#sfw yoongi
sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Blackthorn Ch 2 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff Word Count: 8.1K Warnings: Dragon/Monster!Yoongi | Alcohol | Weapons Training Rating: PG16
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In the Moonlight -  Prince Yoongi searches for the Princess and they spend time together before the banquet later that night. At the banquet things get lively and the young royals needs a break.
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a/n: Shout out to the great @sailoryooons for being my beta/banner maker! I really don’t know what I would do without you. You’ve helped me so much with this story, I love you!
a/n 2: This is my first major fantasy work, so I would like to hear your thoughts! 
a/n 3: There is a BTS reference in this chapter? See if you can find the Easter Egg. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about it.
Taglist: @thickemadame​
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Together, Prince Yoongi and Hoseok left the bed chambers and made their way to the cherry blossom garden. In the distance Prince Yoongi saw the Princess under the gazebo as she chatted away. Prince Yoongi fought the smile that tugged at his lips and the moment Minho saw him, the older man cleared his throat and bowed deeply. Princess Keena looked in the direction of which Minho was bowing, and she rose to her feet while the others around her bowed. 
Prince Yoongi stood before the princess, and she gave him a pleasant bow before she greeted him with that charmed smile of hers. The prince stared at the Princess and bowed slightly, “Hello, Princess.”
Princess Keena watched in silence as Prince Yoongi dismissed Minho and the handmaidens. Aga and Hoseok stood watch five feet away from the gazebo while the Prince and Princess talked. Prince Yoongi sat beside the Princess, the tea set and treats between them. Cherry blossom petals rained down from above, a pink shower that hid them from view. Prince Yoongi couldn’t help but to think the pink in the Princess’ hanbok made her look like the very cherry blossoms she sat beneath.
“Would you like tea, my Prince?” Princess Keena asked, and Prince Yoongi clenched his fists underneath the sleeves of his robe. The way the Princess called him prince made his head spin.
“No thank you, Princess.” Prince Yoongi glanced at the Princess’ face and leaned towards the side, his elbow bent and rested against the wooden guardrail. He rested his chin on his fist and the sun caught the scales on his jaw. A faint rainbow danced across the Princess’ chest, and she laughed delighted by the sudden display of color. Heat crept up the back of the prince’s neck and burned his ears while the Princess’ laughter continued. “A-Are you laughing at the crowned Prince?”
Princess Keena waved her hand silently as she tried to control her laughter but the brightness and glowing joy in her eyes was unmistakable. The Princess set her cup of tea down and covered her mouth with her free hand while the prince’s lips turned downward, and his eyes narrowed. The Princess laughed harder at the sight because the prince resembled a large grumpy manul from her homeland. 
“Oh, Pallas!” Princess Keean’s words were breathless as she struggled to speak and the prince waited silently, a pout sat deeply on his soft lips. “M-My Prince you’re a Pallas cat!”
Prince Yoongi’s pout morphed into a thin line and furrowed brows at the Princess’ words. A Pallas cat? He had never heard of that before. The Princess saw the confusion on the prince’s face and hummed as she reached out and patted the sleeve of his robe before she pulled her hand back.
“A Pallas cat is a small wild cat in my nation. It is known for always looking put off while pouting so trespassers always feel bad and leave it alone.”
Prince Yoongi narrowed his eyes and flashed his elongated fangs. “I don’t pout.” 
Princess Keena raised an eyebrow and silently picked up her cup of tea before she stared right into the prince’s eyes and took a long sip. She swallowed the tea and held the cup in her hands, “This tea is delicious. I think my mother would like this blend.”
Prince Yoongi scoffed and shook his head. He was amused. No one had dared to ever laugh in his face, yet alone compared him to any other creature outside of a dragon. The dragon inside hissed in mock annoyance and Prince Yoongi licked his lips. “Have you settled in? Are Her Majesty's chosen hands to your liking?”
“They are-” Princess Keena paused and rolled her wrist twice before she frowned, “how do you say something better than good in your language?”
Prince Yoongi smirked, “Better than good? Excellent?”
Prince Yoongi smiled at the Princess’ accent and sat up straight. “Excellent. Ek - suh - luhnt.” Prince Yoongi spoke slowly and enunciated the word before he motioned that he wanted the Princess to repeat him. Princess Keena repeated the word just as slowly and the prince grinned wide. His fangs caught the flesh of his bottom lip and pierced the skin, which he hissed at and quickly licked the blood that had started to bead. 
“Are you okay, my Prince?” Princess Kenna reached out and stopped herself. Prince Yoongi was the crown Prince, she could not just touch him freely, no matter how close they had become through letters.
Prince Yoongi saw the hesitation of the Princess’s touch and he fought back his frown while the dragon inside growled deeply in the pit of his stomach. The Princess was a friend, Prince Yoongi didn’t care if she touched him, he’d allow it.
“I am fine, Princess. These things happen often. I guess this would be the only curse of the dragon if there was one.” Prince Yoongi joked and scratched at the tip of his nose as his neck flushed hot. He coughed and cleared his throat quickly. “Have you taken a walk in the garden?”
Princess Keena’s eyes lit up and she shook her head. “I have not had the chance.”
Prince Yoongi stood and offered his hand palm upward as he stared down at the Princess. “Care to join me?”
Princess Keena smiled her blindingly bright smile and Prince Yoongi’s stoic mask melted into the sweetest of looks when the Princess placed her hand in his. Her hands were smooth and silky, untouched by the world’s cruelty and the prince carefully wrapped his fingers around her fingers. Two thin gold bands caught the light, and the prince recognized the rings he had custom made for the Princess. His claws softly pressed into the flesh of the Princess’ fingers as she pulled herself up and she squeezed the prince’s hand lightly. 
"Ann ale." Princess Keena grinned and the prince nodded his head once before he called for Hoseok and Aga.
The two guards walked over to the gazebo and Prince Yoongi introduced the Princess to his childhood friend turned guard, Jung Hoseok. The man was unique looking. His face was long with high cheekbones and a very strong jawline. His nose reminded the Princess of the pixie crows that ran wild in her homeland. Jung Hoseok was fierce with long black hair that rivaled the night sky, but that thought was smothered the moment he smiled, and his lips formed a perfect heart while his amber eyes crinkled.
“I hope you enjoy your stay with us, your Highness.” Hoseok bowed at the waist and Princess Keena bowed her head gently.
The Princess stared at Hoseok for a moment and blinked twice. “I have enjoyed myself so far,” The Princess answered Hoseok's question and he smiled wide, which showed almost all of his teeth. “What spirit resides inside of you?”
Hoseok’s smile grew larger at the question and his amber eyes seemed to flicker like a flame as he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Come-” Yoongi interrupted Hoseok’s staring match with Princess Keena. “The Princess would like to see more of the garden.” 
Prince Yoongi stepped down from the gazebo and made sure that the Princess was careful with her steps. Together the two royals strolled the cherry blossom garden with their guards right behind them. Twice they circled the garden and on the third loop Yongsun came to collect the Princess to finish with tonight's preparations for the banquet. 
“I’ll see you soon, Princess.” Prince Yoongi smirked as he watched the Princess be led away. A breeze blew and carried the scent of mint and citrus. The prince inhaled and held his breath before he relaxed and exhaled.
Hoseok stood behind Prince Yoongi and giggled before he dropped his smile and cleared his throat. “I’ll see you soon, Princess!” Hoseok mocked as he flipped his hair over his shoulder. Prince Yoongi glared at his friend and flashed his fangs which made Hoseok snort. “Yes, yes. I know, silence.”
“You almost gave yourself away.”
“I did not!”
“She knows what you are.” Yoongi stressed and Hoseok shook his head.
“She is the Princess of Escistan. The royal family is the great Impundulu. I would be worried if the Princess didn’t have an affinity with aves. But fear not, Prince, I can assure you that the Princess does not know what I am. There aren’t many of my kind left in this world.”
“And who do we fault for that?”
Hoseok smiled but his eyes didn’t scrunch, and his lips didn’t part. “Yes…it is a fault of our own.”
Together the two men walked back into the palace and Hoseok left the prince to get himself ready for the night's banquet. Sunk deep down into the hot waters of his bath, the prince closed his eyes the moment the last servant left the bathing chambers. He wanted to speak with his dragon and the prince could only do that when he was completely alone. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Below him in the water's reflection was a distorted image of himself. His eyes glowed gold, black scales covered his face in large patches, small black horns framed his eyebrows and two large matte black horns, four inches in diameter, sprouted from his temples a little longer than his forearm. Prince Yoongi wasn’t startled by the sight; it was his true self after all. His dragon, Agust.  
“What do you seek from me, Princling?” 
“Shouldn’t I be asking that question?” Prince Yoongi narrowed his eyes and Agust’s laugh came out grizzled and smokey. “What are you playing at, dragon?”
“Are you scared, Princling?”
Prince Yoongi scoffed. “You are nothing to be scared of.”
Agust growled and the water rippled harshly before it settled and stilled. Prince Yoongi licked his lips and sighed. “What is it that you wanted?”
Agust smiled, all sharp, gleaming teeth before he licked his own lips. The forked tongue, deep indigo in color, flicked about before Agust laughed once again. “Enjoy tonight, Princeling.”
“Agust. Answer-” A rush of heat blazed in the center of the prince’s forehead, and he groaned as he shook his head. “Bastard!” The prince growled and slammed his fist against his own normal reflection. Agust was up to something, and Prince Yoongi refused to let the Princess be harmed by his own hands. 
The prince exited the bathing waters and toweled himself off, a hiss left his lips as he patted at the large black dragon that covered the whole expanse of his back. Another mark of the Min bloodline, that he bore for all to see.
“Hoseok!” The prince hissed as he stormed out of the bathing room with a towel in his hands.
A few moments later, Hoseok climbed in through the window, and he sighed when he saw the prince naked as the day he was born. His hair was soaked and dripped all over. 
“You really must stop calling me when you’re like this,” the lieutenant joked when he noticed the light in the Prince’s eyes was dulled. He had seen all the servants leave the Prince’s chambers and he knew what that meant. “What did Agust tell you?” All signs of joking were whipped from Hoseok’s face as he stared at the prince with sharp eyes. 
“Nothing. That bloody snake-”
“Have Minho and Mingi join Aga’s ranks for watching over the Princess. Switch the guards at her chambers to Chan and Jooheon.”
Hoseok’s jaw clenched, the guards the prince named were all under his personal control. The guards were the best of the best, the next warriors to lead the Min Army once the prince became the emperor. They all answered to Hoseok and only Hoseok unless the Prince requested them himself in writing or in person.
“At once, Your Highness.” Hoseok bowed deep at the waist and vanished before the prince said anything more. 
Hoseok knew from the frown on his face that the prince was serious, and he knew to hold his tongue whenever the prince was in a mood. Quickly, the lieutenant sent word to the guards, and he watched from a distance as Chan and Jooheon took post in front of the Princess’ door. If Agust was up to something, Hoseok would do the utmost to foil him.
Inside of the Princess’s chambers, the handmaid tidied up hair and touched up makeup before they readied the Princess into one of the softest hanboks. The jeogori was white at the collar and shifted into a light purple near the waist with the white flowers on the edge of the sleeves. The chima was the same shade of purple with white flowers stitched along the bottom hem. Princess Keena loved the lightness of everything and when she saw herself in the mirror, she grinned wide and smoothed her hands over the skirt. Wheein attached the prince’s gift, the duru-jumeoni, to the Princess’s waist as the final touch and stepped back with a clap of her hands.
“You look wonderful, Princess!”
“That color is so pretty on you!” 
The women all spoke over each other as they showered the Princess in compliments and Princess Keena bowed her head in thanks. A knock at the door caught everyone’s attention and the Princess looked to Yongsun before she nodded her head. Byulyi went and opened the door before she stepped back and opened it all the way. She announced the prince’s presence and Princess Keena walked over to the doorway.
In the hall, Prince Yoongi stood tall in a black and white gangsapo the large golden four toed foot of the dragon on the back curved over his shoulder. His blonde hair was piled neatly on top of his head, the topknot secured by a golden donggot and hair pin that had a golden dragon carved into the side with yellow apetites for its eyes. The black scales on the prince’s jaw reflected the light from the sunstones against the walls and the Princess smiled softly. She dropped into the respectful bow with her hands placed over her shoulders and Yoongi took notice of the familiar hairpin in the Princess’s hair.
“I see you accepted one of my gifts.” Prince Yoongi held out his arm and the Princess nodded her head, eyes sparkling in the low lights like stars in the night sky. “Was everything to your liking?”
“Everything was beautiful. Thank you for the Dashiki, I think the colors will compliment me.”
“The color of serenity suits you well, Princess.”
The Princess looked down at her hanbok and lightly touched the duru-jumeoni at her hip, “I will cherish these gifts, my Prince.”
Prince Yoongi led the way from the Princess’s chambers with Aga, Minho, Hoseok and Mingi spread out in front and behind them. The prince kept his eyes straight ahead while Princess Keena took the chance and paid closer attention to the world around her. 
The walls were a deep oak cut into large beams with latticework carved into them. Different interlocking grids of wood with hanji paper created beautiful artwork while the sunstones shone in lanterns on the floors. The scent of peony and sandalwood wafted through the air from the incense burners that hung from the walls, that settled over the Princess in a warm comfort.
“Did you enjoy the gardens today?” Prince Yoongi questioned suddenly, and Princess Keena nodded her head in response and the prince hummed in thought. They stepped out into the night air and crossed an enclosed bridge that had more sunstones lighting the way from inside small glass lily sculptures on the ground. “Would you care to join me tomorrow after my training? I could show you another garden or the lotus pond.”
“Are you still practicing the sword?”
“It is an ever-changing art,” The Prince mused, and the Princess laughed. The words were indeed true, for her father had said them many times.
“I do not wish to keep you from your day-”
Prince Yoongi scoffed and shook his head, “I have spent many days like the day before and there will be many more to come. I can give you my days, Princess. You require my time? Ask and I will answer.”
“I do not think that is a very wise way for the future King to spend his time.”
The prince’s eyes narrow at the Princess’ words, and she laughs again. “You think time with you is wasteful?” The prince quipped and the Princess shook her head.
“No but I do not know of your time before me. I would not want my presence to interrupt your duties.”
Before the Prince could respond Hoseok cleared his throat and the prince realized that they were at the banquet hall. Prince Yoongi nodded his head once to Hoseok and turned his attention to the Princess. 
“I must take my leave, but I will see you again shortly. Please enjoy yourself tonight, this banquet is in your honor.” The prince bowed his head and took his leave quickly with Hoseok behind him.
Aga, Minho and Mingi formed a semi-circle around the Princess and waited for one of the advisors to come and collect her. While they waited, Mingi introduced himself to the Princess and the Princess was a little confused as to why she needed so many guards. Aga assured her that it was only because they were in an unknown place, and it was hard to tell friend from foe. 
Mingi was tall, very tall with a confidence that oozed from his pores. His hooded eyes were bright green and his short white hair that framed his face had a streak of yellow. It was clear to see that Mingi was from the Bosleon clan. A known clan of warriors that fought for their independence from the Aspad nation to the south that settled within the Min Empire. 
Shortly after introductions, another tall young man with wide shoulders came out from a side door and walked over to the Princess wearing a black and white uniform that the Princess did not recognize. He bowed low at the waist, his dark brown hair pulled up and away from his face in a topknot. Once upright he introduced himself as Kim Seokjin, apprentice to the royal advisor. Princess Keena thought Seokjin was very handsome in his own way. He had the fullest lips of any man that she had seen in the palace so far. An inviting shade of mauve that stood out against his lightly tanned skin. His smile was teasing yet kind as if he knew more than almost everyone around him. Seokjin escorted the Princess to the main door of the banquet hall while another member of the court announced her arrival much like earlier in the day.
Seokjin stood proudly by Princess Keena’s side and led her into the room where all eyes were on her. The Princess held onto Seokjin’s arm as he led her to stand in front of the Emperor, Empress and the Prince. Princess Keena crossed her arms over her chest and bowed a full ninety degrees and the Empress smiled fondly. As the Princess stood straight up, she caught eyes with Prince Yoongi and his face softened just slightly before his eyes hardened and he looked bored with everything around him.
Emperor Min clapped his hands twice and Seokjin led the Princess to her seat right next to him on the prince’s side of the throne room. Every member of council on the left side was young, all sons and grandsons of the advisors on the right side of the room. Prince Yoongi’s royal council was a sea of brilliant and eager minds. Once his time came, the young Prince would rule with great power at his disposal. 
“Tonight, we join together to welcome our dearest friends from the Escistan nation!” Emperor Min spoke clearly as he glanced around the room. “The King and Queen have entrusted us with the wellbeing of their greatest treasure, the Princess Keena. During her stay, the Princess will learn the ways of our people and share her own knowledge with us as well. It is a time of learning. A time for the old to make way for the new.”
The warriors who guarded the Princess were dressed in black and navy blue outfits that mirrored the ocean at night. They sat mixed with the Princess’ personal servants from both her home and the palace. Aga and Minho sat behind the Princess and Seokjin while Mingi sat with Izaso a few tables down.
“Princess Keena, it is my greatest honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Min Empire. Please treat this palace like your home and savor this time abroad.” Emperor Min raised his goblet high in the air and the Princess copied his motion. “You will always have a home here within these walls. To the ancient dragons who came before and watch over us, I swear it.”
Emperor Min’s eyes flashed a molten brown as he drank deeply from his cup and Princess Keena chirped loudly in answer to the oath. Everyone raised their cups and when the Empress and the Prince’s eyes flashed gold the whole room drank in silence before the emperor clapped his hands again and music started to play. Princess Keena set her cup down untouched. She smelled the alcohol, and it made her stomach churn. Seokjin noticed the displeasure on her face and beckoned a servant over to do away with the drink.
“Would you prefer tea, Princess Kenna?” Seokjin offered and the Princess nodded her head. “May I suggest the honey mint tea? It will refresh your palate with each course of the meal tonight.” 
“That sounds wonderful, my Lord. Thank you.” 
“Please, call me Seokjin. Now, bring the Princess some honey mint tea. Two scoops less than I drink.” Seokjin ordered lightly and the servant quickly scrambled off. “You are in for quite a treat tonight, Princess Keena.”
“I would expect nothing less from the Min Empire. I have heard tales of the extravagant parties only those lucky to receive invites have seen.”
At the Princess’s words a group of eight women and two men entered the room and stood in the center for all to see. They were dressed in yellow robes with large white flowers on them that were tied at the waist by a large pink sash. The outfits looked different from the hanbok that most of the guests were wearing. Two of the women held instruments in their hands that the Princess had never seen before while the others held ribbons. Princess Keena watched with large eyes as the group started to play music and dance. The ribbons swirled and swayed in the air; a picture painted without words that disappeared within moments. Their movements were stretched out and flashy, colors mixed and pulled apart as they created something new. Again, and again the dancers jumped and sashayed across the floor. The Princess was enraptured by their flawless movements like spirit fish born out of water.
“What are they wearing?” Princess Keena had leaned over and asked Seokjin about the different robes and Seokjin’s eyes crinkled in the corners as he laughed, high and squeaky.
“They are called Yukata’s.”
Aga watched for the cue that the dancers were finished before he glanced at the door across the room. A flash of green caught his eyes, and he smirked behind his cup as he downed the soju easily. The dancers left the center of the room and before the silence could be missed, a fast-paced cadence was banged out on the drums. 
Princess Keena’s brows furrowed at the familiar beat, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep the squawk in her throat from sharing her excitement. Four women and two men, dressed in the traditional Escistan garb filled the center of the room, light on their feet. They wore large, feathered headdresses in shades of green and blue while their faces were covered in white tribal paint that mirror the Impundulu’s wings. Their twists and locs were down around their shoulders freely and the drumbeat picked up, the cadence faster and Aga started the chant, loud and proud as the dancers started to move on the floor. 
Their outfits were bright and colorful, large golden gorgets hugged their throats, decorated with white beads and jade gems. White and yellow silk cloth wrapped around the women’s chest with small black beads stitched along the hems. A set of seven waist beads with a thick leather belt sat on their waists. Black lapas with green and yellow patchwork wrapped around their hips and strands of multicolored beads and feathers from the yellowjacket-magpie hung from the belt. 
The beads and feathers splayed in the air as they jumped from side to side, their feet stomped to the beat and hands clapped, raised high in the air. It was a celebration of a new life, a new start for the Escistan Kingdom as they joined forces with the Min Empire. It brought tears to the Princess’ eyes, and she joined in with Aga’s chant. 
As the Princess’ voice rang out, her people all joined in, and the royal family all smiled. It was a sight that shocked many in the room. The prince almost never smiled because it made him look like the smiling child that used to be attached to his mother’s skirts. It was a wonderful sight and filled the room with a new hope. Hope for the next generation that was to take over the Empire. 
The dance came to its end and the dancers all bowed before the Princess with their arms across their chests. Princess Keena grinned, and when she spoke her praise no one could ignore the loud whistle that ended each word. The Princess was pleased, her dark eyes now a striking silver that made Seokjin do a double take.
Aga noticed the Princess’ eyes when she looked back at him, and he tapped the side of his temple twice. A silent warning as his lips twitched and his yellow eyes narrowed. “Drink your tea, Princess.” Aga left no room for argument and the Princess drank her tea with her back turned to him.
“That was a lively dance. The colors were striking.” Seokjin watched as the Princess set her cup down and nodded her head. Her eyes were still silver, but a brown ring had started to form around the edges. She was calming down, slowly. “What was the dance called?”
“That is called dans lavi a.” Princess Keena laughed at the confusion on Seokjin’s face as he repeated her words slowly. “The dance of life.”
“Ah. Oh!” Seokjin looked delighted as he repeated the Escistan words again and the Princess smiled. “You have a lovely language.” 
In between performances, food was sent out. New dishes that the Princess and her people had never tried. The meats were flavorful and bold, the side dishes tasty and the alcohol was strong. Aga’s boisterous laugh mixed with Seokjin’s crackle was enough to send the whole room into a fit of laughter and the Princess was in no better shape since she was trapped between the two of them.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Is it frowned upon for the royal family to engage with others at this party?”
Seokjin looked over at the royal family, they sat together with looks of varying amusement on their faces. Seokjin turned his attention back to the Princess. “It is not a custom that we follow. Though they are safe within these walls, threats can happen at any time.” Seokjin noticed the way the Princess fiddled with the norigae in her lap, and he smiled teasingly. “If I remember correctly, you are not familiar with our customs, Princess…” Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows and the Princess laughed before she nodded her head in agreement.
"Aga! Danse avè m!" The Princess held out her hand towards Aga and wiggled her fingers. Aga threw back the soju in his cup once more and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Aga jumped to his feet and grabbed the Princess’ hand before he helped her stand. “Izaso!” Aga called for the woman and held his fist high in the air. Izaso grinned and gathered the rest of the servants as well as the guards while Aga discussed with the Princess what dance she wanted to do. 
Some of the guards made their way towards the instruments and politely kicked the musicians off before they took over. The sudden halt in the music caught everyone's attention and when a new upbeat drum filled the air everyone was confused. The music wasn’t of the Min Empire much like when the Escisan dancers took center stage.
Princess Keena’s servants filed into the center of the room with Aga at the front of the formation. He shouted in time with the cadence of the drums and once he started to dance, the others followed his lead. 
When the group of six split into two groups of three, Princess Keena stood in the center and all eyes were on her. Prince Yoongi’s eyes widened at the sight of the Princess as she started to dance, the shoes and socks on her feet no longer there as she widened her legs, placed her hand on her hips and rocked her shoulders from side to side. 
The group of seven walked in a perfect formation on beat while each person held a different pose. Again, the Princess ended in the middle of the group, and she held the fabric of her skirts tightly in one hand while she took the lead.
Prince Yoongi watched; his eyes shifted to a golden glow as he locked eyes with the Princess’ silver ones. She smiled and bent her elbows before she threw her arms up in the air and started to kick her legs. 
From his seat, Seokjin watched in awe of the Princess and her people. Their dancing was loud and proud. It was bold and beautiful, he thought it looked fun. Across the room, Hoseok caught Seokjin’s eye and they both raised an eyebrow to each other. Hoseok nodded his head towards the Prince and Seokjin laughed while holding both his fists up.
The small group of six kept the Princess in the middle of their circle and danced around. They leapt into the air while spinning their legs and twirled flawlessly in the air before they touched the ground and shuffled back into a line formation. They dropped into a slanted lean and rocked their shoulders again before they waved their hands into the air while the opposite leg twisted again. 
Hoseok reached the prince and whispered into his ear, “Looks like fun, yes?” Prince Yoongi refused to take his eyes off the Princess and answered Hoseok with a noncommittal sound. “Would it not be in our nation's best interest to show a united front? His and Her Majesty have a role to play…why not take their place?” Hoseok spoke slowly to not draw attention to himself as he put the tempting idea into the prince’s mind.
Seokjin clapped along to the beat and hollered with the rest of the group which made the Princess laugh. “Dance with us!” 
She left the formation and grabbed at Seokjin’s wrist all the while Seokjin pretended to protest while he was pulled into the formation. Izaso took her place beside Seokjin and showed him how to do the moves while he laughed, his face red from the alcohol and adrenaline. The Princess looked at the prince and she silently beckoned him to join, her hand winding a little lower than the others around her as she invited him to her side. 
Prince Yoongi stood from his seat and the Empress watched with a smile as he walked into the formation with Hoseok beside him. The prince stood by the Princess’s side, and she personally showed him the steps. The prince copied the moves as best he could and frowned when he couldn’t do it right. Princess Keena laughed, “Pallas!” 
The prince huffed at the name and tried again, his movements weren’t as stiff, and he rotated his left wrist correctly when it was time to hop in place before he switched to his right wrist. 
In the front of the room, the Emperor and Empress watched their only son of the Min Empire dance with the only daughter of the Escistan nation. Their eyes were molten brown and a liquid gold as they watched the prince laugh and dance. They noticed the joy on Seokjin and Hoseok’s face too. 
The air was warm, the music was loud, and the palace felt born again. The Emperor reached his hand out and the Empress placed her hand in his. They squeezed each other’s hand and smiled before they both let go and enjoyed the rest of the festivities. 
More and more people joined in the dancing and the Princess found herself in the prince’s arms as they danced. Prince Yoongi’s face was flushed, his golden eyes bright as he stared at the Princess with a large grin on his face. 
“I cannot remember the last time a banquet was this entertaining,” The Prince admitted, and the Princess didn’t look shocked at all. 
The music was still very upbeat, but the tempo had slowed as the night grew. The moon hung high in the sky, a large sphere of light amongst tiny diamonds that glittered. The air in the room was suddenly too warm and the prince whisked the Princess away. 
Outside, the royals stood beside each other, heads turned upwards as they gazed into the endless dark. A pale light shone down from above and brightened the Princess’s silver eyes. When the prince glanced at the Princess, he blinked slowly. Had the moon cast its reflection in the Princess’s eyes? As if the Gods heard his question, a single star shot across the night sky, it’s light, bright and heavy with the need to fill the Princess’s heart with wonder. Prince Yoongi was careful as he grabbed hold of the Princess’ hand and slotted his fingers between hers.
Princess Keena inhaled and closed her eyes as a cool wind blew. The scent of tiger lily and dogwoods swirled around them and the prince found himself in a trance as he stared at the Princess. Princess Keena slowly opened her eyes and tightened her hold on the prince’s hand. She stepped closer to him, the heat from his body sent a shiver down her spin.
“We have a story in Escistan about shooting stars.” The Princess spoke softly as she played with the golden rings on the prince’s fingers with her free hand. “It is said that a shooting star is the soul of those past who are missing you. They beg the Gods for a chance to see you again and if they are lucky, they are granted permission and visit you in your dreams.” The Princess traced the pronounced veins on the prince’s hand. Her touch was feather light, so soft the Prince had half a mind to pluck an azalea petal to compare.
“Those who are denied throw themselves from the Heavens for just a chance that you might see them. That is why shooting stars are so special.” The Princess stopped her fingers from going any higher than the prince’s wrist and traced back down to his knuckles.
“You hold the moonlight in your eyes. A reflection, an almost near perfect replica of you sits in the sky,” The Prince spoke and raised the Princess’ hand slowly. “Those souls jump from the Heavens because they are confused. If the moon is down here, then they want to be as well.” Prince Yoongi pressed his lips to the two rings on the Princess’s fingers and grinned, his eyes soft and crinkled in the corners. “When the sunlight breaks, the moon is still here with me. I think those souls would be stricken with envy. Don’t you, Princess?” The prince raised an eyebrow and the Princess laughed. It rang out into the night and the prince smiled more. 
Someone cleared their throat and the two young royals both jumped away from each other, their hands quickly tucked behind their backs. Hoseok grinned but spoke nothing of the matter. 
“Princess, the hour is late, and the banquet has come to its end. Aga will take you to your chambers.” Hoseok bowed deeply and the Princess nodded her head silently before she bowed to the prince and hurried off into the banquet hall. 
Hoseok watched as the prince watched her go and he grinned. “Come along, Prince. We have an early day ahead of us tomorrow.” Hoseok ushered the prince back into the palace and bid him goodnight once he stepped into his own chambers. 
In his chambers, the prince stood in silence as the servants around him undressed him and let his hair down. He sat in front of his vanity as a young man brushed his hair and watched as his golden eyes slowly shifted back to their black obsidian color. The prince scratched his nose with his thumb and index finger, the amount of soju he drank crept up on him. He yawned and smacked his lips as a small growl rumbled deep in his throat.
“Everyone out!” The prince commanded and everyone scrambled to clear the room.
 Alone, the Prince rolled his shoulders and stood straight up, his hair fell just below his shoulder blades and hung in his face as he narrowed his eyes at his reflection. “You will finish your training tomorrow and you will take the Princess to the gardens. You will-” The Prince closed his eyes as he thought back to the Princess’ smiling face. “-you will always make her smile during her stay. She deserves everything you have to offer and more.” Prince Yoongi opened his eyes and pointed to himself in the mirror. He gave himself a firm nod. “I will give her everything.”
The prince walked over to his bed and shrugged off the sleeping robe that one of the servants put on him. He hated sleeping with clothes on, it always made him too hot. He crawled into bed and laid on his back. 
The prince stared up at the ceiling and smiled to himself. Tonight, was the most fun he had since before he came of age. He couldn’t remember the last time he danced with his friends. The palace had changed, and Prince Yoongi fell asleep with the promise of tomorrow heavy on his mind.
Morning came faster than the prince would have liked but he rose with the sun as Hoseok’s booming voice announced his presence. Hoseok was dressed in his everyday wear, a simple black robe with golden leaves stitched along the cuffs and collar with a deep plum changui on top, the same golden leaves stitched on the collar, down the center and hem. A wide black belt with matching gold leaves was tied around Hoseok’s waist and a plum colored jumeoni sat at his right hip. His hair was pulled back out of his face and sat at the back of his head in a half ponytail while a deep plum cloth was tied around his forehead.
“Come on, your Imperial Highness, you have archery training today.” Hoseok helped the prince get out of bed and he stepped out of the way once servants entered the room. “Oh! Before I forget, the Princess’s guard Aga, will be taking over the sword today.”
“Today?” The prince repeated as he watched a servant carry over his red and black gonryongpo.
“Yes. The others tell me that His Majesty and Aga planned for a large portion of the warriors to drink heavily last night. Even those that weren’t there, drank a lot in celebration. Now everyone must train while hungover…or still feeling the soju.”
Prince Yoongi grinned wickedly, that sounded like something his father would have done and he had no doubt that Aga wasn’t the least bit hungover.
“Very well.” Prince Yoongi waved the gonryongpo away and licked his lips. “I will pick for myself.” 
The prince walked over to his wardrobe and shifted through the different fabrics and designs. He figured out that Aga leading the training meant that the Princess would be close by. His gonryongpo was satisfactory at best and Agust wasn’t happy with that. Satisfactory today was not an option. Prince Yoongi allowed his eyes to shift, the swirling golden color a clear indicator that Agust was present at the moment. 
Hoseok watched with the corner of his lips pinched. Agust was out and that ruffled him greatly after the prince’s warning. Hoseok kept his eyes on the prince as he moved about and pulled different pieces of clothing from the wardrobe until he settled on a full outfit. The servants rushed to dress the prince and pulled his hair into a high ponytail, a golden clip in the shape of a dragon secured neatly at the base while a few strands hung at the sides of his face. 
The prince’s outfit was eye-catching. A blue blouse that buttoned all the way up to the neck with long sleeves dyed black a quarter of the way down that was fitted at the wrist with a thick black cuff. He wore black trousers that clung to his legs like a second skin that reached down into his leather boots. A blue kimono jacket with black silk bands lined the edges while black thread created an intricate pattern of larch flowers in a design that twisted and turned on the back. The kimono revealed part of the shirt worn below it before a thick black cloth band, which was held together by a golden dragon ornate pin kept the kimono closed. 
The prince’s eyes turned black once he looked at himself in the mirror and Hoseok whistled low before he spoke up. “Forgetting anything, your Highness?” He joked and Yoongi frowned as he stared at himself in the mirror once more.
“Where’s my manggeon?” The prince looked around and a servant hurried over with it before they wrapped it around his head, careful not to mess up the hair that framed his face.
“Why use a manggeon if your hair is already in your face?” Hoseok questioned teasingly and Prince Yoongi ignored him.
“Let’s go.”
Hoseok and the Prince headed for the training grounds and the prince was impressed to see the six men that came to the palace with the Princess all standing in formation. They greeted the prince with their arms crossed over their chests as they dropped into a bow. Prince Yoongi nodded his head and took in the uniform that the men wore. Half trousers that looked to be made from thin fabric and no shirts, only arm cuffs that had different tribal marks on them. The prince looked around and saw that more and more of his soldiers were on their way to the training grounds and Aga was nowhere in sight.
“Where is Aga?” The prince asked Hoseok and Hoseok grinned with a shrug of his shoulders. On the way to the training grounds, Hoseok noticed a bright yellow bird that wasn’t native to the land perched on a branch near the training grounds. He figured it was Aga’s true form when the bird looked right at him with those familiar pale-yellow eyes. 
Hoseok walked to the front of the formation and told the others to join in with their ranks. Daehyun soon took Hoseok’s place and explained how the day's training was to go about. Archery was first followed by swordplay and lastly, they were to battle in hand to hand combat. The prince scanned the courtyard for any sight of the Princess, and he saw none. He huffed and focused on the task at hand while Hoseok handed him his bow and quiver. Eight at a time the men lined up and took three shots at a target before they moved to the back of the line. When it was the prince’s turn, a lemon yellow bird flew down and perched on top of the target. 
The prince paid the bird no mind and lined his arrow up before he took a deep breath in and released the arrow on his exhale. The bird didn’t flinch when the arrow struck the center and the prince shot, two more times, each arrow hitting in the same place. Daehyun announced that archery was over, and servants quickly tidied up the grounds for the swordplay. The yellow bird flew over to Daehyun and shifted in mid-air. Aga’s large frame stood behind Daehyun, and everyone stared in wonder. There were not many shifters in their army.
“You are moving too slow! You would be dead if we were under attack!” Aga snapped and everyone jumped into action, swords in hands and back into formation. “In my land we use dummy wood to practice. There is no point in harming each other for the sake of skill. We do not hold back when we fight.  However, I understand the ways are different here.” Aga looked at Daehyun and the older man took over.
“I do not wish to see any of you truly harmed. I have great faith in your abilities, but the healer is here as a precaution.” 
Prince Yoongi licked his lips at the thought of a real challenge. Aga saw the way the prince got excited at the mention of a challenge, and he smirked. The prince was a dragon, he had power that flowed through his veins. Aga would enjoy knocking him down a few pegs. 
“Nil, vini pi devan."
Aga motioned for one of his warriors to come to the front and Nil broke rank easily. The man was young but strong. His copper colored skin shone in the early morning light and his navy black hair was pulled back into a bun that sat at the back of his head. Two jade disks the size of a tangerine, decorated his ear lobes and his ruby eyes were bright as he stared at the other men before him.
“This is Nil. He is one of my best fighters. He will demonstrate the moves I call out and then you will perform it yourself,” Aga explained and jumped right into calling out the different sword techniques. 
Aga had sat with Daehyun late last night and they created the list of what moves would best suit the army. As Aga called out the techniques in his mother tongue, Daehyun called them out in his own language. After an hour, Aga called for a break, and everyone took to the watering hole and ate a light breakfast.
A breeze cooled the sweat on the prince’s brow, and he titled his nose in the air as citrus and mint caught his attention. Prince Yoongi’s head snapped to the left and there the Princess sat on a bench under the shade of a parasol that Byulyi held. 
Today the Princess wore a cream colored sleeveless blouse that had pressed red and yellow tulips embroidered down the center, white shirt touching the ground with light pink and purple tulle on top and a matching cream colored cloth belt with tulips embroidered on it was wrapped around her waist. Ropes of small and large pearls strung on top of each other hung from the belt and were connected by a white rope of silk. At the ends of the ropes, purple and pink butterfly pendants made from purple garnet swayed with every movement the Princess made.
A cream, pink and purple tulle robe rested on her shoulders, the collar edged with purple silk to hold it all together. White flowers with baby blue, pink and purple ombre petals were stitched along the height of the wide sleeves of the robe. The Princess turned her head as she laughed at something Hyejin told her and Prince Yoongi swallowed harshly, his tongue suddenly felt too big for his own mouth. The Princess’s hair was wrapped in four loops at the back of her head that looked like butterfly wings and a large hair pin with a purple diamond and pink jadeite clemati held the loops in place. Six braids hung down from the back and each braid had pearls interwoven halfway up.
Their eyes locked for a moment and the Princess smiled as she nodded her head towards the prince in a small bow. The prince stepped towards the Princess and Aga’s voice sliced through the air.
“Rest time is over! Pick up your swords!”
“Ashii!” Prince Yoongi sucked his teeth and glanced at the Princess one last time before he walked back into the formation and stood beside Hoseok who had a large grin on his face. Two by two, everyone was called up to fight and when the prince’s name was called, he wasn’t surprised to be paired with Hoseok at all. His friend was the only one that wasn’t afraid to hurt him.
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ya9amicide · 6 months
Redamancy [BTS]
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chapter three
♡ info ♡ k-pop masterlist ♡ previous chapter ♡ next chapter��♡
a/n: OMFG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! Life has been like one raging tornado and has not slowed down in forever. My Wattpad was also deleted so I lost writing motivation for a long time too...But, I'm going to attempt to update this story more since I was so excited for it and I know you are too! Thank you to everyone who has left comments, I read them all and I really appreciate it! <3
summary: Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too.
To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest.
But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
pairing(s): ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc
warnings: none
taglist (crossed out = couldn't be tagged): @oopscoop || @writingwithmai || @osakis-gf || @hiefisch || @effielumiere || @singukieee || @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh || @littlrmills14-blog || @welcometomyworld13 || @chaimin || @demarie04 || @manic-atthe-disco || @blancflms || @ingyusart || @realrintaro || @braveangel777 || @ldysmfrst || @kpopmultistantrashsstuff || @vaishavi4w || @foreverddaeng
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I decided to wake up early the next morning so that I could make breakfast for everyone. When I got downstairs, I noticed that it was still raining outside. Although it wasn’t as bad as last night, it still wasn’t anything that someone should be outside in.
Making breakfast was a challenge. This is the most food I’ve ever had to make at once. Not to mention that I have to make it as quiet as possible so as not to wake the hybrids with sensitive hearing.
About halfway through making breakfast, I heard light footsteps coming down the hall from the stairs. Turning towards the doorway of the kitchen, I see Seokjin peeking in. “Good morning,” I say and smile at him.
“Good morning,” his voice is still soft and quiet like it was last night. He fidgets in the doorway, watching as I move around the kitchen.
“Do you want to help?” I ask him.
He looks up at me, startled. “...Can I?”
“Of course. Do you know how to make pancakes?” He nods his head yes. “Great, then you can help me decide what kind to make. You know everyone’s preference better than I do so you’ll be a big help in making sure everyone eats happily.”
By the time the food was ready, we had made a wide variety of pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and had several bowls of mixed fruits as well. Being hybrids, especially those like the wolf and tiger, they will have big appetites. In general, they all will as grown men so I don’t have any doubt that all of the food will be eaten in no time.
“Seokjin?” I ask and he looks up at me with a hum from where he was helping set the table. “I can finish this if you want to go get everyone up please?” He nods and scampers to get the rest of his pack.
A few minutes later, loud shuffling is heard as all seven of them make their way toward me in the dining room. “Good morni–oof!” In the middle of greeting them, I was interrupted by a bundle of hyper, furry, warmth in the form of Jungkook. He rushed to me as soon as he saw me and wrapped me in his arms in a tight hug.
The others look at him in panic. “Jungkook!” Several of them shouted in worry.
I just laugh, gently patting him on the back, causing him to practically melt in my arms. “Well, good morning to you too, bunny. Did you sleep well?”
He pulls away from me and nods erratically. “Uh-huh! The bed was so warm and cozy. I haven’t slept this well in forever. I almost didn’t want to get up when Jin came to wake us up.” He smiles brightly showing me his adorable bunny teeth and I can hear his foot thumping happily against the floor again.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that.” I think I’m starting to understand the fond looks I’ve caught the others throwing at Jungkook when they think he isn’t looking. “You could have stayed in bed a bit longer if you wanted. Although, I’m not sure breakfast would taste as good warmed up in the microwave as opposed to fresh off the stove.”
His bunny ears perk up on top of his head at the mention of food and he quickly shuffles to the table. Everyone watches him go in silence before we all follow him, moods lifted due to his enthusiasm.
I turn to the others who still seem to be waiting for me to make the first move, despite Jungkook’s gung-ho attitude. “Well go ahead,” I tell them, gesturing to the table. “You don’t have to wait for me, help yourselves.”
Like the previous night, they all shuffled around the table, clumsily finding their seats. They kept the same configuration as before; the predators surrounding the prey and effectively cutting me off. I don’t mind though if that’s what it takes to keep them comfortable here.
With the risk of irritating them, I spoke up. “So I figured we should set some ground rules, you know, besides the few from last night.” They all shuffled nervously, slowing their eating. Namjoon and Yoongi particularly seemed bothered by this sentence as their eyes narrowed slightly at me in response.
Sensing their worry I work quickly to console them. “It’s nothing bad, I promise!” I wave my hands frantically.
Jimin peers at me curiously through his bangs. “What are the rules?” His voice was timid but it didn’t shake as he used it.
“Well, you guys are welcome to stay as long as you need to,” I say, smoothing the napkin down in my lap. “You can pretty much do whatever you’d like. The estate is big so there’s a lot to explore. I just ask that you be careful. This was my family’s home so lots of stuff in here has sentimental meaning.”
“I also ask that you maybe help around the house every so often…” I trail off as they all turn nervous and upset. “I’m not asking you to pick up a bunch of chores or anything like that! Maybe just help me keep tidy by cleaning up any messes you make. And Seokjin, I could tell you liked helping me with breakfast this morning.” The ferret hybrid turns slightly rosy with the attention now on him. “I would love your help every so often,” I say softly, chuckling under my breath. “Lord knows I’m not the best cook.”
They start to relax slightly but some tension remains, keeping the muscles in their bodies taught and hair on end.
They finished the rest of their breakfast in a slightly uncomfortable silence, the only sound heard was gentle chewing and the gentle scrape of forks against plates.
When morning pleasantries were done, they all stayed in their awkward huddle like the night before, waiting for me to give them instructions or dismiss them.
Jungkook shuffled in place and I could tell he wanted to say something. “What is it, Jungkook?” I asked, urging him to say what was on his mind.
“Umm…do you have any video games?” He asks shyly, bunny ears twitching nervously atop his head. The others look between the two of us timidly, as if waiting for me to snap at him for asking the question.
I chuckle softly, eyes lighting up. I’ve been waiting for someone who was enough of a challenge when it comes to gaming. “Of course I do!” I exclaim, ushering him to the spacious living room where my console sits. 
I’m learning very quickly that Jungkook is very animated in the way that his body seems to speak for him most of the time. His nose twitches in excitement as he bounds towards the large sofa, picking up a controller.
Jin slowly makes his way to the couch, taking up the space next to Jungkook. The other hybrids exchange a glance, trying to decide which predator will stay with their more docile counterparts. Taehyung squeezes his way between the two on the couch, making it clear to me that they are under his watch at the moment.
Not saying anything, I plop down in the recliner a few feet away and turn my attention to the remaining hybrids. “You’re more than welcome to stay and play with us. If not, there’s plenty else to do. There’s a small library, a home theater, an art studio, and of course your bedrooms and any other rooms you can find something to do as well.” As I list off things they can do, I notice some of their eyes light up about certain rooms.
Namjoon’s face seemed to brighten when I mentioned the library and Taehyung’s ears twitched slightly at the mention of the art room. Something to keep in mind later when he’s done staking claim over his pack mates.
With no further instructions needed, the rest of the hybrids dispersed, venturing to various places across the house while I settled in to play video games with the few that remained.
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BTS playing Animal Crossing with you
do not repost my work in any form
Warnings: none! enjoy :)
☆ gender neutral reader
Jin isn’t interested in playing when you first start. He says it’s not really his kind of game. But pretty soon, he has a copy of his own and is parked next to you on the couch, arguing aloud with Tom Nook, that tyrant. Jin is king of his island, chasing villagers he doesn’t like with nets - maybe they’ll take a hint and leave. Mainly enjoys collecting, trying to finish his museum, and flower breeding.
The places you play the most are in bed and on the couch in Yoongi’s studio. Many nights Yoongi comes home after a long day, crawls into bed alongside you and says he’s going to sleep, but ends up watching you play until his mind is quiet and he drifts off. You often hear him humming the game’s background music as he potters around the house, not even aware that he’s doing it.
Once you introduce Hobi to Animal Crossing, you can’t pull him away for days on end. “But my flowers need watering and I need to check my shops and I have to talk to my favourite neighbours so they don’t think I’m abandoning them!” What about abandoning me, you point out. “We can play together! Just don’t run through my flowers.” He’s dead serious.
Your boyfriend Namjoon comes in very handy when Redd comes around. Who needs to search up a guide on which paintings are real or fake when you have an art enthusiast in the house? He doesn’t mind either, he enjoys the challenge and is proud that you think he’s so smart. He thinks the game is cute and sometimes watches you play when he doesn’t feel like doing anything.
Jimin would play only because you do. When he has a lot of downtime the two of you squish together on the bed and play, visiting each other’s islands and taking pictures of your characters doing silly things together, swimming and watching the shooting stars. When he hasn’t played for a while because he is busy, he complains and pouts about the amount of weeds covering his island.
Tae thinks all the ugly villagers are cute. You look up how to get rid of the ones you don’t want on your island, and he is offended. How could you plot the removal of his new best friend Barold? He hates shaking trees because he is constantly being stung by bees. Always asking you for emergency Bells to buy furniture that he wants before it disappears from the store.
Spends more time playing Happy Home than he spends on his own island. He gets so into designing elaborate interiors for his pixel friends - every detail from lighting to ambience, it all has to be just right. Honestly, he’s racked up more hours than you have, and when you’re not playing yourself you’re more than likely watching him and trying not to be jealous of his digital decorating talents.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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alpacaparkaseok · 8 months
How to Steal Moonlight |2|
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Chapter 2. The Brawl
→ Pairing: mafia!BTS x reader (not poly)
→ word count: 3.1k (yes she's itty bitty)
→ warnings/tags: SFW, we're angry and fighting but we're also really thirsty?
→ a/n: hellloooo, it's me. updating with just a little chapter that's been sitting in my drafts for almost a year. pls accept this humble offering. for those of you still reading this, ily.
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“Where is she?”  
Tearing across the room, you rip the card from the lilies, taking a handful of the flowers along with you. Jungkook stares at you, a hint of fear in his eyes.  
You’ve cracked. Shattered, and the pieces of you that were still intact are scattering across the ground until the only thing that’s left are the mangled lilies hanging from your hand.  
“Who? What’s…tell me what’s going on!” He calls after you, wincing from the effort it took to yell. “Hey!” 
You’re gone, out the door and striding down the corridor with death in your eyes. Namjoon and Hoseok appear, guns drawn. “What’s wrong?” Namjoon asks. 
Fire licks up your veins just looking at him. All you can see is her, reflected in his eyes.  
“Where’s Victoria?”  
He stiffens, jaw set at the mere mention of her name. “What did she do?” 
“Where is she?”  
Hoseok answers after seeing the stricken look on Namjoon’s face. “Kitchen.” 
It’s all the answer you need, already breaking out into a run. Hoseok hangs back, ducking his head into Jungkook’s room. Namjoon is hot on your heels, looking for all the world as though he’s trying to come up with an explanation but doesn’t dare hope for one.  
“Victoria!” Shout echoing down the staircase, you take the stairs two at a time. The kitchen light is on, the voices inside quieting. All you see is red as you jump down to the landing. Free hand fumbling for something – anything. A knife, a gun, an old newspaper.  
A pack of gum is all you can find in your pockets, but you hold it as if it’s your preferred weapon as you burst into the kitchen. Both Yoongi and Jimin sit at the island, the latter holding a spoon of cereal to his mouth.  
Victoria sits at the table, feet up, face hiding behind a book. Her eyes are icy as they flick up to your form, sliding to the hulking figure of Namjoon behind you.  
Taking advantage of the distraction, you huck the pack of gum with every ounce of power you have.  
It flies through the air, spiraling as it shoots like a torpedo before connecting square with Victoria’s exposed forehead.  
“You little-” she drops the book, massaging the already red welt. “Did you just hit me with a pack of gum?”  
Legs carrying you over to the table, you sidestep a bemused Yoongi and yank Victoria’s chair out. “Recognize this?” The card hits the table along with the lilies, crest facing the ceiling. Victoria has the good sense to flinch away from it as if it were a live snake baring its fangs.  
“What are you on about this time?” Her eyes meet yours, that insufferable smirk eating up her face. You have half a mind to slap it off, raising your hand to do so, but something holds you back. 
No, not something. Someone.  
“Let me go,” you hiss, yanking your hand from Namjoon’s grasp. He stares down at you with a stony expression, jaw twitching. “And you,” stepping closer, you block off any escape route. “You have ten seconds to tell me how this got here before I pick a bone to break.” 
Namjoon shuffles closer, eyes lit from the inside with an unholy flame. “Skipping straight to violence, capa? Since when were you the one to get their hands dirty?” 
“Don’t think I’m about to start paying you for your opinion.” 
Yoongi appears at Namjoon’s shoulder. “Step back, Namjoon.” 
“Are you kidding me right now? She’s gonna kill her!” 
“That’s sweet, Joon,” Victoria croons, sparing him a withering look. “Glad to see you still care when it’s convenient.” 
Yoongi pulls Namjoon back a few steps, the job considerably easier now that he’s been impaled on Victoria’s barbed words. Jimin remains at the island, pouring more cereal into his bowl while he watches the show. 
“Ten seconds,” you remind Victoria. She rolls her eyes, grabbing the crest and holding it up to the light. “Did Yadiel teach you the easiest way to break a clavicle, too?” 
She snarls, throwing the card back onto the table. “He taught me lots of things, kid, though I doubt he dared touch you. His precious little student could never stoop to such lows, could she?”  
Seokjin has wandered in now, taking in the view with an air of boredom. He approaches the island, tapping Jimin’s shoulder. “This seat taken?” 
“All yours.”  
“Your nose might be the better choice,” you muse, cold fury sludging through your bloodstream. “It might be an improvement.” 
Victoria laughs, the sound high and shrill. It grates against your ears. “You really think you’re something, don’t you? I’m absolutely terrified. Look, I’m shaking.” She extends her arm out in a mock show-and-tell, and you seize it, holding her elbow straight.  
Voice dropping into a lover’s murmur, you approach a different tactic. “Shaking like you do when you let yourself fall asleep?” Victoria’s face flickers between resentment and shock as you speak. “I’ve heard you calling out, Victoria. What are you dreaming about?” She shuts down, expression turning impassive in a last-ditch effort to avoid showing her hand. “Do you lie to yourself and say that you would’ve killed him if you had the chance? Is the fact that I’m the one that did it what keeps you up at night?” 
One moment, you’re standing before her, and the next she’s pinning you to the ground. Stars dance in your vision as your skull hits the tile, the world a mess of gnashing teeth and hair. You struggle to get a hand free, distracting her as you suddenly flip your weight, sending her toppling to the floor beneath you. Somehow you clamber to your feet, momentum churning. 
“You ran away!” She accuses, kicking out as you lunge for her. Blinded by rage, you receive the kick square in the stomach. “You shot him, and all this time, you’ve probably thought that he was afraid of you. That he never sought you out for fear that you’d finish what you started.” 
“I did,” you wheeze. Around the kitchen, everyone stands frozen. Seokjin keeps twitching in his seat, jaw set. “I killed him, in the end.” 
“Only because Taehyung let you.”  
Your head snaps up to see the expression on her face. Braid undone; Victoria’s greasy hair frames the exhausted expression on her face. “He didn’t…” but you trail off, unable to finish the sentence. Victoria nods before lashing out once more, going for your legs. This time you expect it, spinning out and tripping her. Instead of dropping to the ground she grunts, pulling you down with her. Your teeth sing with the impact.  
“Yadiel waited for Taehyung’s order to return like a good dog. Why do you think that was? He wanted you back, Bianchi. Talked about it all the time.” She laughs as you elbow her, causing her to lose her grip. “I almost killed him myself a couple times purely because he wouldn’t shut up about his little Bianchi princess!” 
The thought makes your stomach flip, recalling the feeling of his breath curling over your ear – the prolonged touches along your hips as he adjusted your stance.  
You try to roll away, but Victoria is faster. She pulls you back, sitting on your spine as your face digs into the floor. “You wonder why he dressed me up in red? Have you ever thought about that? Red dresses, red nails, red lips. Everything red – I think it helped him forget that I was just a consolation prize. Something Taehyung gifted him to keep him quiet.” 
The humiliation of being pummeled in front of your crew makes your cheeks burn a sharper scarlet, but try as you might to break free, Victoria holds on all the tighter. She isn’t done. 
“You have no idea what he had planned for you, do you? The life he wanted. All the things he was going to…” Victoria stumbles over her own words, her breath catching. 
The truth is staring you in the face, and you think you’re going to be sick on the kitchen floor. Swallowing hard, you close your eyes against the thought.  
“I’m you.” She rises with one last push off your body, sneering. Even with your blurred vision you can see the tear tracks on her cheeks. “I’m the version that couldn’t get away. Better looking, smarter. Not quite as noble as his little Bianchi. But you all the same.” 
Victoria walks back to the table, ignoring you as you flip onto your back. Grabbing the lilies and the card, she stands above you. You stare back up at her, having the distinct feeling that you’re six feet under, staring up from your grave as she throws flowers down.  
“If you think for even one second that I’d do anything for Kim Taehyung, I’ll personally dig your grave next to Yadiel’s. Understood?” 
Nobody speaks as she storms from the kitchen, leaving you still on your back. You can hear every step she takes up the stairs, stomping away back to whatever hole it is she hides in when she wishes to disappear. The kitchen is silent as a mouse as everyone sits in shock, staring down at your prone body.  
“She’s got spirit, Namjoon,” you spit out. “I’ll give you that.” 
Namjoon looks disheveled despite the fact that Victoria never laid a finger on him. He clears his throat, tearing his eyes away from your glare.  
“Don’t apologize.” You roll up onto your knees, back screaming in protest. No serious damage, but enough to bruise more than your pride. “Run a perimeter around the building.” 
He doesn’t stick around long enough to say anything more, Yoongi hot on his heels. Jimin’s eyes dance between their retreating figures and you. “Er…So, I’m gonna go see a guy about some hubcaps…” 
As soon as he vanishes, you become ultra-aware of being alone here with Seokjin. He strides over, kneeling in front of you so he’s eye level.  
“Where’d you find this?” He asks, picking the discarded card up from off the floor. The sight of it makes you nauseas.  
“Flowers. On Jungkook’s side table.” 
“Oh.” He lets it flutter back to the ground, fingers finding your hair as he pushes it back gently. “How’d that feel?” 
Your eyes shut, forcing yourself to see nothing but black. “Which part? The part when I realized that our security measures are an absolute joke? Or when I got laid out by Namjoon’s ex?” 
Seokjin cracks a smile that quickly turns into a sympathetic wince. “If it makes you feel any better, you just got more action than Namjoon’s had in years.” 
Croaking out a laugh, you lean heavily on the side of the table and rise to your feet. Seokjin watches your every breath, something hard and calculating hiding behind those dark eyes of his.  
“Spit it out,” you say, although it comes out as more of a whisper than anything.  
“I just…” he shakes his head. “Not sure this is the appropriate moment to say this-” 
“Seokjin.” He meets your eyes at your firm tone. “Out with it.” 
He frowns, staring down at the table. It strikes you at that moment just how tall he is. He certainly towers over you, but it’s the way he’s ever so slightly hunched over, as if shielding you from what lies beyond these four walls. It makes you lean in a little closer, hand reaching out to grasp the sleeve of his sweater.  
Seokjin’s eyes flash as you sway into view, latching onto yours with an electric shock. He visibly swallows before he speaks.  
“If you’re going to fight,” he murmurs, “you need to avoid getting so beat up.” 
You can’t help but scoff. “Are you seriously telling me to win next time?” 
“And if I am?” 
“Well,” you shrug. “It couldn’t be helped. She was better. Angrier.” 
Seokjin shakes his head, eyes dropping to the ground as he steps closer, effectively trapping you against the table. You rest against it, arching a brow.  
This man. You don’t know where you two stand, or where you’re going. Everything since that night you kissed is a blur – a memory that you find playing on repeat at all hours of the day. Whatever this is, it’s impossible not to feel as if you’re being pulled in by his personal magnetic field.  
He grasps your hands only to plant them firmly on the tabletop, making you lean back even farther. Any hope that he didn’t hear your faint gasp is diminished when he grins, cheeks reddening.  
“Next time, it’s ok to play a little dirty,” he whispers. He clamps down on his smile long enough to nose along your throat. You wonder if he can feel your heart pounding as he pauses, lips trailing just below your jaw.  
Your eyes slip shut as you frown. “That’s hardly fair,” you respond, lungs no longer functioning as Seokjin plants an obscenely innocent kiss to your neck. It’s quickly followed by another, this one much slower.  
You can feel his smile against your skin, sending goosebumps racing along your flesh. “You’re seriously concerned about fair? In our line of work?” 
It’s silly, you know that. To be concerned about keeping score while working as a glorified thief. Yet it’s how you’ve always worked. Keeping track of the hits, as though counting cards in a casino.  
A part of you had always thought that you could anticipate when the next blow would come. Now, you can hardly get back up again before Taehyung strikes again. 
Seokjin pauses, straightening up until he meets your eyes. 
“You’re thinking about him again.” 
Not a question – not that it needs to be. He seems to be able to sense it whenever you get sidetracked like this. It’s certainly not the first time that it’s come between you and what you want.  
Which is Seokjin. Your heart seems to beat out his name as you frown. Seok-jin, Seok-jin. Seok-jin. 
It’s a struggle to not lean forward, lose yourself in his touch rather than have to face the issue nipping at your skin. 
“I don’t want to be,” you whisper, eyes closing. “I hate this. Everything he’s left behind.” 
“What will you do?” 
There’s his lips again, whispering into your hair. He’s pulling you against him, letting you rest in his arms. Your mind flicks back to your earlier revelation. Seokjin, coming into your bedroom. Checking on you. Just making sure you’re still there.  
You’re both too broken for this. 
“Tonight? Start looking into staff. Doctors, nurses, janitors. Whoever might be on his side. Someone here must have planted the card.” 
A pause. “And then?” 
“Seokjin, I...” you chew on the inside of your cheek as the truth roils through your veins. Leaning back, you look up into his dark eyes. See the fear that sometimes grips him in the middle of the night, lingering just below the surface. The something else that you never know what to make of.
You let out a long breath. The something else in his eyes wins out. 
“I’ll go with you.” 
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Killing a man has consequences. Of the bad sort, typically. Jail time, guilty conscience, a trail of blood and tears left behind. Nasty business. 
Yet standing here, now, you just can’t find it in yourself to care.  
“Jungkook, lay down.”  
He obliges, bed creaking. The glare he directs toward the end of his nose is most likely directed your way, although you can’t be sure. It could be for the chocolate pudding, now out of reach.  
Hoseok, sitting on the edge of his bed, reaches it and passes it back to him. “So...how do you want to go about this?” 
Everyone is here, even Victoria. She sits in the back, near the door. There’s a bruise blooming along her jaw. This you add to the list of things you don’t care about. Besides, you’re fairly certain she gave you a concussion.  
“Do we even have eyes on his location?” Jimin asks. “Did he actually go home?” 
Yoongi clears his throat. “He was last spotted five days ago. Looks like he’s holed up in his family’s estate for the moment.” 
Like the rat he is. 
You clap your hands together, wincing at the loud sound. “Great. Here’s the thing – we can’t all hop on a plane and jet over to Italy-” 
“Sicily,” Jimin and Hoseok speak in unison. 
“Same thing. We can’t all show up looking for him. We’d be caught out in no time. So – here's the deal. Yoongi, you’re here. We have business with the Genovese family, which you’ll be heading up. Don’t look at me like that – we've talked about this. Jimin, Hoseok, you’ll be helping him.” 
Hoseok frowns, but it’s Jimin that complains. “There’s no way you’re leaving me behind. You’ve already broken the terms of our contract-” 
Your ears burn bright red as you recall that Jimin – Jimin, the gods-forsaken heathen – is the one who found out about you and Seokjin. And now he’s blackmailing you with it.  
“- and I’ll do much worse than that if you don’t do as I ask,” you finish for him, offering up a sickly sweet smile. “Namjoon, Seokjin, with me. We’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow for Italy-” 
“Sicily,” Jimin groans forlornly. 
“- so pack your bags. We’ll go over the details on the plane and fill the rest of you in.” 
Jungkook makes a sound of protest from his bed, and struggles to sit up on his elbows. “Take me with you!” 
“Sorry, I meant to say, I’m going with you.”  
You turn your back on him, heading toward the door. “No, you’re not. You’re not in any state to go anywhere right now, Kook. You’ll stay here. When you’re ready, you’ll join Yoongi and assist him here.” 
“But I-” 
His protests are cut off by an icy voice. “I’m going with you.” 
You stop in your tracks. “You don’t want that.” 
Victoria rises from her seat. The fire in her eyes hasn’t gone down yet. If anything, it’s burning brighter than before. As she nudges past Namjoon, she tilts her chin up a bit higher.  
“Take me with you.” 
She stops right in front of you, and you see it, then. What she needs. All the pent up anger and the sheer sense of loss she must feel after losing herself to Yadiel.  
All of it is Taehyung’s fault.  
I’m you, she’d said in the kitchen. As she gazes into your eyes unflinchingly, you can’t help but know she’s right.  
“One condition.” 
Her head tllts to the side, interested. “Name your price.” 
The smile threatening to break through is difficult to contain. Still, you manage it. “Teach me how to fight like you.” 
Victoria grins, and the sight is unnerving. Feral.  
A reflection of yourself.  
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anxious-dumpling · 6 months
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Chapter One: First Day at Playcare! (6,600 words.)
♡ Fandoms: BTS, Stray Kids!
♡ Characters: Little!Reader CG Jungkook CG Taehyung Playcare Owner Hoseok EA Felix EA Hyunjin Little Jimin, IN, Seungmin Everyone else is Teachers!
♡ Genre: SFW Littlespace, Fluff, Non Idol AU!
After moving from the rural city of Geochang to the bustling city of Seoul, your parents Jungkook and Taehyung decide to start you in a new Playcare Centre. Life is about to be so much different!
Time to be brave!
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Notes: Welcome! ʕ•◡•ʔっ♡!
This is a very fluffy, very relaxed series that hopefully you can immerse yourself in!
There will be some angst but mostly fluff!
In this universe, Littlespace is permanent. If you don't know much about Littlespace, please research the topic elsewhere, since this story doesn't reflect how Littlespace functions in real life! Thank you!
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The car's tyres grind against the tarmac as Jungkook pulls into the Little Sunshine Playcare's car park, a single storey building coming into view. It's made of caramel colored wood and black metal, a big welcome sign at the front that has a smiling cartoon sun attached to it. Arts and crafts are stuck to insides of the windows, so many colorful handprints reaching out to you as if giving you high-fives.
You tuck your chin into the soft collar of your pink sweater, peering at them nervously through your lashes.
As Jungkook chooses a parking space and turns off the engine, Taehyung twists around in his seat.
A kind smile graces his face. "Are you ready for your first day, sweetness?"
You glance back outside.
There's a man holding the hand of a colourfully dressed woman walking up to the front safety gate. He pulls the little knob and guides her through to the door, stopping to poke some buttons on a square thingy on the wall before heading inside.
"I dunno, Papa," You mumble as they leave your sight.
What if they don't wanna play with you? What if your teachers are meanies, and not nice like your Daddy and Papa?
"You don't know?" He sing-songs, pouting and reaching out to pinch your knee playfully. "Are you a little bit scared?"
Hang on.
You didn't say that!
Jungkook turns just in time to see you gasp, giggling to himself.
"I'm not scared!" You protest. "I'm not scared of anything, Papa!"
"Aww. I know."
Jungkook is sceptical. "No? Not even Lord Tirek?"
You think back to last night, when the big, scary monster appeared on the screen and you just had to hide in your Papa's arms.
You admit, "Maybe I'm scared of some things."
Taehyung smacks your Daddy on the shoulder, eyes wide behind his black glasses. "Luckily there's no Lord Tirek here then, right?"
"Right, Jagi," He agrees guiltily.
"Come on. It's time to get out now, sweetness."
You hug your teddy bear to your chest as they both exit the car.
Taehyung appears at your window, pulling your door open and leaning over you. He takes the big, red car seat buckle laying on your belly in his hands and clicks the two halves apart. The straps fall over your shoulders as he slots his hands under your armpits.
"Let's not forget your present," He reminds you, lifting you out of the seat and onto the ground.
As Jungkook rounds the car, he catches you chewing on your teddy's ear.
"Ah-ah," He chides, his tattooed hand coming up to pull it from your lips. "That's yucky. Be nice to Mr Bear, okay?"
"Sorry, Mr Bear."
"Sorry, Daddy."
"Thank you."
"Here it is." Taehyung pulls out the bakery carry-box, slamming the door closed and carefully passing it to you. "Gentle hands."
"Good job." Jungkook praises. "It's not too heavy?"
"S'fine, Daddy."
Walking through the car park together, Taehyung strokes his hand through your hair, fixing the few fly-aways that have slipped from your piggy tails he very lovingly styled you in this morning. Your Papa is great at doing hair. Oh, and at picking outfits.
He's wearing a beige knitted vest over a plain white shirt, baggy pants, big shoes, and a beret.
The hairdresser's he works at lets him wear whatever he wants!
Jungkook, though; He has to wear a suit every day.
"Wooooow. Is that right?" Your taller parent exclaims. "You must be very strong?"
"Yes, I am, Daddy." You agree, plodding along.
For some reason, as he opens the gate and lets you through, both of them break out in chuckles above you. You don't know what's so funny about saying that! When you carried that heavy bag of rice at the shops yesterday, Daddy only had to help a little.
The door makes a clicking sound as the code is punched in, Jungkook pushing it open gentlemanly.
As you step into the foyer, you're suddenly hit with the feeling of being lost in a new place. You got lost in the supermarket once and it was so scary. Even scarier than Lord Tirek. You were about to be lost forever and ever until your Daddy finally found you.
You don't want to be alone again. No, no, no! A sad moan leaving your throat, you drop the bakery box onto the floor and wrap your arms around Jungkook's waist, smooshing your face into his breast through the black fabric. You're never letting go!
"Oh!" Taehyung exclaims, picking the small box back up. "Whoopsies."
"Whoopsies," Jungkook croons.
"Good morning," The lady at the desk greets, before her eyes widen. "Would you like some help?"
"We've got it." Your Papa assures her. "We're here to sign in Jeon-Kim Haen, please."
"Of course. Just a moment."
"I'm scared," You muffle.
"It's okay, baby." Jungkook soothes, rubbing your back. "Remember what you said before?"
I'm not scared of anything!
"I lieeeed." You complain. "I'm sc- scared of Lord Tirek and the air frier and scorpions and getting lost!"
Taehyung plucks a tissue from the reception desk box, bending to mop the yellow frosting off the floor.
Jungkook tsks sadly. "Maybe. But you're still very brave, Haen-ie."
"I'm b'ave?"
"Of course you are. Can you say, 'I'm Daddy and Papa's strong, brave girl'?"
"I'm- I'm Daddy and Papa's strong, b'ave girl."
"Good morning!" A new voice comes lilting into the room. You squeeze Jungkook even tighter, turning your head ever so slightly to get a look at the newcomer. A man as tall as your Daddy is approaching the three of you, dressed in an orange hoodie and looking like he swallowed the sun and all the stars for breakfast, the light trying to escape through his face. "Did we have a little accident?"
"We did," Tae laughs, throwing the used tissue and squished cupcake into a nearby bin.
"Don't worry. No harm done!"
His black hair is tousled neatly over his forehead, a rainbow lanyard laying against his chest.
"She's nervous about her first day." Jungkook explains, stroking your cheek. "Had a bit of a scare coming in."
The man smiles, his eyes turning into crescent moons. "You must be Haen-ie. I'm Hoseok-seonsangnim. It's nice to meet you!"
"Hello, Hoseok-seonsangnim." You murmur politely. "Are the cupcakes okay?"
Taehyung chuckles. "They're for her classmates."
"Wow, that's very nice of you." Hoseok gasps, looking through the little plastic windows. "Ooooh, yummy. They look perfect."
You let him know, "You can have one, too."
The three of them burst into soft laughter.
"Awww. Thank you, Haen-ie. You're a very kind girl. How about we go share them with everyone? Would you like to do that?"
You pause, thinking about it for a moment. "Okay."
"Awesome! Good idea." He praises, even though the idea was his, taking the box. "You'll have so much fun today!"
"You hear that? Come say goodbye to Papa-bear, sweetness."
You let go of your Daddy to fall into Taehyung's embrace, trying not to feel too scared as he wraps you up safely in his arms, rocking you gently from side to side and growling like a big, happy bear. When he pulls back, he kisses your forehead and passes you off to Jungkook, who gives you a quicker, lighter hug and reminds you not to chew on Mr Bear because he likes his ears to be clean.
"I won't, Daddy." You promise, earning another kiss to the forehead.
"Good girl. Daddy and Papa will come and pick you up later, okay?"
One last kiss. "We love you."
"Love you," Tae smiles.
"Love you, Daddy, Papa."
Hoseok offers his hand to you. "Come on, Haen-ie. Let's go share these yummy cupcakes, huh?"
Taking his hand in yours, you bravely let him guide you away.
"What flavor are the cupcakes, Haen-ie?"
"They're chocolate," You tell him, remembering what Papa asked the baker-lady for this morning.
"Oooh. I loooove chocolate." Your teacher gushes, giving your hand a bit of a squeeze as you walk side by side down the bright corridor. Splodgy paintings and crayon drawings hang from little wooden pegs along the wall, all the cats and dogs and dragons and two headed shark-giraffe hybrids all grinning down at you with silly faces and glittery decorations. "Is chocolate your favorite, too?"
"Uh-huh." You sheepishly nod. "I like it- I like it even betterer than vanilla, but Papa likes strawberry."
"He likes strawberry, does he? What about Daddy?"
"Daddy likes chocolate, too. He goes to the gym a lot, but he says it's healthy so we can eat lots!"
He laughs at that. "Well, I don't know about 'healthy', but it sure is delicious. Oh, look! Here's our classroom!"
You come to a stop in front of a door with a sticker on it that says, 'A2.'
Glancing back down the corridor, you notice the foyer is suddenly very empty. No Daddy, no Papa. Hoseok distracted you. You face forward again, taking a deep breath and telling yourself, I'm Daddy and Papa's brave girl, as he knocks on the door.
It opens. A man with long, wavy hair smiles sweetly at the both of you, moving to let you inside.
"Good morning!" He greets, closing the door behind you. "This must be our new friend, Haen-ie."
The classroom is bustling, filled with squealing laughter as Baby Shark plays loudly from somewhere.
"We're doing some dancing right now. It helps shake out all those early-morning jitters." He explains. "My name is Hyunjin-ie. It's so exciting to meet you! I'm one of the EAs in this room, so I'll be helping you get settled in today! Does that sound good?"
"What's an EA, Hyunjin-ie?"
"It means, 'Educational Assistant'. That means my job is to be your best friend and help you with your work!"
When you giggle, Hoseok adds, "We've got some delicious chocolate cupcakes here for everyone, too."
"Ohh! Cupcakes? I knew today was going to be a great day."
"Excuse me, friends!" Hoseok calls out over the song, getting everyone's attention. "I know we're all having fun dancing, but we have a new classmate here joining us today and she's very kindly brought us some delicious cupcakes to eat together!"
Exclamations break out across the room. "Cupcakes!!"
As the kids come running over, Hoseok sets the box down on the nearest activity table. "Everyone, say thank you to Haen-ie!"
"Thank you, Haen-ie!"
"Thank you, Haen-ie!"
"I love you, Haen-ie!"
A shy smile makes its way onto your face, realizing that nobody here is mean like you thought they would be.
Your classmates jump up and down like pieces of popcorn as Hoseok hands a small cupcake to you first, then sharing the rest of them to the gathered crowd, reminding them all to be patient and thanking them for their nice manners.
Peeling back your cupcake's paper liner, you take a big, big bite.
Mmm. Chocolate with sweet, yellow frosting and a tiny, bear-shaped cookie sticking out of it.
"Thank you, Heun-ie!" A boy exclaims, his chin smeared with frosting. "Dis is soooo yummy!"
You smile, "My Papa buyed them."
"I love your Papa."
"I love my Papa, too."
"Nice manners, Jimin-ie." Hoseok praises him, handing the last of the cupcakes to EA Hyunjin and two other men who must be teachers. "Haen-ie, you've already met Hyunjin, but this here is EA Yeongbok-ie and Teacher Yoongi-seonsangnim."
The first man, Yeongbok; he has blonde hair, the color of vanilla cookies, and a wonky, toothy smile sweeter than every cookie in the world. He gives you an enthusiastic wave, his voice deeper than even your Papa's. "Hi! Nice to meet you!"
The second man, Yoongi, looks a bit like a sleepy, smiley cat. "Hello, Haen-ie."
"Hello," You wave back.
"We can meet the rest of your teachers later, but Yeongbok here is our second EA, and Yoongi is our very talented music teacher."
The man snorts. "I play recorders, Hoseok."
"All the same."
"Do you like music, Haen-ie?" Yeongbok asks as he pulls out a wooden seat for you, sitting in the one next to it.
"Okay, everyone! Sit down to eat, please!"
As everyone gets settled, you sit down next to Yeongbok and Hyunjin while Yoongi walks off with his cupcake.
"I like to sing with my Daddy and Papa," You tell the friendly EAs, your two new best friends.
"You guys just moved here from Geochang, didn't you?"
"Yeah," The mention of your old home sends a pang through your heart. It was a lot different than here. The streets were lined with wild grass and old, proud houses, always a breathtaking view of the mountains sitting on the horizon. "We got here two days ago."
"Well, we're very happy to have you here." Hyunjin smiles like a pretty prince. "What do you like about Seoul so far?"
Oh, um... You've never thought about that up until now.
"I like Han River," You guess, popping the biscuit in your mouth. "And we're going to Teseum Teddy Bear museum this weekend."
"Uwaaah," Yeongbok exclaims, "That sounds exciting?"
You nod, chewing, the wet crumbs falling from your lips and into your lap. "Bea'ws are my fav'ite animal."
"Oooh, careful," He warns, taking the handkerchief out of his pants' pocket and using it to clean you up.
"Oh! Sorryyyy."
"Don't worry." He brushes the crumbs off your sweater, and then your bear's fat, brown nose. "Look. It's as if nothing ever happened!"
"Daddy doesn't like it when I get my things dirty," You babble, giving the teddy a kiss as an apology, "Or chew on Mr Bear's ears."
"Aaah," Hyunjin hums understandingly, "So you're going to be one of the messy ones."
"You're going to love art class."
"I love art class!" A nearby boy butts in. "I made a painting for my Mommy yesterday!"
"Yes, and you used yourself as the canvas, didn't you?" He jokes, pinning him with an cool, sassy look.
The boy does nothing but giggle, his teeth covered in bits of chocolate cake, before running off to join his friends again.
"That's Jeongin-ie."
As you bite and swallow the last chunk of your cupcake, Yeongbok stands from the small seat, leaving his own cupcake on the table and offering his hand to you. "All done? Let's go put your bag away in the cubby before class starts, okay?"
"Okay, Yeongbok-ie." You agree, grabbing his pale hand and following him.
He takes you over to the wall besides the classroom door, where the cubby shelves are all stuffed with the other Little's backpacks, books, spare clothes, and water bottles. Coloured strips of paper are velcroed above each one, their names printed on them.
'Jimin', 'Jeongin', 'Maru', 'Nathan', and even your name! You point it out to Yeongbok, who chuckles in that delicate, tinkling way of his that makes it sound like he's a magical xylophone. He takes off your purple backpack and places it in the cubby below your tag.
Returning to the sitting area together, you spot Hyunjin and Yoongi helping tidy the aftermath.
"This one was yours," Yoongi nods toward an empty liner, wiping down the table with a cloth. "Go put it in the trash, please."
Hyunjin adds, "You too, Jeongin."
"Okayyyy." The boy sing-songs. "Fine."
Scooping up your trash and dumping it in the nearby bin, everybody works hard to clean up before settling down in their assigned seats at the activity tables strewn across the room. You're unsure where to go, awkwardly hugging Mr Bear, but sweet EA Yeongbok is there to help you again, taking your hand and guiding you to a table near the toy boxes. Jeongin and Jimin are sitting there, too.
"Ooh, Haen-ie. Look." The man points at the back of the chair. "What's that?"
You follow his finger.
Wow! It's another tag with your name on it!
"My name!" You exclaim proudly as you sit down. "This is my chair, Yeongbok-ie!"
"You're right. It is your chair," The man praises this genius discovery, as he drags another chair over and sits next to you.
Hyunjin and Yoongi are both sitting at other tables, joking with the kids around them.
"Hi! I'm Jimin!" The boy in front of you cheers.
"I'm Jeongin!"
"These are your table-mates, Haen-ie. Say hello?"
"Hello," You greet, using Mr Bear's fluffy arm to wave to them. "It's my first day today!"
"Why is it your first day?"
"We moved here." You explain, "And my old playcentre is too far away to visit, now."
"Awwww," Jimin pouts.
"That's so sad!"
"It is a little bit sad," Yeongbok validates, his tone comforting, "But she's going to make lots of new friends here, isn't she?"
Jeongin nods so fast you think his head might fall off. "I'll be your friend, Haen-ie!"
"Me, too! Do you like dinosaurs?"
Glancing at the T-Rex printed on his blue sweater, you shrug. "Um... A little."
"Oh." He deflates, perking right back up again afterwards. "It's okay! I'll still be your friend!"
"Yeah! He's friends with me, and I like sharks, but he doesn't like sharks, and we're still friends."
"Okay, guys," Yeongbok interrupts, placing a finger over his lips, "Sh, sh, sh. Let's listen to Hoseok-seonsangnim, okay?"
"It's time for our first class of the day, friends." You turn your attention to the front of the classroom, peering over Jimin's shoulder as Hoseok drags the wheelie whiteboard into view, uncapping an orange marker and smiling brightly at his class. "Now, Yoongi-seonsangnim and I were nice enough to let you guys have some cupcakes before class this morning, weren't we?"
"Yeah!" You all reply at once.
"Yeah! Fun, right? So do you think you'll all be able to put your learning caps on, now?"
As he mimes putting on a big hat, you all copy him.
Even Yoongi, Hyunjin, and Yeongbok, too!
"Perfect!" He lowers his hands. "Does anyone know what we're going to be learning today?"
The whole class starts giggling hysterically as he glances at the laminated chart on the wall, which very obviously reads, Monday, 1. Music, 2. Arts and Crafts, 3. Snack Break, 4. Math, 5. Nap Time, 6. Lunch Break, 7. Reading, in bubble letters.
Everyone shouts out, "Music!"
"It's Music!"
"Music, Hoseok!"
"It's what?" Your teacher squints, cupping his ear. "We're learning what?"
You join in the chaos, shouting, "Music!!"
"Aaaaah. Music! Why didn't you say that the first time?"
Silly Hoseok-seonsangnim. You guys did say that!
"Let's start with our word of the day first, and then we get out the instruments." Turning and writing, Word of the Day, at the top of the whiteboard, he faces forward and looks directly at you. "How about you choose today's word, Haen-ie?"
Oh! You?! 
"There's no wrong answers," Yeongbok encourages you when he notices your apprehension. "What about Bear?"
You give a quick nod. "You say, please?"
He happily reports back to your teacher, "The word of the day is Bear!"
"Oooh. Good choice. Let's all use the letters at our tables and have a go spelling Bear!" 
"Oh! I know, I know!" Jimin exclaims, wiggling impatiently as your EA reaches into the middle of the table and pulls out a velcro board and a cup of felt letters from the basket of supplies, splaying them out. "Let me do it! I know!"
He grabs the pile of letters, pulling out a flimsy G character and sticking it to the board.
"Good job, Jimin-ie." Yeongbok slides the letters in front of you. "Haen-ie's turn, now. We have to work as a team!"
Humming thoughtfully, you sound out the word Bear in your head. There's a Guh, and then an Ohhhhh. Must be O.
You stick the O character below the G.
When it's Jeongin's turn, he sticks down an M character, completing the simple Hangul symbol.
"Is everybody ready? Show us your boards!"
Chatter fills the room again as Yeongbok holds up the board for you.
Hoseok glances from table to table, nodding, "Correct! Yep, correct! Well done! Yeongbok's table, correct!"
Your EA gives you a high-five.
"Hyunjin's table," He sucks in a breath at the last group, "I'm afraid that's not quite right."
Everyone at the table groans in defeat and starts throwing accusations around.
"I told you it was just one M!"
"You didn't listen!"
Yoongi's laughing behind his hand, shoulders shaking.
The kids keep heckling him as he grumpily throws down the letter in his hand.
Yeongbok laughs, "Maybe you need to move to the baby's room, Hyung? What do you guys think?"
"Baby's room!" The girl next to Hyunjin chants. "Baby's room!"
Hyunjin sticks his tongue out at her.
"Okay. Okay," Hoseok chuckles, taking back control of the room as Yoongi stands up. "Time for music, now."
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When Namjoon checks his watch, he announces, "Snack break, everyone!"
Jumping up from your seat and pulling your bucket hat on, you can't wait to eat!
You file out into the play yard with everyone else, finding a spot at one of the picnic tables. Hoseok and Namjoon-seonsangnim wheel out two carts of food, approaching each table and handing out the small bowls. Namjoon; You met him during Arts and Crafts. He's tall and muscly like a sports teacher, but he actually teaches art and English, his face round like a toffee candy, both cheeks dimpled.
"Hello, everyone." He greets, placing a plastic bowl and spoon in front of you. "Did you have fun in art today?"
"Thank you," You remember your manners, licking your lips at the sight of the sliced fruit and yoghurt.
"You're welcome, Haen-ie."
As you stick your spoon in, Seungmin exclaims, "Yeah! I maked a rainbow! It was really pretty."
"'Made'." Hoseok calls out.
The boy corrects himself. "I made a rainbow."
"Yes, I saw. It was pretty."
Gulping down the dollop of yoghurt and crunchy apple pieces, you gaze out at the patch of sunlight nearby. Your class's art creations are drying in the sun, the pieces of paper swaying in the breeze, wrinkled from all the glue and pom poms on them.
"I made a dinosaur with Jimin," You garble as Namjoon walks away with the cart, your mouth full.
The boy nods. "It was a brontosaurus. Brontosauruses are the ones with the-!"
"The long necks," The girl across from him rolls her eyes. "We know."
Your dinosaur's neck was five pompoms long!
He gasps. "You like dinosaurs, too, Ahyun?!"
"No. You just talk about them all the time." She glances up from her bowl. "Haen, you have glue on your elbow."
You do? Shrugging a shoulder, you peer down at the side of your arm and scratch the dried flake off.
"And paint on your shoulder."
Oh, she's right. There's a pink splat on your sweater. You hope your Daddy won't be too upset.
"And on your hand."
... Oh.
"She got really messy," The girl beside her giggles. "She's like my baby brother, and he's only one!"
"I think she's messier," She jokes, making your cheeks go hot.
"Are you one, Haen-ie?"
"No. I'm nineteen," You mumble uncomfortably, hiding your paint-covered hand under the table. "And four on the inside."
"You should go sit somewhere else," Ahyun chirps. "I don't want you to get me dirty!"
"She won't," Jimin frowns.
"Yes, she will!"
Whatever. You don't want to sit with Ahyun, either. You pick up your bowl and stand from the wooden bench, storming over to the playground and ducking under one of the platforms. You hide away in a dark corner to finish eating your snack in peace.
Tears start burning at the edges of your eyes when you catch a second glimpse at your ruined sweater.
"Haen-ie? Sweetie?"
Sniffling, you watch Hyunjin as he searches the playground, coming to a sudden stop when he sees you. He looks like he's about to explain that you're not allowed to eat in the playground, but something in his expression changes and he crouches down.
"Haen-ie, sweetie, what are you doing all the way over here?" He asks. "What's the matter?"
Glancing behind him, you catch the other teachers watching the two of you, before they go back to what they were doing.
Hyunjin crawls in and sits beside you, long hair framing his face as he tilts his head at you.
You pout, "I don't wanna sit at the tables."
You shake your head, poking sadly at your yoghurt.
"You don't want to sit with your friends? Jimin and Jeongin?" He tries, only to be met with silence. "Me and Yeongbok-ie?"
You admit, "I don't wanna sit with Ahyun."
He pauses. "Did Ahyun say something a little bit mean?"
You nod. "Her friend said I'm like her baby brother because I'm messy. And then Ahyun said I'm even messier than him because I got paint and glue on my clothes in art class, and then she said I can't sit with them, so I came over here to hide."
Sympathy washes over his face. He muses, "That wasn't very nice of her, was it?"
"No, it wasn't," You agree.
"Did it make you sad?"
"Uh-huh." It did make you sad. "I didn't get messy on purpose, Hyunjin-ie. It was an a'sident."
"Awww, Hyunjin-ie knows it was an accident, sweetie. And you know what?"
"Art class is all about getting messy, little friend. Wouldn't it be boring if the paint only got on the paper?"
"My Daddy doesn't like it when I get dirty. He likes it when things are perfect and nice and clean."
Your Papa calls him a 'Perfectionist'.
"You're already perfect and nice," He argues. "And Yeongbok and I are going to make sure you're clean, too."
"You are?"
"Yeah. Yeongbok is new, too, you know. He's only been here a week. And he says I should be in the baby's room. Pssh. After art class ended, I had to teach him where to find the extra wet wipes, but you went outside to eat before we could clean you up!"
Ohhh. You remember now! After class ended, Yeongbok told you to wait, but you forgot and ran outside!
"I was too excited to eat!"
"Yes, you were." He chuckles, taking your hand. "Come on. Let's go get clean!"
He helps you crawl back out from the playground, leaving your bowl at the table and stepping inside the empty classroom.
It's much quieter in here. The aircon hums above you, tables all clean and glossy. You see Yeongbok standing behind the partition of the exposed bathroom area, peeling open a package of wet wipes and digging through your purple backpack.
Both of you approaching him, Yeongbok gasps dramatically with a big, sunny smile. "Haen-ie!"
Hyunjin squeezes your hand.
"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you, Yeongbok-ie," You apologize sweetly. "I got distracted and forgot to wait for you!"
"Aw. That's okay." He says, pulling out a spare shirt with a big strawberry on it. "Let's get you into some clean clothes."
The two nice men work together to remove your paint-covered sweater and stuff it back into your backpack, wiping down your fingers and palms with the wet wipes afterwards. Yeongbok quickly dresses you in the green shirt and adjusts your bucket hat.
"There we go," He celebrates, zipping your backpack up. "That was nice and easy, wasn't it!"
"Thank you, Yeongbok-ie and Hyunjin-ie!"
"See? Nothing bad about getting messy." The older EA holds his hand out to you. "Come on. Let's go finish eating, little friend."
Uh oh.
"Do I have to?"
Yeongbok makes a confused face. "I thought you were excited to eat?"
"I am, but," You twist your shoe into the floor. "Ahyun was mean to me."
He frowns. "Oh, no."
"Hyunjin-ie will make sure Hoseok-seonsangnim tells Ahyun's parents she was being mean to one of our friends," Hyunjin promises. "And you can sit with me, if you like, or we can ask Jimin and Jeongin if they want to move tables with you?"
You wanna sit with all of them!
"Let's all sit together!"
"Okay, sweet friend." He praises as you take his hand. "Let's go. Your yoghurt is waiting for you!"
You giggle. "I'm coming, yoghurt!"
Hyunjin guides you back into the play yard, approaching the picnic table.
"Excuse me, guys," The man politely interrupts, pointing to a nearby empty table. "I'm going to take my friend Haen-ie over to the kind-friends table over there, and we want to know who else is going to join us."
"Ooooh," Ahyun's friend exclaims. "I do!"
Not wanting to be left out, Ahyun agrees and raises her hand. "Me too, Hyunjin!"
"Sorry, Jenna and Ahyun. This table is only for kind friends. You weren't being a very kind friend to Haen-ie today, were you?"
She gawks. "Wh-?!"
"Maybe when you're feeling a little bit kinder," He suggests, "You can come and join us later."
As she scoffs angrily, Jimin raises his hand. "Can I come, Haen-ie?"
"What about me?" Jeongin adds. "I wanna sit with you!"
"Me, too!" Seungmin agrees. "I'm a kind friend!"
You go pink under all the attention. "Okay!"
"Let's go!"
"Kind-friends table!"
The four of you grab your bowls and go sit at the other, better table together. Hyunjin offers his lap to you since you might still be a little sad. Even though you're feeling better now, you still climb up onto his thigh, while the three boys sit around you.
"There you go," Hyunjin cooes, bouncing you up and down a little. "Ooooh. Apple? What else did you get?"
"I got banana," Seungmin answers, pointing at his friend's bowl. "Jimin got some, too!"
Jeongin pouts, "I got grapes."
"He hates grapes," The boy beside him explains helpfully.
You ask, "Do you like apple?"
When he nods, you hold your bowl over his, using your spoon to flick the apple into it.
"Thanks, Haen-ie!" He gasps, before giving you his grapes. "You can have mine!"
"Thanks, Jeongin-ie."
"Woooow," Hyunjin exclaims, "Nice sharing, you guys."
"My Papa says it makes our friends sad when we don't share," You tell him. "And I don't like it when people are sad, Hyunjin-ie."
The man suddenly clutches his heart through his baggy shirt, wincing like he's in pain. "Dawww."
You giggle at his outburst. "What, Hyunjin-ie?"
He makes a Grrrrrr sound as he mimes grabbing your cheeks. "You're adorable, that's what!"
You push his hands away. "Silly Hyunjin!"
Yeongbok comes into view as you all laugh together, setting his bowl on the table. "Hey! Don't have all the fun without me!"
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"How are you guys going over here?"
As Hoseok approaches your table, you pout your lips around the pencil in your mouth.
Not good. Math is hard!
He takes notice just like all good teachers do. "Needing some help there, Haen-ie?"
You mumble, "Yes, p'ease."
Yeongbok gently pulls your hand away. "We don't chew on pencils, little friend. There you go."
As he goes back to helping Jeongin, Hoseok takes a seat next to you. "Tell Hoseok-seonsangnim what you need help with."
"Yeongbok-ie is busy with Jeongin and there's-! There's too many steps!"
"Ahhh, I see. Don't worry. Let's break them down together, shall we? Can you read the question to me?"
You look down at your paper, making sure to ignore the cartoon gardener at the bottom because he's annoying you. "Taeyun buys some-... some flower seeds. He plants five seeds in normal soil, and five seeds in special mulch. The seeds in the... in the special mulch grow double the flowers than the seeds in the regular soil grow. How many flowers will he have when they're done growing?"
See?! That's super hard.
Taehyun should ask somebody else about his flowers, because you have no idea.
"That was great reading," Hoseok praises you, before grabbing a blank piece of paper and some crayons from the supply box. "I've got an idea. You know what helps me when I can't figure out a question? Drawing it out!"
Your eyes widen. "There's questions you can't figure out?"
A laugh escapes him. "Yes, there are. Even teachers need help, sometimes."
"But you're super smart?"
"The only way to get smart is to be wrong a lot of times first." He explains, drawing some dots on the page. "Let's draw what we need to know. First, I'll draw the seeds... Five normal seeds on the left and five special seeds on the right."
When he's finished, he hands you a green crayon.
"Now let's draw the flowers coming out of the seeds."
"Okay. I'll try!"
"That's what I like to hear, friend. You should draw two flowers coming out of each special seed, remember?"
Nodding, you get to work drawing the stems.
After that, you add a yellow ball and colorful petals to each one.
"Let's add some ladybugs!" You suggest, reaching for the red crayon.
"Hang on. We don't need any ladybugs right now." He reminds you. "Maybe you can draw some in art class tomorrow, okay?"
Awwww. "Okay."
"Let's count the flowers instead. Ready?"
"Uh-huh. One, two, three," You concentrate hard and count every flower. "Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!"
"Fifteen. Well done!" Hoseok exclaims with a big, excited grin, giving you a double high five. "You did it!"
"I did it!"
"Go ahead and write the answer down and we'll have a go at the next one."
"Okay! Thank you, Hoseok-seonsangnim."
"You're very welcome, sunshine."
By the time you've filled out the math booklet, you're in serious need of a nap. Being smart is lots of effort. How does he do it?
Luckily, it's nap time.
You grab Mr Bear and head into the toy area, where the EAs have moved the furniture out of the way and set up sleeping mats on the floor. Your Papa packed your softest, pinkest bedding today. You kneel on the cotton fabric, yawning and laying your head on your pillow as Hyunjin pulls the curtains over the windows. Hundreds of stars light up the walls when Yeongbok switches on the lamp.
"Who needs a little extra help getting to sleep today?" He asks quietly, switching on the speaker next.
The sound of somebody playing the piano graces your ears.
A couple of kids raise their hands, including you. No matter how tired you are, it's still scary falling asleep in a new place.
Hyunjin comes over to you.
"Close your eyes, sweetie," He whispers, settling beside your mat.
With him slowly stroking your hair, you're drifting off into dreamland before you even realize it.
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At the end of the day, while you're all sitting on the rug, Hoseok asks, "Who here had a good day today?"
"Me!" You all shout.
"Let's share three things we're grateful for today," He says, gesturing to a student. "Let's start with you, Jihyun."
She tilts her head. "Ummm... Art class, Yeongbok helping me find my pencil when I lost it, and... Oh! Haen's cupcakes!"
"Oooh. They were yummy, weren't they? Jimin?"
He's got his answer right away. "Meeting my new friend Haen-ie!!"
Jeongin's got his, too! "Haen-ie sharing her fruit with me!!"
"Aw, those are great answers. I'm grateful for our new friend, too."
When it's your turn, you shyly stare back at the class. It's difficult to choose only three things! You're grateful for the EAs, who made your first day as easy as possible for you, Yoongi for making you laugh as he taught you how to hold the recorder, Namjoon for opening the glue pot for you when it was stuck, and Hoseok for being such a great teacher, even if he's bad at drawing flowers.
"I'm grateful for my friends and my teachers and the EAs... and nap time, and brontosauruses."
That might've been five things... But Hoseok doesn't mind. "Aww. I'm so glad, friend."
Hyunjin does that thing again where he looks like he's going to die.
Yeongbok chuckles, petting his shoulder in support.
Parents start gathering in the corridor outside the classroom as the rest of the kids share their three things. You keep an eye out for your Daddy and Papa, your legs squirming and your heart racing like it's trying to break out of you and go find them.
The last time you glance through the window, they're both there!
When they spot you, their faces light up like they always do when they spot you in school assemblies and sport events.
They wave to you.
"Daddy, Papa," You cheer under your breath, trying to keep your hand in your lap. "Daddy, Papa are here."
"Okay, my friends." Hoseok eventually concludes. "I'll see you all tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!!"
"Bye, Hoseok!!"
"It's home time!!"
As soon as he opens the door, you jump up and run over to the big group of parents, straight into your Papa's open arms.
"There you are!" Taehyung gasps happily, holding you tight. "There's our sweet girl!"
"Did you have a good day?" He asks you, kissing your hair and letting you hug Jungkook next. "You didn't miss us too much?"
"I missed you so much," You muffle into Jungkook's button shirt. "But I had a good day at the same time!"
"We missed you, too," Your Daddy chuckles.
As Hyunjin approaches the three of you, handing your backpack and artwork to Jungkook, you pull away slightly.
"Here are Haen's things," He smiles.
He thanks the man. "Wow. Is this a dinosaur, baby?"
"I made it with my new friend, Jimin! He said I could keep it because he has a lot of dinosaur drawings at his home already."
"It's so cute."
Taehyung adds, "I love it."
"She had a good day," The EA smiles. Yeongbok and Hoseok are talking to some other parents behind him, handing more backpacks and artworks out. As Jungkook gives your dinosaur craft to his husband and unzips your bag, making sure everything is in there, Hyunjin explains, "We did have a little hiccup this morning, though. You'll find her sweater in there. It just has some paint on it."
Guilt squeezes you as you watch Jungkook turn the fabric over in his hand. "Sorry, Daddy."
"It's okay, Haen-ie." He shakes his head, zipping it up. "Daddy just wanted you to have fun today, okay? We can wash it out."
"I also got crumbs on Mr Bear," You admit.
He laughs at your sudden burst of honesty, slinging your bag over his shoulder. "We can wash him, too."
"He'll love it," Tae agrees. "It'll be like a spa day."
Some people might think your Daddy is the stricter parent, but he actually breaks more of his own rules than you do, and it's him who's always spoiling you with new toys, treats, and clothes! He's a big softie!
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, Haen-ie!" Hyunjin says. "High-five!"
"Buh-bye, Hyunjin-ie!"
After you smack hands, Taehyung and Jungkook thank him again and they each take one of your hands, leading you out of the Playcentre. They listen intently as you babble about every detail of your day all the way to the car, where Tae lifts you in.
"Did everyone enjoy the cupcakes?" He asks, helping you thread your arms through the straps.
"Oh! Yeah! They were really yummy, Papa."
"No dessert tonight, then, I guess." He pouts, clicking the buckle together, before grinning cheekily at you. "Just kidding."
You stick your tongue out at him.
"Hey," Your Daddy chuckles, watching you in the rear-view mirror. "Save that little tongue for your ice cream tonight."
"We're having ice cream?!"
Tae closes your door and settles into the passenger seat as the car starts. "Didn't we tell you? Brave girls get ice cream, baby bear."
"Yay! Thank you!"
Cupcakes, new friends, a good nap, and ice cream?
You wish every day could be your first day at Playcare!
When you get a whole bowl's worth of chocolate ice cream all over your pyjamas that night, Jungkook just fondly smiles at you and sneaks you a second scoop while Tae isn't looking. He taught you that chocolate is healthy when you want it to be, after all!
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Please share your thoughts and leave some suggestions for future chapters! ʕ•◡•ʔっ♡!
Things I won't write. - Smut. - Self-harm. - Intense angst. - Anything unrelated to Haen or Littlespace. Everything else goes!
Current roles. - Taehyung: Parent Caregiver. - Jungkook: Parent Caregiver. - Jin: ??? - Namjoon: Art / English Teacher. - Hoseok: Homeroom Teacher / Playcare Owner. - Yoongi: Music Teacher. - Jimin: Little. - Bangchan: ??? - Lee Know: ??? - Han: ??? - Changbin: Sports Teacher. - Hyunjin: EA / Art Teacher. - Felix: EA. - Seungmin: Little. - Jeongin: Little.
I encourage you to be friendly and patient with me! ^◡^
52 notes · View notes
sugary-sweet-anon · 7 months
In your last post, you wrote to a user, "I can do it if you want, send me a plan." Ah, I'm not that person and I can give you another example of fiction. I don't know if you can do it, but I still want you to try!
My fic is about Lee Namjoon.
Namjoon is generally a person who constantly tickles the members. So, judging by the moments, it is.
Namjoon loves to tease and tickle them, but now all the members want to take revenge on him and catch him.
and they realize that this man tickling them is very ticklish and they tickle torture him
Can you make a Lee Namjoon and ler Bts story like this? Please🥹💗
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This is my first fanfic! I don't know how well this will be received, but I hope you enjoy it! As I was writing it, it turned into something a bit different. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'm sorry it's taken so long.
Leader's Plight
Lee!Namjoon, Ler!BTS
It was a calm day for the Bangtan boys. A day where they had a light schedule. These days were few and far between, so all seven of them took advantage of it.
Most of them were resting. Others were watching TV. Overall, just a calm and peaceful day.
Well, it WAS anyway. Five of the guys met outside their rooms, confused looks on all of their faces.
"What in the world was that?" Jimin was the first to speak up.
"I dunno, but it woke me up," Yoongi mumbled, clearly agitated.
"It sounded like it came from Jin hyung's room."
Taehyung was right. With his room being closest to Seokjin's, he could easily tell. (A/N I don't know how their rooms are set up so just work with me on this). They all agreed and followed the laughter to the eldest's room. What awaited them on the other side, however, was not what they expected.
Directly in front of them, in the middle of the floor, was Namjoon, their leader. In a writhing mass of laughter. And who was causing all of this? Seokjin, the eldest of the seven.
The other five boys stood in awe of what was happening. They never thought that their strong leader would be this ticklish!
"Whoa! How did this start?" Hoseok asked with a grin on his face.
Jin paused his attack on Namjoon, leaving the younger to gasp for air on the floor.
"This brat thought he could get away with forgetting to use 'hyung' after my name!" He exclaimed dramatically. He wasn't really angry or upset at Namjoon. He just felt like teasing him for it.
The others knew this too, but they decided to play along with their oldest hyung. After all, it wasn't often that Namjoon was the victim of a tickle attack. 99% of the time, he was the one who started them. And, well, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for revenge~.
"Ooooo hyungie is in trouble!" Jungkook couldn't resist approaching his favorite member and wiggling his fingers at him.
"You little brat!" Namjoon felt his face heat up as he reached out and squeezed the youngest's side.
"EHEHEY!" Jungkook quickly pinned Namjoon's hands down. "I'm not the one who forgot to be respectful to our wonderful Jin-hyung"
"Ahhh Joonie you should know better~!" Hobi mischievously smirked.
"So disrespectful!" Jimin shook his head, slowly kneeling down beside Jungkook.
"I think you've earned yourself this punishment, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi said.
Namjoon tried wriggling away, but unfortunately Jin had too strong of a hold on him still. "Wahahahait guys we can talk about thihihis!"
Taehyung, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"
The others looked at him expectantly. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, his big eyes wide with curiosity.
"Namjoonie hyung tickles us all the time! We never get to see him like this!" Tae couldn't help but smile in glee.
Everyone gasped happily. Except the young man in question. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief. If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.
Jin, meanwhile, was growing impatient. "Ya, are you all going to stand there or help me with him?" He said, his eyes glinting with mischief.
The others didn't say another word before they all pounced on their leader. Jungkook near his head, tickling his neck, Jimin and Taehyung going after his feet, Hoseok and Yoongi at his armpits, and Jin still at his original spot at his sides and stomach.
The response was immediate. "GAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUHUYS NOHOHOHOHO!!" Namjoon's hyena-like laughter exploded into the air. He couldn't focus on anything except the ticklish sensations. Try as hard as he might, there was no way he could escape!
"This is your punishment Joonie! Take it like a man!" Jin said playfully, digging into the poor boy's sides.
"I'm just happy to finally be tickling him instead of the other way around!" Tae exclaimed happily. He was currently scratching the leader's left sole with his long nails, eliciting screams of laughter from him. The other maknaes nodded in agreement.
"Tickle tickle tickle Namjoonie!" Hobi teased in a high-pitched voice while scribbling away at Namjoon's left armpit.
"DOHOHOHON'T TEHEHEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!" Dang it, why did Hobi have to be so good at teasing? Probably practiced on the maknaes. He attempted to hide his face by turning his head away from Hobi, but was met with Jungkook's wriggling fingers in his neck.
"Awwww hyungie is shy!" Jungkook cooed. He leaned down close to Namjoon's ear. "Coochie coo hyung~"
This caused Namjoon to squeal loudly. "JUNGKOHOHOHOHOOK YOU BRAHAHAHAT!" His thrashing intensified.
Yoongi could see that he was getting close to his limit, so he motioned for everyone to slow down, but not completely stop. "Hang on everyone," he said. "There's something I want to do before we kill him."
The others watched to see the show Yoongi was gonna pull. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at him in terror.
"Hyuhuhung noho dohohon't! I know that lohohohook!" Anticipatory giggles flowed out of his mouth.
"What look?" Oh, that liar. Anyone could recognize that sly evil look on his face. And he knew it too. It wasn't often, but nearly every one of the members had experienced this at one point. And they all feared it.
"Hyuhuhung dohohon't you dahahaHAHAHAHAHAHARE NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Namjoon screamed in laughter as Yoongi had lifted his shirt and blown a massive raspberry right on his navel. The other members couldn't help but smile in awe as their beloved leader was reduced to a laughing writhing mess on the floor. Taehyung was right, it was a happy sight to see him being tickled to happy tears for a change.
Eventually, Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. "HYUHUHUHUNG *snort* ENOHOHOHOUGH STOHOHO*hic*HOHOP!!"
Yoongi stopped immediately and rubbed Namjoon's stomach. Everyone else crowded around him to make sure he was okay.
"Are you alright Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asked with concern.
Jungkook sat him up and started rubbing his back to help him breathe better. "Did we go too far?"
Namjoon breathed heavily while stroking Taehyung's head. The younger boy had made his way into Namjoon's lap, hugging him. "I'm okay guys. You didn't go too far." Though he sounded tired, and he was, deep down he felt really happy. He didn't realize how much he need that.
Everyone crowded in for a big group hug. They were really lucky to have each other. Even if they could be annoying at times. Namjoon took a moment to consider this and welcomed the embrace. He really was the luckiest guy on the planet.
It was a calm and peaceful day once again.
"Did anyone notice that Joonie didn't say stop until the very end?"
Well, it was anyway.
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saturnzskyzz · 8 months
"I love you"
Lee: Yoongi
Lers: Hoseok and Seokjin
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
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Is this even a drabble anymore? Eh, who knows. I make my drabbles long anyways.⚰️
I got the idea from watching a bts moment, and decided "fuck it" so here we are.
!!I'm still working on everyone's requests, don't worry!!
Yoongi wanted to be affectionate one day and sent out long text messages to two of the maknae's. What sucks for him though, is that it would later be brought up in a group conversation.
| tickling | swearing | THIS IS NOT A SHIP FANFIC |
Enjoy :)))
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
All of bts were sitting at a table with food placed in front of them. They were having a great filming day with the members just talking about whatever came to mind. They were on the topic of receiving heartfelt messages, and it brought Taehyung to spill his very heart warming text.
"There was one member who sent me a text message one day." Taehyung said, looking at everyone who was eating away at their food.
Yoongi, who heard loud and clear, all of a sudden put his hand up to his face as to face palm at the realization that Taehyung would be informing the members of a specific message that he 100% knew about.
Seokjin, who was sat next to Yoongi's right, saw this and was utterly confused about why Yoongi was suddenly acting unusual.
"Who was it?" Hoseok asked, looking at Taehyung with curiosity.
"Was it Jin?" Jimin also asked, looking at Tae with the same curiosity.
Seokjin placed his hand on Yoongi's neck and said, "Ya!Why are you laughing?" with amusement in his eyes. He knew exactly who sent Taehyung that random text message.
"It was Suga Hyung." Taehyung said, looking around once again with a smirk on his face.
All but Jungkook blurted out with "awh's" when the realization hit them. To be fair, no one would have thought that Yoongi would send a two paragraph message to one of the maknae's.
"Wow, I never imagined that happening!" Hoseok said, covering his mouth with his hand due to having food in his mouth. He looked at Taehyung and Yoongi with an amused face.
Yoongi looked up at Hoseok. "Why-why couldn't you imagine that happening?" Yoongi stutterly asked. He fidgetly fixed his turtle neck and smiled out of nervousness now that the attention turned to him.
"Do you want to know the reason why?! It's because I haven't received more than five messages from you!" Seokjin blurted out, turning to face Yoongi with an annoyed, but playful face. "And they were all one liners!"
Namjoon had his face down, and clapped now that the conversation has gotten more interesting.
But nonetheless, Taehyung kept going with his onslaught. He turned his head to where Seokjin and Yoongi were sitting. "The words at the end were really.." Taehyung tried to find the right words, until someone abruptly finished the sentence for him.
"They were memorable." Namjoon said, looking at Tae.
"Yeah." Taehyung said in agreement. "It's the first time I heard it."
Yoongi had his head down again, with the back of his hand covering his mouth with more embarrassement. Then, he lifted his head up again to repeat the words, "DON'T SAY IT!" while shaking his head at Taehyung.
"You need to tell us!" Namjoon said, looking at Taehyung.
"What did he write to make him this way?" Jimin then said, referring to Yoongi.
Taehyung turned to Jimin, and said, "He said, 'I love you.'"
The rest of the members, again, blurted out with "awh's."
Jungkook looks around the table with a crept up smirk, knowing that he's about to embarrass Yoongi even more.
"There were two messages that were sent out; the same exact paragraph with the words ending in, 'I love you.'" Jungkook said, looking straight at Yoongi.
The sheer horror that was casted on Yoongi's face, and utter embarrassment that has foreshown made the elder face palm, once again.
The rest looked at Jungkook, and then back to Yoongi. They were in disbelief at the affection that the older willingly sent out.
"I want a message like that from Suga hyung!" Jimin said with a pout and big eyes.
He looked at Yoongi, seeing how the older looked up slightly to look at Jimin.
"Jimin." Yoongi said, suddenly.
"Yes, hyung?" Jimin couldn't help but the slight smile that was creeping up on his face.
"I love you." Was all Yoongi said before looking away out of embarrassment, once again.
Jimin sat back, lunging his hands onto his chest like he had gotten shot. With the sound "ah!" he layed there in his chair with satisfaction.
"C'mon, me next, me next!" Hoseok said, looking at Yoongi with hope to his name. (Haha 😄)
"Not happening. Not again." Yoongi said, turning away from everyone to now stare at the camera men.
When did they get here?
"Awweee, but Yoongi-aah~ you gave the maknae's your affection, why can't you give it to me and Hoseok?" Seokjin said, putting both his hands on Yoongi's shoulders and instinctively squeezed fairly close to his collarbones.
"Nohohot happening- ehaha." Yoongi rushed a giggle before grabbing at Seokjin's hands to try and pry them off him. He twisted his head, while leaning forward in his chair to try and Dislodge his hands, but it was to no avail.
"Maybe I'll just have to tickle those words out of ya!" Seokjin said, before quickly moving his hands from Yoongi's shoulders down to his sides to scribble with ease.
"AH! Hahahaha! Lehehet gohoho!" Yoongi yelped, shooting his hands down to now grab at his hyungs hands, once again. He tried pushing Jin's hands away, but soon found out that it was no use, so he pulled at his wrists instead since he'd figured that he'd have more strength to do so. Which worked.. However, he made Seokjin leap out of his seat to crash into Yoongi, and down they went to the floor.
This had caused the rest of the members to look in worry for the two, knowing that they both get kind of pissy when falling unexpectedly.
"..Ohoho, my gohosh, are you ohokay, Hyung?!" Yoongi said, with a hint of regret now that he thinks that he hurt Seokjin. He turned around as much as he could, now resting on his elbows to look at Seokjin better, and gave him a look of worry before seeing how the oldest had a mischievous look on his face without even glaring at Yoongi. Seokjin caught himself with his own hands, thankfully, but he was still in the playful mood than to be annoyed that he got pulled to the ground with no warning.
"Yeah, I'm okay, but you're not going to be now that you just gave me more access to your sweet spots, eheh." Seokjin giggled with evil, but playful, intent. He pushed himself up by a tiny bit to get leverage from his knees, and used that opportunity to use both hands to go for Yoongi's ribs now.
"AAH! NAHAahaha! IHIHI'm SohOHOrry!! HYUHUHng dohOHOn't!!" Yoongi flintched at the sudden touch while grabbing at Seokjin's wrists once again to try and pry them off his sensitive ribs.
"Just say you love me, and this will all be over!" Seokjin said, digging a bit more into his ribs to emphasize his words.
"AAHAHAHA!- N-NEHEHAHAVER!" Yoongi is no surprise when it comes to his stubborness. So when Seokjin knowingly heard Yoongi, he moved his hands up more to the top of the spot where it meets the top rib, and the armpit.
Yoongi went ferral at that. He dragged his feet on the floor, as well as squirming from side to side to get away from the unbearable feeling that Seokjin was causing.
"NAHAHA! AHAHAHEHEHAHAH-KKCHEHEEHAHAHA! IHIHI'M SOHOHORRY! STAHAHAHP! S-STAHAHAHA!" Yoongi couldn't take it, the feeling was so unbearable, he didn't know what to say at that point. He resulted in curling in on himself, but due to Seokjin being in front of him, the back of the olderst stopped him from fully curling in, so he just swung to his side to face away from Jin.
"Don't be sorry about the fall, you dork. You know why he's tickling you, just say it!" Hoseok said, walking up to the two to join in. He waited until Seokjin moved from yoongi's upper body so he could go for his non-killable spots.
Seeing That Hoseok wanted to join fairly quickly, Seokjin changed in technique. He went for his hips this time, squeezing lightly as to not hurt the younger.
"AHAahahaha!- GihihiIHIive mehehe a breheheak!" Yoongi begged. He swung one of his legs here and there from the tickling that's being done on his hips, but it didn't help his predicament in the slightest.
"Just tell us you love us, Yoongi-aah!" Hoseok said, going for his sides that meet the bottom ribs with delicacy.
Gosh. Having two spots being tickled at the same time truly IS unbearable, Yoongi had thought. He closed his eyes shut, finally, to soak in the feeling as composed as possible, and just resulted in twisting his head from side to side.
"You know how to stop this, Shookie~" Seokjin sang out. He barely went for his hips to get Yoongi to say the words.
"I-Ihihihi'mhm nahahat sahahay shIHihit!" Yoongi blurted out, opening one of his eyes to look at Seokjin with the last of his determination.
He soon regretted it though, because Seokjin deadpanned his face at Yoongi, and went straight for the kill. His. Thighs.
"AAH- NAHAHA-!" Yoongi jolted at the feeling. He hasn't had his thighs be tickled in a LONG TIME. So when Seokjin dared to go that far for Yoongi to verbally show affection to his hyung, I can sure tell you that it worked.
"IHIHI L-LOVE YOHOHOU! SEHEOKJIHIN! - I LOVE YOU! THEHEHERE-!" Yoongi yelled at the top of his lungs for Seokjin to hear. Like music to the older's ears, he stopped his attack on Yoongi's thighs with a satisfied smile.
"See? Now was that hard, Shookie?" Seokjin asked, seeing how Hoseok was still going for Yoongi's sides.
"YEHEehes! EHEaha, J-HOPE! stahahap!" Yoongi demanded, hitting the younger's wrists lightly due to the fact that every last of his energy was nearly wiped from Seokjin's early attack.
"You haven't said 'I love you' to me, Hyung!" Hoseok said, giving Yoongi a sly look.
"Dohohon't puhuhush ihihit!" Yoongi said, trying to look and sound intimating, but his high pitched, and breathy giggles were not helping him.
"I'll go for the spot that Seokjin went for if you don't-" Hoseok was cut off by a quick and high pitched voice from the older. Did he also hear even more sporadic giggles from Yoongi when threatening him?
"IHIihihi lohohove YOHOHOU, hohoseok! Plehehease Dohohon't!" Yoongi said quickly, looking away from Hoseok with embarrassment.
"Awweee, I love you too, Yoongi-aah, haha!" Hoseok said, finally retrieving his attack on the older.
When Yoongi was finally let up from the attack, with Seokjin finally getting up off of him too, he quickly curled in on himself, and layed comfortably on his side, facing away from Seokjin and Hoseok.
"Isn't Yoongi just the cutest? He loves us!" Hoseok said, looking at the rest of the members.
"So all I had to do was tickle his thighs and he would say 'I love you' to me?!" Namjoon asked, knowing that he's the only one who hasn't gotten an 'I love you' from his hyung now.
"Dohohon't even thihink about it, Joon!" Yoongi said without looking at the leader.
"Oh I won't.. Not yet at least, ehaha." Namjoon giggled, looking at Yoongi as if the older could see his face right now.
Today will be a very long day for Yoongi. But hey? He would be lying if he said he didn't love them.
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romes-are-rosie · 7 months
Little Birthday
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(6.3k words {3 chapters})
Yoongi wasn't that big on his birthday. As a kid, birthdays meant parties plagued with uncomfortable feelings he couldn't explain. Once he came out at 13, his memories of birthdays were already tainted. Thankfully, with the help of his members, he was able to make new birthday memories. As the years passed, he grew more comfortable with the yearly event. He still never really became a big fan. He liked to keep things low-key. No parties, just
This year, things were different. Yoongi had started regressing for almost a year now and it had changed their entire dynamic. For the good, of course! Which is why Hoseok suggested a party to Seokjin.
~ Yoongi often struggles with dysphoria around his birthday because of his childhood experiences. This year, things are different. He feels old.
*This is part of an ongoing series of mine: Little Yoongi and his 6 caregivers so here's the link to the series if you want to read.
Link to Little Birthday
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babybearcookie · 1 year
Movie Night
this was requested
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this is an age regression drabble; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise it word count: 1,8k !!! this work contains spoilers for the movie Ron's Gone Wrong !!!
“WHAT?!” Jungkook shouted in disbelief, making poor, sensitive Yoongi cover his ears and whimper a bit in surprise over the loud sound coming from the other. Yoongi and Jungkook had gotten into a rhythm of hanging out on the weekend, sometimes regressing together if they had a lot of stress coming on. The two were best friends; they met at the tattoo studio where Yoongi worked as a piercer and manager of the place. He'd seen Jungkook come in multiple times, his friend Taehyung, one of the tattoo artists in the studio, having promised the boy tattoos at a lower rate, and since it looked like the younger was going for having his entire body covered at some point, he gladly took his friend up on that offer. Yoongi’s first real interaction with the boy was when he was coming in for an eyebrow piercing. They got to talking and the talking just never stopped. Even if they didn’t have a lot of things in common, they held a lot of similar values and a huge love for music, though Yoongi showed love for it by making it and Jungkook, by moving his body to it. The more they started hanging out together, the more protective Yoongi felt towards Jungkook, regarding him almost as a little brother, which is why Jungkook found it so funny that when they both regressed together for the first time; Yoongi was the younger in age. 
Jungkook loved being a big sibling to Yoongi when they both were regressed and even when it was only Yoongi who had slipped, he loved guiding the ‘younger’ to new and exciting things, like games, food and especially movies, which is why he was astounded that he hadn’t shown his best friend his all-time favourite movie yet. He immediately went to work on building a pillow fort, which he usually did when he and Yoongi wanted to watch some movies, as the smaller was very prone to sensory overload and therefore couldn’t focus much on a movie if he wasn’t comfortable. It was no sweat for Jungkook; he always loved spoiling his little sibling and wanted to show that he would do whatever Yoongi needed to be comfortable. 
Having made a pillow fort many, many times before, Jungkook was quick to get one set up, having half a mind to keep watch on Yoongi. It wasn’t that Yoongi was that younger than him, Jungkook being around 8 and Yoongi being about 4, but he couldn’t help but feel nervous if the other wasn’t in his field of vision, being the one responsible for him. But Yoongi stayed put where Jungkook had left him, enamoured by how Jungkook was ensuring everything was up to standard for Yoongi. Back in his mind, the adult version of him found it amusing that his best friend was going through all that trouble to not have an overstimulating environment for the movie night just after yelling in his face, overstimulating him. That was of course not something regressed Jungkook had thought about, and not something Yoongi was hung up about, having slipped into somewhat of a trance, watching Jungkook roam around, getting all the necessary things. It helped with regulating the stimulus.
Jungkook, now very gentle, brought Yoongi over to the finished pillow fort and sat him down in the spot that would be most comfortable. “Okay, Yoonie, this is my faaaavourite movie and I really really think you’ll like it. Do you want some snacks for the movie?” he asked as Yoongi got situated. Yoongi, fumbling with his fingers, looked up a Jungkook, who was still standing, ready to fulfil every request that might be coming from the one sitting. Yoongi mumbled out; “fishies, hyungie?” not feeling particularly verbal that day but still above writing out what he wished to say. Jungkook nodded with a wide smile on his face, sprinting off to get the ‘fishies’ aka the goldfish crackers. He was just happy that Yoongi was in a salty mood instead of something sweet because that would have meant using like 15 minutes on washing and cutting up fruit for the smaller. 
Yoongi got himself situated; ears perked as heard the sound of the goldfish crackers being poured into a bowl. He looked around him, suddenly very aware that his stuffed teddy wasn’t in his line of sight. He whimpered, and as if Jungkook had super hearing, he sprinted into the living room and crouched down in front of Yoongi. “Why is Yoonie baby sad?” he pet his friend’s hair, trying his best to comfort him. “Bear!” Yoongi cried out, getting more distressed the longer he was without his stuffed teddy bear. Jungkook whipped his head around, scanning the room to find the plushie, finally spotting a little tuft of brown fur sticking out from underneath the couch. It seemed, that in his hurry to build the pillow fort, he might have pushed the bear out of the way and under the sofa. He quickly got it, dusted it off and handed it over to Yoongi, who immediately hugged it and nuzzled his face into its soft fur. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. He could see that Yoongi was close to tears, and if Yoongi had cried, Jungkook would have cried, and he didn’t like crying when he was the bigger kid.
After getting everything set up and making sure Yoongi was feeling comfortable beside him, Jungkook finally put on the movie, jumping a little where he sat in excitement for his favourite movie. He had seen the movie a million times before, almost to the point where he could recite the entire script by heart along the movie, so while watching the movie, he was also watching Yoongi for reactions to the movie, excited to see if his baby brother also found it as good as he did.
Though, when Ron got introduced to the viewers as well as to Barney Yoongi didn’t like it one bit, hiding himself a bit behind Jungkook, away from the TV screen. Jungkook frowned and hesitated, reaching out for the remote to stop the movie, not liking Yoongi’s facial expressions one bit, but let a sigh out of relief when Yoongi lit up at Ron doing the ‘dikky dikky dakka’ dance not long after, and leaned back, bringing his arm around Yoongi to bring him closer into his body, knowing that it wouldn’t be the last time Yoongi would find the movie a bit scary. Actually, he tried his best to comfort Yoongi, but then came the scene with the bullies at the playground and he couldn’t help but get excited, though, he did his best to hide it as Yoongi definitely didn’t like the scene.
When they came to the scene of the B Bot being crushed, Yoongi whimpered and hid his face in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook held him close and after the scene was over, he pressed pause, deciding to give Yoongi a little breather. He did not like the scene himself when he watched the movie for the first time, and that was even when he was feeling big, so he did his best to comfort Yoongi, holding him tight. “Do you wanna stop watching, Yoonie?” he almost whispered and, it took a beat, but Yoongi shook his head the best he could while being burrowed in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook smiled and patted Yoongi’s head to let him know that he was heard, well, felt.
“Yoonie, can Jungkookie get up? I won’t be long, I promise.” Yoongi let go but not after holding onto the mentally older for a second. Jungkook made sure Yoongi had his teddy and then hurried off to the kitchen, struggling to get on the counter for a second to get to the top cabinets where older Jungkook and Yoongi had put the best snacks, to not make them as tempting for them when they were regressed, but younger Jungkook thought that it was time to bring some of them out. As he opened the cabinet, he was overwhelmed with the scent of all the goodies tucked away, but he reminded himself of having some self-control and not bringing all of them into the living room. His eyes landed on the Honey Butter Chips. He knew that big Jungkook would want to scold his regressed self for taking them, but he reminded himself that it was for Yoongi, even though, even in his younger headspace, he knew that they were expensive compared to other chips.
When he brought them into the living room, Yoongi caught a glimpse of the bag, eyes widening. He waited very patiently (not at all) for Jungkook to sit down and open the bag and immediately dug into the deliciousness that was the honey butter chips. Jungkook started the movie again, happy to see Yoongi content and munching away on the chips, almost not taking any himself, despite the love he had for the snack. Yoongi gave a few very cute reactions throughout the movie as they continued, such as patting Jungkook and saying “frien’ reqwest!” as he had seen Ron do in the movie, which got a giggle from Jungkook, not that Yoongi saw, as he was moving on, doing the same to his teddy, although patting softer than he had Jungkook. Jungkook couldn’t help but coo at Yoongi when he pouted at the scene where Ron uploaded himself. When they were done with the movie, Yoongi was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, bringing Jungkook to help him up and hold his hand as they walked to Yoongi’s bedroom to get him into bed. Jungkook tried his best to tuck Yoongi in but before he could turn to leave, thinking that Yoongi had fallen asleep, the mentally younger tugged on his shirt sleeve. “What is it, Yoonie?” Jungkook asked. “Dark,” was all that Yoongi muttered to him. Jungkook went over to the corner of the room to plug in the little warm light that Yoongi would use as a night light when he needed it, only to be met with a whine and Yoongi pointing his finger downwards. Jungkook happily took the plug to the light out of the socket as he understood what Yoongi was hinting at, plugging it back in, in the socket beside Yoongi’s bed, pushing the light underneath the bed, mimicking the movie they’d just seen. When he was sure everything was good with the light, he crawled back up, giving Yoongi a big, sloppy kiss on his forehead and took his leave. 
When he got outside the door, he looked around the living room at the mess they had made of it, deciding that he was definitely too small for that, and it was a problem for big Yoongi and Jungkook the next day when they woke up, and then promptly turned to his bedroom to call it a night also.
a/n: sorry for it taking so long for me to finally having this written, and for writing all the other requests collecting dust in my inbox, but i'll try my quickest to get to them. also, if you haven't tried Honey Butter Chips, i REALLY recommend them. they might be a bit expensive but they're so good
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
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lachimolala22019 · 2 years
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Your Bubba yoongi had been gone on the tour for a month, and was now finally returning to you with some gifts and cuddles to make up for the time he was away.
Pairing: Yoongi x little!reader
Warnings: age regression, little reader, caregiver yoongi, ddlg, pet names, little space, fluff.
Note: if you don't like to read little space story then leave.
I was waiting for my Bubba Yoongi to come home from his tour, he was gone for almost a month now and was final coming back home. In this one month, I missed him so much even through he called me daily to check up on me and video called me. It was not enough as he couldn't hold me close to his chest where I could listen to his heartbeats. It's been too long since I have slept in his arms.
Since he was finally going to be back I could spend alot of time with him. I already thought of the games I wanted to play together with him. Since he would have off from work for 7 days before going back.
Right now I was playing with my RJ plushie which was a gift that Jin oppa gave me on his birthday. I was not in too little headspace, maybe around 7-9years.
There was a sound of the door opening and I ran toward the door knowing that it must be my Bubba since he is the only one who knows the password to the door.
"Bubba" I exclaimed with joy and ran toward him I jumped into his arms and hugged his neck tightly with my hands, my legs warped around his waist. I Burried my face in his neck "Bubba I missed you so much" I told him with a pout on my face.
"Baby, I missed you too" He said as wrapped his arms around me two leaving the handle of the suitcase to hold me better. He gave me a peck on my cheeks and walked toward the couch with me held securely in his arms.
He sat on the couch the couch and adjust me into his lap in a more comfortable position and asked, "Were you a good girl for Bubba when he was not here? Did you eat all your meals on time and went to bed on time hmm"
"Yes Bubba I did, I was a really good girl for you" I replied with a smile on my face. "You did so good baby, Bubba is proud of you,I love you my baby, It was so boring when my baby was not with me.
"I love you too Bubba I was also bored without you, No one was here to help me color my drawing book."
"But now I am here baby I will help you with your drawing book." "I brought a gift for you and some of your favorite snacks from there."
Hearing about gifts my eyes lit up in exitiment and a wide smile formed on my face,"Gift for me? Really, Thank you so much Bubba." I jumped from his lap in exitiment and went to get the suitcase to find my gift.
"Be careful baby, let me help you." Bubba said as he walked toward me and took the heavy suitcase from me and put in on the table in the living room. He opened and suitcase and took out a nice looking box, the box looked like a jewelry box.
"Here, open it baby." He gave me the box.I opened the box carefully and saw what was inside it. There was a pretty necklace with a gold chain the the pendent had a white flowers with a yellow gem in the middle.
"It looks pretty Bubba, Thankyou so much." I say in awe, "can you help me put it on, please." I looked at him with big eyes eager to wear the necklace.
"You're welcome baby, give it to me so I can put it on you." He extended his hand toward me to hold the necklace. I gave him the necklace and turned around to make it easier for him to put it on.
He gently clasped the necklace on my neck, I turned around and showed him "how does it look Bubba?" I asked him "It looks so pretty on my beautiful baby." He said with a sweet smile on his face happy to see my smile.
I suddenly yawned feeling tired suddenly since It was my nap time. "Looks like someone is tired, let me put you to nap baby" He said look at me with a endearing eyes.
"Will you nap with me Bubba, I missed cuddling you." ," Of course baby I will let me bath and change my icky clothes, then I will give you cuddles. You go and lay on bed and wait for me."
I nodded to tired to talk and went to my room with RJ held close in my arms. I entered the room and layer on the bed and covered myself with warm blanket.
10 minutes later yoongi came and found his baby trying her best to not sleep. He went near her and gently lay beside her in the blanket. He hugged her his hands holding his waist and cuddling to her.
"Good night baby, I love you" , that was the last thing you heard before falling asleep in Yoongi's arms. Feeling safe and comfortable in the warmth you missed."
Author note: I hope you liked the chapter please check out my story AMETHYST .
Bye bye💜
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
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Blacktober Day 21 - Drinks - 1.2K
Parings: Namjoon/Arissa/Yoongi Genre/Trope: Gang AU, Established Relationship, SFW Rating: PG15 Summary: Arissa takes her boyfriend’s on a business trip and she uses them to her advantage.  Warnings: Cursing, Yoongi and Namjoon’s nips are out, Kissing, Teasing
ᴵᵐᵃᵍᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴳⁱᶠˢ ⁱⁿ ᵐᵒᵒᵈᵇᵒᵃʳᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴾⁱⁿᵗᵉʳᵉˢᵗ
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News of Arissa traveling on her own had the world trying to catch her every move. It has been a while since Arissa stepped out of South Korea and people were wondering what was going on in her life. The moment people figured out where she was going, it was a wrap. The jet touches down in Salzburg, Austria and Arissa holds her head up high as she walks through the airport with Namjoon’s hand clasped around hers tightly. Yoongi is bringing up the rear as paparazzi and Arissa’s fans crowd around the group. There are four other personal security guards spread around them, keeping people a good distance away while Arissa smiles and waves to everyone.
Namjoon keeps his face hidden behind a mask and a curtain of freshly dyed honey brown hair. Yoongi’s face is mask free, his silver hair pushed out of his face and held in place by his black snapback. His eyes are sharp, daring anyone to step past the guards hired to put their lives on the line. Arissa is maskless, her face done up in shades of gold and browns while her red wig frames her face in endless waves that reach the middle of her back. Outside of the airport two silver SUV’s wait for the group to exit the building and when the driver spots Namjoon over the crowd, he gets out the truck and quickly opens the back door.
Namjoon places his hand on the top of the inside of the car to protect Arissa’s head as she gets in before he slides in after her. Yoongi takes the front seat, and he glances in the rearview mirror to makes sure the bodyguards are good before he tells the driver to pull off. Yoongi settles into his seat and double checks with the driver on the address of the home they will be staying in for the next two weeks. There is a fashion event being hosted by a local boutique and they reached out to Arissa to join the event as a spectator. On the flip side, Taehyung was informed that there was a possibility to grow Arissa’s share of Kim-Jung Enterprise, so that’s why Namjoon is tagging along for the trip. Though Namjoon hasn’t admitted to anyone other than Arissa that Mozart’s home being in Salzburg caught his attention as well.
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“Can you two hurry up!” Arissa groans from the living room. She slips her feet into her black boots and grabs her purse from beside her as she hears two-bedroom doors open. Looking up, Arissa grins and claps her hands, “Damn…” Arissa stands and stares at the two men in front of her.
Yoongi rolls his eyes while Namjoon clicks his tongue with his black dress shoes in his hands. “Do we really have to wear this?” Namjoon complains looking down at the black leather and mesh ensemble and Yoongi narrows his eyes.
“At least your arms and nipples are covered. My whole shit is out!” Yoongi grumbles as he dramatically shakes his arms while slapping his mesh covered chest making Arissa laugh.
“You both look amazing. Embrace the sex appeal and enjoy the show tonight.” Arissa reaches out and smooth her hands over both men’s chests. “If this goes right, it will be an easy asset added to the company.” Arissa pecks both their lips and before she can pull away Yoongi wraps an arm around Arissa’s waist. “Yoongi,” Arissa warns not wanting to mess up her makeup or rip her own mesh dress.
“What?” The heat from Yoongi’s hand seeps into Arissa’s skin as he pouts at her innocently.
Namjoon is quick to grip her chin lightly between his thumb and index finger. “Why don’t we spend the night in? I’m sure we can find something to do.” Namjoon cocks an eyebrow and leans in to press his lips to Arissa, but she covers his mouth with her hand.
“We’re going to the show and that’s final.” Arissa narrows her eyes at the two men and steps back. “Put your shoes on and hurry up.”
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Outside of the boutique’s chosen venue Namjoon and Yoongi stand on either side of Arissa with their arms around her waist. They keep their faces neutral, not smiling for anyone while Arissa smiles softly and works their way around the cameras. Heading into the venue, Arissa grabs hold of Yoongi’s hand and leads the way to their seats.
“I’m going to mingle for a little bit before the show starts. The bar is over on the back wall.” Arissa slides her black and gold fur duster off her shoulders and Namjoon takes it in his arms before he folds in neatly and sets it on Arissa’s seat.
“Don’t stray too far from Yoongi. There are a few people here who I wasn’t expecting to see, so I’ll touch base with them. Tonight, you are one half of Kim-Jung Enterprise. People will come up to you just because.”
Arissa giggles and tucks her red hair behind her ear, “Baby, you act like I haven’t been in the game long. Let me do me and enjoy the night. I got this.” Arissa pats Namjoon’s chest and wiggles her fingers at Yoongi, signaling him to take hold of her hand once again. “See you in a bit, Joonie.” Arissa walks off with Yoongi by her side and Namjoon sighs, fixing his jacket before he makes his way to the bar. People will notice him and make their way to him. It’s child’s play and Namjoon already knows how tonight will go.
Arissa sees a few Instagram models and a handful of independent stylists which makes her smile. Tonight’s turn out is nice, there is a lot more opportunities here than Arissa originally thought. Turning her head to Yoongi, Arissa leans in, “Why don’t you grab us a drink, hum? A whiskey sour is calling my name.”
Yoongi raises his eyebrow but says nothing as he lets go of Arissa’s hand and heads towards the bar. Spotting her target, Arissa walks over to an older woman that remind her of a poodle, her orange hair is always curled tightly in a perm. The older woman spots Arissa and her eyes widen before she quickly excuses herself from her current conversation.
“Arissa Jayde-Jung! You look stunning darling!”
“Kimmy Choi, I was not expecting to see you here. How have you been hun?”
The two embrace each other and Kimmy sighs dramatically at Arissa’s question. “Oh, where to start? You’ve heard that Richard left me, right? The gale of that wet noodle! And for a man at that!” Kimmy frowns and Arissa’s eyes widen. She didn’t know that Kimmy’s ex-husband left her for a man, she thought they were just taking a break…like usual.
“We know you can do better than Richard, Kimmy. He wasn’t your first choice anyway.”
Kimmy laughs and her eyes fall away from Arissa’s face to someone behind her. Arissa fights back the smirk that’s pulling at her lips and quickly covers it with a cough as a soothing warmth brush against her arm.
“Here’s your drink, Riss.” Yoongi hands Arissa her whiskey sour and Kimmy’s eyes are glued to Yoongi’s every movement.
Arissa takes the glass from Yoongi and thanks him softly while keeping a close eye on Kimmy’s ques. “Oh, how rude of me. Kimmy this is my friend, Min Yoongi. Yoongi this is Kimmy Choi. She is one of the founders of the boutique.”
Kimmy thrusts her hand out for Yoongi to shake and Arissa tries not to laugh. Hook, line, and sinker…Arissa has this deal in the bag.
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ya9amicide · 1 year
Redamancy [BTS]
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chapter two
♡ info ♡ k-pop masterlist ♡ previous chapter ♡ next chapter ♡
summary: Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too.
To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest.
But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
pairing(s): ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc
warnings: none
taglist: @frieschan​ || @writingwithmai || @osakis-gf || @hiefisch
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Although I knew there were seven of them, it was no less shocking or intimidating now that they were standing in front of me. It was clear that they were all a different species which is shocking as most of the time, packs with both predator and prey hybrids don’t mesh well.
Some were hiding behind others. The ones in front did not look happy with the situation…understandably.
“Hello,” I say, observing how some of their ears twitched at the sound of my voice. “I was going to feed…I’m sorry I never got your name.” I turn my attention to the German Shepherd I welcomed in earlier.
“Hoseok,” he says.
I smile and he shifts on his feet. “I was going to feed Hoseok and offer a place to sleep while the storm is raging outside. He told me there were more of you so I thought I’d offer the same to you as well.”
One of the hybrids in the front watches me. He has shaggy gray ears and a tail to match. “Why?” He asks, tone flat and voice low.
“Do I…need a reason?” I ask and he narrows his eyes and I sigh. “Because you shouldn’t have to sleep outside in a storm like this. You shouldn't have to sleep outside at all to begin with.” They still just stand there. “I’m going to get some more towels so you can dry off. If you’re here when I get back, I’ll assume you accept my offer, and if not…” I take my leave then.
When I get back, I make a move closer to them with a stack of towels, and they shuffle backwards, some letting out low growls. I freeze, body tensing. Without taking my eyes off of them, I slowly place the towels on a side table by the couch. “Feel free to sit in the living room or the kitchen. Once we get some food in you I can show you to the showers and the bedrooms. You can take some of my brother’s clothes in the meantime.”
Moving into the kitchen to make more food, I don’t hear anything from the other room for a few minutes. Then there’s shuffling and I know they’re drying off. From what I can tell, they are all staying in there.
However, when I turn around to start bringing food to the kitchen table, I see the tall hybrid with the shaggy gray fur and I jump. “Motherfu–,” I slam my hand over my mouth before I finish the word. I’m sure he can hear the erratic beating of my heart.
His mouth twitches slightly. “Sorry.”
I wave him off after my heart calms down a little. “You’re fine. I just didn’t hear you coming in so I wasn’t expecting to see someone when I turned around. Would you mind bringing everyone to the table, please?” He nods and walks off.
I set all of the food out and notice that they are all standing off to the side, watching me. “...You can sit down.”
“Anywhere?” The small cat hybrid in the back says, moving to stand behind the others when my gaze turns to him.
I tilt my head slightly in confusion. “Of course, anywhere! I don’t have a preference so pick whichever spot you want.”
The predator hybrids seem to surround the prey around the table. The only spot left is by the shaggy gray one from before. It seems they want to protect the others from me should I try something.
They all wait for me to start filling my plate before they do the same. “So, I know Hoseok’s name. Can I know the rest? Also, I’m not really the best at identifying hybrids so if you’re comfortable I’d like to know what kind of hybrid you are.”
Hoseok is the first to speak up, still nervous, but clearly more comfortable with me than the rest because of our previous interaction. “German Shepherd,” he says, which makes sense as soon as he says it. His ears and tail are full of deep brown fur, both a bit wild from the conditions outside.
“Yoongi,” another one of them says, his tone and stare both cold, “Russian Blue cat.” It’s short and dirty, but it’s clear to see that his fur is a silvery gray color.
The small cat from before sits next to him, gripping his sleeve tightly. “Jimin…I’m a Calico.” His voice is timid and he avoids looking at me. His fur is a beautiful patchwork of black, orange and white.
One of the tallest ones speaks next, his tiny white ears barely visible through his hair. “I’m Seokjin,” his voice is quiet and kind. “I’m a ferret.”
“I’m Jungkook! I’m a rabbit,” one of the younger boys says. It’s then that I can hear the sound of thumping on the ground. His foot is tapping in excitement and he gives me a bright, but still nervous smile. I smile kindly at him and his eyes twinkle.
The big hybrid from before leans back in his seat next to me. “I’m a wolf,” he says and then pauses, as if waiting to see if I would run away in fear at this. I simply raise a questioning eyebrow in response and he smirks again. “My name is Namjoon.”
I finally turn my attention to the last hybrid and almost jolt when his striking feline eyes meet mine. They’re half lidded and observant. “Hello,” his voice is deep and echoes throughout the room. “My name is Taehyung, I’m a tiger.” He grins wickedly.
“I thought packs with predator and prey hybrids don’t usually work?” I ask.
“Most of us have been together since we were young,” Namjoon says. “Under the right circumstances bonds like ours can work.” His tone is suggestive when he talks about how they came together. It’s dark and angry. Clearly, the circumstances weren’t good ones.
The bunny is still bouncing his foot in anticipation under the table. “What’s your name?” He asks.
“I’m Wren,” I say, taking another bite of food.
“What do you do, Wren?” Yoongi asks in a purr. He leans forward, tone sly.
My gaze turns fond. “I’m a writer when I want to be but a professor everyday in between.” I love what I do. Most days I get to teach people about Greek mythology, something I’ve held a big interest in since I was little. And in between all of that, I get to write books about things from the deep recesses of my mind that others get to eventually enjoy.
“How did you guys end up out in the storm?” I ask. They all shift uncomfortably, those who were previously comfortable now retreated back into themselves. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Namjoon waves his hand dismissively. “It’s okay. It’s a reasonable question. We’ve been out on the streets for a while now. All of us have rotated to and from different owners and shelters since we were young. That’s how we met each other. We all eventually ended up on the streets and just stuck together after that.”
It was safe to say that after that, the lighthearted mood was gone.
When everyone finished eating, I guided them upstairs to the different bedrooms and bathrooms. “Here are some clothes. They should fit relatively well,” I hand them each a pile of clothes to choose from. “They’re my brothers. He used to live with me but when he moved out he left some stuff behind. There are towels and toiletries in the cabinets. You all can choose between any of the bedrooms except mine of course. So, any room besides the last one on the right is free reign. If you get hungry feel free to raid the kitchen, I just ask that you clean up any messes you make.”
I watch them all shuffle where they stand. I blow out a breath of air and awkwardly rock on my heels. “Well, if you need anything don’t be afraid to come ask. I have nothing going on tomorrow so don’t be afraid to wake me. All I ask is that you knock before you come into my room.” Knowing they won’t give me any further answers, I walk down the hall to my room. Giving them one last look over my shoulder, I quietly close the door behind me.
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oscolotlxzooxx · 9 months
ʙᴛs ɪs ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ᴀʟʟ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪɴᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴜᴀʟʟʏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ:
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ɪ ᴡᴀs ʙᴏʀᴇᴅ, sᴏ ɪ ᴅɪᴅ ᴛʜɪs. ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜɪs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴋᴘᴏᴘ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ!
ᴋᴘᴏᴘ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘs ɪ'ʟʟ ᴅᴏ:
・ᴀᴛᴇᴇᴢ ・
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arlaina28 · 1 year
The Girlfriend Experience Chapter 2 Yoongi's Version
Fandom- BTS Relationship- Yoongi|Suga/Reader Rated- General Warnings- None for this chapter
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“Hi.” I reply with a smile of my own.
We shake hands and he rubs his neck in a way that seems to be habit when he’s embarrassed or nervous.
“I’ll show you around.” He says softly, leading the way into the building.
He shows me the main lounge room and the kitchen before leading me upstairs.
“This is your room. Mine is right next door.” He tells me, opening the door to my room.
I look around and see I have a bed that is made up already, a wardrobe and a TV. I put my case inside the room and turn to him. He smiles at me again.
“Is it okay?” He asks, rubbing his neck again.
“Yes, thank you.” I smile back at him.
“We’ve just had breakfast and some of us will be downstairs in the studio, others will be in the dance studio. You can come with me or watch the dancers or be by yourself?” He explains, feet shuffling slightly.
“I’d love to watch you work.” I say excitedly.
“It may be boring. Bring a book.” He chuckles, rubbing his neck again.
“Okay.” I chuckle, grabbing my book from my suitcase.
I follow him downstairs to the living area and downstairs again to a basement studio. There are two other band members there already and they both greet me with grins.
“These are two of my brothers. Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok.” Yoongi introduces me.
I greet them back nervously, wondering how I’m going to remember everyone’s names.
“You can call me RM.” The taller of the three says and I nod gratefully.
“I’m J-Hope.” The other says and I can’t help but grin back at him as his grin is infectious.
  I sit on a sofa that is on one side of the room and start reading my book as the guys get to work. I can’t concentrate on the story though as I keep finding my eyes drawn to Yoongi. He’s so intense and determined while he is working, whether it’s discussing lyrics, writing them down or trying to work on the right sounds to go with them. He looks completely different from the shy, quiet guy who met me at the door.
Hours pass as they work, occasionally having heated debates about certain parts of the song they’re working on. Suddenly, one of the other members pops their head in, declaring that Jin had sent him to get them for lunch.  RM and J-Hope leave at once but Yoongi stays behind. I stay seated, firstly because I’m not expecting that anyone made me anything and secondly because I want to stay with Yoongi. After a few more minutes he sighs and rubs his face tiredly. He stands up and turns, freezing as he sees me.
“You don’t want lunch?” He asks, tilting his head a little.
“I was waiting for you.” I smile, standing up and stretching.
He blinks at me and I see a faint blush spread over his cheeks before a pleased smile grows on his face. He gestures for me to follow him. We walk into the dining room and I hesitate, a little overwhelmed by all the people and noise.
“Finally! I kept food for you two. It’s not healthy to work so much you miss meals.” One states, looking every part the angry Mother.
“That’s the eldest, Jin. He always Mothers us.” J-Hope laughs, making the rest all laugh.
“Yeah, when he’s not doing bad old man jokes.” The one that came and got us for lunch says.
“That’s Tae.” J-Hope says, laughing as Jin looks annoyed.
“Sit here, next to me.” Yoongi says, gently leading me by the wrist to an empty chair.
He sits next to me and serves me up a bit of everything Jin has made. It tastes delicious and Jin grins happily as I tell him so. I’m soon introduced to everyone and I watch as they all laugh and joke with each other. When we’re done it’s decided that the youngest three must wash up and I follow Yoongi back to the studio.
Another few hours pass with me alternating between reading and just watching Yoongi in amazement. When an alarm sounds I jump but everyone else just looks at Yoongi’s phone where the alarm is coming from.
“Cooking time.” Yoongi sighs, standing up.
“Do you want help?” I ask him, standing up.
“I can do it but you can watch if you want?” He says with a small smile.
“I’d love to.” I grin excitedly.
He chuckles and we walk back to the kitchen. I sit on a stool by the counter as he gets to work. It’s amazing to watch him, slicing and chopping as he cooks. Other members wander in and out, looking at what he’s doing and making comments before disappearing again. Jungkook sticks around longer, really seeming to take in everything Yoongi does. Jungkook is then sent to tell  everyone dinner is ready and I help Jimin to set the table.
We eat dinner, the guys all laughing and joking with each other again. I fight the urge to moan as I taste Yoongi’s cooking, it’s so good. I keep feeling like he’s staring at me but when I look at him he’s looking elsewhere. We all eat and then I insist on doing the washing up, feeling like I should do something productive today. Once I’m done I come out and see the guys are all sitting in the lounge, choosing a movie and drinking while eating snacks. Yoongi motions for me to sit between him and the arm of the sofa, handing me some crisps once I’m seated. He offers me a drink but I decline, not wanting to get drunk.
I can’t help but be very aware of his leg resting against mine as we watch the movie. The older members moan that the movie is hard to watch as the younger ones are being to loud which ends up with everyone having a food fight. I laugh but hide behind Yoongi, not wanting to have food or sauce thrown on me. Yoongi is laughing and trying to shield me.
Eventually RM declares it’s bed time as they have an early start tomorrow so we all head to our rooms. Yoongi walks me to my room, rubbing his neck again as I’m standing at my door.
“I’m right next door if you need anything.” Yoongi smiles at me.
“Thank you.” I smile back at him before kissing his cheek.
“G-goodnight.” He stutters and I walk into my room, ready to sleep.
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mightbekelly · 2 years
Sanctuary - A Yoon2Seok MerMay Fic
Title: Sanctuary
Ship: Yoon2Seok
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 16.5k
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Hoseok and Seokjin run a marine sanctuary where they care for marine animals that are sick/injured to be released back into the ocean. They are shocked when they find a man with a fish tail passed out on the rock barrier that borders their sanctuary. What’s worse: even the merman has no idea who he is. 
The sun is just coming up over the horizon as Hoseok goes out to check on the outdoor enclosure. It’s his turn to make sure the marine animals there are fed and doing well. This is where they watch their patients who no longer need to be isolated (either due to illness, injury, or type of creature) before releasing them back into the wild. There’s still a fog along the rocky shore so Hoseok wears a light jacket to keep off the breeze with his t-shirt, short, and water shoes. Just in case he gets too close to the water and gets splashed.
“Good morning,” he says cheerily as he steps out onto the little dock to get a closer look at Sunhee, the dolphin he and Seokjin rescued after she was caught by fishers and her dorsal fin was injured. “You look very healed up,” he compliments her as she comes by to say good morning. Or, more properly, to get the fish from the bucket he’s carrying. “I’ll talk to Jinnie, but you can probably go home in a day or two!”
Sunhee gives a wet blow from her blowhole and Hoseok happily gives her the fish. He has a few other patients that Hoseok checks on in the enclosure with her before he stands up and gives a big stretch, his hands high over his head, as he looks out over the rocks that separate the enclosure from the ocean. Waves splash along the barrier, the remnants of a storm that came through the night before.
Hoseok is about to turn and go back into the sanctuary when something catches his eye. A spot of something dark that the waves wash over that is definitely not rock. At first he thinks it may be some seaweed that has washed up during the storm, or maybe the tangled remnants of a discarded fishing net. He almost disregards it, but if it is a net he’s going to want to go bring it in so he squints his eyes to try and get a better look. That’s when he realizes that the something dark is hair attached to a pale figure washed up on the rocks. Panic lances through his chest.
“Hyung!” Hoseok cries out to his fellow marine biologist, hoping he can hear him before remembering he’s got a walkie talkie strapped to his hip. Even as he runs off the little dock and up over the rock enclosure, he’s pulling the walkie off. “Seokjin,” he says into the device after he pushes the button and holds it for a three count, trying not to let his fear ruin his ability to communicate. “Get a first aid kit, we may have a diver washed up on the outdoor enclosure!”
As he tries to carefully make his way along the rocks, Seokjin answers back. “Should I call the paramedics?”
“Probably. I’m going over to check right now, but they look unconscious,” Hoseok replies.
“Grabbing my kit and my phone. Careful, Hobi,” comes Jin’s message as Hoseok makes his way towards the person.
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derireo-galge · 1 year
Drawing Lesson 🐾
| 1,6k | little space | little Yoongi | yoonmin |
Jimin finds a good activity to distract Yoonie from feeling a little blue.
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[ Little Yoongi x Caregiver Jimin series ]
Tags: sfw | canonverse | soft yoonmin
With how attentive he became about everything related to Yoongi lately, even more than before, it was hard not to notice him feeling a little down while he was on a small break from his usual schedule. He is used to being active, always busy with something, and when there was nothing he could self occupy himself with, which was pretty rare, he would become a little anxious. Especially when the never ending process of working on music would slow down or he would get stuck on verse one.
Jimin walked inside the bedroom and found Yoongi laying on the bed with his head hanging off the edge. He started watching him and noticed how his hyung would sometimes get up after being in such position and try to look at everything around him. Probably the rush of blood to his head was giving him black spots or something. Yoongi looked utterly fascinated and his caregiver was going through stages of being surprised, being endeared and being hit with realization that his Yoonie was bored.
Luckily he has prepared for it. He has been waiting for this, having noticed how Yoongi would go deeper into his thoughts, how he would become more quiet. In moments like these Jimin wasn't sure if he should give space or help otherwise, even after so many years of knowing him. He offered quiet support to Yoongi, kept silent company with exquisite drinks and soft music playing. Did stuff around the house so he doesn't have to, not that Yoongi felt like doing it himself anyway. He would do something small for him, subtly offering to eat or to take a nap. For Yoonie he could offer more than that.
Jimin took the package he ordered from art supplies store. He was hoping to interest his little in some drawing. He prepared well, watching some basic tutorials and thought the process through to put Yoonie in the situation of success - he heard that it was important with kids this age and the same should apply to littles too.
- Yoonie, - he called softly.
His hyung was sitting in the bed cross legged and focused on him immediately when he heard Jimin's voice. The younger was holding the package behind his back, making it obvious he was hiding something.
- Jiminie? Oh, are you hiding something?
Yoonie's curious nature couldn't let him stay bored on the bed. He had a new goal now, a new mystery. He put his legs on the floor trying to take a peek behind Jimin's back, unsuccessfully.
- Maybe, - Jimin shrugged playfully.
- Will you show me?
Yoonie's lips slightly jutted out. If Jimin was prepared to do it before, now it was a need. He should never underestimate the power of Yoonpout. It made him want to lay the world to his feet.
- Why don't we sit at the table in the lounge and I'll show you what I have? You can open it yourself too.
One more thing out of dozens of new ones that he noticed was the fact that little Yoongi loved unwrapping things. Doesn't matter what they were: food, par els from online shops, new tools or beauty products. With that quirk of his doing groceries and unloading them all at either of their apartments has become a much longer process, yet not less satisfactory. A single one of Yoongi's smiles was worth a million of inconveniences.
Yoonie comfortably sat on the pillow he slid off the couch onto the floor. He looked at Jimin expectantly and the younger finally revealed the package he has been hiding. It looked rather plain but Yoonie was excited anyway.
- Is this for me?
- Yes. It's for something I thought we could do together today.
Yoonie determingly started working on opening the package. Soon he took the first item out and carefully opened the lid. It it was a set of watercolours, a simple one for kids which Jimin snatched the minute he saw it, having hope the little would like it.
- These are beautiful! But I don't know how to paint with them.
- It's okay, Yoonie, you will see it's easier than they say, - Jimin said reassuringly.
The next item was a set of paper, suitable for that kind of paints. And the third were pen brushes. Brand new, all in a similar blue shade and with a floral design on all of them.
- Let me show you, - Jimin offered, taking one of the pens. - We open it up, fill it with a bit of water and close it. When you squeeze it, some water comes out and it's easy to paint.
Jimin demonstrated the whole process and Yoonie watched with the stars in his eyes. He got very excited to try and the younger chuckled, looking at that happy face. He offered some pictures he saved while researching about the watercolours: all of them were on the beginner level but though they were simple, they looked catchy and bright.
Yoonie chose what he wanted to try and recreate and they both got to work. They went to the bathroom and filled their pen brushes, where the little tested them out immediately. He was fascinated with them and Jimin shared the sentiment. He had artist friends and with years learnt some things about art but these were a discovery for him too. He should describe their experience in the forum.
When they started on their drawings everything was great. Sometimes Yoonie would ask Jimin to choose a colour or ask how he was doing. Jimin praised him and watched how focused his hyung was, working with watercolours so smoothly as if he regularly practiced with them. Jimin assisted him just a tad because Yoonie wanted to do everything himself. When his hair got to his face, Jimin quietly got up and gathered it to tie with a hairband. Yoongi let him without protests, taking it as something essential.
- Jiminie, I don't have purple here, - Yoonie pouted.
- You can mix it yourself! - Jimin said cheerfully.
He showed in on a separate piece of paper and that opened floodgates to new questions. Jimin mixed and demonstrated how most colours would mix beautifully and how some of them weren't as "friendly" together.
- And if I mix these two?
Jimin dipped the brush in blue and then a little in green. He heard a quiet "Oh-h" when in the end he received a wonderful turquoise.
- Wow, it's like the ocean! And these?
Jimin took some of the yolk yellow and a tad of green and got some pretty lime.
- Oh! I love this one so much! What is your favourite?
- I like all colours, - Jimin said, - But yellow is very special to me.
Yoongi nodded knowingly, taking the information in. Jimin watched him carefully, determined to make him feel relaxed and content.
Yoonie worked with newfound knowledge and inspiration, filling the white paper with more colours. It was interesting to him how they all changed when he squeezed the pen brushes and a bigger amount of water made the colours lighter. He followed the picture meticulously, sometimes gasping when something he did was not quite like on the example. But he simply giggled it off and continued with his work, not bothering to consider those tiny mishaps "mistakes". Yoonie was less of a perfectionist than his adult version and that, if Jimin was honest, gave his hyung much more room to breathe.
The boredom was long forgotten and they painted together in a calm and pleasant atmosphere until the elder deemed his work finished. He proudly showcased it and Jimin thought it was very pretty.
- Wow, Yoonie, this is so awesome! - Jimin praised.
His hyung was unfairly good at everything and even now, being in this headspace and using previously unfamiliar tools, he made something beautiful. Jimin had the urge to frame and hang it on the wall, which he will definitely do in the nearest future.
- You did well too, Jiminie! - Yoonie said, looking at Jimin's work.
They cleaned up after themselves, putting the materials away and washing the pen brushes thoroughly. And after he thoroughly washed Yoongi's fingers, tinted in various colourful spots.
Jimin decided to definitely do it again. He loved how they spent this time. Yoongi worked with such a serious attitude yet he painted with a smile on his face. And he wanted to do every single picture Jimin showed him. This could be another of their projects.
After a filling lunch that Jimin quickly put together, Yoonie refused a nap and they moved to the lounge and the elder chose what he wanted to watch. Yet, in less than a quarter of an hour he was fast asleep.
- Told you, it was nap time, - Jimin murmured softly, lovingly, carefully getting the loose locks out of Yoongi's face and gliding his palm over them, smoothing his hair out.
He slept for a while, so long Jimin himself dozed off until he felt stirring where Yoongi's head was on his lap. The elder woke up and the first thing he saw were their paintings they left to fully dry on the table.
- Thank you for this, Jimin-ah, - he rasped, - I loved this a lot today.
Jimin ran his hand through Yoongi's dark hair, tucking some strands behind his ear. Even if he would never get to experience this headspace for himslef, he wanted to learn all the methods and ways of accommodating Yoongi when he was in it. He wanted to learn and explore with him.
- The pleasure was all mine, hyung. How are you feeling?
- Very rested.
He looked rested too. With slightly swollen face and eyes still sleepy, he had a tentative smile on his face.
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