#yes this post is also to say that I'm in WANO
mike-milkyway · 1 month
Watching Zoro and Sanji power scaling discourse knowing that if I say they balance each other out I might get burned like the witches in the Salem trials.
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jessysapphireblue · 9 months
He is your WHAT?! Luffy x Oc
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Nicknames include Lu and Je but nothing else. A female magician you can use with your name, since nothing else is mentioned. ALSO! A dragon comes in as her familiar with the name Soma. Also post wano
The Land of Wano was now two days behind you and everyone was quite happy with some calm and relaxing days. You kept your boyfriend busy with large bubbles, similar to the ones at Sabaody, Usopp and Chopper joining in.
You left them to rest next to Zoro, who was napping against the railing. You head slightly bend behindto stretch yourself as you felt a presence under water, which quickly came near. "Zoro, you feel that?", you asked the swordsman who stood up. "Yes. And it's something big", he added as a big shake came over the sunny. "What was that?!", shouted Franky as Jinbe steadied the sunny.
Water rose directly by Zoro and you, making Chopper and Usopp scream, hugging each other. Sanji also came out to look what the commotion is about, as the ship went deadly silent.
"DRAGON!!!!", everybody screamed as a big dragon stood there, shining in prismatic colors as the sun Hit it, and in its mouth was a dead sea King. "SANJI! FOOD!!! DRAGON MEAT!", Luffy shouted exited and Zoro smirked evily. "Never had the chance for it", said Sanji as you stood in front of the dragon. "If anyone of you Hit Soma, I will never speak to you again", you said quite serious.
"...Soma?", all asked. "Why, yes. This is Soma. He's my...pet" "PET?!!! THIS THING?!", Usopp shouted. "He's bigger than Kaido", admitted Zoro. Soma dropped the Sea King into the water and lowered his snout to you, as you pet him.
"Yes, hello my Baby. All ok?", you smiled softly at him. "Baby?! This Monster is nowhere near a Baby!!!", screeched Nami. "He's only two, Nami...and he got us the Sea King as a gift" "SEA KIND MEAT!!!! SANJI!!!" "Yeah yeah..." "He looks so cute. And he's bigger than the ones at Punk Hazard", admitted Robin, who now, joined your side. "Oh, you can Touch him if you want. He's...dolcile", you chuckled and Robin indeed touched him. "YOHOHOHOHO!!! I never thought a dragon could be this tame" "SUPER DRAGON!!!", Franky posed as Chopper came forth. "...why is he calling you Mama?", the cute reindeer looked at you. "Ahahaha...ehm. I met Soma when he was just a couple of months old and we directly clicked"
"Has anyone seen Luffy?", asked Jinbe as "FLY! FLY SOMA FLY!!! INTO THE SKY!!!", Luffy was already on his back, laughing. "Je, join!!!", he beamed before stretching his arms all around you, Pulling you into the dragon. "Soma, a quick round", you said and he sproud his wings. The sunny looks so small compared to them and with one heavy flap, he zoomed high up, past the clouds, your boyfriend cheering. "And?!", you shouted. "Je, this is amazing! You also, Soma!!" A loud growl came from Soma, making your evey widen. "Lu, hold on tight!", you said and in the next second, your dragon dived down at full speed.
The only Sound you heard was your exiting boyfriend before Soma stopped directly over the water, showing the reflextion, his claws gliding over the water, as he came to an halt by the sunny. "Wohooo!!! Amazing!" "Lu, your hair!", you began to laugh loudly at his wild wind-blown hair.
Back on the Sunny, you moved your Finger as Soma shrinked, perfect to the size to lay comfy around your neck. "You can shrink him?", asked Jinbe. "Because he's my familiar", you hummed, scratching his shimmering scales. "Fa-wha?", Lu poked his snout. "Familiar. We made a...soul bond. When I die, so does he, when I'm hurt he also gets hurt, and so on. I can also understand him", you admitted. "So, what kind of dragon is he?", asked Sanji and came closer to inspect him. "A spectal dragon. When light shines on him, he's like a prism. When he gets older, his flame will get the same color, and if what I read is correct...let me say it like this! Onigashima be melting down", you laughed.
"Where were you?! You could've helped us so much!"whined Usopp. "I'd only call him if the Situation would be live-threaten, Usopp...beides...He would swoop in just like that" "And what does he eat?" Asked franky. "Meat, fish, berries...everything raw. But mostly big animals...like the sea Kings and Dinosaurs" "Oh god" "Ah, no worry Sanji! Soma gets his food alone" "Je, you are incredible!" Lu hugged you close, kissing you. "Soma, you too! We're gonna have so much fun together!!!"
"Oh, no doubt about that", you laughed and saw how Soma sat himself on your boyfriends' straw hat before they talked, walking away
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A picture compared to the sunny and soma 😁
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saotome-michi · 8 months
Another unpopular One Piece opinion:
Carrot and Yamato not sailing with the crew after Wano did not feel like a cop out to me. The two are clear parallels to Nekomamushi/Inuarashi and Oden, who were also part-time members of Roger's crew. Carrot clearly has her part to play as leader of the minks and Yamato as "Oden". Sure, maybe Oda could've done a better job of building that up and saying "goodbye for now" to these characters at the end of the arc, but "too much to do, not enough time" has been One Piece's MO since the time skip.
I guess that's all easy for me to say though, since imo neither Carrot nor Yamato felt like full-time strawhat member material. There's a certain template that all the strawhats mostly follow and it can be summed up in three steps:
1) They're shown to be a loner, the "black sheep" of their village (or whatever environment they're introduced in).
2) They're saved and/or inspired by Luffy.
3) They have meaningful interactions with the other strawhats before they officially join the crew.
All of the strawhats tick these three boxes, except for Jinbei, who was never shown to be a loner or the "black sheep" of Fishman Island. However, he is introduced as the only Warlord who is strongly against the War, as well as the only Warlord who's a fishman. Plus, he's the only fishman who agrees to give blood to a human. So, maybe he does tick that box.
(Oh there's also Robin, who doesn't have that many interactions with the other strawhats before she joins at the end of Alabasta.)
Now, let's look at Carrot.
Carrot is not portrayed as a loner or the "black sheep" of Zou. There is nothing really that makes her distinct from the other minks... perhaps her strong desire and daring to leave Zou and explore? But other Minks also expressed their desire to leave with the Strawhats and it doesn't seem like Carrot's wanderlust is seen as a bad thing by the community.
Carrot is not saved or inspired by Luffy. Yes, she likes and admires Luffy, but there is no particular moment where he saves her from her personal demons or inspires her to keep going, live, or to fight for him. He plays no pivotal role in her character growth, that's all Pedro.
The only box that Carrot ticks is that she has meaningful interactions with the other Strawhats throughout Whole Cake.
So 1 out of 3 for Carrot.
What about Yamato?
Loner? Sure, he's def the black sheep of Onigashima.
Saved or inspired by Luffy? This is an interesting one, because while Luffy does in effect save Yamato by taking off his handcuffs, it's not a scene with a lot of emotional weight to it. If anything, Yamato's savior and "light" was Ace. Yamato and Luffy only interact for a little bit before Yamato's assigned to Momo for the rest of the battle, so they don't really have much of an emotional connection either. Compare Luffy and Yamato's interactions during Wano to Luffy and any other strawhat's during their introductory arc and it's lacking. Yamato's desire to sail with Luffy feels more impersonal, because so much of it is tied to Yamato's background knowledge of Luffy, knowledge that he got from third party sources (Oden's logbook and Ace) than from Yamato's own interactions with Luffy. So while I understand why other people might tick the box, for me it's a no.
Meaningful interactions with the other strawhats before they join—a big NO. Yamato literally only meets the other strawhats after the battle is over. Sure he spends time with them post-battle, but we see very little of it.
So Yamato is also 1 out of 3.
I think from this comparison, we can see that neither Carrot nor Yamato really build up that special connection with Luffy that the other strawhats have, and that's why I'm perfectly fine with neither of them fully joining the crew. Personally, it would've felt odd if they had.
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wellship · 2 years
I recently came across your zosan wedding planning/wedding comic again and then all I could think about was who proposes or what Zoro or Sanji's proposal would be like in your mind because I desperately want your thoughts about it. Sorry if you've already spoken about this topic, I just adore the way you portray One Piece characters.
AW thank you very much! That's so sweet of you to say! I certainly love to think about them in their little scenarios HAHA so I'm glad you like reading about it!
To tell the truth I never used to think that ZoSan would ever get married or "need" to get married, and I thought it was a bit OOC of them when I'd read it in other fics etc... until Whole Cake Island, HAHA. Egg on my face. I think the idea of marriage between them was something that genuinely never occured to them, but after Sanji went through that arc - and Zoro felt like he'd nearly lost him - it would force them to actually think about it and realise, hey, shit, yeah, I think if we were married... I would really like that.
I think Sanji would like the old-school romantic symbolism and the public declaration/pride aspect of marriage, plus the security of knowing someone likes you enough they're willing to tie themselves to you legally - while Zoro would appreciate the ritual of marriage; he wouldn't give a shit about the legal aspects of it, but pledging your devotion to one another in front of all the people most important to you? That's kind of his whole thing, lmao... with Luffy and Kuina and even Mihawk, it's obviously very important to him that he makes his intentions known. He's been quite dramatic about it. I think when it came to the actual wedding day, Sanji would be surprised by how seriously Zoro was taking it, and how heartfelt his "vows" were (I think it would end up sounding more like Zoro was preparing for battle than exchanging traditional wedding vows butttt I also think Sanji would swoon over that more).
Of course, to GET to a wedding day still requires one of them to pull the plug and ASK, which is a degree of communication which still eludes them even post-WCI, lmao. I honestly think it would have to go something like... Sanji joking around with Zoro after Wano, saying "Can you imagine us? Married? Lmaooo" and Zoro's just like "? Yeah, easily"
Cue Sanji's mental bluescreen, because, huh? What? Did marimo really just admit that he'd be fine married him? Is that the same thing as wanting to get married? And so he'd prod him about it and Zoro's like... I mean. I kind of thought we already were, to some degree, what with the whole "I came back from hell for you" thing- ("You came back from hell to kill me" "semantics") and Sanji would have to clarify like 10 times if this means Zoro actually plans to marry him and if that means they should and is this is actually happening- and they eventually settle on yes, it's happening, Zoro has just told Sanji he wants to marry him so now Sanji can start planning their wedding if he needs to.
At which point Sanji EXPLODES on him because what kind of proposal is THAT!?!? He deserves to be romanced off his feet with a huge public display of affection and love after all the shit he went through on Whole Cake Island- proposals are supposed to be once-in-a-lifetime events that make you sob and you can tell your grandchildren about them ("we're not having kids")... so Zoro is forced to re-propose to him, probably getting help from each of the Straw Hats in turn about how they think he should do it "properly" (all of which just end up pissing Sanji off, humiliating him, or missing the mark) until they get into a huge argument where Zoro accidentally lays out exactly why he loves Sanji and why he wants to marry him- and that does it. Sanji's a weepy mess and they're ~engaged~
Then the wedding itself is probably equally as disasterous as on Whole Cake because the Straw Hats are involved but this time Sanji is having a blast.
Edit: Alright, fuck it. Here are what the Straw Hats would suggest as their "ideal proposal"
Luffy: He doesn't really get it and thinks Zoro's proposal was already the best way to do it. Keeps badgering Sanji not to be so stingy and just marry Zoro already because he wants cake which pisses Sanji off more. Zoro doghouse count: 1
Usopp: Usopp bursts into tears (he's shipped them for so long) and is almost useless but does eventually pull himself together enough to suggest writing it in the sky. And he has just the invention to do it! This one is actually going pretty smoothly and Usopp is nearly done using his dial-powered drone to spell "will you marry me swirly-brow" over the ocean while Zoro draws Sanji out of the kitchen by the hand when the drone explodes and showers them all in pieces and singes Sanji's hair. "How could you have trusted like that." Zoro doghouse count: 2
Nami: Nami thinks about a man proposing to her and gags but tries to use her imagination and says just throw a bunch of money at it and it should be fine. Lavish him with fine chocolates and champagne and then put the ring in one of the glasses. ("What ring?" "Oh for fuck's sake") Zoro buys expensive champagne & truffles but a cheap ring and it makes the champagne taste like shit and Sanji goes off on him about wasting food. Zoro doghouse count: 3, Zoro debt to Nami: +$5,000
Brook: Brook tells him to simply go traditional, get down on one knee, and speak from the heart, and even offers to accompany Zoro on the deck with a romantic violin. This one is actually working, Zoro's kneeling, everyone's watching and smiling and going "aww", Sanji's swooning, Brook gets into the fucking zone and absolutely shreds it on a violin solo so rambunctious it turns into a Thousand Sunny dance party and both Sanji and Zoro are pissed off at being outshone. Zoro doghouse count: 4, Brook doghouse count: 1
Franky: Franky suggests Zoro takes Sanji to some sort of live show and get on the projector Denden Mushi to hold up a sign asking Sanji to marry him. Zoro takes Sanji to a Groggy Ring game with a sign under his jacket but the camera never actually pans to him and he spends so long trying to get the camera guy's attention that he totally ignores Sanji and they get into a huge blow-out fight (and win the match). Zoro doghouse count: 5, Team Swirly Moss: Undefeated
Chopper: Chopper offers to do it for him with a note. Zoro thinks this is an adorable idea because if Chopper toddled up to HIM like a little ring bearer saying "do you want to marry Sanji? Y/N" his heart would melt so he agrees. Sanji does not agree. Huge fight. "Do it yourself." Zoro doghouse count: 6
Robin: Rose petals. Candles. Wine. Soft music (not by Brook). Aquarium bar. Just the two of them, late at night, with no one else around. Invite him there and simply ask him plainly. Tell him you love him and let the night take its course. This is actually 75% of the way successful before they realise Robin is DEFINITELY watching them from like 50 hana-hana eyes plastered around the aquarium and they BOTH leave in a panic. Zoro doghouse count: Still 6, but with added heebie-jeebies
Jinbe: Zoro, haggard, asks Jinbe how the hell he's supposed to propose to Sanji and Jinbe asks what's stopping Sanji from proposing to him. "Hey, what the fuck? You're right! SHIT COOK-" Huge fight. Zoro doghouse count: 7, Sanji doghouse count: 1
Good thing it works out in the end.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Why is shanks/buggy so underrated in this side of fandom? It’s much more loved in Japanese one, one of the most popular for shanks. I feel like this one prefers other mlm options for him and I don’t get it. It got better after OPLA I think but still. Sorry for my English!
Oh! This is actually such an interesting question. I was talking about this the other day and I came to a conclusion with my friend about this. Basically, there are a lot of things to take into consideration here. The screentime, the age of the characters, the chemistry, how they're perceived by the fandom and canonically, etc etc etc.
The first thing I thought about was the screentime, honestly. Shanks and Buggy grew up together and they have a deep bond, however, we've only seen that through flashbacks (one in quite literally episode 8 of the anime, another one in Wano that isn't even about them and they're just side characters in this flashback, and in chapter 1082 of the manga. But it's not even a proper flashback because we already saw that when Shanks talks to Whitebeard about Buggy, it's just Buggy's interpretation of it) and we only have like one scene of them together that isn't even two minutes long. So, quite obviously you'd think "well, the ship isn't as popular as other ships because they barely have any screentime" and I think it's correct but also not quite. And also, this would also have to apply to the Japanese fandom at the end of the day. Fandoms don't give a single fuck about screen time if the chemistry is right, really, but there's always this factor, y'know. Lawlu has less screentime than Zolu and yet it's more popular somehow because people absolutely love their dynamic. Then, if you stop to think about it, both Satosugu (Jjk) and Soukoku (Bsd) have the same dynamic and concept as Shuggy, but they're by far the most popular ships in their fandoms. They're basically the same ships but Jjk and Bsd give them proper development and story because they're shorter series. One Piece is a long show and we still have many things to see, even if we know it's gonna end soon, so I guess that we'll still have to wait to see more of Shuggy. Once we do, I'm sure it'll become more popular. Also, Shanks' personality is very diverse because he's all mysterious and all, so I kind of understand why people don't want to make content because they still don't have him figured out.
But then again, screen time isn't really the problem. It's just one of the factors. If they had more screen time, they'd be more popular for sure, yes, but it's not exactly what makes them less popular in this side of the fandom. Otherwise, it'd be equally as popular on the other sides too. The Japanese side of fandoms is different from this one and tbh they often don't take into consideration things like cancel culture and proship discourse or the standard beauty regarding age because they just post whatever they want and scroll past what they don't like (god I fucking wish we were like that because I am so done with these things). Besides, isn't Buggy like a very beloved character over there, aside from Oda's favorite? At least from what I've seen, they take his character way more seriously than this side of the fandom does, honestly. And it bothers me because he's such a complex and great character, and people never see it because they use him either for memes or to keep saying "omggg turns out the clown is hot!! Can you believe I want to fuck a clow-" yes, Samantha, we know you want to fuck the clown. It's not weird. It's not new. Do you even like the character, at least, or you're just using him to say how kinky and quirky you are? (And I don't even care about the sexualization of characters because, again, fictional characters are fictional characters and you don't have to take everything so seriously. I have tons of characters I don't like that much but only stan because I find them hot and that's alright. But damn, it bothers me sometimes).
Anyway, with this, I wanna say that there are other things to have in mind when talking about this.
Recently (I know it's not exactly new but in fandom years? Recently) there has been a huge thing surrounding the term "old men yaoi". People are so down bad for middle-aged men and they see two of them together and they instantly go "omg they're soo married" but that's- That's it? That's just it. They don't even ship them, they just find the concept of older men hot because "omg he's such a dilf" and they want to fuck both of them. But they never end up doing anything with it. They try to be so groundbreaking like "ohh I am SO woke by shipping these two old men! See? Breaking stereotypes!" because both irl and online, age has always been a very stigmatized thing. Apparently you can't be in a fandom if you're older than 25 because then you're weird, and if there's an actress older than 50 she's instantly useless for the industry.
What I want to say with this is that most people in the fandom are young. They're young and they like attractive, young, hot people and they don't want old, unconventionally attractive men. They don't want them unless it's to give a "hot take" and to be super progressive and woke. Do you know what they like? They like Dilfs. They like Shanks because he's conventionally attractive and good with kids and he's the standard for a Dilf. Because he's hot and mysterious but also silly and quirky and "he's almost forty that is so hot something something daddy kink". And they don't want to see him fucking someone his age because God forbid this man has a personality outside being a Dilf. Younger people in the fandom constantly read y/n fics regarding Shanks because they want him to fuck them and not Buggy. And they can't project in these old men, so they publicly say "oh, Shanks and Buggy are so married" because it's just a fact the fandom made clear, but they don't really like the content. Because liking Buggy sexually, apparently, is just so weird. Or as a character. Nobody wants to say their favorite character is the failguy clown. It's a hot take when you say that Buggy is hot because people keep being all weird about it when... Uh... He's- He's just a clown. Guys. It's not weird. Or bad. Who raised you to think that? God, I find Monet extremely hot and she's half-bird. Could we please normalize these things? They're fictional characters. And also, stop reducing Buggy to his jokes or the fact that he's a clown because his character is GREAT and complex and it just bothers me so much.
This makes me think about this whole "background couple" thing. Which are basically couples that are canon or that are so popular and obvious that people, instead of making content for them (because why would you make content for a canon couple?) just place them in the background instead. There are so many fanfics in which Shuggy is a background couple. Or studies in which, instead of analyzing them, they're used only for parallelisms. This happens with, idk, Saboala? Frobin? Yamace? People don't like couples that everybody agrees on. They don't like m/f ships because they can't be woke!!!!! And queer!!!! (when they easily could but whatever). They don't like ships that everybody likes because!!!!!! They're canon already and why would you write about them???? And so, Shuggy stays a bit more as a side couple instead. For being old and unconventionally unattractive and not having much screentime, but being extremely popular. Not in a "content" way, but in a "knowledge" way. Even the general audience thinks their bond is crucial to the story, c'mon.
One of the differences that this side of the fandom has with the Japanese one, as I mentioned before, is the cancel culture and proship discourse thing. They just don't have that concept. And that's perfect, honestly, I wish we could just scroll past what we don't like too and live peacefully because the discourse is getting tiring. And also you have to admit that, because of the anti propaganda going around, now fandoms have turned into the most puritan thing in the world. Beware! Sex! Age difference between fictional characters that have a consensual and healthy and mature relationship! Oh! God forbid teenagers have sex with people their age! Ohmygodjustshutup. And so, Shuggy isn't a problematic ship. Not even close. But inside the OP world, people do say they are brothers. They keep talking about each other like that, too. And I don't even think it's the typical "we say they're like brothers so you don't think they're gay because they're both guys and guys can't kiss" (I am having flashbacks from the IT fandom). They do have the same parents. Like- We all agree Shanks and Buggy were both raised by Roger and Rayleigh and they consider them, if not their dads, parental figures at least. Right? And you're aware that doesn't make it incest, right? Both things can coexist. Foster families are a thing. Lots of people who grew up together and consider the same people their parental figures end up dating because they don't see each other as siblings. Well, most people don't see it this way and hear the word "brother" and run from it like it's a fucking virus. The Japanese side of the fandom doesn't give a fuck because they're fictional and because they're y'know, not brothers? And even if they were, cancel culture and proship discourse is so fucking stupid to them because they follow the "don't like don't look" thing. But on this side of the fandom, a lot of people see them as brothers and the other half sees them as a divorced couple and apparently nobody knows how to fucking read this manga and have a proper fandom experience without jumping to each other's throats at the minimum disagreement.
So, to summarize: People on this side of the fandom don't like Shuggy THAT much and it isn't such a popular ship in comparison to the Japanese side, because young people don't like older men together, they don't focus on unconventionally attractive characters, are afraid of any little possibility of cancelation, and also, well, Shuggy doesn't have much screentime anyway so there's not much we can do with that.
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smartass-hoot · 5 months
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watching these new one piece fans trash talk Vivi by saying she did nothing and that she's worthless/useless is hella annoying. like, even besides the obvious misogyny,, bruh did we even watch the same anime???
vivi is the only reason why the straw hats were allowed onto drum island. even assuming the straw hats fought their way onto the island, there would have been zero chance of them finding out about the doctor since it was the villagers who told them about her in the first place. without that, nami would have died, and we all know how essential she is to finding the one piece. also chopper wouldn't have joined the crew
yes, vivi asked luffy's help to save alabasta, but so did nami with Coco village and so did literally so many other people. i don't see y'all trash talking them??? and who TF said asking for help is a sign of weakness/uselessness? putting aside your ego and acknowledging your shortcomings is a sign of a strong character, tf
the people of alabasta have FAITH in vivi. they listen to her and they love her, which isn't something that is easy to do. the leader of the rebel gangs is her childhood best friend. she has connections (not gonna spoil anything) and those connections are her strength because she can call upon her allies and they will. fucking. answer. that's not something your average Joe could pull off, bitch
vivi is painfully weak and she sucks at being an agent. even in baroque works she was the lowest rank,,, but take a step back to see the bigger picture: vivi is self aware that she can't do shit, and yet she was willing to risk her life to save her country. she was willing to throw away her morals, work for the enemy, risk dying a horrible death or worse, even though there was little to no chance of success. THAT is called determination. THAT takes guts. THAT is a quality that would make her a strawhat
literally EVERYTHING about vivi's past interaction with that celestial dragon shows how mature she is, how much responsibility she bears on her shoulders as a princess (mind you she's even younger than Luffy) and how she can stay brave even when she's terrified. we praise usopp for that, and I won't stand for these double standards
one thing that's slightly more subtle is the drum island scene where vivi shows Luffy that fighting isn't the only way to solve your problems. i feel like this impacted Luffy at least to a certain extent because he actually considers alternatives before fighting now. of course patience was taught to Luffy because of shanks (first chapter of the manga) but it really felt like vivi reinforced that to Luffy
and I'm not even gonna bother with the post wano stuff cause those are heavy spoilers but the point is she's fucking badass and awesome and important and y'all are only embarassing yourselves and making it obvious that you're new 'cause the real ones know and appreciate our desert princess
also wtf is y'all's problem with vivi when Luffy and the rest of the strawhats have already acknowledged her??? they fucking love her so much to the point where they'd dunk on zoro for showing her 'tough love'. I can't help but think it's the Sakura treatment and I will not let another kind girlie be judged to hell and back for her femininity and for "being weak/useless" when canon proves otherwise
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wavytam · 10 months
The Weather Queen and the Cook King: Power Ups Foreshadowed in Colorspreads
After writing these two theories, I wanted to write a separate post talking about the parts I mentioned Nami and Sanji.
To summarize, I think that these two will be extremely important in Future Island Arc because of two colorspeads that Oda drew during the arc:
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First, I love how Oda chose Sanji as the main focus in the Boys Colorspread and Nami in the Girls Colorspread - but I don't think it was coincidental.
He said we should keep an eye on Sanji in an SBS after the Wano arc, and ever since then, we have seen around two colorspreads that have him as the main focus. So maybe, as unsuspicious as the only girls' colorspread might seem, it might also give us some type of foreshadowing about Nami's next power up as well, since she is in more evidence.
Not only that: Oda also chose to put the words King and Queen for both of them.
(Alright, before anyone comes at me saying that, I'm trying to push them as King and Queen in a shipping way... no. I do want them to be together, but I don't think those spreads are any indicative of that. Nami and Sanji are both one of my favorite characters in One Piece, and I love to talk about them together and separately, and I just really want both of them to have development and growth - Nami specially, because we can already see how Sanji WILL already have a lot of screentime)
The King and Queen titles, I think, mean different things for Sanji and for Nami.
For Sanji, I think he is going to unlock his Conqueror's Haki (which is also known as King's Haki), and Oda played with the similarities between the words "Cooking" and "CoC King" to make it more... questionable and not in-your-face. We all know he loves to do that.
For Nami, I think it has to do with how she will be known as in the world of One Piece.
When Luffy, Jimbei, Chopper and Bonney were exploring Future Island, Vegapunk talks about one of his inventions, which is...
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Yes, a technology that controls climate (Island Aircon) - something that seemingly only controls the temperature of islands (not too threatening).
However, we know how creative and resourceful Nami is with what is given to her and I don't doubt that, if she is given the chance, she could operate Island Aircon in such a way that it could be used as a weapon.
So my theory is that Nami could use Vegapunk's technology to turn Future Island into a huge hell hole for the Straw Hats' enemies.
With her knowledge, she might be able to create cyclones, storms, and even thunderstorms to jeopardize the Marines' invasion into Future Island or to stop them from following the Straw Hats as they run away. With that, she will gain the worldwide reputation of Weather Witch or even Weather Queen, or another title close to that.
It's kind of like how Zoro became the King of Hell, how Raileigh is the Dark King, Usopp is the King of Snipers, and so on and so forth.
In addiction, I think that this is going to be a huge moment for Nami, not only because of her power up but also because of her backstory. I have been coming up with a theory that Nami's past is actually connected to the Void Century and, most importantly, to the Sky Islands and Uranus, which is why her past is still a mystery - since Uranus is going to be the last weapon they will "visit" (they already met Shirahoshi and visited Wano, where Pluton is burried).
So my prediction is that, as Future Island ends, Nami will realise that there is something different within her and that doubt will continue throughout the next arc.
I also have this theory that everyone from the Straw Hat crew has potential to have Conqueror's Haki, but, to me, only the first five Strawhats could have it. This is more of a far fetched theory, I know, but a lot of people have already discussed the possibility of both Nami and Usopp having Conqueror's (maybe Usopp will have CoC in a diferent way than the others) and I think that if they go to Elbaf, Usopp cpuld unlock his CoC there and Nami will unlock hers in the very last Arc of One Piece.
Back to Sanji now! I think his color spread also indicates things that he will use during Future Island and of things that will happen to the Straw Hats there. Basicaly, I think that Sanji will unlock his Conqueror's Haki when his friends are in danger and incapacitated, and he will do everything he can to stop any harm done to them.
The bubbles are also interesting to me, because (although in the colorspread they are coming from the boys' noses) I find it curious that in this arc there is a VERY useful weapon that can incapacitate devilfruit users through bubbles.
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Maybe the weapons will be used against the Straw Hats, OR Sanji will use them against their opponents.
In conclusion, I have a feeling those colorspreads might indicate Sanji's and Nami's next power ups, and I think their roles will be extremely important in this Arc.
And because of this coverpage, I think Franky will be important too:
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But this is a theory for another time...
I'd also like to remind you how two other colorspreads from the same Arc also seem to have Nami and Sanji in evidence (along with Luffy, obviously, and weirdly Chopper?? Hmmm). So we might have to pay attention to them.
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To end this post:
Obviously, there's more of a big possibility that this is all just a coincidence, and Oda wanted to say something entirely different. But I don't mind being wrong since the fun part is to speculate and talk about our favorite characters.
Hope you liked reading it anyway! I'd love to know what you guys think!
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firaloveatea · 2 months
I'm sure I forgot stuff but I tried to cover as much about her as possible.
Neon's Character Concept and Bio
Chaos Neon
Age: 18 (pre time skip)/20 (post time skip)
Height: 160cm
Blood Type: TBD
Birthday: 12/12
Affiliation: Straw Hats, Heart Pirates
Hair: Navy Blue, untamed curls/waves
Eye color: Red
Growing up with Luffy, she actually has a very similar personality to him, though she has more brain cells and is willing to talk things out rather than fight all the time.
Trusting in an almost blinding fashion and devotion so strong she will put her needs last when her crew needs more attention.
Neon is as socially dumb as Luffy, but does have more common sense. She mostly doesn't understand things around romance, dating, and things of sexual nature besides what she experiences from Sanji and Brooks's preverted habits.
She is also very petty. The price will always be paid, just don't know when or how.
Out of the A.S.L. Neon is more like Sabo, where as Luffy and Ace are more similar. In disagreements it would be Neon & Sabo vs. Ace & Luffy or Ace & Sabo vs Luffy & Neon. It was a blue moon is any other combos happened.
Knife throwing+Accuracy
Neon has learned how to throw knives and works on her accuracy all the time. Yes, she can juggle the knives as well
Luffy likes to say Neon is part rubber from how flexible she is. She possesses double jointed and trained her body extensively all because as a child Ace and Sabo wanted to see how much she could fold her body in weird and odd ways. She liked the freak out it keeps practicing.
Neon also has amazing natural balance. I haven't figured out the full extend of this balance, but girl is a hard worker and keeps pushing her limits.
During the two year time skip, Neon learns and masters observation and armament haki.
Throwing Daggers:
Weight: 15.9oz Blade Thickness: 5mm Blade Length: 7-1/2" Blade Steel: 1050 High Carbon Handle Length/Material: 6-1/2" Overall Length: 14" Style: Knife Product Family: Thrower Steel Family: High Carbon Steels
Throwing Knives:
Weight: 6.4oz Blade Thickness: 3.5mm Blade Steel: 1055 Carbon Overall Length: 10" Style: Knife Product Family: Flight Sport Steel Family: High Carbon Steels
A leather whip
Concept History:
Neon originally started off as the Female Main Character for an original fiction work of mine called Neon Red Eyes. It was a Stardust-inspired fantasy world where Neon was the Hybrid Daughter of the terrible Demon King and a Powerful Witch. Her mother would eventually understand why the Demon King sought her out as the mother of his child and fled while heavily pregnant. 18 years later, Neon would come home to their little cabin to find her mother murdered and the King’s right hand waiting for her. She was tossed into the dungeon since emotional distress sealed away her powers the King was after. There, she would meet a Pirate Captain, who had been captured before her. His crew would pull off a heist and rescue their captain, bringing Neon along with them. It was mainly romance focused on Neon and the Captain, who would eventually take down the Demon King, but it never worked that part out.
When I finally caved and started One Piece, I took Neon and added her after making some changes that would make sense to the One Piece world. Having Magic and Demonic powers didn’t. Her being Buggy’s daughter was supposed to be funny and stuck. I wanted her to be Luffy’s childhood friend because that guy needs someone more consistently by his side. As I got further into the show, my inner simp was sad that I hadn’t found my favorite character. No one was tickling my fancy.
Then Trafalgar Law started to show up on my tiktok fyp, but he hadn’t appeared in show for me yet. I speed ran to Sabaody. Now my tiktok had been giving me Japanese dub Wano clips, nothing English dub. I watch dub because I multitask while watching my shows. I got to Sabaody, and I heard him speak. Matt Mercer. Sold. I found my favorite character and wanted to punch Kid in the face.
Now I won’t lie, Neon was meant for Luffy. Childhood friends to lovers cliché since I don’t do it often. But Trafalgar Law took over, Grumpy x Sunshine, Enemies to Lovers, it held more of my favorite troupes. The power dynamics and struggles. Her being bratty and him always wanting his plans to work out. I started my self indulgence dabbles that are now posted.
I do have a Luffy AU in my mind but to post both seems like too much work. There are differences but nothing huge. I could post all of pre-time arcs and then branch off after time skip but I’m not sure about posting both. I will write my Luffy AU dabbles and keep them for myself. Unless my sister and friends talk me into posting like they did with my Dabbles with Law.
Her last name being Chaos is super recent. I had brewed up a Crack AU where Della married Shanks during his year long stay in Windmill village, then stole Ace, Sabo and Luffy from Dadan and Garp wasn’t gonna fight Della.
I called it Chaos House AU, because of the chaos caused by the kids, yes, Uta would have stayed with them becoming Neon’s sister. So five chaotic children being raised by a pirate and a woman who thrives in chaos… the family name for Della and Neon being Chaos fit too well.
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oneirataxia-girl · 2 months
Top 5 one piece characters whose design you love and 5 designs you just don't feel
SCREAMS. okay so I should say that I am Not Good At Styling (or pairing stuff in general), so just take my comments as the rantings of a gremlin probably way shorter than you, but other than that-
five one piece character designs I like:
Trafalgar Law - I could go on and on and on about how hot good he looks in every arc he’s in (yes, even stoner!Law), plus all the hearts in his tattoos with the connection to his crew the Heart Pirates and Corazon is elite tbh his tattoos and accessories in general have me looking respectfully
Killer - at first I was intimidated, but after Wano I have a newfound appreciation for him + his design, the mask makes him stand out bc not many characters cover their faces, and his hair is the single most glorious thing I have ever seen, I want a Rapunzel!Killer au for shits and giggles (Kid can be Pascal lmao) (if there's a fanfic of this pls link it)
Uta - UTA MY BELOVED, her look is gorgeous, the two-color hair?? the hairstyle?? the asymmetrical dress?? YES PLEASE, she looks absolutely beautiful and very pop singer-ish if you know what I mean, tbh if she was real I would go in the song realms no questions asked
Doflamingo - now let us be clear, I hate this mutated flamingo as much as the next person, but his design fits him so perfectly that I have to grudgingly give him this win, it's bright, it's over the top, it's hideous to look at, it feels like he too the flamingo part of his name too literally, it feels like Doffy, and so I do think it fits him well
Nico Robin - or more specifically, pre-timeskip!Robin, I just adore the gothy cowboy aesthetic (purple-black and leather fits you'll always be famous to me) and I feel like Robin looks really nice with those bangs. I'm sorry but I'm a part of the pre-timeskip!Robin squad through and through, which brings us to...
five one piece character designs I don't like:
Nico Robin - this time it's post-timeskip!Robin. when I say that I couldn't recognize her, I mean that I actually thought she was Boa Hancock but with a slightly different hairstyle. she's literally so different looks-wise it's hard to reconcile pre and post Robin as the same character. also, (and this is a nitpick) the sunglasses make me stressed bc I keep thinking they might fall off
Rebecca - I know, I know, One Piece defies the laws of everything real-world related, but the gladiator armor makes me unreasonably upset because it's virtually useless. I guess it's a testament to her skills that she's barely hurt during Dressrosa, but still, everytime I see the stupid armor it makes my eye twitch
Carrot - or just most of the Minks to be honest. Oda make them more animal-like challenge, give Carrot the round fluffy body of an actual bunny, don't just slap a fluffy tail and some ears and call it a day, I want a bunny Mink that's like Peter Rabbit, but considering that Oda's... preference as to drawing females, I'm not expecting a miracle
Caesar Clown - it might be influenced by his laugh, but I genuinely sigh whenever this guy comes on screen, his appearance does him No Favors, absolutely no drip whatsoever, he’s so difficult to stand on screen so I won’t talk about him more, I just have an irrational hatred for him
Kozuki Momonosuke - more of a ‘wistful sigh of what could’ve been’ than anything, I just think it would be cool to have Momo be near Toki’s height and Hiyori similar to Oden.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Heard you were having bad brain times and wanted some silly fun stuff, i gotchu.
How about some stereotypicallly basic white girl things op characters do?
Some ideas(feel free to add your own): loves pumpkin spice everything, says shit like "totes ma goats", lives for drama filled "real tv" shows, wears a pink tracksuit, watches Mean Girls religiously(the movie title is very literal,you don't need to have seen it), listens to Taylor Swift all the time, loves Twilight, eats a bagel for breakfast everyday, planned their outfit based on a white suburban mom's pinterest board
Just some ideas, hopefully this is fun and I hope you feel better soon💜💜💜
With love,
May darling <3 I love this idea and I feel better and sorry this took a second.
I hope no one takes offence, I'm white as hell so like.. yes. [also we are all a little white woman aren't we, deep down there's a Beccy and a Karen lurking]
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Marco  He’s the bitch that can’t wait for pumpkin spice to come around. He also showed up to Wano 20 minutes late with Starbucks which is pretty white girl of him. His Sphinx outfit looks like a mom coming back from yoga.
Ace Spends too long looking at TikTok. Daddy issues.
Thatch Drinks wine and writes smut.
Izou Goes and gets his nails did but spends the entire time gossiping about the bitch down the street and her shit haircut.
Law Is a huge twilight fan and spends hours online fighting about whose better looking that one guy or the other one guy. 
Rayleigh All around his home is ‘wine o'clock’ -  ‘everything is better with prosecco’ and has those bowls that say ‘bowl ‘plate’ and so on. ‘Live Laugh Love’
Buggy Would murder someone if they messed up his $80 extensions.
Hawkins I can imagine him telling Kaido he can’t go out and kill people because ‘uh don’t you know Mercury is in retrograde? I just can’t babes’
Boa ‘R U OKAY HUN?’ at every vague sounding Facebook post that's like : ( or ‘ugh’
Nami Is the person who posts : ( vague on facebook. Also, she’s a huge Karen, fight me. She would walk up to God himself and ask to see his manager. 
Thatch, Killer, Sanji Could spend hours watching episode after episode of ‘Real housewives of Dressrosa’ and ‘teen mom Grandline’ 
Zoro, Kid Post gym selfies on insta making sure you can see their protein shakes.
Nami, Vivi, Boa, Rebecca Do ‘Zumba’ and won’t shut the fuck up about it and makes it their entire personality for the three months they attend.
Perona ‘This car is powered by fairy dust!’  ‘princess onboard!’ ‘my other ride is a broom’ bumper stickers.
Whitebeard ‘My children are my world’ and the stickers that are stick figure families along the back of his van. Fighting a salesperson who gets paid minimum wage over 10 cents.
Hawkins, Drake, Izou Won’t leave the house before checking their horoscopes. 
Mihawk INSANELY LONG COMPLICATED COFFEE ORDER and will make you make it again if that milk is full fat.
Shanks Woo girl 
Sabo Sticks gum in someone's hair if they even mildly piss him off. Spends $400 on boots and never wears them. Oh, watches you make his drink like a hawk and before you make his second one 'Um excuse me, I ordered TWO drinks' while your still making it.
Queen, Black Maria At a restaurant ordering dessert ‘Oh I shouldn’t’ ‘Oh no babe, you deserve it’ ‘okay, I’ll be a devil and have a piece of that cheesecake’ BOTH GIGGLE
Doffy, Kaido Pink tracksuit bottoms and small dogs in their handbags. Shades and purses that cost more than your house. Roger Takes one sip of a beer  and acts drunk ‘I’m sooooo wasted guys omg’
Franky, Sanji, Roger, Thatch Crying over movies like  ‘Dirty Dancing’ and wishing they could be the girl and the lead guy is so hot omg.
Corazon "I'll just have ONE glass of wine" and the glass is the side of his head. or runs a bubble bath and drinks three bottles but it's not a problem it's self care.
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Tag yourselves, I'm Marco with a dash of Thatch.
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aangmarble · 10 months
Now that episode 1071 of One Piece is out...
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I'd like to share my two cents on Gear 5. I'm pasting what I posted on ANN's forums:
Episode 1071 is without a doubt one of the biggest turning points in One Piece, but what does it actually mean for the story? Is it really a turn for the best? I mean, sure, Gear 5 looks great, and it's a joy to see the Luffy vs Kaido fight becoming a Looney Tunes segment all of a sudden. One Piece's goofiness has always been one of its biggest strengths, so if you turn it up to eleven, it's bound to be fun as all hell, especially in animation form. But what about Gear 5 as a concept? Because the truth is, what once was a story about freedom and inherited will might now become a story about destiny and The Chosen One™. And yes, you could easily argue that destiny is not a foreign concept to One Piece, not to mention that small doses of destiny in a story are okay**; afer all, that's how most main characters work in the first place. But the way destiny has been framed in the Wano arc is different from the way it was framed in the past. Before Wano, with the story constantly making allusions to "the dawn of the world," it seemed like the world was waiting on someone capable of achieving the will of D, and Luffy was simply shaping up to be that someone. But Wano has been presenting it as though Luffy was always scripted to be that someone. Remember what the Sea Beasts said back in Oden's flashback?:
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Now, with Wano introducing the concept of Nika out of nowhere***, Luffy's Devil Fruit actually being the Sun God's fruit, and Zunesha saying Joyboy is back****, things are not looking good. Did Luffy become a great pirate through his own efforts, or was he always destined to become a great pirate? There are also so many other things that just don't feel good. I will always prefer the idea of Luffy accidentally eating one of the crappiest fruits possible but working hard to make it good versus the idea of Luffy eating the most powerful fruit in the whole world. I will also always prefer the idea of the people of the D. and Luffy being framed as "the enemies of the Gods" versus the idea of Luffy now being a God-coded character. Still, I don't want to make it sound like I think One Piece is ruined like some people have been claiming ever since the Gear 5 reveal. Oda has made it clear over and over again that Luffy is a character that will always go against the path other people want to force on him. He has made it clear over and over again that One Piece is a world where the characters forge their own future. Plus, there are still so many things we don't know about Joyboy, Nika, and the Void Century, and the story might easily pull a twist that subverses all the destiny stuff that was introduced in Wano. So even if it is revealed that Luffy is indeed the Chosen One, how Luffy will react to that information is what I'm interested to see. We'll just have to wait.
*I will say that the episode could've fixed some things from the manga. Hiyori's scene felt pretty out of place and should've been moved somewhere else to give it the focus it deserves. Also, I think they reused the same sequence of Luffy jumping around like three times. **It's worth mentioning that even stories that function on the principle of destiny can be good. Not because the destiny stuff can be good, but because if everything else in the story is great, it balances things out. A great example of this is Avatar: The Last Airbender. The problem with One Piece is that its main theme is freedom itself. Our main character's goal is to become the freest man in the whole world. So if One Piece turns out to be a Chosen One storyline in the end... well, I think we call all see how that would spell disaster. Is our boy Luffy actually free? ***No, that silhouette of Luffy dancing in Skypiea is not foreshadowing. Stop it. ****It bears repeating that there is still much we don't know about Joyboy and the Void Century, even in the manga, so we can't take Zunesha and Momo's words about Luffy being Joyboy too literally yet. I say this because people have been claiming that Luffy is Joyboy's reincarnation or something along those lines, but I believe it's too early to conclude that.
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supermarine-silvally · 5 months
Good morning, I'm back with more asks for Yara (since she's from the only fandom on your masterlist that I properly know, I think - I know some stuff about Bnha but not a lot - and also, I love her, your honor). Could I please have 1, 6, 9 and 10 from the Emotions, Feelings, Opinions asks for my beloved?
Yes of course! I love talking about my girl heheh
Ask game here!
1. Can your OC admit to mistakes or weaknesses? Can they accept help?
Yara is a pretty self-aware and honest person so she can certainly realize and admit where her strengths and weaknesses lie. As for mistakes… Let’s just say that post-Marineford she did a lot of self-reflecting on what could’ve gone better (even in the universes where 🍩 does not happen), lol. Pride isn’t one of her issues so she can and does accept help when she needs it, but she doesn’t like being seen as weak either so it might take her a while of trying (and failing) to do something on her own before she’ll decide to seek someone else’s assistance (she hated training with Mihawk, but she understood that it would make her so much stronger, and it did-- to the point where she even awakened her Devil Fruit). 
6. Are they dramatic?
She certainly can be, lol. The more inane it is, the more Yara tends to treat it like it’s the end of the world. Nothing puts her in a worse mood than dealing with a mild annoyance. The Paramount War was no biggie, but heaven forbid she find another one of Ace’s socks on the bedroom floor instead of the goddamn laundry bin where it should be, Ace!!
9. What do they get really petty about?
Anything related to Mihawk. She gets extremely pissy when anyone dares make a comparison between the two (someone who didn’t even know about their relation once compared her swordplay to that of Hawk-Eye Mihawk, which was meant entirely as a compliment, and she nearly bit his head off-- cue one of the rare moments in which Ace has to act as Yara’s impulse control rather than the other way around lol)
10. What do they identify as?
I assume this means gender/sexuality-wise: She’s a cis woman if pressed but doesn’t honestly care too much about her gender. (She looks too feminine to be mistaken for a man but if she ever was it wouldn’t really bother her). She’s very pansexual, though-- cis, trans, nonbinary, human, fishman/mermaid, mink, she’s cool with whatever. Also, in terms of identity, when she finds out about her Wano heritage on her mother’s side, she becomes very interested in exploring it, which is at least part of the reason why she ends up in Wano post-timeskip.
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monkeydluffy19920 · 9 months
Hi! So interesting question! Since luffy has gear 5 already, what will he look like if he had a gear 6? Don’t you think that’s awesome!?
And another question!
What’s your opinion of zoluffy, sanjzoro, or lulaw?
I don’t ship these btw but I respect your opinions!
Hiya @superson1cspeed!
Oda let Luffy unleash the Gear 5th in Wano and this revealed a bunch of stuff. I like this whole concept a lot and there are a few reasons:
In chapter 1044 is said: "The user is said to become the "Warrior of Liberation", bringing joy and freedom to those around them, and this fruit's power being described as "the most ridiculous power in the world". So, this form was literally made for Luffy because he is pretty much the definition of "seeking freedom" and he indeed brings joy for his close ones (except when his shenanigans are too much for his crew mates and they punch him *laughs*). It's a fact that Luffy has saved pretty much each of his crewmember from a bigger turmoil and made them see the good in bad so he truly deserve to become one of the strongest in OP universe.
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Then the foreshadowing around this gear is amazing. Skypiea became even more important storywise since there are the first mentions of the Sun God (and other important stuff too such as Robin deciphering poneglyph). But on top of that it's that little silly panel where Luffy dances like there is no tomorrow like he always does and then his little silhouette drawing alongside the bonfire and not only that, also Usopp drumming next to him (just like his heart beats in Gear 5) that was perhaps the biggest hint of this new form which didn't seem to be big but became very crucial. Not only that bur already back in Arlong Park arc as well, we could also ponder whether Luffy rising from the dark and collapsed building while the sun shines on him was intentionally foreshadowing (probably yes because Oda-sensei is the master of hiding hints).
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During the Gear 5 the animation/drawing style is nice in general. It seems that this was inspired from the old hand drawn cartoons (such as Tom&Jerry etc.), which is great since in general One Piece has become more and more serious. Of course not all the time, because there are still running gags but compared to the Pre-timeskip time much less. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it just tells that there is so much in the plot that Oda needs to pinch on some stuff. People 'been craving for pre-timeskip shenanigans and this brought back the glimpse of silliness this storywise heavy arc truly needed
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What comes to the Gear 6 speculation, it is truly hard to say how Luffy will look like when he masters it but at least it is possible that this will be revealed in the final arc, perhaps in the final battle. My guess is that he'll face something incredibly strong (probably Blackbeard since they met in Jaya and Blackbeard has been active part of the plot but Oda-sensei can surprise us though). Perhaps the battle will push the whole crew to it physical and mental limits (just like Ace's death pushed Luffy to the edge) and therefore it awakens. Let's hope Oda keeps this drawing style in future too.
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What comes to the second question, I'm not shipping Luffy with anyone currently. More thoughts written in following posts: Random ponders about Luffy and romance and Who do you ship Luffy with (ask) but although I do enjoy him interacting with his friends, I can't imagine him falling in love in canon.
I actually did ship Luffy and Vivi short time during Alabasta and still think they could have at least a little potential but in general, I think Luffy views his nakamaships very platonically and he seems to treat his crew mates pretty equally (showing physical affection such as hugging openly and driving them crazy at times with his randomness). No idea how much he has heard about birds and bees when he was a kid (well he spent time with grown up pirates so maybe some) but it seems he doesn't show much open interest to those stuff in general (in my opinion).
Well, there has been times such as in Alabasta when Nami tossed the Shiawase Punch and the guys reacted and then again he didn't turn into stone when Hancock used Mero Mero Mellow. Oda gave us the answer in SBS volume 54 and replied pretty simply: reacting alone and going nosebleed and stuff would be out of character for Luffy and earlier when he saw Nami's bare body, he was accompanied by Usopp and took probably influence from him (just like in anime Chopper also had a nosebleed or other reactions seeing it all despite him being the most innocent character in One Piece [x]).
So, it's pretty hard to say who would Luffy fall in love with since his potential crush could be also someone not inside the crew (such as Vivi, Hancock or after the Film Red Uta). What's even more ironical, that Luffy has pretty much gathered a "harem of princesses" although he hasn't even tried to charm her. They just like his charm and get well along with him. Oda even drew Reiju sucking poison out of him and that's probably most "intimate" and close he has ever been to opposite sex so far.
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Like written previously, I think it's Luffy's carefree nature and hunger for adventure what makes me think of why he'd enjoy being "single and free", One Piece is after all all about chasing dreams and especially for Luffy, finding the ultimate freedom. Well relationship doesn't necessarily mean he'd have to give up on everything but it would sure mean to do some compromises. So in conclusion: Luffy might find the love of his life later or he will enjoy being single.
What comes comes to ZoSan/SanZo, I kinda see them as well more as good friends than lovers but this opinion might be heavily influenced on me being shipping Sanji x Nami and Zoro x Robin ever since the pre-timeskip-time. Since shipping is all about liking two character's chemistries and searching for clues in the story that could support it, I think we all readers can look for our preferences.
Although I don't ship Luffy with anyone (except meat, because MeatLoaf is life *laughs*) I don't honestly have anything against anyone shipping any character with someone as long as the shipping stays respectful (not bashing others and intentionally bullying others, that's toxic :s ). Also, even if the story didn't end up the way we wanted, there is always a possibility to imagine the ending one wants, that's why we fans are able to make stuff, for fellow fans to enjoy whatever they like ;)
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akira-med · 2 years
As a trans man, Yamato isn't trans.
Yes, I said it. I don't believe that Yamato is canonically trans, and here's why (LONG POST).
*I will be referring to Yamato with they/them pronouns in order to avoid anyone taking offense to my criticism, and also so this doesn't age poorly if Yamato does turn out to be trans.
Exhibit A: Pronouns
Everybody's biggest argument for Yamato being trans is that Yamato uses he/him pronouns in the official translation for the manga, so obviously Yamato must be a guy, right? Actually, I think this is just translator's misunderstanding of how Japanese pronouns work.
In Japanese, there aren't really strict pronouns. Usually when you refer to another person, you just use their name instead of some pronouns like "he" or "she". The only really "gendered" pronouns are first person pronouns like watashi (neutral), atashi (feminine) and boku (masculine).
While these do have masculine and feminine connotations like English pronouns, they are not strictly binary. It's a common trope for effeminate men to use atashi (this is called onee kotoba, or "big sister speech") and for women (usually young spunky girls) to use boku (this is called bokukko). This doesn't usually mean that they are transgender, but it could.
In Yamato's case, they quite frequently use bokukko in both the manga and anime. Obviously a translator's first instinct would be to use he/him pronouns for this, since it's the closest English equivalent, however I think they really jumped the gun on this one.
Yamato being a bokukko would also explain why Kaidou (their abusive shitty dad) still respects their pronouns for some reason. In English, it would come across as a weird thing to do, since Kaidou doesn't exactly respect Yamato at all. However, when given the context of Yamato being a bokukko, it makes more sense. He isn't respecting Yamato's pronouns, he's just referring to Yamato with masculine Japanese pronouns, because they are a bokukko. Again, this doesn't necessarily mean that Yamato is trans. It would also explain why Yamato is referred to as the "Daughter of Kaidou". If Yamato were actually trans, this would be kind of an ignorant and shitty thing to include on Oda's part.
Exhibit B: Kikunojo
Kikunojo (who I will refer to as Kiku from now on) is another character introduced alongside Yamato in the Wano Country arc, and she is a transgender woman, no doubt about it. She is shown to go through a transition, as she used to dress more masculine and was referred to as "most beautiful swordsman in Wano Country". Now, she dresses femininely, and whenever somebody asked if she was male, she replied with "I have the heart of a woman."
Kiku uses the archaic japanese first-person pronoun "sessha", which is masculine. You may think, "Well, you said Yamato uses masculine pronouns, but they aren't trans, so what's the big deal?" Sessha is a pronoun that was usually exclusively used by samurai, which was a distinctly male dominated field (however, there were a few female samurai as well). Kiku is a samurai, so while she is using a more masculine pronoun in this case, I don't think it has anything to do with her being transgender.
Back to the part about Kiku "having the heart of a woman". As far as I'm concerned, Kiku is never referred to as male or a man, however the bathhouse scene (I'll talk about that later) does confirm that she is trans.
However, Yamato is never referred to in this way. In fact, Yamato is referred to many times as a daughter ("daughter of Kaidou") and a princess ("onihime" lit. ogre princess). Why would Oda write Kuki with "the heart of a woman" and not write Yamato to have the heart of a man, if they were trans? Oda clearly understands how to write a good trans character, and Yamato is not written in this way.
The only instance in which Yamato comments on their gender is when they say "If Oden is a man, then I will become a man too", which leads me to my next point.
Exhibit C: Oden
Because this post is getting way too long, I'm just going to cite the One Piece fandom wiki.
"Kozuki Oden was the daimyo of Kuri in Wano Country and the son of the former shogun  Kozuki Sukiyaki, being a member of the Kozuki Family [...] He was the leader of a group of legendary and powerful samurai known as the Nine Red Scabbards, with all of them serving as his retainers and most trusted allies."
So basically, Oden is a really legendary stand-up guy, and Yamato looks up to him a lot. In fact, Yamato looks up to him so much that they basically obsess over him, going as far as to take his name, basically cosplay as him, and they also want to live up to his name by doing things that Oden wanted to do, such as opening the borders to Wano Country.
Yamato also goes as far as to proclaim that they are a man, and that they are the son of Kaidou, simply because Oden is also a man. Yamato also uses the men's section of the bathhouse in the latest chapter, which is what struck up the topic of Yamato being trans again recently. A lot of people use this as their main basis for calling Yamato a trans man, however I just don't think this is the case.
Yamato doesn't want to be a man, they just want to be Oden. If Oden was a woman instead, I think Yamato wouldn't want to be a man, but to stay a woman, simply because that's what Oden would be.
Yamato doesn't have dysphoria, or a discomfort in their body (or at least, they haven't been written to, unlike Kiku [however briefly]). Yamato has not gone through a transition, nor faced discrimination, nor has been shown to struggle with gender in the slightest, which are all key components of the transgender experience. When writing a character, you cannot just slap on the trans label and call it a day. There are experiences that every trans person goes through that Yamato clearly has not, which is why I believe they aren't trans, just obsessed with Oden. I would say it as, Yamato isn't transgender, they are Odengender.
Exhibit D: Design
If you read any of this at all, I would say that this is the most important and solid part.
1. Her outfit
Yamato's design is clearly inspired by a mix of Japanese Kabuki and Noh theater. Noh theater was higher class and appealed heavily to samurai.
Yamato's outfit features a large, exaggerated nio-dasuki (ropes used to tie back kimono sleeves when working) often seen in Kabuki costumes, and the mask Yamato used to wear is a hannya mask used in Noh theater, which represents a jealous or obsessive female demon. A white mask, as seen on Yamato, represents a woman with a refined character.
2. Inspirations
Yamato was also most likely inspired by Lady Oscar François de Jarjayes, the main character of the 1972 manga series The Rose of Versailles, written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda. The series is a historical drama set before and during the French Revolution, following the lives of Lady Oscar—the youngest of six daughters raised as a boy from birth to succeed her military general father as the commander of the royal guard—and Marie Antoinette, the future queen of France and Lady Oscar's love interest.
I say that Yamato is most likely inspired by Lady Oscar because Oda's author's note on Chapter 945 notes how he had read The Rose of Versailles for the first time and was shocked when Oscar was revealed to be a woman.
3. Yamato's name
Yamato is an ancient name for Japan and could also refer to the Yamato period of Japanese history.
Yamato Takeru is a legendary Japanese prince of the Yamato dynasty. Yamato's (the character) kanabo being named Takeru makes it nearly certain that the name was based on this figure.
Yamato nadeshiko is a phrase that refers to the idealized image of a Japanese female.
Yamato has also been included in heroine specific events and artwork collaborations.
In conclusion, these are all of my reasons why I, as a trans man, believe that Yamato is not canonically a trans man. However, if it is officially stated by Oda that Yamato is a trans man, I will continue to believe that Yamato is not a well written trans character, because that is my personal opinion.
However, if you do believe or personally headcanon Yamato as trans—that's awesome! You do you. But stop attacking other people that respectfully disagree with you.
I hope you can see that my criticism comes not from a place of transphobia, but from a place of respect for Oda's work, and that I wish for genuinely good representation for transgender men in anime and manga.
Before you comment or reblog, please make sure to stay civil and present your points in a civilized manner. Death threats and insults will not be tolerated.
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mrprince3 · 2 years
Why SaNami Over LuNami
Let me first start by saying I'm not here to offend the contrary. My goal is not to prove why SaNami is better than LuNami but simply show why I think SaNami is a good ship. Also, similar assessment has probably been done before so I might be repeating what other people have said without knowing so just know that. I've read a lot of posts from LuNami supporters and their evidence as to why they think it's a good ship and to be frank, I'm quite surprised because they had a lot of 'evidence' but not really at the same time but that just what I think you don’t need to take it for granted. Once again, this is my personal opinion. I'm not here to do anything negative of any sort, I'm simply just sharing my thoughts. Without further ado let's begin.
1. Nami is Sanji’s number one + More
Yes, wow! Amazing right? I know I know. Okay, if you're the person who is going to disagree with me now and say "But Pudding loves Sanji so they should be together." Then, you either hate Sanji or you like Sanji and you just want him to be with a person that actually loves him. Which I wholeheartedly understand but as a person who likes Sanji very much I think Pudding doesn't deserve Sanji. I'm not gonna explain why as I already did in my previous post so read that if you want to know. Nonetheless, I do want to point at one thing about Pudding that I haven't noticed in my post regarding her. Big Mom said that Pudding will have an awakening that'll allow them to decipher the poneglyphs. I think she was referring to the special ability of the 3-eyed tribe. Big Mom may have been defeated but she is definitely not dead because Zeus didn't disappear and she said it herself that it wasn't enough to kill her. So perhaps we will see Pudding again and if Oda ever tries to add more on her redemption maybe just maybe I could accept her and even be willing to say that she deserves Sanji depending on how significant her redemption is. Viola is another contender that I see, as of now I’d rather have Viola instead of Pudding, because both Sanji and Viola shared mutua romantic interest. However, the problem lies in developing their relationship and the two just weren't given the time to do so. Even if they are both in love, Sanji is gone. Unlike Pudding, the chances of Sanji seeing Viola again is very low because she has no other roles to play except for her role as a princess of Dressrosa. My point being that Sanji will just become more attached to Nami or have more interactions with Nami which may or may not further advance their relationship. Now let's start talking about Sanji. Some LuNami fans disagree with SaNami because of the fact that Sanji loves all the ladies in the world. So he automatically doesn't have the sense of commitment which I think is false. He was committed to the marriage with Pudding and was ready to give up his adventures with his crew and dreams if it meant saving their lives including his father figure Zeff. I mean he was so committed that he didn't have his usual reaction (heart eyes) when seeing Nami enter a whole yonko territory to save him. Sanji's kindness and bias towards women probably won't change but I think Sanji is definitely capable of commitment. You can’t hate Sanji for liking other girls because he isn’t into a relationship with anyone. It's all a gag that I personally find funny but preferred to be lowered down. Oda has undoubtedly made Sanji more perverted than he ever was post time skip and it's hurting his character. I do think after Wano things will become much better for Sanji and I do hope he doesn’t encounter female opponents. I do think Nami is conscious of Sanji's affection towards her so he does take advantage of that sometimes but I really don't mind and Sanji enjoys it so who cares. Nami also cares a lot about Sanji (She wanted to get Sanji back as soon as possible Zou and WCI highlights). Despite saying “I’ll never forgive you” to Sanji in WCI, she was overjoyed when Sanji caught her, preventing her from falling to the ground.
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Part of me thinks she's just playing hard to get or even acting like a tsundere sometimes but I'm probably wrong. I mean who wouldn't fall in love with such a dependable and smart man? The only thing that's ruining Sanji’s chances is his lack of commitment and out of control perverted behaviors which annoys Nami often. Sanji's post time skip has undeniably become worse in regards with his pervertedness towards pretty ladies. But out of all the female characters in One Piece Sanji had most of his interactions with Nami. They had several moments with each other which just forced the belief on me that being them being together in the end. Oda could've simply not have included those moments but he did like the wedding theme exclusively for Nami and Sanji the groom and the bride. I don't know why but their relationship reminds me of Usui and Misaki from Maid-Sama if you know you know😉. If you don't know, I'd recommend watching it. Misaki's confession is how I would imagine Nami confessing to Sanji though the chances of this happening is probably close to zero. The difference is that Usui is an actual giga chad and is only dedicated towards one girl. I think Sanji and Nami just need a scenario where they can better understand and develop their feelings towards one another. Though the chances of this is very low due to it being a battle shounen it's still possible. Since Sanji has been with Nami all this time and has had some sole moments with her I do think that she's more special compared to other girls given that she's the only girl Sanji calls with San suffix and he’s the only guy Nami calls with Kun suffix. Which could just refer to respect but then again at the end of the day I find it cute because it's what a couple would do. Towards the recent chapters it was shown that Sanji actually lost control of himself and even gave Zoro a heads up to kill him if he ever goes berserk. 
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 Maybe at one point Sanji will be forced into transforming into a monster to save his friends, probably more towards Nami and Robin. His emotions of course are what will cause this transformation. He'll unleash the devil that is hiding inside of him to save the person that he cares for the most, Nami (biased). I could really see this happening to Sanji. Sanji transforming into this monster will finally make Nami realize that she isn't just any girl for Sanji and she might be aware of this already but who knows. Nonetheless, perhaps Sanji could lose control like his siblings and have no remorse or the sense of value like he once had. Then, maybe Nami could do something to calm him down which would prove to her that Sanji's love for her is more special than she may have initially thought. This is all speculations and chances of it happening is slim to none. At any rate, Sanji and Nami's relationship is undoubtedly just going to progress. I would also like to mention those people that say “Romance between the crew would destroy the image of friendship that they have going.” I understand what they mean but you have to understand one thing: Sanji has had a different intention towards Nami ever since they met. Yes, they are friends as of now, but them being together wouldn’t destroy anything because Sanji has viewed Nami more than just a friend and in chapter 991 Sanji actually calls her MY nami-san. Perhaps you think oh it’s gonna ruin it because it’s going to be forced since it’s a one sided love. Again, I understand what you mean but them being together has yet to happen and I don’t think Oda would simply make Nami love Sanji romantically for no reason. 
For the second part of this talk I will discuss some of the plausible hints that may or may not prove anything. Though one thing before I do that, I wanna talk about some of the reasoning of LuNami fans and try to interpret it with my own logical reasoning instead of biased reasoning. Please bear me with me. 
1. Nami and Luffy are the only ones wearing crowns on some of the color spreads which apparently shows that they are both King and Queens meaning that they will be together at the end. Now this could be the case, but it could just show that Nami is the heroine of the story, the main girl. Similarly, Luffy is the protagonist and has a crown on him and it would also lead to the idea of his dream being the KING of pirates which is mentioned by him a lot. However, the idea of QUEEN of pirates has never been mentioned of any sort. The closest we got is Boa Hancock being referred to as Pirate Empress. Therefore, calling Nami that is just pure speculation with no relevance to One Piece but I do understand what the LuNami fans mean. 
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2. Nami and Luffy are the only ones that appear to be raising their hand on some of the color spread. Now Luffy is raising his hand because there's  treasure which would mean he'd be able to eat a lot of meat. Similarly, Nami is raising her hand also because there's treasure and as we know Nami loves treasure.
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3. Luffy putting his straw hat on Nami's head. Now I have no idea how this turned into a romantic gesture but I guess there's no point in questioning it. If anything though, Luffy giving his straw hat to Nami shows his trust to her even though she betrayed them which shows that Luffy still considered her as Nakama. Luffy knows his nakama very well and will do anything for them. Sanji literally went on a brutal beatdown on him and he took it without using haki because he understood Sanji’s sacrificial motive. Unlike Nami, who believed Sanji’s act, Luffy knew the truth. Sanji just thought of it as Luffy just being selfish but Luffy knew what Sanji really wanted, which was to be back with them. It’s one of the reasons why Luffy is such a good protagonist his always true to his words. It goes to show the lengths Luffy will go to once he views you as a nakama. Luffy treasures his nakama and puts his hat on Nami and says "Of course I will" after Nami asked for help. My point being, his hat is his treasure and was a way of confirming to Nami that he still viewed him as one of them. This is because Luffy could've just said "You're my friend, of course I'll help you." Instead, he took the hat route as means to say you're my friend and I view you as my Nakama.
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4. LuNami fans like to use movies, especially strong world, for hints. But those movies are not canon...in other words it never happened in the real story. You can call it fanservice if you will. Some argue and say what matters is Oda's intention. I'm just like😂🤷 because sure it was his intention FOR the movie which is not CANON. The hints or moments in the movie are for the movie exclusively. It's like blood type just because we're both humans doesn't mean we have the same blood. We can't use each other's blood if they DIFFER as means for transfusion. (I was not arguing please don't hate me.)
5. LuNami fans also bring up Usopp Gallery where Oda apparently called one of the SaNami fan arts 'stupid' and 'delusional'. All I can say is it's called Usopp Gallery for a reason which means that it's Usopp's commentary not Oda! Even if we say it was Oda's intention it just wouldn't make sense because Oda made those Sanji and Nami moments knowingly that it'll create some sort of ship between the two. So if it was his commentary then it wouldn't make sense because it's like his calling his own creation stupid. Usopp though calling it stupid makes a lot more sense. Also, one of the fan arts indicating SaNami commentary stated "This is Sanji's dream" which would prove SaNami right? Since One piece is all about reaching your dreams. Again, We don’t have a way of confirming it 100% if it was Oda's intention or just Usopps but if you're a SaNami fan don’t take it for granted and let it deviate your initial thoughts.
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6. Portgas D. Rouge, the mother of Ace, apparently looks similar to Nami. We don’t know anything about Rogue history to make comparisons in regards with character. So saying they’re similar is quite invalid. Appearance wise they do not look alike at all: different hair color, eye shape, and eye color. I also don't think she's a navigator or part of Roger's crew because the navy didn't seem to have known her. Luffy and Roger are comparable but not really in terms of character. Roger is more intelligent than Luffy in terms of being captain; he knows what he needs to achieve his goals. Luffy on the other hand, was just lucky enough to stumble upon the right people and had to save them to build trust vice versa. Roger seems to not have a problem killing people as he did for Squard’s crew. Luffy is less proud because he is in fact willing to kneel in exchange for favors and mercy. Whilst, Roger seemed to contain a lot of pride as we can see with Ace. Luffy also has the ability to draw everyone on his side which I doubt Roger had. Luffy and Roger share the same passion of becoming the King of Pirates but they are very much different. As a result, they are not gonna have the same outcomes except of course becoming the king of pirates.
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7. Nami’s punches working on Luffy actually means something other than being a GAG. Garp calls them “Fist of Love '' so LuNami fans think that there's some connection between the two. In reality, unlike Nami, Garp knows Haki so it makes sense that his fist actually hurt Luffy. In an sbs Oda confirmed that it’s not that Nami’s hurting Luffy physically but his spirit.
8. They would also point out Oda’s wife cosplaying Nami and use it as a hint and say Oda thinks of himself as Luffy. However, when asked what he thinks about Luffy Oda said that Luffy is what his “ideal child” would be. Did you know that Oda’s a chainsmoker and a pervert? Well now you do. That reminds me of someone that we One Piece fans know very well…..Ohhhh that’s right, Sanji! My point being, if anything Oda is more of a Sanji than a Luffy. Thus, this hint is logically more favored towards SaNami.
The main reason why I choose SaNami over LuNami is mainly because I don't see Luffy as someone who is interested in romance. I don't think Oda will change Luffy's character and turn him into a character that appeals for romance like Sanji. This could possibly change after he is able to achieve his main objective of becoming the king of pirates like Roger suddenly having a baby. However, for Roger he had a reason why he wanted a kid which was to inherit his will of becoming the next king of pirates. As you can see the Roger pirates were too early. 
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So he made sure to have a kid that could inherit his will which we now know as Ace. Unfortunately, Luffy will be the man Roger is waiting for and become the one that he hoped his child would become. Therefore, Luffy wouldn't really need a child to inherit anything because he already will be the one finishing the mission. Now, Luffy can still definitely have a kid but he is the embodiment of freedom. I'm not sure if Luffy would desire such responsibility. Luffy can also just end up with someone with no child like Rayleigh. Sanji has a sense of commitment as I established earlier; he just needs to be loved back and taken seriously. Despite Sanji being one of the more intelligent straw hats he has yet to discover the WAY to Nami's heart. Nami could personally just ask Sanji to do so and Sanji would probably be able to maintain composure and just love only Nami and still be kind to other girls which is not a problem and Nami actually favours it though not the point of him killing himself because of it. Like how Nami respected his chivalry in Enies Lobby. Personally, I just find SaNami really cute even though it's one-sided as of now. The slow burn romance of two friends slowly becoming true lovers at the end MaMa Ma Ma! that would indeed be sooo satisfying. My headcanon is getting more severe as we speak. If you have read until here you're a legend. T'was mostly nonsense coming from me but thank you for reading have a beautiful day.
Today marks the birthday of Nami-Swaaan July 3rd
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hydine · 1 year
I'm too busy to take screenshots/gifs right now, so some live thoughts on One Piece episode 1046 while I'm watching
- I still love Sanji. God, he's gorgeous. And so worried about Zoro
- I wonder if Chopper is gonna do something about the aftereffects of his new rumble ball. Maybe alongside Vegapunk? Since the last rumble ball modification was made with Caesar Clown, an ex-member of MADS, it would make sense if Vegapunk helped Chopper with that, as Vegapunk was also a member of MADS
- Have I already mentioned that Sanji is fucking gorgeous and that I love him?
- I STILL HAVE ALL THE HYPES FOR MARCO AAAAAAA (during my first watch of the series I never understood the hype around him when he appeared in Marineford War arc, I honestly wish I could go back in time to slap my younger self, because Marco is such a blessing and how could anyone not hype him?!)
- Lunarians are mentioned and I still wonder if Sanji is at least part Lunarian. I kinda hope not? Sanji being part Lunarian, I mean. I feel like it would take away from his character. But then again, I'm ✨trusting the process✨
- ZORO IS BACK, and omg Zoro no need to be this badass, I will always worship you
- The way Marco cleared the stage for Zoro and how Zoro jumped into action was just *chef's kiss*
- Sanji and Zoro both attacking Queen and King at the same time, my ZoSan heart is feasting, I'm lying dead on the floor and went to fangirl heaven
- The animation looks SO GOOD I'm in love 😭
- Everyone is hyped for Zoro being back (yes, I'm worried too, Doc), and no sooner than Zoro getting a liiittle bit of attention, Sanji pokes snarky remarks at him. I guess he's jealous 🤣
- I absolutely love the dynamic between Sanji and Zoro. Even outside of my ZoSan brainrot, only the bestestest of friends could bitch at each other like that and still lay down their life for each other.
- Zoro starting a sentence and Sanji finishing it? My ZoSan brainrot is kicking by now, pls help
- Didn't Oda confirm that Zoro is not a relative of Ushimaru? Can someone pls clarify? Because again, the connection is VERY MUCH in our faces. Even if he's not a relative, there must be some sort of connection here. (also swirly eyebrows fox, remind u of someone? Hehe)
- The bits of Marco in this episode AAAAA 😭❤️❤️❤️
-Izo saving Marco, Marco trusted Izo that he'd save him, I just can't---
- Marco, while being carried by Izo, just casually asking a seemingly random question to Izo, AND THEN THE LITTLE "HEHE" FROM MARCO, shit I'm dead
- Focus back on Zoro and Sanji, the way Zoro instantly notices something is wrong with Sanji and looks over to him, don't ever tell me they're not close to each other
- King's boots, holy shit
- Zoro and Sanji protecting each other 😭❤️❤️❤️
- Not the Germa 66 insert, pls no, that was so fucking random and unnecessary
- A reference to Sanji's flaming legs and Lunarians, huh. I WONDER. But then again, Sanji says he's human, so that's what he is.
- In case I haven't mentioned it earlier, I love Sanji, AND GOD HE'S SO GORGEOUS. HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THIS EPISODE.
- Man, Zoro is something else. That man is a beast. A fucking hot beast, tho. Consider me horny AND afraid. I will worship this man until I die.
- I won't rule out Hiyori as a possible romance candidate for Zoro, but this episode made me think of Enma not being a poetic symbol of romantic ties between Hiyori and Zoro, but more like a connection between Shogun and Daimyo? Idk how to put this into words. Like Oden was meant to be Shogun of Wano Kuni, wouldn't that have meant that Ushimaru would be Daimyo of Ringo under Oden's rule? And we get it in our faces ALL THE TIME that Zoro is practically like a new Ushimaru? And Hiyori is Oden's daughter. I don't know if you know what I'm trying to get at. I might try and elaborate in another post, if anyone's interested
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