#yg treasure box
kimteume · 1 year
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stay-dreamie · 1 year
watching kpop survival shows is a curse because everytime a new one comes out i say i won’t watch it but then i see a trainee from another show i watched and there i go again
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jupajuby · 1 year
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my super old yg treasure box fanart :)
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kpop-bbg · 18 days
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goddidher · 2 years
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∿ ❀ ㅤ𑂁ㅤㅤ⌒ ༄🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏾‍♂️ㅤ ˚ㅤ⬭ but home
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mainfaggot · 1 year
God im so sad haruto got eliminated..
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kimteume · 2 years
making my sister, who is a newly-turned Teume, watch YGTB so she'd know the suffering I'd experienced 😀😀😀
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jiminsass-istant · 7 months
Today I read something on Reddit about how many idols have done the choreo for Lie, but no one has attempted to sing it.
I don't know if this is true, but it ought to be.
I have seen some idols do the choreo for Lie. (Sorry, I do not know their names.) And they were competent, proficient, even good, but there was something lacking. The movements too sharp and perfect, without the fluidity and feeling Jimin creates, seemingly so effortlessly.
You did say you wanted to talk about Jimin's music, didn't you?
Hi Anon, I did want to talk about Jimin's music. So thanks for the ask.
LIE by JIMIN (Choreo)
To properly understand, I searched up a stage fancam of Lie on YT. Here it is for reference-
Also, this one-
(I also used the Lie short film behind the scenes from a bangtan bomb as reference)
As we can see, the Lie Choreo is NOT heavily dependent on the back up dancers. All the back up dancers do is showcase the chaos- by doing the same moves but in different angles, facing different directions to show chaos, and in the end when they lift Jimin during the bridge. Lie stage is not heavily dependent on back up dancers like in LC or Set me free pt2.
As you can see, the distinctive characteristic of Jimin's dances are -
1. His fast and slow movements, requiring extreme core strength.
2. His beautiful dance lines. Due to his professional background and again, core strength- that lets him always maintain those lines. Pause the choreo at any point and you'll get a pose. You can even compare his lines to the back up dancers and see how prominent they are.
3. Story telling via body language. Lie is a sad song. Like a cry for help. And that shows in his body language, even though he's dancing perfectly, he looks defeated, a little dizzy in between movements, hence bringing out the emotions.
4. There are particular parts of the choreo which I have personally used to compare the idols' performances. One of them being Jimin's body movement during the lines "smooth like-a like-a snake" and the other "순결했던 날 찾아줘"(Please find me who was innocent).
Let's look at the dance covers by idols/trainees-
Out of all dances I saw, when it comes to technicality and detail, I think Niki's cover was the best. The only area he lacked in was body language. The way jimin carelessly lets his head dangle during the chorus, showing despair, the way he extends his arms in abandon during the choir part of the song etc- all of those movements generate the emotions of the song. Niki did it exactly the way a skilled, versatlie dancer would do it. The only thing he lacked was the body language of 'despair'. And I also need to applaud him for taking care of the dance lines. He did a great job.
Even though technically, Niki was more detailed, I enjoyed Byeongkwan's performance a lot because of the emotions he put. His head movement, hands, expressions - he was using them all to evoke the same emotions of the song. Technically, he missed some details of the original choreo and his body lines were not perfect. The central body movement during "Sungyeolhaessdeon nal chajajwo" was not that fluid. Some dancers do not pay attention to their central body movement when there is already a lot of limb movement (like tiktok dancers). Even though he was not technically accurate, he was a pleasure to watch because of his confidence and emotions. Even though his emotions were more about 'sexy despair' than just 'despair' lol.
YG treasure box (Junghwan vs Hyunsuk)
Won't even bother putting a link because these two are trainees and really really not upto the mark - both vocals and dance. So, I'm sorry I won't be evaluating them lol. You can find it on YT if you wish to. They shouldn't have chosen such a tough song for a battle, especially for trainees. Jimin is called 'idol of idols' but only those who are extremely hard working and daring enough to try to embody Jimin's power should attempt his stuff. It's very easy to fall short if they are not serious about it.
Dongheon from Verivery
A decent attempt for a rookie, I would say. He missed a lot of details and in some places, the popping was non-existent. Dance lines were also not taken care of. But overall, I think if he had practiced more, maybe with another pro-dancer, he could do better. He definitely tried to put in the emotions via body language, and I do appreciate that. Again the lack of torso movement during "Sungyeolhaessdeon nal chajajwo" was apparent. Such a simple thing, but such an easy catch when you need to distinguish idol dancers vs professional dancers.
All said and done, I see he is just a trainee, but I do see the passion, even in dingy practice room, recorded using a phone camera probably.
Tae Young, Seven o' clock
Again, I won't comment because this was done as a gag for an interview. It's not a serious performance or practice. Something you or I would do in the privacy of our homes or around friends lol. You can watch the video on YT.
That's all the covers I could find on YT.
A short note on LIE vocals: You are right, no idol has attempted to sing it. At least no well established idol. I saw some vocal covers by YT singers, but they all did it in their own style. Honestly, Jimin's vocals are not easy to replicate at all. Maybe a song like Serendipity is still okay to attempt, with the intention to sound like Jimin. But Lie?? No way. Because in Lie, Jimin doesn't use falsettos or soft voice (only bridge has falsetto) . It's all raspy, boyish voice and head voice. The high notes in Lie are not falsettos either. It's not just the emotions, but also his pronunciation, vocal fry, vocal texture and vocal cracks that come into play. They are simply not imitable. If you want to cover Lie, just do it in your own style.
Anyway, if you want to read more about Jimin, here's another post by me about his music which didn't receive a lot of attention, go read it if you can:-
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intoloopin-archive · 6 months
💎 for the headcanons!!
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I don't remember how fresh this information is because I don't know if I've mentioned it enough and in detail in this blog, but Jiahang was actually an YG trainee from age 14 to 16. He spend most of that time under KPlus, their model division, learning absolutely nothing because he's really hard to teach anything music related, God bless his heart. He got transferred last minute to active trainee because his millionaire dad paid the Hell out of everyone in charge to get him into the possible lineup for the at the time rumored YG Treasure Box. As a response to that, this man got BULLIED TO SHREDS by EVERYONE AROUND, and I'm talking SOUTH KOREAN ACCURATE BULLYING. Like, there's a reason why when he joined Boy Of The Week, a whole year after quitting YG, mind you!, that he had the shortest hair he ever had in his life and was desperate to not stand out.
But! Let's imagine a world in which he endured all that or some sort of interference happened so things didn't escalate to the point they had. If he never quitted YG, he would be put on Treasure Box, receive the most majestic and appealing cut in the history of reality television, and make it at the 11th to 13th cut, max. Debuting would make him the first chinese Idol under YG Entertainment, and although that would possibly skyrocket his fanbase in mainland China and a lot of SEA countries - specially because he lived in the Philippines! His tagalog is atrocious but hey! - it would also put an immense target on his back over How That Happened, despite the involvement of his father being very minimal in this canon compared to how tangled he had to get with New Wave Music to give Jiahang a spot in LOOPiN.
Really, I don't think he would stay long as a Treasure member by an infinity of reasons, in fact, I see him exiting the group alongside Mashiho and Yedam in late 2022, or maybe even earlier. I think he could make himself into an Idol archetype that worked for him in Treasure, but without anyone putting on the Produce Line pants and actually training him and making him drop the non ambitious act, as happened here, Idol life would get very boring and unfulfilling to Jiahang very fast.
After quitting Treasure, he would definely go back to the mainland, or maybe Taiwan or Hong Kong if he felt more like depending on his dad's influence, and stablish himself there. Do a ton of CFs, act a bit, model a little, regret back to ulzzang mostly, release one song once in a blue moon... And that's that!
Oh boy... So, Minwoo was the second ever trainee under KQ Entertainment, arriving at the company right after Hongjoong, and was immediately cut into the debut team. That ended up not lasting because of his constant fights with superiors and trainers, his push to be made the head of a fully self producing group - sounds familiar? Lmao -, as well as the fact that he couldn't get along with the forming trainee team in any way. Like, the Ateez members in LOOPiN canon hate him, just absolutely hate him, and they only had to deal with him for 8 months. Yet they have great reasons for that because MINWOO USED TO SUCK ASS!
That hatred would not digress all that much if he ended up debuting in Ateez, because he would debut extremely unsatisfied. There's also no reality in which he stays in the group longer than 2 years before getting the boot. Minwoo is not an Idol that can function anywhere outside of LOOPiN with all its particularities and the power that he was granted inside New Wave Music, that is like, almost unheard of for a trainee - the one thing I can compare it to, if I'm not mistaken, would be Bang Chan with Stray Kids, kind of, or Kahi with Afterschool, but even they didn't get that producer-ish status until they were already a) under the company for ages or b) already debuted and successful.
After being excused from Ateez, I don't think he would go down quietly; he would probably Say Too Much and tarnish his reputation in the process, making coming back in a group or even a soloist very hard, close to impossible, I would even say. That wouldn't discourage him from making music, and he would stay in the industry as a music producer, and maybe find career redemption there. And he would be extremely unhappy in a lifetime like that, by the way! Forever bitter his Idol dream didn't work! When I say Minwoo without LOOPiN would have turned out a miserable person, I mean it.
Enough with the failures! Let's talk something that would work! Before being added to LOOPiN next minute to fill in Dongwook getting the chop, Hanjae was already under BBC and he was training with the guys that ended up becoming OnlyOneOf. If he hadn't made it as a replacement, he would get integrated into the lineup with ease, and get transferred to 8D with everyone and eventually debut in OOO.
I honestly think there's a lot of room for success for Hanjae in this version of canon, and much like will happen to him in LOOPiN eventually duo to both group's acting heavy concept - a concept that I find it so hard for Hanjae to execute without combusting, but I digress! - I see him getting a Rowoon/Eunwoo sort of deal and reaching popular actor status, as he's always intended to reach, and excel at it. Maybe because of OOO's nuguness, if you will, it would take him longer to get the sort of roles he's gotten up until now, but that would not frustrate Hanjae. He's definely someone that can be happy with moderate success, and that wouldn't fully succumb to the actor disease and ever leave the group - which might limited him more, too... But he isn't in it for glory and recognition, and honestly? That's a good mentality to have.
The only big loss I see in this version is his producing talents going by undiscovered, but he can live without them.
Okay, hear me out, I always had a clear vision of Cravity's Haegon. Just picture this: Kim Haegon, who spent most of his formative years as a Pledis trainee up until his favorite hyung Beomseok was dismissed from the company for 'being too old', which Haegon didn't take well back when he was 16, given their growing codependent sibling-ish deal. Now, if Beomseok had been firmer with him at that point in time and abandoned him for good - LIKE HE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO, ANYWAYS! BUT ANYWAYS! - instead of going along with his plan to hunt a place for them to debut and landing in Boy Of The Week, everything would be so different for him.
Would Haegon go apeshit then? Yes. In the same way he's gone apeshit at 22 when Beomseok left the group without discussing it with him? No. It would be so much healthier for them to have gone their separate ways when Haegon was still a teenager. Like, his way of getting 'revenge' at Beomseok would be to get into his former company, Starship Entertainment - the one that really fucked him up - and grind his way to debut there no matter what, literally, no matter what, because he still had a bigger goal. LOOPiN Haegon in 2022 had all his dreams 'fulfilled', in his perspective, and had nothing else to focus his energy on except for the fact that Beomseok was missing - and that Gyujin was taking his place.
A lot of things would happen to him as consequence of him going to Starship, like A LOT, too many to get into here, but most of them would be good development things. I also think his bound with the Cravity members would be way less chaotic than with LOOPiN, that was fucked by Beomseok being his ultimate priority - unless Cravity has members creating vicious circles of codependency between each other and I'm not familiar with that!
Anyways, he would SHINE in Cravity after debut, but I honestly think a Haegon that got separated from Beomseok much earlier and had responsible enough people around him would shine anywhere. Suck that's not his canon, though! It actually really sucks that's not who he is or will ever be, now! It hurts me! It really does!
Without LOOPiN on their way, Taesong, Seungsoo, Haruki, Dylan, O.z and Gyujin would all end up as regular citizens, or at the very least non Idol celebrities! But that would be a whole other post...
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maeumverse · 2 months
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FRAGMENT (stylized as FRAG;MENT) is a fictional, six-member Japanese-Korean boy group under WANDER STUDIO, a fictional Japan-based subsidiary of HYBE labels. The group made their debut on April 18, 2024 with their EP “I Passed You On A Warm Spring Day; We Shared Nothing But A Glance” and lead single INFINITE CYNICISM. Prior to their debut, they garnered attention for their producer, fictional former NEWS member HIGUCHI TSUBASA, and for their lineup that contained familiar faces from the jpop and kpop industries. Their debut was met with immediate success, peaking at number one on the Oricon singles chart.
The group was first introduced in mid 2023 through a series of cryptic Instagram posts collaging the past experiences of the members and encouraging fan speculation of the future group members. As the group’s name and concept were finalized and revealed to the public, they faced scrutiny for their similarities to other HYBE boy groups, especially ENHYPEN. Their use of semicolons in the group name and album title was thought to be a direct copy and paste of Enhypen’s hyphens. The darker tones of their singular music video so far and their supernatural concept based on kitsune and gumiho mythology were two more steps too far. One thing still-unnamed Fragment fans will do is fight Engenes. It’s the most excitement they’ve had since they were guessing who would be in the group from cryptic Instagram posts. The other thing they’ll do is argue that Tsubasa and the rest of their production team do, in fact, know how to use a semicolon.
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TAKEMOTO AKIRA (2000) — Leader, former member of project kpop group 1V1. Introduced first with:
A shooting star — His defunct personal Instagram user, @.akirakira, where kirakira is the Japanese onomatopoeia for sparkles. A still from Dance Dance Revolution — Arguably his favorite video game. One of his character traits from Last Act into 1V1.
The Dotonbori Glico billboard — A landmark of his hometown, Osaka.
NISHIKAWA RYUJI (2001) — Former member of coed jpop group MAKE MY WAY. Introduced third with:
A series of arrows pointing west — The first character of his surname, which helped define Make My Way’s group name as well.
A honeycomb — Part of the title of Make My Way’s disbandment song, Mitsu no Aji (Taste of Honey). 
A lot of dogs — His back-up career plan to be a veterinarian, which he mentioned many times while in Make My Way.
MOON JINWOO (2002) — Center, former member of 1V1. Introduced sixth with:
The constellation Pleiades — His past experience as a Pledis Entertainment trainee.
The number 10 — His final rank on Last Act, the survival show that formed 1V1.
A game over screen — The title of 1V1’s first and last album.
MORI KAKERU (2002) — Former member of MAKE MY WAY. Introduced second with:
The Shibuya Scramble Crossing — The filming location of his first music video with Make My Way.
Silver accents — His representative color while in Make My Way.
A stock photo of a person running — The first character of his given name, meaning to run.
YONEZAWA DAIKI (2003) — Former JOHNNY’S JR. member. Introduced fifth with:
A samurai and a ninja — His participation in Johnny’s Jr. groups 7 MEN SAMURAI and SHONEN NINJA.
ASL for the letter D — The hand motion he uses alongside his catchphrase, “Oneechan, don’t you think I’m cute?”
Fujippi — The mascot of Shizuoka Prefecture, where he was born.
HEO HYUN (2003) — Former YG Entertainment trainee, part of the fan-made SILVER BOYS group. Introduced fourth with:
The number nine in a treasure chest — His participation in survival shows MIXNINE and YG TREASURE BOX, where he was eliminated twice.
A turtle — He has three pet turtles. It was part of his personality on YGTB.
The lyrics to TVXQ’s Hug — The last song he performed on Mixnine before his elimination.
I Passed You On A Warm Spring Day; We Shared Nothing But A Glance — EP, 2024
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farewelln3verland · 2 years
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HYUNSUK: ravenclaw
for hyunsuk, he's got to be pretty smart to be a leader, and producing takes a lot of skill and creativity, which is why i would sort him as a ravenclaw.
JIHOON: slytherin
ehhh we all know why. he's intense, competitive, clever, sadistic, etc etc, but most importantly: he's enduring. which makes him a perfect slytherin.
YOSHI: hufflepuff
this man is way too sweet to be anything else. on stage, he doesnt seem like a stereotypical hufflepuff, but he's insanely kind. i mean this boy wanted to be a kindergarten teacher!
JUNKYU: gryffindor- hufflepuff leaning
i think he's a gryffindor for sure, with hufflepuff tendencies. he's an insanely brave and courageous person (after treasure box theres no way you dont agree with me) with hufflepuff tendencies. i feel like the sorting hat would go back and forth but settle with gryffindor.
ASAHI: ravenclaw
this man. he could easily become friends with the iconic luna lovegood. he's pretty much key ravenclaw material. creative, witty, smart, weird...ravenclaw 100%
DOYOUNG: gryffindor
he's got some guts. with his flirting and overall personality, gryffindor would be the best fit. he'd probably even be friends with fred and george.
JAEHYUK: hufflepuff- gryffindor leaning
we know jae is a pure soul, but i think he'd also be insanely brave too, and he might even request to be in gryffindor because he doesnt want to be bullied. but the sorting hat would know he's just too hufflepuff like to grant that request.
HARUTO: slytherin
he's a hard one to read for me, but i settled on slytherin because even though he gives cold vibes, and has a dry sense of humor, he has a sweet side. which goes in line with slytherins. plus- he doesn't like rules either!
JEONGWOO: ravenclaw
this might come as a surprise, but he always astonishes me with his smarts, so i sorted him here. i mean- he learned how to sing and dance AFTER he got into YG...s m a r t. he's also a little crazy too lol
JUNGHWAN: gryffindor
he's for sure the easiest one for me to pick. he goes with the flow, fits in, and always does what he thinks is best, while still not being a pushover. gryffindor.
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YEDAM: ravenclaw - slytherin leaning
he's smart, insanely so, and always knows the best note or thing to say. since ravenclaws have an affinity for both the details and music, his love of composing fits in. he has slytherin tendencies (like when he's gaslighting people as the mafia) and i feel like he could easily be misconstrued as a slytherin. MASHIHO: gryffindor
brave, strong, insufferable- here's the thing- a gryffindor thing to do would be sad and pretend to be fine. which i think he did in the jikjin era. he was the same but there was no passion there. he's 100% a gryffindor
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boysplanetrecaps · 8 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 2: Team Soul
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Hey friends! Continuing my introductory posts about the guys on MNET's Build Up before I can dive into proper recaps, here's the low down on Team Soul -- their background, basic info, and my opinion on their teaser performance (and other performances). (I did Team Allround last time.) Let's go!
Same disclaimers apply -- 1) these are all excellent vocalists and I am just splitting hairs here 2) this is taking forever and screencaps with my video source are tricky, so please forgive my awkward screencaps and occasional typos. Thank you!!
Ma Jaekyung
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Jaekyung is 27 and from a group called Romeo, where he was the main vocalist and performed under the name of Kyle. He also appeared on Mixnine, that blighted show that produced a group that never debuted. It was such a fiasco, ugh, and so many trainees went through hell for nothing. Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T. , Jeong Inseong from KNK, and Donghun from A.C.E. all went on that as well, so they all might have gotten friendly then. 
Jaekyung (and the other members of Romeo) also went on Peaktime, a show for idol groups that had already debuted but weren’t super successful, including Vanner (who won!), M.O.N.T, and BDC, so he may have met Taehwan, Bitsaeon (again), and Hong Seongjun. When Romeo was on Peaktime, they performed the SHINee song Juliette, which is a cute choice since that’s the name of their fandom. And then MNET didn’t bother airing that performance. Thanks, MNET! Themnet. 
So, as for his group itself. Romeo was a 7 member group that debuted in May of 2015, when he would have been 18 years old. The group did slightly better in Japan than they did in Korea, but none of their Korean singles charted at all and most of their MVs have fewer than 200,000 views. Their biggest hit appears to be Lovesick. When the guys from Romeo went on Peaktime, they revealed that Romeo had disbanded at some point in the past. 
In Jaekyung’s k-profiles listing, it says he’s” a 4D” kind of guy, so I guess we should watch out for his personality, if MNET will show it. It’s hard to picture a guy in a tan blazer as wacky, but we’ll see!
His teaser song was V25, Passing by Kim Bum Soo. For me, he has a really nasal tone to his singing that isn’t my favorite, and I am not a huge fan of his kind of wobbly vibrato, but like everyone on this show, he’s essentially a very good vocalist, with what seems like a very good sense of pitch. Again, it’s a ballad and my ears sort of turn off, so I’ll keep an open mind. 
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Here is Kang Seokhwa, who is in WEi. He also went on YG Treasure Box, where he would have met CIX’s Seunghwan, and Produce X 101, where he ranked 35th and would have met two of the all rounders on this show, Choi Suhwan and BDC’s Hong Seongjun.
WEi, pronounced something like “we-eye”, is a six member group that debuted in 2020. WEi is almost entirely made up of contestants from Produce 101, Produce X 101, and Under 19, including some who won their seasons. Seokhwa is their main vocal. The WEi song Spray spent some time on my playlists recently, but I don’t know many of their other songs. WEi’s most popular member, Johan, is significantly more popular than the others; he came in first place in Produce X 101. Their videos get around 10-15 million views each, putting them slightly lower in the popularity ranking than CIX and AB6IX, but leagues ahead of IMFACT and Romeo. 
I checked out an MR removed video of Spray and Seokhwa was really stable, so I can see why he’d come on the show. He’s V37, and it’s a ballad and you know me by now so it’s hard for me to give this a chance but he has a sweet voice that sounds best when he’s singing more softly, which can’t be said of everyone on this show. We’ve got a lot of belters here! He strains a bit on the higher notes, and I feel like he closes his throat a bit when he belts, but doesn’t get too nasal, which is good. He’s young yet -- he’s only 23, one of the younger people on the show -- and I hope he keeps working on his voice, because he has a lot of potential. 
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Donghun will turning 31 at the end of February of this year (2024), and he’s already done his military service.
He is the main vocal of A.C.E., a five member group under Beat Interactive/Swing Entertainment that debuted in 2017 with the song Cactus. Their songs don’t chart in Korea, but they get into the top twenty on the US World Chart, because USA has taste, yo. 
If there’s one song of theirs that I think you’d know it would be Goblin (Favorite Boys). But there’s also Under Cover, which is also a banger. Whoever did the subtitles on their older videos puts the names of the singers in, so you can easily find Donghun in their videos. Some of their older songs have 15-20 million views, but their newest comeback, an English language mid-tempo ballad called Effortless, has less than a million views, maybe because it’s in English? Or because it’s a mid-tempo ballad? I don’t know, if you like Who Do You Love by Monsta X, songs like that, you might like Effortless. Really, their songs are good. I feel like it’s a weird situation where everyone likes A.C.E. but somehow they’re still kind of nugu. I know, that doesn’t make sense. 
Donghun went on Mixnine (he won 8th place and should have debuted), so he probably knows the other Mixnine contestants on this show: Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T., Ma Jaekhyung from Romeo, and Jeong Inseong from KNK. He may also know Park Jeup from when they both went on I Can See Your Voice 4.
He set himself up for a tough time by singing an EXO song for his teaser song (V20, Miracles in December). Literally no one can sing it like they can. Still, he does pretty well. He has an appealing warm vocal color and he really goes for that long held note, holding it with good breath support. I just worry because I can almost feel his throat straining on the higher notes. He hits them, but it’s got to hurt. He also relies on some pretty loud background vocals so it’s harder to tell how much of it is live. Despite that, he’s an excellent idol singer and I’ll always support A.C.E. and him.
Lee Minwook
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Minwook is 23 and is in a group called Newkidd. I guess he likes vests? What, oh what, what on earth is up with the styling for these guys? Most of them are dressed like they’re going to a college interview. I don’t get it!  
As far as I know, Minwook hasn’t been on any other survival type shows, making him one of the 15 members of the cast who haven’t (and 4 of those are musical actors). 
Newkidd is a 7 member group under J-FLO Entertainment, an agency that manages only them, and the debuted in 2019. Most of their MVs get a million views or fewer. From what I can tell, their most popular song is Tu Eres, featuring the Spanish refrain “tu eres, tu eres, tu eres bonita” (you are, you are, you are pretty). The comments on the video are mostly in Spanish and show a lot of excitement about hearing Spanish in a Kpop song, and I can’t blame them! Representation! So maybe Newkidd is more popular in Spanish speaking countries and is courting that market. That’s smart -- it’s a huge market! 
In his teaser, Minwook was V09, The Manuel by Eddy Kim, an example of a ballad I actually like -- it has some interesting chord progressions and isn’t sappy at all. I also like his performance. He seems to just be singing live while accompanied by just one guitar, which gives me faith in his vocals. I think his voice might be more “unique” than “soul” but these categories are pretty reductive anyway. He puts a lot of warmth into his lower notes and makes you almost feel like you understand what he’s singing. He doesn’t display his higher register or belt as much here, so I’ll be waiting to see more of what he can do. 
Lim Sanghyun
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Sanghyun is listed as a singer-songwriter, and he’s 27. He’s considered a ballad artist specifically, and is signed to MNH entertainment, where he releases mostly digital singles. I know the ballad market in Korea is really big, even if it’s not my favorite, so go for it, Sanghyun! 
His teaser was V14, one of those kinds of ballads I hate so much that it’s hard for me to be fair. He sings in that classic K-ballad style, that kind of gruff whisper-sing, which can go either way for me depending on the song.I don’t think he ever really lets go and belts in his teaser, so I’ll be curious to hear what that would sound like. 
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This is Bain, age 22, and I adore his voice. (His name is pronounced “bane”, if you’re wondering, based on the hangul.) 
Let me talk about him for a moment. 
No, wait. Instead of me talking, you should just listen to this. It’s just a straight forward, earnest cover of Oliva Rodrigo’s Driver’s License, with no winky “ha ha I’m a boy singing this,” no sarcasm. Just a pure performance. His vibrato is so sweet. He exhibits barely a trace of nasality, and when it’s present, it’s for the emotion of the song. The notes he hits in his full chest voice? I can’t believe it. And his mixed register is like, chef’s kiss. I can’t. I just can’t. I’d never heard of him before this show, but I heard this performance and I was good. Even my fella was like, “wow, this guy has technique.” So you’re going to have to accept that I’m a Bain fan and will be cheering for him. 
I had to look into Just B. They’re a 6 member group under Bluedot Entertainment, a subdivision of Kakao that manages only them. They debuted into 2021, and their members were contestants on Under 19, I-land, and a few other survival shows. (Side note: I watched a lot of I-land, but never saw any of Under 19. Starting to think I should add it to the list.) JustB has a few title tracks out at this point and they usually get about 10 millions views each. I listened to a few of them over the last few days (it’s taking me a while to write this recap) and I’ve come to like a few of their songs. Their most recent comeback is called Medusa, and though the lyrics make negative amounts of sense, it’s pretty catchy. I also liked Damage quite a bit. The group doesn’t seem to have set positions, but it seems that Bain and Geonu are more or less the main vocals. 
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Jay Chang, V02, age 22, famous for almost making it into Zerobase1, landing in 10th place. He’s American, with a white-Filipino-Chinese ethnic background, and on Boys Planet, he was extremely popular among the “Global” voters, but not very popular among the Korean voters. He also went on another show called Under 19 at some point, if you watched that -- I didn’t, but maybe I should. In case you didn’t watch Boys Planet, here is his initial audition to Rush Hour,and here is his performance of Exo’s Love Me Right (he was main vocal).
I know that most of my 3 or 4 readers are Jay fans, and that is cool by me. I’ve always thought he has a really really lovely, clean vocal color, he has good stage presence, and I think he’s basically a nice guy, though he sorta gives me fuckboi vibes sometimes. I also think -- and don’t get mad at me, ok? -- I also think that he needs to work on his pitchiness and nasality. That’s true in both the opening notes of his Rush Hour audition, and at points in his Baby Baby teaser song. He was one of the top 3 or 4 vocalists among the Boys Planet boys, but he’s in a different setting now and might just be outsung by the other vocalists here. I hope that you’re ok with that. I’m not saying that he’s a bad singer. Everyone on this show is a very good singer, and Jay is also a very good singer! I’m just looking for a voice that can compete with D.O.’s voice, and my standards are up in the sky. (Hanuel wilo fly fly!)
Jung Soomin
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Jung Soo-min loves slightly goofy, informal outfits that scream “Hi, I’m American!” Which he is -- born in Chicago. That's about all I know about his background.
Check out his performance, V30, a really sweet cover of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” in which he accompanies himself on the guitar. I think it speaks for itself, but I’ll say a few words anyway. I really like his voice -- sweet, light, a little textured. Great agility, and good performance of the emotion/feeling of the words. Just delightful. I’ll forgive your hat. 
Here he is on tiktok talking bout his experience on the show (in English). He says that his attitude toward competition is to just do the best he can, that the competition is really with himself. He seems like a nice guy.
Kim Seongjeong
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Seongjeong is a musical actor, and his performance in V16 shows that. It’s not a style of singing that I tend to respond to, but I respect its natural quality and hard-earned technique. Vocally, he wouldn’t at all be out of place on Broadway. Considering his rich timbre and excellent breath support, I’d be interested to hear him sing something more in the pop or r&b style to see what it would sound like. My sleuthing tells me that he’s 25 (born in 1999) and acted in Hadestown and West Side Story. And look at that smile! Totally transforms his face. 
Park Joohee
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Joohee is another one of the contestants I just can’t find much info on. His teaser song was V15, Stand by Me by SHINee, and it was perfectly nice. Not mind blowing, but easy to listen to. He has good agility and a nice vocal color, but seems to lack breath support -- either that, or he was just really nervous, which seems likely.  Also, the camera hardly ever shows him, so it was really hard to get a screencap of him.
Ok, that's team Soul! Feel free to go on to the next post, Team Power.
And thanks for your amazing response to my first post -- I was really worried you all would murder me for saying slightly negative things and thus far that hasn't happened, so thanks! You're all peaches. Have a beautiful day.
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aplateoflasagna · 2 months
Teumeweek day 1: First era with Treasure/ How you became a fan
I first heard about Treasure early 2019 when it had just been announced that YG would debut 2 new boygroups called Treasure and Magnum. They were formed through a survival show and would sometimes promote together as Treasure 13. Their debut would be around May and their music would be produced by Teddy (😅). That was all I knew, I had no idea YG Treasure Box even existed before reading that article.
It sparked my interest though and I started familiarizing myself with their names and faces. I knew Yedam from his Kpop star days, but no one else.
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Their debut got delayed for obvious reasons, but it did give me time to finally watch YGTB in October. I was relieved I already knew who made the group, because I cried so much 😭 I wouldn't have called myself a fan after that, but after all the hardship they had to endure, I wanted the boys to succeed.
When Treasure Map started being released, I was hooked! I looked forward to every Friday and all the days in between where they dropped covers and promo pics. I cried when I watched the last Tmap episode and I cried again when Boy got released 😭 And I haven't looked back since.
I had been a fan of other groups before, but not in the way I was for Treasure. I learned everything there was to know about music shows, downloaded all the apps, collected votes, bought my first Kpop albums etc... Looking back now, it's crazy that we really got Treasure all the ROTY awards possible (except for Melon). Teume truly worked hard 💪
I'm so very proud to be part of this fandom and eventhough our community on Tumblr is small, I'm happy to be a part of Teumblr as well 🥰
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imsparklingunicorn · 2 months
Treasure 00-Line is my Bias
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I first stanned Junkyu when YG Treasure Box started but it was mostly because of Mixnine and he literally has a freaking glow-up since.
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When Treasure debuted, I can't take my eyes away from Yoshi and when Jikjin happened, it was all done and over with, he took Junkyu's place in my heart.
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And then, Treasure released their 2nd Anniversary Dance Compilation and Jihoon captured not only my eyes but my heart too.
So now Jihoon is my ultimate bias, Yoshi is my bias wrecker and Junkyu is my third bias and coincidentally, they are all born in the 2000 which means 00-Line is my bias.
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offlivne · 1 year
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─────  👽 ! 𝗨𝗚𝗛 ★ KIM HANJUN, professionally known as SKYLAR and formerly just SKY, was born on December 20th, 2002 in jeju-si south korea. Skylar started his career in 2019 after appearing on the MNET survival show PRODUCE X 101 , he participated as an individual trainee and placed 67th. Unfortunately being eliminated in episode 5. After his departure from the show, produce fans managed to fill in the time stamps, they suspect within the few months after produce was aired, Skylar had auditioned for HONEYCO and was accepted making him officially one of their trainees.
Later he participated on YG TREASURE BOX as a part of the Rap Group. Sadly he didn't make it into the final group, treasure. Finally in 2023 Skylar made his official debut under HONEYCO, a newer and low-profile talent management company. His debut didn't make waves like he had hoped, but after all his failed attempts at debut this chance was life changing. On January 4th, after participating in the production of WE LIKE IT, Skylar and the rest of OFF/LIVE debuted.
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👽 ! full name ★  ───  kim hanjun
👽 ! birthday ★ ───  december 20th , 2002
👽 ! birthplace ★ ───  jeju-si , south korea
👽 ! position ★ ───  main rapper , vocalist , producer
👽 ! height ★ ───  5 feet and 7 inches
👽 ! ethnicity ★ ───  korean
👽 ! nationality ★ ───  korean
👽 ! faceclaim ★ ───  xion , oneus
👽 ! voice claim ★ ───  jeno , nct 
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married-2-the-music · 4 months
TREASURE: K-pop Discography Deep Dives
TREASURE are a part of the 4th generation of k-pop, having debuted in mid-2020 after being formed through the k-pop survival show YG Treasure Box the year before. They debuted with twelve members, who are approximately equally Korean and Japanese: Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk, Asahi, Doyoung, Haruto, Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, Jeongwoo, Junghwan, Mashiho, and Yedam, though the last two left the group in late…
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