#yoo yeon seok fluff
Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 13
Jiyong doesn’t take too well to being cut out of your life.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
At most, smut is lightly implied in this one.
Jiyong emerged from his studio a couple of hours after Mino spoke to him, looking insane. His hands were all cut up from throwing and smashing things, his hair was messed up, his eyes were red, clearly from crying and he reeked of alcohol. In an odd contrast, he was barely able to walk straight, but was making his way over to his manager with the most determination he had ever had in his life. He found his manager standing in a corner, talking to Mino. Jiyong stumbled and grabbed his manager, making him turn around in shock. 
“Jiyong? What happened to you?” 
Not paying any attention to his manager’s question, he grabbed his shoulders and shook him. 
“Where is Y/N? Why is she not here yet? Tell me where she is.”
 Jiyong practically screamed out.
 His manager shook him off, absolutely shocked. He hadn’t seen Jiyong this way since he last did drugs. Suddenly, his manager felt a sense of foreboding, mentally begging god not to let him relapse. He was about to try and calm Jiyong down, and break the news to him gently, when Mino scoffed. Jiyong turned towards Mino, and grabbed him by the collar. 
“You know where she is, don’t you?”
 Mino just pushed him off. Screaming and grabbing his collar again, Jiyong, with red eyes and a bloody mouth, asked Mino,
 “You know where she is, don’t you? You sorry piece of shit. Answer me.” 
Mino looked him straight in the eye and without flinching, said, 
“I’m the piece of shit here?” 
Mino laughed and moved back. 
“She resigned to get away from you.”
 Again, Jiyong’s world froze. He couldn’t comprehend it. He didn’t want to comprehend it. Did he drive you away from here? Did you really hate him so much that you left? Jiyong’s hand started shaking. He turned to his manager. 
“Hyung, tell me he’s lying. Tell me she’s just taken a day off. Please hyung.”
 His voice turned pleading. 
“Hyung, please.”
 His manager looked panicky. He recognised these signs. He gently held Jiyong’s shoulder and tried to take him inside a room. Jiyong broke out of his hold. He went up to Mino and grabbed his hand. 
“Mino, I trust you. You wouldn’t lie to me. She hasn’t actually resigned right?”
 He looked up at Mino, crazed, knowing the truth but hoping that Mino would say it wasn’t so anyway. Mino just shook him off with a disgusted glare and walked off. Jiyong had to see you. He had to talk to you. He couldn’t let you go. He couldn’t get your face out of his head. Before his manager could hold him and try and calm him down, he ran. He didn’t know where he was running, but he knew he was running away from something. He didn’t know how, but he knew he had to find you.
 Back at Yeon-Seok’s apartment, you pulled back, suddenly withdrawing from his grasp. He looked a little hurt, but you were too shocked to react any other way. You laughed awkwardly, trying to lighten up the situation.
”You’re kidding me, right? I can’t possibly move in with you.” 
Yeon-Seok grabbed your hand and held it eagerly, looking at you earnestly and said,
 “Why not? It’s a great idea. You don’t have to worry about rent, and that piece of trash won’t know where you live either.” 
 You sighed and rubbed your arm. 
“Oppa, you can’t possibly think that’s a good idea. We’re just starting out in a relationship. If we suddenly start living together, it won’t go well.”
 He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist.
 “I can think of a hundred worse things than living with you.”
 You moved out of his arms, feeling a little annoyed.
 “Oppa, it’s not a joke.”
 And still with that earnest look in his eyes, he said,
 “I know it’s not. I’m being completely serious here.”
 Pulling you back into his arms, he kissed your forehead. 
“Y/N, I know it’s a big step to take. I know we’re just starting out here. But I think we’ll be fine. I think it’s a good idea. We can do this.” 
He held your hand. 
“Baby, we can do this. See, Jiyong knows where you live.” 
He held you a little tighter when he saw you wince at the mention of his name. 
“He will definitely land up at your place looking for you. He doesn’t know where I live. There’s plenty of place for the two of us here. Also, this would be a good chance for us to get to know each other better.”
 But looking straight at you, he said, 
“But of course, it’s completely your choice. No pressure.” 
You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. 
“I don’t know Oppa. You’re right, but somehow, I just don’t know.” 
He picked you back up, wrapping your legs around him. 
“Hey, take your time to think about it. There’s no hurry princess. Besides,” 
he smirked and nipped at your neck, 
“we were in the middle of something, weren’t we?” 
unbuttoning your shirt as he slowly pushed you onto the bed. 
You woke up the next morning, completely spent, exhausted, but happy. As you looked over at a sleeping Yeon-Seok with his arms wrapped around you, you decided to give it a shot. You knew it was a huge leap to take, but something told you it would all be okay.
------------ 1 Year later-------------------------------
 Jiyong woke up, not knowing where he was. His head was spinning, and he could see that he was wasted because there were at least 5 empty bottles strewn around him. His eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. He knew he was being really careless by leaving joints strewn around like that, but he couldn’t care less. He looked at his phone, wondering why it was covered in blood, only to realise that the blood was from all his cuts. He took out the stickers he had in his pocket, seriously considering putting one on his tongue, before groaning and putting it back in his pocket. He couldn’t take it. He just couldn’t break his promise to you. At this point, all he had left of you were the conversations and old promises you made before things went wrong. He groaned, trying to think through his splitting headache. He squinted his eyes, trying to figure out where he was. As recognition dawned in his eyes, he desperately looked around for a bottle with some alcohol left, so that he could use that to get away from reality. He was at your place again. He had been coming to your place every night for the past one year. When he started to run away, he realised he was running away from reality. He had to see you, but you cut him out of your life completely. You blocked him and changed your number. You deleted all your social media accounts. You deleted your blog on tumblr. You moved. And you got a new job. Mino obviously knew where you were, and was still close to you, but ever since then, he refused to even converse with Jiyong, treating him like he was filth. And you know, that helped Jiyong, because someone was treating him the way he deserved to be treated. But no matter how much Jiyong begged Mino, Mino refused to tell him anything about you. He refused to even deign his countless pleas with a reply, just shooting him disgusted glances every time. And so, Jiyong turned to alcohol. And weed. He would’ve turned to hard drugs as well, but he couldn’t break the promise he made you to not do that ever again. He loved losing himself in alcohol, because while it burned, it distracted him from his own pain. It let him see you in his memories, because when he was sober, it was too painful to think of them. It was the only way he could see you. The only way he could numb the pain. And every single night that he drank, he would turn up at your place. He used to go to your place in the beginning, hoping to somehow find you and apologise, but even when he realised you weren’t going to be there, he continued to go there, because that was all he had left of you. And as he turned to the side of the road, he looked up at the moon, desperately begging the universe for a second chance, before puking his guts out.
You were working the night shift at the spa you had joined. Yeon-Seok was in the middle of filming a drama, and you were texting him, lecturing him about how he should take better care of himself. You were happy with him. It took a while, but slowly, you started to forget Jiyong and devote all your affection towards Yeon-Seok. Yeon-Seok was completely different from Jiyong, and so were your feelings for him. your affection for Jiyong was something quick, something enamouring, something that completely took over you. Your feelings for Yeon-Seok, on the other hand, had to be developed, were long-lasting, and ever present. You were a complete mess after what happened with Jiyong, because it broke you, but Yeon-Seok slowly put you back together. He was the sole reason you hadn’t lost your ability to trust. You finally loved him the same way he loved you. You were smiling at his whiny response begging you to take care of him instead, wanting nothing more than to be on a couch with him at home, cuddling and watching a movie, when you heard a commotion outside. Putting your phone back into your pocket, you headed out, worried because you heard someone screaming for an ambulance. As you walked out, the first thing you saw was not the crowd, but Yeon-Seok, standing there, with flowers in his hands, his expression going from happy to absolutely point-blank terrified. His eyes went from you to the crowd back and forth, and he looked so terribly sad. Following his line of sight, you went to the crowd and peered to see what happened. And as the crowd parted, you saw Jiyong, lying there, covered in cuts, reeking of weed and liquor, on the verge of collapsing. And as his eyes met yours, his eyes widened, and he smiled, thinking that the universe had finally given him another chance. The last thing he saw was you, standing there in shock, before he collapsed.
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leeinkie · 6 years
My Jumin, 707, and V
This is my Jumin: Park Hae Jin
Park Hae Jin does the unfeeling chaebol heir very well, and he has a sort of “dangerous” feel at times. But also very very sweet!
And this is my Luciel: Lee Jong Suk
Because Lee Jong Suk has the perfect goofy smile and can be really playful, but maaaan can he do angst! And his hair is kinda reddish here, so perfect!
This is my V: Yoo Yeon Seok
OK, so I may be a bit biased because Yoo Yeon Seok is one of my top 2 favorite actors (the other one I’m actually considering as Zen since they both came from musical backgrounds... but he’s not narcissistic enough? lol). 
Anyway, Yeon Seok is so very gentle and nice and actually has released books with his photos! It’s his hobby. Also, he’s doing charity irl! Every few months, he opens up a coffee truck somewhere in Seoul and makes/serves coffee himself with his actor friend, Son Ho Jun. You can pay whatever you like for the coffee and all proceeds will go to charity! How RFA is that? Lol. As for his acting, he’s very versatile and can do saccharine fluff perfect bf style but when he does villains, man. You’d absolutely hate him. He’s THAT good.
Since I love him so much but he’s still relatively unknown, here’s another video of him being too sweet and adorable gah. I feel like V would be this sweet. <3
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 11
You’re in so much pain, that you just want to forget. Or rather, you want someone to make you forget.
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(I don’t own any of the gifs or images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
There’s some smut in this one too.
 As both you and Mino stayed frozen like that, Jiyong grabbed Sasha’s hair and moaned out her name, partly for theatrics. He looked up to make eye contact with you, expecting to relish seeing the pain, jealousy and anger in your eyes, but all he felt was his world slowly collapsing in front of him. You were shaking from the shock. Your eyes looked so completely broken, so desolate, so devastated. You looked so absolutely anguished, hopeless, lost and disappointed. And seeing you like that because of him, Jiyong could slowly feel everything beginning to crumble. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He just knew that he had caused you, the person he cared about the most, pain. He knew he was the one who wanted to cause you that pain, but seeing you like that killed him. He wanted to just take you in his arms and hold you till you felt better, but how could he? He was the one who caused you the pain. When you made eye contact with Jiyong, for a split second, before his expression changed to one of panic and regret, you could see it in his eyes. He had done this on purpose. He had planned it to make sure you see the man you like with someone else. He had wanted to cause you pain. And that is what broke you. You couldn’t believe that Jiyong would want to put you through this kind of pain. You couldn’t believe this was the man you liked. He was the only man you had ever given a second chance, only for it to end like this. You thought you and Jiyong had something special. You thought he actually cared about you. You couldn’t handle it. You never wanted to see the man again. And as all of you stayed frozen like that, almost as though to make things worse, he orgasmed at that very moment. And just like that, things started moving again. Your knees gave way, and Mino rushed forward to catch you. Jiyong stood up and tried to get dressed. Sasha wiped her mouth and kissed Jiyong. Leaning heavily on Mino, you barely managed to get out a pained whisper of, 
“Get me out of here please.” 
Mino immediately got about helping you out, but not before shooting Jiyong a disgusted glare.
By the time you got to Mino’s car, you were oddly collected, which scared Mino. You said absolutely nothing, with not a hint of emotion showing on your face. In a calm voice, you gave Mino the address to the bar close to your place. Mino hesitated, and then asked, 
“Are you sure Y/N? I can take you home instead.” 
Staring straight ahead, with a surprisingly calm and even voice, you said,
 “Yes Mino. I’m sure I’d much rather be there.” 
Before he could ask you again, you continued in the same calm voice.
 “Actually, Mino, I have a favour to ask of you. My parents will be leaving the hospital in around half an hour. Can you stay with my sister tonight? I was supposed to, but I can’t go and see her now, with the way I’m feeling.”
 Mino genuinely began to get scared for you. It couldn’t possibly be good for you to hide away the emotions you were feeling and act normal. Again, he was about to question you, when you started talking again, 
“To be honest, I have another favour to ask.” 
You fished something out of your bag. You handed him the white envelope which was titled resignation letter. You had written it ages ago, when you had first joined your job, and it made you absolutely hate your life, but then Jiyong happened, and you thought you’d never want to quit. You laughed at irony. He was the only reason you wanted to quit now. 
“Could you please give this to the manager for me? I don’t ever want to have to return there.” 
And you turned and looked out of the window. Mino stared down at the letter in his hands. He thought about convincing you to rethink your decision and stay, because not only would he miss you, he didn’t want you to lose the financial security you so desperately needed, but after witnessing what happened, he couldn’t find it in himself to tell you that. You’d probably be better off far away from Jiyong. Mino took a deep breath, forcing himself to supress his urge to tell you to let it out, and said, 
“Will do, Y/N.”
A while later, you walked into the bar, still feeling surprisingly calm. You knew Mino was worried about you acting as if you were calm, but you didn’t know how to explain it to him that you weren’t acting. You knew what was happening. This had happened before. Whenever you would feel a plethora of emotions, and your mind would feel overwhelmed, it would just go numb, leaving you with no reaction to what just happened. It was horrible. You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. You just wanted to let everything out, but your numbness wasn’t letting you do that. You were in so much pain that you couldn’t react. And that was the worst kind of pain. You needed catharsis. You needed relief, and so, for the first time in a while, you turned to alcohol.
On the other hand, as Jiyong hurried into his clothes to try and run after you and explain what happened, Sasha stopped him, purring into his ear, 
“Ji, why are you getting dressed so soon? We have all night ahead of us.”
 Hearing Sasha call him Ji took him back to when he had just started texted you and you used to call him Ji. Suddenly, hearing Sasha call him that made him feel sick, at himself. Unable to meet her eye, he turned away and said,
 “Sasha, I think you should go now.” 
She recoiled. 
“What the hell Jiyong?! This is supposed to be a two-way street. We both get something out of this.” 
He sighed and said, 
“Sasha, now’s not the time.” 
She just got even angrier. 
“You don’t get to tell me when to be angry Jiyong!” 
Jiyong exploded.
 “That woman is the woman I like! I need to go apologise to her.”
 Sasha looked horrified as everything slowly began to click in her head. 
“Wait. Hold on. You mean to say that you used me to hurt her?”
 Sasha moved back, looking disgusted.
 “You sick bastard.” 
She grabbed her things as soon as she could and left. Jiyong was left standing alone in the middle of his studio, looking absolutely hopeless. He knew you would have left by now. He knew you wouldn’t answer his calls or texts. He could show up at your apartment, but he just wanted to give you space. He knew you’d need that after what happened. He’d be surprised if you didn’t punch him after what happened. 
“Ahhhh why do I feel so bad when I was the one who planned this? I really am a terrible human being.” 
Your face when you saw what was happening would haunt him for life. He knew you. Why was he that stupid? Why did he try to hurt you? At that moment, he absolutely hated himself. Sinking down into the couch, he sighed and told himself that he had to talk to you somehow or the other the next day.
Mino finally reached the hospital, still feeling uneasy about having left you there at the bar. He walked in and searched for your sister’s room. He finally found it, but he was surprised to find someone already waiting there. Yeon-Seok was already in your sister’s room, sitting there and talking to her, anxiously looking down at his watch every few minutes, clearly wondering where you were and why you weren’t there yet. He jumped up when he saw Mino, recognising him from the few times you had mentioned him before. 
“Is everything okay? Where is Y/N?” 
Yeon-Seok already had a bad feeling about this. Mino glanced outwards and beckoned for him to leave the room. Once outside, Mino explained everything to Yeon-Seok. As Mino told him more and more, Yeon-Seok got angrier and angrier. He wanted to find Jiyong and personally make him crawl through the depths of hell, and he was about to go and find him, when he heard Mino say you were at the bar. He froze, surprised. He had never seen you drink in all the time you had spent with him. He turned to Mino.
 “Are you sure? She never drinks.”
 Mino resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said,
 “Of course I’m sure! I dropped her there.”
 Feeling very wary about the situation, Yeon-Seok went to your sister and briefly explained what happened and why he’d have to leave. Your sister, although weak and washed out from the surgery, still immediately shooed him away and told him that he had to find you.
You sat at the bar, downing your sixth shot. You were starting to feel that nice buzz that comes from being tipsy. It numbed the pain and made the world look fuzzy. You preferred looking at the world that way. It was way too harsh and bleak in reality for your liking. You smiled and wiped away the tears that were rolling down your face. You had started crying silently and calmly somewhere halfway through your third shot. You were glad you were crying. At least the alcohol brought out some emotion in you. You weren’t thinking too much about what Jiyong did. You were a fool for trusting him in the first place. You knew he was special to you, but clearly, he didn’t feel the same way. You now knew better than to be around him. You knew he’d make you lower your guard. You raised your seventh glass to the ceiling, squinted at it and downed it, chuckling at how you resigned. You needed a job and you needed the money, but those were all worries for the next day. For now, you should just celebrate the fact that he was out of your live. You should be celebrating, but why were you feeling so abysmally low. You laughed at yourself and how pathetic you were. That’s when you heard a deep voice next to you ask, 
“Are you suddenly finding the ceiling funny?” 
You turned at cracked a grin at the guy next to you. 
“Nope. Just laughing at my inability to make good life decisions.”
 He also cracked the same, slight deranged smile, laced with sadness, at you. 
“Believe me, I get it. My wife just sent me divorce papers.”
 You turned to give him your full attention, realising he was in a similar mind space. He leaned back and glanced at you, with a sad chuckle in his eyes. 
“She was cheating on me for the past two years while I was abroad.”
 You whistled and said,
 “Ouch. That has gotta suck.”
 Chuckling, he turned his chair towards you. 
“Yeah, no kidding.” 
Both of you laughed and you asked for another round of shots. He moved in a little closer. 
“So, why’re you drinking tonight?” 
You laughed and said, 
“Well, it’s slightly explicit, but not half as bad as my wife cheating on me.”
 He laughed.
 “I saw the guy I like get a blowjob in front of me. And the worst part was he wanted me to see it.” 
He leaned back.
 “Damn. That’s not as bad as a spouse cheating on you, but man, that does not sound good.” 
You cracked the same smile back at him. He held out his hand. 
“I’m Sunghoon.” 
You shook his hand and said, 
“Well, nice to meet you Sunghoon, although I apologise for the terrible mood I’m in now. I’m Y/N.” 
and just like that, you made a new friend. After bemoaning both your terrible lives, you were both a little happier. You swung your chair around and just as you were about to order another shot, there was a change in the slow, jazz music the bar was playing, and they started to blare some old school dance numbers. By then, you were starting to really feel the alcohol buzzing through you and you stood up, throwing your hands up in the air and heading to the dance floor. By then, you knew what you wanted. You wanted to forget. Or rather, you wanted someone to make you forget. Knowing fully well what you wanted, you turned around and shot Sunghoon a suggestive smile, beckoning for him to join you. He paused for a little while, contemplating it, and then decided to let himself go. He smirked at you, and stood up to join you on the dance floor, quite enjoying the view, when he saw someone just stride past him and grab your hand. You turned around to drape your arms over his neck, expecting it to be Sunghoon, but you were shocked to find Yeon-Seok standing there, eyes blazing, glaring at you.
 “What do you think you’re doing Y/N?” 
You loved Yeon-Seok, but seeing him there in person acted as a reality check to you. All the emotions, and all your sadness came rushing out and you lashed out at him. 
“Let go, Oppa.” 
He glanced around, and caught sight of Sunghoon. He glared at him and dragged you outside.
You stood there in the cold wind, shivering, and although Yeon-Seok was mad at you, he instinctively took off his jacket and draped it around you. Again, although you were mad at him, out of habit, you didn’t shrug it off either. He finally snapped.
 “Y/N, what the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?” 
Equally angry at him for ruining your plans, you lashed back. 
“How the fuck does it matter to you?”
 Eyes blazing, Yeon-Seok yelled,
 “You were going to sleep with him Y/N!”
 “Yes, yes I was, and how does it matter to you?” 
He grabbed your hands, pleading with you.
 “Y/N, you know you’re only doing this to forget.” 
Your voice also turned pleading. 
“Yes, Oppa, I am doing this to forget, and what’s so wrong about that? Please, please just let me forget.” 
Suddenly, you were seeing things in a different light. Yeon-Seok sighed, and pulled you a little closer. 
“Y/N, if you actually wanted to sleep with that guy, I wouldn’t have stopped you, but now, you’re just using different things to forget. Alcohol, sex… it’s futile. It’ll all catch up with you in the end. Just let it hit you and break down. It’s okay. I know you’re trying to stay strong, but it’s okay to allow yourself to be weak every now and then. Also, you are clearly drunk, and if that guy was willing to sleep with you with you in this condition, you shouldn’t be sleeping with him in the first place.”
 He was about to say more, but you interrupted him. 
“You’re right, Oppa. I know it’s all futile, but I still want to forget, just for a little while. You’re also right about Sunghoon, which is why I have to ask you for a favour Oppa.” 
You paused and looked straight into his eyes. 
“I know you probably don’t see me that way, but please just help me out this once Oppa.” 
And you kissed him.
Yeon-Seok felt your warm, soft lips, gently push against his, and he was overcome with so much emotion. This was all he ever longed for. You were kissing him. But he felt conflicted. He knew you were vulnerable. Would kissing you back mean he was taking advantage of you? He felt so, so conflicted. He decided to do the ‘right thing’ and he pushed you away. Stunned for a second, you laughed.
 “I knew it. I knew it the moment I didn’t feel you kissing back. Sorry Oppa. That was stupid of me. Shouldn’t have tried that. You just don’t find me attractive, do you?” 
 and you turned away slightly, wiping away a barely noticeable tear from the corner of your eye. And that was it for Yeon-Seok. The next thing you knew, you were being pushed up against a wall, one of Yeon-Seok’s arms snaked around your waist and the other in your hair, as he kissed you, with a passion and longing you could tell had been there for a while.
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 21(Final part) (Yeon-Seok version)
Yeon-Seok asks you something you never expected.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Okayyy, so this is the last part in this series, and this is the Yeon-Seok version. While, I am on team Jiyong, as some @starlighttaek8​ may have guessed, I love Yeon-Seok and am a chronic victim of the second lead syndrome. It’s a paradox! If the reader chooses them, they aren’t the second lead anymore!!! Anyways, I loved some of the bits in here. Enjoyy :))
You leaned back into your seat, closing your eyes for a minute to try and gather yourself. You needed to think. You didn’t know how you would react to seeing Yeon-Seok after so long. What would he think? How would he feel? You finally shook your shoulders to try and shake off the nerves eating at you. You looked at your belly and smiled, thinking that it would be the baby’s first time seeing her father. You picked up the box next to you, full of everything you had been saving for Yeon-Seok and went and knocked on the door. You were expecting Yeon-Seok to slam the door in your face when he saw it was you, as he had proved himself incapable of listening to you, but the moment the door opened, you found yourself being pulled into a kiss; a hungry, lust-filled one at that. The part of you that desperately missed him and longed for him to be by your side kissed him back with equal passion, but the part of you that was being sensible knew that something was off. It wasn’t like Yeon-Seok to do something like this. Yeon-Seok had moved to your neck, and was nibbling on it when suddenly, he stopped, as though he recognised something. His eyes opening for the first time since he opened the door, he shakily said,
 “You’re not Mina.”
 And then, everything made sense to you. So he was waiting for someone. You took a few steps back, head reeling from trying to process things. You let out a laugh heavy with sadness. He never felt the same way you did huh. It just wasn’t that way. He was already with other people while you were struggling every day, desperately hoping for him to come back. You laughed again and wiped the few stray tears that had escaped.
 “I’m just going to go Yeon-Seok. I can see when I’m not welcome.” 
You stared straight back into his shocked and vaguely hostile eyes. You walked over to him and dropped the box in his hands.
 “I thought you should know.”
 Something in Yeon-Seok flipped. He grabbed your hand, holding it so tight, it hurt. Voice dangerously low, he said,
 “Why Y/N? Why would you want me to know about Jiyong’s child? You know I love you. You know how much I’m trying to get over you, but the thought of you doesn’t leave my mind for even a second. You were never this sadistic when we were together. What happened to you now? Why would you want to cause me so much pain?” 
You broke free of his grip, heart breaking when you realised what conclusion he had jumped to. Drained of energy, and sad by how baby would have to hear all of this, you whispered, 
“Yeon-Seok. This is your child.”
You didn’t bother waiting to see his reaction. You were just too sad. You couldn’t handle seeing such a loving and caring relationship deteriorate into a pathetic excuse for one. You shut the front door behind you and walked over to your car, leaning against it while you tried to calm down enough to drive. Yeon-Seok though, felt everything spin when he heard you whisper that. He looked down into the box in his hands, picking up a sonogram and turning it around, only then noticing your squiggly handwriting scrawled all over it, with notes of the date, the baby and whatever you wanted to share with Yeon-Seok that day. Yeon-Seok started feeling this odd pain. It was small at first, and then it hit him. He could hardly breathe. He left you on your own when you were pregnant. He left his child. A beautiful outcome of your relationship. A beautiful part of your future. The future he always wanted. He walked away from a perfectly healthy, loving relationships because he wouldn’t listen to you and let his fears get in the way. He clenched his fists, cursing himself for thinking that he knew everything about you. He should have just let you speak for yourself. He should have given you a chance to explain what you wanted to. He shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about the kiss. He clenched his fists even tighter. If only he hadn’t seen that damn kiss. He shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. But then, another thought popped into his head. Why were you living with Jiyong? He rushed out, not knowing what to say to you first, only knowing that he desperately needed you to still be outside his house. 
You heard him shout. You looked up, wondering to see how he would manage to hurt you this time. Sounding vaguely defensive, he continued.
 “Why’d you move in with Jiyong then? I told you to use our apartment.” 
This time, something in you broke. You screamed,
 “Because you weren’t there, you bloody bastard!” 
Your voice broke. 
“How could you expect me to take baby home without you there? I didn’t want to go back there without you, because I had faith that things would work out between us in the end! But clearly, I was the only one.” 
The small insecurities in Yeon-Seok wanted to ask why it had to be Jiyong, and whether anything happened, but he pushed them out of his mind, because he knew those were what cost him the relationship in the first place. He walked over to you with unreadable expression on his face, closely watching your shoulders shake slightly from the sobs. Your fierce eyes met his. You were sobbing, red-eyed and a mess, but all your pain and anger shone through your eyes, unflinching through it all. Yeon-Seok finally reached you, and gave in to his greatest desire from the past few months. He wrapped his arms around you and held you. You froze, your body longing to just melt into the warmth and familiarity of his arms, but your anger didn’t allow you to do that. You tried to push your way out of his arms.
 “Let me go Yeon-Seok. I might as well go back. I don’t want to be here any longer.”
 He just held you tighter and buried his face in your neck. You could hear his muffled voice from there.
 “Y/N, I am sorry. I am so incredibly sorry.”
 His hand reached for your belly, and gently patted it. 
“Baby, Dada’s sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t meet you earlier, but I’m never going to leave now.”
 All your strength left your body as you sobbed into Yeon-Seok’s chest.
 “Oppa, do you know you much I needed you and how you were never there?” 
He also sobbed into you. 
“I know Y/N, I know. I’m sorry. Nothing I do will ever make up for it.” 
He pulled away, hurriedly wiping his eyes, and yanking off the chain around his neck. Your eyes widened as you saw him get down on his knees in front of you, holding out a beautiful thin gold band with a pale sapphire in the middle, still hanging onto the chain as a pendant. 
“Y/N, I bought this a month before we broke up. I didn’t know how or when to propose, so I was planning something simple the night Jiyong collapsed. When I saw you with him, all my worst fears came back, and I was convinced that you would leave me. So, I left first. I know. I’m an idiot. And I deserve all the anger and some more for everything I didn’t listen to. But I still love you. I always will. And we’re halfway through achieving my dream anyway,”
 he paused to smile at your stomach,
 “So, let’s achieve the other half?”
 and he held out the ring. He could only watch in silent happiness as you nodded and let him slide the ring onto your finger. He got up and pulled you in for a proper kiss this time around. Although you hit the back of his head a couple of times, he could feel you smile against the kiss.
 -------- 1 month later--------------
Jiyong stood there as your Man of Honour, zoning out the priest as he preached, focussing completely on how ethereally gorgeous you looked in that simple white dress, with that smile of yours that absolutely killed him every time. Although Yeon-Seok wasn’t threatened by Jiyong anymore because Jiyong had made it clear by giving you Yeon-Seok’s address that he put your happiness over his own, Jiyong and Yeon-Seok still didn’t like each other very much. Yeon-Seok learnt to put up with it, because Jiyong was going to be the baby’s godfather, but Jiyong never fully forgave Yeon-Seok for not listening to you and abandoning you when you needed him the most. Jiyong snapped out of it when he heard the echo after,
 “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
 He was tormented. He didn’t know what he would do.  Almost of his own accord, he found himself opening his mouth, and he was about to say I do when the dazzling smile on your face stopped him. He closed his mouth and smiled through the pain. He looked up, and made eye-contact with Mirae, your sister, across from him. She knew what he was going to do, and she smiled encouragingly, as though telling him that it was all going to be all right in the end. He smiled back at her, looking at your happy face one more time, just to make sure he had made the right decision.
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Change (ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 21 (Final) (Jiyong version )
You finally meet Yeon-Seok and Jiyong meets your sister.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Okayyy folks, so this is the last part and is the Jiyong version. @starlighttaek8​ You were right :))) Just so you know, I started off the fanfic on Team Jiyong, and then switched to Team Yeon-Seok, but as I wrote more, Jiyong won me over again. I think the reader should end up with Jiyong :))) I also feel like I should say that I absolutely love YYS, and I am actually kinda sad they don’t end up together in this  version :((
You got out of the car, taking a deep breath as you stared at Yeon-Seok’s house. Although you wished that you had accepted Jiyong’s offer for him to take you there, you knew that this was something you’d have to do alone. Trying to shake off your nervousness, you smiled down at your belly. Gently rubbing it, you said, 
“Hey baby. Today, we’re going to meet appa.” 
Shaking your head to try and get rid of the nervous feeling you had, you steeled yourself and knocked on the door. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but you certainly weren’t expecting Yeon-Seok to open the door immediately and pull you into a kiss. You felt your fears melting away. He had also missed you. He wanted you back. You grabbed his face, and kissed him back. You only froze when you heard Yeon-Seok mumble against your skin,
 “You’re early, Mina.” 
Your eyes shot open. He still had his eyes closed as he nibbled your neck. You scoffed in disbelief. You took a step back, and said, 
“Oppa. I’m not Mina.”
 Yeon-Seok’s eyes also shot open. He knew that voice. He stared at you in disbelief, wondering how the hell you found him. his eyes froze when they reached your belly. He let out a hollow laugh. 
“Oppa, are you telling me you’re seeing another woman?” 
Yeon-Seok was frustrated when he heard you say that. you were the woman he was struggling so much to get over, and he was finally making progress when you found him again. He felt some of those feelings surge again, but one look at your belly, and they went away again. His gaze hardened and he shook his head. No, he could not allow you to do this to him. He had warned you that Jiyong would hurt you. Yeon-Seok knew that he just didn’t have enough energy to put you back together after Jiyong broke you for the second time. He knew this would become a cycle, and he couldn’t do that to himself, no matter how important you were to him. He met your gaze, and said, 
“Not exactly. Mina and I are just friends with benefits.”
 You could feel your chest tighten a little when he said that. Your voice broke when you said,
 “Really Yeon-Seok? It’s been four months since you left and you’ve already got everything sorted? Am I the only one who is struggling?”
 The pain in your voice only served to anger Yeon-Seok. He couldn’t understand why the person who was hurting him was so hurt.
 “You don’t seem to be struggling Y/N. After all, you moved in with Jiyong the day I left.”
 You dug your nails into your palm. This Yeon-Seok was different. Your Yeon-Seok was never this spiteful or malignant. Your voice turned pleading. “Oppa, that wasn’t what you think it is. I needed the help. I was- “
He cut you off again by a harsh, bitter laugh. He said, 
“Yeah, I’m sure we all know what you desperately needed”,
 as he gestured to your belly. You were taken aback. Why was Yeon-Seok talking to you like that? He was the father of your baby. How could he possibly say that? You held your belly, subconsciously trying to protect baby from hearing his words. You took a deep breath. You were hurt. Of course you were hurt. Yeon-Seok was refusing to listen to you. Again. You tried to talk to him again. You made your voice soft and gentle, trying to keep in mind how hurt he must be if he thought you moved in with Jiyong immediately after he left.
 “Oppa, listen to me.”
 You saw him shaking his head, but you continued anyway. 
“Oppa, I’m pregnant with your child.”
 You continued, trying to explain to him how that was the reason you moved in with Jiyong, but you stopped, feeling rather uneasy with the pitying look he was giving you. Yeon-Seok came close to you, and tucked your hair behind your ears.
 “Oh, Y/N. What happened to you?” 
The uneasy feeling only grew. Looking unsure, you took a step back, and said, 
“What do you mean?” 
Still giving you the pitying look, Yeon-Seok continued. 
“Sweetheart, I told you Jiyong would hurt you. I didn’t know he would leave you after getting you pregnant though. We all told you Y/N. Why didn’t you listen to us?” 
Your head started pounding. 
“Yeon-Seok, do you think I’m lying to you about my baby’s parentage?” 
Trying to be comforting, Yeon-Seok replied saying, 
“No, Y/N. I just think you are a little confused about what happened.”
 You swatted away his hands, and took a step back. You voice raised, you screamed, 
“Yeon-Seok, this is your child.”
 Still in that condescending tone of comfort, he said, 
“Okay Y/N, we’ll see, okay? We’ll do a paternity test after the baby is born.”
 That triggered you. 
“‘The baby’?! Yeon-Seok, this is your baby!” 
Yeon-Seok looked away, suddenly saddened. He muttered,
 “Where is that fucker? What has he done to you? I’m going to find him and kill him.” 
You held your pulsing head, trying to wrap your head around what just happened. Voice raw with pain, you said, 
“Yeon-Seok, you can believe what you want. I know I tried to tell you the truth.” 
You paused, thinking about the box you had in your car, full of things for him to see. It made you furious. He didn’t deserve to be a part of baby’s life. You glared at him, and continued. 
“I tried to tell you the day you broke up with me. I tried to call you and tell you a thousand times after that. I tried to tell you today. If you finally decide I’m not lying, just don’t come to me later saying you want to be part of baby’s life. Baby doesn’t need someone like you, who doesn’t even listen to what I have to say. I know baby will always have a father in Jiyong.” 
And you stormed out of the house, tears at the corners of your eyes, desperate to get back home, back to a safe space. You got into the car, took out your phone and texted Jiyong,
 “Where are you?”
 That morning after you left to find Yeon-Seok, Jiyong wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, took a deep breath and knocked on the pale wooden doors, expecting a lot of anger, understandably so, but all he got was a soft voice saying, 
“Yes, who is it?”
 He looked up and met her gaze, and saw a flicker of recognition pass her face. She gave him a small smile and said,
 “Come in.”
 She sat him down, and gave him a cup of tea, not saying anything. Jiyong sat there in the awkward silence, desperately hoping for her to say something to break that first, and she did. Still with a soft smile on her face, she said, 
“My sister told me that this was your favourite tea.”
 Jiyong put down the cup, hesitatingly making eye contact with your sister, and asked, 
“Y/N spoke about me?” 
Your sister, Mirae, gave him an undecipherable look and said, 
“Yeah, she did. You were actually the only guy she mentioned to me, so I had high hopes for you. But after what happened with you, she stopped drinking that tea.” 
Jiyong winced a little thinking back to that time. Mirae leaned back, and still in her soft voice, asked, 
“So, why’re you here?” 
Jiyong squared his shoulders and said, 
“You’re important to Y/N, so I wanted to meet you.” 
Jiyong’s voice turned a little softer. 
“And I wanted to apologise because you might have blamed yourself after I did…that. It was not because of you. Not at all. It was just my stupidity. I’m sorry.”
 And Jiyong hung his head after that, not wanting to meet her gaze that was so similar to your gaze. He felt like he couldn’t bear it. Not seeing those eyes hurt again. Mirae sighed, and said, 
“Jiyong, I don’t hold it against you. What’s done is done. What you did was horrible, but I’m more curious about why you’re back after so long?” 
Jiyong gulped, pausing to think about everything that happened and considered telling her, when she interrupted his thought process. 
“Is it because she’s pregnant and Yeon-Seok left her?” Jiyong jumped back in shock, surprised that she knew. She laughed. 
“Y/N told me a little while ago. She told me about everything that happened, and how you are helping her through it. But you know what stayed with me the most? The fact that she drank the same tea you are holding in your hands right now?” 
Mirae turned to fix him with a stare.
 “Do you know what that means Jiyong?”
 She stared at him for a minute, trying to gauge him, and then she smiled,
 “I know what that means Jiyong, and I think you do too. Just don’t mess up this time.”
 Jiyong was about to smile sadly and explain how you’ve gone to meet Yeon-Seok, so technically, it wasn’t a second chance, but as long as he could be there for you, that was enough for him, when you slammed open the front door and walked straight over to Jiyong. He jumped up, not expecting back so early, wondering how you knew where he was and desperately trying to search your face for signs whether you were okay, when you crashed into him, desperately clinging onto his shirt, because he comforted you. He was familiar, he was soothing. As those familiar arms wrapped around you again, you slowly relaxed into them. Jiyong decided not to ask any questions. You would tell him when you were ready. He just slowly patted your head, focusing on making you feel better. Mirae watched the two of you from a distance, softly smiling, knowing that she was right.
------------------ 1 month later-------------------------
Slowly, over time, you told Jiyong what Yeon-Seok said, but you never told him about what you said to Yeon-Seok. Slowly, over time, you anger towards Yeon-Seok faded. Yes, he was being horrible, but you loved him, and he must have been hurt. You didn’t forgive him, but you chose to let go of the toxic anger. Slowly, over time, you started to realise why you found Jiyong so comforting, and after arguing with yourself for days on end, you realised that it was with good reason. He had helped you so much, while trying to get you back together with Yeon-Seok. He had done so much for you and baby. Over time, you also decided what you were going to do about finding out the sex of your baby, and now, you had a surprise for Jiyong. You just didn’t know when to tell him.
You were in the car with him, on your way to the ocean, because you had wanted to go to a beach. As soon as you said that, Jiyong just piled a bunch of picnic stuff into the car, and shot you an excited grin as he plugged in the GPS. 
“So, lets go now Y/N.” 
and although spontaneity wasn’t exactly your style, you laughed and let him pull you along, glad at how he was making these small changes in you.
You were peacefully nodding your head along to some music while he sang at the top of his lungs when you felt something different. Your voice strange, you said,
 “Ji, pull over right now.”
 Immediately panicking, Jiyong stopped the car and began looking at you, terrified that something had gone wrong. He was looking at your face. You had an odd smile on your face. It was slowly becoming bigger as you realised what it was that you felt. Blinking the tears away, you grabbed Jiyong’s hand. Jiyong’s mind was racing.
 “Y/N. What happened? Are you okay? Do you need me to call an ambulance? Do-“ 
His rant was cut off when he felt you place his hand on your belly, and he felt the gentle kick, like a sort of pop, against your belly. When his hand was firmly placed on your belly, baby kicked again. He looked up at you with tears in his eyes only to see you stare back with tears in your eyes and a wide grin.
 “Look Ji, she recognises Appa.” 
His eyes widened. He hiccupped and said,
 “What did you just say Y/N?” 
You held his face and wiped away the tears.
 “Ji, I never told you what I said to Yeon-Seok after what he told me. I told him that baby would never feel the lack of a father because she has you.” 
You cupped his face as you wiped away more tears.
 “Ji, you’re not just going to Uncle Jiyong to her. You’re going to be Appa.”
 Jiyong was crying by now. Through the tears and the sobs, he managed to ask, 
 You hugged him as you replied,
 “Yes, her. I found out a few days ago. We both like the name ‘Jihyun’ right?” 
Jiyong was a complete mess as he nodded, trying to stop crying but each time he just about managed to, a new wave of emotions would hit him. Lifting up his face, you smiled and kissed him. Through that kiss, you could feel it all. The fear had he of you leaving, all the sadness, all the hate he had for himself for hurting you, all the love he had for you, and all the happiness he felt. He kissed back softly, gently, unable to believe what was happening. You pulled away, also crying as you said, 
“I love you Jiyong.”
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Change (ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 16
Unable to think straight, you head to Jiyong’s place, determined to blame him for everything.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
You sat there at the table, frozen, unable to process anything. Yeon-Seok’s heart broke as he got up to leave you there, wanting to just be able to hug you and make the pain better, but knowing that he had to make the selfish choice this once. You couldn’t, you just couldn’t understand what just happened. Slowly, the enormity of the situation sank in. You were pregnant, but the father of your child just broke up with you, not even leaving you a chance to explain things to him. Suddenly turning frantic, you tried calling Yeon-Seok. You needed him to be there for you, at least while you were both expecting a child together. At the very moment you called him, Yeon-Seok had taken out his phone to block you. He saw your call coming in. again, he felt himself wavering. He almost answered your call, but then he shook his head, cut your call and blocked you. After he cut your call, you sat there in silence. This one thought kept repeating in your head. Jiyong. It was all his fault. It was all because he came back into your life. It was his fault that Yeon-Seok left you. It was all his fault. Shaking with anger, you picked up your phone and called Mino. 
“Mino, give me Jiyong’s address.” 
Mino immediately knew things were going to go downhill.
 “Y/N, don’t. You’ve gone through so much to get him out of your life. Don’t do this now. Where are you? I’ll co- “
and you cut him off, your voice turning harsher by the second. 
“Mino, just give me the damn address.” 
Mino hesitated and he also turned insistent. 
“No, Y/N, I won’t. Just tell me where you- “
“Mino, either you give me his address or I’ll call him myself.” 
Mino finally gave in. Mino gave you his address, and the next thing he did was find his car keys, because he knew things wouldn’t go well at Jiyong’s place.
You drove to Jiyong’s place numb, barely noticing how you got there. You stormed up to his door, banging on it, the anger making you see red. He opened the door in shock. Jiyong couldn’t believe that you were at his place. He would have loved to have you come over, but he had a feeling that you turning up at his place late at night was a bad sign. Gingerly, he asked, 
“Y/N, are you okay?” 
He was very worried about you because your eyes, they were frantic. You looked insane. You fixed your gaze on him. You pushed your way inside his house, pushing him with you. With every word you said, you pushed him back a little more.
 “Kwon Jiyong. Who the fuck do you think you are?!”
 “How dare you come into my life and mess it up again?” 
“I’ll…I’ll never forgive you for this.”  
 “Do you not have any shame?” 
 “Do you not feel the slightest bit of guilt?” 
 “Yeon-Seok’s left.”
 “Now we’re all alone Jiyong.” 
You choked on a sob. 
“I can’t do this on my own Jiyong.” 
Your pushes started to get weaker. 
“How could I?” 
Your voice cracked. 
“I don’t even know how to do the first thing about this.”
 Your knees started to get weaker.
 “You don’t deserve this.”
 You started to sway. You looked down at your belly. 
“You deserve more.”
 Your knees gave way. You gave in to your sobs. Jiyong caught you and held you up, staring at you in shock as he put the pieces together. 
“Wait, Y/N. Are you telling me that Yeon-Seok left you? Even though you’re pregnant?”
Jiyong was scared when he saw you that way. Even though he had seen you hurt before, he had never seen you so scared or desperate. He had never seen you this frantic. He let you in, letting you push him, because at that point of time, he was willing to go through any hurt that would help you feel better. Let’s be honest though; your pushes barely felt like anything to him. All the time that you were blaming him and pushing him, he was desperately searching your face for signs for what made you that way. He couldn’t figure it out, but he froze when he heard you say,
 “Now we’re all alone.” 
‘We’re’? Who else was alone? He started to feel jittery, thinking it couldn’t possibly be what he thought it was, but the more he heard you say, the more his suspicions were confirmed. And his heart sank. You were pregnant. With Yeon-Seok’s child. He felt his hope slowly leave. But he shook himself before he could let it get to him. You were scared, terrified and alone. You needed the help. He shouldn’t let his selfish desires get the better of him. Slowly helping you up, he told himself that he would do whatever he needed to do to be there for you, and wouldn’t try and make a move on you. That’s the last thing you needed at a time like that. 
“Y/N, honey, calm down.” 
Your anger flared up again. How dare he call you ‘honey’? What gave him the right? He could see the anger rise in your eyes, and you struggled to get to your feet and pull your hand back. Just as you were about to slap him across the face, he suddenly saw your eyes roll back, and you collapsed. Mino walked in seconds after that, seeing as to how Jiyong left the door unlocked, and he saw you, unconscious, in a very scared Jiyong’s arms.
Mino also froze, scared.
 “What the fuck have you done to her?” 
Jiyong, equally scared, replied. 
“I have no idea. She just collapsed.” 
He looked at Mino, face paling. 
“Was it seeing me that did this to her?” 
Mino, unsure, said,
 “Maybe. I really don’t know man.” 
Jiyong paled even more.
 “What about the baby?” 
Mino turned to him, surprised.
 “She told you about the baby?”
 Jiyong just nodded, looking down at the unconscious you in his arms. 
“Fuck… what do we do Mino?”
 Mino just stared at him blankly. 
“Maybe call an ambulance?”
 “With the two of us here Mino? They’ll spread rumours that she’s pregnant because of one of us. We can’t let Y/N get that much hate.” 
Jiyong shook his head, to get the fear out of his head. He desperately thought back to the first time he noticed you, and how you helped Yeon-Seok. He quickly tried to snap himself back into action. He carried you to the couch, laying you down flat. 
“Mino, go get a glass of water.” 
Jiyong shakily picked up your hand and checked your pulse. He breathed out a sigh of relief when it was normal. He took the water from Mino and started sprinkling it on your face. In a very distant voice, Jiyong continued. 
“Mino, unbutton her dress a little, just to loosen her clothes. I can’t touch her after what I did. She wouldn’t want me to.” 
Mino moved forward to do what was asked of him, pausing to look at Jiyong for a bit. Mino would never forgive Jiyong for what happened, but as he looked at Jiyong, pale with worry, he felt the tiniest bit of pity for him. Mino shook off those thoughts and thought that at least he had the decency to realise he didn’t have the right to touch you.
Mino and Jiyong both heaved a massive sigh of relief after you began to stir. Mino leaned back, exhausted, and turned to Jiyong.
 “So, what happened between her and Yeon-Seok hyung?”
 Jiyong just shook his head.
 “I don’t know the details, but I know that Yeon-Seok left her, and she’s pregnant with his child.” 
Mino’s eyebrows shot up. 
“Yeon-Seok hyung left her? Now?” 
Jiyong, constantly fiddling with his hands, nodded.
 “She came here because she blamed me for it, but I have no idea what happened between them.” 
Mino just looked at Jiyong and looked back at you. 
“Jiyong hyung, I think we should take her to a doctor.” 
Jiyong shook his head. 
“We can’t take her anywhere if we want her to stay safe.” 
He looked up at Mino. 
“I’ve called my friend over. He’s a gynaecologist. Just… when she asks about it, say he’s your friend. She won’t accept any help from me, and this guy is a really good doctor, and is a trustworthy one.” 
Mino looked Jiyong over, trying to read him. 
“What’re you playing at hyung?” 
Jiyong shook his head.
 “Nothing. I just want to help her and be there for her.” 
Mino stared at him, trying to figure him out. 
“You were high off your mind just a week ago. What happened?” 
Jiyong gave Mino a half-smile.
 “I met her, and felt ashamed of myself. She thought I was trying to guilt trip her into seeing me again. She said she would leave me on the street if I collapsed again. I couldn’t let her see me like that again.”
 Mino also smiled; a dry, sardonic smile.
 “You’ve changed, though I don’t know how much that will help you.”
 At that moment, Jiyong’s friend Wooshik walked through the door. “Where’s the patient Jiyong?”  
Both Jiyong and Mino waited nervously towards the side while Wooshik checked your vitals. Wooshik finally stood up and said, 
“Luckily, both her and the baby are okay, but next time, be careful. She shouldn’t get too worked up and overexert herself.” 
They both nodded. Wooshik smiled at them. 
“Luckily, this time, everything is okay. But Jiyong… is this her?” 
Jiyong tersely clenched his fist and nodded. Wooshik nodded and said, 
“Ah okay. But how come she’s here?”
 Mino stepped in then, not wanting Jiyong to explain your situation, as though he knew you.
 “She’s here because her boyfriend broke up with her and she blames him for it. She’s had a rough week ever since someone showed up,” 
pausing to glare at Jiyong,
” but yeah. If she’s okay, then I’ll take her back to her apartment once she wakes up.” 
Wooshik tilted his head, and said,
 “I guess that would be okay. Just, if she needs any more appointments, here’s my card.”
 He smiled. 
“Just call and let me know.” 
Just as they were thanking him, and he was about to leave, you woke up. You slowly got up, wincing at the soreness as you tried to stand. 
“Mino, where am I? What happened?” 
Immediately, Wooshik was by your side, asking about your condition. You answered all his questions, although you were staring at him quizzically. 
“Umm, thank you for your help, but who are you again?”
 Wooshik smiled and was about to answer, when Mino butt in. 
“He’s my friend who’s a gynaecologist. I called him over.”
 Wooshik raised an eyebrow, and looked at Jiyong, but said nothing because of Jiyong’s pleading glances. You smiled lightly, and thanked him for his help. Wooshik left, unable to stop himself from thinking about what happened. As he got into his car, he muttered, 
“Well, this is going to get complicated.”
After Wooshik left, you looked around, trying to remember how you got there. As you caught sight of Jiyong’s concerned face, you remembered. All the anger came rushing back. Although weak and unsteady, you stood up to go to Jiyong, barely making it two steps before your legs collapsed again. Mino looked at Jiyong, mouthed a thank you, and helped you up, slowly convincing you to leave and go back home. Mino drove you back home in silence. He knew better than to ask you about what happened between you and Yeon-Seok. The most he could do was look at your still figure with concern, wondering what you were thinking. You, on the other hand, weren’t thinking about anything. You couldn’t. If you did, everything would come rushing back, and you would remember that Yeon-Seok left you. You couldn’t handle that. The thought of raising your child on your own terrified you. So, no matter how ‘cowardly’ it may have been, you chose to ignore what happened, forget your anger and blame for Jiyong, and just not think. You were planning on doing that until you had another plan for how to work things out, but all your notions were shattered, because as Mino led you into your apartment, you realised you couldn’t stay there. Every time you looked somewhere, you’d see an old memory with Yeon-Seok, and by god, it would make your heart ache. You missed him. You really, really missed him. You wanted him to be right there with you, but when memories faded, it all just served as a reminder of Yeon-Seok’s last conversation with you, telling you that he was going and ending things. Tears began to stream down your face and your hand moved quickly to cover your mouth, to prevent your sobs and hiccups from getting too loud. You turned to Mino, a sobbing mess. 
“Mino, I can’t stay here.”
 Mino was still looking around, not yet looking at you. 
“What do you mean you can’t stay here Y/N. This is home.” 
That set off something in you. You screamed, your voice raw with emotion. 
“Mino, this is not home! Home is only where the people you love are! Where is he, Mino? Do you see him?!.” 
Mino turned shocked. As he watched you break down, barely holding yourself together, he hated that this wasn’t the first time he had seen you this way. Voice gentle, he said,
 “Okay, Y/N. We’ll go somewhere else.” 
And as you sat in his car, still sobbing, Mino stared down at his phone, and thought about who he could call for help right now. Well, to be honest, he knew who he could call, but he didn’t want to call him. when he heard you choke on your sobs again, he made up his mind and called the number he hated having to call. They picked up on the first ring. 
“Jiyong hyung, I need help. Y/N needs help.”
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 17
Jiyong finally manages to pour his heart out to you in a long-owed apology.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
“What do you mean Mino?”
 Mino ran his hand through his hair, stressed. 
“I mean that she’s insisting she can’t stay at her apartment anymore.” 
He paused, panicking slightly after the choked sob you let out when you heard him mention the apartment.
 “Where do I take her? I’m leaving for my tour in two weeks, and I live in a dorm, with the other guys. Not a great place for a pregnant woman.” 
His voice turned wary.
 “Don’t you dare suggest I leave her at your place.” 
His voice brittle, he continued. 
“I don’t trust you with her. I’m only calling you because you’re the only other person who knows.” 
Jiyong let out a long sigh. 
“Mino, I know you don’t want to leave her alone with me, but she’s a pregnant woman. Living alone isn’t exactly the best idea. She’ll definitely need help.” 
Mino’s voice remained stony when he replied.
 “Yeah well, too bad. We’ll figure something out so that she isn’t left alone, but all I know is that if I leave her alone with you, in your apartment, she will kill me.” 
You were still sniffing, but even so, Mino could hear you mumble, 
“You’re damn right I will.” 
Jiyong sighed and said, 
“Okay. For now, both of you come here. We’ll figure something out. I’ll ask my housekeeper whether my other apartments are in a decent condition.” 
Mino agreed and cut the call, driving to Jiyong’s apartment, all the while keeping an eye on your shaking, sobbing figure.
For the second time that day, Mino helped you through the door leading to Jiyong’s apartment. Jiyong was waiting for the two of you, pacing around trying to figure something out. You sat down next to Mino in silence, the only constant sound being Jiyong’s footsteps. You watched him pace up and down, up and down, over and over again. Finally, you snapped. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, will you please stop that damn pacing?” 
and when both Mino and Jiyong turned to look at you in surprise, you blushed a little and mumbled, 
“It’s making me dizzy.”
 He sat down, but he refused to look at you, worried that he’d make you uncomfortable. You looked around the room and took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were sure would be a terrible conversation. You looked down at your thighs, clutched the material of your dress, and started off. 
“Mino, you might want to leave the room if you don’t want to be a part of a very uncomfortable conversation.”
 Mino looked confused at first, but then looked back and forth between you and Jiyong, and his mouth widened into an ‘o’ shape. He quickly got up and left. Now, it was only you and Jiyong left. You looked up at him, finding him nervously watching the ceiling. You were tired, and you didn’t have enough energy to keep your voice icy, no matter how much you wanted to. In a tired voice, you asked, 
“Is there a reason you’re refusing to look at me Jiyong?”
 Jiyong’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he heard you call his name, free from hatred of anger. He looked at you, pale, exhausted, sad, and he told himself not to get his hopes up, you were just tired. Hesitating to give you an answer, he slowly said,
 “I was afraid I’d make you uncomfortable.”
 If he was hoping to hear a reassuring answer, Jiyong would have been very disappointed. You leaned back, looking him dead in the eye.
 “You do make me uncomfortable, but after everything we’ve been through, what else would I be?” 
He gulped, feeling himself wilting under your gaze, but knowing he deserves to feel this pain. 
“Jiyong, first, to make me feel pain, you arrange for me to walk in on you getting a blowjob. And then, a year later, when I’m finally happy, you walk back into my life and ruin it. Why? What have I done to you?” 
Jiyong winced when you said that, hating the way you sounded so crass and indifferent. You always used to sound so warm and excited when you used to talk to him. You continued. 
“I want to keep this pregnancy a secret. I had no intention of telling you, but in my anger, I let it slip. And now that you and Mino know, I’d like to keep it that way. I also know I’m going to need help, and the two of you are the only people I can go to.” 
Jiyong’s eyes widened. He hadn’t realised that. Before he could stop himself, he found himself asking, 
“What about your family?” 
You laughed. 
“You think I can go to my family and explain how I’m pregnant, but my boyfriend left me? They’ll never take me in. My sister is the only one who would, but she’s sick and I can’t trouble her like that.” 
Jiyong winced again at the mention of your sister. It reminded him of that night. That one night that changed things so drastically. Things could’ve gone a completely different way, but he had to go and ruin it. Shaking your head, you continued.
 “Anyway, so since the two of you are the only ones I can ask for help, and Mino’s going on tour soon, that leaves only you. I’m not going to lie,”
 You paused to look him straight in the eyes, and said, 
“I despise you. And you make me uncomfortable. But I think we should have a conversation about how things are going to work from now.” 
Oddly enough, Jiyong felt some relief when he heard you say that. He wanted to be punished, and you not forgiving him is the worst punishment he could get. But then he felt the overwhelming pain of you hating him take over. Rolling his shoulders back, he said, 
“Y/N, you’re right. We should figure out how things are going to work, but before that, I want to talk about what happened between us. I need a chance to explain.”
 You inhaled sharply.
 “Must you?” 
He nodded. 
“Jiyong, you know you don’t deserve the chance to explain yourself, right? You wanted me to feel pain then, and believe me, you succeeded. And then, the next time we met, you kissed me. I don’t think you deserve to explain yourself.” 
Jiyong steeled himself and said, 
“I know. I don’t deserve it. But I need it anyway.” 
You sighed, and said,
 “Jiyong, only because I’m too tired to put up a fight, okay?” 
and you nodded for him to go ahead.
He took a deep breath and started.
 “I know I fucked up. I know I shouldn’t have kissed you. I know I shouldn’t have let you see me”
 he paused to gulp, 
“getting a blowjob. And I know. I planned it. You’re right. I did plan it. Because when you stood me up that night, I realised how much I liked you. How much something as small as seeing you smile made my day. And I couldn’t handle it Y/N. you know me. Before I met you, you know how much I used to sleep around. You know how many girls would always be around. You are the only person who made me stop that. You are the only person I wanted more than just sex from. You are the only person with whom I’ve never broken a promise. Y/N, I’m a liar. I’m an asshole. I’m a horrible person, and I used to be okay with that, but you made me want to change. You made me want to become someone who deserves you. After meeting you, I’ve never wanted another woman. I haven’t slept with someone since meeting you. And after that night, I haven’t met any other women either, because I cannot get you out of my head. I see you in everything Y/N, every damn thing. When I’m walking down the street and I smell vanilla, I see you. When I see the rain, I see you. When I see a Lily, I think of you.”
 His voice turned pleading. 
“I can’t stop seeing you everywhere Y/N. And it scared me. Back then, I was scared to change. I was terrified of being anything other than the asshole, because it takes courage to be someone like that. Courage I didn’t have. It scared me that I only wanted to be with one woman. It scared me that I wanted to spend every minute of the day with you. It scared me that I want to grow old with you. I don’t even want to grow old, but if that means spending more time with you, then I’ll do it. It scared me that I love you. And that is why I did it. I know it’s not right. I know I shouldn’t have, and believe me, it is my biggest regret. Back then, I didn’t know that you meant so much to me. I didn’t know I was just scared. I thought I was angry, and like the asshole I am, I tried to hurt you. And I succeeded. And that was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I’m sorry.” 
He paused.
 “I cannot begin to explain how sorry I am. Words won’t express it. Which is why I’ll go out of my way to show you, and make sure I help you now.” 
He looked up to try and gauge your reaction, but you were blank-faced, sitting there looking up, refusing to make eye contact.
 “And about the kiss, I am so sorry. I genuinely would not have done that if I knew you were real. I know it’s a terrible reason, and I’m sorry.” 
His voice faded to a whisper. 
“I’m sorry I made you hate me so much that I make you sick. I’m sorry.” 
He sat there with his head bowed. There was a long moment of silence after that. And then, he heard you sniff. You turned away to wipe a few tears, muttering, 
“Stupid, pregnancy hormones. I hate how they make me cry all the time.” 
Jiyong looked up and handed you some tissue, not wanting to say anything in case he made you feel worse. You silently took the tissue, not wanting to look at him because you knew it wasn’t the pregnancy hormones that made you feel that way. It was what Jiyong said. You hated how he still had that effect on you, because you knew him, and you knew he couldn’t lie to you. You hated how you were feeling some sympathy for him, even after all he put you through and made you lose. He was the reason you lost Yeon-Seok, and you would never forgive him for that, but you slowly found some of the hurt and pain from a year ago easing. Shaking off those thoughts, you looked up and glared at him. 
“Just because I’m crying doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you.” 
You snorted and continued. 
“Not even close.” 
He just smiled sadly and said,
 “Of course not. I don’t expect it either. I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t owe you an apology.”
 You looked at him, slightly teary-eyed still, and said,
 “Is it okay if I stay here for a while? I’ll look for other places, but until then…”
 He froze, never having expected you to ask him that. As it is, you were annoyed at yourself for asking that. His silence made you feel even worse, and you turned to the side and muttered, 
“No, it’s just that I get very sick, and I’ll need help. Mino will be leaving soon, and as much as I hate to admit it, you’re the only other person I can ask for help here.”
 And when you turned to look at him, you saw the brightest, most genuine smile you had ever seen from Jiyong. His eyes were practically sparkling when he said, 
“You’re more than welcome to stay here Y/N.”
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Change (ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 14
You did Jiyong a favour, but you absolutely hated yourself for doing it.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
Yeon-Seok was sad. He was terrified. He was afraid because he recognised the figure in the middle of the crowd. He had come to pick you up from work as his shoot ended early, looking forward to surprising you when he saw a man collapse in front of the building. He also rushed forward to try and help, worried, when he froze, slowly realising that he recognised the man.
Jiyong had been walking aimlessly. He didn’t know where he was or where he was going, but he was sure he would end up back at your place at some point of time. He was enjoying walking in the night, enjoying the peace it gave him with his thoughts, allowing him to hate himself in peace. He paused, finished the bottle he was holding in his hands, and lit another joint. And before he knew it, reality and his dreams began to blur. He couldn’t even see right in front of himself, but he kept walking, enjoying the thoughtlessness. And after that, the next few minutes were a blur. The last thing he remembered clearly was walking, but the next thing he knew, he was on the ground, head spinning, with a crowd of people gathered around him. As he turned to look at them, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. He heard someone call for an ambulance, and although he wanted to tell them not to, he just couldn’t open his mouth. He looked around dazed, trying to find a way out of there, and that’s when everything stopped. He saw you. For the first time in a year, he saw you. You looked so beautiful, tucking your hair behind your ears to get it out of your eyes. God, he had missed those eyes. He tried to reach out to you, to be able to hold you again, but he couldn’t lift his hand. The last thing he remembered was smiling at you, and then he passed out.
Both you and Yeon-Seok froze, both for different reasons. He was terrified he would lose you. It was only recently that you began to feel the same way about him. You were always happy around him, loving to spend time with him, but he knew that you still had feelings for Jiyong. Only after a long time did he slowly feel you lose those feelings and start to feel something for him. You were frozen because you never wanted to see him again. You were finally getting your life sorted, and trying to move past him. All of a sudden, you were filled with an overwhelming rage. How dare he show up again? How dare he ruin everything all over again? You would have gotten even angrier, when you were snapped out of your thoughts by someone yelling for an ambulance again. Yet again, you felt your heart tighten in pain, because you knew you couldn’t allow that. You knew that he would be arrested if he was taken to a hospital. You also knew his career and his reputation would go down the drain if that happened. Before you knew what you were doing, you found yourself yelling out, 
“Nobody call for an ambulance.”
 For a split-second, you made eye contact with Yeon-Seok. Looking at your pleading glance, he found his eyes changing from absolute hostility to quiet acquiescence, feeling more terrified with every passing moment. 
“We’ll take him home.” 
And god, you absolutely hated yourself. Why couldn’t you just let him be? Why did you still care about him enough to try and save his career? Why did you not have it in you to walk past him? You hated him for showing up in your life again, after you had taken such pains to make sure you left every part of him behind, but you hated yourself even more for being weak enough to let him back in your life. And as you looked at Yeon-Seok as he carried Jiyong, his face distraught from fear, you hated yourself even more for putting him through that.  
After reaching home, Yeon-Seok put Jiyong down on the couch, sighing as he looked at him. He was so scared that you would leave him for Jiyong, but he would still do anything to make you happy, and if you wanted to bring Jiyong back home, then he would help you. Yeon-Seok was getting lost in his thoughts when he heard your soft, blank voice say,
 “Move. I know first-aid better than you do Oppa.” 
Yeon-Seok moved out of the way, planning on waiting around to see if you needed any help, but when he saw you take off his shirt and dab antiseptic on it with tears in your eyes, it turned out to be too much for him to bear, and he walked out of the room.
Your breathing was unsteady as you lifted up his shirt, unwilling gasping at the number of cuts he had all over. You had tears in your eyes from the anger you felt towards him coming back, but also, because you couldn’t stand seeing him that way. What happened to the charismatic Jiyong you used to know? He was now emaciated, battered and bruised, and out of his mind. As you ran the antiseptic soaked swab of cotton over his cuts, he stirred. You froze, and only after confirming that he was still unconscious did you breathe. After finally cleaning up all his cuts, you went to your room, exhausted. It took a lot out of you to have to see Jiyong again. To have to touch him again. You just wanted to curl up and sleep, but as you looked around the room, you realised something was off. Yeon-Seok wasn’t back yet. Although you waited for him, after a while, you realised that he wasn’t going to come home.
 You woke up the next morning at noon, immediately looking around for Yeon-Seok, feeling awful when you realised he still wasn’t back. You couldn’t stop thinking about Yeon-Seok not coming back. You desperately wanted to see him. To talk to him. to hold him and reassure him that you weren’t going to leave him. You finally knew that he was the one for you and you wanted to be able to tell him that. But you could also understand why he left. You knew it was a lot to ask of him to bring Jiyong into this house, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t leave him there. Heart heavy, you distracted yourself by doing some chores. After finishing them up, you sat down at the table, waiting for him. for some reason, you felt exhausted. You felt sick and tired, and you wanted nothing more than to just have Yeon-Seok around. You looked over at Jiyong, sighing when you realised it was time to change his bandages. You sat down next to him with a first-aid kit, mind preoccupied with thoughts of Yeon-Seok. You were mindlessly going about the work, not noticing that Jiyong had started to stir and he had finally opened his eyes.
Jiyong woke up, feeling like shit, but that was part of the routine. He winced at the bright light around him, wondering where the fuck he was and how he ended up there. He knew that he wasn’t at your place. Blinking a couple of times, he looked around. His heart stopped when he saw you. Slowly, he began to remember seeing you before passing out, but back then, he thought it was a dream. He always had dreams of you. He just thought it was another one. In fact, he still thought he was imagining things, because how else would the person he had been looking for for the past year suddenly be there right in front of him. He paused to enjoy the dream of you. That was all he had left anyway. Smiling at the way you still bit your lips when nervous. He had a small smile on his lips. This was the best dream he had. You still used the same shampoo. You still had that aura that put him to rest, easing the turbulence within him. When you turned around to get some more cotton, he sat up, wanting to move closer to this apparition of his desires, wanting to be able to feel you. Knowing that he would wake up when he touched you, and not wanted to fool himself anymore, he held your face and kissed you. It was only when you didn’t disappear that his eyes widened and he realised that you were real.
Yeon-Seok had stayed out the whole night, just walking around the city, thinking about what to do next. He knew Jiyong would worm his way back into your life. How he wished you had just left Jiyong there. To hell with his career or reputation. You should’ve just left him there for the ambulance. But he knew the moment he saw Jiyong that you wouldn’t be able to do that. You still cared about him enough to show him some small kindness, no matter how horribly he treated you. He knew that it would be hard for you to be around Jiyong, and you’d probably want all the support you could get, but just this once, he wanted to be selfish and put himself first, because he could not watch you fall for Jiyong all over again and have your heart broken, again. But then, he paused. How could he not give you the benefit of the doubt? You loved him. He knew you did. He knew you aren’t the kind of person who’d hurt him like that. How could he even give you up without fighting for you first? He thought about all these things for a long time, before finally slapping himself lightly twice, and walking back towards your apartment. As he walked through the front door, he muttered to himself, 
“It’s okay, Yeon-Seok. Have faith. You can do this.” 
Pausing to brace himself and put a smile on his face, he walked through the house, trying to find you, and when he saw you mid-kiss with Jiyong, he just turned around and left, knowing from the excruciating pain that was rushing through his body that he should be selfish just this once, and end things.
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Change (ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 18
Jiyong notices the small signs and decides to try and cheer you up.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
You were dreading the day Mino had to leave for tour. He had been staying at Jiyong’s place with you, but after he was gone, there would be nothing to hide the fact that you were slowly getting more comfortable with Jiyong. You didn’t want to. You absolutely hated the fact that you were slowly starting to forgive him for what happened at year ago. You would never forgive him for kissing you and driving Yeon-Seok away, but you found yourself forgiving him of wanting to make you feel pain. And because you didn’t want that to show, you stubbornly clung to your armour of insults and glares, hoping that it would hide the truth from Jiyong. But Mino left, and with that, you were left alone with Jiyong.
You ignored him. You avoided talking to him for the most part, and you just continued with your life, trying not to address the small changes, like Jiyong picking you up after work because he didn’t want you to strain yourself. You went to work every day, looking forward to the small aspect of normalcy it gave your life, but you did try and cut down on the strenuous massages. You stayed behind the desk for the most part, only going for lighter massages and reflexology. Jiyong’s life, on the other hand, had taken a drastic turn, and he couldn’t be happier. The very same day he saw you, he had decided to make some drastic changes to his life and get his life back in order, but when you moved in, without even realising it, his priorities changed. You and your health were the number one priority. He found himself making small changes to his life to make sure you were okay. Although he hadn’t had any schedules in a while, he made sure to let YG know he wouldn’t be available for the next year. They were only too happy to see that Jiyong was getting out of drinking every day, so they gladly agreed. He usually left the chores to the housekeeper, but for your privacy, he asked her to stop coming, and he tried to learn to do them instead. He managed just about everything but cooking, but he was determined to learn and make your favourite foods for you, so he called his mother everyday and took lessons, but all of this was without you knowing. He didn’t want you to feel like he was trying to guilt you into forgiving him.
You had called that doctor who came to treat you when you collapsed at Jiyong’s place. You liked that doctor. He was nice, he was understanding, he wasn’t judgemental and he was good at what he did he also calmed you, which was good, because you were terrified to go for your first pre-natal appointment. It was a little late for your first appointment, at 7 weeks pregnant, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go before that. You were so scared. It was all new to you, and you were handling it alone. You took a deep breath before stepping into the clinic, clutching your handbag a little tighter, and pushed open the door. You were trying to prepare yourself for doing this alone mentally, but you couldn’t deny the small bit of relief you felt when you saw Jiyong sitting there, waiting for you, although you did mask it with a frown. You sat down next to him, and scowling, you asked,
 “Why’re you here?” 
He smiled nervously and said, 
“I’m not going to leave you to do this alone.” 
You could not deny that it made your heavy heart a little lighter to hear him say that, because you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle this on your own, because it was at moments like these that you really missed Yeon-Seok, and resented him just a little for not hearing you out.
When it was finally your turn, you were beyond nervous, but because you were you, you kept a straight face, showing none of that to the world. You walked in, smiling at Wooshik, sitting down, while Jiyong stood at a safe distance behind you, wanting to make sure you were comfortable. As Wooshik tried to smile and make you feel comfortable while explaining the things you would need to do throughout the pregnancy, Jiyong stood there, only half-listening to what Wooshik said. Instead, he was watching you closely, because he knew you were scared. When Wooshik took an ultrasound scan of your uterus, you waited nervously to know whether everything was okay, but after he assured you everything was okay, you zoned out while he explained the biological changes at this stage of the pregnancy, unable to think of anything other than the fact that Yeon-Seok should have been there by your side. Your baby’s father wasn’t there to see his child for the first time. At the thought, you clenched your fist, and took a deep breath. It went unnoticed by the doctor and the nurses, but not by Jiyong, who made up his mind to try and make you feel better soon.
That night, you just couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t stop thinking about Yeon-Seok. You sat up in bed at around 2 am, feeling wretched. You looked around, sighing and biting your lip. You picked up your phone, and you decided to try and call him again. You prayed so much, hoping for him to just answer, because once he knew, you were sure he would come back, but of course, there was no answer. Suddenly feeling frustrated, you threw your phone down, and flopped back onto the bed. You blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, because you were just too tired to cry. Trying to distract yourself with happy thoughts, suddenly you sat up straight. You were hit with a craving. You desperately wanted French fries and vanilla ice cream. You got up and decided that since you couldn’t sleep anyway, you might as well eat to your heart’s content. You walked out of the door, not particularly quietly, because you knew that Jiyong’s room was too far away for him to hear you going to the kitchen, but you got the shock of your life when you saw him laying there on the couch, fast asleep. Immediately, you quietened down, though you were very confused about why he was sleeping there. You tiptoed over to the fridge and began searching for the frozen fries, rustling away, so absorbed in your job that you didn’t notice that Jiyong woke up. You only snapped out of it when you heard his sleepy voice ask,
 “Y/N, all okay? What’re you looking for?” 
You jolted backwards, staring at him. He looked adorable, with his hair all fluffy and his face puffy, but you shook those thoughts away, telling yourself to stay strong. Clearing your throat, you said rather sheepishly,
 “Cravings. I’m sorry if I woke you up.” 
He gave you a lazy smile and stretched, slowly making his way towards you. 
“What exactly are you craving Y/N? I’ll make it for you.”
 You snorted. 
“What’re you saying Jiyong? You can’t cook to save your life!” 
His smirk was back when he said,
 “Ah but that’s what you think. Tell me what you’re craving.” 
You raised an eyebrow and you also smirked. You were sure this would end in failure, but you were curious.
 “I’m craving French fries and vanilla ice cream.” 
He just nodded and began to heat the oil. And he was right, because in minutes, you had freshly fried fries on a plate with a bowl of ice cream sitting in front of you. You didn’t say anything, and you just devoured it, but Jiyong sat there across you, with a smile tugging at his lips, knowing how surprised you actually were. Halfway through your fries, without looking up from your food, you asked him a question.
 “Jiyong, why were you sleeping on the couch?”
 He looked at you like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“If I sleep in my room, I won’t be able to hear you if you call for help in the night.”
 You looked up and made eye contact with the warm, genuine Jiyong that you hadn’t seen in a while. It threw you off. The kindness, the caring, the sensitivity, everything seemed so different. And you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking deep down that maybe Jiyong had changed. But of course, that was deep down, so you just went back to eating your food, not wanting to show him how much his small gestures had touched you.
 The next morning, you woke up and lazily made your way to the kitchen, expecting Jiyong to be in his room, but he was in the kitchen, making you breakfast. He was dressed differently, as though he were about to go out. He looked up from the pancakes he was making to smile at you and point to your plate. Stunned, you just quietly sat, without your customary snarkiness. You just didn’t want to admit that he was being nice and was slowly wearing down your defences. You wordlessly ate the pancakes and were about to go back into your room, when you heard Jiyong nervously call you. 
You turned and quietly asked, 
 “I need to go shopping for a few things around the house, and I need help. Will you come with me?” 
He wasn’t even expecting you to respond. He just expected you to walk back into your room, so when you shrugged and said,
 he was beyond excited.
You got into the car with him, looking grumpy, but secretly curious about what it was that he wanted to buy. You zoned out as he drove, because it seemed to be a little far off, peacefully looking at the scenery. You didn’t see his small, nervous smile as he checked the GPS again. You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw him pull up in front of a big building, which looked a bit like an old farm. Your eyes widened even more when you saw a man standing there, waving to Jiyong, surrounded by dogs. You turned to Jiyong, eyes widening. He nervously grinned and said,
 Looking around shocked, you asked,
 “Where is this?” 
Still grinning, he said, 
“At a dog shelter.”
As Jiyong fell on his back, overcome with the flood of puppies that charged at him, although his body was aching a little, his heart warmed when he saw you sit on the nearby steps, laughing at him while you pet a few dogs. He would never get used to your beauty. As you sat there, with the sun reflecting off your hair, in a cotton dress, with the same smile that made him go crazy, he knew he was right to try and cheer you up this way. He only snapped out of his reverie when he heard you laughingly ask him, 
“So, this is why you needed my help? To adopt a dog?”
 You couldn’t stop your heart from warming when you saw his lazy grin as he said, 
“Of course I did. I can’t adopt a dog without your opinion.” 
Jiyong was overjoyed to see you grin, for the first time since he found you, surrounded by all these amazing, loving dogs. He was in the middle of playing with the more energetic puppies while you were sitting with the older, more calmer dogs, because both of you wanted to be on the safe side. Surrounded by all these loving, adorable dogs, you were the happiest you had been in a long time. Of course, it helped to see the adorable sight of Jiyong getting mobbed by puppies. The two of you spent your day there. You just lazed around with the doggies, all of them sensing how upset you had been, and refusing to leave your side, while Jiyong ran around and helped his friend. When you jokingly yelled out to him,
 “Have you picked a dog?” 
while he lugged around a giant bag of dog food, he smiled, and yelled back, 
“Well, I might be delaying it on purpose so that we can come back.”
In the evening, he was putting the dogs back into their kennels as you sat there watching him, feeling oddly grateful that he had brought you there, because you knew that he had done to cheer you up. You had only mentioned once that you like dogs, but it really touched you that he had remembered it after all this time. You smiled as you got up to go over to him and talk to him and thank him. Halfway through your walk there, it started to rain heavily. Jiyong was so engrossed in helping with the dogs that he didn’t even notice. You grabbed an umbrella from somewhere and you rushed over to him.
 “Ji, what the hell do you think you’re doing? It’s raining!” 
He just slowly turned over to you, in shock from the fact that you just called ‘Ji’, and when he saw you there, your cheeks flushed from running and your eyes shining, smiling and scolding him, his heart skipped a beat. He just stood there numb, watching you babble as you half-scolded him and half-thanked him for trying to cheer you up, but halfway through, he noticed your lips quiver. You suddenly remembered why you were upset in this first place. Yeon-Seok. You were supposed to adopt a dog with Yeon-Seok. And as your lips quivered more, and your legs started to shake, you finally gave in and cried. You practically wailed and sobbed, choking on your words, barely managing to get a word out. You finally choked on a sob, and managed to say, 
when you fell forward onto his shirt, burying your head in his shoulder, crying harder as you relaxed into his arm’s grip. He just froze when you did that, unsure about whether to say anything, but he finally decided to pull you a little closer and pat your head, letting you sob it all out, your sobs covered by the rain.
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 15
While you desperately wait for Yeon-Seok, things suddenly become more serious.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
Your mind went blank the moment you felt Jiyong’s chapped lips touch yours. You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe his nerve. How dare he do that after everything that happened? It brought back so many old memories, hopes and wishes, now all of which made you sick. It took you back to what happened that night, and you couldn’t stop yourself from picturing how he kissed her that night, after wanting to cause you pain. Although you were frozen, the overwhelming urge to throw up made you push him off, and you ran to the nearest bathroom, stumbling and puking your guts out in the end.
The moment Jiyong realised you weren’t just a dream, he knew he had fucked up, but he couldn’t bring himself to move, because he also was frozen from the shock of figuring out that it was actually you in front of him. As he saw you push him away and run to the bathroom to puke, he was overcome with hatred for himself, only just then realising how many bad memories it would have brought back for you. He was worried about you, because he saw you fall on your way there, and the way things were sounding, you weren’t doing too well. Wincing as he got up, realising that it was unfamiliar as he was never sober enough to feel pain, and this was the first time in a while that he was sober, he hobbled over to the bathroom. As he watched you on your knees, face pale, and obviously in pain, he wanted to move forward, hold your hair back and comfort you, but this time, he had the sense to realise his touch would only make you feel worse. He silently made his way to the kitchen, got you a glass of water, and left it near you. He then moved back, watching you from a distance, ready to help at the slightest indication.
You slowly helped yourself up, wiping your mouth, and standing up on shaky feet. You brushed your teeth and gulped down the water, slowly pulling yourself together. Seeing Jiyong had pretty much torn you up to shreds. You made your way out into the living room. You sat down and stared straight ahead, deep in thought. Jiyong watched you nervously, knowing that things weren’t going to go well. He knew he shouldn’t have kissed you, but he had no idea you were real. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of your voice. Stone cold, you said, 
“Jiyong. Sit.” 
And you pointed at the chair next to you. He sat down. You paused, struggling to stay calm. With icy fury evident in your voice, you said,
 “How dare you Jiyong? How dare you kiss me? After everything that happened, I was kind enough to bring you here because I didn’t want you to ruin your career, and then you kiss me?” 
You turned towards him and fixed him with your gaze, feeling him wince at the daggers you were shooting out of your eyes. 
“Do you have an explanation for this Jiyong?” 
Scared, and hating himself for having upset you, but still feeling some little happiness deep down that he found you and you cared about him enough to not leave him there, he gulped. 
“Y/N, I … I didn’t know whether you were real. I know this sounds like a terrible excuse, but after you left, I’ve been having a rough time. I haven’t been able to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not. And I’ve been seeing you so often in my hallucinations, that when I woke up, I thought I was seeing another hallucination. But Y/N, please. Please let me apologise for what I did. I’m so sor-” 
You cut him off by laughing. A piercing, painful laugh. 
“Don’t say another word Jiyong. I don’t want your apologies. I want you to get the fuck out of my life.” 
You smiled at him; a mocking, sardonic smile. 
“Is all that talk about you having a ‘rough time’ supposed to make me feel sorry for you? Because that’s not working. I couldn’t care less about what you do with your life. If you choose to fuck up by turning to alcohol and drugs, that’s not my problem. Out of courtesy, I helped you once. I won’t do it again. I will just leave you there if I see you collapsing again. You know why Jiyong?” 
You paused, disgust and anger evident in your eyes.
 “Because I refuse to let you enter my life again and fuck things up all over again. I’m happy now. I’m dating Yeon-Seok, I have a new job and a new life. I don’t want you coming back in and jeopardising any of this.” 
Looking him up and down, you continued. 
“You seem well enough to take a cab back to your place. If so, please leave.”
 And you got up, and walked into your bedroom, barely managing to shut the door behind you before breaking out into a sob.
As you slid down the door, curling into fetal position, it was your turn to feel scared. You were also terrified of Jiyong coming back into your life. Even if it was only this once, it would ruin all the progress you made. You didn’t want to go back to how you were a year ago. You had made so much progress. You moved on. You had a new job. You had new friends. You had finally found a relationship that made you happy. That was what you were most scared of. Yeon-Seok had also had a tough time. It must have been horrible for him, your boyfriend, to have to hold you and comfort you while you were crying over another man. You knew he had gone above and beyond for you. He had put himself through so much for you. You knew he didn’t have the strength to do all of that again. You were scared that you would lose him.
Jiyong felt awful. Once again, he really hated himself, and wished there was someone to hurt him for what he did. He knew he had hurt you incredibly, but he couldn’t fathom the actuality of the damage. He knew he was wrong to come back into your life, but he had to try again. You were the best thing that happened to him, and even though he was the sole reason you left in the first place, he valued you too much to let that happen again. He knew he shouldn’t jeopardise your relationship with Yeon-Seok, and neither would he actively go out of his way to do so, but he definitely wouldn’t let you go again. He would respect your wishes. He would give you your space. But the fact that you brought him back home left him with a glimmer of hope. Maybe, maybe after a long time, she may forgive me. He left when you asked him to, but he paused to memorise the address. He wouldn’t bother you in person, because he knew you would hate that, but every now and then, he could maybe leave you a letter or flowers.
 Yeon-Seok walked out of the door that day after seeing his worst fear come true. This was something he was always scared of. He knew that you’d want him around. He knew that you’d need the support after seeing Jiyong, but he was certain that you’d go back to Jiyong, since you still cared enough about him to not leave him there. And after he saw you kiss him, he had lost all hope. He couldn’t bear to watch the person who meant the most to him hurt him and hurt herself in the end. He knew he shouldn’t give up that easily, but he couldn’t watch you leave him. He didn’t have the strength in him. He knew he’d have to end things, but if he saw you at that moment, he knew he’d just give in and stay by your side, no matter how much it hurt him. And he couldn’t do that to himself again. That night, after he was thoroughly drunk, he made up his mind. He’d break up with you in a week.
  The next week was rough for you. You waited up for Yeon-Seok every night, desperately hoping against hope that he’d come home that night, although, deep down, you knew he wouldn’t, because he needed space. You called and texted him, but there was no reply to any of them, and you tried to be understanding, you really did, but it was getting tough for you. You knew he needed space, so you tried to give him space, but you needed someone around, because you weren’t feeling well. For the first day or two, you thought it was just the emotional strain from seeing Jiyong again that was making you feel nauseous and fatigued, but when it stayed after that, you got a little worried. You were throwing up a lot and you felt exhausted all the time. You needed someone to help you around the house, but you couldn’t get a hold of Yeon-Seok. After you threw up for the fifth morning in a row, a small, niggling doubt found its place at the back of your mind. The next day, however, it was a full-blown panic in your mind. All the signs were there. You were throwing up. You were exhausted. You were having mood swings. And you missed your last period. By now, you were terrified. You didn’t have any pregnancy tests in the house, and you didn’t want to go and buy them. You needed Yeon-Seok. You loved children, but you were scared. Were you ready for this? Did you want to keep the baby? Would the two of you make good parents? How will Yeon-Seok react? You tried calling Yeon-Seok, but he didn’t pick up. Hands shaking, you picked up the phone again, and called Mino.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?” 
He realised something was wrong by the way you were trying to steady your breathing. 
“Y/N, where are you? Where is Yeon-Seok hyung?” 
Your voice shaky, you replied, 
“Mino, hyung isn’t here, but I really need your help. Can you come over?” 
He was grabbing his car keys and getting ready to leave, reassuring you that he’d be there in minutes when you interrupted him.
 “Mino… stop by the pharmacy and pick up a couple of pregnancy tests on your way here.” 
Mino thought his heart stopped beating for a second there. He paused, and said, 
“Sure thing Y/N.” 
desperately trying to keep his voice calm for you.
 As you and Mino sat in silence, waiting for the test to show a result, you couldn’t help but long for Yeon-Seok to be there with you. He was the one you wanted by your side, especially in moments like these. As you were getting lost in your thoughts about Yeon-Seok, Mino too, was thinking about Yeon-Seok and wondering why he wasn’t there. He knew the two of you, and he knew that even if it was mid-fight, Yeon-Seok would’ve been there for you. He would never have left you alone for something like this. As you stared down at the test in your hand, you saw the second coloured line appear and you dropped it. Mino jumped. 
“Y/N… what does that mean?”
 With your face pale, you turned around and said, 
“It means I’m pregnant, Mino.” 
As you bent down to pick up the test, your phone buzzed. Blankly, you picked it up, expecting it to be a telemarketing service, but your face lit up when you saw it was Yeon-Seok. He had texted you asking him to meet you at a restaurant the next day. You showed Mino, and both of you heaved a sigh of relief, but somehow, you still felt uneasy about it.
You spent the entirety of the next day worrying about how to tell him. That day was also particularly rough on you, because you couldn’t keep any food or liquid down. All of it made you feel sick. You had an ominous feeling about the date, but you told yourself to ignore it. You prepared all day to reassure Yeon-Seok that things weren’t going to turn out that way and that you wouldn’t leave him.  As the time to meet him drew closer, you grew more and more nervous, so you tried to distract yourself by getting ready, but that just made you feel worse. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t suspected pregnancy earlier, because your face was bloated and splotchy, your back was aching and you were experiencing many more such symptoms.  Exasperated with how disgusting you thought you looked, you just put on the first thing you grabbed out of your closet and left, wanting to be early.
When Yeon-Seok reached the restaurant, he was mentally prepared to end things, but when he saw you sitting there, waiting for him, looking pale and exhausted, his heart wavered a little. Shaking his head, he sat down in front of you, forcing out a shaky smile. 
“Hey Y/N.” 
You jumped a little and smiled at him, anxiously searching his face for any clue as to what he was feeling. You took a deep breath, and you reached out to hold his hand, but he pulled his hand back. You looked up at him, shocked. Looking straight into your eyes, he started off in a shaky voice.
 “Y/N, I need to tell you something.” 
You tried to interrupt. 
“Oppa, I know, but can I please,”
 He cut you off. 
“Y/N, just this once, I won’t be hearing you out. I’m sorry.”
 You tried interrupting again, because by now, you could feel the desperation rising within you. 
“Oppa, please, just hear me out. I’m- “
He cut you off again, by snapping at you. 
“Can’t you see this is hard enough for me as it is Y/N?!” 
You jumped at his raised voice.
 “Y/N, I want to end things. I can’t watch you fall for him and pick him over me. I love you, and I think I always will, but just this once, I’m going to be selfish and ask you to let me go. I need some space from you. I’m going abroad for a while. I don’t know for how long. When I feel better, I’ll come back, and then, maybe, I’ll be able to come back into your life. Maybe by then I’ll have the strength to see you with someone else. I don’t want to walk out of your life forever. I just need time. You can stay in my apartment while I’m away and look for another apartment, so by the time I get back, things will be sorted out. I’m also going to block you. Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate you. But I can’t allow myself to give in after seeing a message from you or hearing your voice.”
 His voice broke as he said,
 “I wish you the best for your future. We’re done.” 
And he got up and left. And as you sat there alone, numb from what just happened, with a sole tear running down your face, the only thought you could process was how this was all Jiyong’s fault.
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Change(ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 8
Jiyong finds a way to get close to you, but he feels bad about deceiving you.
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@starlighttaek8​ @unabashedturkeytreeslime​ Thanks for the support you guys!
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owner.)
Also, there is a hint of implied smut in this part. Just thought I’d warn you guys :)
Jiyong was numb after figuring it out. He sat there and stared at the screen for at least half an hour before groaning,
 “Fucking hell Jiyong. Trust your luck to be this bad.”
 He looked back down at the phone, scowled and threw himself into the couch. He wanted to somehow make it up to you. To explain to you what happened. For a reason he was not yet willing to accept, your opinion mattered to him. Still speaking into the couch, he said,
 “If she was mad enough to use it in her fanfic, I’ve fucked up pretty badly.” And he groaned again.
After staying like that for 10 minutes, he slowly got up, picked up his phone and looked at the blog.
 “Oh well, I might as well find out what she likes from the blog.” 
And he scrolled all the way down to your first post and started reading. He stayed up the whole night reading your posts. And your rants. And your Fanfics. And reading up on the random things you liked. He laughed and chuckled at some of your posts, and felt his heart ache for you because of others. At the end of it, he had a pretty decent idea of what kind of person you are. Still feeling down from having snapped at you, and running on days of sleep deprivation, he made a spur of the moment decision that he was sure he’d regret later. He messaged you on tumblr.
   You woke up the next morning to see a message from one of your followers. You were still hurt and upset from what happened with Jiyong, but you loved talking to your followers and the message cheered you up. You opened it up and saw that it was that follower. The one who read every single one of your posts and left notes for each one. You recognised this follower. This follower was your first loyal fan. Feeling even more excited, you opened up the message. It was a message asking about the inspiration for the last thing you posted. You instantly felt some sort of connection with this follower. You felt as though they just knew how you felt and how GD snapping at you made you feel. Normally, you wouldn’t have explained what happened, but because of who was asking and the connection you felt, you explained what happened without using any names.
After messaging you, Jiyong immediately felt the waves of nervousness coming. He sat there by his phone, waiting anxiously for a reply, but finally, nerves got the better of him, and he left his phone there and went to his home studio to try and work. Hours later, when he came back to check on his phone, he jumped up when he saw that you actually replied. The feeling was bittersweet. His heart sank when he read your explanation of what had happened and how it made you feel, but he was elated to see that you replied. Not only had you replied, but you also asked him about himself, and told him about how you had always wondered about him, your first fan. He decided to jump at this opportunity and try and get to know you.
 A month later, Jiyong nervously sat in front of a beautiful notebook, stretched out his shaky hands, picked up his pen, and started writing his apology to you. In that month, things had changed drastically. You and Jiyong got really close, all over text, of course. The two of you had really gotten to know each other well, and as for you, you had started to like him. You had never seen the man, and you didn’t know anything other than his name, Ji, but you knew you liked him. In fact, that morning, you were the one trying to build up courage to ask him out on a date. You liked the way he simply got everything you said, from all your vague and obscure references, to all your random rants. You liked the way he knew just what to say to you at all times. Things never felt forced with him. You liked the way he would go out of his way to educate himself about things, and was willing to learn. You liked the way he was honest with you, even when the truth was harsh. And to top it all, this was the first time you had ever felt such a connection over text, because for the most part, you were and are, a terrible texter. Somehow, he just understood.
Jiyong also finally accepted that he liked you. Of course, his playboy ego didn’t want to accept that he, the ‘Kwon Jiyong’ liked a someone so deeply that just the sight of her smile, or the sound of her voice, or her soothing touch would put to rest his troubled emotions, and his perpetual unease, but for the time being, he had accepted that he liked you. Just not the extent to which he did. He definitely found you attractive, and absolutely beautiful at all times, but it baffled him that he didn’t find himself looking for only sexual gratification with you. He also wanted an emotional connection, something unprecedented for the one and only GD. He knew that the desire he felt for you was deeper, but again, he didn’t want to accept it. All he knew was one simple fact. “I want to be with her and make her happy.”
 Jiyong was still trying to talk to you every day at work, but you had put up a barrier, still sticking to the ‘Sir’. You had no idea that the Jiyong you were texting was the same man who was your employer. There had been so many days where you’d be smiling at your phone, with an utterly stupid grin on your face, texting him, not knowing that he was in the same room as you, with the same stupid grin. Jiyong wanted nothing more than to tell you. He wanted to be able to share the same equation with you even at work. He wanted to be able to talk to you, touch you, be with you, but he was deadly scared. He was scared you’d just push him away. He knew he had to make things up to you somehow, but he had no idea how. But one day, when he saw you scribbling down ideas in your old battered book, the idea came to him.
He immediately went home and called a friend of his who makes notebooks and asked for his help. Jiyong knew what he was going to do. He would get you a birthday gift, albeit much belated. He would make you a notebook. A custom made, personalised notebook, with a vintage leather cover. He would design it himself. He would print your favourite quotes on every page. He would add pictures you really loved. He would add the small things you truly loved. He would write you an apology letter on the first page and tell you the full truth. He would make it up to you. He threw himself into the work that went into making the book, never stopping to think about how he had never put in this kind of effort for anyone else.  
The same day he decided to give you the book, you decided to ask Jiyong to meet you for coffee. You were nervous the whole day at work, terrified that he would rebuff you. Scared that you would lose him. Caught up in all of that, you didn’t notice the thousand nervous glances Jiyong gave you. You were just about to leave for the day when Jiyong asked you to stay back as he was working late. Irritated, but having no other choice, you stayed back grumpily. Jiyong noticed your mood, and felt even more desperate. He waited for everyone to leave, and around 1 in the morning, he decided to bite the bullet.
 You were looking at notes you had jotted down in your book, and frowning, hating the fact that you were still at work. Jiyong gulped, bit his lips and got up and walked over to you. He sat down next to you and waited for you to notice him. You looked up after a minute and realised he was there.
 “Sir, is there a problem?”
 He took a deep breath, looked you in the eye and placed the notebook in your hands.
Annoyed and suspicious, you started flipping through the book. You thought it was something he needed to spellcheck. You got even more annoyed seeing the blank pages. A nervous Jiyong was watching you, wincing as your frown got a little deeper. You were about to ask him about the book when you slowly noticed the pictures and the quotes. Your eyes widened a little. Those were all your favourite quotes, all your favourite pictures. You flipped it over and looked at the cover. It was full of things important to you. Things that inspired you. Things that were so personal to you, you had only ever told one person about it. Your head was spinning.
 “No way. There is no way he is the same guy.” 
As you were frozen in shock, Jiyong gently guided your hands and flipped the book open to the first page, where he wrote his apology.
“Dear Y/N,
It’s me, Ji. I thought I’d make a special gift for a special someone, especially since I was stupid enough to not know her birthday. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. There are so many things I wish I could change. I wished I never ignored you. I wish I hadn’t snapped at you. I wish I had explained what happened that night. I wish I could be there for you, because I know things have been rough. But I also know I’m part of the reason things are rough. The days you would come home and text me, upset because of how your boss was being an ass, my heart would break. It would break for two reasons. Firstly, that I was the reason you were upset. Secondly, for not being able to console you. You know me Y/N. You know how I’ve mentioned I hide the fact that I read fanfiction because of the bad rep it gets. That’s what happened that day. I was reading a fanfic when you asked me what I was reading. I was scared. I was vulnerable. I was worried. I jumped and hurt you and your feelings in the process. It’s not an excuse. I know what I did was wrong, and believe me, I regret it so deeply, that I’ve tried everything under the sun to try and get you to talk to me. I also want to apologise for something else. I’m sorry for keeping it from you that I’m the same Jiyong as your asshole boss. I didn’t have the courage then, but I’ve finally worked it up now. I’m terrified that you’ll stop talking to me with this letter, but you deserve to know the truth. I’m sorry. I never want to have to have a life without you in it, but at the same time, I will respect whatever decision you make, because after all, I want you to be happy.
Jiyong (both your fan and your asshole boss)”
Jiyong waited nervously for your reply. That letter was the sincerest he had been in his life, and it was killing him. He waited, his nervous leg shaking the whole time. You, on the other hand, were frozen. You were frozen for multiple reasons. firstly, you could not believe it was the same man. The man you liked and the man you thought you despised are one and the same. Secondly, the fact that you forgave him. The moment you read that letter, you knew that it was heartfelt. You knew that Jiyong wanted your forgiveness. And you had given it to him. You hated yourself for forgiving him so easily. You knew he hurt you. You knew that you should be more wary of him. You knew he could hurt you again, but somehow, the Ji you knew convinced you to take that risk of forgiveness. As it is, the world judges people harshly for their choices. Keeping that in mind, you decided to stop bashing yourself up for your choices and told yourself to focus on your happiness. Thirdly, the fact the Jiyong had read all your fanfictions, and all your posts, including the ones about him. You just wanted to curl up into a ball and cover your face. You couldn’t possibly look him in the eye after that. Fourthly, the fact that you liked him and were about to ask him out. Again embarrassed, but thanking god for not having asked him out yet. But then the embarrassment returned, because your texts had definitely been flirty. In your panic, you forgot that he had also been flirting back. And lastly, his physical proximity to you. Without realising it, Jiyong had moved closer to you to try and gauge your reaction. Now, he was so close that you could feel his breath on your neck. And it did things to you. Your body stiffened and a shiver went down your spine.
The wait was killing Jiyong. you were still looking down, at the letter. He waited for five minutes, and unable to take it anymore, he moved even closer and asked, 
“Y/N, is everything okay?” 
You stayed frozen, refusing to look up because you knew your cheeks would be cherry red. Getting more anxious by the second, Jiyong tried to bend down and look at you, but you turned your face away. Jiyong was going insane, and was about to burst out in despair, when he realised your ears were turning red. He froze, confused. And then slowly, he remembered all the fanfictions you wrote, and all the flirty texts the two of you had exchanged. The anxious look slowly morphed into the smirk you knew so well. The same vaguely arrogant one that made people weak in the knees. But there was something different about the smirk. There was some amount of care in those eyes. Leaning in a little closer, he reached for your chin, and slowly tilted up your blushing face. You were refusing to look at him. he held your chin, and gently made you look at his smirk and the raised eyebrow. You could already feel the goosebumps on your flesh. The smirk only deepening, he leaned in even closer, so much so that his lips were practically against your ear, and whispered, 
“You know that smut you posted about me a week ago? That’s not even close to half of the things I’d do… to you.”
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 10
When you try to apologise to Jiyong, things take an unexpected turn.
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(I don’t own any of the gifs used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
 Thanks guys:))
Please reblog if you can :)))
Also, there’s a bit of smut towards the end.
If anyone else would like to be tagged, you can either comment or leave me a message :)
Well, to be fair, she wasn’t his ex. She was more of a friend with benefits. He didn’t have a serious ex. Most of them were flings. As he turned around to look at Sasha, he didn’t know how, but he knew he was going to hurt you with her help. He was snapped out of his thoughts as Sasha playfully asked,
 “What? Did the infamous GD get stood up?” 
She hit a raw nerve in Jiyong. He growled. Something in him snapped. He just didn’t want to think about what happened anymore. Without a second thought, he grabbed Sasha’s face and kissed her. Taken aback, she stumbled backwards, but he steadied her by catching her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She slowly relaxed into the kiss, and he took that opportunity to deepen it. A minute later, she pulled away, breathless, and said, 
“Do you wanna get out of here and go back to my place?” 
He didn’t even bother replying. He just grabbed her hand and walked out. The anger and lust were clouding his mind, but through all of that, the only thing his drunk mind could think was that he didn’t want anyone else except for you.
You were still at the hospital, waiting for your sister’s surgery to get over. As you paced around in the corridor, you kept checking your phone every two minutes. You were aching to hear from Jiyong. You felt terrible about standing him up, but your sister’s heart condition wasn’t something you wanted to explain to him over text. You also desperately wanted to talk to him, because you were scared. After your sister suddenly collapsed and her arrhythmia took a turn for the worse, you panicked and rushed to the hospital. You were trying to stay strong for your parents, but you also needed your support. You really wanted to just pour your heart out to Jiyong, but you were sure he was mad at you. Numb from all the exhaustion and worry, you finally sank into your chair. You were just about to spiral down a series of your worries when your phone rang. You jumped to answer it, and surprisingly, although you were hoping for Jiyong, when you heard Yeon-Seok’s voice, everything just came to a stop. 
“Y/N? I’m here at your place. Are you still at work?” 
The relief you felt at hearing his voice proved to be too much for you, and you just choked on a sob. Instantly, Yeon-Seok was on alert. 
“Y/N? Where are you?” 
Although he was keeping his voice tender, a sense of urgency rang through it. You barely managed to say the name of the hospital and he cut the call. You knew he’d be there in minutes.
Yeon-Seok walked in precisely ten minutes later. The moment you saw him, you just broke down and started sobbing. He sighed, bit his lip, and gently enveloped you in his arms. He just let you cry out all the worry and the tension as he held your quivering body close, gently patting your head. You were so weak from the worry that he was practically holding you up in his arms. Wrapped up in Yeon-Seok’s arms, the sense of familiarity and comfort began to calm you down. It was the small things. The scent of his cologne, the feel of his favourite sweater, the one song he always hummed; these were the things that calmed you down. Maybe it was because Yeon-Seok was the first person you opened up to in Seoul or maybe it was because he had never let you down, but in that moment, you were glad that it was Yeon-Seok there with you, and not Jiyong, because there was no one else who could’ve been a better shoulder for you to lean on.
The first thing he did after you calmed down was getting you a glass of water and a couple of snacks. He knew you wouldn’t have had anything in the middle of your sister being rushed to the ER. You protested, saying you weren’t hungry, but he shut you up with one glare. 
“Y/N. You know you would’ve beaten me up if I said that. I know you haven’t eaten anything in the past twelve hours. Now eat, and if you don’t eat it yourself, I’ll feed you myself! Consider yourself warned.”
 Knowing that he was right, and you probably would have beaten him up if he said that, you meekly took the food in his hands, and said, 
“Yes, Oppa.”
You had just finished eating, and admittedly, you were feeling a whole lot better. You were just about to thank him when your sister’s doctor walked out to meet you. All other thoughts vanishing from your head, you jumped up and walked towards him, eager to hear how your sister’s surgery went. As Yeon-Seok followed you, he noticed that you were walking with a slight limp. Looking closer, he realised that your heels were digging into your ankles, and they were all cut up. Frowning, he looked up at you, mentally chiding you for how absentminded you are, so much so that you didn’t even realise you were in pain. His frown only deepened when he realised you were rubbing your hands, trying to keep warm, because in the hurry, you had forgotten to carry a shawl for the dress. As you followed the doctor to see your sister, he shook his head and made his way to his car to get you a few things he thought would help.
When you came out of the doctor’s office, you were much more relieved. The surgery was successful, your sister was out of danger and just needed some simple medication to keep things at bay. You were softly smiling to yourself, with tears in your eyes, just letting the news sink in when you felt someone drape a warm, cosy sweater over you. You hadn’t realised you were cold, and when the warmth hit you, you let out a satisfied sigh. You leaned into Yeon-Seok’s warm arms. He looked down at you leaning against him, with your eyes closed, and smiled sadly. Of course he knew you liked Jiyong, and it killed him to see you when he knew that you’d never look at him that way, but he would do anything to keep you smiling, even if it meant to smile through the beginnings of his own heart breaking. Deciding to relish the small moments he would get with you, he gently turned you around and hugged you. You snuggled a little closer to him and mumbled into his chest,
 “Thank you.”
 Yeon-Seok just gripped you a little tighter and kissed the top of your head.
Yeon-Seok stayed with you the whole night. Although Yeon-Seok was exhausted from his last shoot, and he hadn’t slept in 72 hours, he just couldn’t leave you to handle this on your own. He stayed by your side the whole night, holding your shaking hands throughout. And just being around Yeon-Seok calmed you. No one else had this effect on you, but maybe that’s because there is no one else you trust more in this world. Slowly, your exhaustion got to you, and at around 4 am, you fell asleep on Yeon-Seok’s shoulder. You woke up at around 7 in the morning, and you saw Yeon-Seok had also fallen asleep, his head constantly falling forward. With a tender smile, you moved his head onto your lap and let him rest. You knew that he must have been exhausted for him to fall asleep like that. Absentmindedly playing with his hair, you look around. The waiting room was empty except for a few nurses here and there. You leaned down to pick up a bottle of water when you realised someone had taken off your shoes while you were asleep. Taking a closer look. You saw that someone also wrapped Band-Aids around the cuts you had from your heels digging into your skin. Overwhelmed with love, affection and gratitude for Yeon-Seok, because you knew he had to have been the person who did that, you started tearing up. Feeling you move around, Yeon-Seok also woke up. He groggily sat up, and with a voice thick with sleep, he said, 
 and when you turned to look at him, all teary-eyed, he froze. 
“What happened Y/N?”
 You sniffed, wiped away your tears, and smiled at him. With a slight hint of panic in his voice,
 “What’s wrong Y/N? You’re scaring me.” 
You didn’t reply, simply diving into his arms and snuggling close to him. Gripping his shirt a little tighter, you looked up at him, beamed, and said,
” Thank you Oppa. I love you.”
 Yeon-Seok thought his heart had stopped when he heard you say that. As he looked down at that happy, beaming face, that smiled at him with such innocence and love, he felt his heart break a little more. Maybe it was because he saw your pretty lips inches away from his face and wanted nothing more than to kiss them, but he stopped himself knowing you didn’t see him that way. Maybe it was because he forced himself to smile and say, 
“I love you too” 
knowing fully well that he meant it completely differently. Trying to shake off the negativity, telling himself to be grateful that you loved him in some way, he took your hand, smiled softly at you, and kissed the back of it before slowly intertwining it with his hand.
You turned up at work the next morning, exhausted from running on some three odd hours of sleep, but determined to fix things with Jiyong. You were sure that once you explained things to him, he’d understand. The challenge would be to talk to him in the first place. You entered his waiting room, bracing yourself for a cold Jiyong, but when you walked into the room, he just wasn’t there, and it left you feeling empty. That fact that he wasn’t there made you more nervous. Was he that mad at you? Did he not want to talk to you? You started looking around for his manager. Finally finding him, you tapped his arm and with an anxious look on your face, you asked, 
“Is Jiyong not coming to work today?” 
His manager gave you a look, one that was an odd mixture of curiosity and pity, and said, 
“He’s here. He’s in his studio.”
 Your face lit up and you were about to head up to his studio, when his manager stopped you in your tracks by saying, 
“But he’s specifically asked you not to go there.”
 You paused and looked at him blankly, as though you were unable to comprehend what was happening. You closed your eyes for a couple of seconds, gathered yourself and said, 
“Oh okay. I’ll be sitting there then.” 
And you walked off.
You had prepared yourself for an angry Jiyong, or a cold Jiyong, or even a Jiyong who was ignoring you, but you never expected him to refuse to see you. Of course, it hurts to be stood up, but you thought he knew you better than to actually think you wanted to stand him up. He had to know how much you liked him. You knew he would understand once you explained things to him. You had to stick around to see him. You couldn’t lose him. This was the first time you wanted to be in a serious relationship with someone. You can’t lose the only man who convinced you to give him a second chance.
And so, you waited. You would continue to wait until he called you, or he left that night. Everyone else left at around 6, but you stayed there waiting. Alone, tired, sad and worried, but determined to see Jiyong. You aren’t usually someone who would go this far to apologise to someone, but something was different when it came to Jiyong. You just had to explain things to him.
Jiyong knew. Jiyong knew you well enough to know that you’d be waiting. He wanted to make you feel the pain he was feeling, still not realising that the pain he was feeling was mostly from his inability to accept how much he liked you. Picking up his phone, he texted Mino and asked him to bring you along with him to work on his album in five minutes. Putting down his phone, finally feeling some amount of satisfaction, since all his planning had distracted him from his feelings, he looked back at Sasha, who was straddling him, and resumed making out with her.
 Mino had no idea Sasha was there, or that Jiyong was planning something. Innocently humming something, he went to the waiting room and saw you huddled up in one corner, head buried in your hands. Suddenly feeling an ominous feeling, he brushed it aside and cleared his throat. 
“Umm, Y/N, you okay?” 
Your head shot up and you scrambled to your feet. Rubbing your already bloodshot eyes and neatening your hair, you nodded and said, 
“Yeah, I’m good Mino. Don’t worry about it.” 
As the two of you walked towards his studio, Mino decided to try and lighten the tension.
 “Y/N, you better not make me put up with all your terrible flirting today.”
 He turned to tease you about Jiyong, but when you responded saying,
 “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that today Mino.”, 
he knew something was definitely wrong. Internally groaning and scolding himself for getting involved in another budding romance as the counsellor, he asked,
 “What happened Y/N?” 
Your voice was distant when you responded. 
“You remember my sister, right Mino?”
 He nodded.
 “She was rushed to the emergency room last night for a surgery. She’s always had an arrhythmia, but last night she suddenly collapsed. I got the call minutes before leaving for our first date.” 
You turned and looked up at Mino, smiling sadly. 
“I stood him up Mino, and he’s been ignoring me ever since.”
 Mino frowned.
 “What? Y/N, no. Hyung isn’t the kind of guy who’d hold something like that against you. I mean, your sister was in the hospital, for god’s sake.”
 He patted your back to try and comfort you. You looked up at him, eyes set with worry, and said,
 “Mino, you’re sure right? He will hear me out, right?” 
You desperately needed someone to reassure you. Mino turned and bent down to your level.
 “Y/N, trust me. I’ve known hyung for a while, and this is the first time I’ve seen him like someone like this. He has never been this serious about someone, ever. You are also the longest he has liked one person. Y/N, he cares about you, and there aren’t many people out there he can say that about.” 
Breaking out into an unsure smile, you playfully pushed into Mino to lighten the mood, and said, 
“Thanks Mino. You’re really good at this comforting business.”
 Mino rolled his eyes and said, 
“Tell me about it. You have no idea how many people I do this for. I should really start charging for my services.” 
and like that, you reverted to playfully teasing him about his side job as a counsellor, feeling a little reassured by his words. When you were turning the corridor just before Jiyong’s studio, Mino looked down at you, suddenly serious, and asked, 
“Hey, can I come with you to visit your sister after this?”
 Surprised, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged. 
“What? I’m worried about my friend’s sister. Why wouldn’t I want to go visit her?” 
You beamed triumphantly. 
“Aha! So, you admit we’re friends Mino!” 
He turned at looked at you with a deadpan expression. 
“Really Y/N? That’s what you focus on?” 
As Mino shook his head at your insistence on having him repeat the part about being friends, you pushed open the door, finally feeling a little bit relieved for the first time that day after reaching work. You were still looking at Mino, and so, before you could see what was actually happening, you saw his expression change from laughter, to alarm, to anger and then to disgust. As he reached out and tried to grab your hand and make you leave, you turned around and saw Jiyong throwing his head back, rolling his eyes back and bucking his hips, letting out a deep, throaty groan, all in the middle of receiving a blow job.
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Change ( ft. G dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
You’ve been a fan of GD for ages, but when you finally end up working with him, things aren’t as fun as you thought it would be. 
Part 1
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You were fresh out of college, and although you were pretty well qualified as a journalist, you weren’t getting any jobs, because of the employment crisis in the economy. You desperately needed money, so finally, you decided to take up a job as a masseuse, something that was just a certification you had gotten on the side. You searched, and searched, and searched, and finally, you were able to get a job as part of G Dragon’s staff, because he gets frequent aches and pains. It was a temporary position, because you were filling in for an employee who was on maternity leave for around a year, but you were determined to make the best of it. It also helped that you were a huge fan of GD. He was your ultimate bias, and you absolutely loved his music. You had been a fan for years, and you were so excited that you would finally get to meet him, and see how he created music. More than anything else, you were inspired by him. You found every aspect of his life and is creative genius so impressive and inspiring. He was always the person you’d think of when you wanted to motivate yourself to work harder, and so, when you finally got the chance to see him and actually help him, you were stoked.
On the first day of work, you turned up early, determined to make and a good impression. You waited for a long time, and then slowly, people started to turn up for work. You went out of your way to greet every single one of them, and tell them that you would work hard and sincerely, and although they smiled, and replied politely, you felt like something was off. G-dragon was the last one to arrive, you were so nervous that you were stuttering and stammering while greeting him, and you expected a few people to laugh or smile at that, but when he replied in the exact same way as everyone else, you looked around and realised that the others didn’t hear you. It was then that it hit you. None of them cared. To them, you were just a temporary worker filling in for their friend. They just treated you with indifference. It hurt to be treated that way, but you forced yourself to stay positive and you thought that things would change. After all, they can’t possibly ignore you forever. And it was then that your nightmare job began.
Three months later, you were convinced your job was the definition of hell. They were still ignoring you. They hadn’t even bothered to learn your name. You absolutely hated it. You are someone who loves meeting people, interacting with them, helping them; basically, an extrovert.  When you first started the job, you were sure they would change and they would start paying attention to you after a while, but after you tried you level best for a month and they still treated you with indifference, you slowly started giving up. You could see they all the staff were practically one large family, and you were an outsider who had temporarily replaced one of their own. You told yourself that you only have to put up with this for a year. It’s not that big of a deal. But you know, it’s true what they say. Indifference is worse than hate. Without realising it, you slowly started changing. You knew they didn’t give a damn about you, and that started affecting you. You started to think that no one cared about you, and as a young adult who’d just moved to Seoul, with no friends or family around, it really bothered you. You slowly started to stop talking to people altogether. You stopped wanting to go out. You started thinking what the point of doing anything was when no one cared anyway. You just withdrew completely. Your only escape was writing. You absolutely loved writing, and had a writer’s blog on tumblr, where you wrote essays, short stories, and fanfiction.
 You were used to people not paying you any attention, and you also got used to the hectic schedule. According to your contract, you didn’t have a fixed schedule. You worked when GD worked. You went where GD went. So, if he decided to pull an all-nighter, so did you. It sucked, but luckily for you, the pay was good. One morning, you were woken up by a call from his manager at 5am telling you to be at the broadcasting station by 6. So, a sleepy, tired you turned up at the broadcasting station where GD would be recording a variety show for the day. Why were you the only one who wasn’t old? They had forgotten about you until GD texted them saying he had a headache.
So, there you were, running on barely enough sleep, massaging GD’s head, and dragging your feet around a broadcasting station from one room to another. It was lunchtime by then, and you were so tired, you didn’t even know you were hungry. GD was moving to another room and you were the only one with him as the others were all busy getting the room ready for the shoot. While you were walking through the corridors behind GD, you barely even noticed the noise and commotion surrounding one individual. Yoo Yeon-Seok had just entered the building.
Yoo Yeon-Seok was tired, and oddly flushed, but he forced himself to smile at the fans waiting for him at the entrance of the building. He patiently signed autographs for them and after a long time, he managed to leave the crowd behind and try and make his way to the assigned room. As he walked through the hallways and nodded to countless people, he knew something was wrong with him. He was feeling very tired, and his vision was blurry. He knew that he should be resting, but he absolutely had to make it for the shoot. It didn’t help that his manager had gone on leave and left him with a bumbling, clueless replacement. A bright orange head of hair jolted him out of his thoughts.
He made eye contact with GD and saw GD bowing to him in greeting. He was vaguely aware that they had met in the past, so he also bowed. He barely paid any attention to you, a hunched over, bleary-eyed individual behind GD. You in turn, just noticed that someone was walking towards you, but you didn’t bother looking up. You were also exhausted to the bone.
Yeon-Seok had just walked past you when suddenly, it felt like everything was happening in slow motion. His vision blurred, he slowly felt himself falling backwards, and he was bracing himself for a bad fall when he lost consciousness. You, on the other hand, suddenly felt a heavy weight on your back, and you felt yourself stumbling and hitting the ground under the sudden weight. GD noticed you falling, and turned around to see what happened, barely managing to conceal his annoyance. Substitute Manager Jang could just see his charge falling to the ground in front of him, and Manager Jang could feel the start of the panic.
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Change(ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 20
Although it hurts, Jiyong does something that he knows you need.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Also, this is the second last chapter. There will only be one more part, with a Yeon-Seok version and a Jiyong version. It might take me a little time, so I’m sorry, but I will try and upload it in two day as usual :))) 
Jiyong came back after getting groceries, hands full, about to shout out your name to tell you he got you your favourite ice cream, when he kicked open the door, and found you fast asleep on the couch, the tv blaring in the background. Softly smiling to himself over how adorable you looked, with your cheeks all squished and your hair framing your face. He slowly put away the groceries, trying to make as little noise as possible, but he ended up waking you up by accident with the crinkle of all the paper. He could hear your sleepy mumbling from the couch.
 “Ji… hey. You’re back.” 
He smiled and put away the last of the groceries and said, 
“Yes, yes I am and I come bearing gifts.”
 You sat up and tried to figure out what he was holding in his hands. He flopped down on the couch next to you and handed you your favourite ice cream. Your eyes narrowed as you turned to him, beaming, and you opened it up and started to eat. Although you were busy eating, you still had time to complain to Jiyong about some people you met that day. Rolling your eyes, you started off on your rant. 
“Oh my god Ji, I would not believe how bloody entitled people are! Yes, I am pregnant, but that doesn’t mean you can touch and feel up my belly!”
 Your voice was a little muffled as you were speaking with your mouth full of ice cream.
 “No, I do not want your advice on how to take care of my baby. No, I don’t want you suggesting a name. I haven’t even gotten around to that! No, I don’t want you guessing whether my baby is a boy or a girl depending on whether I’m “carrying in my hips”. What does that even mean?! No, I don’t want you holding a coin above my belly.” 
You turned to smile at him, expecting him to laugh at these antics, but you found him slowly moving away and looking like he did something wrong. Brows furrowed, you asked,
 “What’s wrong Ji? Why’re you moving away?”
 He looked rather nervous.
 “No, you said that people touching your belly and getting too close to you made you uncomfortable. I didn’t want to make you feel that way.” 
You felt your heart melt a little. Moving a little closer, you gently took his hand, and put it on your baby bump.
 “Jiyong, you aren’t one of those people. Besides, I’m sure baby likes you.” 
You looked up to smile at him gently, only to see him gently wiping away tears and sniffing. He looked at you like he had just seen something magical. 
“Y/N, … that’s a miracle. That’s a tiny human inside you.”
 Smiling at him, you just nodded. Suddenly, he looked a little sad. Hesitating just a little bit, he looked at you and said, 
“Y/N, when you get back together with Yeon-Seok, I still get to be a part of baby’s life, right? Please? Although I understand if you don’t want me to be a part of your child’s life.” 
Your heart broke seeing him so sad. 
“Ji, listen to me. Of course you’ll still be a part of baby’s life. You’ve been with us right from the start.” 
You paused to cup his cheek.
 “Ji, I know Yeon-Seok isn’t your biggest fan, but he’ll have to get used to it, especially since you’re going to be baby’s favourite uncle.” 
His eyes lit up. 
“Y/N, can I be the godfather?”
 You tilted your head, laughing. 
“Ji, you know I’m not religious, but sure, you can be the non-existent godfather.”
 He jumped up, overjoyed. He turned to you with a look in his eyes that you recognised. 
“Y/N, can I set up a room for baby then? Please? Baby and I can have sleepovers and pizza parties!”
 Seeing how excited he was, and you already knew how much he longed for a child of his own, you just ruffled his head, and said 
“Go ahead.” 
You wanted to add that he was practically a father to baby, but you couldn’t. Some part of you felt like you would be betraying Yeon-Seok if you crossed that line. Later that night, as you fell asleep on the couch again, Jiyong smiled at your peaceful expression before covering you up with a blanket. He sat down next to you, deep in thought. After your last conversation with him, you agreed to quit your job after a while, and take some help from him for the time being while you looked for a good position as a journalist, but you refused his offer to come back to YG. You looked him dead in the eye, and said, 
“No way. It brings back way too many bad memories. Never again.” 
And he could not help wincing when all those memories came rushing back. He looked at you, smiling at the way you curled up. He had another worry he hadn’t mentioned to you. He knew you blamed yourself for Yeon-Seok leaving. He was terrified you’d fall into post-partum depression after giving birth. And he was terrified of seeing you that way, going through so much pain that he could to nothing about. He looked down at his phone, sighing before picking it up to text some people he had a feeling might know where Yeon-Seok was. Jiyong had heard some rumours. For your sake, no matter how much he blamed Yeon-Seok for leaving you without hearing you out, he would find him and bring him to you. Anything to keep you happy.
You woke up the next morning, peaceful and content after curling up on the couch. Lazily, you made your way to the kitchen to try and get some breakfast, all the while trying to smooth down your terrifying bedhead. 
 you called out, wanting to know what he wanted for breakfast. 
 There was no response. You could hear this weird, unfamiliar noise in the background. You followed it, feeling vaguely wary, and you found yourself in front of one of his guestrooms. You opened the door, and you were hit with the overwhelming smell of paint. You blinked a couple of times, getting used to it, and you slowly looked around. Jiyong was in the middle of painting the room and you were in love. It was a beautiful mix of pale yellow and grey, with splashes of white and teal from place to place. It wasn’t complete, but you already knew how it would look once done. You were just looking around in awe, when Jiyong turned around to wipe some paint off his face, only serving to get more on his face in the process. His eyes widened and he pouted slightly. 
“Y/N, it was supposed to be a surprise!”
 You started tearing up from the emotions running through you. You were so happy. Jiyong got everything about the room just right. You turned around and, in a corner, you caught sight of a box full of soft cushions and plushies, with things to hang up all around the room. You started crying, feeling emotional from seeing them. You were going to be a mother. This was all for your child. This was real. This was happening. Jiyong immediately put down the paint roller, and peeled off his gloves, worried. He came up to you and asked, 
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Did I get the colours wrong? Is this all a bit much?” 
You shook your head, smiling through the tears.
 “No, Jiyong, it’s perfect. And I love it.” 
Still a little worried, he continued searching your face to make sure you were okay. 
“Okay, Y/N, but why are you crying?” 
You looked up at him, beaming through the tears. 
“Jiyong, I’m going to be a mother. I’m having a baby.” 
Jiyong smiled, grateful that they were happy tears. You looked around again, trying to take in everything. Jiyong had finished up quite a bit of work. Furrowing your eyebrows, you asked,
 “Ji, when did you start working on this? It’s almost done.”
 He grinned sheepishly, trying not to meet your eyes. 
“I was so excited, I had to start as soon as you gave me permission to.” 
Suddenly feeling a surge of emotion towards the shy man standing in front of you, you hugged him, nuzzling your head into his neck because you didn’t want him to see your face.
 “Ji, thank you. Thank you for all the help. Thank you for the room. I don’t know how you figured out I wanted a gender neutral set up, but it’s perfect.” 
Your voice got a little softer.
 “Ji, I know you’re scared baby won’t be a part of your life, and I know you’re trying to hide it for my sake, but believe me, I will make sure that you will always be a part of baby’s life.” 
You wrapped your arms around him a little tighter before saying, 
“Thank you.”
 Jiyong was a little taken aback by your hug and your little speech, and although he was sure you could hear his heart pounding out of his chest, he just wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, enjoying the intimacy of the moment. His joy was laced with some sadness, because he knew you were in love with Yeon-Seok, but then, he just decided to enjoy the moment.
 That night, Jiyong sighed when he heard you shift around the furniture to pull out that box again. You thought he didn’t know about it, but how could he not know about it when you let out such gut-wrenching cries every time you pulled it out? It was a box you kept, full of the little things you wanted to give Yeon-Seok. You knew he’d regret not being there for the pregnancy, so you kept the little things aside for him. Every single doctor’s note was in there. Every single ultrasound scan. All your diet plans. All your measurements. All your pictures. All your baby names. Everything. Jiyong knew why you took it out this time. You had another appointment with Wooshik the next day. It was the day you had the option of finding out the sex of your child. He thought you were going to put in a picture of the room, but he could hear you hiccuping on your sobs, repeating the same sentence over and over again. 
“Yeon-Seok, why aren’t you here?”
You stared down at the box, rocking yourself back and forth as you sobbed. You didn’t know whether you wanted to find out the sex of your child. That wasn’t a decision to take alone. It was supposed to be you and Yeon-Seok deciding. Why wasn’t he there, by your side? Where was he? After Jiyong heard you scream out Yeon-Seok’s name in a particularly gut-wrenching cry, he gripped the piece of paper in his hand a little tighter, crumpling it a bit, and got up to walk to your room. He opened your door, and walked over to where you were, picking you up from the floor and putting you down on the bed. You gripped his shirt, whimpering his name. 
“Jiyong… I don’t know what to do. Where is he?”
 and you buried your face in his shoulder. Jiyong took your hand, and put the piece of paper into your hand. You looked up at him, through all the tears, and asked, 
“What is this?” 
Jiyong put his hand on your head, and tried to calm you down by running his fingers through your hair. He gently tilted your face up towards his, and with a pained smile, said, 
“Y/N, if you don’t know what to do, go find him. This is his address.” 
Time stopped for you when you heard those words. He continued.
 “Yeon-Seok is back in Korea now, but he’s living as a recluse. He doesn’t have a phone or a laptop. He lives here and going there is the only way to contact him.” 
Although it killed Jiyong, Jiyong was glad he was putting himself through such pain because he just wanted to see you happy again. Smiling through the pain, Jiyong asked, 
“Do you want me to take you there?”
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Change (ft. G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 19
Jiyong tries to learn more about pregnancies and giving birth, but manages to scare himself thoroughly in the process.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
“Get that away from me Kwon Jiyong!”
 you screamed as he took out the Mango you used to love from the fridge. He jumped back a little. Hesitating, he asked, 
“But Y/N, you love mangoes.”
 Nearly throwing up just from the smell of the mangoes, you covered your nose with your hand and screeched, 
“Do I look like I love mangoes?”
 Deciding not to argue with the pregnant woman in front of him, even if the same woman had asked him to buy the mangoes in the first place, Jiyong quickly put it back in the fridge and shut the door. Still sounding rather nervous, he asked, 
“Is that better Y/N?”
 Nearly in tears, you replied, 
“No! I can still smell it and it’s making me nauseous.” 
Jiyong raised his eyebrows and sniffed, trying to smell what you claimed was still around. That only served to annoy you more.
 “Ji, just because you can’t smell the damn thing doesn’t mean I can’t.” 
Getting nervous at how annoyed you were, Jiyong quickly sat you down at the kitchen island. 
“Okay, I’m sorry I couldn’t smell it Y/N. Now why don’t I make you some orange juice? You like that, right?”
 You sniffed, and completely serious, you said,
 “I don’t like it. I hate oranges, but baby likes it.”
 And when Jiyong heard you say that, he thought his heart would burst from how adorable you sounded.
You got back from work one evening, your back aching so bad that you were considering asking Jiyong for a massage yourself, when you realised the house sounded eerily silent. You looked around, feeling slightly creeped out. 
You called out, feeling a little nervous. There was no response. 
Still no response. You were getting scared. You picked up the nearest weapon, which happened to be a lamp, and searched the house. You looked in most of the rooms, but you couldn’t find him anywhere. Suddenly, you heard an eerie typing sound coming from Jiyong’s room. You followed the sound, bracing yourself to attack, when you flung open the door and found Jiyong there, hunched over his laptop, his eyes wide and his face pale. He was watching something on his laptop. As though he were in a trance, he looked up at you, and in a shaky voice asked, 
“Y/N, why is pregnancy so scary?”
 Your eyes crinkled when you smiled back at him, feeling very warm on the inside from all his efforts to do research. It takes courage to watch a birthing video. You nodded in agreement. 
“Yes, it is very scary Jiyong.”
And smiled. He jumped up. 
“No, Y/N, why’re you smiling? There are so many things that have to be done!”
 He rushed around to get his car keys, wallet and phone. 
“Do you have a history of diabetes?” 
Before giving you time to answer, he launched into a barrage of questions.
 “Do you take magnesium? Are you taking your iron? You’re not eating sprouts, right? Have you found a pediatrician?” 
You were stunned at this sudden worry of his. You followed him as he made his way to the front door, too shocked to reply. He paused for a second before running out of the door, his hair sticking up in places because of the sudden rush, and shot you a reassuring grin. 
“God, Y/N, we have so much to do, but don’t worry, we’ll figure things out.”
 And he rushed out, leaving a perplexed you behind. He returned three hours later, with his hands full of boxes and bags. 
“Y/N, where are you? Open the door for me. I can’t see anything because of the boxes.”
 You rushed out of your room, wondering where he had disappeared to. You opened the door for him, just watching him in disbelief after seeing the number of things he bought. He struggled to put them all down, and then he beamed at you with a confident look in his eyes. He grabbed your shoulders, and gently made you sit down. You looked around, vaguely amused by how things seemed to be going, and decided to hear him out. 
“So, Y/N, your next appointment is coming up, and I thought I should read up on how your pregnancy should be coming along, so I looked it up. But I had no idea how complicated things were. There are so many things that have to be done!”
 His face twisted in memory of the video.
 “Are you getting an epidural? Cause otherwise, it looked really painful.” 
You ruffled his hair and smiled. 
“Jiyong, did you not know giving birth is very, very painful?”
 Looking at you with his eyes all wide, he said, 
“I didn’t know it was this painful.”
 “No, Jiyong, I am not getting an epidural.” 
His face went pale. 
“What? Are you serious?”
 “Dead serious.” 
He looked at you with a weird expression on his face, half terrified for you and half in admiration for your determination. He shook his head to shake out those thoughts and said,
 “Okay, wait back to topic. So, Y/N, I got all these things that I think you’ll need. I read up on it, and there are all these vitamins you’re supposed to be having, but I know you’re not having.” 
He paused to shoot you a playful glare.
 “So, I got you a tonne of pills, especially magnesium, vitamin D and iron. You have anemia, right?” He waited for you to confirm, but you were just stunned. You were stunned that he remembered that you had slight anemia. You had only mentioned it to him once. He tapped your hand. 
“Y/N, you okay? You do have anemia, right?” 
You blinked a couple of times and nodded rapidly. 
“Okay then, so yeah, you have to take all these vitamins. Also, you’ve always had bad back pain, right? I know it would’ve gotten worse with this, so I got you a couple of pain patches for foot pain, back pain and headaches.”
 Again, he paused to glare at you jokingly.
 “And I know you haven’t been eating enough protein. From now on, I’ll cook your meals for you, okay?” 
And he went on and on about some exercise equipment he got for you, but you zoned him out after that. Things had definitely gotten better between you and Jiyong after he took you to the shelter, but you just couldn’t believe it. You told him then that you had forgiven him for what happened a year ago, and you joked about how his punishment was looking after you during your pregnancy, but you warned him that you would always hold something against him for making you lose Yeon-Seok. Jiyong didn’t want to say anything, because he knew you would take it as him trying to absolve himself of the blame, but he seriously thought Yeon-Seok should have heard you out. As you zoned out, staring at Jiyong while he lectured you, and saw his eyes crinkle, his lips spread wide in his adorable smile and slightly flushed from his very excited rant, you knew you wouldn’t be able to continue with that grudge for long.
This was not the Jiyong you fell for. This was another Jiyong. A different Jiyong, and not just with you. It was those small changes that you saw when he thought you weren’t looking that convinced you that he changed. It was the way he acknowledged people now. It could just be the girl bagging his groceries, but earlier, he would never remember her name, or her face, but now, he would, and would ask her about her dog the next time he saw her. It was the old lady who lived a couple of floors below him. She had always lived there, but he only started helping her with the small things after he met you. It was the way he held the door open now instead of expecting people to do so for him. It was those small things that you saw when he had no way of knowing you were around that gave you some faith in the power of change. You stared hard at the earnest man in front of you, so invested in taking care of you and tried to gauge him. Should you just let go of the grudges? Should you give him the benefit of the doubt. The memory of how you felt when Yeon-Seok broke things off seared your mind again. You had never felt that low in your life. You looked back at Jiyong. Thinking hard, you finally decided that everyone deserves a chance to change. Why not give Jiyong that chance as well? He had, after all, taken you in, and was going out of his way to take care of you. You nodded to yourself. Yes, you would let go of the grudge, but you would remember what happened, because you couldn’t let yourself get hurt like that all over again. You were snapped out of your thoughts by an excited Jiyong asking you,
 “Really?! You’ll quit your job?” 
You snapped out of it fast. 
“Wait, what?! I’m not quitting.”
 In a whiny voice, Jiyong said, 
“But you just nodded when I asked you whether you would. Strenuous movement isn’t good for you!” 
You shook your head.
 “Ji, I can’t quit my job. I need the money. I haven’t even found a place of my own yet.”
 Jiyong had to stop himself from smiling when he heard you call him ‘Ji’. That never failed to make him happy.
 “Y/N, don’t worry about a place. You live with me until Yeon-Seok gets back.” 
There was a barely discernible tightening of his jaw.
 “Once he’s back, you’ll go back to your apartment.” 
You looked at him, surprised. He had never brought up Yeon-Seok before. You wondered how he was able to talk about you getting back together with Yeon-Seok when he himself had feelings for you. The thought made you a little sad. 
“Ji, I…” 
He tried to give you a reassuring smile, but you could sense the sadness behind it.
 “Of course you’ll get back together with him Y/N. You love him. He loves you. And you’re carrying his child.” 
You found yourself wanting to ask Jiyong if he was okay with that. With you leaving him all over again, but you didn’t. Jiyong smiled again.
 “Don’t worry, you have my unconditional support for whatever you want to do, and if you want my help to find Yeon-Seok, consider it done.” 
You gulped, suddenly feeling emotional. Your throat constricted, and you couldn’t talk. You smiled gently at him, and in a move surprising to both you and him, you leaned over and kissed his cheek, looking down immediately from the shyness. It was a pity you looked down, because if you didn’t, you would have seen the look of pure, unadulterated joy he gave you, looking at you like you were his whole world, and the determination to never again ruin that happiness.
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Change(ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 12
You and Yeon-Seok have a long overdue conversation.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
This one is also kinda smutty.
Initially, you were shocked. You could tell by the hunger with which he nibbled your lower lip, asking for more access, that he had felt this way for a while. You suddenly saw everything that happened between you and Yeon-Seok in a different light. Before you could think about that more, you were distracted by Yeon-Seok. He had now moved on from your lips to your neck, placing gentle kisses all along. You gasped when he kissed the spot where your neck met your shoulder, and within seconds, those gentle kisses were replaced by him harshly latching on to your skin and sucking. You instinctively moved your head to the side and let out a breathy moan. Yeon-Seok paused, looking at how absolutely gorgeous you looked with your head thrown back, moaning his name in pleasure. Hearing you moan out his name did things to him, and you could feel his growing erection against your thigh. He was thinking about how he should stop, and was about to step back and apologise, when you grabbed his face and kissed him, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck. And with that, both of you were too far gone. He kissed your face, nibbling at your jaw as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He put his hand up your shirt and unhooked your bra. He pulled away from the kiss, out of breath, only to say,
 “Are you sure you want to do this Y/N? If you’re uncomfortable, we can stop anytime you want.” 
You started unbuttoning his shirt, and said,
 “Oppa, I want this. I want you. Now.”
 And now, you began to see a different side to Yeon-Seok. He wasn’t the sweet, adorable guy who would always make your heart melt. Smirking, he leaned in close, nibbled your ear and ran his hand across your chest, stopping to enjoy the way your back arched and to whisper in a low, lustful, teasing voice, 
“Well then, who am I to deny my princess what she wants? Let’s take this home.” 
And you could not deny that hearing him call you that made the knot in your stomach twist a little tighter.
 Mino left the hospital the next morning, jaw clenched, barely managing to force a smile out for your parents. He would respect your wishes, and give the manager the resignation letter, but not before he had a word with Jiyong. Someone needed to tell him the truth. That he a bloody, self-entitled prick who just fucked up big time. What gave him the right to mess with someone else’s life like that? Who gave him the right to inflict pain on someone else? Mino was fuming. What made him feel that way? Talking to your sister.
She absolutely had to know what happened to you. And so, with her earnest eyes staring at him, Mino gulped and told her exactly what happened. After hearing him out, your sister was on the verge of tears. 
“You mean to say he wanted to hurt my sister?”
 Feeling uncomfortable, Mino just nodded. Your sister calmed down, and then looked at Mino sadly and said, 
“You know, she told me about him. She came to see me a while ago and she told me about this guy. How he made her happy. How he was the first guy she felt something serious about.” 
Pausing, and then continuing in a slightly softer tone. 
“He’s actually the only guy she’s ever brought up with me. She never brought up anyone else around me because for most of her life, she was the one taking care of me because our parents were super busy working and trying to earn the money for my treatments. She would always drop whatever she was doing and come to help me, all through college. All her boyfriends broke up with her because of me. And when I would cry, and apologise, she’d just smile and say, “What’re you apologising for? You just saved me from another asshole.” Only once our parents became less busy and she started working did she have more to life than just taking care of me. She brought him up because he was the only guy she had given a second chance, because she was sure he wasn’t like the others. She thought he would understand my situation.” Her voice broke. “But he turned out to be the worst of the lot.”  
Replaying that conversation in his head as he walked to YG, Mino just got angrier and angrier. Now that he knew exactly how your past relationships had gone, and how what Jiyong did, bad enough on its own, must have felt, he was beyond pissed. Without noticing the many juniors who greeted him on the way, he reached Jiyong’s studio and flung the door open, eyes narrowing when he saw Jiyong slouched over on the couch.
 Jiyong hadn’t gone home that night. He didn’t want to take the risk of missing his chance to apologise to you. He just sat and waited, hopelessly waiting for the call of someone who he knew wouldn’t call him. He spent all that time alone, unable to get the look you had on your face out of his head. He knew if anyone else had hurt you that way, he would have wanted to kill them, but he was the one who did that. A small part of him still questioned why you stood him up, but by now, sense had won, and the rest of him suppressed that thought, knowing you wouldn’t have done it without reason. He had finally accepted how much he liked you. He had finally decided to put his ego and everything else behind him. he would find you and beg you to forgive him. No matter what it took, he would do that, just as long as you came back into his life. He had just tried calling you again on your phone, although he was sure you blocked him, when Mino walked in.
Mino was a good guy; always respectful and helpful, but not this time. Jiyong knew this was coming, so he wasn’t surprised in the least when Mino grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall, speaking through clenched teeth, 
“Why?! Why would you do something like that?” 
Jiyong remained silent. 
“What gave you the right to do that to her?! How can you even live with yourself after doing that to someone you care about?!”
 Mino took a step back and punched Jiyong across the face. Wiping his bloodied mouth, Jiyong slowly stood up straight and said in a hoarse voice, 
“I’m waiting for her to come back so I can apologise. I know I shouldn’t have done it. I hate myself for it too. It’s just that at the moment she stood me up, I realised how much I liked her, and I couldn’t handle it.” 
Looking up at Mino with manic eyes, he said, 
“Punch me more Mino. Please. I beg you. It’ll give me some relief. I was the one who caused her all that pain. Please let me feel it too.” 
Mino took a step back, disgusted. Looking at Jiyong like he was absolute filth, and disgust evident in his voice, he said, 
“I’m not going to do anything to take away from your pain. You should feel every moment of it. Just, stay away from her.” 
And just as Mino was about to walk out of the door, he paused and said, 
“But I do think you should know this. She stood you up that night because her sister was taken to the ER.”
 Lip curling in disgust, Mino continued.
 “While you were busy warming someone’s bed, she was crying in a hospital, scared her sister wouldn’t make it through the night.” 
And he left.
Jiyong’s head started spinning after he heard what Mino said. All he could hear was a ringing, accompanied by Mino’s last lines repeating themselves. Clutching at whatever was around him, he shakily told himself, 
“No. It can’t be. No fucking way.” 
And as a blend of images of you sitting alone in a hospital and your face when you saw him played over and over in his mind, he couldn’t take it anymore. He shut the door and locked himself in. All people could hear from outside was the occasional gut-wrenching cry and the sound of things smashing.
 You woke up the next morning, tangled in sheets, slowly turning towards Yeon-Seok, stretching and flashing him a lazy smile, when you realised the bad was empty. Yeon-Seok was gone, and suddenly, you felt kind of abandoned and vulnerable, sitting up in the bed, holding the sheets around you, looking for Yeon-Seok. You got out of bed, slipped on his shirt that was lying on the floor, and went looking for him. You were a little hurt. After all, you were expecting him to be in bed when you woke up. You didn’t expect him to bolt. As you made your way around Yeon-Seok’s palatial apartment, you finally found him sitting at the dining table, with his head in his hands. A little worried, you moved closer to him. He was too deep in thought to notice you. You gently held his face and made him look up at you, smiling softly at him. And when he saw you, his heart jumped. God, you were stunning. Standing there in his shirt, with messy hair, holding his face and smiling. He wanted nothing more than to just hold you and never let you go, but he had messed up. Seeing you only served as a reminder of how last night, when you were drunk out of your mind, he took advantage of you and let his feelings get the better of him. He had to apologise. He had to tell you how it was a mistake on his part. His voice shaky, he grabbed your hand and made you sit down. 
“Y/N, about last night…” 
Just thinking about it brought a blush to your face. You would have never expected it. The gentle, sweet Yeon-Seok didn’t exist in the bedroom. It was a total switch… and you liked it. He was rough, he was harsh, but damn, he was good. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Yeon-Seok say, 
“It was a mistake.” 
You turned towards him, clearly hurt. 
“Yeon-Seok Oppa, are you saying that you think sleeping with me was a mistake?”
 and when he looked up at you, eyes pained, hurt, mad at himself, you immediately knew there was more to it than that.
Your voice soft, you moved even closer, held his face, and said, 
“Oppa, what’s wrong?”
 He stared back at you, almost in tears. 
“I’m a horrible person Y/N.” 
“What do you mean Oppa?”
 He took your hands, and looked into your eyes. 
“Y/N, you were drunk out of your mind last night, and when you kissed me, I didn’t stop you. I took advantage of you.”
 You shook your head at how Yeon-Seok was thinking. Looking right back at him, you said, 
“Woah. Oppa, let’s take this slowly, shall we? First off, I was not drunk out of my mind. I was tipsy, yes, but not drunk to the point where I can’t remember anything. Secondly,”
 you paused, holding his face,
” I made it very clear that I wanted to sleep with you. If anything, I asked you to sleep with me. I asked you for help. Don’t beat yourself up over this. I would still choose to sleep with you if given a choice when sober. Okay?” 
You wiped away a stray tear from his eyes, trying to soothe his worries. 
“Also, Oppa, there’s something I think we should talk about.”
 Looking slightly calmer, he raised an eyebrow. Bracing yourself for the discussion, you turned, held his hand, and asked, 
“How long have you liked me?” 
He froze. He looked at you like a deer in the headlights.
 “How did you know Y/N?”
 “The moment you kissed me Oppa. I could tell you’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” 
He stayed silent.
 “Oppa, I’m sorry. It must have been really hard for you to watch me with” your voice caught, “him. It must have been even harder for you to spend so much time with me without ever trying to make a move.” 
You moved closer to him. Seeing as to how he winced, you must have hit a nerve. You gently moved his face and made him look at you. He was desperate. He was almost in tears. 
“Y/N. I don’t just like you. I meant it when I said I love you. I also know that last night was a one-time thing. You were just using me to get him out of your head, and I’m okay with that. But now that you know how I feel about you, if I ever make you uncomfortable, just say one word, and I’ll stop.”
 He was about to go on when you interrupted him, equally hurt. 
“Who said I used you? Oppa, listen to me. I trust you. I love you. Yes, I had never thought of you as anything other than a friend so far, but that’s because I didn’t want to be presumptuous. Who wouldn’t be attracted to you? Have you ever seen yourself? I just drew that line because I didn’t think you’d ever like me that way. Ever. I would have drawn the same line with…him if we hadn’t met online. Yes, I liked him. and I may still have feelings for him, but I am desperately trying to move past that. And if I can ask you to be patient with me, I’m sure I can feel the same way about you in some time.” 
He still looked slightly uncertain. You grabbed his face and made him look at you. 
“Yoo Yeon-Seok. Listen to me. I’m always been attracted to you. You’re the person I trust the most in this world. And I love you. I wouldn’t just use you knowing that you like me. Feelings can change. So, please, trust me on this one, and let’s give this a chance?” 
and the way his face lit up. He looked like he had just been to heaven. He looked so hopeful and so happy. He was giddy with joy. Finding yourself smiling from just seeing him happy, you leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips, and the surprised, over-joyed, exhilarated look he had just made your day.
He was going to kiss you back, when suddenly he frowned, as though remembering something important. 
“Y/N, didn’t you say you quit your job?”
 You shrugged and nodded. Holding your hand, he said,
 “Believe me, I am more than happy you never face to see his face again, but don’t you need a job now?”
 Seeing you nod at that, he hesitated, and proceeded. 
“I could hire you, you know. I’ve been wanting a masseuse for a while.” 
You sighed and said, 
“While I appreciate the offer, you know that’s not true. Also, as much as I love spending time with you, I don’t think working for you is a good idea. Not again.” 
He nodded. 
“I mean, that makes sense, and I completely understand and respect your decision, but don’t you need a job?”
 Sighing again, you said,
 “I do. I do desperately need a job. I won’t be able to afford rent otherwise, but for now let’s not think about it. I’ve know a few places where they were looking for masseuses. I’ll find out more about that later.” 
He frowned, and nuzzled your neck, saying,
 “I know it’s not fun to think about, princess, but we have to figure something out.” 
Your breath hitched when he called you that, and he noticed immediately. Yeon-Seok’s eyes changed. They were now darker, teasing, more lustful. Grabbing your legs and pulling you onto his lap, he kept nibbling around your neck. 
“I see you like it when I call you that princess.” 
And his suspicions were confirmed, because due a combination of him nibbling at your neck and calling you that, you moaned and moved even closer running your hands through his hair. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and he kissed you, not as hungrily as last night, but more slowly, sensually, taking the time to enjoy it this time. Just when he was carrying you back to the bedroom, where you had a feeling you’d be spending the rest of your day, he paused, suddenly pulling away from your kiss, and looked at you, his eyes shining. 
“What happened Oppa?”
 “Y/N, I just had the greatest idea. Why don’t you move in with me?”
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