#yes no.5 is the 10 hour beneath the mask video
orange-cheetah · 2 years
tagged by @pinkcupboardwitch: the first ten images of your Pinterest feed are your aesthetic
thank you so much!! <333
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(photos not tagged are my own stuff ^^)
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blastyboisbitch · 4 years
Thinking Out Loud || Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
It’s been a while since I’ve written any one shots...be gentle with me ; ^ ; Edit: updated 10/5 after a beta read ~
“Ouch - !”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N!”
For what felt like the hundredth time that night, Izuku apologized, bowing his head low as you sat down on a nearby couch with a sigh to nurse bruised toes hidden beneath your school slippers. “It’s alright. Can we take a break?”
“Yeah, alright…I should watch that video again…” Embarrassed, the verdant haired student mumbled as he drew away to grab a water bottle from the table nearby, his phone already in hand. 
You two had been at it for a couple of hours now with no improvement – on either end. Izuku had clearly stated, even while offering to help you, that he didn’t have any experience. With no other offers at the time (besides Mineta, who was quickly silenced by Sero and Denki), the two of you had hoped that his enthusiasm would make up for the lack of experience. 
Hope seemed futile, however. At least according to your aching feet.
You sat back, stretching your legs out in front of you as you took a long drink from the water you had procured. It was late in the evening and the dorms were quiet as you two sat in the silence, green curtains drawn over the arched picture windows to the darkness of the outdoors. 
“It’s getting late and I know we’ve got class early...but can we give it one more shot?” Izuku might have been even more determined than you were, or maybe at this point it was just that he was just stubborn. “I think I’ve got it now.” Your classmate held up his phone as a ‘waltzing for idiots’ video flashed on the screen, and you nearly choked on your water.
“Alright. Once more and then we’ll call it a night.” Trying to act appreciative, you just barely stifled a wince when you stood to join him.
Hesitantly, Izuku’s scarred right hand gently tucked itself just below your left shoulder blade, and the left found its place cupping your right hand while partially extended from your bodies. His palms weren’t sweaty, thankfully, but their clamminess was not exactly the most pleasant.
“At least it wasn’t Mineta.”
Even stranger was the fact that not once while he was holding you had he made eye contact through the entire ordeal. Every time you looked to try and catch his gaze, his wide green eyes were consistently focusing on where his feet were. Izuku was determined to do things exactly as it was shown in his video – and it was killing your feet.
Everything seemed to line up perfectly while the two of you were still, and even into his first step forward with his left foot and your first step back with your right this time. But after that, everything fell apart. Into the second step and partial turn, Izuku’s right heel caught your ankle and effectively stopped his rotation, causing the both of you to trip as you moved to swing toward him.
For all the times you didn’t end up sitting on the floor, it was the last one that did you both in. Izuku released his hold on your torso and hand on the way down in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent you from falling with him. You couldn’t help the exhausted groan that slid past your lips, pinching the bridge of your nose with your free hand. Your classmate was quick to untangle his legs once he realized what happened – again – and once more he apologized profusely, obviously upset over the blunder.
“Maybe Mineta wouldn’t have two left feet…”
“What the hell are you extras doing?” 
You shook yourself of the idea of even allowing the other student near you, just in time for your attention to be drawn to the doorway. Fresh from pro-hero training it appeared, Katsuki casually leaned against the door frame with his bag draped over his shoulder. How long had he been there?
“K-Kaachan!” Izuku stuttered, shocked by the sudden appearance of his ‘friend’. On a typical day, it wasn’t uncommon for the blonde to already be sleeping within the confines of his dorm room. “W-we were just…Y/N asked for help -”
“Dancing. Ballroom waltz, to be specific.” You finished the sentence that Izuku was caught up in, brushing a hand through your hair as you watched him carefully.
Carmine colored eyes darted from Izuku – who’s hand was at the back of his neck as he stood, mumbling to himself - to you. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks when his gaze refused to falter, and you looked away first, closing your eyes and leaning forward onto one knee. You knew it was bad, but bad enough for Katsuki to call it out? 
“Tch. You call that a waltz?” You looked back once more to him at the call out, preparing for what would probably become an argument. But as you did, you could have sworn a shadow of curiosity and questioning graced sharp features, before being masked once more with nonchalance and indifference.
“My oldest brother is marrying his partner in a few weeks…” You didn’t owe Katsuki an explanation. Yes, he was your classmate. But in your mutual - and final - year at UA after you transferred into the hero course, you’d had very few actual interactions with the explosive man. He was always too busy, for everything and everyone except himself, it seemed. At least you might look like less of an idiot if you tried.
“Our mom died a few years back. She can’t be there, but I can, and I wanted to make sure he could still have his “mother”-son dance…” You’d planned the surprise with the help of your soon to be brother-in-law, right down to the last detail - the slideshow of old videos playing in the background, the song, everything - except for how you were going to learn how to do a simple waltz in a matter of weeks.
Your line of sight dropped back down to your slippers, and you smiled. One way or another, you’d figure it out. Right? And worst case scenario, you’d make a fool of yourself in front of your family who already knew you well enough that it didn’t matter. It looked like that was going to be the case.
Nearby, Izuku fisted his phone in one hand, stepping forward to attempt to apologize – but the sound of a school bag, heavy with god-only-knew-what, hitting the hardwood floor caught you both off-guard.
You looked back up to find Katsuki rolling up his long sleeves even as he glared your direction. 
“Wait, what are you doing?” You raised an eyebrow and stared incredulously as he stepped up to you, extending a hand to help you up from the floor. 
“Tch…dumbass, do you want to learn, or not?!” Your feet were sore. You were exhausted, not just with the failure, but just with life in general. And here was Katsuki-fucking-Bakugou – one of the big three of UA - offering to teach you how to waltz.
You took his hand willingly, a heady combination of burnt sugar and spice filling your senses as he pulled you up in one swift movement. His touch was firmer than Izuku’s, an absolute confidence that the other didn’t have. You had little time to protest as your face was suddenly only inches away from his broad chest, warm hands taking the same positions that his classmate’s had been before - beneath your left shoulder blade and cupping your right hand extended from your bodies. Involuntarily, your free hand caught his shoulder, and the muscle beneath his shirt tensed with the sudden contact.
“That shitty nerd wouldn’t know the first thing about how to dance if his life depended on it,” Katsuki remarked, flashing an annoyed glance over to Izuku standing nearby and fumbling with his phone at his friend’s remarks. He didn’t contest what they all knew, an embarrassed smile crossing his face. But at least he’d tried, right?
“It’s ok Izuku. Thank you for trying to help!” At the very least, you were appreciative that he had tried. That was what mattered in the long run, right? Taking it as his cue to leave, the green-haired male removed himself from the room, and left the two of you to your devices.
For all of the piss and vinegar that seemed to be the outer layer that was Katsuki Bakugou, the coming weeks proved that there was more to him than met the eye. Harsh words and sweaty, long practice sessions into the dead of the night - some even outside in the cool, damp grass when the dorm was occupied - gave way to unexpectedly gentle touches as he first taught you how to follow, and then to lead – a secret kept between the two of you, because what man in their right mind would allow a woman to lead.
It’d come out fairly early into your sessions that not only had his mother had him take music lessons as a child, but also dance lessons. And if there was one thing Katsuki was good at, it was excelling at everything he did. He would be the best, regardless of the task, because that was who he was. Ballroom waltz? It was the easiest thing in the book, as he berated you for not knowing even the basic steps. With a partner who knew what they were doing however, it was much easier for you to get past those first two steps and move on to the more complicated ones.
At first, you thought you felt nervous around him. Your hands shook with every touch; your voice, trembling against every order you mentally gave yourself not to. And to say your stomach was in knots wasn’t even close to describing how excessively anxious you were. But it swiftly morphed into something more behind your back - stolen smiles behind closed doors, laughing together in private over the stupidest things that didn’t involve dancing, and praise just when you needed it most. You soon found that you couldn’t help that every heartbeat felt like an explosion when you were with him. An unkind metaphor, you found yourself thinking.
The day of your brother’s wedding came quicker than anticipated. You were a bundle of nerves once more, dolled up for the occasion - but despite that, you were more than confident when you finally walked out onto that ballroom floor. You’d only had a few chances to dance with your brother in the few days leading up, passing it off as just wanting to practice for his first dance with his partner. Every lie told was worth it in the end when the videos that came on in the background left the poor groom a sobbing mess. ‘Awe’s’ and applause filled the room as you led your brother a bit slower than your normal pace with Katsuki, unable to hide the smile that graced your face as you caught sight of your plus-one for the evening with the biggest shit-eating-grin, right up in front of the crowd – observing his hard work paying off.
By the time it was said and done, you and your sibling were both a sobbing mess, the woman smiling down from the enlarged video on the white screen nearly your spitting image. It was all surreal, in a sense. After receiving long hugs from both your sibling and his partner, you left them to do their thing, joining your own ‘partner’ off to the side. You couldn’t stop smiling. And it was contagious.
“See. You did fine, idiot.” Katsuki didn’t often smile in public, but with his hands in his pockets, he praised you in his own way, glancing back out to your family and then bringing his attention back to you.
“I couldn’t have done it without you, ‘Tsukii.” Using a napkin, you carefully dabbed at your under eyes, hoping to remove the last traces of any smudged makeup. “You know, you’d make a good teacher for UA, someday.”
In the dim lighting it was hard to tell, but you swore that there was a pink-tinge to his cheeks as he brushed your compliment aside.
“Tch...stop talking nonsense, dumbass.” You couldn’t help but grin at him while tucking the napkin in your hand into a pocket to dispose of later, before boldly slipping a hand into his pocket to lace your fingers through his. He flinched but didn’t push you away – instead, holding the hand you’d given him a bit tighter as his gaze focused away from the situation at hand.
After a moment of standing there together, watching as others began celebrating the new union, you squeezed Katsuki’s hand gently. “We should show them how it’s done.” It wasn’t a question, or a request. It was a statement.
One that he eagerly took you up on as you pulled him out onto the dance floor.
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kr-0nos · 6 years
тαѕк fяσм нαωк [ ρт one ]
Addressed to your Whitebridge email ;;
Good Evening,
I hope I find you well.
I hope there’s resentment breeding in your heart.
I hope you won’t leave your laptop laying around for someone to steal for 2 hours, just like the clumsy gentleman who’s allowed me to borrow their IP address for this special little email. Rest assured, he will get his macbook returned soon enough. I’m not heartless, you know.
When I come up with my final task for each and every one of you, I’d like to personalize them. I’d like to know just what is considered endurance on your part. That will come later. Let’s focus on the now, because I’d like your assistance.
You see, I’ve spoken to you. I’ve texted you. I’ve gotten my own opinion of how you are, but I haven’t seen much performance lately. I don’t know what you’d do when it’s you and me and I am at your mercy. I haven’t given you the opportunity to express yourself to me as Hawk and not as-- well, whoever I may be.
I’d like to show you something. Read no further until you’ve watched it.
A 10 second long video taken by a shaky hand. A dark warehouse. A metal table. One arm extended, bloodied, trembling. Someone holding a hammer. A sickening crunch. A cry like no other.
That was part of my initiation. Yes, I have pins in my arm now. Yes, it did hurt. Yes, that individual became my friend, a fellow member, who’s shown me their vulnerability once trust has been established. Can I say the same for you?
I’d like to try.
I want to give you a bit of power. See what you’d do with it.
For now, brush up on the artist Marina Abramović and her performance art Rhythm 0. I’ve linked it there for you.
Come November 6th, you will arrive at the room where we conducted your interview. You will come during your designated time slot.
Your time slot is: _____________
I will be sitting there in front of you. I will have a table there with various items you can use to your pleasure. Take some time to analyze and think about which you’d like to choose. If you’re so inclined, you don’t have to pick any of them. If you do pick an item, pick ONE item.
Once you are ready, you will ring the bell on the table. Your 5 minute time period will start.
In that time period, you are allowed to do what you wish to me.
If you decide that you have finished before the countdown is done, ring the bell. The timer will stop. If you decide to use the entire 5 minutes, more power to you.
Only when I ring the bell are you released.
Now, some little rules:
1) Don’t kill me. Obviously. I’m a fucking cockroach in terms of avoiding death, but don’t push it.
2) Do not do anything that will lead to permanent disabilities such as blindness, deafness, mute, paralysis, etc.
3) Do not remove my mask.
4) If you chose to release your violence in a creative manner, do not mark me (in terms of cuts, lacerations, burns, etc) on my hands or above the shoulders. Why? Because they’re easily identifiable-- and I know some of you little shits have been working on identifying us.
5) I will not be speaking to you. I won’t be answering questions. Even if you spend your entire 5 minutes chatting with me, I’m not going to reply. Don’t waste your time.
6) We BOTH are discharged from any and all liability, claims, demands or causes of action whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss, personal injury, or pain while participating in any of the activities offered within the room.
7) Used items will be discarded in a corner. First come first serve. If it’s discarded, do not use that item. Pick another, there’s plenty.
8) Do not bring anything into the room. Do not take anything out of the room except yourselves.
And that’s all there is.
Do to others what you would want them to do to you. - Luke 6:31
OOC Information Below: PLEASE READ !
To make this run smoothly, let me explain a few little things !
This is the set schedule:
1:00 AM: @jason-as-cuckoo
1:30 AM: @thatgirl-pearl​
2:00 AM: @parrotingmack​
2:30 AM: @bostonmagpie​
3:00 AM: @oliverthemockingbird​
3:30 AM: @thesingingswan​
4:00 AM: @shhrike​
4:30 AM: @ashercanary​
5:00 AM: @martintheowl
Although there are still 19 people in the running, the others will be fit after 5 AM.
And here are a list of 30 items that will be in the room; they can use any of these items (or choose not to use one! They can slap, hit, stomp, kiss, hug, etc)
Essentially, it may look like this:
Rubber Band
Jug of Water
Container of Blood (pig)
Assortment of Halloween Candies
A Bic Pen
Compact Mirror
A 32 oz Container of Black Paint
Push Pins
A Long Chain
A Glass Bottle of Olive Oil
Leather Whip
Bottle of Wine
Feather Boa
Glass of Water
Metal Bar
Duct Tape
Pistol (empty)
Sewing Needles
Small Bottle of Ethanol
Small Bottle of Vodka
Phone (1 Contact: The Cage)
There are replacements for the ‘one time use’ items (such as a jug of water, bottle of vodka, etc) beneath the table.
So OOC, please think about what YOUR bird may use and do during their time frame and PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST WITH THE INITIAL ITEM (or lack thereof) AND THEIR ACTION THAT THEY WOULD DO.
This will help with the linear progression of this task because what one uncaged does might influence another.
For example:
If Bird 1 had their time at 2 AM and they decide to pour water on him, Bird 2 who’s time is at 2:30 AM may take into consideration that Jamie will be wet for their time slot.
Don’t worry about starting the task; I will initiate each thread and tag you in it once you’ve told me what action they’d like to take.
Although Jamie alluded to it, he MAY OR MAY NOT be doing the exact same thing that the uncaged did once they’ve either stopped the timer or the 5 minutes are up. Of course, that’s up to his discretion; if your bird decided to use the 5 minutes to call the contact on his phone, he won’t be mimicking their actions.
If they choose to stab him, well..
The uncaged might be completely unaware of this piece of information. I’d like to just give the muns a head’s up.
In the long run, whatever they do (and use) during their 5 minute time period will be taken into consideration when he creates their personalized tasks.
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animepopheart · 7 years
Top Ten Arby’s Anime Posts
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>> originally posted on Beneath the Tangles
It’s a good time to be a geek. Marvel, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones are the prime properties in Hollywood. Even the subset of geek culture known as otakudom is even getting in the game. As much as Ghost in the Shell was maligned (though I thought it was enjoyable), it’s amazing that property was even green lit for big screen treatment in the states, and Alita will be following up this year. There’s a growing mainstream appeal of anime, but maybe even more importantly, companies are understanding that they can market toward otaku and that doing so doesn’t hurt their appeal toward others; in fact, in can grow their presence.
Arby’s has run full force at anime fans and geeks in general with their social media accounts. They started with a real simple post aimed at Legend of Zelda fans. Based on that success, the Twitter and Facebook accounts for the restaurant have focused on nerd subculture, and more specifically on anime fans. What’s been fantastic is that the accounts haven’t just focused on more popular series and movies, like this fantastic post for My Neighbor Totoro (which didn’t make my top ten list—but no worries, Ghibli fans, there are other entries from that company below), but they’ve also dug a little deeper. There’s a knowledge base there, and Arby’s isn’t afraid to use it as their social marketing team manipulates the company’s food, wrapping, and even sauces to recreate characters and scenes from anime.
Here are my favorites—the ten anime posts from Arby’s that I think are the absolute best.
10. Inuyasha
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I love, love, LOVE how Arby’s plays with one of the most famous gags in all anime, Kagome’s osuwari power. Sit, boy!!
9. Pokemon
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It’s the Meowth Balloon! Can’t you just imagine Team Rocket trying to steal some Arby’s roast beef sandwiches?
8. Tenchi Muyo
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So, I thought of skipping this one entirely, thinking, do I just like it cause it’s Tenchi Muyo, a series largely responsible for ushering me into the world of anime? But no, there’s more to it—this is sooo Toonami old school, catering to us early 2000’s fans by not just going Tenchi, but Tenchi Universe. And Azaka and Kamidake as milkshakes? PERFECT.
7. Evangelion / Kill la Kill
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I’ll cheat here and call this a tie—I promise, it’s the only one. Sleek and minimal, these capture two famed weapons in anime, the Lance of Longinus and one of the Scissor Blades.
6. Porco Rosso
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Can I just say, I love this one—most of the other posts don’t make much use of food, but Porco is there, front and center, in all his sandwich glory. It feels right. But remember he’s not just a pig—and his Savoia S.21 in the background reminds us of that.
5. Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
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Despite her antagonism toward the very subject at the center of this blog, I couldn’t help but put Tohru fifth on the list. Can’t get much cuter than a dragon maid presenting that monstrous sandwich!
4. Princess Mononoke
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San’s mask? YESSSSSSSS. And the old shaman woman’s quote as if it’s about Ashitaka getting some curly fries? Double YES.
3. Gurren Lagann
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When a restaurant’s Twitter account makes you cry (if you can’t “see it,” here’s the pose that is being imitated).
2. One Piece
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Arby’s hits Facebook with just as much tenacity as it does Twitter—in fact, both number one and two come from their FB account. Don’t you just want to have this Thousand Sunny on display on your desk at home? Maybe someone will do a how-to on making this marvel.
1. Howl’s Moving Castle
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Here it is, baby, number one! Howl’s Moving Castle! This is sooo dead-on, and it’s so sleekly done. How many hours must it have taken the artist to build it? Just…speechless.
All that said, there are lots of other amazing ones I didn’t mention—my runners-up include Laboon from One Piece, a Yuri on Ice valentine, Meow from Space Dandy, and this cool FLCL video. All just as remarkable, as are the non-anime nerd posts from Arby’s, too.
Awesome job, ye preparers of roast beef goodness. I hope the anime fans are as nice to you as you’ve been to them!
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alphards-asterism · 6 years
30 Questions (but not really) Ask Meme!
Got tagged by @razzberriezz! First time I’ve ever been tagged, so this will be fun!
1. Nicknames Alphard, Iriye
2. Gender Female
3. Zodiac Scorpio >:)
4. Height 5′3″
5. Time Right now it’s 11:28 AM.
6. Fave Band(s): Ali Project (my #1, always will be #1), Myth & Roid, Wagakki Band, REOL. This changes a lot depending on my interests (and I also listen to a lot of video game music, too bad there wasn’t a “fave game soundtracks” question, hehe).
7. Fave Solo Artist(s): Toriyama Masaki, Ishikawa Chiaki, Asaka, Yanagi Nagi, Giga-P, Sawano Hiroyuki (again, changes a lot)
8. Song stuck in my head Fist Bump from Sonic Forces (I actually don’t play Sonic games but I love their music, cheesiness and all)
9. Last movie I saw Genocidal Organ
10. Last Show I Watched 91 Days. hot dang it had an airtight plot
11. When did I create my blog? I created this tumblr waaay back in 2012 or thereabouts, then abandoned it, then came back a few months ago to post Style Savvy stuff!
12. What do I post:
Style Savvy lol. I tend to throw likes and comments and don’t reblog too much since I always feel like I’m cluttering everyone’s feeds.
13. Last thing I googled: 30,000 JPY to CAD
14. Do I have other blogs? Yup, my Wordpress blog Stylish Monster Hunter. I originally created it back in January after being inspired by some other Style Savvy bloggers. But since I’m more active Style-Savvy-wise on Tumblr, I’m considering expanding that blog to cover other games that I play. (and yes I’m a MonHun veteran)
15. Do I get asks? Nope!
16. Following: 26 (I think, can’t check right now)
17. Followers: 30 (I think)
18. Average hours of sleep: 7-8
19. What am I wearing: Plain pink t-shirt and comfy black exercise pants (typical at-home lounging-about)
20. Lucky number: Don’t have one
21. Dream job: Author. I came very close once to getting something published, will not give up!
22. Dream trip: Japan (of course)
23. Favourite food: Sushi (this was a tough one since I eat almost everything)
24. Nationality Canadian (Hong Konger by birth)
25. Favourite song: Just one?! Ughhh this changes a lot depending on what’s hot with me. Let’s just say Beneath the Mask.
26. Last book I read: The Dreaming Tree by C.J. Cherryh
27. Top three fictional universes I want to join:
Style Savvy: wake up every day, go to the exhibition hall to buy more pretty clothes, go back to the store and make customers happy, repeat. Give myself makeovers whenever I feel like it. Be able to actually wear punk and gothic lolita and have it be normal. Yeah, sounds like a good life.
Persona 5: come on, let me experience having super powers at least once in my life! Also hanging out with buddies and doing some measure of good in a world where karma doesn’t always reach.
Monster Hunter: before people say I’m crazy, just remember that you can jump off cliffs and land without breaking anything, you can swing giant swords, and be chewed up and spit out by all manner of things and not die. There’s a theory that Monster Hunter’s humans are not quite human. Oh, and the food. THE FOOD
Tagging: I think most people I want to tag have been tagged already! (edit: I’ll tag @chiyopiyo and @boysmode and how about @acezazu as well, but don’t feel you HAVE to do it!)
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