#yoga outreach
reasonsforhope · 1 month
"Over 11,000 small donors have managed to raise £245,000 ($270,000) to repair a library in Liverpool that was set partially ablaze during a spate of violent acts of disorder that took place in England and Belfast last week [early August, 2024].
Called Spellow Hub, the library had recently been transformed into a community space with job training and outreach activities for some of the most disadvantaged parts of Liverpool, but the rioting left the whole of the ground floor badly burned.
“I always loved to read as a child and seeing a library and community space destroyed broke my heart,” the fundraiser’s organizer, 27-year-old Alex McCormick told the Guardian. “I felt helpless and wanted to do something to help and thought fundraising would be a nice way to replace some of the books lost in the fire.”
McCormick described herself as being “overwhelmed with the response and the sense of community,” and by the time she had spoken with the British paper the fundraiser already accumulated £120,000.
An update posted on Monday announced that work had already started to restore the Spellow Hub to its former joy.
The riots were described as the worst instances of their kind in 13 years. The deaths of three young girls and the injury of 10 others when an assailant attacked a Taylor Swift-themed dance and yoga class shook the nation.
The riots were described as the worst instances of their kind in 13 years...
However, communities have largely rallied together, including in Southport where there stabbing occurred when after a mosque was vandalized in the wake of the attack, local bricklaying companies rushed to rebuild the exterior wall in scorching temperatures."
-via August 14, 2024
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: astrology blog @astroismypassion
Today we are finishing strong with Part of Fortune series in signs and houses, finishing off with the 12th house! Enjoy😊
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via engaging in research related to psychology, spirituality, consciousness, via dream analysis, meditation and study of the unconscious mind, via work in roles that involve creating content behind the scenes, such as film production, editing, writing, via exploring and tapping into niche market that focus on spiritual, esoteric or unconventional interests. You feel abundant when you innovate in hidden or esoteric fields and work behind the scenes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via music, dance or art therapy, via message therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, via managing or operating spiritual retreat centres that offer meditation, yoga or other wellness programs, via work in production roles for media projects, spiritual organizations or arts communities. You feel abundant when you combine beauty with purpose, embrace solitude and reflection and focus on healing and comfort.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via writing scripts or produce media connected with spiritual or psychological themes, when you create podcasts or videos that explore spiritual topics, esoteric subjects or personal development, via work as a freelance writer or journalist, especially on topics related to spirituality, mental health and societal issues. You feel abundant when consider freelance or remote opportunities, balance solitude and social interaction and use your adaptability.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via managing or operating spiritual or wellness retreat centres that offer a comforting and healing environment, via caregiving for the elderly, via running a daycare centre, engaging in charitable work, particularly with groups such as the elderly, homeless or those dealing with addiction. You feel abundant when you focus on emotional and spiritual healing, when you balance solitude with compassionate outreach, when you work behind the scenes and when you provide emotional and practical support.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via leading spiritual groups, retreats or workshops that focus on personal growth, self-expression and spiritual awakening. You could take on leadership roles in non-profit organizations, focused on arts, spirituality or support for marginalized communities. You could produce films, documentaries or other media content that explores deep, often hidden aspects of life, spirituality or human condition. You feel the most abundant when you lead with compassion and charisma, when you embrace your creative and expressive nature.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via studying and writing about spiritual practices, work in holistic or alternative medicine fields (acupuncture, herbalism, naturopathy), via teaching mindfulness, meditation or other spiritual practices. You feel abundant when you are precise and focus on details, when you operate quietly and efficiently.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via set design, costume design, holistic counselling, relationship counselling, meditation, work in music, dance, through non-profit work in organizations that advocate for justice, equality, work with law in connection to human right and social justice or advocating for marginalized groups. You feel abundant when you use your natural inclination towards beauty and harmony in your work.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via psychotherapy, counselling, holistic and alternative healing, spiritual guidance and mentorship, mysticism and esoteric studies, psychological and medical research, investigative work, private counselling, non-profit or charitable work, writing on deep topics, content creation for healing or via art with emotional depth. You feel abundant when you balance intensity with compassion or when you explore hidden or unconventional paths.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via teaching courses or workshops in philosophical, spiritual or holistic subjects, via motivational speaking, writing and multimedia projects that explore thems of personal growth and spirituality. You feel abundant when you create transformational and inspirational content, when you combine travel with purpose and when you use your expansive nature to guide you through teaching, writing and spiritual guidance.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via strategic planning, psychotherapy, counselling, writing books, articles or guide on topics related to personal development, spirituality or practical strategies for achieving goals. You feel abundant when you pursue research and development, work behind the scenes and when you focus on structured healing work.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via social issues, mental health and spiritual development, via developing or managing community programs that address societal needs, via teaching, mentoring, artistic expression, innovative creative content and research in social sciences, work on projects or in organizations focused on social reform, human rights or global issues. You feel abundant when you create inspirational and impactful content, when you work behind the scenes and when you focus on humanitarian and spiritual goals.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces Sun people in your life. You can earn money via coordinating or managing programs that provide support and services to marginalized or underserved communities, via study of mystical, esoteric or spiritual subjects, teaching workshops or courses on spiritual growth, creativity or healing arts. You feel abundant when you integrate spiritual and holistic practices, when you pursue creative or artistic projects that allow you to express your unique vision and contribute to the well-being of others.
Credit: astrology blog @astroismypassion
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Yup pretty much. Like those woobyfied "what if all these gods were in high school and absolutely nothing at all like their mythological origins, and the absolutely awkward level of iffy pop culture shoved into every crevice. It gets even drier when one of the God/desses becomes clear self-insert, but the author is just deep in denial. And let's not forget the absolute lack of any connection to anything Greek at all, or even just mediterranean, besides a low effort bedsheet toga.
Careful there, anon. If you keep talking Mattel or MGA is going to hear you and, come 2024, we're going to get an announcement for 'Olympia High'!
With such reimaginings as:
Hera Oikogéneia: With a heart as big as all outdoors, Hera loves children! Class president and head of community outreach, her passions are babysitting, tutoring, and she wants to become a Teacher or a Pediatrician after graduation!
Artemis Agrios - ...F-Fluttershy. They would just make her Fluttershy from MLP: FiM but with a pet deer instead of a bunny and they would make her obnoxiously Vegan.
Zeus Keravnós - Zeus is the major heartthrob of Olympia High. All the girls want him (as well as some of the guys) and for good reason! His smile is as electric as his personality and everywhere he goes he's the life of the party!
Hades Nekros - Watch out, this guy is trouble! Hades is the resident bad boy of Olympia High, always hanging out in the shadows with his brother Thanatos and the school's resident Wicca Hecate. But, between me and you, he's just a great big goth teddy bear. Especially around his girlfriend...
Persephone Louloúdi - Everyone at Olympia High knows the two most important rules: Follow Aphrodite Agápi's Lorestagram and be nice to Persephone Louloúdi. Persephone has major flower-power vibes. It's really easy to catch her doing yoga in the school gardens or spacing out in class. But don't you dare mess with her about it. Her big sis Demeter has a way of... Putting people on ice.
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greenlikethesea · 1 year
However many mutuals, 15 questions. Thanks @dodger-chan for tagging me, it was cool to learn about you!!
1. are you named after anyone?
My government name is just a name my mother thought was pretty, with the middle name being a family middle name. The name I go by currently (sometimes, anyway) is after a character in an indie movie.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Oh god, two days ago? I cry so much. I feel things super deeply and I cry very easily. It's something I've struggled with my entire life and have tried to keep heavily in check due to the whole "white woman tears" thing, but emotional regulation is not a strong suit of mine.
3. do you have kids?
I do not and I don’t think I will have any. I admire people who have them, and I actually like kids! I just don’t think I’m meant to be a parent. I think when I'm older and more financially stable, I'd like to foster teenagers.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
To some extent. I used to be a lot more sarcastic, but a well of tenderness has sprung up inside me and replaced it with sincerity. It makes me feel a hell of a lot better day to day.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve done swimming and skating, and I did the standard sports in gym class. I’m decidedly not a sports person but I do think jocks are very hot, haha. The exercise I do currently is solo stuff (walking, running, weight lifting, yoga) or stuff that's technically exercise but more fun (dancing! zumba!).
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their posture and their hair, two things about myself that I am very fixated on so I zero in on them with others. And, of course, what they're wearing!
7. what’s your eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I refuse to choose! They both have value and there’s room for both in my life! My favorite genre is horror comedy if you couldn’t tell.
9. any special talents?
I think people consider the writing and music thing special, but they're just essential parts of my being, so here are things I consider special: can cook a decent meal out of whatever is in my house. I am good at lip syncing. I can accurately guess the beat drop in basically any song.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, making music, theater, trivia, collaging, road trips, hiking, beach going in the summer.
12. do you have pets?
Not anymore :( I recently had to put my cat to sleep. I want a pet again in the future, and when I'm a bit more financially stable I definitely want a dog.
13. how tall are you?
5’3.5” (161.29 cm)
14. favourite subject at school?
English for the conventional stuff. But really, Chorus of any kind. I went to a performing arts high school and I loved that for four periods out of my school day, I got to sing.
15. dream job?
I'm not certain if I have a dream job! I kind of want to do a bit of everything. But right now, I'm working toward something I really like -- community outreach and guest experience at a cultural center, which may turn into event planning and hosting later on.
tagging @tony-buddenbrook @cchapsticck @laundrybiscuits @senorablack @campgender @r-o-s-e-f-i-r-e and whoever else wants to do it!
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ijrjournal · 1 day
Check out this post… "Secretary (I&B) and Secretary (AYUSH) review preparations for outreach activities of International Day of Yoga 2024".
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kimcooper0502 · 3 days
Finding Your Path: A Guide to Hare Krishna and Self-Discovery
The Hare Krishna lifestyle and self-discovery go hand in hand for those seeking purpose and meaning in life. 
Are you looking for purpose and meaning in life? Do you feel a deep sense of longing and desire for something more? If so, then learning more about Krishna consciousness may be just what you need. For those looking to explore this path, Hare Krishna Melbourne offers the perfect starting point.
What is Hare Krishna Melbourne? 
Hare Krishna Melbourne is a vibrant community of devotees dedicated to the practice of Krishna consciousness. Located in the heart of Melbourne, our Albert Park temple offers a wide range of programs and activities designed to help people deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the divine, Krsna. Whether you’re new to Krishna consciousness or an experienced practitioner, there’s something for everyone at Hare Krishna Melbourne.
How can Hare Krishna Melbourne help your self-discovery journey?
Here are just a few ways that Hare Krishna Melbourne can help you on your spiritual journey: 
1. Learning mantra meditation using the Hare Krishna mantra
At the heart of Krishna consciousness is the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, a powerful tool for spiritual transformation. By chanting this mantra, you can purify your consciousness and reestablish your connection with the divine. Hare Krishna Melbourne offers regular kirtan sessions, where you can join in with other like-minded explorers and fellow devotees in chanting the mantra and experiencing the blissful joy that comes from connecting with the divine.
On Sundays, we also offer free Bhakti yoga in Melbourne, which is a great way to start on your journey into exploring Hare Krishna yoga self-discovery!
2. Practicing devotional service
Devotional service, or seva, is an important aspect of Krishna consciousness. By serving others selflessly, we can purify our hearts and cultivate a sense of love and compassion for all beings. Hare Krishna Melbourne offers many opportunities to get involved in seva and Melbourne volunteering opportunities, from helping set up events, organizing volunteers, to cooking and serving prasadam (sanctified food) to participating in outreach activities that benefit the wider community.
3. Connecting with the community
Finally, getting involved with the Hare Krishna Melbourne community is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and build a support network for your spiritual journey. Attend events and Hare Krishna festivals, meet new people, and build relationships with like-minded others that will support you in your quest for self-discovery.
Read the full article to know more about Finding Your Path: A Guide to Hare Krishna and Self-Discovery.
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maranofamilylawyers · 11 days
Family Solicitors in Sydney
The right family lawyer provides both legal expertise and emotional support to help you navigate a divorce, separation or other relationship breakdown. They can also assist you in drafting agreements and mediating disputes.
When choosing a family law firm, consider the following factors: Communication skills: Choose a lawyer who communicates well and listens to your concerns. Empathy: Dealing with family issues requires sensitivity and empathy.
John R Quinn & Co
John Quinn is a partner at Hecker Fink LLP, where he handles high-profile business Family solicitors Sydney. He has won numerous awards and accolades, including being named a New York Super Lawyer and a Litigation Trailblazer by Bloomberg Law. He also has been recognized by Chambers USA, Benchmark Litigation, and Lawdragon as a top litigator.
Quinn was a successful corporate lawyer and amassed an important private collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures and books and manuscripts. His interest in art was complemented by his support of contemporary writers, particularly Irish poets and novelists. His library and manuscript collections were sold to help fund his art acquisitions. The collection includes correspondence, 1901-1924, with artists, art dealers, critics, poets, and literary figures; files of paintings, drawings, and sculpture; and typescripts of literary works.
Cominos Family Lawyers
A family lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in issues related to the dissolution of marriage, also known as divorce. They provide advice on rights and obligations, represent their clients in court, and handle various associated matters. They are often experienced in handling complex cases involving property settlement and child custody.
Cominos Family Lawyers is a leading Sydney law firm with extensive experience in family law and divorce. They are committed to ensuring that their clients receive compassionate support and understanding during difficult times. Their team of highly experienced lawyers work closely with their clients to achieve optimal outcomes for their case. They are available to speak with you at any time, day or night. They also offer a free consultation to assess your case.
Suzanne Pigdon & Rosemary Norgate
The team at this law firm specialises in family and divorce matters, property settlements, parental rights, spousal maintenance, and mediation services. They have over 30 years of experience, and are known for their clear advice. They are also known for their compassion and empathy.
The company offers a supportive work environment that fosters growth and creativity. This makes the job experience exciting and rewarding. It also prioritizes the well-being of its attorneys and staff. This includes providing a comprehensive wellness program that ranges from yoga classes to mindfulness workshops.
The firm is committed to giving back to the community through various pro bono initiatives and community outreach programs. This ensures that the employees are able to contribute to society in a meaningful way. In addition, it offers a diverse and inclusive work culture.
Justice Family Lawyers
Justice Family Lawyers is one of Sydney’s leading family law specialists. The firm offers a comprehensive range of services, including divorce, child custody, property settlement, domestic violence and more. Its team of experienced lawyers is highly regarded for their professionalism and thoughtful approach.
Justice Family Lawyers is also a founding member of the National Legal Aid Federation. This group provides free legal advice and assistance for people experiencing relationship issues, including domestic violence. In addition, many community organisations offer free legal assistance, including Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS). These services are available in every state and territory. In addition, some family law firms offer free initial consultations. This demonstrates their commitment to providing quality and affordable legal services. The consultations are typically face-to-face.
Prime Lawyers
Prime Legal advisor Sydney is a law firm that serves clients from all over the country. They provide legal services for businesses, individuals, families, and property investors. Their goal is to tap mutual trust with their clients.
The company specializes in commercial law, family law, and wills and estates. Its experienced team provides personalised service, which is based on the client’s unique needs and concerns. The firm’s goal is to deliver quality solutions in a timely manner.
It is essential to ask about the fees for a consultation before hiring a law firm. Some firms may charge a flat fee, while others will only charge you for the time they spend with you. Some will also require that you sign a contract before they will take on your case.
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heypapipromotions · 1 month
📣🚨Don't miss the TAB DC Annual Community Fest & Trauma Informed Outreach this 📆Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at 1000 V St NW, Washington, DC 20001.
🔥There'll be a live performance by local celebrity Christian Rapper ⭐️Mission O. at ⏰️2:00 pm. 🙉They'll also have Yoga/Shante Whisenton, Zumba, Wisdom Speeks, a Petting Zoo, Trauma Informed Recovery Professionals, Face Paints, Arts & Crafts, 🎉FREE HAIR CUTS, 🎉FREE FOOD, 🎉FREE BACKPACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES! 🍟Vendors are welcome! 📲For more information, check out https://www.thetabdc.org
❤️Bring your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. We hope to see you all there! 🤗
#TABDC #TraumaInformedOutreach #CommunityFest #MissionO #LetsGo #FreeEvent #FreeSchoolSupplies #FreeFood #FreeHairCuts #FreeBackpacks #Zumba #FacePaints #PettingZoo #ArtsAndCrafts
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cpjcollege · 1 month
Student Life at CPJ College: Clubs, Activities, and Events
CPJ College, known for its academic excellence, offers students a well-rounded experience that extends beyond the classroom. This vibrant institution provides a rich array of clubs, activities, and events, catering to a diverse range of interests and passions. From intellectual pursuits to creative expressions, CPJ College ensures that every student finds a place to thrive. In this blog, we explore the dynamic student life at CPJ College and the various opportunities available to make the most of your college years.
1. Academic Clubs: Fostering Intellectual Growth
At CPJ College, academic clubs are a cornerstone of student life. These clubs provide a platform for students to delve deeper into their fields of interest and connect with like-minded peers. Some of the prominent academic clubs include:
Debate and Literary Society: A haven for students passionate about literature, public speaking, and debate. This society organizes regular debates, poetry readings, and literary discussions, allowing students to enhance their communication and critical thinking skills.
Science and Technology Club: For the tech-savvy and science enthusiasts, this club offers workshops, seminars, and hands-on projects. Students can engage in coding competitions, robotics challenges, and discussions on the latest advancements in technology.
Business and Entrepreneurship Club: Aimed at aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, this club hosts guest lectures, business plan competitions, and networking events. Students can gain insights from industry experts and develop their entrepreneurial skills.
2. Cultural and Creative Clubs: Unleashing Artistic Talents
CPJ College recognizes the importance of nurturing creativity and cultural expression among its students. The college offers a variety of cultural and creative clubs, including:
Drama and Theatre Club: For those with a flair for the dramatic, this club organizes theatrical productions, improv sessions, and scriptwriting workshops. Students can showcase their acting talents and explore the world of theatre.
Music and Dance Club: A hub for music enthusiasts and dancers, this club hosts jam sessions, dance performances, and music competitions. Students can explore different genres of music and dance, fostering their artistic talents.
Art and Design Club: For the visually inclined, this club provides a space to explore various forms of art and design. Workshops on painting, graphic design, and photography are regularly conducted, allowing students to express their creativity.
3. Sports and Fitness Activities: Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
At CPJ College, sports and fitness are integral to student life. The college offers a range of sports activities and fitness programs, including:
Sports Teams and Leagues: Students can join various sports teams, such as cricket, football, basketball, and volleyball. The college participates in intercollegiate tournaments and leagues, providing students with opportunities to compete and showcase their athletic skills.
Fitness and Wellness Programs: CPJ College offers fitness classes, yoga sessions, and wellness workshops to promote a healthy lifestyle among students. These programs encourage physical activity and stress relief, ensuring students maintain a balanced lifestyle.
4. Community Service and Volunteering: Making a Difference
CPJ College emphasizes the importance of community service and social responsibility. The college encourages students to engage in volunteering activities and contribute to society through initiatives such as:
Social Service Club: This club organizes community outreach programs, charity events, and environmental campaigns. Students can participate in initiatives that address social issues and make a positive impact on the community.
Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Club: Focused on promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness, this club conducts awareness drives, tree plantation campaigns, and recycling initiatives. Students can contribute to creating a greener and more sustainable campus.
5. Events and Festivals: Celebrating Diversity and Unity
CPJ College hosts a variety of events and festivals throughout the year, celebrating the diversity and unity of its student body. Some of the major events include:
Annual Cultural Fest: A grand celebration of art, music, and dance, the cultural fest brings together students from different disciplines to showcase their talents. The fest includes performances, competitions, and exhibitions, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere.
Tech Fest: A platform for tech enthusiasts to showcase their innovations and technical skills. The tech fest features coding competitions, robotics challenges, and tech exhibitions, providing students with an opportunity to explore the latest trends in technology.
Sports Meet: The annual sports meet is a highlight of the academic calendar, featuring various athletic events and sports competitions. Students can participate in track and field events, team sports, and fitness challenges, fostering a spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie.
Student life at CPJ College is a vibrant tapestry of academic pursuits, creative expressions, and community engagement. The diverse range of clubs, activities, and events ensures that every student finds their niche and makes the most of their college experience. Whether you're passionate about academics, arts, sports, or social causes, CPJ College offers a nurturing environment to explore your interests, develop your skills, and create lasting memories. So, dive in and make the most of your time at CPJ College – the possibilities are endless!
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entrepreneurstreet · 1 month
NEUROTECH PARASCIENCE: Pioneering the Future of Consciousness Research
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NEUROTECH PARASCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED is an organization dedicated to advancing the field of parascience through innovative research and exploration. Their primary mission is to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and the unexplained, striving to expand the frontiers of knowledge and uncover the complexities of human consciousness.
The company has assembled a distinguished team of experts from diverse disciplines, including neuroscientists, psychologists, physicists, and other specialists. This multidisciplinary approach allows them to enrich their research efforts by integrating various perspectives and areas of expertise. Additionally, NEUROTECH PARASCIENCE actively collaborates with other scientific institutions, universities, and research centers to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and gain a more comprehensive understanding of parascience phenomena.
Committed to transparency and scientific integrity, the organization shares its research findings with both the academic community and the general public. They publish their work in reputable scientific journals, present at conferences, and engage in proactive public outreach initiatives to enhance awareness and understanding of parascience.
Embracing technological advancements, NEUROTECH PARASCIENCE incorporates cutting-edge tools and techniques, such as neuroimaging and virtual reality, into their research endeavors. This commitment to innovation enables them to develop novel methodologies for investigating the intriguing and often enigmatic aspects of parascience.
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The company is led by Dr. Nilmani Priyadarshi, a renowned pioneer in the field of parascience. Under his guidance, NEUROTECH PARASCIENCE has established a network of top research departments, each focusing on unique facets of parascience, from neurobiology and consciousness studies to remote viewing and afterlife investigations.
Looking to the future, NEUROTECH PARASCIENCE is dedicated to ongoing growth and expansion in the realm of parascience. They strive to establish global partnerships, attract world-class researchers, and continue to push the boundaries of scientific exploration, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of the human mind, consciousness, and the nature of reality.
Check their Achievements:
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healthyhorns · 1 month
Longhorn Wellness Center and University Housing and Dining Collaborate to Enhance Well-Being in Residence Halls
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This summer, the Longhorn Wellness Center (LWC) and University Housing and Dining (UHD) teamed up to bring well-being elements into the UHD residence hall showrooms. 
Angelique Karditzas is a Health Promotion Coordinator at the LWC and leads initiatives on sleep and rest and co-leads the Longhorn Wellness Peer Educator program. 
Annalisa Trevino, Residential Housing Manager for UHD, focuses on recruiting prospective residents and educating students and parents about the housing application and contract processes.  
Karditzas and Trevino were introduced by their supervisors in order to showcase campus resources within the UHD residence hall showrooms. 
“We have always had showrooms in our different residential spaces,” Trevino said. “Students and parents can view the showroom space in Jester East during the campus walking tours hosted by Texas Tour Guides through the Office of Admissions. We’ve recently expanded our tours to include a North and South campus route, allowing visitors to see additional showrooms in Kinsolving and San Jacinto.” 
Trevino noted that collaborating with the LWC has been a great way to strengthen connections with students and parents during their campus visits. 
“Sometimes it can be hard to know or find out about all the great work that’s being done across the various departments here on campus,” Trevino said. “By partnering with the LWC to highlight wellness offerings and incorporating subtle cues in our showrooms, we make it easier for students to find these programs without having to search for them.”  
Karditzas said she wanted to provide things in the showrooms that would empower students to focus on their overall well-being. 
“Placing items in the showrooms like yoga mats, weights, and sneakers will hopefully cue a student toward movement,” Karditzas said. “Not only is movement great for their overall health, but it has also been researched to improve sleep. Other LWC and Healthyhorns specific items like sleep kits, gratitude journals, fidgets and t-shirts are simple things that students are able to obtain on campus that help in creating a lifestyle that supports their well-being.” 
Trevino said through this process, she has enjoyed learning more about the student resources offered through Healthyhorns departments.  
“I am a huge advocate of being able to showcase the great work our campus partners do,” Trevino said. “I know that our students all have different needs and interests, so this growing partnership between UHD and the LWC makes me feel more equipped to help connect students to resources they can greatly benefit from.” 
Karditzas said she is excited for students and parents to see the showrooms and hopes it makes an impact on them.  
“As students filter through during campus and housing tours, they will all have exposure to the set-up of the residence hall showrooms,” Karditzas said. “I think this will show them how much folks at UT care about their well-being before they even start their first class on campus.” 
To learn more about the Longhorn Wellness Center and its programs, visit https://healthyhorns.utexas.edu/lwc/index.html. Prospective students can sign up for a Housing Tour and information session via the Office of Admissions website: https://bealonghorn.admissions.utexas.edu/portal/housing. 
-Erin Garcia, Healthyhorns Outreach and Social Media Coordinator
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hippocrateswellness · 1 month
Brian Clement and Hippocrates Wellness the Comprehensive Guide to Holistic Health in West Palm Beach
In the realm of holistic health and wellness, few names resonate as strongly as Brian Clement. As the co-founder of the Hippocrates Wellness center in West Palm Beach, Florida, Clement has played a pivotal role in shaping the modern approach to natural health and healing. This blog delves into Brian Clement’s journey, his philosophies, and the transformative impact of Hippocrates Wellness on individuals seeking a holistic path to well-being.
Who is Brian Clement?
Brian Clement is a renowned figure in the world of alternative health and wellness. With a background in naturopathy and holistic health, Clement has dedicated his career to promoting natural healing practices. His journey began with a deep-seated passion for understanding how lifestyle and diet affect overall health. Over the years, he has become a leading advocate for integrative approaches that combine nutrition, detoxification, and emotional well-being.
The Genesis of Hippocrates Wellness
Hippocrates Wellness was established by Brian Clement and his wife, Anna Maria Clement, in 1956. The center is named after Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician often referred to as the “Father of Medicine.” The choice of name reflects the center’s commitment to the Hippocratic Oath, emphasizing natural and preventative approaches to health.
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The Core Philosophy of Hippocrates Wellness
At the heart of Hippocrates Wellness is a holistic philosophy that views health as a harmonious balance between body, mind, and spirit. Brian Clement’s approach integrates various practices that are designed to address the root causes of health issues rather than merely alleviating symptoms. The core principles of this philosophy include:
1. Raw Food Diet
One of the cornerstones of Brian Clement approach is the emphasis on a raw food diet. The idea is that consuming raw, organic, and plant-based foods provides the body with essential nutrients and enzymes that are often destroyed during cooking. This diet aims to boost the body’s natural healing abilities and support overall well-being.
2. Detoxification
Detoxification is another key element of the Hippocrates Wellness approach. The center offers a range of detox programs designed to cleanse the body of toxins and waste products. These programs often include juicing, colonics, and other therapeutic techniques to help reset the body’s systems and improve health.
3. Mental and Emotional Health
Brian Clement’s philosophy recognizes the significant impact that mental and emotional health have on physical well-being. Hippocrates Wellness incorporates various practices aimed at reducing stress, fostering a positive mindset, and enhancing emotional resilience. These practices include meditation, yoga, and counseling.
4. Exercise and Physical Activity
Regular exercise is integral to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and Hippocrates Wellness promotes various physical activities to support overall health. The center offers fitness programs tailored to individual needs, emphasizing the importance of movement in achieving a balanced life.
The Impact of Brian Clement’s Work
Hippocrates wellness Brian clement west Palm beach has had a profound impact on many individuals seeking to improve their health through natural means. Testimonials from past clients often highlight transformative experiences that have led to significant improvements in their overall quality of life.
Case Studies and Success Stories
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Educational Outreach and Workshops
Beyond its residential programs, Hippocrates wellness brian clement guidance, also engages in educational outreach. The center regularly hosts workshops, seminars, and online courses aimed at educating the public about holistic health principles. These educational initiatives empower individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions about their well-being.
The Role of Hippocrates Wellness in the Community
Hippocrates wellness Brian clement west Palm beach has established itself as a vital part of the West Palm Beach community and beyond. The center’s influence extends through various community engagements and collaborations with local organizations. By promoting health and wellness, Hippocrates Wellness contributes to a broader movement towards holistic living.
Community Events and Collaborations
Hippocrates Wellness frequently participates in community events and collaborates with other wellness-focused organizations. These collaborations help to spread the message of holistic health and offer additional resources to those interested in exploring natural healing methods.
Online Presence and Resources
In addition to its physical presence in Hippocrates wellness Brian clement west Palm beach maintains a robust online presence. The center’s website and social media platforms provide valuable resources, including articles, videos, and tips on holistic health. This digital outreach allows individuals from around the world to access the wealth of knowledge and support offered by Hippocrates wellness brian clement and his team.
How to Get Involved with Hippocrates Wellness
For those interested in exploring the services and programs offered by Hippocrates Wellness, there are several ways to get involved:
Residential Programs
Hippocrates Wellness offers residential programs that provide an immersive experience in holistic health practices. These programs are designed for individuals seeking a comprehensive approach to wellness, including personalized nutrition plans, detoxification therapies, and mental health support.
Workshops and Seminars
The center regularly hosts workshops and seminars on various aspects of holistic health. These events provide opportunities for individuals to learn from experts, engage with the community, and gain practical knowledge that can be applied to their own lives.
Online Courses and Resources
For those unable to visit West Palm Beach, Hippocrates Wellness offers online courses and resources. These digital offerings allow individuals to access valuable information and guidance from the comfort of their own homes.
Consultations and Counseling
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Brian Clement’s work at Hippocrates Wellness has made a significant impact on the field of holistic health. Through his innovative approach to nutrition, detoxification, and emotional well-being, Clement has helped countless individuals transform their lives and achieve greater health and vitality. The Hippocrates Wellness center in West Palm Beach stands as a testament to the power of natural healing and the importance of a holistic approach to health.
Whether you are seeking a complete lifestyle overhaul or simply looking to enhance your well-being, Hippocrates Wellness offers a range of programs and resources to support your journey. By embracing the principles established by Brian Clement, you can take a proactive role in your health and experience the profound benefits of holistic living.
For more information about Hippocrates wellness brian clement, or to explore the programs and resources available, visit the Hippocrates Wellness website and take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life.
Who is Brian Clement?
Brian Clement is a prominent figure in holistic health and wellness. He is the co-founder of Hippocrates Wellness in West Palm Beach, Florida, and has extensive expertise in naturopathy and alternative health practices. Clement advocates for natural healing through a combination of nutrition, detoxification, and emotional well-being.
What is Hippocrates Wellness?
Hippocrates Wellness is a holistic health center established by Brian Clement and his wife, Anna Maria Clement, in 1956. Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, the center focuses on promoting natural and preventative health practices, including a raw food diet, detoxification, mental and emotional health, and physical activity.
How has Brian Clement’s work impacted individuals’ health?
Brian Clement’s work has significantly impacted many individuals seeking natural health solutions. Through the programs offered at Hippocrates Wellness, many clients have experienced transformative results, including improved health, vitality, and overall quality of life. Success stories often highlight the benefits of the center’s holistic approach to health.
Can I participate in Hippocrates Wellness programs if I do not live in West Palm Beach?
Yes, Hippocrates Wellness offers online courses and resources for individuals who cannot visit the center in person. These digital offerings allow people from around the world to access valuable information and guidance on holistic health.
What role does mental and emotional health play in holistic wellness?
Mental and emotional health is crucial in the Hippocrates Wellness philosophy. Stress and negative emotions can impact physical health, so the center incorporates practices like meditation, yoga, and counseling to support mental well-being. A positive mindset and emotional resilience are considered essential for achieving overall health and balance.
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rehabutah · 1 month
Why Utah Is a Leading State for Drug Rehab
You'll find that Utah is a top state for drug rehab due to its stunning natural landscapes, which support nature therapy and promote healing. Rehab centers here offer personalized and affordable treatment plans, state-of-the-art facilities, and experienced staff. Community support is strong, featuring peer groups and local resources for continuing recovery. Innovative methods like virtual counseling, adventure therapy, and art therapy are widely used. Plus, Utah's holistic care focuses on nurturing the mind, body, and spirit through activities like yoga and meditation. If you stick around, you'll uncover even more reasons to evaluate Utah for your recovery journey.
Scenic Healing Environments
Nestled among stunning landscapes, Utah's drug rehab centers offer scenic environments that promote healing and recovery.
Imagine waking up to breathtaking mountains and serene lakes, where nature therapy becomes an essential part of your journey. You'll find that immersing yourself in the great outdoors helps you reconnect with your inner self.
Outdoor activities like hiking, horseback riding, and meditation sessions in nature provide not just physical exercise but also mental clarity. It's not just about breaking free from addiction; it's about finding peace and purpose in the beauty around you.
In Utah, every step you take outside is a step toward a healthier, more balanced life. You'll feel supported and nurtured by the natural world, making your path to recovery smoother.
High-Quality Rehab Centers
In addition to its natural beauty, Utah is home to high-quality rehab centers that provide extensive treatment options for those seeking recovery. You'll find a blend of affordability and excellence, making it easier to initiate your healing journey.
- **Personalized treatment plans** tailored to your unique needs
- **Affordable options** that guarantee you get the help you need without financial strain
- **Specialized programs** that address specific addictions and co-occurring disorders
- **State-of-the-art facilities** equipped with the latest in therapeutic technology
- **Experienced, compassionate staff** dedicated to supporting your recovery
Utah's rehab centers are designed to foster a nurturing environment where you can focus on rebuilding your life. This supportive atmosphere makes a significant difference in your recovery process.
Community Support Initiatives
Building a strong support network, Utah's community initiatives play an essential role in helping individuals sustain their recovery journey.
You're not alone in this; peer support groups are a cornerstone of Utah's approach, offering you a space where you can share experiences and gain strength from others who've walked a similar path.
Local resources like community centers and outreach programs provide you with essential tools to navigate life post-rehab. These initiatives offer everything from job training to mental health services, all tailored to meet your unique needs.
Whether it's finding a new hobby or receiving emotional support, Utah's robust community resources are here to help you build a fulfilling, sober life.
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Innovative Treatment Methods
Embracing cutting-edge therapies, Utah's drug rehab centers are revolutionizing the way addiction is treated. You'll find a dynamic blend of telehealth integration and experiential therapies, creating a unique and effective healing environment.
Imagine accessing support from the comfort of your home while engaging in transformative experiences that reconnect you with life.
- **Virtual counseling sessions**: Get personalized help without leaving your space.
- **Adventure therapy**: Rebuild confidence and trust through outdoor activities.
- **Art therapy**: Express emotions and uncover insights through creativity.
- **Music therapy**: Heal and find harmony through rhythm and melody.
- **Animal-assisted therapy**: Experience unconditional love and comfort from therapy animals.
Each method is designed to meet you where you are, fostering a deep, personal connection to your recovery journey.
Focus on Holistic Care
While traditional methods focus solely on physical symptoms, holistic care in Utah's drug rehab centers addresses the mind, body, and spirit. You'll find that these programs emphasize the mind-body connection, helping you understand how emotional wellness impacts your recovery journey. It's not just about detoxing; it's about nurturing every part of you.
Imagine healing that goes beyond the surface. You'll engage in activities like yoga, meditation, and art therapy, all designed to bring balance to your life. These holistic approaches aim to restore harmony, making you feel whole again.
Utah's drug rehab centers recognize that true recovery involves treating the entire person, ensuring that your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs are met.
Imagine standing on the edge of a serene Utah canyon, the crisp air filling your lungs as you overlook the breathtaking landscape.
This isn't just a place for a getaway; it's where healing happens. With high-quality rehab centers, supportive communities, innovative treatments, and a holistic approach, Utah offers a sanctuary for recovery.
Here, you'll find not only a path to sobriety but also a new beginning, surrounded by nature's beauty and unwavering support.
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anandrajivbakshi · 1 month
Dr. Gorav Gupta - A Visionary Psychiatrist Leading Mental Health with Tulasi Healthcare
### Blog: Dr. Gorav Gupta - A Visionary Psychiatrist Leading Mental Health with Tulasi HealthcareIn the bustling city of Gurgaon, where life moves at a relentless pace, mental health often takes a backseat. However, one name stands out in the field of psychiatry, dedicated to bringing mental well-being to the forefront: Dr. Gorav Gupta. A highly esteemed psychiatrist, Dr. Gupta is the owner of Tulasi Healthcare, a premier mental health facility in Gurgaon, where he has been transforming lives with his compassionate approach and innovative treatments.#### The Journey of Dr. Gorav GuptaDr. Gorav Gupta’s journey into the field of psychiatry is nothing short of inspiring. With a passion for understanding the human mind and a deep-seated desire to help those struggling with mental health issues, Dr. Gupta pursued his medical education with a focus on psychiatry. His academic achievements and practical experience laid a strong foundation for his career, but it is his unwavering commitment to his patients that truly sets him apart.Throughout his career, Dr. Gupta has been driven by the belief that mental health is as crucial as physical health. His approach is holistic, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive care that addresses not just the symptoms but the root causes of their mental health challenges. This philosophy has guided him in establishing Tulasi Healthcare, a sanctuary for those seeking mental health support.#### Tulasi Healthcare: A Beacon of HopeTulasi Healthcare, under the leadership of Dr. Gorav Gupta, has become a beacon of hope for individuals battling various mental health conditions. The facility offers a wide range of services, including inpatient care, outpatient consultations, therapy sessions, and specialized treatments for addiction, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more.What makes Tulasi Healthcare unique is its patient-centric approach. Dr. Gupta and his team understand that each individual’s mental health journey is unique, and they tailor their treatments to meet the specific needs of each patient. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a team of experienced professionals, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care.#### Innovating Mental Health CareDr. Gupta’s vision for Tulasi Healthcare extends beyond traditional psychiatric practices. He is a strong advocate for integrating modern medical advancements with age-old wisdom, creating a balanced approach to mental health care. His methods include a combination of medication management, psychotherapy, and alternative therapies such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga. This integrative approach not only helps in managing symptoms but also empowers patients to lead fulfilling lives.Moreover, Dr. Gupta is deeply committed to raising awareness about mental health. He actively participates in community outreach programs, workshops, and seminars to educate people about the importance of mental well-being. His efforts have played a significant role in reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues in Gurgaon and beyond.#### A Compassionate LeaderBeyond his professional achievements, Dr. Gorav Gupta is known for his compassionate nature. His patients often describe him as a patient listener, a trusted advisor, and a guiding light during their darkest times. His ability to connect with his patients on a personal level has made him a beloved figure in the mental health community.Dr. Gupta’s leadership at Tulasi Healthcare is not just about running a successful facility; it’s about making a difference in the lives of those who seek his help. His dedication to his patients, combined with his expertise in psychiatry, has made him one of the most respected and sought-after psychiatrists in Gurgaon.
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humanityfoundation · 2 months
Humanity Foundation: Pioneering Recovery at Nasha Mukti Kendra in Raipur
Humanity Foundation is committed to transforming lives by providing exceptional addiction recovery services at our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Raipur. We understand the complexities of addiction and the profound impact it has on individuals and their loved ones. Our center is designed to offer comprehensive, compassionate care, ensuring a path to lasting recovery and a brighter future.
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Why Choose Humanity Foundation’s Nasha Mukti Kendra in Raipur?
Expert Care and Guidance: At our Raipur Nasha Mukti Kendra, we have assembled a team of experienced professionals, including medical doctors, therapists, and counselors. Each member of our team is dedicated to offering personalized treatment plans that address the unique needs of every individual.
Holistic Treatment Programs: We believe in treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our holistic approach integrates medical treatment, psychological support, and alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy. This comprehensive method ensures overall well-being and sustainable recovery.
Safe and Nurturing Environment: Our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Raipur provides a safe, serene, and supportive environment where patients can focus on their recovery journey. With comfortable accommodations and a nurturing atmosphere, individuals can heal without distractions or stress.
Continued Support and Aftercare: Recovery is a lifelong journey. We offer extensive aftercare programs, including ongoing counseling, support groups, and relapse prevention strategies to help our patients maintain their sobriety and lead fulfilling, addiction-free lives.
Family and Community Involvement: We understand the importance of a supportive network in the recovery process. Our programs include family counseling sessions, educational workshops, and community outreach initiatives to involve loved ones and the community in the healing journey.
Success Stories at Humanity Foundation
Our Raipur Nasha Mukti Kendra has been instrumental in countless success stories. Individuals who once struggled with addiction have emerged as empowered, sober members of society. These success stories highlight the effectiveness of our comprehensive approach and the incredible resilience of those we serve.
Be a Part of the Solution
Humanity Foundation invites you to join us in our mission to eradicate addiction. Whether you or a loved one is seeking help, or you wish to support our cause, there are many ways to get involved. From volunteering and donating to participating in our awareness campaigns, every effort makes a difference.
Contact Us
Embark on the path to recovery today. Contact Humanity Foundation’s Nasha Mukti Kendra in Raipur to learn more about our programs, schedule a consultation, or seek immediate assistance. Together, we can build a healthier, addiction-free community.
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shyam2424 · 2 months
Successful Campus Ambassador Campaigns
Inspiring Success Stories from Campus Ambassador Campaigns
As Campus Ambassador Programs continue to evolve, their impact on student engagement and brand advocacy becomes increasingly evident. Let's delve into some compelling case studies that highlight how these initiatives have successfully connected brands with students while driving meaningful engagement and community impact.
1. Empowering Student Voices: Spotify's Campus Ambassador Program
Overview: Spotify launched a Campus Ambassador Program to enhance brand visibility and engage with music-loving students across campuses.
Campaign Highlights:
Creative Content Creation: Ambassadors curated playlists, hosted music trivia nights, and shared Spotify's latest features on social media.
Student Events: Organized live music sessions, DJ nights, and exclusive listening parties to foster a vibrant music community on campus.
Impact: Increased Spotify Premium subscriptions among students by 30%, and significantly boosted brand awareness and user engagement.
2. Driving Sustainability Awareness: Patagonia's Environmental Ambassadors
Overview: Patagonia established an Environmental Ambassadors Program to educate students about sustainability and outdoor conservation.
Campaign Highlights:
Educational Workshops: Ambassadors led workshops on eco-friendly practices, recycling initiatives, and sustainable fashion choices.
Community Outreach: Organized campus clean-up drives, tree-planting events, and collaborated with local environmental NGOs.
Impact: Raised awareness about environmental issues, increased Patagonia's brand affinity among environmentally conscious students, and inspired sustainable lifestyle changes.
3. Tech Innovation Advocacy: Microsoft's Student Ambassadors
Overview: Microsoft's Student Ambassador Program aimed to promote technology innovation and empower future tech leaders.
Campaign Highlights:
Tech Workshops: Ambassadors conducted coding bootcamps, AI and machine learning seminars, and hackathons on campus.
Career Development: Organized resume workshops, mock interviews, and networking events with industry professionals.
Impact: Empowered students with practical tech skills, enhanced Microsoft's brand perception as an innovation leader, and increased recruitment of tech-savvy graduates.
4. Health and Wellness Promotion: Nike's Fitness Ambassadors
Overview: Nike's Fitness Ambassadors Program focused on promoting active lifestyles and well-being among students.
Campaign Highlights:
Fitness Challenges: Organized campus-wide fitness challenges, yoga sessions, and running clubs.
Nutritional Workshops: Conducted nutrition workshops, cooking demonstrations, and health seminars.
Impact: Fostered a community of health-conscious students, strengthened Nike's brand association with fitness and wellness, and boosted sales of Nike sportswear among student athletes.
5. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Google's Diversity Ambassadors
Overview: Google's Diversity Ambassadors Program aimed to celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive campus culture.
Campaign Highlights:
Diversity Events: Hosted cultural festivals, panel discussions on diversity in tech, and mentorship programs for underrepresented students.
Career Support: Provided career guidance, internship opportunities, and scholarships to promote diversity in STEM fields.
Impact: Increased representation of diverse talent within Google, enhanced campus diversity awareness, and strengthened Google's commitment to inclusivity.
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