#you cant wrap your brian around wjy that fucking bothers me
#i shouldnt have to just ify my anger wje. what you have done in the past has upset me#just because you have time where you get my pronouns right doesnt make the times that you dont go away#it doesnt make it hurt any less#you cant say that you do a “good job” when its by your own standards.#i constantly have to hear 'she/her' every fucking day at work from hindreds of people#i dont want to hear it from my fucking husband#its been over four years tht you have known me and its been they/them for as long as youve known me#she/her shouldnt even be in your fucking vocabulary when you refer to me#but because you still see me as 'female' that makes she/jer the default and for some reason#you cant wrap your brian around wjy that fucking bothers me#don't tell me you 'do a good job' and that i 'should know that' and that you 'dont want this to be a point of contention'#when you decide to go to bed without even asking me if im okay or telling me goodnight#you wanna gove me aomething to fucking be upset about?????? thatll fucking do it holy fucking shit#LMAO what the fuck is even happening#you wont even fucking talk to me because im upset with you so now youre going to just fucking ignore me being upset????#in what fucking universe is that fucking okay???????#fucking what ever!!!!#WHAT EVER. WHAT THE FUCK EVER.#fuck this#google wheres the nearest fucking bridge#this has been the worst goddamn week ive had in a very fucking long time#just fucking make it END ALREADY HOLY FUCK#and dumb ass roommate and his gf is here and i dont fucking want to deal with their fucking dumbass fucking shit either#get rhe fuck out of my goddamn life already im so fucking done#FUCK. FUCK OFF YOU DUCKIGN DUMBASS BITCH
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