#you always had the weirdest and largest items on you
notreallyuseless · 6 months
Non mais sérieusement, j'en pleure de rire tellement la situation est stupide. Je suis tellement découragé de tout ce merdier que la seule réaction qu'il me reste est de rire. Parce que c'est ça ou pleurer.
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princessozera · 3 years
Obey Me cast doing the devious licks trend
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A/N: Context from what my ancient mind could piece together; there is a trend on tiktok called 'devious licks' where people just go and steal the largest/weirdest things from their schools, including but not limited to bathroom stalls, projectors, railings, and more. Literally anything is up for grabs, so of course I want to see the Devildom in equal chaos
GN!MC (They/them, 3rd ppov)
Word count: 2.9k
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His migraines have increased exponentially since the start of this trend
Of course he was the one left in charge of hunting down every stealer and punishing them accordingly. At the rate people where stealing RAD property he considered either:
establishing a new student organization to be in charge of the punishments & replacements or
Simply killing any repeat offenders caught in the act or with video evidence
Lucifer settled with setting up various wards and hexes that caused nasty burns and electrocution to anyone trying to steal some of the more essential RAD items. He took half a day off when he realized this also meant putting spells on all bathroom stalls, sinks, and light fixtures.
He gives MC long side glances anytime he catches them laughing over Mammon's newest acquisitions and the failed attempts of others. MC taunts him, of course the goody goody wouldn't even think of stealing a pen without Diavolo's say-so. One of the strongest demons in the land and he couldn't even take a silly little white board eraser from a classroom.
MC was in the living room couch the next day, scrolling through DeviTube again when a sudden weight on their chest forced all of their air out. The push the item off, realizing it's the serpent head that usually sit on top of the grandfather clock in the library, RAD's school motto etched into the scales. They look up in horror, only catching a glimpse of Lucifer's smirk as he raises an eyebrow and walks back out of the room.
Mammon isn't big on following trends, but with a few taunts from MC, he was the first brother to try the challenge. He's the great Mammon, of course be could steal something cooler than a toilet like some boring human
He managed to get away with stealing a potted snake-cactus, a chandelier, and a double spiral stair case before Lucifer caught on to him.
Mammon tried to use the trend as an excuse to get out of trouble, but of course it didn't work.
It actually got him in more trouble because Mammon's videos were rapidly gaining popularity and encouraging other students to start stealing too.
Mammon gets his usual suspension punishment, but afterwards Lucifer is surprisingly lenient with him, only punishing Mammon once for every 10 objects he steals.
The thing about this trend is, while it does encourage Mammon's tendencies to steal things he shouldn't, his attention is drawn from expensive and valuable things to silly and ridiculous items. As long as the items he steal don't inconvenience anyone too much, he gets off with relatively easy punishment.
"Mammon since when do we have 4 spiral staircases in the foyer?"
"What do you mean, we've always had those MC, you know how extra Lucifer is."
"I reeeaaalllyyy think we only had 2-"
"Damn MC, I knew you were struggling in math but this is just sad 😬"
"You- 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"
Leviathan broke a leg, not seeing the staircase was gone because he was doing his dailies as he walked to class and fell 5 floors. He let MC put guppy stickers on his blue cast.
Stole RAD's school seal
He was the 2nd brother to try it, and of course he had to do his best to beat Mammon. A murderous cactus plant and a chandelier were childs play, but the double spiral staircase was more ostentatious and would be harder to outdo especially with his broken leg.
Levi also wasn't keen on getting in trouble, so he spent 2 days planning the perfect comeback. It couldn't be as large as the staircase, but it had to be just as visible.
So of course it had to be the giant RAD school seal. Nestled right in front of the main staircase, and with a diameter of 24 feet across, this was undeniably as gaudy as the stunt Mammon pulled. And with his leg broken, of course no one would think he could lug that stone out of sight.
Little did they know, in his sea monster form, a fee broken bones were nothing more than am itch and the water stream he could shoot out was stronger than any human waterjet cutter, making it even easier to cut out the stone, grab it with his tail, and hide it deep in the western forest.
As if to top off the perfect crime, Levi got to enjoy watching inattentive student fall into the hole left behind for 2 entire days before a new seal was put in place.
Stole Diavolo
By this point in time, all the other brothers were convinced by MC to join in, and while he didn't care to much about competing with his brothers, it would be all too easy to out do Lucifer.
I mean COME ON, Lucifer had stolen a medium sized statue from an always empty library, anyone could do that with enough preparation. Satan also knee that Lucifer was the only person in charge of hunting down the missing items, so he wanted to make it as annoying and inconvenient to Lucifer as he possibly could.
So he decided to steal Lord Diavolo. Kidnap him, whatever. It was actually easier than he originally thought, he only had to go through a few indirect hoops.
Satan just needed Lord Diavolo to go missing for as long as possible, so he roped MC into his plan without telling them the whole reason. Satan planned a prefect day out for MC and Lord Diavolo, and while he'd rather be the one taking MC out on this mini date, he'd have to settle for Lucifer's rage today.
After he made sure MC and Diavolo were out of the town center and a good distance away from RAD, Satan used the tried and true gossip mill of RAD to get 10+ students stealing things all at once.
Lucifer wanted to call an immediate meeting with Lord Diavolo, but neither he nor Barbatos could get through to his phone. And as long as Diavolo stayed within 50 feet of MC, the signal jammer that Satan slipped into MC's pocket would make sure Lord Diavolo was unreachable until further notice.
Lord Diavolo and MC got to go on a pleasant 5 hour outing, truly detached and missing from the world until Barbatos managed to track them down.
Satan was never caught
Asmodeus is just the one sharing all of these videos to MC, and selling out some of the pricier steals to Lucifer in exchange for gifts. MC asks Asmo if he plans on taking part of the trend, and he says he already has.
"Why I stole everyone's hearts and adoration of course ❤~"
But MC doesn't miss that Asmo's cosmetic counter has new light fixtures that give better lighting to the entire room than the previous ones and even had a beautiful stained glass cover to diffuse the light.
They look just like the ones in the school bathrooms :)
Once the other brothers started getting roped into stealing things, everyone was laying in wait for the day that Beelzebub inevitably stole the entire RAD cafeteria and kitchen.
Students started bringing extra money or small lunches in preparation, mentally preparing to go into town for their lunch breaks. While they weren't ready for the inconvenience of packed lunches, they were excited to see what a nee cafeteria would look like, and how he'd manage to make an entire room disappear!
But one day went by.
Then a week.
And another.
Guess Beel wasn't going to steal the cafeteria after all. It would have been cool to get vending machines or new lunch tables, but Beel didn't normally let his brothers influence him like that anyways- it was silly for the students to expect Beel to do something so wild just for a little challenge.
It took 4 months for everyone to notice the entire fangol practice and playing fields were missing because it was the off season.
Stole his favorite library couch
While he isn't at RAD much and didn't care for elaborate plans his brothers were constructing, this was the perfect time to add to his collection of sleep- aids.
Pinned the missing couch on Satan since it was from the library, and actually got away with it.
Stole some of the precious rainbow flowers
Once Simeon found out that Lucifer participated, he was determined to take something from RAD too. However, old habits die hard and he wasn't too keen on stealing something that could cause harm to other students if it went missing.
Simeon was taking a stroll through the RAD gardens late one afternoon when he saw the rainbow roses again. He softly rubbed the petals of one rose bud as he remembered the complaints Lucifer had caused when these roses started going missing and didn't know Diavolo had taken the precious flowers and brought them back to RAD.
Before he could make sense of his own actions, he was walking back to purgatory hall with an entire rose bush cradled in his arms.
While Lucifer may have let it slide, he did give Simeon the side eye for that new and eerily familiar statue sitting in the corner of his room at their next afternoon tea.
Stole old artifacts from the celestial realm
Luke was floored when he saw Simeon's prize back at Purgatory Hall. He was only partially pacified by Simeon's explanation- had he known the TRUE value of the flowers he wouldn't have dropped the issue so easily.
After a few days of thinking it over, Simeon's logic made a bit of sense, in a convoluted way. Luke had also seen the knowing smiles and shared laughter over these debatably harmless pranks, and the idea started to grow on him.
He'd been eyeing the ancient artifacts on display since the first day of school, and the more he thought about it, it wasn't really stealing if he was just getting back something that originally belonged to the angels, right?
So one day during passing period, hidden amongst his towering peers, he quickly cracked open the display case, just enough to squeeze his arm in and take the item before turning back and bumping the case closed- acting like he just realized he'd be walking the wrong way.
He was surprised he pulled it off, and immediately showed MC during their next class together what he'd grabbed.
However, as the day went on, he couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed of what he did, even if it was only a tiny artifact that no one would notice or care about, especially compared to the other things that the brothers were stealing.
He puts the item back before school is over and tells Barbatos about what he did, ready to face any punishment he was dealt.
As decided by Barbatos, Luke couldn't protest to the demon brothers calling him a chihuahua for 2 days as punishment.
Solomon had gone along with the trend graciously, only laughing and wondering about how the brothers had pulled off such strange feats, so MC didn't think Solomon was going to participate.
MC had just finished showing Solomon Mammon's latest haul when their potions teacher came in and announced their new unit. The teacher heads to the ingredients cabinet to pull out the supplies, only to find the cabinet, and in fact every other chemical cabinet on this hall empty.
"S- Solomon?"
" :) "
For the safety of everyone in the Devildom, Diavolo and Lucifer requested for Solomon to return 75% of the materials he took
Stole RAD
And its entire student body
When he stopped everyone from leaving school one afternoon, ushering them all to the tallest tower for afternoon tea, MC suspected a stern talking to was also coming.
What MC wasn't prepared to see was that the tower, and 4 spindly brick supports, swaying in the wind, were all that was left of RAD.
Levi screamed and latched on to MC for dear life, while MC screaming and latched on to Beel, trying desperately to fight of the vertigo that threatened to have them topple off the unstable tower.
"Hahaha, isn't this neat! It took me a while to come up with how to make it disappear in the most inconspicuous way possible and so I had to bring you all up here! Doesn't the Devildom look gorgeous from up here?"
MC had their scream frozen in their throat, but one hand on Mammon, another on Beel, body turned to Lucifer, and as a final option, one leg near Asmo. Sorry love but you're an absolute last ditch option, I'm not trying to test out the strength of your disproportionately tiny wings.
Diavolo rejoiced in the group's terror for another minute before bringing RAD back- more or less the same.
See, while the demon's prince power was unparalleled, it was a bit... rough around the edges. He doesn't have the time to perfect every little aspect of it, like the way Barbatos was still better at time manipulation than him, so the academy comes back looking disjointed and could challenge the wayside school in weirdness.
Barbatos's frustration reaches a peak after Diavolo's participation in the trend.
It was one thing for Lucifer and even Simeon to do the trend, he knew how easy it was for MC to persuade them, but having to deal with the fiasco that was returning the entire RAD castle back to its foundation and making sure every room, staircase, and painting was back to it's original state was loathsome work. Not to mention the paperwork that needed to be filed later for all of the students who hadn't been brought back from the shadow dimension.
At least there were 60 happy Devildom citizens that were finally moved off of the waitlist and were official RAD students now.
[[The behavior exhibited from all of you this past week has been reprehensible, tomorrow morning all student council members and exchange students are to meet at RAD for an emergency council meeting.]] You know Barbato's was serious when his texts where as long winded as a grandparent's stories.
So Lucifer sent you all to bed early, promising extra chores to anyone that was late to the meeting tomorrow. MC went to bed, a bit sad that this was probably the end of the challenge but maybe it was for the best.
When MC woke up the next morning, they immediately started screaming, positive they'd gone blind in the night.
MC blinks rapidly to make sure their eyes were in fact open, but as they put their hand up to their face to double check, they flinch away from it as their hand only appears less than 6 inches from their face. MC moves their hand slowly in and out of their vision, but the disappearance was complete- MC could see, just not far.
When they scream for the brothers again, they shudder as they finally notice how flat their voice sounded. It didn't echo out the way it normally would in their room, instead, it's like their voice had gained mass and now fell only a few feet away from them.
Before MC could truly panic, they heard other voices, as faint as the wind, calling out to them. With no better plan, MC stumbled around blindly playing Marco Polo with the brothers, before toppling over as Mammon ran straight into them and sent them both flying. MC ignored the way the fall didn't hurt, and seemed to last a few seconds too long compared to where their feet should have been.
MC and Mammon hold on to each other as the continue to stumble around to find the others, even managing to find the purgatory hall crew and Diavolo.
Before they could brainstorm what to do, and where to find Barbatos, they all regained their vision as a checkered floor appeared in the abyss, becoming them forward with the only light available.
With no better options they all get on the floor, Barbatos appearing only a second later for the black abyss.
"I couldn't help but indulge just this once. It may be a little hard to tell, but I've actually stolen this plane of existence," his smile was so bright and unbothered, he might as well be announcing a new tea he bought. "I'd like to think I won this round of devious licks." This man had the nerve to look bashful as MC stared in awe, and as the tension in the void rose, everyone obviously having a fee complaints in mind, Barbatos clapped twice, and sent you all falling into the darkness.
MC sits up with a pained groan, holding their bloody jaw that had took most of the force when they landed on the cobblestone ground. They managed to sit up and see everyone strewn around RAD's garden, in various states of pain, ad Barbatos waited by the rose archway, waiting to lead everyone into the council room for the emergency morning meeting
Everyone unanimously agreed to never play the devious licks game again
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Survey #479
“war sends our sons to slaughter  /  another failed attack; there is no turning back”
Have you ever boycotted something? Yes: Chick-fil-A. Homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you, and not returned it? Yes, a video game when I was little. I was so mad, lol. Do you vent a lot on social media? No. I don't want people to get annoyed with me. What was your first bill you started paying on your own? I haven't been responsible for any bills yet. What is your favorite charitable cause to donate to or volunteer for? I can't/don't do either really, but if I could, I'd probably donate to uhhhh... suicide prevention organizations. As for volunteering, definitely something with animals. Have you ever dated someone who wasn’t at all your usual type? No. What is something you have no patience for? Waiting at the doctor's office. Have you ever received a misdiagnosis? Yes. What’s that you’re listening to? I'm watching Gab play The Evil Within 2. What kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? We're a couple. What is your biggest accomplishment in life? Still being alive. What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t? Political stuff. Economics. Have you ever been tutored or tutored someone yourself? I had an Algebra tutor the last time I was in college, and I had to strangle an anxiety attack down because I wasn't understanding the material AT ALL and felt so dumb and annoying. I never did it again. What was the last thing you said out loud (singing doesn’t count)? "It's really embarrassing," to Mom. It really is fucking humiliating that my ankles are swollen from walking/standing more and pushing my desk chair back against the resistance of the carpet. That's pathetic. I'm trying to focus on the fact it's good my body is even reacting to moving more, though. Is everything you have on actually yours? Yep. Do you ever just randomly drive around when you’re upset about something? I don't drive, but if I did, that would NOT be my method of de-stressing. What was the last act of creativity you displayed? Writing an RP post. What’s your favorite department in Wal-Mart? Uh, I guess where you can go see the plants and flowers. Do you find kite flying boring? I LOVED it as a kid. I'd still probably find it kinda fun. Do you have any interest in visiting Japan? Yes, but it's not a massive interest. I've heard the humidity can kill a bitch, and I am NOT into that. Have you ever run a cash register? Yes. I sucked. Have you ever worked as a server? No. Have you ever done the Bratz challenge on YouTube? No, but I saw James Charles do it and it was v unnerving, holy shit. Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin? Carve. What was your worst experience in high school? My depression as a whole. How much did your senior prom dress cost you? I don't remember. Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? Three, if you include my current one. Which part of your body is the most muscular? Uh, nothing? What is the first site you check when you get online, generally? KM. Are you good at creative writing assignments? That's my forte. In elementary school, I actually won a I think county-wide creative writing short story assignment. Not to brag, but I've always been very proud of that, ha ha. Or would you rather just do an informative essay? That's easy for me too, but I prefer writing creatively. Are you more attracted to the badasses, or the goody-goody types? Definitely the goody-goodies. The "bad guys" have never appealed to me romantically. Do you raise your hand or participate in class? I did if I really wanted to ask something or was confident in an answer. What is something BIG you want to do with your life? Make a difference, somehow. What do you think of people who own wild animals? Do NOT just casually take in animals from the wild. That's selfish and just generally disgusting. If you're going to keep an animal generally described as wild and undomesticated, you'd better have a license and deserve that license. Know what you're doing and be certain that keeping the animal in captivity is in the animal's best interest for its unique case. Are you good at explaining things, in general? NOOOOOOOOO, I suck at that. Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not? Not our mall, no. Its stores suck/are extremely limited, and SO much crime has happened there. Do you like window shopping? Why or why not? YESSSSSSS, mostly on Morph Market, a mostly reptile selling hub online. You can browse TONS of breeders and literally thousands of reptiles, especially ball pythons. They even have a tarantula section I like to look at sometimes. If you lost your job/home/etc., who would likely help you? If I'm losing my home, I'm assuming my mom is gone, so my dad. Why did you first kiss the last person you kissed? We were a couple and I felt like I was supposed to. At that time I didn't see him romantically, but I desperately wanted to. Funny how we're back together and I've no reservations against kissing him now. Feelings change, for sure. Plans for tonight? Girt and I will probably play some WoW Classic together. We've started playing that together, and it's lots of fun with him. :') Has anyone seen you kiss the last person you kissed? Actually, no. Have you ever been kissed in a car? Yeah. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I know Girt does. Is there anyone in your life that knows right away something’s wrong with you? My mom. Who last made you smile? Girt, 'cuz he's a sweetheart. Where is your mother? She's in bed in her room. She feels like shit. Like, you would think she WASN'T vaccinated, though her long-time doctor has said she'd probably be dead without it while having Covid. Would you rather look at clouds or stars? Stars. Think about your biggest mistake, would you go back and change it? I absolutely would. Are you dating the person you last kissed? Yeup. What is the most immature item you own and actually use? Um. Idk. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I... didn't know people did this? Like I know women are advised to pee after sex, but full-on showering? No. Do you like chocolate popsicles? Oh hell yeah. Are your parents proud of you? They claim to be. I don't see how. Are you interested in the ocean? Yeah; it's inarguably so fascinating. Hot dogs or hamburgers? I prefer burgers. Have you ever been to a Chinatown in any of the cities you’ve been to? No. Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? No. Do you have any dietary restrictions? No. Have you ever turned down a job offer? No. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? A dog named Cali that was a boxer mix. Do you ever pray, even if you don't believe in God? What exactly is the point if you don't believe in God...? Anyway, I don't. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever gotten stuck in quicksand before? No. What's the shortest or longest length you've ever had your hair grow? To around the small of my back. The last nest you saw - was it a bird nest or a hornet's nest? I think a bird's? Do you enjoy Jeff Dunham? I don't know if I'd like him as a person, but I do think he's a funny comedian. Who is your favorite character from Frozen? I was never into the movies. I do think Elsa is kinda cool (no pun intended, lol), though. I like that she has her flaws. Did you finish high school? If not, do you plan on doing so? I did. Have you been in a simulator that mimicked a submarine or rollercoaster? A rollercoaster, yes. How often do you go out to eat instead of cooking for yourself? Mom and I try to avoid fast food for our health. We do a pretty good job at it, but sometimes for convenience's sake, we do eat it. What is the largest family of siblings that you know of? This is probably gonna come across as very judgmental, but... it really bothers me. I don't know how many kids she has now, but one of the dance moms from the studio has SO many children; I've completely lost count. Now if you want that many kids and can provide for them, that's cool. But that's not the case. She uses the "if God wants me to have a baby, then it will happen" mentality, and I'm just like... um, no hunny. Poor choices are leading to kids you're not adequately providing for. She uses no methods of protection and literally has twins whose room is a fucking closet. Ugh it just really bothers me. What foreign languages were offered to you at school? A whole lot. Only Spanish and I believe French were offered as in-school courses, but there were lots of online classes. If you were required to take a course right now, what would you choose? Photography. Team Biden or Team Trump? Over my dead body would I have voted for Trump. My vote went with Biden. What is an animal native to your country that may not exist in others? Bison are factually exclusive to North America. Note that bison and buffalo are different. What are some of your favorite autumn activities? Taking pictures of fall scenery. <3 What are some of your favorite winter activities? Going out in the snow. :') Especially with a camera. Do you eat a shit-ton the week before your period? uuugggghhHHHHHH yes Wendy's, McDonalds, or Burger King? Wendy's. What's the weirdest question you've ever asked Alexa? I've never asked Alexa anything. Do you prefer your apple cider to be warm or cold? I've actually never had it. Do you prefer your coffee hot or iced? Y'all know the story of me and coffee. Can you sing the alphabet backwards? I can't. Have you ever sent flowers or chocolates to yourself before? Ha ha, no. Is there any meat that you won't eat? Yeah, fish and ANYTHING that comes from a wild animal. Does your cat use anything other than it's scratching post as a scratcher? When we got him a scratcher WITH CATNIP, the lil butthead ignored it. -_- He scratches the carpet instead. Did you go through a vampire craze before? Are you still going through it? Nah. Have you ever forged your parents' signature on a poor test paper, etc? No. Has a bird ever pooped on you before? Omg, no. I'd die. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk before? No. Are black jellybeans delicious or disgusting? I HATE them. Have you ever rolled down a grassy hill before? I have! I miss that.
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haberdashing · 5 years
For Convenience’ Sake
AU where Crowley works in a convenience store and Aziraphale is one of his odder customers, as inspired by this post and this ask.
on AO3
Working whatever shifts he could get at the local 24-hour convenience store, Crowley had seen his fair share of unusual customers. The drunks, the stoners, the idiots, the pranksters... some days, it seemed like that lot outnumbered the “normal” customers, the ones who came to the store with a specific purchase in mind and just wanted to get what they came for without too much fuss.
But one of Crowley’s more unusual customers didn’t fit clearly into any of his typical categories, and what’s more, he was quickly becoming a regular there.
The man appeared to be about the same age as Crowley himself, but he always wore an outfit that made him look like he’d come straight from the Victorian era, with a fancy, perfectly-fitted beige suit (Crowley couldn’t tell if it was always the same suit, or several identical ones that were all equally well-tailored and blemish-free) complete with a tartan bow tie. The feeling that the man had somehow fallen through time and missed a couple centuries in the process wasn’t helped by the fact that, the first time Crowley saw him, the man entered the store at roughly three in the morning, slowly circled the shop while repeatedly stopping to closely examine seemingly-random products, and then wished Crowley a good day as he exited the shop about half an hour after entering it without buying a single thing in the process. (Crowley had wondered at first if it was a very elaborate method of shoplifting, but most of the items the man had stopped to inspect were far too bulky to hide upon his person, and besides, that fancy suit of his didn’t look to have much in the way of pockets or other places to stash ill-gotten goods.)
Most customers who wore get-ups that nice treated Crowley like he was the dirt beneath their feet, making it clear that they thought they were far superior to him just because they had money to their name and Crowley, working a dead-end minimum wage job at a convenience store, clearly didn’t, but the man in the beige suit was a clear exception to that general rule. He made a habit of politely greeting Crowley whenever entering or leaving the shop, asked Crowley the odd question (and some of them were odd indeed) here or there, and generally seemed to actually see Crowley as a fellow human being rather than a mere automaton made to serve him. It was perhaps a bit sad that such human decency made the man in the beige suit stand out from so many other customers that Crowley had to deal with from day to day, but so it did.
For months the man in the beige suit came and went at odd hours without Crowley having the slightest clue who he was or even what his name was, but Crowley didn’t think too much of it at the time; he could say the same about a number of his regulars, after all.
But all that changed in the middle of one particular overnight shift.
A half-asleep Crowley had groaned a little when the bell at the front of the store that let him know a customer had entered went off, but his groaning stopped when he saw who it was that had entered the shop. The man in the beige suit was polite enough, at least, and though he seemed a bit strange, he never made himself too much of a bother. He could think of few other people he would rather have seen walk through that door--actually, now that he made himself stop and think about it, he couldn’t think of a single customer he would have preferred to have there instead.
The man in the beige suit waved at Crowley as he walked inside. “Beautiful evening out there, don’t you think?”
Crowley was pretty sure that the time was well past “evening” at this point in the night, and he had no clue as to whether it was nice out or not given that he’d been working inside for several hours and would be working for several more, but he gave a quick nod in response, just to be polite.
“It’s a good time for a little stroll around the neighborhood, I say. Nice and quiet.” 
Crowley made a non-committal grunt in response, holding back a litany of comments that went through his head about how going for “a little stroll around the neighborhood” this time of night was probably a good way to get yourself killed if you weren’t careful, and the man in the beige suit didn’t especially strike him as the careful sort, thinking it wiser to just hold his tongue and judge in silence.
The man started perusing the items available within the store in a way that Crowley associated with him and him alone, as if this was the only time he’d ever been inside a convenience store and he was going to examine every last bit of it while he had the chance. Crowley watched him go about his business, partly out of boredom, partly because there wasn’t much else to do, but partly because something about this strange Victorian-looking man interested him in a way few other store regulars could even dream of.
After a couple minutes, the man in the beige suit stood in place by the slushie machine and looked over at Crowley, asking, “What flavor is the blue... frozen beverage you have here?”
“Frozen beverage” was as good a way as any to describe them, Crowley supposed, especially because even he was struggling to remember exactly what corporate insisted on calling them here.
“It’s... blue.” Crowley said without thinking, then shook his head, knowing that some customers would scream and yell and throw a tantrum for him giving such a useless answer. (The man in the beige suit, on the other hand, barely seemed to react to his less-than-helpful response.)
After blinking a few times in the hopes of it helping him wake up a bit, Crowley added, “Blue raspberry, I think.”
What exactly a blue raspberry was, Crowley couldn’t say, and he was fairly certain one wouldn’t even remotely recognize the contents of the machine as being similar to the actual fruit it was named after--really, that stuff tasted blue more than anything, hence his initial response--but that was an idiosyncrasy Crowley was willing to ignore, given how many other idiosyncrasies the store contained at any given moment.
“Blue raspberry, you say? That sounds positively delightful,” the man in the beige suit said.
(Not only did the man look like he had just come from the Victorian era, half the time he sounded that way too, Crowley thought to himself.)
The man in the beige suit walked away from the slushie machine, and for a moment Crowley thought that that would be the end of the conversation, but then the man picked up two sizable bags of crisps and held them in the air with the labels facing in Crowley’s direction.
“Which of these do you think would go better with the blue raspberry frozen beverage you have available over there?”
One of the bags of crisps was, apparently, sour cream-flavored, while the other was salt and vinegar-flavored. The bags were of two different brands, neither of which Crowley could remember ever having tried himself.
This wasn’t the weirdest question the man in the beige suit had ever asked Crowley, but it stood a decent chance at breaking the top five, at least.
Despite his lack of first-hand experience with those particular brands of crisps on their own, let alone when paired with a blue slushie, Crowley didn’t hesitate in responding.
“Oh, the salt and vinegar ones, definitely.”
Crowley’s response may have been slightly biased by the fact that Crowley himself adored salt and vinegar crisps, to the point where he’d had a few days when those were all he could make himself eat. He didn’t know whether the man in the beige suit shared his taste in crisps, but he had asked what Crowley thought would go better with the slushie, after all, and that was his own opinion. Besides, he couldn’t imagine sour cream crisps going very well with... well... blue.
“Wonderful.” The man set down the package of sour cream crisps and headed towards Crowley, his tight grip on the salt and vinegar crisp package only loosening when he gently set them down on the counter. “I’d like to buy these crisps and your largest size of blue raspberry frozen beverage, please.”
Crowley rang up the order. “That’ll be four pounds even.”
Crowley purposely neglected to mention that he’d applied his own employee discount in order to bring the man in the beige suit’s order down to that price.
To be fair, Crowley’s manager had told him that he could apply his employee discount to the orders of other customers using his own discretion so long as it wasn’t being used for sneaky business like telling customers the usual price and then pocketing the difference.
Also to be fair, Crowley was pretty sure his manager had had that in mind as a way of pleasing customers who wouldn’t shut up about how they deserved a discount for any of a number of bullshit reasons, not as something he could give to a customer who not only didn’t seem to mind the regular price but, at a glance, didn’t even appear to register that the price he was being charged wasn’t what it should be on the basis of simple maths.
“Here you go.” The man handed over a twenty-pound note, as Crowley knew from experience that he would--Crowley half-suspected that the man would use even bigger notes to pay for his orders if the convenience store would accept them.
“That’s sixteen pounds in change back for you, then.” Crowley handed over the change, which the man in the beige suit stuffed into a wallet that then seemed to disappear into the pockets of his suit, as well as a cup, lid, and straw for the slushie. “The... frozen beverages are pour-your-own.”
“Oh, I- I didn’t expect that... can you show me how it’s done?”
Usually, Crowley would have declined in a heartbeat.
For one thing, asking to be shown how a machine like that works usually seemed to mean doing it for the customer, often wasting a good deal of slushie material in the process, and being unable to assist any other customers that entered in the meantime until he was done.
For another thing, leaving the register unattended and turning his back to the rest of the store seemed like a good way for someone to get rather a lot of shoplifting done while he’s distracted, and his manager would definitely claim that it was all his fault if that happened.
But instead, Crowley found himself leaving his spot at the register and saying, “Sure, not a problem.”
“Oh, thank you.”
As the man in the beige suit and Crowley walked side-by-side over to the slushie machine, the man asked, “Say, I’ve never formally introduced myself to you, have I?”
Crowley shook his head. “Don’t believe that you have, no.”
“My name’s Mister Fell. I run a bookstore that’s just down the road.”
Crowley believed the man, but hadn’t the slightest clue where the book shop in question might be; then again, he’d never been much of a bookworm, and now on the rare occasion that he had money left over to spend on luxuries books wouldn’t even come close to making the list.
“Do you have a first name, Mister Fell?”
Crowley regretted voicing the question as soon as he’d finished asking it. It was rude, really, the kind of absentminded rudeness that he knew from experience could turn even seemingly mild-mannered customers into beings that appeared to be composed entirely out of pure rage in the blink of an eye.
“I do, yes.” Mister Fell replied, his tone making it clear that he considered his response a sufficient answer to Crowley’s question.
Crowley supposed he deserved that.
Maybe Mister Fell’s first name was an embarrassing one; maybe Mister Fell felt that giving away his first name to a mere convenience store cashier was beneath him; maybe Mister Fell was in the same position Crowley himself had been in some years back, where he’d had a name that was supposed to be his own but just didn’t feel quite right, to the point where he felt awkward giving it out when asked, even before he’d come up with a name that fit better, or even realized why that first name had felt so wrong to begin with...
Regardless, Crowley supposed, the reason Mister Fell had behind not giving out his first name was really none of his business.
“And yourself?” Mister Fell asked.
Crowley glanced down at his name tag, which had his first name prominently displayed. Clearly Mister Fell wanted to know more than just that, then.
Technically, Crowley’s manager had told him that employees weren’t supposed to give out their full names to customers. Something about corporate not wanting liability for angry customers tracking down employees that had pissed them off on the clock.
Technically, Crowley didn’t give a damn what the rules said about giving out names right now.
“The name’s Anthony J. Crowley.”
“What does the J stand for?”
Crowley could feel his face heat up as he sputtered, “It’s just- just a J, really.”
That right there? That was a flat-out lie.
What the J actually stood for was a name that Crowley had thought sounded cool for about two seconds when he was eighteen and had fervently regretted choosing ever since, one that he had grown to detest almost as much as the name his parents had saddled him with at birth after looking at his nether regions and making an assumption on his gender based on that and that alone, one that he didn’t tell anybody if he could find a way to avoid it. Honestly, he’d probably have changed it ages ago, but Crowley knew well enough that legal name changes required time and money and effort, and he seemed to have a chronic lack of all three these days.
It wasn’t the first time that Crowley had told that particular lie about his middle name being “just a J, really.” It was one of his more common go-to responses when people asked about it. In fact, he had used that statement, or ones similar to it, enough that Crowley was beginning to get letters addressed to “Anthony J Crowley,” the lack of a full stop after the J suggesting that the one who’d addressed it thought his middle name consisted solely of the J rather than it being an abbreviation for something, or, taking things one step further, letters addressed to “Anthony Jay Crowley.” Both of these amused him, and both were much preferred to letters that actually used his real full name when addressing him.
Mister Fell nodded. “I see. Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mister Crowley.”
Crowley returned Mister Fell’s nod with one of his own. “Likewise.”
Mister Fell slowed his walk to a stop as he arrived in front of the slushie machine. “Now, how do you use one of these, exactly?”
“It’s pretty easy really, see, you just-” Crowley grabbed the cup that Mister Fell had set down and placed it under the blue part of the slushie dispenser. “You just put the cup under the flavor you want-”
“Got it.” Mister Fell’s arm joined Crowley’s own in holding onto the slushie cup, which was now slightly crinkled because of the force of their combined grips.
“And then you press this button right here, and it comes right out of the top and goes- oh.”
Crowley abruptly halted his speech as he noticed that a small bit of the blue slushie substance that the machine had just dispensed had fallen not into the cup but onto Mister Fell’s arm, leaving a small but noticeable blue blemish on his otherwise-pristine beige suit.
Mister Fell’s gaze followed Crowley’s own in moving from the slushie to the newfound stain on his suit. “Oh dear.”
Crowley immediately snapped back into customer service mode, all too aware that one wrong move at this point could lose him Mister Fell as a customer, if not his very job. “I’m so sorry about that, sir, that was a complete and total accident, I swear-”
Mister Fell stayed silent in the face of Crowley’s apologies, the expression on his face unchanging and difficult to read, which only put Crowley even more on edge.
“There’s some napkins over here, let me just try to wipe that down for you-”
Crowley hastily grabbed a fistful of napkins and shoved them, still largely bundled up within his fist, towards the stain in Mister Fell’s suit, only realizing how close he had gotten to Mister Fell and how personal, even intimate, such a gesture could seem when his fingers brushed briefly against Mister Fell’s arm. His arm, from what little Crowley could feel of it, was cool and smooth and soft, probably the result of him never having had to do the sort of manual labor that was the only means Crowley had to keep himself going, and Crowley couldn’t help but wonder if the other man had noticed in turn how warm and rough and scratchy Crowley’s own skin must seem to him in comparison...
Crowley shook his head a little to stop that particular train of thought from going too far and kept moving, dabbing at the stain with napkin after napkin, yielding a comically large amount of blue-stained napkins but little actual reduction in the blue spot on Mister Fell’s suit.
“That... that didn’t actually help much, did it... I’m so sorry.”
Mister Fell shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. Accidents happen, and you did your best to make it better. It may not have entirely succeeded-” Mister Fell’s gaze dropped back to the stain on his suit, and his expression looked slightly pained. “-but it was a noble effort just the same.”
Crowley had to stop himself from laughing at the sheer oddity of the turns of phrase this man used without so much as blinking an eye. This convenience store was about as far as “noble” as Crowley could imagine, and he was pretty sure applying the adjective to anything he did on the job would be a gross misuse of the word--and, come to think of it, “effort” might be overstating things a bit, too.
(For a brief moment Crowley returned to a pattern of thinking that he had perfected over the years by reminding himself that really, all one needed to work here was to be a warm body present in the store at all times, that literally anybody could do what he was doing on the job here--but never mind all that, Mister Fell was talking again.)
“Thank you, Mister Crowley. Thank you very much for your assistance.”
That definitely hadn’t been what Crowley had been expecting to hear, and he could swear that his heart skipped a beat upon hearing it. Somehow, after years of retail customers calling him by the first name listed on his name tag, being addressed by surname actually felt more intimate to Crowley than the alternative.
“You’re... welcome?”
He could barely string two words together, he sounded like an idiot, especially compared to Mister Fell-
Mister Fell, whose face had settled into a thin but clear smile now.
“I think I can handle working this machine by myself now. And really, don’t worry about the stain--I suppose one could say it even gives the suit character, in a way.”
Crowley nodded dumbly, though he didn’t entirely buy Mister Fell’s argument (and didn’t entirely believe that Mister Fell did either, for that matter) and returned to his register, eyes firmly locked on Mister Fell... who proceeded to fill his slushie as cleanly and smoothly as if he’d done it all his life, to the point where if he didn’t know better Crowley might have suspected that the request for his help in the matter had been some sort of elaborate practical joke.
After filling his slushie, Mister Fell took a single long sip of it, let out a contented sigh, and slowly but surely began to amble towards the shop’s door, slushie and crisps in hand. Before leaving, though, he turned back towards the register and towards Crowley, saying, “Goodbye, Mister Crowley, and may the rest of your day be a good one!”
Crowley wasn’t even sure what day it technically was at this point--the shop had a clock in it somewhere, but he never could remember where, so he wasn’t sure if it was past midnight yet or not--but that didn’t really matter, he supposed. The sentiment was a nice one just the same, and one that customers rarely bothered to extend towards retail workers without prompting, at least in Crowley’s experience.
(Also Mister Fell’s lips and tongue were already tinged a slight bluish-purple from trying a sip of the slushie but Crowley probably shouldn’t have found that as interesting to think about as he actually did-)
“Thank you,” Crowley said with a nod and a grin, “And the same to you, sir!”
Mister Fell left the shop, but Crowley’s mental image of him, of this dapper Victorian-looking man in a fancy beige suit and bow tie who apparently ran a local bookstore carrying a sizable bag of crisps and with his lips and mouth turned blue from the large slushie he was carrying, lingered on, and though Crowley had to deal with plenty of drunks and idiots and pranksters throughout the rest of that shift, that grin remained upon his face the entire time.
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cucuxumusu · 6 years
Magic Shop AU
The day had woken dark and gray, with great rolling black clouds covering the sky, and making the shadows disappear, the colors turn vivid, and the financial district of London seem even more depressing. Grimmjow hated the rain. He also hated London, too many people, and too much traffic. However, as one of the largest entrepreneurs in the country, having a seat in the city’s economic district was a necessity.
Today, however, everything seemed fucked up. On this magnificent rainy day his driver had called informing him he was sick and couldn’t make it to work, Nelliel, his secretary, had forgotten his coffee again, and the meeting that took weeks preparing had been a total and absolute disaster.
Finally Grimmjow, desperate and about to murder someone, had decided to go home and forget the day. The universe, of course, had had other plans, and like a last kick in the ass, the rain had begun to get even more intense than normal. Grimmjow unable to do more had needed to take refuge in one of the small businesses in the neighborhood.
“Antiques & Rarities” was a store that had always seemed to defy time. Covered in old and dark wood, the shop had a slightly more sophisticated touch inside than it had on the outside, but in general, it looked like the stores Queen Elizabeth was supposed to visit. Ancient and privileged, full or strange items the old nobility would love to own but that were mostly useless.
Grimmjow, now drenched to the bone and leaving a trail of water behind him, observed a grandfather clock with numbers carved in white ivory, a piano with bone keys and black lacquer, and different lamps and chandeliers of colored crystals. There were armchairs of different shapes, materials and sizes, there were books of yellowish pages, porcelain sets for tea, and paintings.
Thousands of paintings covering the walls.
Grimmjow walks past portraits, still lifes, and landscapes, between women and men, until he could not help but stop before the largest of all the paintings in the room.
The scene was simple, a young knight, covered with a medieval black armor from head to toe held an imposing sword in his hand, while his red cape felt from his shoulders, and brown eyes looked defiantly at the spectator. He seemed to be reading for battle, a maid was kneeling by his side and adjusting his knee protector, his helmet was off and in the floor at the other side.
The painting was nothing marbelous in itself. If Grimmjow had to guess, the lighting was poor, and the background none-existent, but the boy in itself was another different matter. The boy looked alive, as if the painter had taken all his effort in depicting him, but had forgotten or not cared about anything else.
His eyes looked at Grimmjow defiant, his brown irises intent, and focused, and gorgeous. His skin was soft looking, tanned and biteable, but it hide the dark promise of muscles and strength and would probably be covered by scars from the battles. His hair on the other hand was an impressive side of orange typical from the Scottish highlands, and it looked way too bright for the dark picture and his black old armour. He looked young, but those eyes also spoke of maturity and a knowledge of the dark side of the world. He was pretty, attractive even, a court boy posing for a picture, but the way he held that sword and that look on his eyes said he had seen fighting and battles before.
The contradictions amazed Grimmjow for a moment. How had the artist captured all that in a single picture?. It was a good picture, Grimmjow concluded at last. A nice one.
“Five hundred pounds, and you can stare at him for the rest of your life” someone said easily behind him.
Grimmjow turned slowly to face a strange blond man, wearing a green pijama like the one nurses used, and fucking sandals despite the cold weather. He was smiling at him from behind a fan, his eyes hidden under an even more stupid hat.
He was the weirdest person he had ever seen, and Grimmjow had traveled all around the world.  
“Excuse me?” he asked the man.
“The painting, young man! This is a shop, you are supposed to buy stuff not stare at it for hours” the man said dramatically, turning away and walking towards the register box. “Five hundred and it’s yours”
Grimmjow frowned. It hadn’t been hours had it? Walking away from the canvas, he slowly glanced at the street where rain was still pouring down with an evil intent. He sighed. “I don’t want it” he explained to the owner.
“Too expensive?”The owner continued clicking on an old looking cash box “I guess I could lower it to four hundred, but that’s all I’m willing to go, a man has to live on something, right?” he continued, smiling sweetly and fakedly at him.
Grimmjow frowned again trying to understand so many words, with his tired and coffee-deprived mind. “The money ‘s not the problem”
The owner rose an eyebrow and looked at his sorry drenched suit form from head to toe. Grimmjow knew how he looked, blue hair, bulging muscles, that tattoo on his face…he probably looked more a thug or a mafia boss, than a businessman. A drenched and sorry thug who couldn’t even get an umbrella.
As if reaching that conclusion too, the strange owner of the shop snickered “You sure about that?”
And just like that, Grimmjow patience snapped, and his temper got fire.
Minutes later, he was walking home with a new huge painting of some medieval knight completely wrapped in waterproof plastic, while he walked in drenched clothes. It had suddenly stopped raining and the sky was clearing. His wallet however felt empty. He had paid two times the quantity the owner was asking for, just to prove a point. The owner had smiled sweetly again.
Grimmjow had realized way to late that he had been tricked.
The next time Grimmjow saw the painting was two weeks later.
The day had also been a shitty day. Rainy too. Ulquiorra had called him, and he had spent half the morning screaming at the other CEO about the fusion plan. Nnoitra had ignored a direct order from him, and he had fired the asshole at last. So finally, late at night, when he had arrived home, he had proceeded to get wasted.
Scottish whiskey, that Irish cream, and good old rum had been the beginning. When his suit had turned too uncomfortable he had ditched it on the floor of his huge apartment living room, and had wandered around the halls completely naked, and singing one of those songs from the radio before collapsing on the entrance’s floor.
It had been then where he had noticed the painting still wrapped in plastic next to the entrance of his home, and the bright idea of hanging it had appeared in his head. He had paid a thousand fucking pounds for the shit, at least he should enjoy it.
Finding a wall free enough so the huge painting could be hanged had been annoying, but he had decided finally for his minimalist and half empty bedroom. Trying to drive a nail into the wall while drunk however hadn’t been easy, but after some screams, curses and a long night alone at home, Grimmjow had managed to do it and had sat on the bed of his room to contemplate the strange knight again.
Angered eyes, serious lips, and black hard armour. He was indeed gorgeous, powerful and magnificent despite his age. He looked so authentic, that for a moment Grimmjow’s drunk mind had wondered who he could be? A warrior? A hero? He wondered for exactly five seconds, because, just as he was memorizing the perfect curve of a golden cheek, the knight had moved, and then proceded to shout at him.
“What the bloody hell took you so fucking long? I have been there for two weeks! Two fucking weeks staring at bubble plastic!” The knight on the painting, the painted knight, complained, his lips almost pouting cutely, but his eyes looking homicidal.
Grimmjow blinked slowly.
He then looked down at the can of beer by his feet. This was what? his six- seventh beer? He probably should stop with the alcohol.
“Oh gosh! And you are drunk and naked. Nice. Is this what had come out of society? Can’t you put on some garments at least, man? I don’t need to see all of you” the boy continued gesturing to Grimmjow’s whole being with a completely done face.
He was the only thing moving in the painting, his armor, his cape, his hair, it all flowed around him making him look even more regal, powerful and attractive. Grimmjow could get a hard on just by observing him move. However, the kneeling woman on the floor next to him was still kneeling, unmoving. The dark undefined background was still dark, as a frame stop in time.
It didn’t make sense.
“I’m…home alone” Grimmjow commented trying to defend himself from the knights whining “The suit was uncomfortable so I…took it off?”
The man on the painting looked at him as if he was the most disgusting thing on earth. Grimmjow said nothing. He was too drunk for this shit, so instead he leaned down, took the empty can of beer, and threw it at the annunciation.
The knight didn’t even flinch as the can bounced on the canvas where his head was, and flew back towards Grimmjow’s feet. They both stared at it. Then the knight signed as if Grimmjow was the stupidest man on earth.
Grimmjow frowned. Then he stood up.
“If you are done with this, I need you to help me” the knight continued as Grimmjow approached, dick out and drunk and all that “See, I was cursed, and I have bee trapped in this painting for several centuries, but if you help me I’m sure we…wait, what are you doing?”
Grimmjow took the canvas from the wall and lowered it to the floor. The boy was now blushing centimetres away from his face, their proximity borderline intimate, and the boy’s gorgeous eyes fixed on a certain part of his anatomy that was more awake than he wanted it to be.
However Grimmjow smirked, ignoring him, as his suspicious were finally confirmed.
The knight couldn’t move out of the painting.
Slowly, he turned the canvas so the knight was facing the wall, and stepped back. He could hear the knight complaining, shouts of rage, curses, even a few insults about his anatomy, but they were muffled by the wall and could be ignored.
So Grimmjow turned to the bed, climbed into it, and finally, collapsed.
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starryseo · 7 years
the second part w/ everyone’s favourite main vocal . . . kim woojin! hope you like it <3
Chan | WOOJIN | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
now onto the most amazing main vocal !!!
that mnet can never seem to record can you see how salty i am
unlike the others, most of his content isn’t game-related
(but he does play with them sometimes)
((he’s decent at games but he makes the worst mistakes ever))
(((like holding a frag ‘nade for so long it kills him)))
he actually has more of a food blog/ channel!!
he makes easy-to-follow, step-by-step videos on how to make different types of foods
his favourite meals to make are desserts and he love love loves making cheesecakes!
during his videos he also gives recommendations for foods/ places to eat
he tries really hard to reply to comments about his food too!!
and he tries to help people as much as he can when they comment about a problem they had when cooking 
he’s such a sweetheart istg
makes a lot of jokes as he’s recording too
his videos aren’t super professional and clean-cut
but they’re really good because they’re much more natural
and they exude a much more comfortable, homely vibe
he likes that because he doesn’t want everything to be too pro
and he feels like this more relaxed approach makes people like it more because they can relate more
also gives recommendations on where people can buy equipment and what equipment he uses/ thinks is good
is always like “ahh, i was looking to buy xxxx but it’s so expensive!” or smth along those lines and his pout is the c u t e s t thing ever i kid you not
in addition to food, he also does covers!!!!
this boy is ! amazing ! with his guitar
tries pulling his own acoustic twist to each song he does
and loves scrolling through comments for what song he should do next
was thrilled !!! when chan messaged him about a collab
because although he does acoustics he loves listening to different genres
and he came across 3racha as an upcoming rap group
is a hUGE fanboy but he’s never telling anyone of them that lmao
so yeah, he was overjoyed by the invite
couldn’t have said yes quicker bless his soul <3 
he organises his youtube playlists really well and that is much appreciated 
has playlists for breakfast meals, lunch meals, dinner meals, desserts, his acoustic covers and for collaborations
super organised and he’s proud of that :)
at the end of all his videos he leaves in little bloopers and they’re so cute!!
you really get to experience his charm then
because his food bloopers are like “ahh!” / “omg what have i done???” / “nononono woojin what are you doing?” and a lot of staring into the camera like “:0” or staring off to the side, pursing his lips like “what was the next step”
also filled with his cute lil’ nervous laugh and it’s precious how he keeps the bloopers in to make the video more interesting
he thinks it’s a nice way to show his viewers his charisma
it is
ok so y’all know about woojin’s first video with chan (if not check out the chan one lmao #ShamelessSelfPromo)
in that video chan and woojin asked each other questions and got to post shit from the other’s account blahblahblah
this time they’re doing a russian roulette: food version
so they videoed themselves going to the local supermarket together and getting the weirdest food items they could find
and then they alternated between blindfolding each other and feeding each other the ugly stuff
woojin got his revenge by giving chan liquorice knowing he hates it (im sorry i dont like this)
and chan was just like “bruh <\3″ and spat it out lmao
and chan gave woojin a creme egg (soz i dont like this either lmao)
but woojin was just like “dude try harder this is niiiiiice” HEINOUS
woojin being the massive foodie he is liked a lot of the food
but by the end of the video chan was just crying on the floor begging for mercy
“please woojin no more ;-;”
after that the two of them got really close and basically became best friends
they have the cutest relationship ever
and woojin finds it nice to basically have this brother that he can rely on whenever and still have fun with
at that first convention
he was kind of shy??
because chan was like “dude!!! you’re not busy on friday, are you? no? ok good you’re coming with me, bYE”
and woojin was just like,, uh,,, i haven’t even spoken-
but by then chan had hung up
when he found out what chan was talking about he was a bit nervous
meeting all these new people
because,, yeah, chan said they were cool people
but would it not be awkward??? all these rappers and gamers
and then there’s lil’, ol’ food-loving guitarist woojinnie
but then he was also like
omg o.O is the rest of 3racha gonna be there O.o
so he fanboyed a biiiit
and was like ok fine i guess i’ll go
possibly meeting & befriending jisung was a deal-breaker for him
and when he and chan got there everyone was being dorky and
??? wow this is not what he expected
he thought maybe they were super crazy in their videos to interest viewers
but n o p e
they’re all actually this hyper
he seriously thought chan was over-exaggerating but no they are normally this crazy
they’re acting as though they’re on a sugar rush at 11 in the morning
is definitely dad 2.0 of the group
jeongin probably actually said that and now all the youngers actually call him and chan The Dads™
they also made woojin and chan fight it out to see who the ultimate dad was
woojin won lmao
and chan was highkey salty a bit sad
he also made food at home and brought that with and wow it was a terrible idea sharing it with 8 hungry lil’ kiddos
they all stole his food and left him with scraps lmfao
slight over-exaggeration but they did take his food
and then got the other dad (aka chan) (this reminds me of coraline lmao) to take them out somewhere
so they hit up the nearest fast food place
managed to get the largest table there and
as patiently as possible for them
waited for chan to bring them buckets of their food :)
before they hit up the convention again and met more people
there were even stations that others had set up where people could play against each other
that’s where they all learnt that woojin makes the most rookie mistakes ever but isn’t half bad
that’s also where they formed the SK clan lmao
woojin is so, so happy chan invited him to the con because now he’s met some of his best friends ever and he doesn’t know what he’d do without any of them
always feel like, as one of the oldest, he has to look after these guys
and so he’s lowkey protective over them
hates seeing negative comments about them anywhere
will throw shade at people in his videos
but he does it with a smile it’s lethal
don’t mess with his babies
thank you for reading!! hope you enjoyed & feedback is always appreciated! <3
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sarahinzhuhai-blog · 7 years
Week 3--gettin sick as heck in zhongguo
Before I get started, one thing about the competition on Sunday from last weeks post: one thing that really bothered me was that people were just talking/generally being loud as people played during the competition. While mostly this felt wrong to me, it was very funny when someone played Old MacDonald and a group of kids started singing along. ///////// Okay, now for week 3. Oh boy, week 3 was a LOT, so buckle up. // Last Sunday night as I was blogging, I felt the beginnings of a cough and decided to ignore it and stay up late. MISTAKE. I woke up Monday morning feeling very ~~toasty~~ and generally like garbage, pushed myself to go to school (my mom drove me), and got there very early. Since my host family didn't have a thermometer at home, Queen Isabel said we could check at school... After falling asleep in one of the chairs on the second floor, Isabel and later Sihong came. To my surprise, Sihong whipped out a mercury thermometer (!) that you put in your armpit (!!) for five minutes...that was definitely a new experience. I muddled through class, slept through every break, had some dumplings for lunch and quickly slept again until afternoon class. Afternoon class was 谁是卧底 (Who is the spy?) again (yay!!), then I went home and went directly to sleep. // Tuesday morning was worse. Now don't worry, I'm not just gonna keep talking about being sick...Tuesday morning is where the story gets spicy. My moms conclusion from feeling my forehead was that I definitely had a fever, but I went to school to check with the thermometer. After another hour long nap upstairs (which got very awkward when a random group of guys assembled for no apparent reason, we looked at each other, said no words, and then they left), the thermometer confirmed that I definitely did have a fever and we decided to go to the clinic on campus! Yay! // The clinic was nothing like any doctor I've been to in America. It was in a small house-looking building on campus, and definitely nothing like the sterile environments I'm used to seeing in the states--open windows, mosquitoes, etc. Also, while the doctor was asking me questions (and by asking questions, I mean asking questions at me as I blankly stared back until Sihong or Isabel helped me), she was also seeing another patient--a police officer with high blood pressure who she was telling to stop smoking/drinking but who kept insisting that he could just take medicine. After consulting with the doctor (nurse? I have no idea), she said they wanted to do some blood tests. Oh boy, blood tests! This was actually really cool because they have a machine that tests almost immediately (I got the results within 5 minutes) for a certain set of bacterial infections. Some fun and notable differences: Instead of drawing from the arm, they drew from the hand. Also they used iodine to disinfect, and I got to use a ~fun qtip thing~ to stop the bleeding afterwards. The final verdict: I didn't have any scary disease, just a nasty cold. They prescribed me an antiviral and some traditional medicine (a powder to mix with hot water and drink) and sent me on my way. Isabel accompanied me home (I would describe that trip as her being very productive and me being very sweaty and completely out of it) and I spent the rest of the day sleeping. // On Wednesday, Isabel gave me permission to sleep as late as I could, so I woke up around 7, got ready slowly and was late to school. I made it through morning classes and lunch, but by lunch I was feeling pretty exhausted again and I decided to go home to rest instead of pushing through afternoon classes and culture class, the reason being that on Thursday we had a trip to Shenzhen! I went home, got some much needed rest, and almost forgot to pack for Shenzhen. At one point (around 10pm), my parents were talking pretty loudly and I had to ask them if they could be more quiet. I felt really rude for asking that, but I also really needed to sleep, so I apologized in the morning. Also, the TCM tea was not as bad as everyone said it would be. // Thursday morning, I headed to school to meet up for the Shenzhen trip. I was hittin the squat pot every thirty minutes and still coughing a ton, but that wasn't going to stop me. We met at the bus stop, and after a trip to the canteen bathroom that I will never forget, we headed to the train station. We took some sort of fast rail (sorry, I only know the Chinese name), first to Guangzhou, and then to Shenzhen after a ~30 minute layover. The Guangzhou station was very impressive, both terms of size and number of people. Fun train station activities: 1) almost falling in the gap at the Tangjia station; 2) watching Anthony order one drink at the Guangzhou Starbucks and receive a very different one. Both trains were very, very nice; the first train had me seated next to some random guy, so I mostly napped when the baby in our car wasn't crying, but I was next to Isabel on train 2, so I talked a bit with her and ate some of Garrett's snacks (thanks Garrett). Before I knew it, we had arrived in Shenzhen. // The first thing we did was eat lunch at the station inside this huge food court. Maya and I had some really good soup dumplings (my first time trying soup dumplings and my fifth time eating dumplings in four days) and fruit. When we sat down to eat, we repelled whoever was sitting at the table too. After lunch, we took the metro to another area of town and headed to the hotel. The first thing we saw after getting above ground were these huge pink buildings and lots of skyscrapers. Definitely a different vibe from Zhuhai or my own town. After getting to the hotel, we spent a while waiting downstairs for rooms to finish getting cleaned. Our group is always very lively, and that day was no exception, so the wait definitely wasn't boring. Eventually, the rooms were ready and they sent us off to rest for thirty minutes. Lexi and I headed upstairs to check it out. // The hotel was definitely an experience. Like many hotels here that say the room is non-smoking, our room was very smoky, but the weirdest thing was that the bathroom wasn't its own room, it was in this outcropping of glass (apparently other rooms weren't like this?). After figuring out what was going on and checking out some of the more questionable items that were on sale in the room, Lexi and I bopped to some kpop before heading downstairs. // After our group reconvened, we headed off to this building called "Book City" and were split into groups. My group was Tully, Abigale, Josh, David and I, with Sihong as our leader. Our group was very divided [@ yk/Hannah the congruency levels were a bit small] as to what we wanted to do: some wanted to go shopping, some said they really didn't like art museums while I would have liked to see one, some wanted to make the trek to the PingAn Financial Center while others didn't think it was worth the effort. We decided to first check out the Shenzhen museum. On the way over, we got a chance to see a lot of really cool buildings, as we were passing through what appeared to be Shenzhen's cultural center; the concert hall was very neat, and I was very impressed by city hall. City hall was a gigantic metal building with a swooping yellow and red roof and a gap in the middle that framed some of the city behind it and the Chinese flag. I'll post pictures when I get the chance to upload them from my camera. Abigale also slipped in a mystery puddle, which is never good. // After arriving at the museum, I learned that Shenzhen has a very interesting history: it is the fourth largest city in China by population, but almost all of its development took place in the last 35 years, as it was turned into a special economic zone where a lot of government regulations over trade/economic ~affairs~ were lifted. Between the museums signs and Sihong answering my questions, I was able to learn quite a bit, but I would have liked to spend more time there; we only checked out one exhibit in the three floor museum. However, it seemed like my group members were ready to go, so after some discussion, we headed back to Book City. // We decided to spend an hour in Book City, and I have to say, shopping is usually boring but that was definitely not the case at 书城。Besides a gigantic bookstore and music store, they sold everything from milk tea to wooden toys to instruments. Josh and I spent the majority of our time perusing the books, the music offerings, and playing some of the instruments at the music store (as well as tuning others). We also found a dinosaur egg to take pictures in that was 100% intended for little kids, but that didn't stop us. After meeting up with the group again, we decided to go walking around and check out some more of the neat places in Shenzhen. // At first, we stayed close to Book City. We checked out some of the nearby buildings and went back to city hall. In the space in the middle of city hall, there were lots of people; some were practicing some sort of performance, others just hanging out. [Side note: The use of public spaces here is so different from America; here, I see people on the street and meeting with friends at all hours, and ladies dancing in the squares....in America, at least in my hometown, I don't think I've ever seen something like that. Anyways, back to Shenzhen.] While we passed through city hall, a group of kids came up and talked to us. After realizing I could speak enough Chinese to talk to them, they immediately began asking lots of questions, wanting to know where I was from, how old I was, why I came here, how I got here, etc. They were all very nice and excited to talk, and we took some pictures together before my group headed off. // While some of us were okay with staying relatively close by, a couple kids really wanted to go check out PingAn, since it is one of the tallest buildings in the world and has an observation deck that is almost as high as the one in the Burj Khalifa. First, we agreed to head in that direction, but eventually we just ended up going all the way over. On the way, we saw the Shenzhen stock exchange, which was a very imposing black building. There were several really cool statues around it, designed by a famous artist who designed the Beijing 2008 Olympics logo. Then we continued on our way to the financial tower. // The tower was, as expected, gigantic. I had to look at an almost 90 degree angle to see the top, and when the wind moved the clouds around it, it felt like the tower was moving. We couldn't stand too close to the building (the security officer kept having to tell us not to do things), and the observation deck wasn't open, but it was still a sight to see. // Then it was time for the trek back to Book City to meet the other groups. Long story short, we went the wrong way, started to correct our mistake, then got lazy because we had walked 7+ miles that day and ran across 8 lanes of traffic instead of finding an underpass or crosswalk...when in China. // After dinner, we went outside and did a little bit of 广场舞,which translates to "square dancing" and refers to the groups of people (typically older ladies) who dance in parks and squares in the morning and night. This particular group, however, was going hard and doing all sorts of aerobic stuff, so I was lowkey exhausted. After a few minutes of that, we went back into Book City and watched a bunch of kids singing. I have to say, our group was probably the most supportive of the performers, but we also got a lot of attention ourselves...throughout all of our time at book city, I caught several people taking pictures of us (at this point, instead of ignoring it I do a peace sign so they know I saw). // After watching a couple acts, it was time to go on a "hike" to the top of this hill/mountain. My group joked that while the mountain had looked like a hill this morning, after our walking adventure it looked like Mt Everest. As we walked up the stone steps, Maya and I were the caboose of the group, also known as the feeling-sick-and-trying-not-to-drop-crew. But we made it up, and it was absolutely gorgeous! You could see all the city lights, and it was overwhelming to think that all of that development happened in just a few decades. There was also a pretty big statue of Deng XiaoPing (the guy who took over after Mao and is responsible for the Shenzhen development). There were also bats, which I've never seen. We took a picture and some of the other people on the mountain also took out their cameras to take a picture of us as we posed... // We also had a mini birthday party for Zack and Maggie on the top of the mountain. We got yelled at the police officers because we were definitely not supposed to have flames up there, and someone commented that it's not really a complete trip to China unless you get in an encounter with the police (hmm). Anyways, no real trouble was had and we continued with our festivities under the watchful eyes of the officers. Now, for this next bit, you need some context. Here, a lot of guys (particularly older guys who have a bit of a belly) will pull up their shirts over their stomach because it helps to keep cool. Queen Isabel told us that her study abroad group one year had taken to calling this the 北京肚子(běijīngdùzi,aka the Beijing Stomach or Beijing Belly if you like alliteration)...well, our group found this hilarious so we adopted the name. There's also a phrase, 小鲜肉,which literally means small/young fresh meat, and means exactly what it sounds like (specifically used to refer to younger men). So you can imagine the hilarity that ensued when, under the watchful eye of the officers, we convinced Garrett (and maybe David, I can't remember) to whip out the Beijingduzi while saying "小鲜肉”. // After a little bit, we headed down the mountain and Maya and I once again took the back. While we were heading down the mountain,Zack went into the woods and then hopped out to scare Princess Isabel, which was very effective and very funny. On our trips up and down the mountain, we saw people doing everything from Taiji to singing Karaoke, despite the fact that the sun had set long ago. I love how active and alive public spaces feel here, and that's something I'm definitely going to miss. // Before I knew it, we were at the hotel. After some more kpop and a quick shower, I was asleep and ready for the next day. // The next day (Friday) was incredibly different and probably one of the most perspective-altering experiences I have had here. After a breakfast of 包子 (at a restaurant whose publicly posted health rating had the "😑" emoji on it), we first headed to this street called 华强北 (Hua Qiang Bei, these are probably the wrong characters..oops) which is the number 1 electronic products street in China. 130,000 people work there and it's a place for a lot of young people to start businesses. Between the weather (a bit of wind and not so hot because we were shaded by tall buildings), I had a great time. Anthony and I explored, taking in everything from the dozens of fake Apple stores to this internet café/bar we found that had a full competition and competition viewing setup. My only complaint: the McDonalds ice cream machine was broken (was it 10am when we asked? Yes. Am I ashamed? No). // After meeting up again, we took the bus to an area called 百石州,where we met with an American anthropologist who was going to guide us through the area. As we started the walk, she asked us to not speak and to quietly document what we saw, whether that be with writing, drawings, pictures or video. What we saw then was like nothing I've ever seen before, which says less about the area and more about how much privilege I have had. 百石州 was a poor and very, very densely populated area. The buildings were what were known as handshake buildings, which means that they are so close together that you can shake hands through the window with someone in a neighboring building. Wires upon wires were strung across the alleyways, and rubble and trash were ubiquitous. During the time we were walking, I'll be honest: I wanted nothing more than to get out; it smelled awful, I was uncomfortable on many different levels, and I wanted to go back to the comfort of the day and weeks before. One of the most striking sites, for me, was when we were on the roof of a building and could see the contrast between the building we were on (and the ones surrounding it) and, probably less than two miles away, the ever growing set of brand new buildings that are the trademark of Shenzhen's rapid economic development. Other things that I saw on the trip: lots and lots of people going about their lives, whether that be storekeepers, the people at the meat market we passed through, or the little girl in a pink dress who I saw heading off to school; empty flat houses that, according to Mary Anne (the anthropologist), were inhabited several decades ago after a history that I'm not super clear about (it involved supplying water to Hong Kong, different local and immigrant groups, and the communist/capitalist conflict); and poop just chilling on the road. I have many pictures of what I saw that definitely do a better job illustrating than I am doing here, but I have a problem with the pictures as well: Garrett pointed out that taking pictures of people and their way of life there, treating it as a sight to be seen or a microenvironment to be examined, feels bad and wrong, and I agree...yet I took those pictures anyways, which has left me with a lot of bad feelings and is part of the reason this blog is so late. // At the end of the trip, we met up at a coffee shop, and Mary Anne had us write about our thoughts and feelings. Mine were all negative, and continued to be so until Mary Anne told us that the whole place would be destroyed in 5 years as Shenzhen continues to develop. She then explained to us the rich history of the area, and how hundreds of thousands of years people live within this tiny area. She mentioned the many different sites that we had passed, and I realized that in my discomfort and general not-wanting-to-be-there, I had missed out on so many great things. She also talked about some of the logistics of having an area like this, which I would have never thought about, i.e. getting food in and getting trash out. One of the most interesting things to me was the Christian church that we passed (couldn't go in that day)...apparently, churches have to register with the government and follow certain rules, but from what I understood, enforcement of those sorts of rules isn't really a thing in 百石州, so the church continued to exist. // After she spoke with us about the area, Mary Anne showed us a video on a project they did where they tried to get the 白石州 community involved in an art project, and then got that art project into the Shenzhen Art Museum, which is a big deal because apparently the art museum is pretty boujee. I also got to meet a dancer who is visiting from Uganda and choreographing a dance that combines different cultures' styles, and a PhD student who was very nice (I can't remember what he was studying because as I'm this part of the blog 2 weeks after that day). Anthony, Maya, and I stayed back a few minutes to talk more with MA, the dancer, the PhD student and another lady who was living in 百石州,but then we had to go...after waiting with Emily as others bought some snacks, we headed on the bus and started the 3 hour drive (traffic) back to Zhuhai. As quickly as it had changed to the atmosphere of 百石州,Shenzhen first became the highly developed area I had first seen it as, and then morphed to ports and mountains as we exited via bridge. On the ride back, we talked about what we miss most about America and the time we've had here. I accidentally went into a guys bathroom, got some weird looks, and before we knew it, we were back in Zhuhai. I headed home, exhausted from the last 48 hours. // On Saturday, my family told me they had to go to Guangzhou to see a contact lens specialist, so I was on my own to either stay in or go out. After falling asleep while trying to do homework, I made plans with Lexi to go to Gongbei again. On the bus there, I noticed this girl was wearing a BIGBANG bracelet, and then I ended up spending a few minutes talking with her and her friend about which kpop groups they like. After arriving, I met up with Lexi and her little brother (and later her sister and sisters friend) and we explored and shopped. This time at Gongbei was very different from the last...everything was much less overwhelming and confusing, nor did it seem as unusual as it did when I had only been in China for three days. My bargaining skills, however, were just as bad as before because I have had 0 practice....oh well. I got a Luhan (a Chinese pop star who I am a fan of and whose face is literally everywhere here, including all the line 69 buses) hat that has a 0% chance of being real, and Lexi got some glasses that her sister helped us bargain down. Her little brother was bored out of his mind. We also got this really cool ice cream that had this a cooling liquid underneath it that was letting off gas (like dry ice but not), and generally had a great time. After we finished, we walked all the the way over to this hotel because it has literally the best public bathroom I've seen in China, and then headed home. That night, I watched my sisters favorite TV show with her, and they played "Who's the Spy?"! This was very exciting because I was able to understand almost the whole thing, which was a first for TV watching (usually I just stare at the screen and pretend I have any remote idea of what's happening). // Sunday, we went to the second round of my sisters competition, and she blew the other kids out of the water. One of the judges even took a video of her as she played. For context, she's playing a famous Mozart sonata (and not one of the simpler ones) at age 9 while other kids are playing The Happy Farmer. Later, we found out that she scored a 9.5/10 which was the second highest score across the entire competition. Tl;dr, my host sister is awesome. After her performance, we picked up one of her piano teachers (apparently she has two? Language barrier stopped me from understanding more), and met her friend and friends mom for lunch, which was a bunch of delicious small dishes (from roasted goose and chicken feet to sweet walnut buns). I spent most of the lunch not understanding, like I do during most meals...I feel like I tend to just tune out if I'm not being spoken to, which is not great for my language skills or socializing. Eventually, I did talk to the piano teacher a bit, and she used a lot of words that I had definitely never heard before. // After lunch, we saw Macao across the river as we drove the piano teacher home. Then, I met up with Lily (Katie's language partner), Anthony, and Nina (Anthony's language partner) to go do pottery. Lily also brought two Egyptian guys who are here doing volunteer work involving 3D printing and the disabled. They were very funny and friendly, and we later met several other people that were part of their program. It's a good thing everyone had a good sense of humor, because our pottery was a mess. After the teacher helped me (aka basically made it himself) create a nice looking pot, I wanted to try myself...by the end of my tries, my clay was so wet I couldn't form it and I came full circle: I had to ask the teacher to help me make something that wasn't just a blob. Anthony actually ended up creating something pretty cool (after the teacher rescued his piece), while Ahmad...well, Ahmad tried his best and made a smooth solid blob 😂😂 Anyways, we had a great time. I decided to write my language partners name on the pot, but the clay was so wet that the writing was a mess...it's the thought that counts. // After we were done and my legs were sufficiently splattered in clay, Nina, Anthony, Lily and I headed to dinner inside a close-by mall. We had buckwheat tea (I think), dumplings, this vermicelli noodle dish, and a not-a-pancake-but-called-a-pancake that actually reminded me of Mexican food. Everything was very very good, and we talked about our high school lives in America and how they differ from China (aka we talked about Anthony's love life). After dinner, we went around the mall because Anthony needed to buy hairspray, I had another bathroom experience I'd like to forget, and Nina and I both got ice cream. Then we headed over to Maan coffee, which almost everybody in the program but me has gone to, and now I understand the hype--it was gorgeous, filled with lots of different lamps and chandeliers. I was full after my somewhat disappointing ice cream, so I just had some water, but had a nice time relaxing there. // As it was time to go home, I crossed the street with Lily and Nina to go to the bus stop. Now, when you have an 8 lane road like this one, there's often two crosswalk signs, one in the middle and one on the end. I didn't realize the middle one was red as I saw the green on the far side, so that's how we ended up walking into 4 lanes of moving traffic. I felt grateful that I was in a group, because I think traffic might not have stopped if it were just me...I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but in China cars don't really stop to let pedestrians cross, pedestrians find a way around cars. Luckily, besides a few honking cars and a deer-in-the-headlights moment, we made it across unscathed and I headed home!!/ Okay, that's it! Only two weeks late, woohoo!
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droneswithcamera24 · 5 years
6 Finest Foldable Drones 2020 [UPGRADED Folding Drones listing] 6 Top Foldable Drones Today
DJI Mavic Pro
The Mavic Pro best drones with camera has been obtaining a lot of love since release and also we have not been any kind of any difference in our insurance coverage. So it's rarely as if it's a rare product.
Still, it IS a foldable drone and also most certainly one of the most effective drones on the marketplace. Foldable or not.
When folded up the Mavic Pro is 83x83x198 millimeters in size. That ´ s favorably little and makes it very easy to get on a knapsack or bag.
I specifically like the folding design, with the front and also back arms folding under and also over the text.
DJI has additionally provided a clear guard for the video camera and gimbal, which makes me comfortable with the suggestion of putting the drone in my bag without fretting that points will certainly obtain harmed or scratched.
Basically, it's obtained a virtually 30-minute trip time, excellent cam gear for the size as well as some of the most advanced trip intelligence we have actually seen in a modern-day consumer drone. There's a reason the Mavic is confirming prominent as well as this little guy does extremely little incorrect compared to various other drones in its market section.
ZeroTech Dobby
I'm always amused by the names that makers generate for their products.
I make sure there is a flawlessly practical reason why this drone from Zerotech is called the "Dobby", but I can not listen to that name without creating that poor pitiful house fairy from the Harry Potter series.
The Dobby arms fold out in a nice strong method, a minimum of based on the photos. Also when folded the props don't get taken care of in the area, so it's still a bit extra fragile than one would like for storage space objectives.
I can not state much about the design of the drone. It's white, the curved plastic covering is clearly indicated to evoke Sci-Fi techno paradise, however, what they actually manage is weird techno dystopia. That's simply a viewpoint though, you could such as the Dobby. That recognizes, it takes all types.
When it comes to requirements the Dobby makes for a very intriguing recommendation, not evaluating a publication by its cover is an excellent virtue however as well as. Which is obviously why it's on this list, to begin with.
Like the DJI Spark (which does not fold) the Dobby is pitched as a selfie drone. It's tiny sufficient to be kept in your hand as well as has a trip time of only 5 minutes. Nevertheless, the battery is removable, so you could take some saved along.
The Dobby has a rather suitable cam, easy app-based flight controls and also reliable picture tracking. This is just one of the best offers I have seen for budget-conscious drone aficionados.
GoPro Karma
Ah indeed, the GoPro Karma. This drone seems to have been named for paradox since GoPro has to have kicked many puppies in the past to be entitled to such a rough item launch.
When the Fate first came to market it had a major pest which created unavoidable collapsed of clients' shiny new drone.
This forced the activity video camera company to remember all the devices and also three months later on a newly-fixed Fate was back for sale.
Now that the Karma is back, we should give it a sporting chance to verify itself once more. It would be a great relocation too since it ends up that they have actually come up with something rather special.
Although that GoPro has never ever made a drone previously, the Karma is an adventurous practically thousand buck access to the market. Typically I would certainly place that down as a measure of hubris on GoPro's part, but it appears like the Karma is good value for cash also at that cost.
Particularly, the use of GoPro video camera technology suggests this little guy can obtain some wonderful video. GoPro has actually additionally made some clever decisions when it involves the gimbal and cam mount factor. The Karma has it's assembly on the front, which implies you can get all kinds of user-friendly angles and remain in little risk of the actual drone remaining in the shot.
There's no collision discovery as well as only fundamental autonomy, however, the Fate has the vital notes down. It can just improve from here.
We just listened to that GoPro will give up the drone service and will stop making drones after they have actually sold their existing stock. They will continue to provide assistance as well as service to the consumers who buy the Karma drone. You can see a listing of other drones you can utilize with GoPro right here.
Hover Video Camera Passport
What the heck is this thing? When I started folding drones I indicate ones that folded up like origami or something. This drone from hover simply folds up like a publication or, await it, a TICKET! Yes, this is among the weirdest drone designs I've seen, yet when you consider it there's a great deal of technique to this chaos.
This isn't the initial drone we've seen where all the blades are framed in a plastic grille point, but typically it's some weird round of dice.
Below the ideal and also left sets of rotors each to form a "web page" of the video camera ticket. So when it's folded it has the shapes and size of a publication. That makes stashing it rather easy, although I would certainly ensure there weren't sharp things that could jab via the grill in the exact same bag.
The drone does not resemble a lot. It's simply a flying rectangle. Still, I need to remove my hat to the useful layout factors to consider right here.
This is a utilitarian machine implied to do a job in an easy means. It utilizes face recognition and independent modern technology to remove, take snaps and after that break in half. Purposefully. You can put it away.
Halo Pro Drone
We did a small feature on the Halo Pro Drone not too long ago. Off, this is one of the most beautiful drones I have ever seen. Yes, I even believe it looks far better than the Mavic. Sue me.
Just like GoPro, this is Halo's very first venture into drones. Unlike GoPro, Halo has actually been making electrically ridable instead of cams. Is Halo on far better footing? That's open to question, yet I think their experience in making robust smart electric cars was probably super-helpful.
Like the Mavic, the Halo folds snugly with the props securely out of damage's method. It ships with a 4K, 30 FPS electronic camera and also a number of sensors as well as software program features to actually hammer in that modern drone track record. Halo Boards are truly attempting to do something next-generation with this product. It's only shipping to customers late in October of 2017. You can check out our post for a comprehensive break down over what's so exciting regarding it.
DJI Spreading Wings S1000+.
Let's completed with the largest, badest collapsible drone on the listing. This is not your sis's selfie drone. This is a monster of the skies that can bring some of the heaviest tons of any kind of industrial drone.
This is a drone that DJI made from the ground up to lug relatively hefty DSLR equipment. It gets its excellent lift from 8 rotors, each installed on an independent arm.
The S1000+ is made from some appealing high-grade products, by which I mean carbon fiber. It's a terrific selection because it's extremely solid yet still very light. Simply a pity it's valued as if made from solid gold.
To be sincere, the S1000+ was one of the very first folding drones that captured my focus. It's rather a view to see those 8 arms fold up down to make sure that this beast will (barely) enter into the back of a hatchback.
It's one of the less complex folding systems we have actually seen, with each arm just bending directly down. Thanks to that simplicity DJI says the S1000+ can be up and also flying in just 5 minutes.
In the trip, there's a little bit extra "folding" taking place, as the touchdown equipment gets out of the way and also permits sensational multi-angle shots. Despite being around for a while now, I still think the S1000+ is just one of the most functional expert photography drones one the marketplace.
It's a pity about the fifteen-minute flight time, but that can be rather forgiven, considering that the S1000+ has an optimum launch weight evaluated a heft 11KG.
The Advantages of a Foldable Drone.
There is one product category where collapsible drones appear to be one of the most many: selfie drones. Individuals like to take images of themselves with smart devices and so drone makers have thought of the fantastic idea of letting a drone do it for you.
The drone will fly off, count on the face you and also take a snap. Usually, this is all driven by some smart software programs that can acknowledge motions as well as faces.
It's a smart idea, but its selfies are prominent due to the fact that individuals have their smartphones with them at all times. Also when those silly droopy freight trousers were still the norm (I'm guilty you'll), I question any person was going to stuff a flying ninja celebrity right into their pockets. The same opts for a backpack. Not to mention, your gangly, starfishing drone is most likely to snap something while being sprayed throughout your jaunt.
Folding drones then have two major advantages. First of all, they make it useful to keep them with you. In the case of little selfie drones, this is crucial. It also suggests bigger drones can be transferred in a knapsack, in the trunk of a small car and truck or even on a motorcycle.
The 2nd advantage is that by folding the drone it makes it a lot less delicate during travel. The fragile rotors and also various other elements can be kept safe while folded up away, without the need to carry a bulky foam-molded case with you everywhere. It also makes "pocket drones" into something you 'd actually intend to embed your pockets!
The Downsides of Foldable Drones.
That all audios quite terrific, appropriate? Nonetheless, you always provide something up when you do something brand-new. Collapsible drones are no various and there are several downsides to them compared to their less-flexible relatives.
For one point, the folding mechanism includes a lot of complexity to a drone. Simply put, by adding several folding factors there are currently a lot more points of failure.
Whenever you include another moving part to your machine, there's one more point that can fail. Although many moving systems nowadays can be operated hundreds of times prior to breaking, it's simply the physics of damage.
Maintaining it Genuine (Tiny).
There you have it, these are some of one of the most fascinating collapsible best drones with camera out there right now. The future of drones is certainly looking a lot more compact and feature abundant. Soon the days of awkwardly lugging around a box or case will certainly lag us. Drones will certainly be packed away almost everywhere. If you're checking out DroneGuru that's probably currently real for you.
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mysurveys · 8 years
Valentine's Day Survey
Survey #9 on the Countdown to 2018!
In elementary school, did you make Valentine's cards for everyone?
I used to buy the little pre-made kind for everyone.
Do you or your family have any Valentine's Day traditions?
The only thing is when Mom buys me two or three V-Day stuffies from Walmart or Walgreens when they go on sale.
What's the largest number of Valentines you've received?
I'm sure I've gotten cards from entire school classes before.
Do you think it's romantic for someone to ask you out on this day?
I guess it would be, but I'm not big on romance. I don't have anything against it, though.
Do you think it's heartless for someone to dump another person on this day?
It does seem extra mean to purposefully choose that day to do it.
What's your favorite thing about Valentine's Day?
Stuffed animals, I guess.
If you're in a relationship, do you go out and do anything romantic?
I'm currently single and I don't normally do anything for V-Day even if I'm with someone.
Do you watch any chick flicks?
I could only stand a romcom or watching another cheesy Hallmark movie with Mom.
What do you think of people that complain about being single?
Get over it. If you want a partner, go out there and look. It's not that big of a deal and stop begrudging other people's happiness.
What do you think of the people who're disgustingly lovey-dovey?
Sometimes people seriously need to get a room, but I just get away from them if I can.
Is it romantic to propose on Valentine's Day?
I'm sure that if the recipient is into V-Day then it is, but that also seems too unoriginal. I prefer the idea of getting married or proposed to sometime in December on Christmas Day or Eve. Or maybe on the winter solstice.
Were you single or taken on February 14th last year?
I think I was with Sasuke M. at that point.
If you're alone, how do you spend the day?
I don't normally do anything on that date one way or the other.
What's the weirdest gift you've received on this day?
It was weird and awkward when this boy gave me earrings because my ears have never been pierced.
Do you make your own Valentine cards or buy them at the store?
I used to just buy them when I gave them to my classmates.
Do you like the little candy hearts with cute sayings on them?
I don't like the actual candies, but I like the pillows!
What’s your favorite Valentine's Day quote?
I don't think I even know any by heart.
Do you think that this holiday has been overly commercialized?
Duh. Every major holiday here in the USA is used as a cash cow.
What Valentine's Day was the most memorable for you?
Meh. I've never been big on celebrating on V-Day.
Which one was the worst for you?
I've never had a terrible experience with it either.
Are there any actions you regret taking on this day?
I don't practice regret, but I've never done much of anything for it anyway.
When Valentine's Day approaches, are you excited for it?
Not really. It's just another day to me. I get my stuffies beforehand.
How would you describe love?
Romantic love or love in general? Hopefully your knowledge on love is stronger than your coffee vocabulary, but the sophisticated Greeks conveniently made sure to define love's many forms. They recognized six major types.
Philautia can be a healthy experience of being content in your own skin and liking who you are which can contribute to how much love you've got to give to others. But it could also take the form of narcissism and a focus on personal fame and fortune that would inhibit you from loving anyone else.
Pragma is something that occurs between married couples after several years, but it describes any long-term couple who've learned the art of compromise and the ability to show each other patience and tolerance. Falling in love with someone is so easy to do. We need to learn how to stand in it long-term.
Ludus is about flirting and teasing in the early experiences of love, especially between children. It also describes an adult's experiences in the early stages of a new love or even just going out dancing or clubbing when single.
Agape love is about charity to others whether they're close family members or complete strangers. This type of love for strangers has fallen into decline in the last forty years, but I think there's good reason for people to be more wary. There are those out there who will take advantage of anyone who exhibits this kind of love these days.
Philia is about a deep camaraderie that was valued more than sexual love by the Greeks. It often occurs between brothers in arms, but it's generally about showing loyalty, sharing your emotions and making sacrifices for your close friends. And storge is a kind of philia that describes the bond between parent and child.
Eros is a love shown through sexual desire and passion named after the Greek god of fertility. The Greeks knew that eros can be a dangerous, irrational firestorm in your heart that could possess you. It has an aspect of losing one's self-control that the Greeks rightly feared.
But people today want to fall madly in love. They want to lose their inhibitions and self-control, letting their passion overtake them. That can be a very negative thing.
There's so much more to love and loving than romance!
Would you say that you're a romantic person?
Not so much. I know what romance really is. It's not big, flashy shows of affection on a preset date. Love is the little things.
It's that love note on the fridge or that token of affection out of the blue. Men tend to show love that way and it's honestly more genuine than over-the-top extravagances women sometimes expect.
Do you want someone to sweep you off your feet?
In a way. It just means that he's a really special kind of man who has all those qualities I seek.
If you don't have a date, do you go out with friends or just stay home?
I don't do anything for V-Day most of the time.
Do you like reading romantic poems or love stories?
I haven't read poetry in a long time, but I'll read romance in fanfics and I'll watch chick flicks if they're romcoms or if it's something my mother's watching on Hallmark.
Are there any love quotes that have stuck with you?
"I am the cat who walks by herself." That's basically an expression of solidarity within oneself and philautia.
Catwoman has to accept her dual nature and her lonely road, but it's also about self-love. Embracing her innermost desires is a way in which she loves herself rather than remaining oppressed by society.
Would I accept to become a cat burglar? No way, but I respect Catwoman's ability to accept herself in both her most negative and positive aspects as well as her decisiveness.
She firmly chooses to live the life she wants for herself. That in itself is respectable despite how I might disagree with her criminality on a moral level.
I'd be more along the lines of an anti-heroine or anti-villainess depending on your perspective. I've enjoyed it most when Catwoman endeavors to steal back stolen cat items for the greater good.
I feel I'd be something along those lines in a Robin Hood type of way if I were like her and I weren't a Christian.
Is Valentine's Day a good reminder to show love to your significant other?
It shouldn't be a prerequisite or anything, but having a day devoted to love isn't a bad thing either. It's not just about romance!
Love has many forms including self-love. Stop hating on others for having romantic relationships. You can always buy gifts for yourself and for others in your life who mean so much whether they're your parents or your BFF.
Do you try to make Valentine's Day special for your partner?
I tend not to do anything big with them beyond maybe sending an e-card.
Do you expect people to get you anything on this day?
Of course not. It's not a prerequisite. If someone does something for me then I'm grateful, but it's not a must.
Where do you like to go out to eat on that night, if anywhere?
I don't usually do that.
What's the most romantic thing someone has done for you?
Making lyrics and poems for me has probably been my favorite romantic gesture so far, but I've never done big stuff for V-Day.
Do you have any fairytale scenarios that you wish would take place on that day?
No, not really. If I fantasized about love scenarios on holidays then I'd be dreaming of Christmastime and Halloween. The latter isn't a typical day for love, but it would be pretty original if you share a love of all things spooky.
Was Valentine's Day more fun as a kid or now?
It was more relevant as a kid, but I don't mind how things are now.
Do you have any friends that dislike Valentine's Day?
I don't think so. I wouldn't like it if they were V-Day haters holding grudges because they're single. That's so childish.
How about any that are way too into it?
I don't know of any V-Day extremists either, but I don't feel that it's terrible if you want to go big on it with someone else who actually enjoys that kind of thing.
Do you know the history of Valentine's Day?
I do know a lot about it just out of curiosity. It's kind of interesting to study the origins of holidays and their traditions.
What're your plans for the upcoming February 14th?
That's today and it's six in the evening already. I haven't done anything about it but some V-Day surveys.
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Survey #396
“every time i leave, you say you won’t be there, & you’re always there”
So, is it gif with a hard G or soft G? I used to say "jif," but now I pronounce it as "gif." If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you’ve ever had? *shrug* Do you ever borrow things other than books from the library? I remember back in the day, they used to offer educational computer games, and I bought a dinosaur one as a kid that I was madly obsessed with. Are there still any movie rental places left where you live? Just Redbox things outside of some stores. Do you ever buy secondhand books (or DVDs, video games, CDs)? Yeah; Ebay is my friend. Or do you prefer them to be brand new? I mean yeah, but it's not a massive deal to me so long the thing is operational or not falling apart. Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? Nah. Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? Also nah. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. Have you ever had multicolored/rainbow hair? No, but I would LOVE to. What kind of hats, if any, do you like to wear? I don't wear hats. What is your #1 deal-breaker with friendships? If you're manipulative, byyyyyeeeee~ Who is your favorite character on Bob’s Burgers and why? (If you watch it) I've seen some episodes, but I don't actually watch it. Have you ever had a retro celebrity crush? Like a crush on an “old” celebrity who was most famous a long time ago or is long dead? Audrey Hepburn, for one, is drop-dead GORGEOUS. When you buy/receive new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? It depends on what I bought and where it's from. What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen for sale on Ebay? Idk. Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? No; kids make their own choices. I do, however, believe the parents should monitor what they do until they reach a certain degree of maturity, as well as the child's history with what they've done on the Internet. Do you use acronyms to remember things? Sometimes. Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? No. Only if I'm really in pain will I take Ibuprofen/Advil. Don’t you think Crocs are ugly? Big time. I don't know why they're in vogue now when they used to be so widely hated. When was the last time you went roller skating? Oh, it's been years. Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? I was never into the franchise. Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? I prefer the ones that make you uneasy. I'm not a big fan of the nasty ones, and I want to feel on edge when I'm watching a horror film, but it's EXTREMELY rare I become legitimately scared. If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? Uhhhh. Maybe genetic disorders. What’s the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? I'm sure it was something my niece or nephew said, but I'm unsure of what. They've said many adorable things. Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? FUCKING KING RAMSES FROM COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG. FUCK he gave me nightmares. What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? I was very saddened to hear about the giraffe that died giving birth. Do you believe that acupuncture works? I'm not educated enough on this subject. Have you ever been hypnotized? No, and I don't believe it's possible to be. What’s the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? The soft pretzels, omg. That little stand is my favorite part of our local mall. They make DELICIOUS pretzels. What is the worst hurt you’ve ever experienced? Jason leaving. Are huge muscles gross or sexy? Like serious body builders, it's gross to me. I prefer a natural musculature. Have you ever fished and caught something weird? I know I have, but what isn't coming to mind. Do you use an umbrella when it rains? Unless it is absolutely pouring, no. Do you like getting caught in the rain? No. What is the hardest part of cleaning for you? It requires physical exertion and I am INCREDIBLY weak with non-existent stamina. Do you have any fake flowers in your room? No. Do you own any succulents? No. What is your favorite thing about spring? The only thing I like about spring are all the flowers. What is something you find hard to draw? HANDS. UGH. Was it sunny for your senior prom pictures? Sigh. It was a beautiful sunset. I REALLY wish I didn't delete all those pictures from existence. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I've seen like, a triple rainbow. What’s one thing you want to learn how to make? Your ordinary meals. I really want to be able to cook my own food from scratch. Do you have stomach issues? Maybe TMI, but it's been questioned but not fully examined that I may have IBS. My stomach is very sensitive. When was the last time you apologized and didn’t mean it? I'm not sure. Do you prefer to be the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation? The listener. What’s a movie that you think everyone should see? Johnny Got His Gun. If you could have any hair color, what color would you want? Either pastel pink or light creamsicle orange. When was the last time you saw your “first love”? February of 2017. Who’s the smartest person you know personally? My best guy friend Girt. What makes them so smart? He's just very intelligent. Book-smart. Are there any bands/artists that get you all emotional? Ozzy. He and his music are so important to me. What’s your favourite aunt or uncle’s first name? Robert. Have you ever done a first aid course? No. What time do you generally wake up in the morning? It varies from like, 6:00-8:30ish. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Definitely shapeshifting. I'd love to be a druid, man. Do you ever make surveys? If so, are they long or short? No, but I combine them because I don't like surveys that are too short by my standards. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? Honestly, probably never. I love my current hairstyle, but I most certainly plan on dyeing it maaaany more times. As a child, what was your favorite game to play? I was hooked on the first three Spyro games. I would play 'em over and over. Do any of your siblings have significant others? Do you like them? My older sister is married, and I am NOT a fan of her husband. He's WAY too conservative and bigoted and racist and misogynistic, etc. etc. He's wonderful as a dad, like holy shit he loves his kids, but his beliefs are abhorrent. Dad's daughter is also married, and her husband is awesome. Mom's eldest daughter is also married, and her husband seems cool. My brother has a fiancee that I've never met. Do you believe in the concept of global warming? No fucking shit I do. It's impossible to logically deny, especially as the years go on. When was the last time you took a picture of something? Was it yourself? I took some pictures of this beautiful hydrangea bush outside the TMS office a few days ago. When drinking soda, do you prefer bottles or cans or poured in a glass? Cans, because it stays colder. Do you wear deodorant? Um, yes? If you had a pet pig, what would you name it? Probably something very unoriginal, like Wilbur. Do you like Led Zeppelin? I LOVE "Kashmir." "Stairway to Heaven" was madly important to me, but yeah... I can't listen to it anymore. Like seriously, I haven't in years. Do you like hugs? I do. Have you read the Constitution of the United States of America? Only the Bill of Rights for school. Do you have your own computer or use a family one? I have my own laptop. Do you take out the trash? Sometimes. Is there a calendar in the room you’re in? Outdated meerkat ones. What is your best friend’s name? Sara Jane. :') Have you ever seen a real-life cop chase? Maybe? What is your favorite shape? Circles. Are pigs adorable or dirty? They're precious! And pigs are actually a lot cleaner than people think, if they're not muddy. Anything moldy in your house? Not to my knowledge. Our old house had a serious mold problem, though, which is the primary reason we had to move. Especially with Mom having cancer at the time, she needed to be in the most sterile environment possible. Have you ever been in an earthquake? No. Do you enjoy history? No. Are you watching TV right now? No, but rather GameGrumps on YT. Could you ever be a mortician? True shit, it actually doesn't seem THAT bad. Can you solve a Rubik’s cube? Never seriously tried. How many pets do you have? Just two right now. Are you more close with your mom or dad? My mom. Who is the person that has impacted your life the most? Jason. Or Mom. Have you ever had a pet fish? Yeah. Poor things, they had terrible husbandry. I've learned a hell of a lot from a YouTuber/streamer that is like obsessed with fish about just how misinformed people are on how to take care of various fish. Your goldfish in that little bowl died for a reason, you know. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Both suck. Have you ever vaped? No. How did your parents meet? They were co-workers. What was your first word? "Dada." Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? ... I mighta lmao. When was the last time you had Nutella? A long time ago. It reeeeaaaally needs to stay out of my house, because I will eat it straight out of the jar. Name someone with a sexy sounding voice. So I don't know where this was, but Mark was once credited in something as "if chocolate had a voice" and I was like YOU FUCKIN BET YOUR SWEET ASS.
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