#also theres no actual sex really. there is kissing & the lead up /discussion of it but im not confident enough to give
catominor · 4 months
sulla/metellus pius fic be upon ye...
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angelguk · 3 years
hello :)
would you ever consider doing a fic outline or basically summarizing how you say ‘the things I never told you’ ending? I understand if not but I was just curious for those of us stil following the story!
sorry if this sounds rude or demanding I don’t mean for it to be and will understand either way
no its not! let me do it rn actually! note: this is me rambling not an actual plot outline (this is v bad btw)
the fic starts with oc (nurse major!) and namjoon studying in the library where taehyung promptly barges in and invites them to a halloween party, which he insinuates is their last night of freedom which makes oc go????? and then tae explains the whole concept of no nut november and how the gc made a bet on who could last the longest
the penalty for losing?? an ahegao tattoo
oc is obvs like wtf cause ew gross men but then taehyung tries to convince her to make jk lose. at first she's like no that is my BESTIEEE never!!
but then! later that night oc and jk go for ramen and the cashier (who is a v hot and sexy girl named nayoung) starts flirting with jk and oc starts to feel weird
mind u jk is like sex god on the campus people love him!! and oc is just like damn really everyone? (but really she has a crush and she feels like she'll never have a chance with jk)
(also while this is happening jk is giving bricks and focusing solely on oc... take that as u will)
the point here is that girls throw themselves at jk and that he would never last that long in NNN
but the real point here! is that jk is in love with oc and stopped doing casual hookups cause all he thinks about his her and nothing feels good anymore
and the second real point is that taehyung knows this and he knows if jk saw oc was with someone else it would force him to own up to his feelings!!!!
now this prompts oc to text taehyung and agree to help him which leads to her arriving in a sexy nurse costume at the party while taehyung is a shirtless doctor (doctor vagina in specific, i have no idea if you'll get that joke)
jk comes a vampire obvs he's sexy (he actually wanted to match with oc but! she was ignoring his texts)
at the party nayoung is there (in a jessica rabbit costume... she is also sexy - everyone is really)
and obvs starts flirting with jk but hes just there starting at tae and oc real hard because why r they in matching costumes?? which nayoung notices and then she opens her big fat mouth and says (to oc and tae) "wow your couple costume is sooo cute!"
which??? taehyung starts grinning and shit and answers mhmm yeah! before oc can deny and jk is just there going ....couple...costume????
but then jk gets dragged away by nayoung and oc is like :/ cause nayoung is so sexy and jks type
which leads to her grinding on taehyung on the dancefloor and him biting her neck which jk watches
which leads to jk kisses nayoung cause hes MAD but oc doesnt see that she just sees the kiss
and that makes her ://// so she leaves to hid in the bathroom where her bestie chaeyoung (gay and cool) comes to get her before tae shows up and ruins the whole thing even more by asking oc to come out
now... oc doesnt know this but jk has ditched nayoung and looking for her (v drunk) and even the texts he is sending is borderline love confession kinda
but she shuts down and ignores him for days
until tae intervenes and forces her to talk to jk (which they do in this cute park scene i partially wrote out) and they discuss all the funny feelings they are having (NO LOVE CONFESSION)
i have no idea what happens in the middle (hence the story being discontinued)
but overall, jk starts to assume oc and taehyung r dating which makes him so uncomfortable because hes had a crush on oc for the longest time ever
and even nayoung notices that
theres one wonderful scene where oc sees nayoung at jks practise (he's a baseball player in this au) and jk is watching from the field but oc thinks he's watching nayoung (hes really watching oc)
and then nayoung sweetly mentions to her that maybe she needs to look a little close at whats in front of her (basically a sweet girl talk moment where she encourages oc and tells her she means a lot to jk)
and then oc finds out nayoung is actually dating hoseok now (also on the baseball team)
and then oc starts thinking.... does jk like me?
more needs to happen to create build-up but i had no ideas to write so moving onto the ENDING!
it all comes to climax at the December christmas party where oc and jk r each others secret santa and then during the party they end up going to the back balcony and talking and jk just kisses oc which makes him!!!! and he starts apologising but oc takes it wrong (like jk was ashamed to kiss her) and runs outta the party
jk follows cause he feels so bad and he cant be around tae cause hes :/ that he kissed hes besties gf
taehyung is gay and dating jimin btw!!! just secretly so...
and then under the soft amber glow streetlights and lightly falling snow oc confesses her feelings cause she cant take it anymore and jks is like O_O
"u're not with taehyung??"
"n-no? wtf why would i-"
and jk just kisses her and doesnt stop and in the middle of those kisses he tells her hes been in love with her too... for like forever
and then they go home and nsfw stuff happens
very messy and confusing i know
also nobody gets the ahegao tattoo everyone fails within the first two weeks
but! jk does get a lily tattoo because that reminds him of oc (she doesnt know this until like 7 months later)
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mlm imo werent sexualized to the degree that wlw were in most canon media mostly because of the male gaze. Gay and Lesbian relationships or moments got very limited representation. One was probably more sympathetic but also heart breaking like say brokeback mountain. One was explicit but depicted as grotesque or twisted or perverted or immoral in some way. And the last version was the titillating version. In western media because of the assumed straight male gaze lesbians making out to titlate guys was a common thing like say in Jennifer's body. The equivalent of that with guys wasnt really that common not in western media. Not that wlw couldn't like that content but it was made to be fanservice for men .
So thats what I kind of mean by wlw were sexualized at least in western media. This equivalent with mlm in fandom never really existed they never made out for girls to find hot in the same way. It was never marketed like oh look hot guys making out. Fandom did that but not canon.
As for comic book men being sexualized kind of. There is definitely the unrealistic beauty standards but theres that debate of was it for the purpose of titillating women? Or a result of toxic masculinity putting this unattainable unsustainable goal for men. Maybe both? But both in comics and the movies they are based on the posing and clothing and moments with women get made to clearly sexualize them . It especially ovbious with comics with them twisting their bodies so their boobs and butts are jutting out. Or like movie moments like Bruce landing in Natasha's clevage. Or angles where you are staring down a female character's shirt or she has a boob window for some contrived reason. Or just reasons to give full page spreads of them in skimpy clothing.
Its rare men get depicted like this or posed like this. And when they do it often stands out because its not the norm. It's something unique. Not true with men. Even in form fitting spandex they are often posed and framed to make to make them look powerful or intelligent or to reveal things about their character.
Again not that men never get sexualized or that fanservice is always bad. Or that its not a concern that men are having these terrible body image issues. But just that for women for the sexualization its so pervasive and constant was my point.
Its just as bad in wlw in canon as it is for women in relationships with men in canon when it comes to that sexualization but i hear so much more about the problems about the wlw ship than the mlw ship. Like to use DC as a example i hear so much about how people sexualized or mishandle harleyivy but compared to that i hear very little about batcat in comparison even though Catwoman is often just as sexualized in that ship.
As for misogyny in shipping wars yes it definetly exists and is a problem as is racism and homophobia. But my issue is mostly that the problem isnt because the main popular ships are mlm. But so often I see the argument framed that way.
Like shipping wars existed between m/w ships and still do today. And they are still often pretty misogynistic towards the woman in the other ship. I don't even have to look at other fandoms I remember Steggy vs Starton getting real ugly.
Mysogny in fandom doesn't uniquely pop up when mlm are the more popular ship. Its often just as bad in fandoms where m/w is the popular ship. But people just bring it up alot more they make it bout valuing the men over the women .
Well i mean that goes both ways you could say its homophobic for valuing the straight ship as better than the gay one or liking it more. But either way its stupid they dont care bout sexism or homophobia only that their ship is more popular.
Thats the sentiment of all ship wars the gender dynamics and racial make up change nothing. Nothing except the bullshit you use for the ship war.
The problem is that people are being homophobic and mysogynistic and racist not just in regards to fictional characters but towards real people just to win a ship war. It comes out so easily. Thats the problem imo.
Mysogny for example i think isnt discussed as much when its a m/w vs m/w ship war or drama because as both ships have women it can't be used to slander the other ship. But when its drama between fans of a m/m and m/w it comes out alot again not because anyone really cares but because now because one ship lacks a woman it can be used as fodder for what people actually care about. Tearing down the other ship.
Again not that mlm fandom doesnt have mysogny. They definetly do. But they aren't mysogynistic because they ship two guys together. Thats not proof they hate women. Having a ship with women isnt proof that you aren't sexist towards women. There might be homophobia in fandoms of mlm ships and mysogny in fandoms of m/w ships.
But in the drama between a m/w and m/m ships that doesn't get brought up because no one cares if that problem can't be used to show that someone only doesn't ship your ship if they are bigoted against it. Who cares about misogyny if your ship is two guys? Who cares about homophobia if your ship is straight?
No one because they cared about the popularity of their ship not the actual issues.
Gonna under under the cut for length again.
This is a lot to read so I'm gonna respond paragraph by paragraph and hope for the best in terms of comprehension.
When it comes to media made about the LGBTQ+ community, you have to keep in mind when it was made, who made it, and who was it made for. And that it's been shown that straight women have had the same reactions to mlm content as straight men to wlw content. QaF was dumbfounded to find that the majority of their audience was straight women when the show's sex scenes were 95% between two or more men and yet that's what they ran with because hey, it got the views. The views of mlm and wlw content in the mainstream media before then was minimized, despite how fucked a lot of the other content could be. If by "most canon media" being directed at the male gaze being summer blockbusters, and more specifically comic book movies, then sure. If we step out of that box, then not really. The film examples you chose are interesting because BB is portrayed exactly how the author of the original short story wrote it which was meant to be heartbreaking since it was a tragic dramatic piece while JB has a woman who wrote and another woman who directed it while purposefully trying to allow to actress to have a level of sexuality without exploiting her as past directors have (also neither of the main characters are lesbians - one is bi, the other I think is straight but maybe questioning?).
The sexualization of wlw in modern western media is definitely a thing. I mean, the first Iron Man film has stewardesses on the private jet pole dancing if I remember correctly. It took until 2016 to stop sexualizing Scarlett in every movie: the changing scene in IM2, the lowered zipper in A1, the ass shot in Cap 2, the boob faceplant in AoU (in your third paragraph, but mentioning it here anyway). It's a joke that you know when a man directs a wlw indie film during the sex scenes. But the mlm equivalent did exist alongside it, and it's what kicked off the century.
Comics and their movies were always for men. The male bodies are male wish fulfilment for their physical appearance. The women are male wish fulfilment for their dream girls. Funnily enough, one of the least sexualized women in comics I've ever read is Sharon. She's rarely, if ever, drawn to be sexualized for the audience. I'm not even sure she's even been in those swimsuit issues Marvel did years ago. And it shows heavily that Marvel struggles to know how to appeal to women without being aggressively in your face about it. The best example of them appealing without pandering is WV, and the worst is the group shots the Russos did in IW and Endgame, especially the latter.
But the men get those poses in the movies too. Thor bathed shirtless for no reason in TDW. There's a scene in Endgame dedicated to talking about Steve's ass. Pratt in GotG. Rudd in Ant-Man. Most actors are expected to look good shirtless and put themselves through intense shit to look that way. So do the women, but they aren't doing it to have the glamor shots of their muscles. And the MCU is not the only film franchise like this. Most, if not all, franchises with majority or entirely male leads expects them all to look like bodybuilders. And I'm gonna take back that it's just for the male audience, because these bodies are meant to appeal to women who are intended to thirst for these actors too. They think these bodies is what will bring women to the theaters.
None of this will change, as you say, that women's sexualization is "constant and pervasive". The film industry is just a part of the larger whole of media. Television and advertising have a treatment of women that's beyond whatever you or I say because there are decades worth of shit to go through that would take dozens of essays worth of writing to fully divulge beyond "please stop it's gross".
Now DC is a whole other ballgame. They're pretty infamous for their artists' sexualization of heroines and villainesses. Harley, Ivy, and Selina are definitely pretty bad, but when I remember what I've seen drawn of Kara, Kori, or sometimes Barbara... But outside of one artist, I think Harley and Ivy as a couple have been drawn tamely. Can't say the same for Selina, because they just can't not draw every part of her body even when she's fully clothed.
I think it's hard not to talk about fandom misogyny outside of m/m ships because of how often popular m/m shippers have rooted their shipping into misogyny. And even with m/f ship wars, a lot of the time the "faulted" character is always the woman when majority of the time it's the man who sucks. I don't get why everyone is fighting for who should kiss Steve because Steve sucks and they'd be better off without him. But because Steve is the object of affection for our fave, we have to fight off everyone else.
Don't look at other fandoms for m/f ship wars. We don't appreciate how tame we were, even at our worst. I'm serious, I've seen so much worse.
I think why the topic of misogyny comes up more with m/m ships is because they follow a similar principle of the male characters being more developed in canon and fanon so it's who people gravitate towards.
There is definitely layers of homophobia in fandom, but there's many versions of how we see it. Homophobes who won't ship anything that's not m/f. Homophobes who ship m/m but won't support IRL rights. People who love m/m but abhor f/f, and vice-versa. The shippers who use them for personal fodder. But the sexism is more prevalent than the homophobia. And the racism way more than both combined.
And it does cause a lot of ammo, and much of it severely unjustified, in ship wars. Literally the bullshit I've seen pulled out of thin air to accuse Sharon of not being worthy because someone said she's a racist for [they literally had no reason just called her one because we said Sam and Sharon are friends because they are] and other nonsense.
The real world repercussions of the homophobia, the sexism, and the racism in fandom... there's just so much. Like we are all still people, and yet we decide because we hide behind screens to be antagonistic, and use homophobic, sexist, and racist shit to attack each other over ships just because we want to paint the other person as crazy, I guess? If you can't see that there are no enemies in ship wars and that the other side is still people, maybe you need to sit out and log off. It's baffling how often it still happens to people. Then it's no longer about ships, it's about who is an asshole.
I will say that Steve and Peggy vs Steve and Sharon is probably the only m/f ship war I've seen where misogyny is talked about. Is, not was, because it still is. Both sides call the others misogynistic. I don't think either side is, but you can see in individuals. Those who tweeted at a certain actress that she was a slut for kissing her costar certainly are though.
You are right that shipping m/m isn't inherently sexist. But tearing down women in those ships to prop up m/m has made me stop shipping certain characters altogether. People, seriously, we don't have to justify why we like them! We can just like them! And other characters can still exist! It's never been that deep.
And you're right, the popularity of the ship helps people ignore any deeper issues within them and this is a power used to silence valid criticism if it pops up.
(I hope I answered everything well for you.)
~Mod R
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myvaginismusjournal · 4 years
Hi, it's been forever and a day! Life has been absolutely insane for me with so many big changes and COVID and everything going on.
So biggest thing, my husband and I have separated. He moved out in July and it's definitely for the best. Back in February I came to a realization that my husband is incredibly emotionally abusive and has been for quite a long time, practically our whole marriage however it got a lot worse in the past couple of years. A lot of this realizing had to do with my mom and dad separating because my dad is emotionally abusive to my mom. It caused me to look and see the extreme similarities in my relationship, we tend to marry one of our parents or we emulate their relationship because that's what we know! Theres a lot of bad stuff that I'll probably post about every once in a while since I kind of need a place to let stuff out and he doesn't follow me here so I can speak a lot more freely. We had a talk about it in February and he said he'd work on stuff. I really pulled away though and I think his actions are so far rooted unless he seeks professional help, that won't really fully change. So fast forward to June and we have a big talk about everything and discussed the possibility of separating/divorce and said we'd each think about it. We also said hey, we need to start being fully and completely honest with each other so that was good. A week later, he decided to move out. I feel like I should have been the one to say you need to move out, but he thankfully knew I would probably have a really tough time doing that and did it himself instead. I'm grateful to him for that for sure. He moved out super quick which was really hurtful and surprise he ended up with a place he hates because he jumped into it so quickly. We still talk a tiny bit, but mostly just memes or stuff like mail or finances that we need to discuss.
When he moved out, I was very heartbroken and upset because it was so quick. But once he was fully out, the main thing I felt and still feel, is relief. No longer walking on eggshells all the time, being able to be myself, not having to constantly shove my emotions down. I've been feeling happy and free which I think says a lot. I've been unlearning a lot of my habits that I would do simply to placate him. I also have been realizing that although I'm extremely lonely and sad, I don't actually really miss him. I miss having a relationship and a partner, even though it was a toxic one.
A month later he came by to pick up some stuff and I invited him in for a little bit. As he started to leave though he asked me for a hug and we both started crying. We had another frank and honest conversation where he said he's trying to change as hes realized how negative and angry of a person he is and how he hates him own self so he needs to work on being happy with himself. He also mentioned how he realized that a lot of his behavior was learned from his dad since that's how his dad treated him/his mom growing up. This was probably the most emotional maturity I've ever seen from him! He talked about how he wants to get back together and work at the relationship but he understands if I cant. I had to be honest with him and said that I wasn't completely writing our relationship off but I was leaning towards not getting back together. Also talked about how worried I was if we got back together things would maybe be okay for a bit and then fall back into old habits. Talked about how he had to do his growing for him, not for me and a chance to get me back because that might not happen. Talked about how it would be a good idea for him to seek professional help with his depression and anger issues. It was a very very hard conversation but good.
Now it's been almost two months since he moved out and he came by today to pick up a package that got delivered here instead of his new place. He did try and get it rerouted but it didn't happen unfortunately. So he came by. He looked so depressed and sad but thankfully I was wfh so I couldn't invite him in to chat or anything. The loneliness hit me super hard after he left though. It made me think, oh maybe I should try again. But I had to realize that, no, it's not him I'm missing, it's having someone around. He was really really horrible to me and I don't think two months is going to change something so deeply rooted in him. As well, I don't think I'm ready to forgive all the hurt and pain he's caused me. Maybe one day I will. But right now, I need to end it, not lead him or myself one with hope of getting back together because I honestly don't think we will. I think it's gone too far and there's no turning back on what's occurred. God it hurts so much though. Like I've spent almost 6 years of my life married to him. September 27 would be our anniversary actually.
I'm also terrified of having to essentially start over. I am the type of person who loves love! I like being in a relationship and I see myself having a partner again. But goodness I have no idea how to date or flirt or do all of that!! I started dating my husband at 18 and then got married at 21. I've only ever been with him. I've only ever kissed him. I've only ever had sex with him and even that barely because wow when you're being emotionally abused and manipulated, it doesn't help the vaginismus (sarcastic shocked Kirk meme here). I somewhat wonder if vaginismus has something to do with that too. Like my subconscious didn't fully trust him and made it harder. We did have penetration a couple of times, however it wasn't ever really good for me. Hell we barely had any kind of sex in the past two years because either I was completely horrible at the task or it wasn't PIV and that upset him. Ugh. But like what does that mean for future relationships?? Part of me wants to just go out there and have a fling to see if maybe that'll help but it probably won't because I need to trust them first. Ugh. Just everything sucks so much and I don't want to start over but I have to and we'll see how that all goes with my vaginismus.
I've got a lot to talk about in regards to the emotional abuse and also other life stuff including: leaving a religious cult, working at a hospital during a pandemic, maybe becoming a witch???, and future dating updates hopefully. Lol I need to go to a therapist omg
Sorry to just word dump, I've been needing to get it out!!!
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Carnival Date Larry x fem reader
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Him and Sal came up for the idea while in town together.
Lisa and you were at the apartments and she sent Larry into town to look for a part.
The two discussed the idea over lunch
"So you said you wanted my advice on something?"
"Oh yeah! So dude my 1 year anniversary with (Y/n) is coming up and I want to do something special but I've never been good at that romantic shit. I thought maybe I'd take her to a nice restaurant but that's so cliche."
"Did (Y/n) say she wanted to do anything specific? Maybe just ask her?"
"I would but I know exactly what she'll say. She'll tell me we should spend it in our pjs cuddled up in my bed watching a movie or playing games."
"Ha she really is perfect for you huh?"
"Exactly she's perfect dude! And we do that most weekends we hang out. I want to do something special for her because of how amazing she is to me. I mean do you know what shes doing today?"
"What's that man?"
"She's helping mom clean up Charlie's old apartment. I guess Mr. Addison wants to get it cleaned up for new tenants. When mom and I were in there this morning and she realized she'd need the parts from the hardware store (y/n) volunteered to help her."
"She is really nice. Plus she seems to make you a lot happier."
They finished their quick meal still unsure of what to do leaving Larry a tiny bit frustrated.
Despite a few decent ideas between the two they weren't able to come up with anything that he felt was good enough for his girl.
When the two were checking out at the local hardware store Larry noticed a particularly colorful flyer in the window.
"Hey Mr. Wilks is that carnival flyer new?"
"Oh yeah some of those carny folk came by and hung that up just yesterday. They also gave me some to hand out if you'd like."
The colorful flyer made a brilliant idea pop into his head.
"Sure man I'll take one."
"Sweet a carnival would be fun."
"What if that's what if I took (Y/n) there for our anniversary?"
Sal nod happily seeing the brilliance in the idea also considering asking Travis.
Grabbing both the flyer and the bags the boys left the hardware store picking up some lunch for the girls before heading back go the apartments.
Two weeks had passed and if was the Saturday of Larry's and (y/n)'s year anniversary.
Larry had saved up some money for the last two weeks.
He did anything and everything to earn even a little money.
Mow lawns? Yep
Run errands for older residents? Definitely
Stand out on streets and sketch people? Every Friday.
Selling his supply of pot? You bet.
You would join him for dinner thinking that was all that was planned.
Lisa had helped him prepare a really nice meal.
Despite it being like your millionth date together he was still nervous redoing his hair at least ten times
When he opened the door to you, you were dressed so beautifully he felt his actual jaw drop.
"Woah you look fucking amazing love!"
Ash had helped you pick out an outfit of a black cami tank top, a high waisted purple plaid skirt that went slightly above your knees, knee high tights with ribbons on the knees, and of course your black converse. I
ts moments like these that made Larry realise how much of a goddess you truly are.
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"I'm a lucky bastard."
You giggled with a blush before standing on your toes to kiss him on the cheek.
"You look amazing too Larry." You beamed.
Larry was dressed in a dark red button up and his ripped black jeans. I gently grabbed her hand leading her to the table that was nicely set with everything all out and warm.
With the wonderful smell and how beautiful the Johnson dinner table looked you smiled turning around and wrapping you arms around Larry.
"Oh Larry this is so nice!"
He hugged you back but let out a small chuckle.
The two of you took your seats and began eating.
"This is just dinner babe the real fun comes later tonight." He winked giving you a quick kiss on the lips in between taking bites.
You blushed letting out that adorable laugh that Larry loved.
"I figured Lar it's not one of our dates without something happening in the bedroom."
He quickly realized you had thought that he was making one of his pervy jokes.
"Wait no no no! We're going somewhere after this. And it's not a sex thing."
This made you perk your head up confused and interested.
You smiled playfully pushing his arm.
"Are we gonna go see a movie? I didnt think the theater was showing anything you'd like."
"Nope and I'm not telling you so eat." He chuckled making you fake pout your lips.
Once the food was finished he grabbed his wallet and keys as well as a black sanitys fall jacket in case you got cold.
The whole car ride he teased you about where you were going.
"Please just tell me Lar!" You pleaded with a giggle.
"Nope. Sorry love you'll just have to wait and see." He chuckled.
Soon enough he pulled into the parking lot turning to face you once he shut off the engine.
Your eyes were already huge and filled with excitement.
"You're taking me to the carnival?!"
"Yep Sal and I found the flyer in town and thought it would be perfect." He said with a nervous laugh.
He was really hoping this idea would be special enough for you.
"Larry that's so cool! Thank you!" You cheered leaning over and hugging him tightly.
He hugged you back letting out a relieved sigh, so good so far.
Once the two of you got your wristbands you decided to head to the games section first.
You both played a few of the games together having a bit of a friendly competition.
At the last booth there was a Teddy Bear with a little plastic guitar.
As soon as Larry Saw it he knew it had to be yours.
Since it was a basket ball game it didnt take Larry too long to figure out out.
Sure enough after like 6 tries the small bear was yours.
He turned around handing it to you proudly
Of course you responded by hugging him tightly and kissing him on the lips.
The first ride you both rode was a roller coaster, Larry's favorite.
He made sure to hold onto you tightly whether you needed it or not.
The next ride was the tunnel of love they had set up.
AS you can imagine Larry got quite handsy making out with you the whole time.
The last ride was of course the ferris wheel and Larry had timed it perfectly that you were on the ferris wheel at sunset.
The first thing he did was take out his phone and take a photo of the love of his life followed by a selfie of both of you.
The next thing he did as the temperature had dropped quite a bit was wrap his jacket around your shoulders.
"You always look so hot in my clothes."
He smiled leaning down and kissing you softly.
When you two pulled apart you laid your head against him and he wrapped an arm around you.
"This has been so perfect Lar thank you so much."
"Honeslty love I should be thanking you. Everything is perfect with you by my side. Ever since you and I met my lofe has been so much brighter, happier, and all around better. It's like before you came around I was wondering around in one of my drawings. Life was flat, black and white, and sometimes pretty scary. Then I met you, and all of a sudden my life was colored in and beautiful. You're like the Sunshine breaking through the grey storm clouds. I was gonna buy you something nice but my mom suggested this instead. It was what my dad gave to her on their 1st anniversary. I replaced the chain but basically when he gave it to her he said that she was his sun because his world would be incomplete without her. And I think that's so accurate for how alone I'd go back to being without you."
He held out a box with a beautiful necklace with a sun pendant.
You pulled out your own gift for him but it was in an envelope.
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"I figured you would be so concerned about doing something special for me that you would forget these just went on sale."
"Holy shit! Holy shit!"
With a perked eyebrow he took the envelope opening it up carefully to reveal three Sanitys Fall tickets.
"It's for their show in a couple months. And theres a ticket for all three of us."
Lardy didn't hesitate to hug you tighter than ever before
"Holy shit I love you! I love you so much!"
You giggled hugging him back.
When you pulled apart he helped you get the necklace on and you couldn't help but admire it.
As you two were walking out to his car that night he lifted you up on his back the whole way.
On the car ride home you ended up briefly falling asleep making him admire you as much as possible without wrecking.
"I'm so gonna marry you some day love."
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neoempathytech · 6 years
I’m basing this post on a ZODIAC QUEENS’s tumblr post. FYI our venus sign is the one to check when it comes to romantic aspects. The venus sign is NOT the same as the sun sign, the one we usually know about since we’re kids, it can be the same but it might not. If you want to check your own venus sign or other sign I recommend to go to cafe astrology and make your birth chart there, it’s for free and it gives you explanations of every aspect of your chart. 
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how they seduce: They will bewitch you with great stories and words of kindness that will make you want to know more about them. They are very charming and know exactly what to say according to the situation you are in. You will feel like their best friend because they want to tell their loved one everything they feel and all that has importance for them. They are unbelievably stormy lovers who love to spice it up, take you on adventures and try something new and they know damn well how to kiss.
how to seduce them: Whisper sweet nothings in their ear and do not be too shy to talk about what you want and how you want it. Open communication is very important for this placement. They need fun in a relationship which is why they love playing games. Tease them, try new things, role-play and kiss them in every way possible because they love this shit. Intellectual and deep conversations are extremely arousing for them, so take your time, listen to them and discuss things with them before you take it to the next level.
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how they seduce: This sign is especially known for seducing their lovers through caring for them or protecting them. But most of all they want you to be theirs entirely, they want to be able to touch and kiss you as often as possible. Venusian Cancers can sense your feelings and are able to adapt to them. Suprisingly, they know every trick there is to win the affection of their crush: they can use every feminine/masculine wile theres is, from mother/father to beauty queen/king and sex symbol. They will not only love but admire you for the beauty you possess inside out. Once they feel comfortable around you they will want to explore the adventures of love with you but they will most likely enjoy staying in because there they will not have to share you and are not afraid to be themselves.
how to seduce them: They looooove cuddling and touching you. Hugs and every other act of physical affection means security for them and therefore is a way to show them that they are safe. Their ideal men/women are typically masculine/feminine, at least in their fantasies and they are the sign most attracted to breasts. Not only physically but also mentally they search for a deep connection, so do not be afraid to show how you feel and what you want. Feeling is immensely important to them and you have to give them time to sort out what kind of emotion they sense when they are around you. But when they know what they feel around you, they open up to the point where everything is just natural, warm and suprisingly passionate.
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how they seduce: This sign is fiercely devoted to you and enjoys handling the trouble in your life. They are very intelligent and reliable which is why you will feel safe in their surrounding. While they may come off as shy, sweet and polite, Virgos in Venus have serious potential to be aroused by kinks and everything unusual. They pay close attention to your body language and therefore know exactly what turns you on, determined to use that knowledge to your benefit. Most of all, this sign is always good for a suprise, they are spontaneous and curious in bed and love to learn new things and show you new sides of themselves.
how to seduce them: Although they seldom ever tell you, those born with Venus in Virgo have some very dirty or unique fantasies and love experiencing something new in their bedroom. If you take the lead and express your ideas and desires in an open manner, those fantasies can turn into reality and bring some real passion under the sheets. They might feel a little insecure about their looks but they will give you all the love they have when you show them that they are the most beautiful person on earth for you. They generally expect you to be thoughtful and to see the details. They can not be with someone who is not able to read their body or face or think of something to make them feel better when they are sad.
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how they seduce: Their gaze conveys power and it seems like it is looking right into your soul. They can be very intimidating and mysterious but you long to uncover and know them although they may seem cold and reserved when you first meet them. They seem to promise intensity and commitment and are deeply sensual when it comes to sexual pleasures. They want to feel everything and combine deep physical and mental understanding to a sort of ecstatic experience. A Scorpio in Venus partner makes you feel understood and desired and sweeps you off your feet with their overwhelming passion which can be sensed in a very high sex drive.
how to seduce them: Lay your soul and heart bare at their feet and show them who you really are because they have no interest in people that barely ever express their feelings or true self. They love warmth and fire and people that sparkle with energy and life and passion is one of the essential things they need for an exciting sex life. Intimacy is also very important for them and they will not like it if you are someone who kisses and tells or drags your private life into the public. Honestly, there is not much you can actually do when the connection between you two is lacking. A Scorpio Venus will always love deeply and unconditionally when they sense a certain depth, loyalty and chemistry.
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how they seduce: They come across as optimistic, idealistic and lively and they just take your breath away with their love for life and all it has to offer. They can easily slip into excessive behaviour and you start to wonder where all those life inside them comes from. They are not bound by restrictions or rules and everything is just so easy and exciting with them, no secrets or taboos or pudency. They have a certain innocence about them and in bed they just charm you with endless giggles because they love to laugh. They are very direct in their approach to love and sex, so do not expect them to play with ambiguity, it is more likely that they will straight away tell you when they want to have sex. 
how to seduce them: In a relationship honesty is essential to them, they do not like to hide their feelings and thoughts and they do not want to have a romance which is based on misunderstandings. So you should better tell them what you want straight away and they will surely appreciate that. Be open-minded and adventurous because they enjoy giving their love and sex life a new direction. They are easily bored when sex or romance get too predictable, so try new things, change locations or positions or just generally soften or roughen up. Also make them feel alive, take them to beautiful places or challenge them with a different opinion/point of view, be everything but ordinary. They want love to feel like it is light and pure joy instead of serious business.
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how they seduce: They provide an alomst unreal amount of stability and warmth and you just have to feel at ease in their company. They might charm you with some very traditional flirting rules, like holding the door for you or taking your jacket. They can be real charmers, because they seem aloof and considerate at the same time. Alpha-males/females is one term especially accurate when it comes to Venus in Capricorn because they just naturally like to take the lead and show you that they can care for you. Their sexuality is deep and powerful but not a thing they want to be dragged out in public. What they do in the bedroom is a silent secret between the two of you and they would never hurt your intimate connection by kissing and telling.
how to seduce them: They generally fall for people that convey power, confidence and stability as they search for comittment and long-lasting relationships. Their approach to love is very mature, so they probably will not connect with persons that are volatile or unreliable. In bed they trust in experience and consistency because they probably know how they like it best and how it feels perfect for the both of you. If you want them to do something for you or to try something new, you have to challenge them because they are eager to prove their love for you every day. In fact, Capricorn Venus is a placement that feels very deeply but may never tell you about their emotions but you can show them that you understand this by holding them or just being there for them.
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how they seduce: Those born with their Venus in Aquarius may seem unapproachable and a little cold which is not necessarily less magnetic than the burning heat of an Aries or a Scorpio. They just generally are not that good with commitment and like freedom, which is why some of them may not like the idea of a relationship at all. They are, however, very experimental when it comes to their sex-life and they love to try new things, although they might be too shy to turn their fantasies into reality.
how to seduce them: They need someone who is not only able to satisfy their physical but also intellectual needs. Talking about your ideals, philosophies or mantras is very interesting to them and also kind of arousing. They like intelligent people who look behind the nature of things. They can be quite turned on by situations that are unusual, like a love-affair with a married man/woman or cyber and phone sex (any situation where no direct commitment is needed is attractive). This placement is one that has no problem separating love and sex and might has a “friends with benefit”-relationship. They need their freedom under all circumstances. If you can show them that you will not try to change them or restrict them in any way and make them feel like they are in the company of a good friend, you stand good chances of receiving their undivided love.
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how they seduce: Venus in Pisces is gentle and soft with a dreamy gleam in their eyes and an indescribable patience and acceptance. People with this placement will love you for who you truly are and they would give up themselves to please you. Nothing gives them more joy than to give and receive love and being their partner leaves you fulfilled and strangely complete. Their fantasies often mix with reality and they often seem more like a desired dream of yours. They pay attention to the details and love physical affection, so it is not unusual that a little touch from your fingertips leaves them with a racing heart. They want physical and mental intensity and search for purity and immense feelings in bed.
how to seduce them: They love romance and fantasy and sometimes they may search for their knight on a horse or their princess in the tower. Not only a connection to reality but also a strong contact to dreams and fantasy is required if you want to understand them. They search for someone tender-hearted who holds them when they are sad but is also able to turn their romantic ideals into reality. You should not be too straight-forward but gentle, also in bed. Although they enjoy caring for you and fulfilling your pleasures, you should definitely show them that you adore and admire them for who they are. They actually enjoy to try out new things and passionate people really turn them on.
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pigstepmp3-moved · 6 years
Headcanon for how they get together? do they start having sex and pretending it's just for fun or do they jump straight into the angst of 'it's too complicated I'm a guy you're a guy and we even work together'? And how to the others find out? I'm pretty sure it'd be a big deal with the cap because he can't have one of his team who's more worried about his boyfriend than the job they're currently on, I don't see him approving, at least initially.
as im sure we All know, theyre gonna get together at bathenas wedding. and as much as buck Wants to sleep w eddie right away, he also wants to do things right by him, and that involves taking it slow and Not sleeping w eddie from the get go. i think theres def a significant amount of angst, at least on bucks part, bc of a few different reasons: 1, buck is Convinced that eddies super straight. 2, buck Knows that eddie and shannon are trying to make things work, and he does NOT want to be a homewrecker. 3, even on the off chance that eddie Isnt straight (and, spoiler, eddies a raging bisexual, just not as open abt it as buck can be), hes also one of bucks Closest friends, and he doesnt wanna ruin that friendship bc hes so terrible w feelings. 4, eddies got a KID. that makes things significantly more complicated. and 5, they WORK together. if they end up breaking up sometime in the future, it could make things a whole lot more awkward at work. and if its a Super Painful breakup? theres gonna be animosity out the wazoo that’ll make work SUCK. 
anyway. at some point, eddie and buck find themselves sitting and talking about everything and nothing all at once. eventually, eddie says that him and shannon are getting a divorce. they still love each other, of course, but they just dont love each other like they used to. they still wanna work things out, tho, so that both of them can continue to be a significant part of each others lives. buck is immediately all !!!!!, but he keeps it together, tells eddie that hes sorry that things didnt work out like he had wanted them to. at that point, eddie gives him a funny look that has buck feeling warm and fuzzy all over. eddie tells him that a HUGE part of why him and shannon are getting a divorce is that eddies in love with someone else. buck kinda. deflates. but ultimately, hes happy for eddie. he wants eddie to be happy, no matter who hes with. buck asks who it is, trying his best not to sound like a jealous brat. eddie quietly tells him, “it’s you. it’s always been you.” bucks heart is EXPLODING in his chest at that point. he asks, almost silently, “really? you love me?” with this hopeful, small smile that makes eddie break out into the most blinding grin bucks ever seen. eddie carefully takes his hand, interlocks their fingers, and instead of answering with actual words, he just leans forward and kisses buck, gentler than hes ever been kissed before. buck hardly pays attention to maddie, chimney, and hen cheering and whistling at them, bc who cares what everyone else is doing, hes kissing eddie freaking diaz!
later on, after buck and eddie have defined their relationship (aka buck walking into the station and yelling “EDDIES MY BOYFRIEND” to everyone, leading eddie to blush and hide his face bc wow, subtlety is SO not bucks strong suit), bobby sits them down to discuss the logistics or w/e. bobby tells him that this relationship can NOT affect the way they do their jobs in anyway. basically, if theyre gonna be more focused on helping each other than on doing their jobs properly, then he cant condone this relationship. buck KNEW this was gonna happen. buck KNEW bobby was gonna discourage it at some level. but eddie, being the levelheaded superhero he is, promises bobby that the only thing thats gonna change at work is how they act around each other at the station. other than that? they are PROFESSIONALS. theyll worry about each other a lil more, yeah, but theyre not gonna let that deter them from focusing on the job at hand. bobby stares at them for a long time before standing and turning to leave, but before he walks off, he tells them, “im happy for you two. im glad youre finding the happiness you both deserve in each other.” after he walks away, buck does NOT cry at all, why would he do that? his literal actual dad just said that he approves of their relationship, its nbd, hes FINE (no hes not. its so obvious how Not fine he is. eddie thinks its adorable how happy bobbys approval is making him)
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femnet · 6 years
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Trigger Warnings: child abuse, sexual abuse, incest, rape, explicit sexual content involving minors, physical abuse, explicit language, abortion, pregnancy
This is NOT spoiler free but to be honest I suggest reading a summary before listening to the musical anyways.
Spring Awakening first entered the world in 1891 when it was published by German playwright Frank Wedekind. At that point, it was different than the Broadway musical that is known and loved today. It was a play rather than a musical. THE scene (which I will discuss later) had previously been a rape instead of a passionate night with explicit consent. Of course, it was in German and would not be performed in English until 1917. However, despite it being over a century old, going through many revisions and revivals, and containing very controversial issues and visuals, Spring Awakening still has lessons to share with each new generation that watches it.
For the purpose of this post, I’ll be discussing the 2006 Broadway version unless specifically stated otherwise.
The Plot
The plot of Spring Awakening can be summarized in two main points: 1) ignorance and miseducation are dangerous and 2) every generation learns from and improves on what the previous generation teaches them. It’s set in Germany in the 1890s. As you can imagine, what is acceptable today is NOT the same as what was acceptable back then. But, WAIT! Theres’s more. You might have already started thinking about what a musical set in the 1890s would sound like. If so, I promise whatever you thought it was going to be is wrong. Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater collaborated to turn the play into a ROCK MUSICAL. While rock had yet to be invented during the time the play is set and was published, Melchior and the other little rebels would definitely have been rock fans were they born in the right time period. From here onwards, I’ll be discussing the 2006 Broadway version unless stated otherwise.
The opening songs introduce us to the main cast of characters. In the opening number, Mama Who Bore Me, Wendla Bergmann (played by Lea Michele in the Original Broadway Cast) makes her first appearance as the leading lady. She sings about how her mother has left her unprepared by not properly explaining the things she needs to know going into puberty and her teenage years. This is followed by a reprise where the other young girls join in and repeat Wendla’s sentiments. All of the girls have been told by their mothers that a woman gets pregnant by loving her husband very much. This misinformation leaves the girls vulnerable as they start to experience their spring (sexual) awakenings. As you can probably guess, this is also foreshadowing what will happen in the future. On the male side of things, we meet Melchior Gabor (played by Jonathan Groff in the OBC) and Moritz Stiefel (played by John Gallagher, Jr. in the OBC) along with their various classmates as they sing about their own struggles with these new feelings in The B*tch of Living.
Melchior and Moritz are best friends but very different. Melchior is a rebellious child who speaks his mind and constantly gets in trouble at school even though he has good grades. Moritz, despite trying his best, can’t seem to keep his grades up. This situation is further complicated as Moritz asks Melchior for help concerning a steamy dream that’s been bothering him, including writing an essay explaining these new feelings he’s been having.
The only child who knows what’s up is Melchior, because he has gathered his own sex ed knowledge by reading books. However, even though what Melchior knows is what all of the other kids should know, the topics he tries to discuss with the boys are incredibly taboo and are completely banned from conversation in school or, well, anywhere. The grown ups in this story are basically orchestrating a cover up of many critical issues of adolescence, and this causes Melchior to doubt many aspects of his education and how he’s being raised. He sings about his frustration with this in a song called All That’s Known.
The steaminess increases as all the children struggle with their feelings for each other, especially with Melchior and Wendla. Long story short, the two find themselves growing closer and closer in a new way (*wink wink*) which brings us to THE scene. Do keep in mind as I tell this tale that all of these kids would be about 13 even though they’re played by adults. Part of why Spring Awakening is so controversial is that even on Broadway it has scenes of partial and sometimes full nudity. Anyways, Wendla finds Melchior in a barn. He apologizes for a previous encounter which I will not explain and bow-chicka-wow-wow they kiss and then have sexy times. The song playing over this scene is I Believe. If you listen to it on its own, it sounds like something you would hear in church.
There’s also a subplot going on with the girls. Martha, a friend of Wendla’s, reveals in The Dark I Know Well that her father has been abusing her for the past few years. She feels as though she can’t do anything about it because her mother either doesn’t care or ignores it, and she doesn’t want to end up like the wandering girl Ilse. Ilse had been in the same situation and chose to stand up for herself. This had led to her getting kicked out of the village, and she had been an outcast ever since.
While all of this is going on, poor Moritz has been failed by his teachers even though for once he passed his exam. They tell him that only a certain number of students can move up in school and he is not one of them, even though this is a lie. Moritz’s home life is wrecked because his parents don’t want to be known as parents of a failure. He is eventually kicked out after Melchior’s mother denies him the money needed to flee to the United States (And Then There Were None). He begins to wander around with a gun, contemplating suicide, but runs into Ilse. She asks him to come stay with her in the artists’s colony she has recently started living in. Moritz refuses at first, but then realizes that Ilse is his final chance at a life. When he returns to find her, she is gone and he shoots himself.
Moritz’s teachers quickly realize that his death was their fault. Had they not lied, Moritz would have moved up with the other boys, his family would not have neglected and abused him, and he would still have had a home. To push the blame onto someone else, they use the essay that Melchior wrote for Moritz to frame him for causing Moritz to commit suicide. He is immediately expelled and discusses his fate in a wonderful song called Totally F*cked.
Things go down hill even faster from here. Wendla begins to feel ill and when her mother takes her to the doctor, they learn that she’s pregnant. She’s forced to give up Melchior as the father and her mother curses her for being so stupid even though Wendla had no idea that sex was the cause of pregnancy. However, Wendla does want to keep the baby after much thought (Whispering). With Moritz’s suicide and Wendla’s pregnancy marking Melchior as a problem child, his parents send him away to a reform school WITHOUT telling him about Wendla’s pregnancy. He only finds out about it when another boy steals a letter from her and reads it aloud.
Melchior immediately runs away from school to find Wendla. He stops by Moritz’s grave to promise that he and Wendla will raise their child well and always make sure that he or she is loved. Despite the fact that he’s a child in all of this, I have to say that I really appreciate that Melchior steps up to his role as a father and learns from the mistakes of the past generation. It was an awfully brave thing for him to do. HOWEVER, when he arrives at the cemetery he also notices a fresh grave that he had never seen before… and upon further inspection, he finds that it is Wendla’s. Her mother had taken her to see an abortionist. At that time, abortionists had no real training and as was the fate of many other patients, Wendla dies from complications.
At this point, Melchior feels as though he has nothing left. He pulls out a blade and goes to cut his throat when suddenly the spirits of Moritz and Wendla rise from their graves and encourage him to go on living for them (Those You’ve Known). Melchior finally promises that he will and is revived by a new sense of hope. He knows that no matter what, Moritz and Wendla, his two favorite people, will always be with him.
The Song of Purple Summer is the final song in Spring Awakening. All of the cast returns to the front of the stage to sing about the future. It talks about how the next generation will learn from the previous generation’s mistakes and how even though the present might be a tragedy, the future will not be. It is perhaps the most motivational song of the play and despite the sad ending of the story, The Song of Purple Summer ends things on a happy note.
The Lessons
Perhaps on of the biggest lessons to be learned from this story is that miseducation and lying can cause extreme damage. By lying to their children, the mothers of the girls caused their daughters to be ignorant of what their new feelings meant but also what would happen if they acted on these feelings before they were actually ready for the consequences. This leads to Wendla���s pregnancy and eventually her death. What breaks my heart most of all is that Wendla could never have known that would happen when she had sex with Melchior. To her, the act was one of love and had no consequences. Yet her mother blames her instead of admitting that she made a mistake by leaving her daughter ignorant. What one generation thought of as taboo and unacceptable in any time or place was actually vital to the lives of another. No matter how tough a topic is, if something needs to be discussed then it needs to be discussed sooner rather than later.
When I presented this musical in my music appreciation class, I was tasked with identifying the antagonist of the story. After thinking about it, I realized that there isn’t just one specific antagonist - the antagonists are all of the adults. Every adult wrongs a child in some way or another, and this leads to the tragedy in the end. The girls’ mothers don’t properly educate them. The teachers cause Moritz’s suicide even though they could have actually let him advance in school. Melchior’s mother doesn’t take Moritz’s threat of suicide as seriously as she should and denies him the money he needs. Moritz’s parents are selfish and care more about their image than their own son. They neglect him, abuse him, and kick him out rather than supporting him when he needed them the most. Martha and Ilse’s fathers abuse them, and their mothers don’t do anything about it. When Ilse does try to seek help, she is kicked out on the streets. Instead of helping her daughter in a time of need and admitting her mistake, Wendla’s mother blames her for something she could have never predicted and puts her through the procedure that kills her while knowing the conditions it would be under. To me, the lesson from this is that even though adults are supposed to have more experience and that we as young people are supposed to trust them, they are not always good, trustworthy, or reliable; in this case, sometimes it’s your own parents.
Despite the deaths of the people he loved most and his life falling apart around him, Melchior chooses to live in their honor and remember their lives by living for them. He chooses to believe that his loved ones will always be with him and becomes all the better for it. No matter what, he’s not alone. None of us are alone. We don’t know what happens to him in the end, but I like to think that he becomes a great man and a great father. He certainly deserves it.
Finally, with The Song of Purple Summer, we are reminded that we must always learn and move forward. From generation to generation, we pass on our mistakes and our successes and hope that the next one will learn from both. Even when we’re experiencing a tragedy, hope is always there to remind us that better things have yet to come.
My lesson to all of you readers is that you should definitely listen to this musical! You can find some videos on YouTube or check it out on Spotify. Now that you’ve got a run down of the plot, it’s time to experience it for yourself!
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