catboycyrus · 6 years
god ya’ll can’t jus b puttin Jumin Mystic Messenger Han on my dash, makin me think bout the minecraft rp right out in the open smh
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fierynne · 6 years
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autisticbateman · 5 years
draw yogwarts stan and richie or so help me god.
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idk how to draw people KBJGNFLMDGKBJFNLHBKjnfkjnljnkfm
here r ur gays, sir
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violet-fire-cat · 7 years
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Here we go, the last five! These are more au outfits than just general clothes for Xeph, well, the first one is more headcanon, but yeah, some fun outfits I’ve put together over the past few months as a result of various au and headcanon discussions with my friend x) Laid these ones out a little differently since the images are different sizes and this was the only way I could get them to look decent, but oh well x)
But yeah, first we’ve got an older Xeph, not sure how much older, but quite a few years none the less. A rather royal and fancy looking Xeph, not technically royalty but yeah, dragon Xeph, well, humanoid/lumain form dragon Xeph, just a sort of generic human Xeph, and lastly, Hogwarts Professor Xeph, though without the robes ‘cos eh the suit looks nicer x) A little more about them is below the cut if you’re interested! But yeah, those are the basics for each one ^^;
Older - Xeph from quite a few years into the future, still living happily on Minecraftia. Though he’s long since put down his sword, and his eyes aren’t as good as they used to be. It’s a little harder to see since his glasses are tinted, but his eyes are a lot paler than they were once were, which is a normal thing to happen when a lumians eyes are damaged or not working properly. He may be a bit blind now, but he’s still the same guy he’s always been, and for the most part he’s still very confident in himself and what he does. He doesn’t like being alone though, and hates that he’ll never see his friends faces or the night sky properly again.
Royal - Where lumians are native to Minecraftia, but are rare, and treated like royalty by humans, they’re not actual royals but still get to live a life of luxury. Xeph isn’t so fussed by it though, he’d rather go out and have fun than be treated special just because he’s lumian.
Dragon - Where everyone’s a dragon. But I can’t draw dragons, so I out together an outfit for his lumian form and I ended up with this. Which I love. The wings and tail are usually transparent and magical but I just drew normally in this ‘cos it’s easier x)
Human - Really just a generic human au Xeph, nothing fancy about this. Though he’s a bit younger here, maybe in his teens I dunno.
Professor - Hogwarts Professor Xephos, from, well, me and my friends Yogwarts thing. x) He’s the head of Ravenclaw and an Astronomy Professor! He’s pretty good with magic though, and he really loves his job. He played Quidditch as a student, and scared the shit out of Strife when he fell off his broom and ended up in the Hospital Wing for a while. It’s not uncommon for him to doze off in the Great Hall at breakfast because he was up all night in the astronomy tower, regardless of whether he had a class that night or not.
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thatannoyingbella · 6 years
The other day I was busy being a Larry reading Hogwarts au and I had an epiphany:
And then I looked it up on tumblr and sure enoug, it’s a thing.
I love fandom.
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void-bee · 8 years
Could you list all the hogwarts houses you think the yogs are in?
oh~ how did i miss this im sorry 
ok so lewis is slytherin (although i like ravenclaw xephos too, im torn)
trott: ravenclaw
smith: slytherin
ross: hufflepuff (or griff)
simon: gryffindor
hannah: ravenclaw
sips: hufflepuff or slytherin?
sjin: slytherin
duncan: ravenclaw
kim: griffindor
rythian: slytherin
zoey: hufflepuff (or griff??)
parv: slytherin
strife: ravenclaw
turps: hufflepuff
cant think of any more?? will answer specifics!
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hanzolotl · 9 years
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Trott and Xephos join the croo
If you guys like the idea of being in a HP au for the yogs then you should go and talk to enderoid
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 years
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Oh, I know how sjin is. I know his game.
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thekelpiequeen HOO BOY HERE WE GO
Massive Rythian at Hogwarts headcanon dump below the cut.
Rythian being raised in typical pureblood fashion by his mother and her family in the big, fancy, Been-In-The-Line-For-Centuries pureblood mansion, to the typical pureblood mindset. He’s terrified he won’t get a letter, that he’ll be a squib, or, worse, he won’t be accepted into Hogwarts because of the scars that mar his face. These fears persist long after his first bouts of accidental magic. He’s the only child, and he makes friends with the house elves for company.
Rythian being overjoyed when he finally gets his letter. He’s sent to get his things alone. Nobody else can be bothered to come. He’s never been, and so he’s overjoyed.
Rythian meeting Zoey in Diagon Ally, where she tells him how to get in. She thinks he’s a muggleborn, but really it was just that no one had bothered to tell him. He learns Zoey’s first accidental magic was making plants grow. He remembers that his was apparating away from his mother when she was angry. He tells her he’d made a glass of water freeze, and he’s not quite sure why he lies, but he does.
On the train he meets Lalna, and they immediately hit it off. They’re both deeply interested in the technical parts of magic - in twenty minutes they’ve bored everyone their compartment with a rousing debate on the practical applications of the charms found in Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1. They start up a friendly rivalry during classes. Lalna’s better at charms, but Rythian bests him in transfiguration and DADA. They share a mutual love of potions, and by halfway through the year they’ve brewed every potion in their textbook and most of the ones in the book they won from a second year in a game of exploding snap.
Rythian and Zoey stay close, even when he’s sorted into Ravenclaw and she’s sorted into Gryffindor. He’s the first one she confides in that she feels like she should have been a Hufflepuff. He tells her it’s because she’s braver than all of them put together, she just doesn’t know it yet. Lalna is sorted into Slytherin. There will be a surprising amount of cross-house friendships at Hogwarts in their next seven years.
Zoey tops the class in herbology and care of magical creatures; it’s a wonder to watch her work. In the clumsy, good natured way of eleven year olds, he falls for her hard. He helps her study for tests and keeps her focused on her coursework - in return she sneaks him into the edge of the forbidden forest to show him the animals she found there.
At Christmas time, Rythian signs up to stay at Hogwarts. He dodges his friends questions with mumbled answers and vague shrugs. Zoey owls home and asks if he can stay with them. They tell her yes, of course, and why hadn’t she asked earlier? Now there wouldn’t be nearly enough time to buy him the proper presents. He tries to refuse but she doesn’t let him. It’s the best Christmas he’s ever had.
When the weather turns nice, he and Lalna and Zoey take long walks around the grounds and talk about a whole range of things, but mostly muggles and muggle science. Zoey, who has a muggle father, is the expert, but Lalna was close to his uncle (a squib who his family, for the most part, ignores) and so knows enough to be fascinated. He’s convinced that there’s a way to combine magic and science into something bigger and better. He describes these plans to Rythian in such detail that he can see them too, even though he has no idea what electricity is (and what in Merlin’s name is a computer?).
Over the summer Rythian visits Lalna almost every day. Lalna never goes to Rythian’s. He doesn’t ask why. They spend their days playing with muggle technology they borrow from Lalna’s uncle, trying to improve them with magic. They don’t get very far, however, before Lalna’s mom finds them and promptly puts a stop to it. She tells Rythian’s, and he’s sat down for a long talk about the nature of muggles and their ‘inferior distractions’. He nods along, but then he thinks about the muggleborns he met at Hogwarts (like the Gryffindor Quiddich Captain a few years ahead of him, Lomadia, who flies like no one he’s ever seen and wants to be a dragon rider) and Zoey’s mom (who cooked him dinner and treated him far better than his own mom had ever done, and who hadn’t seemed like any sort of traitor at all) and Lalna’s uncle, who couldn’t do any magic but knew more about arithmancy than any teacher. He remembers all those people and he wonders how much of his mother’s blood purity rant he should believe.
When he next sees Lalna, they agree to save their work for school. In later years they would apparate to secure locations to continue it (several years before they got their licenses too, not that anyone cared if a few pureblood boys broke that minor law) but for now they spend their summers exploring old magical sights and meeting Zoey in Diagon Alley for Ice Cream on hot days.
I could go on and on. Rythian in third year feigning sickness for the boggart lesson. When he comes up against one during exams, he finds himself staring into eyes so purple they’re almost black, staring at him through a cloud of dark. It’s his own face, reflected back at him, overtaken by a lust for a darker sort of power. Rythian having an affinity for the dark arts he refuses to indulge in, even when Lalna pushes him. Rythian growing up surrounded by pureblood influence and rejecting it. The pit that grows in the bottom of his stomach when he finds that Lalna’s thoughts are not so accepting (”Well I mean the technology is only necessary because they don’t have magic, Rythian. We can do so much better than they can, because we have magic and they don’t. We’ll always be better, it’s just the way it is.”). Rythian getting caught in the middle of a prank between Lalna and Sjin in fifth year, and the resulting fight that effectively ends their friendship. The headcanons never end.
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catboycyrus · 6 years
-thinks abt Minecraft rp n jus sobs-
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leidineht · 9 years
Yogwarts and the Philosopher’s Stone: Chapter Three
DISCLAIMER: We do notown the Yogscast. Nor do we own any of Harry Potter, and particularly not the words of the Sorting Hat’s Song, which have been copied exactly from Cat’s copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Author’s Note: Hello! Long time no see! Is my fault… We’ll try and update more frequently but it’s getting close to exam season and considering we took what, six months (?), to update it when it wasn’t exam season, don’t expect anything too quickly.
That said, we hope you enjoy it and I (as I am writing the next chapter) will try my best to get something up soon ^^
leidineht and CatherineKat
DeviantArt: http://leidineht.deviantart.com/
Fanfic.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/
Wattpad: http://www.wattpad.com/
Yogwarts and the Philosopher’s Stone
Chapter Three
The Sorting
He had genuinely believed that there was nothing left in the magical world that could shock him anymore. By the age of just eleven, he’d already seen magical parents disown or cause “accidents” for children who had no natural magical ability. He’d watched whole marble mansions, thousands of years old, get up and walk away on spindly legs that looked as though they couldn’t possibly be able to hold them up and had spent years in a nursery where his rocking chair told him stories and the lamp shade next to his bed sang him to sleep with lullabies.
But one should never say never and, stepping towards the huge wooden doors carved with images from the legends he’d grown up with, in a group of people who had their mouths as wide open as he imagined his might well be, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The whole building was lit up, he could hear hundreds of voices from behind the door, people clearly glad to be home, and he even glimpsed sight of a ghost, passing through one of the towers.
One of the boys he’d seen on the train, the dark haired one, and another, shorter, redheaded boy, both of whom appeared to be absolutely sopping wet, were explaining the tales to their three companions. While the girl in the ridiculous hat seemed to be entirely engrossed, the boy he assumed was her brother, wearing perfectly ludicrous goggles, was staring slightly angrily at a boy he felt he should recognise. The boy was tall and very slim, with really terrifying purple eyes. He was pointing at part of the door, explaining in much the same way the other group was,  and appeared to be attempting to calm the girl next to him down. Listening in, all that could be heard was:
“But, but, that’s a unicorn, isn’t it? I thought you said they were never seen!”
He smiled and turned back towards the entrance way, the boy’s name on the tip of his tongue. He’d almost got it when a sudden silence swept swiftly through the group.
Well… Almost. The short ginger boy (seriously, did the guy have dwarven blood or something? How could anyone be that short?) was still chattering away cheerfully to his friends, seemingly unaware of the extremely foreboding woman who’d appeared before them. His dark-haired friend noticed first and prodded the shorter one firmly.
“Simon… Shut up!”
The teacher, still standing beside them, began to speak and the boy quietened with a startled squeak.
Raising her eyebrows and casting a quick drying spell on the two of them, she introduced herself as Professor McGonagall and began to explain what would happen to them next. They were to walk quietly into the Great Hall, behind her. Then they would line up along the side of the stage and wait for their name to be called.
He watched a small girl with a red flower in her hair follow Professor McGonagall through the door, before lining up in front of the girl with the stupid hat and her brother. They walked into the hall, past the tables full of so many students that he didn’t feel he’d ever be able to learn all their names. The Gryffindor table was certainly the rowdiest, a pair of ginger boys who looked so alike that he had to take a second look to make sure he wasn’t simply seeing double were yelling and calling to all the new first years. A boy next to them with the same colour hair appeared to be trying to make them be quiet and earned himself a nod from Professor McGonagall, still leading their crocodile towards the stage.
 When they reached the front of the hall and listened as the Sorting Hat sang its song; which earned a few confused and one utterly terrified stares from the muggle-borns near him.  He hadn;t expected to be shocked by it; his mother had told him all about her own sorting when he’d received his letter, but the sight of an old and extremely battered hat singing loudly to hall full of students was one he couldn’t draw his eyes away from.
 Oh you may not think me pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
 You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
 So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!
The first name called was an Abbot, Hannah. She was sorted into Hufflepuff quickly and he ceased to listen properly, instead taking in his surroundings properly. There were quite a few faces around the room that he recognised, people he’d met at his family’s gatherings or pureblood events.
The dark haired boy with the noisy friend became a Slytherin after some deliberation, and this sparked an interest as Slytherin was the house his entire family had been sorted in to. Then he drifted back into his mind until the pair of siblings he’d noticed previously both got sorted, one after the other, into Ravenclaw. The girl was sorted almost instantly and he noticed her name, another Hannah. The hat did not appear at all sure about the goggles boy and took far longer deciding on where to place him but eventually they both joined the table of applauding students and vanished into the mass of black robed people before him.
He couldn’t have said how many more students were sorted until his name was finally called. As he walked towards the hat he watched the tiny girl with the flower skip off towards the Hufflepuff table. Placing the battered wizard’s hat on his head, he shut his eyes.
 “Oh… It’s you…”  The voice was gravelly and sounded as though it had been speaking non-stop for the last thousand years, at least.
“Yes?” His own voice in his head seemed tiny and weak in comparison but he thought he ought to at least make the effort.
“Well, you could fit in almost any of the houses, couldn’t you?” By almost any, he was fairly sure that the hat meant almost-any-except-gryffindor-because-you’re-even-scared-of-the-dark-how-old-are-you but he knew where he had to go so that didn’t bother him unduly.  
“My dad will kill me if I don’t get into Slytherin, truly.” Everyone in his family had been Slytherin for generations. One did not speak of Great Aunt Lila.
“I feel you’d be happier elsewhere, my boy.” Well, sure, briefly, until his parents heard he’d be absolutely ecstatic, he was sure.
“No.” Hey, that sounded pretty fim and stubborn, he mentally congratulated himself.
“Fine then, SLYTHERIN IT IS!” He winced as the voice bellowed in his ear and forced himself to walk down from the stage, almost leaving the hat on his head. Having corrected that mistake and blushing furiously, he hurried, head down, towards the table on the far left.
A slightly odd looking, grey-ish skinned  boy in the middle of the table shifted up a space and made room for him, beckoning him to sit down. He introduced himself as Sips and named some of the others around the table, all of whom’s names were promptly forgotten. Sips’ own name was not one he’d had heard before, not just in connection with the boy himself but as anyone’s  name.
“So, kid, what’s your name?”
Cue panic stations. How on earth could he expect to survive surrounded by people he didn’t know, all day everyday, if he couldn’t even remember his own name?
“Erm… Sjin?” Shit. That was definitely not his name. Damn it.
A couple of laughs exploded from the girl and boy directly opposite him and were swiftly silenced by Sips.
“Hey, if the boy says his name’s Sjin, then his name’s Sjin. Okay?”
This was delivered in a vaguely threatening tone and Sjin, as he assumed his name now was, smiled briefly at Sips, to whom he felt extremely grateful, before looking across the table, realising that he recognised the boy from earlier. It would do as a name, he supposed and would distance him from his family, at least.
“Hi, I’m Lewis, I guess we’ll be in the same classes ?”
He seemed friendly enough and was, at least, not Draco Malfoy, with whom he’d had many unfortunate encounters over the years of “acceptable” children’s parties, who had also joined their table so Sjin smiled and asked what his companion was most looking forward to. They’d just begun a discussion about Herbology when Dumbledore announced the beginning of the feast and the tables started groaning with more food than he’d ever seen in his whole life.
They all settled down to the important task of eating as much food as they possibly could, which meant that he no longer had to expend energy trying to think of things to say to his table mates. He took this time to examine the other students more closely and, since they were next to the Hufflepuff table, it was there he looked first.
There weren’t very many first years he recognised on the adjacent table, but he remembered the girl with the red hair whom the purple eyed boy had been talking to and the boy with the cat who had been standing near to Lewis and his ridiculously minute friend when they entered the school. The red haired girl was chattering away wildly to the girl next to her, whom he’d watched be sorted into Hufflepuff earlier. Kim, maybe? It didn’t really matter too much, he was fairly sure the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs didn’t share many classes.
The next table over was Ravenclaw (who had made the wise decision to separate Gryffindor and Slytherin by as much as possible?) and this time he recognised a few more of the students there. The red haired girl’s previous companion was there, glowering over his meal at everybody else. The twins were there, of course, he’d watched them being sorted as well. The girl was engrossed in conversation with one of the Patil girls, whom he’d met because his mother was friends with their aunt, but he had no idea which one. Identical twins were difficult. He’d probably know which if he’d paid enough attention to the sorting, as he remembered that they’d been separated, and he berated himself slightly for this as he tucked into his meal.
And finally, the furthest table. Gryffindor. Slytherin’s worst enemy and all that. Lewis’s friend Simon, the tiny dwarf-like one, was there, as well as the famous Harry Potter and any number of Weasleys. His father had had a particularly nasty run in with Arthur Weasley during his own school days and Sjin had been utterly forbidden from befriending any of them. He understood this rule somewhat better when he caught one of them giving him the finger for staring and immediately dropped his gaze back to his plate.
All too soon the wonderful meal was over and a tall girl stood up and introduced herself as Gemma Farley, the Slytherin prefect. She told the first years to line up behind her and she’d lead them done to their common room and dormitories. Sjin ended up in line behind Draco Malfoy, which gave him unpleasant flashbacks to various pureblood children’s events and parties he’d been forced to attend previously, and just ahead of another first year he’d not previously met, who introduced herself as Daphne. He thought he might have met her before but was tired enough that he didn’t try to remember where. They began their journey out of the Great Hall and through a maze of corridors and staircases that moved and he was sure he’d never be able to learn his way around the castle, which seemed more like a rabbit warren every time they turned a corner or opened yet another huge wooden door.
When they finally arrived at a large black door set back into the wall of a hall in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere, a deep and somewhat snake-like voice spoke from above the entrance.
“New first years, hey? Go in then. And HURRY”
Gemma smiled at them reassuringly. “That’s the guardian of our house. Every common room is guarded differently and ours merely checks that anyone entering or leaving is actually a Slytherin. Ravenclaw’s asks riddles of anyone trying to get in, so count yourselves lucky!”
The room they stepped into was dimly lit but perfectly warm, with gorgeous green hangings on every wall. There were many comfortable looking chairs and sofas and a house elf was scurrying around, making tea for various students and attempting to tidy up after them at the same time. The poor thing looked absolutely terrified of one of the older boys, a fifth year Sjin somewhat recognised from his parents’ gatherings.
Directing him towards a door on the far left of the common room, Gemma said goodnight and then turned her attention to Daphne, still right behind him. Sjin followed Malfoy as he weaved his way through the many students gathered around the room and smiled at Sips, who was engaged in what looked like a distinctly dodgy deal with one of the other second years in a dark corner.
Their room was perfectly nice, as far as Sjin was concerned, the only problem with it was that he’d have to share it with bloody Malfoy, who had already made himself at home in one of the beds, the one nearest to the fireplace. He and Lewis raised their eyebrows at each other before selecting two beds next to one another and pulling their trunks out of the pile of them in the centre of the room.
Sjin immediately began unpacking his belongings and chose to ignore Draco sniggering at him and ordering one of the poor house elves to unpack his trunk for him, carefully.  He placed his photo of home on his dresser and slowly put his clothes into the drawers, leaving his pyjamas on the bed.
Having changed and got ready for bed, Sjin settled down in his luxurious four poster, pulling the silky green coverlet up to his chin. He was all ready to relax and get himself to sleep quickly, in an attempt to be up bright and early the next day (you never knew, if he was up early enough, he might actually have time to find his way to the Great Hall in time for lunch, if not breakfast) when Malfoy started complaining about the thread count of the sheets or some such nonsense.
Lewis looked over at him, eyebrows raised, but silence quickly overtook the room again and Sjin had almost got to sleep, in that lovely dreamy stage one reaches before one actually drops off, when a piercing shriek from across the room jolted him back from the land of the pleasantly drowsy to the land of the painfully awake.
He jolted upright and looked across Lewis’s bed to find Malfoy screaming at a bee, of all things, which had dared to land on his pillow.  There was a heavy sigh from the boy next to him and Lewis sat up and motioned for him to come over, before picking up his black walnut wand from where it lay beside him.
“Now, I’m not sure about this” He whispered, pointing his wand in Draco’s direction “But I think, if I…” Lewis jabbed the wand upwards and whispered “Silencio” and blessed silence fell again.
Lewis winked at Sjin and then crawled back into his bed, leaving Sjin to wriggle back under his covers and fall into a much needed heavy sleep. He’d need his energy for the coming day, he was sure.  
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mortalspork · 10 years
So I’ve written another fic! Well it’s more of a drabble, really but it was fun to do anyway. This one’s based on a bit of art from whaling-void (check them out) It’s part of my Welcome to Yogwarts series on AO3, so if you’re into hfhpau and you’ve not seen my others, you should check them out. Wardrobe Malfunction Word count: 774 Warnings: RPF but it’s au so idk Pairings: Hatsome Summary: When rushing to get somewhere, Trott sometimes forgets things. Sometimes, other people notice.
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just-an-aliien · 10 years
Yogwarts- The Yogs and their houses
 Xephos- Slytherin
William Strife-Ravenclaw
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void-bee · 8 years
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for @pantsferdinand
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 years
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You think? I mean, I could see it, but it's so hard to tell
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Yogwarts is such a great AU because you KNOW the yogs would set Hogwarts on fire.
Lalna in a potions lab? Xephos hearing about spells to create infinite light sources? Honeydew figuring out their’s a way to literally turn into a corgi?  Just try and tell me it’s not perfect.
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