#you all senator smut yet (sorry/youre welcome)
catominor · 4 months
sulla/metellus pius fic be upon ye...
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punk-in-docs · 2 months
A song of rage and salty waves: part I
— Emperor Geta x reader (Salacia)
— 2.5k words
— Read all parts here: Part I — Part II — Part III — Part IV
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Summary; You were raised outside of this Rome. Born into peace. To know of fathomless deep seas, and skies so big, they wrapped around your whole sight. The way that at night all you can smell are lemon trees kissed by salt. The jasmine plants wound around the white walls of the villa. Salacia. And now you are sent to Rome for your father in the Senate. There you will catch the attention of Geta; in all the wrong and darkest of ways— any reblog and comments are greatly appreciated 💙💙💙
TW!! some dub con/ threat/violence/basically forced marriage/forced smut situation/Geta is such a vile human being/Macrinus is villain sorry denzel ily
You’re imprisoned in Rome.
You certainly didn’t come here of your own free will. Your father had tugged you here from Corsica. Employed clever charm with letters and schemes from his high position in the senate.
As the role of your sex; you were born to obey.
He sent you imported silken stolas the colours of cornflowers or lazurite, with gold fibulae at the shoulders. Gem inlaid jewellery, rings to decorate every finger, and earrings the sway. A golden net for your hair. Wheedled you into coming to join him. Sending servants to travel with you and take heed of your every comfort.
He made sure you dined on plump fresh fruit. Seafood of lobsters and crabs. Drank wine so rich dark it looked black.
You despise it. The stone pillars and temples. And gods of old. Eyes watch you everywhere. See you. Follow you.The governing heat and noise and sweaty heaving mass of all forms of life.
You were raised outside of this Rome. Born into peace. To know of fathomless deep seas, and skies so big, they wrapped around your whole sight. The way that at night all you can smell are lemon trees kissed by salt. The jasmine plants wound around the white walls of the villa.
Salacia. The ocean nymph and the being of your name. Crowned with seaweed in your hair. Sea foam dripping off your fingers. Ripped from your home, an isle by the sea, at the whim of another.
Imprisoned here in this cold marble city. A fish out of water. Gasping dry on the shore.
Pulled inland and stolen away. You can’t hear gulls or waves anymore. It sickens you. Heart pangs that throb for home.
When you arrived, pulled back your folded palla down to your shoulders. He welcomed you with open arms and fondness. Wrists linked in gold cuffs. Tugged you to his chest and embraced you warmly. Hissed in your ear - abrasive like harsh sea spray - spies are everywhere.
He needed you close by. For reasons you had yet to fathom.
You dined like spoilt deity’s. Breads and wines, fish, fruits from far regions fattened by the suns heat, and succulent meat roasted in sweet cassia spices on a spit.
He had urns of flowers - picked by the servant - placed in every room. Lilies, juniper branches still bearing dark fruit, lavender, oleanders.
Companions join him and he is boastful of you. A nubile creature offered placement at a table of old muddled men. He introduces you to trusted friends and advisors in the senate.
One man in particular takes keen interest as to your recent arrival. His name was Macrinus. Man of information and resources. Dealt in cunning and cruelty though you found him sincerely charming. Your father watched you with a desperate eye.
Macrinus bore a smile so dazzling and blinding it made you dizzy; made think of the sun god. Apollo and his light cast across golden wheat fields. Notes of fine music. He sipped his wine slow, as he learned the flavour of your name. Where you came from. Understanding the rolling sea foam in your veins.
There’s a game to be held at the coliseum. He will have your father as his guest - and you by a very pretty extension. He nods at you; his eyes glimmer like pooled liquid gold in the half lit dark. It almost makes you feel safe.
They dine and drink into the small hours. Yet you slip away.
You watched this awful city out your window that night in your silk dress the colour of night time tidal waves. The air is stale. Carrion to you. Hot. Full of dust and sweat. Here, It smells like mulberry trees and a green garden waiting for blessed rain.
You couldn’t hear the sea. Or your sisters. Your mothers humming as she wove cloth and mended clothes. And you wept.
Salt found in your tears to be your only sacred comfort of home.
You are soft to this hard stone city. The coliseum is magnificent. As large as it is those who hold their powerful fists over its rule. Clutched in gold. Fine for the rich. Deadly for the slaves and warriors thrown into the pit at the whim of others. Met with carnivore teeth and sand and death.
The senators, generals, and the rich merchants watch from their perch, up among the gods they serve, presiding in shade and clothed in perfumed silks and jewels. Ladies and men both.
Your hair took hours to fasten in its current coiled style. Plaited and weaved. Your dress is the colour of the softest blue shore. Your servant lavished your arms and fingers in golden finery. A serpent cuff coiled around your arm. Skin draped in lemon oil because it’s the small piece of Corsica you carry here with you. Serenity to push against this place of gore, butchery and death.
You find yourself seated here amongst giants. Macrinus is seated one side. Your father the other. He fondly lays his hand across yours in gentle touch.
His palm is damp. Gold rings wet.
His face looks haggard with age. The lines by his eyes more prominent. Rome is poisoning him. The golden apple just a fingertip shy of his reach. St Bartholomew flayed and stripped of skin piece by piece. Schemes and plots lay thick in his mind like rot. Sweat beads down across his brow and the thinning salt pepper of his hair.
He says something to Macrinus that you’re too absorbed to hear. It’s low. Dragged through a growl. He appears unmoved, with a slow flick of his eyes to you. Watching this finery and loudness devour you. Your eyes so full wide and round. Salt and innocence entwined.
You all rise when the emperors pass by, Geta and Caracalla, who stride in, garbed in gold and cloaks. Come to take their rightful place at the mouth of the box where you are seated.
They are like twin suns to the Roman people. Lion gold hair kissed by fire. They burn and twist and shine with it. Make noises like gold coins that clack when they move. Strung in riches and golden crowns of olive leaves and branches.
Together they make you think of Romulus and Remus. Raised rabid by wolves. And they certainly make an impression. You’ve heard tale of the voracious nature of the blood sport they all but live for. Faces limned in the glory of gore.
The crowd cheers for them. They nod and wave but it appears barbed. The games begin with a wave of applause and a regal hand.
Caracalla twists and casts an eye in your direction. Seeing new meat.
The way you sit sedately and can’t cast your mind into the butchery and violence happening below. The clash of steel. The hollow squelching cries that proceed death. The spill of viscera and the scatter of brain matter from split heads.
Each new gash or split in skin made them smile. The taint of blood. Metallic sour. Spilling of offal and exposed bone.
He tilts his head like a clever wolf. Eyes darken. His sneer as terrible as a skulls. He leans across and whispers something to his brother with a knock of his arm to gain attention.
Another set of wolfish eyes join the first in hooking to your skin. Silly soft girl. Made of gentle sea breezes and lapping blue waves calm and soft enough to wade in. Pearl shining in moonlight. So watery and weak. So good. Untouchable.
Geta swept his gaze on you from head to toe. Appraising you hungrily through greedy eyes. The beauty of your figure in that soft folds of that stola. The gold that crushed your neck. Broaches at your fair shoulders. Hair glistening and finely arranged.
He liked the way you winced when another sword blow came. The pull of your brows and how you had to look away. He wanted you gathered up in his lap; fingers crushing your jaw as he turned your head; force you to watch as the men cleaved at each other and drew blood. Hacked off limbs. Laugh at your revulsion.
Looking at you sat there; He has an urge to take his dagger, slit that fine silk from your shoulders and bare your real beauty. Grab it off you and snatch your dress down. Spoil himself on your curves. Grab your breasts. He’s sure you’ve tits that even a goddess would envy. He’d reel you in by grabbing your ass that definitely needs a spank and some attention.
You’re even prettier than some of the finest whores he’s had grace his bed. They never kept his interest too long. Too entwined in filth and sin like him; you look pure as a vestal virgin.
He likes that. He wants to pluck it off you and spoil it.
You don’t dare meet his eyes. Of course you don’t. He’s an emperor. He could have you executed for looking at him wrongly. Instead; you wring your hands in your lap and squirm. Close your eyes tighter with every dying wail.
He turns back to the fight. As do you. A gasp flies from your mouth when you draw your eyes to one of the measly soldiers in the arena. Your father left his seat to stand, mouth gaping.
You saw the familiar arrangement of strong limbs. Garbed in warriors clothing. The way his arms shook holding a sword. Inexperienced and struggling. The fight was not fair. The same head of hair that matched your own.
Your oldest brother.
Macrinus grinned. “He’s not my finest fighter. But I wager he’ll be good sport.” He smirks.
Your father turned, cursed the gods, and exploded with venomous rage. Flew for the man with his fists. Grabbed his clothing. You tried to restrain the storm of his temper - but then you’d got that trait from somewhere hadn’t you? - an ocean thrashing wild and free. Terrifying in its rage.
“You promised me.” Your father roared. Spittle flying.
“I never promised to protect your traitor of a son. Let us see if the gods spare him. Yes?” Macrinus commented.
You couldn’t take your eyes from the pit. Nor could your father. He clutched to you like he could barely stand. Weakened and shrinking. Hand a vice on your shoulder. It burned like the sting of sun but you couldn’t shrug him off.
Your brother was meeting with an opponent far larger than he was. A Retiarius. Helmet, trident, dagger and a net.
Of which had currently knocked your brother to the blood dusted dirt. Spearing the trident deep into his thigh. Pinning him to earth like a bug. His cry of pain ringing out. Blood sheeted down one side of his head. His scream is the most horrible thing you’d ever heard.
You can’t help it. Where you’re stood, you cry out. It pours forth from you.
The Retiarius loomed over your bother like a terrible storm cloud. Looking up at the stands for direction. The whole audience cheered and screamed for more.
Geta stood up and the crowd bayed. He sneered at the sight before him. All the power of a god; crammed into a mortal man.
He raised his arm. And hesitated for a moment. Before he smirked. And pointed his thumb right up.
Your father wailed. The huge lumbering gladiator descended onto your brother. Flinging the net off and cutting his throat in one fast slice. Blood poured and pooled around lifeless eyes. Stained the sand.
Macrinus stood to his feet and clapped along with everyone else. The emperors’ laughed like hyenas at the sight. Blood and pain only made their smiles grow.
Before you knew what was happening, the palace guards had you and your father surrounded. Hands viced around your arms. Your shoulders. Your father too.
Traitor. He decried. A traitor in the senate. The tarpeian rock.
Just like his now dead son. People’s poised against the glory of Rome. Against Caracalla and Geta. Death to all.
Macrinus spoke harshly to the guards to release you. He backhanded you across your cheek. Your eye felt like it was going to burst. Cheek flamed with fire. Lip cut and bleeding down your chin from his ring.
He then wasted little time in digging his fingers into your finely done hair. Hauled you along screaming. Tears streaming.
Your father could only watch, limbs wrenching forwards in terror to help, as Macrinus marched you across the stands to where they sat.
He threw you to the ground like a feral animal. Tumbled you onto your knees. Skimmed your hands. As you squirmed and cried at your body twisted to his cruelty.
“Your majesties. I have personally uncovered a traitor in your court. Senator Aurelius. Not only was his first born placed in rebellion against Rome. But he himself has been sowing seeds of treason in your senate. I bring you his filthy kin as recompense…” He spat at the Emperors. Releasing your mussed hair to throw you to their feet.
They examined you as one would a creature. Nothing of humanity left. Devoid of any feeling. You crawled slowly to your elbows. Tried to claw away sobs. Raising up but not daring to look at them. You weren’t worthy. You feared them.
Geta was the one who rose slowly to his feet. Coming to stand before you. “We are most grateful for your revelation, Macrinus. You will be rewarded for such loyal service.” Though he spoke to him, his eyes never left you.
You father shouted and cried pleas. They go unheard. He snaps to the guards who hold him. “Silence that treacherous snake-“ he barks. They beat him into submission.
You stay cowering on the ground. In amongst the gritty dirt, and the blood like those slaves and gladiators. That’s how they saw you. That’s how much you were worth. Held in the same regard as the dirt on their shoes.
You feel a ring clad hand tip a finger under your chin. Blood dripping down onto that digit as he made you raise your head to look at him until your neck hurt.
“What is your name, pretty little traitor-“ He sneers. Because that is all you are. They’ve tarred and feathered you with the same brush.
You give it to him through tears that run freely. You give this awful golden haired emperor with dark lecherous eyes your name.
“Salacia.” You cry. Voice watery and cloaked in heavy salty sobs. Lips parted. So soft and pliable. Lovely and ripe and waiting for him. A gift from the gods-
He tilts his head down at you. Looking like some sun gold lion. Showing his canines in a cruel white smile.
“Imprison them. Both.” He smirks.
He thinks he may have them bring him your fathers head on a platter. Strangulation seemed too soft. Too forgiving. He had to make an example of you.
He had a particular way in mind for your fate. He watched you get led away crying as he sucked your sweet blood off his thumb.
You tasted like salt and sea foam
Tagging in the hopes this finds its way to the right people—
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S E 7 E N : S A T A N P A R T 1 N E
sorry for the wait! Here we go. So I had to type this while I was out and about, using my phone, and I didn’t get to proof read this so pls ignore mistakes. I’ll tap back into all chapters to make corrections. For now, enjoy.
Warnings: Death by internal decapitation, breaking limbs, breaking bodies, religious references, demons, angels, archangels, devil, smut....i think that's it.
After you got dressed and had a cup of your favorite tea, you felt rather chipper compared to the latter days when your mood was down, all due to your upcoming execution. 
It was strange, it was almost like you were welcoming death, was it because he was going to take you? Surely you couldn’t be looking forward to dying at the hands of the ‘angels’…or maybe it was….
‘Am I just done with everything? Am I just too tired to go on after everything that’s happened?’ 
Perhaps you were going through some type of effect from the trauma and shock of being selected, or being told repeatedly that you are the bride of the Devil. You had wondered if you’re going out of your mind and perhaps, your brain is going blank and emotionless. 
Either way, you hadn’t felt this calm since before the incident with the Senator and being selected, so why not just remain as such, it was better than thinking about dying…in the next 96 hours. 
‘Three days….three days is all I have left…’. 
Following Jake’s orders from a note that he left beside your bed, you were instructed to wait inside your apartment for the next brother to come meet with you. 
‘Wonder who it will be this time around…’ 
You stood by in your apartment, the clocked reached the hour of mid-morning, and you remained patiently waiting for the next brother. As you sat at the dining table, you dabbed your finger into the teacup, just a tad bit to wet the pad of your pointer. Sailing the pad of your index along the rim of your cup, you basked in the glazing rays of the sun as it shined through your window, the silk and short camisole that you had remained in felt loose and comfortable as the thin straps loosely falls off your shoulder, revealing the contours of your collarbone. 
Your exposed legs displayed the expansion of your glowing skin kissed by the sun, all the while your hair drapes and frames your upper body, you looked breathtakingly ethereal, yet certain features expelled a dark sensual hint that contrasted from the purities from your other characteristics. You were the standing image of Heaven and Hell, a perfect mixture of innocence and lust, combined into one. 
As you set your gaze out the window, your hair flaring a hue of vivid color, the blushing shade of your cheeks heightened from your complexion, and the dark stained crimson lips, you became distracted by the beauty of the baby blue sky, and the blanket of clouds that comforted it. 
You gazed, admired, and became deep in thought as you maintained a peaceful mentality…so in depth with your thoughts and the view out your window, that you had no idea he had appeared off to the side, admiring you a few feet as your face was turned away in the opposite direction. 
He didn’t make a sound. He didn’t want to make you aware of his presence, for if you had looked at him with those beautiful eyes that he dreamt about for the last 7 thousand years, he wouldn’t have been able to control himself. He needed to wait as there were two brothers left to finalize the preparations in molding and formatting your soul and mortal body….all so you can eventually withstand Hell…you soon to be new home. 
With the lace mask that gently rests against his eyes, he stood, his breathing heightened and became slightly shaky as he focused on steadying it…he can’t believe he was feeling this way. It was only with you. 
The way you smelled, the way you looked when you stared, how immaculate your form appeared when you breathes deeply, as your breasts would rise with a depth that called out to him…as if they were begging for him to kiss and caress them with his tongue. 
His heartbeat increases in pace as the flush of his blood flowed with impulsive intensity. 
You are so perfect….and he knows why….he knows. You were exactly what he needed…what he wanted….though he never would have expected to get it in the manner of which, was you. 
‘He knew I wanted revenge…he knew I wanted to destroy his light…he knew I wanted to destroy….him…I wanted to ruin him….I wanted to kill off every last bit of his holy glow….knowing that….he gives me…..you….’ 
Gently and quietly reaching over, his finger tips lightly…ever so lightly, lifts a small piece of your hair as he admired it. 
You were still gazing out your window when you felt something from the back of your head, which caused you to snap your head around….only to find nothing was there. 
‘Weird….it felt like someone was touching my hair….was it them one of the brothers?’
You thought internally as you scoot your chair back, got up, and walked over to your bedroom to change.
‘It must be the next brother, I should go change now.’ 
Yet you couldn’t have been more wrong. For as you walked away from the dining area, past your living room and into the door leading to your bedroom, watching you from behind…was him....
‘For you….I would shift planets…create moons…and throw stars…I would never let you fall. I’d bring the sun to you, just to see the rays stream through the waves of your hair. You could never understand…that the beating of my heart was a lost drum…it was looking for a rhythm…a harmony….and it found you. I can make your best nights last forever, and make the worst disappear by dawn….I can make all your demons begone, and make angels kneel to you. I can do all….yet….I could never do what you do. You, who can make love out of nothing…and it’s the best gift of glory…it cost nothing, it doesn’t require the issue of blood, flesh, or tears…yet it’s priceless. you’re making it right now, yet you don’t even know you’re doing it. I could never make it without you…I’d crawl….i’d fall…I’d perish. For me to be happy…for me to live…for me to breathe in peace….I have to have you by my side….i wonder if he knew that all this time…that is after all, why you’re here…my y/n. My mortal queen. The one thing I was dead set on destroying…is the one thing I needed the most….fucking clever bastard…’  
He chuckles silently at the last bit of his thought, his masked face displaying a sly smile as he watches you disappear into your room.
The moment you open your door and emerge out with casual clothes on, he was already gone. Not a sound nor whisper was made as he disappeared, leaving you unaware that he was present for a moment, admiring you…further fueling his desire to take you away. You belonged to him, he knew it…God knew it…everyone knew…everyone but you, knew the truth. How ironic that you would be the last to know the meaning behind your existence. 
‘I’m done…you can go see her now…Sunghoon.’ 
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You turned around to face the voice that slightly startled you. You saw him standing against the wall, his arms crossed and his feet slightly crossed in a relaxed manner. Of course like his brothers before him, he was dressed primarily in all black, and he looked just as smooth and slick. He had dark hair that was nearly combed, and a traditionally handsome face. 
“Did I scare you?” He chuckles. 
“Mm a little…I’m sorry….” You apologized though you’re not sure why. These men…these 7 Princes of Hell, they had a habit of intimidating you even though they weren’t displaying themselves in such a manner. Even while being affectionate and sweet, there was a sense to never cross them or cause them anger as their ruthless demeanor could still be seen behind those dashing smiles and loving gaze. 
“Oh don’t be…it’s me, who should apologize…” he walks over to you as his arms remained crossed. Leaning into your ear, he whispers…
“Forgive me…doll.” Retracting his head slightly back, he tilts it slightly to look at you sweetly for a response. 
“Uh…yes….it’s alright.” 
“Good giiiiirlll…” he croaks out with a deep inflection in his tone. 
“So…doll…what should we do today?” He asks as he reaches up and caressed your cheek. “So beautiful…how fitting for a queen.” He smirks. 
“You’ll make your king so happy…” he issues as he gently taps the tip of your nose. 
You didn’t know how to respond, yet it didn’t matter as he didn’t mind for one, instead, he insisted for the both of you to go out and explore the city. 
“Let’s go…doll…pretty pretty doll…” taking you be the hand, he places a gentle kiss atop of it as he walks you out of the apartment. 
“Oh uh…I left my keys inside…” you remarked. Yet the moment you issued your statement he gently pulls you against him and caressed you. “Don’t worry, I got you.” 
Reaching up with his hand, he snaps his fingers and you hear the series of clicks as the bolts and locking mechanisms secure in place. 
“…oh…thank you.” It never ceases to surprise how incredible these men were. After everything you’ve seen, you still became enchanted whenever you met the next brother. 
“You’re welcome doll. Come, let’s go. Where would you like to go?” 
You weren’t entirely sure where, you hadnt really planned on stepping out. Yet, since you both were out, you asked if he had or enjoyed coffee. 
“I do like coffee.” 
“Would you like to go to my favorite cafe?” You asked.
“I would love that. Let’s go beautiful.” 
Just like his brothers, he walks you by his side, with a high level of guard and protection, though you’re quite certain that after what was displayed by the warnings of his brothers, you weren’t worried about running into the members of Forras’s group. You also knew they found it pointless to kill you seeing as you were going to die…though how and by whom, they didn’t have any knowledge of. 
“I almost forgot, what is your name?” You asked. 
Smirking, he dazzles out a smile as he calmly tells you. 
“You can call me Sunghoon.” 
Entering inside the cafe, everyone, including the baristas who you were familiar with, all stood quiet and stared at you. 
At first you thought it was because of the devastatingly handsome man by your side, yet the moment you greeted one of the baristas, you realized that it was you that they were issuing shocking looks at. 
“Y-y/n…is it true?”
Looking up at him, you gave a puzzle look as Griffith, the barista who was also a friendly acquaintance, stuttered out his question. 
“Is it true that you were selected to be executed? That you caused great sin against God?” 
You stood slightly wide eyed as your mouth began to part open. “H-how…do you know that?” You softly questioned. 
“It’s true then! What have you done?” He scolds. 
Griffith had been a long time member of the cult, one of the first to join, yet, despite you never pledging and be aiming a part of the group, he was always sincere and kind to you. Yet this time around, he started to take a harsh tone against you, as if you had offended him.
“How could you y/n? First Lily, and now you?!” 
Your eyes started to glisten with tears at the mention of Lily’s name. 
“….stop…don’t…don’t say her name…not like that.” You issued with a steady and somewhat stern tone. Lily was not a sinner. Especially after everything you’ve witnessed, not to mention what you were piecing together through the efforts and aid by the 7 brothers, the whole concept of Heaven cleansing the world of its sinners, just as Forras had ingrained in the brains of the public, became severely questionable as your hint of doubt, which had been there from the first moment the world came shattering down, had only enhanced and became certain in your current state of mind. 
“She was a sinner! And now you! Why y/n? How could you?….I’ve waited….I was so patient…” 
You looked at him confusingly as he continued. 
“All this time you refused to join us, I never pressured or urged you like the others did, I tried to show you how patient and understanding I was…now I see…I should have pressed the issue when I had the chance. I could have saved you…the we could of…we could have already been married with the senators blessing.” 
You raised a brow with a hint of irritation and disgust. Rule of thumb was, for any couple to be married, the blessing of Senator Forras needed to be issued, and both members of the relationship needed to be granted members of the cult. 
Despite you being slightly aware of Griffiths feelings for you, based off of what Lily would tell you, you merely thought it to be a simple crush. For crying aloud, the boy was always seeing flirting and dating a myriad of girls since you’ve known him…yet here he is issuing you words of reprimand as he claims that you both ‘should’ have been married by now. 
“What…are you talking about?” You stepped back from the counter. 
“Us! Us y/n, us! I even had asked the Senator about it, and to help me convince you to join.” 
“W-what?…when did you…”
“Nearly a week ago!! That’s why he came to visit the library five days ago!”
Your eyes widened…
‘So that’s why he gave me his card….and asked me to come by….’ 
Though it wasn’t hard to tell, that the Senator had developed his own intentions with you once he saw you. Initially, he may have had Griffith’s request in mind as a reason to expand his cult and getting you to join…yet after he saw you, he too fell under the effects of your appearance and your aura…he wanted you for himself. 
“Why…why did you do that?” You started to raise your voice. “You have any idea what you had caused?! What he was trying to do? All because of what you did!” 
“Stop y/n, now you really are sounding like a sinner…lying through your teeth. The Senator did say you were begging for him, yet he asked us to welcome you openly and to aid you….but you…you’re just a whore looking for a high position…you were attempting to use the senator and-“ 
Your expression jolted to a look of shock and fear as Griffith flew back, crashing into the stock load of cups and coffee ingredients. Yet, no one was seen pushing or thrashing him.
“Hmph…you know…I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt…trying to see if you would shut up and listen to her…but it looks like he wasn’t willing to give you that same courtesy…and after what I heard, neither am I.” His voice deepens, you watch as Sunghoon walks steadily over to the counter and leaps effortlessly  atop the counter, nearly levitating as he did so, gently landing on his feet as his arms remained crossed. He looked so demeaning and yet suave with the way he moved. It earned a series of gasps and enchanting gasps from the women inside the cafe. 
“Do you have any idea who you just disrespected? Hmm?” Peering down at Griffith, Sunghoon narrows his eyes. 
“You don’t….yet still, you’re brazen and I’ll mannered. I have a preeeetty bad temper, and I’m trying my best to not let it get to me…but when I see idiots like you….” He grits a chuckle through his teeth as he finishes “it reminds me why I always resort to wrath.”
“Y-you! Get the fuck outta-“
“I told you to shut up…” Sunghoon cuts Griffith off without raising his voice, yet the tone reached a level of dangerous anger as he stood still, his stance remained unchanged. “I guess now I’m going to have to tell to ‘shut the fuck up’ since you seem to have trouble following orders.” 
Sunghoon glares our a smirk before he speaks.
“Tsssssk….fucking idiot.”
He grabbed onto Griffiths hair, lifting him from the ground by his harsh hold, Sunghoon drags the man outside, taking you by the hand and pinning you to his side as he gently gets you to depart with him. 
“W-what are you…what are you going to do?” You asked as you checked back at the wincing Griffith being dragged by the hair. 
“Just taking him away from the crowd, I hate useless screaming and I don’t need to draw attention to you.”
“What do you mean?” 
Taking both you and Griffith to a secluded alley way, he gently leans you against the wall and kisses you, all the while still having a harsh grab on Griffiths blonde locks. 
“Don’t worry…just stay here…you can close your eyes and cover your ears if you don’t want to watch this…” 
You slightly panicked as reached up to Sunghoon chest.
“Wait please! What are you…?”
“He insulted you.” Sunghoon smiles, though the dashing essence was no longer present, instead, there was a flare of a twisted glint in it. Looking at it, you shuddered as your breath slightly hitched. 
Though you didn’t appreciate Griffiths actions, or his displayed arrogance and contempt toward you in front of public view, he wasn’t deserving for such a punishment. Forras and the high profiled members of the cult was a different story, you could get by in seeing them being held accountable to the worst type of punishments, considering they were by far the most horrible of men you had ever faced. But Griffith was just foolish and presumptuous, you couldn’t help but allow your moral standing to interfere. 
“Please no! I agree he was stupid but he shouldn’t die because of something so meager.” 
“Disrespecting you…is not considered meager y/n. Especially in Heeseung’s book…he wants him to burn…and it will be my pleasure to do it.” Sunghoon caressed your face as he tries to reassure you. 
“N-no please….I don’t like him either but this is…it’s too much. He’s not an terrible person like the senator is…please…” you nearly begged. 
Sunghoon raises a brow and softly tells you, “you’re a good balance of light and darkness….but im sorry to tell you…this goes beyond my distaste for the rudeness he acted towards you….I have too y/n….Heeseung is my brother…but he’s also my ruler.” 
Your mouth quivered. 
“Please wait! Just…there has to be-“
Suddenly you felt a pair of gentle hands firmly grab your waist from behind. You didn’t have the chance to turn around and see who it was, as they shifted you around to face the wall behind. Your hands instinctively raise as you felt the strong frame pressing against your backside, pushing you against the brick wall sternly, yet it wasn’t at all harsh or rough. 
With a deep and eerie whisper, your breathing stopped the moment you heard it tickling your ear.
P A R T 2 W O
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07 @raishaii @@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @jinniespuppy ;
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Classified Affairs Ch 34
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Jackie Sharp x reader Warnings: language, toxic behaviour, mentions of grief/death, some political bullshit, probably mentions of smut. A/n: well besties…we are ALMOST there. There is one more chapter after this one. this one would’ve been up sooner but I wanted to read through the whole thing before I wrapped this series up to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything and the vibes were all correct. There still will be the Jackie spin off coming to ya shortly. And one more chapter to tie it all up nicely with a bow!
You were honestly surprised when the next month nearly flew by. Heather dropped out of the election as she lost her senate seat along with any political career she’d hoped for, and she was finally out of your life for good. The only time you had to see her was at Jordan’s funeral, which you’d expected considering she was Jordan’s Mom. The event however, wasn’t was you expected. There were far more in attendance than you’d realized there would be, and as everyone made their way through eulogies you were starting to realize that the Dunbar name meant more than cars, and Heather’s Mother constantly being by her side and supporting her truly meant that the apple didn’t fall from the tree. You were simply happy that Rob had managed to interfere enough break that cycle when it came to Becca. You spent the ceremony and most of the reception seated with Becca and Rob, Jackie at your side. You met a fair share of relatives, and you could tell nearly right away with ones were Dunbars and which ones were related to Rob.
Honestly, you weren’t surprised when Becca popped back up to the group, nearly whining to her Dad if they could leave yet and with a small chuckle, he agreed and the four of you started to make your quick rounds, not that you and Jackie had any obligation to stay any longer. Jackie pecked your cheek softly, ducking off to talk to a few coworkers who had shown up, Becca got practically dragged off by a couple of Aunts, leaving you and Rob to trudge out to the valet, waiting for the cars. Your gaze fell back to the ballroom entrance where the reception was being held, your eyes catching Heather basically surrounded by people, and you couldn’t help but scoff, rolling your eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Hm?” Rob raised a brow in your direction and you sighed.
“This is bullshit.” You muttered quietly.
“What do you mean?” He replied softly, and you nodded towards Heather.
“The fact that she’s milking it right now. Why the fuck is she getting all the sympathy and brownie points? Like sure, she lost a lot of shit, and no one deserves to lose a child…but I’ve heard so many people giving their condolences about her marriage falling apart and losing her job, as if it wasn’t her own fault? I just….” You let out a huff, looking up at Rob, “you went through more…and like.. I don’t mean to rub salt in the wound or anything, but…you actually gave a shit about Jordan, you raised him, and you were the one blindsided by the affairs she had. She was the villain here yet she’s getting praised.” You mumbled the last bit, kicking at a couple of rocks on the sidewalk.
“Welcome to the Dunbar clan.” He muttered in response with a small eye roll, “it was always about Heather. You think she’s bad, you should meet her Mother.”
“Please no.” You replied and he let out a small laugh. “I’m so sorry. I really am, about everything.” You glanced back up to him and he cast you a small smile, squeezing at your shoulder gently, “I should’ve gone to the house when Becca showed up…”
“Hey..that was neither of your responsibilities.” He assured, “what happened was a tragedy, but none of us could have stopped it.”
“Still…you’re the one stuck picking up all the pieces, and that’s not fair.” You let out a small sigh, “you’re already dealing with a divorce, and finding out all the shit she pulled on you, watching all those secrets come out? And now this? And on top of it all, you’re the one left trying to make sure Becca’s okay…it’s just not fair.” You swiped at a tear that was about to escape your eye, “you shouldn’t have to do it all on your own. So…make sure Becca knows that she’s allowed to call me whenever she wants, she’s got a key to my apartment. I…kinda think she’s been stepping back since she found out about Jackie, and I don’t want her to think she’s less important than my girlfriend, cause I will always be here for her, for the both of you….”
“Thank you.” He shot you a warm smile.
“Are…are you okay?” You risked the glance up at him this time and he let out a sigh, “I mean…honestly more about Heather? It can be so hard to let someone go, to not shove the bad stuff under the rug and let it slide, make excuses when you care about them, and you guys were together for so long…Sorry…” you suddenly winced, “you really don’t have to answer any of this, I think I’m just word vomiting at this point…”
“It’s okay.” He genuinely laughed this time, “honestly…I feel like I knew in the back of my head the entire time, I just didn’t realize the extent. I thought maybe it was one or two men through the years. I certainly never expected the sugar babies, the spending, I didn’t even realize she had that much money…” he let out a huff again, “part of me feels a little guilty about leaking everything…”
“Because there’s part of you that still cares?” You nearly whispered.
“Yeah.” He ducked his gaze, “over twenty years of marriage will do that to you.”
“Can I be kinda bluntly honest?”
“I’m impressed with how well you’ve stood your ground. After everything that went down, there were still nights it took everything in my power not to reply to her texts. If I hadn’t found Jackie….I don’t know what would have happened. There were nights I had myself convinced that I could ignore the fact that she’d hit me, that things would be better, that I could trust her if I let her back into my life…”
“She’s one of the best manipulators I’ve ever met.” He sighed, “it makes me sick to think about how many people she pulled into her trap. And y/n…” he glanced over to you with a soft smile, “I’m so incredibly glad you were one that was able to get out, and to move on, because you deserve so much better. The small amount that I’ve seen you and Jackie together? You truly belong together. And you’ve been an incredible support to this family, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that.”
“Rob, you hooked me up with my therapist, you’ve literally saved my life.”
Both of you laughed probably too heartily at that considering your location, but Rob wrapped you in a tight hug, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head as you both reminded each other to call whenever either of you needed anything. A few moments later Jackie and Becca rejoined the group and you split off into your separate vehicles after saying goodnight and giving each other condolences.
You were happy at half of how things went when you got home, loving the fact that you fell asleep in Jackie’s arms, hating the fact that there were some not so secret tears rolling over both your cheeks, the two of you both letting the other grieve in silence as you held each other a little tighter, ignoring the shaky breaths, pressing gentle kisses to the other’s skin and giving each other all the cuddles the next morning.
A week later, Jackie dropped out of the race, and though you were stressed, not as used to the political field that she was, you did your best to trust who she trusted. A week after that, Underwood announced that Jackie would be the Vice President on his ticket. You celebrated with Jackie, happy and glowing with the idea that she would most likely get the chance to get into the power position that she wanted with the country. And it was a position that she absolutely deserved.
You spent the next few weeks upping your duties, taking guide from Remy as he shifted into Frank’s chief of staff, following his lead as you shifted into Jackie’s chief of staff. You spent multiple evenings alongside Claire, bonding with her, spending nights in the residence as you watched the out of town debates, standing by your partners when they made debates within Washington. You found a very unlikely friendship that you’d never expected to bloom, and honestly, you were thankful. Claire was someone that as hesitant as you’d been to let into the inner circle, you now trusted with the information you gave her, and you were bonding faster than either of you expected. She was surprisingly soft, gentle, and you got both comfortable and casual around her presence faster than you’d expected. Especially on the nights when Francis wasn’t around, though you attributed that to the President not being in the room. Most of the time you agreed on political views and opinions and if you didn’t, you could understand the other’s point of view and there was barely any arguing. You even ended up spending a couple of nights in one of the multiple spare bedrooms of the residence when Jackie and Francis were out of state for debates or appearances, knowing you still had work to do the next day. It was very safe to say that your political career was becoming more rock solid as the time went on.
Your weekends were usually spent at Shaw’s still, and if they weren’t, it was with Becca. Sometimes you’d meet for drinks, sometimes you’d meet at Rob’s for dinner, those which Jackie was always invited to, and she usually joined. Everyone helped out in the kitchen, and there were usually board or card games afterwards, laughter and happiness filling the room. Despite everything, the four of you had someone made this little found family that was making everything work, even through an intense campaign as you moved closer and closer to Election Day. Becca began to regularly spend more time at your apartment as you spent more time at Jackie’s simply being closer to work, or your nights in the White House.
It was nearing Halloween, most of your condo building had already decorated for the event, the bowl of candy you’d set up on the kitchen island had needed to be replenished three times already. You were sure which candies were which person’s favourites, and had dumped a bag of one at Jackie’s, the other at Becca’s dorm to stop them from raiding what was meant for trick or treater’s.
Tonight, you had managed to convince Jackie into a night of scary movies and take out. One that had started curled up on the couch before her fingers had traced along your body, her hands making home at the crook of your neck, massaging out your knots. It was then that she realized how you weren’t only tense, your entire back and shoulders were an absolute rock of muscle pain. Pouting, she pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, saying she was going to run a bath for the two of you that you could continue the movie from in there. You both stripped out of your clothes, wrapping yourself in a robe as you tided up the apartment while Jackie prepped the bath.
What you weren’t expecting was a knock at your door. Your brow furrowed as you glanced toward your phone, Becca usually texted first, and honestly, just let herself in. You could still hear Jackie running the bath, and figured maybe she’d ordered some dinner without you realizing, so you moved toward the door, unlatching and opening it.
“Heather?” Your face scrunched at the sight on the other side, especially at the state she was in, “what the fuck are you doing here?!”
“Can I come in?” She asked timidly and you nearly laughed.
“Please.” She practically pouted at you, “I just want to talk.”
“Then call a therapist Heather.” You sighed, “you managed to stay away this long, I’m sure you can handle not showing up again.”
“That house is just…too empty.” She replied, her voice wavering, “my Mother went back upstate last week….you know…I never thought I’d actually miss the rap music blaring from the guest house.”
“Heather….I’m sorry about Jordan, I really am. But to be blunt? I do not care. At all.”
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” She replied, “and that I miss you, that I miss…us…”
This time you did let out a scoff of a laugh.
“There never was an us. And that’s not what you miss, you’re just lonely because you isolated yourself from all of your family and colleagues, you miss having power over people, control over me.”
“Just one night, please.” She begged and you let out a soft sigh, you could tell that the dominant Heather was still in there, hidden behind the defeat in her eyes. Despite her more timid approach today, and the fact that she was hurting from hitting rock bottom, you knew she hadn’t changed.
“That’s never going to happen.”
“Why? Do you really hate me that much? I promise you I can change.”
“I highly doubt that.” You muttered, “but that’s got nothing to do with it. I’m in love with Jackie, and I’m certainly not going to walk away from someone who treats me like a fucking queen, who makes me fall more in love with her every damn day, to be with someone who treated me like garbage.”
“What?” Heather baffled for a moment, wavering as her thoughts scrambled, “I…I thought that was just for show…for press attention or something.”
“I’m not the one who falsifies relationships here. Besides, even if she wasn’t part of the picture, I would never go back to you. I admitted my feelings to you, I gave you that chance, to consider what you actually wanted from me, to think about if I was really worth it, and all you did was laugh in my face and insult me. You may have gone through a lot over the past little bit, but I know you haven’t changed, and I would never put myself through that kind of trauma again. I’ve grown, I’ve moved on, and found a much happier and healthier place for myself. It’s about time you do the same.”
She was cut off suddenly by the sight of Jackie popping up behind you, clad only in a silky robe, wrapping an arm around your waist. You jumped slightly at the intrusion, not realizing she had left the bathroom, but warmly accepted the embrace as she nuzzled into your neck, pressing a few gentle kisses to it as she surveyed Heather.
“Water’s gonna get cold.” She murmured to you before glancing up to Heather, “something we can help you with?”
“Uh…no.” She let out a defeated sigh, her hand reaching into her purse, “just wanted y/n to give this to Rebecca.” She revealed an envelope that you accepted, “thanks.” With that she began to turn from the door, realizing that there was no way you were about to walk away from Jackie.
“Hey…” you called out gently, causing her to pause in her steps, “find someone to talk to. I mean it. It’ll help.” With a small nod, you stepped back into the apartment, swinging the door shut and locked as you turned back to Jackie, “sorry.” You winced, though it morphed into a smile as Jackie ducked to kiss you, a grin on her lips as she did so, both her arms settling around your waist. “How much of that did you hear?”
“Oh just about enough to know that you love me.” She teased with a smirk and you jolted, your cheeks heating as you started to stumble over your words.
“Oh god! I…uh..sorry if that…uhm…” Jackie laughed heartily, the smile reaching her eyes as she pulled you tighter to her, a hand stroking at your hair.
“What’re you so worried about?” She asked, her eyes sparkling toward you.
“I mean…we kinda were taking things slow?” You shrugged, “and…the last time I let my feelings show it didn’t exactly go as planned. Honestly it’s a conversation I have with my therapist a lot…” you began to ramble, slightly panicked as Jackie giggled, pressing a kiss to your lips again to silence you.
“Peach I’ve been in love with you since California.” She murmured, “I just didn’t want to freak you out…”
“Yes.” She laughed again, “I love you.”
You felt your heart nearly explode in your chest at the sincerity in her words, the truthfulness shining through her gaze, the happy little smile on her lips as she surveyed you. There was nothing but positivity vibes coming off her, you could suddenly feel the love winding its way around the two of you, filling your apartment with warmth, tugging the two of you even closer together.
“I love you too.” You returned the sentiment, unable to help the stupid grin on you face as you did so, nearly launching into Jackie’s embrace, peppering her face with soft kisses that you both laughed at.
“C’mon,” she tugged you back towards the bathroom, “the water really is gonna get cold.”
_________ @lesbianologist @screenee @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @imlike-so-gaydude @svulife-rl @gay-ass-bitch @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @paulson-hargitay @molllss @solemnnova @svushots @nocreditinthestraightworld @yourtaletotell @cerberus-spectre @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @rosiewritesagain @imaginaryoperagloves @disn3y7 @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @swimmingstudentchaos891 @anne-gillettes-wh0r3 @season4scullyhair @whimsicallymad @alexusonfire @mmmmokdok @lazarettta @muscatmusic18 @sia2raw @ladysc @dxtery @1-lindsay83 @mmemalwa @ms-calhoun @holycrapraewth
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winterscaptain · 4 years
mean it. (sfw)
a/n:  welcome to the sfw version! it has been modified to cover all of the character development that happens while these two chatty cathies are gettin down ‘n dirty with it. this has been my favorite ajf fic so far, and will conclude the berry hill section of the story. we’ll have two more fics that take place in 2011 following this one, but they won't be so explicitly part of this arc - just fun little early-relationship ‘we’re still keeping this from the team’ moments. i am SO excited to share this with you. (here’s the nsfw version, for our friends who are grown ups!)
words: 7k warnings: implied smut, some making out on the couch, language, light drinking/alcohol use summary: the levy breaks. 
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | requests closed!
You brush past him into the apartment, turning on him when you reach the middle of the living room. He closes the door and faces you, looking drawn and exhausted. You know Jack’s gone - staying with Jessica until tomorrow afternoon, so this is your only opportunity to lay into him the way you want to. 
“When did you know?”
He sighs and scrubs a hand over his face. Your name leaves his mouth in a tired sigh. 
You know he flew back in an uncomfortable supply transport for close to fifteen hours. You know he hasn’t slept in close to three days. You know this is the last thing he needs, but there’s too much anger and hurt and exhaustion in your chest to not pick a fight about something, anything. “Stop. Answer me.” 
“Last week. I knew last week.” 
You cross your arms. “So when you called to check in four days ago you couldn’t have, I dunno, shared that with us?” 
He lets out a dissatisfied chuff, unable to answer. 
“We spent months without you, Aaron. Months.” And what horrible months they were. “It was so hard, and I missed you so much.” Your voice breaks, and you take a shaky breath, your hurt overriding your caution. “I missed you so much I couldn’t breathe.”
His eyes meet yours with a hurt and fire that mirrors your own. All you can do is grab his face and kiss him. 
He gasps as he pulls you toward him, his hands tight on your hips. You know you’ll have bruises later and the thought only drives you further. The kiss is brutal - you bite at his lips, your tongue laving over his with an aggression you hardly recognize in yourself. Your tears mix in with the taste of him - bitter coffee and something achingly familiar. His beard is rough against your hands and cheeks and neck as he moves from your mouth, giving you room to breathe as he explores your overheated skin. The beard is an element of this you weren’t expecting, and it’s not unwelcome in the slightest. 
Almost all of you wishes these were different circumstances, that your first kiss would be gentle and soft and full of laughter. 
When has anything with him been typical? When has anything ever been the way you wanted? 
Then, God, he’s good at this. 
When he reaches your pulse point, you raise your hands and yank on his hair. He lets out a loud groan, and you attack his mouth again. His hands roughly crawl up your back, fingers digging into the skin of your shoulders and ribs. Aaron is everywhere - the only thing you can feel, the only thing you can hear. 
“I can’t stand you,” you whisper against his mouth. 
(You don’t mean it.) 
Aaron huffs, and it's almost a laugh. He kisses you roughly. “I know.” 
(He knows.)
You pull back from him and shove, and he tumbles back onto his couch. His pupils are blown, his lips red and swollen, hair a mess. You know you don’t look much better, likely with blossoming hickies on your neck, not to mention the beard burn. 
There’s a flintiness in Aaron’s eyes when you meet them again, like he’s daring you to make your next move. 
The breath leaving you is heavy and hot. You’ve never been angrier in your life, and yet you’ve never wanted him more. You just want to be close to him - to feel him. He was away for so long and you hate to admit it, but you missed him like you’d miss a limb. The beard also inspires something in you that’s almost embarrassing in its intensity. You shelve the thought for the time being.
You pounce into his lap, straddling him. 
“What are you doing?” He asks, like he already knows the answer, his mouth at your collarbone. 
Unexpectedly, the tears start up again, and your breath catches in a sob. “I want you. I can barely look at you right now, but I still want you. I always have.” 
He softens for a moment, his eyes melting as they meet yours. He cups your face in his hand, brushing your tears away with his thumb. You lean into his touch and your eyes flutter shut. The wind has been knocked almost entirely out of your sails, but he’s always had that effect on you. 
His lips brush against yours. “While I’d much rather we do this when you’re not considering homicide,” his words make your mouth twitch up into a small smile, “I want you so badly.” He kisses you again, and you melt into him, pressing your chest to his. “Years,” he punctuates every assertion with kisses, “years, years, and years of wanting you.”
You tip your head back, looking him in the eye again. “I’m not any less mad at you.” 
“I know.” He nods, and kisses the underside of your jaw. “Will you let me show you how sorry I am? For everything?” 
A sigh leaves you and with it comes a breathless, “Yes.” 
Holding you close, he stands and you link your ankles around his back. He never once lifts his lips from your skin as he carries you to the bedroom. You’ve always known he was strong, but the ease with which he carries you sends a shot of heat through your belly. 
You rest your cheek on his temple as he paints kisses all over your neck and collarbone. You can feel the apology in them. With a little bit of a start, you realize you can feel the love in them, too.
He reaches the bedroom, and lays you down on his gray linen duvet without acknowledging anything in the room that isn’t you. 
After, there’s a reverence to the way he cleans you up. He’s gentle with you in a way you knew he would be, but never expected. Even the sting of the water against the developing beard-burn is soothed with warm hands and kisses. 
He stretches out on the bed beside you when you’re both clean and refreshed. The scene is almost identical to one ten months prior, back at Berry Hill. 
You tuck your arm under your head and turn to face him. Your eyes are heavy, but you know he has more to say, more to share with you. 
He stares at the ceiling as he speaks. “There was only one way to keep Emily safe, and it was for all of us to believe she was dead. If JJ and I had shared the truth with anyone,” he looks over at you and slips his hand into yours before turning his gaze back to the ceiling, “even you, there was a great chance she could have been killed before she completed her mission.” 
You nod. “I understand.” 
“I know that it doesn’t make it any easier. I hated every second.” He rolls to his side, and tips his forehead to yours. “I hated knowing I had the power to make your hurt go away, but couldn’t use it. I’m so sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for leaving. I’m so sorry.” His eyes close, and you wrap around him.
You know that there was no way to go about protecting Emily without this lie. It made all the sense in the world. You couldn’t be angry with him for that - not for saving Emily like he did. In fact, you admired it. The very thought of lying to him like that was a Herculean feat. You had no idea how he managed it. 
Pakistan. That’s how he managed it. 
A few more tears escape your eyes, but Aaron can’t see them with your head tucked under his chin. He does, however, feel them against the bare skin of his chest. He can only guess at what you’re thinking. Shame slogs through his whole body and tears fall out of his eyes too, landing on the pillow underneath his head. He takes a shuddering breath, and your arms wind tighter around him. 
He’s sure your position can’t be comfortable, one arm and one leg trapped under his body, your head at an odd angle. He rolls onto his back, taking you with him. You tuck your arms into yourself and your legs tangle together as you curl up against him with your head on his chest. 
Eventually, and you’re not sure how exactly, you both end up under the covers. Despite the difficult day, despite the tears, despite the inevitable nightmare waiting for you at the bureau tomorrow, you sleep. 
When you wake up in the morning, you’re wrapped in his arms. He’s awake, tracing patterns on your hip with his fingers. Your bodies are flush together - legs tangled, his chest against your back, your hips slotted together.  
“Good morning,” he says. 
He loosens his hold on you just enough for you to turn in his arms, and you tuck yourself back into him, throwing a leg over his hip to maintain proximity. It elicits a small laugh from him. “Good morning.” 
Your brow pulls. “Don’t we have to go in?”
He sighs deeply. “Check your email.” 
Uh oh. 
You throw an arm out, finding your phone on the table beside you, charging.
When on Earth did he do that?
The man is a magician. 
Scrolling through your email, you find the one he’s talking about, sent at 6am sharp this morning. 
FROM: Erin Strauss SUBJECT: Suspension - Effective Immediately Pending Senate Investigation
You tip your head back in frustration before reading through it, but the subject (albeit long) pretty much sums it up. “Goddamn it.” You turn back to Aaron. “Can’t we go one month without some kind of forced unpaid vacation?”
He huffs a laugh and shrugs. “Guess not. On the bright side...breakfast?”
You twist back and forth on the barstool, your chin in your hands. You’re wearing one of his shirts and a pair of Haley’s pajama pants (it’s surprisingly less weird than you thought), watching him put together an elaborate breakfast spread of fruit, bagels, eggs, and turkey sausage. 
At your first questioning glance, he informed you that Jess had stocked the fridge the day prior upon notification of his return. 
Very considerate. But then again, it's Jess. 
You, of course, expected nothing less from her and look forward to seeing her later this afternoon. You’d grown close in Aaron’s absence, as Jack asked for you often and you were, of course, happy to oblige his requests. There was more than one happy side-effect from Aaron’s task force assignment, and a new-found friend in Jess is one of them. 
Aaron places a plate in front of you, and rounds the island with his own. You thank him and dig in. Apparently, your outburst really took it out of you last night in addition to certain...other activities that required significant sums of energy. 
When you’re done, he turns toward you and takes your hands in his. “This may be a bad time, but do you want to talk about us at all?” The little emphasis on us sends a shot of something warm through you, but panic follows on its heels. 
“Can we just...be? Right now? I want to make sure we can keep our heads screwed on straight and settle back into normal before we say anything to the others.”
He nods with a solemn finality. There’s no hurt in his eyes, only disappointment. You have a strong suspicion it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. “I understand.”
You swallow and look down at your hands. “I just - I just need some time.”
“Okay.” He gently tugs you forward and you stand between his knees. “Take all the time you need. I’ll be here. And I swear, I’ll spend the rest of my life making this up to you if I have to.”
“I know.” The corner of your mouth pulls up in a smile. 
He kisses your knuckles and his breath washes over them. “This may go without saying, but...” he pauses, meeting your eyes. “I love you.”
A little huff of laughter leaves you, and something eases a little in your chest. “I love you, too.” With a little tip of your head, you concede, “I promise, no matter how much I hate you, I love you more.”
He smiles. “That’s good to know.” 
You release his hands and wrap your arms around his neck, tucking your face into his shoulder. His hands cover a broad swath of your back, holding you to him with an even pressure that all-but alleviates your remaining anxiety. 
“I missed you.” 
He kisses your shoulder. “I missed you too. Every day. All the time.”
No matter what, he loves you. 
He loves you. 
You end up going to the office before Jack gets home to pick up any random items you’ll need in the weeks of suspension to come. You don’t think too hard about it, grabbing your extra set of clothes from your go bag and jumping into Aaron’s car. 
Aaron hops up the stairs to his office while you gather your necessaries from your desk in the bullpen. You feel someone approach from behind you, and you smile when you find Emily. 
“Hey,” she says, as if she’s not sure how she’ll be received. 
You gather her up in your arms, and she relaxes into you. “Hi.”
She pulls back, her eyes narrow. “Where were you last night?”
“What?” Your brow furrows, and you realize with only a little alarm that you haven’t showered. 
Her squint deepens. “You don’t smell like yourself. You smell like…” she pauses, thinking, “...sex and a handsome man. Who is he?” An eyebrow raises, questioning and playful.
“I worked out this morning and didn’t shower - I didn’t think I’d run into anyone today, seeing as we’re all suspended.” You reach around her for a stack of files, tucking them in your arms. 
She refuses to give it up, acting your shadow as you go to the kitchen for your favorite mug. “Oh, nuh uh. You’re not about to use my own excuse on me.” 
Shit. That is her excuse, isn’t it?
“Emily, I’m not seeing anyone.” And it’s the truth. Hotch almost walks out of his office, but lingers by the door. He’s already overheard a little bit of Emily’s interrogation and figures the opportunity is too good to pass up. Already suppressing a smile, he settles in for the show. 
“Oh, please! You totally got laid last night. Who is he?” She’s basically chasing you around the bullpen at this point as you fabricate tasks to keep her off your tail. “You know I’ll find out!” 
“Emily -”
“Wait, who got some last night?” Penelope pokes her head around the corner as she passes, carrying a box of comfy-cozies from her dungeon. 
You look up at the ceiling. Maybe a benevolent deity will smite you where you stand. 
This is hell. This is what hell is. Nothing could be worse.
Emily throws her thumb at you, and Penelope’s eyebrows shoot to her hairline. “You’re joking. Who?” She almost squeals, and you shush them both. 
“Would either of you at least attempt to keep your voices down?” You grab your things from your desk and attempt to leave the bullpen, but your best friends bar you in. “I am not seeing anyone.” 
“Oh yeah? Then why do you reek of sex?” 
Hotch, leaning just out of sight in the doorway, covers his mouth with his fingers to hide his smile. You haven’t lied to Emily yet, at least not outright. 
You roll your eyes. “That’s ridiculous.” 
“You do!” Emily barks a laugh. “Come on. I’ve been dead for the last ten months, the least you can do is tell me who you’ve been fucking since then.” 
You tut at her. “Don’t be crass.”
“Oh, please. You’ve heard worse.” 
Your last name rings out across the bullpen, and you simultaneously thank and curse Hotch for leaving you out to dry like this and then coming to your rescue. With one last glare to both Penelope and Emily, you trot up the stairs and into Aaron’s office, leaving the door open behind you. 
“You’re an asshole.” 
His mouth twitches as he sits down. 
“Was that fun? Did you enjoy that?”
The amusement drops out of his face, and you’d be a little more intimidated except for the fact he’s still wearing jeans and a t-shirt. “Immensely.” He looks down and jots a few notes on a case file. 
“So did you just call me up here to save me or did you actually have something for me, sir.” 
He looks at you from under his brows, his eyes dark. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, darling.” 
Your heart leaps into your throat. Between his tone and the beard, you find yourself almost uncomfortably warm. 
Duly noted. 
“Though, I did have this for you,” he hands you a file, and you flip through it. “When we get back, we’ll have to circle back with that coroner - his report is incomplete and we need the rest to officially close the case.” 
You shut it and set it on the corner of his desk. “I’ll make sure that’s on my list if and when we get our jobs back.”
He huffs a laugh down his nose. “We’ll get our jobs back. We always do.” 
“Yeah, you, maybe.”
He stands, offering you some space in the box on his desk for your things. You throw your case files in there, and follow him, empty-handed to Strauss’s office. 
He knocks twice and waits for her permission before pushing the door open. “Ma’am?”
“Good morning, you two.” She rises, her hand extended palm-up. He pulls his credentials out of his pocket, and you follow suit, stacking them neatly in her hand. “Thank you. We’ll be in touch regarding the Senate Affairs Committee hearing in the coming weeks. In the meantime,” she sighs, “try to enjoy your time off. Get some rest.” 
Aaron nods. “Thank you, ma’am. I can make myself available to assist in anything you may need between now and then.” 
She dips her chin, and you’re dismissed. 
It’s not unusual for you and Aaron to leave together, and for that you’re grateful. You stop back at his office for your things, and you walk down the stairs together. 
Emily’s in the kitchen, emptying the coffee pot, and she calls to you without looking. “I’m gonna figure out who’s been getting it in, don’t you worry.” 
Aaron snorts, and she turns on her heel. “Oh my God, Hotch. I didn’t realize -” 
She meets your gaze, and you don’t look anything but tired. You take Hotch’s elbow and steer him out, throwing Emily the finger on your way out the door. 
When you finally close yourselves into the car, you both laugh so hard you can’t breathe. You can almost trick yourself into thinking everything is normal. The thought sobers you a little bit, and you quiet, looking out of the windshield, staring at nothing. 
His hand crosses the center console, and you take it in both of your own. 
You look over at him. “Yeah?”
“All the time in the world, remember?” The corner of his mouth pulls, and you lean over the console to kiss him. 
“Thank you.” He’s gentle with you. His thumb and forefinger capture your chin, and he kisses the corner of your mouth, soft and chaste.
The first order of business when you arrive back at the apartment is a shower. You scrub yourself down twice - Emily made you jumpy in the extreme. 
You step out in a fresh shirt of Aaron’s, planting yourself on the couch. He passes you a cup of coffee when he returns from the kitchen and sits beside you. As soon as he’s settled, you scoot into his side and tuck under his arm. 
“So,” you say. He looks down at you. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to change the routine we had before you left for Pakistan.”  
He hums, taking a sip of his coffee. “I agree. It would be hard on Jack.”
“I’d miss you. And I already missed you and I’m sick of it.” Your voice is small, and you’re almost embarrassed, but he presses a kiss to your head. 
“I’m sick of missing you, too.” He nuzzles into your temple. “And I am not done with you yet.” His fingers, one at a time, gently tap over the bruises on your hip from last night. 
You shiver. “That’s convenient. I’m not done with you, either.” 
He sets his coffee down and tips your chin up with his finger. He hovers a hair's breadth away from your lips, dropping his voice to a whisper. “I love you.” Before you can respond, his lips are on yours. 
Keys rattle in the door, and you lean away from him. He chases your lips, unwilling to part from you until the last second. He stands just in time for Jack to bust through the door and into his arms. 
Aaron lifts Jack into his arms and swings him around. Jack’s arms are tight around his neck, and soon they stop moving. They cling to each other for a moment, father and son. 
Jessica embraces you when you rise from the couch. “Hey!” 
“Hey, Jess.” 
You keep your arms around each other as you watch your boys. Jack leans away from Aaron and puts his hands on his father’s cheeks. 
“Your beard is scratchy.” 
Indeed it is, Jack. 
Aaron laughs, and nuzzles into Jack’s cheek until he’s laughing. “Do you like it?”
Jack’s face crinkles up, and that’s answer enough. A split second later, he registers your presence and wiggles out of his father's arms and throws himself into yours.
“Hey, bud.” 
He tucks into you, and he looks over his shoulder at Aaron. “Dad’s beard makes him look funny.” 
You suppress a smile and lean in conspiratorially. “He doesn’t really look like himself, does he?”
Jack shakes his head with a giggle, while Aaron looks completely betrayed. You kiss Jack’s head and set him back on his feet, stepping into the kitchen with the nearly-empty coffee mugs to give the Brooks-Hotchners some much-needed time together. 
You sneak back into the master bedroom, stretching out against the headboard with your laptop. Suspension means no work to submit, but nobody said you can’t draft emails and consolidate the veritable mountain of work that will inevitably find you upon your return. 
After about twenty minutes, the front door opens and closes, and Jack’s little feet patter past you, headed toward his bedroom. Aaron swings into the bedroom and quickly crosses to you, stretching across the bed to reach you. Taking your face in his hand, he presses a sweet kiss to your lips. 
“We’ve got LEGOs in Jack's room when you’re done in here.”
You hum, and wind your fingers in the hair on the side of his head. “Oh, while you’re here,” you say his lips, “I’ll make you a deal.”
“Shave the beard to appease your son, but keep the hair.” Your fingers wander to the back of his head and pull once, sharply.
His breath leaves him in a huff. “What did I say about starting things you can’t finish?”
You plant one more filthy kiss on him before shoving him away from you. “To not to?”
He rolls his eyes and leaves you to your work. You don’t miss the way he adjusts himself in his jeans on the way out the door. 
By the end of the evening, you all have a fairly impressive collection of LEGO vehicles. You lean against Jack’s bed frame, your bare feet stretched out in front of you. To anyone watching, it looks like a typical Saturday. 
Aaron conceded to an easy dinner of sandwiches and veggies in Jack’s bedroom. You figure he’ll be a pushover for another few days as he makes up for his long absence, if tonight is anything to go on. 
“Alright, bud. Time for bed.” Aaron stands and takes all the plates into the kitchen while you help Jack with the LEGOs. 
The finished pieces go on his bookshelf, of course, while the loose pieces go back into the bin that lives under his bed. It’s safe to say have the lay of the land after nearly five months without Aaron. Jess needed a break just as much as the rest of you, and you were more than happy to take Jack for a weekend here or there, sleeping on the couch or in Aaron’s bed, or having a slumber party on the living room floor of your house. 
Aaron returns a few minutes later, wearing a soft white shirt and sweatpants. He lingers in the doorway, watching you tidy up with Jack. The way you are with him is easy. You toss a set of pj’s out of the drawer, and Jack catches them. 
“Get those on, little bug. Dad will be back in to read you a chapter of one of your books, okay?”
Jack snags your hand, and you kneel so you’re eye-level with him. “Are you sleeping over?”
“I think so, but I’m not sure.” You glance up at Aaron with a smile just for him. “I think we should ask Dad if that’s alright.” 
He turns promptly, leaning into you. You hook your chin over his shoulder and wrap your arms around him. “Daddy, can we have a sleepover?” Jack’s request is very polite and pulls a smile from you. 
Aaron’s lips pull into a fond smile, unable to say no to two of his favorite faces looking up at him. “Yeah, we can have a sleepover.” 
“Yes!” Jack breaks your grip and runs down the hall to his bathroom, where he will inevitably brush his teeth too fast and change into his pajamas. 
You stand, and cross to Aaron, who’s waiting for you with a place in his arms. “Sleepover?”
“Mhmm.” He presses a kiss to your temple and you lean into him. 
Jack comes running back down the hall and you slip out of Aaron’s arms and crouch, letting Jack’s tiny body knock into you full force. You pepper his cheeks in kisses before holding him to your chest, his head tucked under your chin. He wraps his legs around your waist and you haul him up as you stand, passing Aaron in the doorway. 
He scuttles under the covers and you tuck him in, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
“Okay. I love you.” 
You smile at him. “I love you, too.” With a final kiss to his forehead, you straighten and make your way to the master bedroom, getting plenty comfortable as you wait for Aaron to return. 
Aaron settles in at his son’s side, propped against the headboard with his ankles crossed. He realizes just how much he’s missed in that moment - the book in his hands is a new one. They must have finished the other one while he was in Pakistan. 
Jack tucks into his side, and he starts to read. 
With both doors open, you can hear the low murmur of Aaron’s voice from down the hall. You curl up under the covers, letting your eyes close. A light in the hallway turns off, and you hear Aaron tell Jack that since “the grown-ups don’t have work in the morning, we’re all gonna sleep in.”
Sleep in. Right. 
For someone as big as he is, Aaron is surprisingly quiet. With your eyes closed, you only realize he’s back when the door clicks shut. The lights turn off, and he slips into bed beside you. 
He reaches for you in the darkness, and you take his hand. “Yeah?”
“I still don’t like it, but I understand it.” 
He knows you’re talking about Emily, and your admission comes with a bit of relief. There’s no need to defend himself, but he feels compelled to assure you of one more thing. “You know I would never lie to you if I had any other option, right?”
You huff a laugh, and scoot closer to him. He wraps you in his arms, and a little piece of the ache in your chest quiets. “Yeah, I know.” 
“You also know there will be some things I can’t share with you.” He presses his forehead against yours, and you nod. “And while I may have to keep things from you, I promise I will never fabricate a reality outside of the truth ever again. If you ask me a question I can’t answer, I will tell you as much. If you ask me if what I communicated is all the information I have, I will tell you that, too.” He huffs something that’s almost a laugh. “I will be as forthcoming as possible about the things I cannot be forthcoming about.” 
You cup his jaw in your hand. “Thank you.” 
Aaron’s lips meet yours, and it’s like coming home. 
The kiss turns heated quickly, and you break apart after a moment. You’re both breathless and wanting. It’s torture. 
Aaron closes his eyes and kisses the corner of your mouth. It feels like a promise. “What do you want?” The question is loaded. He drops down to your throat, kissing the skin under your jaw. 
Jack, ever the gift, sleeps late the next morning, so you and Aaron have more time together than you expected. 
Aaron drew you into his lap when you first woke, leaning against the headboard with your head against his shoulder. 
“Can I tell you something?”
You smile, your finger tracing his bare chest. “Of course.” 
“I can’t believe you’re not more upset with me over Emily.” 
You laugh a little. “I just understand it, you know? You explained yourself rather elegantly, and now I’m over the initial shock of it, I’m fine. It’s the goddamn Pakistan bullshit that got to me.” 
“Yeah.” He kisses your temple. “I still don’t feel great about that.” 
You burrow into his neck, your nose under his jaw. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
He sighs, and you know he’s actually thinking about his answer. “There wasn’t a good time to tell you when I found out about the assignment, and then I kept putting it off and putting it off. The longer I waited, the more difficult it became.” You can feel his jaw tighten, and you flatten your hand against his chest. “It was selfish of me. I couldn’t face telling you, especially when I didn’t know how long I would be gone.”
“Promise me you won’t run from us again?”
He pulls you close to him, and you can feel his breath in your hair. “I don’t have a reason to, anymore.” 
It breaks your heart, but the time finally comes to shave the beard. You find him in the bathroom with shaving cream and a razor. He’s already got half of his face lathered up when you walk in.  
“What do you think you’re doing?”
He looks over at you. “Shaving? As requested?” It’s definitely a question.
You shake your head and hold up a finger. Jogging to your go bag, you pull out the shaving kit you keep in there, just in case. In it, the tool you’re looking for. You walk back to the bathroom with the little cloth bag in your hand, hopping up on the counter to sit. The marble is cold on your skin, covered only by his shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. 
He watches you, a curious look on his face. You unzip it and pull out a classic single-blade straight-razor. 
“May I?”
Wary eyes glance at the blade, and his breath picks up. “Do you have to use that one?”
“Do you trust me?” You take him gently by the arm and pull him between your knees. 
“Of course,” he answers quickly. “It’s just...I just -”
“Knife shit. I know.”  Your casual, understanding tone doesn’t reveal the flash of panic you feel in your chest. The memory of his broken body in that hospital bed, stabbed half to death by Foyet, is never far from the forefront of your mind. 
As days go, that was one of the scariest. 
He nods and swallows. 
You set the blade down and put your hands on his cheeks, shaving cream be damned. “He can’t hurt you anymore. He’s gone and you’re here with me.” You press a soft kiss to his lips, and he lifts his thumb to wipe at the foam on your cheek. “Can I do this for you?”
Another shaky breath leaves him. “Yes.” 
“If you need to stop, just put your hand on my waist okay?” There’s nothing but love in your eyes as you watch his gaze flicker across your face. “We can stop anytime and I can leave you alone and you can shave this beautiful thing off your face yourself and rob me of my grieving process.” 
His lips pull up in a smile. “Okay.” 
You start the hot water in the sink beside you and wet your hands a little to finish lathering him up with the shaving cream. His nose crinkles when you pop a dot of it on his forehead. 
You shrug with a little smile and wash your hands, drying them on the towel hanging over the edge of the sink. Picking up the blade, you raise it slowly. He still flinches a little, nostrils flaring as he controls his breath. 
You gently shush him. “It’s just me.” You press your fingers into his chin, gently tipping his head to the right. His eyes flutter shut as you take your first pass against his cheek, but he opens them soon enough. You move slowly, deliberately, and carefully, narrating every single touch of the blade against his skin. You’re so proud of him for his stillness and restraint and trust. He watches you, and you meet his eyes every once in a while - just checking in. 
Shave, rinse, dry, repeat. You fall into a rhythm, and he relaxes further and further into your touch each time. 
His hands rests on your thighs, his thumbs rubbing back and forth on your bare skin. You caress and gently pull and press wherever you need to for a close shave, and he lets you. 
The real challenge comes when it's time to do his neck. His breath picks up again as you tip his chin up. You place your hand on the back of his neck, supporting his head and playing with his hair. “You’re okay, Aaron. Just me, remember?” 
“It’s harder when I can’t see you.” 
You wrap your legs around the back of his thighs, pulling his hips flush to yours on the edge of the counter. Pressing a kiss underneath his ear, you whisper. “Does that help?”
He can’t bite back his smile. “Yeah, that works.” His hands wander to your hips, and you try to keep yourself from wiggling against him. 
“Hold still.” You tip his chin up again and run the blade up his neck, over his Adam’s apple, under his jaw, past his carotid artery. To combat the rising panic he’s no doubt experiencing, you press a kiss to every patch of freshly-shaven skin. 
Soon, you’re finished. You take one final section underneath his jaw, rinse, dry, and fold the blade back into its case. Snagging one of the washcloths nearby, you soak it in the warm water and wring it out, bringing it to Aaron’s face. 
He watches your eyes as you wipe the remaining shaving cream from his skin with a heartbreaking tenderness. The warmth is divine, and all his panic melts away at your touch. A profound feeling of safety washes over him. With a little bit of a start, he realizes there’s not a nick or cut on him at all. 
That’s talent. 
When you bring the towel down again, your Aaron stares back at you. “There you are.” 
“Here I am.” His hands play with the edge of your shirt, and your heel sneaks up the back of his leg. “Jack will be home soon.” The warning is weak at best, and you check the clock. 
“Henry’s soccer game doesn’t end for another twenty minutes, and you know Will will take them for ice cream after.” 
Aaron hums thoughtfully, pretending to think. He cants his head and studies you, his eyes narrow. 
“What?” You ask through a little laugh. 
“I’m just trying to figure out why I can’t get enough of you.” His hands reach your back and pull your chest flush against his, and you let out a little unintentional whine from the back of your throat.
“Aaron…” You tip your head back against the wall as his lips wander from the corner of your mouth to your neck and collarbones, his hands sweeping over your skin. 
He returns to your lips, and you wrap your arms around his neck. “You know,” he says against your lips, “we haven’t christened anywhere except the bed, yet.”
You pull back, and find a wicked glint in his eye. “Aaron Hotchner, are you suggesting what I think you are?”
“I’m not suggesting anything.” 
After, he holds you to him, and you stay there for what feels like hours, just resting against each other. 
Emily is relentless - three drinks in and she’s still badgering you about your sex life. “I’m serious, and I’m just drunk enough to ask the good questions.” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and bumps you with her shoulder. 
It's the third week of your suspension, and the committee has subpoenaed you all starting next Tuesday. Tonight, the team drinks to a possible future of unemployment.
You laugh, taking a sip of your water. You’re playing designated driver tonight, along with Hotch. You figure it’s easier to sneak around when the rest of the team is drunk. “Yeah, and I’m sober enough to not answer them.”
“Oh come on, at least give us something,” Penelope whines. 
Against your better judgement, you relent a little. “Alright. You get five vague questions - no names, no identifying details. Five.” 
“Each?” Garcia’s eyebrows raise, but immediately fall into a scowl when you reply -
Emily downs the rest of her drink. “Alright. I’ll go first. Size?” 
Your lips twitch. “Impressive.” 
“Stamina?” Penelope chirps. 
“Exceedingly impressive.” 
“What’s exceedingly impressive?” Derek comes up behind Emily and kisses her on the cheek. She preens a little before answering. 
“Well, someone,” she points at you, “is sleeping with someone, and we have been granted five vague answers to five vague questions.”
Aaron rounds the other side of Penelope, where his singular beer awaits him. He takes a sip to hide his smile. From here, you’re the only one who can see his face straight-on. 
Clever bastard. 
Derek offers you a fist, and you tap his knuckles with your own. “Yes, sweetness! You know you gettin’ it!” You laugh. 
“Shut up, Derek.” 
He winks at you. 
Penelope reviews the previous two questions, rapid fire. “We only have size and stamina so far - impressive and exceedingly impressive, respectively.” 
You do your best to avoid a pair of watchful and amused brown eyes. “Alright, three more.” 
Emily ponders for a minute. “Record?”
“How many times have you gotten off in one night?”
You pretend to think for a moment. “Do you actually mean one night, or just in one round.” 
Penelope’s jaw drops, and you try not to laugh out loud. 
“Um…” Emily’s caught off guard a little. “One night - wait, are you sure you’re dating a man-person?”
A laugh escapes you. “Yes, I’m sure he’s a man person, I’m not dating him, and to answer your first question, I would conservatively estimate six, but I’m... honestly not sure.” 
Derek’s eyes look like they’re going to pop out of his head. “Where did you meet this guy?” 
“I refuse to answer on the grounds of specificity.” 
“Alright, fine.” He amends. “Rank?”
“As in, how does he numerically compare to other men I may or may not have slept with?” Derek nods, and you tip your chin rather arrogantly, still avoiding Aaron’s eyes across the table. “One. Ten out of ten. Five stars.” 
You take a sip of your water and finally glance in Aaron’s direction, throwing a wink at him. The corner of his mouth quirks, but he recovers quickly. 
“Hotch, do you have a question?”
He waves her off, taking another sip of his beer. “Don’t indict me.”
“Okay, then I’ll take last one. It’s gotta be good and I’m really gonna put you on the spot.” Emily points at you, and you push a water glass toward her. That’s invitation enough. “Do you think he’s it for you, then? If he’s the best? Do you know him well enough that you could say he’s The One - not that I believe in that sort of garbage or that sex is the be and and end all, of course - but, yeah. You’re definitely into him. I can tell. So spill.”
You take a deep breath. 
Decisions, decisions. 
A small smile stretches across your lips. “I think he’s got a really decent shot, if he plays his cards right.” 
And we all know how good Aaron is at poker.
Derek tips his head. “I’ll drink to that.” He raises his glass. “To one lucky motherfucker, wherever he may be.” 
You take a sip of your water and chance a glance across the table again. A silent conversation begins, taking place over the course of a split second. 
His eyebrows raise, just a touch for just a moment. You mean it? 
You suppress a smile. 
He sighs, nodding to himself just a little. Gotta play my cards right, then, I guess. 
Guess so. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @fics-ilike @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts  @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @thatreallyis-americas-ass @marvels-agents100 @newtslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @sebbybaby0 @lilsiswinchester @pan-pride-12 @hotchlinebling @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless​ @jdougl-love​ @sageellsworth05​ @emmice9 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky​ @writerxinthedark @mrshotchnerrossimulder21 @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @sparklingkeylimepie @aili28 @kingandrear @reader4027 @spnobsessedmemes @rogers-mouth @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandi-ass-prentiss@songbird400 @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @a-dorky-book-keeper @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @forgottenword @swiftiesparkles @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @garcia-reid-lovechild@cevanswhre @colbyskoalas  @qvid-pro-qvo @joanofarkansass @jeor @spencers-hoodrat 
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vintagemichelle91 · 4 years
Bad Together (Javier x Reader Fic)
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Author’s Note: Hello all! I am finally dipping my toes into the Pedro Pascal fandom with a fic of my very own! I am in the midst of re-watching Narcos on Netflix and an idea finally struck to write! This is a small Javier Peña Fic and I hope you enjoy! I took some liberties adding a character that is of my own imagination. Of course, I also sprinkled a bit of smut in there! I hope you all enjoy! 
Your eyes wearily scanned the lobby of the elegant hotel. Thankfully, no one had followed you. Why would they? You had perfectly executed your plan as to how you would be away for the rest of the day and to not be expected until late in the evening. It was easy for you to come up with such lies nowadays, or at least for the past three months. 
Yes, for past three months you had been having an affair with a DEA agent. Javier Peña. You had met at the beginning of the summer when he was undercover at a party your husband was hosting for the notorious narcos of Medellín. Your husband, Diego Solis, was a young political senator hoping to throw his hat into the presidential ring in Colombia. Aspirations you weren’t too keen on since he mentioned them earlier in the year. It was a dirty game, a game you were not sure you wanted to play. 
However, your opinion wasn’t valued. You were simply meant to smile, nod, and look pretty next to your husband. The Colombian press had already deemed you the next Jackie O. Your eyes drifted to the front page of the newspaper  where there was a picture of you and Diego at a political event. Carefully, you adjusted the blonde wig you wore on the occasions you and Javier met. No one was every going to recognize you with such a disguise. 
With a small sigh, you glanced at your watch. Javier was ten minutes late and your anxiety began to pester you with thoughts as to why he was late. You could really go for a martini and a Xanax at this point. He was never ten minutes late, five yes, ten absolutely not. 
Before you had chance to head to the hotel bar, a warm hand touched your shoulder. 
“I always feel like I’m meeting a different woman,” Javier leaned in and kissed your cheek. 
Your heart rhythm returned to a normal one as you were relieved to have Javier by your side. However, you weren’t going to make it easy on him. You could not afford a slip. 
“Well then, maybe you are better off with another woman,” Your melodic voice snapped as you stood up and headed straight toward the elevator. Your black heels clacked on the marble floor with a purpose and Javier had to slightly jog to keep up with your pace. 
“Hey, hey I’m sorry I got caught up in a meeting and its all hands on deck,” Javier explained in a hushed voice. 
You practically punched the button on the wall. You were grateful you still had your sunglasses on so that Javier wouldn’t see your tears. “You know I have to be careful and keep to the time. It isn’t easy for me to be alone as it is for you, Javier.”
Javier nodded, “I know.”
You took a step back as the elevator doors opened. He understood and it hadn’t been easy for him either. He had to keep you a secret and Murphy was always prying on about who he was banging at the moment. Javier had ceased all that the moment things began to get serious with you. 
With his hand on the small of your back he guided you into the elevator. Once the doors swiftly closed, you took off your sunglasses and he swept you up into a passionate kiss. The butterflies began to swirl around in your belly as he deepened the kiss and pressed your body close to his. His lips perfectly molded against yours. You both had been a perfect match since the moment you met. 
“Oh Javier, I can never stay mad at you.” You said between kisses and your hands held on tightly to him. It had been a week since you had seen him last and that ache was beginning to be too much. 
“Even if you did, you know I would always find a way to make it up to you.” Javier’s lips descended down to your neck. You had dreamed of this moment every single night you were away from him. 
The elevator doors dinged open and he let you go. You were breathless as Javier pulled you out into the hallway. The walk to your suite was not too long, but you couldn’t help but glance over your shoulder. There was no room for mistakes because then this beautiful and mind-blowing affair would end. You were not ready for it to end.
You handed him the room key and you were ready to have your way with him. 
The moment the door closed behind you, you tossed the wig aside and let your luscious hair cascade down your back. Javier took a moment and took in the sight of you. The past week had been a nightmare and he almost had a close call. But there was no way he was going to concern you with that right now. All he wanted was to make the best of the little time your lives allowed him to have with you. 
“There you are, bella…”
You were glad of the soft ivory dress you chose as it hugged you in all the right places. He always appreciated your sense of style. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever met, but it wasn’t just your looks, but your heart. You were kind, compassionate, understanding, yet determined and definitely did not take shit from anyone. Javier appreciated you in so many ways and that was what made you fall in love. However, Javier didn’t know that yet. 
It would complicate things and that was the last thing you wanted in a already complicated situation. 
A blush rushed to your cheeks as his warm eyes took in the sight of you. No one had ever made you feel like this, not even your husband. 
The clock in the room ticked away and that was the push you needed to not waste anymore time. Slowly, you reached behind you and unzipped your dress. The light fabric pooled to the floor and your were left in nothing but your french lace lingerie and heels. 
  “I’ve been waiting all day for this moment,” Your voice was but a mere seductive whisper. His eyes showed lustful hunger and you were sure your eyes reflected the same. But deep down, over the course of a few months, your eyes reflected more. 
Javier said nothing and swept you up once again into his arms. His strong arms where you felt completely safe and at some point you had come to terms with the thought of dying in them if you had to. The thought of being discovered had crossed your mind on sleepless nights…
But now was not the time for that. 
As soon as you opened your eyes, Javier had you on the bed. His lips were all over you, his mustache sent a tingle up your spine as he explored every single inch of you. If it were up to you, you would stay in this room, in this bed, and in Javier’s arms forever. 
“Too much clothes,” You tugged at his button up shirt and wanted to feel his skin on your skin. 
Javier smirked against the swell of your breasts as knew that you were absolutely right. Gently, he pulled back and began to unbutton his shirt. You stretched beneath him and gave him a seductive smirk of your own. 
You were a sight to behold. Your hair was messy, your lips swollen from his passionate kisses, and your body was trembling with desire. 
He managed to quickly rid himself of his clothes and he was before you in all his glory. Your heart pounded against your chest wildly. He was beautiful and he was all yours at this very moment. 
You welcomed him back with open arms and he fell into you. There was no sense of time anymore, it was just you and him and nothing else mattered. 
        Your moved in perfect sync.  “Don’t… don’t…”
           Your voice hitched in your throat, your heart pounding as you stretched your arms over your head. As she turned deeper into your lover, Javier’s fingers found your own, your hands locking as he stretched up in search of your mouth.
           “Don’t what?” he murmured in the wake of each kiss, one hand leaving yours to glide down your back as you winded your legs around his waist. You gasped at the loss of his lips, peering into his eyes as he buried his head between your breasts. Your bodies rocked as one until you caught his gaze once more.
           “Well, bella,” he teased.
           “Don’t… stop,” you managed to moan, his cock throbbing inside you, your entire body trembling as his actions defied your desires, Javier’s thrusts almost non-existent as he slowly threaded his fingers through your hair. You pressed your palm to his chiseled chest, your eyes watery, your lashes fluttering when he winked over a smirk and eased your back to the rumpled hotel sheets. 
           “Say that again,” he whispered into your neck as he drizzled silky kisses down your frame. Almost powerless, you could do nothing but whimper your wish.
           “No te escucho.” Javier said demandingly.
           “More… now…”
           Lifting his body, his torso glistening with sweat in the afternoon light filtering through the hotel suite windows, Javier traced the outline of your parted lips, your parched lips and caught the hand still over his heart. Bringing your palm to his mouth, he slowly suckled the tip of each finger until he guided your hand lower, holding it tightly over your quivering belly as you rubbed his arm. 
           “Make me… make me yours.”
           “When was that ever in question?” Javier asked.
           Slowly, the corners of your lips shifted into a smile. He had you there. From the instant you met, everything fell into place between the two of you. You were connected to Javier and there was no turning back no matter how dangerous this was. 
         It was evident that you were both willing to take such a risk. Even if your lust was not linked at the break of dawn or the height of moonlight or any myriad of moments in between, your heart was in his hands, his breath filling your lungs and giving you life.
           “I need you.”
           “Desperately, bella?”
           “Oh fuck yes!” You screamed as the pleasure was so consuming. 
           Summoning the small ounce of strength still at your disposal, you shot up and pushed him back, your vibrations giving him no choice but to move within you, to plunge deeper. Javier arched his hips to honor your most fervent request, and there was no way he did not hear the ecstatic cry consuming the air as you struggled to stay on your knees, to savor every second of the climax.
           “Yes… yes! Just… like that!”
           Falling into him, your arms tightening around his neck as he lingered in your moist mound, Javier came along with you with a deep groan and it was like music to your ears. You stroked his damp hair and peppered his chin with soft kisses as you sighed into his shoulder.
The thought of letting him go tugged at your heartstrings. “Javier…”
“What is it?” He glanced up at you and took notice of your eyes. They were suddenly sad and he had to know what you had on your mind. 
“I want to tell you so much, but I don’t think the time is right.” Still in his arms, you confessed. 
Javier’s brow furrowed in concern. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know…”
“Then tell me what is on your mind, bella.” You would never get tired of hearing him call you that. It was his nickname for you and your heart swelled even more as his said it. 
Your eyes glanced at the clock and then back into his eyes. It was as if the words were stuck in your throat. You wanted to tell him because time was of the essence and so many things could happen in between the time you would meet again. 
Nothing was sure in the way you were living your lives at the moment. 
“I love you…” 
That was the push you needed to say it. A dark thought to say something that meant the world to you. 
Javier’s eyes softened and so did his arms around you. He was silent for a few moments as he searched your eyes. What was he looking for? Did he not feel the same way? You were starting to lose your mind until his lips crashed onto yours with much more vigor. He deepened the kiss further as you sunk further into the mattress. This kiss was different…
As he slipped back into you, he whispered his response. “I love you too.”
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Old friends (Part 1/?)
Words: 1.5K
Warnings: None, yet
Genre: fluff, smut and i guess some angst later on (neither in this chapter yet though)
A/N: So this is more of an introducing chapter. Getting to know this reader and for me to find out who she is and how she would react to certain things.
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Coruscant was the same as you had always remembered it to be. You had not been here in years and yes, a lot had changed in the meantime but it felt the same. The planet was busy, speeders and ships flying everywhere on the planet. People going about their lives, hasting to a new destination every hour, even in war. The war didn’t seem to reach the upper levels of Coruscant at all. Even with the war going on and the business of the people the planet felt peaceful, but not as peaceful as home.
You looked out of the window of the ship that was taking you to see your father, Bail Organa. You sometimes wished you could live an ordinary life like the people on Coruscant. But at the same time you were content with the life you had. It would be wrong for you to complain. You had everything that came with being a princess, life was good. Sometimes you just wished for more action in your life, not just diplomatic talks with senators. You wished for danger and excitement. But that was not in the books for you. You’re too important, at least, that is what you father would say.
“Your highness, we are approaching the landing site.” The voice of the pilot rang from inside the cockpit. You fixed the creases in your dress. You were excited to see your father again, it had been too long. “Alright, thank you Captain.”
When your ship had landed the door opened with a hiss. You were glad that you did not dress too warm. Coruscant was warmer than Alderaan thanks to the climate control of the planet. The first thing you noticed when you walked outside was that your father was not there to greet you. Instead you found senator Amidala awaiting your arrival. You knew Padmé a little, you had met her before but you did not consider yourself friends yet.
“Welcome to Coruscant princess.”
“Thank you senator, please, Call me Y/N. I’m sorry, but I noticed that my father is not present. He said he would.” You looked at Amidala for a second before looking around you again. The only people that were actually present were you, senator Amidala, a protocol droid, your pilot and guards. You father nowhere to be seen. You were getting worried that something might have happened to him, Padmé could see that you were.
“No he is not, but not to worry. He was held up in a meeting. He requested me to await your arrival and escort you to his living quarters. He would be joining you shortly.” You heaved a sigh of relief.
“I am glad.” Padmé signalled you to follow her inside the building. The senate apartment building was tall, like any other building on Coruscant. It was curved at the top and the different floors were marked on the outside by copper looking bars. The inside of the building was as much Coruscant looking as the outside. Everything was made from a grey metal. The lobby had a comfortable looking seats and a few receptionist droids to help people find their way. Padmé led you to one of the three elevators in the lobby. You turned to your guards.
“I’ll be fine from here, feel free to use this time for yourself. You will be contacted when you are needed.” Your guards nodded respectfully and left before the doors of the elevator closed. The elevator was as grey as the rest of the building. You could only hope your father had quarters that looked a little less boring. You and Padmé stood in a comfortable silence as the elevator moved up. The doors opened when the elevator reached the apartment of your father.
“I will let your father know that you have arrived. He will be here shortly.” With that senator Amidala left and you were alone in your father’s quarters. It was spacious, two couches facing each other in the middle of the room. There were big windows as broad as the room itself, save for the part in front of the couches, there were no windows there. You could see the Senate dome and the Jedi temple from here. There were markings on the floor of the room, black lines and big red patches in a pattern you didn’t recognise. To the right of the living space were two doors you could only guess to be the bedroom and guestroom. You walked to the open space between the windows, the room curved out there and served as a balcony. Made you feel right at home.
You stood there just looking at the planet beneath you for a minute. You were simply fascinated by the different structures of this planet. From modern towers to a big round dome in the middle to an old-fashioned temple in the back.
You moved to sit on the couch to wait for your father to arrive. You had to wait longer than you expected, the meeting was running late. It was getting dark outside when you finally heard the elevator doors open behind you. You turned around and got off the couch when you saw it was your father.
“Father!” You walked up to him and gave him a hug. It truly had been too long. It felt good to hold him again, it felt familiar, like home.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry about the delay. I would’ve loved to have spent some time together before our dinner.” He looked tired and apologetic. You knew he hated it when things like this happened.
“It’s quite alright, you know I don’t mind. I’m going to be here for a while so we’ll have enough time to catch up. And besides, war comes first.” You smiled at him. You saw him relax a little but he was still disappointed.
“I am going to freshen up and get dressed for our dinner at the temple.” Temple? Were you dining with jedi tonight?
“We are dining at the Jedi temple?” He was already halfway across the room. “Yes we are! We work with the jedi a lot and since you will have to as well, it seemed only appropriate to have dinner with the council. Well, the ones that are on the planet right now.” He did have a point. That meant that you too were in need of a change.
You stood in front of a mirror in the guest room admiring the dress you had on. It was a long-sleeved white dress that fell to the floor in length. The back part was slightly longer than the front. The front also had a big piece cut out, showing your white trousers underneath for easier movement and sitting. The sleeves were skin-tight so they would not get in the way of dining. The bottom and sides of the dress were decorated with crème and gold coloured flowers and rhinestones, so were the ends of the sleeves. Your shoes were in the same colour as the crème flowers and had a slight heel, not uncomfortably high but still elegant. You had put your hair up in an intricate bun low on the back of your head. You looked royal but ready for business.
When you were satisfied with how you looked you walked out of your room to see that your father was already waiting for you. “Shall we go?” He extended his elbow for you to take.
The trip to the temple was short and uneventful. You arrived at the temple and made your way up the stairs and into the great hall. You followed your father until you came to two big wooden doors. Your father opened one of them and you were greeted by most of the jedi council.
You knew or heard of most of the members. Jedi were good company, if a little dull sometimes. You were preparing yourself for a dinner filled with war talk and other business people would think you didn’t know anything about. That was until you saw him.
“Obi-Wan!?” You moved past master Koon and walked up to him. “Is that really you?”
“Your majesty.” He bowed his head. You scoffed at the respectful way he spoke to you. “Oh please, after the adventures we have had, Y/N is fine.” You looked around. You were looking for his, now probably former, master. “Is master Jinn off planet?”
Obi-Wan cast his eyes downwards before looking you in the eye again. “Master Jinn died, thirteen years ago.” Your eyes widened. “I am so sorry Obi-Wan. We really need to catch up sometime.”
Obi-Wan nodded and moved you both towards the large table you would dine at. “Let us eat. We will catch up another time.” You squint your eyes at him. This was not the Obi- Wan you knew. You needed to know what made him so uptight and different than before and you were determined to find out.  
Tags: @darling-i-read-it​
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We Always Love the Things We Cannot Have - Part 1/3
Armitage Hux/Reader, on AO3, check my masterlist for more!
Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, Destroyer of Worlds, regretted few things in life… but this? He regretted this very much. He had not meant to fall for his strange savior, a woman who claimed to be nobody, who disappeared with just as much ease as she appeared. They were bound to meet again... after all, the galaxy works in mysterious ways.
Warnings: nearly smut but nope. a little fluff. 1891 words. Lemme know what you think!!
Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, Destroyer of Worlds, regretted few things in life… but this? He regretted this very much.
           He’d landed on a planet for a very routine inspection of an emerging First Order outpost, only to find it completely and totally destroyed. And then, his ship and everyone on it – bar him, of course – was also completely and totally destroyed in a matter of minutes. Somehow, in all the fray of battle, a woman had appeared from nowhere and dragged him to safety. He was grateful, sure, but he had no idea who she was, who she stood with, if she was even aware of who he was.
           When they made it clear of the battle, she dragged him into a cave network, guiding him through twist and turn after twist and turn, and he found himself quickly losing any sense of direction that his military-man instincts might have once possessed on this star-forsaken planet. When he finally managed to get a grasp upon his bearings though, he made a sincere effort to establish dominance. He failed.
           “Do you even know who I am?!”
           She spun to face him. “Of course I do. You’re General Armitage Hux of the First Order.”
           He gaped.
           She grabbed his gloved hand once more and continued her dragging, this time speaking over her shoulder.
           “I knew the Resistance would try and get rid of you while you were vulnerable, so I figured I’d step in and save you first. I grabbed a beacon on the way to get you, so I should be able to contact the First Order and get you out of here soon,” she paused, pulling them through a blast door into a room that looked more… homely? “There’s an extra room through there—” she gestured wildly in another direction, “—so you can be comfortable while you’re here, if it takes that long.”
           She let go of his hand with a start, as if she’d just noticed she’d been holding it at all. He found himself missing its warmth for some odd reason.
           Hux nodded slow, taking in the room around him. It was clean, for a place in a cave network, and it possessed an entire bank of tech on one wall that beeped and notified with a calming regularity.
           He turned back to his savior. “Who are you?”
           She shuffled, unwrapping the covering on her face, revealing beautiful features marred only by a shimmery scar that danced from the corner of her eyebrow, down her cheek, to the edge of her chin. “I’m nobody, really.”
           “You couldn’t possibly be nobody. Such a concept does not exist. Everybody is somebody. Even my petty stormtroopers are somebody – expendable, but somebody.”
           She shrugged. “I’ve been nobody for a very long time, General. No point in making such an argument now.”
           Hux’s lips twisted. “What is your name, then, nobody?”
           “I don’t have a name.”
           Hux was overwhelmed with the urge to strangle her out of frustration. How could someone so resourceful, so courageous, so astronomically stunning be so determined to be nothing at all? “Then I shall give you a name.”
           She looked up at him, something akin to hope – gah! – swirling in her galactic irises.
           Hux made a suggestion, and she nodded jerkily in assent. He could live with such a name for this temporary companion of his. With the end of the conversation, though, came the end of her presence in the room. She rushed off, muttering something about “setting up the beacon” and “I’ll only be a minute, make yourself comfortable.” Hux stood in the center of the room, feeling vaguely abandoned, before he plopped himself down on the couch against the wall with a dignified huff.
           She hadn’t been lying when she said she’d only be a minute, because she returned with a small smile quite soon after her departure. She bustled about the room, making some sort of perfume-y tea that, quite frankly, swallowed Hux’s senses whole into faint memories of his mother.  
           “Would you mind if I, uh, sat next to you?”
           Hux was shaken from his stupor by her question, “No, no, I don’t mind at all.”
           She nodded, gently folding herself onto the couch, a respectable distance from him. She pressed a mug of tea towards him with an inquisitive eyebrow, and he took it with a short nod.
           She hummed, blowing air across her tea. “So, what’s it like?”
           “What’s what like?”
           “Oh, well, you know—” she flapped her free arm about in a swirling motion for a moment, “—galactic domination, and all that.”
           Hux sat up at that, turning to face her more. “I wouldn’t quite call it galactic domination yet, but… it is my job, so I suppose I like it.”
           “Oh, c’mon. Surely you feel more than just like about your position… you seem like the ambitious type.”
           Hux wanted to be indignant that she’d pegged him perfectly on the first try, but he just couldn’t find it in himself to be mad at such a soul – a fact that was quickly bringing him some manner of irritation.
           He inhaled sharply. “I am… proud of my position. How’s that?”
           She smiled with all the brightness of a thousand stars. “Much better, General.”
           “You can call me Armitage. For the duration of my stay.”
           She nodded in quiet understanding. “Okay, Armitage.”
           Hux desperately wanted to implore that the galaxy tell him why exactly he liked the way she said his name so much, why he was overcome with the desire to bring her back to the First Order with him, to take her away from this silly little cave. But alas, such a thing could not be done, so instead he shifted just a smidge closer to her, and she didn’t seem to mind.
           “So… what do you do every day?”
           “What’s your routine like? You know, your workday?”
           Hux simultaneously wished he was and was not here. “It… is a normal workday. I am a military man; I command the military.” He didn’t want to go into specifics, for fear of who she might be connected to. For all he knew, she could be a spy, playing the part of kind nobody.
           She giggled. “Surely you can tell me more than that.”
           He shook his head. “I’m afraid that I cannot.”
           “Would you be more inclined to share if I told you who I was?”
           She shrugged. “Okay…well, I’ll share anyways,” she shifted in her seat, pushing the cushions down and unintentionally drawing the pair closer together, “I was born on Chandrila, a bit after the Galactic Concordance was signed. My mother was a Senator, and she wanted me to follow in her footsteps… but I just couldn’t, you know?” He did not know. “So, I left. As soon as I could… it was a little rough and tumble for a while,” she shuffled again, “I got into spicerunning and smuggling and all that, and then I got dumped here one day… and I just stayed. A few years alone and the world just seems to get small, I guess.”
           Hux nodded, distracted. By now, there was only a pinch of space between them, and he found that the perfume she wore was equally as intoxicating as the tea she had made. He turned to face her, ever the stiff and uncomfortable military man.
           “I’m sorry to hear it.”
           She nodded. “Me too.” Slowly, she leaned forward and placed her empty mug on the bin in front of the couch, and then offered to take his as well, which he happily handed over. When she resituated herself beside him, they were practically shoulder to shoulder. Then, she leaned in close to his face, and rational thought began to escape his person.
           “I’m not Resistance… if that’s your hesitation, Armitage.”
           Hux desperately wished for a way to fall through the floor and escape her clutches – she was a temptress! She was so close, so, so close, and he wanted her to be closer… but he knew he shouldn’t. Armitage Hux, esteemed General of the First Order, shouldn’t. And yet, her lips were now millimeters from his, she was breathing his air, the aura of her was wrapped all around him…
           How she had incapacitated him with such ease confused the General, but he found that as her lips touched his, he couldn’t quite find it in himself to care. She pressed forward, her lips parting, inviting him deeper into her soul, and Armitage Hux found himself giving in, pushing closer, wrapping her up in his arms, parting his lips. Her hand wandered to his shoulder, pushing off the jacket that hung there loosely and letting it drop to the couch, pushing him into the couch, crawling atop him. His heart was beating faster, and his breathing got heavier—
           And then the beacon alarm went off, and she jumped off of him, off of the couch, and stuttered a quick apology, running to her wall of tech and muttering things under her breath as she made sure the First Order honed in on their location successfully.
           She turned back to him, face flush, lips swollen. “They should be here any minute now,” she approached cautiously, collecting the abandoned mugs and walking them over to the sink in the corner of the room, “You should probably, uh, make yourself more… presentable?”
           He nodded, sitting back up all the way. He stood up, grabbing his discarded coat and snapping in the air before swinging back to its rightful place on his shoulders. She walked over to him, her hand tentatively reaching up and fixing a few stray hairs on his head, returning his hair to that of a stiff general. Quietly, he reached up and grabbed one of her hands, bringing his lips to the top of it in a quick, polite kiss.
           “Thank you… for saving me.”
           She nodded, the tips of her ears flushing red. “You’re welcome, Armitage.” Gently, she extricated her hand from his grip and beckoned for him to follow her out of the room, and then out of the cave.
           When they reached the mouth of the cave, the First Order was already there, Captain Phasma leading a platoon towards the cave. The General’s savior gently nodded her head in a polite good-bye before she disappeared back into the unfamiliar depths of the cave, and Hux found himself sorely missing her presence already. He let out a stiff greeting to Captain Phasma, who merely nodded towards the ship ahead of them with a modulated “Shall we?” And that was the end of that. The General hoped that one day, he would see that brilliant woman once more – in a moment when what he did would not get between them.
           When he spoke with Snoke upon his arrival to the Finalizer, Snoke merely commended the woman, making an offhanded comment that, should he ever encounter her again, she would be a lovely addition to the First Order – that at the very least she deserved their praise. The General agreed, but some part of him never wanted her to set foot on one of his ships, never wanted her to see what he did so up close and personal. Some part of him regretted ever letting her in so quick.
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
Sith Emperor! Obi-Wan Kenobi x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: death, abuse, like brief brief smut talk
Author’s Note: Okay so I changed a few things in the request because I couldn’t really fit the smut into the narrative and have it be believable to like, time lol and also the ending kill because I figured it would be a little more satisfying with just the senator. Its trash I’m sorry lol
Requested: by anon, Hey babe.I was wondering if you could do a sith emperor obi wan undercover as a Jedi where he meets the reader  the servant of a mean abusive senator at a meeting and falls madly for her.At a ball he sees a boy flirt with her and gets jealous so he takes her to an empty room with smut.He then reveals to her he is the emperor and asks her to join him.Maybe at the end you could do that they took over the world and they excite the mean senator and the boy who flirted with her.Thx love ur blog 💙💙
Summary: the request!
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    You stood beside your Senator and watched the Jedi move in front of you. You were surprised to see all of them there. You had seen Jedi before but not so many in one place. 
    Obi-Wan watched you. He was supposed to be doing something that you had no idea about but he was distracted from it. You were standing there, obviously disheveled and uncomfortable but in awe of the wonders in front of you. He enjoyed how you looked and when he caught sight of the Senator beside you he nearly walked over and killed him on the spot. 
    He knew of that Senator and Obi-Wan had never liked him. He had heard the worst kind of rumors and you looked to be the servant of this man. 
    Obi-Wan, entering the large ball that they were throwing for the higher ups, thought only about you. You, walking around the ball alone. You walked around the ball and sat beside where the other servants were. You watched your Senator walk around the ball as well and caught eyes with one of the Jedi. You nearly tripped over yourself when you saw that he was watching you.
    You had never been watched before. It was hard to tell that it was his eyes on you. You knew you were pretty, at least, but no one saw you more as a servant as the years grew further and further apart from your young age. You smiled and fluttered your eyes away. It would be embarrassing for him to talk to a girl such as yourself. You tried to spark up a conversation with one of the servant boys in your boredom.
    “So, please explain to me why you aren’t speaking to that Jedi?” your friend, Chris, asked. You shook your head and gave him a small sheepish smile. 
    “Because we are not on the same level Chris. Plus I couldn’t dance even if he asked me to. You know how my senator is,” you told him carefully. But that didn’t stop him from coming over. Granted, Obi-Wan didn’t know much about the rules of being a Jedi and these type of balls but he did understand that he didn’t like whoever was trying to talk to you.
    “Hello there,” he said with a smile. You were surprised to see him. 
    “Hello sir,” you exclaimed. He shook his head and put himself easily between you and Chris whom he must have thought was some sort of a threat. You were flustered to find that he was still talking to you. 
    “Would you care to dance?” 
    “I..I can’t I’m sorry. Rules and all.” 
    And while you couldn’t dance it wouldn’t exactly get Obi-Wan to forget you. It was hard to get him to forget you. You ended up leaving with him at that ball, scandalously but not for long. He made obvious attempts at flirting with you and when you reminded him that he was a Jedi he seemed surprised. You laughed at the fact that he seemed to not remember what he had supposedly done his whole life. 
    There was no surprise when you found yourself in his hands, him kissing you in a hidden room in the large building with the ball. With your hands all over his body. You wouldn't believe that you were doing something so crazy, so against so many rules and yet there you were. Having the time of your life.
    You couldn’t tell if it was the rush of the moment or how easily he had slipped into you but you did not care when he told you he was the Emperor of the Sith empire. You wanted to run away from here and the Jedi had never seemed to care that you were mistreated. And here was this man, whom you had only just met, asking you to join him the Sith. You spent so long wondering where you belonged you didn’t even think about the Sith. 
    They were so far out of your reach you were pretty sure you would never come across one. 
    He asked you to join him.
    And you ran away with him so quickly. So quickly that you could barely feel your feet under you as you ran with him. 
    And when you came to his home there he was. You stood beside the throne, surprised to find that Obi-Wan had brought you a welcome gift. 
    “My Senator,” you breathed out. The man who had mistreated so many people, knelt in front of you at your whim. At Obi-Wan’s whim but same thing at this point. 
    “He has committed treason,” Obi-Wan told you. 
    “To the Jedi rules though,” you said, trying to gauge how Obi-Wan got him here. He smiled. 
    “To my rules as well. He hurt you.” 
    The first time you had ever seen anyone killed and you wondered if it always felt so relieving.
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luminisvii · 5 years
Am I losing my shit about fanfiction again? You BET! It’s time for Tell to lose her goddamn mind about some truly awful fanfic! It’s my blog, I get to do what I want! And that’s to talk about how people are more blessed than they believe since they didn’t read this!
Today I’m going to talk about Super Smash Sisters: Damsel to Hero. Given the title uses a word like Damsel in it and it’s rated M, this is going to be GREAT
content warning for well what do you think a horny man on the internet would write ie: cheating, incest, terrible depictions of women being horny, violence (I don’t explain any of this in detail so you’re welcome. but it is mentioned) I’m not linking this thing because you guys don’t deserve this.
It took me forever to finish the entire fic, and I actually wrote most of this before finishing. You may say “Wait a second Tell, you need to fully read the work in order to discuss it!” No I do NOT. Trust me, this doesn’t need to be finished to understand. I needed moral support for this, I couldn’t have possibly read this by myself. I feel really sorry for my poor friends that have to deal with this horse shit with me because it’s kind of got a bit of je ne sai completely godawful. I’m semi tough and can stomach some senseless nonsense pretty nicely, but the real heroes here are my friends for toughing out the rampant sex and terrible female character writing all mixed with Call of Duty plot and characters. You thought this was about Smash Bros? WRONG! 
I know exactly jack about the author, Yamagata, other than they are probably some poor horny straight guy in high school or maybe a genius troll. We just don’t know. Either way they were pretty dedicated. The fic itself is 91,621 words and 45 chapters, and apparently on hiatus but we all know hiatus is just another word for dead. It’s better off that way. All good awful fics end on a cliffhanger.
The premise, as the title implies, is that all the men of Smash are kidnapped by nazis or some shit after a failed drug raid and it’s up to all the women to save them of which there are Zelda, Peach, and Samus because this was written in the Brawl era. You might think “Wait, isn’t that not a lot of female characters?” right you are! The author decides to bring in tons of female characters from all sorts of video games and anime. A personal favorite is a major character in this fic is Bright Noah from Gundam, notably not a woman. I love him! I’m disappointed he hasn’t slapped anyone yet! What’s the point of importing Bright Noah into a fanfic if he isn’t going to deliver a Bright Slap? Sorry folks, there’s gonna be me getting distracted about Gundam once in a while.
I can’t remember exactly what happens because the chapters really blur together quickly. They’re almost always first half violence in COD land and second half really bad lesbian sex scenes. See, the title is a misnomer. The women don’t actually do a lot of hero work. It’s still handled by men. Ones who aren’t even from Smash Bros. Bright Noah and another guy called Hargrove who I’m not familiar with are constantly telling the women what to do and while the women sometimes go on missions to fight Nazis or whatever, half the time we’re following some random male characters. A good friend had no idea one of them was Tuxedo Mask because they used his dub name and we spent like ten chapters with this idiot before realizing it was him. They just spend their time fighting different various enemies from real life as opposed to smash. So the guys fight and then the women all fuck because when your boyfriend is missing you have to immediately bang the nearest female out of grief. It’s not cheating if it’s gay! Even worse is there’s a lot of incest because apparently that’s how women act, too. Also for some reason when the women DO fight it plays exactly like the men’s side but with Bright Noah just telling them what to do. Also for some reason Peach just fucking kills people and I’m not really sure how to deal with that. Like, yeah, I guess.
Let’s try to do a plot recap but that’s going to be difficult because I’m not sure what the plot is. Okay, in theory, I do. But we’re just circling around and doing the same thing so many times that I’m plain lost. 
In theory, the plot is as mentioned before. The men of Smash get kidnapped and turned to trophies by Nazis. I’m noting that besides Nazis the men are all brutally murdered in order to turn them into trophies. Then it turns out that Samus, Peach, and Zelda are safe because they were at the Smash Mansion cleaning and having sex as princesses and bounty hunters are known to do. Then they find out from Bright that the men have been kidnapped so they have to form a task force against them. So there’s a long ass paragraph of characters, many of which do not have speaking lines until much later anyway, but they’re all female characters from other games or anime. I’m really into Fire Emblem and there’s a bunch of those so time to cry. Bright has to tell these women to stop being so damn emotional and be ready to start murdering. 
Also in the first chapter, we have the reveal of the villain, some Tabuu knock-off named Emerald. She too recruits a ton of villainous characters who all introduce themselves AFTER THEY’VE BEEN RATTLED OFF IN PARAGRAPH FORM. You didn’t get it the first time? They’re all going to painstakingly state their name and identity. Admittedly it’s kind of funny to have Cell in a room with Liquid Snake and Ashnard. Also who invited Valtome? They didn’t even invite Zelgius. Maybe our favorite Begnion General figured out that a certain thirsty ass senator was gonna be there and stayed in bed today. Okay, fewer tangents, I promise. 
With the establishing of all the villains and heroes, everything instantly turns to shit. Half the time we’re not even following a group who’s connected to the main characters and when we are with the main characters they are either having terrible sex or shooting nazis. This sounds like it’d be funnier than it is but it’s really Grade A Depressing. I can’t tell what’s going on or why and since I have exactly no knowledge of Call of Duty I’m afraid I don’t know anything about our actual protagonists either. Every chapter starts with some pretentious usually WWII related quote and involves some guys dying and then some ladies bonking. It’s the same format every time and after a while I feel like this is some advanced torture method. 
Among the bad sex is for some reason moms are banging their elementary school age daughters because their husbands are out. Women are so horny they’d rather fuck their children than wait long enough for their husbands. It’s so messed up. My eyes naturally glaze over on the sex scenes because they’re kind of clinically written and something about cute pussies or whatever. I feel bad for Bright Noah, he has to break up these badly written orgies to talk more about the nonexistent plot. Bright Noah needs a raise. All in all the sex is something that maybe a 13 year old boy might find hot if he hasn’t managed to read all the other way better smut fics out there. If 13 year old boys even do things like that. 
Since there’s no way for me to coherently walk through the plot since each scene hardly seems to amount to anything besides either violence or a roll in the hay, I’ll just have to start briefly talking about the few notable things that happen, probably out of order. Who the fuck even knows what chapters these happened in? I sure don’t! 
First off, a lot of the women conscripted into the task force have supernatural powers but they’re just given guns. I also think the author has something for Krystal or whatever since we focus on her a lot for no good reason. The women are also often infiltrating secret bases to nazis or other bad guys that I’m not as well versed in because admittedly I’m not that interested in the history of warfare, modern or old. I just assume this is a COD thing. But in order to infiltrate the bases, they just wave papers at literally every guy they come across and that does it somehow. I started going ballistic and every time they mentioned papers I would start screeching again. They get stopped by some dude and he’s always like “Where are your papers?” and they ALWAYS have the papers and then they go past but the author FEELS THE NEED TO KEEP BRINGING IT UP. It’s like The Black Fucking Mountains again. Something I’ve learned about myself is that I do poorly with overly repetitive writing, so I wonder why I’m reading world’s most repetitive piece ever penned for fun. I can’t recall anything that happens in any chapters.
Somewhere in the mix they actually save Ike, Marth, and Roy. Somehow the most in character thing in the entire fic happens with them when it’s offhandedly mentioned that they sometimes dogpile into the same bed as a joke. What was more shocking to me is that suddenly Ike is a total nuclear bomb genius out of nowhere. Sure, he’s from a medieval fantasy setting, he knows what nukes are. We finally get some more plot. Apparently Emerald is trying to develop some insanely powerful nuke in order to destroy the trophies of the remaining captured heroes. See, she’s holding them ransom so she can get… money? Power? Fame?
Trying to do this from memory is so hard. I did My Inner Life practically all from memory, only going in there for the copy and pasted quotes! What the heck? This fic just slides off my brain. I don’t know if finishing it is even worth it since it’s not like I’m reading any of the sex scenes in detail (I mean why would I, a woman with decent taste, want to read about usagi feeling up chibi usa) and I sure as hell can’t understand the Call of Duty parts so in conclusion this fic really wasn’t targeted at me. 
But whatever. So now the main crew has to slaughter their way to bomb storage or development or something. Some of the COD guys died and I didn’t notice, some of the villains died (tragically Valtome was K.I.A.) and all in all too much sex was happening. Seriously, Mist has sex on her brother’s bed, that’s kind of nasty. I don’t know why I’m so hung up on all of that. It’s like the piss drinking thing, it’s a minor offense in a long line of “HOLY FUCKING SHIT” but here’s where I get derailed. 
How many times can I say that this fic is terrible? Because it is. I don’t understand who a lot of these characters are and why they’re here or what they’re doing. I managed to read to the end and all that I learned was Shadow the Hedgehog apparently cheated on Rouge with some guy called Makarov who is another major villain. What, so when Rouge cheats on him with another woman it’s fine, but when he cheats on her with a man he gets killed for it? I smell double standard! Don’t worry, I’m a feminist, I support equal rights of everyone getting punished for their perpetual horniness. Still, there’s this shocking turn of events where the men are somehow the ones who aren’t constantly obsessed with sex and the women are going around topless and banging each other constantly while homosexuality in men is seen as evil and wrong. For some reason I think the person who wrote this might be a man. He feels the need to remind us, 40 chapters in, that there will be No Yaoi scenes but plenty of Yuri. No shit dude, like, fuck! I didn’t know! 
Towards the end, Washington DC gets overrun by Colombians and the team has to kill them. There’s some drawn out attack sequence where everything is described in monotonous detail with military terms I don’t understand. I have a general revulsion to military weeaboos as they are sometimes called, so this stuff turns my stomach. It also features Kenichi, the main character of the animated Metropolis adaptation, which I DID see a long time ago! This little boy is killing people! It’s fine! Also it mentions Frau Bow from Gundam and discusses that she’s training to fight in a mobile suit to help support, but Peach and Samus are the ones who actually use the mobile suits. Peach kills people in the RX-78-2. I’m not sure how to feel about that. Another aside is King Boo is in the mix and he dies. How do ghosts die? Asking for a friend. 
There’s also some weird aside of the COD guys doing an arrest in Disneyland. Gaz, Soap, and Price all go there guns akimbo and chase down some dudes and some people die. I don’t think Disney would like that. This also comes out of nowhere, Gaz was playing fucking Go with this dude called Katsuie and it was practically a smash cut transition of “well I arrested a guy in Disneyland once wanna HEAR about it?” and it was. Something. I don’t understand why we did this.
We end with Krystal and Fox discussing that she’s breaking up with him because while he was held hostage, she got engaged to a woman and is unceremoniously dumping him. The scene was honestly kind of funny for the fact that she was having a lesbian three way in his fucking bathroom and then was like “Yeah we’re not dating anymore. I’m engaged. Later idiot!” while naked. Shortly after it’s decided that they need to bomb some German base, I think. So Bright Noah tells the crew to suit up and get ready, and so Krystal and her Lesbians fly off to go fight. Krystal ends up in a one on one with a dude called Scales who I’m unfamiliar with since I don’t know Star Fox lore but I’m sure it’s super important to Krystal. The duel ends so badly that Fox needs to jump in and he and Scales end up plummeting to their death out a window and also getting blown up by grenades. Fox just fucking died for the girlfriend that cheated on him the second he wasn’t home. Honey, you deserve more than this, and Krystal deserves to be treated better by the narrative as well. He gives his blessing as he’s dying, though, so it’s fine. 
The whole thing ends shortly after that. It was never completed, not that I think it could be, since I read all 91k words and I still don’t understand who is who, what’s going on, or why things are happening. Even if I did know all the characters featured I don’t think it’d help. I know about 50% of them and it’s not helpful at all. I completely forgot that Emerald is a thing. She’s the main villain! She’s hardly in it! The guy should have cut the shit and just written 
Tell’s recommendation? Don’t read this unless you’re really, truly a masochist. It’s not funny enough most of the time to justify the insanity. It’s sexist and racist. Chapters monotonously drone on with the same things happening almost every time. The bad sex isn’t even funny. Save yourself the trouble and if you really must know, check out the first few chapters only and then call it. The author has other works that I haven’t read but I’m not sure that I will based on the quality of this work, and they also published something as recently as 2017 meaning they could probably rise from the hiatus grave and kick my ass for trash talking them. 
One Sentence Review: Bright Noah doesn’t slap anyone. 
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thirstyforjohnseed · 5 years
Death’s Goodbye Kiss
Pairings: Dabria Waters x John Duncan/John Seed
Warnings: Smut, some death and murder, implied child abuse
Word count: approx. 3,414
A/N: So I tried my hand at smut for the first time ._. Been working on this short for a while and was hoping I’d have it done and uploaded before I left for camping this weekend that just passed. Didn’t happen but here it is finally lol Thank you @jacobsknifeplay for the title idea and always helping me proofread my stuff. You’re amazing and I love you! 💕 Again I’m always open for any constructive criticism or advice.
Some mood music I guess? Lol
Enjoy~ ^-^
It was supposed to be an easy job. All she had to do was sneak into the party, careful not to draw any unnecessary attention to herself, kill the senator, and sneak out. She’s done jobs like these hundreds of times, this wasn’t anything new to her. She’s a freaking death angel for goodness sake. She didn’t even really have to be in the same room with the target to do the job, but noo some crazy part of her enjoyed the thrill she got at the risk of getting caught. Well any plans to go unnoticed were thrown out the window when the host of the party showed up.
She had been mingling around the buffet table, keeping an eye on her target, when John Duncan made his appearance. As he finished making his welcome speech and began to converse with his guests, she turned and continued to snack lightly. She wasn’t here for him though he was certainly more attractive than she had anticipated. She’s never met the guy but she knew he was a very expensive and damn good lawyer. She wasn’t very fond of high class parties anyways, they were too stressful. The food was delicious though. She may not need the sustenance but what girl didn’t dream of being able to eat without gaining weight?
As she turned to go back to getting lost in the crowd, she noticed that John was making his way towards her. She felt herself panic a little. Gaining his attention would completely derail her plans, but now she was rooted at the spot like a deer caught in bright headlights. Instead she focused on trying to keep her composure when he reached her. “Excuse me, but I don’t believe we’ve met before Miss…?” He trialed off waiting for her to introduce herself, watching her every move. Everything about him was so calculated, refined, and confident; definitely knows he’s good looking and using it to his advantage. She had this urge to dig in and try to do away with his façade but she couldn’t allow herself to get distracted right now. “Angela Kiesling,” she lied without a trace of agitation, using her alias as she held her hand out to him. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kiesling” He said as he took her hand and laid a gentle kiss on the back of it. Not once breaking eye contact with her.
Shit, he was hot, and any other time she would’ve loved to stay to flirt with and tease him; but she was working now and had to lose him somehow. At least she could keep track of the senator without alerting John that her focus was on something else. Her heightened senses and ability to feel the difference in everyone’s spiritual energy were a huge help in that regard. “Is this your first time attending one of my parties? I’d honestly be disappointed in myself if I had never noticed such a lovely face as yours.” “I’d honestly be surprised if you even remembered me if I had”, she said as she nodded towards the group of women who were trying, and failing, to look like they were mingling and not watching them. Probably jealous that she had him all to herself at the moment, whether she wanted to or not, she didn’t care enough to make sure. “Should you be keeping your entourage waiting?” She asked trying her best to seem as apathetic as possible.
John chuckled and said, “There’s always room for one more.” “Mm sorry I don’t really play well with others, Mr. Duncan,” she said as she took a sip from her glass, “I’d hate to accidentally break one of your toys.” “Please, my dear. You may call me John,” he responded with a confident smirk, “We’re far more flexible and resilient than we appear. Besides… a new favorite toy always gets time alone with the master.” “Lucky them, I’m sure. However this doll chooses her master.” They continued to go back and forth like that for a bit. She was starting to lose her patience. It was like the more she tried to resist, the more interested he became and it was infuriating. Eventually in a final and desperate attempt to discourage him, she turned and started devouring the mini eclairs nearby. Trying to make herself look like a glutton, but also careful not to ruin her makeup or dress.
She looked back at him as she was finishing, hoping that did the trick, but nope. He just smiled, wiped the cream off the corner of her mouth, and licked it off his finger with a seductive look in his eyes. Argh, that really backfired on her! She did her best to keep her fluster hidden as she said, “John, don’t you have other guests to tend to? Rather rude of you to ignore them.” “Mm, you’re right about that. I’ll find you again later, my dear. You’re not allowed to leave without sharing a dance with me,” he licked his lips lightly as if still tasting the cream from the eclairs as he winked at her and walked away.
Once he disappeared into the crowd, she sighed in relief and rested her drink and hands on the table for a moment. Good god, why had it been so difficult for her to keep her act together with him? She knew better than to fall apart like this while on the job. She blamed his eyes; She was incredibly weak for eyes like his, intense yet a hint of sorrow or was it loneliness? Something felt incredibly familiar about him too as if… as if she’s met him before… No, she couldn’t afford to get attached to anyone right now. She forced down all thoughts of John and downed the last of her champagne before turning to join the large group of people dancing.
The next hour or two was a blur of swirling skirts, many new unknown faces, and hunting down prey while being hunted. Eventually the constant exchange of dance partners led her right into the arms of the senator himself. For a man in his early 50s, he was keeping up quite well on the dance floor. He also had a fairly attractive face, she might’ve been tempted had it not been for the terrible things he’s done. The very reason she was here in the first place. He pulled her close as he whispered, “I saw you talking with John Duncan earlier. I don’t suppose he’s staked his claim on you yet?” Her skin crawled at his touch, and she tried to put a bit of distance between them as she answered, “That remains to be seen.” They spun together in time with the rest of the group and music. “Well that’s certainly encouraging. I can give you a good time,” he whispered in her ear as he pulled her close again. She hid her disgust as she said, “A tempting offer, but you’ll have to do better than that.”
To her relief they had to switch partners again as she said that, so she turned and left a smiling senator to give her attention to her new partner. Well it would’ve been better for her to switch, if her new partner wasn’t John himself. Fuck not again! She thought to herself as John pulled her close to him. She could feel his heartbeat against her chest and he had that seductive smirk again. Funny how she didn’t mind being held so closely to him as opposed to how she tried to pull away from the senator earlier. “You’ve been avoiding me, dear Angela,” he whispered, his breath brushing her ear gently, sending chills down her spine, “Do I make you uncomfortable?” Far from it, she thought. She was completely at ease around him and that’s what worried her.
“Not at all,” she confessed, “Quite the opposite actually.” He had her trapped now and was leading her away from the group, making it clear that he didn’t plan to let her slip away again. “Then why play coy?” He asked as he spun her around and held her close with her arms crossed in front of her. She turned her head so he could see the smirk on her lips, and mischievous spark in her eyes as she answered, “And miss the chance to give you a bit of a challenge? Come on, you must get bored of everyone giving in so easily.” He smiled and spun her around again and said, “You seemed to be having some fun with the senator earlier.” She didn’t even try to hide her disgust this time as she rolled her eyes and said, “That was only lip service. Really not interested in someone who’s been accused by multiple victims for sexual assault.”
Speaking of the senator, if John wasn’t going to let her go, she’ll have to fall back on her backup plan. Crushing his heart telekinetically was one of the only sure ways of killing him without drawing any suspicion to herself. She won’t be able to prove to her client that she was responsible, but it was the only foolproof method at her disposal now. She’s not about to leave this job unfinished. “Ah, yes not one of my most proudest victories in court, but a job’s a job,” John said snapping her attention back to him. She cocked an eyebrow at him as she asked, “You were the one responsible for him avoiding being convicted? That doesn’t bother you?” He shrugged as he said, “It doesn’t matter what I think of the whole situation. His fate is in God’s hands now.” That’s one way of looking at it… she thought as she said, “I didn’t take you for a religious man.” “My parents are devout Christians. Let’s just say they pounded it into me…” he said softly.
The song they were dancing to came to an end, and he dipped her as the finishing move to their dance, but not before she caught the glimpse of deep pain in his eyes. As he held her there for a few seconds, she immediately focused on the senator’s heart and envisioned invisible fingers tightening around it and shutting off his arteries. Immediately the man clutched at his chest, pain wracking his face, his breath becoming shallow, and he began to sweat profusely. Many people around him began to panic and tried to reach out and help him, but he pushed them away and fell to his knees as his life was slipping away.
John immediately rushed to help him, and she followed but stayed behind in the crowd. However by the time John reached him it was too late. The man was dead, and no amount of CPR or use of a defibrillator would bring him back, she made sure of that. Recognizing that there was nothing else that could be done to save him, John immediately turned to his guests and asked them all to leave the room in an orderly fashion. His servants helped lead everyone out to another room that was just as big as the one they had been in.
As they all waited for the mess to be cleaned up, she noticed how most of the guests were actually pretty calm about the whole thing. The only ones who were clearly visibly shaken were the actors and actresses. For the gangsters and police officers who see death all the time, this probably wasn’t anything new and thus not too unsettling for them. Well there went the rest of her pay, she’s gonna have to find something else to reward herself with for a job well done. Soon John came in announcing that the incident has been taken care of. The party will be moved to their current room now, but if anyone felt like leaving they were welcome to do so. Surprisingly not many people left, but the mood was definitely more somber and tense. It gradually became more relaxed when the drugs were passed around again.
“I’m glad you decided to stay,” John said as he walked up to her and offered her a glass of champagne which she took gratefully, “It’s been quite the eventful night.” “Indeed. I can’t help but wonder about everyone’s priorities if they can go back to partying after witnessing that,” she said as she drank from her glass. “Well the same could be said about you, my dear” he smiled as he finished his glass and set it down on the small table beside her, “Want to get out of here?” She smiled and leaned closer to him as she asked, “Looking to get a little frisky?” “Ever since I laid eyes on you,” he said in a deep seductive tone. Well with her hit done and taken care of she had some free time before having to move on again, so why the hell not? He’s been driving her crazy all night. She placed her half empty glass beside his on the table, took his hand, and let him lead her out.
They were so impatient that they barely made it into his bedroom without tearing at each other’s clothes. They stood at the edge of his king sized bed as she kissed him; her hands working on undoing his tie, and the buttons of his blazer and shirt. She didn’t want to get emotionally involved, just relief some stress. A man like him probably has a different lover every night anyways, or so she was trying to convince herself until she pulled his shirt off exposing his chiseled torso.
It wasn’t his perfect body structure or tattoos that had made her pause; it was the scars. She gently traced her fingers over them as he sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her closer; his hands resting gently on her waist. Rubbing circles on her hips and slowly creeping to the hem of her short skirt. “Are these… from your parents?” She asked remembering the look in his eyes when he had mentioned them earlier. She looked deep into his eyes, observing any and all emotions in them, as he hiked up her skirt enough for her to have room to move her legs, and pulled her up onto his lap making her straddle him. She could feel his erect member pressing against her womanhood. The few layers of clothing between them doing nothing to hide how much he wanted her as he caressed her thighs.
“Yes…” he answered softly before, resting his head in her chest, taking in her scent as he unzipped her dress. She felt his pain and anger buried deep within now. Great, well so much for not getting attached… she thought to herself as she remembered a little boy with a similar name in a similar relationship with his parents… She couldn’t do anything to help that boy but she could play nice for this John. Now she didn’t feel like being selfish. Tenderly she passed her fingers through his hair and down his back. Placing soft kisses on the top of his head and forehead. He sighed in contentment at her gentle touches before pulling her dress over her head and taking her lips with his again.
While she tangled her hands in his hair, he placed his right hand behind her head and deepened their kiss. Licking her lips, begging for entry which she refused to give just yet. With his left hand, he held her hip firmly and motioned for her to move her hips more as he thrusted against her. The feeling of his hard cock rubbing against her caused her to gasp in pleasure, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues wrestled for dominance as she grinded her hips in rhythm with his thrusts; eliciting moans from him. Her heart was beating a thousand miles and she could hear his heart doing the same. Every thrust caused the fire in her skin to burn hotter and hotter. She wasn’t sure how much more she could resist before it would consume her. God she wanted him inside her already.
Unable to hold back any longer, John broke their kiss, leaving them both breathless and panting; grabbed her ass and lifted her up so he could turn around and lay her on her back. He crawled on top of her and kissed her sensually as he undid his pants with her eager help. Once he was free, he began to trail light kisses down from her neck, to her breasts, down her stomach. When he reached her panties, he grabbed it with his teeth and pulled them off her, leaving her completely exposed to him. He went back up to her face and kissed her while his right hand played with her warm lower region.
She moaned and arched into him as his fingers rubbed against her clit, occasionally pumping into her. She was so dripping wet from his touch and was getting close to her peak. He saw this and immediately switched out his hand and slipped into her. They moaned in ecstasy as he pumped into her faster and faster. She clutched the bed sheets and cried out his name as she reached her climax. Feeling her tighten around him as she unraveled under him sent him over the edge as well, and he pulled out of her just a few seconds before coming all over her. Fortunately most of it landed on her stomach and chest; she used her finger to wipe off what little got on her face, and licked it clean all the while holding his gaze. Still breathing heavily, he smiled at her as he said, “Sorry about that. I’ll get you a towel.”
After cleaning up, they went at it for a few more rounds before they were finally tired out enough to stay cuddling together under the sheets. He laid on his back propped up on a few pillows while she laid across his chest, her head just below his chin. She felt so safe in his arms that maybe she’d actually be able to get some sleep for once, but before she let herself drift off she looked up at John. “What is it, my dear?” He asked her as he noticed her looking at him. “Just wondering why you chose me. You could have had anyone you wanted and yet you persisted after me even after I so rudely tried to turn you down. Why?” She asked genuinely curious. “You want the truth? It was your eyes. They shine in a way the others down there can only dream. So full of kindness and warmth. It was even more encouraging when I noticed I was the only one you showed that side to. You’re pretty cold and closed off to everyone else,” he answered with a smile and passed his fingers through her hair.
She had a feeling that there was a bit more to it than that, but she didn’t press further. Maybe it was better not to know as she was still going to be leaving the next morning. “Wow, that was a bit corny,” she said with a smile as she decided to tease him instead, “I can just see the headlines if that got out. ‘Millionaire playboy lawyer secretly a hopeless romantic?’ Oh the amount of ladies who’d want you after that would be endless.” He laughed as he said, “I may have to take you to court for that if you say a word to the media.” She giggled softly as she felt her exhaustion begin to take her under. He kissed her gently on her forehead before falling asleep with her.
The next morning, she woke up before him. Her sleep wasn’t plagued with visions and nightmares for once so she actually got some rest. This only served to remind her how much it hurt to leave him like this, as she never gets a restful sleep unless she’s with someone she absolutely trusts. She held back tears as she kissed him gently on his forehead, careful not to wake him up. Best not to make this any harder than it needed to be with a long goodbye, so she quietly slipped out of the room with her high heels in hand. Two feathers left behind on the pillow next to him. One black and one white.
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hamilficsfordays · 8 years
Help--Chapter Two
Disclaimer: Yeah I don’t own Hamilton. This is also my first time writing M/M smut so... yeah.
Also posted on Ao3
Summary: Alexander returns home from vacation hoping to get his new financial plan to a vote in House. Before he can do that however, he must get approval from half of the President's cabinet which includes Attorney General John Laurens.
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Rating: M, for all kinds of smut
Words: 4102 (God, do I ever shut up?)
Askbox / Masterlist / Chapter One / Chapter Three
The family returned home to D.C. after seven weeks in upstate New York, just in time for Alexander to return to work after the senate recess had come to an end.
After a surprisingly rejuvenating vacation, he returned in high spirits and eager to work toward getting his latest financial plan approved by congress.
Backed by the bigwigs on Wall Street, the plan made great strides to limit regulations on large banks. Though it wasn’t exactly beneficial to the common public, it would keep the banks happy and was extremely likely get Washington re-elected in three years.
“Well I think I’ll say what we’re all thinking: this plan is garbage.” Thomas Jefferson wasted no time letting his opinion on Hamilton’s plan be known to the room of other cabinet members. He waved the thick document around, tossing on the table as if the notion of it being in his hands disgusted him.
It was their first cabinet meeting of the summer, each member having just returned from a long break.
The common theme of verbal disagreements between Jefferson and Hamilton was nothing new to their cabinet meetings, but today no one seemed eager to entertain the notion.
“Those are strong words coming from someone who knows nothing about finances.” Alex shot back, to the tune of audible groans from the rest of the room.
“If you knew anything about finances Hamilton, you wouldn’t keep bailing out the big banks in the hope that they’ll stay on your side come re-election.”
“Oh you’d know plenty about being bailed out considering Virginia went bankrupt under your control last year.”
“Jefferson, Hamilton, enough!” The President was quick to come between them, ceasing their argument in the hope that the cabinet would be able to get actual work done rather than their typical banter.
“Sir,” Jefferson continued anyway, pleading to Washington as he sat back down at the head of the table in the small room. “The people don’t need bank bailouts. What they need is a better global economy—”
“No, what they need is clean water in several counties in Michigan!” James Madison stood up near the far end of the table, the administrator of the EPA. “I think we should spend more time talking about our environmental crisis before we waste yet another meeting on these two bickering.”
“You know what, I agree.” Washington glanced around the room. “Who here has read Hamilton’s financial plan?”
Every hand in the room went up, some quicker than others.
“Who agrees with Jefferson that it could use some revisions before it gets submitted for review in House?”
Every hand in the room beside Hamilton’s went up, leaving him rather disgruntled with his peers.
“So it’s settled then. Hamilton, make some revisions. If you can get at least half of your fellow cabinet members to sign off on a revised version, we’ll bring it to House.”
Alexander sighed, frustrated with the result. “Fine.”
Using a pen so as to not touch the document, Jefferson pushed it across the table to Hamilton, who angrily grabbed it from him.
“Okay, Environmental Protection Agency… go.”
It was a upsetting car ride back to capitol hill, where Hamilton had already started making revisions to his financial plan. The plan was over five-hundred pages, which meant revisions would take the rest of the day.
Arriving back at his office, he was immediately greeted by his secretary, who sat at her desk typing an email response.
“Hey, cancel my lunch this afternoon.” he started, barely taking the time to greet her before stepping into his office.
“Oh, okay.” she stood up, quickly writing the note down on a small notepad before following him in.
“How did your cabinet meeting go?” she asked, cautiously.
“I have a lot of work to do.” was all he managed back, already re-opening the document on his computer to start revising. “In fact, cancel my entire afternoon.”
She nodded again, writing quickly.
Her yellow blouse fit comfortably, buttoned just high enough to leave a lasting impression. Paired with her gray skirt, nylons and heels, Alexander assumed she’d been taking fashion advice from her older sisters. She was young, only twenty-one, but she was undoubtedly the best person for the job.
“I’ll get right on that.” she stated, turning back to her desk. Her brown curls hung freely, moving with her as she made her way out.
“Oh, and Peggy?” he started, drawing her attention back.
“Could you call Eliza and tell her I’ll be home late tonight? I’ll be working on this for a while.”
She nodded, a small smile. “Sure.”
“Great. Thank you.”
It had been nearly a week before Hamilton completed his revisions and got nearly half of his fellow cabinet members to sign off. He needed just one signature to split the difference, Attorney General John Laurens. Head of the Department of Justice, he was also typically moderate on a lot of his decisions. That gave Alexander confidence as he approached him on a Thursday afternoon, as his plan was in essence, moderate.
“Attorney General Laurens,” document in one hand, Alexander approached him in the cafeteria where he sat alone over a bowl of salad.
“Alexander,” he smiled, seemingly happy to see his colleague. “You can call me John.”
John was the only other person who often sported a ponytail or bun at their place of work, a silent bond. “What can I do for you?”
“I was actually hoping I could get you to sign off on the revisions to my financial plan. You’re the last signature I need. I assume you got all of my emails.”
“Oh…” Laurens paused, running a free hand through his ponytail. “Yeah I,” he hesitated, glancing around the large room for some kind of distraction. “Maybe you could get someone else to sign off.”
“What? No.” Alex flipped to the final page in the document where an assortment of signatures remained. “You’re the last person I approached about this.”
“The thing is…” he sighed. “I can’t really sign it.”
Alex could feel the color leaving his face. “What do you mean you can’t sign it?”
“Well… it’s not exactly a secret that a lot of criminal shit goes down on Wall St… and for the head of the Justice Department to sign off on something reducing regulations… it doesn’t look good.”
“John, it’s not just about reducing regulations!” the older man started, practically begging at this point. “There’s also—”
“I’m sorry Secretary Hamilton,” John used a formal title so as to distance himself further. “I can’t sign it.”
He stood up then, taking his tray of food and leaving Alex at the table by himself.
Arriving home that night, Alexander was greeted by his children, four out of five of them, all at once. They nearly tackled him to the ground once he stepped in the door, welcoming him back into their chaotic household. He greeted them each with a kiss on the forehead, briefly letting his work stress go in lieu of being a good father.
“Dad, look! We’re taking good care of him!” Philip, the oldest at age ten, pulled his father into the living room alongside his siblings: Angelica, eight; Alexander jr., six; and James Alexander, four. There, lying comfortably on a mat decorated with animated characters from a children’s tv show was Johnathan, their youngest son.
“Yes you are.” he carefully picked up the infant, cradling him in his arms. “I’m so proud of you all for taking such good care of your little brother.”
“How was work?” he heard Eliza ask from the kitchen.
He walked into the kitchen to greet her, kissing her briefly before handing the baby over to her. Darlene, their live-in maid, a middle-aged white woman, was leaning over the stove, preparing dinner for the family. “It was uh… lackluster.” he confessed, pulling his ponytail out and running and hand through his hair. “I hope your day was better than mine.”
“As good as a day with fifteen four year olds can be. I stopped every one of them from eating paint though, so I’d say it was definitely successful.”
“Hm,” he smiled, sitting at the bar on the far end of the kitchen, watching her as she cradled their son. “Sometimes I forget that you somehow manage to be the amazing teacher to fifteen toddlers by day and the amazing mother to five children by night.”
“Not to mention be your amazing wife.” she pointed out. “How could you forget?”
“Because I don’t deserve you.”
She giggled at the notion, pulling low neckline on her dress aside to attempt to breastfeed the infant. “You’re right. I could do way better. You’re lucky I even tolerate you.”
“Maybe you should marry Jefferson.” he tried, receiving an eye roll from his wife. “At least he could get half of the cabinet to sign off on revisions to a financial plan.”
“Oh, stop it. You’re way more productive than Secretary Jefferson and you know it. If you weren’t, John Church Hamilton wouldn’t have four siblings.”
“Besides the fact that I’m still indifferent to naming our son after your brother-in-law, if I’m so productive, why can’t I get enough signatures on my revision?”
“What?” she approached him then, carefully adjusting the infant in her arms so that he latched on. “I thought you only needed one more?”
“I did. Attorney General Laurens. I asked him today and he refused. He wouldn’t even let me defend it.”
“Isn’t he a moderate?”
“That’s what I thought too, but he didn’t budge. Without him this plan doesn’t leave my office let alone make it to a vote in house.” He sighed, frustrated. “I’m screwed.”
“Well, not necessarily.” she pointed out, eyes fixated on the baby in her arms. “You know better than anyone how convincing a decent blow job can be.”
Darlene glanced up from the stove, prompting Alex to leave the kitchen, taking Eliza with him.
“Easy on the sex talk, okay?” he started once they were alone in their bedroom. “You’re making it harder for Darlene to pretend not to know what’s going on.”
“She won’t talk.” Eliza insisted. “We pay her enough to keep quiet.”
“What were you saying about a blowjob?”
“Don’t you remember this summer? Our trip upstate with Angelica?”
He cringed. “Honestly, no.” He moved to the loveseat at the end of their bed, Eliza sitting beside him. “I was drunk through most of it. All that wine…”
“Well my sister does have a thing for good wine. You still don’t remember that first night? The three of us went out to the lake together?”
“Oh yeah, she wanted me to convince the President to back that EU legislation. I can’t believe I went through with that.”
“I can. Our plan was bullet proof. Not to mention, she was pretty convincing.”
“Plan?” He stared up at her, in disbelief. “You planned to do that?”
She shrugged. “It’s the twenty first century. Sometimes you need to do certain things to get a favor.”
“By that you mean sexual.” he confirmed. “You exchanged sex for a political favor.”
“You can do the same thing with Attorney General Laurens. In fact, you should. Time is ticking on the window for your plan to go to house.”
He paused, taken aback. “Are you suggesting I—”
“Yes, Alexander.” he interrupted. “I’m suggesting you sleep with him. I’m completely okay with it as long as you get what you need. Which in this case, is his signature. If it worked for Angelica, it can work for you.”
“What if he’s not interested?”
“Please,” she rolled her eyes. “You’re an attractive man in a position of power. How could he resist?”
“I…” he was at a loss of words. “I guess he can’t.”
“Exactly.” she stood up, heading towards the door. “Now, Darlene and I have things handled here at home. You need to focus on getting that signature, yes? Whatever it takes.”
“How do you know it’ll actually work though?” he pressed.
“What if it does?” she reminded him. “There’s only one way to find out.”
The next morning, Alexander stepped into his office, Peggy already there.
“Morning, Peggy.” he greeted her, stepping past her desk.
“You should totally take him to Komi.” she started. “I did some research. He used to hold fundraisers there back in his congressional days.”
Alex stopped, turning to face her. “Wait, what?”
“Attorney General Laurens.” she reminded him. “Eliza told me.”
He groaned and moved into his office, leaving a briefcase on his desk before sitting behind it. “I can’t believe she told you.”
“Can I help?” she asked, excited, running to catch up with him. She had to adjust her stockings every so slightly as she ran.
“Oh my God, Peggy, no!”
“Not like that! I just want to help you pique their interest. I’m so good at that!”
“Peggy, no one was supposed to know about this.” he insisted. “Not even you. I just want to make this as painless as possible. I’d rather you not get involved.”
“Fine.” she crossed her arms, glaring at him. “I lied. He hates Komi. His girlfriend apparently broke up with him there. Good luck finding out what he does like.”
With that, she stormed back to her desk outside his office.
He sat in silence for a moment, eventually seceding with a sigh.
“Okay fine, you can help.”
Peggy ran back in, her excited smile making a second appearance. “Good. His favorite restaurant is actually The Lafayette. I hope you like french food.”
That night, the two cabinet members stepped into the crowded restaurant together. It was busy even for a Tuesday, though they were sat almost immediately after Alexander slipped the maître d' a hundred.
“I hope this isn’t about me signing your plan, Secretary Hamilton.” John started once they were seated. “I know it was a little harsh, but—”
“Call me Alex, please.” he insisted. “It’s more of an apology. I felt bad about coming down so hard on you for not signing it.”
“Oh.” John seemed surprised by this, a slight smile on his face. “Well in that case, thanks.”
“Get whatever you want. The salary for being treasury secretary doesn’t disappoint.”
They both chuckled. The waitress came by eventually, taking their order.
“I can’t remember the last time a handsome man bought me dinner.” John quipped, halfway through a glass of wine. He pulled his ponytail out, letting the curls fall.
I can’t get him drunk. Alex thought to himself, adjusting his own ponytail. I’m not an asshole. He should be coherent enough to consent to whatever I’m offering.
“Easy on the wine, I’m using a business card.” he lied. “I don’t think the taxpayers would appreciate paying for this.”
“Oh shit, you’re right.” he wiped the corner of his mouth, setting the glass down.
It was an otherwise mellow dinner where the discussion ranged from work topics to their personal lives.
“How’s your girlfriend?” Alex asked, taking another bite of the lamb dish on his plate. Thanks to Peggy he already knew the answer, but still he pressed on. “Do you guys still live outside of town?”
John was quiet for a moment, staring down at his food. “Nah, we broke up.”
“Oh,” Alex managed his best shocked expression. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, really.” he insisted. “We weren’t meant to be. I just… It’s been a while, you know? It’s hard not to feel...” he paused, taking the time to find the right word. “Lonely.”
“Yeah.” the older man nodded slowly, taking John’s hand across the table to comfort him. “I understand.”
John smiled again, managing a laugh. “Clearly you don’t. Didn’t you just have your fifth kid?”
Alex managed an awkward laugh in response before pulling his hand away. “Yeah I guess.”
As things came to a close, Alexander drove John back to capitol hill where his car remained in the parking lot.
They both sat in his car for a moment, silent.
“Thanks for dinner.” John finally said.
“Oh, please, it was my pleasure.”
More silence.
“Are you gonna be okay getting home?” he finally asked.
“I don’t uh… I don’t know.” John confessed, blushing.
“I could always drive you. You can take a cab in the morning.” Alex offered.
“I just don’t really want to be alone.”
Sensing the opportunity arise, Alexander carefully placed his hand on the thigh of his fellow cabinet member.
“If you need someone to be there,” he said, his voice nearly lowered to a whisper. “I don’t mind.”
After a brief moment of hesitation, John placed his hand on top of the other man’s.
Alex could feel his heart racing as he thought of where to go next, but his thoughts fled when John leaned in, pressing their lips together.
The older man kissed back, eager, hungry for more.
John pulled back suddenly, glancing at Alex. He could feel his hands shaking, anxious for what would happen next.
“Are you sure about this?” he managed through baited breath. Alex responded with another kiss, pulling the man closer to him.
The kissing became more heated, forcing the two men to maneuver themselves into the back seat if only to get closer.
John started reaching out for Alex’s belt, tugging for its release. Alex had to assist him in unbuckling the belt and unzipping his pants.
John’s hands were warm against his skin as he reached into his briefs. There, he was stroking the older man with heavy anticipation. Before Alex could react, John broke the kiss and moved his head down.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Alex cursed, clutching the leather seating as John slid his tongue down the length of him.
He groaned as John took all of him in at once, running his hands through the younger man’s curls.
When Alex eventually came, John swallowed all of it. He surprised Alex by kissing him again.
“We should go to my place.” He offered, his lips moving to Alex’s neck. “There’s a lot more room there.”
“I-I’ll drive.” Alex managed in response, tucking himself back in as he moved back to the driver’s seat.
It took everything in Alexander not to crash as John gave him directions to his place. He could barely glance over at the other man, though the excitement was building as he began to realize that his plan might work out. That excitement resulted in a tight feeling below his belt, something that became rather difficult to hide as they pulled up into his driveway. John led him inside the house, showing him around briefly before pulling him into the bedroom. He slowly pulled out Alex’s ponytail, running his fingers through the shiny black hair before yanked at his tie, pulling him in for another soft kiss.
“In the bedside table.” John managed a few minutes later. Most of their clothes had been tossed aside at this point while Alex was still sporting a loose tie; his dress shirt completely unbuttoned.
Alex pulled open the small drawer and glanced inside curiously. There were a few papers scattered among a box of condoms. Beside it, a tube of lubricant.
“Did you find it?” John asked, staring up at the ceiling on his bed.
“Uh…” Panicked, Alex grabbed both the lubricant and a condom, unsure of what his co-worker meant. “Yeah.”
His head popped up, turning to look the older man with a smirk. “Any particular reason you brought a condom?”
“I uh… habit?” he tried, placing it back in the drawer. “I am married to a woman.”
John let out a hearty laugh. “You have five kids. Using a condom is not a habit for you.”
Alex managed to fake a laugh in response as he laid beside the other man.
“Don’t tell me I have to show you where to put it.” John quipped.
“Please, I’m not that inexperienced.”
“Well excuse me.” John turned over onto his stomach, winking at Alexander. “I stand corrected.”
Alex popped the tube open, carefully squeezing a fair amount into his hand before slowly caressing it over his length. He was semi-erect, nervous as he moved closer.
“For god’s sake Alex, fuck me! I have to get up at seven—”
“Okay, okay.” He got up, standing next to the bed as he pulled John’s hips closer, his ass inching toward Alexander.
He positioned himself in front of John’s entrance, holding his breath for a moment before he carefully moved in.
The younger man let out a harsh moan as Alex moved further, slipping in as far as he could go.
John fidgeted as he adjusted to the feeling of fullness.
“Don’t stop now.” he begged, attempting to move closer. “Just when things were getting good.”
Alex slowly pulled back groaning at the sensation before he pushed in again, trying to keep a slow rhythm.
“Shit,” John managed, reaching down to touch himself. “Not bad for a straight guy.”
“Who said anything about me being straight?” Alex managed between breaths.
His pace increased slightly as things became more comfortable. He reached around the younger man, jerking him with one hand as he pulled his hair with the other.
“Oh fuck Alex,”John moaned as he felt his hair being pulled. “Holy shit.”
“You like that?” Alex asked, feeling encouraged by John’s erect state.
“What do you think?”
He moved harder, faster, ignoring the tight feeling in his thighs or the discomfort in his wrist.
“Shit, I’m close…” John warned, though Alex was far from discouraged.
He moaned, biting his lip as he came, the remnants of which flew straight up and landed on his chest.
A few thrusts later and Alex came as well, falling forward, biting at John’s shoulder.
“Oh shit…” he managed, pulling out of him and landing on the bed beside him. He turned to John who seemed to have a satisfied smile on his face. He pulled Alex by the tie, leaning in for a kiss.
“Still think I’m straight?” he managed, slightly out of breath when John pulled back. The younger man laughed before leaning in to kiss him again.
For a while they laid there. John seemed to instinctively cuddle up to him, while Alex’s thoughts were preoccupied with his next step. He wasn’t sure how to approach the topic without it seeming like it was his plan all along.
It was, but he didn’t need John to know that.
“We should probably keep this on the down low.” John confessed. “You know, for work’s sake.”
“Yeah.” Alex nodded slowly. “That makes sense.”
“Speaking of, John sat up, glancing down at him. “This is probably the most fun I’ve had since Kayla broke up with me. Can I pay you back?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, innocently enough.
“You know that plan you needed half of the cabinet approval on?”
Alex nodded slowly, cautiously awaiting a response.
“If you can cut out that part about reducing regulations on off-shore accounts, I might be able to sign it for you.”
He shrugged. It was a win, but not the win he wanted. Still not a bad result considering he hadn’t even asked.
“Okay uh… let me just get dressed and I’ll go out to my car and get it for you.”
Alex did just that, pulling his briefs and pants back on and buttoning his dress shirt before he headed out in the cool night to his car, where the plan was stored away in his briefcase.
He retrieved it, returning inside to find a still naked John Laurens waiting in his living room with a pen.
He signed carefully before turning to give Alex another kiss.
“Thank you.”
“See you tomorrow.” John teased as the treasury secretary made his way out.
It was a short ride home, where he walked into a virtually silent house. The kids were all asleep as he walked into his bedroom, finding Eliza asleep as well.
His first instinct was to shower, which he did before slipping into a t-shirt and a fresh pair of underwear.
As he climbed into bed he managed to wake Eliza, who seemed happy to find him coming in at that hour.
“What happened?” she asked, leaning in to kiss him.
“Uh… it worked.” he confessed, blushing. “I got him to sign it.”
“I told you.” she smiled, kissing him a second time as a congratulations. “Imagine how much power you would have if you did that more often.”
“I mean, there's no way this kind of thing works with everyone.” he moved closer, resting his arm over her.
“There’s only one way to find out.”
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