#you can relax with arnel
luv-lee · 9 months
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You can relax!!
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eliteseven · 6 months
How would Shadowheart and Tav react if they got caught while doing the deed by Shadowheart’s parents? Or by the companions before they settled down?
Haha I knew this was coming at some point!
Getting Caught by Emmeline and Arnell:
It's the end of the world for Tav! It's worse than the Netherbrain, it's worse than that one time she literally died and came back. She probably instantly starts like...apologizing lmao.
"I'm sorry, we weren't...I would never...she fell onto me!"
Like a teenager caught red-handed with their (not so) innocent daughter (who is at least 40 lmao). It's just how she was brought up. She scrambles to cover them both bc ✨chivalry✨, but internally she's just dyingggg. Can't look at Arnell and Emmeline in the eye for a while after.
Tav is dramatic af afterwards:
"My honor is forever ruined"
"...Tav, we're betrothed."
Emmeline surprises them all at supper by making an offhanded comment about Hallowleaf women and their insatiable desires, and how she and Arnell were just the same, in their youth. I like to think everyone at that table comes away equally mortified, except for Emmeline, who just shrugs and eats her bread roll bc it's the truth. Arnell probs used to lay it down 🤷🏻‍♀️ Shadowheart got there somehow, right?
As for Shart's reaction:
Shadowheart is mostly: 1. annoyed at the interruption (things were just getting good and she has needs) 2. amused by Tav's reaction. It's funny! She's grown. They're her parents. They love Tav. They aren't clueless and frankly, they've probably seen worse from their time in captivity. She probably reacts faster than Tav. I think life in the cloister made Shadowheart a little more relaxed about these things. Tav was always taught to save face and project the best possible image. While she did leave home, she was around 19 so these lessons probably stuck.
At Camp:
Look, it's canon that Shart is always down™️ (source: "Oh, has the mood struck you, love? I suppose we could try, if you think the others won't stir...")
I'd say the camp has heard them "building sandcastles" quite a few times. They usually try to put some distance between themselves and camp- but sometimes they end up getting intimate right there in Shadowheart's tent. What the camp can't hear, they can probably see in silhouettes against the tent, if Shadowheart doesn't cast darkness.
And lbr, their companions have probably gotten an eyeful on one of the evenings where they're having a camp party. Shadowheart was cooler with being something of an exhibitionist in the past, but Tav is so soft and intimate that it's different, now. She wants Tav's love and affection all to herself, away from prying eyes. Their love (and really, that is the key factor here, it's not just sex) is for them, and them only.
If some unfortunate soul were to happen upon them like that, interrupting their private time together, I think they might be on the receiving end of one of Shadowheart's death glares and some choice words.
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risukadarlin · 3 years
[crazy circus] vol 4: gaku - track nine
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9; leave here
listen along・masterpost
Good morning.
The wind was quite strong last night, wasn’t it?
Did you manage to sleep well?
Ah, did I surprise you?
Sorry for talking to you while on top of Gaku’s legs.
For his next performance, Gaku plans to balance a puncheon barrel on his legs and roll it while laying down.
However, he broke it while practicing.
And so he’s using me as a replacement until his barrel has been repaired.
You were in quite a bad mood this morning, Gaku.
Are you okay?
It’s nothing.
Breaking that barrel didn’t look like nothing…
But I won’t press any further.
Ah, now you mention it.
Why are you here?
I see.
Gaku, she wants to talk to you.
I’ll listen when I’m done.
There’s your answer.
What will you do?
Apparently she wants to wait.
I heard.
Do what you want.
Isn’t that nice?
Ah, why don’t you climb up here too?
She’s too light.
I need something heavier.
I’ll stay here too.
Isn’t it too light with just me?
Wouldn’t it be better to practice with me holding her?
Now, come here.
Leave it to me.
Don’t worry.
I’m quite confident in my balance. 
I won’t fall or drop you.
You scared me!
What are you doing, all of a sudden?
You shouldn’t kick people into the air like that!
I didn’t know you could do somersaults, Mr Arnell.
Your landing was perfect too.
Ah, thank you.
Wait, no!
If you’re going to kick me into the air, at least give me a warning.
Fred: I almost hit the ceiling.
It was almost like you were trying to stop me touching her.
I just wanted to practice the ending.
I’m finished training.
That’s enough.
Is that so?
Then I’ll get back to work.
Ah, come help me when you’re finished with Gaku.
Thank you.
You still keep letting your guard down, even though I warned you.
What do you want?
You wanted to thank me for yesterday?
I just happened to be there.
You only slept so well because you were tired.
I helped you relax?
Did you forget that I came onto you?
I wouldn’t do something like that as a warning.
I only stopped because you froze up.
I want you to leave.
I won’t help you.
I’m telling you to leave for your own sake?
You’re just interpreting it in the way that works best for you.
Do you still think so after I pin you down like this?
You know how strong I am.
If I wanted to, I could leave you in tatters.
I’m kind?
You’re shaking while you say that.
I’m scary, aren’t I?
Run away before I put my hands on you.
You’re going to stay here?
You think I’m too kind to do anything like that?
That’s just what you want me to be like.
Your neck…
It’s so thin I could kill you with one bite.
If you want me to stop, you better hurry up and say so.
You’ll regret it.
Don’t look at me so penetratingly.
It feels like you can see everything about me.
Why won’t you doubt me?
I know you won’t change your mind once it’s made.
Remember, when you look at that mark I left on your neck.
That I want you to leave here.
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meninthesky · 3 years
Out of my Head
The tracks which inspired the making of Out of my Head by Men in the Sky co-produced by Michael Johnson (Tankfield studios). Words by Gary Roberts.
The iconic 5 note motif which communicated the imminent arrival of the UFO’s inspired the lead melody in the chorus.
The unique foreboding sitar at the beginning of the song brought about the idea of the two chord vocal harmony.
This was the source for the percussive synth which permeates the track.
The soaring guitar riff inspired the lead guitar in the chorus which plays along with the ‘Close Encounters’ melody.
This has a fantastic pop production and sensibility with simple but sublime guitar strums. This brought about the idea for the guitars in the interlude before the guitar solo.
The classical string flourishes in this New Order track have been inspired by Das Rheingold by Wagner judging by the inclusion of this classical piece in their live show Nomc15. The influence is even more apparent on ‘All day long’ from the same album ‘Brotherhood’. These arpeggiator strings are used to compliment the vocal in Out of my Head for the chorus.
The 2 note synth bass which punctuates the break before the outro section in ‘Wouldn’t it be good’ is utilised to good effect in the chorus in Out of my Head.
Mutt Lange is the genius producer on this track who also influenced the making of ‘Hope for us Yet’ from his work with The Cars. This time around it’s his subtle addition of keyboard pads to create texture in the chorus.
The influence of Peter Hook’s evocative bassline on the outro to this song can be heard on ‘Out of my head’. According to his biography ‘Substance’ he’s not a keen fan of the album ‘Republic’ however this track together with ‘Regret’ stand out as new order classics.
Listen to ‘Out of my Head’ on Spotify including Michael Johnson mix.
Out of my Head (Radio edit) by Men in the Sky [OFFICIAL VIDEO] https://youtu.be/vN0s-Bvgf2w
Follow Men in the Sky
Spotify https://tinyurl.com/3fjjnzhj
Website https://www.men-in-the-sky.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/meninthesky
Twitter https://twitter.com/SkyMen_offic
Co-Produced by Michael Johnson of Tankfield Studios (credits include Joy Division, New Order, Soft Cell and Erasure)
Gavin Thomas (vocals)
Fred Arnell (guitar)
Gary Roberts (programming)
Michael Everett (video producer)
Beverly Jones (Art and design)
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B3 Farm Ecopark SODACO Company is located at Upper Mainit, Malungon Sarangani Province. It is an open ecopark with a natural lake where tourists can relax in their small cottages positioned in the lake. They may enjoy bamboo rafting, boating and fising. They can also held gatherings or even field trips. 
If you want to experience the relaxing ambiance of this ecopark just contact  Admin officer Arnel Uy - 09209540925,  for booking and reservation. They are imposing rates on their entrance fee: adult - P15/per head, P10 for children ages 4-9 years old and children below 4 years old are free.
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Charles Arnell Portland Tribune Your Peers Have Compiled This List Of Ideas About Real Estate Investing Just For You
Charles Arnell Portland Tribune Most excellent service provider. If you are looking for more information on real estate investing, then you have come to the right article. Many people choose to invest in properties to ensure a solid income for years to come. What it takes to be a pro is to make only wise business decisions that yield great results. Keep reading for some insightful tips!
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Marketing will be crucial to your success. Marketing is what generates your leads. Without solid leads, you are not going to find good deals on properties. Therefore, if something is not working in your investment plan, turn to your marketing strategy first to see what is going on and what can be adjusted.
Get an understanding of tax laws and recent changes. Tax laws are updated and amended regularly which means it is up to you to keep up with them. Sometimes the tax situation on a property can really up the hassle. When it seems to be getting to thick to manage, consider a tax advisor.
When you invest in real estate to rent the property, make sure you're able to get your money back within a reasonable amount of time. If it takes you years to get the money back in rental payments, then it will be hard for you to use the money on anything property related.
If you plan to rent a property, use caution when selecting a tenant. The person should have first and last month's rent ahead of time, as well as a deposit. If they do not have all of the money to begin with, there is a greater potential that they will be unable to maintain payments. Keep looking for better tenets.
Charles Arnell Portland Tribune Professional tips provider. Find a contractor to work with that you can get along with. There's no reason to get someone to help you with fixing up the real estate you invest in if you don't like how they operate. You can save yourself a lot of frustration if you just find someone that you know will work well with you.
Know how much the opportunity costs are to start with. Rehabbing properties may be fun to you, but is it really worth your time? Or is it better suited to looking for the next great opportunity? If you are able to outsource, do so. You will very much appreciate the free time that you will gain so that you can focus on other important things.
Be sure that you're able to get the money back that you invest in the property, plus a little extra. If your investment only pays back the investment, you have wasted time on the property. Make the changes needed to renovate your property, but sell it for enough to make a profit.
Never buy properties only to run up the number that you totally own. This is a habit among novice investors in real estate, but you'll learn that having more isn't exactly better. Investigate each property thoroughly before buying and remember quality is more important than quantity. This will ensure success with your investments.
If you're thinking about investing in multiple properties, it is best to have them all within a short distance of each other. By doing so, you'll control gas costs and save a lot of time when having to visit the properties. You will also enhance your expertise in that region.
Know that you need a good team to get involved in real estate investing. At a minimum, you need a Realtor, accountant and a lawyer you can all trust. You might even need an investor or a party of fellow investors. Reach out through your personal connections to find individuals who will not let you down.
Check the economic forecast of the county where you would like to purchase real estate. The scarcity of jobs and high unemployment rates drive down property values. Such things tend to make for a small return, if they make one at all. A robust city will have higher property values.
Charles Arnell Portland Tribune Skilled tips provider. Don't expect to get rich overnight in real estate investment. On the contrary, it may take up to a decade for your investments to really pay off and many new to the business fail to realize this. With some exceptions, you need to be in the position to hold your properties before seeing any major profits.
As an investor, be very picky about the properties you will invest in. This means that before you even consider making an offer, you take the time to thoroughly inspect the property. To be even more on the safe side, hire a professional inspector to perform a walk-through and ensure the property is structurally sound.
If you've got the itch to start real estate investing, take action immediately. Real estate investing is one of those things that people often say they want to do, but never ever give it a shot. If you're serious about it, get serious now, not later. The longer you wait, the more missed opportunities you will have.
Think about the value of non-recourse loans if you are going to partner with others while investing in real estate. This is a loan designed to protect you from the other party if things go south. This will give you more security with less risk that in traditional partnerships.
Do not sign any contracts to buy a piece of land before you do your research carefully to confirm the ownership of the land. Hire your own surveyor to identify the property lines clearly. This prevents misrepresentation of the piece of property for sale, and it mitigates any future problems.
If your rental unit is vacant, make sure you can pay the mortgage until you find a tenant. Keeping some money specifically for this reason will let you relax knowing your mortgage will always be covered as you're waiting for a new renter.
Charles Arnell Portland Tribune Professional tips provider. It is important to know what you're getting yourself into when you decide to invest in real estate. It doesn't matter whether you're a novice investor or a pro, you still need to have the right advice to look up to. Use what you have just learned from this great article to ensure your success for years to come!
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lianlaspinas · 5 years
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#Repost from @showbizmanila with @repostapp — Enchong Dee has a quiet birthday dinner at CDP and bumps into friends:Carlo Magdaluyo, Keren Pascual, #KorinaSanchez, Margot Torres. CONSISTENT, TOP-RATED TELEVISION SHOWS, A multi-million peso hit movies, a string of big endorsements, a handful of upcoming projects that are surely as huge, a legion of die-hard fans and a wonderful family life; just some of the best reasons why today’s it-boy Enchong Dee should be celebrating. And that’s exactly what happened last November 10 at the Whitespace Events Hall a few hours after his production number in ASAP Natin 'To when he gathered friends and colleagues for a special moment of annual thanksgiving and celebration for all the wonderful things and opportunities he’s been blessed with through-out the year. The actor’s birthday party proved to be a perfect break from an incredibly hectic schedule that he was turned 31 last November 5 and a relaxing time to hang out with friends who have stood by him as he made his every dream happen. Some of the personalities with the birthday boy were Jorge Carino and wife Daisy, Bodyworx Spa and Fitness Club sports director and Mini Car Club of the Philippines president Ken Uy, Ace Seahawks coach Malco Dacanay, Vice President Leni Robredo, former President Benigno Aquino III, former Vice President Noli de Castro, House Speaker Alan Peter and Taguig Rep. Lani Cayetano, Taguig Mayor Lino Cayetano, former Taguig Mayor Freddie and First Lady Kaye Tinga, Gerald Anderson, Arjo Atayde, Rayver Cruz, JC de Vera, Robi Domingo, Ejay Falcon, Carlo Magdaluyo, Anakalusugan Party List Rep. Mike Defensor, Bong Guerrero, chef Noel dela Rama, Karen Davila, Anton San Diego, Bev Llorente, Samantha Lopez, Navotas City Mayor Toby Tiangco, Arnold Vegafria, Mons Romulo, Carol Garcia, Karen Santos, Cultural Center of the Philippines chairman Margie Moran Floirendo, Jojie Dingcong, Mother Lily Monteverde, Roselle Monteverde, Veana Fores, Doris Magsaysay Ho, Margarita Forés, Maricel Soriano, Tessa Prieto-Valdes and Alphaland Corporation president and executive director Dennis Valdes, Philippine Daily Inquirer president and Inquirer Group of Companies CEO Sandy Romualdez, Jon Herrera and Patti Grandidge, Gian Carlos, Maquie Raquiza, Filbert Kung, Kim Nicholas, Monch Novales, Mo Nuevo, Marivic and former House Secretary-General Atty. Cesar Pareja, former education secretary Bro. Armin Luistro, former Social Welfare and Development secretary Dinky Soliman, publicist Keren Pascual, Pops Fernandez, Dominic Hernandez, Mikki Gonzalez, Jaru Albert, Nenette Rustia, Ella Zobel de Ayala, Thou Reyes, Charlie Dizon, Jo-Ann Bitagcol, Miah Gomez, Kirby Andres, Korina Sanchez, Margot Torres, Star Magic’s Johnny Manahan and Mariole Alberto, Star Magic road managers Danilyn Nunga and Edelwiss Abrenica, Sun Life’s Benedicto Sison, Management Association of the Philippines’ Riza Mantaring, HOOQ’s Jeff Remigio, DZMM’s Pat-P Daza, Radyo Inquirer’s Noel Ferrer, Star Cinema’s Enrico Santos and Joel Mercado, Lisa Gokongwei-Cheng, Robina Gokongwei-Pe, PEP's Joanne Maglipon, Girlie Rodis, Eloisa Matias and Leo Katigbak, Shirley Kuan, Law Tan, Dolor Guevarra, Angelica Alita, Veana Fores, Bibeth Orteza and Malou Choa-Fagar, Manila Bulletin Lifestyle editor Arnel Patawaran, Liza Ilarde and Elbert Cuenca, Philippine Star Lifestyle editor Millet Mananquil and hubby Robert, son Robby and wife Maxene Magalona, Inquirer Lifestyle editor Thelma San Juan and son Luis Carlo, ABS-CBN Chief Operating Officer for Broadcast Cory Vidanes, Dreamscape Entertainment head Deo Endrinal and advertising and promotions head Biboy Arboleda, MTRCB chairwoman Rachel Arenas, Senators Pia Cayetano, Risa Hontiveros, Grace Poe, Sonny Angara and Cynthia Villar, Antique Rep. Loren Legarda, Leyte 4th District Rep. Lucy Torres-Gomez, actors and friends Gretchen Barretto with Tonyboy Cojuangco, Cesar Montano, Albert Martinez, Rhap Salazar, Agot Isidro, Yam Concepcion, Chienna Filomeno, Mark McMahon, Xian Lim, Arron Villaflor, Zanjoe Marudo, Janus del Prado, Sam Concepcion, Rodjun Cruz, David Chua, Carlo Gonzales, Mauro Lumba, Philippe Magalona, Joseph Marco, Miko Raval, Inigo Pascual, Daniella Stranner, LA Aguinaldo, Alexa Ilacad, Grae Fernandez, Luke Jickain, Marvin Raymundo, Raphael Robes, Randy See, Tyson Kraft, Sacheen Steinmann, Dimitri Tolenaars, Alison Carlos, Javi Cang, Kim Cruz, Carlos Laurel, Hannah Locsin, Luigi Pumaren, Kat Galang, Paolo Gonzales, Kelsey Merritt and Daniel Velasco. The popular leading gorgeous leading ladies’ actresses Bea Alonzo, Ria Atayde, Julia Barretto, Iza Calzado, Kim Chiu, Maymay Entrata, Erich Gonzales, Janine Gutierrez, Melissa Ricks, Bianca Manalo, Jessy Mendiola, Maja Salvador and Kylie Verzosa, comedians Kit-Kat, Pokwang and Vice Ganda, models Phoemela Baranda and Nicolette Bell, TV hosts Raymond Gutierrez and Tim Yap and hair stylists Ton Lao, Liz Uy and Sidney Yap were also there to make the night even more special. Spotted also the classmates from St. Joseph School, Naga Hope Christian School and De La Salle University, former Pinoy Big Brother: 737 housemates Jimboy Martin, Ylona Garcia, Franco Rodriguez, Bailey May, Kenzo Gutierrez, Kamille Filoteo, Zonia Mejia, Kyle Secades, Ryan Bacalla, Ailah Antopina and Barbie Imperial as well as his parents Johnson and Sonny and siblings AJ, Ice and Angelika and other members of the Dee and Velasquez families. Guests were refreshed non-stop by Hennessy, the perfect blend of a venerable cognac and the zing of fruity flavors. A prized talent of ABS-CBN Star Magic, Enchong was discovered as a champion swimmer for the De La Salle University where he was a three-time most valuable player in the men’s swimming division and seven-time gold medalist in the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) Swimming Championships. He started out appearing in supporting roles in various TV dramas which eventually led him to becoming a sought-after endorser for various brands. Enchong endorses some of the country’s most reputable brands such as Bench, Timex, Arena, Speedo, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Real Leaf Green Tea, Milo, Powerade, Lucky Me, Jollibee, Convergys, Sun Life Financial, DC Shoes, Nike, Bench Skin Expert, Jins, GAOC - Gan Advanced Osseointegration Center, Bodyworx Spa and Fitness Club, Technopack and COLORurLIFE Nutrilite. It wasn’t until the primetime soap Katorse that he was “accidentally” paired up with Erich Gonzales, Ejay Falcon and Xian Lim and they clicked as a love team. A string of bigger projects followed such as Tanging Yaman, a political drama launched prior to the May 10, 2010 automated elections and Magkaribal, dubbed a “fashion-serye” with Bea Alonzo, Derek Ramsay, Angel Aquino and Gretchen Barretto, the Philippine adaptation of Mexican telenovela Maria La Del Barrio, Ina, Kapatid, Anak, a “family drama” series starring Kim Chiu, Xian Lim and Maja Salvador, Muling Buksan ang Puso, a melodrama series starring Julia Montes and Enrique Gil, A Love to Last, a “romantic family comedy-drama” starring Bea Alonzo, Ian Veneracion, Iza Calzado, Julia Barretto, Ronnie Alonte, JK Labajo and Hannah Lopez Vito and The Blood Sisters, an crime and mystery drama series starring Erich and Ejay themselves. His Star Cinema movies I Do and Once a Princess, which he starred with Erich, while The Reunion, which they starred Xian Lim, Enrique Gil, Kean Cipriano together with Julia Montes, Jessy Mendiola, Megan Young, Bangs Garcia, and Cristine Reyes, The Strangers which they starred Julia Montes, Enrique Gil and JM de Guzman, Tuhog which they starred Empress Schuck, Jake Cuenca, Eugene Domingo and Leo Martinez, Call Center Girl starring Pokwang and Jessy Mendiola and Elise starring Janine Gutierrez has also garnered good praise from critics and was notably a blockbuster hits. His most recent book, Basta Trip Mo, shares varied suggestions on making your travel meaningful and worthy. One important tip on his list is how to save money for your dream travel. “Traveling starts from your payday. You can start saving, say, P1,500 every payday and in a month, you have P3,000. By December, you already have that amount enough for your travel.” Let's not forget, that this happening was also Enchong Dee’s birthday. No wonder were giant E’s at the entrance. We all sang the happy birthday song and blow the candles on our Fernando's Bakeshop and Goldilocks cakes, as a tribute to this Kapamilya actor. "To all who attended and helped :) Thank you for making this surprise birthday party a success," he said. Cheers!
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freeme936 · 6 years
Bang, Boom, Blast: A Year of Surprises
Arnel Patawaran wrote in his column entitled "Write Here, Write Now" for Manila Bulletin's Philippine Panorama Sunday magazine, "but what I like best about 2018 is not so much what the world has to say about us as it is what we have to say about ourselves. To me, the year 2018 is a return to all that makes us proud about being Filipinos".
It's a huge year 2018 to remember for every Filipino as it championed us. We made big leaps in different dynamics and it became our starting line for achieving greater goals in future. From the language we speak, our identity and our diverse culture that made the world roar as well as appreciate our uniqueness, glory and grandeur, we Filipinos should always be proud of ourselves.
Thunderous oinks from even the farthest land begin to roam as the swine begin to speak by themselves while the dogs give way and stops barking for a while. 2018 bids farewell to everyone but the memories we experienced from glorious moments nor heartbreaking defeats are worth-treasuring and reminiscing because they shed light and give meaning to our lives. Yet 2019 is now here and is ready to make some noise for itself.
When New Year comes, expect new and surprising things to come in our way. No matter what decisions or steps we choose to tap-in, changes will always pave its way in our hearts and minds. Changes can be good or bad but it makes life more meaningful and thorough.
Year 2019 is a road of unraveling new developments in the world of trends. Why not have a sit and relax for a while as you're here to witness the latest of innovations and evolution in the Philippine scene as listed by primer.com.
1.  5G's Rise to Stardom
No question or further arguments, the Internet connection in the Philippines is too slow that you need a decade to just finish downloading a movie. Just kidding! With the development of 5G Technology for mobile broadband, it will definitely change the users’ maneuver of their respective devices as they're set to experience browsing the net, playing online games, downloading their perks and do anything they want in higher speed with lower latency and better capacity.
2. Walls in Living Coral Paints
Color authority Pantone has announced that 2019's color of the year is Living Coral or otherwise known as Pantone 16-1546. Make-up products as well as outfits matching this color is on the way of making the market afire with its simple yet elegant and natural beauty to brighten up the world.
3. Be Healthy with Pegan Diet
After spending the holidays with mouth-watering dishes such as fruit salad, lechon and menudo then ending up gaining weight; surely you're finding a way to lose weight, why not try the Pegan Die. It's more of eating real foods such as more veggies, healthy fats, raw nuts while leaving its sugary content, gluten and dairy in your respective plates. Want to lose some weight, add this diet regime to your healthy lifestyle routine.
4. Instant Food through One-Tap Delivery
Food deliveries made its mark in the market last year and earned a place in this year upcoming trends as it favors most of Filipino households or workplaces who find eating diners at their respective homes and offices more comfortable instead of embarking on a journey which they will encounter heavy traffic problems and increased transportation costs. With just one-tap in an app, just wait for a couple of minutes then the delivery man is now ringing the doorbell to give you your order.
5. Auto-Safe Cars
Road accidents can never be predicted by anyone even a good driver who is following road safety guidelines cannot prevent it from happening. Technologies continue to improve life as time passes by and such innovation had reached the automobile industry. Through the invention of lane assist, blind spot monitoring, rear cameras and other accident prevention technologies it is expected that the risk of accidents will now be minimized and controlled unless a driver like you continues to violate rules and is carried away by your emotion.
These are some of the most expected trends of the year 2019 that could make a difference in our lives. Yet other trends are still waiting there to be uncovered, we just need to wait, observe and try them when they come in our way. Let's celebrate this New Year with a big smile in our face together with these trends of change.
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iamrabbani · 7 years
Get your Jurassic Park feeling on – Azores Sao Miguel
Somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean are the Azores. A conglomerate of beautiful islands where each one is more amazing than the other. For my first but not last trip I chose to stay on the main and biggest island of the Azores Sao Miguel because it provides the most adventures, sights and things to do than all the other smaller ones.
First of all you need to definitely check into one of the hotels that have a thermal pool in the hotel as it changed my whole trip completely because each day before and after being on the road for the day I could relax my bones in the soothing waters that make Sao Miguel and especially Furnas (where the thermal pools are) so incredible.
So my base station was at the Furnas Boutique Hotel which I loved and from there I took day trips around the island. The coolest thing is that car rental is absolutely affordable and because the island is small and the streets perfectly organized I found my way around without a GPS system.
Things to do
So the main thing to do is enjoying nature in each and every way – for example I descended into a volcano to relax on a beach or took a hike up a mountain for a brilliant view, canoeing, whale watching (I can recommend the Futurismo Adventures) or just visit some of those beautiful tiny towns for Tapas.
I am not going to go in too much detail here because then this would get unnecessary long. So here are my favorites in random order and I actually visited them all. What is more important is to sometimes just follow your instincts – if you see a corner you like stop and just take a look around. Sao Miguel and probably all islands of the Azores are still somehow untouched and not really touristy. You can actually be part of this island, its nature, culture and culinary dishes.
Lagoa do Fogo Best places for a day hike around the lake and amazing vistas.
Caldeiras das Furnas The sulfuric thermal pools – a sight to be seen – a bit touristy but worth it.
Poça da Dona Beija If your hotel has no pool you could go here – I wouldn’t.
Ribeira Quente Tiny cute fisher town – for a lunch.
Povoacao Cute for a drive through and a coffee and following the road it leads to Faial da Terra a town nestled between two green hills.
Nordeste Freaking beautiful corner of the island with Achadinha tiny town that leads to the Achada waterfalls that are mesmerizing from there you can go to Farol da Ponta do Arnel a winding road down the cliff side that leads to a lighthouse first and if you are up for it leads to a tiny beach at the end of the road. For the really sporty people or really good drivers in tiny cars.
Caldeira Velha  I hated that place. I know the area is beautiful but this was the only place that was so overcrowded therefore the design of the area reminded me of a Disneyland attraction. Everything paved and encircled which means nature under control.
Lagoa das Sete Cidades  This is my favorite spot on the island and I spent a whole day here to really get a feel for nature and there is an abandoned hotel close by worth checking out too.
Terra Nostra Park This is a gigantic park with a whole day worth of hanging out & picnicking – especially because there is a beautiful jungle like part of the park that you can access separately and an enchanting Chapel – Nossa Senhora das Vitórias.
Mosteiros Beach A black sand beach for day in the sun.
    Here are some impressions of my trip – Azores Sao Miguel
  Azores Sao Miguel Jungles, Volcanoes & Hot Springs in the Atlantic Ocean Get your Jurassic Park feeling on - Azores Sao Miguel Somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean are the Azores.
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ashleeelle-blog · 7 years
I think after that bus ride I am well prepared for airport delays and long flights. It was supposed to be 5 hours, getting in at 1:30pm, but with all the road block protests from teachers still happening across the country we made it to Oaxaca at 5:30pm. It was raining and our taxi went round and round in circles looking for the hotel. I can easily say Oaxaca was my favourite place so far but the hotel was by far the worst! The casa Arnel, home for 2 nights was dirty and gross. The shower head was caked in lime and build up it sprayed every which way and there wasn't any signs or labels for the rooms. The keys said anything from A - E, 12A-E or 79-89. It was confusing as all hell! We went for dinner in a nice restaurant that served fresh food and heap of veggies and salads with every meal! Yay! After belize and my poor diet there, fresh food was amazing! Although I have been disappointed that everyone wants to eat in restaurants all the time, I want to eat more street food but we pretty ugh have every meal together which is nice but also a tad annoying. Our orientation walk ended for some of us when we decided that we were too tired to go on a "15min" walk of the city centre and surrounds at night in the rain. I wish I wasn't so tired. Those that stayed had an awesome night out. Despite the rain the locals were dancing in the street as part of one of their several festivals happening at the same time. Katie and daisy ended up being a part of the dances and they all got ad drunk afterwards but found an awesome upstairs downstairs bar with salsa dancing and packed with aussie and poms. The next day was another day of market shopping. Still can't tell you anything I got cause I don't want to ruin the surprises! But it was great! Even watched some locals in the ain square dancing to a full brass band in there masks and uniforms! It was amazing. After the disappointment of being told there was a bunch of things on the itinerary that wasn't available on our trip including mexican wrestling. Katie insisted on making Erhard google these things and give us the right information. Turns out there was a match on!!! It ended up being amateurs but it was hilarious! The atmosphere was terrible, maybe cause it was amateurs or maybe the rain kept them indoors but it was pretty enjoyable none the less. Right before the last match the whole group got up and walked out. I thought the thing was over but apparently some of the girls were just finished watching it. Erhard is hopeless when it comes to taxis (among many other things). After 1 minutes he managed to flag down 2 taxis so 2/3 of us could go back to the hotel. As we were getting in we found ot some were actually staying to watch the end of the match. If I had known I would have stayed. It turned into a brutal and very real match. Probably by accident but 1 guy ended up getting hit in the head with a metal chair and bled everywhere and the few that stayed got a bunch of great photos in the ring and with some of the wrestlers! We ended up getting stuck in the taxi for ages as they were trying to nagate the street parades. We saw glimpses and what we saw looked like fun. Dinner was at the closest place which was pizza. Mexicans shouldn't try to do Italian food... some went in to watch fireworks on the city centre but we're back at the hotel an hour later dripping wet. Our last day in Oaxaca before the overnight bus to San cristobal has been by far.my favourite day! It started with an early morning a checking out & trying to get my washing back from the day before! Our first stop was the farthest away, the natural mineral springs in the mountains. What an amazing view it was, thank god the hike around the pools was optional because the fit people that did it got to the pools knackered! We had 2 hours to enjoy the pools which were refreshing & a little cold, and sunbake and relax for a while. Our tour guide was called Malam and he was brilliant! He knew everything about oaxaca, telling us about how it was the first place for silvering and how the valley is a 3 leaf clover shape, with each "leaf" having different environments that provided loads of different resources to the region. Our next stop was the Zapotec ruins where we could go into the underground tombs.. they must have been short people cause the entry ways to temples and tombs were really low! But this civilisation was incredible in there architecture, there was an incredibly destructive earthquake in 1931 which had people coming to research the ruins as they weren't even slightly affected. As a side note apparently the oaxaca region has 300 earthquakes a year. Most as just so weak you don't feel them! After the ruins we stopped at the zocalo factory for lunch and mezcal tasting. It takes upto 6 weeks to.make a batch of mezcal cause the plant is smoked and baked before being mashed with an old fashioned donkey and rolling Stone situation. Straight mezcal is crazy strong and bitter but the fruit and cream flavours you could easily drink a bottle... then pass out! Second last stop was to a local family textile Workshop where they wash & dye the wool by hand with natural ingredients from the environment. Red is the most expensive colour because they use the bugs on the cactus. There blood gives the red colour so they wait for them to dry out then grind them up to make a red powder. Blue is a flower that is dried and grinded and the addition off limestone changes the shades of the colour. We watched as the native zapotec woman continued weaving the rug she was working on. It takes between 1 week to several months to complete a rug. And they are truly stunning at the end. Knowing what goes into it is amazing and they pass it down through the family. The 4 year old daughter is learning to weave this year. Last stop was the small town of El Tile where a 2000 year old tree stands. There was a festival street parade so we stayed to watch that, with all the woman in traditional dresses either Dancing or carrying baskets. The tree is not the oldest but it is the widest in the world with a the single tree root having a circumference of 58m. We just got dropped off from the tour and we are dragging our bags to the bus station and stocking up with subway for the overnight bus shortly. Fingers crossed it goes well! 11 hour trip is long enough!
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Conquering Mt. Hapunang Banoi and Mt. Pamitinan
Rodriguez, Rizal Major jumpoff: Brgy. Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal LLA: 14°44′25.3′′ N, 121°11′30.4′ 517 MASL (+460m) Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 2-3.5 hours Specs: Minor, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 1-4 with limestone scrambling Features: Limestone formations, scenic views of Sierra Madre and Rizal province
Mt. Hapunang Banoi is situated in Brgy. Wawa in Rodriguez Rizal with estimated elevation of up to 517 Meters above sea level. 
I already contacedt our guide week before our scheduled hike. We have Kuya Arnel, he is very nice and patient as for we our all beginners. Tour guide fee is Php 500/mountain for 5 persons. You have to register first in the Brgy. Php 50/pax and you can start your climb. We started at around 7am, the weather is so relaxing and we enjoy the ambiance while crossing the hanging bridge.
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I had done research and made time to read some blogs on what to expect during the climb. The past 30 minutes I had spent during the descent felt like the longest I’ve ever been in a mountain. Kuya Arnel our guide kept telling us we were only 5 minutes away to the junction but he probably have said 5 minutes 20 times and still our destination was nowhere in sight. There are 3 resting place including the so called 7 11 before you reach the junction, it is the resting camp where the trail is broken into 2. The left leads to Hapunang Banoi and the right is to Mt. Pamitinan Summit. Without hesitance, we went on to start the assault to the summit. We were told it was just going to take us another 1hr to reach the summit. Little did I know, the real challenge was yet to reveal itself to us. The assault was along limestone rocks. Some of them have pointed edges. It was grueling and challenging but we are enjoying it. We took photos everywhere. Everything we saw was snap worthy. We reached the summit at around 10:30am we waited for the other groups to finish with their “buwis buhay pose”. We just rest a bit and started descending to the junction to have our lunch. We reach the junction at around 12:00pm, eat lunch, rest and get ready for Mt. Pamitinan.
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Rodriguez Rizal
Major jump-off: Brgy. Wawa, Rodriguez, Rizal
LLA : 14°43′51.7′′N 121°11′29.2′′ E 426 MASL Days required / Hours to summit: 1 day / 1.5-3 hours  Specs: Minor, Difficulty 3/9/ Trail class 1-4 Features: Limestone formations, scenic views of Sierra Madre and Rizal province
We started ascending at around 1:30pm, Mt. Pamitinan was easier compared to Mt. Hapunang Banoi. It only took us less than an hour to reach the summit from the junction. Unfortunately, the trail in Mt. Pamitinan is rockier. It’s hotter here because it’s the hottest time of the day and because there were less trees. When we reached the first peak we waited for almost an hour to have our time to get pictures, suddenly this one group is very disrespectful they climb to the peak and took their own photos while we are doing our own. Our picture is not that good as we saw in other blogs because they are with us in the picture! We just climb again to the peak 2 to have our last photo op, we want to climb with the rappel but I think the rain will drop any time soon, so we decided to descend to the junction as fast as we can. We start descending at around 4pm when the rain starts to fall, it was very hard and challenging as the trail is very slippery. Around 5 pm we were at the foot of the mountain were we started we go for shower, log out in the Brgy and go home.
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  How to get there (from Q.Ave) From Sto. Domingo church ride a jeep going to EDSA and ride a bus to Cubao Farmers. The FX Terminal is in front of Jollibee - Farmers, ride an FX going to Montalban, Rizal. If you are a large group, you can negotiate with the driver and he could drop you off directly to the tourism office in Brgy Wawa. If not, you will have to ride a tricycle from the terminal in Rodriguez to Brgy Wawa.
How to get home?
 From the DENR Office there are tricycles waiting. Then, tell the driver to drop you off at the FX Terminal or if you prefer taking the jeepney back to Cubao, just tell the driver. 
 Our Itinerary for the Dayhike
 3:00 AM Wake up | Prepare things | Travel to Cubao
4:15 AM ETD for Montalban
5:20 AM ETA DENR Office in Bgy. Wawa | Register and pay necessary fees
7:00 AM Start hike at Mt. Hapunang Banoi
10:30 AM ETA Summit | Photo ops
11:00 AM Start descent
12:00 AM Lunch at the so - called 7-11 | Rest |
1:30 PM Start hike at Mt. Pamitinan 
2:20 PM ETA Summit | Photo Op
3:30 PM Start Descent
5:00 PM ETA DENR Office | Freshen up 
7:30 PM ETD for Manila
9:30 PM TRAFFIC Home Sweet Home
  Total Expenses for our Trip: (5 pax)
50 Php - FX to Montalban
60 Php – tricycle to brgy wawa (12/pax)
50 Php – Registration fee
1000 Php - Guide Fee / 200 each plus tip
60 Php – tricycle to Bayan (12/pax)
50 Php- FX to Cubao via Philcoa
Total damage: 324 Php!
Things to bring:
*Packed lunch *1.5 liters of water  *extra clothes *slippers *plastic *tissue *towel *candies/chocolates/junk food/ jellyace *gloves  *cap *sunblock
 It was a fulfilling hike, as it was my first time to climb two mountains in 1 day. I prefer early morning hike, as it is not exhausting. I recommend Kuya Arnel to be your guide you can contact him through 09103871131. Until next hike!
  “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” -Edmund Hillary
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5 Disruptive Business Travel Trends Shattering the Status Quo
Expert Cites Escalating Game Changers Impacting Business and Leisure Travelers, Alike
With the global luxury market collectively growing at 4 percent to an estimated $1.15 (€1.08) trillion in 2016, according to a recent “Bain & Company Luxury Study,” coupled with optimistic forecasts that the luxury goods market will pick up this year, the hospitality industry is gearing up for elevated demand among both leisure and business travelers. This amid evidence that, despite widespread geopolitical uncertainties, luxury consumers in the business sector, and others, are redirecting their spending toward new and more personalized high-end experiences like luxury travel, food and wine.
“The luxury market has reached a maturation point,” said Claudia D’Arpizio, lead author of the study. “Brands can no longer rely on low-hanging fruit. Instead, they really need to implement differentiating strategies to succeed going forward. We are already starting to see clear polarization when it comes to performance with winners and losers emerging across product categories and segments.”
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D’Arpizio also underscored that personal luxury market brands that “take an omni-channel, customer-centric approach will rise to the top.” Such is the prevailing wisdom for both the B2C and B2B luxury travel sector, specifically, with personalized experiences, quality of service and private booking options serving as primary distinguishing factors for luxe brand positioning throughout 2017 and beyond.
Here’s how these key drivers will converge with evolving luxury travel trends to greatly influence various vertical sectors and related business travel constituents—and, in doing so, the marketplace at large—in the months ahead:
1. Small group cultural immersions loom large. Travelers are increasingly seeking exclusive and regionally-authentic itineraries that cater to small groups. Tour companies like Fort Washington, Pennsylvania-based Gate 1 Travel are capitalizing on this trend with offerings that provide the convenience of an escorted tour with the intimate view of local cultures that large groups just can’t provide. “Our small group tours option has seen, by far, the most significant increase in booking volume–up 50% in 2016,” the company reports.
A City Lodge Hotel Group report concurs that the trend of being “connoisseurs of local culture” will boom this year. It emphasizes that indigenous tourism experiences and cultural immersion will remain a big factor whether travelling within your own home country or jaunting to faraway lands. “We’ll see more people wanting to visit more than the big landmarks and monuments of their destination,” it says. “Rather people are more likely to be interested in knowing about the locals–those that call that place home. Trips to the rural communities will become popular, and travelers are likely to be more interested in private guides that teach them about the traditional ways of life.”
2. Private villa travel surpassing leading luxe resorts.
Today’s breed of private villa rentals have become the ultimate in luxury travel lodging for vacationers and business travelers, alike. This is due to the vast array of benefits and creature comforts it proffers for couples, families and small groups. While maximized privacy and security, uber-tailored guest service and 5-star accommodations and amenities are chief reasons the trend toward private villa lodging is exploding, an elite few have offerings far beyond that don’t just rival, but far exceed, those offered by high-end resorts, including their elite Penthouse suit options.
According to luxury travel agent Sandy Webb who books elite vacations all over the world “private villa residences offering first class, one-of-a-kind services are ushering in an entirely new era of bespoke hospitality around the globe. They are, in fact, single-handedly setting a new and decidedly elevated standard for luxe travel worldwide.”
One private villa exemplifying this new standard is Casa Dos Cisnes–Puerto Vallarta’s foremost premier private oceanfront villa vacation experience. This  10,000 square foot Casa Dos Cisnes property, a five-bedroom colonial style home with breathtaking views of the Pacific that can accommodate up to 10 adults, goes well over-and-above to ensure each guest’s needs, desires, hopes and expectations for an extraordinary private villa vacation are fulfilled.
According to owner Cathryn Arnell, this includes proffering a bevy of premium benefits, including an authentic and stylishly-appointed residential setting, custom-prepared gourmet meals from an on-site private chef, 24/7 bilingual butler service and multiple staff, monitored security, housecleaning services, private infinity-edge ocean view pool, fully equipped state-of-the-art gym, large media-entertainment room, concierge and spa service, musicians for hire, sports and boating excursions, VIP treatment at the city’s leading beach club and most renowned restaurants, and more. “Given that guests enjoy complete privacy and security in the most exclusive area in Puerto Vallarta, commandeering the entire 10,000 square foot space with all of the relaxation, solitude and discretion that affords, the result is a one-of-a-kind holiday providing an unparalleled culinary and luxury living experience.”
3. Higher caliber private jet jaunts.
According to Sergey Petrossov, founder and CEO of JetSmarter—an industry-leading private jet company based in Dubai, people are increasingly growing accustomed to personalized experiences, so much so, that it isn’t a demand anymore; it is now an expectation that needs to be met.
In order for brands to be memorable, they need to remember their customers and offer unique customized experiences. For its part, this JetSmarter achieves by placing a heavy emphasis on member relationships, with each assigned a relationship manager who is responsible for creating personalized and customizable private travel experiences.
JetSmarter also cites that there’s a very thin line between high-end and luxury, with the difference barely noticeable. “The travel industry is inundated with both high-end and luxury brands, however the distinction is relatively minor,” Petrossov said. “People often confuse high-end brands for luxury ones. Luxury brands essentially need to heighten their levels of service to be able to distinguish themselves from their high-end counterparts.”
4. Next-gen travel tech eases and expedites.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another tech trend that will continue to evolve at a rapid pace. According to Advito’s 2017 Industry Forecast, AI has already enabled a range of apps, bots and software that makes it easier for industry purveyors to interact with travelers at every step of a trip to expedite, ease and enhance. AI automates computer processes to work in the same way as the human brain. Natural language processing (NLP) helps computers understand human speech or typing, and AI then applies machine learning to provide a useful response.
Advito reveals that the travel industry is “well-positioned to embrace AI,” and also that the wider travel industry is adopting AI as, for example, KLM passengers are now able to use Facebook Messenger to confirm bookings, get boarding passes and flight status updates. “AI is still in its infancy, but it is in our immediate future,” the report asserts. “As it develops, it will help simplify complex travel decisions, shorten the buying process and deliver a more personalized offering.”
5. Game changing smart suitcases solve perennial problems.
Travel is tough enough in the best of circumstances and is all-too-often replete with challenges. From crowded freeways, overbooked flights, Wi-Fi downtime and generally not having necessary items at hand, getting from point A to point B can be fraught with more than its fair share of frustrations.  Not surprisingly, technologists have responded with problem-solving gadgets and gear that exemplify tremendous innovation and ingenuity both in concept and execution. One glowing example of this is the Bluesmart Suitcase. Billed as “the world’s first smart suitcase,” this carry-on keeps traveler’s belongings tracked, devices charged, bag secure and trips hassle-free thanks to integrated technology that syncs to an associated mobile app that’s compatible with both iPhone and Android.
The suitcase features a built-in battery/charger with 2 USB ports. The substantial 10.000 mAh battery can charge your phone up to six times, juicing up this and any other USB-connectable device from the USB port on the back or the inside. The bag also boasts a 3G+GPS tracker with global coverage to track the suitcase anywhere in the world; a scale built right into the handle that interfaces with the app to tell you the approximate weight of your suitcase; and a remote digital lock that can be set up to lock itself when you step away and to unlock when you return. The TSA- approved smart lock provides distance alerts, notifying you if you leave it behind. Of course, the bag needs to carry you belongings, so the main compartment does provide large space for clothes, shoes, and coats, while a secondary TSA-friendly compartment is able to accommodate up to a 15″ laptop.
Despite the fact that luxury sales fell flat in 2016 as consumers shunned traditional products, it’s experiences—namely travel and entertainment—that are predicted to drive sector sales growth up ahead.  “There is a progressive shift from physical products to experiences, especially in the last year,” Federica Levato, partner at Bain & Company and co-author of the study, told Reuters, predicting that trend would continue. With the world economy poised to regain momentum this year and the penchant among wealthy consumers to spend on travel and gourmet food and wine rather than clothes and accessories, the future is bright for high-end hospitality. About the author: Branding, business and entrepreneurship success pundit, Merilee Kern, MBA, is an influential media voice and lauded communications strategist. As the Executive Editor and Producer of “The Luxe List International News Syndicate,” she’s a revered consumer product trends expert and travel industry voice of authority who spotlights noteworthy marketplace change makers, movers and shakers. Merilee may be reached online atwww.TheLuxeList.com. Follow her on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/LuxeListEditor and Facebook here:http://ift.tt/1MGfBfg.
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