canadianlucifer · 7 months
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desisailormoon · 2 months
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I think the apple’s rotten right to the core
From all the things passed down
From all the apples coming before … 🍏
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I split the apple down symmetrical lines
And what I find is kinda scary
Makes me just wanna drive … 🍎
(The chorus makes me think of these two…)
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ipsen · 1 year
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TG 1 vs. TG:re 64
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lurkerwithcomputer · 1 year
A more polished up version of the oneshot with Kuzen and Ukina.
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
I come up with the best topics for posts
Hide 🌞 : axe body spray, probably loves Kaneki more than you, has nicknamed your boobs, has also nicknamed Kaneki’s boobs
Shuu 💐 : introduces you to his entire extended family after less than a month, spams you if he hasn’t heard from you in a week, his house is so so big you will get lost in it very fast (not his fault but still annoying)
Suzuya 🔫 : thinks shoplifting 10 bags of candy is a good date idea, has killed someone in front of you and then desperately tried to explain why it was actually okay because the guy was wearing crocs
Marude 🏍 : refuses to use public transport after having his bike stolen, won’t stop talking about how much he misses his bike, yell-y
Shinohara 😊 : prints out minion memes and shows them to you
Nishiki 🦎 : is ginger, immediately wants to make out with you and have hot ghoul sex after eating a raw lung, easily irritated
Ayato (:re) 🤬 : doesn’t know what a period is and thinks you’re making it up, bullies people on roblox, can be so rude sometimes
Kaneki (pre aogiri) 🥺 : describes everything in incredible detail when he doesn’t like something, will make his best attempt to be talking to you all the time (even when you are pooping) and thinks you hate him if you ask to be left alone, scarily average dick
Kaneki (post aogiri) 🐙 : sleeps on top of you and makes you so sweaty, won’t shut up about fitness and getting stronger, wears a mask with a smile for hours at a time, probably ghosting you by this point tbh (there’s a lot wrong with him so I might make a separate post about why he sucks)
Yoshimura ☕️ : really wholesome, but can’t be dated because a) I’d assume you’re not a boomer b) can’t take hints and c) misses Ukina ;-;
Koma 👹 : he’s actually pretty great and very fun but he brags about how good his coffee is and also about anything else he can think of
Uta 🎭 : eats people’s eyes in front of you and says “it’s okay because they aren’t real, they’re halloween decorations!”, also ate a plastic spider to prove this to you, mind games, spooks you from behind the corner all the time and it gives you anxiety
Amon ✝️ : refuses to kiss with tongue or see you naked until marriage, takes up too much space on the bed, keeps doing long ass speeches about “doing what is right” after killing a guy with a wife and 3 kids
Shikorae 🫠 : doesn’t sit still long enough to have a conversation that makes any sense whatsoever, has so many issues to the point where idk if you’d even be able to befriend him unless it’s by feeding him coffee grounds
Takizawa (pre :re) 🥺: makes everything a competition, disney kid, insists that you have a glass of milk every day
Takizawa (post :re) 🦉: never sleeps, an actual cat, bites your hand, smelly, insists that you have a glass of milk every day
Urie 😶 : first name is “cookie”, punches a hole in the wall when he doesn’t get an award after a raid and someone else does, hides important stuff from you
Shirazu 🦈 : sooooo cool but he can’t spell so you have to edit all his emails for him
Naki 😎 : loud while playing fortnite battle royale, also screams while playing any horror games but insists he should keep playing them, his reading capabilities have the power to instantly kill a literature major
Hanbee 🎩 : unironically loves licorice, absurd fashion, also eats the licorice with a super fancy fork kept in a little fork bag he carries everywhere labeled “the licorice suitcase”
Tatara 🤯 : is always busy so you can’t spend much time together, one time a cat meowed at him and he meowed back in the most serious voice, penis is actually too big to fit inside 😔
Mutsuki 😇 (before the insane shit happened): you have to kill all the spiders, very clingy and has similar issues to pre-aogiri Kaneki, puts cinnamon on a lot of things that don’t really need cinnamon
Arima 🌨 : cold, you’ll never truly know about him, not very open, a general mystery to the point where you don’t even know if he’s actually your boyfriend
Haise 🐼 : BAD PUNS, insists that he spends every afternoon and evening with you instead of doing his work so he ends up doing it super late into the night and gets tired in the morning, too easy to manipulate and too eager to please (kind of an issue with all the Kanekis really), sometimes he talks to the wall or makes a sour face for no reason
~~~~ BONUS ~~~~
Yamori 🕺 : sadistic torturer (obvious part), his farts smell so incredibly bad that you have to evacuate the room while he wonders wtf is going on (not so obvious), unfixable
OS! Kaneki 😎 : walks around shirtless in winter, sometimes he doesn’t even wear pants, touches your boobs randomly and it gets old real fast
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elmaxlys · 2 years
TG Sexywoman Poll - Round 2
Here is the list of the polls for this second round of the competition.
Asa VS Mitsuba Kotone
Yamagata Tsumugi VS Big Madam
Fueguchi Ryouko VS Ukina
Kirishima Hikari VS Miss Nishio
Skull Masks Leader VS Gori Misato
Mayu (Nutcracker) VS Madam A (Abe Maiko)
Aliza VS Nishino Kimi
Irimi Kaya VS Yoshimura Eto (Takatsuki Sen)
Yonebayashi Saiko VS Itori
Tagata Erina VS Utsumi Koharu
Aura Kiyoko VS Hoito Roma
Tomoe Yumitsu (Hakatori) VS Oohashi
Fueguchi Hinami VS Toga Miho
Yasuhisa Kurona VS Ruisawa
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quino7 · 1 year
Anteiku and what instruments they would play Part 3?
Kuroneki- I don’t really know what he’d play because the vibes aren’t really there but he joined the school band with Hide
Touka- Bassist 100% she’d be in a band but pToriko doesn’t play anything and she’s bad at meeting people (she just like me fr fr except for the fact that I’m a percussionist)
Koma-Idk I don’t like him
Irimi-Also a bassist, taught touka how to play. I don’t know much about her
Hinami- Started learning the piano. Kaneki knows a lot about music theory and taught her a bunch of stuff. Mr Yoshimura owns a piano and it’s in the back in a storage room.
Mr Yoshimura- he played the piano a lot when he was younger, especially with ukina, but stopped soon after he gave up eto because it brought back bad memories. He doesn’t know how to feel about Hinami.
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state-of-reveries · 4 years
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“it must have been hard being alone for so long, right?”
“i know it’s hard. . .i know it’s agonizing. . .being all alone.”
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nearina · 10 years
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kiyomie · 7 years
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ladies have been through a lot!
(late) Happy international Women’s day!
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canadianlucifer · 10 months
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hamliet · 7 years
What's the point of repeating the Arata/Hikari/Renji story with Kaneki/Touka/Ayato? I mean, so far it's exactly the same; sister falls in love with a man that is not of the liking of her little brother, he reluctantly accepts him, sister gets pregnant and then they get married, the only reason I see it repeating is if they are supposed to change it, as in, Touka doesn't die, Kaneki doesn't become crazy and Ayato doesn't spend his life clinging to the memory of his sister
That’s precisely it, I think. Freudian stories=overcoming your parents. Kaneki, Touka, and Ayato will overcome the Arata/Hikari/Renji tragedy. They will live, I do think so (Kaneki’s the most likely to die of the three but I still don’t think that’s terribly likely). Kaneki should overcome the tragedy of the first OEK, and Touken should overcome V to not repeat the Kuzen & Ukina tragedy with Eto–aka live to raise their kid. The kid shouldn’t die either. 
It’s another reason why I think Mutsuki, Urie, and Saiko should also be saved from this tragedy. Just passing on tragedy means the cycle will repeat itself–or, at least, it always has in TG. The tragic cycles always have repeated themselves after they claimed more victims. Why would we believe that the cycle would be satiated with Mutsuki, Urie, and Saiko? Someone needs to say No More. But to do that they need to face themselves as they truly are and work for it. 
The world of tragedy needs to be destroyed and a new one raised up. 
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ipsen · 1 year
If Eto did end up being raised by Yoshimura (with his "Anteiku" mindset) and had Ukina's diary, how different do you think she would be? Do you think she would still be a horror writer (a writer, at the least)? How do you think her father telling her that she "belongs to two worlds" would affect her growing up? Do you think she would feel mixed emotions from her mother who died for truth because of V and her father who is mostly passive in the cage set by V? Would she "intergrate" into human society, or try to change the system?
The “Kuzen keeps Eto” AU is interesting because the circumstances leading up to Kuzen making his choice are vague and weird. But he's basically trying to get Eto to have a life outside V's narrative while also being able to survive himself (raising a child while a part of V likely means the Garden or the Washuu get involved).
Ukina's journal being a factor, imo, makes Eto very similar to Touka at the start of TG. She and Kuzen have a lot of information on the organization, and between the two of them, they have a bond over Ukina to be against V. Kuzen may or may not be more against V if he keeps Eto, especially when she doesn't have a mother figure in her life growing up.
She would still be a writer of sorts, drawing inspiration from the world around her as usual while adding her own emotional touches to it. She applies horror to her stories in canon because that is how she views the world. It's horrible and wrong. But if Kuzen raises her, there's a more hopeful touch to them, but she doesn't say that the world is kind.
How Eto lives her life depends entirely on Kuzen, as the one raising her. He is a survivor at heart, and he values people being able to live in "peace", but "peace" tends to mean keeping your head down. It would definitely be easier for Eto to subscribe to this mindset as someone who can eat human food without issue.
I can't really answer all the questions without having a huge brainrot dive into Kuzen's mindset and how that needs to change in order for him to arrive at "keep the baby." It also would dive too much into AU territory, since there are lots of conflicting factors at work. But I hope I did some of it justice! Thanks for the ask.
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lurkerwithcomputer · 1 year
Even in an AU, some things don’t change.
Her shoes scuff on the damp, sandy concrete, and she almost slips. Eto half-wakes in her baby carrier, giving a disgruntled sniffle. She takes a deep breath, steadying her stride. Dust motes drift, luminous, in the dim light of cheap bare bulbs.
Kuzen keeps himself closer to her as they turn a blind corner. She can see the tension in his shoulders, the way his eyes sweep over dark doorways and mark out the maintenance hatches occasionally bolted into the wall. A damp smell builds, one that isn't just water dripping from the corroded, wheezing pipes overhead.
They turn again and she stifles a gasp.
The wooden beams holding up the shantytown are bolted to the steel girders of one of Tokyo's flood cisterns, the lowest floor barely above a faded paint line reading "maximum water level". The grating rattles as they walk, and when they reach the plank floor, her steps echo in the cavernous space. Pumps or ventilation fans drone in the distance, creating a white noise background that leaves her hearing strangely fuzzy.
Kuzen knocks at a door made of the same planks as the floor and walls, once, then three times, once again, and twice.
Footsteps tap from the other side. After a moment, the door is pulled open by a man in a long, dark coat. He takes them in, looking her in the eyes. His own are dark, set in a lean, bony face, pale from lack of sunlight. Those eyes are very like Kuzen's - long-suffering, wary eyes, with fine lines that make him look older than he probably is.
He shuts the door, firmly, and turns to them.
She moistens her suddenly dry mouth with her tongue, tasting damp and dust on the air, but Kuzen speaks first.
"Noroi, old friend."
Eto wakes again, at his voice. Her baby gives a hissing gurgle, grabbing at the front of her clothes, right over her chest. At least she knows where food comes from, she muses.
"Good to see you, Kuzen." He certainly sounds closer to Kuzen's age than he looks.
Eto reaches up and tugs at the edges of her hood, making grumpy whimpers than haven't quite become crying. Noroi glances back to her.
"I'm not the type to be shocked by bare breasts. Feed your child," he says, his tone softer than his words.
"Ah, I haven't introduced myself," she says, glancing up from unzipping the hoodie she's wearing as a top, "Ukina."
"Pleased to finally meet you," Noroi muses, hard-bitten face lightening a little, "and who is this little one?"
"A beautiful name," he says, softly, gently, almost a whisper.
His voice is tuned for ghoul hearing, she realizes. She winces as Eto latches on to her breast with definitely more strength than a human baby would have. She almost misses the smile Noroi and Kuzen share.
Their faces fall again as they lock eyes for a moment.
"To talk shop, Noroi, they are almost at our heels. If something happens to us and you have to raise Eto, then ransack our apartment. There's plenty of hidden valuables, and you know as well as I do that you'll need it to support a child."
"Consider it done, if it becomes necessary," Noroi says, grimly, and a cold certainty settles in her chest.
There's no "if" with V. Just "when". Noroi looks to share her thought, for the lines under his eyes are pulled tighter now.
"And," she adds in, a sudden fierce heat filling her chest, "if you find V there to do the same thing, roll some heads, for us. Just make sure you come home to Eto."
Kuzen turns to her, surprise stretched over his face.
"I'll make sure your keepsakes stay out of their hands."
Kuzen takes a deep, firm breath. She just knows he's lowering his heart rate after what she said, but she can't bring herself to feel bad. Her husband is starting to sweat, and he shifts his wait.
"I apologize, Noroi,but--"
"No, it's probably wise you get on your way. Wouldn't do to be followed," he pauses, reaching into his coat, "Here, For the road," he says.
He presses a brown paper bag into Kuzen's hand, and a battered box of strawberry pocky into hers. He holds out a pair of water bottles.
They're surrounded. She's glad she doesn't have Eto with her anymore, even as hot rage rises like bile in her chest and throat. A man lunges, drawing a fucking sword, who carries an uchigatana in this day and age? Even for a Yakuza that would be pretentious.
She almost throws herself sideways, body feeling like it moves without the input of her thoughts - she doesn't think she's ever moved this fast in her life. He stumbles past her, and behind her she hears Kuzen snarl and a wet thwack and crack of bone, and a scream that cuts off.
Cold sweat contrasts the burning feeling pounding in her temples.
Someone else reaches out to grab her - she has nothing but a packet of runny, discount wasabi sauce from the last fast food place they went - but maybe...
She twists away and tears the plastic with her teeth, the burn on her lips only adding to the heat in her chest. He makes another grab at her. She squeezes it into his face, and he screeches, backing up a step and clutching his eyes. She whips one legs upward, slamming the toe of her studded, sturdy boots between his legs.
He makes gasping, gagging noises as he crumples. She kicks him again, in the knee, and he crumples. She plants the low heel of her boot on his throat, her weight crushing down until she feels something give out.
Ten months ago, she thinks she would've been sick over crunching a man's voicebox and probably killing him. A full-term pregnancy while eating raw human flesh has given her a stronger stomach.
She suppresses a flinch at the bump against her back.
It's Kuzen.
He presses a rough, leathery handle into her grasp. She's put on muscle while he taught her to dodge and hold a knife, sure, but the tanto blade is still heavy compared to her - useless against people who might be ghouls - pocketknife.
But. It's quinque alloy.
A man with a balaclava under his fedora - she'll laugh at him if she survives this - lunges at her, also holding a sword. Kuzen hisses and one kagune wing flicks away from whoever he's fighting, parrying. She ducks under balaclava guy's arms and jams the dagger against his inner thigh as hard as she can.
She scrambles away from his last-ditch attempt to grab her by the neck, pulling the blade free as she does. Blood gushes out, turning his pants an even darker shade of black. He staggers, staring, goggle-eyed, even as his knees wobble.
She looks around, back to back with Kuzen, time momentarily frozen for her. The moment is broken by the sound of even more shoes, and the arrival of more sword-carrying men in black, behind the ones surrounding them.
She grits her teeth and Kuzen rolls his shoulders, kagune puffing up with fresh spikes.
She's panting, blood trickling down her shoulder, her leg and the side of her face. Kuzen is likewise bleeding, although his wounds are already healing. A dozen men in black suits, black trenchcoats and equally black fedoras lie dead in this alley.
More advance, seemingly without end. Someone slides around Kuzen's spitting fury, and there's a gasp that is not entirely pain.
There's a certain air of grim authority in this voice. Someone who stands unquestioned and unquestionable, becuase none who do otherwise live to tell.
"Kaiko," Kuzen hisses.
The guy who steps up to fight her slips away from her stab like black-clad smoke. Her vison whirls, dizzying, and a grip more solid than any handcuffs closes on her wrists. She can now see Kuzen and the sunken-cheeked, pale man holding a sword to Kuzen's neck. Apparently these new guys aren't chumps, she realizes, considering how she's been expertly spun around, disarmed, her arms behind her back, two other guys keeping one foot each on the toes of her boots so she can't kick.
"Kuzen. Ukina. You have two choices," comes Kaiko's deep, hollow voice, "we can torture you until you tell us where it is, and then make sure nobody will ever find your bodies."
"It"? I want to spit in this Kaiko guy's eyes, but he's not close enough.
Their captor's gaze fixes on Kuzen.
"Or," he says, smiling now, "You can kill your spy girlfriend, swear to never raise a hand against us again, and never have the support of the power that upholds this world again."
Her and Kuzen lock eyes, across that alley. A strange calm washes over her. We both know one of us has to survive. Guess we know who, now.
"One last chance to just tell us where it is," Kaiko adds, smile now pulling the corners of his mouth as though his face is made of melted wax.
"No," comes from both of them at once, and then she breaks the look she and Kuzen were sharing. She takes a deep breath.
"Make it quick," she says, words she's dreaded - yet always expected to say, and because she can't resist absurdity in the face of death, "Oh and if you let my body go to waste, I'll haunt you to your dying day," she adds.
She tilts her head back, exposing her throat. She hears the shift of boots on asphalt, the wet rustle and click of Kuzen's kagune shifting from feather shards to hardened blade. A whip-like snap and a red-hot sting against her nec
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shewhoeatssand · 2 years
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I posted 7,358 times in 2022
That's 1,075 more posts than 2021!
71 posts created (1%)
7,287 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,114 of my posts in 2022
#tokyo ghoul - 456 posts
#kaneki ken - 257 posts
#kaneki - 142 posts
#ken kaneki - 125 posts
#tokyo ghoul:re - 97 posts
#tg - 65 posts
#anime - 60 posts
#tokyo ghoul re - 59 posts
#tokyoghoulcore - 57 posts
#queued post - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and it’s just akira going ‘oh? you want to see the cat? here’s the cat then’ and she pulls out haise looking very uncomfy wearing cat ears
My Top Posts in 2022:
General TG characters and what pets they should/shouldn’t have
When I say “general” I mean the ones either from Anteiku or ones that were introduced before :re and aren’t shown to be part of an organization. I’ll do CCG and Aogiri characters later.
Hide - Our favourite blond boy! I think it’d be illegal for me not to let him have a golden retriever. He’d take it on walks to Johoku Chuo park on the weekends, and he’d name it Ethan after the first blond boy in The Blond Boys (the one who performs for the other boys with a ribbon baton).
Kaneki - A house cat. Just an American shorthair or calico from off the side of the road. This cat would probably live a very calm life, sitting on it’s owner’s lap while he reads, before suddenly being thrown into a house with a bunch of strangers and being fed scraps of human meat lol. I think it’d be very therapeutic for Kaneki to have a cat though, and Touka can look after it while Haise is happening.
Touka - A rabbit!! She should absolutely have a rabbit. She already loves rabbits, and I imagine the only reasons she doesn’t have one yet is because she doesn’t have the space, money or time to look after it properly, but if she did, she’d have a rabbit. Heck, she could have multiple rabbits. And she would spoil them rotten too, and buy them cute outfits and take them for walks to shrines and stuff (can you walk a rabbit? I hope you can). Just. Touka with rabbits. It would be amazing.
Tsukiyama - He must have horses. A bunch of them big sprinty bois. I don’t know horses very well, so I can’t tell you exactly which breed of horse he’d own (though I’m pretty sure I remember someone making a post about it!), but let’s say he has multiple horses of a variety of breeds. They’d probably live on a separate property dedicated to his horses, with a lot of land on it for them to explore. Shuu would also take photos of them in beautiful places a lot, and run a blog posting about his horses.
Yoshimura - A cage full of budgies, that would be named after different teas and flowers that Ukina used to like. They’d live upstairs in Anteiku, and be evacuated to Yomo’s shipping container when the CCG came to destroy Anteiku. Yoshimura would probably put pretty potted plants inside their cage for them to investigate every once in a while. I can also see him putting a large tank full of goldfish for the customers to watch inside the shop.
Uta - Another bird. But this time, it’s a big bird. Uta would probably like owning an African Grey bird, because it can be trained to say more words than most birds, and can therefore be used in some of the best pranks. Imagine being a dove, and chasing down a ghoul, but then it disappears around a corner and you hear “quick! He’s over here!”. Then this voice proceeds to lead you around in circles for 20 minutes, before the ghoul you were chasing earlier appears with a bird on his shoulder and kills you while laughing his head off. Typical day for investigators once Uta gets himself a bird.
Roma - Every time I see the name “Roma”, I think of the tomato. Which makes me think of gardening, which makes me think of guinea pigs. Roma would probably own exactly 2 guinea pigs, and they would be called Felony and Misdemeanor, however she would tell most people that they’re called Felix and Missy. She would feed them lettuce from her neighbor’s garden, and join race groups to put them in guinea pig races, then if her guinea pigs ever came last, she would kill everyone at the tournament.
Nishiki - I can’t believe I got this far without remembering Nishiki! He would have a chihuahua that was originally bought for his girlfriend Kimi, but then he ended up taking it for walks instead of her, and then it got really attached to him and now he sleeps next to the chihuahua more often than he sleeps with Kimi. If anyone ever laughs at him for owning a chihuahua, he will flip them inside out and hang them from a telephone pole, which he will make very clear to everyone. Good job Nishiki.
Koma - I can think of two things for Koma - either an entire giant catfish (yes! A whole catfish!) or a squirrel monkey, but I’ll go with the catfish for now because it’s funnier. Originally he wanted a trilobite, but when he found out they didn’t exist anymore he bought a giant catfish instead. Obviously he couldn’t fit the catfish in a regular fish tank, so he took it to a hidden pond in the woods and marked out a trail with a sign that said “Koma’s catfish trail” on it so he could remember where to go. He even put a collar on the catfish with a tracker before leaving it, and sent an Ape to the woods each day to feed it and update him on how the catfish is going. However, the government did not enjoy having a catfish trail that lead to an actual catfish in their forest, so they sent someone to remove it and set it free. So when Koma received news that someone moved his catfish, he tracked them down, brought 50 ghouls to their house, yelled at them for 2 hours, stole their toenails and threatened to kill them if they or another person moved his catfish again. Then he orchestrated a mission to find his catfish, followed the tracker, got his catfish and put it the fuck back because no one moves his goddamn catfish.
Irimi - A black doberman, as a group mascot, and a little pink axolotl that she buys miniature hats for. The hats usually fall off though. She takes the dog for walks in the same park as Hide, so sometimes when they see eachother they have to awkwardly say hello while their dogs yap at eachother very very loudly and attract the attention of everyone around them.
34 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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Comments under a picture of Tsukiyama Shuu alongside some other characters on Pinterest
38 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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Small wip sneak peek of the Kaneki fanart that just happens to be an entire month late 💕
40 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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Yoriko when she eventually finds out Kaneki made most of her bento and Touka is just taking the credit for it
44 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hide hides another print of this underneath Kaneki’s pillow whenever he goes to sleep over at his house
83 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elmaxlys · 2 years
TG Sexywoman Poll - Round 1
Here is the list of the polls for this first round of the competition
Ami VS Asa
Mitsuba Kotone VS Akanuma Yuuri
Yamagata Tsumugi VS Mrs. Satou
Big Madam VS Applehead (Muramatsu Kie)
Takizawa Michie VS Fueguchi Ryouko
Mrs. Kaneki VS Ukina
Kusakari Miza VS Kirishima Hikari
Takizawa Seina VS Miss Nishio
Skull Masks Leader VS Jiro
Gori Misato VS Harima Touko
Karren von Rosewald VS Mayu (Nutcracker)
Madam A VS Shachi's subordinate
Aliza VS Fura (Sasada) Aki
Nishino Kimi VS Kuroiwa (Kosaka) Yoriko
Nico VS Matsumae
Yasuhisa Nashiro VS Irimi Kaya
Mado Akira VS Yoshimura Eto (Takatsuki Sen)
Yonebayashi Saiko VS Hori Chie
Hsiao Ching-Li VS Itori
Sankou VS Tagata Erina
Kei VS Utsumi Koharu
Aura Kiyoko VS Washuu Iyo
Hoito Roma VS Uruka Minami
Hogi Ayumu VS Tomoe Yumitsu (Hakatori)
Taguchi VS Oohashi
Fueguchi Hinami VS Shirazu Haru
Toga Miho VS Satomi Shion
Yasuhisa Kurona VS Ihei Hairu
Karube Misono VS Ruisawa
Kirishima Touka VS Kamishiro Rize
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