#yknow???? and then river. well. you know... its a whole thing with her. i dont Like whats going on that
isaacathom · 1 year
anyway unrelated to the fraughtness of interacting with people, i slept over at a friends house while they made me nice chicken and potatoes and we watched the first three episodes of firefly, which i actually really liked! i dont like... particularly like river or jayne, for what i hope are understandable reasons, but i think the whole things just. :) its neat.
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spu10d · 8 months
“Night on the Galactic Railroad” ichihona
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i read the novel and watched the movie recently so random thoughts below
(spoilers for NotGR too!)
OK SO uhm the way i initially delved into this was because i suddenly remembered someone online mention (VERY OFFHANDEDLY). that leo/needs trained set from ‘Live with Memories’ was based off of ‘Night on the Galactic Railroad’.
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(^ so this set)
merged with this movie poster (for the film adaption where theyre all cats).
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of course this leads me to read the plot in its wikipedia page and. immediately find ways to apply it to my blorbos. (at this point i wasnt even sure if i remembered the book right/if this was even the right book… and im still unsure but whatever…) (im also bad at Media Literacy).
so i settled on ichihona to be giovanni and campanella. around middle school aged.
but at first, i had it in my mind that ichika -> campanella, and honami -> giovanni.
mostly because campanella drowned rushing in to save zaneli after he fell in the river, something i just felt was very Young Ichika… the impulsiveness, no hesitance to help another…
and that Young Ichika is someone honami wanted to be like. so giovanni being like Scorpio, wishing for a chance to spread happiness for the sake of others (like ichika)…
but i think ‘ichika being campanella and honami being giovanni’ didnt fit as well because giovanni was the one seen to be alone, while campanella was surrounded by friends and did nothing when they teased giovanni.
so once i swapped them around (ichika being giovanni, honami being campanella), i started having more ideas and… interpretations??
ok first off. campanella is likened to scorpio, wanting to (and unlike scorpio, somewhat achieving) ‘save others’ and ‘spreading happiness’. which i think tied nicely to what honami does in middle school, trying to be there for everyone, be an ear to talk/vent to and generally trying to help others.
meanwhile while giovanni and campanella are friends, campanella doesnt really do anything while hes teased by his classmates, just looking back with sympathy. something about how honami sort of… ‘chose’ (ok, was sort of ‘bullied/threatened’ into choosing) her classmates over ichika.
also i like the scene at the very end of the book, where giovanni stands on the riverbank after hearing the news of campanella’s disappearance/death. he looks to the distance while everyone wonders where campanella went, thinking “i know where he went. he went to the edge of the universe. i know, because we went there together.”
im just thinking that while (giovanni/ichika) thinks that, the galaxy can be seen, yes, but also the moon (its like… ~7pm? around the end of summer so its plausible the moon could be low enough to just be seen over the river), with like, honami (in that sorta transparent where theyre not actually there thing), back turned. yknow, since ‘mochizuki’ has the character for moon.
the whole ‘praying like scorpio to serve others in the next life’ thing is. uoorhg. i feel like something can be said about how honami was always helping others, but no one really knew how it was… like? to be like honami, with her selfishness and fear of being bullied, cast out, left behind… etc…
the wikipedia pointed out that a sort of ‘focus’ in the story was about “giving your life in service for others” and uoroogh. are you getting me… (it can work both ways i think, honami and ichika).
also campanella mentioned liking apples once (1 time) and of course like the loser i am i locked in like HONAMI! hes also knowledgable about flowers which is also partially why i initially saw him as ichika
also with giovanni, how hes left alone in the end.
(which while it fits ichika, now im thinking of a scenario where its saki as giovanni… i dont think itll work out as well as ichika though)
i might add more to these ramblings… these are just my initial word dumps.
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bloodmoons-knife · 1 year
HOO BOY apologies for not asking for a while!! needed to get some good questions-
alright, so, you mentioned how eri got kicked out of her pod right? what,,,,what did she do to sun and moon?? i mean, she couldn't have terrorized them the exact way our eclipse did so,, (i'm just realizing that this can be spoilers so you don't really have to answer this one-)
what do they do to destress?? i mean, we've seen how rust age regresses but we haven't really seen the others, unless i'm misremembering
is binary a canon theater kid
how do you pronounce eridanus's name???? is it eri-dae-nus??? eri-dah-nus???? i'm so confused please
hello it is always lovely to see you in my inbox and notifications!!!!
eri did a Lot of psychological tormenting of sun, mainly. yknow how early eclipse was batshit insane and kept putting the boys in Situations? yeah. yeah she did that. constantly. i dont have a solid idea of Exactly what she did, other than similarities to pre-lunar eclipse torment being typical. she was in sun the same way eclipse was in sun, she just got out through magical means (unwillingly, for the most part)
destressing!! rust does age regress as everyone knows, but they also like to engage in their murder hobby for stress relief! aka they go hunting. they like to hunt. feral beast.
binary likes to read books, it actually makes him feel closer to his late brother, since his moon was so smart and everything, trying to become smarter is like honoring his memory to binary. and yes hes a theater kids he 100% goes and watches plays out in the town
nebula and destressing go together like oil and water. he just kinda stands there! nebula picks up stress and proceeds to never process it, ever. the best you get is him locking himself in his room and laying on the floor for a few days. he is not a good example for anyone dont be like nebula kids
eri likes to tinker with the random pieces of metal and machinery she can get her hands on. going for a nice swim outside the castle also helps keep her from murdering someone, as well! but only if the rivers and lakes are quiet. shes. not a social person
also i pronounce her name as "eri-dah-nus" but given its like, an actual Thing Name it has an actual pronunciation. hold on. yeah no im not pronouncing that. im going with my way.
anyway yeah shes name after the constellation thank my beloved joyfriend for it!! everyone clap and cheer or i will blow this whole place up!!!! 💚
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talk3tiv3 · 2 years
I Have finished Cyberpunk 2077! AHHHH
So there's multiple endings to this, and I want to see which ending I'll end up with my kind of choices.
So I ended up with the DEVIL ending.
This was a really sad ending. Gosh, I wanted to cry. So my V decided to help Arasaka in the end. And she just- ended up all alone. But if I had to be honest, she still got people who wants to help her. She's not really alone, yknow.
The thing is my V isnt to help Arasaka. Its to help people around her. It don't matter whether they're corpo or the fact Johnny hates them.
Maybe my V had been selfish, tryna live, and trying to get Johnny out of her head.
Weird thing is my V and Johnny had a good relationship. I guess I ruined it the moment I decide to go on my own.
The thing is I didn't want to bomb up the Arasaka Tower, just too much damage. And of course, I didn't want to involve the Aldecaldos.
I wanted the city to know that Yorinobu killed his own dad. This NEEDED to be out there.
So after Arasaka saved V, she's basically under experiment, due to the side effects of pulling the biochip out of her. No Johnny, everything's quiet. They had to surgery her brain to fix the damage the biochip did. Her visions are also wonky.
Then there's an option, to let V be an engram or let her live another 6 months.
I, let V live another 6 months. Short, yes, but I guess the death part really is inevitable.
But 6 months is a good enough time to say goodbye. And even if you made mistakes well, I mean, give it to someone who has time to learn, am I right?
I'd be happy to just, spend it with River too.
So the ending was odd, we never get to see her live her last 6 months on Earth i guess. She threw away her bullet necklace angrily.
If I had to be honest, I'd be happy having Johnny in my head all time. It wouldn't be so empty. I'm willing to tolerate and live with it. But the decision was strictly either to follow Johnny or YOURSELF like a selfish person. But I don't want to imply she's selfish, I just want her to be able to let her do this in a calm way.
But welp, theres no calm way. Bodies were thrown all over anyway.
Now let me acknowledge Misty. Gosh. She made me do a double take when she says I'm evil for working for the people who killed Jackie. Firstly, I really miss Jackie too. Secondly, I'm not on their side. Like I said, I want the city to know, Yorinobu killed his dad. THATS what I want. But assisting with Hanako, the offer they could give me was getting rid of the biochip.
Sigh. I guess I'll do another ending. With Johnny this time.
In my defense, Arasaka was also having a civil war, so WHICH side of Arasaka killed Jackie, exactly?
The whole talk with Johnny in Cyberspace, also, I mean, SIR, I know we are sharing the same body, but YOU weren't the reason the word stubborn exist in the dictionary. So, I DONT get to be a little stubborn? I deserve the liberty to decide on my own, not let an engram decide for me. I AM the driver. Learn your place.
And yes, I should be grateful that Johnny saved me multiple times. I am. I really am. But something like this where my life is on the line, either you or me, I'm sorry, its gotta be me.
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Sun Touched Zuko AU!!
Tag list @chaoticidiott @mypureessence @fae-tales-personal
This won't be a soulmate AU but it will be Zukka for sure.
Zuko was born sick, so sick in fact that he was going to die. His mother prayed to Agni that he would live, prayed that the sun spirit would save her first born son. In the gardens she held him up to the Setting sun pleading. The suns rays caught in the amber stone on top of the alter set for worship and moved to Zuko's eyes. His hair changed from solid black to a golden blonde, he opened eyes and began to cry. He was touched by the Sun and lived.
Ursa couldnt have been more happy, her son was alive. "My little sunshine" she whispered with tears rolling down her cheeks as she held him close and rocked him in her arms.
When Ozai saw his son's golden hair he demanded that it be dyed black, but was willing to compromise when Ursa suggested they wait until he turns 5 so that the dyes don't harm him.
The first time they dyed his hair he asked his mom why, his bright molten eyes looking at her with confusion "because your father wants you to feel safer my sunshine, people will stare at you with that bright shining hair of yours"
"Oh, okay" was his only response that day. He never questioned it anymore when they touched up his roots weekly.
After his mother left him he felt alone in the world, his dad still staining his golden hair each week with more and more ink. All the while berating him when he couldnt control his fire well. Even with being touched by the spirit and having powerful fire he couldnt manage to control it, couldnt understand how to. Until master Piandou taught him swords and he applied his teachings to his fire.
The first time he used his swords to control the fire Piandou was more than impressed "Prince Zuko! That was amazing!"
"Thank you Master, thinking of the swords as an extension helped me control the flames better" his smile soon faded when his father appeared
"Yes, great work Zuko, I am pleased to see you have learned how to control your flames, however mixing these arts in this fashion is unacceptable. Come with me"
After that he wasn't allowed back at Piandou's unless he was accompanied by either his father, or an advisor to make sure he practiced correctly.
On the day of his fated Agni Kai Zuko had just gotten his roots retouched before entering the war meeting. When his father burnt him for speaking out of term his tears felt like lava running down his cheeks. He could smell the fresh dye burning and it hurt his lungs.
His Uncle immediately took him under his wing when he was banished "Zuko, my star," his Uncle pleaded when they were at the western airtemple "i need to dress your wound, the sun spirit would not want you to lose your eye"
Zuko reluctantly let his Uncle clean and dress his wound several times on their travels until it healed and scarred over. When it finally healed over Iroh smiled "there you go sunshine" he said as he wiped the tears forming in Zuko's good eye away "do not cry Prince Zuko, you are safe"
He still dyed his roots every week to uphold his place as prince. He did not know that his golden hair was his own symbol or royalty, that the sun chose him. Sure he knew the sun saved him, but he could not understand that it was because he was chosen.
When he arrived at the South pole and discovered the Avatar, he felt a breath of relief wash over him. He was going home, but he heavily underestimated the Avatar's abilities and lost him.
Soon he started a cat and mouse game with the monk and his two southern water tribe friends. After the northpole he slacked on dying his hair, not because he didnt want to, he simply didn't have the resources to do so. So his roots started to grow in gold.
"Well your looking golden Zuzu" Azula's voice startled Zuko when he walked into the hut they were staying in.
"Azula, what are you doing here" he glared at his younger sister
"You know, im my country. We greet one another before asking questions" she responded coldly "i was just passing through"
"To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit Princess Azula?" Iroh piped into the conversation
"No wonder you two click, always so quick and to the point. Father sent me, family is suddenly very important to him." She turned her head to look out the window "father regrets your banishment. He wants you home"
Zuko was frozen in place "father regrets?"
"I can see you need time to think this through, ill be by to collect you in the morning" Azula smiled softly before a flash of worry flashed on her face for a split second as she walked out the door.
When Azula's true intentions were revealed Zuko and Iroh managed to flee from her and her soldiers. When they stopped at the river to cut their hair Zuko looked at Iroh when he watched the inky hair fall into the river "your gold hair will conceal your identity fairly well my nephew"
"Yeah, it'll hide me pretty well" nobody had seen Zuko with his golden hair before. He hadnt seen his hair fully gold since age five.
On their travels his hair grew fairly fast now that it wasnt being dyed so often. It would catch the eye of several earth kindom citizens when he passed through towns. When he and Iroh were sitting against a building with a hat in front of them a young woman approached them and slipped a few gold pieces in "I know this might sound creepy, and I'm only asking this because I cannot resist. But may I kiss your hair sir? You can say no, I won't take my money back."
Zuko flushed a light shade of pink and scratched the back of his head "uhm, s-sure?" He mumbled out and leaned his head towards her. She placed a tender almost motherly kiss to the top of his head.
"Oh, your hair is so beautiful sir, it's like a million rays of sun. I wish you luck, i can only spare a little but if you'd take these small meals Im sure they'd help you" she said while offering two wrapped meals
They accepted and thanked her with small bows "what a nice young lady, huh?" Iroh said and nudged Zuko's arm
"Yeah, she was very nice"
When Zuko and Iroh found Azula and Aang battling in an abandoned earth town Azula pointed out his hair "wow Zuzu! You look just like a star! Where'd all that ink go?" When the fight ended and Iroh was injured Zukos cheeks felt like magma was pouring from his eyes.
"Zuko, I can hel-" Katara approached them
"LEAVE!" Zuko cried out, turning to Katara with golden tears running down his face.
While on the Ferry to Ba Sing Se Zuko was angry, not angry at anyone or anything in particular, he was just angry. "Hey" the voice of a man at his right side broke his brooding "names Jet"
"Lee" Zuko muttered out how cover name
"Yknow Lee, I hear the captain is eating like a king while we're stuck eating all his left overs" he paused "want to help me... liberate some food rations?"
It didn't take much to convince Zuko to join him. They liberated the food quickly without getting caught. Zuko found himself wandering the the front of the lower deck, leaning on the railing. "You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I knew exactly who you were" he paused as he approached Zuko "youre a refugee, like me. Thing is though, I've never seen hair like yours, let along your eyes."
Jet reached out and brushed Zuko's hair out of his face. "The freedom fighters could use a starlight like you, what do you say?"
Zuko smacked Jets hand away gently "thanks, but no thanks, you don't want me on your team, trust me"
In Ba Sing Se Iroh and Zuko made a life for themselves. They managed to have their own tea shop and apartment. Things were doing great, until Zuko went after the Avatar's bison, mind you he went there originally to take the bison captive, but when he saw that the creature was hurt he sheathed his swords and removed his mask, letting his golden hair free as he approached the bison "hey buddy, are you okay?" His voice was much softer than usual "oh no, here let me help you, this is going to hurt and I'm sorry, but I need to pull out this thorn" he talked to him the whole time he was pulling out thorns, gently rubbing the fur near it to sooth him.
When he pulled all of the thorns out he took out his swords "alright buddy, dont worry about the swords, im going to use them to cut you out of these chains, shhh its okay, you're okay" he continued to talk him through each of the six shackles "there we go big guy, now you need to get out of here, go find your friends- ah! Hey!" Appa knocked him over and gave him a thanks with a big sloppy dog like lick across his torso and face before taking off.
"You did well my nephew" Zuko shot up at his uncle's voice
"Uncle?" His startled voice wavered
"Now lets get you out of here and back home." And that they did.
When they made it back to their apartment Zuko felt dizzy, he held his head in his hand "I dont feel good" he managed to get out before collapsing and breaking a vase
"Zuko!" Iroh shouted as he rushed to his nephew to make sure he didnt hurt himself on any broken glass.
In his Angst coma Sokka heard his mother singing
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me Happy! When skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't hide my sunshine away"
His sisters voice mocked his hair "youre hair makes you look like a dandelion, a weed can't take the throne!" Her cackling filled his ears.
There was a blinding light and a woman appeared with flowing gold hair and bright fire eyes "my dear star, why do you let yourself hurt so much?"
"I don't, who are you?"
"I'm Agni my dear, you do know I chose you right?"
"You are special my dear, your mother made sure to get my attention and I am so glad she did" the woman spoke as she placed her hand on his cheek. Filling him with the image of her reaching out to kiss his eyes as a baby. "You are meant for great things little star." Her voice faded as she herself did
He soon woke from his coma with a fresh breath. Taking charge in making sure his Uncle's tea shop did well, and helping him where he could. However Azula soon found them and summoned them to the palace under the guise of serving tea to the king. Things didnt end well and Zuko was thrown into a cave beneath the City with Katara.
"Why would they throw you in here!" Her angry and hurt voice filled his ears as he tried not to make her feel more uncomfortable by staying as far from her as possible.
when she mentioned her mother he turned around and spoke "thats something we have in common"
"My mother was my only source of safety... she was the only one who defended me against my sister and my father. And one day my father was ordered to... do something terrible and my mother protected me somehow, I dont know what happened but when I was half awake she told me goodbye and when I fully woke up she was gone."
When they were separated and Azula had Iroh trapped she approached "Zuko, nows your chance to come home. Help me defeat the avatar and you can come home. Without inking your hair. Isnt this what you've always wanted? You'll have your honor back, you'll have fathers love back"
And despite all he had gone through he still chose the path of returning to his father. When he did return his father wanted to dye his hair but Azula spoke up against it "father, if I may. Zuko's hair is a symbol of the fire goddess Agni, if he were to take the thrown it'd be best to show that she has chosen him"
"Yes, that is true. Alright, off with you two"
Reuniting with Mai wasnt smooth, she confessed to him that her and Ty Lee connected and while he was saddened he just smiled "I'm glad you two are with eachother, you work well"
On the day of Black sun, with the information he had learned from Iroh and armed with the fact that his father was practically powerless without his bending. He approached him.
"Zuko, what are you doing here?"
"Im here to tell the truth"
Ozai let out a snort "telling the truth during an eclipse?" He waved off his gaurds "what do you have to say"
"First of all, Azula lied to you, she was the one who shot down the avatar"
"What?! Why would she lie about that?"
"Because the avatars not dead, he's probably leading this invasion right now"
"Get out! Get out if you know what's good for you!"
"Thats another thing, I'm not taking orders from you anymore"
"You will obey me or face the consequences!" As Ozai stood Zuko drew his dual swords and took a stance
"Think again. I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen"
He went on to question his father "you knew Agni chose me as a child and that was the reason my hair turned gold. You knew this and yet you hid that from the world, you darkened my hair for years, and you have the gull to tell me I was lucky to be born. You! The tyrannical leader set out to destroy the world. you! My own father challenged me to an Agni Kai just for speaking out of term, how could you possibly justify a duel with a child!"
"It was to teach you respect!"
"It was cruel and it was wrong"
"Then you have learned nothing!"
"No! I've learned everything, and I've had to do most of it on my own" he paused "Growing up we were taught that the war was our nations way of spread joy, what an incredible lie that was, the other nations don't love us, they fear us, and they are right to fear us, we've brought the world to an era of hate and suffering, now we need to fill it with one of peace and joy"
"Your uncle has gotten to you hasnt he" Ozai laughed
"Yes, he has, and I've come to another decision, im going to join the avatar, and im going to help him take you down."
After announcing this he turned to leave but stayed to learn about what happened to his mother
"She's alive?" He said in a soft voice as a single golden tear rolled down his cheek
"Perhaps," Ozai paused "now i see that banishment is far too small of a punishment for treason" he said as he gathered lightning and shot it at Zuko who quickly redirected it right back at him before escaping.
After finding that Iroh had broken out of prison Zuko fled the firenation in a small war ballon and followed the Avatar's Sky bison to the western air temples. Their first encounter didn't go so well and he managed to burn Toph's feet but after helping them defeat the assassin and managing to form his words more properly and giving a genuine apology to Toph he was on the team.
Some time after joining and managing to break Sokka's dad, Suki and Chit Sang out of prison they were all sitting around the fire. "So.. uhm Zuko" Aang started
Zuko turned to look at him "yeah?"
"I have to ask, pretty bunch nobody in the firenation has golden blonde hair right?" Zuko absentmindedly ran his fingers through his hair at the question
"Yeah, and when you were first chasing us your hair was black, whats up with that?" Sokka added
"Oh, uh, well my hair was always dyed black because my father doesn't like my gold hair..." he paused "when I was born, I was sick, so sick that my parents thought I was going to die. But my mother pleaded with Agni to spare me, she took me to the sun worship alter in the palace gardens at sunset and held me up, pleading. When the last ray of light from Agni, my hair turned golden and I began to cry. So, in a sense the sun gave me my life"
"Like Yue!" Sokka piped up
"Like who?"
"Princess Yue! She was born sick just like you, and the moon spirit saved her. Well, she's the moon spirit now"
"Woah woah wait, is this the girlfriend you said turned into the moon?"
"Well, just don't go falling for Zuko now, dont want to have your first boyfriend turn into the sun" Suki teased him
"Hey, at least I'd have a full set of spirit lovers"
Zuko's face turned beet red and the group laughed at him. Over the next few weeks of them being in close quarters Zuko found that he was growing feelings for the water tribe boy. Anytime he'd look at him he felt his stomach do a flip. But he didnt have time to think about his feelings.
Even though the sun touched prince tried not to think about Sokka on the mission with Katara, he couldn't help it. When they were returning Katara piped up "I know you like him" she paused to watch his surprised face "its okay you know, its fine if you like him. I dont have like you to let my brother like you. I may be cold to you but im not a monster like your father" she tied off the sentence by staring off "and besides, if Agni chose you, I think you would be safe for Sokka"
When they got back he heard sokka shout "You're back! Thank La youre safe!" Turning to Katara he expected to see Sokka running to hug his sister. Instead he was tackled to the ground with a hug from Sokka "how did it go Katara?" He asked from the ground while quite literally snuggling into Zuko with this hug that was still very much happening.
"I found him, and he was just so pathetic, i couldnt kill him"
Sokka then stood up and helped Zuko to his feet and placed a quick sneaky kiss to his cheek before moving to hug his sister, leaving Zuko frozen in confusion. He remained frozen until Suki came up to him "he's trying to confess silently, he's weird like that, corner him later if you want to hear an actual confession"
He however didn't manage to corner the now seemingly overly flirty blue boy until they were at ember Island. It wasnt until just before bed when Sokka was walking past Zuko's bedroom door. He reached out grabbed Sokka's shirt and yanked him into the room before slamming the door shut and pinning him to it. "What are you doing?"
"Wh-what do you mean? You're the one who dragged me into your room, what are you doing?"
"Dont play dumb with me Sokka, you've been flirting with me since I got back from my trip with your sist-"
"Actually ive been flirting with you since the temples, you just didn't notice until I kissed you"
"You mean until you missed"
Zuko smirked "you missed" he mumbled before leaning closer "you went for a kiss but you missed"
They ended up spending the night sharing a room and a bed. When the morning sun peaked through the windows Zuko curled back into sokka who in turn pulled him closer. Both refusing to wake up until Katara knocked on the door and opened it "breakfast is ready, if you two love birds want some warm food you better hury and I better not see any hickeys"
"Ugh! Katara we just cuddled!" Sokka said as he burried his face in Zuko's hair.
Katara simply laughed "alright, but still, hury up."
When the day of the comet came and Zuko had to separate from Sokka he saw the worry in his blue eyes "Ive got this Sokka, Agnj chose me remembe, besides, I've got Katara with me and she's powerful" he placed a quick kiss to Sokka's lips "go take down those ships, and I'll see you by the timd the sun rises tomorrow."
And he was right, even though he was shot with lightning and Sokka broke his leg they both came out of the battle alive and together. When Zuko woke up to find Sokka curled up against him he smiled and let out a soft breath of pink fire. Relief.
"Woah, do that again" Sokka's groggy 'just woke up' voice rumbled against his shoulder
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, do you mean this?" He let out another breath of fire, this time a pale purple
"I didn't know you could do other colors of fire"
"Well, I couldn't until I went to the sunwarriors, Agni spoke to me there"
After Zuko's Coronation the firenation began righting their wrongs. It was a long struggle for sure. However two years into his reign with Sokka having practically moved in he found that he would soon have a partner to help him through these struggles.
The day had only just begun but Sokka was dragging Zuko to the turtleduck pond where they often sat together to simply relax. Sokka seemed a little antsy this time though "what's wrong Sokka?"
"Uhm, well, I have something I need to ask you," he paused and reached into his pocket while sinkning down to one knee. Zuko's breath caught in his throat as he saw Sokka pull out a betrothal becklace, the band was made with a fine red silk and the center piece was gold with a carving of a sun with a wave inside of it. "Zuko," he took a shaky breath "you've been by my side for two years now, you've held my hand through war and peace, quite literally, and you've done so while loving me whole heartedly. I can't imagine my life without you in it." Zuko could feel golden tears threatening to fall fram his molten eyes "Zuko, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" He heard himself responding before he could even think "Agni, yes Sokka, of course I'll marry you!"
Sokka moved from his kneeling position to lifting Zuko up into a kiss, holding him right under his rear. Zuko held his face in his hands as he pressed his lips to Sokka's as he was lifted up quite unceremoniously.
Once he was set down Sokka helped him put on the betrothal necklace. He reached up to touch the Golden pendant and smiled up at Sokka with gold tears falling down his cheeks.
Their marraige was held not long after, joining the southern water tribe and the firenation in a strong Union with a mixed culture wedding blues, silvers, reds and golds filled the wedding and reception as well as suns and moons.
Agni smiled down on the wedding that day, her chosen sunshine found his moon.
Yue smiled on them that night as they stood on the balcony holding one another. The boy who protected her finally found his light.
>Woo boy that was a long one! I sure hope you enjoyed it!<
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penultimateapogee · 4 years
hey dude for the music challenge u should do ALL OF EM
heh heh heh... such was my plan ALL ALONG. i will now use this ask as the place to do it (here’s the post btw)
1. A song that reminds you of your childhood: anything from Fiddler On The Roof (the original Broadway cast recording)... my dad loves Fiddler On The Roof and he used to play it all the time
2. A song to sleep to: heh, anything at 2am. but really New York And Back by Leanne & Naara
3. A song that your best friend loves: oh god, really? cmon i cant just know that...! ummmm mazie and i had a really in depth running conversation about her favorite music about two years ago but im forgetting it all. im PRETTY SURE Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary & the Shredding Tears was the inspiration for her OC Stuart who we both love and occasionally develop
4. A song that hypes you the fuck up: HEH ANYTHING....! oh my god this is a haaaaard one because of how many options i have!!! but also: Awaken by Riot Games feat. Valerie Broussard, because WHEN THE DEVIL IS KNOCKINGGGGGGGGG... SO ALL YOU RESTLESS
5. A song you like to daydream to: i can only say “heh anything” so many times!! literally i daydream to basically every single song; its foundational to how i consume music. i’ll bring out the real heavy hitter now and say Follow You Down by Zedd feat. Bright Lights. ive got some REAL good daydreams for that one
6. A song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists: *breath in* no just kidding, i do my best to make sure my playlists arent too similar. the day you stop me from putting I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers on every character playlist is the day i die tho
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like: this should be easy; lemme just flip through my catalog of “songs i bought independent of their albums because i was building an 8tracks playlist in iTunes”... actually no, Planetary (GO!) by My Chemical Romance! i dont usually like whatever subgenre of rock MCR is all that much but this one GOES (fittingly shjfdis)
8. A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps: Der Kommissar by Falco. no fucking hesitation. i can thank my fluent-in-german mom for this one
9. A song that makes you want to go on an adventure: Zero by Imagine Dragons! ive daydreamed some poppin’ space adventures to that one
10. A song you’d want to dance with your partner to ( or future partner ): so, so much... NOT Jenny by Studio Killers because i just wanna make out to that one; maybe I Go Crazy by Paul Davis
11. A song to stomp around and pout to: difficult, because when i pout, i pout like grimbark jade, in that i go “actually im better than everyone and you can all smd.” then again, having made that clear, Roman Holiday by Nikki Minaj (shoutout: @floralmarsupial for killing me with that lyricstuck)
12. A song to listen to whilst you lie in a meadow: Folding Chair by Regina Spektor. TOO EASY
13. A song that reflects your views on love: uhhhhh. huh. polyam moments? no songs about polyamory moments? being polyamorous fundamentally affects my views on love in a way im not sure ive ever heard a song capture moments? Hot Air Balloon by Owl City because i’ll be out of my mind, and you’ll be out of ideas pretty soon, so let’s spend the afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
14. A song to sing to the sun: i feel like its probably not the intended spirit of this question, but Coming Over (feat. James Hersey) by Dillon Francis & Kygo. im usually more of a nighttime girl but honestly? call me xoxo
15. A song you like that sounds like its on the soundtrack to an indie coming of age film: ohhhh my gooooddddd literally any fucking Bastille song. any of them. thats like their whole angle and i LIVE for it. im picking Snakes because snakes are biting at my heels, the worries that refuse to let us go; ive been kicking them away and hoping not to let them take control
16. A song that you like that romanticises being a teenager: i would love to say Teen Idle by MARINA for the irony but i cant bring myself to. (ill still link it tho.) real answer is Centuries by Fall Out Boy, because whether or not it actually romanticises being a teen i just feel it yknow
17. A song that makes you want to grab your friends jump up and down dancing and screaming the lyrics: why did they write a question to which the only answer is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen? i dont get it. just kidding another acceptable answer is Toxic by Britney Spears (my white is showing im sure)
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry: well actually i have such good taste that every song i listen to is poetry. (trying to remember the lyrics i cried to out of nowhere yesterday. oh right it was The Draw by Bastille but most of it doesnt fit the question as much) ANY Hozier song. im linking his fucking artist page because im NOT KIDDING. ANY HOZIER SONG. i toyed with picking a specific song as an “also, it’s this one haha” but no, im dead serious. i cant pick just one
19. A song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church ( if it isn’t hozier im judging you, but whatever ): ironic! to pick a specific Hozier song this time (because op is right, he’s the only choice), Talk
20. A song from the soundtrack of a film that you like so much after the film finished you immediately looked for it: hm, i feel like i have done this before, but i cant recall when... well i didnt go “oh fuck bop [blacks out]” but Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. remember Thor: Ragnarok? that was a good movie
21. A song for when the sun has gone down and you are feeling absolutely buck-wild with exhilaration!: Lost In Japan (Remix) by Shawn Mendes & Zedd, because no song hits my city-hotel aesthetic quite like this one does
22. A song that makes you feel like you’re strolling through Ancient Greece living your best life: ancient Greece...! that throws a fun twist in it; Don’t Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas) by Regina Spektor
23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains: Shots (Broiler Remix) by Imagine Dragons feat. Broiler. i glanced at this question early on and have been sitting on it the whole time. just LISTEN to it
23. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a europian city whose language you don’t speak): Evelyn by Kim Tillman & Silent Films. it just called to me here
im a little sad that i couldnt put every song ive ever listened to in here so heres some more good ones that i didnt choose: Citrine by Hayley Kiyoko (this is actually a whole EP), Lone Digger by Caravan Palace, Safe And Sound by Capital Cities, Absentee by Jack Campbell, River Flows In You by Yiruma, Instant Crush by Daft Punk, Link by Jim Yosef, Poke Bowl by Radiant Children, Optimistic by cehryl, Quiet by Lights, Superposition by Young the Giant, Far Too Young To Die by Panic! at the Disco, The Good, the Bad and the Dirty also by P!atD, Whatever It Takes by Hollywood Undead, LUNARIA (instrumental) by Chouchou. i know thats easily enough to make your eyes glaze over but mutuals especially it would mean a lot to me if you listened to at least a few of the songs i linked in this post because music means a lot to me and sharing it with other people is one of my favorite things :]
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wueyahfantai · 8 years
The Eradictator: Have a Chat =>
-- roaringMechanix [RM] you're just havin a good day! you left work for now after getting a good amount of profits! you were beaming and overall were just in a great darn mood! --
-- theEradictator [TE] you were pissed off and wanted to fight God. --
-- roaringMechanix [RM] as you turn a corner, you can see down the whole street an extremely tall figure. a very FAMILIAR tall figure. like, the kind that ripped your arm off and took it with them. the shock actually freezes you in place before you even realize you should turn around --
-- theEradictator [TE] wasn't even looking. You were too focused on the broken phone on the ground, shifting it a little with your feet. --
TE: Trusik wαs hεrε...
-- roaringMechanix [RM] okay, yeah. time to back up. you start to, but end up tripping over some garbage, making a loud thud as you fell. ....goddammit --
-- theEradictator's [TE'S] fins perk up and she immediately looked toward the source of the noise, her eyes glowing in the moonlight. --
-- roaringMechanix [RM] goddammit if this isn't familiar...though she's lacking the more intimidating clothes. well, she's seen you, and if you run, you'll just look suspicious and she'll chase you, so you just stand up --
TE: Whαt αrε you doing hεrε.
RM: ....i work around here. im going hive
RM: what are YOU doing here
TE: I cαmε to sεε why Trusik's signαl stoppεd.
-- theEradictator [TE] kicks the broken phone towards him. --
TE: You'rε closε to hεr. αrε YOU involvεd in this...?
RM: ive already been interrogated by your "friend" butcher. no, i didnt have anything to do with it
-- theEradictator [TE] narrows her eyes and snarls. --
TE: Why do I gεt thε fεεling... thαt is α complεtε αnd αβsolutε *liε*....?
RM: probably because youre pissed and want it to be
RM: i wont lie that im not glad she ran, but i didnt help her run or get out
TE: .......
TE: Shε's βεεn gonε for wεεks now. This is αll I hαvε of hεr right now.
TE: Don't you miss hεr, too...?
RM: do i miss her? yes
RM: am i glad shes probably in a better place, though? also yes
TE: α βεttεr plαcε. Shε wαs finε whεrε shε wαs
RM: oh yeah, gettin beat and also sliced nearly in half was definately "good"
RM: havin her mate turned into a weapon that doesnt have much free will is "good"
RM: just like how you rippin my arm off felt "good"
TE: Whilε I will αdmit I wεnt too fαr whεn it comεs to thε βεαting, I sαvεd Cαtrix's lifε αnd mαdε usε for hεr. αs for you? You dεsεrvεd it.
RM: uh huh, "saved"
RM: keep tellin yourself that at dawn, might help ya sleep better
TE: You don't know whαt hαppεnεd. You wεrεn't thεrε. You wouldn't εvεn survivε if you wεrε.
RM: least i know when too fars too far. yeah, its easy to preach when you werent directly involved. but from what ive heard from rivers and claire? didnt seem like you were that bothered doin it
RM: whatever. im not here to debate or to continue to chastise you
RM: i just wanna go hive
TE: Pff... βiαsεd opinions.
-- roaringMechanix [RM] you go to walk. you try to leave. aaaand of course she's got to say that --
RM: .....says the one that beats one of them, and drove the other to plead for suicide
RM: but, yknow, biased, right?
TE: It wαs Clαirε's own fαult shε got hεrsεlf into thε αPSα. Thεrε wαs nothing I could do αβout it. Shε wαs going to βε α normαl prisonεr βut shε provεd hεrsεlf to βε α thrεαt. SHε HεRSεLF ON HεR OWN, provεd to βε α thrεαt worthy εnough to βε quαrαntinεd.
TE: I hαd nothing to do with it. I nεvεr wαntεd it to hαppεn.
TE: αnd I nεvεr KNεW it hαppεnεd until shε got shippεd to thε βεllαdonnα for contαinmεnt.
RM: youre still the one that turned her in, in the first place. and yeah, i know the rest of the story, dont have to go on about it to me. and you alreayd know my opinion about it, so lets just skip it already
TE: Do you? DO you know thε rεst of thε story?
TE: αs I sαid, you hεαrd it from βiαsεd sourcεs.
RM: alright. fine
TE: Hm...
-- roaringMechanix [RM] he walks over to her, but his hands are in his pockets, out of view. good thing, too. they're shaking --
-- theEradictator [TE] looks up at the sky. --
TE: I wαnt you to imαginε somεonε you lovε right now.
RM: you wanna explain it? then we'll sit down and ill listen
TE: Imαginε it.
TE: Imαginε somεonε who you lovε. Who hαs your undying trust
RM: alright. go on
TE: αrε you imαgining it?
TE: βεcαusε I wαnt you to rεαlly fεεl this.
RM: yes, i am
-- roaringMechanix [RM] is it bad he thought of the "I'M REALLY FEELIN IT" meme? --
TE: Imαginε thαt you αskεd thεm to do somεthing incrεdiβly importαnt. Somεthing so importαnt thαt you, yoursεlf, mαdε it α priority.
RM: alright
TE: Now imαginε onε dαy... thεy ruin it.
TE: βεhind your βαck
TE: Without your knowing.
TE: Your most focusεd-on projεct. Gonε.
TE: βy somεonε you trustεd thε most.
TE: βy somεonε who εαRNεD thαt trust
RM: uh huh
-- roaringMechanix [RM] ordinarily, he might feel for someone like this. but considering that she commits genocides on whole worlds, it's hard to have empathy --
TE: Now imαginε thαt this wαs thε first timε you εvεr fully trustεd somεonε.
TE: βεcαusε you'vε gottεn usεd to βεing βαckstαββεd.
TE: Ovεr.
TE: αnd ovεr.
TE: αnd ovεr αgαin.
TE: αnd thε onε timε you dεcidε to βε sαfε αnd opεn up...
TE: It βlows up in your fαcε.
RM: this thing that needed trusting with
RM: was it killing off a whole species from its planet?
TE: No.
RM: alright, then what was it?
TE: It's just to look αftεr α prisonεr.
TE: α singlε prisonεr.
RM: whatd this prisoner do?
TE: Committεd αcts of trεαson αgαinst thεir own. Invεntεd α rεβεllion systεm, αnd thε imprisonmεnt wαs upon somεonε's rεquεst. It wαs not my own doing.
-- roaringMechanix [RM] yeah, you know who this about now. both the person she trusted and her prisoner --
TE: I rεgrεt βεαting hεr.
TE: I wαs not mysεlf.
RM: spoken like an abuser or alcohlic
TE: You idiot.
TE: Thαt wαs thε first timε I εvεr lαid α hαnd on hεr.
TE: Thεrε is no cyclε of αβusε. This isn't α continuous thing.
TE: It wαs onε timε. αnd I rεgrεt it.
RM: alright. lets say that i go with you truly regretting what happened. everything, from forcing rivers to serve you, to turning his mate into a killing machine, to beating her
RM: what would you do if you found her again? give her hugs and kisses?
TE: βεforε I αnswεr thαt ridiculous quεstion, I mαy wαnt to corrεct you with somεthing
TE: Rivεrs wαs nεvεr forcεd to work with mε.
TE: Shε WαNTεD to
TE: You cαn εvεn αsk hεr nεxt timε you sεε hεr. IF you sεε hεr αgαin.
TE: You sεεm to likε twisting words so thεy sαtisfy yoursεlf.
TE: Mεαnwhilε I hαvε βεεn tεlling thε truth.
RM: you have to admit its hard to sympathize with someone who tore my arm off, and KEPT it
RM: i dont even wanna know what happened to it at this point
RM: but fine
RM: whatever
TE: βoo fucking hoo.
RM: tell me what youd do if you found rivers again
TE: God you whinε.
TE: Whαt I would do?
-- theEradictator [TE] shrugs. --
TE: Fuck if I know.
TE: βut it wouldn't involvε hurting hεr.
RM: and you certainly wouldnt make her come back with you, of course
TE: I would.
RM: i know you would, it was sarcasam
TE: Shε'll εvεntuαlly wαnt to comε βαck.
RM: sure she will, buddy
TE: You don't know hεr
TE: You think you do, just βεcαusε you wεnt to thε mαll with hεr.
TE: Or spεnt timε with hεr αt your hivε.
TE: Good joβ for kεεping it in your pαnts βy thε wαy. I wαs worriεd.
RM: jesus, youre like the obsessed girlfriend that tracks her significant other in fear theyll cheat
TE: I lovε how εvεrything goεs to rεlαtionships with you.
TE: Oβsεssεd girlfriεnd.
-- theEradictator [TE] shakes her head. --
RM: least i dont have to put a tracker on mine in case theyll run from me in terror
TE: Didn't you put α trαckεr on α onε swεεp old, I hεαrd?
RM: yeah. because she was a single sweep old. and the type to see a bear in the woods and ask it for a hug. piss off, if youre gonna even try to make that kind of connection
TE: You put α trαcking βαnglε.
TE: On α child.
RM: because shes a DUMBASS, and i was worried about a kid falling off a cliff or gettin hurt from a wild animal! you tracked rivers because you didnt want to lose your PROPERTY
RM: you know how she acted when she learned she had to go back to your ship?
RM: she was in DISPAIR
RM: the idea MORTIFIED her
RM: she only left to go because she was so scared youd hurt her again!
-- theEradictator's [TE'S] fins flick straight up. He did not just... --
TE: Dumβαss...?
TE: I trαck Rivεrs for thαt sαmε rεαson.
TE: Shε hαs nothing to dεfεnd hεrsεlf with βUT α GUN.
TE: *Mε*
TE: *Mε*.
TE: αnd OF COURSε shε wαs scαrεd to go βαck to thε fucking SHIP.
TE: αftεr I HURT hεr!
TE: Not to mεntion if shε wεnt βαck to thε ship, I would hαvε thought αβout lεtting hεr out of thε ship morε αs αN αPOLOGY.
TE: βεCαUSε YεS.
TE: Sεε?
-- theEradictator [TE] STANDS UP to her full height. --
TE: YOU put α SLαVε βαNGLε on α CHILD.
TE: Whαt thε fuck αrε trolls going to think whεn thεy sεε α LOWβLOOD wεαring HIGHβLOOD TRαCKING PROPεRTY on thεir horns?
TE: 9/10 sαy thαt child is α SLαVε
TE: I didn't εvεn KNOW you did this!!!
TE: You cαll Mε α βαd pεrson, αt lεαst I'm αβlε to αdmit thαt I fuckεd up αnd TRY not to do it αgαin!
TE: I αm NOT α pεrfεct troll! NεVεR wαs!
TE: αnd you cαllεd hεr α *DUMβαSS*!!!
TE: Thεy αrε not DUMβαSSεS, thεy αrε WIGGLεRS.
TE: Whαt wεrε YOU doing αt onε swεεp old?
TE: αll shε wαnts is to εXPLORε. Whεn shε βrεαchεd my ship, αll shε wαntεd wαs to βε friεnds with mε!
TE: Shε didn't know mε! Shε didn't know who I wαs!
TE: αll shε sαw wαs α "βig fishy"!
TE: Of COURSε shε's nαivε! Shε's α CHILD, shε doεsn't know SHIT.
TE: βut thαt doεsn't mαkε hεr αn IDIOT.
TE: Shε's so smαrt αt whαt shε doεs.
-- roaringMechanix [RM] that's actually the perfect reason wrigglers are dumb, but..... --
TE: Shε wαs thε only troll. THε ONLY TROLL, to succεssfully βRεαCH my ship.
TE: Hαd shε βε αny othεr troll, shε would hαvε hαd thε knowlεdgε to know thαt shε mαdε my ship vulnεrαβlε αnd hαd εvεry opportunity to ruin it.
TE: βut no.
TE: Shε wαs found βy βutchεr, αnd shε mαdε friεnds with litεrαlly εVεRYONε THεRε>
TE: Shε εvεn drεw mε α picturε!
-- theEradictator [TE] uncaptchas a picture Irisma drew of her and Lulith together being friends. --
TE: Shε cαll mε LuLu!
TE: Shε cαlls my mαtεsprit "Tushiε"!
RM: aww, thats cute
TE: Shε's fucking hilαrious!
TE: Shε's mischεvious, shε's nαivε, αnd shε's curious.
TE: αN
-- theEradictator [TE] was full on Commander Admiral mode now. --
RM: well, thats unpleasant
TE: Or I cαn just go for your βulgε sincε thαt sεεms to βε your βεst fεαturε αppαrεntly?
-- roaringMechanix [RM] part of him is afraid, while the other part just thinks ROBOBULGE --
TE: I should just tεll Irismα thαt.
TE: "Irismα, onε of your βεst friεnds who you trustεd αnd lovεd cαllεd you α dumβαss todαy."
TE: No...
TE: I should tεll CLαIRε thαt.
TE: I wondεr how shε would rεαct.
-- roaringMechanix [RM] is just staring at her, because he can't believe that Lulith is taking the "moral high ground" when she's utterly terrible --
TE: Yεαh.
TE: I'll do thαt.
TE: I'll tεll Clαirε εxαctly whαt you sαid.
RM: ........youre seriously being a tattletale on me right now
TE: α TαTT-
-- theEradictator [TE] LAUGHS. --
TE: βεCαUSε YOU'Rε α DUMβαSS.
RM: .....i honestly dont know how to react to this
TE: Thε fuck do you mεαn?
TE: αrε you thαt in shock?
RM: i just
RM: the way that all went was so surprising
RM: youre raving mad at first, then you started acting motherly for iris
RM: then back to raving mad, threatening to kill me
TE: Yεs.
RM: and then saying youre gonna tell on me to claire
TE: "Tεll on mε", christ, I'm βεing schoolfεd αgαin.
RM: thats what you said! ill tell claire exactly what you said!
RM: ....this is too much for me
TE: You αct likε you'rε in thε Twilight Zonε.
TE: Is your world thαt βlαck αnd whitε thαt you cαn't possiβly sεε somεonε likε mε CαRING for somεonε?
RM: i mean......its not like its implausible
RM: you have to admit, literally every experience ive had with you, in person or talking about you, has been negative
TE: You βring it up on yoursεlf βεcαusε αll you sεε is α monstεr.
RM: but at the same time, i know youre capable of it, like anyone else
RM: and /you/ dont exactly paint yourself in the prettiest light
TE: Of coursε I fucking don't.
RM: then what do you expect when people think the WORST of you?
TE: I'm usεd to it.
TE: Your rεαction to mε isn't uniquε.
RM: then....i dunno.....why not try to CHANGE that?
TE: Tαushi
TE: I αm fαr too fαr gonε.
TE: I cαn't just βε α good guy αt thε drop of α hαt.
RM: well thats bullshit
RM: of course not. nobody is
RM: i cant exactly talk from experience
RM: but i at least know it takes a fuck ton of time and effort
RM: besides, it aint like you dont have time to try
TE: Timε αnd εffort wαstεd.
RM: youll probably even live for another thousand years
RM: i mean....you say that
RM: but this certainly went better than our LAST meeting
RM: id say thats some improvement
TE: Mostly βεcαusε I'm tirεd αnd I only hurt thosε who physicαlly provokε it.
TE: You could hαvε hαd your αrm hαd you not hαvε punchεd mε.
TE: Its your fαult.
RM: its not like i MEANT to
TE: Whαt...
RM: hell, i was gonna go back hive cause claire told me to
TE: αnd thεn you dεcidεd to αpproαch mε.
RM: i only got angry cause i saw you covered in her blood
TE: Yεs αnd?
TE: You wεnt αgαinst hεr wishεs.
RM: no, seriously, i didnt even go out to find you! i just happened upon you!
TE: Yεs you did!
RM: oh cmon, youre a highblood. you know about rage issues
TE: Oh plεαsε.
TE: Of coursε I do.
TE: βut I αlso know whεn to fucking NOT.
RM: yeah, and youre like 17 times older than me
RM: i just fuckin lost it, okay
TE: You should hαvε sεεn from MILεS αWαY how unstαβlε I wαs.
TE: Yεs, I wαs covεrεd in hεr βlood.
TE: βut Clαirε βεggεd you to αvoid mε.
TE: αnd look whαt you didn't do?
RM: and i TRIED
TE: You fαilεd MISεRαβLY.
TE: εvεn *I* would hαvε donε it succεssfully!
-- roaringMechanix [RM] he's.....actually getting kind of flustered now. throughout this, he's either been calm, annoy, or a tad afraid. but he hasn't really broken his comosure like this --
RM: .......screw you. i just fuckin lost it. i just......i fuckin....
TE: You did this.
TE: You could hαvε stoppεd it. βut you did this.
-- theEradictator [TE] yawns. --
TE: αnywαy, thε mαtε is wαiting βαck hivε.
TE: Shε isn't fεεling wεll αnd I nεεd to pick up α fεw things.
TE: Mαyβε somε snαcks if shε's hungry.
TE: Good dαwn, Xεrx. Mαyβε thε nεxt timε wε tαlk, It'll improvε α littlε βεttεr.
-- roaringMechanix [RM] he doesn't say anything, just lets her walk away, muttering "goddammit" when she leaves and hitting the wall hard enough to leave his imprint in it, despite it being brick --
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