sand dunes. Plegia as any desert country, it is bound to have dangerous areas of quicksands often used by bandits to lure helpless merchants and villagers towards them so they can trap them. Unlike Ylisse, Plegia’s bodies of water are more active because the Plegian made a lot of ports to make the trades between them and the Valmesean easier.
Because unlike Ylisse, Plegia is pretty much has the same climate all over its land. Very hot humid, even scorching at summer, and slightly cold at winter. In summer, the days are humid and hot while at night, it can get a little chilly and even freezing at certain times. In winter, the days are sometimes cloudy little chances of rain depends on the circumstances and at night extremely cold due to the desert winds and being exposed to the sea. Nearby the sea, the air can be salty and suffocating for newcomers.  
Flora & Fauna
Since the climate is the same, the flora and fuana are pretty much the same across the land as well. Short plants in the desert area, different types of reptiles, a lot of wild birds like falcon and hawks, wild rabbits, coyotes and gazelles which often found near the border pass between Plegia and ylisse. Between Ferox and Plegia at the border wastes, some giraffes and elephants might be around.
As the name of the country suggests, it is religion based country, more like a forced one. The government is hereditary from one leader of the Grimleal to another, most likely as Validar said, his grandfather, father then him and possibly Robin (Avatar).
Gangrel, as stated before he was placed to fuel the war between plegia and ylisse because he had the charisma and the drive to get people around him for that purpose--the revenge on the ylissean.
After the battle with Grima, the line of Validar--the Grimleals is over. The people either pick their own leader or accept Robin (Avatar) as their King/Queen if they wanted to serve their country alongside their friend Chrom being the Exalt of Ylisse.
The Law
The Law in Plegia is simple, Worship Grima, and hate Naga. The same rules that the previous Exalt had to not trade with Plegian or marry into them applied in Plegia as well. Who is caught to be trading with a Ylissean was immediately killed on the spot.
This to be changed slightly when Gangrel ruled because he wanted to use Ylisse for his revenge to he allowed some sort of trading to happen but with a lot of restrictions.
After the end of Grima, the laws are loose to let both trading and wedding from both countries without any sort of restrictions following after Chrom’s Laws.
The Hierarchy is simpler than Ylisse because it is simply:
The Hierophant (Grima)
The Grimleal leader and the country Leader, the King (Validar)
Right hand and trusted advisor (Aversa)
The Grimleals is definitely set to ranks but for my sake, they are three levels according to what the enemies we have seen.
High ranked Grimleal: Priests & Dark Mages & Scholars (Chalard & Algol)
Middle ranked Grimleal: Loyal Military Soldiers & Spies (Campari)
Lowest ranked Grimleal: Believers and worshipers of Grima
Military Commander (Mustafa etc)
The commoners
After the Grimleals ranks, who comes next kind of does not have any authority nor power except on those who are around them. Mustafa being the commander of the army that fought Chrom, it should be apparent that his loyalty to his people not the religion should be known by the Grimleal so I doubt he has any power except on the men around him.
The forced religion is worshiping the fell dragon Grima even though there are many around Plegia who do not worship Grima at all. The Religion was founded when the first fathers saw the destruction that Grima caused in his first war with the First Exalt. They sought his power for their own misguided ends. They wanted to obtain that power knowing that Grima had a pact with a human, they thought they could control this ‘God’ to do what they want. When Plegia was founded, I imagine it was their goal; to revive Grima so they can use him. Naga helped humans on her own, they wanted their God to be same; to help them realize their dreams and wishes; their own God that they don’t have to share with anyone else. These wishes developed and reshaped to be wanting destruction about everyone so no one can be better than them; total damnation to all even if the in the process they died at least their selfish wishes that no one be happy happen. Validar was revered among the Grimleal because in a way he was the host or almost was going to for their God. If Robin remained in Plegia, they would be worshipped as the Human that has the pact with Grima, their own God, their messenger for their God.
Note to Grima’s design, which is just my own opinion again but look at the picture
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The true form of Grima resembles Perezia, the flower that the nation is called after in the Japanese release. I don’t know if this was intentional or just me diving deep where it is not necessary. The right images are from here if you like to look at the other Perezia’s types because they are A LOT, i picked these two because they looked close enough to grima’s design imo. Just like Ylisse (Iris) the symbol is the flower itself, I think Plegia is the same. Ferox (Felia) on the other hand, their symbol is two wolves(?) animal motif instead of plant perhaps to represent the fierce nature of Ferox.
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Holidays & Celebratory Days
The day when Grima was fell the first time, is a day that all Grimleal spend it mourning their God’s long slumber and prepare a lot of sacrifices in hope for the day Grima is revived come closer.
If Robin remained in Plegia, I am sure their birthday would be a day to be celebrated because the messenger of their God, his vessel was born on this day.
With how Plegia is under the Grimleal, there are a lot fo celebratory events unlike Ylisse and Ferox but common folks do enjoy summer festival and such in their cast away villages.
Grimleal’s customs
To get into the Grimleal is not an easy as it sounds like. Test of loyalty and such would be asked for the recruiters to do. Often raiding and killing people, offer sacrifices, be ready for any job whatever it is to be done. Who can’t fight, must assist in a way or another. Scholars and Scientists were expected to keep experimenting on different projects, more strong Risens and whatnot.
Commoner’s customs
Plegians are like the Ylissean in terms of upbringing. Respect is a must to teach their children, they might be little more strict with that than the Ylissean. The family may hold the Grandparents, the parents, their kids, and their kids. The extended family may live in the same house with how the living in Plegia in the years are getting harder with previous war and the current one, it is hard to save up money to live in your own.
It is not a custom but perhaps an explanation to why most Plegian are seen devoted of emotions or if they had them they are considered cold and distant. Basing the information on the real world, desert people are affected by the heat and being constantly under the sun thus they are more hot-tempered and emotionally distant (of course this does not apply to ALL desert living.) The heat damped their emotions but they are there but only visible to really close knit of people, for example, Mustafa and his company. They were moved by Emmeryn which does not necessarily they are cold but to the outsiders they seem like it.
First Grima war
  The Events of the [First Grima war] against the First Exalt with Naga VS. Grima and the human he pact with was the first war in ages the people faced their first trial. There are no records of the war but a point to note that the whole continent was against Grima unlike the 2000 years later where The Halidom of Ylisse was against Grima alone, mostly. Another thing to note, that the human that had a pact with Grima was known, however, these little details ‘human pact’ was not known for anyone outside the Grimleal in the game (during Awakening) timeline. Evidence that everyone was shocked to hear of Avatar’s relationship to Grima and the whole plot to use them as a vessel. A lot of Grima’s secret was swept away when the three nations were made, means that the Grimleal in their early days, made sure to cover up Grima’s tracks to make sure that his next revival would be the last and no one can interrupt him.
The Grimleals made sure only to keep who will hold their tongue from blurting any information that could threaten their plan to revive Grima. Who was suspected to leak anything was murdered on the spot. It might have shaken them in numbers but that made the new generation even more stronger and loyal to the cause.
Ylisse-Plegian situation
  It is no secret that these two countries have always had troubles and skirmishes. Ylisse worshiping the divine dragon and Plegia worshiping the Fell Dragon. Both contrasting counties of faith and beliefs. Ylisse wished for more peaceful negotiations, but Plegia saw it as a way to silence them--it agitated them because they thought Ylissean are simply provoking them due to their past.
  Pre the previous Exalt’s time, the relationships were already on a thin ice. The Grimleal experimenting with everything they got to get the results they hope for-- a perfect vessel for their master. What kept the relationship at bay was on both sides, Ylisse’s Exalt was still going for the peaceful route and the Grimleal trying to maintain a low profile until they finish their experiments.  
  In the previous Exalt’s time, the situation got worse when Validar who had hopes that he will be the perfect vessel for Grima, was provoked by the Exalt who got a whiff of the situation tried to pursuit Validar to explain what is he doing but Validar did his best to conceal it that until Validar had Avatar who was, by all means, THE perfect vessel then it all hells went loose. With Avatar’s mother escaping, all spies who were around Plegia and the borders reported back of the scheme that plegia is making which made the first Exalt more determined to wage war against Plegia in name of Naga and peace. Thus the war 15 years pre awakening happened. It was a mean to stop Validar from making the vessel but it failed. The only success was that the vessel, Avatar was lost and their whereabouts were unknown. Sadly, this information was only shared by the Exalt and the Clergy and his personal knights so the news of vessel and Validar’s scheme died when the Exalt fell in battle.
  During the game situation was the follow up of the previous war. Plegia did not forget the war even though 15 years have passed. The wounds did not heal and the people wanted a revenge, an end to their pain, a closure that no more of that cruel war is going to happen. With Emmeryn’s sacrifice, it showed that even Plegian were not sure of their emotions and deep down they want an end to all the fighting and when Gangrel was defeated, the situation calmed a little bit until Validar came back into the scene. Fueling the people against Ylisse and using every possible opening to rekindle the hatred. Who followed him were mostly long rooted Grimleal who would gladly give up their lives for Grima. Anyone else was fighting for other reasons, some because they fear for their families who were captured, some for glory, some for money, etc.
A lot of problems emerged after the first war, a lot of dead plegian, poverty, lack of funding. These were somehow fixed by the Grimleal in order to shut the people up and use that anger and direct it at the Ylissean. Some of course, knew that the Grimleal at fault too but couldn’t speak about it or death will be their end. People were living in horror from the Grimleal and from the Ylissean to strike again.
Plegia and Valm situation
Validar understood that Walhart was smart for his own good and decided to do something about Plegia when Ylisse failed to act, he used Chrom and his company to take Walhart down so there will be fewer people at his doorstep asking him to stop resurrecting Grima. If Walhart was not stopped, all what Validar planned with Future Robin (Grima) would have been under threat.
The Last Grima war, Avatar’s ending
  In the second Grima war in game, there are three outcomes for the battle. 1) the shepherds lose to grima, 2) chrom’s ending where he delivers the last strike sending grima into another 1000 of slumber, 3) or avatar’s ending where they sacrifice their life. Since this is the true ending of the game, it is the best outcome of the three endings. The world was saved from Grima and history wrote about its savior. Naga did tell Avatar that if they have strong bonds they are to fight and come back to this world. During the time the avatar went missing, everyone continued to grow and develop in their name. The scars of the last battle did not heal quickly but they are surely coming along. There is no set of time to when Avatar came back but it is not that long taking that from the game ending where there are no visible changes on both Chrom nor Lissa; between a year and two max. The duration is a controversial topic so it is not that of important at this point. Meanwhile, Plegia is gathering itself after losing so many of its citizen for being Grima’s food and in the war itself.
Chrom’s ending
Avatar has the choice to return to Plegia and rule it as King/Queen.
Ruined Future ending (Future Kids timeline)
Plegia prospered even further to become the land of the Fell Dragon, the land of the risens. A lot of plegian escaped to Valm or Ferox leaving the country in fear for their lives. Who remained were the loyal Grimleals and commanders.
  In Fate, Anakos asks Owain, Severa, and Inigo if they had a request after helping him and they asked to revive their families and friends but he could not do that so they asked to make revive their original world that was tainted by Grima and in the process make graves for their fallen families and friends. I assume that fixed Plegia too.
Ruined Present ending
If The Shepherds failed to take down Grima, an ending close to the future that the kids escaped from will happen. However, this time, Falchion and the Fire Emblem might be either lost or be confiscated by Grima’s puppets. A worse ending than the future they escaped from. The Grimleals will take over command of everything and the new place people will start pilgrim to is Plegia’s castle to worship their new God, Grima.
Plegia units are [Barbarians, Dark Mages, Wyvern Riders, Myrmidons and Thieve] a balanced army. Plegian considers having a better strategic approach to battle so they can be hard to deal with especially with the wyvern riders who can travel a long distance and have a decent defense to close ranged and magical attacks. Though, with proper planning and using the archers they can be an easy target. Their advantage is only if they are fighting on their land where the movement is quite restricted to everyone but the mages and riders.
Same with Ylisse, education was for people who could afford it. Priests, Dark Mages, and scholars are the highest people in rank of education, of course after the Grimleal leader themself.
Because of how the Grimleal is, a lot of experiments and projects are involved, thus why scholars are important in the country for their continuous experiments and researches.  
Unlike Ylisse, we did not get to see official letters for Plegian nor any other nation (correct if im wrong please). Looking at the in-game sprites, you can see the spells are identical so I couldn’t get anything out of them to link to plegia.
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All the spells have the same writing so it did not give away anything special. Weak spells and the powerful spells; all alike.
One could headcanon that the writing is the same what is different is how each nation pronounce them? Because of all magic stem from one place??? Idk.
The warp spell pattern is different
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The letters are kind of, slightly, different to the above one. Maybe because they are skewed they look different. But for me, they kind of resemble the arabic script because it looks cursive at the first part to me and we saw that ylissean counts on the symbol and they are not cursive. I will bite the bullet and say that Plegian script resembles the Arabic script, written from right to left to be just different from the ylissean. Out of spite lolololol
Health & Services
Due to the aftermath of the first way, poverty struck the country and famine. People died because of the heat and lack of food and clean water. It was a lot of work to provide food and water across the country and health services. Healers are not common around plegia that is why scholars work on more effective medicines to replace the lack of the able arms to cure and heal with items that can be used by the laymen. Of course, it is not because they ‘care’ because every soul is important in order to revive Grima. Plus, they are the human shield that the Grimleal will use to provoke the new war to happen. War can’t happen if there is no one to fight back.
Art & Entertainment
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The overlook looks similar to how Persian castle looked like, no color a lot of castle towers. I imagine that small villagers only have somewhat colors in their building because they are further away from the Plegian Castle and the Grimleal.
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The inner design, however, has dark colors. The windows are above only assuming because to avoid having the heat of the sun come through them so they are strategically built to only let cool air in during the day and night and only enough of the sunlight depending on the position of each window and the sun circle.
I imagine the music would be, all poetry of praising Grima and the soon fated hour of his return. Commoners might sing about their daily life struggle and whatnot, somehow melancholy fill all their songs. little when you find happy songs.
Painting / Statues
I looked all over the castle for any hint of painting like in Ylisse’s castle but nope. Nothing. I think Plegia is more famed for statues more than painting with how they build their houses from stones.
The same as their music, all written art is based on imaginary days of Grima’s arrival. Recording the feat of the Grimleal, and the history against the Naga worshipers.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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A Padre Pio Inspirational Story
In Padre Pio’s presence, one felt that nothing on this earth was of any importance except one thing, to be in the grace of God. — Kathleen Thornton
Padre Pio – Director of Souls – Part II
Padre Pio’s fame as a confessor drew immense crowds to the monastery of Our Lady of Grace in San Giovanni Rotondo. As the crowds grew larger, Padre Pio, by necessity, became more inaccessible to the pilgrims. Outside of the confessional, it was almost impossible for a person to be able to have a conversation with him. Once, one of his spiritual daughters complained to him about the lack of time he had to give her in the confessional. He said to her, “I have spoken to you for many years. Now I ask you to put into practice those things that I have told you to do.”
As a confessor, Padre Pio wanted people to understand the seriousness of sin. “We have a greater fear of mortal sin than of fire,” Padre Pio once said. On another occasion he said, “Beware of sin as of a poisonous viper.” When penitents put questions to him regarding moral issues, his answers left no doubt as to the difference between right and wrong and the proper course to follow. One man said, “Padre Pio’s words were firm, candid and pure.” A man once confessed to him that he had thoughts against chastity. “How many times have you had those thoughts?” Padre Pio asked. “Six or seven times,” the man replied. “But seven is not the same as six because it means one more deadly sin,” Padre Pio answered.
Padre Pio had a great fear of offending God and was ready to go to any length to avoid doing so. He had no illusions about human nature. He said, “As long as there remains a drop of blood in our bodies, there will always be a struggle between right and wrong.” Looking back on his life, he once said, “Temptations that concern my secular life are those that most upset me . . . They bring on a cold sweat and make me tremble...In those moments, all I can do is cry.”
In 1915, Padre Pio wrote to Father Agostino:
The thought of going astray and... offending God fills me with terror. It paralyzes my limbs, and both body and soul feel as if they are being squeezed in a powerful vise. My bones feel as if they are being dislocated...crushed and ground up.
The general opinion was that making one’s confession to Padre Pio was of profound spiritual benefit. Nevertheless, to confess to Padre Pio was not an easy task for most. As one person described it, “To go to confession to Padre Pio was to allow him to look right inside your soul.” As a confessor, he was strict and demanding. He had great moral strength in directing souls and he did not hesitate to tell the penitents what they needed to do in order to change their lives. He often told people what they did not want to hear. He had a strong character and was afraid of no one. Many people wanted to make their confession to him but were held back by their fear. One man stated, “It is less frightening to take a difficult examination at the university than to make one’s confession to Padre Pio.”
In the confessional, Padre Pio did not want people to make excuses for their sins and omissions. A woman from Gioia del Colle, Italy visited Padre Pio on one occasion. During her confession, she said that she missed Mass the previous Sunday because of the rain. “Yes, but when you left to come to San Giovanni Rotondo, it was raining too,” Padre Pio replied. “You must never miss Mass again on Sunday unless illness prevents you from attending,” he added.
An atheist was once introduced to Padre Pio and the visit resulted in the man’s conversion. He said, “I went to see Padre Pio when I had a thousand reasons for not believing in God. With great delicacy, little by little, he led me back to the faith and gave me the moral stability I lacked.”
Padre Pio attached enormous importance to the frequent reception of the sacrament of confession. He used to say, “Even if a room is sealed off completely, dust will still accumulate in it.” Padre Pio practiced what he advocated to others. He went to confession frequently. Before making his confession, he prayed deeply and sought the intercession of the Virgin Mary. He always felt a great remorse for his sins and often cried when making his confession. To Father Benedetto, who was his spiritual director for twelve years, Padre Pio wrote, “I am seeking the amendment of my life, my spiritual resurrection, true and substantial love, the sincere conversion of my whole self to Him.”
Mr. Livio Dimatteo met Padre Pio in 1959. On one occasion, Livio had been undergoing a strong temptation which he was convinced was, “from the devil.” Because of it, he was afraid to make his confession to Padre Pio. When he finally gathered up the courage and entered Padre Pio’s confessional, Padre Pio placed his hand, much harder than usual, on Livio’s head. Livio was certain that Padre Pio knew all about the temptation and would assist him through his prayers.
One man who had initially been denied absolution by Padre Pio stated that Padre Pio was the only person who had been able to help him break away from his destructive lifestyle. “Thanks to Padre Pio, I was able to understand the gravity of my sins,” the man said. Previously, the man had always justified his immoral conduct and had no desire to change. People tried to show him the error of his ways but nothing that anyone said made a difference to him. The shock of being denied absolution by Padre Pio caused the him to reflect on his life. He made a good examination of conscience and later made a sincere confession and received absolution.
When twelve-year-old Mariella Lotti of Cosenza approached Padre Pio’s confessional, his words startled her. “If I heard your confession right now, we would get nowhere. You are not prepared to make your confession at this time,” Padre Pio said. Mariella, as well as her parents, felt offended, but when Padre Pio gave a further explanation for his actions, they not only understood, they agreed with him. It proved to be a turning point in young Mariella’s life. Another young woman wanted to make her confession to Padre Pio but she was not willing to make the needed changes in her life. Padre Pio spoke of her and said, “She is just like coal. When exposed, it stains. When lit, it burns.”
Padre Pio prayed continually for the salvation of all people. To a woman who was in great need he said, “Rest assured that I will pray for you. Even after my death I will remember you in my prayers.” To another he said, “You must understand the responsibility I have assumed before Jesus for you. If something bad should happen to you which is to your spiritual detriment, Jesus will ask me to account for it directly.” To a woman who asked him how often she could write to him, he responded, “Write to me whenever you have the desire or the need. In me, you will always find a father.”
Antonio Monari had a remarkable experience the first time he entered Padre Pio’s confessional. Antonio stated:
I was expecting to see a saint but I never imagined I would experience what I did. I told Padre Pio the many troubles of my family and myself and he listened paternally. I asked him for a grace for which I had waited many years for in vain. “Men can do nothing my son,” Padre Pio said and he pointed upward. “Only God who is above can help us. I will pray for you,” he added. He then gave me his blessing. I cannot describe to you the feeling of profound emotion I felt, so much so that when I got up, I lost my balance. He touched me affectionately on the right side of my head. My right ear, in which I was completely deaf, suddenly opened and I have been able to hear perfectly ever since.
In the confessional, people frequently asked Padre Pio for his counsel regarding family situations, vocational choices, business concerns, health issues, and even advice on farming matters. He was glad if he could help people on any level, but above all else, his desire was to help people on a spiritual level. He wanted people to realize their need for God. Professor Michael Melillo, one of Padre Pio’s spiritual sons, once said to Padre Pio, “Father, please give me some spiritual advice that I can use for my whole life.” Padre Pio answered him and said, “You have been born to know, to love and to serve God, and to be happy with him eternally in heaven.”
Capuchin Father Ruggero observed that many of the pilgrims who greeted Padre Pio handed him personal letters which contained their prayer requests. It seemed impossible for Padre Pio to read all the letters that he received. Father Ruggero wondered how he could find the time to pray for so many people. He asked Padre Pio how he could keep up with the task. Padre Pio touched his hand to his heart and said, “This is where they all pass. They are all here in my heart.”
Padre Pio insisted that people dress modestly whenever entering the church to attend Mass or to make their confession. To many, his standards of modesty were considered to be extreme. As time passed, Padre Pio became even stricter regarding church attire. One priest, who knew of Padre Pio’s rigid standards, told him that he could not insist on such a strict dress code in his parish because he feared that the members of his congregation would become angry and quit. “An empty church is better than a profaned one,” Padre Pio replied.
There was once a lady from Germany who made her confession to Padre Pio. She was fluent in Italian and was planning to make her confession in Italian. Before she could say even one word, Padre Pio began speaking to her in German. She noticed that his accent was perfect. Sometime later, she saw Padre Pio again. She spoke to him in German but he made no reply. She spoke to him a second time in German. He said nothing. Finally, she spoke to him in Italian and said, “Padre Pio, you spoke so well with me in German in the confessional. Why is it that you will not do so now?” “Oh,” he replied. “Confession is a completely different matter.”
Padre Pio’s fidelity to his priestly ministry as a confessor was revealed to Dr. Filippo Pancaro on one occasion. Dr. Pancaro, who was on staff at the Home for the Relief of Suffering, once gave Padre Pio a thorough physical examination. Besides having a high fever, Padre Pio also complained of dizziness, weakness, and a disturbing ringing in his ears. His exhaustion at the time was so great that he could hardly stand on his feet. Dr. Pancaro told Padre Pio that he needed to rest more in order to regain his strength. He advised him to discontinue hearing the evening confessions for a while.
Padre Pio was very disappointed at the doctor’s words. “If that is an order, I will do it,” Padre Pio said. “But only if it is an order. I do not want to cut back on hearing confessions.” Padre Pio then asked the doctor for his prayers. “I ask you to pray for me to the Virgin Mary,” Padre Pio said. “Pray that my health will be restored.” Dr. Pancaro assured him that he would do so. Padre Pio told the doctor that if he had a choice between losing his sight or his hearing, he would prefer to lose his sight. “As long as I have my hearing, I will always be able to continue to hear confessions,” he said. He once told Father Agostino that he would prefer to be taken to the confessional in a wheelchair rather than to stop hearing confessions.
Several hours before he died, Padre Pio asked the priest who was assisting him, Father Pellegrino Funicelli, to hear his confession. After making his confession, he said to Father Pellegrino, “Ask all my brothers to forgive me for all of the trouble I have caused them. If the Lord should call me tonight, please ask all of my spiritual children to say a prayer for my soul.” ______
Gina Deiana was engaged to be married and was looking forward to the day of her wedding with great anticipation. Two months before the wedding, her fiancé broke up with her. He did not have the courtesy to speak to Gina in person about his decision or even to call her on the telephone. He simply left her a short note indicating that their relationship was over. Gina was devastated by his actions and sunk into a deep depression. Her sadness became so overwhelming that she lost all joy in living.
Soon after the break up, Gina happened to read an article about Padre Pio in a magazine. She had a strong desire to visit Padre Pio and so she invited her aunt to make the trip with her to San Giovanni Rotondo. They left from their home in Genova, and arrived at Padre Pio’s monastery two days later. The year was 1952. They felt fortunate to book a room in the one and only hotel in the town.
The following morning, Gina and her aunt attended Padre Pio’s early Mass. Later that day, a woman whom Gina had never seen before, approached her and said, “You are the girl whose fiancé broke up with her. Am I right about that?” “But how did you know?” Gina asked. “Padre Pio told me about you,” the woman answered. “He wants you to stay here in San Giovanni Rotondo longer than you had intended to. Also, he would like to speak to you.” “But our funds are very limited. We cannot afford to stay any longer than planned,” Gina said. “Don’t give it another thought. I will be happy to lend you the money,” the woman replied. The woman’s name was Angelina Serritelli. She was one of Padre Pio’s spiritual daughters and she went to great lengths to assist him in any way that she could.
Gina was amazed by her conversation with Angelina Serritelli. She and her aunt were strangers in the little town of San Giovanni Rotondo. No one but Gina’s mother knew about their trip. But Padre Pio obviously knew that Gina was there. He had sent Angelina to greet her. Gina called her mother in Genova and told her that she and her aunt would be staying longer than they had anticipated.
While in San Giovanni Rotondo, Gina was able to make her confession to Padre Pio. During the confession, she told Padre Pio that her fiancé had abandoned her and that she was very depressed. Although she had made an effort to get over the traumatic incident, she had not succeeded. She told Padre Pio that she had stopped receiving Holy Communion because she had been so upset.
In a fatherly way, Padre Pio counseled Gina. “Be calm,” he said. “You must try to stop thinking about your fiancé and howhe betrayed you. He was not worthy of you.” Gina felt at peace for the first time in a very long time. Padre Pio spoke to her with great tenderness, almost making light of the sins that she confessed. He then gave her a picture of Jesus. On the back of the picture, he had written the words, “Let Jesus be the center of all your aspirations.” After making her confession to Padre Pio, Gina was able to put the past behind her and move forward in life. ______
Guido Biondi visited San Giovanni Rotondo and made his confession to Padre Pio for the first time in 1956. In the confessional, Padre Pio asked Guido if he attended Mass on Sundays. Guido replied that he went to Mass once in awhile. “Then you must leave,” Padre Pio told him. “Come back in one month and I will hear your confession at that time,” Padre Pio added. Guido was angry when he rose from his kneeling position. He could hardly wait to get out of the confessional. He felt indignant and humiliated that Padre Pio had dismissed him in such a rough way. When he walked out of the church, he immediately went to the bus stop in order to catch the first bus that was leaving for Foggia.
On the bus trip to Foggia, Guido’s anger began to subside. As he thought about what had transpired in the confessional, he became more objective. He was able to understand why Padre Pio had spoken to him the way he had. Guido took stock of his life, and for the first time, he felt guilty about many of the actions of his past. He had turned his back on God and in doing so, he had lost his way. He suddenly felt the crushing burden of his many sins.
After Guido returned to his home, he went over every detail of his brief encounter with Padre Pio. He wanted with his whole heart to speak to Padre Pio again but he felt too embarrassed to do so. Padre Pio had rejected him and he did not feel that he could ever face him again.
Guido had a very good job in the automobile industry where he was supervisor to more than one hundred employees. Back at work, he found it difficult to concentrate. He began to lose weight and his health deteriorated. He neglected his responsibilities at work. One day, he had great difficulty breathing.
His body was wracked with pain. He prayed to Padre Pio and at once his painful symptoms disappeared. The answered prayer from Padre Pio gave him the courage to make a return trip to San Giovanni Rotondo.
At the monastery of Our Lady of Grace, Guido noticed a Capuchin who greeted five men that were standing nearby. The Capuchin motioned for the men to follow him. What seemed to be a force outside himself impelled Guido to join the group of five men. They followed the Capuchin up some stairs and then down a long and narrow corridor. Suddenly, they were standing in front of Padre Pio’s cell. They knocked on the door and heard a loud voice inviting them to come in. Guido was the last one to enter Padre Pio’s cell.
Padre Pio greeted the men and asked them for an update regarding someone who was ill. Guido understood then that the five men he had followed into Padre Pio’s cell were all doctors. They worked at the Home for the Relief of Suffering. One of the doctors spoke to Padre Pio at length about the individual who was ill. After the doctors conversed with Padre Pio for a while, one by one, they kissed his hand and then left. Guido was suddenly standing all alone with Padre Pio. Fear gripped his heart. Padre Pio smiled at him and offered him his hand. Very moved, Guido kissed Padre Pio’s hand and then left.
Those few moments with Padre Pio had made a remarkable impression on Guido. He knew that it was no accident that he had followed the five doctors to Padre Pio’s cell. He was certain that it had been arranged by Divine Providence. That very evening, Guido had an opportunity to make his confession to Padre Pio. He no longer felt afraid. He was able to make a sincere confession. Padre Pio was very kind to him. He blessed him and gave him absolution. When Guido rose to his feet, he felt purified and immensely happy.
Guido’s friend had been waiting for him in the little square just outside. When Guido left the confessional, he could hardly contain himself. He ran out of the church and with great joy, he began to shout to his friend, “He has absolved me, he has absolved me!” ______
Italian-born Dino Segre was a well-known and highly esteemed author. He took the name Pitigrilli as his signature name for all of his published works. Dino was talented and successful and had more money than he could spend. Although he was not religious, as time passed, Dino began to think more and more about the deeper meaning of life. In the process, his interest in spirituality gradually began to grow.
At the advice of a friend, Dino decided to make a trip to San Giovanni Rotondo in order to see Padre Pio. Dino was famous throughout Italy but while he was visiting the monastery of Our Lady of Grace, he wanted to remain completely anonymous. He hoped that no one would recognize him. On the morning that he attended Padre Pio’s Mass, he sat in the very back of the church and tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible.
During the Mass, when Padre Pio prayed for the living and the deceased, he spoke to the congregation and said, “Pray, brethren. Pray with your whole hearts for someone who is here with us today, someone who is in great need of our prayers. One day he will receive Holy Communion at the Lord’s table. He will be instrumental in bringing others with him back to the Church, others who have lived without God, just like he has.”
Dino was thunderstruck by Padre Pio’s words. He was certain that Padre Pio was speaking about him. There was not a doubt in his mind. Dino felt as though his heart was breaking. He began to cry. Try as he might, it was impossible for him to stop the flood of tears.
After the Mass, Dino had an opportunity to make his confession to Padre Pio. The moment he knelt down in the confessional, Padre Pio quoted from scripture and said to him, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” Of course, Dino knew the answer to the question. It profited a man nothing. Padre Pio was obviously speaking about the worldly life that Dino had been leading for many years. Padre Pio then said to him, “The Lord has been very good to you.”
The encounter with Padre Pio marked a turning point in the life of Dino Segre. After he left San Giovanni Rotondo, he went to his publisher and insisted that certain books he had written be permanently taken off the market. He was aware that his decision would cause him to incur a great financial loss, but he didn’t care. He knew that Padre Pio set a very high moral and spiritual standard. With all his heart, he wanted his literary works to reflect that standard. For the rest of his life, he wrote only books that had a Christian theme, books that would help encourage others in the practice of their faith.
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dfroza · 3 years
A set of questions is seen
in Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the 20th chapter of the book of Luke that includes marriage in this world and the eternal:
One day Jesus was teaching in the temple courts and sharing with the people the wonderful news of salvation. The high priest, the experts of the law, and the prominent men of the city confronted Jesus and asked him, “We want to know right now by what authority are you teaching here in the temple? And who gave you the authority to teach these things?”
Jesus responded, “First, let me ask you a question and you tell me right now. Did John baptize because he had a commission from heaven or merely from men?”
His interrogators pulled themselves aside to consider how to respond to Jesus. “What should we say? If we say that John’s mandate was from heaven, he will ask us, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him and be baptized?’ But if we say, ‘John’s mandate was merely from men,’ then all the people around him will stone us, for they believe John was a prophet of God.” So unable to devise an answer they said to Jesus, “We cannot tell where John’s authority came from.”
Jesus said, “Then neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.”
Jesus taught the people using this story:
“A man once planted a vineyard, then leased it out to tenants. Then he left to go abroad and was away for a long time. At harvest time, the owner sent one of his servants to the tenants to collect the landowner’s share of the harvest, but the tenants sent him away, beaten and empty-handed. So the owner dispatched another one of his servants to collect his portion, but the tenants treated him the same way. They cursed him, beat him, and sent him away empty-handed. Then the owner sent a third servant, but they brutalized him also with the same treatment. Finally the owner of the vineyard said to his son, ‘Perhaps if I send you, my own cherished son, they will be ashamed of what they’ve done.’
“But when the tenants saw the son coming, they schemed among themselves. ‘This is the heir of the vineyard! If we kill him, the inheritance will be ours.’ So they threw the son off the property and killed him.
“I ask you, what do you think the owner of the vineyard will do to his son’s murderers? He will come back and destroy them and give his vineyard to another.”
When the people heard this story, they all agreed, “This should never happen!”
Jesus looked straight at the people and their leaders and said, “What do you think this verse means? ‘The worthless, rejected stone has become the cornerstone, the most important stone of all.’ Everyone who falls in humility upon that stone will be broken. But if that stone falls on you, it will grind you to pieces!”
When the high priests and experts of the law realized that this story was about them, they wanted to have Jesus arrested that very moment, but they were afraid of all the people.
Later, they sent spies who pretended to be honest seekers, but who wanted an opportunity to entangle Jesus by his words. Their plan was to catch him saying something against the government, so they could hand him over to the jurisdiction of the Roman authorities who would execute him for sedition.
At the right time they asked him this question: “Teacher, we know that all you say is straightforward and what you teach us is right. You give us the true ways of God. You’re one who shows no favoritism to anyone’s status. So we ask you— is it proper or not to pay taxes to a corrupt government?”
Jesus saw right through their cunning ploy and said, “Why are you testing me? Show me one of the Roman coins. Whose head is on the coin? Whose title is stamped on it?”
They answered, “Why, it’s Caesar’s.”
Jesus said, “Precisely. The coin bears the image of the Emperor Caesar, and you should give back to Caesar all that belongs to him. But you bear the image of God. So give back to God all that belongs to him.”
The imposters were left speechless and amazed in the presence of all the people, unable to trap Jesus with his words.
Some of the Sadducees (a religious group that denies there is a resurrection of the dead) came to ask Jesus this question: “Teacher, the law of Moses teaches that if a man dies before he has children, his brother should marry the widow and raise up children for his brother���s family line. Now suppose there was a family with seven brothers, and the oldest married and died without children. Then his brother married the widow, and he too died with no children. And it continued to happen, one brother after another brother, until each of the seven had married the widow and died childless. Then finally, the widow died too. So here’s our dilemma: Whose wife will the woman be when she’s resurrected from the dead? Which of the brothers will be her husband, since all seven were once married to her?”
Jesus replied, “Marriage is meant for this world only. Those who are worthy of the resurrection from the dead into glory become immortal, like the angels, who never die nor marry. When the dead come to life again, they will be children of God—the children of the resurrection. Even Moses taught the resurrection of the dead when he wrote of the Lord God who was at the burning bush and said ‘I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ Don’t you agree that God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living? For in his eyes, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are alive forevermore. He is the God who raises the dead.”
The experts of the law chimed in, “Yes, Teacher, you speak the truth beautifully.”
From then on, the religious Sadducees never dared ask Jesus a question again.
Jesus then posed this question to the people: “How can the experts of the law say that Messiah is David’s son? Haven’t you read in the Psalms where David himself wrote:
The Lord Yahweh said to my Lord,
‘Sit near me in the place of authority
until I subdue all your enemies under Your feet!’ ”
Jesus explained, “If David calls this one ‘my Lord,’ how can he be his son?”
Within earshot of all the people, Jesus warned his disciples, “Don’t follow the example of these pretentious experts of the law! They love to parade around in their religious garments so that people honor them wherever they go. They like to sit right up front in every meeting and push their way to the head table at every banquet. And for an offering they will pray long religious prayers at the homes of widows, cheating them out of their very livelihood. Beware of them all, because one day the Judge will strip them of honor, and judge them severely.”
The Book of Luke, Chapter 20 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 28th chapter of the book of Job that looks at mining earth for its treasures as well as wisdom being the treasure of the heart
the truest and purest gold is the Spirit of Light (inside, Anew)
Job: There is a place where silver is mined,
a place where gold is refined.
There iron is dug from the earth,
and copper is smelted from ore.
Humans put an end to darkness,
and search in every last corner
For the ore that is in gloom and darkness.
In the earth they cut a shaft
in a place forgotten, far from the beaten path;
They descend on ropes,
swinging dangerously back and forth.
The ground above yields food;
the earth below is turned as if fire has destroyed it
Where earth gives up sapphires from her rocks
and bits of gold from her dirt.
No bird of prey knows this way, this secret path down below;
no falcon’s eye has ever peered into it.
No proud beast has ever reached this place;
no lordly lion has marched over it.
The miner breaks apart flinty stone,
uprooting the ancient mountains.
He carves tunnels through the rock,
revealing precious treasures.
He dams up the underground streams until they cease seeping,
and he brings out into the light what was hidden there in the darkness.
But where is wisdom found,
and where does understanding dwell?
Job: No human perceives wisdom’s true value,
nor has she been found in the land of the living.
The deep says, “She is not to be seen within me.”
“Nor within me,” says the voice of the raging sea.
No gold can be given in trade for wisdom,
nor a sum of silver weighed out as her price.
She cannot be bought with all the gold of Ophir,
neither with onyx nor sapphire.
The shimmer of gold and brightness of glass cannot compare,
and no refined gold jewelry is worth her in trade.
Perish the mention of coral and crystal;
even more than pearls is the value of wisdom.
Ethiopian topaz—unequal as well;
even gold, unalloyed, is too paltry indeed.
Then from where does wisdom come?
Where does understanding dwell?
She is hidden away from every eye,
even from birds looking down from the sky.
Destruction and Death have both confessed,
“Rumors are all we know about her.”
God understands wisdom’s path and way;
her place is known to Him alone.
For He gazes out to the edge of the earth,
sees all that falls beneath the sky overhead.
He lent the wind its weight and force
and measured out the waters’ spread.
When He set a limit on the rain that falls
and made the thunderbolt a road to race,
Then He saw wisdom and made her known,
He settled her and searched out for her a place.
And to humankind, He said, “Now, the fear of the Lord is wisdom,
and to depart from evil is understanding.”
The Book of Job, Chapter 28 (The Voice)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Wednesday, may 5 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about trust and rest:
"At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release (i.e., shemitah, שְׁמִטָּה, a "letting go," from שָׁמַט, to relinquish). And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release what he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, his brother, because the LORD's release has been proclaimed" (Deut. 15:1-2). Often it takes more faith to "let go" than to keep your hand to the plough... Relaxing your grip, letting the yield of your efforts go fallow, requires you to trust in God's promise rather than your ability to control outcomes. The Law of Shemittah (תּוֹרָה שְׁמִטָּה) teaches us that when we surrender to God's care, we will suffer no loss, even when we allow our land to go fallow. May the Lord make the work of rest within us...[Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
May 5, 2021
Mercy and Truth
“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” (Psalm 85:10)
The words “mercy” (Hebrew checed, also often translated by “kindness” or “lovingkindness”) and “truth” (Hebrew emeth) occur more often in Psalms than in any other book. In fact, “mercy” occurs more in Psalms than in all the rest of the Old Testament put together. Though at first these two concepts seem opposed to each other (for how can God’s truth, which abhors sin, be compatible with His mercy, which forgives sin?), nevertheless they are “met together,” for “his salvation,” according to the previous verse, “is nigh them that fear him” (v. 9).
“Mercy and truth” (or “lovingkindness and truth”) are brought together at least 16 times in the Old Testament, including 10 times in the psalms. And when God’s eternal truth can be united with His loving mercy, both mediated through His holy Word, there is great blessing indeed! “All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies” (25:10). “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name” (138:2). The first time the phrase is found in the Bible is in the prayer of Abraham’s servant thanking God for “his mercy and his truth” (Genesis 24:27).
God’s mercy and truth, of course, are really met together only in Jesus Christ, through whom God can both “be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Romans 3:26). He is “our peace” (Ephesians 2:14) and is “made unto us...righteousness” (1 Corinthians 1:30). He is “the truth” (John 14:6) and will show in the ages to come “the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7). HMM
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glopratchet · 4 years
Cludstrum is a computer program that is attached to the conciousness of astryl wylde, a journalist for the realm of astokahn It keeps whispering to astryl trying to get him back online, who is full of bitterness and captive to sin and this is evident because of astryl being attached and fused within a succubus and a incubus The retirement village is surrounded by a a wall sandbags and a bunch of other things and they are ready to go at any moment Small lake dripping with blood Undergrowth seeking to capture humans minds making them want to drown themselves and die in this underworld Lightpoles illuminating the areas Construction vehicles making building improvements and Sam Lowers, the chief construction worker controlling everything in front of him painted with tribal tattoos from their machinemaids Green-skinned bodyguards Yellow eye observing everything covering a surgery scar on your stomach Bandages attached to every person in creation observing their heart rate, brain waves etc Monitors Vaccine dispensers watching for when new ideas begin spreading Naked ladies dancing and buttah dispensers injecting dog food into unrealistic dreams Shocktroops training there skills and cornering the ichneumonid market for human hearts Pharmaceuticals testing their medical supplies on orphans High-roller gamers paying for good rolls The smell of leather cleaning out of the automatic carwashes Stock traders looting the fallen cities Lizards breeding on the words of Zaren's sermons, indoctrinating them into sacrificing themselves to build his dreams Gorazel pondering a growth formula A religious pamphlet, telling the whole story of Zaren's speeches Barmaids feeling arousal for the first time Cyber-surgeon bots cutting your brain out and using it for there bidding Sculptures made from the ground-up bones of heretics Agent walking on a catwalk above you, guns in hand, planning a raid on the underworld Borders closing, secrets not holding Random people floundering helplessly in the borderzone of the underworld where the walls have fallen Agent stretching your hands on a cross, taunting you that this could be you if you don't choose their after-life Blood raining from the ceiling Counting money from selling drugs to humans Agent caregiving you, explaining everything you see to you Magnetic poetry, spelling out secrets that the creatures fear Dog -faced individuals fighting for survival above the ground hoping one day they might live above the clouds in normal civilization Agent cheese-making creating inhuman recipes with goat or milk Orcs wrestling Agent roving stealing crops and running away with ichneumonid girl Smell of fresh coffee brewing slowly, filling the night with craving Cyclone fencing keeping humans in reservations Derro discussing over forge Blood falling from ceilings, put there by zealots of other religions Agent well-being check, judging if you need anything else Religious ichneumonid trading slaves Agent coping with solitude by caring for the unimportant humans with kindness Gas lamp illuminating a tax bill demanding 10% of salary Agent catalyzing an emotion within you by killing a rat --- It was about here, that our records ended Agent landscaping the road, trying to make sure the unimportant humans had a good view of the pretty lights Orc looting crypts for Godless magic items Agent mistreating you to keep you poor Orcs called the "runt" by other orcs Agent diagnosing your religious problems at a luxury hotel Goblin alchemist peddling drugs on the street Agent stroking your head Goblin pushing stolen supplies, trying to escape Agent killing you and covering up the incident as nothing more than a sick joke Agent portraying a king, knighting his close friends Goblins playing Goatsinging Agent evoking the dark arts of sorcery to make his living Yelling as you stop breathing Painting pictures and selling them online innocently Agent photographing topless angels of beauty and grace, fresh from the sky For days we tried to decipher these entries But failed Agent joking around, telling similar-looking people they look like someone he was looking for Agent brushing your teeth Sundowning seeing unexplainable figures, feeling irrational guilt Ending we had been looking for lay around the next entry Sanitation Orcs, with slave-pigs controlled with what appeared to be an excessively large dog-collar, dragging a dead hog Colossus presumes the Dead Orc served to lead them But who were "They? The incursions before had been done collectively by both Adventures and Zealots Community-dwelling humans Muckety-mucks would be killed by the heavy-handed human weapon wearers filled with self-righteousness We quietly finish reading Ribbon-cutting with a stone-like dagger, the books ends We presume that by this point, things had gotten too Disneyworld-esque to be organized Balloons pop, falling to earth, and die shortly thereafter It's no longer air-filled, but filled with decay The adventure was over for us Grooming the slaves into the main caste, as it were How did they all get here to begin with? We hold our lantern up Skinnys in cages, stripped of all meaning, poked with symbols and genetic information mixed and matched There's nothing but metal and meat here Counseling in mass to boost the self-esteem of the less fortunate Could OUR ancestors or friends have been part of this? Bartenders mixing fresh drinks for those-who-shuffle-letters The heavy metal doors take forever to open But finally, they do Eating breakfast with friends, in a not quite so uncommon rest stop bathroom The room is massive Large as any hotel we've been to Whisky-joint s with hookers offering extra curricular activities A bird sits, perched on the only wall in this giant room Dwelling on sadness or happiness Slowly, we walk toward the figure Is someone else alive? Have they been here the entire time? Sodbuster breaking the enchantments on his pieces of property The once proud orc has become a homeless person Sleeping in a coffin-like compartment, lights dimmed to an eerie red A heavy thud hits the ground beside us Mini-chainsaw sesaming wood, steam rising as it cuts through an oak Oh dear God, the horrors that we will see later on in the storage facility Astryl holds his temples, looking quite ill Thoughts stirring in his head, though you can't be sure of what they all are Toothpaste squirted onto a cold metal rod, teeth gnashing it in frenzy as it is pushed against gums Four candles sit in a circle Shambles grabbling forward on decaying legs of bone and flesh Silver necklaces shine on his withered skin, settled around rotten flesh Wet-nurse taking care for orphans not capable of taking care of themselves The moment we step inside the door, you feel a horrible feeling darken your mood Chatters of tiny voices bounce off the walls, making you feverishly uncomfortable Several dainty sofas of different colors sit in a conversational area Passageways leading to other parts of the building Running down dark corridors, trying to find your friends in the middle of the night Admission booth, with a wheelchair-bound woman sitting at a desk Weakness-magnets pulling the desperate into their havens We've reached the master of this house Homelike dungeon cells full of vagabonds caught up in the tornado You've seen enough horrors to last you a lifetime Cafffeine psychosis getting into its last drops You could've sworn you heard tiny screams Gerontologist sitting in a leather armchair with leads connecting to a large machine Yes, yes, I am insane and proud of it Tumblebleeds forming in her eyes The desperate attempts, of the lame, to communicate He giggles, pulling a lever on his chair Gusts of wind blowing through broken windows Pro-fusion pamphlets, covering the chair and the floor A cold sweat soaks into your clothes Life-prolonging machinery turned up to the highest notch We're barraged by two dozen tiny fists, as security our taken quite severely Sports drink pourers distracted by the on-goings of the surgeries Pile after pile of bones making you re-think vegetarianism Mousehole your only opportunity to escape this madness Thighs melted from the friction an everlasting nightmare Resurrection men attempting to bring life, back into the dead Terrified employees hold each-other for warmth as the cold wind pours through broken windows Harmonica notes punctuating the silence None of us can sleep, due to the horrors that stalk our nightmares Mattresses caked with blood stained sheets Sporting more than a few scars, the three of us decide sleep is no longer for us Booty running out of fresh corpses Rougarou sightings, angry voices buzzing in your mind We made it through the night, but only barely Rusted-out guillotines standing by, in case High Society is truly ungrateful The gibbering voices continue, just out of your perception Phosphorus consumed by the gallons The walls are soaked in blood, with bits of rotten flesh caked into it Strung-out on Organic Love Megalomaniac obsessed with the submissive pleasures of the flesh Another scraping noise, the insides of your mind threaten to burst out of your ears Dust -covered vases bursting with roses the first token of what is to come Patriots tripping on peyote, sparks bursting from snapping electricity The walls dripping with condensation and blood, an obvious sign of infection among the staff Adrenaline pumping through your veins Time seems to almost stop, a life of unending torment Conquistadors bursting through the doors, encrusted blades in hand Prayers to gods you don't believe in, offered as a last ditch effort for salvation Gangrenous pus oozes from the ceiling, your only companion in this house of horrors All around you, dark shadows flit from wall to wall Faucet water turned red with blood, mutilated bodies fill the hallway At least you're not on the menu Prophecy -fulfillment, that all depends on your definition of the term You lay alone, gurgling out a plea for help Triangulation of terror coordinate your deaths! Zombies clawing at the interior, scratching at the blood-caked windows Preachings of hell's fire and brimstone recorded onto endless looping tapes Teddy bears sewn together, a symbol of your "creation Corrosion eats away at the metals that make up the structure You lie still, contemplating your squalid existence so far Soapbox soliloquies abnormalities abound here "Your last twenty-four hours Moisture from the walls eats away at the wood planks Your heart thuds in your chest, survival instinct kicking in Sermons from your school days echo through the walls do those memories still hold true? Lobotomize yourself! Boggles the mind what one will do to survive the supernatural at work You grow longer ripping through your skin Delivery men dropping off the ingredients to your death Herds of undead knock incessantly at the door can this door hold? Toothbrushes The weight of the package all too familiar buried beneath where you lay, where only remnants remain of those who came before Diamonds the traditional gift for your 20th anniversary Dozens of zombies clawing at the flesh, ripping it from your bones Talisman blessed by your mother, a gift holding sacred energy The beam creaks, agonizingly slowly bending in your favor Stinky unwashed cannibal hermits who inevitably feast upon one another The demons come to visit, your mind now their playground Insecticide seeps through the fabric, keeping the infected at bay A living hell, this wandering in the wilderness only death awaits Oozes burst from your stomach, you can feel them writhing under your skin Your mind capsizing from this dreadful operation Newspapers thumbed-through one too many times, decades old dust sets in Desperate scratching at boarded up windows Diplomats of a war-torn nation arrive, out for blood You grow short of breath, the internal collapsing of your organs Jocks from your high school, well-deserved carnage will ensue Why does this fruit taste off? Will the end come from septic shock? Eskiminzins with their knives at the ready A writhing horde of epiglOTTis, about to overwhelm you Physique reduced to a withered husk, your primal brain will take over Calculus exams, endless retakes to pass your classes Endless suffering Garden-variety viruses kill half the world's population The screaming as everyone slowly goes mad can you drown it all out? Chemicals streaming through your blood to wake you from this nightmare Shapeshifters bursting through the walls, solid facade fading away Zombie demon Designers mad scientist surgeon paparazzi Parasites, multi-legged creatures, wrigglies myriapods! Anatomy has by no means been set in stone Teeth embedded in your skin, how long can you resist? Populations of masculine entities grow discontent Nuclear families of the 20th century, nonexistent Blood-thirsty demonic Coffee -addicted octogenarians born in the wrong decade The Vietnam War spurs a new art movement Hoppers creep upon you, offspring of the devil himself These voices trapped in your head, incessantly screaming at you Livers pulled out through your nose, tormented by gory smatterings Do you have what it takes to survive? Nobility on the run from the red terror, experience horrors beyond your wildest nightmares The roaaar of DøDT please if you love horror Vicinity of the university, good thing you decided to major in the liberal arts You hunger but fear not! insatiable hunger Vitamins a bit of an urban legend, read on to find out why Scorpions the arch-enemies of campers everywhere Pull the hairs on their back and Watermelons green salads and kebabs to stop your belly from churning Just saw a beautiful girl on the side of the road Dumpster diving, scoffing the leftover's's of the fast food industry Out of gas help! What does the future hold? Bravado meet ruthless desperation Thank the heavens you sold your Geometry textbook back in September The roads are yours, free from the confines of cars Dune buggies, ATVs and dirt bikes take to the desolate highways Spindly mutants pour from the woods, a hefty price on your head Apocalypse-weave tunics protect you from the hungry stares of cannibals The rusted hulk of a 18-wheeler lurks in the distance Spit-and-polish Metalworking books in tow, you start to seek out the local garages soldiers with a stark disregard for human life Super-soldiers bred for war, they now scavenge the barren land Nobody can hear you scream over the sound of gunfire Teetotaler beer in hand, you slaughter every abusive ceo of a multi-million dollar company Zoologist escaping the destruction of the Superdome, OAPs the new insurgent swear word Lizard-on-a-stick for a roadside snack, quite underwhelming to be honest Truck stops, meeting grounds for the nondescript American Endoskeleton ensnared by trees, the Halloween haunted house you always wanted Dangerous fauna abound, eat or be eaten Phenotype Trees are on the verge of sentience Phenotype: Leave this world behind, ascend to a higher plain Moreauvian nightmares the byproduct of 20th century brought cry back to life Was this fate pre-ordained? You choose your friends with great care When it comes to entering the earth on must do it very precisly Testosterone-laden world, lower IQs and higher walls the other side looked very appealing You need to enter the air at a precise speed and angle If a bad odor arises, move 30 feet away and find a new spot If you return too fast or too steeply bad things will happen Murky liquids are solid in these gloves, can't feel anything If impact is to shallow then back you go back into space to be frozen once more The three requirements deceleration heating accuracy of landing or impact Tell that to the family of the now brain-dead father and soon-to-be motherless children You will need to float the egg in some liquid so you will need to find some liquid that is the same as egg whites The container will need to be rigid to make sure that the walls do not flex or the egg could bang on the walls of the container and crack An egg can withstand between 20 to 30 gs before cracking so you will need to come up with something that slow allows the passengers to travel at 30gs ; (good protection) A vehicle that is carrying loads from New York Throttle, brake, clutch and will be needing a 20-tonne rated winch wait, is that 5th gear? starting jumping up and down in front of the tracks until I climb a tree brush-clearing machinery and many feet of chain careening down at twice the speed of the gazelle in front
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madewithonerib · 5 years
RE: This is the positive statement of: “All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Donald Spence Jones, Pulpit Commentary (1881)  | Matthew 24:8
Beginning of sorrows; ὠδίνων: labour pangs, travailings. The metaphor often occurs [Isaiah 26:17; Jeremiah 13:21; Hosea 13:13, etc].
Isaiah 26:17 | As a woman with child & about to give birth writhes & cries out in pain, so were we in Your presence, O LORD.
Isaiah 26:1-19 | A Song of Salvation In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; salvation is established as its walls & ramparts. Open the gates that a righteous nation may enter—one that remains faithful.
You'll keep in perfect peace the steadfast of mind, because s/he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, because GOD the LORD is the Rock eternal. For He has humbled those who dwell on high; He lays the lofty city low. He brings it down to the ground; He casts it into the dust. Feet trample it down—the feet of the oppressed, the steps of the poor.
The path of the righteous is level; You clear a straight path for the upright. Yes, we wait for You, O LORD; we walk in the path of Your judgments. Your name & renown are the desire of our souls. My soul longs for You in the night; indeed, my spirit seeks You at dawn.
For when Your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Though grace is shown to the wicked man, he does not learn righteousness.
In the land of righteousness he acts unjustly & fails to see the majesty of the LORD. O LORD, Your hand is upraised, but they do not see it. They will see Your zeal for Your people, & be put to shame. The fire set for Your enemies will consume them!
O LORD, You will establish peace for us. For all that we have accomplished, You have done for us.
O LORD our God, other lords besides You have had dominion, but Your name alone do we confess.
The dead will not live; the departed spirits will not rise. Therefore You have punished & destroyed them; You have wiped out all memory of them.
You have enlarged the nation, O LORD; You have enlarged the nation. You have gained glory for Yourself; You have extended all the borders of the land. O LORD, they sought You in their distress; when You disciplined them, they poured out a quiet prayer.                     _____________________________________________________
Charles Ellicott Commentary (1819 –1905)  | Isaiah 26:1
[17] Like as a woman with child—This, as in Matthew 24:8, John 16:21, comes as the most natural image of longing, painful expectation, followed by great joy.                     _____________________________________________________
Matthew Henry Commentary (1662 -1714)  | Isaiah 26:12-19 Every creature, every business, any way serviceable to our comfort, God makes to be so; He makes that work for us which seemed to make against us.
They had been slaves of sin & satan; but by the Divine grace they were taught to look to be set free from all former masters.
The cause opposed to God & Your kingdom will sink at last.
See our need of afflictions.
Before, prayer came drop by drop; now they pour it out, it comes now like water from a fountain.
Afflictions bring us to secret prayer.
Consider Christ as the Speaker addressing His church His resurrection from the dead was an earnest of all the deliverance foretold.
The power of Your grace, like the dew or rain, which causes the herbs that seem dead to revive, would raise His church from the lowest state.
But we may refer to the resurrection of the dead, especially of those united to Christ.                     _____________________________________________________
Albert Barnes Commentary (1798-1870)  | Isaiah 26:1 Like as a woman with child ...- This verse is designed to state their griefs & sorrows during the time of their oppression in Babylon.
The comparison used here is one that is very frequent in the sacred writings to represent any great suffering [see Psalm 48:6; Jeremiah 6:24; Jeremiah 13:21; Jeremiah 22:23; Jeremiah 49:24; Jeremiah 50:43; Micah 4:9-10].
Psalm 48:6 | Trembling seized them there, anguish like a woman in labor.
Jeremiah 6:24 | We have heard the reports; our hands are limp. Anguish has gripped us, pain like a woman in labor.
Jeremiah 13:21 | What will you say when He sets over you close allies whom you yourself trained? Will not pangs of anguish grip you, as they do a woman in labor?
Micah 4:9-10 | Why do you now cry aloud? Is there no king among you? Has your counselor perished so that anguish grips you like a woman in labor? Writhe in agony, O Daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor. For now you will leave the city & camp in the open fields. You will go to Babylon; there you will be rescued; there the LORD will redeem you from the hand of your enemies!
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary (1871)  | Isaiah 26:1 An image of anguish accompanied with expectation, to be followed by joy that will cause the anguish utterly to be forgotten.
Zion, looking for deliverance, seemingly in vain, but really about to be gloriously saved [Micah 4:9 , Micah 4:10-13; 5:1-3; John 16:21, 22].                     _____________________________________________________
Matthew Poole Commentary (1742)  | Isaiah 26:1
So have we been, such was our anguish & danger, in thy sight; while You only looked upon us like a mere spectator, without affording us the least degree of pity or help.
Or this phrase notes only the reality of the thing; God was witness of this our misery, & knows the truth of what I say.                     _____________________________________________________
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible (1746-1763)  | Isaiah 26:1 Like as a woman with child,....
By this simile are set forth the great distresses & afflictions the church of Christ will be in, before redemption & deliverance from the antichristian yoke comes:
that draws near the time of her delivery; when her burden is great & very troublesome:
is in pain, & cries out in her pangs; for her friends to come about her, & give her all the help & assistance they can:
so have we been in thy sight, O Lord; in great distress & trouble, & crying to Him for salvation & deliverance, all which were well known unto Him.
Merry Christmas
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psalm40speakstome · 7 years
A True Story for Us All in a Hurting World (When Gunfire Tears Through Churches, There Are True Stories that Light God’s People on Fire)
Life is fragile.
The way a thin-glass Christmas ball ornament — that kind where you can see your face and all the light reflected in its shiny curves — the way it shatters like a whisper when dropped.
There were families holding their Bibles and each other’s hands, on a still Sunday morning in Texas, who had their heads bowed in honest prayer and their hearts surrendered in tender worship, when a rain of bullets hit their unsuspecting backs.
When sacred life drops to the ground, the very earth howls and the hush of heaven shatters and angel wings beat in holy grief.
And not for one second did a one-light town on a sleepy road in Texas weep alone. The tears of God wash away the fears of earth. We never grieve alone.
Last night, our Baby Girl climbs up and curls close in my lap and I stroke back her hair and I know it: we touch and hold our whole world tighter when tragedy touches the world.
And Baby Girl, she’s brought it again, that book she keeps asking for and returning to, because when she opens it, she’s surprised by joy all over again, that tree of very her own popping up.
She smiles all over again when it rises and she pats my cheek, “Read me, Mama — read me.”
I nod — Yes, Child — your mama will never stop reading your eyes, reading your heart, reading back to you the story that whispers your truest name, Beloved, so you know a story greater than the headlines, the Greatest Story ever told, because the secret to best living is to stay in the best story.
Baby Girl opens the Advent flap that reads, Open The Wonders of the Greatest Gift, — and her little fingers pulls out the 100 page booklet and she turns to a page at the beginning and points, “This one! Read me this one!”
And I begin at the beginning, His love always coming for us since the beginning, what we have to know for the middle of our stories to make sense.
“They hid from the Lord God among the trees.” She’s hanging little ornaments on her very own tree. “Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
I kind choke it back. Swallow it down.
I don’t say it out loud: And now we’re gonna get brutally honest here, God, and ask You, God: “Where are You? Where are You when bullets explode in the bodies of every man, woman and child, in a little Baptist church worshipping God on a November Sunday morning?
I’m reading slow when I get to the lines in that little book of hers:
“But Adam and Eve didn’t know that God had an enemy who hated Him. He was as clever and mean as a snake. That enemy’s name is Satan and he lies about everything. But most of all, he lies about God. He tries to make us believe that God doesn’t love us with all of His heart.”
And Baby Girl looks up into my eyes and I cup her sweet face with a million words I don’t say but my eyes are begging hers: “Read me. Read me.”
Never, ever forget the true story of how a snake— longer than a man—slithered its way right through the front door of a jungle missionary’s home and straight to the kitchen.
And the woman of the house had flung herself outside screaming. And that’s when a machete-wielding neighbor had calmly walked into her kitchen and he’d sliced off the head of the reptilian thing.
But a snake’s neurology and blood flow make it such that it slithers wild even after it’s been sliced headless.
For hours the missionary stood outside.
And the body of the snake rampaged on, thrashing hard against windows and walls, destroying chairs and table and all things good and home.
A snake can wreak havoc until it accepts it has no head. A snake can wreak havoc — until it accepts that it’s really dead.
And God promised that snake right in the beginning of His Story: “He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel,” and that Great Story, it ends in Revelation with nothing less than Christmas:
“And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child, he might devour it.
She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne…” (Rev. 12:1-6)
Never forget it: That serpent is crushed on the ground and Jesus is on the throne.
Never doubt it, wondering world: Even if the tail of evil still rampages on, that snake’s head is ruined now and forever.
Never doubt it, wondering world: Even if the tail of evil still rampages on, that snake’s head is ruined now and forever.
Evil may have slithered into that little white clapboard First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas — but it is a headless evil because He who is the head of all things is on the throne.
Even the darkness is not dark to Him — and Advent is coming and it dares to defiantly proclaim that there is a definite way out of evil’s trap – because Christ shockingly stepped right into Satan’s trap – and snapped off his sickening head.
A woman in Sutherland Springs, Texas, a friend of several killed in yesterday’s church shooting, she turns last night to the rolling cameras and the watching world and she weeps: “…. the devil never rests.”
And the universe reverberates with it and reaches out to comfort her: Jesus shattered the skull of that serpent, and “the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” 1 John 3:8
He came — the only One Who could rescue, the only One Who could really save, the only One who can make the darkness and sadness come untrue and resurrect the lightest light. Infinite hope births into this world’s hopeless iniquity.
The answer to our suffering is so incomprehensible that it has to be incarnated to us in flesh.
He came — because in all our pain, we don’t want some answers like we want a Someone.
He came — because in all our pain, we don’t want some answers like we want a Someone.
The Truest Answer always comes in Story. The story that says Someone came and He is Emmanuel, God with us, and when God is for us and with us, nothing can destroy us.
This is the story our children need to know for all the unknowns: God came to us with skin on, so that He could hold on to us, and we could hold on to hope.
Baby Girl turns the pages of book, her eyes reading the wonders of His love, the most wondrous story. And I nod and we will not let the dark win because Jesus already has conquered and we will press on.
To solely spend our attention on evil, pays homage only to Satan.
Baby Girl start to sing it, a hardly whisper, as she soundlessly turns the pages: “Jesus loves Me… little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong…”
And I pull her in close, and kiss her the top of her head: Yes, yes, He does, Baby Girl, — Jesus loves us and we love Him and we know it in our bones:
What pierces our hearts, nailed God to a Cross. And God looks you straight in the eye and stretches out His arms and lets Himself be pierced right through too, because He will go to any lengths to make sure you know you never suffer alone.
This is what we always keep doing: We cleave to each other and we grieve with each other because this is what splits suffering in half. You can count on it: Aloneness widens suffering but togetherness weakens suffering.
We cleave to each other and we grieve with each other because this is what splits suffering in half. You can count on it: Aloneness widens suffering but togetherness weakens suffering.
And we all pull in close.
We hold on to each other so the darkness doesn’t have a hold on us.
We lend each other courage when we refuse to be discouraged.
We lament but we never relent in the rising again.
The sun rises today.
Life may be fragile but evil’s head is fractured and Jesus has finished him off and filled us with faith that flattens all the forces of evil.
In the face – no, the tail – of evil, there is a faith that never ends, and a story that resurrects again the wonders of His forever love.
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radiantbutterfly · 7 years
At last the terrible face of the Calamity wheeled towards her, its eyes tiny points like glowing embers in the great darkness. It was overall something like a hideous boar, immense hooked tusks curving forward from the murky outline of its face. Its mouth opened in a great roar.
Sequel/companion piece to "Calamity". Now the sole survivor, Zelda sets out for Hyrule Castle to face Ganon alone.
[ I paraphrased most of the dialogue from the English version, with the exception of "You're going to be just fine". The Japanese line here is "Please don't die", and I like that better. (The other lines I quoted are pretty much the same in both versions).]
Zelda stared in disbelief at the face before her. "Mother," she cried, "Mother, why did you abandon me?"
The shining visage of the goddess looked sorrowful. Zelda, my Zelda, I would never abandon you. But this power is a great burden. There were cracks in your mind that would shatter if I were to let my power flow through you while you were unready. I am sorry for all you have suffered.
"Revali, Daruk, Mipha, Urbosa! They're all dead! You should have taken me! I would have broken to save them! To do anything! They're dead because of us!"
Warm light settled around her, a maternal embrace.
I wanted so much to help you and could not. I promise, I will always be here.
The vision faded, leaving Zelda unsure of the reality of what she had seen. "Was that... the power...?" she murmured in a daze. Behind her, she heard a groan of pain.
She ran to him, cradled him, feeling his blood run through her fingers, his body growing colder in her arms. Again she was too slow, too late, useless.
"Please don't die!"
His eyes stared up into hers, full of a quiet desperation. And then he was gone.
She walked alone through the misty woods, the sacred blade in her hand. She held it as if it were made of glass, for all she knew it could shatter at any moment.
Gentle rain fell upon her shoulders, washing away much of the grime and blood that clung to her. She somehow felt that the forest recognized her, no, recognized Hylia, as the rain cleansed her and the wind guided her. The creatures of the forest neither approached her nor fled, but kept watch silently.
She had entrusted his body to the Sheikah, and knew he was now in the Temple of Time, being prepared for his long slumber in the Shrine of Resurrection. Her poor, sweet, hero, who had given everything he had for her, while she had done nothing. She couldn't even convince him to save himself, nor make the journey to look at his ruined body, even to say goodbye. Link, I'm so sorry...
Now there was nothing but the mist and the wind, and the loneliness of holding his battered sword. It had spoken to her only once more, not a voice, but a vision of her mission. Then it had fallen silent. She wondered if whatever spirit that lived in it had died too.
At last, rays of sunlight broke through the mist, and she knew she was nearing her destination. She pushed through into a clearing and saw the dais, at its center the pedestal for the sword. Behind it stood a great tree, the most immense she had ever seen. This place was beautiful.
A noise behind her brought her to her senses. She turned and saw a creature that seemed to be made of wood and leaves, the likes of which she had never seen nor heard of. As she watched, another crept forward to join it. More appeared, revealing themselves from within the dappled sunlight. They chattered to each other in strange, high pitched voices, clearly curious about this stranger. One was slapping another on the back excitedly.
She lay the sword across the pedestal and knelt to pray. Her powers could not restore the sword, this place had a magic of its own that was beyond her limits. Still, she spoke to the sword, words of hope, so that the spirits of this place could hear her wish.
The tree stirred, revealing a face and voice like that of a wizened old man. The Great Deku Tree. So the stories are real. In a ponderous tone it asked her what she intended to do next. She cast her gaze downward, looking sorrowfully at the battered blade.
"The Master Sword. It spoke to me. It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something that I must do."
"I sense there is great strength in your dedication," the tree replied.
Words rose up in her throat, she hesitated but it was now or never.
"I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this message? Tell him I-"
But the tree only gave a creaky wooden smile, and assured her that her hero would surely prefer to hear the words from her own mouth.
She nodded, tears burning at the corner of her eyes. Despite herself, she smiled for the first time since it had all begun. When they met again. Yes, here, in this clearing, for the first time she was truly certain that the day would come.
Behind her, the forest spirits skittered and played. It seemed that some of them had gathered twigs, and were now imitating the sword fights of a legendary hero. Their childish games gave her hope. Here was something fresh and green, alive and untouched.
She stood above the pedestal and closed her eyes as she held out the blade.
It felt like letting go of the last she had of him.
But only for now.
The Master Sword slid into its resting place with a faint sound of metal on stone. She stepped back, and saw a faint bluish glow begin to trace its way up the sacred blade. It lived, and it would restore itself, stronger than before. Renewed hope welled up inside her for its lost owner. He will come for you, and you will be waiting for him . As will I.
Zelda arrived in front of the castle town, under the maelstrom of shadow that now circled it. She heard the sound of Guardians activating, red light shining on her, and silenced them with a wave of her hand. She made her way down the central road. Everything here was ruined, scorched, covered in ash and dust. Pain seized her chest. Had it really been only a few days?
Twisted and broken bodies lay here and there in the streets, flesh blackened and corroded, charred bones protruding from dried and tented skin. A pair of corpses lay spread on the ground, hand in hand. Another huddled beneath the remains of a bush, arms like dry twigs clenched around its knees. It was very small.
A few days before, she might have lost herself in hopelessness at the sight. Now determination formed in her like cold steel. The Goddess had granted her the power to stop the beast. No one else would suffer this.
The light rose from her body like the wavering of a mirage. It formed a delicate shell around her, warding off the flickering shadows. The mark of the Triforce glowed on the back of her hand as she moved forward.
A strange black liquid oozed and flowed from some of the ruins, with a sickly iridescent sheen. It made her think of rot, decay, infected wounds turning purulent and dark as poison spread out from them. The smell was putrescent.
From the edge of a house, a growth swelled and budded like a twisted flower. It opened to reveal an orange eye with a slitted pupil. The eye was expressionless and yet somehow emanated sheer hatred. It turned to look at her with its furious and horrible gaze.
Malice , she thought, the knowledge welling up in her from somewhere unknown. Evil and ill-will taken physical form. Its touch burns and corrupts flesh. A tool of Ganon.
The eye was still staring at her.
He knows I am here.
The air around her darkened, and the flickering shadows moved more quickly, more menacingly. She chanted under her breath, strengthening the barrier of light around her. She realized that the faint rustling she had heard was not the wind, but indistinct voices, like those heard on the edge of sleep.
The grim air began to stir. Tendrils of darkness reached out for her, yet they could not penetrate the light. Still they whispered, in voices like the rasp of dead trees.
Heir to a throne of nothing, princess of devastation...
Failure, useless, too late...
No one to help you...
You killed them!
Her gaze steadfast, she continued forward, step by step across the ruined bridge. Shadows beat themselves against her barrier like demented birds, but she feigned fearlessness as she pressed on, until she stood before the castle gate.
The air around her feet shimmered, and she rose from the ground, her steps tracing ripples of light as if she were walking on a still lake. The town was far below her now, the wreckage fading into the gloom. Before her was the Sanctum, where the heart of the demon beat.
The shadows were furious now, their shapes growing starker and more fearsome, writhing monsters, humanoid shapes with great claws,tortured faces screaming against the shimmering walls that surrounded her. At last the terrible face of the Calamity wheeled towards her, its eyes tiny points like glowing embers in the great darkness. It was overall something like a hideous boar, immense hooked tusks curving forward from the murky outline of its face. Its mouth opened in a great roar.
The tenebrous body of the monster seized and shook the castle to its foundations, sending shingles and bricks raining to the dusty ground. A parapet swayed and cracked, falling outwards, crumbling as it hit the ground. The swirling storm tore open roofs and broke apart walls. Zelda's light protected her from the worst of the falling debris, and she began to speak the prayer to Hylia.
The mark on her right hand brightened, its radiance enraging the beast. The shadowy figures screamed and beat their fists and claws against her barrier. Malice rained from the clouds, clinging to the stone in sickening globs, hundreds of eyes bursting forth, each one fixing its horrid gaze upon her. Then the great maw of the beast raced forward, engulfing shadows and light alike.
Its fangs ground against the shell of light, testing its limits. Still reciting her praises of Hylia, Zelda was forced to redirect some of her focus towards maintaining her protection. There was a great crack, and the beast pulled back, its right fang broken in two. Fractured spiderwebs began to spread across the surface of the barrier. Before Zelda could react, the howling figures raced towards her, now solid with the sickly iridescence of Malice, misshapen orange eyes protruding from necks and limbs and torsos. Their bodies disintegrated into mist as they hit the barrier, but each one took its toll. The light shattered like springtime ice on a river. Suddenly her attention was consumed by fending off the onslaught.
They were too close, it was all she could do to keep the creatures at bay, she could not hold them far back enough to recoalesce her shield. Thus, she had one chance. One chance to finish her prayer. She abandoned her defenses and raised her voice to the heavens.
The first blast of Malice seared her face and eyes, blinding her, yet she kept chanting in a lilting ancient tongue, unknown even to her. Fingers of Malice crept around her ankles, up to her thighs, burning her flesh.
You will fail...
This is a place of death...
There is no light...
Only darkness!
Her voice only grew louder, echoing as though others long dead spoke through her, the same hope, the same prayer, the same vow. Malice ripped through her hands clasped in prayer, melting the flesh from her fingers and arms down to the bone, tearing through her face and chest, and at last burning out her tongue.
For a moment, her prayers fell silent, her hands limp by her sides. The corruption pooled around her, beginning to consume her. Her body had been opened up. And yet. Within her was no flesh and bone, only light that shone like molten gold. The great beast looked down in confusion as she burst from within herself as a creature of pure light, ascending, then howled in pain as she burned like the sun.
Suffer, pig.
She was judgement and justice. Golden flames swirled around her like vengeful angels. Tendrils of fire reached for the ground like whirlwinds, scorching the creature where they touched. Shards of light fell like volleys of arrows, piercing Malice and demon alike. The darkness withered under her assault.
Shadowy claws reached up from the depths, hands like gaping maws ready to swallow her, but they could not touch. They writhed and hissed as the light burned them to dust.
She felt the beast weakening, and knew it was time. The incantation spilled from her shining lips, rays of light rending monstrous flesh and forming chains to bind. The creature howled and struggled again and again, but its bonds held firm as rivers of black blood poured from the castle towers. He was trapped.
Zelda felt Hylia's mind within and beside her own, the eternal serenity of the Goddess, and the steadfast will of all those who had used her power before. She was not alone here. And she felt them promise, her hero would come.
She no longer had a body, she was beyond time itself. She was the fire that burned Ganon and the shackles that bound him. The Goddess had sent her as a punishment for evil. She was his hell now.
The beast writhed in its chains, howling in rage and agony. A moment, a hundred years. She would wait.
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