#yes this is about the indigo girls entire discography
i'm not sure where i am on the aromantic spectrum yet but i do know that i want someone to sing the other part to my favorite lesbian country/folk songs. i want a life partner to complete my duets
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02 - cherry diners
two friends escape from studying for the night 
pairings: unnamed - (zion kuwonu & reader, same as indigo elevators)
word count: 2.9k
the chill that had been hovering over the city for the last week had finally fallen. evidence of a mythical creature coated every blade of grass and every window panes in the neighbourhood. it was getting cold again and the thrill of summer had vanished in his mind.
it had been a good summer. a great one. the days were always long and filled with laughter and memories he could fill notebooks with. the nights were spent surrounded by friends and getting into mischief that he’d one day treasure. late night swims and public drinking only happened in the summer, the rest could be year-round occurrences. but those late night swims were what he spent the most time pondering.
his pen tapped against the hardwood of his desk and his gaze turned to his beige wall. his mind was far from the science he was supposed to be studying. his mind was far from schoolwork entirely. he could almost feel the sand beneath his feet, almost taste the sea spray on his lips. would these be the midnight memories he’d miss the most?
he released a long held breath and lowered his gaze to the paper before him. this was the final chapter he needed to get done and then he’d be finished for the night. he was only one page in but reminding himself it was the last of it was the only thing keeping him going. the red led lights of his alarm clock flashed as a warning. he put his head down.
all of ten minutes passed and he had his head tilted up to the ceiling. an exasperated groan departed his lungs and he swore under his breath. he wanted something else to do. no. needed something else to do. but he was tied to his chair and his phone locked away in another room. he was stuck there.
another ten minutes and he had his forehead pressed to the desk. his lips moved as if he were talking but nothing came out. he stayed like that and let time tick by until he was satisfied. when he lifted his head, his eyes found a design fingered into the frost that covered the outside of his window.
he smiled his charming smile and bolted out of his chair, the ties suddenly broken. he crossed the room in a split second and pulled his window up. the icy breeze circled his room and nipped at his nose but he didn’t care. he just wanted to see where she was. just wanted to see her face.
she popped up after a moment of him looking and flashed him her pearly whites. her breath was just visible in the icy air of the evening. her cheeks and the tip of her nose were rosey and her eyes glossy. he had no idea how long she’d been outside for but he knew it was more than a few minutes.
“are you just going to stare at me or am i allowed in?”
she giggled as he stepped aside to let her climb in. he hushed her and she nodded her head. this wasn’t the first time she’d climbed in his window and probably wouldn’t be the last. ever since she got her driver’s license the month before it had almost become routine.  
“why are you here?”
his voice was low to not attract the attention of his mother or younger brother. they were close enough to hear if they spoke at their normal volume but he’d found the perfect tone and volume. she mirrored it perfectly.
“you haven’t replied to my texts in four hours. i had to make sure you were still alive.”
he smiled again. he smiled a lot around her.
she walked to his desk, her footsteps almost silent, and looked over his notes. her index finger dragged over his boyish handwriting with her eyebrows furrowed together. he awaited the brazen remark about his scripture but it never came.
“you’re basically done.”
she took a yellow sticky note from the pad and stuck it to the side of his science book. he watched her pick up his pen and write something on it. he tried to take a step closer to see what she was writing but she waved him off. when she was done, she closed the book and walked to his wardrobe.
“i’m not done though.”
he protested a few beats too late. she was the distraction, the escape he’d been praying for.  but the scholar in her wouldn’t be so impressed if he didn’t at least pretend to care that he was abandoning his studies. she didn’t pay him much mind, just offered him his favourite hoodie.
“i don’t get my phone until i’m finished.”
she didn’t react to his words but walked back to his desk. she found a spare sheet of paper under his books and again picked up his pen. he put his hoodie and shoes on while she wrote. she showed it to him when she was done and he snuffed a laugh.
“you’re lucky my mom likes you.”
she winked at him and he smiled. he couldn’t help but smile. 
“cmon then, we don’t have all night.”
she was out the window before he could ask where they were going. he followed after her and made sure his window was open just enough for him to get back in but not too much that his room would turn into a freezer. he grinned one last time at her drawing before chasing after her. she was always walking too fast.
she’d parked a few houses down from his place. he knew it was because his mom knew her car and if she saw it, she’d know her son was no longer under her roof. she was careful like that. she took notice of things that he wouldn’t usually. it made him feel safe in her presence. it also meant if he ever thought of doing something illegal, he wanted her with him. 
her car was much like you’d expect for a 16 year old who had only just gotten her license. it was, in the kindest way, a load of heap. it needed a new paint job, had several dents from its previous owner and its breaks were incredibly squeaky. but she, because all cars are female, was perfect in her eyes. she hadn’t fully set on a name yet, but she’d been consistently calling her pumpkin for a week and a half. 
the radio, though in tack, was rough around the edges. static wasn’t uncommon and though she got local stations, there was never anything that either of them truly loved playing. the solution was often impromptu acapella karaoke parties while she drove them to wherever it was they needed to be. but that night was different. instead of singing one direction’s discography at the top of their lungs, they sat in a comfortable silence.
“where are we going?”
she shook her head and offered him a smile. she wasn’t going to tell him. she liked taking him on little adventures, keeping things a secret. it was how they found their spot. it was why they were such good friends. 
“you haven’t eaten, have you?”
he shook his head no and she grinned.
he fell a step or two behind her as she led the way. he hadn’t been around this area in a long time and the establishment they were approaching had not been there before. it looked new or as new as a retro-themed diner could be. there was a decent amount of people gathered and eating. she found a booth off to the corner and picked up a menu from the countertop.
“nothing says retro like cherry red booths.”
he chuckled to himself and she opened the menu. they sat across from one another her legs pulled up under her while he spread himself. they were comfortable. the last place they’d gone to eat had terrible seats. the whole time they were there, they were switching their positions and complaining about sore butts. 
the smell of fresh coffee and maple syrup was like a warm hug. it was familiar in a way that most diners or cafes were but it felt different here. here, it felt airly like home to him. though maybe that had more to do with the girl sitting across the table from him. he let his eyes drag over her face slowly as she inspected the menu. he spent more time on her lips than any other feature. he wished to trace them with his thumb and if he were ever given a pencil and asked to draw her, he knew he’d get her lips perfect.
when her eyes lifted from the menu and met his, he quickly went to pluck the menu from her hands. she somehow anticipated his actions and moved it away before he could even touch it. he shouldn’t have been surprised but he was only trying to cover up his staring. 
“i’m choosing what we’re eating tonight.”
 the smile she gave him suggested she was up to something, her eyes lowered slightly. she was the best holder of secrets he’d ever met. it seemed he was the only one ever able to read her like a book.
a waitress interrupted his train of thought. he pulled himself to sit straight and turned his head to smile. she was an older woman, closer to his grandmother's age than his moms. she returned his smile and switched between the two of them, waiting for one of the teenagers to speak.
he wondered what she thought of them. did she see them as a couple? or were they obviously only friends? could she feel the tug-of-war between them? did she know he wanted more than she would even think to let him have? the thought was so enticing, he almost didn’t catch what she was ordering. just because his eyes were trained to her didn’t mean he was paying attention to what she was saying.
she moved in slow motion. her eyes following her index finger of her right hand as it danced down the menu. her head was tilted up, her jaw protruding and her neck exposed. her lips fell open in a perfect pout, her rosy lip tint so subtle and perfect for her brown skin. the corners of her mouth pulled back into a smile and she turned to face him.
“are you two kids here on a date?”
the thoughts that were so often flying around his head landed at her words. his neck burned and his throat tightened. he tried to push out an answer, shake off the words she’d said and set the record straight but it all got caught. it seems it wasn’t just her who got him flustered, but waitresses in their late 50’s too.
her answer threw him off as did the hand that reached across the table to rest upon his own. she threw him a wink and he gulped. his stomach was so tight and his neck was so, so hot. she wanted him to play along. he needed to speak with no such stutter. this was where they had fun. this was where they soared.
“i still can’t believe it’s been six whole months since we rekindled.”
he spoke in a believable tone of desire and blind excitement. he smiled at her convincingly too but that was easy. he didn’t have to pretend she was a dream. she returned the same smile, her head tilted to the right as her eyes glazed over. it was love. he wouldn’t think twice.
“it would’ve been our one year.”
she added as he raised her hand to press a delicate kiss to her knuckles. a jolt of electricity shot through him when his lips touched her skin. 
“had we not slept with each other's best friend, that is.”
she turned her gaze back to the waitress and smiled that brilliant smile. he had to bite back a laugh at the look on her face. my, it was priceless. he almost felt sorry. she looked horrified, but only for a second. she pulled a smile onto her painted red lips and her eyebrows fell when she took the menu from their table.
once she had stepped away, both of them fell into giggles. he let go of her hand and watched as she drew it back to rest on top of her left hand. unconsciously, her thumb ran over her knuckles where his lips had just touched. the calm sense they’d both kept while playing a part had left and both their cheeks were flushed pink.
“what did you order?”
he’d missed what she’d ordered completely. she didn’t look too impressed, maybe a little amused. especially with the smile that was resting on her lips. she was going to make fun of him, he was just waiting for it. 
“the cherry booths too loud for you?”
she teased and her eyes turned to the seats. they were very loud, he couldn’t deny it. but he wasn’t going to confess overwise.
“just a tad.”
he made a gesture with his index and thumb and she grinned.
“pancakes and waffles.”
the answer to his question made him smirk.
she liked the idea of breakfast for dinner. always had. the first time he’d had dinner with her family, he was served a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with butter and maple syrup. he’d laughed and thanked her parents but questioned her a little. since then, they did it fairly regularly. it was nice, something out of the ordinary for him.
“i should’ve guessed. i know you way too well.”
she smiled. he really liked it when she smiled.
“you do know me too well.”
it was true and he almost laughed. 
he’d never really thought about it before. well, maybe not as in depth as he did while they were eating. they’d been friends for a while, years actually. he could barely remember a time when she wasn’t by his side. or a time when she hadn’t made his day brighter, his night sweeter or his life better. she was, without a doubt, his best friend. he wasn’t sure he’d ever thought that before.
“i think you’re my best friend.”
they were on the way back to his house. the sun was just shy of disappearing, only a few strands of orange and red visible on the horizon. it lit his skin golden and brought out the lighter tones of his brown eyes. he barely noticed her take a picture of him.
“aye, no phone while you’re driving.”
he made a grab for her phone and she moved her hand but not fast enough. she groaned and tried to reached for it but he slapped the top of her hand. 
“and two hands on the steering wheel, cmon now.”
he could basically hear her roll her eyes. it made him snort. he was never the one to point out the right thing to do. he liked the roles being reversed. he understood why she was the one always warning people. it could be fun.
“i think you’re my best friend too.”
she replied after a few moments of silence, two hands on the wheel at two and ten. he grinned at her statement but turned his head, he didn’t want her to see his reaction. he stayed looking out the window for the rest of the drive home. he was beginning to feel mundane the closer they got.
he plopped down in his office chair right as the last sliver of daylight disappeared into the ground. he flicked his office lamp on and scanned over his science book, dreading opening it once again. but he smiled when he flicked it open to the page he’d left off at. 
on the sticky note that marked his place, she’d drawn a doddlebob with a plate of waffles in hand. she really knew how to make him smile, and the good kind of smile. the ones that reach your heart and soul. he was so damn lucky to have her in his life and he knew it. he knew it didn’t get much better than her, that she was a one-in-a-million. even at his age he knew that people like her didn’t come round so often. 
so, he was happy. so, so happy that he almost didn’t mind getting back to studying. in fact, he put his head down and worked with ease. no distractions, no thoughts other than those about the work in front of him. he was back on focus and almost enjoying it. 
“there’s dinner downstairs when you’re finished.”
his mom had come into his room and smiled when she’d seen him sitting at his desk still. she rested her hands on his shoulders and kissed the top of his head.
“thanks momma. i could eat after all this.”
she didn’t say anything else just began to leave his room, picking up an empty plate as she went. he was sure he was fine, that his lie had passed her radar. he’d have to try and eat some of her food, even though he was completely stuffed. 
“how was the food at cherry’s? i was thinking it’d be nice for us to all go.”
“it was-”
he started but stood up quickly, turning to look at his mom. she smiled at him and winked before walking out of his room, pulling the door closed behind her. he was in a bit of disbelief and snorted. it was really only her his mother would excuse his sneaking off for. he didn’t know why but his mom loved her as if she were her own.
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iwritesometimes · 4 years
2, 7, and 24 for the music meme!
:DDD THANK YOUUUUU, my darling!!!<333 so sorry for the wait, i know you have been on the EDGE OF YOUR SEAT over it :P
2. a song starting w/ the same first letter of your first name
LOVE this. i’m so spoiled for choice, though!!! “Savage” has been an earworm for months. “Strangeland” is a reliable fave for just FEELING ALL THE FEELINGS. perhaps one of the approximately fifty different versions of “Silent Night” clogging up my library because SOMEONE here has a xmas music-hoarding problem??
of course not. for this occasion, at this point in the year, we need Daft Punk more than ever.
7. a song your friend introduced you to that you ended up loving
-^_^- i’d never heard the Indigo Girls until i met you, and this is the one i’ve played and enjoyed the most (thus far - good lord their discography is SO BIG). i am a sucker for a pretty solo piano and a melancholy tune. i’m predictable.
24. a song from a soundtrack (musical, movie, video game, etc.)
yes, please, you must all continue asking me about SOUNDTRACKS. >:333 *rubs palms greedily*
YOU GET A HOLLOW KNIGHT SONG, CONGRATULATIONS!!! it was inevitable at some point. i could talk endlessly about this soundtrack and how much i love it. i WON’T because you didn’t sign up for that, but i will gush about this one song a little bit. well, okay, two songs - the second a reprise of the first. it’s hard to pull out individual tracks from this album bc composer Christopher Larkin develops a few individual themes and motifs all the way through. but listening to “Dung Defender” and then “White Defender” helps to show that kind of development in microcosm. when you first encounter Dung Defender, you actually hear him laughing and calling out high-spirited challenges from two rooms away; he pops up out of, uh, a layer of dung when you enter his room and proceeds to bounce around for almost the entire boss fight - less trying to menace and more trying to play. his theme reflects this: bouncy and syncopated, lots of bold brass like his big belly laugh. it’s FUNNY!! he’s a dung beetle, he’s FUNNY!!
funnier thing, though: after you beat him, he isn’t dead. he actually sticks around in the room, and will praise you joyfully for the good fight, and tell you bits and pieces about who he really is: one of the five great knights of renown, once part of the royal guard of the Pale King himself. he’s the only one left now (that he knows of), and when you get more insight into him, you find out he’s deeply regretful that he failed his monarch and kingdom, and lost someone in particular that he cared about. when you get the chance to enter the dream realm later and fight his “perfected” version, he’s no longer wallowing in the muck: he’s a knight in shining white armor, and his friends and his king are watching. the revised theme for the fight reflects the stakes, and features bits and pieces of the Pale King’s “White Palace” theme intertwined. it’s the same overall boss theme, but there’s almost nothing comical about it anymore. it’s huge and regal and sad...just like the Defender. (also like the Defender: it simply just kicks ass.)
ask me more about my MUSIC OPINIONS!!!!!
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homosociallyyours · 5 years
Hey! For your identity asks, what about 1 and 15? And I think your responses to asks are just swell - no worries.
1) if someone really wanted to understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Read: the Anne of Green Gables series, Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut), Woman on the Edge of Time (Piercy), Harriet the Spy, and Yes Please (Amy Poehler)
Watch: Clueless, Parks and Rec, The Kathy and Mo Show, and RHONY
Listen to: the entire Indigo Girls discography, The Changer and the Changed (album), Somebody to Love & Don't Stop Me Now (Queen), The Singles (Bikini Kill), and Girl Almighty (1D)
15) five most influential books over your lifetime:
Panda Bear's Paintbox, Anne of Avonlea, All About Love: New Visions (hooks), What Color is Your Parachute?, and Quintessence (Daly; an important/influential book for me when I read it, and still a fascinating read. I don't subscribe to Daly's trans-exclusionary beliefs, but there was a time when I could've gone down that road. It's important to have reminders of that. It helps me continue questioning things.)
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idolizerp · 5 years
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Inspired by general prediction posts circulating the web these days, the Idolize Predictions are a bit different. They are, rather, a mix of out of character information on our plans for each group (tentatively) over the upcoming year in terms of overarching plots and trajectories. These are not things that your muse will know with certainty, but are definitely something that you can have had them heard in rumors and be speculating about, or that you can use when planning point purchases and second characters and so on!
Olympus is beginning their ninth year since debut this January, which means contract renewals are looming on the horizon. Negotiations will begin, in character, within a matter of months. As a result, if the company deems you valuable, there may be some wiggle room in requesting solos. We’re hoping to get their subunit based on CBX off the ground as well as have them do some touring/major concerts. We’re also, of course, going to move them towards some of Exo’s recent comebacks.
With JiNX being so well established and so far in their careers, fans in particular may be feeling Midas is neglecting them, or at the very least not doing enough to promote the girls as a unit. Midas knows that the longevity of a girl group lies in individual activities drawing from the cache of the group’s brand, however, and will likely to continue pushing them in the same manner. Fans feel they were snubbed at the awards ceremonies this year, given their recent renaissance, but others note it likely means they’ll be gunning for the trophies in 2019. There is some resentment building regarding Neon, who is generally deemed to be “JiNX lite version” around the company.
Titanium has had a solid enough run so far, nabbing another trophy for their conceptual videos, which tends to be their usual fare. Midas is rumored to be making a push to make the boys more widely marketable, though it remains to be seen if they’ll truly let go of the moody and thematic concepts for which the group has become known. The issue of such heavy concepts is that it becomes more difficult to separate the idols from the image, which can impede brand recognition and desirability, so there are rumors Midas will work on group varieties in the upcoming year to soften their personal images.
Aurora is building up into quite the powerful act, in terms of versatility and well roundedness, and in any other generation would likely have been the standout girl group of their general tier. Unfortunately, Honey has shot up with a meteoric swiftness that has really gotten under Midas’ skin. The girls will be pushed double time this year, with a thematic trilogy concept planned and rumors of increased movements to brand the girls as a unit, pushing a narrative that will suit their fairytale vintage image, likely through pursuing clothing or makeup endorsements.
Neon girls should be getting excited, because movements towards debut are getting started. Out of character we have a tentative plan to bring them out around March or April, but of course that’s going to depend on how full the group is and so on. Since they’ve had a pretty consistently near-full membership and it suits the Midas narrative to try and bring someone out to fill the gaps and safely challenge the color-pop dominated landscape, we’re thinking its a good time to bring the girls to the front. We’re tentatively planning their debut track to be A Girl Like Me so that they can hit those neon/dark contrast semi-nineties, girl-crush-lite vibes that will garner them media play against JiNX and Jawbreaker alike, which will result in some predictable backlash from those fans but such is the rookie life.
As the most senior girl group on the site, Heaven is proving themselves well established and, with the advent of a successful subunit, quite versatile. Perhaps way too late in the game, 99 Entertainment is finally moving in a direction that will provide some more versatility of image for them in terms of discography and image. However, there are rumors that new female trainees are being recruited into the company for the group that will become a Heaven 2.0 - more versatile, more marketable, and up for debut when Dynamo gets off the ground. That means its time for the girls of Heaven to really take serious measures to solidify themselves over this year and the next.
POIZN is unexpectedly on the upswing in 99 Entertainment these days, with their recent win of Best Boy Group, thanks to the runaway success of Love Scenario. The success of the song was entirely unprecedented both for the group and for 99 Entertainment in general, something that hasn’t really happened since the days of POWer. This is putting them in a position to be huge money-makers on the scene, but the concern is, as always, if they’ll stay out of trouble. The benefit of a major popularity surge like this is that a bunch of new fans will come in who aren’t that aware of past scandals and are more likely to overlook them, which will naturally bury old scandals and provide a fresh start.
Imperial is in a surprisingly precarious position as we move into the new year, with a solid but under-performing year compared to their counterparts in POIZN, something that surprises everyone including company executives. Plans for the upcoming year are to push them towards greater musical recognition via releases and encouragement to participate in special stages, collaborations, and hopefully a more consistent comeback schedule for the upcoming year. Fans are worried they may be benched yet again in favor of POIZN, however, which has everyone (including the boys themselves) a bit on edge.
On a purely out of character note, we’re really hoping to get Dynamo debuted in the summer, for a number of reasons. 99 Ent. has had the longest gap between debuting artists and on top of that their tropical house vibes would be perfect for the summer season, frankly speaking. That’ll depend on how things go with the group, since we’d like to have at least ¾ spots more consistently filled so that we don’t end up thoroughly overextended or anything like that. In character, the kids will definitely be aware, thanks to the even more insistent pressure during training, that there’s a chance of an impending debut, and will likely be quite on edge trying to keep up with that increased demand.
CHERRY BOMB! is in an ambiguous position this year. Their summer song wasn’t the huge hit they were hoping for to follow Red Flavor, and while their releases on the whole were solid they didn’t have any major standouts as they’ve had in the past. On the whole, for the group, it was a bit lackluster.  Fortunately, they still have the fanbase to warrant further action from the company, rather than MSG benching them entirely in favor of their current stars, Honey (though the atmosphere between the two groups could certainly be edging towards awkward at this point). MSG intends to cash in on the (arguably?) more provocative and eye catching dark concepts for the upcoming year, with the upcoming release of the spooky cult girls series of Peekaboo, Bad Boy, Really Bad Boy over the upcoming year.
IndiGO is in a glowing position to continue their meteoric rise in the new year. With 2017 and 2018 behind them they’ve fully solidified their huge boost from the idol rebooting show, thoroughly taking advantage of the situation. They’re sitting comfortably on top of the heap when it comes to marketability and public respect in MSG and in in general. As they transition into a more ballad-with-an-edge territory in the coming year, they’re representing a corner of the industry that has been overlooked for a while now, giving them a unique capability to begin standing toe to toe with big names like Atlas or Olympus, something MSG and IndiGO themselves would never have thought possible even a year ago. They’ll be working towards releases of lengthy music videos that show off their “diamond in the rough” personas with extended drama interludes and in depth storylines isolated in each video, something new for MSG.
Honey is clearly in a strong place at this point. They’ve had a very comfortable year of (out of character) AOA releases that have solidified a versatility to their image that had been called into question, with prior claims being that the girls were capable only of the memetic and cutesy dances of prior viral Twice tracks. With the AOA tracks having solidified their versatility in terms of a sexier concept potential, we’ll probably go ahead and begin with some of the more risque (comparatively) AOA releases, such as Black Cat or Mini Skirt, potentially with Twice 2018 worked in (Yes or Yes, etc) to show versatility. The girls are also going to be pushed into Japan with a formal Japanese debut upcoming, likely with BDZ, so overall it’s going to be a big year for Honey with MSG pushing them really hard, in order to solidify the image they’re building for them as really varied, catchy, energetic artists with a lot to offer in terms of performance.
1nferno had a solid year and are currently standing toe to toe with Titanium, warring back and forth for top conceptual-idol recognition. Where Titanium’s image often follows them off stage, however, MSG is hoping to avoid that with 1nferno by providing more group variety work via V-live in the upcoming year, so that they can get the boys out there in endorsements and so on. They definitely benefited from having a truly packed year, releasing a whopping four songs, which really showed MSG is investing in them for the long haul. In terms of discography the upcoming year is going to be pretty NCT heavy, we’re thinking, to have MSG really showcasing their intensity and power. We’re planning to move them in a direction where, reflecting past awards they’ve gained such as the one this year, they become really well known for their hard hitting choreography and solidify a perception as being experimental but compelling.
Our new girls on the scene, MayDay are in the position to take on a new generation. While their debut will be a bit distant, given MSG’s focus on Honey at the moment in terms of up and coming girls, we want a lot of pre-debut buzz around the group as MSG will increasingly become known for having a gift with girl groups, much in the way JYP has been lately. MayDay is notable in MSG as they’ll be the first act that almost completely abandons attempts to integrate rap in their songs, a move that it seems like they’ve been approaching gradually after criticisms on Honey and CB! for their rapping (deserved or not). With as many active girl groups in MSG as we have debut might be a bit longer in coming for them, but they payoff is that we plan to have them make a pretty solid impact right out of the gate.
Obviously, Atlas is on a trajectory that neither the boys, the industry, the public, or the company expected. The upcoming year will focus on capitalizing on this in any way possible. Consistent, hard-hitting comebacks are to be expected, as well as an overall global push through concerts, including a planned KJH concert upcoming, in order to use the boys to sell their new investment in Jawbreaker. Obviously they’ll be releasing Idol for their next comeback, but after that will depend on what exactly BTS puts out IRL, possibly supplemented with a release of Airplane Pt. 2 to give you an idea of what kind of stages you can be expecting. This means there is (tentatively?) a lot of room for the boys to start solidifying themselves as artists even beyond the label of Atlas via solo work in acting, music, etc.
Jawbreaker is having a really up and down year, with their technical debut/re-debut definitely taking a toll on the girls in terms of exhaustion and likely having been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. However, they’ve also taken home a Rising Artist award (which to be fair isn’t the biggest thing but considering they also got their first win this year, they’re definitely making strides!) and developing a “self producing” image as well as one of versatility, thanks to KJH pushing them immediately into various activities that Singularity had been neglecting, such as setting some long-running variety format V-live series for the girls and doing consistent promotion. It can be safely assumed they also semi-frequently media play with the girls, particularly in terms of repping an image that isn’t particularly popular in the current color-pop and whimsy saturated industry, in the hopes that it poises them to join the fray of the Aurora vs. Honey fight. Of course Jawbreaker might not appreciate being so directly compared to artists so many years their juniors in the industry, but that’s the nature of idol life. They’ll likely make a return to the classic “HER.oine” sound with Du Ddu Du Ddu in upcoming months.
Signal on an OOC level is in a bit of a nebulous place because there’s been not too much activity with the group. We’re really interested in debuting them down the line as a slightly more well rounded/polished version of Atlas, in as much as they were intended to be idols from the start and have the benefits of a much bigger training team and far more resources. Depending on how upcoming debuts go, we’re also interested in adding “Dongsaeng Sonyeondan” (the purported new group from Big Hit) to their discography, should it fit the image we’ve got in mind. They’ll definitely have a heavy weight on their shoulders with Atlas exploding in popularity, and trying to bear up under that will be impressive.
Congratulations are in order, first and foremost, because 2019 marks the year Nitro gets to move up and out of those dorms! We’re sure the boys have been chafing for a little personal space and here it comes.  Nitro have, in character, had a really solid year, alongside a big boost in 2017, so much like “real life” Got7 we’re hoping to capitalize off that momentum and work on building them up. One of the next moves will be to begin preparations for launching the JJ Project sub-unit, as well as an increased push for the boys to make appearances on V-live via company sanctioned variety. Their schedules will be reflecting some more variety efforts as well, as KTM is really hoping to rep the “underdog” image that sells so well with the public, so feel free to incorporate that kind of narrative into your work.
First of all, it XLNC’s anniversary this month so congratulations to the boys, who will likely do some kind of guerrilla concert as a fan outreach effort. In the coming months we’re hoping to more consistently integrate the narrative of their monthly youtube cover projects, likely through some panns we’ll put out on our own that spotlight the effort, to demonstrate a growing popularity as they gain traction with their consistent output. You’re also welcome to pick up purchases to that point on your own. The company will move them towards expanding their youtube outreach as well, likely via more than just covers, such as vlogging and other avenues, so if you have a suggestion or an idea for something your muse can bring to the table with that, let us know, and maybe pick up a pann about it to build that arc up! Like Honey, they’ll also be making a Japanese advancement in the coming year, and will likely have a pretty even spread of comebacks in Japan versus Korea.
Nightmare is in, quite frankly speaking, not the best position at this point. KTM is a company that is becoming quite aware of the struggle they have to market such a heavily conceptual group, much less get the public to notice. With brand offers infrequent due to the nature of their image and with traction slow building in the industry, they’re beginning to realize their hardcore push at being super unique might have done more harm than good, in budgetary terms. That means they’ve brought out the big guns: subunits. Starting now, the Nightmare page will be updated to reflect their new subunits, as well as 3 additional members. These members will have canonically been with the group since the beginning, however, bringing their total up to 7 members. This leaves them operating as a bigger group for our universe, and the only ones with all members participating in subunits. The subunits will be based from Loona’s subunits with debuts upcoming. Named Dawn (⅓ inspiration), Dusk (yyxy inspiration) and Eve (Odd Eye Circle), the Dawn unit will be the first out of the gate, designed to show a sharp charm reversal from Nightmare, in the hopes that they’ll start getting calls for brand deals since they know the girls have the looks and talent to make it in the industry, they just have to shake up the industry to make it obvious. Please note that Loona solo work will NOT be used and is still claimable as a solo voice. Group songs may be done for repackages or distributed to units as seems appropriate to the core Nightmare sound.
fix8 has made a jump to KTM in our current adjustments, in the hopes that we can build a more compelling narrative for them so that we can get some more members on board, and hopefully debut them a little faster as well, since we think they’ve got a good image contrast to the current in-universe gg landscape. With XLNC being a very niche group, Nightmare struggling for public attention, and Nitro only just now getting the attention deserved after years of effort, KTM is becoming rapidly aware that hopping on the color-pop trend train may be their best bet for long-term viability. Thus, fix8 was conceptualized to compete with the current big names in the industry in terms of up and coming girl groups, with a lot of pressure on them to debut to high acclaim and be, frankly speaking, the next big deal. They’re getting scouted as much for personality and look as they are for core talents, with KTM figuring they can train them up over time and rely on stage presence as they get their bearing. They want a piece of the viral success of Honey and they’re pulling out all the stops to make it happen.
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