#you can tell i am absolutely in shambles over the twins
tomonari-nue · 2 years
Maki and Mai for the ask game??
am finally awake and lucid so here we go
favorite thing about them
the fact that we hardly ever see Maki doubt herself. like in any other shonen anime she'd be constantly questioning herself, but Maki just fucking refuses to even ENTERTAIN the thought of her not being strong enough. she knows she can do it. she knows bc she wants to, HAS to bc if she succeeds it wouldnt be just a victory for her but also for Mai.
least favorite thing about them
how little her interactions with Mai are – my heart just hurts not seeing them spend more time together, even if they're being hissy towards each other
favorite line
["Don't you have a heart?"] "No. It was taken from me."
Maki & Mai, im so upset, im so upset, they really CARED!! also Maki & Inumaki & Panda – 2nd Year Trio!!
a tie between Nobamaki and YuutaMaki!!
i once saw a post lamenting that Maki & Mai were twins and like. none of you can ever be normal about siblings. i hate it here.
random headcanon
She really had it all planned out, you know? When she becomes clan head – she had it all planned out. The changes, the new rules and a whole new accommodation for Mai. She thought about it all, she catalogued various things with Mai in her mind. She had it all planned out to give her twin the best life she could ever want.
unpopular opinion
Maki slaughtering the Zenin Clan was the dramatic overhaul and change the whole system needed to signify that their ways were outdated – they didnt learn their fucking lesson with Toji, so they made another monster of their own making in the form of Maki.
song i associate with them
Why Don't You Cry by WILLOW
favorite picture of them
scroll down to Mai bc its a joint pic that makes me want to lie down and never get up ever again
favorite thing about them
Mai not being demonized or ostracized by her peers for desiring a peaceful, normal life. like. that feels so significant for me bc the jujutsu world prides itself in being powerful and skillful but Mai? Mai just wants a good life, just a good little life of peace and some sense of normalcy. and even Maki, despite gunning for the Clean Head, she understands what Mai desires the most. and its very sad and touching.
least favorite thing about them
when she used Yuuji's death to taunt Megumi and Nobara lmao that was ROUGH. but also, not much of her, but how she's constantly written off as the bitchy sister and not seen as the severely traumatized and scared teenager she is who feels like she's been abandoned by her sister.
favorite line
"Destroy everything. Everything, big sister."
Mai & Maki, LOOK I JUST WANT THEM TO BE CLOSE OKAY IM SO UPSET, UPSET UPSET!!! Mai & Todo bc its a classic Mean Lesbian & Himbo combo. which brings me to my crack BROTP; Mai & Yuuji.
MomoMai bc its v sweet or NobaMai for the WLW Hostility.
Mai and literally any guy – she just has too many lesbian vibes for me.
random headcanon
She shares a love for weapons with her sister. She a big fan of all kinds of knives from all over the world – she just finds the different forms fascinating. Guns are also a big interest of hers; she can name literally any gun you put in front of her and disassemble it just as skillfully. Todo thinks her extensive knife collection fucks hard.
unpopular opinion
Mai's death was the gentlest one by far in the entire series. i don't think it came out of nowhere or was for shock-value; the lore of the story did predict that twins were usually a bad omen, reinforced by Mai's confirmation that her and Maki were supposed to be the same person to achieve full strength. Mai had always been so scared of the world and her sacrifice was her leap of faith bc she really believed her sister was made for something bigger than the entire clan could ever predict. from all the characters who died so far, Mai got the softest, most heartfelt good-bye in the entire series; it was gentle and tragic and somewhat felt inevitable.
song i associate with them
Butterfly by UMI
favorite picture of them
i am in so much pain
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(ask me about my opinions on the jjk characters!)
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wondernimbus · 4 years
excuses — fred weasley
pairing: fred weasley x female!reader
prompt: reader is dared to kiss a certain redhead. 
requests are closed for now. please refrain from plagiarizing my work!
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She sighs, clenches her fists, and steels herself for the inevitable and incredibly humiliating moment that is about to unfold in five, four, three, two, one—
Standing on her tiptoes, [Y/N] puts her hands on his shoulders and plants a kiss on his cheek as fast as humanly possible. As soon as she does, she pulls back, fast as lightning, and hurriedly explains herself. "It was a dare—I was dared, no, wait—blackmailed to do this and I didn't wanna risk it so—I know what you're thinking, Fred, and I don't like you. I mean. Not in that way. And I'm not a pervert either," she adds as an afterthought, finding herself breathless as she takes a step back and clears her throat awkwardly.
For a moment, Fred Weasley looks just as surprised at herself as she does. And then he starts laughing, which makes [Y/N] feel ten times more embarrassed than she already is. Although she can't see herself, she is still very much aware of the fact that her cheeks have turned a bright shade of red—perhaps almost as red as Fred's hair.
Just so she doesn't have to stand there awkwardly, she forces out a few timid laughs. Fred grins at her. "I'm sorry, [Y/N/N], but that's a very poor excuse," he says, and though his tone is teasing, there's still that underlying tone of you like me, don't you? Or maybe [Y/N] is just imagining it. Is she, though?
She bloody hates having crushes.
She rushes to defend herself—albeit not doing a very good job at it. "No—" she sputters out, feeling ridiculously helpless as she catches the eye of none other than Ginny Weasley, who is standing a mere few feet away looking severely amused. [Y/N] sends her a death look that she hopes to Merlin sends the message across: "I'm never forgiving you for this."
And forgive Ginny she will not. It's at times like these that she horribly regrets ever telling Ginny about her little crush on her older brother. Ever since [Y/N] had told her a month ago, Ginny hadn't stopped teasing her every chance she could get. This morning, it seemed that the evil side of her well and truly came out as she threatened to tell Fred about her crush if she didn't kiss him on the cheek. (Downright evil.)
Not willing to risk it, [Y/N] had decided that a tiny kiss on the cheek was slightly more doable than having to admit to the fact that she liked him. Him being Fred Weasley: the tall, ridiculously attractive redhead in her year who she only started talking to last year when she'd befriended his younger sister, Ginny. Ginny had introduced Fred and George to her briefly, and ever since then she'd developed a friendship with them. She wasn't extremely close with the twins—their friend groups were drastically different—but they were friends: she'd wave to them when she passed by them in the hallway, they'd tease her about random things whenever they felt like being annoying, and sometimes she'd even help them come up with prank ideas.
But while she'd become good friends with both Fred and George, there had always something about Fred that attracted her in a way that didn't seem to fit the "friends" spectrum. Sure, he and George were quite literally identical, but Fred just felt—different. She'd feel butterflies in her stomach whenever he'd sneak up on her and tug on her braid, singing "[Y/N]!" into her ear, after which she'd raise her eyebrows at him and go "How can I help you?" Or when he found out that she loved strawberries and made it a habit to take her strawberry-flavored food whenever he snuck down to the kitchens. Fred was something else; something that made her feel like a blushing, giggly little girl. Made her feel unlike herself.
And so here she is, a few moments after making an absolute fool out of herself, trying to explain to him that "No, listen to me, Fred, I was literally blackmailed. Now excuse me while I cleanse my lips ferociously."
She turns on her heel and speed-walks away, refusing to look back. She doesn't even wait to see if Ginny has caught up with her—what's important right now is getting away from Fred. And perhaps never showing him her face again. Because if he hadn't known back then that she'd liked him, then he certainly does now.
"He knows, Ginny," [Y/N] moans, burying her head into a cushion as she flops down onto the couch. "He knows."
The Gryffindor common room is empty save for her, Ginny, and a bunch of quiet first years doing their homework in the corner. It's raining outside, and if she wasn't so busy wallowing in her own self-pity, she'd be basking in the peaceful sounds the rain was making against the window.
"No, he does not," says Ginny matter-of-factly, perching herself on the arm of the couch with her arms crossed. "I can assure you that Fred is just about the most oblivious person ever. I'd know—I'm his sister."
"You heard him," she moans again, her voice muffled underneath the couch cushion she's practically stuffed her face into. "He said it was a bad excuse to kiss him—oh God, he knooooows."
The group of first years turns their heads to stare at her, looking genuinely concerned.
Ginny rolls her eyes and shoots [Y/N] a reprimanding look, which she is completely oblivious to due to the fact that she has her face buried in a couch cushion. "Even if he has noticed that you fancied him—"
"He has—"
"—then good! I've told you this a hundred times already but I will tell you again just in case this time I'm able to get it through your skull: he fancies you too. Maybe even more than you fancy him."
"Sure," she mutters, prying the cushion away from her face to stare into the fireplace and contemplate throwing herself in it. "Your brother doesn't find girls like me attractive. He likes sporty girls—girls like, I don't know, Angelina Johnson—"
"Like you're not sporty," Ginny pokes her leg. "You're on the bloody Quidditch team."
"Yeah, as a reserve!" she throws her hands in the air, sitting up properly. "Point is, I'm not his type. Have you seen the girls he's dated?"
"Girl," says Ginny. "Just one."
"Whatever. She is gorgeous—"
"But he didn't fancy her. She was obsessed with George, George didn't like her—"
"And so Fred pretended to be George for two months."
Ginny giggles. "Exactly. George literally paid him, [Y/N]. Which means Fred never liked that girl—he was paid six galleons and two knuts to date her."
She scrunches her nose, an involuntary pout settling on her face. "That doesn't prove anything," she says sullenly. "Doesn't fix anything, either—he still knows I like him. And he doesn't like me back."
Ginny looks like she wants to smack her in the face. "You are completely mistaken, [Y/N]," and then, just to get the point across, "Completely."
"Am not," she flops back down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling whilst looking utterly crestfallen. It only takes her a few seconds of silence before she starts up again: "He knoooooooooooows."
[Y/N] trudges into the Great Hall the next morning with Ginny walking next to her, constantly throwing her reprimanding looks every now and then as though to warn her not to start moaning "he knows" again. Weirdly enough, she doesn't look anything at all like she spent the entire night moping over Fred Weasley; to anyone's eye, she looks as cool and composed as she usually does. She's done her hair, concealed the bags under her eyes with a bit of make-up, and she's ready for a normal school day.
Except on the inside, she is in shambles. Seriously—shambles. She's been mentally whacking herself upside the head since last night; why did she have to look so flustered after kissing him? She could have played it off better and pretended it wasn't a big deal.. she could have pretended she was under the Imperius Curse..
[Y/N] and Ginny sit down at the Gryffindor table. Fred and George are nowhere to be seen—thank Merlin. Maybe luck is on her side today and the twins have decided to skip breakfast. Or maybe Fred just doesn't want to be in her presence after she kissed him yesterday. "Totally uncalled for," she imagines him telling George. "D'you think she's gone bonkers? Bloody pervert."
There's a hand waving in her face. She blinks once, then twice. Ginny drops her hand back down to her side and shakes her head at her. "Are you still thinking about Fred?"
"No," she snorts. Ah, the liar she is today. Ginny makes a face like "sure" and [Y/N] regrets ever letting Ginny get to know her well.
Breakfast in the Great Hall goes about as it usually does, except [Y/N] is a lot more preoccupied with her thoughts and Ginny has to tap her on the shoulder a few times during their conversation to ensure that she was paying attention. When Ginny pokes her for the seventh time, she sets her toast down on her plate and says: "Okay. You know what—forget it," she slams her palms down on the table, startling the two fourth-years sitting across from them.
"It's not a big deal. Alright, I was being daft and I kissed him and may have potentially revealed the fact that I fancy him—so what?"
Ginny raises her eyebrows, obviously surprised at the sudden turn of events.
[Y/N] keeps going, talking more to herself than anyone else. "Even if he does know, so what? I'll get over him even though he is just about the only boy I find attractive in this sch—"
Someone tugs on her braid from behind. "[Y/N/N]," a familiar voice sings. "Get up, I have something to tell you."
The world doesn't just hate her—it despises her. She realizes it at this moment.
As much as she wants to dive under the table and pretend like a certain redhead isn't standing behind her, she knows that she can't avoid him forever. So she steels herself, turns around in her seat, and flicks her eyebrows up at Fred out of routine.
"How can I help you?" she asks, and for the most part, her voice is level. She hopes to Merlin that the warmth spreading across her cheeks doesn't show.
"I've got something to tell you, I said," Fred tugs on her braid again. She pulls a face at him; he grins down at her. "Come on, then. Get up. Up, up."
She rolls her eyes and meets Ginny's gaze—she's wearing an all-knowing grin on her face. Shaking her head, [Y/N] swings her legs over the bench and rises from her seat. Even standing upright, Fred towers above her by a good few inches. He's smiling, and George is standing behind him, wearing a suspiciously wide grin on his face.
"Don't mind me," titters George, taking [Y/N]'s previous seat next to Ginny and swiftly snatching her buttered toast. ("Hey, that's mine!" says Ginny, outraged) "Listen to what Freddy has to say. Very important. Oh, yes."
She narrows her eyes at George, then at Fred, who shifts a little on his feet. "Have you come to confess your undying love for me?" she says jokingly, ignoring the sheer panic swelling in her chest. You're okay, she tell herself. Just fine. Just keep up the familiar, friendly banter—act the way you always do—you'll be fine—
Fred tilts his head to the side, feigning a look of contemplation. "Something like that," he decides, a whimsical smile on his lips. [Y/N] raises her eyebrows at him, ignoring the storm of butterflies flitting around inside her stomach.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she asks, eyeing him suspiciously.
Fred's grin, if possible, widens. He shrugs one shoulder, then says in the same casual tone one would use when talking about the weather, "How would you feel if I kissed you, [Y/N/N]?"
Her mouth falls open in surprise.
"If you what now?" Did she hear that right?
Fred grins. She stares at him, searching his eyes—"This is a prank, isn't it?"
A part of her almost wants him to say yes, that's he's just pulling her leg and this is a ridiculous joke he and George came up with just for the laughs. But he bunches his lips up to one side and shakes his head. "Nope," Fred replies nonchalantly, and then his lips droop down a little as a touch of somberness sneaks its way onto his face. "Would you like it to be?"
She opens her mouth to reply, but no words come out. She is—although this is a severe understatement—stunned. She has to be dreaming—there is no way this is real life and she's standing in front of bloody Fred Weasley, who has just now basically asked if he could kiss her.
This is not real life. There is absolutely no way.
But the way her heart is pounding wildly in her chest feels too real.
"You see," Fred begins, once more grinning craftily, "I wanted to ask for your permission first. Didn't wanna come up to you and steal a kiss out of nowhere like they do in those Muggle movies—like a certain someone did to me yesterday."
He gives her a look full of meaning. She purses her lips, warmth quickly spreading across her cheeks as she scratches the back of her neck sheepishly. "I already apologized," she says, averting her gaze. "And I already told you I was blackmailed into doing it.. and besides, it was just a kiss on the cheek!" she adds hastily, sounding a little more defensive than she'd been intending. "It could have been worse.. it could have been on your.." she trails off, a rather prominent pink blush settling on her cheeks.
There's a fond little smile on Fred's lips as he listens to her—one that she doesn't quite notice because she's too busy drowning in embarrassment. "Anyways, I'm sorry," she mutters guiltily, raising her eyes to look at him again.
Fred shakes his head, patting her on the shoulder. At this, it's her turn to send him a look of feigned irritation. He beams back at her. "There's really nothing you should be apologizing for, [Y/N/N]," he reassures her breezily. "That kiss was quite enjoyable—although I have to say I am a little offended that you had to be blackmailed into kissing me instead of doing it because you wanted to."
She stares at him, eyebrows raised as she fights to maintain a neutral expression. Meanwhile, the gears in her brain struggle to figure out where exactly he's going with this. Is he saying what she thinks he's saying—that he actually liked that she'd kissed him?
"You still haven't answered my question, [Y/N/N]," Fred reminds her, wagging an annoying little finger in her face. She keeps her eyes on his, trying to read him. Behind the mischief glinting in his eyes, she thinks she can see a bit of sincerity—cautiousness, as though he's willing to back off if she wants him to.
She purses her lips, a whole tornado of emotions unfurling in her chest. "I mean," she says slowly, chewing on the inside of her mouth as she ponders a response. She can almost hear Ginny screaming "Kiss him!" inside her head, but her voice is drowned out by logical thinking. She doesn't want to seem too eager, and besides, just because he asked her how she'd feel if he were to kiss her doesn't mean that he will, necessarily—
"I wouldn't be totally opposed to it," she admits finally, her fists clenching beside her as she averts her gaze to look at anything but the ridiculously attractive redhead in front of her—goddamn it, Fred Weasley. Unable to help herself she glances at him; his lips have curled into a small smile, one that grows when she meets his eyes. Flushing, she huffs, "Well, you asked—"
Out of nowhere, he swoops in and lands a brief kiss on her cheek.
Someone—Ginny or George or both of them—squeals from behind her.
She blinks, momentarily startled as her brain struggles to register what the bloody hell just happened. Her mouth has fallen open slightly, and she blinks again, swallowing as she tries to make sense of the situation. Fred, meanwhile, has the audacity to actually look sheepish. He ducks his head in an attempt to conceal the faint red blush that dusts his cheeks, clearing his throat before letting out a laugh that was meant to sound flippant.
"Still not opposed?" he asks, arching his eyebrows. There's a goofy little smile on his face, and the exhilaration in his tone of voice does little to hide his giddiness, but at the same time the way his eyes dart over [Y/N]'s face searchingly—trying to deduct how she feels about the events that just unfolded—shows his slight uncertainty.
And how does she feel?
She lets out a long breath that she hadn't realized she was holding, trying to calm the butterflies—no, scratch that—the entire bloody zoo that has been unleashed inside her stomach. And then, because she's lost all ability to form words, she lets out a breathless laugh, shaking her head as she looks down at the ground.
"Well?" Fred prompts expectantly, leaning a little towards her anxiously. "Don't leave me hanging here, [Y/N]."
She presses her lips in an attempt to conceal the jubilant smile that tugs at them as she raises her head to look up at Fred. Urged on by the giddy feeling swelling inside her chest, she juts her bottom lip out, feigning a look of thoughtfulness as she pretends to ponder over it. And then, shrugging, she grins at him, eyes twinkling—"That wasn't all that bad."
The uneasy, expectant look on Fred's face is quickly replaced by one of relief. He exhales, tense shoulders relaxing as he grins right back at her, the same bright, mischievous glint in his eyes. "How would you feel about another one?" Fred suggests, tone hopeful as he takes a tentative step closer.
[Y/N] fights to keep on a stoic expression as she shrugs. "Wouldn't hurt, would it?"
George and Ginny break out into a chorus of squeals as Fred leans in for a second time.
read pt. 2 here!
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preternatural-fools · 5 years
another silly romance question for the boys because they make my heart happy- how far along into a relationship would the boys say “I love you”/“im in love with you”? How would they go about it? Would it be a casual thing, a prepared thing, or like “oops it accidentally slipped out and now im low key embarrassed” type thing? - chaotic anon🧚🏻‍♀️✨
My heart is,,,,screaming inside my chest, she’s doing the anD IIIIIEEEYIIIIIII ya know fsdfjk
OkAy LADIES N GENTS sbjdskj hold onto your hats this is getting written Kay style which means we OVEREXPLAINING IN THIS HOUSE TONIGHT FOLKS!
Fair warning: Some of this got a little scenario-y, like instead of answering your question, I gave an example via mini scenario? fsdfhsd SorRY 
To be honest, I think Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin would be the ones to say it the soonest(is that a word? I don’t know, I don’t care, grammar who?)~~  and those three give me the “I’m in love with you” vibes. 
Jungkook would be 100% positive sure (shout out to my friend who says that and got me hooked) that he loved the person before he said it, and it would be within the first like, maybe 3-5 months. But the thing is, he would be sure that he really liked the person before he made a move and even got into the relationship aspect. But in terms of “I love you”, it’s probably more like “This is serious, I can feel it.” around 3, by 4 he’d be like “I love them,” in more of a lighthearted way, love them as a person, but by 5 he would know, ya know? He just KNOWS, that fae intuition, that zap, that soul click, he would know that he loves them with every fiber in his being and he would absolutely say it, blank range, right in the chest, his S/O would do something small or cute and he would get that big, kinda shy grin, his eyes would crinkle, and he would probably reach for their hands or their face and just, “I love you, I’m in love with you.” 
Jimin would know, he’s waiting for it, the one, his twin flame. Jimin has done casual dating, but I think when it comes to his S/O, he would know it was serious even before it got serious, he’d say it with confidence because inside he knows they love him too, he can feel it,*Yoongi voice* friggin’ psychics. I think he would want it to be a nice moment, like he would aim for it to come out at the right time, there have been times before where its almost slipped out, but he takes his S/O out one evening, not really on a date, but just “Come out with me?” a good ol’ evening stroll around a park, its dark, no one else is really there, but the stars are and it’s perfect, “You know, there’s a theory that soulmates are people with souls containing stardust from the same star, born from the same constellation, I was always in love with the stars, and perhaps that why I’m in love with you.” (that was nearly too mushy for my own good I think my soul actually left my body but also if someone said that to me I would die on the spot jimin you fucking SAP.)
Tae is an old soul, he’s been around the block before, he knows what love feels like, he know’s what being in love feels like—he also knows what those feelings turning to ash in his hands feels like but that’s a whole different story. He would probably be in denial at first, pushing away the feelings, pushing away the fear, the vulnerability, the fine details, but his heart would ache in his chest because it’s right and he knows it, he feels things more strongly than humans, he would know as soon as it hit what that feeling was and what it means. I think he would be more casual with it, probably happen at home, during the evening, cuddled up on the couch by the fire place, maybe sitting at the piano just messing around, some soft moment like that, but I think in a moment, the mood would switch, and he would lock eyes, that heavy, dark gaze just laced with love, like drowning in warmth, and he would just drop it right then and there, no going back, “I’m in love with you.” (someone collect the pieces of my soul flying out of my chest, I am in shambles)
Now for our other trio, our slightly ,,, detached boys
Yoongi, once the cards fall where they may, ya know; they manage to break down his outer shell of smart ass, sarcastic, ‘I don’t care’ attitude, hurdle over his many attempts at deflecting any type of close bond, and take a jackhammer to that 10 foot concrete wall standing between them, him, and his feelings—it’ll still be a little delayed. Because now he let them in, he feels strongly about them, he cares a lot about them, and he’s terrified. (the dress on the wall hanging behind me just reflected in my screen and I about shit my pants just now thinking someone was standing behind me, just wanted to add that and let you know feusdf). He doesn’t want to ruin it, he doesn’t want to lose it, but he’s scared to progress, this is basically uncharted territory for him, he’s never been in love, he’s never allowed himself to have such vulnerable feelings. He would know how he feels, Tae would probably call him out on it, lecture him, talk him up, and try to nudge Yoongi into being honest with himself and his S/O but still Yoongi would be a nervous wreck, poor kid. He would see the opportunity and stumble into it head first, probably in a cute moment (?) where they’re just like existing an doing something together, I dunno why but the scene of them cooking came to mind, Yoongi likes to cook, he’d let them cook with him, they’d be cooking and in a moment, maybe his S/O asks him a cooking related question about a recipe, he comes over to look at the book, his S/O looks up at him to have him confirm what the book says, and as soon as they make eye contact, he crumbles, and it’s a rush of “iloveyou” and he sucks in a breath like he’s trying to take the words back in, but it’s too late, they heard it, and he’s so relieved when they say it back that he feels like his knees might give out. (ouch my soul I rllydkasf dsf OH MY GOD I love him holy SHIT)
Hoseok, my baby, he’s such a lovely little thing, but he’s afraid of his own feelings. He would probably develop feelings for this person through friendship first and once he realizes it he would be like ‘oh no oh no oh no ohnoohno’, he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship, he doesn’t want to acknowledge the feelings, he doesn’t want to make himself vulnerable, but every time he would look at them his chest would swell with two feelings; complete adoration and aching devastation. He adores them, loves their soul, their smile, the way the laugh, the way he feels with them, and it hurts because he feels all of this and he hates it, he loves them, but he can’t do that, no, no, they couldn’t love someone like him, he doesn’t deserve it, he’s broken, he’s different. And so he starts to distant himself, he wants out, he doesn’t like it anymore, his soul screams because the heart wants what it wants but he’s denying it that, and so that screaming begins to override that adoration and he starts to hate the fact he’s ruining it for himself. I feel like there would need to be an intervention, probably Jimin, says something to the other person, encourages them to go see Hoseok, go push him to tell them why he’s acting funky. And it comes out, along with some tears, he faces them, himself, his feelings, and it overwhelms him, and he cracks, but it works out and he’s shocked when the feelings are reciprocated. He learns how to love.
Namjoon, firstly, he’s married to his education and having an affair with his job, he’s a busy man, he doesn’t really have time to be in the dating scene or the getting close to people scene. But maybe he has a fellow student he gets close with, or a coworker, and it tumbles along from there. He’s intelligent, and emotionally intelligent, he’s pretty good as expressing himself and articulating himself, he’s good at gauging other people’s feelings, however, he’s a little dense and totally misses when people hit on him, but other than that—he’s solid. However, there’s one little thing stopping him, the skeleton in the closet, or should I say the animal in the closet. He has a hard enough time living with his full moon antics, he doesn’t want to introduce that to someone else, he doesn’t even know how to go about it, how do you tell someone “Yeah by the way, I need to disappear once a month, specifically on the full moon,” without them getting suspicious, he certainly couldn’t tell them, no, no, that wouldn’t go well, even if they did believe him, which is slim to none, it’s completely insane. But I think once he get’s comfortable with someone, he would certainly drop “I love you” before popping the werewolf card on them, but once he realizes how he feels, he would start to gauge how they feel, test the waters, watch how they act and what they say, to see if he can say it without getting shot down or seem like he’s moving too fast. He wants it to be naturally, he doesn’t want it to be over some dinner or something too staged, I think he would say it when he feels it. Maybe one day before he goes to disappear to work or whatever, keeps it causal, even though his heart is beating out of his chest, he’d kiss them on the cheek, “I’ll see you later, I love you.” And probably give a cheeky grin, but as soon as the door shuts, he scurries along, trying to distance himself from the apartment, and when he hears the door open up behind him he almost doesn’t stop, until he hears it back, and he’s sure he’s the happiest man alive in that moment.
But the casual theme here is that they would all want it to be relatively naturally, they don’t want something entirely staged or overdone. 
Excuse me while I go curl up into a ball and DIE fedsjfkdjsfk
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thenugking · 6 years
Would you ever be interested in talking about your Marquises of Serault?
Of course, I love my de Seraults!! I am sorry it took me so long to get round to posting this, I suck at the writing thing. Technically only Arnauld, my scholar is Marquis, and my huntress, Roselle, is his sister but I’ve done a playthrough of Last Court with her as Marquis too.
Arnauld and Roselle are twins and both developed magic when they were ten, within a week of each other. Their mother looked at her options, sighed, and hired an apostate to teach them magic secretly because welp, at least Serault is full of apostates. The tutor is the Plainspoken Seneschal, because of course Arnauld wants to keep the person who advised him most as a child on as his adviser. Other than their parents and the tutor, the only person who knows is the Cheery Baron, because their mother told him almost immediately. He dislikes magic a lot and would never acknowledge to either of them that he knows, but he’s never going to betray his best friend’s children over this. I just really like the idea that Serault is full of mages though, since we already know it’s full of magic.
Anyway, Arnauld, being the Scholar, is a nerd. He grows up spending his time inside as much as he can and searches out his great grandfather’s books on magic and studies them excitedly. He’s the Responsible Sibling, and it’s clear growing up that he’s the one their mother will choose to be Marquis after her. Which doesn’t stop him being a sarcastic little shit a lot of the time. Roselle meanwhile, spends her childhood begging their mother and the Cheery Baron to let her go hunting with them, and when not watched closely, regularly attempts to run off to play in the Applewoods. They both enjoy learning magic. Roselle will wait until Arnauld has found and perfected a new spell and then copy what he’s doing, finding it easier and a lot less time consuming than reading about herself. Arnauld is incredibly bitter that she can become as good as he is really quickly, when it’s him who put all the work in. They squabble constantly, but they’re best friends who forever have each other’s backs.
Their mother dies when they’re 20, leaving Arnauld as her heir. She arranges for Roselle to be married to His Dour Lordship, the Marquis of Alyons, so her son has a new alliance to start him off. Roselle, who is very much the Rebellious Princess trope at this point is Not Thrilled. But she goes through with her arranged marriage and she grudgingly helps her husband to govern, and she discovers that in a marquisate that isn’t ignored and avoided by the rest of Orlais, there’s a lot more playing of the Game. And the Game is fun. Hunting remains her real passion, but the Game isn’t too different. You hunt your prey carefully and subtly, and if you’re doing it well they won’t notice until it’s too late, and then you strike and destroy them. Roselle becomes an expert and ruthless player and settles in happily to ruling Alyons with His Dour Lordship, sometimes helping him in the Game and sometimes working against him for her own benefit.
Arnauld, meanwhile, has Serault to rule, and he loves his marquisate but it is kind of the most disastrous place in all Thedas, and ruling Serault, you can never get a fucking break. He becomes more and more of a snarky little shit as time goes on and gives up on acting like a Proper orlesian noble. It’s not like that’ll get him anywhere anyway when Serault’s as despised as it is, and he’d rather help his people. In game, he tends to have high freedom and low dignity. Which he’s happy with, because his people are happy. Even if he’d like them to stop being such ungrateful bastards most of the time.
Roselle visits Serault with His Dour Lordship mid-game, by which point Arnauld and Roselle don’t see each other often, and have almost given up writing to each other. Roselle’s changed a lot since she lived in Serault, and Arnauld feels like he doesn’t know her anymore. He would never have expected his rebellious sister to be lecturing him on how to better play the Game. She helps him take down the wyvern to cure the Acerbic Dowager, and mocks him for his failure at hunting and it’s almost like the old days again, but the rest of the time, their relationship is a little strained. After locking His Dour Lordship in his dungeons, Arnauld asks Roselle how much she knew about her husband’s plot. She just smiles at him and tells him she’s glad at how he’s improving at the Game.
In the game, Arnauld has the Smiling Guildmistress as his adviser, the Wayward Bard as his lover, the Dashing Outlaw as his accomplice and the Silent Hunter as his bodyguard. Storywise, I’m not sure about the Silent Hunter, I just can’t find anything to do with him, and Arnauld doesn’t seem to connect with him at all? Possibly the Dashing Outlaw does some bodyguarding stuff too, and then I guess the Wayward Bard likes jumping in front of knives for Arnauld. Like I really enjoy the “someone tries to assassinate you and the Bard jumps in front of you, and then complains that he doesn’t want to be healed because scars make him look rakish” card. And it comes up so often that I feel like the Bard just employs people to pretend to stab Arnauld, so he can save him and look dashing and heroic. And then Arnauld patrons like five scholars who got thrown out of the University of Orlais to make him jealous. They flirt in fun ways.
The Dashing Outlaw is a close friend of both Arnauld and Roselle. Her outlaw-ing sometimes takes her all the way to Alyons, and during the start of Roselle’s time there, when she often runs away to the woods, she confides in the Outlaw a lot. Neither of the twins are entirely sure how the Outlaw first discovered they’re apostates, but she knows and she’s cool with it, and that means she’s one of the very few people they can actually talk to about it. Arnauld also tells the Bard, after they start dating, which looking back when not slightly tipsy he realises was not the Best idea, but the Bard thinks it’s sexy, so it all worked out.
The Outlaw was Arnauld’s accomplice a while before the start of the game and he started sleeping with the Bard either shortly before or after the start. Until finding out about the Divine though, Arnauld was happy with the Plainspoken Seneschal as his adviser. He only went looking for a “better” one during the stress of trying to get Serault sorted out ready for the Divine’s visit, but never wanted to actually get rid of his Seneschal. It does create a rift between the two of them for a while though. (When I played Roselle as Marquis, she took the Acerbic Dowager as her adviser, the Elegant Abbess as her lover, the Purveyor of Teas as her accomplice and the Dashing Outlaw as her bodyguard.)
Anyway, apart from replacing his seneschal as his adviser, Arnauld starts becoming more willing to play the Game. When the Divine arrives, he happily puts on the ridiculously impractical and uncomfortable glass mask that he wants to roll his eyes at, and he overlooks his morals about blackmail being unacceptable to play every secret he’s gathered for everything it’s worth. After the ceremony is over and Serault’s reputation is restored again, Arnauld sits by himself and takes off his mask and cries because he hates what he’s become. And it doesn’t help that he’s incredibly lonely after dumping and exiling his boyfriend.
Arnauld was Not Happy about the Wayward Bard cheating on him with the serving girl. Their relationship was Definitely Just Casual, Haha, No Feelings Here, but as time went on, it started getting more serious and it got harder for them both to ignore the feelings that Totally weren’t there. I see the Bard’s cheating as him getting scared, and not feeling good enough, and wanting to show that he wasn’t good enough. Which Arnauld kind of got, but he was mad and hurt. He dropped everything to go riding into the forest to rescue the Bard and cut his way through the maze to him, injuries be damned, but afterwards he yelled that he never cared anyway, it was just a bit of fun, but he’s angry at the Bard for risking his reputation like this, and the Bard yells back asking when Arnauld’s ever cared about his reputation and things escalate, and Arnauld ends up exiling the Bard from Serault. Later, the Dashing Outlaw turns up to see if Arnauld’s okay and he insists, with his make up ruined by tears and half way through his sixth glass of wine that he’s fine. She doesn’t exactly buy it.
I have a continuing plot after the end of the game, which I don’t want to get too into detail with because with, but might maybe one day write a fic about. Maybe. Anyway, the main plot points of it are:
Arnauld spends a bunch of time angsting about What Has He Become, and missing the Bard a lot, and getting close to giving up everything he’s got for Serault.
The Anchoress, who Arnauld of course invited back to live with him, gets caught doing magic, and Arnauld magics to protect her, in front of a massive audience, so, welp, there’s everything lost, but a part of him feels free now.
The Dashing Outlaw helps him escape the wrath of a whole bunch of nobles and disguises him as just an Ordinary Citizen who no one will notice.
While no one’s really ruling Serault and everything is a disaster, His Dour Lordship is freed from the dungeons. He is later killed by an apostate. Roselle, of course, had absolutely nothing to do with it, and is totally cut up about inheriting her husband’s marquisate and getting to rule it.
Meanwhile, the Chantry is in a shambles after the Breach opened up and the templar order really aren’t sure what to do with their lives. When they hear about the massive amount of apostacy and bullshit going on in Serault, a group of templars upset about not being able to slaughter mages as often anymore perk up and declare an exalted march on serault. (It’s not a Proper exalted march, since there’s no divine and their authorisation is “well this one grand cleric Somewhere said it was okay”, but they’re able to stir up a lot of people against Serault so it’s definitely a big Threat.)
The Bard spies on their plans and then comes back to Serault to warn Arnauld about what’s happening
Arnauld convinces his people to let him lead a fight against the exalted march and makes a speech about magic being good and serault being perfect however much the world is always against them and all that good shit
The Horned Knight and his people turn up to help fight because he and Arnauld can put all differences aside for the good of Serault
Except they’re still really outnumbered and even if they win, so many people will die oh no
Arnauld and the Bard talk stuff out and kiss since welp, they’re facing almost certain death now.
And then Alyons’ army turns up to help because fuck the Game, as if Roselle is going to let her home be destroyed or her brother be murdered.
Arnauld and Roselle talk, and Roselle apologises for how distant she’s been in the past few years. She’s glad of how she changed, but her heart will always lie here. And then the twins do magic. Half of Serault does magic. A very small number of the Alyons army do magic too. They win.
Arnauld announces that the rest of the world can fuck off, Serault is staying here, and it’s staying full of apostates, and if you’re going to ignore and hate us all again, so what? Serault’s not selling out to you.
(There’s a maybe-plot where Arnauld gives up being Marquis, because the Elusive Iconoclast wasn’t wrong, there is no reason being noble-born means he should get to rule, and Arnauld’s desperation to hang onto being In Charge because he Knows Best is a definite character flaw, but idk quite where to go with that, so we will See.)
Also, I have a Thing where Roselle and Arnauld always take off their masks when doing magic. They spend their whole lives pretending to be people they’re not, and they’re only their real selves when maskless.
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dzmoot · 5 years
Dabertson’s lab was in shambles after five long years and Igginsworth didn’t even know if the freezing chamber still operated. The glass opening where Kruonch and Zappy broke him out was patched up with a metal plate and many of the potions scattered throughout had turned a tar black. Webs and webbed up flies from lunar spiders dangled like confetti from the ceiling and walls and after standing before the freezing chamber for several seconds, as if briefly having second thoughts, Igginsworth knew it was time. Zappy walked over next to his friend. He wanted badly to tell his friend that they could defeat Maaze another way and he didn’t have to sacrifice his chances to get back to Ippicus on a count of all them. But as he stood there, next to the alien creature he came to admire so much through thick and thin, the Zarrian whom he felt in a way was like a brother, he knew it was what Igginsworth had to do. He would always have the memories of their escapades together and how they were sometimes foils, but they still had each other’s tails. 
I’m glad we got to spend time together, you pointy eared twerp. I hope you have a nice nap! 
Igginsworth put his claw around Zappy’s shoulder. He smiled as his eyes flooded with tears. 
I will. Tell the others to never stop being Toontastic! And never stop dreaming. I’m gonna miss you all, but I’ll be dreaming of our times together, always! 
And they embraced each other tightly. In one final prank, Igginsworth tugged on Zappy’s ears. After yelling OUCH, Zappy let out a tearful laugh as they shook hands. Then Igginsworth stepped into the chamber. A hesitant Zappy looked upon him through the glass as he activated it. Igginsworth was a popsicle within seconds.
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Hampire, Kruonch and Siobhan tussled with Ultramaaze to the point where they were ready to give up and let him stomp them into pancakes. As always, Hampire chanted and hurled spell after spell after spell and Kruonch kept trying to puncture Maaze’s body with his nose, but more kernels kept emerging from his abdomen. Siobhan got so frustrated that she resorted to throwing stones at Maaze from the ground. Several of the nearby Tuuns saw this act including the Inlaws and before you knew it, everyone in Inkwell Village was throwing stones at the supersized Maaze. To Siobhan, it was almost a blast.
This is the best stone throwing party I’ve ever had. 
Maaze flinched and squinted as rocks pummeled him in the face like meteorites. His focus on Kruonch and Hampire shifted to the crowd and he stomped his way over to it, preparing to crush everyone with his hooves. But he began to feel something, something in his heart. A great agonizing pain embraced his inners and his arms drooped downward as his face turned to the skies. Maaze’s body started ripping and a giant blue cosmic ray soared out like water from a faucet. All the Tuuns looked on in confusion and amazement. The Ethereals were getting transformed into new Tuuns. The ray continued to surge as Ultramaaze’s body decreased in size. When the great blue ray stopped, Inkwell Village was overrun with ghostly Ethereals, moaning and floating about until their bodies manifested into new Tuun entities, Tuuns fresh from Igginsworth’s subconscious imagination! 
Hampire, Siobhan, Kruonch, Opilio, Keet and Shellhard looked on in delight at the puzzled new Tuuns, who immediately came to accept their new personalities and identities. Soon after, Zappy returned, but when they saw that Igginsworth wasn’t with him, their smiles immediately turned to frowns. Zappy’s ears drooped over his blue face. 
He went to sleep. 
Everyone was down in the dumps over Igginsworth���s departure, but they turned to see Maaze rise to his feet nearby. As a puff of smoke cleared away, they saw the defeated Maaze had part of his attire burned off, revealing what was underneath. They all gasped. 
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Where am I? 
Because all the Ethereals were transformed, the Tuuns were able to free Igginsworth from the icy sleep for a brief while and they stood confused as ever as to who Maaze truly was. Igginsworth was perhaps the most befuddled. He was indeed a Zarrian and after much observation, they saw that he had the same green fur on his back as Igginsworth. Was he Igginsworth’s long lost twin? As Maaze stripped away his cape and red and white robe, he revealed his heavily mutated body and his head tendrils were warped and uneven. It was then they all realized it but it made absolutely no sense in their minds. Maaze WAS Igginsworth. But how could it be so. The mutated Zarrian explained. 
I was helping my friend Grundelwarg get some teeth. We were flying on our kites when a portal opened. I tried to dodge it, but I fell into it and was sucked through the space time continuum, out of my dimension and into yours.
Of course, the Tuuns heard it all before from the other Igginsworth. But at one point, this Igginsworth’s story diverged from the other’s tale. 
Dabertson exposed me to radiation, great amounts of it all while gorging himself on a bag of Pop Secret. As he nibbled away, the radiation machine got increasingly high and in one fateful minute, my entire life changed forever. The machine exploded, sending me hundreds of miles into the moon’s mantle, the radiation fusing my cells with that of the popcorn. I must have lost my memories because that’s all I recall. When I woke up, I was dressed as a giant bag of popcorn! 
Hampire put his hand to his chin.
Hmmmm. It would appear in your memory loss, you developed an entirely new identity, new persona. One of a deranged, hellbent popcorn menace! 
The other Igginsworth interjected. 
But where do I fit into this? How can there be two of us? I always thought I was the real deal! 
Then the other Igginsworth continued. 
I’m not sure other me! If memory serves me right, Dabertson said that if something was to happen to me, he would use the blood he extracted to clone me. 
And just like that, Igginsworth realized that he was not the real deal. He was artificially created. He wasn’t the one who lived in Ippicus for all those years. He wasn’t the one who befriended Grundelwarg and got him his teeth. He wasn’t the one who fell through the portal, ended up in an antique shop, became a worldwide phenomenon and traveled to New York. He was a byproduct of the moon, just like the Tuuns were and somehow, when he was created, he inherited all the real Igginsworth’s memories before his transformation into Maaze. He fell to his knees at this revelation.
I’m a fake. It was all a lie. I thought I lived this life, but they were not my memories. I’m a nobody.
Zappy came forward. 
You’re not a nobody, dude. You’re our friend! Sure you’re not the real Igginsworth but you’re the Igginsworth we’ve come to admire all this time. 
Kruonch stepped forward. 
Golly bob howdy! Without you, we never would have been able to stop Maaze, save hundreds of lives! You are truly a GREAT Igginsworth if there ever was one! 
Everybody else nodded as the other Igginsworth came face to face with his clone. He looked intimidating but as he stared down at his spawn, he slowly worked up a grin. 
You ARE a great Igginsworth. I surely wish I was able to live the life you have lived, going on all sorts of adventures. It certainly reminds me of back home. But I know what has to be done. I did a lot of terrible things while I was this Maaze and I need to make amends for it. So I’m going to go in the cryotube. I figure it’ll clear my head of all this and I can be at peace for once. It’s the least I can do. 
And the clone Igginsworth found that his heart was warm. He never once thought he would meet another version of himself, but he was truly grateful for the true Igginsworth’s gift. 
Thank you. 
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About one month had gone by and Igginsworth and the others moved into the Inlaws’ home. Hampire refurbished much of his lab equipment from the fire and relocated it to the basement, right next to Shellhard’s own lab. Keet had gotten used to his word bubble disorder and even used it to play pranks on the gang when they least expected it. Opilio got his aching back mended and decided to open his own shoe store because his shoe collection got overwhelmingly big. As for the other Resisters, they helped in the rebuilding of Namasis after the empire’s reign and once again sought to travel to Earth to get food but they didn’t have a ship. Finally, it was the combined efforts of Hampire, Mitchell Manhees, Joachim Jerboa and Sir Tail O’Cottons that produced a substance called oonopaste which could be run through the old machine which created the Tuuns and produce just about any food you could think of. This meant that the Tuuns no longer had to eat the Tuuns that represented food products and they could all live together in peace and much to their delight, they didn’t have to settle for metallic, dusty tasting moonrocks. 
At the same time the oonopaste was being created, Shellhard was busy converting the old radiation transmitter into a shrinking device, one that would be able to shrink Igginsworth to subatomic proportions so he could go back into his snow globe, back to Ippicus. After several test runs, several of which saw Igginsworth grow and shrink to astonishing sizes, he got it to work just the way he wanted it to and it was time for Igginsworth to make his grand departure. 
I don’t know what to say so I’ll just say.....I love you all. I’m forever grateful we got to hang out together. I hope that...
Siobhan interrupted.
You can come back and visit anytime you want Iggies! Just tap your little snow globe a few times and I’ll hear it. 
Kruonch laughed. 
That’s right. I’m sure we’ll see each other again someday. Maybe we can come see this Ippicus ourselves! 
Igginsworth smiled. 
That’d be great. 
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And after their embrace, Igginsworth approached the shrinking platform. Shellhard, who was busy tapping away at the main keyboard was ready to pull the switch. 
Well Igginsworth, I hope everything works out for you. And I hope this thing works like it did last time otherwise you might end up so small, the only ones who will see you are amebas. 
Igginsworth’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened but he saw Shellhard start to chuckle.
Small joke! Good luck to you! 
Igginsworth’s jaw worked it’s way up and he formed a smile. 
Thanks Shellhard! 
And after Shellhard flicked the switch, Igginsworth shrunk and was immediately transported through the snow globe’s glass dome. 
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iamsnek2-blog · 7 years
The Broken Image, my 2nd story :P
The Broken Image A young man, at the age of 16 met a beautiful woman who owned a breaking mirror. The mirror was covered in cracks and some pieces were missing while some spots look as if someone had replaced part of the mirror with another mirror in various places. When the man asked about the mirror, the lady simply responded, "it reflects how the world sees me." The man couldn't understand. "But the mirror is cracked and in shambles! How can one possibly see what should be truly reflected?" The lady only gave him a soft smile. "I have people from all over come and place their 'additions' and it tells me what I am" The man looked at the mirror and back at the lady. "The mirror is broken......do you....do you see yourself as broken?" The lady's smile vanished before quickly reappearing as if it hide a pain. A pain not physical but a pain that hurts the soul and life of one's mind. The man felt his heart drop as he could not believe such a beautiful woman could think of herself as broken or anything but good. "Miss....the mirror shows not what I see in my eye's reflection....the mirror shows a distorted figure. Yet you are not disfigured." The lady turned away and shouted, not believing a single word. "Then you are blind! For how can what I see with my own two eyes be wrong?! How come every time I look in the mirror all I see is a mess?!" The man stepped forward, having to look slightly downward to stare into her eyes. "Because the mirror you look to for reassurance is simply broken. And there's different kinds of mirrors there, it ruins the image." The lady sighed and began to walk away before the man gently, but firmly grabbed her by the arm. "Please, I'm sorry if I offended you but I need a place to stay. I have no home." The women sighed yet again, before giving a small nod. The pair soon became friends and got along quite well despite them never agreeing when it came to the mirror. They spent years together and throughout the years they were about as close as twins. But the man did something he hoped would help the lady. Every time the woman fell asleep he would go out and try and work. He knew he had to do something to help the lady understand what a mirror should truly reflect. Another year went by and the man came back but unlike the other days, he did not return with a pouch of small coins. He carefully placed the tall and slightly wide object where the mirror was and did something he hoped he wouldn't regret. He tossed away the broken mirror, hoping to never see its return. He tossed a spare blanket over the object and went to his bedroom, but instead of sleeping, he waited. For he could not sleep. He finally heard what he had been waiting for. The lady had gasped and was staring at the large covered object when the man came to stand next to her. She stared at him with a mic of confusion and frustration. "Where is my mirror?!" The man carefully removed the cloth blanket and watched as the lady's expression turned from annoyance to absolute surprise. She raised her hand hesitantly and slowly ran her hand on the smooth surface and stared at the reflection that stared back at her. "What is this?" For the broken mirror was the only mirror she knew. The man smiled and stood behind her "it's a mirror.....a real mirror. A mirror that you can truly see how you are, how I've seen you all these years." The object was a mirror encased in gold and looked as if it was polished by Hephaestus himself and it looked as if Aphrodite were standing in the woman's place. The man poked her cheek with a grin "you let your mirror break and tried to fix it with the mirrors of others. You had forgotten just what you truly were.
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