#you actually get really granular info from this question
toskarin · 8 months
a very funny way to tell how much of fsn someone's engaged with is to ask "which fsn characters can drive" to see if they include saber and/or illya
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iatrophilosophos · 10 months
Hey, do you have any info or tips on diy medicine? I've always been interested but haven't found much success
Medicine is just problem solving. IME it's important to take nothing for granted and get as granular as possible with what you're trying to achieve, because that opens more doors.
Re: that point, diy med is being a medical researcher. Very rarely is work done for you, so there's a lot of fucking around and finding out--how much risk you chose to take is up to you in experimenting; but I'm pretty gung ho and I can still count on one hand the number of times I've tried something that carried more risk than over-the-counter acetaminophen.
Read voraciously--coming from someone who can only get thru about three books a year. It's fucking hard but it is so beyond worth it to work at it, however much you can. Read until you know enough to have questions and then read to find the answer to those questions and/or figure out how to determine an answer for yourself.
Bad sources can be just as educational as good ones--western medicine has a bunch of fuckshit in it and having strong, grounded analysis of why you think an approach, treatment, whatever is bullshit will help you in finding something better.
Anecdotal evidence is useful as FUCK. Western medical practice is regulated formally and informally by legal anxiety and profit motives (ergo an unwillingness to produce anything under a certain statistical bar of effectiveness) but for a LOT of anecdotal home remedies and experimental treatments, risk factors are p minimal and if you feel comfortable trying it based on a realistic risk assessment...you can just try it, lol.
I really want to stress that diy med doesn't just have to be about trying to get a sub-par approximation of western med. Sometimes what we can do for ourselves is limited or less effective, sure--but we are also capable of doing better. There's pros and cons, right, but autonomous medicine gives the opportunity to try something that a doctor never would--sometimes because of risk, but more usually it's about legal anxiety and state restrictions. I remember hearing someone I knew who worked in drug development talk about how stupid it was that their team was having to reinvent the wheel instead of using THC in a drug; even though there exists documentation that THC has the property they were after, their program got federal funding so no marijuana.
Personally my entry point was herbalism and it's not a bad route to go. It can do a LOT, it's very accessible, and unlike a lot of medicine it's less gatekept & there's a significant population of writers creating resources specifically for laypeople with a focus on autonomy and self practice; plus rad community spaces exist and ofc like any scene they're full of bullshit (transmisogyny and gender essentialism in lefty alt health is a huge current, unfortunately), but they can be a good place to like. Network until you actually find the other ppl on the fringes of the scene who you might actually click with. An herbal background also gives you a LOT of directional freedom--lots of sources will combine western medical information on top of traditional and anecdotal practices, which cumulates in a lot of lenses you can apply to try to solve a problem; plus a lot of drugs are or can be plant-derived and having a skillset to identify/grow, harvest and process plants is really useful even if western medicine is the primary lens you want to use (tbh ur basic herbal preparations are often the first step in more exact drug isolation procedures). It's also just essential imo to have more than a western medical perspective--take time to read less immediately practical texts about medical history, other medical systems, and other conceptualizations of illness and the human body. One of my hotter takes? Miasma theory is still relevant and useful. There's a lot of fuckshit everywhere, both within and outside of western medicine--treat no source as authoritative and every claim as a thought experiment! But seriously, take the time to see what's out there. Accumulate as much raw information as possible to build your toolkit.
Some herbal resources I like for beginners (all books on LibGen.is)
Rjwhelan.co.nz -- aoteroa based medical herbalist who presents a really wide range of info from historical/traditional to western scientific. He's got some interesting (read: bad) takes but is a solid writer and information aggregator.
The herbal medicine makers handbook by James green -- good intro to herbal preparation with a range of procedures from simple folk methods to more measurement and chemistry heavy. Also got some weird opinions. That's just kinda how it be.
Wild remedies by rosalee de foret and Emily han -- cute basic introduction to herbalism
The psychopharmacology of herbal medicines by Marcello spinella -- says it right on the tin. useful reference.
The Earthwise herbal (vol 1 and vol 2) by Matthew wood -- listen. I fucking hate this man. I kind of hate these books (organized alphabetically by latin name...come the fuck on) BUT. It is still a pretty ok reference book with a similar approach to Richard Whelan's work and it has herbs that I've had trouble finding in other texts.
On working with others and sharing information: it's important to not play doctor. I strongly encourage folks to help out other people, but in an assistive capscity--not a prescriptive one. Share your sources, explain your opinions! The goal is to offer as much information as possible for someone else to make their own decisions. If you're in the US, this is a pretty good rundown of the legal positionality of herbalists (/health consultants generally) but I strongly advocate for going further than the law in this case on ideological autonomy-focused grounds.
Finally: medicine is not a solitary undertaking. Having a group of friends or even just acquaintances with different needs, priorities and viewpoints will get you much further in a few months than you could on your own in years. And it's slow going at first. It really is. You'll fuck up, you'll go around believing something for years to suddenly realize it's bullshit, you will grow and change. But you'll get there.
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painted-crow · 3 years
Submission time #19
so i’ve been spending the last little bit unburning my lion primary. now i’m sort of lost on secondary? i suspect i have bird in there somewhere but i’m having a hard time separating my natural secondary and a model that i really like and find helpful. (or maybe it’s the now-surprisingly-loud lion primary drive for authenticity coming through?) so if it’s okay with you, i’ll take a crack at some of the quiz questions and see if there’s anything of note? spacing might be weird—i’m on mobile :/
Sure thing!
When you succeed, how influential in that success were the people around you?
my answer to this one depends on the day. yes, they’re extremely influential; no, i don’t always like it. not because i don’t appreciate or need the help but because it got into my head in a funny way growing up. i’ve always been tremendously lucky to have people who love and want to help me, but like... it gets to the point where it feels like i’m nothing on my own. how much of this is a favour? what do i owe you? are you just trying to spare my feelings or because i’m related to someone else? i’m desperate to be able to say (and believe) that i’ve done something for myself on my own terms.
Ooh, okay. So, you've maybe got some caretaker Badgers around you, but that's not you--you don't really value this in yourself, even if it's how the community around you works. If you have any Badger secondary, it's anxious.
Do people consider you charismatic?
charisma is SUCH a concept. it gives off such an animal magnetism, face of the revolution vibe, which is not me at all. i have to work hard to be nice bc most people deserve the benefit of the doubt (as i repress the instinct to be judgy and mean LMAO) and also bc it just works better socially? flies and honey and all that. i also have very specific ways of being nice: “mom friend” and “hypercompetent rookie in line of succession” and “spicy and nonjudgmental confidante” which, granted, are already all parts of my personality just emphasized for clarity. i think of it like... personality colour correction, or... code-switching i guess.
You've literally just described Actor Bird. Also, you're not very nice when you describe yourself, are you?
people tend to like me more than i like me, though, and it catches me a little by surprise every time. maybe it’s just because i live in my own head and it’s a lot quieter and more anxious up here. it does suck a little, suddenly being worried that like “ooh ppl only like what u show them but that’s not how u rlly are”
Lions (primary or secondary) and Actor Bird can really clash... it sounds like you're discovering that your primary doesn't like this tactic as it unburns. Also, I think Bird masks just take a lot of energy if used long term. That might be me though.
so i’ll Sprinkle In Some Light Trauma to gauge the reaction (and regret it immediately). the truth is that not many people make it past the social utility part of friendship and so i don’t rlly... feel safe? putting down the masks which are designed to smooth interactions in any case. (so i guess YES but actually no i’m charismatic but also that’s a very different public facing side)
Yeah, this is all Actor Bird so far. Also, hugs.
Do you like going into situations with a plan?
mmm. i don’t think i plan so much as i attempt to see into the future and force my best outcome. i HATE going in blind—if i can a way around something, i will, but if i can’t it has to at least be a good and sensible attempt. most of the plans i usually put together have coping-mechanism, doodling while on a phone call energy: too granular to ever implement, just something to put order to the things you’re thinking.
This is still lots of Bird energy. Plans don't always look the same, you know? And some of us barely use 'em at all.
like, i do have all my degree requirements and preferred classes listed out, because that’s important and i should have that sorted out correctly before declaring my major. but the hour by hour daily schedule is more of a thing to make me feel in control and like i’ve put the work into considering it.
i’m also a stereotypical nerd: i have an english/history brain, i write a lot, i fall down personality inventory rabbit holes for fun, i pick up random things that end up relevant years later, nothing was as distressing as not being able to read for fun bc university was just Too Much—you know the drill.
I do, but not everyone is like this. You're probably a Bird, and I wonder if you're taking your secondary for granted because you feel like it's expected of you.
but for someone who plans as a coping mechanism, it’s also sometimes the best way to put me off. like i don’t know, being friends, which is the only thing in my life where traditional overthinking would RUIN it absolutely.
i know someone who semi-despairingly refers to herself as machiavellian because she interacts with people like it’s 4D chess.
Huh, so your friends don't talk about themselves very nicely either.
collects info, reshapes her entire personality into something designed to appeal to whoever she’s talking to. i tried not to get into motive bc socializing really is like That sometimes, but i couldn’t imagine pulling that off. i talk big game about acting a certain way, but only in ways that are already part of me yk? if i couldn’t believe i was being legit in some way i’m like 97% sure it would show through somehow and make it real weird.
You're still on Actor Bird. Your friend might have a Snake model? but you're an Actor Bird.
How do you feel about shortcuts?
work smart not hard, she says, working hard anyway bc she needs to see all the little things fall into place just to make sure that they do.
seriously though, that is for “important enough” things: i need to see it done to standard. i can rest only with a job well done kind of thing—due diligence so that any tomfoolery that goes down isn’t my fault and therefore no one can get mad at me.
This might be a Badger model, and I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you picked this up from your community because it's what they expect of you. You don't seem to take any joy in it, though; it seems like an anxious response.
also i have beef with the idea of being gullible, so i’m gonna see it with my OWN EYES. for less important things, it’s a heart says yes mind says no situation. i love the shortcut that saves time and effort but keeps the quality, which is plentiful when it’s like. pasta sauce, but not when it’s like. the Donner party heading to california. i would love to shorten that stuff, but the consequences of a poorly done shortcut are more painful than the slog.
Bird modeling Badger. Yep.
Do you feel the need to keep the peace?
(it didn’t come up on this run of the quiz but i’ve been mulling over for a while!)
Huh. This question doesn't always come up? I always get it. I have to assume it's the quiz checking for Badger.
i’ve got a fairly bad temper and a transparent face. so no—i’m not much for keeping the peace. i can do it properly if compelled, but it’s exhausting and irritating and only really makes me resentful of the emotional labour.
Whether you can keep the peace is kind of separate from whether you feel you should, but you also really dislike being in that role. You're modeling some Bookkeeper Badger, which doesn't actually make you happy, and you really don't seem to like using Courtier for anything.
does it bother me when people fight? yeah, like most people do when it’s a rift-causing argument in a group they care strongly about, but if i’m not more loyal to one side of the dispute i’m much more likely to take out all the parties and have done with it. i’ve been known to fight back or even start stuff if the cause is important enough, or i have spleen to vent, but i’m a very messy arguer so staying out of it and collecting receipts in the background is much more my style.
Wonder if you've got some Lion secondary hiding out in your Houses. You don't like going into things unprepared, but maybe there's a Lion model you could be nurturing that would make you happier than that Badger mess that's been pushed on you.
anyway. this was long. made me think harder about badger than i thought. lots of feelings, but def not as sad as the ones i typed up and deleted ages ago which i elect to count as progress. thanks for making it this far hahahah
Yay! Progress!
Yeah, I don't think you're a Badger. It really doesn't make you happy. You sound like a Bird to me: actor Bird, rapid fire Bird, but not Badger. Not Snake, either; if you're a rapid fire or actor Bird (or both) you might mis-Sort yourself into Snake, but I'm not getting that from you.
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your-dietician · 3 years
NBA Draft Profile: Michigan State’s Aaron Henry
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/nba/nba-draft-profile-michigan-states-aaron-henry/
NBA Draft Profile: Michigan State’s Aaron Henry
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Here we are a year later and Michigan State’s Aaron Henry finds himself on the precipice of his NBA career. Where last year I had some questions and ultimately predicted that he would return for his junior season, this year there is zero doubt in my mind that he is more than ready to have a terrific NBA career and to be a rotation-level player right away.
NBA scouting report for Aaron Henry
General info and initial scout:
Height: 6’6” (in shoes) Weight: ~210 pounds Date Of Birth: August 30, 1999 (~22 years old and one month at the start of 2020-21 NBA season).
Official measurements (NBA Draft Combine):
Height: 6’4.5” without shoes, 6’6” in shoes
Wingspan: 6’10.75” (nearly plus-five inches)
Standing Reach: 8’7.5”
Standing Vertical: 29”
Max Vertical: 35”
(Note: you can check out all of Henry’s NBA Draft Combine numbers here)
Henry improved significantly as an athlete this past year — showing better leg strength and explosion than he displayed as a sophomore. He has NBA-level athleticism, solid, positional strength, and can hold up against bigs, but that is not a strength at this point. Henry still shows the very quick feet and excellent technique both in his slide and drop-step and in his turn-and-run that he did last season. He continues to show an excellent understanding of when to use which technique on defense, he gets skinny over picks, and is good in trailing around screens.
My critique of Henry previously was his tendency to float through games, or get mentally knocked out of games due to foul trouble. That critique is no longer remotely applicable. This past season, Henry played on a truly bad team by Michigan State standards: this was the worst Tom Izzo-led Michigan State team since his second season at Michigan State and the only Izzo-led team in the Kenpom era to rank lower than No. 45 (the team finished No. 64!). Henry was the alpha all season long and, in the second half of the season, single-handedly (at times) dragged and willed the team into the NCAA Tournament. With no other shot-creators, terrible point guard-play, woeful three-point shooting around him, and generally poor defensive contributions from players other than Marcus Bingham Jr., Henry was the offensive focal point all year and played engaged basketball all season (bar a couple of blowout losses after the team returned from its two-plus week COVID pause).
Henry projects as a rare plus on-ball defender at the next level — even more so than he did last year. He has terrific feet, hands, length, timing, and understands when and where to use his physicality. There were games that Henry simply dominated on the defensive end where he improved his steal and block percentages to 2.4 and 4.1, respectively. He proves adept at reading the game, understanding other teams’ actions, and blowing up plays on-ball and off-ball. This will be his calling card initially as a professional.
His shooting form has improved significantly since the end of his junior season:
He is much smoother and has a more natural dip and release from behind the three-point line in this catch-and-shoot drill from the combine, a smoothness that he already had (all season) off the dribble in the mid-range. Despite his guide-hand looking a little funky, it appropriately does not influence the ball; this is a replicable form for catch-and-shoot situations in the NBA where teams will initially, at least, shade off of Henry until he shows he can hit three-pointers (and even then Henry will likely be low on the scouting report).
Henry’s shot is far from broken; in fact, there is strong statistical evidence to pair with this improved visual data that indicates that Henry will be an at-least-average three-point shooter for his position (i.e. that he will get to around 35 percent as a professional).
Henry’s off-the-dribble creation improved dramatically this season (evoking his high school years where he played as a point-forward). Often going against set-defenses, Henry proved able to beat players off-the-dribble, and to slash off of catches and curls from the wing.
Henry remains an excellent and confident finisher with both hands on a variety of reverses, off-foot finishes, push shots, tear-drops, and hooks. Significantly, Henry also showed the ability to play off of two-feet and off of one-foot in the paint — an athletic dynamism that is important in the NBA. Henry had 10 dunks this year (on 13 attempts), but he continues to finish well around the rim when he isn’t dropping off passes, which is one of his underrated skills: for his entire college career Henry has been a terrific paint-area passer through and around help— and this will really maximize his NBA role as a secondary creator and paint-breaker (see below).
When he runs the wing Henry is a terrific transition player: he reads the court well, understands best angles to attack, and finds open teammates on the perimeter, but this year Henry was often the one bringing the ball up the court or having to work with a delayed break (due to the point guard struggles on the team). I expect him to be a potent transition player and finisher in the NBA in a call-back to his first two seasons at Michigan State. While Henry’s free-throw rate still leaves a bit to be desired, he does not rely on free-throw generation the way some college stars do, which will benefit him in the much more physical NBA, where he will not get a lot of calls.
In his junior year, Henry stepped into a much bigger role this year than was anticipated, as evidenced by his massive leap in usage and the percentage of shots he took while on the court (in his second and third years Henry’s usage, role, and minutes-played took huge leaps each season, a strong indicator that he can handle and even thrive in a bigger role as a more veteran NBA wing — a not-insignificant consideration).
By the end of his junior year he was playing his best basketball on both ends of the court and finished the year as one of the most impressive juniors to ever play for Tom Izzo. Henry remains very smart, very engaging, cerebral, humble, and highly teachable, but, as noted earlier, he developed an absolute killer-edge and alpha mentality this year.
After this past season, Henry’s ball-handling and individual shot-creation and finishing (in the mid-range and at the rim) should put NBA teams on notice. In fact, Henry finished as a top-five mid-range shooter in the entire nation (see below) an extremely valuable long-term proficiency as Henry’s three-point shooting begins to percolate, and as his creation role and finishing acumen lead teams to encourage mid-range shots from him even more.
Henry’s strength, length, quickness, and explosion are all at-least-average in the NBA, if not genuine positives (his length — nearly a plus-five wingspan — and lateral quickness — he should test very well in the athleticism drills at the combine — are real selling points). And, with his “killer” mentality secured this season, the only actual weakness that I still have for Henry is his three-point shooting — an important weakness, but not a fatal one, nor one that should scare NBA teams away given some positive indicators: his impressive second-half-of-the-year shooting (see below), steady free-throw shooting improvement, and excellent form and comfort on mid-range shots.
Statistical profile:
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Aaron Henry. Three-year detail
Note: the impressive step-function increase in Henry’s usage, assist rate, and free-throw percentage. Also of note: Henry finally “putting-it-all-together” on defense this season; on a poor defensive team, generally, Henry posted terrific block and steal percentages.
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Aaron Henry. 2020-21 shooting statistics
After a more quiet year last year in terms of dunks, Henry amped up his transition dunks and landed (and attempted) far more dunks in the half-court (almost all off of one foot; to complement his jump-stop finishing). Henry’s self-creation and efficiency at the rim and in the mid-range is impressive, particularly considering the awful spacing he had to deal with.
While the three-point percentage looks ugly on its face — especially given Henry’s solid 35.6 percent mark over his first two seasons (129 attempts) — the granular detail of Henry’s shooting season tells a far different story. In non-conference play, adjusting to the absence of fans, a new, much-larger role, an unexpectedly bad team, and dire shot-quality due to poor point guard-play, Henry started the year making just six of 26 shots from three-point range (23 percent). But over the rest of the season, Henry shot 18-of-55 from three point range, for 32.7 percent from beyond the arc. In fact, in the second half of the year (from the Iowa game onwards; i.e. the last 14 games of the season) Henry shot 15-of-38 from three-point range, for a superb 39.5 percent — while maintaining a high degree of shot-difficulty.
Henry’s selling points on offense:
Passing: Henry is a terrific passer, particularly in tight-quarters and in-and-around the painted area. If a big is open near the rim Henry will make the right pass and get the big-man an easy dunk — he is a willing and capable passer.
Creation: this past season, Henry’s self-creation and creation for others was a revelation, and he produced excellent looks out of the pick-and-roll as well. On a bad team that did not generate high quality shots, Henry was at the heart of almost all of the good things that did happen on offense. His ability to beat his man off the dribble using complex cross-over combinations, hesitations, spins, and aggressive jump-stops won Michigan State games to the extent that Henry became a go-to a drought-breaker and closer (see his 10-straight clutch-points against Indiana down the stretch of that must-win game) even in the face of intense defensive attention.
Mid-range and paint-scoring: Henry’s mid-range output (roughly six mid-range attempts per game at 46 percent) is in the same range as guys like Khris Middleton, Jamal Murray, and Jeremy Lamb (current NBA players) — I am not saying he will be those guys, but from a mid-range scoring perspective he is not dissimilar coming out of college, and, in fact, is a better mid-range shooter than those players were in college.
There are not a lot of prospects with a more impressive set of highlights in terms of winning basketball, variety, and ability to produce smart basketball plays despite a high degree of difficulty or pressure. Henry’s smooth handle (much improved from his sophomore year), calm under-pressure, and keen awareness of time, score, and personnel saved Michigan State’s season, and indicates that Henry will thrive as a secondary creator, paint-player, and primary wing-defender.
Henry’s point-of-attack defense and help defense (in terms of his help-awareness and positioning, timing of his rotations, and completing of plays) really pop in this film where he stifles nearly every player he guards. Take a look at this play against prospective first-round pick Ayo Dosunmu:
Aaron Henry on-ball defense: just devouring Ayo Dosunmu, going to his left. Rugged at the point of attack, quick feet/fluid hips. Glides over screens. pic.twitter.com/elSKTrtP4c
— Brian Geisinger (@bgeis_bird) May 14, 2021
Henry’s defense is a real weapon, and while many NBA evaluators may not value it, his offensive game also pops on the film, too.
While Henry is not a lottery-level offensive creator, he really is not that far off: on a team with negative spacing, and often lacking any semblance of rhythm, Henry’s ability to generate shots for himself and his teammates was pretty incredible in the half-court. Take the second Indiana game, at home, for example. You can see a series of highlights from that game in the above videos, but some context is required.
Both teams were fighting for their NCAA Tournament lives, and Indiana’s entire defense was focused on stopping Henry after he destroyed them in Bloomington in the first matchup. In the first half, the Hoosiers bottled him up pretty successfully, holding Henry to four points. In the second half, Henry scored 18. With Michigan State down 49-48, with 4:35 left in the game, Henry scored 12 straight points (from all three-levels), grabbed an offensive rebound (for a put-back), had a crucial steal, and a defensive-possession-ending rebound, to put Michigan State up 60-52 with, 25 seconds left in the game. He dominated the game and there was nothing Indiana (with the No. 43 defense in the nation, per Kenpom) could do to stop him.
This same story played out in all five of the season-defining wins against Indiana, Illinois, Ohio State, Indiana, and Michigan — these high-level teams, two of them with excellent defenses (defensive ranks of No. 43, No. 7, No. 82, No. 43, and No. 4, respectively) were geared toward thwarting Henry, and simply could not keep him out of the lane, or off of the scoresheet as he put up 27 points and two assists, 20 points and five assists, 18 points and four assists, 22 points and five assists, and 18 points and three assists in those five season-defining wins.
Henry’s feel for the game and the rhythm of opposing defenses is superb, and while he did at times struggle with getting stripped (often getting raked across the arms) on drives into traffic, the NBA game and spacing will benefit him tremendously in this respect. Like Miles Bridges a few years ago, Henry’s game will absolutely thrive in the NBA where defenses are stretched, driving lanes are wider, teams are not putting their best defenders on him and not helping towards him, and his passing awareness and skill will punish teams that do help on his drives and curls.
In the second part of my discussion of Aaron Henry as an NBA prospect, I will dive into some more granular player comparisons and show why Henry is such a unique prospect as a point-wing whose role, usage, creation, defense, and two-way excellence place him in a tier of his own making. Part two will also include a discussion of his NBA role and his potential “fits” for teams. Be on the lookout for that article soon.
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pushbuttontraffic · 3 years
How to Sell on Amazon FBA for Beginners! EASY Step-by-Step Tutorial
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I'm just gonna, be honest with you guys. I'Ve taken a $ 4,000 Amazon FBA course out my own pocket. I spent the money they didn't pay me or anything like that. I took that course, but in this I think it's been less than hour. I feel like I've gotten like as much value like ( upbeat song, ), ODI Productions, ( upbeat song, ) ( engine start ), Hey what is up guys. I am back with Kevin David You guys asked for him. We did a three part: video series on drop shipping before Kevin's the guy to go for for E-commerce. He is the one expert in this space on YouTube that I trust for a thing: E-commerce, You guys know me as the affiliate marketing guy, but when it comes to anything about selling products online, this is the guy to talk to. So I got a lot of questions, a lot of comments, mostly positive from our first series, But a lot of people want to learn about Amazon FBA, which is a different beast. Then drop shipping Absolutely It's another form of E-commerce right, but it is completely different in terms of how much it costs to get started in terms of the profit margin and just selling on Amazon versus selling on your own Shopify store Right. So we brought Kevin David back to explain everything in this Beginner's Guide for Amazon, FBA So first I'm gonna have Kevin, introduce himself and just tell a little bit about his background with E-commerce and then we'll jump into the tutorial. Sure Yeah, So thanks for having me back on the last Thursday, it was incredible Like I literally got so many awesome students from your channel. You have such an amazing passionate following of people that, like really do what's necessary to become successful, So we go For everyone who doesn't know me. My name is Kevin David. I started working as an accountant after college. I was working 80 hours a week. I hated it I decided I had to do something And so like. Basically after I got home after my like two hour commute home, I would work from like 11 pm or so after I got back from the gym until 2 am trying to find ways to make money online. So that I could quit my job And so I would work from like 11 to 2 am and then wake up at 6 am and drive for two more hours to get back to my commute, And that was very draining and I, like I couldn't sustain that, And so I tried a lot of Things I did I created a mobile app. You know, I've created blogs, travel all these different things. That kind of didn't have much success. I tried affiliate marketing and failed so ( laughing ). You guys know that ODI definitely beat me there, But what I finally had some success with first was Amazon FBA, Amazon FBA, like literally out the gate right when I first started selling my first week ever selling on Amazon, I was making $ 1,000 a day And, Like that, all of my other stuff, Nothing even came close to that, So I was like okay, this works. For me. I buy everything on Amazon. I buy toothpaste on Amazon, I buy toilet paper on Amazon right. I think a lot of people our age do just because we're like lazy and everyone is - Is just so much easier. Getting things delivered to your door then like having to like going to a shopping, you know actually go into a grocery store. I'M too lazy for that right. And so I knew that I buy everything on Amazon, so a lot of other people probably do too, and so I went all in basically Yeah, so Amazon FBA, for you guys who don't know Fulfillment by Amazon, basically is like private labeling Right For the most part. Yeah yeah So basically, Amazon FBA for people who don't know right What it means is fulfilled by Amazon. The beautiful thing about Amazon FBA is Amazon, does all of the hard work for you. I don't have to go to UPS and ship out like a product that I sell on the internet right. I don't have to do any of the work. I don't have to collect the payments. I don't have to make a website. Amazon, Obviously amazon.com already exists. So all I have to do is find a product right, A product, that's going to sell well on Amazon and there's a lot of ways to be able to figure that out with a ton of precision right, Find a good product to sell on Amazon. Once I've found that then literally, all I have to do is create a listing, create some basic marketing campaigns on Amazon's marketing platform, and then that is it And the best part about Amazon is Amazon. Has millions of people is browsing the web site every single day Yep? So I don't have to bring traffic from external sources. Amazon already has the traffic. All I have to do is get my product to rank on. To page one for the search terms that I'm trying to rank for and there's some very, very strategic ways that we figured out to do exactly that. I love it because Amazon ..., So you don't. You just basically need to find this product right, But Amazon not only do they have the traffic, but they had the customers. Absolutely And they had the customers, billing info and credit cards already in their system. It'S literally one click ... Yeah for most people Exactly Yeah Like it's literally one click. The friction in the process is almost zero. Like the problem with Shopify. Is people come to your site? They don't necessarily trust you. You don't have the brand recognition right. The shipping times are 12 to 20 days or even longer, Yeah With Amazon, obviously as you and I both know it's two days, Sometimes it's the same day if you live in large cities, And so that's just like a much easier, frictionless process that makes the buying you know the overall buying process extremely easy. And when the buying process is easy, people buy more things right And so like it. All you have to do, is kind of get your products live and in most cases, Amazon literally handles the rest, and you just start magically getting sales without having to drive traffic. Because one of the other parts about Shopify that I don't like as much is every person who buys from you more or less you have to pay for that person. You have to pay in the form of Facebook ads Yeah. You have to pay with ad spend But with Amazon you get organic sales, free sales And so that's a very difficult thing to replicate, like otherwise on the internet, which is why Amazon FBA has had so much like attention and success of my thousands and thousands of students you know, many of which now Are making six and even seven plus figures Mm hmm Yeah? I would like to say that you know for all these people seeing success. A lot of it stems from the business model and just kind of piggybacking off of Amazon, Because Amazon is such a beast in terms of like a company being one of the biggest companies in the world. Right, The biggest E-commerce store online Yeah By far not even close Yeah. It'S literally shutting down massive businesses. Like JC Penney, Sears Toys, R Us, like these companies, aren't going out of business by chance. Yeah, Like Amazon, is destroying them obviously, And like it's not like a thing about whether or not they hate them They're, just they created a better model. Yes, Its the same thing, how would you like, when was last time you took a taxi Yeah like ... I haven't taken a taxi .. Yeah, I haven't taken a taxi and over a year or more, Because why would I do something? That'S less efficient! It'S it's harder for me to do. It'S more expensive Taxis always want to like try to rob you, especially in other countries. ( laughs, ) And Uber is just so much easier. It'S all handled via your phone. They come right to you right, It's just a better business model And Amazon has a better business model than the predecessors before it, And that's just you know when, and I love what you said, because it's so true . A lot of success on the internet is predicated right. It'S because of the business model you choose Yeah Right And Amazon is such a beautiful business model. If you know how to choose the right product and how to get your product in front of people's eyes right, Get it to page one run marketing successfully, and you know those things aren't the easiest things in the world, but once you learn them, it's just it's incredible what you can do with Amazon Awesome i love it. I love all of it. Okay, so we've just going we've discussed what Amazon FBA is, but I want to jump into the actual steps. Let'S say someone is watching this video and they liked the idea of this Yeah They like the idea of Amazon FBA and they think it's the right business model for them Right. So if they want to get started, could you list out just some simple steps that they can do in order to get in the game? Yeah? Absolutely And that's a great question: So, let's actually go through this like a little bit. ... will get really granular with this, and you know some people like really granular some people like high level So high level Amazon, basically, is you find products from China or from cheaper markets right You you get them made, you get them shipped to an Amazon, fulfillment center Amazon fulfills them all for you, You get paid right, That's the high level you buy it for $ 1 from China. You sell it on Amazon. For 20. Amazon takes their fee, obviously for fulfilling it for handling all of the hard work for you. You get paid to the profit, which is the difference between what you pay and what you sell it on Amazon for that's high level right Yeah, So um granularly there's a few steps right And let's go through them one by one, so that we can get you so that you guys can all have like a really clear idea of exactly how this works Step. One is product research right, Product research is the most important step of the entire process right, It's what I go into the most depth when I teach on my YouTube when I teach my private students right, Because the thing is guys and what I've learned over the past 16 months having thousands And thousands of thousands of people join. My Amazon program is, if you pick the right product right, You can do pretty much everything else wrong and still make a ton of money, and I actually mean that I've seen it happen a ton of times. But If you, if you pick the wrong product right, Then you're going to have a harder time, And obviously you can still be successful, but with the beautiful part about Amazon is, if you pick the right product, it's very difficult to not make money, And so how this works. Guys is. There'S software right There, software and the software I use is called Viral launch product discovery and viral launch market intelligence. It'S a it's a web app and it's a Chrome extension right. And what these apps do, what these soft piece of software do? Is they allow you to identify kind of diamond in the rough right Products that have a lot of sales, but don't have many reviews right Products that don't have many sellers? So what you do is you come in and you identify those kind of disparities, those differences. You find that the sweet spots where a lot of people are searching for a product, but not many sellers, are offering that product right. Or the sellers who are offering it are offering low quality or there's there's room for improvement by bundling products together or by doing any different number of things to add quality. Because when you add quality - and you add value to people's lives, right, You make money, That's all businesses is, is adding value to other people in some in some way or medium. So that's how it works right! You find products that are in the sweet spot, they have a lot of monthly searches, They have a lot of people looking for them, but they don't have good product offerings currently being sold on Amazon. You create that you know that higher quality, that more value that added value and then you reap the benefits. It'S simply. It'S literally that easy. Okay, so first step you use a software Viral launch to do your product research to look into basically Amazon system. How much of each product is selling how much revenue they're making You get to look at dimensions of the product? How much it weighs, etc, etc. So, basically you're just trying to find a gap in the market and then that's somewhere where you can come in and basically fulfill that gap Exactly And like most people who teach Amazon right Like a lot of people that have taken my course have actually gone on, to become like teachers of Amazon, obviously, which is funny ( laughing ). But you know people who teach it and gurus and everybody who was around before me and now they all kind of have like some criteria, that they say right. You want it to be small, So because it's not going to cost as much shipping, You want it to be non breakable, so it doesn't break during shipping. You want it to be not particularly complex or you know, because people don't like complexity. A lot of times your returns will be higher if people can't figure out how to use the product. But you know the funny thing is sometimes going against. The grain makes you the most money right: Yeah Because everyone's saying do this this and this Exactly And everyone's doing that, So, if you kind of figure out ways ... How I teach my students is different than what most people teach And so we've identified kind of ways to go against the grain. So to speak, where you can really find the true ways to make the most money with Amazon. So don't always listen to what everyone's saying Sometimes you got to go a little bit different Use, your creativity use your own experiences and you can really find the truly best offers out there. I love it All right step two. What next So step two guys once you found your product, you have to actually find someone to make it right. So where do you actually do that The main way is called Alibaba? So Alibaba it for those of you who don't know is a massive massive company in China right Founded by jack, Ma who's. I think the richest person in China multi multi billionaire What they do. Basically, what Alibaba is is a directory of manufacturers right So, like you, if you wan na, have a basketball made or Bluetooth headphones or a tripod or glasses or whatever it is it doesn't matter. You literally go on alibaba Com and you search for what you want to have made Hundreds of manufacturers are going to come up right. They make this stuff, because everything that you could possibly imagine is made in China, And so you know there's criteria that you're looking for You want to. You want to find manufacturers that have years of history that have years of history, That have ... Years of history. They have a badge right Right. They have a badge So it's called gold supplier, So gold supplies you can actually buy that badge from Alibaba. So Oh wow, (, laughs, ). You know and not a lot of people talk about that. So I don't rely on the gold supplier badge because you can buy it. And when you can buy something Yeah Its not particularly credible, in my opinion, So what I look for is years of history right. They actually have an online presence Like they have a website. They have a phone number. I call the phone number make sure it's a real person answering it. It'S not like a scam or anything like that. I like to look for transaction history right, So lots of transactions Alibaba lists those transactions. I like to make sure that you know they have a lot of reviews. Generally, you're vetting them, as you would any other online business. You want to make sure that they're legitimate that it's a real real company, real people work there. They have a real website Just that they're kind of legitimate and then once you're able to do that right. What you want to do is I like to reach out to the top three manufacturers based on those criteria based on reviews based on longevity based on you know, the factors that we just discussed And I want a quote for it: I wan na say ,'': how much would you charge to make me 500 units of x'', Okay Right of you know essential oils or whatever it is right, And so then, what the reason that I asked all three is because you never just want to ask one Quote right Because then you don't know if it's a good deal, So I asked three independent manufacturers. How much would you charge me to make 500 essential oils or 5000 And the reason that I asked 500 to 5000 is sometimes they'll say `` for 5000 will give it to you for $ 1 apiece for 500 will give it to you for $ 5, a piece .''. Okay, And so then, what I try to say is: okay, `` well I'll make the deal right now, if you give me 500 for $ 1 each right. So, like you kind of used.. Ahh, The the cheaper price for the larger amounts, and then you apply it to the smaller amounts, Because you know manufacturers have what they call MOQ's, which is Minimum Order Quantities And we're not going to get too in depth on that. Obviously, that's for another time. But how I teach it is you want to order as little products as possible so that you're going to stay in stock for three months right, Which is generally the amount of time the longest amount of time that it takes to restock. So you want to always: you want to have as few units as possible to never go out of stock, That's kind of how it works for step. Two Wow Yeah So it's kind of a lot . ., That's a great value. I think you gave us some like ninja tips right there, that really like are worth real money. Yeah. No, definitely - And you know, inventory forecasting and figuring out what that number is is a little bit more involved. Obviously you know all of my students. I teach exactly how to choose the perfect number of products to order for you. But that's a little bit more complicated than like this particular setting. But obviously nothing is left to chance my students, step by step by step So .. You give them templates too right. Yes For contacting Yes, so we give them a manufacturer's template And what that is. Is it basically gives you credibility, because manufacturers get hundreds or thousands of inquiries a day, Yep Right, So you want to make sure that they're actually paying attention to you Yeah. So you have to kind of give yourself edify yourself, give yourself a little bit of credibility so that they treat you better. They give you the the best. You know the senior level sales staff who have the ability to give you the best prices, and you have that kind of additional leverage. And if you just like, come in as like some random person, they're just not going to treat you as well. They'Re not going to give you the same level of care, and so we give you a manufacturer's template that guarantees that you get the cheapest price Wow and that directly correlates with your profit margin. Absolutely yeah. I mean a lot of people. Don'T realize like what you should be buying a product for Like if you bought, if you're selling a product on Amazon for $ 20 like one of our most profitable products on Amazon, for example. We sell for between 1495 and during Christmas time - and this sounds crazy. But during Christmas time you can literally sell stuff are basically whatever you want. ( laughs ) Like so we've sold a 1495 product 11 months a year we sell for 1495. During Christmas we sell it for nearly 7999 ( gasps ). I'M not kidding we're selling hundreds of at that price. That'S crazy, Yeah, but anyway, so 1495, most of the year we buy that product are landed, cost is 96 cents per unit. Wow Yeah, so we buy it and that's including shipping. That'S including cost of goods sold all the like fees and the Chinese customs, everything 96 cents per unit. We sell it for 1499. That'S crazy, Yeah! Wow And so that's kind of like the the margin that that's going to give you like a 50 to 60 % profit margin per per unit sold. I generally teach my students that you want to look for between 45 and 50 % margins. Okay, So those are great margin, especially compared to like drop shipping. Read the full article
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hudsonespie · 3 years
New Port Cost Estimator from Inchcape is Missing Link in Cost Puzzle
Inchcape Shipping Services is adding a new Port Cost Estimator (PCE) to its World of Ports 2.0 platform that will make both voyage cost calculations and TCE estimates much easier and more accurate.
 The new module is for anyone who is involved in voyage planning. It has been created by the Head of Systems at Inchcape, Captain Aravind Prasath, and his team. Tech whizz Prasath was a vessel master for 10 years before joining Inchcape so is very familiar with the “unknown variables” that can knock port-cost calculations out of whack.
The port costs challenge
Where you load and discharge makes up a big chunk of the total cost of a voyage. A major challenge is to estimate the cost both ways. To go ahead with a charter, you need insight into every required financial transaction to avoid making a loss. PCE provides cost estimates based on port operations ranging from loading and discharging to bunkering and canal transits, and across different vessel types and sizes.
Marshalling the variables
Many variables can influence the cost of a port call, including the port itself, the terminal, type and size of vessel, type and quantity of cargo, whether it is loading or discharging, and a wide range of optional and mandatory in-port services. By selecting your vessel and load/discharge port, PCE can give you an average baseline cost (the bare minimum) in three clicks. It automatically fills in vessel details from its database. But the more fields you populate (specific terminal and type of cargo and quantity), the closer the estimate will be.
Exceptional granularity
To get a realistic prediction PCE matches users’ requests based on actual calls and PDAs (proforma disbursement accounts). It digs down among more than 3.5 million datapoints in Inchcape’s proprietary historical port dataset stemming directly from Inchcape’s global network. Not only has Inchcape administered millions of port calls over the years, they track calls being made by 50,000 vessels each and every day. This means the dataset is dynamic and being added to all the time.
The laytime question
Voyage distance and bunker costs can be calculated pretty easily but the key issue is laytime. Especially with big cargoes, it’s impossible to know exactly how long you will be in port. The time can vary between ports and on the nature of the cargo. This information is crucial to calculate a reasonably accurate voyage cost.
Users can add an approximate turnaround time to the voyage cost but how much is the port cost by itself? What exactly will a port charge for, for example, a five-day stop if that’s what it takes? This can’t be automated; you need to have local port sources feeding in the right data. This Inchcape can do because of its strong local presence; it is Inchcape’s unique ability as an agency that very few can match.
Combat time delays
Port costs can be responsible for a big margin of error in what is a low-margin business, so you really need to get a clear idea of the numbers. Let’s say you’ve done the basic sums to get the fuel and running costs for a voyage. This would normally involve contacting agents at the ports and asking them for a PDA, which is a tedious and time-consuming exercise.
If the agent is slow, the time delay means you risk losing the business. This can be exacerbated by time-zone differences. It’s an unknown factor that can’t be automated. Again, Inchcape’s global network can fill in the gaps.
Request a PDA and appoint the agent
The next release of PCE will include the option to download an estimate and request a PDA from Inchcape. Through our own offices or our business partners we cover 85% of the world’s ports, so you are in good hands. Another great feature is that you can print out estimates in PDF format for later reference.
Derive total voyage costs
Instead of just A to B, you can also calculate total voyage costs by adding ports in PCE to get an entire voyage overview. This can help you identify a different port that may be cheaper, or you may want get a closer estimate for example for a one-off drydock visit. For even closer TCE estimates, you can also combine PCE estimates with port congestion and turnaround info from the Port Data module in WOP.
Third-party services
PCE also details costs for third-party services including but not limited to fresh water provision, sludge disposal, garbage collection and launch services available for over 1,000 ports. Costs are standardized based on the total amount of services provided during ports stay at a given exchange rate. Armed with the unit cost for such services outside port costs, you may decide call somewhere with more attractive pricing.
Transparency was never better
PCE also details port rebates and exemptions where applicable for more than 1,300 ports worldwide. Rebates can be linked to frequency of calls of similar duration, for example under CoAs. Pilotage and green rebates can also influence charter rates and are similarly included.
Easy integration
World of Ports can integrate the PCE into any system through rest API, so you can have the info you need at your fingertips. It’s very simple; we send a link with an ID and password, and your system will fetch the data from our database and display on your interface. And away you go.
Enhanced competition benchmarking
Other neat changes to WoP include a more dynamic display of vessel traffic which you can filter according to vessel type and trade. The MyFleet function also lets you easily create your own fleet in just a few clicks. You can also remove the white noise to show either only your own fleet and/or your competitors’ vessels.
Users can also create their own ‘zone group’ or groups which you can filter down to specific vessel types. This immediately shows what competing ships are in that zone and where they’re heading. It will also tell you how many vessels are going to be free for charter in a certain location. This is a great negotiating tool for charterers – knowing how many open vessels there are means you can push for better rates.
Optimal WOP benchmarking
PCE complements World of Ports’ existing Port Data module and will soon be followed by a Port Performance module, as well as Market Intelligence. Port Performance will feature data on turnaround times based on vessel type and commodity, and port congestion in near real time. Market Intelligence will provide insight into commodity flow(s) at the global level. These modules will together help the marine assurance and operations community to plan and benchmark voyages in ways that were unthinkable just a few years ago.
Inchcape will be launching a scaled-back version of the PCE towards the end of March that will be free to use on Inchcape’s website. For more information visit www.worldofports.com or contact [email protected]
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/new-port-cost-estimator-from-inchcape-is-missing-link-in-cost-puzzle via http://www.rssmix.com/
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s-selfloathing · 4 years
How to seo your website
Professionals Share the Most Effective SEO Tips to Drive Website Traffic to Your Site [Professional Summary]
If you have a website, the concept is for people to see it. An internet site s web traffic mirrors exactly how well an organisation is doing online. It is likewise a sign of consumer habits, and will certainly assist you develop an advertising approach that will get you a much better ranking in the search engine outcomes.  The basic idea of SEO optimization is getting more web traffic to the website. But with 1.24 billion web sites worldwide, how do you make certain that your web site gets good website traffic?  Here are my leading seven Search Engine Optimization pointers that will certainly assist drive traffic to your site:  
7 SEO Tips to Drive Website Traffic
 Key phrases: In most searches, at the very least 50% of people utilize four words or even more. This indicates that simply keywords are trivial. You need long-tail keyword phrases that specify to the search.  When it concerns wide keyword phrases, there is tough competitors available which implies that you need to provide something more to stick out amongst the group. A long-tail keyword phrase is necessary to ensure that people obtain details outcomes of what they are trying to find.  High Quality Material: In this competitive world, there are many people who create on the exact same topic. What should you do different to obtain noted at the top of the search listings? The response is writing great, well-researched material.  The material on your website ought to also vary to stay clear of any inner competition amongst websites for online search engine listings. You need to organize your site in manner in which when individuals search for something certain, all associated info is conveniently obtainable. Likewise make certain that your content is routinely updated as search engines frequently check for updates to offer the best outcome to its customers. Composing excellent material can improve up your web traffic as well as eventually impacts your Search Engine Optimization.  Meta Description as well as Title Tags: Title tags resemble a publication title. This is the clickable web link that shows up on search engine result web pages. If we take Google s example, an optimal title tag need to be much less than 60 characters.  A meta description is what appears below the title in online search engine outcomes. This is what produces the impression on a user, and believe me, first impressions issue. If you have a great as well as concise meta summary, there s a much better opportunity of individuals visiting your websites as well as likewise good for SEO.  Optimize Photos: Photos are what add shade to a websites as well as make it less dull. I can t also think about a web page with pictures. For a much better internet search engine listing, make certain that you enhance the pictures by including summaries, alt tags, and titles. Its helpful for your internet site SEO initiatives.  An online search engine can t determine a picture s material. It is the message with a photo that helps them price how relevant a web page is. For this, utilize initial, efficiently sized, high quality pictures.  Backlinks: For a search engine, back links are an endorsement of a site. A guest blog on another site that links back to yours will drive website traffic to your website.  Getting a listing in on-line directory sites will also drive web traffic to your web site. The description of your service in a e-directory will have a web link to your internet site. Make certain you continually upgrade your info in these directories to generate web traffic as well as enhance your SEO position.  SSL Certificates: For an internet search engine, an SSL accreditation is very important. What an SSL certificate essentially does is it changes your website s http:// to https:// that makes it extra credible and safeguarded. If you desire an online search engine to trust you, a SSL certification is a must.   Mobile Friendliness: According to Google, there are more mobile searches than on desktops in 10 nations including Japan and the United States. In order to take advantage of this growing pattern, your web site needs to be mobile pleasant.  Naturally, aside from these fundamental Search Engine Optimization ideas, there are many various other ways that SEO can help drive website traffic to your web site. Below, 91 SEO specialists share their ideal Search Engine Optimization ideas for web traffic generation.
Barry Schwartz - Internet Search Engine Roundtable
Construct something that Google would certainly be humiliated not to rate well in their internet search engine.
Michael Brenner - Advertising Insider Team
The most efficient SEO suggestions to drive web traffic to any kind of site is what I call the 3V approach: Quantity, Worth as well as Range.  Allow s begin with the non-negotiable: value. You just can not develop lousy material. However what determines whether something has quality or worth? For me the basic answer is that your web content needs to answer a question that your audience asks. If you can create a solid solution to that concern, then you can create website traffic to your website. However there are some guideline I like to comply with: Title are important to acquire focus. Pictures help to support your composed web content. As well as much longer short articles have a tendency to place far better.  Second is Quantity: the fact is that regularity issues. That s why dedicating to a high-volume approach works. You can not sacrifice top quality however I suggest every business devote to a frequency of updates on their site. Daily, once a week and even messages released multiple times a day can have a remarkable influence on your site web traffic.  Ultimately, you need to have an excellent range of content types as well as layouts. If you do a Google search, you will certainly see choices for websites, images, videos, information, and a lot more. So attempt as well as publish research study, stats, information, video clips, infographics, listings, as well as more, alongside your created articles.  If this seems like a lot of work, it is! Yet all advantages come from hard work. Much more notably, all it takes is commitment. The sites that have quantity, value as well as variety ranking for search terms and see greater traffic (as well as conversions).
Aaron Wall - SeoBook
Currently I would claim whatever you do, do it under the narrative of blockchain. It doesn t demand to be actual for real believers to value it.
Kevan Lee - Barrier
We obtain regarding 80% of our web traffic from search, and we rely upon simply a number of simple tools as well as approaches to do so. We have the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin, which helps make sure that every blog post is well enhanced for search with headlines, material, descriptions, and more.  And then we additionally utilize search phrases as part of our article concept process, i.e. what high-volume key words have we not written about that might be a great fit for our Barrier blog site material? These two aspects have actually been big for us. To obtain really granular, a number of small methods we ve tried are including a date to a post title (e.g., Finest Tools of 2018 vs. Ideal Devices) as well as leading with the key phrase in the headline (e.g. Facebook Formula Tips vs. Tips Regarding the Facebook Algorithm).
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copperbadge · 7 years
Hi Sam! Random question I've always wondered about, which I think you might be eminently qualified to answer given what you've mentioned about your research at work: how accurate do you think the net worth estimates of particularly wealthy people are? For example, one site suggests that RDJ's net worth is $240 million. Based on what you've learned in your research of the super rich, is that likely to be way overstated, probably about right, or possibly even under-estimated?
Estimating net worths of people is literally what I do for a living so you are RIGHT TO ASK ME THIS, Anon. 
Here’s the short answer: It’s probably not that wrong. If you want to know why I say “not that wrong” instead of “correct”, read onwards! :D
The long answer is complicated. In part it depends on who’s doing the estimating; automated wealth estimations are available for pay through a number of sources (WealthEngine, for example) but are carried out by computer and have no sense of nuance, so they’re not very good. Forbes, on the other hand, has people with financial training doing the estimating, and they are aware of stuff like whether someone’s real estate is going to realistically reflect their wealth (Richard Branson: yes, because he owns an island. RDJ? Probably not, for reasons I’ll get into in a second) but Forbes also tends to base its current estimates on past estimates so you have to tread carefully. Journalism that falls somewhere in the middle -- it’s a person doing the estimating, but perhaps not a person with extensive financial research/document training -- are usually in the ballpark, but they try not to get too granular. Then again they may have expertise in entertainment earning, which in this case could be a help. 
But let’s talk about estimation itself. There are certain things we can never know for sure: bank balances, for example. Journalists who do this kind of work generally have to stick to public record, which can be informative, but is never the full picture. And a lot of people will discuss their net worth, but we have no way of knowing if they’re being truthful. Plus, for the work I do, our estimates are not precise: they fall under “bands” that encompass X value to Y value -- net worth of $1M to $4.9M, for example. And after $1B we basically give up because how much detail do you need once someone’s a billionaire?
So, estimation. There is a readmore below! Read more! 
Real estate is one source we always go to, because until you hit a certain wealth level, real estate is a pretty good metric of wealth -- the value of your home, whether you own multiple homes, how you purchased those homes, all of that is (relatively) public data. It can get tricky because a lot of people with high wealth will purchase property through a trust -- I’d have to check my database but I believe RDJ’s home is held in his and Susan Downey’s name, but we know he has a ranch somewhere and I think that’s held in a trust under some other name. Chris Evans, who apparently got really exceptional advice from someone, has property in LA but it’s held in trust and the address of the trust is his agent’s office, so he’s not findable in California by public record search. Or wasn’t when I looked him up for kicks a few years ago. 
Also, after a certain point real estate stops being useful, because most people don’t need to own more than five or six homes (we call these people Global City Residents because the homes tend to be scattered wherever they do business or play -- Aspen, New York, California, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, usually one in Switzerland somewhere, sometimes Mumbai, etc.) If someone owns multiple homes worth multiple millions each...we can set a baseline for what they’re worth, which is all we really need. Setting a ceiling is harder. But when someone is THAT wealthy, generally there are other indicators, so real estate becomes one data point among many. RDJ is super wealthy, but he’s not at THAT level of wealth, and likely won’t ever be, because that’s the province of hedge fund managers and tech gurus. 
There’s also the question of liquidity and fluctuating asset values -- RDJ, I know just from random reading I’ve done, has formed his own production company with his wife, and they try to be the people who produce his movies so that the two of them aren’t separated for long periods of time (there is some speculation that this is why there’s been a kibosh on new Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes films but I don’t have enough inside Hollywood info to confirm that). But the upshot is that he probably has some of his net worth tied up in the production company which in turn means he is tying up some of his net worth investing in films, which is a super risky business. So do you count the potential net worth he has tied up in films? It’s not liquid, and it might vanish if a movie he produces flops. (I don’t know if The Judge was a flop. It was indy, so the numbers change.) But it might show a return if the movie is a success, and it will become liquid again if the movie breaks even. 
With someone like RDJ, who has made his payout from films relatively public, we can estimate some of his income, but again, his income is going to fluctuate from film to film. In his case that’s not a huge deal because he obviously has a minimum income he’s going to make per film, and that’s going to be public in the entertainment papers, but with someone like a just-starting-out Chris Evans of ten years ago, his income might be more heavily based on how the film did, and there’s no way to know that information because he’s not Chris Evans yet, he’s just the guy from What’s Your Number. Also even now he likes to do indy movies and produce his own films so he can do the kind of movie he likes, and those generally aren’t going to make a lot of money, and if they do we have no way of telling what he made.
It’s much easier to estimate the net worth of people who work in investment at the upper levels, or as c-suite (management) of public companies, because not only do you have real estate data (which is frequently what we use as a rough metric of net worth -- there are formulas involved) but you also have public statements (Annual Reports or annual Proxy statements) that tell you how much they earn and how much stock they hold, which is a great indicator of wealth, even if it’s not currently liquid. If someone has a zillion shares of Google stock, they are astronomically wealthy, and they can trade in that illiquid wealth for liquid wealth any time they please. And that’s usually public on some level, because they have to file that shit with the SEC. 
There’s obviously a lot of research involved. Oh, the SEC filings I read. 
So offhand I couldn’t say what RDJ is worth, since I would want to look at his property holdings and news reports of his income from his films. I’d want to see if he’s talked about putting money into any investment vehicles like a family office or a hedge fund. I’d want to see what his wife’s professional activity has been like in the past few years, since when they met she was already a wealthy film industry pro in her own right. They have a charitable foundation, so I’d want to see if it has filed any 990 forms yet (probably not, it’s too new). I’d be googling for the kefuffle in the news a few years ago where RDJ talked about what he made and how he was mad his costars weren’t making the same amount. I’d want to see how his last few films have done at the box office, particularly internationally, and do some research into whether he co-produced, and if not, what a standard lead star’s percentage of box office might be. 
Off the record, I’d say $240M probably hits the mark. He’s a big deal star and he can command big deal prices, Avengers has been astonishingly lucrative as a franchise, and he’s a savvy guy and I would imagine he’s got some good investments going. If I were researching him, $240M would be a good number, smack in the middle of one of our net-worth bands, and would mean we can confidently say “Well he can give X amount, and it’s highly unlikely he’s actually worth over $500M which would put him into Y amount territory.” 
Sooooo yeah. $240M is entirely possible for him, but I wouldn’t tell my boss he’s worth that much just based on the article. :D
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Do We Still Need to Disavow in the Era of Penguin 4.0?
Do We Still Need to Disavow in the Era of Penguin 4.0?
Posted by MarieHaynes
It has now been six months since the launch of Penguin 4.0. In my opinion, Penguin 4.0 was awesome. It took ages for Google to release this update, but when they did, it was much more fair than previous versions of Penguin. Previous versions of Penguin would cause entire sites to be suppressed if the algorithm thought that you'd engaged in manipulative link building. Even if a site did a thorough link cleanup, the suppression would remain present until Google re-ran the Penguin algorithm and recognized your cleanup efforts. It was not uncommon to see situations like this:
I saw many businesses that had looooooong periods of time of suppression — even years!
According to Google spokesperson Gary Illyes, the new version of Penguin that was released in September of 2016 no longer suppresses sites:
Now, instead of causing a sitewide demotion when Penguin detects spam, they’ll simply devalue that spam so that it can’t help improve a site’s rankings.
I’m guessing that it took a lot of brainpower to figure out how to do this. Google now has enough trust in their ability to find and devalue spam that they are comfortable removing the punitive aspect of Penguin. That’s impressive.
This change brings up a question that I am asked several times a week now:
If Penguin is able to devalue spam, is there any reason to disavow links any more?
I've been asked this enough times now that I figured it was a good idea to write an article on my answer to this question.
A brief refresher: What is the disavow tool?
The disavow tool was given to us in October of 2012.
You can use it by uploading a file to Google that contains a list of either URLs or domains. Then, as Google crawls the web, if they come across a URL or domain that is in your disavow file, they won’t use links from that page in their calculations of PageRank for your site. Those links also won’t be used by the Penguin algorithm when it decides whether your site has been involved in webspam.
For sites that were affected by Penguin in the past, the disavow tool was an integral part of getting the suppression lifted off the site. It was essentially a way of saying to Google, “Hey... in the past we made some bad links to our site. But we don’t want you to use those links in your calculations.” Ideally, it would be best to remove bad links from the web, but that’s not always possible. The disavow tool was, in my opinion, super important for any site that was hit by Penguin.
For more in-depth information on using the disavow tool, see this Moz post: http://ift.tt/1LmoM7S
What does Google say about using the disavow tool now?
It wasn’t long after the release of Penguin 4.0 before people starting asking Google whether the disavow tool was still necessary. After all, if Google can just devalue spam links on their own, why should I have to disavow them?
Here are some replies from Google employees:
Now, the conspiracy theorists out there will say, “Of course Google wants you to disavow! They need that data to machine-learn for Penguin!”
Google has said that Penguin is not a machine learning algorithm:
And even if they ARE using disavow data for some kind of machine learning training set, really, does it matter? In my opinion, if Google is saying that we should be still using the disavow tool, I don’t think they're trying to trick us. I think it still has a real purpose.
Three reasons why I still recommend using the disavow tool
There are three main reasons why I still recommend disavowing. However, I don’t recommend it in as many cases as I used to.
1) Manual actions still exist
You do NOT want to risk getting a manual unnatural links penalty. I have documented on Moz before about the many cases I've seen where a manual unnatural links penalty was devastating to the long-term health of a site.
Google employee Gary Illyes commented during a podcast that, when a Google webspam team member looks at your site’s links, they can often see labels next to the links. He said the following:
“If the manual actions team is reviewing a site for whatever reason, and they see that most of the links are labeled as Penguin Real-Time affected, then they might decide to take a much deeper look on the site... and then maybe apply a manual action on the site because of the links. ”
In other words, if you have an unnatural link profile and you leave it up to Penguin to devalue your links rather than disavowing, then you’re at risk for getting a manual action.
Of course, if you actually do have a manual action, then you’ll need to use the disavow tool as part of your cleanup efforts along with manual link removal.
2) There are other algorithms that use links
Link quality has always been important to Google. I believe that Penguin is just one way in which Google fights against unnatural links algorithmically. One example of another algorithm that likely uses links is the Payday Loans algorithm. This algorithm isn’t just for payday loans sites; it also affects sites in many high-competition verticals.
Bill Slawski recently posted this interesting article on his thoughts about a recent patent filed by Google. In one place, the patent talks about a situation where a resource may have a large number of links pointing to it but there is a disproportionate amount of traffic. In cases like that, the page being linked to might actually be demoted in rankings.
Now, that’s just a patent, so it doesn’t mean for sure that there's actually an algorithm behind this... but there could be! Makes you think, right?
Google is always trying to fight against link spam and Penguin is just one of the ways in which they do this. If there are links that are potentially causing my link profile to look spammy to Google, then I don’t want them to count in any calculations that Google is making.
3) Can we trust that Penguin is able to devalue all spam pointing to our site?
The official announcement from Google on Penguin is here. Here's what it says about devaluing as opposed to demoting:
"Penguin is now more granular. Penguin now devalues spam by adjusting ranking based on spam signals, rather than affecting ranking of the whole site."
This statement is not clear to me. I have questions:
When Google says they are “adjusting ranking,” could that also be negative adjustments?
Can Penguin possibly demote rankings for certain pages rather than affecting the whole site?
Can Penguin possibly demote rankings for certain keywords rather than affecting the whole site?
As posted above, we received some clarification on this from Google employees in a Facebook post (and again via tweets) to tell us that Penguin 4.0 doesn’t penalize, but rather devalues spam. However, these are not official statements from Google. These statements may mean that we never have to worry about any link pointing to our site ever again. Perhaps? Or they could mean that there's less need to worry than there was previously.
Personally, if my business relies on Google organic rankings in order to succeed, I'm a little leery about putting all of my trust in this algorithm’s ability to ignore unnatural links and not let them hurt me.
Who should be disavowing?
While I do still recommend use of the disavow tool, I only recommend it in the following situations:
For sites that have made links for SEO purposes on a large scale – If you or an SEO company on your behalf made links in low-quality directories, low-quality article sites, bookmark sites, or as comment spam, then these need to be cleaned up. Here's more information on what makes a link a low-quality link. You can also run links past my disavow blacklist if you're not sure whether it’s a good one or not. Low-quality links like this are probably being devalued by Penguin, but they're the type of link that could lead to a manual unnatural links penalty if you happen to get a manual review by the webspam team and they haven’t been disavowed.
For sites that previously had a manual action for unnatural links – I've found that if a site has enough of a spam problem to get an unnatural links penalty, then that site usually ends up collecting more spam links over the years. Sometimes this is because low-quality directories pop up and scrape info from other low-quality directories. Sometimes it's because old automated link-generating processes keep on running. And sometimes I don’t have an explanation, but spammy links just keep appearing. In most cases, sites that have a history of collecting unnatural links tend to continue to collect them. If this is the case for you, then it’s best to disavow those on a regular basis (either monthly or quarterly) so that you can avoid getting another manual action.
For sites under obvious negative SEO attacks – The key here is the word "obvious." I do believe that in most cases, Google is able to figure out that spam links pointed at a site are links to be ignored. However, at SMX West this year, Gary Illyes said that the algorithm can potentially make mistakes: If you have a bunch of pharma and porn links pointing at your site, it’s not a bad idea to disavow them, but actually in most cases I just ignore these. Where I do recommend disavowing for negative SEO attacks is when the links pointing at your site contain anchors for keywords for which you want to rank. If it’s possible that a webspam team member could look at your link profile and think that there are a lot of links there that exist just for SEO reasons, then you want to be sure that those are cleaned up.
Who does NOT need to disavow?
If you look at your links and notice some "weird" links that you can’t explain, don’t panic!
Every site gets strange links, and often quite a few of them. If you haven’t been involved in manipulative SEO, you probably do not need to be disavowing links.
When Google takes action either manually or algorithmically against a site for unnatural linking, it's because the site has been actively trying to manipulate Google rankings on a large scale. If you made a couple of directory links in the past, you’re not going to get a penalty.
You also don’t need to disavow just because you notice sitewide links pointing to you. It can look scary to see in Google Search Console that one site is linking to you thousands of times, especially if that link is keyword-anchored. However, Google knows that this is a sitewide link and not thousands of individual links. If you made the link yourself in order to help your rankings, then sure, go ahead and disavow it. But if it just appeared, it’s probably nothing to worry about.
Borderline cases
There are some cases where it can be difficult to decide whether or not to disavow. I sometimes have trouble advising on cases where a company has hired a medium- to high-quality SEO firm that's done a lot of link building — rather than link earning — for them.
Here's an example of a case that would be difficult:
Let’s say you've been getting most of your links by guest posting. These guest posts are not on low-quality sites that exist just to post articles, but rather on sites that real humans read. Are those good links?
According to Google, if you're guest posting primarily for the sake of getting links, then these are unnatural links. Here's a quote from Google employee John Mueller:
"Think about whether or not this is a link that would be on your site if it weren’t for your actions…When it comes to guest blogging it’s a situation where you are placing links on other people’s sites together with this content, so that’s something I kind of shy away from purely from a link building point of view. It can make sense to guest blog on other people’s sites to drive some traffic to your site… but you should use a nofollow."
If you have a small number of guest posts, Google is unlikely to go after you. But what if a webspam team member looks at your links and sees that you have a very large number of links built via guest posting efforts? That makes me uncomfortable.
You could consider disavowing those links to avoid getting a manual action. It’s quite possible, though, that those links are actually helping your site. Disavowing them could cause you to drop in rankings.
This article could easily turn into a discussion on the benefits and risks of guest posting if we had the space and time. My point in mentioning this is to say that some disavow decisions are tough.
In general, my rule of thumb is that you should use the disavow file if you have a good number of links that look like you made them with SEO as your primary goal.
Should you be auditing your disavow file?
I do believe that some sites could benefit from pruning their disavow file. However, I have yet to see any reports from anyone who has claimed to have done this and seen benefit that we can reasonably attribute to the recovery of PageRank that flows through those links.
If you have used your disavow file in the past in an effort to remove a manual action or recover from a Penguin hit, then there's a good possibility that you were overly aggressive in your disavow efforts. I know I've had some manual penalties that were really difficult to remove and we likely disavowed more links than were necessary. In cases like those, we could go through our disavow files and remove the domains that were questionable disavow decisions.
It’s not always easy to do this, though, especially if you've done the correct thing and have disavowed on the domain level. If this is the case, you won’t have actual URLs in your disavow file to review. It’s hard to make reavowing decisions without seeing the actual link in question.
Here's a process you can use to audit your disavow file. It gets a little technical, but if you want to give it a try, here it is:
(Note: Many of these steps are explained in greater detail and with pictures here.)
Download your disavow file from Google: http://ift.tt/U0eJtA
Get a list of your links from Google Search Console. (It’s not a bad idea to also get links from other sources, as well.)
On your CSV of links, make a column for domains. You can extract the domain by using this formula, assuming your URLs are in Column B: =LEFT(B1,FIND(“/”,B1,9)-1) You can then use Find and Replace to replace the http, https, and www. with blanks. Now you have a list of domains.
On your disavow file, get a list of domains you've disavowed by replacing domain: with blanks. (This is assuming you have disavowed on the domain level and not the URL level.)
Put your new list of disavowed domains on the second sheet of your links spreadsheet and fill Column B down with "disavowed".
Now, on the links list, we’re going to use a VLOOKUP to figure out which of our current live links are ones that we've previously disavowed. In this formula, your domains are in the first column of each spreadsheet and I've used 1000 as the total number of domains in my disavow list. Here goes: =VLOOKUP(A1,sheet2!$A$1:$B$1000,2,FALSE)
Now you can take the domains that are in your disavow file and audit those URLs.
What we’re looking for here are URLs where we had disavowed them just to be safe, but in reality, they are probably OK links.
Note: Just as in regular link auditing work, do not make decisions based on blanket metrics. While some of these metrics can help us make decisions, you do not want to base your decision for reavowing solely on Domain Authority, spam score, or some other metric. Rather, you want to look at each domain and think, “If a webspam team member looked at this link, would they think it only exists for SEO reasons, or does it have a valid purpose outside of SEO?”
Let’s say we've gone through the links in our disavow file and have found 20 links that we'd like to reavow. We would then go back to the disavow file that we downloaded from Google and remove the lines that say "domain:example.com" for each of those domains which we want to reavow.
Upload your disavow file to Google again. This will overwrite your old file. At some point in the future Google should start counting the links that you've removed from the file again. However, there are a few things to note:
Matt Cutts from Google mentioned in a video that reavowing a link takes "a lot longer" than disavowing. They built a lag function into the tool to try to stop spammers from reverse-engineering the algorithm.
Matt Cutts also said in the same video that a reavowed link may not carry the same weight it once did.
If this whole process of reavowing sounds too complicated, you can hire me to do the work for you. I might be willing to do the work at a discount if you allow me to use your site (anonymously) as a case study to show whether reavowing had any discernible benefit.
Should we still be using the disavow tool? In some cases, the answer to this is yes. If you have links that are obviously there for mostly SEO reasons, then it's best to disavow these so that they don’t cause you to get a manual action in the future. Also, we want to be sure that Google isn't using these links in any sort of algorithmic calculations that take link quality into account. Remember, it’s not just Penguin that uses links.
I think that it is unlikely that filing a disavow will cause a site to see a big improvement in rankings, unless the site is using it to recover from a sitewide manual action. Others will disagree with me, however. In fact, a recent Moz blog post showed a possible recovery from an algorithmic suppression shortly after a site filed a disavow. I think that, in this case, the recovery may have been due to a big algorithm change that SEOs call Fred that happened at the same time, rather than the filing of a disavow file.
In reality, though, no one outside of Google knows for sure how effective the disavow tool is now. We know that Google says we should still use it if we find unnatural links pointing to our site. As such, my advice is that if you have unnatural links, you should still be disavowing.
I’d love to hear what you think. Please do leave a comment below!
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pmsocialmedia · 6 years
A flaw-by-flaw guide to Facebook’s new GDPR privacy changes
Facebook is about to start pushing European users to speed through giving consent for its new GDPR privacy law compliance changes. They ask users review how Facebook uses data around the web to target you with ads, sensitive profile info they share, and facial recognition But with a design the encourages rapidly hitting the “Agree” button, a lack of granular controls, a laughably cheatable parental consent request for teens, and an aesthetic overhaul of Download Your Information that doesn’t make it any easier to switch social networks, Facebook shows it’s still hungry for your data.
The new privacy change and terms of service consent flow will appear starting this week to European users, though they’ll be able to dismiss it for now, at least until the May 25th GDPR compliance deadline Facebook vowed to uphold in Europe. Meanwhile, Facebook says it will roll out the changes and consent flow globally over the coming weeks and months, though with some slight regional differences. And finally, all teens worldwide that share sensitive info will have to go through the weak new parental consent flow.
Facebook brought a group of reporters to the new Building 23 at its Menlo Park headquarters to preview the changes. But feedback was heavily critical as journalists grilled Facebook’s deput chief privacy officer Rob Sherman. Questions centered around how Facebook makes accepting the updates much easier than review or changing them, but Sherman stuck to talking points about how important it was to give users choice and information.
“Trust is really important and it’s clear that we have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of people on our service” he said, giving us deja vu about Mark Zuckerberg’s testimonies before congress. “We know that people won’t becomfortable using facebook if they don’t feel that their information is protected.”
Trouble At Each Step Of Facebook’s Privacy Consent Flow
There are a ton of small changes so we’ll lay out each with our criticisms.
Facebook’s consent flow starts well enough with the screen above offering a solid overview of why it’s making changes for GDPR and what you’ll be reviewing. But with just an ‘X’ up top to back out, it’s already training users to speed through by hitting that big blue button at the bottom.
Sensitive Info
First up is control of your sensitive profile information, specifically your sexual preference, religious views, and political views. As you’ll see at each step, you can either hit the pretty blue “Accept And Continue” button regardless of whether you’ve scrolled through the information. But if you hit the ugly grey “Manage Settings” button, you have to go through an interstitial where Facebook makes it’s argument trying to deter you from moving the info before letting you make and save your choice. It feels obviously designed to get users to breeze through it by offering no resistance to continue, but friction if you want to make changes.
Facebook doesn’t let advertisers target you based on this sensitive info, which is good. The only exception is that in the US, political views alongside political Pages and Events you interact with inform your overarching personality categories that can be targeted with ads. But your only option here is either to remove any info you’ve shared in these categories so friends can’t see it, or allow Facebook to use it to personalize the site. There’s no option to keep this stuff on your profile but not let Facebook use it.
Facial Recognition
The Face Recognition step won’t actually give users in the European Union a choice, as the government has banned the feature. But everyone else will get to choose whether to leave their existing setting, which defaults to on, or turn off the feature. Here the lack of granularity is concerning. Users might want to see warnings about possible impersonators using their face in their profile pics, but not be suggested as someone to tag in their friends’ photos. Unfortunately, it’s all or nothing. While Facebook is right to make it simple to turn on or off completely, granular controls that unfold for those that want them would be much more empowering.
Data Collection Across The Web
A major concern that’s arisen in the wake of Zuckerberg’s testimonies is how Facebook uses data collected about you from around the web to target users with ads and optimize its service. While Facebook deputer chief privacy officer Rob Sherman echoed Zuckerberg in saying that users tell the company they prefer relevant ads, and that this data can help thwart hackers and scrapers, many users are unsettled by the offsite collection practices. Here, Facebook lets you block it from targeting you wih ads based on data about your browsing behavior on sites that show its Like and share buttons, conversion Pixel, or Audience Network ads. Here the issue is that there’s no way to stop Facebook from using that data from personalizing your News Feed or optimizing other parts of its service.
New Terms Of Service
Facebook recently rewrote its Terms Of Service and Data Use Policy to be more explicit and easy to read. It didn’t make any significant changes other than noting the policy now applies to its subsidiaries like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus. That’s all clearly explained here, which is nice. But the fact that the button to reject the new Terms Of Service isn’t even a button, it’s a tiny ‘see your options’ hyperlink shows how badly Facebook wants to avoid you closing your account. When Facebook’s product designer for the GDPR flow was asked if she thought this hyperlink was the best way to present the alternative to the big ‘I Accept’ button, she disingenuously said yes, eliciting scoffs from the room of reporters. It seems obvious that Facebook is trying to minimize the visibility of the path to account deletion rather than making it an obvious course of action if you don’t agree to its terms.
I requested Facebook actually show us what was on the other side of the that tine ‘see my options’ link and this is what we got. First, Facebook doesn’t mention its temporary deactivation option, just the scary permanent delete option. Facebook recommends downloading your data before deleting your account, which you should. But the fact that you’ll have to wait (often a few hours) before you can download your data could push users to delay deletion and perhaps never resume. And only if you keep scrolling do you get to another tiny “I’m ready to delete my account” hyperlink instead of a real button.
Parental Consent
GDPR also implements new regulation about how teens are treated, specifically users between the ages of 13 (the minimum age required to sign up for Facebook) and 15. If users in this age range have shared their religious views, political views, or sexual preference, Facebook requires them to either remove it or get parental consent to keep it. But the system for attaining and verifying that parental consent is a joke.
Users merely select one of their Facebook friends or enter an email address, and that person is asked to give consent for their ‘child’ to share sensitive info. But Facebook blindly trusts that they’ve actually selected their parent or guardian, even though it has a feature for users to designate who their family is, and the kid could put anyone in the email field, including an alternate address they control. Sherman says Facebook is “not seeking to collect additional information” to verify parental consent, so it seems Facebook is happy to let teens easily bypass the checkup.
Privacy Shortcuts
To keep all users abreast of their privacy settings, Facebook has redesigned its Privacy Shortcuts in a colorful format that sticks out from the rest of the site. No complaints here.
Download Your Information
Facebook has completely redesigned its Download Your Information tool after keeping it basically the same for the past 8 years. You can now view your content and data in different categories without downloading it, which alongside the new privacy shortcuts is perhaps the only unequivocally positive and unproblematic change amidst today’s announcements.
And Facebook now lets you select certain categories of data, date ranges, JSON or HTML format, and image quality to download. That could make it quicker and easier if you just need a copy of a certain type of content but don’t need to export all your photos and videos for example. Thankfully, Facebook says you’ll be able to now export your media in a higher resolution than the old tool allowed.
But the big problem here was the subject of my feature piece about Facebook’s lack of data portability. The Download Your Information tool is supposed to let you take your data and go to a different social network. But it only exports your social graph aka your friends as a text list of names. There are no links, usernames, or other unique identifiers unless friends opt into let you export their email or phone number, so good luck finding the right John Smith on another app. The new version of Download Your Information works exactly the same, rather than offering any interoperable format that would let you find your friends elsewhere.
A Higher Standard
Overall, it seems like Facebook is complying with the letter of GDPR law, but with questionable spirit. Sure, privacy is boring to a lot of people. Too little info and they feel confused and scared. Too many choices and screens and they feel overwhelmed and annoyed. Facebook struck the right balance in some places here. But the subtly pushy designs seem intended to push people away from changing their defaults in ways that could hamper Facebook’s mission and business.
Making the choices even in visible weight, rather than burying the ways to make changes in grayed-out buttons and tiny links, would have been more fair. And it would have shown that Facebook has faith in the value it provides, such that users would stick around and leave features enabled if they truly wanted to.
When questioned about this, Sherman pointed the finger at other tech companies, saying he thought Facebook was more upfront with users. Asked to clarify if he thought Facebook’s approach was “better”, he said “I think that’s right”. But Facebook isn’t being judged by the industry standard because it’s not a standard company. It’s built its purpose and its business on top of our private data, and touted itself as a boon to the world. But when asked to clear a higher bar for privacy, Facebook delved into design tricks to keep from losing our data
via Social – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2voeF14
0 notes
localbizlift · 6 years
A flaw-by-flaw guide to Facebook’s new GDPR privacy changes
Facebook is about to start pushing European users to speed through giving consent for its new GDPR privacy law compliance changes. They ask users review how Facebook uses data around the web to target you with ads, sensitive profile info they share, and facial recognition But with a design the encourages rapidly hitting the “Agree” button, a lack of granular controls, a laughably cheatable parental consent request for teens, and an aesthetic overhaul of Download Your Information that doesn’t make it any easier to switch social networks, Facebook shows it’s still hungry for your data.
The new privacy change and terms of service consent flow will appear starting this week to European users, though they’ll be able to dismiss it for now, at least until the May 25th GDPR compliance deadline Facebook vowed to uphold in Europe. Meanwhile, Facebook says it will roll out the changes and consent flow globally over the coming weeks and months, though with some slight regional differences. And finally, all teens worldwide that share sensitive info will have to go through the weak new parental consent flow.
Facebook brought a group of reporters to the new Building 23 at its Menlo Park headquarters to preview the changes. But feedback was heavily critical as journalists grilled Facebook’s deput chief privacy officer Rob Sherman. Questions centered around how Facebook makes accepting the updates much easier than review or changing them, but Sherman stuck to talking points about how important it was to give users choice and information.
“Trust is really important and it’s clear that we have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of people on our service” he said, giving us deja vu about Mark Zuckerberg’s testimonies before congress. “We know that people won’t becomfortable using facebook if they don’t feel that their information is protected.”
Trouble At Each Step Of Facebook’s Privacy Consent Flow
There are a ton of small changes so we’ll lay out each with our criticisms.
Facebook’s consent flow starts well enough with the screen above offering a solid overview of why it’s making changes for GDPR and what you’ll be reviewing. But with just an ‘X’ up top to back out, it’s already training users to speed through by hitting that big blue button at the bottom.
Sensitive Info
First up is control of your sensitive profile information, specifically your sexual preference, religious views, and political views. As you’ll see at each step, you can either hit the pretty blue “Accept And Continue” button regardless of whether you’ve scrolled through the information. But if you hit the ugly grey “Manage Settings” button, you have to go through an interstitial where Facebook makes it’s argument trying to deter you from moving the info before letting you make and save your choice. It feels obviously designed to get users to breeze through it by offering no resistance to continue, but friction if you want to make changes.
Facebook doesn’t let advertisers target you based on this sensitive info, which is good. The only exception is that in the US, political views alongside political Pages and Events you interact with inform your overarching personality categories that can be targeted with ads. But your only option here is either to remove any info you’ve shared in these categories so friends can’t see it, or allow Facebook to use it to personalize the site. There’s no option to keep this stuff on your profile but not let Facebook use it.
Facial Recognition
The Face Recognition step won’t actually give users in the European Union a choice, as the government has banned the feature. But everyone else will get to choose whether to leave their existing setting, which defaults to on, or turn off the feature. Here the lack of granularity is concerning. Users might want to see warnings about possible impersonators using their face in their profile pics, but not be suggested as someone to tag in their friends’ photos. Unfortunately, it’s all or nothing. While Facebook is right to make it simple to turn on or off completely, granular controls that unfold for those that want them would be much more empowering.
Data Collection Across The Web
A major concern that’s arisen in the wake of Zuckerberg’s testimonies is how Facebook uses data collected about you from around the web to target users with ads and optimize its service. While Facebook deputer chief privacy officer Rob Sherman echoed Zuckerberg in saying that users tell the company they prefer relevant ads, and that this data can help thwart hackers and scrapers, many users are unsettled by the offsite collection practices. Here, Facebook lets you block it from targeting you wih ads based on data about your browsing behavior on sites that show its Like and share buttons, conversion Pixel, or Audience Network ads. Here the issue is that there’s no way to stop Facebook from using that data from personalizing your News Feed or optimizing other parts of its service.
New Terms Of Service
Facebook recently rewrote its Terms Of Service and Data Use Policy to be more explicit and easy to read. It didn’t make any significant changes other than noting the policy now applies to its subsidiaries like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus. That’s all clearly explained here, which is nice. But the fact that the button to reject the new Terms Of Service isn’t even a button, it’s a tiny ‘see your options’ hyperlink shows how badly Facebook wants to avoid you closing your account. When Facebook’s product designer for the GDPR flow was asked if she thought this hyperlink was the best way to present the alternative to the big ‘I Accept’ button, she disingenuously said yes, eliciting scoffs from the room of reporters. It seems obvious that Facebook is trying to minimize the visibility of the path to account deletion rather than making it an obvious course of action if you don’t agree to its terms.
I requested Facebook actually show us what was on the other side of the that tine ‘see my options’ link and this is what we got. First, Facebook doesn’t mention its temporary deactivation option, just the scary permanent delete option. Facebook recommends downloading your data before deleting your account, which you should. But the fact that you’ll have to wait (often a few hours) before you can download your data could push users to delay deletion and perhaps never resume. And only if you keep scrolling do you get to another tiny “I’m ready to delete my account” hyperlink instead of a real button.
Parental Consent
GDPR also implements new regulation about how teens are treated, specifically users between the ages of 13 (the minimum age required to sign up for Facebook) and 15. If users in this age range have shared their religious views, political views, or sexual preference, Facebook requires them to either remove it or get parental consent to keep it. But the system for attaining and verifying that parental consent is a joke.
Users merely select one of their Facebook friends or enter an email address, and that person is asked to give consent for their ‘child’ to share sensitive info. But Facebook blindly trusts that they’ve actually selected their parent or guardian, even though it has a feature for users to designate who their family is, and the kid could put anyone in the email field, including an alternate address they control. Sherman says Facebook is “not seeking to collect additional information” to verify parental consent, so it seems Facebook is happy to let teens easily bypass the checkup.
Privacy Shortcuts
To keep all users abreast of their privacy settings, Facebook has redesigned its Privacy Shortcuts in a colorful format that sticks out from the rest of the site. No complaints here.
Download Your Information
Facebook has completely redesigned its Download Your Information tool after keeping it basically the same for the past 8 years. You can now view your content and data in different categories without downloading it, which alongside the new privacy shortcuts is perhaps the only unequivocally positive and unproblematic change amidst today’s announcements.
And Facebook now lets you select certain categories of data, date ranges, JSON or HTML format, and image quality to download. That could make it quicker and easier if you just need a copy of a certain type of content but don’t need to export all your photos and videos for example. Thankfully, Facebook says you’ll be able to now export your media in a higher resolution than the old tool allowed.
But the big problem here was the subject of my feature piece about Facebook’s lack of data portability. The Download Your Information tool is supposed to let you take your data and go to a different social network. But it only exports your social graph aka your friends as a text list of names. There are no links, usernames, or other unique identifiers unless friends opt into let you export their email or phone number, so good luck finding the right John Smith on another app. The new version of Download Your Information works exactly the same, rather than offering any interoperable format that would let you find your friends elsewhere.
A Higher Standard
Overall, it seems like Facebook is complying with the letter of GDPR law, but with questionable spirit. Sure, privacy is boring to a lot of people. Too little info and they feel confused and scared. Too many choices and screens and they feel overwhelmed and annoyed. Facebook struck the right balance in some places here. But the subtly pushy designs seem intended to push people away from changing their defaults in ways that could hamper Facebook’s mission and business.
Making the choices even in visible weight, rather than burying the ways to make changes in grayed-out buttons and tiny links, would have been more fair. And it would have shown that Facebook has faith in the value it provides, such that users would stick around and leave features enabled if they truly wanted to.
When questioned about this, Sherman pointed the finger at other tech companies, saying he thought Facebook was more upfront with users. Asked to clarify if he thought Facebook’s approach was “better”, he said “I think that’s right”. But Facebook isn’t being judged by the industry standard because it’s not a standard company. It’s built its purpose and its business on top of our private data, and touted itself as a boon to the world. But when asked to clear a higher bar for privacy, Facebook delved into design tricks to keep from losing our data
0 notes
workfromhom · 6 years
A flaw-by-flaw guide to Facebook’s new GDPR privacy changes
Facebook is about to start pushing European users to speed through giving consent for its new GDPR privacy law compliance changes. They ask users review how Facebook uses data around the web to target you with ads, sensitive profile info they share, and facial recognition But with a design the encourages rapidly hitting the “Agree” button, a lack of granular controls, a laughably cheatable parental consent request for teens, and an aesthetic overhaul of Download Your Information that doesn’t make it any easier to switch social networks, Facebook shows it’s still hungry for your data.
The new privacy change and terms of service consent flow will appear starting this week to European users, though they’ll be able to dismiss it for now, at least until the May 25th GDPR compliance deadline Facebook vowed to uphold in Europe. Meanwhile, Facebook says it will roll out the changes and consent flow globally over the coming weeks and months, though with some slight regional differences. And finally, all teens worldwide that share sensitive info will have to go through the weak new parental consent flow.
Facebook brought a group of reporters to the new Building 23 at its Menlo Park headquarters to preview the changes. But feedback was heavily critical as journalists grilled Facebook’s deput chief privacy officer Rob Sherman. Questions centered around how Facebook makes accepting the updates much easier than review or changing them, but Sherman stuck to talking points about how important it was to give users choice and information.
“Trust is really important and it’s clear that we have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of people on our service” he said, giving us deja vu about Mark Zuckerberg’s testimonies before congress. “We know that people won’t becomfortable using facebook if they don’t feel that their information is protected.”
Trouble At Each Step Of Facebook’s Privacy Consent Flow
There are a ton of small changes so we’ll lay out each with our criticisms.
Facebook’s consent flow starts well enough with the screen above offering a solid overview of why it’s making changes for GDPR and what you’ll be reviewing. But with just an ‘X’ up top to back out, it’s already training users to speed through by hitting that big blue button at the bottom.
Sensitive Info
First up is control of your sensitive profile information, specifically your sexual preference, religious views, and political views. As you’ll see at each step, you can either hit the pretty blue “Accept And Continue” button regardless of whether you’ve scrolled through the information. But if you hit the ugly grey “Manage Settings” button, you have to go through an interstitial where Facebook makes it’s argument trying to deter you from moving the info before letting you make and save your choice. It feels obviously designed to get users to breeze through it by offering no resistance to continue, but friction if you want to make changes.
Facebook doesn’t let advertisers target you based on this sensitive info, which is good. The only exception is that in the US, political views alongside political Pages and Events you interact with inform your overarching personality categories that can be targeted with ads. But your only option here is either to remove any info you’ve shared in these categories so friends can’t see it, or allow Facebook to use it to personalize the site. There’s no option to keep this stuff on your profile but not let Facebook use it.
Facial Recognition
The Face Recognition step won’t actually give users in the European Union a choice, as the government has banned the feature. But everyone else will get to choose whether to leave their existing setting, which defaults to on, or turn off the feature. Here the lack of granularity is concerning. Users might want to see warnings about possible impersonators using their face in their profile pics, but not be suggested as someone to tag in their friends’ photos. Unfortunately, it’s all or nothing. While Facebook is right to make it simple to turn on or off completely, granular controls that unfold for those that want them would be much more empowering.
Data Collection Across The Web
A major concern that’s arisen in the wake of Zuckerberg’s testimonies is how Facebook uses data collected about you from around the web to target users with ads and optimize its service. While Facebook deputer chief privacy officer Rob Sherman echoed Zuckerberg in saying that users tell the company they prefer relevant ads, and that this data can help thwart hackers and scrapers, many users are unsettled by the offsite collection practices. Here, Facebook lets you block it from targeting you wih ads based on data about your browsing behavior on sites that show its Like and share buttons, conversion Pixel, or Audience Network ads. Here the issue is that there’s no way to stop Facebook from using that data from personalizing your News Feed or optimizing other parts of its service.
New Terms Of Service
Facebook recently rewrote its Terms Of Service and Data Use Policy to be more explicit and easy to read. It didn’t make any significant changes other than noting the policy now applies to its subsidiaries like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus. That’s all clearly explained here, which is nice. But the fact that the button to reject the new Terms Of Service isn’t even a button, it’s a tiny ‘see your options’ hyperlink shows how badly Facebook wants to avoid you closing your account. When Facebook’s product designer for the GDPR flow was asked if she thought this hyperlink was the best way to present the alternative to the big ‘I Accept’ button, she disingenuously said yes, eliciting scoffs from the room of reporters. It seems obvious that Facebook is trying to minimize the visibility of the path to account deletion rather than making it an obvious course of action if you don’t agree to its terms.
I requested Facebook actually show us what was on the other side of the that tine ‘see my options’ link and this is what we got. First, Facebook doesn’t mention its temporary deactivation option, just the scary permanent delete option. Facebook recommends downloading your data before deleting your account, which you should. But the fact that you’ll have to wait (often a few hours) before you can download your data could push users to delay deletion and perhaps never resume. And only if you keep scrolling do you get to another tiny “I’m ready to delete my account” hyperlink instead of a real button.
Parental Consent
GDPR also implements new regulation about how teens are treated, specifically users between the ages of 13 (the minimum age required to sign up for Facebook) and 15. If users in this age range have shared their religious views, political views, or sexual preference, Facebook requires them to either remove it or get parental consent to keep it. But the system for attaining and verifying that parental consent is a joke.
Users merely select one of their Facebook friends or enter an email address, and that person is asked to give consent for their ‘child’ to share sensitive info. But Facebook blindly trusts that they’ve actually selected their parent or guardian, even though it has a feature for users to designate who their family is, and the kid could put anyone in the email field, including an alternate address they control. Sherman says Facebook is “not seeking to collect additional information” to verify parental consent, so it seems Facebook is happy to let teens easily bypass the checkup.
Privacy Shortcuts
To keep all users abreast of their privacy settings, Facebook has redesigned its Privacy Shortcuts in a colorful format that sticks out from the rest of the site. No complaints here.
Download Your Information
Facebook has completely redesigned its Download Your Information tool after keeping it basically the same for the past 8 years. You can now view your content and data in different categories without downloading it, which alongside the new privacy shortcuts is perhaps the only unequivocally positive and unproblematic change amidst today’s announcements.
And Facebook now lets you select certain categories of data, date ranges, JSON or HTML format, and image quality to download. That could make it quicker and easier if you just need a copy of a certain type of content but don’t need to export all your photos and videos for example. Thankfully, Facebook says you’ll be able to now export your media in a higher resolution than the old tool allowed.
But the big problem here was the subject of my feature piece about Facebook’s lack of data portability. The Download Your Information tool is supposed to let you take your data and go to a different social network. But it only exports your social graph aka your friends as a text list of names. There are no links, usernames, or other unique identifiers unless friends opt into let you export their email or phone number, so good luck finding the right John Smith on another app. The new version of Download Your Information works exactly the same, rather than offering any interoperable format that would let you find your friends elsewhere.
A Higher Standard
Overall, it seems like Facebook is complying with the letter of GDPR law, but with questionable spirit. Sure, privacy is boring to a lot of people. Too little info and they feel confused and scared. Too many choices and screens and they feel overwhelmed and annoyed. Facebook struck the right balance in some places here. But the subtly pushy designs seem intended to push people away from changing their defaults in ways that could hamper Facebook’s mission and business.
Making the choices even in visible weight, rather than burying the ways to make changes in grayed-out buttons and tiny links, would have been more fair. And it would have shown that Facebook has faith in the value it provides, such that users would stick around and leave features enabled if they truly wanted to.
When questioned about this, Sherman pointed the finger at other tech companies, saying he thought Facebook was more upfront with users. Asked to clarify if he thought Facebook’s approach was “better”, he said “I think that’s right”. But Facebook isn’t being judged by the industry standard because it’s not a standard company. It’s built its purpose and its business on top of our private data, and touted itself as a boon to the world. But when asked to clear a higher bar for privacy, Facebook delved into design tricks to keep from losing our data
from Facebook – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2voeF14 via IFTTT
0 notes
clonerightsagenda · 7 years
i've been interested in working in archiving for a while & i was sort of unsure if it was for me but after reading that ask i'm !!!!! abt it so. thank you sm :-)
I totally recommend it, but I *would* advise you to get some firsthand experience before investing in a grad program if at all possible. You don’t necessarily need an LIS degree to get into archiving. A lot of people in the field have history degrees. Some take archiving certificates. Some, especially for smaller community archives, may learn on the job. But you don’t want to get into a program or a job without knowing a bit about it, and not *all* of archives is uncovering dirt on organizations and making a tell all display about it, although that's a perk. 
So, some info from someone who, although I’m not in an archives program specifically, has interned at an archive and a museum: 
A lot of archives work is very repetitive, detail-oriented tasks. Holdings maintenance often involves going through boxes of material and getting it processed into proper archival storage. This may involve prying off ancient paperclips that have rusted through the paper or rubber bands that have stuck on. If you’re dealing with REALLY old stuff, you may encounter mold or red rot, a powdery substance formed from old faux leather that gets *everywhere*. And that’s the normal stuff. I’ve heard horror stories about dead mice. Usually, though, you’re tidying the stuff up and getting it arranged into folders. Archives follow ‘respect de fonds’ - they keep collections together rather than arranging by subject like in a library, but it’s not respect for chaos. :P You may have to figure out how to impose some level of order. You will learn to hate paper clips with a passion.
Other repetitive tasks include scanning and data entry. There is so much to scan, all the time. (I interned at the Truman Museum a few summers ago and holy crap did he have a bunch of people’s business cards.) You’ll enter metadata about records into databases, usually built in Excel or Access in my experience. Depending on how old the records you’re using are, you might do some transcription of old handwriting. Lemme tell you, after an hour of deciphering Civil War registration books, I had a splitting headache.
Now, on the more creative end of things, you’ll need to describe collections or items. (Depending on the size of your archives, you probably vary how granular your descriptions are.) You’ll often have a controlled vocabulary of terms to choose from (makes it easier to search for related items than if every archivist picks their own words) and you have to select what fits best. If you’re starting from scratch, maybe you have to scan the collection and come up with a controlled vocabulary or organizational scheme. And then, of course, there’s answering people’s reference questions, helping researchers, doing outreach, managing social media, or creating exhibits. So there’s plenty of less rote stuff, but if you can’t stand scanning for three hours straight or punching info into databases, that’s something to consider. Now, more experienced archivists are allowed to listen to music (we interns weren’t) but honestly scanning became kinda zen after a while. And I didn’t mind the database work because I got to look at the materials to find the metadata, and they were interesting. 
So, how to get some archiving experience? If you want to shoot for the stars, the Library of Congress is taking undergrad and grad interns for the summer.  The fellows work in a variety of fields, but many involve archival collections. There may be presidential libraries or NARA locations near you. If you don’t want to deal with getting a background check or dealing with a lengthy application process, check around for local historical societies or archives. You’d be surprised how many there are. Often businesses have them too! Some of these may have internships available, and I know many state or local historical societies are happy to take volunteers. (Actually, the NARA and presidential library locations I worked at also took volunteers, although most of them were older.) 
It’s a really neat field and I do encourage you to pursue it, but it can’t hurt to make sure you like it. Plus, if you volunteer somewhere for a while, it’ll give you a better shot at applying for jobs or programs later!
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marauderdisorder · 4 years
Seo for websites tips
Experts Share the Most Reliable Search Engine Optimization Tips to Drive Website Traffic to Your Site [Expert Roundup]
If you have a site, the idea is for individuals to visit it. A website s website traffic shows how well a service is doing online. It is likewise an indicator of client actions, as well as will certainly assist you formulate a marketing technique that will certainly get you a much better ranking in the internet search engine results.  The basic idea of SEO optimization is obtaining extra web traffic to the site. But with 1.24 billion web sites worldwide, how do you ensure that your web site obtains great web traffic?  Right here are my top 7 SEO ideas that will certainly aid drive web traffic to your web site:  
7 SEO Tips to Drive Traffic
 Key phrases: In a lot of searches, at the very least 50% of people utilize four words or more. This indicates that simply search phrases are trivial. You require long-tail key words that are specific to the search.  When it pertains to wide keyword phrases, there is tough competitors around which indicates that you require to offer something more to stand out among the group. A long-tail key words is very important to ensure that individuals obtain certain outcomes of what they are seeking.  High Quality Content: In this affordable world, there are many individuals who create on the very same topic. What should you do different to obtain noted on top of the search listings? The response is writing great, well-researched content.  The material on your site ought to likewise be diverse to prevent any type of inner competition amongst websites for search engine listings. You need to arrange your site in way that when people search for something particular, all related information is conveniently available. Likewise ensure that your content is on a regular basis upgraded as internet search engine frequently check for updates to supply the most effective result to its individuals. Composing great material can boost up your web traffic as well as eventually impacts your SEO.  Meta Summary and also Title Tags: Title tags resemble a publication title. This is the clickable web link that appears on search engine result web pages. If we take Google s instance, a perfect title tag ought to be less than 60 characters.  A meta description is what appears below the title in online search engine outcomes. This is what produces the impression on a customer, and also believe me, impressions matter. If you have an excellent and concise meta description, there s a much better opportunity of people visiting your websites and additionally good for Search Engine Optimization.  Maximize Pictures: Pictures are what include shade to a web page and make it less uninteresting. I can t also think of a web page with photos. For a better online search engine listing, make certain that you maximize the pictures by adding summaries, alt tags, and titles. Its useful for your internet site Search Engine Optimization efforts.  An online search engine can t recognize a picture s material. It is the text with a picture that helps them rate exactly how appropriate a web page is. For this, use original, ideally sized, good quality pictures.  Back links: For an internet search engine, back links are a recommendation of a site. A guest blog on an additional website that connects back to yours will certainly drive web traffic to your site.  Obtaining a listing in online directory sites will also drive web traffic to your site. The summary of your business in a e-directory will have a link to your web site. Ensure you constantly update your details in these directories to generate traffic and also boost your SEO position.  SSL Certificates: For an online search engine, an SSL certification is very important. What an SSL certification basically does is it changes your web site s http:// to https:// that makes it extra trustworthy and also protected. If you want an internet search engine to trust you, a SSL certification is a must.  Mobile Friendliness: According to Google, there are a lot more mobile searches than on desktops in 10 nations including Japan and also the US. In order to maximize this growing trend, your web site requires to be mobile friendly.  Certainly, other than these standard SEO suggestions, there are numerous various other ways that Search Engine Optimization can assist drive web traffic to your web site. Listed below, 91 Search Engine Optimization professionals share their finest Search Engine Optimization tips for web traffic generation.
Kevan Lee - Barrier
We get regarding 80% of our web traffic from search, as well as we depend on simply a couple of straightforward devices as well as strategies to do so. We have the Yoast Search Engine Optimization WordPress plugin, which helps ensure that every blog post is well maximized for search with headlines, material, summaries, and also more.  And after that we also utilize keyword phrases as component of our article concept process, i.e. what high-volume key words have we not covered that might be a good fit for our Barrier blog site material? These two elements have actually been massive for us. To obtain actually granular, a number of little strategies we ve tried are adding a date to a post title (e.g., Best Devices of 2018 vs. Best Tools) as well as leading with the key words in the headline (e.g. Facebook Algorithm Tips vs. Tips Concerning the Facebook Algorithm).
Jayson DeMers - AudienceBloom
I created a big message called 101 Ways to Boost Your Web site s Search Engine Optimization which has my full ideas on this topic, however if I needed to choose 3 of one of the most reliable ideas, I d state the following:.  1. Execute a link building campaign as well as persevere. Links are the most impactful element in the ranking formula that we have control over, so utilize them!  2. Concentrate on creating lots of quality content for your site. If you want more natural search traffic, you need a factor for people to see your site, and that means providing free worth (ie, fantastic content). Attempt to solve issues or respond to concerns that your target market has. If you re questioning whether your content suffices after that ask yourself: Would you proudly recommend it to your buddy as a high quality source if they concerned you with an inquiry?  3. Guarantee your material includes the key phrases you desire it to rate for. It s essential to have the key phrases in the title, very first paragraph, body, and last paragraph of your web content, along with the meta summary. In addition to having the precise key words you wish to rate for, make sure to include a lot of LSI key words (associated keywords) throughout the material.
Eric Siu - Solitary Grain
There is so much material on Search Engine Optimization around, as well as it can really feel difficult to start an optimization overhaul. I concentrate on ideas or methods that are effective As Well As make the very best use of sources, consisting of the material you already have. Right here goes:.  Update your existing content?? Existing web content already has authority and also a recognized audience. So instead of creating something entirely from square one, locate a blog post currently performing well, revitalize it with upgraded info, include visuals, and count on existing signals to make it rate for terms.   Enhance engagement to enhance rankings. Take your existing content as well as make it much more readable?? break up any type of huge blocks of message, splitting material up with headers, bullet factors.   Concentrate on topics rather than key phrases?? Google formula updates now enable the internet search engine to identify intent as opposed to depend exclusively on the real keywords. So while keyword research is still very essential, concentrate on what individuals are looking for as opposed to various ways to expression a search query to increase up your SEO.  Build backlinks?? Made back links?? via high-quality material, outreach and influencer marketing?? are still incredibly efficient. And also look for visitor posting possibilities on respectable sites. We built our domain authority on visitor messages from fantastic sites like Entrepreneur, Hubspot, Forbes, and extra. While both back links as well as guest articles will certainly take some manual outreach and also perseverance, they re significant for your brand name recognition and Search Engine Optimization.  Coverage and also analytics suggestions?? The numbers don t lie so gauge what s functioning as well as what s not and also constantly remain to repeat.
Phil Rozek - Neighborhood Exposure System, LLC
The produce fantastic web content and also earn wonderful web links recommendations has actually been covered sufficient for now, consisting of by me. So my best item of less-obvious Search Engine Optimization guidance is: either concentrate on a narrow specific niche, or start using a truly odd solution (or product or widget). The weirder as well as more particular niche, the far better.  If you re the only company, or local one, or the initial one, you can get some easy rankings, website traffic that consists of individuals with a particular and also instant requirement, as well as occasionally even a few very easy web links. Likewise, some individuals will come for the odd little solution as well as remain for the more-mainstream service( s) you provide?? for which your rankings and visibility possibly aren t so excellent. Go a little off the beaten track.
0 notes
sandrajscott · 4 years
17 SEO Tasks You Can Do During the Coronavirus Quarantine
1. Do a full SEO audit of your main business website.
The first and probably most important SEO task you can do during the Coronavirus Quarantine is to audit your website to understand a baseline of where you are. You can then easily make a list of things to fix, figure out which ones you want to do yourself and which you want to farm out.
Do it yourself SEO is not for the faint of heart, and if you don’t already have at least some technical foundation, the hill might be a bit too steep.
But let’s look and see what the landscape looks like.
Here are 5 SEO tools you can use to get a handle on the SEO health of your website. You can use these tools, though if you are not into current SEO, you really won’t gain a full understanding of what you are looking at. You can still get a lot done, because you can learn a little bit more about SEO in the process of analyzing your business through these tools.
If you don’t already have a good working SEO knowledge, this is a great time to gain some!
How does an SEO Audit help your SEO?
It tells you at a granular level what you need to improve, and errors that are hindering your SEO. It’s a black and white, easy to access guide for exactly what you need to do to improve.
Knowledge Level Needed (1-5): 4
To be effective, probably a 4. An effective and useful audit is about speed. Get the info fast, understand what’s important in that info, and execute fast. If you don’t have the time or expertise to do this, hire a pro. If you’re ok getting limited benefit as you learn, get after it!
2. Connect all of your Social Profiles to Your Website
One of the most common mistakes I see is social profiles are not connected, which is really silly, because it’s usually just a process of filling out a form on your WordPress website.
This is another reason to use WordPress, because WordPress makes it super super easy. Social profiles pointing the right direction are really important for SEO, but they’re even more important for customer retention, click-through rate, and social proof.
Social proof is the process of letting your prospective customer know that other people just like them have used your service and are happy with you.
It’s difficult to overemphasize how important clear throughput of social interaction on your website can be.
How does connecting your Social Profiles help your SEO?
One of Google’s top ranking factors is social signals, so when your social profiles are connected to your site, and you pass good info between  them, it gives you some social signals. It’s not going to skyrocket your rankings, but you’re hurting yourself if you don’t have it in place.
Knowledge Level Needed: 1
Unless your site has no plugins that help you connect social profiles, this will be very easy. Install Yoast if you have a WordPress site. Connecting your website is far easier; just fill in your website on the social profile. Butter.
3. Optimize All Social Profiles.
Most social profiles exist somewhat in a silo. This means that they do not pass link juice we each other, they don’t pass link juice to your website or anything else.
That said, Google is smart.
You might have heard that before, but it’s true. Google can figure out that your social profile is pointing at your website. And it matters. It’s not a game changer, and it’s not going to completely change your SEO life, but it does matter.
And it has an effect. There are secondary functions within the SEO sphere, but that’s too complicated to go in now. Just suffice it to say that you need to be active on your social profiles, have them optimize, and make sure they are connected to your website correctly.
How does optimizing your social profiles help your SEO?
It’s another brick in the wall. Like most things, it’s not going to explode your rankings, but it helps your social signals be as strong as they can be.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
You need to understand the value of the SEO assets you have in each social profile, but there are enough tutorials out there to tell you which profile has what value, you should be ok.
4. Write Blog Posts
This quarantine is a great time to start building the blog (or writing those blog posts) that you’ve always known that you needed to do but never had the time.
This is probably the most agnst-inducing word to the small business owner, but its a necessary pain!
Most small business owners don’t realize how easy blogging can be. Most of us feel like we need to be writing Shakespeare to blog, and if we can’t come up with the most unique, One of a Kind content there is, we shouldn’t blog.
“Everyone else is doing this already”, we say to ourselves. We don’t realize that we each have a unique take on things.
I offer an easy 5-step Quick Start Method to get yourself moving so you can blog THIS week. I’ve written entire blog post about it, (see what I did there?) that details exactly how to get yourself moving, and provide the unique content that is already in your brain.
So blog. Try to blog once a week.
Bonus points if you have a YouTube video that you can embed somewhere on the blog.
Now just repeat this five times, and you have five blog posts that you can share regularly as Evergreen content.
Here’s a pro tip: Voice-to-Text.
I am actually writing this using a voice-to-text transcription function inside of Gmail. It’s a great tool, and is pure gold when I want to get an idea out of my head.
Now, now that you blogged, you can take the next step. And that goes to the next phase.
How does Writing Blog Posts Help your SEO?
It’s powerful. Google is constantly looking for good content. The secret sauce is to make sure you’re answering questions that your customers have. You can even search Google to see if your questions are actually getting searched. If you’re a little more on the knowledgeable side, blogging is a great way to silo content. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means, just start writing!
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
You need to be able to write cohesively, and you need to understand how to properly use keywords. Hint: not too many, but make sure you have a couple of mentions, direct and indirect, per 300 words. WARNING: DO NOT repeat the same keyword over and over unnaturally. That will get you a slap from Google.
5. Optimize Google My Business.
Google My Business is the “Home Base” for your local marketing through Google, and since Google is the heavyweight in local search, you may want to consider it THE center of your local marketing.
Google My Business is a powerful marketing tool, made even more so in the changes Google has made in their system in the last 12-18 months. If you’re blogging, you should be copying and pasting your blog, or a piece of it, over to a Google My Business post.
There are more optimization functions to be done here, but it’s too involved for one post. There are dozens of specific steps to take in your optimization efforts, so I’ll have to leave that for another post.
How does Optimizing your Google My Business Help Your SEO?
Impossible to overstate it: POWERFUL.
Google has made it their business to make it powerful, so take heed. Get on your steed. Proceed.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3-5
If you just show up every day on your GMB account and do something, you’ll be doing ok.
For the next level, you need some knowledge. Specifically, you need to know what NOT to do. There are a litany of actions you can take that will actually get your account suspended.
6. Optimize and “Syndicate” Your Reviews
Make the most of your reviews!
Don’t let those wonderful reviews just sit out there on those various review sites and social sites! Make sure you’re getting the most out of them. You already did the hard work to get the review, y providing great service; now get the most out of the payoff.
Here are a few ideas.
I go much deeper into about how to make the most of your reviews in another blog post, but for now let’s just quickly talk about how to use them.
First, have a central reviews or testimonials page. It’s a single page on your main website where  your prospective clients can go and hear how great you are.
Then, sprinkle the reviews throughout your website.
Every page should have a review, even the about page.
Reviews are the most common way that a prospect interacts with you before the sale, previews your product or service, and samples your brand, long before they ever make a purchase.
Know, Like & Trust has never been bigger than it is now, even though it happens most often now in a virtual way.
How Does Optimizing and Syndicating Your Reviews Help Your SEO?
When it’s done right, your reviews tell future prospects exactly how it will be to buy from you. Syndicating your reviews means that the buyer journey, told by your current customers, is experienced first-hand. Since reviews are about your products and services, they are directly tied to your optimum keywords (or they should be).
Knowledge Level Needed: 2
You need to understand copywriting just enough to insert keywords in the proper places.
SEO Pro Tip: Blog Your Reviews as Case Studies or Use Cases
You can also write blog posts ABOUT your reviews. This is a longer process, and again, I go into this fully in a separate blog post, but suffice it to say here that you can create complete blog post out of single reviews. They’re very powerful.
7. Develop your brand story.
Why did you start your business? What’s your passion about what you do? What’s your favorite part of what you do? Wine? Who have you helped? What stories are there around that? How does tie into your core value proposition, and your brand byline? For me, Define the elements of a brand. Logo, colors, feel, byline Etc
Try this: think through your Brand Values, and then associate an image with each value. After that, associate a Value Proposition to those same values. Make a video on each Value Proposition.
Now, you have content associated directly with your Brand. The more iterations you run through with this process, the more honed your Brand Values will be.
How Does Developing Your Brand Story Help Your SEO?
Now more than ever, branding is inseparable from SEO. In the past, you could operate your SEO campaign as some small part of your overall marketing campaign, or as some isolated effort that is short term, but not anymore.
The age of the semantic web and the BERT update in the Fall of 2019 means that Google is constantly in the business of tying brand facts to your brand as an entity, not just ranking a page.
And  remember; your Brand Story is the aggregation of your Value Propositions plus your personal story.
Knowledge Level Needed: 1?
I said 1 with a question mark, because you should be able to tell the story of your brand. It’s ok if you don’t know where to start, but it really is the most important job you have in your small business. I think the argument could easily be made that it’s the most important place to invest.
8. Define your value proposition(s).
If you don’t understand what your value propositions are, this is a great time to really nail that down. We’ve already discussed Value Propositions in the previous section on branding, but it’s still valid to
In short, a value proposition is that phrase by which you propose value to your prospective clients.
What value are you proposing to me that your Product or Service has? That is your value proposition. How are you solving my problem? How are you making my life easier?
The more time you spend developing your Value Propositions, the more they will pay off.
How Does Defining Your Value Propositions Help Your SEO?
Easy. Value Propositions = Keywords. Value Propositions also produce solutions to problems, which yield more keywords.
Knowledge Level Needed: For SEO: 1 For Copywriting, 4
Working in the land between keywords and copy can be murky. The more work you do in this area, the better.
9. Deploy Your Value Proposition(s)
I know, I know, that sounds like what you’d hear on a military show on Netflix, but I promise, it’s relevant!
Once you have your Value Proposition defined, you have to deploy it. If you’ve been blogging and building pages o your website, then you have at least a dozen pages out there that need to be corrected to reflect your new VPs.
Don’t stop with just one, though; it’s almost impossible that you don’t have more than one Value Proposition, because if you’re like most small business owners, you have more than one product or service, and more than one product or service means more than one Value Proposition.
Every bit of effort you put into Value Propositions pays huge dividends, because they are the direct conduit in talking to your ideal clients….in their exact language!
Every ounce of energy you put into your Value Propositions, and then your Brand Story, is like super power juice for your SEO. Whether you realize it or not, Value Propositions and SEO are inextricably linked, and one powers the other.
How Does Deploying Your Value Propositions Help Your SEO?
When you put your Value Propositions out into the Googleverse, you’re putting little spotlights and highway signs back to your website. By spaeaking in terms of value to your prospective customers, you preach the value of your service to them long before they ever come to your site.
Knowledge Level Needed: 2
A good mix of SEO for keywords and a little higher knowledge of copywriting, again, and you’re off to the races.
10. Raise your SEO Tool game.
Quarantine is a great time to go through different tool lists, try some, discard what you don’t like and keep the rest.
There are so many free tools out there, pick up some and start using them on your side. I’m including a video on how to use some of the tools that I really like out there, most of these are free.
Check out my 5 Free SEO Tools post here!
I also put together a more comprehensive List of 15 Digital Marketing Tools here.
I will indicate where there is a charge, but usually they are all free.
Using an SEO tool really develops your skills and understanding the SEO World from a technical perspective, and causes you to look at your site through a different lens that you had not seen before.
How Does Learning About SEO Tools Help Your SEO?
The better you know SEO tools like Google Analytics and Search Console (and others), the more time you save yourself, the more productive you become, and the more accurate your entire operation becomes.
Knowledge Level Needed: 5 (eventually)
Starting out at 1 is just fine, because that’s where we all start. Get out there and learn!
11. Reach Out to Your Network
Warming up your network is a great opportunity to learn what’s going on in the lives of your close business alliances, and you might even come across some business opportunities.
Of course, you don’t want to do this if all you’re looking for is a sale. This isn’t the time.
If you’re unused to networking, here are a few pointers.
First, bring value.
Just like a garden, you can’t expect consistent output without constant feeding, watering, weeding, and most importantly, FEEDING.
How do you feed your network?
In short, help your people. There are many ways to do it, but here’s a HUGE help: reviews.
Most likely, you’ve done some business with different people in your network. If not, you probably still know them or a service they’ve done for someone else well enough to give them a review. You may have even given them a review already. Here’s where you can really help:
Don’t stop with one review!
There are about a dozen major review sites, including Google, Yelp, LinkedIn, Manta, YellowPages and Better Business Bureau.
Go to each of these sites, look for your friend’s business, go to their profile, and tell their story. In less than an hour, you can make a massive difference for anyone in your network that has public profiles.
Google finds every one of these reviews that exists, and values them very highly.
How Does Reaching Out To Your Network Help Your SEO?
It seems counter-intuitive, but real world activity has never had more effect on your SEO than now. Here are just a few ways you can do this:
First, bounce your Value Propositions off your close network. They will tell you what resonates and what doesn’t.
Next, offer reviews and ask for reviews. Make sure you get keywords in your reviews, VERY important and very effective.
If you just do these two things, your SEO will get better, along with your Brand Messaging, your sales and your own presentation of your Brand Message.
Knowledge Level Needed: 1
Just get out there and do it! Even in Covid quarantine, you can still use the phone!
12. Develop Video in Your Brand Story
Video is important…when used right.
Before going any further, let me tell you what is probably the biggest waste of budget I see by small business owners: video.
“So why are you telling me to do video when it’s the biggest waste of money you see?!?”
Hold on, I’m talking about poorly conceived and executed video.
Now, here’s the good news: where it’s poorly executed is exactly what will benefit you the most: the money!
The mistake  I see most often is small business owners paying thousands of dollars for video that looks great, but has no message. All the budget goes into the visual of the video, and while money might have been invested i copywriting, that copy is not wrapped around value propositions, but rather around some pet idea of the owner of the business.
You can make a video with your phone and a tripod that’s ten times as effective than a $5,000 video, and it won’t cost you any more than some of your time!
The next few items I list will revolve around video, and some high level thoughts about how to use it.
How Does Video in Your Brand Story Help Your SEO?
As you develop your Value Propositions, talk through solutions, answer common questions, then put all of this content in video, you are building a content empire. Take the next step and put relevant images throughout this content, and your SEO empire just keeps growing.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
You need to have some knowledge of how to frame pictures and video, how to write video-friendly copy, etc… But hey, DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU. “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of Good”. Starting beats perfect.
Just imagine a quote that totally inspires you to get moving, and then pretend you read that quote here, then pretend you thanked me.
13. Build a YouTube Channel
YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, after Google, and they are owned by Google, so you better know that Google values what’s on that platform.
This is where it has to stay high level for now, because there are you too many steps to fully setting up and optimizing a YouTube channel.
Try to use a keyword in the title of your username. There are tens of millions of YouTube accounts, so the likelihood of you getting exactly the name you want is low. Get as close as you can.
Next, be as descriptive as you can in your about section. See how we always get back to Value Propositions? Include them in your description.
How Does Building a YouTube Channel Help Your SEO?
Hard to overestimate the power of your own YouTube Channel. YouTube is owned by Google, and is the world’s second largest search engine, and there’s plenty of data that says Google loves YouTube content.
Secondary to that, but just as important, maybe more, you have a channel to tell your story in an organized way. Talk to your customers directly, and tell them your story.
There are dozens of technical ways you can either optimize YouTube videos for SEO or deploy it on your site, but that will have to be a different blog post.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3 eventually
Learn as you go. Get started, all the above inspirational, get off the couch quotes inserted here.
14. Shoot Selfie Videos that Tell Your Story
Talk about your service offerings, products, your back story (customers love to hear about how you started your business and what you’re passionate about), anything you can think of that would help your prospects make a better decision.
You may find this hard to believe, but in most cases, off-hand, self-shot, amateur video converts far better than well-produced video.
There are exceptions, of course, but not enough to stop you from shooting video today!
Few people are comfortable seeing themselves on camera, so just start. You’ll get more comfortable as you go.
How Does Shooting Selfie Videos Help Your SEO?
One word: Conversion.
Selfie videos just convert better than most other video types. If you can get an interview video to work like a selfie video, those will convert well, too.
Knowledge Level Needed: 2
In this case, it’s less about actual knowledge, and more about tools and tactics. Get a good selfie stick. Get a tripod. You can actually use a tripod as a selfie stick while it’s folded up if you want. Get a phone clip. Then, it’s all about trial and error. Get started!
15. Shoot Videos that Answer Common Product or Service Questions
Explanatory videos that help your customer make a better decision, navigate tough parts of using your product or service, or otherwise make it easier for your ideal prospect to do business with you.
The best way to target video like this is to walk back through your last 15-20 customer interactions. Interview these folks ad ask questions about how things went. If you have a customer service department, poll your team and dig into your most common questions or problems.
Then shoot video for that.
How Does Shooting FAQ Videos or “Fix My Problem” Videos Help Your SEO?
Again, Conversion. If you have any doubts remaining about how much answering relevant questions matters, note this: Google has recently added a “People Also Ask” section in organic search.
You can even get a leg up by polling this section regularly within the framework of your core keywords. Google thinks those questions are relevant, shouldn’t you? Check out the image below for further proof:
16. Seek Out Opportunities for Free Tutorial Videos
Tutorials are’t a good fit for every small business (for instance, you could not very well shoot a tutorial on how to remodel your house after a tornado if you are a disaster recovery company). Determine if they are, and if so, do it!
Free tutorials are great for establishing trust, because as a prospect, you’re helping me for free. If you can create one with enough value, you can offer it as a lead magnet to use on your website to collect emails.
Now that you’ve shot tutorials and product and service videos, let’s talk about the 3rd type of video before we move on to some technically helpful tips.
How Do Free Tutorial Videos Help Your SEO? Isn’t That Giving Too Much Away?
This might be the most important point in this entire blog post: Branding IS SEO today.
SEO was once about keywords. Now it’s about entities, and your Brand is your Entity.
Tutorial videos help you establish yourself as an authority in your space. When you take the next step and continually attach your tutorials to key questions and problems stated by your audience, that authority branding moves into higher gear.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
Again, it’s about the intersection of writing good copy for your video, and the tactical aspect of shooting it.
One of the tools I talk about all the time is Screencastify, because any small business owner can shoot browser based tutorial videos….get ready for it….FOR FREE.
Screencastify is right up there with Google to me for value to the small business owner.
17. Shoot Videos that Tell Review Stories
You can super-power your reviews by telling the story of them through video. You can do this one of a couple of ways (I’m sure there are more, but these are 2 I really like).
First, just a regular off-hand selfie video, walking through the engagement on which the review was based. I’ll leave that, since we’ve already discussed selfie videos.
The next type of review video is a type that you can actually use across any of the types we’ve discussed before. I call it a slide deck video, but I’ve heard it called a Slideshare video, too. Either way, you simply use slides or images to walk through a scenario that reflects the review engagement.
There is a really great extension you can use to make these videos, called “Screencastify”. I talked about it in the Video Marketing section of my post on Digital Marketing Tools (linked above), I’ve talked about it in the section above, I talk about it in my workshops, I literally talk about it all the time. It’s just a stupendous value.
How Does Shooting Review Story Videos Help Your SEO?
It deepens your authority, your customer solution story, which all gotes to your branding, which again, is about entities and what SEO is all about today.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
Same as above. The good news is, as you learn to do one of the above video shooting tasks, all those skills will apply across all of these, so it won’t be like learning to level 3 on several tasks, but rather all “the skill boats will rise”, meaning that you will get better at all of the video tasks at once.
The post 17 SEO Tasks You Can Do During the Coronavirus Quarantine appeared first on Frontburner Marketing.
from Frontburner Marketing https://frontburnermarketing.net/seo-tasks-you-can-do-during-the-coronavirus-quarantine/ from Frontburner Marketing https://frontburnermarketing.tumblr.com/post/617263019260592128
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17 SEO Tasks You Can Do During the Coronavirus Quarantine
1. Do a full SEO audit of your main business website.
The first and probably most important SEO task you can do during the Coronavirus Quarantine is to audit your website to understand a baseline of where you are. You can then easily make a list of things to fix, figure out which ones you want to do yourself and which you want to farm out.
Do it yourself SEO is not for the faint of heart, and if you don’t already have at least some technical foundation, the hill might be a bit too steep.
But let’s look and see what the landscape looks like.
Here are 5 SEO tools you can use to get a handle on the SEO health of your website. You can use these tools, though if you are not into current SEO, you really won’t gain a full understanding of what you are looking at. You can still get a lot done, because you can learn a little bit more about SEO in the process of analyzing your business through these tools.
If you don’t already have a good working SEO knowledge, this is a great time to gain some!
How does an SEO Audit help your SEO?
It tells you at a granular level what you need to improve, and errors that are hindering your SEO. It’s a black and white, easy to access guide for exactly what you need to do to improve.
Knowledge Level Needed (1-5): 4
To be effective, probably a 4. An effective and useful audit is about speed. Get the info fast, understand what’s important in that info, and execute fast. If you don’t have the time or expertise to do this, hire a pro. If you’re ok getting limited benefit as you learn, get after it!
2. Connect all of your Social Profiles to Your Website
One of the most common mistakes I see is social profiles are not connected, which is really silly, because it’s usually just a process of filling out a form on your WordPress website.
This is another reason to use WordPress, because WordPress makes it super super easy. Social profiles pointing the right direction are really important for SEO, but they’re even more important for customer retention, click-through rate, and social proof.
Social proof is the process of letting your prospective customer know that other people just like them have used your service and are happy with you.
It’s difficult to overemphasize how important clear throughput of social interaction on your website can be.
How does connecting your Social Profiles help your SEO?
One of Google’s top ranking factors is social signals, so when your social profiles are connected to your site, and you pass good info between  them, it gives you some social signals. It’s not going to skyrocket your rankings, but you’re hurting yourself if you don’t have it in place.
Knowledge Level Needed: 1
Unless your site has no plugins that help you connect social profiles, this will be very easy. Install Yoast if you have a WordPress site. Connecting your website is far easier; just fill in your website on the social profile. Butter.
3. Optimize All Social Profiles.
Most social profiles exist somewhat in a silo. This means that they do not pass link juice we each other, they don’t pass link juice to your website or anything else.
That said, Google is smart.
You might have heard that before, but it’s true. Google can figure out that your social profile is pointing at your website. And it matters. It’s not a game changer, and it’s not going to completely change your SEO life, but it does matter.
And it has an effect. There are secondary functions within the SEO sphere, but that’s too complicated to go in now. Just suffice it to say that you need to be active on your social profiles, have them optimize, and make sure they are connected to your website correctly.
How does optimizing your social profiles help your SEO?
It’s another brick in the wall. Like most things, it’s not going to explode your rankings, but it helps your social signals be as strong as they can be.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
You need to understand the value of the SEO assets you have in each social profile, but there are enough tutorials out there to tell you which profile has what value, you should be ok.
4. Write Blog Posts
This quarantine is a great time to start building the blog (or writing those blog posts) that you’ve always known that you needed to do but never had the time.
This is probably the most agnst-inducing word to the small business owner, but its a necessary pain!
Most small business owners don’t realize how easy blogging can be. Most of us feel like we need to be writing Shakespeare to blog, and if we can’t come up with the most unique, One of a Kind content there is, we shouldn’t blog.
“Everyone else is doing this already”, we say to ourselves. We don’t realize that we each have a unique take on things.
I offer an easy 5-step Quick Start Method to get yourself moving so you can blog THIS week. I’ve written entire blog post about it, (see what I did there?) that details exactly how to get yourself moving, and provide the unique content that is already in your brain.
So blog. Try to blog once a week.
Bonus points if you have a YouTube video that you can embed somewhere on the blog.
Now just repeat this five times, and you have five blog posts that you can share regularly as Evergreen content.
Here’s a pro tip: Voice-to-Text.
I am actually writing this using a voice-to-text transcription function inside of Gmail. It’s a great tool, and is pure gold when I want to get an idea out of my head.
Now, now that you blogged, you can take the next step. And that goes to the next phase.
How does Writing Blog Posts Help your SEO?
It’s powerful. Google is constantly looking for good content. The secret sauce is to make sure you’re answering questions that your customers have. You can even search Google to see if your questions are actually getting searched. If you’re a little more on the knowledgeable side, blogging is a great way to silo content. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that means, just start writing!
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
You need to be able to write cohesively, and you need to understand how to properly use keywords. Hint: not too many, but make sure you have a couple of mentions, direct and indirect, per 300 words. WARNING: DO NOT repeat the same keyword over and over unnaturally. That will get you a slap from Google.
5. Optimize Google My Business.
Google My Business is the “Home Base” for your local marketing through Google, and since Google is the heavyweight in local search, you may want to consider it THE center of your local marketing.
Google My Business is a powerful marketing tool, made even more so in the changes Google has made in their system in the last 12-18 months. If you’re blogging, you should be copying and pasting your blog, or a piece of it, over to a Google My Business post.
There are more optimization functions to be done here, but it’s too involved for one post. There are dozens of specific steps to take in your optimization efforts, so I’ll have to leave that for another post.
How does Optimizing your Google My Business Help Your SEO?
Impossible to overstate it: POWERFUL.
Google has made it their business to make it powerful, so take heed. Get on your steed. Proceed.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3-5
If you just show up every day on your GMB account and do something, you’ll be doing ok.
For the next level, you need some knowledge. Specifically, you need to know what NOT to do. There are a litany of actions you can take that will actually get your account suspended.
6. Optimize and “Syndicate” Your Reviews
Make the most of your reviews!
Don’t let those wonderful reviews just sit out there on those various review sites and social sites! Make sure you’re getting the most out of them. You already did the hard work to get the review, y providing great service; now get the most out of the payoff.
Here are a few ideas.
I go much deeper into about how to make the most of your reviews in another blog post, but for now let’s just quickly talk about how to use them.
First, have a central reviews or testimonials page. It’s a single page on your main website where  your prospective clients can go and hear how great you are.
Then, sprinkle the reviews throughout your website.
Every page should have a review, even the about page.
Reviews are the most common way that a prospect interacts with you before the sale, previews your product or service, and samples your brand, long before they ever make a purchase.
Know, Like & Trust has never been bigger than it is now, even though it happens most often now in a virtual way.
How Does Optimizing and Syndicating Your Reviews Help Your SEO?
When it’s done right, your reviews tell future prospects exactly how it will be to buy from you. Syndicating your reviews means that the buyer journey, told by your current customers, is experienced first-hand. Since reviews are about your products and services, they are directly tied to your optimum keywords (or they should be).
Knowledge Level Needed: 2
You need to understand copywriting just enough to insert keywords in the proper places.
SEO Pro Tip: Blog Your Reviews as Case Studies or Use Cases
You can also write blog posts ABOUT your reviews. This is a longer process, and again, I go into this fully in a separate blog post, but suffice it to say here that you can create complete blog post out of single reviews. They’re very powerful.
7. Develop your brand story.
Why did you start your business? What’s your passion about what you do? What’s your favorite part of what you do? Wine? Who have you helped? What stories are there around that? How does tie into your core value proposition, and your brand byline? For me, Define the elements of a brand. Logo, colors, feel, byline Etc
Try this: think through your Brand Values, and then associate an image with each value. After that, associate a Value Proposition to those same values. Make a video on each Value Proposition.
Now, you have content associated directly with your Brand. The more iterations you run through with this process, the more honed your Brand Values will be.
How Does Developing Your Brand Story Help Your SEO?
Now more than ever, branding is inseparable from SEO. In the past, you could operate your SEO campaign as some small part of your overall marketing campaign, or as some isolated effort that is short term, but not anymore.
The age of the semantic web and the BERT update in the Fall of 2019 means that Google is constantly in the business of tying brand facts to your brand as an entity, not just ranking a page.
And  remember; your Brand Story is the aggregation of your Value Propositions plus your personal story.
Knowledge Level Needed: 1?
I said 1 with a question mark, because you should be able to tell the story of your brand. It’s ok if you don’t know where to start, but it really is the most important job you have in your small business. I think the argument could easily be made that it’s the most important place to invest.
8. Define your value proposition(s).
If you don’t understand what your value propositions are, this is a great time to really nail that down. We’ve already discussed Value Propositions in the previous section on branding, but it’s still valid to
In short, a value proposition is that phrase by which you propose value to your prospective clients.
What value are you proposing to me that your Product or Service has? That is your value proposition. How are you solving my problem? How are you making my life easier?
The more time you spend developing your Value Propositions, the more they will pay off.
How Does Defining Your Value Propositions Help Your SEO?
Easy. Value Propositions = Keywords. Value Propositions also produce solutions to problems, which yield more keywords.
Knowledge Level Needed: For SEO: 1 For Copywriting, 4
Working in the land between keywords and copy can be murky. The more work you do in this area, the better.
9. Deploy Your Value Proposition(s)
I know, I know, that sounds like what you’d hear on a military show on Netflix, but I promise, it’s relevant!
Once you have your Value Proposition defined, you have to deploy it. If you’ve been blogging and building pages o your website, then you have at least a dozen pages out there that need to be corrected to reflect your new VPs.
Don’t stop with just one, though; it’s almost impossible that you don’t have more than one Value Proposition, because if you’re like most small business owners, you have more than one product or service, and more than one product or service means more than one Value Proposition.
Every bit of effort you put into Value Propositions pays huge dividends, because they are the direct conduit in talking to your ideal clients….in their exact language!
Every ounce of energy you put into your Value Propositions, and then your Brand Story, is like super power juice for your SEO. Whether you realize it or not, Value Propositions and SEO are inextricably linked, and one powers the other.
How Does Deploying Your Value Propositions Help Your SEO?
When you put your Value Propositions out into the Googleverse, you’re putting little spotlights and highway signs back to your website. By spaeaking in terms of value to your prospective customers, you preach the value of your service to them long before they ever come to your site.
Knowledge Level Needed: 2
A good mix of SEO for keywords and a little higher knowledge of copywriting, again, and you’re off to the races.
10. Raise your SEO Tool game.
Quarantine is a great time to go through different tool lists, try some, discard what you don’t like and keep the rest.
There are so many free tools out there, pick up some and start using them on your side. I’m including a video on how to use some of the tools that I really like out there, most of these are free.
Check out my 5 Free SEO Tools post here!
I also put together a more comprehensive List of 15 Digital Marketing Tools here.
I will indicate where there is a charge, but usually they are all free.
Using an SEO tool really develops your skills and understanding the SEO World from a technical perspective, and causes you to look at your site through a different lens that you had not seen before.
How Does Learning About SEO Tools Help Your SEO?
The better you know SEO tools like Google Analytics and Search Console (and others), the more time you save yourself, the more productive you become, and the more accurate your entire operation becomes.
Knowledge Level Needed: 5 (eventually)
Starting out at 1 is just fine, because that’s where we all start. Get out there and learn!
11. Reach Out to Your Network
Warming up your network is a great opportunity to learn what’s going on in the lives of your close business alliances, and you might even come across some business opportunities.
Of course, you don’t want to do this if all you’re looking for is a sale. This isn’t the time.
If you’re unused to networking, here are a few pointers.
First, bring value.
Just like a garden, you can’t expect consistent output without constant feeding, watering, weeding, and most importantly, FEEDING.
How do you feed your network?
In short, help your people. There are many ways to do it, but here’s a HUGE help: reviews.
Most likely, you’ve done some business with different people in your network. If not, you probably still know them or a service they’ve done for someone else well enough to give them a review. You may have even given them a review already. Here’s where you can really help:
Don’t stop with one review!
There are about a dozen major review sites, including Google, Yelp, LinkedIn, Manta, YellowPages and Better Business Bureau.
Go to each of these sites, look for your friend’s business, go to their profile, and tell their story. In less than an hour, you can make a massive difference for anyone in your network that has public profiles.
Google finds every one of these reviews that exists, and values them very highly.
How Does Reaching Out To Your Network Help Your SEO?
It seems counter-intuitive, but real world activity has never had more effect on your SEO than now. Here are just a few ways you can do this:
First, bounce your Value Propositions off your close network. They will tell you what resonates and what doesn’t.
Next, offer reviews and ask for reviews. Make sure you get keywords in your reviews, VERY important and very effective.
If you just do these two things, your SEO will get better, along with your Brand Messaging, your sales and your own presentation of your Brand Message.
Knowledge Level Needed: 1
Just get out there and do it! Even in Covid quarantine, you can still use the phone!
12. Develop Video in Your Brand Story
Video is important…when used right.
Before going any further, let me tell you what is probably the biggest waste of budget I see by small business owners: video.
“So why are you telling me to do video when it’s the biggest waste of money you see?!?”
Hold on, I’m talking about poorly conceived and executed video.
Now, here’s the good news: where it’s poorly executed is exactly what will benefit you the most: the money!
The mistake  I see most often is small business owners paying thousands of dollars for video that looks great, but has no message. All the budget goes into the visual of the video, and while money might have been invested i copywriting, that copy is not wrapped around value propositions, but rather around some pet idea of the owner of the business.
You can make a video with your phone and a tripod that’s ten times as effective than a $5,000 video, and it won’t cost you any more than some of your time!
The next few items I list will revolve around video, and some high level thoughts about how to use it.
How Does Video in Your Brand Story Help Your SEO?
As you develop your Value Propositions, talk through solutions, answer common questions, then put all of this content in video, you are building a content empire. Take the next step and put relevant images throughout this content, and your SEO empire just keeps growing.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
You need to have some knowledge of how to frame pictures and video, how to write video-friendly copy, etc… But hey, DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU. “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of Good”. Starting beats perfect.
Just imagine a quote that totally inspires you to get moving, and then pretend you read that quote here, then pretend you thanked me.
13. Build a YouTube Channel
YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, after Google, and they are owned by Google, so you better know that Google values what’s on that platform.
This is where it has to stay high level for now, because there are you too many steps to fully setting up and optimizing a YouTube channel.
Try to use a keyword in the title of your username. There are tens of millions of YouTube accounts, so the likelihood of you getting exactly the name you want is low. Get as close as you can.
Next, be as descriptive as you can in your about section. See how we always get back to Value Propositions? Include them in your description.
How Does Building a YouTube Channel Help Your SEO?
Hard to overestimate the power of your own YouTube Channel. YouTube is owned by Google, and is the world’s second largest search engine, and there’s plenty of data that says Google loves YouTube content.
Secondary to that, but just as important, maybe more, you have a channel to tell your story in an organized way. Talk to your customers directly, and tell them your story.
There are dozens of technical ways you can either optimize YouTube videos for SEO or deploy it on your site, but that will have to be a different blog post.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3 eventually
Learn as you go. Get started, all the above inspirational, get off the couch quotes inserted here.
14. Shoot Selfie Videos that Tell Your Story
Talk about your service offerings, products, your back story (customers love to hear about how you started your business and what you’re passionate about), anything you can think of that would help your prospects make a better decision.
You may find this hard to believe, but in most cases, off-hand, self-shot, amateur video converts far better than well-produced video.
There are exceptions, of course, but not enough to stop you from shooting video today!
Few people are comfortable seeing themselves on camera, so just start. You’ll get more comfortable as you go.
How Does Shooting Selfie Videos Help Your SEO?
One word: Conversion.
Selfie videos just convert better than most other video types. If you can get an interview video to work like a selfie video, those will convert well, too.
Knowledge Level Needed: 2
In this case, it’s less about actual knowledge, and more about tools and tactics. Get a good selfie stick. Get a tripod. You can actually use a tripod as a selfie stick while it’s folded up if you want. Get a phone clip. Then, it’s all about trial and error. Get started!
15. Shoot Videos that Answer Common Product or Service Questions
Explanatory videos that help your customer make a better decision, navigate tough parts of using your product or service, or otherwise make it easier for your ideal prospect to do business with you.
The best way to target video like this is to walk back through your last 15-20 customer interactions. Interview these folks ad ask questions about how things went. If you have a customer service department, poll your team and dig into your most common questions or problems.
Then shoot video for that.
How Does Shooting FAQ Videos or “Fix My Problem” Videos Help Your SEO?
Again, Conversion. If you have any doubts remaining about how much answering relevant questions matters, note this: Google has recently added a “People Also Ask” section in organic search.
You can even get a leg up by polling this section regularly within the framework of your core keywords. Google thinks those questions are relevant, shouldn’t you? Check out the image below for further proof:
16. Seek Out Opportunities for Free Tutorial Videos
Tutorials are’t a good fit for every small business (for instance, you could not very well shoot a tutorial on how to remodel your house after a tornado if you are a disaster recovery company). Determine if they are, and if so, do it!
Free tutorials are great for establishing trust, because as a prospect, you’re helping me for free. If you can create one with enough value, you can offer it as a lead magnet to use on your website to collect emails.
Now that you’ve shot tutorials and product and service videos, let’s talk about the 3rd type of video before we move on to some technically helpful tips.
How Do Free Tutorial Videos Help Your SEO? Isn’t That Giving Too Much Away?
This might be the most important point in this entire blog post: Branding IS SEO today.
SEO was once about keywords. Now it’s about entities, and your Brand is your Entity.
Tutorial videos help you establish yourself as an authority in your space. When you take the next step and continually attach your tutorials to key questions and problems stated by your audience, that authority branding moves into higher gear.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
Again, it’s about the intersection of writing good copy for your video, and the tactical aspect of shooting it.
One of the tools I talk about all the time is Screencastify, because any small business owner can shoot browser based tutorial videos….get ready for it….FOR FREE.
Screencastify is right up there with Google to me for value to the small business owner.
17. Shoot Videos that Tell Review Stories
You can super-power your reviews by telling the story of them through video. You can do this one of a couple of ways (I’m sure there are more, but these are 2 I really like).
First, just a regular off-hand selfie video, walking through the engagement on which the review was based. I’ll leave that, since we’ve already discussed selfie videos.
The next type of review video is a type that you can actually use across any of the types we’ve discussed before. I call it a slide deck video, but I’ve heard it called a Slideshare video, too. Either way, you simply use slides or images to walk through a scenario that reflects the review engagement.
There is a really great extension you can use to make these videos, called “Screencastify”. I talked about it in the Video Marketing section of my post on Digital Marketing Tools (linked above), I’ve talked about it in the section above, I talk about it in my workshops, I literally talk about it all the time. It’s just a stupendous value.
How Does Shooting Review Story Videos Help Your SEO?
It deepens your authority, your customer solution story, which all gotes to your branding, which again, is about entities and what SEO is all about today.
Knowledge Level Needed: 3
Same as above. The good news is, as you learn to do one of the above video shooting tasks, all those skills will apply across all of these, so it won’t be like learning to level 3 on several tasks, but rather all “the skill boats will rise”, meaning that you will get better at all of the video tasks at once.
The post 17 SEO Tasks You Can Do During the Coronavirus Quarantine appeared first on Frontburner Marketing.
from Frontburner Marketing https://frontburnermarketing.net/seo-tasks-you-can-do-during-the-coronavirus-quarantine/
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