#yknow this is supposed to be 'unicorn' for the world
kifu · 1 year
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A little bit of character design. ;) For a comic! That may never leave the brain.
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Every MLP G3 Special In a Nutshell
A Charming Birthday: A bunch of ponies construct a 50 ft tall friendship bracelet for the village hermit's birthday cos she've never been surprised before. I think that would surprise anyone tbh.
Dancing in the Clouds: Two ponies ride a rollercoaster, immediately get inspired to do a dance routine and then GOD APPEARS to summon butterflies to make the ponies fly. Cos why dance in a routine when you can cheat?
Friends are Never Far Away: This is the first time I've seen in a kids cartoon where the main characters meet indigenous people with the offering of friendship and not colonisation and seizing their land. Funny how MLP G4 completely spat on that idea.
The Princess Promenade: A pony becomes princess because she was given a flower by a stinky old lizard...oh and she also has to organise a flower parade as well because a pixie couldnt do it....Nah, being a princess is boring, let's make everyone princesses!
A Very Minty Christmas: Minty's OCD caused her to break a magic candy cane and thinks she's ruined Christmas for everyone so she goes on a perilous journey to fix things when all her friends want is her to be home. Awww.
The Runaway Rainbow: A unicorn filly who's a part of The Rainbow Justice League is teleported to Ponyville, spends a day rolling around in mud and eating cake and then says im tired i wanna go home. Oh and this filly is apparently a vital element of nature because without her making rainbows, THE COLOURS OF THE WORLD ARE FADING THIS IS A SIGN OF THE END TIMES
The Ladybug Jamboree: Pinkie has a brain blast that makes all her band members play successfully for the first time...moments before they go on stage
Greetings from Unicornia: Rainbow Dash and Rarity fuck around in a castle for a few minutes
Come Back Lily Lightly: A unicorn is scared of being judged because her horn lights up when she giggles... I have no idea what kind of metaphor this is supposed to be.
Two for the Sky: A lesbian couple desperately want to fly. They get their wish but they quickly hate it cos they cant sleep together with those giant wings in the way.
Positively Pink: The ponies pink-ify the entire town for Pinkie Pie's birthday but realise they just wasted a whole day because her birthday's not until tomorrow.
Pinkie's Special Day: Oh so this is what they did for her birthday: they gave her a clipshow! Wow, that's cheap. That's like the giftcard equivalent of birthday surprises.
Star Song and the Magic Dance Shoes: Starsong and Pinkie try to do a dance routine without their shoes but realise its they cant dance without them. THE SHOES ARE A CRUCIAL ELEMENT IN DANCING WHERE'S THE SPARKLY PINK SHOES?!
Pinkie Pie's Party: Pinkie Pie has an anxiety attack during a trip about party and then goes to speedrun prepare for a party. Then her friends decide to make a party out of preparing for a party. Yknow Ponyville can make even paying taxes sound like a party.
Rainbow Dash's Party: Dash hosts a hat fashion show for all her friends where she likes everyones hats so much, she lets them all win. Even though one clearly should’ve won. I mean come on, Starsong’s has functioning piano notes on it. Do you know how much wiring goes into that? No, in fact Toola Roola's should win, its got the best motif and why arent easel-style berets a thing yet? Im way too into this. Lets carry on.
Cheerilee's Party: The ponies have a sleepover where they refuse to go to sleep. Hey, why dont we let Crane tell the scary stories. That'll help them stay awake.
Scootaloo's Party: Scootaloo hosts a sports day party for her friends and they decide to give her the trophy. Awww.
Starsong's Party: A pony gets stage fright about singing on stage but her friends encourage her to try anyway at a concert and whilst the pony is singing off stage, the curtains go up, revealing her talented voice to the world. And then G4 remade this plot into someone's nervous breakdown.
Toola-Roola's Party: Toola Roola spends a whole day waiting for her friends' painted plates to finish drying cos she doesnt know what a kiln is. Then she gets them mixed around cos the namecards are lost when its clearly obvious which is which. What a disaster horse.
Sweetie Belle's Party: The ponies put their own ideas for a cake into one batter, end up making something that even Buddy the Elf would have a heart attack and then Sweetie Belle suggests making them into a cake with separate layers….that’s still gonna taste like shit.
Twinkle Wish Adventure: A dragon steals a star Pokemon from the ponies because she thinks its a toy and by her logic, will help her get more friends. And then the ponies sing about how great their friendship is. Girls, she stole your property. Punch her.
Waiting for the Winter Wishes Festival: This is literally just a deleted scene from Twinkle Wish adventure. If you want to see Scootaloo fumble around doing a holiday tiktok dance, here it is.
Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise: The core 7 ponies spend 5 minutes searching for Sweetie Belle in her house via scavenger hunt only to find she's just in the backyard. The little gremlin.
Pinkie Pie's Ferris Wheel Adventure: Pinkie creates/manages an entire theme park by herself just for her friends to visit. Pinkie, where did you get the money to create this theme park? Are you a rich kid? Do you have a trust fund?
So Many Different Ways To Play: Baby Scootaloo is just pure chaotic gremlin mode and drives her sister and her friend ragged. This is the content I want to see.
Over Two Rainbows: The baby ponies find out baby Sweetie Belle has god-like powers but just wants to have a dress up party. AND APPARENTLY BABIES ARE MADE WHEN TWO RAINBOWS FUCK
The World's Biggest Tea Party Live: It's weird to see me watch this without 3 ex-bronies screeching at the screen for how 'cringeworthy' it is and then go completely off the rails to talk about Tumblr memes and have nipple fights.
....Oh yeah, the plot of the show is that Pinkie and Minty have a miscommunication boo-boo and now their tea party's fucked cos they aint got a teapot. Then they ask the audience to summon a giant teapot with the Tea-necronomicon. There was much rejoicing
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lonicera-edulis · 7 months
Yknow how in isekai it's always truck-kun who isekai's the protagonists? Who or what would isekai the hobbit characters :0 (also, saw a reverse isekai au drawing and i think it was you, but i have horrible memory aH. But it was very cute :D)
I am afraid I didn't watch much of isekai stuff (it must be a big thing for anime and I don't watch anime, so I am unaware of truck-kun thing; and for other stuff I can only mention The 10th Kingdom or Voyage of the Unicorn and suchlike stuff where it is usually some magical portals/vehicles between two worlds).
• In my first reverse isekai AU I thought that the characters just went though invisible barrier that got broken for some reason (I don't know what reason yet and if it is even needed to be explained in the story).
I will put the rest to make post shoter as usual and if anyone is interested in these at all since I already kinda answered your question.
Before that I need to explain that these forms of characters are not them originally, but reincarnated or after-life forms, and they live in secluded places where modern Men can't get to. And thus Bilbo would be lured (by a distant song through the forest) from the after-life place of the hobbits, and dwarves would dig from below (in legendarium it is said that dwarves digged deep uderground and they were never seen again; could be that they also got instinct, while hobbits were hunted down, but I made it so that dwarves just lived all these eras very deep in earth).
I had some sketch for the beginning actually (from summer 2022 when I only got into fandom). This is how Bilbo reunited with his dwarves, but no one of them remembers their past lives, and they will be finding some puzzles while trying to get back to their homes.
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I even made a rough draft of a map, need to redraw it some day to look pleasant. The other thing I like in this AU is that Gimli and Legolas are already in this modern world (made Gimli immortal, ok, I can't separate him and Lego, they are a set now forever; and elves were allowed to return to this world, but with a good set of rules for them to live among humans; plus Thranduil never left the place, imagine how cranky he has become after living through so many years and not having 'elven therapy'). Also in my mind (yet) there is just a such bittersweet scene between Gloin and Gimli (because this time Gimli wasn't born to him). This AU is actually a huge thing because I could still focus on a big story with many characters, unlike current time (I need to patch my mental health up first to continue working on any of my AUs).
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• My second reverse isekai AU is where only Bilbo appears in a modern world. (Here is a first sketch explaning about dwarves in this world and elves are like in a previous one.)
Here it is his after life form, put in earth (under the oak, heh) to sleep until the end of times. Thorin digs him out accidentely, and Bilbo then is 'reintroduced' to all of The Company. There will be problems of course, since he is supposed to slumber and modern world is kinda depressing him, but all my stories have good ends as usual.
Also in none of these stories there is a good explanation why all these characters meet each other again and again, and not living new lives with new people. Can only explain it by their connections from past lives, although it can be not in favor to some who will decide to check on these AUs.
• I had an isekai AU too actually, where Bilbo is a writer, and gets into his own story he is writing. Not sure I will elaborate further on this idea though.
And these are just my alternatives for modern AUs, so they are imperfect and silly of course. Breaking many rules of Tolkien/'movieverse in some cases too' world (I do like when there is maximum of original rules, although I myself can't keep them in my head when thinking of AUs), and making up some unexplainable nonsense. So don't take them serious.
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kangaracha · 6 months
pirate, knight, villain, unicorn, treasure for nevermore, god for valleys, queen for heart
PIRATE - pirates or royals?
for nevermore? UHHH. gods?
pirates. pirates.
KNIGHT - forbidden love or enemies to lovers?
for NEVERMORE????? what a question
normally i would pick enemies to lovers but for nevermore i would pick forbidden love. unfortunately nevermore only features platonic love though.
VILLAIN - do you prefer creating heroes or villains?
call me a pick me girl, but i prefer multifaceted characters who aren't 100% either or - dark heroes and justified villains, that's my bread and butter. and you, my friend, my problem, can vouch for me on this one because you once spent three days yelling at me about that one girl in if only we knew. what the heck was her name. winona? her murderous rage was absolutely justified anyway and we all know it.
for nevermore specifically? i guess i'm gonna have to say heroes cause like i'm looking at my lists of ocs and like shanyu is fine i guess, joon is a horrible person and i hate him, seonhwa and hana? loml. can't let them go. jinae? mentioned her in passing and now i'm just searching for an opportunity for her to be relevant. she's my reserve driver. just give me a reason.
UNICORN - what makes your WIP and your writing stand out?
yeah sure i'll talk myself up. i've always thought that my fics are very niche and scratching a specific itch, which i think is the main reason i've always found it really hard to build an audience. it's what i love though, and what inspires me - following the usual tropes doesn't satisfy me the way that a whole thinkpiece on a weird sidecharacter does...or yknow. blowing that thinkpiece out into a 200k novel.
recently, i think that my writing has become far more refined, and i think i've started to find ways to slip into more popular genres of fic while still remaining interested in my work, which has in turn granted me the audience that i've built around things like queenmaker.
in this way, zombies was a really important phase in fanfic for me to go through - though we got very little out of those three years apart from our own satisfaction in the fics we wrote and ideas we explored, i think it was really beneficial for me to meet you guys and be encouraged into writing oneshots and stories featuring the main characters rather than continuing to hang around the fringes and work with ocs or side characters that i treated like ocs.
and now i'm learning new lessons from self insert and smau fiction. the world should fear and respect me. one day i'm going to become a god.
TREASURE - what's the best thing about the world of your WIP?
a mean question to ask about nevermore when you know how gd endless that world is. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. can i say that it has source content for me to lean on and i didn't have to make it all up from scratch?
i guess i can say that, because one of the things that was the most fun was digging around in music videos and lyrics to figure out how many worlds there were, how to connect them in a way that in turn made the story make sense as i followed it in album order, and how to turn a very vague and wild lore into a story that had a bit of followable logic attached to it.
in lieu of that answer being accepted, i was thinking about this the other day and i love that it's a world that you kind of do want to fall into and live in. i really worked at making miroh a kind place that you really would love to stumble into, rather than a world like the hunger games or something where you're like, mmmm, it's a cool idea but lets not go there. the cle really is a world where it's like, hey, if you really love music, you would love this place and it would love you!
GOD - does your world have a religion? is it, in this world, right?
for valleys? mmmmm yes, i suppose the wolves and the urshing/cataan's people do have their own religions, and they are right. in a way, strigoi also worship moonstone, though that's more of a drug addiction kind of thing than religion.
the wolves have a strong shared history and belief system, they pass down their history and prophecies through songs and stories and carry out rituals. their religion is built around the existance of moonstone and the connection of it to their life force - and they also have seers who can tell the future and are held in high regard. their beliefs are all based around things that are true, and their seers really are capable of creating prophecies that will come true - so i suppose that yes, their religion is right.
the people of cataan also have seers and mindreaders, children worshipped as the elite of their society and catapulted into power just by virtue of the talent they were born with. They're probably, actually, a very unreligious people, but they do have prophecies that they believe in, and an almost cult-like type of society.
QUEEN - what is the earliest planned historical event in your novel?
geez what a question. there is a point where theresa literally witnesses the creation of the universe so like. is that it. does that count?
in terms of the chronological events of the novel uhhhhhhhhhh. the apocalypse is a pretty big historical event that happens pretty quickly. so. yeah.
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ao3feed-crowley · 3 years
two by two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30UMvLa
by goosewriting
“Crowley!” comes that ever-posh voice, echoing past tree trunks and through foliage, loud in the still night. “Crowley, please!”
“Fuck,” Crowley curses, ducking under a branch and making a harsh right past a huge oak tree, the crimson end of his long tail drifting behind him. He cuts and weaves through the trees in the dark, hoping to make his path confusing enough that Aziraphale gives up the chase.
However, the hunter is incredibly persistent. “Crowley, you don’t understand! Please, my dear, slow down!”
Crowley doesn’t even deign to give him an answer. He just keeps running, pure adrenaline fueling him. Pure fear. He’s sweating, the pack on his back as heavy as anything, just trying to stay alive. To stay away from Aziraphale. One and the same, he supposes.
Crowley and Aziraphale are a pair of humanoid-unicorns-in-hiding who both believe themselves to be the last of their kind, and who are both unaware of the other--until tonight, here, in this forest.
Words: 3611, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Miscommunication, Miscommunication Resolution :), Love Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, unicorn AU, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Second first kiss, because the first time it was just :) yknow. as friends, hfjdkhfjkshfjks, Fantasy, forest chase! forest chase!, plus some magic-world exposition for you all, this is just a silly jaunt into a world ive thought way too much about tbh, thank you and sorry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30UMvLa
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