demonofcheer · 7 years
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Lookie ‘ere! A Tag dump!
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nadango · 5 years
Alela Grora: an analysis thingy
Good day to the funamusea fandom that has neglected my beautiful angel (joking. Maybe.) I offer you sea urchins a collection of observations concerning the eccentric lady: Alela Grora.
I'll be breaking down her personality and interpreting every scene and official art she's appeared in, and even include a couple of theories to fill in the gaps, if you find that interesting.
Note: I believe seichiinara did this before when she was active, but I sadly never got to read it. Therefore, everything here is based on my own observations.
First of all...Who is Alela Grora?
Grora is an angel that serves as Etihw's subordinate. She's an archer and a war veteran, and now destroys Wodahs' garden full time.
Based on canon appearances, she is described by Yosafire as "a weird lady looking for her eye"...Perhaps it's because Yosaf isn't too familiar with Grora (which I kinda doubt) or Grora simply doesn't get too close to others, keeping her cool and mysterious appearance.
To the player, I'm sure she seemed like a cool and laid back adult, contrasting Wodahs because opposites attract. She only ever loses her cool when Ater is involved because of the eye incident, which I will talk about later.
But, other than that, we don't know much about her. Being chill isn't an entire personality, especially when we're talking about a literal soldier who lived through the dark war era. Yet, what makes Tgg and dsp's storytelling magnificent is the way they make their stories more than what they seem. During the game, you have a group of cute main characters who are facing danger, but slowly you start to feel something darker creep in the background, not the angry flame demons, but the guardians of their peaceful world hide a lot more than you think.
Therefore, important characters such as Grora, Kcalb, Etihw, the cats and Wodahs-- who is this big question mark-- aren't going to reveal themselves just like that. No, a good writer will drop subtle hints in their mere actions.
Grora literally lost an arm and nearly blew to death for --ah, a certain group of girls. Reincarnations of Etihw's past subordinates. Grora's previous colleagues she had witnessed their deaths and their burial.
She encourages Macarona and is close to Froze for a reason (she hasn't interacted with Chelan as of now, probably didn't have a chance to) ...because of the guilt and the pain she has felt as she saw her previous world fall apart, she wants the descendants of her colleagues to enjoy this new world a d have a wonderful and peaceful life, a life their ancestors would've wanted. And this would make sense, since she's the only character to not explicitly talk about the past, but also the only one to directly compare Froze to Sherbet.
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To sum this up, Grora is a very chill individual who is loved by all, a bit odd sometimes, but still friendly. She is selfless and will fight for what is right, probably due to her past experiences during the war, which she is trying to forget and move on, unlike the rest of the crew. Alas, she can't, for everything reminds her of the terrible old world.
Character Design
Hands down, dsp did the Blancblack crew's designs justice. When it comes to Grora, we could note a few things:
Her current outfit resembles Sherbet/Froze's a bit too much. This may indicate that Sherbet might've had a certain impact on her. I can't say for sure that they were close or not, but he did do something that'll make Grora act the way she does towards Froze.
Missing halo: She is close to Etihw and works under them, no? So why doesn't she wear it? We know it's an accessory, but someone in Grora's position would wear it. For example, Taffy, who is the Head Angel of his world, doesn't wear one because he's not fond of Fumus to begin with, and that includes Olive. All the other Angels don't mind their gods, so they keep the halo. Dsp doesn't need to tell us that, it's logical. Something might've happened between Grora and Etihw, but it's not necessary huge. It could've just altered her point of view or something.
Now, for the war outfit. It is, simply, inspired by Etihw's diamond themed robes. Another thing to note is the tired expression she wore is VERY similar to Etihw's. This might mean that Etihw had a large influence on Grora, and we'll get to their relationship later on.
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Grora's color palette is exactly the opposite of Wodahs', which is a good choice considering that they drastically contradict each other. But it's important to note that Etihw and Kcalb also have opposite color palettes, black and white, dark and light, two past enemies who's mentalities are totally different. It's quite curious of Dsp to design Wod and Grora this way too, no?
Ater and Grora's eye
Grora's grudge against Ater isn't simply a grudge. If she is truly trying to heal and let go of the past, why couldn't she just forgive Ater and heal her eye like Wodahs suggested?
Grora was most likely a fierce warrior, an archer, and having her eye taken out must've been humiliating. A strong and pure being torn down to pieces. That incident was proof of her cowardice. Therefore, the lost eye resembles her lost pride. Finding it again means redeeming herself, but of course, the eye has nothing to do with pride. It's just a distraction.
I may be looking way into this, but it DOES make more sense that way. Same thing goes for Wodahs' eye, but I'll talk about that some other time.
Speaking of Wodahs...
Eyepatch Angels
Whether you ship them platonically or romantically, they're still the best duo and work perfectly together either way.
Based on the events of the game, Wodahs and Grora are close colleagues who always bicker and fight over the most mundane things (Grora is usually the one who starts) yet they make a great team. Grora has a bit of a crush on him because who doesn't but these feelings don't seem reciprocated (Small note: That doesn't mean he doesn't care for her at all, and we barely know what Wodahs is thinking most of the time, so we're not really sure. He's also very dense sometimes)
There isn't much to say about their current relationship for now. What's more interesting is their relationship during the war, and boy oh boy, do I have some news.
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I'm sure we all know this infamous art, the only art featuring them so badass and, so far apart too. They're also facing each others backs, and considering their close relationship, this is bad news. Only enemies are positioned like this, and the high gap resembles how distant they are from each other. That being said, Wodahs and Grora have quite the history. If only dsp could reveal more about them.
Oh, a wild theory has appeared!
Using these observations (specifically Grora's relations to Etihw and Wodahs, and the missing halo) we could come up with some context.
Grora respected and looked up to Etihw, remaining true and loyal to them. At some point, Grora became/was going to be head angel, only for her position next to Etihw was taken by Wodahs, and it angered her.
Etihw most likely paid more attention to him, and ignored Grora. Perhaps they've hurt her in some way, which resulted into a shattered relationship. Sure, everything was fine after Kacalb nuked the world, but memories and past experiences stay.
Well...this speculation is farfetched, but I wanted to share an abridged version of it with you
And that, ladies and gentlemen, includes the analysis thingy. If you've made it here, thank you so much for reading!! And I hope this helped you in some way!
Also, looking at how hard I tried to summarize this, I'm kinda anxious about the Wodahs analysis, since there's a LOT to cover...Haha.
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shinyvivillon · 7 years
yosafire from gray garden
I, too, am upbeat and extremely gay thank u sghdjfjf
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tenrita-a · 5 years
Cranber and Yosaflame for the if they had a kid meme!
If They Had A Kid Meme || ALWAYS ACCEPTING!
Name: Rosu
Gender: Male
General Appearance: He has really fluffy pink hair with streaks of red in it. It’s really fluffy and really big. His eyes are a reddish-orange color, and he has horns like Yosaflames. His wings are large and bat-like, and are comically oversized for his body (he’ll grow into them). He also notably has very sharp teeth and a spade-tipped tail.
Personality: A ‘shy’ boy, he tends to keep his thoughts to himself. Externally he is very expressive, but most of the time his expressions are lies. He likes to be dramatic when he does speak up, and generally is very blunt/rude in the process.
Special Talents: Cooking and Eating
Who they like better: Cranber
Who they take after more: Cranber
Personal Head canon: He has the exact same iron stomach Cranber does, but he also inherited (albeit weaker) Yosaf’s flames. Grilled food for all.
Face Claim: I don’t wanna find FC’s I’ll draw him and post when I’m done!
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CheIan finaIIy speaks, and just says "Fuck." and Yosaf is just immidateIy fIoored. DiaIo is 100x more gay every time she hears CheIan's voice, and it's aII she can do to not kiss them. Rawberry actuaIIy stops eating a bug. Macarona fIuffs up invoIuntariIy. Etihw turns up and asks where the god is, with the godIy voice. CheIan whispers to DiaIo, and DiaIo teIIs everyone this is why CheIan doesn't speak. Froze? Froze is too busy with some yoaf.
Everyone in town is talking about it later and when Froze finally turns up she’s just real confused like super confused, mega confused
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funamuseawritings · 7 years
o o f this blog is hot........ please i need some fluff (cuddles and kisses are my weakness) Kcalb x Yosaflame n o w
The demon’s body dragged heavily. He was filled to the brim with exhaustion, a hand moving to support his head. His neck ached so much, it felt like his head would just roll right off his shoulders. Yosaflame sighed softly, slowly opening the door to his bedroom, his eyes blinking open as he spotted a resting king in sheets.
Yosaflame opened his mouth to speak, but nothing really came out, as he was so dumbfounded. The melon colored demon glanced down the hallway, remembering that his resting area was placed next to the devil’s not too long ago. He must’ve mistakenly took Yosaf’s place in a fit of anger and tired. The demon resisted the urge to chuckle from his devil being so serious yet silly at the same time, before slowly looking over at his resting body.
The demon thought to himself that he should perhaps either sleep in Kcalb’s room for the night or assist the devil by either waking him up and informing him of his mishap (which Yosaflame didn’t want to do, he simply looked too peaceful) or transport him from one room to the other as gently but quickly as possible. However, he stepped closer to the devil, letting his curiosity take control for a moment. For someone who was always so intimidating, he looked so peaceful when asleep. Yosaflame felt a smile creep onto his lips, slowly leaning in to get a better look at the devil’s face.
The demon barely let his knee onto the bed before his collar was grabbed roughly, yanking the demon into bed. Yosaf restrained his startled sound, feeling himself be roughly pressed into the devil’s body, a tight grip wrapping around him as the devil curled into place. Yosaflame took a few seconds to recover, adjusting his glasses, realizing he was trapped right with the devil. The demon squirmed a bit, chuckling and telling him that this joke was funny and all, but he’d like to be free. But he wasn’t joking. Actually, he doesn’t even seem aware, that, or he’s really good at acting to be asleep.
After about a minute of soft struggling, just enough not to jossle Kcalb awake, he let out a sigh, finally accepting his fate of being a cuddle pillow. He wished he could’ve at least gotten Kcalb and himself more dressed for bed. Oh well. He almost thought he could enjoy this a little, indulge on himself? The demon pulled the spectacles away from his face and rested them onto them next to his pillow, as he couldn’t reach his end table. He slowly rested his head in front of the devil’s. He felt his heart flutter for a moment, staring at the devil’s face closely.
“Goodness.. You can tell stress has been really affecting you. You’re awfully cold, and you’re even frowning in your sleep..” He murmured softly, his voice soft and rich like fresh cream, reaching to slowly pet through his hair and sliding down his cheek, stroking it carefully with his thumb. He truly was so handsome, even if he was so angry. It was a face blessed to exist, created by a foolish artist, etched with such attention to detail. It was only to be expected of his highness, isn’t it? The perfect man..
The demon smiled wider, leaning in slowly to give a respectful kiss to his lord’s forehead and then cheek, carefully worshipping who was basically his god. He rested his hand on his neck as he kept close enough to keep his scent, giving gentle massages across his obviously weary body. Scars.. He could feel them, all over his body. It was unfortunate, if only he could permanently be his shield. The demon craves for that, to keep him for all harm and even die in his name, but Kcalb insists to only be alone when he fights the god. So foolish and stubborn, yet so courageous and full of honor. The best he can get is to stay at his side as much as he can, and fight for his name, to make him the most successful emperor to ever exist.
Once he was satisfied with his playful affection to his face, he pulled away, nuzzling his head just shy under his chin, hands moving down to hold around his waist. Yosaf let fire fill his body, increasing his body heat to make a toasty temperature for Kcalb and for anybody else in the bed. He really was so terribly cold, enough to feel like ice through his clothing, even under such heavy blankets. The devil wasn’t even shivering, maybe just out of his own will power? Truly impressive, he was, an admirable role model, yes yes. Maybe Yosaflame should learn some cold tolerance tips from him? It should would surely help with that… nuisance.
“It’s too hot…”
Yosaflame’s thought process was interrupted by the grip tightening and hearing a low but sleepy growl, much rougher than how the demon spoke earlier, like feet crunching through gravel. Yosaflame held his embarrassment down, looking passively up. A dark eye opened, peering back down.
“I’m fine.. Your body alone is enough… Now stop it.”
Yosaflame blinked, before letting out an almost girlish giggle, toning down his heat to his normal body temperature. “I’m sorry.. I got ahead of myself. I should’ve been more considerate.” He replied, smile never leaving his face as he placed his head back down. Was he awake during all of this, after all? He truly was full of some many surprises. Yosaflame could feel his head pulled closer to the demon’s body, his face gently pressed into his chest. He huffed happily, gripping gently into the back of his outfit, clinging back just as much as the devil was.
Truly such a selfish ruler.. Yes, this one he had sworn his life to. This was no problem with this. In fact, Yosaflame would even be willing to say this was the most peaceful moment of his life, that he would even admit he could almost forget the gruesome war that has plagued his life everyday. If only it could stay this.. But it’s all the more reason to savor this moment in time.
“Goodnight, my lord.”
“Just shut up and sleep. You had a long day today, and you have a longer day tomorrow.”
“Haha.. Of course. As you wish.”
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raymondshields · 7 years
dear person i'm jealous of
Well that can be just about anyone so let’s go back to the start of things.
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Honestly. Honestly, you were the biggest mistake Kcalb ever made. Everything was fine, perfect even, right until you walked out of the forest. Yosaf and I always had fun together adventuring, Froze and I would do our homework together, Rawberry and I would mess with dangerous plants and see their reactions, and Macarona and I always had fun dressing up together and joking about the latest fashions. The last girl, well, you know I won’t speak her name any more but going over to her house and spending days there wasn’t at all uncommon.
And then you showed up. Everyone wanted you, everyone wanted to talk to you, everyone was a little surprised that you were a girl too now. Macarona wanted to put you in all the fashions she didn’t trust Rawberry with. Yosaf kept bringing you everything to cook with that she could find, and Rawberry would eat all your creations. Froze liked studying at your place, and if I said what you did with the last girl I’d get vicious again and it would take days to calm me down again.
As for me? Everyone forgot about me. I’d ask someone about our favourite hobbies and I was met with disinterest and apologies since they already had plans with you. You were new, you were special, you’d been in the war too and that made everyone love you.
The only one who didn’t forget about me was Greif. And I guess that’s because she noticed my improvement in my work. With no friends and no girlfriend and no real reason to keep living (since of course I didn’t know I could end it all, that suicide was even an option), I’d thrown myself into my studies. Maybe through academic achievement, I’d be worthy of being noticed once more.
I think she knew what you did, even if I never told her and only tried not to cry when she asked where my friends were. Since, you know, everyone abandoned me because you were better.
Then the Flame War happened. Honestly, I should have thrown myself into the fire. Nobody would’ve known I’d killed myself. I’d’ve just been an unfortunate casualty, and nobody would have cared past that. Not like anyone would have noticed, either.
And after so long, after enduring seeing you every day at school and in the village and destroying every bit of hope I ever had, Vicers came. He came and he heard me out, and he offered me a new start. He gave me a way out, a way to get away from you and all the misery you put me through.
Then someone else, that god I don’t remember, tried to take everything I’d made as a deity away from me. So I called up my demons and we put his head on a pike. I don’t remember him, of course, but maybe that’s because I kept trying to delude myself into believing he was you. (It was satisfying, I admit.)
Justim told me I could choose any angel from my homework to make my counterpart, so I wouldn’t kill my next god. Of course I chose the girl you stole from me. Two birds, one stone. I got her back and gave you all the misery you gave me.
Then everything wasn’t really perfect. She didn’t love me, or maybe she never did. It didn’t matter, you were still better. If I thought I could have taken on both Kcalb and Etihw on at once, I would have killed you. But I didn’t and I couldn’t, and that was final.
I still hate you, you know. You’re still the reason I’ve never made a single romantic relationship work. You’re the reason I can’t stand to share anyone I care about, the reason I’m utterly convinced they’ll leave me the moment they find someone better.
(Truth be told, you’re the reason I didn’t stop Lawrence when I had the chance, and all of Snake’s current misery is all my fault. If only I’d thrown myself into the flames. I would have saved him.)
Even then, I don’t hate you the most of everyone. You come second. Maybe that’s fair, I’ve always been second best to you, maybe it’s time you learn how to be second best to someone else, too. But that isn’t getting you out of any punishment. If I ever get the chance I’m making you pay for all you’ve done just as severely as I’ll make him pay and make Lawrence pay. It’d be fun, wouldn’t it?
Or maybe you’ve just fucked me up so badly that I no longer give a flying fuck of what I’ve become as long as you end up miserable. You created your own monster, you really did.
I hope you know what’s coming, Dialo, because the day I find you is the last day you’ll ever want to remember. And that day is the day I’ll start to heal, start to get over what you did to me. That’ll be the day when my misery is over. I’ll await it gladly.
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
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Sorry for the delay in requests, guys! Tumblr was glitching and wouldn’t let me post anything for a while, but it seems I am able to now! Thank you all for your patience!
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
Male Yosafire is just Young Yosaflame who caught the big dumb
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Y’know what? That’s canon
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xx-yosafire-xx · 4 years
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Hi hi! I bet you’re all shocked to see me here, it’s been a while! Hehe, I’m sorry to say this to you all, but I will be officially abandoning this account! I stopped posting due to stress with life lately, can 2020 get any crazier?! That’s besides the point. I genuinely couldn’t continue making moodboards! The stress from everything made me lose my motivation, where I put my account on a giant hiatus! But I know now, it’s meant for it to rest.
I am not gone completely! Since it’s been some time, I have been able to gain my motivation back! I am still doing moodboards and icons and doodles and the like, just on a different account! My new account is centered around my Ivlis kinshift, so it was fun making everything dark and edgy, hehe!
But yes, while I am still making the same content as I have, I am very sad to say this blog won’t be active anymore. I won’t delete it! I’ll keep it up so everyone can see my old aesthetic boards! But from this day on, no more content will come from this account! Even if it was a short time, I genuinely cherish the memories I made on this account! Thank you all for being so nice to me! Well, it’s about time I sign off, don’t you guys think?
My new blog is: lxrdivlis!  Just in case you still care about what ‘ol me is up to, hehe.
Bye Bye!
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
ahhhHHH i love your moodboards!! they're really cool,,
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Gee, thank you, anon! Means a lot to me you love them, I love making them! I try my best, and I’m glad I could help you all!
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
Take care Yosaf!! We'll all be waiting for you to return patiently sweetie but take all the time you need!!!! - Satanica ♡🌟♡🌟
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Aww thank you miss Satanica! Going through a rough spot right now, so this ask is much appreciated! Thank you for your support! :,>
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
Ask Box Empty!
Feel free to send in requests!
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
Small Hiatus
Hello! I will be on hiatus for a few weeks or so, due to personal life things. Hope you can understand! Yosaf will be back and ready for action in a little while, though. Just you wait and see! DMs are always open!
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
I’m so sorry guyss, didn’t get to post Mogeko March today because of irl business. But I’ll make sure to post Day 1 and 2 tomorrow! Have a good day!
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xx-yosafire-xx · 5 years
Alrighty~! Ask Box is empty so I will take this time to rest! Feel free to send in some whilst I’m gone, as I will be completing them later. Bye-bye for now!
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