#yoongi Instagram stories
poutyniall · 2 years
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bts-trans · 10 months
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230806 RM’s Instagram Story
Thank you!
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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aricastmblr · 6 months
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BTS_twt X 12 dic. 2023
uarmyhope instagram sale j.m jimin jungkook y agustd
시간은 간다 !!! 으쌰!!! 💜
el tiempo pasa !!! eussha!!! 💜
[t/n eussha es una onomatopeya que tiene un significado similar a 'luchar' 'tener fuerza'!]
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btsvtarchive · 11 months
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ig story ho5hi_kwon: thank you hyung 🫡 @/agust_d
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blackpinklover101 · 1 year
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SUGA [*][agustd] Instagram Updates💜☺️
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p4st0ral · 2 years
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dollfaceksj · 10 months
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) MASTERLIST
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➥ PAIRING: jungkook x fem!reader
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➥ SUMMARY: Jeon Jungkook is your junior and a great student, obsessed with anime and video games. To you, he’s a Grade A geek. However, you soon find out the reason why he’s so quiet around you is because your mutual friends have told him to stay away from you for your sake, not his. Why? You wish you weren’t so curious because now you’re determined to find out.
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➥ GENRE: slowburn ⋆ angst ⋆ fuckboy!jk ⋆ e2l
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➥ CATEGORY: crack drabble series (bullet-point format)
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➥ WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, (eventual smut), plot twist, improv, interactive, angst, love triangle cause theres a bit of yoongi x reader, reader is curious and nosy, arguing, jealousy, jk is TOXIC and so is READER, switch!jk & switch!reader, spit kink, spanking, hairpulling, slapping, protected sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up), sad childhoods, trauma, lots of trauma, sensitive topics, minors DNI
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➥ STATUS: completed
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
— i n d e x ↓
♢ #1 jungkook gets down like that
♢ #2 jungkook likes role-play
♢ #3 jungkook doesn’t like you
♢ #4 jungkook wants to apologize
♢ #5 jungkook doesn’t like being called a fuckboy
♢ #6 jungkook wants his expensive sneakers back
♢ #7 jungkook can only offer good dick and math notes
♢ #8 jungkook wants to talk
♢ #9 jungkook buys you a bar of kinder
♢ #10 jungkook wants you to take his bait
♢ #11 jungkook wants what’s best for you
♢ #12 jungkook doesn’t know what to do when he’s nervous
♢ #13 jungkook has some mud on his clothes
♢ #14 jungkook accepts your challenge
♢ #15 jungkook thinks you have a filthy mouth
♢ #16 jungkook can’t stop himself
♢ #17 jungkook has experience in being quiet
♢ #18 jungkook craves love and affection differently
♢ #19 jungkook wants your phone
♢ #20 jungkook doesn’t think he bares all the blame
♢ #21 jungkook thinks you have fallen for him
♢ #22 jungkook is up to date with your instagram stories
♢ #23 jungkook knows more about you than you think
♢ #24 jungkook doesn’t want to hear another word from you
♢ #25 jungkook hates everything about you
♢ #26 jungkook thinks you should end it
♢ #27 jungkook might as well admit defeat
♢ #28 jungkook wants just a little bit
♢ #29 jungkook is never drinking again
♢ #30 jungkook wants to be good to you
♢ #31 jungkook wants you to be sure
♢ #32 jungkook doesn’t want to leave
♢ #33 jungkook and mia
♢ #34 jungkook and the significance of the fallen angel
♢ #35 jungkook and his only friend
♢ #36 jungkook and his enemy
♢ the end.
— s i d e d r a b b l e s ↓
♢ #1 the one in the elevator
♢ pending…
— e x t r a s ↓
♢ playlist
♢ f.a.q.
♢ cross-posted on ao3
♢ pending…
➸ request here
➸ support me by buying me some coffee if you want ☕︎♡
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jung-koook · 1 year
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230325 - yoongi's instagram story: taehyung and jimin were with us too (they left 10 minutes earlier) (trans. cr. charts_k)
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don't hold hands, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You're fucking your ex-boyfriend's ex-best friend. You also now own a condo with him and owning this condo has made you house-poor. Yeah, it's not the usual love story and it's not going to be one. Not until you paint the walls black, that is.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mostly conversations and feels tbh; minor smut (fem reader, marking / scratching, m-receiving oral, doggy, penetrative sex); non-idol!AU; guitarist!music producer!Yoongi x novelist!reader - fwb / roommates-to-lovers
just a story about two people who shouldn't fall in love falling in love, I have plenty of nasty smut so this is a different beat for ya lmao
“Is it fun being tortured?”
“Not really, no.”
It wasn’t fair to be this critical but, as long as you didn’t let these words travel outside this room, it was fine, right? At least, you kept telling yourself that. Delusion at its finest.
“It’s so stupid that people enjoy sticking their nose in drama that doesn’t involve them only because their lives are too boring to have any,” you sighed, tossing your phone across your desk, letting it skid into a pile of post-its covered in scrawled notes. “All because I deleted some photos.”
Notifications were now blocked.
“Some people mistake privilege with right.”
You glared at your phone even though the contents were the offender and not the device. Rolled your eyes, knowing you would be coming back to a shitstorm, but you couldn’t take it anymore. There had to be a limit. And the voice beside you had been telling you to put the damn thing down and stop deleting comments one by one, but the stubborn ram in you thought you could just headbutt through the bullshit.
And that imagery was gonna end there, thank you very much.
Your forehead found the palm of your hand and you sighed again, suddenly feeling the weight.
“I’m never doing that again.”
“You don’t have to.”
Minutes passed.
Silence never felt so serene.
Then it was cut through by steady, slow acoustic guitar, the notes drifting out from behind you. It almost made you feel more guilty. Almost. How fucked was that? You, sitting here right now, staring at nearly bare walls and a table covered in notes and your trusty laptop, almost feeling guilty for the guy that had backed out of the joint loan for this condo in the city that you didn’t even fuckin’ want, but you had been too far into the process to not lose a whole lotta money and too angry to let yourself lose.
How ironic, feeling guilty for the guy who cheated on you.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not,” was the guitar player’s response. “And you shouldn’t be either. For anything.”
You knew you shouldn’t apologize. It just felt like the thing to do, because you hadn’t been wholly right either and, even if you weren’t more in the wrong, you were still wrong, and wasn’t that fucked, putting levels of blame on a situation that, at the end of the day, was all said and done and left everybody bitter and full of scars.
The shitty part was everyone was on your case now and blaming you.
This was what you got for dating the lead singer of a punk band that skyrocketed to popularity on social media. Looked all elegant dark romance on TikTok and Instagram, just screaming and hate-fucking behind closed doors. Constant content to cover up the toxicity. And maybe it was your fault too, letting it get to your head that maybe you really were the beautiful, mysterious muse that the followers painted you out to be. You glossed over red flags – late nights, drugs and drinking, sleeping in rooms of girls that called themselves fans – all part of the industry. Nothing happened. Honest. But the greatest mistake was letting him tag you on Instagram. How cool was it that you were an author?
This bastard.
Not only had you given him some of your best quotes for his lyrics, but now you couldn’t publish those words as your own because this bastard would fuckin’ sue you for plagiarizing.
The guitar continued behind you, on the mattress on the floor.
So, not only were you getting crucified on social media at the moment because he had called you a backhanded bitch in his Instagram stories but also because you had deleted all photos of him on your profile and said fucking nothing. Silence to be polite and all that. He cheated on you, he was leaving you for some whore you had plenty of suspicions about, and, worst of all, he waited until you and him were finalizing the down payment for this expensive-ass-fuck high-rise condo – that money was out of your own pocket, not his, how convenient – and backed out of the loan for the mortgage. His reasoning?
You cheated on him first.
With his former guitarist.
Your ex-boyfriend had fired his former guitarist ages ago because you and him had gotten too friendly.
Alright, man.
You liked the guy, sure. Talked to him when he was in the studio and found you had a lot in common. Plus, he was crazy talented. Made most of the melodies, self-produced a lot of the songs for the band so they could save money, even contributed to lyric writing so they didn’t have to spend on that either. He even had a good voice, although sadly the band rarely used it. Your art of words paired with his knowledge of music made some viral hits. But then tensions rose between him and your ex when they started butting heads for no reason (there was a reason and it was ugly jealousy). Then arguments rose between you and your ex, but instead of breaking up, you buried yourself into writing your next novel to let the situation cool off.
Sigh, okay, call a spade a spade.
You were avoiding the confrontation.
He fired his guitarist and got a new one.
Then things were good.
Until they weren’t.
Of course, they weren’t. You didn’t solve shit, and he was fucking every girl that threw themselves at him behind your back. Good thing you had strict rules about condoms, otherwise you would probably have some lasting consequences right now. So, when the ground cracked and split apart from under you, what did you do?
Yup, this was the part that made you no better.
You found that former guitarist and fucked him.
Word travelled around. Word also travelled around that somehow you got someone to be part of that insane loan you got talked into. And, oh, shit, did things get messy once a certain someone knew who it was.
But here you were.
Feeling guilty.
You probably couldn’t publish for at least six months to a year because, harrowingly, your demographic was young adult – you had even relied on social media for self-marketing, fuck – and the half of a novel you had now had to be scrapped considering that so many of the quotes were now distressed in dark venues by the lips of an egomaniacal dick that you allowed into your pussy far too many times. Once was already too many.
You didn’t even want to live in the city.
It’ll be so much easier for me to get bigger opportunities. Don’t be a selfish bitch and only think about yourself.
You wanted to scream.
You wanted to throw your laptop into the wall and break it into smithereens, but you didn’t because this piece of technology was currently your only chance of making money. Fuck. Me. Always talking about himself like he was only important member of the band, even though it was the other guys who wrote most of the music and lyrics. No one sided with you, obviously. This was their job and technically not their romance. They were sympathetic but not empathetic to the point of jeopardizing their jobs. Obviously, you hadn’t signed any contracts for royalties or credit. This was supposed to be your soulmate.
Soulmates weren’t so generous to give you pennies.
You’re being greedy and self-important. Oh, so you’re only in the relationship for the money? I’ll give you money once we make it big. Once we get it all, I’ll buy you everything you want. But you gotta help me out now. We’re starving artists, ya know?
You should have asked your parents for monetary help, but you didn’t. Your pride didn’t want to hear the told-you-so speeches for dating a guy they didn’t choose for you. You also didn’t want the arranged marriage appointments back in your life either.
Trapped in white walls, post-its of false starts, and impending doom.
Dramatic, but you were a writer.
“Come here and sit down with me.”
Some part of you didn’t want to face him. It was really dumb. He was your new roommate now. You were fucking him when you were too sad to avoid it, and it was pretty obvious he knew. You were living off his money. Sure, he only paid for half the rent but then food mysteriously appeared in the fridge, bathroom necessities were stocked when they were running low, cleaning supplies neatly sorted into the closet, and all that other shit. None of that wholesale stuff either, but the nicer things normal households could afford.
It wasn’t an exaggeration that you cried into the soap during your shower last night.
All because you finally acknowledged it wasn’t one of those shitty bars that made skin feel like plastic but actually fragrant lathering liquid that you could put on the dense, not-falling-apart-in-one-use loofah that you hadn’t bought. You would have been satisfied with cutting coupons and living on the dregs of the bare minimum, but someone cared enough to not let you do that, and you currently couldn’t do anything to contribute and probably couldn’t for a while.
And that made you feel undeserving.
Maybe you were only fucking him because that was all you could offer.
The guitarist called your name softly.
Like a beaten dog, you got up and sat down beside Min Yoongi.
He continued to play a melody you didn’t know on his black acoustic guitar. He hadn’t moved in all his instruments and equipment yet. You had told him he could have the whole living room for his studio. He had asked if you were sure and you responded that you were sure that you weren’t going to have anybody over ever so, unless he wanted a living room space, you didn’t want one.
“Shit always happens, you know,” the deep voice reminded you.
“This happening was of my own doing and now I’ve ruined my own life,” you muttered, bitter over a boy and hating that you were bitter over a boy.
A small chuckle. “You have to admit you had help.”
Stupid boy.
“Can’t be helped. Humans are animals of regret.”
It stung to regret.
The guitar playing stopped and now you were met with silence.
Don’t cry.
But it was so tiring to be angry. So easy to be sad. So easy to think, my fault, for being swept up in what he was but not who he was, for believing that you knew what was best when clearly it wasn’t, for being spiteful on purpose. For avoiding looking at Yoongi in the face because you were too ashamed to acknowledge what was going on here.
For being too afraid to ask what he thought of it.
“I regretted not stealing you from him sooner. Thought you were too fuckable for that loser from the first day we met.”
A strange feeling.
Skin prickling, glancing the that pale hand of graceful, callused fingers simply resting on the neck of that guitar, not looking at Yoongi’s face even though you knew it quite well in profile.
“That’s one way to make me feel better,” you replied.
“I’m not trying to make you feel better. Just being honest,” he replied, tapping his fingertips on the wood. “You are ten times too talented and a hundred times too pretty for a guy like that.”
You twitched. “Are you shitting on my standards?”
“Back then? Yeah, I am.” A calm hum, setting aside his guitar and placing his elbows on his sweatpants-covered knees, charcoal gray and worn. “Pretty clear you went full desperado for a guy that didn’t deserve it. Also, he ain’t hot shit like he thinks he is.”
Ow and what the fuck. “Fuck off.”
You felt movement and tracked his hand raising, spinning a finger around his temple. A brief glance and the details sank in. Long, windswept black waves, light cream skin, pointed gaze directed forward and not at you, pensive slight frown of pink lips. You looked away again, past his loose white t-shirt and to your hands.
You used to be proud of them.
They used to be able to type prose like no other.
Now they were twisted in an oversized, olive-green sweatshirt that you picked up from the sale bin of the convenience store for dirt cheap and they didn’t write jack shit.
You also hated olive-green.
Nothing personal. It just wasn’t your color.
“You’re a psycho bitch to put up with him,” Yoongi commented.
He wasn’t wrong. “I’m a psycho bitch all the time.”
“Yeah, and I don’t date crazy.”
You thought you would feel insulted, but you were past the point of caring. Also, there was something about the way his calm voice said it. Like he knew what he was doing. Huh. That was a silly thing to think. Of course, Yoongi knew what he was doing. He did it. He let you in his studio when you tracked it down and camped out until he showed up. He had listened to your psychobabble and didn’t back away when you pinned him to the wall.
This wasn’t dating.
“At least, I thought I didn’t,” Yoongi added, not touching you.
He fucked you too. He wasn’t a starfish in bed, that was for sure.
“I wanted to get back at him too, you know,” that deep, hazy voice murmured beside you. “That bastard turned my friends against me, stole my mixes, and cut out all my connections. Made me start from the ground up, alone.”
Yeah, you did know that. You helped badmouth Yoongi. In the name of love.
“You’re not sorry.”
“And you shouldn’t be, ‘cause what’s done is done and being sorry isn’t going to change anything.”
You untwisted your hands from each other, realizing your knuckles were white from anxiousness, and relaxed them on your bare knees. Best you could, anyway.
“Yeah,” was the best response you had. This fucking boy ruined your life and stole your eloquence too, apparently. Motherfucker. “You’re right.”
Neither you or Yoongi said anything.
Minutes passed.
Another night in the condo and both of you were sitting on a mattress with a single blanket, deflated pillows, and a box of condoms on the floor.
You touched his forearm the same time his hand moved to grip your thigh.
And then it was the don’t-look-him-in-the-eyes challenge, and he was doing the exact same thing, eyes averted, black hair over them, lips grazing your jaw. Breath against your ear. Hot. His neck under your lips, flexed, fair skin with remnants of bruises, and your teeth sank in, making new ones, listening to his hiss and feeling his hands slide under your sweatshirt. Weighted palms and blunt nails. Digging in.
He scratched you up as you climbed into his lap, tasting flesh.
Those firm hands gripped your hips and forced them down. Grinding. Softness to growing hardness, unhooking your bra, hands all over like you had lost your mind, your thighs squeezing his sides, yanking his shirt collar down and licking up his collarbone, dripping spit, shivering as you saw it glisten over his marred skin.
Clothes coming off, thrown aside. Guitar sliding to the hardwood floor as bodies tumbled. Your hands on his chest, your hard nipples pressed into the sheets as Yoongi slipped his hand into your hair and shoved your head down. Mouth open, tongue curling around. Moan striking the air, echoing in the nothingness.
Hard, hot, now wet.
Up, down, hitting the back of your throat, unable to choke in the adrenaline of lust, in need, in desire for pain, rubbing your tongue all over as Yoongi face-fucked you hard and fast, thick cock swelling in your mouth, your lips grazing the swollen head and making him shudder, saliva slipping down your chin that was smacking into his balls.
Was it shameful that you were good at it?
Sex solved nothing but you sure had a lot of it as if it did.
A sharp gasp and salty cum filled your throat, drinking, swallowing with effort and the burning sensation of your locked jaw, maintaining the soft tightness. Tongue tracing the contours, keeping him hard, hearing the rip of a foil packet above your head.
You hadn’t even realized that Yoongi had let go of your hair, letting you lick him all over at your own pace.
“What position?” Yoongi panted, husky and breathless in the mostly empty bedroom.
Mattress, chair, desk, laptop. Oh, and guitar.
Bodies on the floor.
You didn’t say anything.
You just turned around and slid down, elbows on the bed, knees spread, ass up.
“Alright then.”
You bit your lower lip.
You almost turned your head, almost looked back, just to check, right, just to check he was okay with it, and then strong hands gripped your hips, lifting them, sliding in, condom on and stretching you out right away, his knees pushing your knees apart and forcing you to arch your back for the angle.
No chance to look back.
You gasped, gripping the sheets, blinded by pleasure and the fading resonance of pain.
You pushing back, deep not deep enough, hitting your preferred depth and letting your eyelids flutter, veins burning with the repeated ecstasy. One of your hands lifted and reached back, squeezing his hand on your hip, and the grip became tighter, fingertips digging in, smacking his hips into your ass, and your body threatened to throw him back, carnal power meeting his every thrust, clenching around his hard length, and you could hear Yoongi growl your name, low and deep and voracious.
Somehow, his name fell from your lips too.
Rough and sinful, no better than an animal.
His nails dug into your back and dragged down, burning lines into your skin.
Your head tipped back and you moaned, a clear, shameless sound that would become familiar to this ceiling. Pooling wildfire, tightening muscles, wasted nectar sticky between joined thighs, surge after shivering surge of orgasmic apex stinging your veins as you barely registered Yoongi’s shudder and blissful groan, feeling the pulse inside you made than hearing the sound.
The rush of blood roaring in your ears was far too loud for you to hear anything.
Your face felt hot, so hot.
Gripping the sheets, twisting them, pulling them off the edge of the bed.
This moment.
Very few things were as intense and exigent as an orgasm. Fleeting, but a violently memorable. Pure nothingness of soaring high. You chased it. Again. And again. And again, your fingers tangled in Yoongi’s dark hair, pulling it over his face but he didn’t look at you anyway, eyes closed and teeth trapping his lower lip, breath trapped in his chest, driving his hips into yours again and again.
You both kept going until the limits were reached.
The darkness willingly swallowed you up.
Min Yoongi always considered himself a rational person, which was precisely why he found himself entangled in the break-up between his former best friend and the only woman he ever considered committing a felony for.
He also didn’t believe in love at first sight.
She was still way too hot for that idiot though.
His eyes could communicate well enough with his dick. The short skirt and exposed thighs didn’t really help either. Still, Yoongi had let it be. Respect was keeping his distance despite racing heartbeat and keeping calm despite shaking hands. He got used to it once the late-night talks about music and wordplay became a regular thing. Sometimes they talked about general life and were surprised on how well they aligned. Still, she never spoke poorly about her then-boyfriend even though there was plenty to talk about.
Scorched earth was their sacred ground.
It was painful to witness.
Yoongi regretted valuing the friendship, mostly because it didn’t mean jack shit at the end of the day. He regretted believing in the elegant, age-old saying.
Bros before hoes.
But mostly, Yoongi regretted pretending like nothing was wrong.
He would see the pain in her expression and not say anything. Watch her pack it all away and greet him with warmth that he didn’t deserve because he had a racing heart and shaking hands every time they met. He would watch his former best friend disappear into hotel rooms without explanation and Yoongi knew damn well it wasn’t right, but he kept his mouth shut because he was a coward, something he figured out later.
He could have washed his hands clean of that shitshow, but instead his hands had held her shaking shoulders and watched her struggle not to cry on that cold night.
Yoongi considered himself a rational person, but never a good one.
Too many ways to judge, and her lips had already connected with his as soon as his shoulder blades hit the wall. He didn’t stop it. Maybe it was bitterness. Vengeance. Hate.
No, it wasn’t any of that, actually.
He didn’t know exactly what but, in that moment, Yoongi knew that he would murder that asshole if he saw his former best friend’s face right then, ready to commit a felony all because those beautiful eyes couldn’t look at him, closing instead to blink back the tears that bastard didn’t deserve.
That meant something, all right.
He knew it could take a long time. He knew it would almost certainly be hopeless. He knew he would probably end up with a broken heart and broke as hell. He knew it was a bad idea and he knew it was going to tear him up, this spiral, but when he found himself looking up to the ceilings of these mostly empty rooms, this condo he now half-owed with the woman that was formerly his best friend’s girlfriend, and Yoongi found he didn’t know and he didn’t care what the future held.
She had trouble sleeping.
Less trouble after exhausting themselves.
He had trouble sleeping too, but that was because he was staring at the ceiling and wondering just how rational he really was. One hand behind his head, under the pillow. The other resting on the blanket, on the curve of her hip, feeling the steady hum of her breathing.
She never cried in front of him.
He knew she did cry, because he heard her in the bathroom sometimes. But never in front of him. Showed anger, yes, but never acted helpless even though it was perfectly reasonable to feel that way after everything that happened. Living on the least for his sake, even to the point of skipping meals and spending all her time trying to write, trying to get back to her livelihood, trying to get past all the false starts. Personally, Yoongi felt that she should give up for now and heal herself, but he also knew how it felt to feel stubborn and useless.
It was weird, being so close and yet so far away.
He felt it most in the nighttime, even though that was when he was closest to her.
He was never going to be the same. He knew that. He already wasn’t, surprising himself with his own recklessness, and for what? He didn’t even know what she was capable of reciprocating after receiving all those scars. Didn’t even know if he was the right one, if he was better or worse, if…
If he was believing in something that wasn’t there.
Yoongi closed his eyes and went to sleep.
It was weird. Feeling it. In the past, you buried it, numb, and promptly lived in delusion. But now you could feel it. What was more, you let yourself feel it. There wasn’t anything to stop you except for the occasional mental peanut gallery of you’re a bad person if you feel jealousy, but anger could overtake anything if you let it.
You stared at the scene before you, several meters away.
It felt good.
Mostly because it was honest.
It surprised you. You hadn’t expected to feel anything. Sad, maybe. You had already been cheated on, so naturally you assumed the cycle would begin anew, just with less promises and in the gray area of uncertainty. But, no, instead of being distraught and delusional, you felt maddeningly, viciously, nearly on-the-edge of making a fist and dislocating Min Yoongi’s jaw from his skull because he was speaking to a female-presenting human at the entrance of the building that housed his and others’ music studios.
Did you lack context? Yes.
Would that get you arrested? Yeah, probably.
Would that probably not get your laid anymore and label you as an unhinged psychopath? Without a doubt.
But would it feel good?
Don’t know.
You had never punched someone before, although maybe you should have practiced on your ex-boyfriend. He was probably a more deserving candidate. In any case, you remained frozen in perplexation at your willingness for violence because you were pretty sure your… relations… with Yoongi were nothing more than a lonely bitch and a spiteful silver tongue executing revenge, so the amount of fucks you should give about Yoongi speaking to any human being – other than the obvious health and safety precautions – should be zero.
Basket of fucks empty.
And yet.
Clearly wasn’t since you were mentally calculating the angle and force for jaw dislocation while having zero experience in doing so. In any sort of non-virtual manner, that is.
Your hands were firmly in the pockets of your black cargo pants. The hip ones, although you had plenty of choice. You kept them there for the safety of passerby or, maybe deep down, yourself. This caused your jacket to fall open, the outlines of the sew-on patches and thick, bunched-up black denim crowding the space between your forearm and waist, your black cropped tank exposed to the chill evening air. You used to wear a plethora of band t-shirts, but, well, those were probably in a landfill or rotting in a secondhand shop.
You figured you would be cold. Unsurprisingly, the anger kept you warm.
You thought about turning around and just straight up leaving, petty and picturesque of course, and then Yoongi seemed to sense your projected violence, looking up from the conversation. Dark waves over his cheeks, striking body line, backing away, hiding his eyes for a moment, not that you could see them that well from this distance. You twitched.
The girl reached out.
Yoongi simply bowed, out of reach, and pushed the glass door open.
Honestly, her role in this moment was so miniscule that you completely ignored whatever she did or possibly could have said to Yoongi’s retreating back. Sharpened gaze, and then he crossed the street with the crowd, walking past oblivious bystanders who may or may not become the harrowed audience of the next thirty seconds.
He stopped before you. Bomber jacket, white shirt, black track pants. Monochrome elegance.
You looked up at him, saying nothing.
Over one shoulder was his usual guitar bag that held said instrument and his yellow notepad sticking out of the pocket. He used it to jot down whatever came to him. You almost said something. Almost. Then you remembered that if this, this between you and Min Yoongi, if this was supposed to be nothing, then weren’t you supposed to do nothing but voice your casual annoyance for making you wait rather than, well.
Admit insecurity?
You looked away quickly.
No, it did not matter how reasonable it was, you didn’t like knowing that somehow you had been weakened by an ex-boyfriend, barely a man, no, a mere locust at best, so it was better to not say anything and accept that this was–
“Sorry, I got caught up with the staff about ending my lease.”
You didn’t look at him. “What?”
“Gonna end my lease this month and move my studio stuff to the condo. I can’t afford both.”
He had told you this already. It had been your idea. You already knew you were overreacting to a situation that you created in your head rather than reality. And, yet, the best your mind would allow was uh huh, a plausible explanation, sarcasm included.
“Ah. Right,” was your sharp, mildly frigid reply.
“I can’t read your mind.”
Do you intend to be exhausting?
Your mental peanut gallery was super annoying.
You breathed in. Cool, crisp air. The sound of cars and people bustling in and out of stores. You breathed in again. Did you really intend to be exhausting, irrational, and, worst of all, dishonest? Really, after all that had happened? After getting here, standing here, arriving to pick up Yoongi at his request to do the grocery shopping together?
You turned back to look right into black-brown, piercing orbs.
“I just realized that I have the ability to be jealous,” you exhaled, draining your lungs. “It’s unpleasant and not nearly as delightfully pivotal as the media makes it out to be.”
Something fluttered in those orbs.
Or maybe it was the wind catching his bangs, drifting black strands over his eyes shadowed by dark circles.
Yoongi half-smiled.
“Makes for good songwriting material though.”
There was an air of helplessness to his words. A tone you couldn’t define, except for the understanding, which left you both baffled and with a sense of guilt. There were emotions in that barely-there smirk on those familiar lips. Relief. Maybe a slight bit of shame. A shadow of guilt too. You realized people were glancing at you and him as they walked past, wondering why you both were at a standstill on the sidewalk. Yoongi seemed to not notice them or care.
You pulled your hands out of your pockets.
“Come on. We should go before it gets dark.”
Before you noticed it, your hand was rising.
You pulled it back, but not fast enough.
Yoongi’s free hand reached out and grasped around yours, strong fingers enclosing. Sliding up, calluses on your palm. Your hand lowered, slowly, your eyes moving in the opposite direction. Lips parting. His hand was colder than yours.
You stared at Yoongi.
He looked back, expression unreadable.
“I don’t hold hands,” you said, suddenly breathless.
You tightened your grip.
“Neither do I,” Yoongi replied, taking a step, on the cusp of walking past you, his hand around yours. “I simply just don’t like the idea of yours getting cold when I can do something about it.”
Previously, when you held hands, it was always with a purpose of showing public affection. The look-how-real-this-is-because-there-are-clear-witnesses show. Front row tickets nobody asked for. But this.
You blinked hard and the sting was inside.
The sting of wasted time.
Your name in that raspy, soft voice. Familiar. You looked up, not saying anything and hoping the eye contact was enough. All Yoongi did was smile lightly and tug your hand.
“Let’s get take-out and shop tomorrow. We have plenty of time to eat healthier.”
“You can cry in front of me.”
Min Yoongi heard her breath hitch and still.
Seconds that felt like hours ticked by. It was the dead of night. Or maybe one could call it the time when honesty came to life, if the conditions were right. He knew this time well usually with a drink in his hand, but this time he was laying on his side with bruises of bites and carnal memories lingering on his fingertips.
“I wasn’t crying.”
Her voice was thick and strained from trying to keep it even. Her moment of jealousy had happened days ago. He had recognized it right away. Call it personal experience. He also recognized that she didn’t like to feel that way. It was obvious from her torn yet furious expression. It confirmed a lot of things for him. Still, she seemed pleased to help him move and set up his things in the bedroom. They found the living room to be a bit too echoey due to the large space so they switched the two, pulling the mattress to the living room and setting up his equipment in the center of what was formerly the bedroom.
He told her to paint the condo.
She had mentioned in passing that someday she would like to paint her entire living space black. Not this place, because he owned it too, and you probably think I’m crazy for wanting a dark space, huh, Yoongi? He asked her, why wait? No one lives forever. We’re just passing through.
She had given him a weird look.
We own this condo. Paint it.
There were cans of black paint waiting.
Yoongi had intended to go visit his family over the weekend. His parents and his brother who had recently been promoted to head chef at the classy restaurant he worked at. Someone in the family needed to have prestige. Well, that was his own personal feeling. Surprisingly at this point his parents had even up on telling him to get a higher-paying job. They told him to simply be happy.
And get married.
Yeah, about that.
He was still trying to get used to the music producer thing, for fuck’s sake.
“Are you afraid I won’t understand?” Yoongi let himself say, not turning around yet.
Sometimes, people didn’t want you to see them weak. He could understand that.
Call it personal experience.
A shuddering sigh. Deep breaths. Words bogged down, drained.
“I can only be so pathetic before I lose my mind recalling the past,” she mumbled. He felt her weight deepen on her side of the bed, as if she was trying to melt into the mattress. “I made things hard for myself. For you. It’s pointless to cry about it anyway. In the end, it only makes me look ungrateful.”
Yoongi thought about it.
“It’s true that you probably shouldn’t have involved me.”
He shifted, laying on his back now.
“But I’m not a good person either. I agreed, after all,” he murmured, his skin tingling with bruises and carnal memories. “Hm, to be honest, he was always a dick though, from high school till now. Always will be, I fear.”
“You’re easygoing enough not to be affected by his asshole behavior.”
“Not my job to change people. I leave that to parents and clueless fools.”
A pensive silence. Surprisingly not an irritated one. She seemed to accept it.
“Why did you become his friend?” she asked, staring at the ceiling with him.
“We just happened to like the same thing. Music.”
“I’m lucky you decided to become his friend.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then, “I’m lucky that somehow he managed to bamboozle a hot and clever girl, two things he’s obviously not.”
She almost laughed. Almost.
“Who the fuck uses the word bamboozle?”
“You had to admit you were bamboozled, because you sure as hell weren’t dick-drunk.”
“Oh? You think you’re that good, huh?”
“No, I just know he’s that much worse.”
The faintest of chuckles.
“You… You get better every time,” she admitted. “I think I just caught you off guard the first time.”
“Firstly, I don’t like wasting time and, secondly, I had given up for a while before…” I met you. “Romance seemed like an expensive, worthless distraction when I could be using that time and money trying to push the band forward,” he pivoted, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes. “Then that went to shit.”
He chuckled darkly. “I’m confident I got the better deal.”
A trembling pause.
“Why do you think that?”
He reached over and placed his palm on the top of her head, lacing his fingers in her hair. Messing it up.
“Tell me the truth. Was he good at sex?”
A burst of laughter. “Really? Alright. No, he wasn’t. He sucked. Thought he was a piston of a muscle car instead of a human being. Oh, and once he fell asleep on top of me.”
He cocked an eyebrow. Turned his head and forced hers to turn as well.
She was smiling.
Yoongi found his chest tight and breath shallow.
“And you didn’t leave him then… why?” he pressed.
She winced, albeit playfully. “I yelled at him. A lot. I don’t know, maybe he was tired.”
“Not an excuse.”
“I know, I know…” Sigh. “I… I didn’t want to believe I made the wrong choice.” Her eyes shifted, but her body was still turned to face his. “I… It made my entire family angry, dating him. Especially my parents. They would never forgive me and hold it over my head forever. I had to make it work. I thought, if only I worked hard enough…” Another heavy breath, squeezing her eyes tightly. “I know it was pride, but I wanted to prove to them and myself that I could do anything. Bad choices? Maybe. But they were mine. I don’t want my life decided by what is best for me. If I suffer for it, those are my consequences.”
Her eyes opened, but barely.
Yoongi kept his hand on her head, running his fingers through her hair.
“I… I feel like shit because now you’re stuck in my mistakes,” she breathed.
He liked to touch her hair. It felt comforting.
“You know what your problem is?”
She glared under lashes and dared him.
Undeterred, he continued. “You blame yourself for shit that hasn’t even happened.”
A disapproving frown. “Hah?”
He tapped her forehead. “You think it’ll bother me if you cry, but what truly bothers me is that you cry alone.” Pushed back the strands, and now he was closer, sharing breath. “You think I’m stuck in your mistakes. Mistakes don’t inherently have only negative consequences. They almost always exist in a gray area.”
“I... I know that,” she grumbled, face against his chest.
“I did say you were clever.”
A drifting, drowsy silence.
“I’m not clever,” she whispered to his skin, pulling her body closer. “I just like you.”
Yoongi felt himself losing to sleep.
“I’ve always liked you, since the moment I saw you,” he muttered into her hair, breathing in the familiar scent, so quietly that he wasn’t sure if he said it at all.
“Ah? Yes? Sorry about that. Oh, yes, uh, I’m painting. Everything. Yes, I’ll be sure the keep the windows open. Thank you.”
You closed the front door of the condo. Well. You had expected nervousness, but somehow the conversation between you and the downstairs neighbor had been very calm. Apparently, he worked from home and wasn’t expecting the loud crash of the ladder from your unit.
In your defense, you hadn’t expected it either.
Thankfully, you hadn’t been on the ladder, only trying to figure out how to set it up. It was one of those compact ones that saved space but required some innovative thinking to get the taller height you needed. One crash and a YouTube video later, the ladder was now secure, and then came the knock on the front door.
The thoughts flew by – I don’t belong here, I can’t do this alone, they’re going to scold me and I haven’t even done the upper half yet – but the guy just seemed curious and confused. Didn’t even comment on your awkward outfit of navy boys’ basketball shorts and ill-fitted gray sports bra. Both on super sale. You were still wearing your bra because of the incorrect size, so the gray blob was bordering on ugly-ass tank top.
Some people had clothing they didn’t care about to paint in and some people had to dive in sale bins because they left behind most of their wardrobe and, with the clothes, their bad memories.
That was the intent.
Things rarely go as intended.
For instance, you thought you were going to feel imposter syndrome for a neighbor knowing that you were painting your own goddamn walls. You turned away from the door after you locked it, frowning. That’s right. Like it or not, bad decisions and minus an ex-boyfriend later, these were your walls. You looked up, out the large, floor-to-ceiling living room windows, and saw the sunlight sparkle over the sprawling city, walls painted half-black and half white surrounding you, and you could say that you never wanted to be here, but.
It was a sick view.
We own this condo. Paint it.
Your muscles were sore from the repeated swiping motion of the paint roller, but there was still this inexplicable energy coursing through you.
“What if it doesn’t look good?” you had asked Yoongi.
He had shrugged. “Then we paint it again.”
“It’ll be dark.”
“Wow, really? I thought black was supposed to be bright and cheerful,” was the sarcastic quip. “Just believe you have good taste and paint the damn walls.”
This condo was an investment that made you poor.
That was the truth you needed to face.
You have good taste.
You scrunched your face slightly as you remembered Yoongi’s facial expression. Was he… praising you or himself? You squinted. This guy. Picked up the paint roller again and saturated it with ink black, making crispy crinkly sounds as you shuffled over the plastic. Good taste. Well, that was relative, wasn’t it? Everything was at the end of the day. You climbed onto the ladder and began the repetitive, monotone motion once more but at a higher elevation. You should have put your music back on. Your phone was on the plastic-covered mattress and you were not about to go back down until you finished this section or ran out of paint. This was going to be a long process, but you had several days and too much time as Yoongi had already left to visit his family.
Now you were alone with a lot of paint and mind-numbing fumes.
Shit, you should have opened the window.
You would have to paint a second coat anyway. Who cared if the first coat was shitty?
Climbing down and doing your due diligence before returning to your post.
You had forgotten once again to put your music back on. Hah. Well, that was fine; you had yourself. You didn’t mind being alone. Heh, sometimes it was better to be alone. You continued rolling away, hardworking in the consistent rhythm. Thinking about it now, this might have been the first time in a long time that you were okay with being alone. Before, you had felt guilty whenever you weren’t thinking about your relationship. Huh. Odd. Was it some kind of mental self-reassurance when you knew something was off? It was hard to tell, but possible.
Everything was off about that relationship. You just had too much pride to admit it.
You sighed, climbing back down to reload.
Wait a second. Was this why there was that wider step towards the top of the ladder? You poured some more paint in the tray and carried it up with you. Oh shit. Wow. Innovation. You coughed and went back to a different patch of wall. No one saw that. See, perks of being alone.
Well, you didn’t hate Yoongi being here.
You stopped painting.
You didn’t just think that.
You went back to painting. Shut up, nagging feeling. You furiously painted on, ignoring your soreness, telling that little voice in your head to shut up, because there were plenty of reasons not to think stuff like that. Firstly, you weren’t ready to think stuff like that. And what if it was only hopeful transference rather than genuine feeling? Asshole or not, your ex-boyfriend’s betrayal of trust was not something so easily overcome. It wasn’t fair to Yoongi either, pretending to like him if you weren’t sure.
You liked Yoongi before you broke up, too.
Wasn’t that fucked up?
You sighed and came back down, careful to scoot the ladder without spilling and causing a mess. Back up and at it. Of course, it was fucked up. And you knew it was, which might have been why you let it get that bad. Might? Was why you let it get that bad. Two hypocrites were meant for each other. You huffed, puffing your cheeks. It wasn’t enough to hold the ticking grenade; you had needed confirmation it was a, in fact, a bomb.
Maybe even hoping it would end you.
It didn’t.
For some reason, you thought Yoongi could see that in you.
Damn, he’s really living in your system, hm?
You frowned.
Your phone rang.
You almost jumped, startled at the sudden sound of an old song you used to enjoy. Back when you were a teenager, and the memories came back as you climbed down. A kid who just really liked rock’n’roll, and parents who did not, but that kid didn’t care, annoyingly setting it as her ringtone on her shitty flip phone. Couldn’t you be her again? Before you had time to ponder, you checked your hands for paint and picked up your phone, answering it.
“Did you eat?”
You blinked, sitting down on the crinkly plastic upon hearing that deep, raspy voice. “Uh, no. I was gonna stop by the convenience store when the first coat was done.”
“No, you weren’t. You were gonna skip a meal,” Min Yoongi tutted. “Because you don’t want to be a nuisance and use the money I had left you.”
Damn. He knew you, all right.
“If I forget, I forget,” you grumbled.
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, pick up the food order from the front desk when it comes. They told me about thirty minutes.”
“You don’t have to order food for me. I’m not a kid,” you hissed.
“It’s the pho spot you like and if I don’t put food in front of you, you won’t eat. You intend to do all that hard work without some fuel?” A pause. You made a disapproving noise. “And I know you’re not a kid. By the way, what’s your waist measurement?”
You remained a grump. “Why?”
“I’m here, so I’m going to buy you some clothes.”
“Don’t buy me clothes. Don’t spend money–”
“You need things,” Yoongi cut you off. “Unless you want to come with me? You don’t trust me?”
“That’s not it and you know it,” you snapped back. “It’s not worth–”
“Of course, it isn’t. It’s vain and silly and superficial. And I’m still going to buy you things, so tell me your waist measurement.”
“Yoongi, this is your hard-earned money,” you puffed out, exasperated.
“Yeah, and I make money to provide you with a good life because I think you are the most important person to me. So, do you want me to guess with my hands or are you going to meet me halfway?”
Dead silence.
He called your name, softly.
You told him in centimeters.
“Got it. Don’t forget to check the front desk in thirty minutes.”
“I love you.”
His hair was stuck to his face due to sweat. “What?”
“I said I love you,” she said, staring right at him, their chests shuddering from exertion.
Yoongi couldn’t believe it, but also he wasn’t surprised. The room still smelled faintly like paint. The windows still had no curtains or blinds. They were still fucking on the mattress in the center of the living room and he was holding the used condom when she said I love you.
The walls and ceiling were all black, covering them in darkness as the city below glimmered with light.
“I love you,” was his reply.
It startled him, the suddenness of his response. He knew he did. Of course, he did, and he turned away quickly, making his way to the kitchen and throwing away the condom, skin tingling, cheeks aflame, and he was startled by the feeling that remained. He hadn’t expected those words to come out of her mouth even though he was sure of his own feelings. Yoongi had resigned himself to not hear it from her lips. He also didn’t need to hear it to know that it was true.
He saw her head to the bathroom.
Time was funny sometimes.
Suddenly they were both staring at each other on the mattress, the usual ritual completed, and the moment suspended.
“You didn’t have to say it,” he finally said. “For my sake.”
“I didn’t.” Her hair curled over her shoulder, caressing her curves. “I said it for my sake.”
Blankets and pillows and questions.
“I wondered about the validity of it,” she admitted to him. “Been wrong before and all that. Might still be wrong. So, I said it just to see if I regretted it.”
They stared into each other’s eyes.
“Do you?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No.”
He half-smiled. How very simple yet complicated. He understood. “All the paint fumes really got to your head, huh?”
She looked up at him and he realized with a start that she, too, was half-smiling.
He reached out, smoothing her hair.
“You have a pretty face, Yoongi,” she teased, eyes sparkling.
He raised an eyebrow.
“I thought it would be too cliché, you and me,” she continued and the tone was different now, softer and more serious. “I thought you would get tired.”
She meant, of me.
He had thought this was cliché too. Cliché didn’t mean worthless though. His hand fell, and rested over hers without a second thought. Warm and against the sheets. “If I felt that way, I would have stopped speaking to you long ago. You could take care of yourself too.” Not safely, but could. “Except for money.”
She smirked.
“So you’re saying I need a suga daddy.”
Yoongi twitched.
“Part of me wanted to sell the condo as soon as possible,” she went on, casually glossing over the comment. “But the realtor said it would be a bad idea. I wouldn’t have any buyers without a minimum of six months or a year. Too many superstitions. Part of me thought I should…”
She looked up to the ceiling.
It was a high-rise, after all.
“All the reasons to move here were his. More convenient, better opportunities, owning rather than renting for the investment… I believed in it, more than myself.”
He didn’t say anything. Couldn’t because all those things had benefitted him already. He didn’t only agree to move in help her out. He was still a working music producer. But she didn’t seem to be saying it to condone him.
“I didn’t really think this place was mine until I painted the walls.”
Yoongi thought he should at least confess this part. “That’s why I told you to paint them.”
A small laugh. “You don’t like it, huh?”
“Don’t you remember the walls of the old studio were dark gray? That was my doing. I always resented the last place I rented because they didn’t let me paint the walls.”
“Ah… He painted over the gray.”
“I bet he did.”
They had fallen to the bed now, side by side.
“I didn’t think this would work out,” she breathed.
“I thought it might,” he hummed.
“You’re hot and clever and I wanted you from the first day I saw you.”
A warm chuckle. “Just like that?”
“Well, you had to give me a chance. Couldn’t make the first move due to the circumstances.”
“It was a convoluted and confusing one.”
“Eh, life’s unfair.”
“Your husband already paid.”
Your what?
The cashier waved you away. You shuffled back, dazed, seeing Min Yoongi emerge from the bathroom in the corner of the restaurant, tucking a bit of his long black hair behind his ears and finding you in front of him.
“The cashier just called you my husband,” you declared.
He shrugged.
You blinked at him.
Patrons chatted and laughed as if this was a normal day. The music was horrendous covers of cheesy 2000’s pop. It was very strange, but the pho was good and well-priced, which was why Yoongi and you came here often after his meetings with music companies. Popular talent was in high demand.
He ticked his head to your outfit. “I know you like this dress I bought you, but you’ve left your coat at the table.”
“Oh, shit.”
“You’ve been scatterbrained ever since you started writing again.”
“Shut up.”
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minologistt · 1 year
they're clingy | BTS reaction a series
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genre established relationship , reactions
warnings very fluffy, misunderstanding but its silly (namjoon)
A/N: BTS 10 ANNIVERSARY!!! i think having these short little reaction things is good for putting my ideas out to eventually turn them into a full story, you know?
the dozens of isle lining the super market were sending you and your boyfriend into a panic. you both were looking for a very specific spice but going through many of the isle proved fruitless. a sigh escaped your lips as you tried shrugging off your boyfriend for the umpteenth time since you've entered the store.
"jin please let go of mee, you're weighing me downn," you whined as he shook his head in refusal. "no way, don't you love me? if you do then you can manage!" a wide grin was displayed on his face as you continued to push the cart. "i love you but that love doesn't mean to hug me while i'm pushing a heavy shopping cart," you stopped the cart and pushed him away slightly only to be met with a pouty face. "don't pout babe, you're just really heavy and it's really hot right now okay?" but no response was given as he turned his back to you.
after another 30 minutes of looking for the spice, you finally found it and checked out. on your way to the car was silent, even as you and your boyfriend unpacked everything. "jinnie.. babe, are you mad at me?" you finally broke the silence once your boyfriend started up the car. however your question was met with a dramatic huff.
"i'm sorry babe, how can i make you feel better?" you put your hand on his shoulder and rubbed him slightly. "maybe you can let me finally have a bubble bath with you.." he mumbled under his breath like it was embarrassing to even think about. "of course you can! anything for you, baby," you said removing your hand, only to feel his hand land on your thigh. "good because i bought purple bubble bath soap a week ago-", now your boyfriend was back to his usual self, rambling about the most random things.
it was silent inside of the studio. yoongi sitting at his desk in his swivel chair with you on his lap. he had an arm around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. "how does this beat sound with these vocals?" he looked at your side profile from the side of his eye. you looked up from your phone and blinked a couple of times as the track played for a short minute. "it's okay, maybe it should be a bit softer?", yoongi nodded his head and began tweaking the audio.
you began shifting around on yoongi's lap as you were scrolling through your instagram. yoongi placed a firm hand on your hip to stop you from wiggling around. a slight smirk was tugging at his lips as he blew a small gush of air behind your ear. you cringed away from his face and tried getting up, however yoongi tightened his hold on your hip and pulled you back down. "where are you going?", he turned his full attention to you while you stared back with a confused expression. "i just wanted to stretch my legs and get something to eat-"
"we can stretch together, i need to stretch too.. been sitting here for a while." yoongi rubbed his chin like he was in deep thought. "since when have you minded sitting for long periods of time?" a small smile appeared on your face as yoongi's ears began turning red. "namjoon told me i should start stretching more.. its good for my body since i'm getting older-"
"you never listen to half of namjoon's advice.. actually, sure yoongs" you giggled a bit as you pried his hands from your waist. "well i'm hungry, do you want something to eat too-" "actually i'll go with you, you might not know what i want or what if i change my mind while you're gone." yoongi stood up and threw his arm over you shoulder and walked you both towards the studio door.
a yawn left your mouth as you continued your cooking in the large kitchen. namjoon creeps up on you, wraps his arms around your waist and, leans his head into the crook of your neck. he then began peppering kisses all over your neck and shoulders. "my big baby has finally woken up huh? took you long enough." namjoon nuzzles your cheek to get your attention as he groans in response. "what is it joonie?" you move to another counter to get some flour. he lets out another loud groan instead of responding with words.
you decide that you want to tease him a bit so you shimmy out of his grasp. namjoon finally opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times before fully processing that you have moved out of his grasp. "did i do something..?" namjoon questioned with genuine concern lacing his voice as he followed you around the kitchen whilst you finished up the breakfast. "hm? what are you talking about, joonie?" you responded as you turned to move around his large frame to plate the breakfast.
"i'm sorry, did i do something babe?" namjoon repeated this time he came forwards and fiddled with his hands. "did you not want to hug today or..?", at this point, you were starting to feel bad about trying to tease him, "aw baby you did nothing wrong.. i was just screwing around with you!" you quickly shuffled over to him and hugged him tightly. namjoon was still a bit confused but he still wrapped his arms around you as well with a smile.
you're sitting on the couch watching a movie and eating popcorn, you were originally taking a nap with your boyfriend but you woke up earlier than he did. the movie was a thriller movie, you enjoyed watching these types of movies however your boyfriend, hoseok, didn't. he was very jumpy and fearful whenever the slightest thing happened, whether it was an actual jump scare or not.
you were so invested in the movie that you didn't hear your boyfriend calling for you or even see him when he stepped into the living room. "oh god.. there you are baby! i thought you got kidnapped or something!" he loudly stated as your gaze shifted from the large screen and onto his lanky frame. a frown rest upon his face and it was evident that he had literally just got out of bed. "what are you watching? why didn't you wake me up when you woke up?" he started rambling multiple questions as he made his way over to the couch.
rather than sitting a good distance away. he hopped onto the couch and dragged you to lay on his chest. the popcorn you once held had fallen to the floor and made a mess. "i'm watching a thriller movie babe and look at the mess you just caused.." you frowned looking down at the floor but your boyfriend shrugged and looked towards the screen. "thriller? why not a comedy or something!" he began to complain until you simply replied, "I've been wanting to watch this movie though but you hate anything scary!" now you were complaining as well but he shook his head and kissed your forehead. "i'll just watch it with you even if it is a bit scary..", you felt him shudder but either way, a smile spread across your face as you and hoseok began laughing like maniacs.
"baaabe, come on", jimin whined in a higher pitched voice as he leaned his full body weight on you. "what is it now chimchim?", you respond as you continue reading your book as if he wasn't there. jimin let out an exaggerated sigh let his lips. "can you at least look at me? i've been away on my work-cation for a while now.. give me some attention pleaseee". you looked at him from the corner of your eye and gave him a soft smile.
"actually we have been on work-cation for a while" a pout formed on his lips as he unwrapped himself from you. "fine.. i'll go find something to do-" he got up and walked towards the door of the hotel room, that you both were staying in, he then let out another exaggerated sigh. "-by myself.." you closed your book and smiled fondly at jimin acting all pouty. "i never said to leave, come back baby" you opened your arms to welcome him back to you.
jimin quickly rushed back into your arms without a word and began to kiss you all over your face. "i knew you couldn't resist my charms!" he smiled while nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "yeeeah sure, your sooo charming", you stated sarcastically with a giggle. "hey! i am charming, you can't lie-", you then began stroking his hair while he went on a rant about how charming he truly is.
jazz music was playing in the background as you and your boyfriend danced around in dim lighting. tae pulls you in closer the longer you both danced. "okayy tae, can we take a break now? my feet are on fire!" you whined as you tried to break free from his grasp. "okay? we can take a break together, where are we going?" he loosened his grip and stared down at you with hopeful eyes.
"well i was going to go to the bathroom.. by myself of course" you moved away from tae's embrace and held his hand instead. "what.. why can't i come with you? i can sit in the corner or sit in the shower or-"
"taehyung.. that's genuinely weird, but you can wait outside of the door." you say as you begin walking away towards the bathroom. "do you promise to come back soon? i want us to watch a jazz performance together!" tae shouts as he watches the bathroom door shut slowly. "of course i will babe, just give me five minutes" the door shut and tae sits himself directly in front of the door as he starts telling you random facts that he and jungkook had come up with earlier that day.
faint sounds of guns and grenades are going off from the gaming headphones that your boyfriend has on. you were seated upon his lap whilst he was sitting in his gaming chair. "dude, 12 o'clock! no, fuck i mean behind you!" he began screaming at the screen for the umpteenth time. you were fighting back another yawn as you eyed your shared bed from across the room.
you tried to get up and out of his grasp but he tightened his hold on you and grunted. "babe, can you let me go please? i'm super sleepy.." a whine escaped your lips as he didn't budge. "you can sleep right here just fine.." was all he said before yelling back into the mic. "i'm talking to my love, not you guys!" your boyfriend's face began heating up as he muted his mic out of embarrassment. "baby pleasee, i'm fighting this sleep so hard right now you don't understand", you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
jungkook huffed as he pouted. "fine..", he finally gave in as he let you go. you made your way over to the bed and flopped onto it and shut your eyes. you found it a bit odd as the room became silent, no sounds of clicking, your boyfriend's screaming and not even the sounds coming from the loud headphones. suddenly you felt the bed sink down beside you, but you didn't need to roll over or open your eyes to know it was your pouty boyfriend. "you didn't have to stop gaming to come lay with me..", you yawned as he wrapped his arms around you and threw a leg over you too. "I'd rather sleep with you than game with them, i need a nap anyway..", soon after that statement, you both went to sleep.
 minologistt | do not copy, translate or edit this.
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bts-trans · 2 years
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220801 Suga’s Instagram Story
(T/N: *Purposely misspelled version of J-Hope's name.)
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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aricastmblr · 6 months
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BTS_twt X 12 dic. 2023
uarmyhope instagram sale j.m jimin jungkook y agustd
시간은 간다 !!! 으쌰!!! 💜
el tiempo pasa !!! eussha!!! 💜
[t/n eussha es una onomatopeya que tiene un significado similar a 'luchar' 'tener fuerza'!]
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btsvtarchive · 1 year
SUGA sunbaenim thank you 👍 @/ agustd
via dk_is_dokyeom Instagram story
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blackpinklover101 · 1 year
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SUGA [*][agustd] Instagram Updates💜☺️
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ateez-himari · 6 months
:: Masterlist ::
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Profile - Relationships (within ATEEZ) - Dorm Room - Inside Her Phone - Romantic Relationships
[Archive] Take Me Home - [Archive] 'Tunnel' by Mingi - The Story Behind The Photo (230718) - Alone With You (230928) - Happy Anniversary (240225)
PRAY ft Agust D - Versace Ambassadorship - Where We Fall K-Drama (w/ Yunho) - [Special Clip] The Beach - MAMA Exclusive Stage
D-Day Tour Guest Appearance - KCON LA Day 2: Special Stage - Break the Wall Tour: Jongho's Absence - Versace Ambassadorship - MCountdown - Versace Icons Dinner - MAMA Awards Nominations - MAMA Exclusive Stage : Icarus - BANGTEEZ Maknaes - D.U.N.K Showcase Health Concerns - 'Trust Me' Listening Party - J-Hope On The Street - 'D-Day' The Movie - Coachella Dating Suspicions - Relationship Evidence Throughout Coachella - Coachella Kiss - Former Leader Meets Maknae - Hearing Loss Revelation - Akaraka Festival
Treasure EP. Fin: All to Action (Epilogue: Neverland) - The World Ep.2 : Outlaw (Concept Photos) - The World Ep.2 : Outlaw (Trailers) The World Ep. Fin : Will (Comeback Teaser) - The World Ep. Fin : Will (Tracklist) The World Ep. Fin : Will (Scenes) - The World Ep. Fin : Will (Shadow) Not Okay (Teaser) - Not Okay (MV)
Jamsil Sound Check : 240127 - A More Mature Concept (& Acting Stage) - Hanzo Twitter Update : 240128 - Solo Stage: Shadow - Dance Break: Wings
Social Media Updates : 230809 - YouTube Live (w/ Jungkook) : 230802 - Instagram Update : 230923 - Social Medial Updates : 230928 - The Fact Music Awards : 231010 - Instagram Update : 231012 - Social Media Update : 231024 - Instagram Update : 231107 - Social Media Updates : 231123 - Twitter Update : 231126 - Music Core : 231216 - Twitter Update : 231217 - Christmas Updates : 231226 - Lunar New Year : 240210 - Min Siblings Celebration : 240212 - Valentine's Day : 240214 - Departure to Japan : 240223 - Yoongi's Birthday : 240309 - Yunho's Birthday : 240323 - Introducing Apollo : 240326 - Hong Kong Arrival : 240330 - Seonghwa's Birthday : 240403 - Pink Tiger : 240404 - L.A Hike : 240408 - Coachella D-1 : 240411 - Coachella Weekend 1 : 240416 - Date Night : 240504 - Moon Talk : 240518 - City Stroll : 240528 - Golden Day : 240530
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Remember to Forget [Intro]
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He praises your work, he boosts your name in the charts, he asks for a song together with you. It would all be perfect; if he wasn't what you feared most.
Tags/Warnings: androphobia (fear of men), mentions of past emotional and physical abuse, medication, panic attacks, insecurities, miscommunication, eventual romance, soloist!Yoongi
!! This work is the rewritten version of an old intro I had. I wasn't happy with it however, so here's the 'new' version. All past warnings for potentially upsetting content still apply, however.
Length: 1.5k words
Music hasn't ever been your first choice when it came to your future career. And even now, five years in, you don't necessarily think of yourself as a musician at all. It's just a hobby on the side for you- and it will stay that way, considering you can't really ever give concerts, no matter how many people would visit it.
So you'll continue your life like this- working from home as technical support for a company that doesn't mind your issues with human interaction, earn your regular salary each month, work on music as a hobby on the side, earn a little from that, and take care of the occasional foster dog here and there.
It's a quiet, uneventful life. And you like it like that.
But it doesn't seem like you'll continue on this path, as your phone keeps buzzing, loudly announcing message after message while you're under the shower, unaware until your phone inevitably falls from the side of the sink into it, clattering loudly as it moves around. As soon as you get out and dry yourself, you spot it where it's still occasionally buzzing- and after unlocking it, it's clear what's happened.
Your blood runs cold. Agust D had not only posted a simple Instagram story- but he's mentioned and tagged you in a screenshot of him listening to your most recent song on Spotify?
Of course that would blow up as it does right now- follower count rising on all social medias, good and bad comments flooding in. It's scary how quickly that flood is waving over your existence on the internet, like water through a sieve there's no holding back at all. And it gets worse once you notice the first messages come in- one of them from his account personally. It's a simple message. Obligatory compliments about your work, mentioned surprise of your lack of fame in the industry, and the question to possibly work together on a project in the very near future.
You're not sure what to say about that.
Agust D had been quiet for a little while, but that hadn't impacted his career at all- he was a massive name after all, able to produce the perfect song for people far away out of his own comfort zone. There was nothing he'd touch that would ever truly 'flop'. But watching him on videos, shorts on tiktok, clips of his past concerts and behind the scenes content he'd upload occasionally, you just know there was no way to work with him. He is a man that needed to get to know the people he'd work with at least by meeting them once. He is a guy who got most of his inspiration from meeting people. He's a man that-
He's a man. And that alone makes you too anxious to reply to his message.
And far away from you, in his own apartment, Yoongi re-reads the messages he'd sent, over and over trying to figure out what he might've worded wrongly. He'd messaged the right account- you had no company you worked under, after all, no management because it was truly only you and no one else. You handled your entire career, so there was no one else he could talk to in regards to his offer- or more so request- to work with you on his newest project.
Usually, he gets a reply instantly, no matter from whom he'd message- but its been days by now since he'd sent it to you, and he just knows you must've seen it, considering how the news outlets online had been picking apart the simple short instagram story he'd posted. Like vultures with the chance of new prey they had dug up anything they could about you, frustration evident in not only the reporters but also fans and others curious about you, because there really wasn't much to find. And he'd cleared up on a livestream he'd done recently that he also didn't joke about genuinely enjoying your music, despite the rather contrasting genres. He'd also taken the chance to tell his fans to stop the rather impolite digging in your backyard, so to speak. If you didn't want certain information out, you'd have your reasons.
Maybe you just didn't want to work with him? He sighs to himself, leaning back in his office chair, crossing his arms.
Of course that's a possibility, and he doesn't usually beg for anything. He doesn't have to- he can find someone else of similar quality, probably, and just work with that person. But there's something about your work that just captured him at this point, every little track you'd uploaded on various platforms making your passion for the art of music pretty clear to him. Even the ones he'd call rather low quality still held something precious in them. Honesty, something raw and unique, perfectly imperfect.
He really wants to work with you- you seem perfect for what he's got in mind.
So he tries again, a little less formal in an attempt to maybe be seen as a bit more gentle than he appears to most people. He knows how intimidating this all must be for you- from what he's gathered, you're not a full-time musician like he is, you're rather doing it as a hobby on the side for reasons unclear. You've got the clear potential to make it big. You've got fans, people who'd happily pay for even just a tiny concert in a basement somewhere, just like he'd started years and years ago. But you don't really do that- you decline any venue offering to host you, and he doesn't know why.
Well, some people don't want the fame. Maybe you're one of those.
'I'm sorry, but I can't.'
So he adds another message.
'I can simply keep you as a ghost-writer or something on the track. Or tracks- I'm not sure yet.'
he writes you, sighs before he types another message. But before he can, you've finally replied- and it's not quite what he hoped you'd send him.
And for some reason, that just makes him all the more curious. Because you wrote that you can't- not that you don't want. So what's holding you back?
'Can I ask why not?'
he wonders, and it takes a good little while until you reply again.
But it's nothing like that, as you finally answer.
'It's going to come out at some point either way now.'
you write, and he's biting his own lip as he can't help but let his mind run to reasons you might not be able to work with other artists, or why you need to stay anonymous this badly. Are you a criminal? Wanted murderer? Or have you done other things in the past that would make you turn out to be a bad person?
'I'm scared of men.'
'I'm sorry.'
you write.
'Diagnosed androphobia from a past relationship gone south.'
You dryly reveal, and for some reason, that's even worse to him. Because now he worries he might've made you uncomfortable with his pressure- even though he didn't know what you were going through up to this point. It explains a lot, now that he thinks about it- why you don't do concerts, why you tend to stay out of the media, why you don't really post any pictures of yourself. If you're this scared of men, you must be absolutely terrified now that he's put you on the inevitable pedestal to be gawked at by thousands.
he writes because of that.
'I didn't know- if I had, I wouldn't have put you into a situation like that.'
he regretfully lets you know, but you answer a bit quicker now.
'It's fine.'
you tell him.
'like you said, you didn't know. There's no undoing that now anyways.'
You write, before you give him another message.
'I appreciate the compliments though :) '
you offer, and his chest feels a bit lighter.
'Of course'
he sends you.
'we can always just work together remotely. Is that okay for you?'
he asks hopeful, and it takes quite a while before you respond again.
'But you don't work like that'
you tell him back.
'And truth be told, I should maybe work on my fear anyways.'
you write.
'Would you like me to help?'
he sends without thinking. And before he can even take back his words, you've replied already.
'no one can really help me with that..'
you text him, before another one is received quickly after.
'but judging from the way you write, you might be my best bet'
'what do I write like?'
he asks with a questioning emoji to lift the mood, and you laugh on the other end in your apartment, unbeknownst to him.
'like a guy I could trust.'
you text him back.
Unaware of what those simple written words mean to him.
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