#you all know how i feel that the face reveal should have waited until chapter 15
oflgtfol · 2 years
season 1 was seriously so epic the way we have this protagonist who is not only faceless but also nameless like it was so epic the air of mystery and fun times peace and love on planet earth
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hyuuukais · 6 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, hospitals, food mentioned, feeling sick/throwing up mentioned
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE -> COMFORT ME (partially written, wc: 535)
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That... isn't Soobin.
None other than Lee Minho is sitting on a waiting room bench to greet you with a soft smile and a paper bag held tightly in his arms. He sets it down next to him and stands, letting you come to him. There are fresh tears cascading down your face as you practically throw yourself into his open arms, one of his hands smoothing your hair. Just the feeling of him holding you is enough to break you completely, barely able to keep yourself standing up.
"Shh," Minho guides you to sit on the peeling leather bench. "Breathe."
"She's awake," you gasp into his shoulder, still holding onto him tightly. "She's awake."
After a long time, you're able to peel yourself away from his now wet t-shirt and look up at him with wet eyes. His own glance between yours and you don't notice the way his heartbeat thumps louder, or the way his breathing picks up when you break into a smile. Minho brings his hand up to wipe your tears away and you can't help but lean into his palm, closing your eyes with a sigh. Against better judgement, Minho leans in and places a kiss on each of your eyelids, lips so soft you barely feel it. When your eyes flutter open, he can't look at you.
"She's doing better then?" Minho clears his throat, removing his hand from your face and shifting slightly away; you try not to be hurt by this.
"Yeah. The doctors say she should recover pretty quickly now and can go home by the end of the week hopefully." You eye the paper bag still sitting next to him. "What's that?"
"Oh!" He perks up, passing the bag over to you. "I almost forgot."
He watches you open it with a smile on his face, your own features mimicking his as you peer inside. It doesn't take long for you to scarf down the croissant, offering Minho a bite, but he shakes his head and delights in watching you savour it. This is the first moment you've had since you came down where you've just enjoyed something, not having the worry of whether your sister will still be alive when you walk into her room at the front of your mind.
"How have you been?" Minho asks once you're done eating, taking a sip of the guava juice.
"Really terrible?" You shrug. "It's like, there's this guilt eating away at me constantly for multiple reasons, and I haven't been able to cry until today. Instead, it's just been this feeling in my stomach and in my chest, all heavy and foreboding. My head's been killing me and my mom's been killing me and my sister could have been killed and I just-" Taking a deep breath, you debate your admission. "...I can't stop thinking of him, Minho."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," his voice is quiet, one hand sliding over your knee in an act of comfort. "Why don't we get you home? Have the hospital call when you can see her?"
"I'd like that," you sigh, sliding your free hand over his. "I'd like that a lot."
notes -> we r getting closer and closer to y/n revealing what happened to her dad... maybe minho can get it out of her? speaking of minho, bro finally left his ex for good! is this really the start of minyn (minion, if u will), or will there be more obstacles in the form of people to keep them apart? oh, and i'm thinking i may close the taglist soon? idk yet !
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @stayatinykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @multifandomedsimp @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @catchingskzzzs @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lixie-phoria @aalexyuuuhm @sunflowerbebe07 @st4rhwa @lukeys-giggle @jabmastersupriseee @judeduartewannabe @gaysontheprince @stepout-09-15
^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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britany1997 · 6 months
Fate Yields For No One
Chapter Five
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Well y’all, it’s been a month so you know what that means:):) Hope you enjoy the next installment in the series! I can’t wait to show y’all how this fic is going to develop even further!
Poly Lost Boys x Max’s Daughter Reader
Comment to be added to my Taglist for this fic or for all my Lost Boys fics!
FYFNO Masterlist
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California, 1986
The boys were too stunned to speak.
Until Paul abruptly broke the silence with a resounding “what the fuck.”
You pulled away from Maria’s embrace when a familiar voice shattered your moment. You sighed, pushing your frustration down and turning to glare at the blond menace.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t alone.
The same feeling you’d had when you’d met Paul a couple weeks ago surged through you once more as you met eyes with each of his friends.
The bleach blond one looked disgusted, almost angry, with his eyes narrowed and his mouth fixed into a sneer.
The curly haired one bit his gloved thumb, his eyes skittered back and forth between you, Maria, and his friends. He bounced, shifting his weight back and forth from one foot to the other, practically vibrating.
The dark haired one was unreadable. Your eyes narrowed as you took in his expression. You searched for nervousness, anger, sadness, anything. But his face revealed nothing, it was almost intriguing.
Paul looked broken. His mouth slightly agape and his eyes resembling those of a kicked puppy. Despite his pitiful appearance, you couldn’t find it in yourself to feel any remorse.
You reminded yourself that you’d always been entitled to make your own damn choices.
The little utterances of “mine” that broke through their lips meant nothing to you. You had never belonged to anyone but yourself. And you had always been your own to give.
You crossed your arms and scowled, daring them to intrude any further on your time with Maria.
You felt a hand slide along your cheek, turning your head slowly until you were faced with your lover.
“Hey,” she soothed, staring into your eyes with a slightly nervous gaze. You softened immediately.
“It’s getting late, we’re already closed, and it seems like you need to talk this out,” she said gently.
You took her soft hands in your own. “No, please don’t go,” you pleaded, “it’s them who should leave.”
When she smiled, it didn’t reach her eyes.
“We’re working the night shift together tomorrow,” she reminded you, “figure this out ok? I’ll be here.”
She leaned in to kiss your cheek, “I’ll always be here for you ok?”
“Ok,” you whispered back as you stroked her face softly, causing a blush to rise on her cheeks.
Paul cleared his throat loudly and you shot him a glare that would have peeled paint.
Maria’s hand over yours calmed you down just a bit. She reassured you with a smile before she slipped out the front door.
With Maria gone, you were free to feel the depth of your frustration at the four men before you.
“What do you want?” You grit out through clenched teeth.
Paul threw up his hands, “what is wrong with you?”
Your face flushed red, half with embarrassment, and half with anger. You clenched your fists. Nothing was wrong with you. Something was clearly wrong with him because he couldn’t. take. a hint.
The dark haired vampire shot Paul a look that seemed to reign him in. Then he stepped forward to put himself between you and the three other men.
“I’m Dwayne,” he introduced himself gently, his face still devoid of any emotion.
“Ok,” you spat, “congratulations.”
His mask broke a bit, looking slightly taken aback by your hostility, but he quickly composed himself.
“We just want to talk,” he said, his hands up in a sort of surrender, “let us explain some things to you.”
Your eyes narrowed, and without Maria there to diffuse the situation, your arms crossed again.
“Explain things to me?” You felt rage bubbling up inside you, “what could you possibly have to explain to me?”
Dwayne, to his credit, maintained his calm, collected demeanor. The bleach blond however seemed to be seething behind him.
“It’s hard to know where to start…we’re your-”
“I know.” You cut him off.
“You know?”
“I know what you are, and I know what we are,” you flashed him your fangs.
The four boys couldn’t hide their shock. The bleach blond one pushed past Dwayne to stare you down. “You’re not a human,” he mused.
Dwayne placed a hand on his shoulder, “David…” he warned.
David rolled his shoulder to shove off Dwayne’s hand.
“Listen sweetheart,”
You scowled at the pointed nickname.
“You’re ours,” Paul cringed at David’s words.
“The sooner you get it through your thick head,” David tapped your forehead, causing you to bare your teeth, “the better.”
“Oh fuck,” Paul whispered.
You stared David down, your body shaking slightly in anger. “If you ever fucking touch me again I will rip your head from your shoulders and burn your decapitated body you arrogant asshole,” You hissed.
He hissed back, his fangs on full display.
“David please,” the curly hair vampire begged.
“Marko,” David turned to growl, “I won’t tolerate this kind of insubordination.”
You gripped the edge of the video store desk so hard you thought it might break off.
Dwayne yanked David back by his arm. With the way the bleach blond man glared at the him you thought they might come to blows.
“Do you think you’re helping right now?” Dwayne asked.
David rolled his eyes, “she’s disrespecting me, she’s disrespecting us.” he glared at you.
You scowled back, trying to seem unfazed by his egotistical display.
“Is that what she’s doing?” Dwayne asked, “or is she setting boundaries and making choices you don’t like?”
Your hostile face dissolved to shock. You weren’t expecting that kind of support.
“Love can’t be forced,” Dwayne continued, “you know that, I know you know that.”
David stared at Dwayne before sighing deeply.
You tensed when he moved towards you. “This isn’t over,” he hissed.
You scoffed, “yeah that’s what he said,” you hooked your thumb towards Paul, “I’ll tell you what I told him. It sure seems like it is.”
David’s eyes narrowed but he kept his mouth shut.
“C’mon boys,” he gestured for the men to follow him out of the store.
Dwayne didn’t even glance back as he left.
Marko shot you a longing look, but when you looked away, he sighed before following Dwayne out the door.
Paul lingered. He opened his mouth, only to close it, time after time.
“What do you want?” you scowled.
“We could make you happy,” he said in the softest voice you’d ever heard. “I could make you happy.”
You stared at him, his eyes full of hope and desire.
“If you really want me to be happy…”
He moved closer, hanging on every word you said. His fists clenched at his side, desperate to touch you but holding back.
“Then I need you to leave me alone.”
His face fell, any hope in his eyes had shattered and dissolved.
He turned away, dead heart breaking in his chest.
“Ok,” was all he could muster as he too disappeared from the store.
As soon as he’d slipped from sight, you rushed to the front door to flip the sign from open to closed.
Grateful for the solace that an empty store provided, you slunk to the back room to mull over the events of the night.
You slid down the door until you were seated, head in hands. Part of you wondered if it would be so bad to give in. The Dwayne guy seemed respectful and kind enough, and if you were honest with yourself, you weren’t unattracted to him either.
If you were really honest, you weren’t unattracted to any of them. Except that David asshole.
It wasn’t his face that bothered you, but his abismal attitude. He might as well have been Max Jr.
He didn’t own you. No one fucking did.
Then there was Maria.
Her beautiful face flashed through your mind. She was kind, she was brilliant, she was caring, and you could see yourself falling for her one day.
God you’d had your first kiss with Maria tonight and you were thinking about those possessive vamps?
How could you ever consider trading her in for these four strangers with nothing but some kind of empty ‘claim’ on you.
You sighed.
You couldn’t deny that you’d felt the pull. You blamed your stupid, uncontrollable vampire instincts.
But what was lust, passion, and desire when compared with connection, comfort, and love?
Maria was the one you wanted. You chose her, and you’d do what you had to to keep her.
Whatever it took.
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FYFNO Taglist❤️:
@sad-ghost-of-garbage @6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @anna1306 @hypocriticaltypwriter @crustyboypix @kurt-nightcrawler @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @lostboys1987girl @vampirefilmlover @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @ria-coolgirl @katerinaval @royaltysuite @mack-attack420 @arbesa-mind @fraudfrog @rynsfandomsfun @vxarak @f4iryfxies @chiefdirector @ghostedghostie @its-freaking-bats @solobagginses @warrior-616 @softchonk @walmart-cereal @bloodywickedvamp @mickkmaiden333 @people-are-strange-87 @smut-religiously777 @welcome-to-the-hole @simplyreading96 @blenna3967 @justaspeachy @mihawksdemoness @mad-is-sad @pookiesnatcher @jezabella8 @drascilla @ilikechocolatemilkh @charlotteellis @mommymilkerfanclub @lazygrungekid @buzzybee-26 @sarcastic-sourwolf @cocopuffs1450 @jamie-poopoo @kristel1990 @the-lonely-abyss @hxrror01
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phan3145 · 3 months
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Title: Slippery Slope. Fandom: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Cursing, almost drowning) Pairing: Eventual Noa x Human!Reader.
Chapter 1: Seven Months Ago
It wasn’t very cold this late in the season thankfully, but the constant rain made a chill cling to his body. Anaya and Soona walked next to him, the misting of water clinging to their fur and making it stand on end. It seemed as if it was finally ready to stop for a short period though, he noticed the dark clouds above head dissipating. Soona, seeing the same thing, shook her body to clear it of the remaining water. She sighed happily as Anaya chose to copy her, more obnoxious as he purposely shook to throw water back onto Soona. She hissed playfully before hooting, pointing forward at the younglings in lesson down by the creek with his mother.
He kept his eyes peeled for any potential threat, Eagle Sun visibly gliding overhead. He had a weird feeling about today, one that left him on edge as he continued to scan their surroundings. Anaya attempted to say something amusing to get his attention, but it was ignored in favor of his need to focus.
He heard Soona scoff and hoot behind him, but he truthfully hadn’t heard a word Anaya said. He stopped abruptly when he saw movement across the creek, or at least, he thought he had. It was downwind, so even as he scented the air, he wouldn’t be able to detect anything. Nothing that could threaten his clan outright.
“ You are…distracted.” Soona questioned, “Worried?”
Anaya hooted, “Too serious…now that he is leader…why not go…down and have fun…with younglings…elder?”
“Why?” He questioned, turning to bat at Anaya. “When you are here.”
Soona hooted as Anaya jumped and avoided his swings, “The creek is high…perhaps smart..to be on look out…Dar should have waited…until drier to take…younglings out.”
“Mother knows…what’s best…never would put young ape…in danger.” He reasoned, another flash of movement across the creek once again stilling him. “Besides…who knows when rain…will stop for good.”
He made motion for Soona and Anaya to follow him, making their way down the muddy, uneven embankment to the edge of the water, where his mother and the younglings were. She was teaching them about high waters and how the fish migrate, how rough waters mean fishing that day would be near impossible for Eagle. Instead, learning to build wooden traps for fish, allowing Eagle to rest while they hunted.
The moment the three of them descended the creek bank, all concentration by the younglings was lost. They rushed over to meet the infamous Sunset Trio, chasing after Anaya as he ran around them, and grasping at Soona’s decorations when she crouched to greet them. He made his way towards his mother, a few younglings silently trailing after him. It was a reminder that as the new Master of Birds there was a sort of reverent respect that came with that.
“Hah!” he exclaimed, jumping around to face the younglings. They fell on top of one another and hooted their enjoyment at the scare before running off to join Soona or Anaya.
He hooted lowly to himself with no small amount of pride. Who was the elder now? He didn’t need reverent respect. He didn’t feel as if he had fully earned it. Not like his mother…not like his…
“Son,” his mother called warmly. “Nice to see you bonding…with younglings for once…You seem…concerned…what troubles you?”
His mother, ever observant, as he leaned down to touch heads with her in a brief greeting. He tried to be discreet as his eyes trailed over that same spot across the creek where movement had been. From this vantage point he could see that there was nothing, but still scented the air to be sure.
He caught a whiff of small game, rabbit or a raccoon perhaps. Another whiff made him think again…perhaps skunk. His mother followed his line of sight, returning her gaze to him after a moment as she signed, I’ve noticed all lesson. Subtle movement, but does not leave or reveal itself. I think, no threat.
He huffed, returning her message, If no threat, why sign?
“Better to be safe…Just in case…though the creek…does provide safety…from anything on that side.”
She was right of course, the creek now mirrored a small river, swollen from the rain. It’s height would be more concerning if it wasn’t for the fact the bank’s own height could hold three times the creeks height. He imagined a long time ago more water existed than what does today, making it impossible to trek from one side to the other.
Most animals could swim, but not ape. They didn’t have much of an advantage if something wanted to cross and attack. An elder such as his mother and a group of younglings? It would be too easy. He never had to worry about such matters before, never had anyone truly depend on him making the right decisions. How did Koro do it? How did he make it look so effortless?
His eyes hadn’t strayed from that part of the creek, waiting for any type of movement to alert him of another presence, but his gaze remained distant as his thoughts danced around him. His mother saw that far off look and slowly placed a gentle palm on his forearm, knowing that what her son’s eyes were looking at was not what he was seeing. In that way, he reminded her so much of Koro. His concentration was broken then, finally turning away from the vegetation and to the chimpanzee who raised him. He offered an apologetic look, the gentle motion allowing him to take a breath and relax into her touch.
Of course, the relief didn’t last long. There was a shifting and a rumble in the ground that caused everyone to freeze in place. It ended almost as soon as it started, his instincts telling him something was wrong. Again, he scented the air, only smelling his clan and the wet ground. Then, Soona hooted for his attention, pointing wildly up stream.
He noticed water, much like the salty waves that had been present at Proximus’ kingdom, descending towards them. He remembered then. There was a dam far upstream…and he could only conclude that the deafening noise and shift of ground was from it breaking. The harsh build up of rain that had been relentless, it must have overwhelmed the decaying structure.
Without wasting any time he called out, “Climb!”
He began to help his mother out of the creek bed, making sure she was secure on higher ground before racing to help Anaya and Soona further up stream. They were hoisting younglings up the bank, which had become unstable. A few had reached the top, only to slide back down from the ground giving way beneath them.
He saw the wave gaining momentum in the distance, the creek water already rising at their feet. He screeched for attention, ordering, “Soona…Anaya…go up top. Grab younglings from…safe footing.”
They did as he instructed, sliding a few times themselves before reaching the top. They backed up a step or two as the soil crumbled beneath their feet along the edges. He immediately began handing younglings up to them, whimpering and crying in fear as each one waited for their turn. Once up, they would run to his mother, who waited at the edge of the tree line, keeping track of them all and making sure they stayed back and out of the way.
Soona began to have a panicked look on her face the longer it took to get the younglings up. He ignored it, turning away to grab the last two before he heard her call, “Noa…the water!”
He didn’t waste time looking, holding a youngling by the scruff of their neck in each hand, before practically throwing them up into Soona and Anaya’s outstretched arms. He felt their weight released from his grip just as the wave had struck his side. He thrust his body forward and for a moment, digging his palms and feet into the moist soil of the side, he believed that it would hold him.
It did prevent the initial wave from taking him…but the rushing current was too strong for the loose dirt beneath his grip began to melt and crumble between his fingers.
“No..no…no!” he called as he felt his body be pulled away from safety. He kept trying to grip the soil as Anaya and Soona chased after him, knowing if he could just hold on for a few seconds one of their arms would be there for him to grasp onto.
It was not to be, as a log came charging rapidly towards him. He couldn’t have avoided it, feeling his body be knocked under the water as it slammed into him. Pain exploded in his left arm from the impact, and as the water carried him further under he felt his body roll and tumble against the sediment at the bottom of the creek.
Small rocks ground into his fur and scraped his nose, disorienting him further before he found a way to kick from the ground and burst back to the surface. Taking a large gulp of air, he was brutally reminded of another situation similar to this. Just then, another rush of water forced him under. The scars of Proximus and his Kingdom were more than skin deep, as he felt fear churn his stomach, more so than the water that churned his body. He heard Soona calling his name, somehow managing to breach the surface again. Anaya was screeching in a panic as he attempted to keep pace with his body being carried down stream. Anaya had always had been the fastest amongst the three.
He found himself submerged again, only for a moment as the creek had been shallower here, his feet instantly catching on the bottom before the current catapulted his body forward again. He tried thinking of a way to get out of the water, before his body lost the will to fight the current. Breaking to the surface, he noticed movement up ahead, on the opposite side of the creek from where he had been. That same flurry of movement he had seen before in the corner of his eye. It’s then he noticed the drop off from the creek. It wasn’t high, in comparison to the heights he’s fallen from, but the pool of water beneath it was deep. If he went down he’d never come back up.
Body going under once more in the torrid rapids of the raging water, he found himself thrown towards the middle of the creek, further away from Anaya and Soona on his left. He had a choice to make then and was running out of time to make it. With determination to reach the opposite side and stop himself, he willed his body into a crouch under water, forcing it not to tumble forward. In this position, he used all four limbs to launch himself from the bottom of the creek, angling his body towards the right.
So close still, he heard Anya and Soona relentlessly calling out to him, but further away from them now as he reached for anything in sight. The vegetation towards the edge, the rocks along the sides of the bank covered in slippery moss; he hoped against hope that something would not give way under his weight. In vain, he saw the drop approach, desperation heightening his fear amid the crushing force of the water. Then, he saw an arm suddenly thrusted out for him to grab.
He took it, not hesitating nor having the time to notice what kind of arm he was desperately grasping hold of. He sputtered up water once he stopped moving, taking in a full breath of air that shook his water logged lungs. He heard a whine above him then, head snapping up when he realized he was merely being suspended in the raging water, not being pulled out. He realized then, it wasn’t an ape arm holding him. Tanned, hairless flesh greeted him as he followed the length of the arm up to lock eyes with the straining female Echo above him.
Aghast amazement filled his eyes as she struggled to support him. It was more impressive she was able to stop him at all, surely he thought his weight would overpower her. A coil of rope was around the arm grasping his, and she made a motion to loop it around his other arm and shoulder. Here, he did hesitate, but the crunching sound of her feet sliding against the rock made him realize…it was either trust her, or take her down with him.
He did as she instructed, letting the loop encircle him under his arms and around his shoulders. She glanced behind her before looking back to him. She motioned with her left hand to grip the rope. He did as she wanted, and he felt her grip on him loosen. He panicked, clasping onto her hand tighter. Her face scrunched in pain before she once more gestured for him to grip the rope. That’s when it dawned on him.
She intended to let go.
He couldn’t see if the rope was secure to anything besides himself and the girl. The idea filled him with fear, but feeling debris start to brush against him it was only a matter of time before something bigger came along like that first log. He nodded once at her, bracing himself as he released her hand and gripped the rope. He went back under the water, his heart stopping at the notion that he might not resurface this time, before a harsh lurch returned him to the surface. He tightened his grip, eyes closing briefly before opening them to find his bearings. Looking up, the girl was gone.
Then, he felt the rope pulling him. It was slow, but big lurches at a time had his body steadily rising from the water. He hooted, reaching for the edge of the rock the girl had grabbed him from, attempting to pull himself up. The current was still very strong and he noticed he had suddenly lost his advantage. He was no longer being pulled upwards, freezing midair with only half of his body out of the water. His feet scrambled for purchase under water, his upper body muscles screaming as he tried to move with no real leverage. Just as he thought he wouldn’t be able to lift himself from this vantage, the girl had returned, poking her head over the edge of the rock.
She tugged on his arm, her gaze shifting across the creek for a moment before releasing him as if his fur had burned her. She made as if to back away, then looked down at him once more. He saw her swallow, look behind herself, then further up the river. Her eyes locked with his, steeling herself for he didn’t know what. Suddenly, she was crouched in front of him.
His shock was obvious when her arms went under his, a gasp leaving his mouth as she pressed herself cheek to cheek with him. Time seemed meaningless then, being enveloped this close to her, the newness of her scent flooding his senses. He felt her jaw clench, heard the deep breath she took before she began to pull him up with, what he imagined was, all of her might. Time resumed, he began pushing himself forward as she pulled, trying to assist her as much as possible.
The tips of his fingers were starting to crack open, some already bleeding as he refused to release his grip from the rough surface of the rock below him. Once the majority of his body was over the ledge, he heard the girl grunt, using her weight as a counter balance, leaning back and pulling his weight into her lap. From here, his feet kicked off the side of the rock, gaining momentum to throw himself forward the rest of the way.
He was out of the water, having just enough mind to roll to the side as his body collapsed in relief. He was still partly on top of the girl, her arm and shoulder pinned under him. She didn’t protest though, her body having fallen sideways too. Both of them were panting, more than willing to take a moment to relax now that their excursion had ended. He raised his head to face her fully, grateful beyond words as their eyes locked onto one another. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, given the circumstances of what had just happened, but he only now noticed the intelligence that was held in her exhausted gaze. He blinked once, a thousand questions flooding his mind. He blinked twice and the realization must have shown on his face, for in the next instant he felt her arm frantically wriggling out from beneath his weight.
He was too slow to react as she fell backwards in an attempt to free herself from him. His shock wore off as she scooted away on all fours, springing to her feet. He attempted to do the same, watching her bolt for the tree line in front of them. He thought surely he could catch her before she vanished, gaining ground quickly on all fours. He lunged for the material of her clothing before he was harshly reminded of the rope.
One minute he was on her heels, and the next thing he knew his face was planted into the ground. His pride more wounded than anything, he hissed as he looked up at her retreating form amongst the vegetation. He pulled the offending rope off of him, showing no gratitude even though it had just saved his life. He huffed, ready to charge forward when he was reminded once more of the world around him.
“Noa!” Soona called from across the creek.
He stopped then, turning to see her and Anaya waving with concerned looks on their faces. He grunted, waving his arm in a sign that he was okay, his focus drawn once again to the tree line next to him.
“Noa…no…don’t!” He heard Anaya yell in warning.
Soona was quick to join in, “Just meet back…up river…go home…don’t chase!”
He swallowed, frustrated as his breaths came in quicker bursts. He contemplated letting the Echo go, forgetting any of this had even happened. He wiped excess water from his face, looking up to see Eagle Sun flying above the tree tops… further into the woods. Tracking. He was tracking the Echo. With that, his mind was made up.
“Get everyone…home safe.” He called to Soona and Anya. “I will…return…by nightfall.”
With no time to listen to their cries of protest, he launched himself into the woods in search of the Echo girl who had just saved him. The only thing that ran through his mind as he pursued her tracks, was a single sentence.
Here we go again.
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In Love and War (7)
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Summary: Truths are revealed and Reader has to decide what that means for her revenge plans.
Content Warnings: Talks of Past Character Deaths, Blood and Violence
Author's Note: Really building up for more and more angst here, aren't I?
Chapter 6/Masterlist
Rhysand is gone when I wake up in the morning, the mat beside me cold, the fur not enough to fully keep the chill out. There’s some dried meat and bread laid out beside the mat for me, but he’d tied the tent flap closed whenever he’d left. I pack the food back up and start the familiar process of rolling up the fur and blankets. I have no appetite, and the more monotonous the task, the less I have to think about last night. There was no time to finish the conversation, not with the men scrambling to ensure we had no more surprises. Rhysand hadn’t come back to the tent until long after exhaustion had pulled me under. I was only coherent enough to register the warmth of his body beside mine before I’d fallen back asleep.
I wait until everything is packed, save the tent itself, to slide back into my chest piece. The leather feels heavier today. Everything does, really. I toss my quiver over my head and strap it in place, the silence making the heaviness worse. There are too many thoughts to be had inside this little tent. Too many emotions I don’t want to touch. I sigh as I untie the tent flap and step out into the early morning light. Cassian should have checked in by now, the fact that all the men are still here is a good sign.
A few of the men are already taking down their tents, the small amount of personal supplies piling up near where most of their horses graze. It won't take long for them to be saddled up and on the move again. This is a process that feels as familiar as breathing; I tear down the tent without waiting for Rhysand to come back from wherever it is he and Azriel have wandered off to--their mounts are the only ones missing from the herd but I can't see them over the rocky incline we're perched on.
Perhaps that is for the best. I think if I saw Rhys now I’d throw up. I need the answers, but I don’t know how to face them. I don’t know that I want to believe him. 
I tear down the tent and get it all nice and packed away before I remember that Andras was still alive when I’d fallen asleep last night. A quick glance to where he’d been tied up shows me nothing but a blood stain and all the tears I’d tried to keep at bay last night come flooding to the surface. 
I’m so tired of the bloodshed. Why does it always end this way? Is that all we are? Just brutes that kill and maim until we share the same fate? Is that all life is supposed to be?
I’m spiraling deeper and deeper by the time I hear their horses return and I am grateful I don’t have powers to advertise it to everyone the way their shadows had last night. I make myself busy, hands shaking, as I hear their boots hit the earth as they dismount. Rhys’s eyes are on my back as I tie the rolled up tent, I can feel them like a brand.
What have I done?
He and Azriel separate, one set of footfalls falling away, down the path to confer with the scouts, the other coming my way. It would be weird that I knew him by the sound of his gate if I hadn’t learned early on in life that the best way to stay safe was to mesmerize the sound of everyone’s footsteps. Can’t be underprepared for a fight if you know who’s coming your way. 
Except this time, there’s nowhere to run. All the supplies are packed and they go on his horse. I might as well be chained to the beast.
“Did you eat?” He sounds as tired as he had looked last night and my chest feels like it’s going to cave in on me. 
“Wasn’t hungry,” I mutter as I brush my hands over my pants and turn to face him. I should just rip the bandaid off, right? I
The jasmine and citrus scent of him is overwhelming, invading my senses; I hadn’t realized just how close he was until I’d turned, nearly into his chest. I have to tilt my head back to look him in the eyes--something I really shouldn’t be doing, but he doesn’t have the cowl on today. I must be a sucker for pain, because I want to be able to see his face. 
“Are you ok?” The same shadows that had circled his eyes last night still remain. I’m not sure he slept at all. At least we both feel miserable. Yesterday I might have been happy about it; today I just feel like an asshole.
“I’m-” Cauldron what am I? Certainly not fine, and truth be told, I don’t feel like lying about it. Not to him. Not after all the lies I’ve already spun. 
“If this is about last night…” he pauses, frowning, and gives himself a little shake. “If you’ve changed your mind-”
No, no, no, we definitely cannot be talking about my loyalties! Just because I feel guilty for doing it, doesn’t mean I have to admit to it, right?
“Did you kill Andras?” I blurt instead. It’s the first thing that comes to mind, because looking at him for too long is too damn hard and I keep looking at the blood stain on that tree. And, well I am curious about that. I do want him to tell me no. I want someone, in all of this, to be less of a monster than I thought. 
“Yes,” he says.
My heart plummets into my stomach. 
“He slit Avos’s throat and left his body in a ditch, there were already animals feeding on him by the time we located him.”
I visibly shudder and he cups my cheek in response. “I meant what I said about not liking violence, but there are things I cannot let go unpunished.”
These are his people, those are his fighting men, it is his job as their warlord to protect them, and if he cannot, it’s his duty to avenge them. I know this. I was raised on that belief. But yet I still feel responsible. If I’d never given Tamlin a reason to throw me out, I never would have ended up here, and Lucien never would have had to bring anyone out to try and rescue me. I would have been blind to the truth of my own people, but at least no one would be dead because of me. At least my heart wouldn’t feel like it was trying to rip itself from my chest to avoid all these terrible things that keep happening.
“Come on,” he gently nudges me towards where his horse is waiting, munching on some grass, when I don’t respond. I don’t miss the hurt that flashes across his features at my silence either. “We have to get moving and we have things to discuss.”
I don’t argue as he helps me into the saddle. He settles in behind me, firm and steady and I have never felt so many conflicting feelings towards a person in my life. I don’t want him to touch me until I know the truth of the matter; I need him to hold me and distract me from the reality of the situation. I want to be far away and I never want to leave all the same. 
He calls for his men to get moving and in the span of five minutes, all supplies are packed and stowed and we’re once again moving along the lip of the mountain, a glittering trail of starlight trailing from his hand as he stitches the wards. The pull of his magic is stronger today, I see the ward more clearly, but more than anything I feel it. It makes the hair on my arms stand on end and that thing in my chest stirs again at its response.
It’s a long while before he speaks again. “What did Tamlin tell you about that night?” His voice is subdued, I don’t know if it’s hesitation or the strain or doing this while warding. 
I shiver as I run my fingers absently through the horse’s mane. I don’t even know the animal’s name. I don’t know anything at all, not because no one told me, but because I hadn’t cared enough to ask. “He said you rode in, attacked my parents while they slept…” 
A growl rumbles through his chest at that. 
“He said they were dead by the time he got there and that he managed to fight you off long enough for our men to assemble and they scared the rest of you off.” I run a hand over the scar above my ear. 
I twist in the saddle to look at him, nose brushing along the underside of his jaw. He has a scar there I hadn’t noticed, just a little nick like he’d been caught by the tip of a blade just beneath his chin. “Why what?”
“Why did he say I did it?”
“Because you could,” I whisper. “Because you wanted to put us in our place.”
He stiffens. “And you believed him?”
“I-” The truth hovers on the tip of my tongue, too much of it and he’ll see me for what I really am. “Why were you there?”
“I had a sister,” Rhysand whispers. “She was a little younger than you, I think.”
Had. My stomach flips.
“Our people had been meeting to discuss alliances against Amarantha. It was suggested that Tamlin and my sister marry, to unite us.”
I’d never even heard an alliance mentioned. My father hated the Illyrians, even in all my earliest memories. I would have been old enough to be told this was happening, my mother never so much as whispered a possibility that Tam was to marry. 
“I never knew,” the words slip out as that stirring in my chest turns into a cavernous ache that might just split me right down the middle. I never knew any of this. Everyone, my father, my mother, Tamlin, hell even Lucien, lied to me.
“If I had known about you then, I would have suggested us as an alternative. She was never keen on the idea of marriage, but you were one of your father’s well kept secrets.”
Marriage? I sleep with the guy one time and he’s thinking about how he could have married me? I can’t be that good in bed. I think this idea of a mating bond is going to his head.
“It is tradition for mothers and daughters to stay a few nights with a betrothed family to ensure that they are a good fit. I was supposed to go with the convoy to make sure they arrived safely, but I got called out here to help fix a broken ward at the last minute.”
His magic stutters for a moment, as if remembering.
My stomach feels like it’s in my throat. 
“As I was returning to camp, so was their convoy, or what was left of it. We got their heads in boxes.”
Tears drip down my cheeks and those illusive fangs tear right through my gums as what little magic I have flares. 
“We thought it was Amarantha at first. My sister was unmarked so she could be married to someone outside of our clan and my mother…” he clears his throat. “You’ve seen our different crests. The Dark Bringers are what is left of the Night Court’s nobility. Even though they merged with the Illyrians decades ago, they always considered them lesser. They held council and refused my father’s request to mark my mother because of her lowborn status, and insisted he marry another to continue the bloodline. So neither of them bore the protection of the clan and it is Amarantha’s style to attack any unmarked for the fun of it.”
That’s why he was so insistent about me taking his mark in the beginning.
“We were halfway to the Middle, prepared to invade the Imperial City, when one of our spies sent word that there were two sets of Illyrian wings being carted around the Grasslands as trophies.”
There had been a lot of commotion that day, but I’d never seen anything, I’d been inside, dealing with one of my Mother’s episodes before that fight with Tam. I’d conveniently missed every single one of the details I’d needed to see the truth, and I can’t tell for the life of me if it was intentional on either of their parts. This could be a tactic to turn me against Tamlin, couldn’t it? I’d used my own sob story to get inside the camp. But why would he lie now? I’ve already taken his mark, I’ve already slept with him, what would he gain?
“My father intended to kill everyone when we got into camp,” he continues. “He ordered the men to kill everything that moved and burn the rest. I wanted vengeance as much as he did, I will not deny that, but I did talk him down from harming the women and children. Enough innocent blood had been shed. We agreed on that by the time we rode in, but… he was ahead of me and I had gone looking for Tamlin.”
How the hell was Tam even alive after something like this?
“In retribution, my father killed your mother first,” he swallows hard, remembering that detail, and I feel the tears fall anew down my cheeks. “I don’t know why he changed his mind or if he only said he wouldn’t so I wouldn’t stick so close to him. We never really saw eye to eye and there isn’t a day I don’t wish that I had stuck with him when we rode through camp. I could have stopped him. I could have…”
He could have saved her. 
“I’m sorry,” his breath is warm on my face as he whispers in my ear. “I’m so sorry.”
“I gave up trying to find Tamlin in the chaos when I heard her scream, but I was too late. By the time I got there, your father had managed to run my father through, but not fast enough to keep his own head from rolling off his shoulders. They died together.”
“And Tamlin?” I ask softly.
“It is tradition to bury a warlord with his sword. I took my father’s sword and I left him there. He had dishonored our traditions in killing your mother, and the Illyrians would see it as a weakness that he died alongside his enemy. So I took his sword and decided that my first act as warlord would be kill Tamlin and merge what was left of your people with mine. I would not abandon the women and children, they could come live in the valley if they took my mark and swore fealty. Except I found Tamlin and Lucien, not fighting, but trying to burn what was left of my mother’s wings.”
How could they have done this? Tam could be cold and cruel but this was… horrific! And Lucien? Lucien who had always said that he and Tam would have made better poets than warriors? Lucien who had often joked that the three of us should run away and start a traveling music group?
“I nearly killed Lucien,” he continues. “Truth be told, I thought I had.”
That was one of the few things I did know. He’d been in a coma for a week.
“And I had Tamlin by the throat, but…” his hand tightens around my waist. “I heard someone calling for him, and for a moment, it sounded like when my sister would call for me. I think it might have been you, now that I’ve gotten to hear your voice. But I never saw you. I just… I realized that if I killed him, I would leave someone alone, as I had become. And I didn’t want to start out my time as Warlord by doing that. So I offered him a truce.”
Gods, I’d saved Tam by pure accident, by being so distraught that I’d done exactly what I’d always been told not to do and had yelled for him in the chaos. Worse, Tam was alive because Rhys had been the better male and in response to that mercy, he’d made Rhys out to be the monster to hide what he had done. 
“We wouldn’t kill each other that night, or otherwise, and we would go our separate ways. As long as neither of us raised a hand to the other, our clans would leave each other alone.”
I don’t want to believe that Tam is capable of such atrocities, but the longer I am away from him, the more I realize just how scared of him I have been my entire life. It is not that he has done terrible things, but that deep down I was always scared he was capable of them. I walked on eggshells around him to avoid his anger. He’d lash out and throw things, push me around, belittle me, but he’d never scarred me like my father, and yet, deep down I knew there was a chance he could be pushed to those extremes, I’d just, never dared acknowledge it. Somehow, I’d always rationalized his outbursts as my fault. I pushed him. I gave him too hard a time. I was being too demanding or making too much work for him. I had not let myself consider that maybe I was not the problem in our relationship. 
“Maybe I made a mistake in letting him live,” he says. “I just… I didn’t want to turn out like my father. I wanted to be better.”
What have I done? I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. Despite every reason to be the monster everyone always made him out to be, he was a good male. And I turned out to be my father’s daughter. 
I slide my hand over his, intertwining our fingers. “You are the better male, Rhys.”
He squeezes my hand in return as his chin drops onto my shoulder. He has to be exhausted from warding and Lucien and keeping watch over the camp last night. The burden of carrying it alone must be astronomical. 
“I’m sorry for all of it, I truly didn’t know any of it,” I say.
“Can I ask you something?” 
Please no!
We reach a creek that flows down from the mountain peak. In winter it might be little more than an ice bed, but for now, it is just warm enough for the water to still flow down into the grassy plains beyond. 
We stop to let the horses drink, Rhysand helping me off the horse to stretch my legs, his great wings flaring out behind him, as he asks, “Why did you stay, if you thought I had killed them?”
I debate on if the creek is deep enough to drown myself in for a moment. Probably wouldn’t get very far. Especially since he’s standing chest to chest with me.
“I-” I can’t tell him the truth now. If he were to find out what I had planned to do, he’d throw me out! I’d be on my own all over again. I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, go back to Tam, not after this. But now that I know the truth, I truly have nowhere to go. If he were to throw me out, I’d be on my own in the Wastes forever. No family. No shelter. No one. 
I don’t know who I’m supposed to be or what I’m supposed to do, but I can’t be alone again. I won’t survive out there!
The guilt may very well eat me alive, but he can’t ever know. “I wanted to see for myself what kind of male you are.”
He cups my cheek, “And what have you decided?”
There is one truth I can give him. “That there’s a lot more to you than I was told, and I’d like to know you better.”
He grins and my heart drops into my stomach. When he kisses me, I kiss him back, hands threading through his thick hair. I won’t ruin his life, he deserves to have something good and happy after all the pain my family has brought to him; I just have to lie to give it to him. I’m already in this deep, is there really any going back now?
Tag List:
@judig92, @randomperson1234sblog, @nyxbranwenn, @lilah-asteria, @barb00235
@landofpetrichor, @hjgdhghoe, @buttermilktea11, @yourforeveryoungblog, @sassyn
@zoeisdreaming6, @minnieoo, @girl-math-aint-mathing, @raisam, @inloveallthetime
@blessthepizzaman, @bxtchopolis, @erencvlt
As always, if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know! :)
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staylovesmiley · 4 months
Collision— Chapter 2
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Pairing; Stray Kids x afab!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; You’ve known him for years but you never would have guessed the charming guy you’ve been online gaming with has been an idol this whole time. (masterlist here)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; implied afab reader (only they/them pronouns used for reader), mild angst?, pls I haven’t written fanfics since 2018 patience and kindness is appreciated
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Today was finally the day, well more like finally the night as the hour was late and the sun had begun setting as the plane landed at its destination.
Over the past month Star had been eagerly messaging back and forth with Felix about recommendations for things to do, places to eat, help with knowing what the weather is predicted to be so they knew what to pack. At first the Aussie was nervous, but the closer it got to time he felt more at ease that his identity was protected if even a little bit bitter that they had no clue they would be indirectly meeting through the crowd of his now sold out show. He had learned they hadn’t been a stay for very long, only having discovered them during their maniac tour and being just a casual fan until seeing the comparisons of Chan to Wriothesley (who happened to be one of their favorite characters in Genshin since his model was leaked). Felix had to bite back the amusement tinted with a small twinge of jealousy hearing them gush about how handsome his fellow Aussie was. Other than that they chose to not talk much about Stray Kids or the concert, preferring to talk about the trip as a whole and even asking the blonde to be somewhat of a virtual guide. Starlight never suggested trying to meet up, most likely assuming it an off limits topic considering how protective he was with his identity. Felix couldn’t help but hope they would bring it up, ask to meet up face to face since they would be so close to one another.
It was silly, he knew, feeling a strong want to reveal himself to them. The two gamers had been somewhat close before, even with never having seen what each other looks like or knowing each others names.
While he himself kept most details about himself a secret, Star was rather open about their personal life and, with consent of course, had often vented and rambled to Felix about their life whether it be work issues or that one time they had called him from the laundromat because it was so late and there was a rather creepy individual lingering near by as they waited for the dryer to finish and wanted to be on the phone with someone to try and deter the individual.
He had learned they didn’t have many friends in the city they lived in, being mostly introverted they kept to themself and found it hard to make connections due to their more nerdy hobbies and interests.
Felix battled with himself internally if he should say something, open up more to them even before he found out they were going to be coming to Korea. They were kind, and from what he could tell pretty trustworthy. Even after finding out they were stay, Star seemed so chill about it all he felt like it wouldn’t turn out too bad if they found out who he was. Perhaps it was the chaotic part of his brain wanting to see how they would react knowing this whole time they had been talking and gaming with the Lee Felix of Stray kids, the very group they planned to see in concert and had bought albums of. Maybe a larger part of it was wanting to strengthen this connection that extended past his idol life.
Though he hadn’t shared much about himself, he felt seen by Star. Not by the artificial surface level stuff most idols are watered down to, But for himself, as an individual.
Felix had talked to the others about them, multiple times now. First it was in passing, never even giving them a name as he just referred to them in general as a “gaming buddy” but over the past month, while getting to know them even more as he helped them prepare and plan their trip, he began opening up about his desire to be more honest with them as well as sharing more about them with the others.
Changbin and Hyunjin eagerly asked what they looked like, much to their dismay upon learning he didn’t know himself. Seungmin teased him, claiming he had a little schoolboy crush on the somewhat mysterious gamer (he argued that with how much of a yapper they tended to be, affectionately, he was more of the mysterious gamer then they were). Jisung and Jeongin showed their curiosity more subtly in asking about what they liked and suggesting things he could mention to them about places to go and sights to see on their trip. Minho seemed uninterested though he diligently listened to the younger vent about his inner battle over whether or not to reveal his identity.
Chan was surprising, when he first told him about Star he teased the other. The older poked at his cheek with a goofy smile on his face as he sing-songed about Felix having a little crush just as Seungmin had. But once he had opened up about possibly wanting to meet up with them, he expected Chris to get serious and scold him. To tell him that was a reckless idea and could potentially hurt the group should something go wrong. Instead, the older Aussie smirked slightly and shrugged his shoulders. “Do you feel like you can trust them?” Was what eventually left his lips as he turned in his studio chair to look at the younger who sat perched on the couch behind him, pillow hugged tightly to his chest with how anxious he was bringing up the topic with their leader.
Felix stared at him with eyes so wide it made the other burst out into laughter, almost falling out of his seat. “Listen, it’s risky, yes- but mate you’ve been talking about them nonstop for a whole month.” The younger blushed slightly and looked away. “I know the fans usually talk about them for a different reason but we have NDAs for situations like this….”
Felix gawked at him for a moment, blinking a bit as he stared at the older male. “I never- thought of that…but how would I go about asking them to sign something like that?” Chan shrugged, turning back to the soundboard to continue working. “You could ask them to meet up once they are here, then send over the paperwork and explain it’s for your safety. If they are a good friend like you claim, and they already respect how you’ve had to be secretive in the past, then they should understand.” Felix took in the words he was saying, letting them fully absorb as he took in what this meant. But was it really that simple? He thought on it for a few days, and just 48 hours before they were set to hop on a flight to Incheon International, he sent them a message asking if they would meet him once they arrived.
That brings you to this moment, waiting at baggage claim as you eagerly look over the messages in your discord app about where to meet your mysterious online friend after checking into your hotel.
This was absolutely insane, you knew. Meeting up with someone who after years of not even knowing his name or what he looks like, drops the bomb that he is “somewhat a celebrity” and wanted to actually meet in person after all but needed you to sign a bunch of documents stating you wouldn’t leak any of his personal information after knowing who he was. After signing and sending over the paperwork you should have demanded to know who he was, to video call before hand just to make sure you weren’t walking into anything dangerous. But you were a rather impulsive individual and the excitement of finally meeting your friend outweighed the rational part of your brain. It wasn’t even that they were a celebrity that had you so excited. Whoever your friend was, you were just happy to finally meet someone who you considered yourself rather close with even if it was somewhat one sided. Sure, he may have not shared any personal information about himself with you but as far as things like his likes and dislikes, his personality, his kindness, that you were familiar with. It didn’t matter that you didn’t have a real name or face to put to your friend or that you didn’t know what his line of work was, you knew him...at least you hoped you did.
Once you had gotten checked into your hotel you took some time to freshen up after your long flight before sending a message to your friend to let him know you had landed and were ready to head out to the meeting spot whenever he was. He had let you know today was a day off for himself, before an extremely busy schedule the next two days.
You were dressed simply in a pair of distressed baggy jeans and a slightly oversized long sleeve for the comfort of the flight and because you did tend to get chilly often. You were just planning to meet up near the Han River before going to get a bite to eat, so there was no need to change your clothes for something so casual. You heard your phone signal that you had received a message back, giving you the go ahead to start making your way to the park. Here goes nothing-
The spring air was crisp, wind blowing gently causing the baby hairs at the back of his neck to tickle the skin lightly with his hair pulled up in a messy bun he had recently learned with how long his hair has been getting lately. He was dressed in a pair of black sweat pants and a dark blue hoodie, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible lest he attract too much attention from the public.
Anxiously he paced back and forth at the spot he had asked you to meet him.
It was dark by the time you arrived, catching a glimpse of the man from behind a small smile appeared on your face as your footsteps picked up with the eagerness to finally meet your longtime friend.
As you approached him he had turned so he was facing you, though his gaze was pointed at the ground as he was deep in thought it seemed, and it dawned on you as the color slowly drained from your face and realization settled in. Oh no, oh this was embarrassing. You silently thanked yourself for not speaking to him much about your admiration and interest in his group, seeing now that your longtime friend was none other than Lee Felix of Stray Kids. You groaned internally, remembering the slight fangirling you had done to him in the beginning over his group and a specific leader, cursing yourself mentally as you took a a deep breath and made your way to him while his back was once again turned to you. You tapped gently on his shoulder. “Um- Hi?” You spoke softly, suddenly very nervous and not because his identity and status was now known to you but because of your aforementioned introverted nature.
Felix whipped around so fast his neck hurt slightly, looking down (only slightly, we all know this man ain’t that tall) he smiled nervously. Woah, they were so cute, he thought to himself before shaking the thought from his mind. “Star?” He asked, biting his lip slightly as for a moment he feared maybe this wasn’t his friend but could be a stay (and not his stay- wait his stay? Oops-) that happened to spot him and come to say hi.
You giggled lightly, nodding a bit. “It’s uh- my name is y/n, actually…” you said with a smile, offering your hand out to him in greeting. “But you can keep calling me Star if you like- I actually like that nickname.”
He blushed slightly, glad for it to be dark out so it was less noticeable. “You have a lovely name…I know this is probably a useless introduction for you but I’m Felix.” He chuckled and shook your hand before rubbing the back of his neck, eyes down cast. “It’s not useless at all! I know I’m well…a stay and all but I’m your friend first. I actually was your friend first technically speaking.” You rambled slightly, catching yourself before you went on for too long and got off track. “It’s nice to meet you, Felix.” He felt his chest lighten and flutter a bit at your words, knowing in that moment it was the right decision to trust you like this.
You spent some time talking, catching up on little things about each other (mostly Felix) that you never shared due to not knowing each other fully until now. You made your way to a small building with a restaurant upstairs that Felix swore had the best food for late nights after a long flight. He pulled your seat out for you before taking his own. “So I’m guessing those next two days you’re gonna be busy is actually because of the concert the day after tomorrow?” You questioned, looking over the menu and being grateful for the pictures with numbers corresponding to the items listed so it was easier to understand what each dish was as your Korean wasn’t the best. “Ah yeah- it is…are you still looking forward to the show?” He was slightly nervous. What if now after meeting him you felt awkward going to the show. His other friends and family had gone to shows before but perhaps this was different? He was in somewhat uncharted territory with you and since you hadn’t talked much about the concert even before knowing his identity he was nervous to ask but was dying to know at the same time.
“Oh my god are you kidding? So excited! Not to completely gush and make a fool of myself but you guys are incredibly talented. Besides- now I have a whole new reason to be excited.” Felix raised an eyebrow at this, his question showing on his features before he asked it. “And what is that?” You grinned cheekily and reached over to poke at his chest. “I’ll be cheering on my friend, silly!“ you laughed, only quieting down when the waitress arrived to take their order.
Once the order was placed and they were once again left to themselves, you turned to Felix slightly sheepishly. “So uh- I guess now is probably as good a time as any to mention I may not have been completely honest about the true nature of my trip here…” Felix‘s eyes widened a bit as that trademark confused look appeared on his face. Suddenly feeling his heart rate pick up his mind began to race with where this was going. Oh no- were you a sasaeng who actually knew who he was this whole time and had been stalking him until this inevitable moment? No. There is no way- it couldn’t be that, could it?
“I applied for a student visa and well- for the foreseeable future this is where I’ll be living!” The Aussie breathed a mental sigh of relief but then tilted his head as more confusion flooded his expression. “Oh? Why didn’t you say that earlier-“ You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck before taking a sip of the water in front of you. “Well I was worried you might feel pressured in some way that I would want to meet up and I knew how much you wanted privacy….I was afraid you would think I’d expect to become irl friends since I’d be living in the same city…” at this information, Felix felt his heart warm and his chest flutter again at your consideration for him and his boundaries. “Star- that’s….you’re so sweet. But moving here? That’s so exciting! Im glad we did meet after all. You don’t know anyone else here, do you?” You shook your head, feeling slightly embarrassed as the nerves over the move and leaving everyone you had ever known behind to come to a foreign country alone. “Just you, yeah…thank you for trusting me enough to meet up. I’m glad to have you as a friend.” You both wore a matching blush at this, looking away from each other just as the food was delivered to the table.
After a few moments of silence, besides the quiet sounds of you both digging into your respective dishes, the blonde man spoke up. “So a student huh? Are you going anywhere specifically?” You looked up at him, halfway through slurping up some of your noodles causing him to laugh softly at the sight. Quickly you finished chewing and swallowed your bite of food before answering his question. “I’ll be taking Korean lessons, actually, as a way to get my visa. What better way to learn the language than living here, right? I’ll take classes once a week and the rest of the time well- I’ll figure that out but my job was able to let me work remotely so thankfully I won’t have to worry about looking for a job while I’m here.” Felix smiled and nodded, taking in the information. “That’s so cool I didn’t know you could get a student visa to come here and learn Korean- do you know where you’ll be staying long term?” “Not yet. For now I’m at a hotel nearby but as soon as I can I’m going to start looking for an apartment.” You sighed, the stress of your lack of a living situation evidently weighing on you. “If you need any help just let me know, yeah? I’ll try my best. You don’t have to do it all alone..” he offered warmly, placing his hand on top of yours where it rested by your bowl. You smiled, cheeks almost sore from how much this man truly was the ray of sunshine the fans and members called him by.
You both couldn’t help but hold matching smiles on your faces as the night went on. The more Felix got to know his long time friend face to face, the more he felt at ease. It also helped how gorgeous you were. The blonde caught himself staring on more than one occasion and had to pull his eyes away before he was found out by the gamer across from him. The more you got to know him you felt butterflies erupt through your chest at how kind and charming he truly was, a true princely type it seemed.
You discovered you were the same age, though you were a few months older (your birthday closer to Hyunjin’s). You talked about anything and everything as you ate your meal, eventually being politely kicked out so the establishment could close for the evening.
Felix walked you back to your hotel, your hands brushing against each other occasionally from how close you were as you were deep in conversation. “So I’ll see you the day after tomorrow…” he said as you reached the front entrance of the hotel. “Well- yeah I mean if you can see that far into the crowd.” You laughed, tucking some hair behind your ear. “I mean uh- well if you wanted to I could arrange for you to come backstage afterwards and maybe come with us to get dinner after?” Your eyes widened in disbelief as you stared at him like he just handed you a million dollars.
“Really?! A-are you sure? I don’t wanna impose-“ you stuttered a bit as the excitement and nerves took you over.
Felix laughed and nodded his head. “I’ll talk it over with staff and the guys but I’m sure they won’t mind. I’ve uh, kinda been telling them about you a lot since I heard you were coming to visit and they have been super curious to meet you as well-“ now you blushed, looking away. “Um- yeah I mean sure I’d love to!” “Great! I’ll let you know the details when it’s all settled. Oh-“
Felix held out his phone, rubbing the back of his neck. “If you wanna put in your number? It might be easier than communicating through discord alone…” You smiled and nodded as you took the device from his hands and quickly put in the international number you were given for your time there as well as adding in your normal number into the additional contact information just in case. “Well this was so nice, Felix. Im really glad I was finally able to meet you.” He felt the warm and excited smile stretch across his features causing his eyes to turn to crescents and before he could think twice, he pulled you into a tight embrace. You squeaked a bit at the action, but quickly melted into his touch and rested your head against his shoulder while his rested against the side of your head. “Let me know when you get back safe.” You muttered to him as you let go, smiling at his nod of acknowledgment before you both shared your goodbyes and went your separate ways.
Between the time you had met up and the day of the concert you and Felix had been talking nonstop. He kept you up to date while they practiced for the show, even going as far as to send a couple selfies and pictures of himself and the members, including the cutest picture of a sleepy Jeongin and Hyunjin cuddled up on the couch at the back of their practice room that you will cherish forever.
You were currently in the process of getting ready for the show yourself, placing the final touches on your makeup and hair before standing up from where you had sat in front of the floor length mirror in your hotel room and stepped back to take in the full look.
You had taken it upon yourself to dress up to match their latest comeback, wearing a pleated denim miniskirt with a cream colored cropped tank top and a light blue biker jacket you had thrifted sometime ago on top. You finished off the look with some knit leg warmers in a matching color to your top and a few different silver chain necklaces, one dainty with star charms along the length of it and another just a thicker plain chain, and a couple of matching bracelets and rings.
Looking over your appearance once more, you nodded at yourself before slipping on your black docs to finish it all off.
Once you arrived at the venue everything was a blur until you were at your seat, this being your first ever kpop concert let alone in a foreign country. You smiled friendly to the stays around you who greeted you politely and made some small talk which you were happy didn’t get too deep since you were still so new to the language and a bit self conscious about your pronunciation of most words. Before you knew it the show was starting and you couldn’t help but cheer loudly for your friend and his members.
Felix had tried to insist on changing your seat to something closer to the stage but you had refused, saying that you’d get to see him afterwards and that you could still have fun from your seat practically in the nose bleeds and have fun you did. Thank god for modern technology as you were able to snap some photos of Felix mid dance that had you howling with laughter and would most definitely be used to tease him later on.
As the show came to an end your nerves started to bubble back up to the surface, realizing that soon you’d be face to face with all eight members of a group you’ve been a fan of for a couple years at that point. Again you were reminded of the things you had told Felix about one Bangchan and blushed with embarrassment at the thought that maybe he had said something to the older Aussie about your supposed attraction to him based on your love for a certain fictional character he bore resemblance to. As the lights began turning on and fans began leaving the venue you were greeted by a member of staff who lead you to the backstage area through a series of corridors and heavy double doors.
On your way to the green room you happened to run into the members in the hall, spotting Felix your eyes lit up and you called out to him. “Felix! Hey!” You shouted, laughing when his eyes locked on you and he took off run towards your figure down the hall.
Matching his energy you also took off in a sprint towards the Aussie and squealed with glee when instead of stopping upon reaching you the other wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you almost effortlessly and spun you around. “Star! Gosh I’m so glad you are here- how was it? Did we put on a good show for stay?” You giggled as he set you down but noticed how his arms stayed holding you in his embrace. “It was incredible, as always! Well- I mean from what I’ve seen via YouTube videos…” You both laughed, staring at each other as you took in his appearance and he yours. “You look incredible, to match our performance I guess.” You rolled your eyes a bit at his attempt at a joke, but took the compliment nonetheless. “Thank you! You guys inspired me I guess-“ you fired back, catching the seven other pairs of eyes on you from over his shoulder and suddenly felt anxious nerves flood over you.
“Uh, hyung- are you gonna introduce us to your friend?” Jeongin spoke up first, going as far as stepping up and tapping the older on the shoulder. You stepped back from your friend and looked at the others like a deer caught in the headlights. You never realized how large of a group they looked like until you were standing in front of them.
Your poor introverted soul screamed at you to run and hide but you forced yourself to bow at the waist politely to them and introduce yourself to them. “Hi! I’m y/n but you can all call me Star- well uh that’s what Felix calls me and what I go by with my friends…”
You slowly rose to standing straight again when you heard a few of them let out chuckles before they introduced themselves as well. “Star, yeah? Cute.” Lee know said with a smirk. “Cute is right! Felix why did you hide them from us for so lonnngg-“ Changbin whined and clung to the younger while the others laughed or rolled their eyes affectionately at his antics. “Hey I just found out what they looked like myself not that long ago-“ Felix pouted at him as he tried to pry the older off of him. “Ya! You could have shown us a picture or something??” You giggled, hiding your mouth behind your hand shyly before feeling extra bashful being talked about like you weren’t in the room. “Guys, you’re being kind of rude…sorry for them.” Chan spoke up, stepping up and nodding to the green room. “We’ve gotta go get changed but you can come have a seat while you wait? We won’t be long and I’m sure you don’t want to stand out here while you wait- though I warn you it can get kinda loud in there.” He said, glancing back at the others causing them all to prove his point by shouting their protests. “Thank you, that sounds nice.” And with that you followed them into the room to wait for them to all get changed.
As you waited on the couch in the green room for the members to get back into their civilian clothes as you’ve decided to nickname them, you tried not to be too obvious about how your eyes wandered around the room curiously to watch as the staff cleaned up after the show. Stylists grabbing clothing from the outstretched arms of the members from the closed off changing rooms to put them into the proper garment bags and hung on the clothing wracks to be wheeled off and stored away in some vehicle to be brought somewhere at JYPE perhaps, makeup artists cleaning their stations and packing away their supplies, other various staff members going around picking up trash left behind by either themselves or the members. You felt a bit anxious sitting down while everyone else was tidying up around you until you felt the soft leather of the sofa dip beside you. “Hi.”
Looking to your right you were met with Bangchans dimpled face grinning at you. “Oh uh- hi!” Your voice came out a lot higher pitched than you meant it to and you quickly scrambled to compose yourself while Chan laughed at your reaction to his presence. “Hey, deep breaths yeah? It’s just me.” You nodded along, taking a deep breath. “Yeah that’s kinda the problem- I know I’m not the first one to tell you this but you are like hella intimidating…” He responded with more laughter as you gave him a pout. “Sorry ‘bout that, not like I’m really trying to come off that way…quite the opposite really.”
Taking in his appearance you gave him a soft smile. He still had traces of makeup left behind that a quick remover wipe didn’t quite get rid of, dressed in a pair of loose fitting black shorts and a matching black hoodie. “Comfy?” Is the question that slipped out as he sat beside you, full on man spreading. The Aussie’s eyes widened before you were graced with his beautiful laugh once more and you were starting to think you could get used to the sound. “Yeah, I’d say so sitting next to someone as pretty as yourself.” This caused a dark blush to spread over your cheeks and to the tips of your ears as you quickly hid behind your hands. “Oh my god you can’t just say stuff like that-“ you groaned though laughter quickly followed to try and cover your bashfulness. Pulling your hands away you began to fan your face as another one of the boys made your way over to sit on the opposite side of you.
“Oh no, has our poor leader said something to upset you?” Came Lee Minho’s teasing tone as he leaned in close to take a look at the blush still dusting your features. You gasped a bit at the close proximity and struggled to find the words to respond. “Guys can you give them some space, please? They aren’t used to you yet-“ Felix seemed to rush from where he had been changing and attempted to shove Leeknow out of the way. “If they want some space they can speak for themselves, right?” The elder dancer hummed after his question, staring at you expecting an answer. “Well I uh- it’s fine, Lix I’m okay.” The blonde stopped his attempt short and looked between the three of you before huffing a bit. “Well alright if you’re okay….just tell me if they are bothering you, yeah?” You nodded to him, giving the young Aussie a warm smile as Chan made himself more comfortable by draping an arm over your shoulder, thus effectively grabbing your attention. “So, Star- Lix says you’re going to join us for dinner, yeah?” You nod eagerly and flash him the same smile you had just given Felix. “Mhm! If you guys will have me, that is.” From across the room Hyunjin muttered under his breath. “Oh we’ll definitely be having you-“ which caused Han to give him a sharp elbow to the chest and Jeongin a look to say “knock it off” without actually speaking it. Thankfully for the group you didn’t catch the tallest innuendo and continued to chat with Chan and Minho about the show, your favorite foods, and somehow the topic landed on your semi-permanent stay in Korea.
“Wait wait wait- so you’re going to be here for a couple of years to study? That’s fantastic!” Bangchan said with his dimples on full display for you. You fought the urge to reach out and poke them, thankfully winning against the impulse lest you embarrass yourself. “Yup! I still can’t believe it but I’m sure the reality of it will hit once I get settled in a place and start classes.” Minho raised an eyebrow and tilted his head like a curious cat. “Hold on you don’t have a place to live yet?” You shook your head in response and gave him a shrug. “I mean I’m staying at a hotel right now so it’s not like I’m out on the streets or anything.” Now Jisung made his way over, sitting on the other side of Minho and practically gluing himself to the older’s back to get closer to you. “But that’s no way to live! I’m sure it’s not all that comfortable I mean I’ve stayed in many a hotel with this career and it’s just- never as good as having your own bed.” You looked around the see the others nodding or vocalizing their agreement with the rapper. “Well no it’s not ideal but I haven’t exactly had time to find a place yet…” Felix spoke up moving from his spot where he had been leaning against the wall to sit beside Chan. “I offered to help them find somewhere since we’ve got some free time this week now that the concert is over.”
Chan smiled at his fellow Aussie then turned to meet your eyes. “That’s a great idea! We can all help if you want, too. The more the merrier, right?” You nodded, looking over to Felix to gauge his reaction and make sure it wasn’t imposing if he had wanted to spend the time alone with you and to your delight he seemed completely on board with the idea. “Yeah I would really appreciate that, than you Chan.” “Chris. Please-“ You blushed again, giggling a little as you nodded towards him. “Chris.” You responded, feeling brave enough to send him a wink which had the older blushing in return and quickly turning away from you to cough into his elbow. So much for being able to handle what he dished out.
“This is nice, chatting with everyone and getting to know you Star, but I can actually feel my stomach yelling at me to feed it so can we please get going to dinner?” Jeongin whined, clutching his stomach and leaning dramatically onto Changbin who started to complain of hunger himself. With laughter and words of agreement they all decided to load up into two cars split by dorms to head to the restaurant. You found yourself nestled in the cuties car between Felix and Jeongin, talking enthusiastically to Felix about updates coming to your beloved genshin while Jeongin zoned out beside you with headphones on deep into whatever he was doing on his phone. After a while the conversation died down and you felt someone tapping on your shoulder. Turning to look behind you, Seungmin flashed you a soft smile. “Do you plan on coming back to the dorm with us after dinner? We were gonna have some drinks and play Mario Kart since we have the day off tomorrow.” You turned to look at Felix, once again checking to make sure it was okay. Just a few days ago he didn’t even want to show you his face and now it seemed like you were being intertwined deeper within his life with every passing minute. The blonde looked nothing if not eager for you to agree, nodding to you with a bright and sunny smile on his face. “Please? I can show you my pc set up too oh my god I can’t wait for you to see it!” At that you couldn’t really say no, not that you wanted to. “Oh- okay sure I’d love to! I can’t wait to see it either I know you’ve talked about how much work you put into it for months!” Seungmin patted the freckled man on the shoulder and gave him a knowing look before he was met with a playful glare. You looked between them curiously but decided not to question it as you turned back to face forward as the van pulled into the parking lot for the restaurant.
After a somewhat eventual dinner where most of it was spent being practically fed food by all the members, eyes lit up at watching you try everything for the first time. Choruses of “oh try this, it’s my favorite!” and “you’re gonna love this, here take a bite” rang around you for nearly two hours as you all ate your full and chatted throughout.
Once you all arrived back at the dorms you were bid a goodnight by 3racha and their ferret, being ushered into the cuties dorm by an eager Felix as he practically pushed you through the living room before Minho shouted at the two of you to remove your shoes first. Giggling amongst yourself you did as told and then ran off to go see Felix’s set up.
Once your eyes landed on it you gasped, covering your mouth with both hands. “Lix, it’s beautiful-“ you said breathlessly as you slowly made your way to the desk in awe. Felix beamed proudly and leaned in the doorway. “I know, right? It’s almost perfect! There are still a few things here and there I wanna get before I’ll be truly happy with it but for now I’m content.” You looked back at him with astonishment before turning back to his pc. “Truly this is a masterpiece-“ he smiled at your words, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. It felt comfortable like this, almost familiar though you knew it shouldn’t considering this is only the second time you’ve been face to face with each other. Still, you found yourself relaxing into his embrace, leaning against him as he swayed the two of you lightly and rested his head on top of your own.
You would have been content to stay like that had it not been for one Kim Seungmin barging in and letting you two know that the drinks and game had been set up and they were just waiting on you.
You blushed, pulling away from Felix to head to the living room but not before grabbing hold of his hand to pull him with you. Felix was a bit sad at the loss of you from his arms but quickly cheered up once your fingers interlocked with one another.
Several rounds of Mario Kart and a few too many drinks later and here you were head in your hands as you faced yet another defeat to Minho as he high fived second place jeongin who then turned around to stick a tongue out at the three of you remaining. “This is why I despise this game-“ you groaned, taking another shot of soju while Felix sat and stared at the screen in disbelief. “I was so close to winning until SOMEONE shot me with a damn blue shell!” He glared at Minho who shrugged, mimicking Jeongin by sticking out his tongue at the younger dancer. “Alls fair in love and racing.” He then winked, heading off to his room. “Losers clean up! I’m going to bed.”
The maknae followed his lead, still laughing a bit at the disappointment on your faces before shutting the door to his room behind him. “I demand a rematch soon!” You shouted at their backs, huffing a bit before laughing as well at how ridiculous it all was.
You, Seungmin, and Felix began cleaning up before you grabbed your phone and started to order a ride back to your hotel. “Woah hey, what are you doing?” Your friend questioned as he came up to you after taking out the trash. “Uh, going home? Well- to my hotel I mean..” he shook his head, taking your phone out of your grasp. “You can stay here.”
You gave him a look as if you thought he was being funny but the man just looked back at you with seriousness. “Are you…sure? I don’t exactly have a change of clothes or anything-“ “you can borrow some!” He responded as if it was the simplest conclusion. At your unsure expression he sighed, canceling the ride on your phone before handing it back to you. “I’m sure. You can take my bed and I’ll take the couch.”
Shaking your head furiously you gawked at him. “Uh no way am I kicking you out of your own bed when I could just leave-“ before you could even finish your sentence he was shutting you down again. “Well I don’t mind sharing a bed with you but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” At that you gave him a funny look before rolling your eyes, though a soft blush painted your cheeks. “Lee Felix I don’t think you could ever or would ever for that matter make me uncomfortable.” He laughed a bit at the exasperated tone you used, pulling you towards his room. “I’m taking that as a yes to a sleepover! I’ll get you something to sleep in-“ and with that he began rummaging around through his drawers.
Once you were dressed in a pair of his sweatpants and an old tshirt, Felix lent you a makeup wipe and after cleaning up your faces you both settled under the sheets of his bed, facing each other in the dark. “I haven’t had a sleepover since I was in middle school…” You giggled, snuggling deep under the comforter. “Me either- I’m so excited! Maybe in the morning we can convince Minho to make us breakfast if he isn’t too hungover.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Or I could make breakfast since you let me stay over?” You suggested, giving him a smile. “But you’re a guest! I couldn’t do that-“ He gasped, shaking his head at the proposal. “Please? I want to. We could do it together it would be a bonding experience.” It was his turn to raise an eyebrow at you. “Have you seen any videos of me attempting to cook? Are you sure?” You laughed, giving his shoulder a light shove. “Have more faith in your abilities, and mine to keep things under control! We help each other out in games how much different could helping each other cook be?” He scoffed a bit, pretending to be hurt by your weak push to his shoulder.
“Hey uh….would it be okay if we- um…if we cuddled?” The blonde asked, voice just above a whisper. You beamed, choosing to snuggle up to him in lieu of an answer. Felix sighed in relief and pulled you closer. That familiar feeling bubbling up again as you began drifting off to sleep after such an eventful day.
“Goodnight, Starlight…” “Goodnight, Felix.”
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author’s note; oh my goodness that was a long one compared to the first chapter- I’m sorry if any of the ending bits with all the boys seemed rushed ૮꒰ “ . . ꒱ა my editor (aka my partner lol) was taking too long and I’m too impatient and wanted to go ahead and post for you all! Thank you guys so much for the support already on this series! It really means a lot to me I can’t wait to see how you all like the story as it continues on~ please feel free to ask questions or give feedback I love to hear from you all truly it makes my day so bright as I hope my writing does for you all! Also you’ll notice below I’ve started a tag list for this series if you would like to be added just lmk and I’d be more than happy to do so (if not that’s completely fine I still appreciate you checking the story out!) I also quickly wanna say I am not sure if I’ll have a concrete posting schedule- I work full time and my job can be mentally draining at times so whereas some days (like today) I can spend all my free time writing updates (and then get too excited and post them right away) and others I may not have the energy or mental capacity. I do apologize in advance but you should never have to go more than a week without an update at the very most~ anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to what may come next ᕱᕱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖
tag list; @softkisshyunjin @coastinglove @palindrome969 @amara-mars
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fourthwingfan · 4 months
Madness - Chapter 21
Hello, there readers. Here is the new chapter. Enjoy :) And as always you're all awesome! ❤️
Don’t freak out if you can’t immediately channel your dragon’s powers, Mira. Yeah, I know you have to be the best at everything, but this isn’t something you can control. They’ll channel when they feel you’re ready. And once they do, you’d better be ready to manifest a signet. Until then, you’re not ready. Don’t push it.
—Page sixty-one, the Book of Brennan
This really isn’t necessary.” Violet glances sideways at Liam as we make our way toward the door of the Archives. The cart doesn’t even squeak anymore. He fixed that the very first day.
“So you’ve told me for the last week.” He shoots her a grin, revealing a dimple.
“And yet you’re still here. Every day. All day.”
“Come on, Vi. Don’t be like this.” I chided her. “Admit that you actually like him. Liam is awesome, you know.” I wink at her.
“Shut up, Aelin.” She retorts but blushes so hard, her face is almost red.
And that’s it. Liam’s charm is working. He’s courteous, funny, and ridiculously helpful. He makes it difficult to loathe his constant presence. I mean I tried to avoid him when we first met, but somehow he wormed his way into my life. And Violet can’t hate him either. Even though he leaves wood shavings in little piles everywhere he goes. The guy is constantly whittling with that smaller knife of his. Yesterday he finished the figurine of a bear.
“Until otherwise ordered,” he answers to Violet’s remark.
I shake my head at them as Pierson jolts upright at the Archives doors, straightening his cream tunic. “Good morning, Cadet Pierson.”
“You as well, Cadet Melgren, Cadet Sorrengail.” He offers us a polite smile, which dies as he glances at Liam. “Cadet Mairi.”
“Cadet Pierson,” Liam responds, as if the scribe’s tone hadn’t completely changed.
My shoulders tense as Pierson hurries to open the door. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t been around marked ones before Basgiath, but the outright hostility toward them is becoming glaringly, uncomfortably obvious to me.
We walk into the Archives and wait by the table just like every other morning.
“How do you do that?” Violet asks Liam in a hushed whisper. “Handle when people are that rude without reacting?”
“You’re rude to me all the time,” he teases, drumming his fingers on the handle of the cart.
“Because you’re my babysitter, not because…”
“Because I’m the son of the disgraced Colonel Mairi?” His jaw ticks, his brow furrowing for a heartbeat as he looks away.
I silently squeeze his shoulder and he faintly smiles at me.
„I guess I’m really no better, though. I hated Xaden on sight, and I didn’t know a single thing about him.” Violet says softly.
Liam scoffs, earning us a glare from a scribe near the back corner. “He has that effect on people, especially women. They either despise him for what his father did or want to fuck him for the same reason, just depends on where we are.”
“You actually know him, don’t you?” She cranes her neck to look up at him. “He didn’t just pick you to shadow me because you’re the best in our year.”
“Just now catching on, huh?”
“Hey, take it easy, Liam. I needed time too. It’s not that obvious.” I elbow him in the ribs.
A grin flashes across his face, then he looks toward Violet. “I would have told you that on the first day if you hadn’t been so busy huffing and puffing about the pleasure of my company.”
I roll my eyes as Jesinia approaches, her hood up over her hair. “Hey, Jesinia,” I sign.
“Good morning,” she signs back, her mouth curving in a shy smile as her gaze darts up to Liam.
“Good morning.” He signs with a wink, clearly flirting.
It shocked me to my toes that first day that he knew how to sign, but honestly, I should have known. He’s awesome at everything.
“Just these today?” Jesinia asks, inspecting the cart.
„And these.” I reach for the list of requests amid their obvious glances and hand it to her.
“Perfect.” Her cheeks flush and she studies the list before putting it in her pocket. “Oh, and Professor Markham left before his daily report arrived to teach your briefing. Would you mind taking it over?”
“Happy to.” Violet waits until she’s pushing the cart away from us, then smacks Liam’s chest. “Stop it,” she whispers out loud.
“Stop what?” He watches her until she turns the corner at the first set of shelves.
“Flirting with Jesinia. She’s a long-term-relationship woman, so unless that’s what you’re looking for…just…don’t.”
Ohhoo, Violet are you jealous?
His eyebrows hit his hairline. “How does anyone think long-term around here?”
“Not everyone is in a quadrant where death is less of a chance and more of a foregone conclusion.” She says as she tries to calm herself down.
“So you’re saying that some people still try to make cute little things like plans.”
“Exactly, and those some people is Jesinia. Trust me, I’ve known her for years.”
“Right. Because you wanted to be a scribe when you grew up.” He scans the Archives with an intensity that almost makes me laugh. As if there’s any chance someone is going to lunge out of the shelves and come after Violet.
“How did you know that?” She lowers her voice as a group of second-years passes, their expressions somber as they debate the merits of two different historians.
“I did my research on you after I was…you know…assigned. And Aelin is really gossipy.” He shakes his head. “I’ve seen you practicing this week with those blades of yours, Sorrengail. Riorson was right. You would have been wasted as a scribe.”
“Hey, I’m not ‘gossipy’, you moron.” I scowl at him.
“That remains to be seen.” She answers both of us.
At least challenges haven’t resumed. Guess enough of us are dying during flight lessons to hold off on killing more through hand-to-hand.
“What did you want to be when you grew up?” Violet asks suddenly.
“Alive.” He shrugs.
“How do you know Xaden anyway?”
“Riorson and I were fostered at the same estate after the apostasy,” he says, using the Tyrrish term for the rebellion.
“You were fostered?” Her mouth drops open.
Fostering the children of aristocrats was a custom that died out after the unification of Navarre more than six hundred years ago.
“Well, yeah.” He shrugs again. “Where did you think the kids of the traitors”—he flinches at the word—“went after they executed our parents?”
“I didn’t think.” She admits it in a meak voice.
Oh, Vi. I didn’t know her mother never mentioned it to her. It seems I am much more informed on the subject. Thanks to The General…
“Most of our great houses were given to nobles who had remained loyal.” He clears his throat. “As it should be.”
I don’t bother agreeing with what’s obviously a conditioned reply. King Tauri’s response after the rebellion was swift, even cruel.
The burning of Aretia, which had been Tyrrendor’s capital, to the ground had never sat well with me, though. Liam was the same age. It wasn’t his fault his mother had broken faith with Navarre. And I’m sure there’s more to it.
“But you didn’t go with your father to his new home?” Violet asks.
His gaze swings toward her, and his brow furrows. “It’s hard to live with a man who was executed on the same day as my mother.”
“No. No, that’s not right. Your father was Isaac Mairi, right? I’ve studied all the noble houses in every province, including Tyrrendor.”
“Yes. Isaac was my father.” He tilts his head, looking toward the area where Jesinia disappeared, and I get the distinct feeling he is over this conversation.
“But he wasn’t a part of the rebellion.” She shakes her head, trying to make sense of it. “He isn’t on the death roll of the executions from Calldyr.”
“You read the death roll from the Calldyr executions?” His eyes flare.
“I needed to see that someone was on it.” She admits it.
He draws back slightly. “Fen Riorson.”
She nods. “He killed my brother at the Battle of Aretia. But your father wasn’t on that roll.”But Liam was—as a witness.
“Vi, enough.” I try to stop her. We should not tear open his wounds.
She glances at me and I can see the understanding in her eyes.“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“He was executed at our family’s house.” His features tighten. “Before it was given to another noble, of course. And yes, I watched as they did it that time, too. I already had the rebellion relic by then, but the pain was the same.” He looks away, his throat working. “Then I was sent to Tirvainne to be fostered by Duke Lindell, the same as Riorson. My little sister was sent elsewhere.”
“They separated you?” Her jaw practically unhinges.
He nods. “She’s only a year younger than me, though, so I’ll get to see her when she enters the quadrant next year. She’s strong, quick, and has good balance. She’ll make it.” The edge of panic in his tone reminds me of Mira.
“She will make it, Liam. And after that we’ll be there to help her.” I grab his hand and squeezes it.
“She could always choose another quadrant,” Violet says softly, hoping it will soothe him.
He blinks at her. “We’re all riders.”
“We’re all riders. It was part of the deal. We’re allowed to live, allowed a chance to prove our loyalty, but only if we make it through the Riders Quadrant.” He stares at her in bewilderment. “You don’t know?”
“I mean…” she shakes her head. “I know that the children of the leaders, the officers, were all forced into conscription, but that’s all. A lot of those treaty addenda are classified.”
“I personally think the quadrant was chosen to give us the best chance of rising in rank, but others…” He grimaces. “Others think it’s because the death rate is so much higher for riders, so they were hoping to kill us all off without having to do it themselves. I’ve heard Imogen say they originally figured the dragons have unimpeachable honor, so they’d never bond a marked one in the first place, and now they don’t quite know what to do with us.”
“How many of you are there?” I ask him, because I don’t know the exact number.
“Xaden’s never?” He pauses. “Sixty-eight of the officers had kids under the age of twenty. There are one hundred and seven of us, all who carry rebellion relics.”
„The oldest is Xaden,” I murmur.
He nods. “And the youngest is almost six now. Her name is Julianne.”
I think I’m going to be sick. “Is she marked?”
“She was born with it.”
I understand it was done by Codagh, but what the fucking hell? My father is a monster.
“And it’s all right that you ask. Someone should know. Someone should remember.” His shoulders rise and fall as he breathes deeply. He suddenly turns toward Violet. “Anyway, is it hard for you to be in here? Or is it more of a comfort thing?”
Subject change noted.
„It’s like coming home, but not. And it’s not that it’s changed—this place never changes. Hell, I think change is the mortal enemy of a scribe. But I’m starting to realize that I’ve changed. I don’t quite fit here. Not anymore.”
“Yeah. I get that.” Something in his voice tells me he really does.
That’s when Jesinia reappears, the cart laden with the requested tomes.
“I have everything here for you,” she signs, then gestures to the scroll on top. “And that is for Professor Markham.”
“We’ll make sure he gets it,” Violet promises, leaning forward to take the cart. Her high collar shifts, and Jesinia gasps, her hand flying to cover her mouth.
“Oh gods, Violet. Your neck!” Her hand movements are sharp.
“It’s nothing.” She puts her collar back in place, covering the ring of yellowing bruises, and Liam reaches across me, taking the cart. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
She bobs her head and wrings her hands as we turn for the door. Pierson closes it after we pass into the hallway.
“Riorson taught me to fight during the years he was at Tirvainne.” Liam’s change of subject is appreciated and no doubt intentional once again. I still feel terrible. My farher is a monster. There’s no doubt about it. “I’ve never seen anyone move the way he does. He’s the only reason I made it through the first round of challenges. He might not show it, but he takes care of his own.” He glances toward me with a smirk.
“Are you trying to sell me on his finer points?” I ask as we make the ascent.
We round the corner and take the path past the Healer Quadrant.
“How can you do this anyway? Guard someone whose own mother oversaw the wing that captured yours?” Vi asks before he could answer.
“Wondering if you can trust me?” He flashes another easy grin.
“Yes.” The answer is simple.
He laughs, the sound echoing off the tunnel walls and glass windows of the clinic. “Good answer. All I can say is that your survival is essential to Riorson’s, and I owe him everything. Everything.” He looks me straight in the eye for that last word, even as the cart hits a raised stone in the paved corridor.
The scroll on top tumbles to the floor, and Violet retrieves it and it unrolls along the slight slope of the passage.
“Got it.”
The thick parchment isn’t eager to roll back into place, and when she looks at it, she pauses.
“What does it say?” Liam asks.
“Sumerton was attacked.” She flips the scroll to see if it’s marked as classified, but it isn’t.
“On the southern border?” He looks as confused as I feel.
“Yeah.” She nods. “It’s another high-altitude attack, too, if I remember my geography correctly. It says a supply convoy was looted.” She reads a little further. “And the community storage in nearby caves was ransacked. But that doesn’t make sense. We have a trade agreement with Poromiel.”
“A raiding party, then.” I say.
She shrugs. “No clue. Guess we’ll hear about it in Battle Brief today.”
Attacks along our southern borders are rising, all with the same description. Mountain villages are being torn apart wherever the wards weaken.
I hear an enermous growl.
„Sorrengail?” Liam looks over at her, concern etched between his brows.
“Tairn’s awake,” she manages to say, clutching her stomach. „Does it ever get any easier?” Being tackled by what they’re feeling?”
“I don’t know.” I shrug. “Aon is pretty good at keeping his emotions to himself, but sometimes I can’t separate myself from him.”
Liam winces. “Deigh keeps pretty good control of himself, but when he’s angry?” Liam shakes his head. “It’s supposed to help once they start channeling and we have the power to shield them out, but you know Carr isn’t going to bother with us until that happens.”
I’d already assumed Liam didn’t have his abilities yet, considering he’s with us in every single class, but it’s comforting to know he’s still in the waning population of powerless riders with me.
“So neither Aon nor Tairn has started channeling to you, either, right?” Liam asks, a look of uncertainty, vulnerability on his face.
I shake my head. “I think he has commitment issues,” I whisper.
“I heard that.”
“Then stay out of my head.”
Suddenly waves of emotions washes over me.
„Don’t be an ass.”
I swear I hear him chuff a chuckle in response.
“We’d better hurry or we’ll miss breakfast.” Liam says.
“Right.” Violet finishes rolling the scroll and put it back on the cart.
“I want to be like the cool kids,” Rhiannon grumbles as first-years from Second and Third Wings pour out of the stairwell of the turret that leads up to Professor Carr’s classroom that afternoon, further clogging the hallway on our way to Battle Brief.
“We will,” Violet promises, linking her arm through hers.
“You may be cool, but you will never be as cool as I am!” Ridoc pushes past Liam and me, and throws his arm over Violet’s shoulder.
“She’s talking about everyone who’s already channeling,” I explain, juggling my books so I don’t drop them. “Though at least if we’re not channeling, we’re not stressed about manifesting a signet before the magic kills us.” The relic on my back tingles.
“Oh, I thought we were discussing how I just owned that physics test.” He grins. “Definitely the highest score in the class.”
Rhiannon rolls her eyes. “Please. I scored five points higher than you.”
“We stopped counting your grades months ago.” He leans forward slightly. “Your grades in that class make it unfair for the rest of us.” He looks between Liam and me. “Wait. What did you get, Melgren? Mairi?”
“Not getting into the middle of this,” Liam responds.
“Me neither” I laugh at him.
I had pretty good scores. Only thanks to Liam. Despite of his assignment, he still has time to study with me. And I will be eternally grateful to him.
I smile at him as we’re entering the bottleneck of cadets to get into the briefing room.
“Sorry, Sorrengail,” someone says, stepping out of the way and tugging their friend with them as we enter the tiered classroom.
“Nothing to be sorry about!” She calls out, but they’re already headed up a few rows. “I’m never going to get used to that.”
“It definitely makes getting places easier,” Rhiannon teases her as we descend the steps that curve along the massive turret.
We find our row and walk to our seats, sitting as a squad among the first-years.
The room buzzes with energy as riders file in, and I can’t help but notice that no one has to stand anymore. Our numbers have decreased exponentially in the last four months. The number of empty chairs is sobering. We lost another first-year yesterday when he got too close to another rider’s Red Scorpiontail on the flight field. One second he was standing there, and the next he was a scorched patch of earth. I kept as close to Aon as possible the rest of the session.
My scalp prickles, but I fight the urge to turn around.
“Riorson just got here,” Liam says with mirth in his voice from the seat to my left, breaking from the little dragon figurine he’s carving and looking up the rows toward the third-years.
“Figured.” I hold up my middle finger to him and keep my eyes forward.
He just loves teasing me. Asshole.
Liam snorts and grins, flashing his dimple. “Now, that we’re talking about Xaden. I noticed that you two are always bickering. Tell me, is it fun pissing off the most powerful rider in the quadrant? ”
“You could try it yourself and find out,” I suggest, opening my notebook to the next empty page. I can’t turn around. I won’t. Wanting Xaden is fine. It has to be. Indulging the impulses it gives me? That’s asinine.
“That’s going to be a no from me.” He shakes his head.
I lose the battle with my self-control and look over my shoulder. Sure enough, Xaden is seated in the top row next to Garrick, mastering the art of looking bored. He gives Liam a nod, which Liam returns.
Then he concentrates on his carving, which looks a lot like his Red Daggertail, Deigh.
“Then you should focus on Vi. She is you’re assignment, not me.” I shot back.
“I swear, you’d think there were assassination attempts on me during every class with the way he makes you shadow me.” She shakes her head.
“In his defense, people are fond of trying to kill you.” Rhiannon sets out her supplies.
“One time! It’s happened one time, Rhi!” She says as she adjusts her posture.
“Right. And what would you call that whole thing with Tynan?” Rhiannon asks.
“Threshing.” She shrugs.
“And Barlowe’s constant threats?” I arch a brow at her.
“She has a point there,” Sawyer chimes in, leaning forward from the seat next to Rhiannon’s.
“They’re just threats. The only time I’ve actually been targeted was at night, and it’s not like Liam here is sleeping in my bedroom.”
„I mean, I’m not opposed—” he begins, his knife hovering over the piece of wood.
“Don’t even start.” She whips her head to face him and she blushes. “You are a shameless flirt.”
“Thank you.” He grins and goes back to carving.
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
“Don’t mind her, she’s just sexually frustrated. Makes a girl crabby.” I say and write the date down on the empty page with my quill. Those easy, mess-less pens some of the others can already use is just another reason I can’t wait to channel. No more quills. No more inkpots.
„That has nothing to do with it.” She shots me a glare.
“And yet I don’t hear you denying it.” I smile sweetly at her.
“I’m sorry I don’t make the cut,” Liam teases. “But I can review a couple candidates, especially if it means you’ll stop being so edgy.”
“And how exactly would you be reviewing candidates? What will you be scoring?” Rhiannon asks, one eyebrow raised above her wide grin. “This I have to hear.”
I manage a straight face for all of two seconds before laughing at how horrified he suddenly looks.
“Thanks for the offer, though. I’ll make sure to run any potential liaisons by you.” Violet teases him.
“I mean, you could watch,” Rhiannon continues, blinking innocently at him. “Just to be sure she’s fully covered. You know, so no one…sticks it to her.”
“Oh, are we telling dick jokes now?” Ridoc asks from my other side. “Because my entire life has led up to this very moment.”
Even Sawyer laughs.
“Fuck me,” Liam mutters under his breath. “I’m just saying that since you’re protected at night now—” We laugh harder, and he blows out a deep breath.
“Wait.” Vi stops laughing. “What do you mean I’m protected at night? Because you’re next door? Please tell me he’s not making you sleep in the hallway or something obnoxious.”
“No. Of course not. He warded your door the morning after the attack.” His expression clearly says she should know this. “I’m guessing he didn’t tell you?”
“He what?”
“He warded your door,” Liam says, quieter this time. “So only you can open it.”
“But if he’s the one who warded it, then he can get in, too, right?” I ask.
„Well, yeah.” Liam shrugs as Professors Markham and Devera walk down the stairs, heading for the front of the room. “But it’s not like Riorson is going to kill her.”
“Right. You see, I’m still adjusting to that little change of heart.” I fumble my quill and it falls to the ground, but before I can lean over, the shadows beneath the arm of my desk lift the instrument like an offering. I pluck it out of the shadows and look back at Xaden.
He’s locked in conversation with Garrick, not paying me a speck of attention.
Except, apparently, he is.
“If we can get started?” Markham calls over the room, and we fall silent as he places the scroll we had delivered to him before breakfast on the podium. “Excellent.”
I write Sumerton down at the top of the page and Liam trades his knife for a quill.
“First announcement,” Devera says, stepping forward. “We’ve decided that not only will the winners of this year’s Squad Battle receive bragging rights—” She grins like we’re in for a treat. “But they’ll also be given a trip to the front lines to shadow an active wing.”
Cheers break out all around us.
“So if we win, we get a chance to die sooner?” Rhiannon whispers.
“Maybe they’re trying a reverse psychology thing.” I glance at the others around us who are clearly overjoyed and worry about their sanity. Either I am a fool or everyone else.
“You crave the action just as much as they do, little one.”
“Don’t you have better things to do with your day than listen in on my private thoughts?”
“Not particularly. Now pay attention.”
“Stop butting in and maybe I can,” I counter.
Aon chuffs. One day I might be able to translate that sound, but it’s not today.
“I know the Squad Battle doesn’t commence until spring,” Devera continues, “but I figured that news would give you all the proper motivation to apply yourselves in every area leading up to the challenges.”
Another cheer resounds.
“And now that we have your attention.” Markham lifts his hand and the room quiets. “The front lines are relatively quiet today, so we’re going to take this opportunity to dissect the Battle of Gianfar.”
My quill hovers above my notebook. Surely he didn’t say that.
The mage lights rise to the Cliffs of Dralor that separate Tyrrendor, lifting the entire province thousands of feet above the rest of the Continent, before shining brightest on the ancient stronghold along the southern border. “This battle was pivotal to the unification of Navarre, and though it happened more than six centuries ago, there are important lessons that still impact our flight formations to this day.”
“Is he serious?” I whisper to Liam.
“Yeah.” Liam’s grip bends his quill. “I think he is.”
“What made this battle unique?” Devera asks, her eyebrows raised. “Bryant?”
“The stronghold was not only set for a siege,” the second-year says from high above us, “but was equipped with the first cross-bolt, which proved lethal against dragonkind.”
“Yes. And?” Devera prompts.
“It was one of the final battles where gryphons and dragons actually worked alongside each other to annihilate the army of the Barrens,” the second-year continues.
I glance left and right, watching the other riders begin to take notes. Surreal. This is just…surreal.
None of them knows what we do, that an entire village of Navarrians was ransacked last night along the border and supplies looted. And yet, we’re discussing a battle that happened before the convenience of indoor plumbing was invented.
“Now, pay close attention,” Markham lectures. “Because you’ll be turning in a detailed report in three days and drawing comparisons to battles from the last twenty years.”
“Was that scroll marked classified?” Liam asks under his breath.
“No,” Violet responds just as quietly. “But maybe I missed it?”
The battle map doesn’t even show activity near that mountain range.
“Yeah.” He nods, scratching his quill against the parchment as he begins to take notes. “That has to be it. You missed it.”
I blink, forcing my hand through the motions of writing about a battle I’ve analyzed dozens of times with The General. Liam’s right. That’s the only possible explanation. Our clearance isn’t high enough, or maybe they haven’t finished gathering all the information needed to form an accurate report.
Or it had to have been marked classified. We just missed it.
Or…they withold information from us.
I need to speak with The General. Somehow I have to gather more information.
“Careful, little one. You need to be careful when you uncover the secrets.” I hear Aon’s warning.
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 18 - What’s on Izuku’s mind?
Summary: Izuku’s friends freak out over his weird behavior. When the boys go after him, Izuku’s secret gets revealed.
Warnings: Swear words, suggestive thoughts, quite a lot of talk about condoms. 😂 16+ for safety.
First Chapter Master List
“I’m quite sure you don’t need 15 protein shake powders for 5 days, Y/N.” Katsuki appears behind you with an incredulous look on his face. You were so deep in your thoughts you somehow put the whole shelf into your cart while you only need one. Great. “What’s strong, Sweets?”
Wow, that name sounds absolutely wrong from his mouth but you decide not to comment on that. He didn’t mean any harm with it. He never does.
“I said something in the plane that made him sad. But then he looked okay, but…” You mumble, trying your best not to cry in the middle of the grocery store. Katsuki sighs.
“But you are scared he was faking it and he’s crying in a corner right now.” Katsuki finishes your sentence. You turn around to look at him properly, and for your surprise, he looks just as concerned as you. “My fucking argument with the bird boy didn’t help either, so don’t worry, it’s not just your fault.”
“That doesn’t make me feel less stressed, Katsuki.” You retort with a sharp gaze.
“I know, but I also don’t want you to think everything is your fault. Because it’s not.” Katsuki bites his bottom lip with a frown on his face.
“Is this about Izuku?” Rody decides to join the conversation, his voice mild and careful.
He’s really trying, bless him.
“He’s been acting weird and left to look around alone instead of being with us. Usually, when he feels… down… he does that. Runs away like an injured cat ready to die.” Katsuki takes a deep breath, also doing his best to not start another quarrel with the brown haired man.
You can’t believe how much these two love Izuku. The fact that they are trying this hard right now speaks more than thousands of words ever could. He’s so lucky to have them.
“I can send a message in the city group chat about him. There are no secrets in this place, they’ll find him in a few minutes.” Rody is about to type a message on his phone, but Katsuki takes it away from him.
“Do you want to freak the shit out of him birdface… I mean Rody?!”
“Okay, that was a stupid idea.” Rody admits sheepishly. “Maybe you should go after him? You are his best friend after all.”
Instead of answer, Katsuki just gives the guy his phone back and looks at you with a worried expression.
“Keep an eye on Ei for me, make sure he only gets what he can carry to the top of the mountain. He’s also on a diet. If you see chocolate, explode it.” You can’t help but giggle at that. Whoever said Katsuki is an aggressive person is an absolute idiot. He makes his way towards the exit and looks back with a sharp gaze. “The fuck are you waiting for, foreigner, come on.”
Rody looks so surprised his jaw is about to hit the floor and you are not far away from doing the same. Wow. Just wow.
“I’m… coming?” Rody is frozen in one place, not sure if it’s safe for him to step closer or if this is a prank and he’s about to die.
“Are you?” Katsuki teases and no one gets offended this time. Phew.
“I am!”
“So what’s the plan?” Rody mutters to Katsuki, while he trails after him like a lost puppy. Katsuki can’t help but roll his eyes.
“We don’t need a plan. We find him and ask him what’s wrong. If he doesn’t answer, you leave and I’ll torture him until he does.”
Fuck, Izuku has been Katsuki’s best friend - he has two best friends, shut the fuck up - for fucking decades but this new, emotional instability is freaking the shit out of him, to be absolutely honest. He would lie if he would say Izuku hasn’t been… like this before, because he was, around the time he broke up with that shitty ass bitch, but back then, it was easy to see the reasons why he was acting the way he was while right now, Katsuki is a little bit confused.
Izuku never wavered when it came to hero work. Every time he fell on his face, he stood up and tried again. Then if he fell again, even if there was blood trailing down his forehead, he picked himself up once again and tried over and over until he got it right. Hell, the guy broke every single fucking bone in his body daily, just to be able to get better at using his quirk. Then after the war, when they were both broken down and banned from doing hero work or going back to school, he still studied, he still did his best every single day, not even worried about what the future holds for them. He never gave up, he never even thought about giving up or about the dangers of the job, he always went head first into the task and grinded until he got what he wanted.
This Izuku… is new to him. This Izuku isn’t sure about his future anymore and that’s the part Katsuki is freaking out about. He doesn’t know this Izuku. Doesn’t know that to say to him, how to ignite that flame once again and hell, Katsuki isn’t even sure what the fuck would he do if he would be in Izuku’s place right now. Obviously, none of them are in the business for the ranks anymore, that game stopped being fun once they reached the top and realized how much responsibly the title comes with. But Katsuki can understand how heartbreaking it can be to loose something you worked so hard for in a blink of an eye. Izuku is probably in shock right now, trying his best to comprehend the situation and that’s why he’s acting so strangely. He probably lost countless hours of sleep to the worry he feels every day, the worry that with him out of the picture the world will crumble, that innocent people will die if he’s not there on the battlefield and even though he has no reason to feel responsible for something he can’t control, it still eats him alive from the inside unknowingly, because that’s how Izuku is - Instead of enjoying the free time and all the love he gets from the fans, from his friends, from his family and mostly, from his girlfriend, he can’t help but dwell on the what ifs. It’s stupid, really, but Katsuki can’t lie and say he wouldn’t do the same in this situation. Even the most hard-headed person would crumble under such pressure. Hell, he would be fairing much worse, he would have burned the whole world down out of spite in Deku’s place. That guy is so fucking strong, what the fuck.
“You are muttering like Izuku.” Rody smiles at him with a knowing look on his face.
“Fuck off, I still hate you.”
That question made Katsuki jump out of his skin. Because honestly, why?
“Why do YOU hate me?” Katsuki retorts instead, giving himself enough time to think about his own answer.
“I don’t hate you, Bakugou, but I also can’t just let the past go.” Rody mutters. “I know I wasn’t there but… Izuku told me about how you treated him in middle school. And before you yell at me, I know you’ve changed. But the way you talk about me, the way you treat me reminds me of those stories. Reminds me of your despicable old self and I want to smack you in the face for it.”
Katsuki only gawks at the man right next to him.
“You can’t just throw that into my face, man!” He laughs, absolutely gobsmacked. “Fair play bitch, but you know jack shit about me!”
“I know, sorry.” Rody laughs back, followed by a dramatic sigh.
“Don’t be fucking sorry, it makes sense. And to answer your question I hate you because you managed to be friends with Deku in one fucking day while I couldn’t fucking get myself to say a single nice word to him but secretly wanted to be friends again. I was fucking jealous of you, you dick. You and your fucking sad background story and your cute fucking pink bird. Fuck you.”
Rody almost trips over a stone from how much he’s laughing right now. “Stop fucking laughing! It’s not funny! You traumatized me! Hugging him and shit like you knew each other for fucking ages!” He retorts but he can’t hide the smile on his face.
Katsuki sees a green blob through the window, in one of the small stores in this area. By the look of it, Izuku is hyperfocused on a box of…
“Are you fucking kidding’ me?” Katsuki mutters, his face full of incredulity.
“What… oh my god…”
It takes the two men several minutes before they can stop laughing. Then they enter the store.
“Welcome!” A lovely voice greets the green haired hero when he opens the door to the tiny cosmetic shop down the road.
Izuku is on a mission. Probably on the most important mission in his whole life and he’s been through a lot of shit.
If he messes this up, everything is over. He’s been waiting for this moment for so long and he’s at his limits; if he can’t have this one thing as soon as possible, the whole world will crumble. He’s been hyper fixating on this thing for ages. His therapist told him several times to just do it, it’s not something he’s not capable of in this state, so he has to let his ridiculously high expectations go and just let it happen naturally. He needs to stop thinking about it and just… do it. But he can’t just do it, can he? He needs to think about safety. Protection. He needs to make sure his Sweet Pea doesn’t hate this new side of him. He needs to make sure he has everything to be able to finish this mission successfully.
Hence why he entered this store. A cosmetic store/pharmacy.
Today, Izuku will purchase some… condoms.
He makes a beeline towards the sexual health isle. Then he freezes.
There are so many choices. Too many. He doesn’t understand why do people need so many. He doesn’t mean to brag but he never had to have a ribbed condom to make the other feel great. Isn’t sex all about finding out what your partner likes? What’s the point if you don’t put any work in it? It’s Izuku’s favorite part! The analyzing! Even though he feels weirdly reluctant about penetration when it comes to his sweet pea, to be absolutely honest. She’s so pure, so kind, so lovely. Izuku just want to please her without doing any damage. Not like having sex is damaging but… ahh, it’s hard to explain.
“Hello, sir, are you looking for something specific today?” The lovely customer adviser asks and that’s all Izuku needs to start muttering out all his thoughts.
“I’m here to buy some condoms but I haven’t used one in a while and there are so many options and I don’t really understand the need to have so many and I’m also terrified I’ll buy the wrong one and I’m not sure what’s trendy or what not or if it even matters, but what if it does and I choose the wrong one and what if she has one she prefers and I didn’t even ask? I should have brought her over but I wanted it to be a surprise and I didn’t want her to feel like she needs to uhm… you know… so I just wanted to have it around, just in case… I think I’m freaking out.”
Izuku knows he should be offended for being laughed at by the customer adviser but she looks so entertained he can’t tell her off for it. As we all know, Izuku likes to please.
“Well, I definitely didn’t think when I woke up today that I’ll be helping Japan’s number one hero choosing condoms but I’m glad I didn’t call in sick today.” Izuku feels mortified. He really didn’t think about his fame when he started babbling about his sexual life. He wants the earth to swallow him whole or just run out of the store but he really needs to buy at least one box today, otherwise he’ll be trapped in the mountains with the girl of his dreams for 5 days, surrounded by things that will definitely remind him of… well… that… and he can’t do that anymore.
“Well, do you know if she’s allergic to latex?”
Izuku freaks out once again.
“No, I don’t, oh my god, what do I do now?!”
“Calm down, we have latex free options so maybe take on of those just in case, this brand here is the most loved one.” The lady pops the box into his basket before he can freak out over it. “Now if it comes to the trends… I would go for something simple as you don’t know what your lady prefers yet. This one here is our bestseller, it has a texture that feels like skin, so it feels more natural. We have normal and extra large I’ll leave you to decide which one you want to go with.”
Izuku feels too awkward to actually choose so he just pops both versions into his basket.
Here’s the thing… he has no idea if it’s something that came with his inherited quirk or not but when he hit his growth spurt… his third leg grew as well. He only had one girlfriend and he tries to forget everything about her but he clearly remembers her saying that his size is uhm… respectable. He’s not sure what that exactly means so… yeah. He’s quite sure he used normal sized condoms before and while they are a little bit uncomfortable, it was okay. But maybe he just needs to try a different size.
Okay, Izuku. Focus.
“Do I need… uhm… lube?” Izuku mutters our loudly and for his surprise he doesn’t get laughed at this time; the lady looks at him, her eyes moving from his face to his legs and she… gulps. Izuku’s whole face becomes as red as a fresh strawberry from his garden.
“I don’t think so, but buy one just in case.” The lady blushes and stares out of the window, probably mortified by her own reaction.
“Why are they so many options.” Izuku whimpers as he looks at the massive selection. There are so many flavors and so many brands and… why do you even need them to be flavored…
Izuku, for the love of god, do not think about it. Do not go there. You know why they are flavored.
“I’ll… get the one that says natural. I think.” Izuku pops the lube into his basket with a blush on his face and that’s when the door opens.
“You motherfucker! We thought you are depressed!” Katsuki yells loudly, making the lady jump.
“Ahh, hi Catherine! I hope he didn’t say anything weird to you!” Rody puts his palm on the customer advisor’s shoulder.
“No, he just told me how much he loves his girlfriend, that’s all.” The lady winks and Izuku wants to disappear once again.
“Kacchan, are these okay?” Izuku shows his basket to his best friend, probably looking like a kid showing off his freshly caught beetles.
“How many times do you want to fornicate a day, Deku?” Kacchan asks the million dollar question as he looks at the three boxes in his basket.
“They are different, Kacchan. I couldn’t pick.”
“Well, first of all…” Kacchan takes the normal sized box out of his basket and puts it back on the shelf. “Don’t look at me like that, we’ve changed in front of each other quite a few times you know. I’m not saying the other won’t fit but this will be more comfortable.”
“Thank you, Kacchan!” Izuku stares at his best friend with eyes full of wonder. Kacchan blushes.
“Let’s go fucker, your girlfriend is fucking worried. Also, buy something else so you can say that’s what you wondered off for, if you don’t want to tell her about the condoms.”
“You are a genius!”
Katsuki only rolls his eyes at that.
Izuku gets Sweet Pea’s favorite perfume without even thinking about it; she’s been out of it for several days now but she said it’s too expensive for her budget, so needless to say, Izuku buys three of them. He also gets some chocolate from the counter and a cute pin with the Island’s name for everyone. He puts the condoms into the secret compartment of his backpack while he puts the rest on the top.
“Your secret is safe, buddy!” Rody winks as they make their way out of the store. Izuku thanks the lady once again for all her help and she asks for a selfie. Izuku complies.
“Yeah, don’t worry, birdface and I will make sure no one bothers you two when you are in your cabin.” Katsuki grins as he pulls Izuku closer by putting his arm around his shoulders.
“Yup. We are friends now.” Rody does the same from the other side and Izuku is sure they look like three drunken blokes right now but he’s so happy he doesn’t even bother about how they look.
“We are fucking not.” Katsuki grumbles, but he doesn’t say a single word when Pino sits on his shoulder, and that says a lot.
Life is great. Life is amazing. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s been so happy and nothing can fuck up his perfect mood, not even the dread he feels when he thinks about the future because right now, in this moment, he is the happiest nerd in the whole world.
“Izu!” You jump into your boyfriend’s arms just as he comes into your view. Honestly, this man will be the death of you one day. “Are you okay?!”
“Sweets, I just wanted to buy something. I’m sorry if it came off like I’m running away, trust me, all I want is to be with you and my friends. I’m so excited to go up, I’ve been sitting on my bum for so long, I can’t wait to get in shape here.” Izuku giggles and you feel a sudden urge to touch his bum to make sure it’s still in shape… khm. Sorry. Nevermind.
“Yeah, Japan can’t loose it’s number one juicy ass. That would be more devastating than a world war in this day and age.” Rody adds cheekily and both of your faces blush.
“Rody, please…” Izuku mutters, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden attention.
“Okay, can you guys stop talking about my boyfriend’s ass? That ass is mine. So back off!”
You can’t believe you said that, but you felt like it would make the group laugh, so… yeah.
What you did not expect was Izuku looking at you with half lidded eyes, clearly enjoying YOUR attention; he creeps closer, his lips right by the cusps of your ear as he whispers. “I didn’t realize you like it this much.” And hell if it doesn’t go straight to your… well… uhm. There.
“Izuku. For the love of god. Behave yourself.”
“I’m so sorry, I…” Izuku starts to stutter as he comes back to his senses. “Uhm, I don’t know why I did that, I just…”
“Shut up and starts going up that hill.” You spank that famous ass three times to make him move. Izuku’s facial expression changes between “I’ll devour you right here right now” and “omg everyone is watching me I’m scared” as he leads the way towards the cabins. It’s extremely hilarious.
“Wow, that tension was something else.” Tamaki gossips with Mirio who only laughs at the comment.
“I mean, there is something extremely romantic about making love in a cabin.” Mirio admits with a sigh.
“Great, I guess this is what you get for coming to a trip as the only single person in the group.” Kyouka moans as she follows the crowd.
“You can hang out in our cabin, Kyouka!” Kaminari perks up right away, probably excited to have someone to talk to because Shinsou is clearly not in the mood for a friendly banter right now, god knows why.
“We are all going to have a grill party this evening in OUR cabin, so keep it on your pants for now.” Katsuki declares. “Ei got all the meat possible so let’s go up because it’s fucking heavy.”
“I’ve got the booze!” Kirishima grins. “It’s also heavy!” He says but he doesn’t look bothered by it at all.
“Come on guys, if I’m not the last one up there, you all suck!” Izuku yells from the top of his lungs with a massive smirk on his face. Needless to say that comment makes the whole gang perk up.
“Oh boy, I’ll be the first!” Kaminari yells back, already running ahead of the team.
“Oi, not on my watch, Pikachu!” Katsuki is the next one to start sprinting then everyone starts running like maniacs except Kyouka, who decides to stay with you, walking in a normal pace.
“He looks excited.” Kyouka smiles at you as he looks at Izuku running with Katsuki, borrowing some help from black whip when the “road” is too steep.
“I really hope he enjoys himself.” You say dreamily and Kyouka gives you a shit eating grin.
“Not unless he can see you, so move your legs, bitch, we need to catch up!” She pulls you forward aggressively, almost making you fall.
“Hey!” You laugh, but you start running anyway; with so many heroes around, you are quite sure someone will catch you if you fall.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- If you read the last chapter of my Kirishima fic you already now but if not… I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post as frequently or at all. I’m going through a tough time and it greatly affects my writing, especially this story, to be honest, so if I don’t post for a while, I’m sorry. I don’t really want to get into details for now as it would make it way too real and right now I’m trying to just ignore it and keep going, but… if it escalates, I’ll let you know. Please be patient with me. I’m doing my best. Also, if you see me post other stuff but not this one it’s probably because I have a bunch of chapters already written for everything but this one. I’m not neglecting this story I’m just… done.
- Now let’s talk about this chapter and leave the angst behind 😂
- I absolutely love this new unhinged version of Deku. He’s slowly starting to be himself and I’m so proud of him I want to cry. He’s not shy anymore, he knows what he wants and he also knows he’s loved for who he is and not for the facade he usually shows to the people around him and damn, that’s a character development!
- I hope you laughed when you realized what Izuku’s problem was. I definitely laughed my ass of while writing this chapter, especially when I was writing the beginning with the drama while knowing what the real “problem” is 😂
- Oh, also! You can support me with a “coffee” if you would like! It won’t help my mental issues but it helps me pay rent and buy more figurines for comfort so yeah. I’m just throwing this out there just in case. 😂
- Tell me your thoughts! Send me a comment! Distract me! Please and thank you! 😂
@garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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gemini-magic17 · 1 year
Entanglement Chapter One
Kit Tanthalos x reader
This is my first time writing so I hope it is not too bad.
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"Why are you doing this? How could you spring this on me at the last moment when you know we are going to Tir Aisleen for the Queen's birthday", Y/n screamed at her parents for an explanation to what they had just done.
"Honey we weren't sure how you were going to handle this and we were planning on telling you."
"When mother?!? The week I am supposed to be married or hell maybe even the day of! I can't believe I had to hear about my own betrothal from my James."
"Your brother should never have told you and he knows that after all, it is our responsibility as your parents to do that. He should have kept his mouth shut", your father said.
Barging out of the advisement room leaving her parents to ponder what they had just said to her she went to track down her brother. It was only a short while until Y/n found him but she could always find him in the training yard. After all, that is where he spent most of his time when he did not have to perform his princely duties seeing as he will be king of Zemira one day.
"I see you are training as usual. Who is your latest victim?"
"Well little sister it's rather victims than victim", he laughs.
Out of nowhere a man with a gold shimmering helmet with details of snakes displayed upon it appears.
"I am afraid princess your brother here is lying to you," the man taking his helmet off revealing himself as none other than your sworn protector Ser Easton.
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"Is that so? Usually, you are the hunter dear brother when it comes to the training yard and the rest are just prey. Please explain to me why my brother who has had a sword in his hand since the age of six is now an amateur with a sword", Y/n laughs.
"It seems after the news about him telling you about your soon-to-be marriage had gotten back to the King and Queen he has been off his game today."
"I'm sure it did beca-- Wait how did you know I am supposed to be married soon", Y/n asked accusingly and the evidence of shock upon her face.
"Princess, I only know because of your brother he didn't know if he should tell you so he asked me for my opinion", Ser Easton explained.
"You told him that he should tell me"?
"Yes, I thought it would be beneficial that you know that you are going to be married very soon especially when we are set to sail to Tir Aisleen tomorrow".
"Thank you, Ser Easton, for telling James that he should tell me about this. You and him are always the two people I can count on whenever and wherever", Y/N smiles at him and her brother.
Changing the dreadful topic James asked his sister if she wanted to train together like they used to.
"I can't. You know how our mother feels about that. Always afraid I would get hurt especially after what happened when I was fourteen."
"It has been four years since then and when have you ever done what she says. After all, you are the rebellious one according to our Father and others in our kingdom. It will be fine she doesn't have to know", James begged.
"James you know she will find out she always does. She has eyes and ears all over this place nothing gets past her. Plus, I rather not get into another argument right now with her because I will never hear the end of it."
"Well, let's get another opinion", James turns to Ser Easton.
"Ser Easton, what do you think about this? Do you think Y/n should train with me like in the old days after all she was very good at it. Maybe even better than me", looking at Ser Easton thinking he is going to agree with him but does the opposite.
"My Prince, your sister is big enough to make this decision for herself, and persuading her to change her mind when it is already made up has never been something anyone could do. Not even your parents can do that. It is best to respect her wishes", Ser Easton expressed.
James looked at him as if he was saying you have got to be kidding me. Y/n smiles at what he says and bids her goodbyes to both of the men. Leaving the training she heads to the castle's library.
It contained hundreds of books on various subjects related to the history of the land to the history of magic. When upset Y/n enjoyed reading it calmed her in a way that would seem strange to other people. Seeing as others may train, go horse riding, or even sew to deal with any unwanted feelings. Stepping into the library she felt safe as though nothing could possibly harm her here, seems strange right.
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The rows of books displayed all around her give her that sense of familiarity. Having read numerous books from here and those that were still unread by her Y/n didn't know where to start. Thinking maybe the history of Tir Aisleen seeing as she would be marrying their--
Y/n jumped from where she stood and headed toward the place where the sound originated from. On the floor, she sees a dusty, old, leather book on the floor. Picking it up she could see by all the dust it had on it that it had not been touched in a long time. Matter of fact it doesn't look like anyone touched it at all. Opening it and reading the first few pages it seemed like it was a book of fairytales. Wanting to continue Y/n went and sat on a chair by some of the stacks of books. After reading for what seemed like a while she was halfway through the book when she came across one specific story that jumped out at her.
Scanning over the first few sentences Y/n reads out loud," In ancient times, when kingdoms were at war and peace could not be reached the use of the flying beasts that breathed fire had been used for destruction. Known as dragons, Kings sought them out to use for warfare yet, no man could control the winged beasts. Using dark magic they found a way to bind themselves to them as if they were one and the same. With their use everything burned, people died, and kingdoms fell within a day. As the war continued it only got worse dragons were being slaughtered and so did the ones they were tied to. Eventually, it seemed all the dragons were dead, and only three kingdoms survived the Great War after agreeing to a peace treaty. With no trace of dragons and none that remain it shall stay that way. However, it was said that the biggest dragon known as Calyx used in war by King Brixton was still alive and there was no proof of his death", Y/n can see a drawing of the flying beast.
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Turning the next page to see if there was any more information about this she was disappointed to see there was none. Before turning back to the previous page Y/n noticed that there were two pages stuck together. Carefully prying it apart what she saw left her speechless. On the first page, there was text written in a different language that looked almost familiar to her. Getting up from her chair and running to the opposite side of the library she went to the section on languages of the world. Picking up the book that held discussed over fifty languages she ran back to where she was previously. Knowing that she has seen that writing before she flipped through the book and found what she was looking for.
The language the text was written in was Ancient Decyros. Taking around thirty minutes to translate it seemed to Y/n that it was a prophecy of some kind.
Translation: "From fire and ash a girl born with the blood of the dragon shall bring forth rebirth. She will bring dragons back to the new world providing protection and homage to the flying beasts. To save the realm from imploring into unsavory darkness bringing light to all.
After reading this she was stunned not knowing what to think. Going back and forth in her mind is what this says true or has it already happened. It must have already happened or it is a false prophecy because dragons are gone they are no longer here. Y/n kept contemplating the matter and suddenly realized that it is late. VERY LATE. Putting the books back where they were she ran to her room and that is where she found her mother waiting for her.
"Honey, where have you been? You missed dinner I was worried."
"I'm fine Mom I was in the castle's library."
"I should have known that is where you go when you want to be left alone. I'm sorry your father and I should have told you sooner about your betrothal but we just couldn't find the right time."
"Anytime would have been the right time because at least I would know I was going to be married by my parents than my own brother having to tell me."
"You are right and I'm sorry", her mother says.
"Thank you. So, what is the Princess of Tir Aisleen like and when do I have to marry her", Y/n said.
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dadsbongos · 7 months
we need more airhead x megumi i loved that little series 🙏🏼
haha wholesome fun little addition to a fun little series - 645 words / not proofread :P
non-descript spoilers for chapters 212 +
Hot sand is soft beneath your palms, specks clinging along the lines in Megumi’s palms. Foamy ocean laps at the muddy shore, and he sinks his feet down into the pliant ground. Stringy, inky green seaweed shreds are stranded along the empty beach. Despite the water being in front of him, Megumi feels it all around him as well. Bogging down his clothes and lifting his grown hair (when was the last time he could enjoy a proper cut?). He smells it. Oxygen still filling his lungs as the salty tinge invades his nose. And he hears it, too. Gentle wave after gentle wave licking up to his shoes. 
There is no sun, but he feels heat searing all down his exposed neck and drooling through his uniform. So hot it scars over his pale flesh. So hot he wishes he were dead.
Until his own shadow is engulfed by a wide bulb in the dark sand. Heat dissipates, and a calm cool overtakes the boil instead. 
Megumi twitches around, eyes wide and ears clogged with water, to find you, punching an umbrella into the beach. He looks up as you look down, you smile and you say something that he can’t quite hear.
“What…?” he dumbly mutters, voice airy in the disbelief that you’re even here.
“I said,” you emphasize, “‘All alone, handsome?’”
Megumi can’t respond, too busy watching as you slip under the umbrella’s shade and sit beside him. You practically lay against him, cheek smushing on his shoulder. 
“It’s boring out here,” your voice is loud. So much louder than the faraway ocean crashing. He watches through thick lashes as you glance around the abandoned shore, “At least it's clean.”
Megumi nods, too tired to wonder how it was you got here and how you plan to get out, and settles his weight against yours, “Yeah, well… who wants to look at trash while they’re at the beach?”
“True,” you turn your face until your lips are molded against his shoulder, he can faintly feel your frown through his sleeve, “I miss you, ‘gumi.”
“You do?”
Why? Where is there even the room for you to miss him? 
Megumi flattens his head on yours, eyes fluttering closed as he chastises himself. He should know better. You have a big heart -- certainly big enough to miss him even as the world around you crumbles. Megumi, meanwhile, had all the time to miss you when he wasn’t wishing he was dead.
“I want you to come home,” your voice is muffled, but he strains his ears to ensure your words don’t go unheard, “I want to make you a new recipe I learned… before all this.”
“Mhm,” you hum, jamming the toe of your shoe into the sludgy, wet sand and kicking it up to reveal a rock, “It goes with ginger…”
“Yeah. And you need to take me candle shopping again.”
“Do you really want me to go with you?”
“I want you with me all the time, ‘gumi.”
He has to stop himself from repeating the question. Even after all of this, you continue to want him around? His face, voice, and erratic hair -- even now, none of it disgusts you? 
Megumi has to be thankful for that. He isn’t sure he could so much as look in a mirror right now without cracking it open. 
“It doesn’t have to be right now,” you murmur, “I can wait.”
“Thank you…” he huddles closer to you, sucking up your warmth hoping it’ll make him feel alive again, “Thank you.”
“‘Course,” a breeze sweeps over, almost icy against Megumi’s bare neck. But it’s pleasant.
The washing waves overtake his ears again, but the heavy feeling of water has disappeared. Replaced with raw, crisp air. A bulbed shadow sways below, and a yellow parasol with printed daisies dances along with it. 
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Summary: Mattheo Riddle meets an unforgettable, mysterious Hufflepuff and spends the school year fighting his feelings.
Warnings: None, just so much sweetness and typical Mattheo behavior.
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle X f!OC
Word count: 1, 817
A/N: I'm so excited to post this story that I've been imagining for months. I really hope you guys like my OC, whose name shall not be revealed until the end. Oh, also for this series let’s pretend they start Hogwarts at 12 years old, making them both 15-16 in this chapter.
Divider Credit to @enchanthings
Check out my Mattheo and f!OC mood boards here!
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From the day she stopped Mattheo and his Slytherin friends from picking on a first year, he should have hated her. He wanted to. He needed to. But he couldn’t. The way she had protected the young girl, stepped in front of their jinxes, shaken off the pain like it was nothing, and still not said a cruel word in return as she expertly blocked their spells, had sparked a curiosity about her that he had been fighting ever since. 
Maybe that’s just what Hufflepuffs do, he thought to himself as he snuck a peek at her across the great hall a few days later. No, his gut told him a different story, that’s just what she does. 
Life went on, as it always does, but for Mattheo it was different. His eyes searched every room for her, even as he scolded himself for hoping to find her. Why the hell do you care about this girl, she’s just a stupid muggleborn. Nothing special. His stomach clenched and he broke out in a cold sweat, body physically rejecting the thought. Alright, alright, I get it. 
He didn’t even know her name, had never bothered to remember it, but desperation to know her grew in him like an infection with only one cure. Before long he was ditching his friends to snag a seat near her in classes, waiting around in hallways to walk behind her, listening intently to every conversation for her name. His efforts were rewarded, at least partially, when professor McGonagall directed a question to a “Miss Waters”. His breath caught as her head whipped up and she hesitantly, but correctly, answered. 
Waters. Mattheo sighed softly as her back straightened with pride for a few seconds and she pushed her long ponytail over her shoulder. The pale blonde strands were like moonbeams against her black robe and it took everything in him to resist the urge to reach out to touch them. Oh for fucks sake. Get yourself together, Mattheo. You’ve got her last name, now let it go. 
He tried. He truly did. He spent the next few months forcing himself to ignore her, rolling his eyes every time her sweet voice filled the room, chastising himself whenever his thoughts drifted to her. And it worked. Well enough. Well enough that he could pretend he wasn’t dying to be near her. Well enough that he convinced himself dreaming about a classmate, a very pretty classmate, was a perfectly normal thing for a teenage boy. Well enough that he was no longer scouring his mind to come up with her first name. But the end of the school year was rapidly approaching and he knew if he didn’t discover her name, get to know even that tiny detail about her, she would haunt him all summer long. 
The last morning of the year Mattheo woke before dawn. Laying in the dark he contemplated his options, knowing it was now or never. I’ve only got a few hours left, he thought with a yawn, how am I going to get her alone today of all days? It’s always so chaotic, students running about saying goodbyes, the slow shuffle to the train - the train! That’s it, I’ll find her on the train. He clapped his hands together before he realized what he was doing, fighting back his chuckles as startled groans sounded around the room, the other boys unhappy they were so rudely awakened. He got out of bed, heading for the bathroom before one of the other boys could get there first, a small smile on his face. 
Having decided he should get to the train platform early so he wouldn’t miss her, Mattheo skipped breakfast, hanging around the Slytherin table saying goodbyes to the few other students he knew, bag over his shoulder, ready to leave this place behind. He searched the Hufflepuff table but didn’t see her. She must still be packing like all the other girls. Almost an hour before everyone else he left the castle. 
He ran, as fast as he could, to the train, collapsing as he reached the top step to the platform. His heart pounded in his ears, he was sure he was having a heart attack. Suddenly the very voice he was longing to hear rang through the air, a sweet “are you alright?”. Oh gods, I’m dying. He attempted to stand, leaning against the stone wall, groaning. I’m actually dying and to make it worse I’m hallucinating her voice. 
“I said, are you alright, Mattheo?” Her voice again, I really am losing it. A hand gripped his chin, gently lifting it upwards. His eyes followed slowly, his vision blurred with tears as he squinted into the sunlight. “Mattheo?” His eyes opened wide as he looked into clear blue eyes staring back at him. Oh gods, it really is her. He forced his head back down, his lips grazing her palm before she slipped her hand away. He needed a moment. His heart was pounding again, but for a different reason now. It was the first time he had ever seen her out of uniform and he was certain his mind was playing tricks on him. Was she really wearing- did I really just see that?
He lifted his head slowly this time, eyes drinking in every inch of her. Her black vans stood almost toe to toe with his dirty old converse. There were little white flowers on her shoes, what are those called again? I really should know this- The thought vanished in his mind as his eyes moved further up. Are those snakes on her tights?! Holy shit, they are! He groaned again, hoping she would assume the pained sound was related to his run. He tried not to shift around too much as his pants grew tight, body reacting to the sight of her. His eyes widened as they reached the hem of her pleated, red plaid mini skirt, the little chains hanging over her hips almost making him lose control. He had to bite back a growl as his eyes traveled over her torso, the little flashes of pale skin visible through her ripped shirt making his knees weak. He was hopeless to control the low, desire choked laugh that escaped him as he read the words printed on her chest. Witchy Woman. He would gladly drop to his knees and let her perform all kinds of magic over him, half convinced she already had. She wore more makeup than usual, her eyes seductively lined, gods those eyes, as she looked down at him. But her pale pink lips remained bare, begging to be kissed until they were raw and red, a wish his own body was demanding he make come true. Who knew this quiet Hufflepuff would turn out to be my punk princess. What a day.  
Rising to full height, ignoring the obvious bulge in his pants, he nodded, knowing full well nothing but rude remarks about her looks and ways to satisfy his desire would come from his mouth right now. He watched her turn back to the wall, only now noticing she didn’t have any bags with her. He was so confused by this he didn’t even try to get a peek under her skirt as she hoisted herself up. 
“How come you’re here so early?” He leaned against the wall next to her, looking up at her. “Why haven’t you got any bags?” 
“Haven’t got very far to go.” She shrugged, blonde hair falling around her shoulders as she looked down at him. 
He was unsatisfied with her answer, but let it go, turning his head to look down at Hogsmead. Nothing about this was going the way he had imagined, but he was determined to at least get one straight answer. “What’s your name?” 
She didn’t answer, instead looking up as though sensing something he hadn’t. Smiling, she turned and jumped off the backside of the wall.
“Hey!” Mattheo called after her, moving to the railing of the stairs he had just climbed to look for her. A soft “oh” left him as he came face to face with her. She smiled, spinning the stem of a small white flower between her fingers, a second one tucked behind her ear. Her hair threatened to overtake the delicate flower and without thinking he reached out, brushing the shell of her ear, tucking her soft hair back into place. Gods she’s beautiful. She reached for his hand, placing the flower on his palm. 
He smiled down at the tiny flower, in awe of its delicate beauty. “Daisy.” How fitting. When he looked up she was gone, winding her way down the staircase, heading for the village. Mattheo ripped his eyes away from her as the brakes of the train squeaked to life just feet away from him, his hand instinctively closing around the fragile flower. He smiled as the red and black steam engine slowed. How had she known it was coming before I did? 
Dropping the small flower into the pocket of his shirt to keep safe, he turned back to catch a final glimpse of her. He spotted her climbing over the large boulders near the embankment of the river on the east side of the village, surprised when she threw her hand into the air and waved at him with excellent accuracy. Did she just guess I was watching her? Can she even see me from down there? Chuckling as she moved out of view, he boarded the train, leaning his head against the open window of a compartment. 
He pulled the flower out of his pocket, bringing it to his face. There’s something special about you, Daisy Waters. Gently, he dragged the flower across his lips, closing his eyes. Something very special indeed. 
His eyes still closed he sat back in his seat, one hand rifling through his bag for his journal, pausing suddenly. Over the noise of the train and the carriages beginning their journey towards the school, The wind carried a sound Mattheo never expected to hear. Is that a wolf? The heartbreaking sound of the howl pierced his heart, he knew a lonely creature when he heard one. Before he knew what he was doing he cupped his hands around his lips and howled back, one lone wolf to another. The wolf answered him, and for the second time that day, during the few brief moments as they howled together, Mattheo felt as though he belonged. 
He sat still for a long time, listening closely for the wolf to call again, but even when it didn’t, he smiled. The wolf was free and wild, something he longed to have in common, something he was determined to make true for himself one day. He pulled his journal out, tucked the little daisy between its pages, smiling as he thought about his Daisy. 
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anonymousewrites · 12 days
Of Two Worlds (Book 3) Chapter Twelve
Fushiguro Megumi x Half-Curse! Reader
Chapter Twelve: Duel
Mouse Note: Spoilers! Spoilers beware! I am starting at JJK Ch 222 and going on to the end from here. :)
Summary: Everyone prepares for Sukuna and Gojo's duel.
December 24th…
            “Everyone is training hard,” said Nanami, watching Itadori spar with Higurama.
            “I told you, you can’t fight,” said Ieiri, leaning back in her chair and smoking. “Your cursed energy is too unstable. It was all I could do to keep you alive. If you risk fighting—”
            “I could fall apart, I know,” said Nanami. He disliked that he was now on the sidelines of the toughest battle in the last thousand years. If Gojo didn’t win against Sukuna, Nanami wouldn’t be able to help fighting. He couldn’t even go and search for (Y/N). She had made her declaration of leaving them behind and disappeared. Nanami’s heart ached. That was (Y/N)—the kid he’d seen grow up. He wanted to help her, but he was too weak.
            “Don’t worry, Nanami!” Gojo walked into the room. “I’m going to win. After all, I’m the strongest.”
            Nanami almost rolled his eyes at how carelessly unconcerned Gojo was. Instead, he just looked out at the students milling around and training together. “You better.” He didn’t want to watch these kids keep fighting. They should be allowed to be kids.
            He looked at Yuuta as he came in from patrol. There were still an influx of curses post-Shibuya incident, so they were taking shifts going out to exorcise them. Inumaki walked with Yuuta, and the two nodded at Nanami and Gojo.
            “Doesn’t look like you two got a workout,” teased Gojo.
            No one could tell if he felt the gravity of the situation or not. He was still acting like Gojo. Nanami suspected that underneath everything he knew the stakes—Megumi’s death, Sukuna’s awakening, all that could go wrong—but Gojo was fundamentally Gojo. And that meant he put a smile on his face and was confident as ever.
            “Bonito flakes,” said Inumaki.
            “Yeah, not a lot of curses,” confirmed Yuuta. “Less and less everyday leading up to the battle.”
            It was as if every curse and animal could feel that something big was going to happen soon and chose to retreat until the outcome was determined. The instinctual part of them connected to nature knew it wasn’t the time to risk being vulnerable and exposed.
            “Was there any sign of—?”
            “No,” said Yuuta, shaking his head. “Still nothing, Nanami-san.”
            Nanami’s gaze went to the ground, and his crossed arms balled into fists. No sign of (Y/N). Where are you? “Thank you for looking,” said Nanami, nodding. Yuuta and Inumaki glanced at one another before walking out of the room.
            “You’re still worried, aren’t you, Nanami?” said Gojo.
            “Gojo,” said Ieiri. (Y/N) had been part of the reason Nanami was still alive. He almost died in front of her. The pair had always been close, so bringing up the other being in danger touched a nerve.
            “Nox is out there,” said Nanami. He looked at Gojo and narrowed his eyes. “If Nox is alive, then he waited to reveal himself for a reason. And whatever that reason is, I don’t trust it.”
            “He fought to protect (M/N) and (Y/N) when she was a child, though,” said Ieiri, letting out a puff of smoke. “It doesn’t seem like he wants (Y/N) hurt.”
            “I don’t trust him,” said Nanami firmly.
            “Relax, Nanami. I’ll defeat Sukuna, and then we’ll find (Y/N),” said Gojo. He grinned. “We’ll even fight Nox if we have to!”
            “I just want her back safe,” said Nanami quietly. I want my kid back.
            Gojo clapped Nanami on the back. “Relax, Nanami. Let us handle it.”
            Nanami tensed as he watched Gojo walk out to meet his students. That was what he hated the most. He had to let everyone else handle it. He couldn’t do anything.
            He couldn’t help (Y/N) if she needed it.
            “Good luck?” suggested Hakari.
            “Don’t die?” said Panda.
            “Nothing sounds quite right,” sighed Hakari.
            “Yeah, he’s always won before,” said Panda.
            Yuuta sweat-dropped and nodded.
            “So why worry and cheer for him?” said Hoshi.
            “Kelp,” said Inumaki.
            “I do think he’d be pleased, though,” said Yuuta.
            “If he’s overconfident, I’ll punch him before Sukuna does,” said Maki firmly.
            The air crackled with energy, and everyone looked up. Gojo was walking down the stairs to leave the building. Utahime, Gakuganji, Ieiri, and Nanami walked down behind him. Everyone tensed, knowing what was about to happen.
            “Sensei!” said Itadori, waving a hand. “Your cursed technique’s in the way.”
            Gojo smiled slightly and laughed. He turned his back. “Give it to me!”
            Itadori slapped Gojo encouragingly on the back. The other students looked on and smiled. Then, they joined in, and Gojo smiled as he walked through the crowd of students.
            “Get ‘im, you blind-folded idiot!” said Maki.
            “Prove your more than just a pretty face,” said Hoshi.
            “Salmon!” said Inumaki.
            “Let me know if you need help,” said Yuuta, grinning.
            “Kick his ass, Gojo-sensei!” said Itadori.
            Gojo smiled. “Yeah.” He raised his chin. “I got this.”
            Nanami looked at the small group of students, teachers, and allies. Two faces were missing, and it left the room feeling empty.
            (Y/N) and Megumi’s lack of presence haunted the remaining jujutsu sorcerers.
            “My deepest apologies,” said Uraume. “We were unable to find the last finger.” They handed over Sukuna’s nineteenth finger to the man in question.
            “Not that we expected to,” said Ren as Sukuna ate the finger. “The Gojo likely has the last finger.”
            “ ‘The Gojo?’ ” said Sukuna, raising a brow in amusement.
            Ren ignored him and continued. “After all, he proposed to the higher-ups to stay the execution until the boy ate all of your fingers. It’s likely he has one of them stashed away somewhere to keep the execution on a permanent hold.”
            Uraume nodded and then winced. Ren’s eyes went to them briefly. Despite their reverse-cursed technique, the injury Gojo had dealt to them was still aching.
            “Don’t worry. I can compensate for one digit,” said Sukuna, waving a hand. He smirked at Ren and Uraume. “I’m going to kill Gojo Satoru, make this body just mine, and then have a celebration for all of it.” He grinned. “And not just for that—but for returning to you two, as well.”
            “Until the body is your original one, we’re not doing anything,” said Ren.
            “I concur,” said Uraume.
            Sukuna had to struggle not to pout. “I can’t even have a kiss?”
            “No,” said Ren and Uraume at the same time.
            Sukuna scowled.
            “You chose that body; you reap the consequences,” said Ren bluntly.
            “We have another option to hurry things along,” said Uraume.
            “This is the one I need for battling Gojo Satoru,” said Sukuna. “It has the cursed technique and face that can face him and his power the best.”
            “That was not the plan,” said Ren.
            “The plan had to adjust,” said Sukuna.
            “Keep to the planned strategy,” said Uraume, addressing the current situation.
            “Kill Gojo Satoru,” said Sukuna, smirking.
            “Oh, good, you’re ready,” said Kenjaku, walking into the room as Sukuna spoke of killing. “I trust Ren organized everything?”
            “Of course I did,” said Ren, crossing her arms.
            “You’re quite helpful for a woman,” said Kenjaku.
            Ren’s eyes narrowed, and Uraume scowled. The only reason they put up with Kenjaku—formerly Kamo Noritoshi who experimented on women to create half-curses—was to bring Sukuna back. Now…he was merely an annoyance.
            “Would you care to rephrase?” said Sukuna, tilting his head challengingly.
            “Your strategist has been useful,” said Kenjaku, waving a hand.
            Uraume narrowed their eyes, and Ren moved on. Kenjaku would get what he deserved, whether she had to do it herself or not.
            “Where is Nox?” said Ren.
            “Still monitoring,” said Kenjaku.
            “It went perfectly,” said Ren. “The moon cycle is finishing synchronizing tonight.”
            “I told him that, but he’s excited,” said Kenjaku, shrugging. He chuckled. “You can’t blame him, he’s a father. I understand.”
            “Because you raised your children?” said Ren, raising a brow. She was unimpressed by the lie.
            “I’m going to let that comment slide because we’re on a schedule,” said Kenjaku.
            “You’re going to let it slide because Ren is my wife and Uraume is my spouse, and you know the consequences of speaking to them like that,” said Sukuna lowly.
            Kenjaku glanced at him, turned, and walked towards the door. He didn’t respond, but his intelligent decision to leave was obviously motivated by Sukuna’s words. “Don’t mess up the plan!” He waved.
            “Dear?” said Ren, looking at Sukuna.
            “Shall I continue with the plan?” said Sukuna, smirking.
            “He asked to,” remarked Uraume.
            “He did.” Sukuna raised a hand. “Cleave.”
            As Kenjaku took a step out of the room, his body fell apart. Blood and gore hit the ground. Sukuna smirked. Uraume and Ren didn’t bother to look back.
            “Finally,” said Ren.
            “We had to put up with him for quite a while,” said Uraume.
            “He served his purpose,” said Sukuna. He rose. “Now.” He smirked. “It’s time to prepare for our duel.”
            “I’ll fetch your robes,” said Uraume.
            “I’ll inform Nox,” said Ren.
            “It’s time for Gojo Satoru to die,” said Sukuna. He looked out the window at the ruins of Shibuya. The sun was setting, turning the sky bloodred—as red as Gojo’s blood would spill.
            By the time the sun disappeared in the sky, Sukuna would stand victorious.
            Inside a dark room, Nox knelt beside a cot. He held a still, cold body’s hand. He closed his eyes and whispered words of prayer to the moon, the stars, and all of the night sky. Under the icy skin, no pulse thrummed.
            But he could feel the sun falling in the sky. He could feel the night approaching. Soon, the world would be swathed in inky blackness save the light of the stars and the silver shine of the moon.
            Then, Nox would know. He would know if all his planning paid off. He would know if the ritual worked. He would know if the moon lived.
            “There is he,” said Sukuna.
            He stood atop a skyscraper left at the edge of Ground Zero in Shibuya. A large crater spread out before him. At the other side of the debris, atop another building, a powerful, radiant cursed energy radiated outwards. Gojo had arrived for the duel. Where Sukuna wore white underneath a black robe, Gojo had a white robe over white pants and a black shirt. The pair were polar opposites, and they were about to clash.
            Gojo took a deep breath as he listened to Gakuganji’s music and felt Utahime’s dancing. He closed his eyes as he remembered just how much he had lost—Geto, Yaga, Megumi—and how much he had to fight to protect who he cared about—down to killing the elders. His bright blue eyes opened to the sunset, shining like stars in the light.
            It was time.
            “Nine ropes—” Gojo put his hands together “—polarized light—” his cursed energy switched on “—crow and declaration, between front and back—” he put his hands out in front of him “—Hollow Purple!”
            The energy exploded out at Sukuna. He raised his hands to block it, but, due to Ijichi’s barrier, he had misread Gojo’s output and not noticed the immense cursed energy. It hit him and the building. Stone broke apart into a million pieces and rained down on the ground.
            Sukuna smirked as he stepped out of the rubble and dust clouds. It was the strongest sorcerer of a thousand years ago versus the strongest sorcerer, and Sukuna wanted a proper fight. Gojo floated down from his own building to land in front of him, and the pair gazed at one another.
            “Just so there’s no misunderstanding, let me set you straight,” said Gojo, a wild look in his eyes. “You’re the challenger here.”
            “Damn punk,” said Sukuna, narrowing his eyes—all four. “I’m the challenger? You’ve let catching me off-guard go to your head. Gojo Satoru, you’re just a fish on the cutting board. You may flop around a lot, but you’re still a nameless fish.” He raised his hands, and cursed energy flared into flares around them. “First, I’ll strip away your scales.”
            “Then why’re you wearing that face?” Gojo dropped his white robe. “You wanted me to hold back, right? Too bad for you I’ve undergone special training. I can totally whale on Megumi. Dying once as Yuuji was a mistake.” Gojo smirked wildly. “I’ll worry about Megumi after I kill you.”
            Sukuna struck, and Gojo blocked his attack. He pivoted and hit Sukuna, but Sukuna parried it. Cursed energy clashed and sizzled in the air. Gojo ducked under an attack and sent Sukuna flying into a wall with his Infinity. The pressure cracked the wall, and Sukuna crashed through it and several other barriers.
            When he landed, Gojo was already rushing at him. Sukuna jumped back to dodge Gojo’s landing, and the bridge they stood on splintered into pieces. As the pieces fell, Gojo controlled his fall and through his hand up. Infinity shoved the shard Sukuna stood on into another building. Sukuna ran along the side of the slab of rock and jumped onto another roof. He jumped into the air and pointed at Gojo.
            “Dismantle,” he said.
            Gojo raised a brow as he felt nothing.
            The attack hit the high rise behind Gojo. He glanced back, and Sukuna lunged. He stole Gojo’s attention, forcing him to block the attack. All the while, the top of the skyscraper careened downwards towards them. Gojo grabbed Sukuna’s fist the next time he attacked and threw him into the building. It fell on both, but they crashed through a window and continued their battle inside. They tossed tables and chairs from the offices at one another, neither taking any real damage.
            The building hit the ground. A thunderous crash echoed through the ruins of Shibuya, and Gojo and Sukuna emerged in a cloud of dust and smoke.
            “I’m blaming you for all the damage,” said Gojo.
            Sukuna smirked. “Like anyone will believe that.”
            “Gah!” Gojo looked at the crows watching him. “Mei’s broadcasting this!”
            “So, shall we make this interesting?” said Sukuna, raising his hands.
            Gojo grinned. “Bring it, old man.”
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groenendaelfic · 6 months
Faroe Gone Final Chapter Sneak Peak
So there's still lots of editing I need to do before I can post the whole thing, but with tomorrow looming I thought I'd share something "happy" and "cheerful" to distract y'all.
Have fun reading the beginning of the final chapter and hope you enjoy! 😇
Simon doesn't know if it's the sudden fog, his tears, or the fact that all he wants to do is be a fool and turn back around again—the first one, definitely the first one—but he drives back to Tórshavn at almost a snail's pace.
It doesn't matter. He has well over a day until the ferry makes its return journey to Denmark and nothing else to do except go over his time with Wilhelm again and again, replaying the good times and the pleasurable times and wondering if he could have said or done anything to change the outcome of his journey—other than realizing that all of his feelings were mere nostalgic illusion and fantasy, which of course turned out to not be the case.
Quite the opposite. Real Wilhelm was so much more than what Simon made him out to be in his head. There's so much he's missed. So much he doesn't know yet and which he desperately wants to find out.
It hurts, and yet there's nothing else Simon can do, no other choice which wouldn't hurt more sooner or later.
No. Simon tried. He did the best he could and that is enough. It has to be enough.
Simon had to leave while he still could.
The road ahead of him is empty, no one else in sight. No people, no cars, no sheep. Nothing except the wet, cold fog swallowing up everything and a rushing noise in his ears which might be the wind or the ocean or Simon himself.
Simon blinks away another tear and keeps driving, turning up the heat and hoping it will help.
It doesn't.
On the next island he passes a camper van. It's parked, and Simon thinks he can make out a brave tourist trying to take a picture, but he isn't sure. It's not as if there's much to see except an endless wall of grayish white.
Maybe that's the fascination.
Wilhelm told him that there are thirty-seven words for fog in the Faroese language, and while Simon laughed and told him to stop kidding, he's sure he's already experienced half of them, and it's only been two days.
Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but contemplating the uselessness of taking pictures of fog is a lot more bearable than lingering on the fact that he'll never get to be with Wilhelm again, never feel that satisfied ache in his muscles, not like this, and really how long can a grown man cry before he's all out of tears?
Pretty long he guesses.
Simon once stopped Ayub's baby daughter from attempting a daring escape on all fours, and Simon swears she was crying forever. Not that he blames her.
Crying is cathartic if it's anything, but if she could produce that many tears because of nothing more than a foiled plan to explore the stairway, then how many will Simon be able to shed before he's all wrung out? He’s a lot taller than her after all and guaranteed to not forget the reason for his tears even after being presented with some candy.
Simon doesn't want to know.
Simon wants to keep driving through this fog forever, because all that's waiting for him at its end is the mundanity of his never-changing life and a scandal revealing the Crown Prince to have been the victim of underage revenge porn thanks to his second cousin and presumed successor, and that is guaranteed to make it worse, to drag Simon’s name back into public awareness.
He should probably call home and warn his mom, warn Sara, but facing them will be torture of an entirely different kind, and also the investigative journalist they chose is a good one, one bound to build a case and not blindly believe her sources before going public, so there is still time.
Not too much though, as there is an impending deadline if the Royal Court and the Prime Minister are to be believed, or at least Simon would really prefer news of August’s deeds to overshadow him being taken into the line of succession.
Not that he’s so naive as to think a mere article can do more than delay the proceedings at best—although one can always hope—and ideally the journalist and whoever else gets a say in choosing the right time will see it the same way, but all of that is still more than half a week away, so why burden his family before he absolutely has to?
No, he's not going to call home yet, but maybe he should reserve a room before he gets back to the capital.
He decides to do it the old fashioned way and pulls over at the next opportunity. A viewpoint, or so he presumes the sign a few meters away from him would tell him if only it was clear enough to see.
He wipes at his cheeks and opens his phone. There are plenty of options for him to stay at. Small, privately owned places, holiday homes with kitchens and living rooms, quaint little hotels doing their best to sell their Nordic, rustic charm to tourists wealthy enough to make it there, and of course a camping ground, because unlike Sweden, the Faroe Islands don't allow one to set up camp anywhere else.
Simon doesn't choose any of them. He wants a warm but bland room, boring and inoffensive and as likely to be in Tórshavn as on the other side of the world.
Something as far from Wilhelm's colorful and most definitely handmade and expensive wooden furniture as he can get, and so he books himself a room at the first—and only—international hotel chain he can find, something he'd never do otherwise, and pretends that he's looking forward to it. The hotel has a fitness center after all and well over a hundred rooms. Simon is almost going to feel like back home in Uppsala.
He sighs and makes sure he received a confirmation for his booking, before he throws his phone onto the passenger seat and sighs again.
Somehow, magically, or rather because he's on a windy archipelago in the middle of nowhere, the fog is starting to clear. He can see a few meters of grass now, and then a cliff, and below it the cold, dark ocean pretending at being calm.
Simon wants the fog back, but when has he ever gotten what he wanted, and by the time he's back on the road he swears he can see a tiny patch of blue sky up ahead.
The hotel is on the outskirts of town and exactly as impersonal as Simon hoped it would be. He isn't hungry, and so he goes straight to his room and falls face first into bed.
The sheets are white and the pillows are white and they smell bland and clean and inoffensive, nothing at all like Wilhelm, and why would they?
Simon hates them. Simon also hates the hotel, but it's not as if he's in the mood for sightseeing, and as he isn't willing to take a shower yet—what? He's alone, no one's going to smell him, and isn't that the entire problem?—all that's left to do is turn on the TV, because he's for sure not touching his phone again any time soon.
Not when that would mean having it confirmed with every passing minute that he was a fool to leave Wilhelm his number. Wilhelm isn't going to call, but Simon would rather live in denial for as long as he can.
The TV does not greet him with an info screen as Simon expected, but an English speaking news channel, the volume turned up way too loudly, and Simon turns it off again as fast as he can.
Wallowing in self pity it is then.
Unfortunately Simon's usual answer to bouts of self-pity—angrily jerking off to thoughts of Wilhelm—is not an option right now, because Wilhelm is the entire reason for his misery, and so he grudgingly reaches for his phone after all and starts up a game which would work much better on a computer screen.
He's just about to finish off the newest boss, when a text message pops up.
If I do it, it reads. Then can we
The sentence stops halfway through, and Simon almost has a heart attack.
The delay in his reaction is enough for him to be killed instead, but it's not as if Simon notices.
Wilhelm. It has to be Wilhelm.
He taps the message, and while that makes it larger, it doesn't change the words.
He almost calls Wilhelm back right away, because Wilhelm is swaying, is reconsidering, and Simon wants that, he wants it so bad, to have Wilhelm back in his arms and his life, but also Simon already told Wilhelm that he can't be the only reason Wilhelm returns, that this is a life changing decision if there was ever any, and that Wilhelm needs to make it for himself and not for a hope of them maybe working out, and so he doesn't.
Instead he waits an excruciating minute and then another, just in case Wilhelm wants to add something or pressed send too soon, but no further message follows.
Simon curses and swears and kicks up his feet, because now he has hope again and that is great, but also torture. He doesn't want Wilhelm to get the wrong impression, doesn't want him to think that Simon wouldn't be willing to pick right up where they left off if he could—in the bedroom that is, not when it comes to fighting—and maybe they could also go on a date which has been nineteen years in coming.
Simon wants that. Simon really wants that. How can he not, now that he's had a taste, has spent time with Wilhelm, just Wilhelm, has had breakfast with him and done chores with him and played with his dog. Simon wants Wilhelm back, now more so than ever.
Simon knows he's an idiot, thinking of romance and dating when he just left the love of his life behind, and even if he hadn't, a returning Wilhelm would have much different things on his mind. He'd have to. He'd have no other choice. Things like his dying mother and the throne and the public reacting to his return after ten years in exile.
Wilhelm wouldn't have time for Simon, no matter how much Wilhelm would want him. Not for weeks and not for months. Simon would have to sneak into an assortment of palaces with the eyes of the entire nation on nothing but them if he wanted any time with Wilhelm at all, and Simon wouldn't want that. Simon doesn't want secrecy and sneaking and lies. Not that'd even be an option, what with the press and curious bystanders everywhere.
There is another option of course. The only one Wilhelm would ever consider coming back for. The one which at first glance sounds perfect because it means being with Wilhelm and standing by his side. It would also mean giving up everything else in Simon's life though, but what has he really got to lose? Why stop being foolish now?
Wilhelm told Simon that he's it for him. Wilhelm loves him. Simon's already traveled across an ocean. What's one tiny text message compared to that? Why can't he be selfish just this once and fuck the risk and the idiocy and the fear of what will be in one year? In five? In ten?
It all might end in disaster, but it might also not, and why should he be miserable if there's even the slightest chance at some fleeting happiness. After all it's not as if the email Wilhelm sent isn't bound to upend Simon's life anyway, and it's not as if Wilhelm is actually going to come.
Simon wants to be happy.
Simon wants to be happy and now there's a chance for it and so why not take it? He's done stupider things before, like coming here in the first place, so he might as well go all the way.
He doesn't text Wilhelm a yes, doesn't make any promises. He texts one word and one word alone, followed by a number, the name of the hotel and his room number, and maybe that's the biggest promise of all.
He doesn't regret it. He couldn't stay, not without making his inevitable departure even worse, but now he's done his part and the ball is in Wilhelm's court, all the balls are, and Simon is here and waiting.
For a ferry. For Wilhelm. For the life they could have had.
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thedoctorsthings · 4 months
Power to the king | final chapter
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Here she finally is, the final chapter. This concludes Yoongi's part of the story, but don't fret, Power to the king is not done yet. The next member I will write is Seokjin. However don't expect a peep out of me until at least the end of June because I have finals. Enjoy!
WC: About 2k
Warnings: minor character death, angst, smut but it's only vaguely described not explicitly detailed because I'm a big wuss, good ending don't worry
You had visited the princess, but not much had come out of it. After you told her what you heard she had looked at you quizzically and told you that Frida had always accompanied her brother on his trips. She also said that she never thought anything of it until now. The discovery that Yoongi’s relationship with this maid dated back years was a blow to your stomach, but at least the princess was honest with you. You had formed an ally in this castle.
On the morning of your husband’s return you feel more confident than ever.  On your wedding night he had made you promise to never let your emotions run amok again, and today you would show him you remembered. You had no idea if Yoongi knew how you felt. There was a chance he didn’t even know you knew about them.
It’s almost noon and you’re waiting for his arrival in the great hall with the rest of the family. It was customary for the person who had been away to give a report on the situation to the council. First, he would be welcomed back by his entire family. Jungkook, who was standing next to you, whispered: "I promised him a huge favour if he stopped shaving while travelling”. ‘What did he say?”, you asked. “He agreed, but I’d rather not discuss what he made me do. He better walk through that door with a beard”. You barely had time to answer, or the doors flew open revealing Yoongi, without beard, and his entourage.
With a forced smile and a hushed: “You bastard”, under his breath, Jungkook approached his brother and shook his hand. The minute you saw your husband appear all the confidence left your body. How could you tell this beautiful, intimidating man that you hated him. All you were left with was sadness about the progress you had made that was now lost. After greeting the king your husband came up to you and ceremoniously pressed his and your cheeks together, as was customary. You barely reacted, no eye contact, no smile. There was some visible confusion on his face, but he didn’t say anything about it.
That evening, at dinner, you went back to your old, quiet self. You had no idea why because you had promised yourself you would be strong and tell him he had to stop seeing her. Instead, you had deflated in on yourself upon seeing him.
Yoongi’s eyes were boring holes into your skull. He was seated opposite of you, and spent the entire night staring, no glaring, at you. After the meal you wasted no time fleeing to your rooms. What was wrong with you? Why couldn’t you just talk to him and tell him off like you had before? Suddenly there’s an aggressive sounding knock on your door. “Come in”. You’ve barely uttered, or he’s already inside. He stands tall in front of your door, about two meters from you. “What’s wrong with you?” You’re shocked. What’s wrong with you? You’re not the one sleeping with some maid. “What do you mean?”, you bite back while folding your arms. “You embarrassed me in front of my family, I thought we had made progress. I thought we could be civil to each other now”. He’s pointing accusingly at you now, clear anger on his face. You bite the inside of your lip. “Well, I thought so too, but I should have realised it was only about civility for you”. He’s stands quiet for a moment, face riddled with angry confusion. “What are you talking about?” You take a step closer to him and gather all your courage. “You’re sleeping with Frida. I saw you together some time ago, and now you took her on your trip. I should have known you only visited me every night to keep me content, so you could keep sneaking around with your favourite maids”.
His face contorts in a snarl: “You have no right to accuse me of anything”, he spits. You laugh: “Is it not true then?” your voice overshoots slightly at this last question. He stays quiet. Your eyes begin to tear, but he doesn’t see, he never does. “Are there more? Are you in love with her? God Yoongi, why did you do this?” He stays quiet, and you almost lose your mind. You start yelling as tears well up in your eyes for real now: “Answer me, Yoongi! How could you do this to me? How come you can barely look at me or spend time with me, but you can sneak around sleeping with her without even paying attention who sees?” “Because!” he yells, “I feel sorry, when I look at you, I feel sorry! I trapped you in a marriage with the most loveless man in the kingdom. I can’t stand to be around you because you remind me of how horrible I am. I felt like pushing you away from me would free you”.
It's your turn to be silent now. Anger is coursing through your entire body. How dare he act as if he was helping you by setting you aside as a wife. “If you feel so guilty why not be better?” Your question is almost immediately followed by an answer.  “Because I’m not good! I can never give you what you want. I’m not a husband, I wasn’t ready”. He says while finally looking you in the eye. “Neither was I” you cry, “But you don’t see me running of with someone else. I’ve been trying so hard to make something of this!” Yoongi scoffs. He had been standing in the same spot this whole time, but now he moves closer. “Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it”, he spits. “I’ve seen the way you behave around me brother”.
You’re standing face to face now, closer than you’ve ever been. You’re white hot with anger. “You are a coward”. You can feel his breath on your face. He bends down. Heath is radiating off him. One moment you’re glaring at your husband, the next, you throw yourself in his arms as he engulfs you, and almost lifts you off the floor. His mouth is on yours and he kisses you as if there’s something he desperately needs from you. Both your hands roam everywhere, pulling at hair, undoing buttons, scratching over bare skin. You stumble on the bed. It marks the start of a long night full of passion and anger. He’s a man starved and you’re willing to give him everything your body has to give.
The next morning Yoongi is gone. You had slept tangled up together, but you hadn’t noticed him getting up. The maid, who you know is here to get you dressed, knocks on your door. Low and behold there she’s standing, Frida. You let her dress you as if nothing is wrong. It’s not that you don’t want to confront her. You just don’t know how you would go about it. At breakfast he doesn’t say a word to you, doesn’t even make eye contact. The only thing you get out of him is a slight smirk to himself when he sees you having trouble standing up on your sore legs.
That day the princess takes you on a walk around the castle. You’re chattering away when you cross the big courtyard. It’s the third day of the week, a little past noon. This means it’s the moment of the weekly delivery of vegetables at the castle. You get your greens from the same farmer every week. The farm is owned by Harald Park. After you saw the man named Jimin almost light his hair on fire at the festival, you had asked Jungkook about him, and he had told you he was Harald’s son. Recently, however, Harald had fallen ill and Jimin took over the deliveries for the palace. When you walk past him, he’s tossing a bag of grain off the carriage, but he stops to make some of the most intense eye contact with the princess you’ve ever seen. You suppress a smile and wait until you’re out of earshot to ask her: “What was that?” The princess blushes and says: “It’s nothing”, while hiding her face from you. It’s nothing yet, you add in your mind.
For the entire rest of the week Yoongi doesn’t make any contact with you. He only says something to you when it’s absolutely necessary, and he doesn’t come to visit you in the evening. Every day Frida helps you dress and every day you almost say something. By the end of the week, you can’t take it anymore, and after dinner you decide to take matters into your own hands. You march towards his room and knock on his door. He opens the door and looks at you with one eyebrow lifted. For some reason that face makes you angrier than ever. “Why won’t you talk to me?”, if the simple question you ask, but it leads to another heated argument, and another passionate night.
Over the course of the next weeks, you notice that You and Yoongi look for little reasons to get angry about so that you can march into each other’s rooms, have a screaming match and then spend the night together. During those nights he discovers parts of your body which you had no idea even existed. You draw an animal out of him, and no matter how much you’ve come to hate him, you long for these nights. When you fall asleep next to him, you sleep better than you have in months. You’re more energetic during the day, and Yoongi too, seems to be doing better than ever. How come you can’t share this newfound bliss with each other. Outside of the occasional fight in the evening you barely talk to him.
Another thing you’ve noticed is that you haven’t seen Yoongi around Frida since that first night you slept together. Maybe he’s just more secretive or careful about it now. One morning you wake up to the knock of the maid on your door. However, when she comes in it’s not Frida. It’s Gertrud again. “Good morning, your highness”. “Good morning”, you greet. You get up to stand in front of the mirror and stare out the window puzzled. When Gertrud is adjusting your corset, you ask: “Where is Frida?” Gertrud seems to have to think for a second before she says: “She got sent away to one of the properties of some rich lord. I think as some sort of diplomatic gesture. Before she left, she said it was your husband’s decision”. “Will she be coming back?” Gertrud pulls on the strings of your corset and says: “They usually don’t, your highness”. “oh”, is all you can muster. After she leaves you stand in front of the mirror for a minute longer. Guess you won’t have to confront Frida after all.
That night, after dinner, you decide to visit the queen again. It had been quite some time since your last visit, and you liked spending time with her. Right when you reach her rooms the doors are slammed open. It’s the younger druid, Taehyung. He looks more serious than ever. “Oh good, your highness, you’re here. Go get your husband. It’s the queen”. After this he rushes towards the king’s quarters without giving you time to answer. You rush to Yoongi’s chambers. While you’re almost running through the dark hallways, tears start welling up in your eyes. You loved the queen so much; she had been such good support for you. You couldn’t lose her. You knock on Yoongi’s door frantically. He opens the door looking distraught: “By Odin, what’s wrong with you?” “Yoongi, it’s your mother”.
Yoongi had held her hand as she went. The princess had lied next to her, and Jungkook sat at the foot of her bed. You stayed seated in the chair next to the bed. While all his children were shedding tears for their dear mother and saying goodbye to her, the king had simply walked in, asked the druid how long she had and left again. The queen had smiled one last time at her children and closed her eyes for good. Yoongi hadn’t cried a single tear. He just looked utterly defeated. After Jungkook left the room, you helped the princess into her own bed. She had asked you to stay with her, and of course you did. After you were sure she had fallen asleep, you decided to check on your husband. Not before placing the princess’ little sleeping dog next to her on the bed to replace your warmth.
You knocked softly and after hearing a hum you slowly opened the door. The room was lit by one single candle and Yoongi was standing by the window looking out at the darkness. You had no idea what to say so you just walked over to him and placed your hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at you and for a moment nothing happened. Then he broke down. This was the first time you had seen him cry, and it wouldn’t surprise you if this was the first time in years that he had. All you knew to do was take him into your arms. He let you. That night, after he calmed down, you washed your husband’s face and helped him into his night shirt. Both of your eyes had been bloodshot, because of the many tears, by the time you got into bed. You let him rest his head on your chest. Right before you fell asleep, you thought about how it took the queen dying for you to finally treat each other lovingly.
It had been three weeks since the queen passed, and Yoongi finally felt like he was getting a hold of himself again. You had been incredibly understanding and warm towards him for these three weeks, and he had no idea how to thank you or how to reciprocate. He was sitting in at his desk right before dinner. For the first time he thought back to that night. For the past three weeks his memory had blocked everything that had happened the night of his mother’s passing. It was finally coming back to him. The way you had been so soft, the way you had kissed his tears away and washed his face. He hadn’t said anything that entire night except right after he had broken down in your arms. He mumbled: “He didn’t even look at her”. You had simply nodded. You stayed so strong for him even though he had seen the tears in your eyes multiple times that night. Is this what it meant to be supported? When he entered the dining hall you were already sitting there. You were so impossibly beautiful. To everyone who saw you, you looked so delicate, but he knew the fire under your skin. He loved you, and he had to figure out how to tell you before you started to hate him again.
You’re sitting in your room, writing a letter to your mother. The queen’s passing had made you realize that if you didn’t try to make it right with her now, you might never have the chance. You’re dipping your feather in the ink when you hear something small and hard hit the window. You look up for a second, but then go back to writing. Then it happens again. This time you get up and open your window. You look down, and there is your husband, with a little stone in his hand, ready to throw again. “You know some people knock on doors. It’s much easier; you can use your hands”, you remark dryly. “I have to tell you something, but I can’t do it when you’re close to me. Y/N when I look into your eyes, I get lost. Every time I try to talk to you, I lose all words, which is horrible because you deserve so many. I’m hoping that if I do it from down here, I’ll actually get out what I’ve been trying to express for so long. Y/N, my wife, I love you”. He’s rambling now: “I know it might be hard to believe, but when I’m around you I’m softer than ever. I can’t sleep when you’re not near. I am so incredibly sorry for how I’ve treated you. I thought I was helping you by staying distant. I thought that I could make you hate me by sleeping with a maid, or by never talking to you. That I could somehow save you from the horror that is me, but you’ve made me realize that I can be better. From now on there will be only you, and if you’ll let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life thanking you”.
You stay quiet for a moment. He mutters: “Please say something”. You break into a teary smile: “Come up here, you idiot”.
@lifeless-firefly @viankiss @emerald-notes @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs @jjkwifestyle @nansasa
thank you so much for all the love
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cottondo · 6 months
BLACK LACE | chapter 8
I've been waiting since
last March to post this chapter
y'all— I really hope you
go feral for it
All you could remember was the bright lights, fizzy alcohol, and pole dancing. You'd been up on stage, set in a small party room. The neon lights were glowing purple, and the music was loud, bass pounding into your feet as you danced up and around the pole.
You two were good at what you did. You knew how to work together well, and did your jobs without much complaining.
Man. That was one hell of a party!
As the fog fills your brain, your eyes open with a harsh flutter. The room was trashed, and dark, purple lights are dim and glowing. It reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. You let out a soft groan, feeling the pounding of aches filling your head and eyes.
Why the hell are you still here?
Slowly, you sit up, taking a quick scan around the room. Your brows furrow. What the actual fuck happened last night?
Your hand raises to wipe your eyes of tiredness, but there's a weight pulling it down. Something soft was clung around your wrist. You frown, turning your blurry vision to see whatever it was that's stuck to you.
Heart shaped handcuffs.
FUZZY, heart shaped handcuffs.
Your stomach sinks, and your eyes follow the chain up to the arm connected to the other side; all the way until it reaches a familiar face.
Beside you, is a passed out Fizzarolli. Parts of his jester clothing are ripped off, leaving just his normal shirt, striped pants and hat; the ruffle collar laying somewhere on the floor ahead of you.
Your stomach sunk. Oh shit, shit, shit.
You were cold, and that was saying something, in hell. Looking down, you notice that you were still in your stripper fit from last night. The floor was marble tile, so it made sense that it was chilly against your bare skin.
"Oh, fuck." You mumble, gathering your head together. You pry at the cuffling, and try to wriggle your wrist out of it, but literally to no use.
Your eyes flick over to Fizz's seemingly lifeless body on the floor beside you.
This was bad, right?
Being at Ozzie's overnight without a purpose could have you kicked out.
But, why was a part of you not as freaked out as you maybe should be?
"Fizz, wake up." Your hand shoves his shoulder.
His head lifts slowly, body starting to come more to life as he looks at you through heavy, tired eyes. A groan escapes his lips, and he sits up holding his head. "What the—" catching his eyes gaze over your revealing body once, you frown as he stretches himself out.
"Holy shit." He says, eyes trying to focus on the room. It was destroyed. "Where'd the party go?" He frowns.
"I think it's over," you inform him.
Obviously, it was over. You two were the only ones left in the room!
"—And, we have a problem." You yank your wrist, causing his arm to tug along with yours. His eyes peer down, then widen at the sight. "What the fuck."
Fizz looks at your wrists with wide eyes before trying to yank his hand free. It was no use, but he kept tugging and ripping his wired arms as much as he could, before realizing it wasn't coming off. "Come on!" His chest started heaving in anxiety, and soon enough, Fizz looked like he was having a full fledged panic attack. "W-Why isn't it coming off?!"
You frown over at him, sitting up a little. "Calm down!"
"I can't get it off!" Fizz yells back in distress, using his free hand to try and yank the cuff apart. It wasn't goin' to happen.
"Okay, but you need to relax! It's gonna be okay," you tried to assure him. Truth was, you didn't know how these were coming off the both of you, but you'd find a way. Eventually.
He frowns, slowing down the breathing pace he had going. "Is it? Who the hell did this to us! Why can't I remember anything?!"
"I don't know, but they're just hand cuffs, Fizz." You look over at him softly, keeping your composure. Apparently he was bad under pressure. "We're gonna be fine. Start looking for a key." you say. He didn't look too convinced that things would turn up.
You fumble around, squinting through the irritating neon glow of the room. It was hard to see anything, as everything was black and purple from the lights.
"If anybody sees us like this, I could get into allot of trouble!" He glares through the purple haze, eyes searching the floor. "The publicity we'd get, would be ridiculous. We can't get caught!"
That kind of hurt, to be honest.
This was like a fantasy come true for you, and he was over there flipping out about it.
"Don't worry; I won't let anybody see me with you." You reply in a bit of a stinging, sour, kind of way.
He glances away with an awkward frown and retracts his arm so that he could walk around the room.
"I can't see anything. I don't think it's in here." He huffs, turning his nose to the floor to see around.
You're starting to think he's right. You didn't find much else but cigarette butts, needles, and liquor shot bottles.
"Fuck. Well, now what?" You lean your back against the wall with a little sigh up at him.
Fizz towers over you, an arm on his hip with a frown. "We're gonna have to sneak out, and find someone who can cut this off."
Fizzarolli looks away with a tense expression, causing sone curiosity to enter your brain.
"What?" You question his appearance.
He sighs heavily, rolling his eyes. "I know a guy . . but he's not exactly the guy I wanna go visit."
You frown a bit, tilting your head. "Who is it?"
He sits down beside you and looks away with a tired expression. His hands rest on top of his knees, wrist pulling your side of the cuff a bit.
"His name's Blitzo. We have a . . past, together. We just started making things right- - but, I don't know, I don't think I can ask him." He quickly shakes his head of the thoughts, and waves off the possibilities.
You lean towards him, eyes all curious. "Well, it's either him, or you're stuck with me at your side." Your shoulders shrug a bit, wavering the options he has in his face.
Obviously he didn't like either choice, but you knew he'd have to pick one.
"Y'know, I'm starting to think maybe you aren't so bad." Fizz lightly teases, giving you the faintest of smiles a jester shouldn't have.
That still didn't make you feel like any less of a nuisance to him, but you nod along anyway. "Then we better get moving." You stand, unintentionally jerking his arm upward to pull along with you.
Fizz stands, following you along, and picking up his dismantled jester collar in the process.
The two of you sneak up to the door, cracking it open. The hallway was quiet, lights still on.
It had to have been early morning, right?
Hopefully nobody was still in the building working; for Fizzarolli's sake.
You feel a light shove from behind, as fizz guides your figure forward to get moving.
"This way," he nudges his head, leading you down the hallway.
"We can take the back exit- - hopefully nobody's on the cleaning shift." He whispers to you.
You don't really understand why he hated the idea of publicity finding out that the two of you were stuck together, but you just try to ignore it.
Even if the thoughts are screaming in the back of your head that he doesn't really like you like you thought he maybe was starting to. Maybe it really was just all part of the show and alcohol last night.
You accidentally bump into him when he came to a quick halt— earning a narrow eyed look of worry from the jester in result. He holds a hand up to keep you from passing, and the two of you crouch around the corner of a hall.
You frown, trying to see what was up ahead.
Two voices came closer, bantering and gossiping as they strolled down the hall.
You tug fizz backwards to the small broom closet on your left. He opens the door, and shoves you in it, his figure slipping in behind you. The sound of his bells alert the two demons that strolled the halls, but once you closed the door to the closet, it was like you were never there.
It was cramped. Your back was against the wall, his body practically pushed up against yours. Hopefully he couldn't feel the pounding of your heart against his chest.
"What the hell was that?"
"The fuck are are you talking about?"
"I thought I heard something. Sounded like bells,"
You and fizz nervously glance at each other with worried eyes, but all you could think about deep down, is almost wanting to get caught with him.
Would it be so bad? People would think you and him were a thing - - you'd get better opportunities and gigs; you'd be a famous stage worker.
Ugh. Fantasies.
"You're losin' your shit, y'know that? I don't hear anything." The other worker replied.
"Whatever, man. I know what the fuck I heard."
It felt painfully long for the two workers to finally walk off, out of sight and hearing range. Fizz let out a held sigh, and grabbed your wrist with gentle fingers. "C'mon, let's go." He nudges you.
You blink out of your trance, and follow him once again. Fizz and you take quick, calculated steps around the hallway corner, and down the next hall.
Finally, a door comes into view, and he smiles with some hope that you two might actually be free. He pushes open the door, and the both of you rush outside.
It was still a bit dark out, so it must've been the middle of the night.
Fizzarolli pants, looking around with wide, frantic eyes. Without even realizing it, you feel two arms wrap around your torso, pulling you into his body in a quick, tight hug. "We made it!" Just as soon as it was there, he was letting go.
You smile with amusement at him, as he begins walking.
"Okay- I can call and get a limo here in five, then, we can get changed, and put on something so we won't be recognized— oh! And I'll need to find a—" His frantically fast voice spit out a bunch of words, practically blending every word together that came out of his mouth. You hold your hands up, and try to get him to stop talking in a panicked rush.
"Fizz! Calm down," you grab his shoulders, noticing how he freezes under your touch. His eyes look into yours, as if searching for something, and you smile. "It's not the end of the world. Nobody knows what happened, and nothing is gonna go wrong." You release his shoulders and step back.
"This sort of thing happens all the time!"
His eyes dull, a light frown pulling to his features. "When?"
You shrug, smoking nervously. "Y'know- - in clubs," your tone was wavering with a lie, but you don't think he cared that much.
"Y/N, can we just get out of here?" He asks, in hopes you'd agree and just shut your mouth.
"Mhm." You bite your tongue and nod.
He walks at your side, eyes glancing around the streets of Hell. Your outfit was . . well, exposing. You've caught tons of eyes just within the first five minutes of walking.
Fizz noticed, and frowns nervously at all the attention you were starting to bring on.
You felt your arm pull you back. Turning to look behind you, Fizzarolli had stopped in his tracks to take the top layer of his jester fit off. You were still surprised to even see him still wearing it, after all you both went through last night in the club room.
He half hands it to you with an awkward look.
"We don't need any more unwanted attention after what we went through last night."
Your gaze drops down to the purple jacket in your hand, feeling a warm feeling rising in your chest. He gave you his jacket?
You smile, slipping it halfway on, due to your wrist's being connected by a chain, and turned the other sleeve inside out as you slip it through your linked wrists, and over your arm.
It worked as well as it could, even the linked chain it made uncomfortable.
"Thanks," you smile softly at him. Fizz nods in reply and kept on walking.
The two of you reach his home, and a feeling of relief floods over you. Your legs were tired from walking, and honestly, you needed a nap.
You almost sort of wished you could both just crash for a few hours until meeting with whatever that guy's name is. Blitzo?
Fizz groans, walking up to the door and heading inside. He looked as equally tired and stressed as you did, if not more.
Inside the house was filled with lush decor, pretty paintings, and lots of colored lights.
You were inside his home- -
You, inside Fizzarolli's place! Crazy.
"Okay- - let me just think for a minute," Fizz frowns, taking a seat on the couch. You follow suit, and practically dead weight on the cushions. Your body seemed to melt into the couch, legs tired and weak.
It was exhausting to walk after a night working the club! Especially waking up in the conditions you did. Not to mention, the long walk in high heels.
"I'm gonna pass the fuck out," you mumble up at the ceiling.
"No, no, you're staying awake," you looks over at you. Something told you that he wasn't going to be staying awake for much longer, either.
By the sound of his voice, and the way his eyes looked- - fizz was definitely crashing.
"I can't," you pout tiredly at him. Fizz frowns, feeling the drop in energy just as much as you felt.
"Fine. We can rest for a few minutes, but then we gotta go," he warns you with a finger.
It wasn't scary, and he knew it, too.
"Okay." You mumble.
It wasn't long until your head fell onto the couch pillow, eyes threatening to close. Fizzarolli soon slumped over as well, body crashing.
Before you knew it, sleep took over your body, and damn did it feel good.
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nethhiri · 5 months
Siren Charms: Chapter 4
Zoro x Siren!Reader
Warnings: None
Swift Exit
That night, you dropped out of the sky, landing on the deck of the Sunny without a sound. You were a black shape in the night, now slightly illuminated by the lights on the ship. You had your goggles pulled over your eyes, protecting them from the wind, and your mask over your face. It covered the lower half of your face and was decorated with rows of sharp teeth that mimicked your own. Together with your goggles and the headband with tiny horns that held everything on, you appeared as a demon. Tonight especially, with huge black wings billowing out behind you.
Something wasn't quite right. There were two scents stronger than the rest. Two people on watch. They must have caught on, smarter than you gave them credit for. That's why it was better to finish them off, though in this instance, you couldn't do that quite yet. At least one of the scents was your green snack. You would just be extra careful and pick them off one at a time.
Creeping around the deck, you came upon the long-nosed one. He was tinkering with a slingshot. It was like he sensed your presence with the speed at which he met your eyes. From experience, you could tell the next thing he was about to do was scream for help. 
Hastily pulling your mask up, you hissed, "Be silent!" Stalking over to him, you commanded. "Tell me where the green one is."
The long-nosed one shakily raised his hand to point behind you. "Right there." 
Your eyes widened. When did he get there? He jumped from the crow's nest. You were right below it. He had to have. The sound of a blade being drawn caught your attention. This was not in your plan. You reached for the hilt at your waist. He wasn't the only one with a sword. Yours just happened to be a whip-sword, currently being styled as a belt. The design was more convenient for your lifestyle.
Turning to block just as he came at you, you used your voice to force him to stop. But he didn't. There was no way he figured out how to counter your power on purpose. You growled at him, showing the sharp teeth that lined your mouth. Sometimes intimidation worked if seduction failed. 
"Lookin' f'me?" 
A surprised yelp left your lips as you felt something pelt you in the back. Not so intimidating now. Your growling intensified to a snarl, "Wait your turn."
"They call me Usopp the Vampire Slayer," the slingshot wielder said from behind you. 
So they didn't know what you were. It was better that way. You backed away towards the railing, to keep both of them in front of you. You could still get your way, it would just be the hard way. Pulling your mask back down, you swung your sword around your head, letting the joints fall apart to reveal its whip form. The ensuing stroke pushed them both back, leaving a long, curved scar in the wooden deck. It wasn't quiet.
A few seconds later, the cabin door opened and several of the other crew members came out on deck to see what was happening.
"You should have let me take what I wanted," your voice was slightly distorted by the mask. Predators knew how to high weigh cost and benefit. Fighting them all at once would be a huge drain on your energy. Not only that, but you wouldn't be able to take all of them on. Thus ending without any benefit to you. You backed up until you could feel the railing.
"Is that a threat?" Zoro replied. 
"Only for you, sweetmeat," you promised, perching on the railing and returning your sword to your waist. 
You launched yourself from the railing, stretching your wings out and getting as close to the water as you could. Your wings were more invisible against the ocean than in the sky. Wingbeats carried you swiftly away from the ship. Suddenly there was something around your ankle, pulling you backwards. What the hell? The one with the straw hat had extended his arm to grab you. One of the fruit users. You had to pull hard to stay airborne. This fucking guy. 
You pulled your mask up so you could be heard. "Sanji, free me!"  You learned the blond one's name from your lurking around. When you knew a name, your power had a stronger hold. Just as suddenly as you were grabbed, you were released. The blond man had kicked the man in the hat hard enough to startle him. You wasted no time hightailing out of there, towards the city. Too close. You had been careless and cocky.
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