#ynfg concept
hopskip-andajump · 5 months
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Horyo <3
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murasakicandytuft · 9 months
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art for a ynfg ill probably never make lo
character is named momo
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gingeredmink · 3 months
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Had a dream/nightmare that Tats and Sou appeared in which kinda kicked off a Mikan Muzou/Horror game AU concept
sorta cleaned up my rambling on discord so here's a messy synopsis
One of the chasers and Sou's old gangmate [Nate] becomes a crime investigator to try to redeem himself of his past. Sou ends up joining him instead of locking himself up in his room for the same reason. Due to physique he gets put on a lot of tougher or more violent cases, which he is fine with as he sees this as paying for his past sins and it helps keep his mind busy. Eventually Sou gets a sort of good reputation for how hard working and focused on the job he is, albeit he is a bit of a hard ass [Nate is the only one that really gets why he's like that and outside of saying he's done more than enough to pay off everything and should lighten up here and there, he leaves him alone]
Sou had taken up writing short stories and poetry on the side to help clear his mind a bit after work when the stress started to weight him down. Somehow Tatsuki and Lefia came across it and ended up contacting him after finding out he was local because it really resonated with them. At first he was a bit cold because he had been so emotionally shut out to the world after everything that had happened in the past [Nate was used to him just being like that so he didn't have to try to ease up or come off as softer around him.], but they were never pushy or judgemental and always seemed to respect his space so he eventually grew to enjoy their presence. Doesn't help that Sou noted there always seemed to be a sense of sadness/tiredness behind their eyes which made him relate to them. Every now and then they'd send him little gifts like coffee or photos of something that reminded them of his writing along with a note asking him to not work too hard and take care of himself. He has a few of these on his desk alongside a photo of the three of them [Nate saw it and joked like, "Aw, you got a family now?"]
There's a nearby town that has a reputation for being cursed or something, it's known that people live there and occasionally vendors travel through but for the most part its inhabitants stick to themselves, no one enters or leaves. His workplace refuses to send anyone because those sent there either came back mentally ruined or didn't come back at all. Sou had been somewhat keeping tabs on reports coming from there between his own work, but instantly became obsessed after it was reported that Tatsuki and Lefia were missing and someone said they saw them near the town. [He was still emotionally closed off from people but had started to really care about those two so of course losing them messed him up]
bonus: sou had noticed in the past that tats and lefia always looked somewhat unwell, though they seemed to be trying to hide that and always acted happy, and he suspected they were being neglected or something. he feels guilty for not looking into them more as it might have prevented everything ["Sure I only have a 1 bedroom apartment, but they're so small I could have made room for them, they clearly needed a better home why didn't I ever do anything?"]
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yume-rollie · 10 months
Yesterday I got a vision
This is the concept art of a transition room to a world I want to work on, will drop more in the future if the idea stays there
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urosmonk · 6 months
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been playing a lot of ultra violet lately
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cookiepwee · 1 year
New update for Cerasus!!! Play our mentally ill robot game!
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windmills123 · 1 year
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rooms redesign!
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lithiumdevblog · 1 year
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“Our protagonist is a young girl who goes by Shintaitsuki. She is currently participating in trials for a Lithium-based medication. Follow her as she goes deeper and deeper into her drug-induced dreams.”
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coconutbun37 · 2 years
some concept art I did for a Yume Nikki Fangame I was making, called REM
I have a really old prototype of it released but was working on a much more fleshed out version
unfortunately I got kinda bored of making it, maybe I'll come back to it sometime but I wanna work on other things rn
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hopskip-andajump · 5 months
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guess who's been listening to sad jpop recently
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chc-stuff-dump · 21 days
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girl from the future from a ynfg concept I made once, shes named Repollo
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thetowarshirift · 10 months
Making this mostly because of the statement still on the Yume Nikki Fangame Wiki at the moment:
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Yume Nyaki / The Towarshi Rift, as an RPG MAKER game, is cancelled.
I phrase this in such a specific way to say the idea of The Towarshi Rift is not.
The Towarshi Rift's story is in the process of being adapted into a different medium, most likely a Youtube Webseries akin to SiIvagunner's Christmas Comeback Crisis / some kind of visual novel, as it better fits the story I would want to tell with it then a Yume Nikki fangame. I may come back to the concept of a RPG MAKER game in the future, but that is uncertain.
This still doesn't mean I'm done with the Yume Nikki Fandom in the slightest!
I am still working with friends on a different, friend server collaborative project that is, even with the changes to the format, a Yume Nikki Fangame. Some concepts from Yume Nyaki that are being scrapped from The Towarshi Rift are probably being moved to that as well! Even if it was small, I'd still like to thank everyone who supported Yume Nyaki since it was submitted for the original Dream Diary Jam those many years back, it means the world anyone cared about these characters back then and I hope to retain your attention in future posts, as this blog is still dedicated to The Towarshi Rift and the other YNFG project updates. To end things off, here is updated designs for Nyasuki- or rather, just Nyams now- and their sibling Kinoko for The Towarshi Rift. Thank you again, and I'll try to update this blog with more info about my projects soon!
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dinoburger · 2 years
Hi Dino! Just wanted to say I miss your LISA content, but I do understand why you don't post it anymore. Other than that, I support your interests, even if I don'understand them. I'll continue to support you either way! :D
thank you so much Joey, I appreciate the support!
ik this is a late response, when I saw this message I had this impulse to share something unfinished but related that might be somewhat interesting - most of this stuff is just sitting in folders on my computer, untouched, I dont believe any of this is really public
me n a few pals were kicking around this idea of a YNFG twist on it a couple years back - it's been in long term hiatus, most of us kinda lost interest and building the groundwork for it was my job, so when I started tapping out it lost momentum - I roughed out the idea and this is what resulted:
the plot follows the protagonist, Quiz, trying to find their way out of the caves of Olathe - key items essentially serve as effects, instead of gaining levels to gain new abilities Quiz equips items that give them a different moveset and a different appearance
the ultimate goal is to gather them and bring them to the Collector in exchange for freedom
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I had this concept of there being a hub world with branching paths - like the nexus - where other people could design new areas to add, have them reviewed and incorporated
the other collaborators came up with some really cool ideas too, but there's not really a lot there that's actually been programmed in aside from what I've shown - the two items that've been implemented are the Fake Beard and the Fox Tail
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I just remember this project sometimes bc I really liked what we had going, I still entertain the idea of taking what was there and forging it into some kind of playable demo, but again it pretty much all hinges on me and it's by far not a priority.
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thegreatcrowdragon · 1 year
It’s never gonna exist so I might as well give yall my ynfg concept just in case someone wants to make it or something
So you are a girl named Luci, who has been locked in a padded cell for reasons (yet) unknown. You also have a straightjacket on but only in the real world.
There’s no video game console or anything. You save by interacting with a bloodstain on the wall. You sleep on the blanket in the corner.
Her dreams at first are very sweet and cute looking, but the further down the more fucked up it gets. Luci has extremely violent impulsive thoughts, and those can be seen through her dreams. 
I realized I never really described Luci so I am now! She’s got long (very) messy black hair and green eyes. Her clothes actually change in the dream world too! In the real world she is wearing a straitjacket, but in the dream world it’s just a white jacket similar to Fluorette’s.
Ok effect time :) 
Cat: Turns you into a black cat with blue eyes. Lets you run faster and also meow. Based on a cat I saw in a dream.
Monster: Kills npcs. Luci’s hair gets shorter and she’s wearing a black and red school uniform. Her eyes are red too. Attack animation is multiple spider like appendages coming out of Luci and killing whatever is in front of her.
Crow: Turn into a crow. Returns you to nexus.
Metal bat: Another attack effect, but it can ALSO open blocked doors :)
Ball and chain: Attaches a ball and chain to Luci. Slows her down significantly. The action key makes her pull at the chain. (Totally not a Mikan Muzou reference pff what’s that)
Mimicry: Pressing the action key turns Luci into a chaser and makes them not attack her.
Specter: Makes Luci a pale blue, and translucent. Allows her to go through certain walls. The action key makes dark blue blood drip from her neck before she wipes it up. (This one is just straight up a Me reference, I can’t even deny it)
Cursed: Makes Luci have her right eye closed. Pressing the action key makes her open it, revealing it is completely red and glowing. This reveals invisible things, including npcs.
Phoenix: Turns Luci completely black with wings on her back. Pressing the action key causes her to light up in a burst of orange flame. She will then remain orange, glowing slightly. She will also start flying, but her speed will not increase unless the action key is pressed again. Lights up dark areas and burns certain npcs.
Porcelain: Turns Luci into a doll, her hair is now blonde and she is in a frilly black dress. Her eyes are closed, and her mouth is covered by duct tape. This effect automatically attracts npcs. Pressing the action key causes her to open her eyes, peel off the duct tape, and smile directly at the screen. (This one is a reference to a non yume nikki related video game)
Demon: Luci becomes a demon with broken chains around her neck and wrists. Pressing the action key makes her slam her wrist chains together, scaring off npcs.
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bizarre-paradox · 2 years
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when you pretend you are making a ynfg but instead ur just making concept art for a game that doesn’t exist and you still know fuck all abt making games
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drac8itch · 1 year
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I had my own project of making my own YNFG but of course that never happened, but I still enjoy drawing concepts for it. cLear.
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