#you cant say that you do a “good job” when its by your own standards.
#i shouldnt have to just ify my anger wje. what you have done in the past has upset me#just because you have time where you get my pronouns right doesnt make the times that you dont go away#it doesnt make it hurt any less#you cant say that you do a “good job” when its by your own standards.#i constantly have to hear 'she/her' every fucking day at work from hindreds of people#i dont want to hear it from my fucking husband#its been over four years tht you have known me and its been they/them for as long as youve known me#she/her shouldnt even be in your fucking vocabulary when you refer to me#but because you still see me as 'female' that makes she/jer the default and for some reason#you cant wrap your brian around wjy that fucking bothers me#don't tell me you 'do a good job' and that i 'should know that' and that you 'dont want this to be a point of contention'#when you decide to go to bed without even asking me if im okay or telling me goodnight#you wanna gove me aomething to fucking be upset about?????? thatll fucking do it holy fucking shit#LMAO what the fuck is even happening#you wont even fucking talk to me because im upset with you so now youre going to just fucking ignore me being upset????#in what fucking universe is that fucking okay???????#fucking what ever!!!!#WHAT EVER. WHAT THE FUCK EVER.#fuck this#google wheres the nearest fucking bridge#this has been the worst goddamn week ive had in a very fucking long time#just fucking make it END ALREADY HOLY FUCK#and dumb ass roommate and his gf is here and i dont fucking want to deal with their fucking dumbass fucking shit either#get rhe fuck out of my goddamn life already im so fucking done#FUCK. FUCK OFF YOU DUCKIGN DUMBASS BITCH
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ganondoodle · 11 months
random thought about the memory system
a big difference between why botws memories worked so well but totks didnt is mainly bc in botw, there wasnt that much plot, you kinda knew what was up by the time you left the tutorial, all memories serve you just as well as link, sending you around a hyrule you dont know, the few scenes of main characters do a good job of giving you an idea of who they are, but the majority is focused on zelda and link, why she acted to cold to him at first and later became friends, the characterization being not jsut in memories but also in how people remember them, their diary etc, when you meet their ghosts theres a familiarity to how they talk to you, they know and care about you, its like giving you late friend one last visit; getting memories out of order really doesnt hurt that characterization and overall it really just serves to flesh out the past and what made this world the way you see it now but mainly it gives you characters
in totk, its ... the main plot driving thing, you are here for the story now more than the world bc you know the world already, besides the sages stuff (that isnt much either besides some legends that apprently were always a thing but never popped up until now), its basically the entire plot and it all hinges on it, its trying to be both plot and character introduction AND characterization, which it simply cant do; we already know zelda and what shes like, but its like the game itself doesnt know what to do with her now, she doesnt do anything, she stands around listenign to strangers talk, whenever she says anything shes dismissed or it simply doesnt matter, the most she does is go around to faceless and nameless sages of old we dont know nor care about in a damn near copy paste scene begging them to help link of the far future somehow even tho they really have no reason to and then she swallows a stone bc she has literally no other choice; fleshing out the past doesnt work either bc this past is so far removed from anything of the world and people you know that theres simply no meaningful connection to make you really care, there are no characters alive that knew the people of old ...except mineru and rauru are still there, but then dont tell you shit, theres so much you dont know about them, their world or history and they dont tell you anything bc *gestures vaguely* ?? even ganondorf only says some standard villain stuff that tells us pretty much nothing about him nor rauru, no one in your time asking you who the hell that ghost powered robot is? no she sits in her robot somewhere deep underground (how does she even get out of there at the end, she needed you to drive her around to her own temple after all) given how straight up obsessed hyrules entire population is with sonau stuff they sure dont do anything with a literal person from that time and then at the end she jsut goes poof, welp, guess we will never, sure, fine keep your secrects; getting the memories out of order destroys literally any kind of story that was there, like it wasnt predicatble from like memory 3 to where it would go (predicable can be good but in this case its boring as hell) anyway
.. theres more i could talk about but this is already longer than intended and i want to do other things but this with my evening, you probably heard most of my problems with this game in my rants by now anyway
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
u can never have too many au ideas (aka the cursed-sun/moon au)
(im copy n pasting this from discord bc im lazy sorry y'all fsjhf)
other au idea: Sun is a ruler or lord in a fantasy world or smthn and Moon is the form he's been Cursed into turning into each night. Reader is a low-tier magic-weilder (who has a secret past that involves smthn rlly Bad and they used to have a reasonable amount of respectability in th community but now theyre shunned and cant get a job anywhere and also has a big scar and/or only one eye lol) who's one remaining ability is the ability to lift minor curses or plagues. Sun has been searching for someone who can 'bless' the curse of Moon (or whatever is making Moon be nasty murderous bloodthirsty man) for ages but mages r rare and most of them spend maybe one night trying to cure Moon before either getting got or being scared into getting tf outta there
so eventually word reaches Sun of a mage who's been looking for work, with the only catch being that they arent very powerful and no one has much to say abt them, and Sun, who has burnt every single thread he has trying to find a mage, is like GOOD ENOUGH CALL THEM HERE
and reader is like 'oh shit this is potentially a rlly good job, the only catch is that i have to deal w a demon possessed guy thats like twice my height and three times as strong,,' and like. bc they have Zero Options and also feel like their life has run itself into th ground and there is little left for them/no way to get themselves out of their Issues, they r like 'yeah sure its gonna take a while bc i can only perform minor magic but i'll do whatever i can to see that this curse is delt with'
and instead of trying to face Moon head on, they start with just kinda,, getting to know him. he's kept chained/locked away in a chamber every night to keep ppl safe, but every night reader goes into the chambers, sits at a tea table just out of his reach, and just. talks with him
they dont entertain his trying to mess w them, taunting, cruelty, etc, but they talk when there's the chance for standard conversation. at first it's hell bc Moon is a little shit and he never cooperates. he never answers questions, he spends the entire night threatening to tear them apart and savor their insides, etc. they bring him a cup of tea every night, and every time he smashes the cup and throws the pieces at them
ok well point is eventually Moon starts to mellow out around them, will actually sit and have conversation with them, one day is like 'you think i dont know what youre doing?? youre just trying to bore me into falling for ur trap so u can kill me. i like ur style but its not gonna work >:3'
and reader is like 'i literally do not have enough magic to kill a toad let alone a whole entire possessed person' and moon is like ',, huh. so what IS ur goal here??' and reader is like 'i want to lift ur curse for both u and Sun's sakes. i gave u my word, and i will follow through, at the very least to clear my own conscience of a past sin'
and so eventually Moon, out of curiosity, and later bc he likes spending time with reader, starts letting them cast the healing magic on him, breaking the curse little by little every night
and at the same time all this is happening, reader is spending mornings and evenings with Sun and keeping him up to date on how the process is going and, eventually, becoming the person he turns to when he's stressed or tired or rlly just wants company
and idk smthn smthn eventually both of them rlly want Reader and they dont know how to act so they just b making fools of themselves but reader is a dumbass so theyre just confused
(Moon absolutely tells Reader abt every 'oh man i rlly wanna kiss kiss snuggle smooch the mage rn' thought Sun has during the day but Reader is so used to Moon being a little shit n making shit up to mess with them that they r just like ._. )
the plot twist part,,
(the secret dark past that reader is hiding is that they used to be a local mage for a nearby town who was known and respected for giving 'blessings' to ppl for small fees but one day for Reasons, they cast a curse upon someone and one of the biggest no-no's a mage can do is Curse someone so the town practically rioted, tore them down from their pedestal, called upon another mage to strip reader of their magic, and then cast them out)
(rn im considering the idea that the person reader Cursed is Vanny, who, because of her own curse, eventually went on to be the one who cursed Sun and Moon)
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Husband!Reiner x Black!fem Reader
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this isnt as hunky dory as i initially thought this to be but i think its still a valid insight into life with rei. surprisingly ive been having a lot of news, convos and experiences with various people in my own life about marriage and children so i guess this post was a subconscious embodiment of that. either way, enjoy 🫶🏾
Husband!Reiner knows he lucked out in bagging you and he absolutely adores people coveting him. everytime he tells someone hes cuffed, he literally cannot wait to show them a picture of you
Husband!Reiner always spoils you when it comes to bringing home gifts. Its rare that he ever comes home empty handed. more times than less he’s entering in with your favourite snacks or maybe a bracelet he thought suited you whilst he was on break earlier in the day
Husband!Reiner isnt picky when it comes to food. that man would eat just about ANYTHING you feed him and say how its the best thing hes ever tasted. not that youre a bad cook, but he’d find a way to praise even the simplest of meals.
“god, baby, this so good!” reiner’s cheeks were bulging full of food whilst he gave his compliment.
with a sweet laugh, you shook your head whilst opening a beer for him by cocking the tin lid with an opener.
“its literally just rice and stew. you eat it all the time by now.” placing the bottle next to his plate, you bent down to kiss his forehead.
he made a grunt of disagreement.
“dont change the fact that it’s always so good!”
Husband!Reiner is quite reserved when it comes to intimacy and sex. the furthest he’d go in terms of public displays of attraction is hold your hand or a quick peck on the cheek. he’d occasionally lean his chin on your shoulder when in the presence of other company.
however, in the private presence of each other, his attitude towards public reservations has never stopped him from pulling you to the side for a quick fuck before you go out with the girls or letting you go down on him once parked outside his family home for a visit.
Husband!Reiner isnt the best with chores. He tried to help in the past, and has the utmost purest intentions when offering his help, but his standard of clean isn’t the same as yours and so you believe you’re better off just doing everything yourself.
Husband!Reiner is really handy with manual labour tho!! if anythings broken around the apartment hes more than happy to get on it right away. if hes unsure how, he’ll find a tutorial on youtube and work it out from there
Husband!Reiner helps with all the tricky stuff with your hair. whether it be helping you to twist it before bed, wash day or being a live wighead for you to style your pieces — he’s available.
he learnt especially for you but always says if he’s possibly going to have a black daughter one day then hes gonna have to learn.
Husband!Reiner wants kids. its one of the few things the two of you disagree on and several arguments have lead out from that. he loves kids in general but he gets particularly broody whenever he babysits or goes to visit his baby cousin gabi.
it also doesnt help that Husband!Reiner has a particular breeding kink. hes okay with you going on BC because that’s your business and it means he can bottom out anytime! but it does sadden him that in result it means he cant give smol gabi a playmate
“i just think it’d be nice for her to have someone to play with!” he said as he tooths another parting in your hair with the metal rod of the comb. he gingerly took a scoop of hair grease from the tub before layering it down onto your exposed scalp.
“but rei, thats not your— our —responsibility to deal with. its her parents job to give her a sibling if need be so you gotta stop stressing about it like it’s your problem to solve.”
the man was quiet for awhile as he continued to grease your head. when he sighed, he looked over at the two of you within the mirror.
“i know.” he said after awhile. “i just…i never had any siblings or cousins growing up, you know? i don’t know if id want her to go through the same thing i did.”
Husband!Reiner is very family oriented. even though its just the two of you, he still tries his best to make the most of holidays and time off. he always insists you have at least two ‘holidays’ to yourselves a year — sometimes abroad, sometimes on an excursion or even just a spa weekend away. that way when it comes to festive holidays, there isn’t a feeling of fatigue from NOT spending time with each other, meaning you can spend it with extended family and not feel drained from lack of timeout
Husband!Reiner smokes as a habit rather than a coping mechanism. his favourite brands are malboros but you absolutely hate the fresh smell of the smoke once hes come to you after one. he doesnt smoke as much as he did when you first met him.
(back then, he promised to ween off of them if you were to give him a chance! — he did for awhile but after he got closer to the Jaeger’s around a year ago, he picked up the habit again. that’s another thing you two argue about)
“reiner, that fucking stinks. get the fuck outside with that shit, i’ve told you about smoking that nastiness inside here.” you say, flailing your arms by your side as you walk into the living room.
turning around with a face of confusion, reiner spoke slowly in a low tone.
“but i literally am outside, im on the balcony.”
“then close the door! all that smoke is coming inside and it’s stinking up the place.” you exclaimed.
“but i wanna watch the match at the same time.” reiner pointed towards the tv but you could only shrug.
“watch it through the window then.”
“but then i wouldn’t be able to hear the tv!”
“reiner james braun, i swear—”
reiner didn’t want, nor wait, to hear what else you had to say to him. with a grumble beneath his breath, reiner complied and leaned backwards to slide the balcony door shut, the action slightly shaking the walls.
Husband!Reiner is hospitable but mostly for people he’s used to. he loves setting up gatherings for your friends to come round and enjoy each other’s company. since uni, a lot of you haven’t been able to see each other a lot but reiners a bit like the glue that keeps everyone in touch
however, since all of you know each other from around the same time (and because they paired the two of you up!) your friends sometimes felt responsible for your relationship and were weary of any ‘threat’ made towards it
“you two thinking of extending the family anytime soon?” mikasa said, her voice hushed as you, her and annie sat on the balcony and away from the bustle of everyone else inside
you made a noise of surprise at her inquiry.
“actually, we have been! i was thinking of getting either a cat or a puppy. im not too keen on dogs but they say if you nurse them from young, you can get them to behave really well.” you deflected as your mug of hot beverage made its way to your lips.
with an amused hum, annie side eyed you.
“you know thats not what she meant.” she said as she took an inhale of her cigarette. “she’s talking about kids and you know it.”
as soon as annie spoke, your mood suddenly soured. with a huff you looked up towards the night sky.
“why does everyone keep asking me this question? im sure no ones asking pieck and porco this shit and they’ve been together longer than us. or you and bertholdt! so why is it me thats always being asked this stuff?”
mikasa shuffled awkwardly in her seat. hugging the blanket she had over her higher towards her chin, she made a dejected sound before speaking. from that alone, you knew she was reluctant to say her next words.
“yeah but…you dont see either of them loudly proclaiming their contrasting ideas. all of them have decided between each other what they want and seem at peace with that. but reiner’s like…the broodiest man ever and never fails to remind us. the fact that you two dont have kids yet means there’s obviously a hold up on your behalf.”
at mikasas bold words, a dry laugh left your mouth. was this seriously the conversation you were having right now?
shrugging your shoulders, you gave her a wild look
“so?! is it such a bad thing for me to not want them? why’s everyone coddling around reiner and his needs of wanting kids? whys no one thinking of me — the person whos gonna have to carry said child and be their primary care giver — who says im ready to give this life up for that?! why’s no one taking my choices into consideration?”
softly hopping in her seat, mikasa briefly hid her face behind the blanket before pouting over at you.
“i am taking you into consideration! and i know! and im sorry for bringing it up again. eren put me up for asking because he says hes sick of reiner’s whining in the guy’s groupchat. you know im on your side regardless.”
mikasa laid her hand over on your exposed arm, her face laced with remorse but you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of discontent at the knowledge that reiner was vocal to your friends about you not wanting children.
blinking forwards, you could only weakly shrug. even though mikasa had given her reasoning for asking, you still couldn’t help but feel slightly betrayed
“i know, man but just… miss me with that bullshit. i know what im saying when i say i don’t want em right now.” you mumbled, now feeling more conflicted than before.
that night, you and Husband!Reiner have a bit of a honest conversation about how reiner talks about the whole kid thing with his friends. hes very quick to assure you that he doesn’t talk bad about you behind your back but tells them that he cant have them right now when you have a contrasting opinion to him
you personally dont have a problem with that because these were your friends too — theyed be quick to g-check reiner if he ever said something less than positive about you and then report it directly to you
but for the sake of the situation and with how sensitive it was, you asked reiner if he could refrain from sharing that personal aspect of your life with them
“i know i’ve said it way too many times now but im truly sorry for all this. mika was wrong for asking you that.” reiner says as you lay under his arm. you found solace by burying your face into his side.
“well i dont blame her. if you’re constantly telling people in the groupchat that kinda stuff then yeah, of course they’re gonna feel like they have to intervene. they’re our friends and they only want the best for us.”
you could really tell reiner was thinking this all over in his head by the way he made subconscious groans.
when he had finally made up his mind, he slightly bent down to kiss your forehead.
“yeah i guess so. i wont bring that stuff up again, im sorry for putting you in that position, baby.”
the two of you laid up next to each other, and went on to talk about other miscellaneous things. however, just when you were about to fall asleep, you tiredly mumbled into reiner’s skin.
“its not that i don’t ever want kids. i just…not now, rei. im still very much enjoying life with just the two of us. kids are hard work and a lifelong commitment. everything i know and do will have to change from here on out and i just dont think im ready for that kinda burden yet.”
with a lethargic hum, reiner nods his head.
“yeah, i get you.” he mumbles.
although Husband!Reiner still wants kids, he agrees to getting a puppy in the mean time. he says he might as well get the practice while he waits.
surprisingly Husband!Reiner is in absolute adoration of the new bundled edition. the pup is boisterous and hyper but listens to commands well and learns quickly
the puppy is even more enamoured by smol gabi who always seems to have either its tail or ear within her chubby small hands. still, the puppy only sees it as a bunch of fun
Husband!Reiner isnt perfect, and definitely has so many flaws where he needs to fix up on but he’s trying and he really does love you so you’re okay with working him through all of that.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
hi cas!! okay im just gonna pray to the lord that this wouldnt come out racist. week ago my little sister asked me “ people get upset when they draw black people white, so why dont they get upset when they draw white people black??” i honestly never give that much thoughts before so this question really threw me off guard. bc of that i cant give a proper answer to her and shes been asking the same question since then. i was kind of afraid people will saw it as racism so i was hoping that you would understand it and if its not a bother i hooe you can give me an answer to this
loveed the new chap of clandestine btw!! your jegulus makes me feel single in the best way posiible!! hope you had a good day
Ooo okay so please keep in mind that I'm white, so the things I'm saying are based off of what I've learned from research. Please please if someone sees something that is wrong, correct me!
First, I think it's important to listen to what POC have said on this subject. Here is a link to a youtube video I just watched by a POC creator and artist that does an amazing job of breaking down why this is an issue and how to correct it- even going into techniques for drawing darker skin. At time mark 4:25, he answers your specific question. This is, hands down, the best place to get your answer.
Basically, society has a history of whitewashing. For centuries, POC have been erased- taken out of history, not been given proper/literally any rights or voices, literally killed and hunted down. Both their achievements and the way they have been targeted have been purposely not discussed or reported on, and please be aware that even though people disagree, this is still a constant problem. It's not going away.
Society whitewashes in so many ways it's impossible to count them all- giving white people credit for the work of POC; casting white people for the roles of POC characters; basing healthcare rules on research conducted only on white people; teachers taking points from students if they don't use 'Standard' American English and instead speak using AAVE or HVE terms even if they still get answers completely correct; schools only teaching the history of historically white countries and populations; the list goes on and on and on.
Keep in mind too that for years, diversity in literature and media was close to nonexistent in most places. Why? Because any literature created by POC or about POC is not taught or as widely distributed. Think about the books you were/are given in school. Any books from years ago don't have racially diverse characters, and if they do, they either are a caricature of their race, or are solely written about based on the 'struggle of being their race.' They are not given the 'luxury' of personality traits outside their race. It is only recently, as POC have spoken out about this issue and are being given the chance to publish their own work with characters that reflect them, that main characters can both be black AND solve a murder mystery- amazing! (/sarcasm). So now that we are starting to see more diversity in media, it is vital not to take that away.
So, with that knowledge about the history behind whitewashing and lack of racial diversity in media, you now know the context. So when a person chooses to draw a black character as white, they are taking with them all of that history and context. And in a moment, by drawing that character white, they are bringing back that context, and taking away the diversity that is so needed in literature.
And- why? Why do people insist on drawing canonically black characters as white? There is no good reason. People can say "oh, I think she'd be better as white" but that's just racism, plain and simple. If an artist doesn't know how to draw dark skin, they can look up a video.
In contrast, drawing a canonically white character as a different race doesn't take anything from them. It doesn't bring up a history or context with centuries of racism behind it. The only thing it does is add diversity to a fandom and allow people to see characters that look like themselves in media where they might not have.
I hope this makes sense and I hope I've done the topic justice! Please know that any racist or hateful comments on this ask will be deleted, but if someone has anything to add or any corrections to make, please let me know!
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unlucky-phantom · 5 months
Hairpin trigger
Yeah more of my OC phantom.
Warrning, death and gore mentioned.
Not proof read
Uldren, standard before me besides comander zavala of all people.
All this time. It had been uldren
A million secnarios race through my head because the last I saw of that slimey Prince was when I painted the floor with the insides of his head. The crimson trickling donwn the steps of ivory stone causes a shiver in me as it flashes in my head. I streach my neck uncomfortably as the pressure in my jaw builds. My hand instinctively reaches for ace.
I feel an icey breeze brush over my hand and looking down I see a second hand over my own. One made of a black mist.
Of course he's here. He's always here.
"You put a bullet in his head once.
What's another round?"
My eyes drift to the little light bobbing along beside him. Glint he had called it. Glint was...sweet. but not sweet enough to quell the sea of feelings crashing over me.
Anger flushes through my veins hot and putrid.
Why him?
My thoughts are echoed by the grim specter wearing my lovers visage that stands over my shoulder, an unwelcome companion in my day today life who was...unusually chatty now.
"Him. Him of all people gets a 2nd chance. Look at him spooks. Look at his face. That's him." It hisses angrily in my ear.
It never sounds as it should. Not like it used to. But to hear him say it again, even if it isn't him, is enough for me. Enough for that desperate part of me that longs for him back knowing that this twisted vial mockery of cayde is all I have.
Uldren looks concerned, he knows what he has done to him...to me. To my future.
"Think of what he robbed from you doll, from us. That time. Those moments. Those possibilities."
The nightmares words cut deep, a grimace finds its way onto my face.
"And he comes to flaunt his new power, comes to mock my death, mock your pain. He deserves a 2nd bullet, my love"
I'm suddenly aware of my fingers wrapping around aceband pulling it out of its holster
"Phantom?" zavala says my name, both in concern and warning.
"He's no better is he. Bringing in that killer. But you're not going to disapoint me again are you, sweetheart. Not again. You failed me once. But you won't again will you? You're going to make up for what you let happen to me, like a good guardian. You're going to plant another bullet in that bastards head for me, like a good girl"
My hand trembles, the icey feeling back as the nightmares arm presses up against my own as if in effort to help null my trembeling.
"Don't listen to him, phantom" zavala says firm but somehow comforting. "Its not him. You know that. You know that's not what caude would really want and you know deep down this man isn't uldren. You know what being a guardian means"
He was right, the man before me didn't have uldrens memories or feelings.
"Do it. Do it...don't make me ask again"
For a second my grip on ace loosens.
"Kill him for me my little shadow. DO IT"
In a split second my arm raises and uldren drops to the floor. Zavala looks on in disbelief,seemingly unable to fathom what I had just done.
"Jobs not done, sweetie, your so close. Dont fail me again."
That's all it takes for me to lunge toward the ghost currently hovering over crow-uldrens lifeless body.
I'm fast. But zavala is faster.
My fingers graze glints core, just unable to to curl around the small sphear. Zavala is yelling at glint to hurry up and rez crow and get them both out of there. I think.
I'm too busy clawing at zavalas arms, purple and red marks littering the titans forearms and biceps.
Cayde is screaming at me but I can't hear him over the sounds of my own screaming. Desperate cries, begging zavala to trust me to let me just crush his ghost and make good on caydes life.
Eventually I cant fight anymore. My lungs burn, my throat feels like I've swallowd razorblades and I can taste blood.
Zavala walks me back to my apartment in silence. He offers to stay but I shut the door without a word. Caydes nightmare is nowhere to be seen and somehow I feel emptier.
Stumbling to the bathroom I spash water on my face only to look up and be met face to face with caydes nightmare looking angrier than ever.
"Failure! You had one job! One simple job and you couldn't even do that! Your worthless. Your worse than Worthless. I dont know what I ever saw in you. You don't deserve the mantle of being a hunter. Or a guardian."
I stumble back against the wall as it steps closer and closer.
"Take that cloak off, better yet. Burn it"
That night everything I had that even suggested I was a hunter got placed in the same box as caydes belongings.
That night, in the darkness of my apartment, caydes nightmare watching me from the seat that was once his, as I scratch the hunter emblems off my armour.
I don't deserve them.
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sapphic-agent · 11 months
Hi, thanks for answering my questions. I have tons of them mha is a gold mine for "learn what not to do in a story"
Izu gets absolutely no credit and...I want to talk about smth. The cleaning beach episode.
"Heroes dont do good deeds to seek rewards" is a fine lesson. It has its merit and I do like the whole idea.
My issues goes to
1) AM didn't notice anything odd about Izu? How he views himself or act? Again, not saying AM should read his mind nor investigate every lil thing but sure having a talk about "why you want to be a hero" could lead to am learning Izu's self steem issues.
2) Heroes do get credit! They do their jobs sure but at the end of day "wow thanks hero" can be heard. Why Izu cant get credit for cleaning the beach? (According the wiki it became a point for romance)
3) I do like the cleaning beach. I do. But how menaged to attract no one's attention? A kid comes from the beach for 10 months and cleaned up all on himself. People would be impressed.(wanna show how humble your character is? Make him interact with fame)
4)it open a pattern. Izu can split the ocean and people would ignore. Bk does nothing and people will fawn over it.
The list goes on and on but why Izu cant get any credit or reconigtion and became the butt of a joke.
"Heroes dont do things for glory" all fine and dandy, but this only applies to Izu.
"Heroes font do things for glory. Izu, now break yoir bones and mind for everyone and expect nothing"
Funny bc...AM has fame. He is the #1 and he wanted Izu to follow his steps...(I totally get why there AM bashing) but at the same time, he does nothing for his heir.
No problem, I love answering asks! (sorry for the wait with this one)
1. As much as I love All Might, he isn't always as on top of things as he should be especially concerning Izuku. Could be a lot of reasons for this, but I think it really boils down to the smile through it mentality that he takes on. He thinks that because Izuku keeps the smile on that he's strong enough to handle whatever issues he's facing on his own. A toxic mentality for sure. He should have been more vigilant and it's 100% valid to criticize him for it. BUT in his defense he seems to be a lot more aware during and after Dark Deku (one of the only bright spots of that arc). He loosens on that thinking a little bit and tries his best to support Izuku the best ways he knows how. I think this was also the arc when he realized how that mentality was negatively affecting Izuku, like when he ran off.
2. I certainly think Izuku should have gotten credit! Not necessarily immediate praise or recognition. But it would have been nice if some of his classmates discovered it and started complimenting it. Could have made for a very sweet moment.
3. It's definitely odd how no one noticed. Maybe because no one went near the beach do to it being so dirty? Maybe they were training super early in the morning when no one was awake? Idk.
4. Best example of this is the Sludge Villain. Bakugou panicked and made the situation worse with his quirk and got praised for it. Izuku was the only one who even tried to help the situation and got reprimanded for it. Double standards I guess
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isaysorryverysoftly · 1 month
the form of all evil is the same
Don't ever say things like 'you stupid monkey' 'you dog'... all evil wants to do is take things that exist fine and happy on their own and put them in a hierarchy of unworthy to worthy in order to manipulate people. The concept of unworthyness is so dogmatic that anyone who does it even once is incapable of coherent thought, to impose unworthiness on anyone is so arbitrary yet so corrosive that it is seemingly the primary sin. The pride to say that another existent being doesnt deserve something is so EVIL and yet so COMPLETELY IMPOTENT AND DOES NOTHING TO BENEFIT YOU. Like seriously, imagine actually believing in making someone feel bad by calling them a dog, and thus beleiving in the idea that being called a dog was bad, you lose TWO times, and for what... like a tiny thread of an nessecarily solipsistic ego boost. Not only do you fear being compared to a dog, but you also disrespect dogs for no reason now. You just gain a 'standard of unworthiness', a standard which posits dogs as unworthy, which doesn't do anything... you cant do anything positive with that standard, all it does is make you less likely to interpret a dog in a beautiful manner, and the other thing you get is like, an insecurity about being compared to a dog now... Like fucking good one you idiot. Good one! It's just making so much nothing out of so much something. It breaks my heart. I want to name this evil technique of pitting innocent parties against eachotehr in a heirachy. Im calling that shit Noggling, because i find it BOGGLING... but in a NOT good way. Dont noggle, not even once, no matter how inaninmate the things you are noggling with are. Never even say 'your being such a chair'. The idea of trying to convince someone of the lowered value of chairs, and then trying to convince someone to apply that lowered value of chairs onto themselves, thus causing them to feel bad about themselves at the price of also having a very close minded and uncreative view of chairs is so collaterally useless and depressing. The evil is in the form of noggling itself, not even the things you noggle against eachother.
You can goggle though, you can call someone a diamond, thats just what a metaphor is. Because it's simply asking someone to imagine if their traits were represented in the same form a diamond is.
Like when someone says 'you are my diamond' they are encouraging thought, they are encouraging you to think 'ok, so in what ways could i be like a diamond... hmm
Ok so this person subjectively feels like i am lustrous, and that i am like a little precious object that they want to keep connected to their heart'
The fundamental difference between noggling and goggling is the latter encourages thought and expereince and the former doesn't. The latter doesn't actually have a specified symbolic meaning, it doesn't make a virtue or heirachy out of diamonds and then apply it to you, for example it doesn't posit a heirachy between coal and diamonds, and then says something like 'good job not being a coal today' no, that would be noggling. Goggling gets its value by offering you a creative task of trying to imagine how you could possibly represent this 'goggled-object' in another persons mind.
Another goggling could be 'oh darling you are like my coal' and then you have the task of being hmm... what do i do that is coal like. Oh, they mean that i am that really inexpensive ore in minecraft that can be combined with A SINGLE STICK to make fucking FOUR WHOLE TORCHES! Thats wonderful...
Right, to goggle someone, to say 'you are like X' in a goggle sense, is to give them a relation that you have made in their head, in order for them to work how they feel about you. To boggle on the other hand, is to posit a heirachy and then denigrate someone on the basis of that heirachy, in which case even being at the top of the heirachy is a form of denigration, because it is denigrating them by implying that they nessecarily have to even BE A PART OF A HEIRACHY AT ALL, AND THAT THEY NEED PEOPLE UNDER THEM. You know, jesus was the king of this world, and yet he didn't denigrate himself by not hanging out with peasents, and removing himself from them in some form of heirachy. To be in a heirachy is to loose surface area is to be in contact with less objects out of dogmatic subjugation of those objects. GOSH I AM SO MAD!
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
im literally kicking myself in the foot for not doing something more worthwhile with my existance... i never knew of manifesting until recent years and while society likes to say its never too late sometimes it feels like that is it too late cause to learn any skill you have to have already learnt the techniques then have good practice abilities on top of it, like you cant just waltz into a sport for instance and take a gold medal you have to do it step by step but to do that again im fucking regretting so much rn cant i just bash my head into a wall and slowly die? or music for instance cant just pick an instrument and be good at it right off the bat again shouldve just fucking picked something and stuck with it
also i never had the likes of tiktok or anything internet for entertainment when i was a kid so in a way it shouldve been perfect chance to really do smth but as always situations got in the way and im regretting existing a lot rn. like why so many ppl so good at their niches or whatever it is they choose to do and theres so much more available now than there was back then but i cant seem to pick a single damned thing that i could realistically do at my age and still feel accomplished bc id just end up feeling behind or regretting not doing it sooner
sorry for ranting abt myself there just if only there was time machine or a literal realistic way of shifting to another damned reality cause this aint it like why im wasting so much of it doing fck all? it should be shameful honestly but like at the same time its kind of impossible with current economy being so crappy
for instance if u want to own a business (which i would do if i could even afford one with my own money but then u got to ha e the job and the know how on running it) seriously my ancestors had so many more things that were successful in their lives and some did have businesses bc shops were affordable back then, education used to be affordable too and housing etc etc. id be more inclinced to then have a family of my own if that were the case but it is not soooooooooooooo then its like even if you want a bog standard job it can still take months just to get something basic. i once did manage to manifest a free bus ride and my teacher not coming to college for a few days but thats abt it. other than that lifes kinda average sadly its not the 1950s and elvis is still dead asf.............. not fair
the other thing that puzzles me and sorry for making this so long but if we are supposed to have had past lives a) why havent we known about it before now and b) how come some celebs dont reincarnate or do the celebs that pass away just get a free pass to heaven and decide to stay put? (in which case i wont blame them but its also not fair that i have to still exist... or fail to exist i should say)
My dude, I understand where you’re coming from and I have been where you are. But you say you wish there was a way to travel back in time or shift realities - there IS a way to shift realities, travel back in time, and live whatever kind of life you want. Seriously. That is the whole reason I created this blog!! So please read through all the information I’ve collected instead of just complaining ok? 😭
All of that stuff you mentioned about your current reality is an illusion. Time is an illusion. It does not matter what you’ve done in the past. The economy does not matter. Your present circumstances do not matter. Past lives only exist if you believe they do.
Look around tumblr at void, loa and shifting success stories. I have shared many of my favorites. People in very difficult circumstances have regularly completely change their lives overnight, wake up in new houses, shift to alternate realities, change their genders, change their ages, bring people back from the dead, to say the very least.
None of it matters because we live in the literal matrix - a VR simulation - and you can have anything you want NOW.
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sinha-ri · 1 year
I know nothing about your ocs so please give me the rundown I NEED to learn about them but have no idea where to start
Strap in this is going to be long bc i will give you a rundown of each lil fucker I have gl on the read ive been oc obsessed for YEARS also warning for lots and lots of dark and tragic themes not a single one of my ocs has a good life (at the start anyway)
Lily Artesia
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he is the blorbo bleebus, the guy i was obsessed with for over 3 years and has over 110 art (that number is just as much as i could find on this laptop alone and NOT including shittier sketches)
he's 28 in present time, gay and asexual, trauma heavy fella, at this point its what hasn't happened to him he has the worst luck, chronic pain, shit dyslexia so he cant read, and his left eye is missing
He is a runaway prince from the holy star kingdom. His family is blessed by the stars and he is their first ever 2nd child, as they were "cursed" to only have 1 child, he has been the only outlier ever. This made him have a few of the blessings rather than all (list of said blessings)
As a runaway prince, he traveled across the sea to another land where he became a mercenary/bounty hunter, worked in the black market, dated a shit ton of questionable ppl, uhh..false sex work that ended up just being murder (as in..he murdered) before being kidnapped and enslaved for a year. He was saved but more like ownership traded w the military he uh, i guess he served there for a while and got in a questionable relationship with Valdis (more on him later) Almost died in battle, was saved by Oliver and ended up recovering and having a fufilling life with Oliver that turned to marriage :D.
He's a lil sarcastic, a big heart, arsonist, selfless, pretty empathetic, likes to murder (ppl he finds irredeemable), just a caring lil guy that copes in the only ways he knows which is ofc murder, self harm (this takes a few forms) and generally getting defensive where he can turn to violence if he really thinks he's in danger (which doesnt help when he has major anxiety and ptsd)
TOYHOUSE if you want anything on tumblr, just search lily in the tags of my blog and you will not run of content on there
2. Oliver Artesia
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He is a favorite but sadly doesnt reach blorbo status as lily and hero but he's up there
30 in present time, demi sexual and romantic, doesnt know he has ptsd, isolated himself for over 5 years lol
Born as a grand mage (i cant find my source talking about this so uh, basically mages here are born with 1 skill type but grand mages can learn any skill type thats all you need to know (and theyre rare)) and a branch of the Artesia Family (rant here lol). Oliver's mother always wanted a daughter and so she would dress Oliver as one, enrolled him in school as such, and prevented him from trying to question her authority or pretty much do anything himself. She was abusive and held him to high standards. This led to a lot of bullying and being unable to make any friends.
This got him to be taken into the custody of his uncle, but once he hit 18, he was enrolled into the military (war just started) as a frontline medic. He absolutely hated this job and found it pointless to save someone who will only go back out to battle. He ended up committing War Crimes by lvling a field with foe and allies, tried to cause war disruption on his own, then let himself be caught so he could be bewitched (also cant find where i talked about this but basically, their magic is nerfed and theyre unable to physically lie), he ranaway soon after and lived alone for over 5 years in a refugee village, becoming the village doctor, herbalist, and pharmacist (he isnt licensed but he knows what he's doing)
He starts off selfish, blunt in adding unnecessary details/comments, has a really cheerful and upbeat energy to him but he will say the most vile bitchy thing ever, over confident in himself, smaaallllll power complex, comforting in his gender (being male) but will roast your ass if you call him she/her (Intentionally)
TOYHOUSE he is also one you can find a lot on my tumblr if you just search up his name on my blog
3. Jonah Artesia
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the fucking baby boy, protect him with all your life
around 16 in the present, queer, god someone help this kid he is drowning in anxiety, low self esteem, and separation anxiety that makes him feel like he needs to be useful
Jonah was born into a Mage Family but was given the short end of the stick by being born a Dark Mage (a magic type that is feared and pretty much banned from these mages to practice at ALL), he was abandonded when this was discovered (around the age range 10-12). Trying to live a decent life, he found himself attempting to be useful via being a guide. He makes maps and sells them, he can read the stars and find his way out of most forests and places. He was finally taken in by a group of teenagers that needed a guide, in which he fit in perfectly. He tends to keep quiet and never voices his opinions, doing anything to be a ppl pleaser in hopes they'll let him stay, which they do after they find out he's a Dark Mage.
in the future, he ends up being adopted by Lily and Oliver, growing in a healthier steady environment where they try to help him recover and grow as a well adjusted adult
he's a big doormat, way too kind and caring and way too selfless, will never speak up for himself, he just doesnt wanna be left alone again and will give up as much of himself as it takes to :(
TOYHOUSE uhh you can find some lore on him but a few of it can be dated
4. Alexander (i dont have a last name yet sobbing)
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he's recently been rising in my mind lately, he is the local WHORE
currently 32, his sexuality is anyone he can have sex with lol, he copes with sex, suffers from insomnia, he makes the absolutely worst dog shit decisions when it comes to his brother its astronomical how stupid he is and how much of a King manbaby he is with the way he approaches the situation.
The first son of the royal family and elder brother of Lily, he is currently King. He is the reason lily ranaway and blames himself for the rest of his life, aiming to make it right by all means. He is a good and caring leader that attempts to listen to his people. But he's very two faced in that he's actually super tired and bitter in the inside and would throw all this away if he could. He hates his job, he hates his life, he's miserable but never lets himself show it nor change how well he does his job. Due to his first lover having been someone who only used him to steal money from him, this man has never fallen in love since. The only intimate relationship he'd have with anyone is through sex but even than its under a disguise. He has no friends, he hates other royalty and nobles, but he will never lash this out on people. The kingdom loves him and he puts on a serene and comforting smile for them to stay trustworthy and complacent.
he's very Fake nice and flirty, he tries to look under the true intentions of anyone who attempts to have a relationship with him. Hardly trusts nor listents to anyone, he's actually pretty awkward when he isn't being King or doing official business, he just really does love sex
tOYHOUSE you probably wont find anything much on him on my tumblr except from pretty dated things i probably scrapped and are no longer canon lol
5. Valdis Nevermore
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this is an image of him in the future but i dont have any of the present. i would say hes a himbo but hes problematic
31, bi, hes got a hero complex, turns from occasional drinker to alcoholic real quick after certain events, complicated family relationship
Valdis is born from a family of knights, and being the eldest, he follows in the footsteps of his father and his ancestors before. He knows there is a problem in the system, but he hopes to help change it from the inside, but finds himself following their orders more than questioning them. Despite this, he does have high morals especially when it comes to treating others and commoners. He attempts not to use his status as an advantage against others. However, once he is in charge of lily during lily's time in the military, he finds his passion reignited to question leadership and develops a hero complex towards Lily, feeling as if he has to help/save him but ends up making things far worse than they should. Once lily is assumed dead, valdis deserts as a Knight, gets disowned by his family, and is on a constant run from being tracked down. Lives with regret and drowns in alcohol
He is a very helpful guy, very kind to all, and a bit of a loser lol. Charming and charismatic when he's not wallowing in pity, he really does have a good heart that is misguided.
he has no toyhouse and very little information is avaliable on tumblr
6. Lenn (might change her name so ill just keep her nickname)
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i have so little woman but GOD am i gay for her, she is wife
35, lesbian, she needs time off and doesnt deserve the treatment she gets fr, get a better job or beat alexander up
a half dragon half human that was "adopted" into the royal family. It was more like taking her in when she was a child, raised as their older sister, but eventually assigned herself the role as the royal guard to the brothers once their parents passed away. She has dedicated her life in trying to protect the remaining family she has, yet it seems alexander hasn't seen her as such in a long time. He hardly listens to her advice and attempts to shoo her away with unnecessary tasks. but she wont let up, even if they no longer see her as family she will strive to protect this family from ending itself even if her worth is no longer appreciated
when around alexander she is serious, stern, and straightforward. Yet in a casual setting, she's rather quiet and wants nothing more than have a moment to relax, yet her mind can't seem to let her. It's been long since she's ever been in a relaxed setting away from the King, but she can get pretty bashful away from it all
she has no toyhouse and almost nothing on my tumblr LOL
two more before i let you choose if you wanna listen about another OC that i will just list and give even more basic information on or give yourself a mental break from the absolute OC brain i have
7. Sergio Cartias
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who brought their weed dad, for some reason i have so little of him yet he is SO loved
30, uhh, i forget what its called but he likes fem presenting people regardless of gender (but he is married to someone who uses she/her). honestly my most normal guy his biggest flaw is he smokes lol.
born from a mage family (listen..i did not realize how many of my ocs come from important Line families istg this was unintentional but when put together it does not seem that way) this branch specalizes in information and history, making him following in the line and steps of becoming a professor/teacher, specifically on witches. while the job was accepted by his family, the specifications and how he teaches about witches is not. The reason being he was Oliver's only friend that really sympathized with his situation and figured bewitching a mage doesn't exactly mean they're horrible people, because he couldnt believe some of the vile shit they would say about Oliver. He lived a fairly normal life with his spouse and being a pretty great teacher that students grew to love.
He's very laid back, he really is Just A Guy but in a good way and has the least drama carrying. He sees his own family above all, but he will be there for his friends or anyone who needs him or just someone who wants to talk to someone. Oh and he's a lightning mage and knows how to use magic with just his hands! (this is relevent?? sorta?? in my lore using your hands for magic casting is the ultimate control sign, as most mages use wands or other mediums given they have easier control with them than hands which is harder to master)
he doesnt have a toyhouse either and you can find some bare minimum stuff on tumblr
the next character is from an entirely separate universe/story, as everyone above is part of the same one.
8. Hero
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foaming at the mouth and rolling around the dirt he is THE blorbo right now omfg I CANNOT stop thinking about this absolute piece of shit person he is my WORST character i fucking love him rn
228 years old baby, aro/ace with extreme sex repulsion and generally physical touch repulsion, god he is so fucked up there is so much wrong with him, might have autism but unrelated to him being an asshole he just isn't neurotypical aint no fucking way (this was done unintentionally btw but certain parts of him made me realize oh, typicals do not feel or think this way usually)
Born half human/half druid, he was left abandonded in a village filled with mixed species. He never knew his parents and he was never given a name. the village he lived in was raided by knights and many kids, including himself, were captured. After captured, he went through what is known as the Hero Project, in which they aimed to find and raise the most suitable to be the kingdom's official "hero". Hero, being the most human passing, was given an advantage already. When tests were conducted, he passed with desired results (praised/rewarded for following orders unquestioningly, least hesitant to harm others) It is no surprise he was the winning candidate to be Hero. Throughout, he was still never given a name but instead called by his title once he earned it. their biggest gripe with Hero was his personality, but through time, he learned to mask his true personality and instead showed one of heroism and kindness. All his expressions were calculated depending on who he was speaking to and especially in public. However, outside of the public eye, he was a nightmare to work with
He cared for no one, he is pure selfishness, he will strike down anyone in his way and in fact enjoys killing to an addictive degree. All crimes he's ever committed were swept under the rug in order to keep his image clean, and so he knew he could get away with anything he pleased. He will torment you in any way that will gratify him and worsen you, be it physical or mental torture. He thrives on seeing the expressions of despair and betrayal. He betrays his kingdom and party members at the drop of a hat because he was simply bored. He betrayed the only person that he somewhat cared for because he refused to change, continuing a campaign of destruction as he used his status as Hero to confuse those who haven't heard the news of his betrayal.
He's cynical, calculating, and will do anything to let himself stay in control of his life
TOYHOUSE there is also so much more lore on toyhouse but ive dropped quite a bit on my tumblr recently
Time for speed rundowns:
Peter/Petros/Petra: The leader of golems that will do all in their power to ensure they thrive. the oldest golem that has little hope for humans, but isn't stubborn enough to put their people in jeopardy over them
Jairo Torrance: A farmer that is currently the closest to a friend Oliver has. He is generally nice but dislikes Lily given he was there when lily temporarily ruled the kingdom
Diene Artesia: the eldest daughter of the artesia family and the next in line as head of the family, she is a lesbian disaster and monster fucker
Azazel: a golem that is half sheep/human, he is mute and the 2nd oldest golem, but he keeps his whimsy and cares for Ophiuchus
Ophiuchus: a golem that follows azazel around, he helps communicate to others what azazel attempts to say and keeps him company and protection
Caide/Mushi: a demon working under a prince of hell, he had forgotten his purpose on the surface before coming to his senses and continuing the plan they had set in motion
Dylan: a half demon/human who was named "Demon Lord" by humans despite being far from it, he wishes to leave in peace but when push came to shove, he will do what must be done
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eirian · 1 year
Just some general advice as I see your posts on occassion on my feed and your current breakdowns on your financials but my guy you should probably get a standard job along side your art.
I say this mostly in a place of I've been there done that sort of thing, I used art to support myself for years while also working a regular 9-5 and while eventually I discovered that doing art fulltime wasn't my thing I can't stress enough that not going forward and getting a regular job to support yourself and your wife when you know you are just barely making it (in your own words) is a borderline lazy thing to do.
Your financials are a major priorty and it shows a lack of character when you can't see that you need to make an effort in a different position. And as someone who also immensely struggles with mental illness also I can tell you that getting that regular 9-5 can help alot with your health. Like for one it can get you moving so minimal excersise is taken care of, possible better money flow and a break from the computer also helps with settling your thoughts. It can be stressful and exaughsting but having a concrete ground of what you're doing along side of art also may give you some piece of mind.
I implore you to just start looking for a regular job to take off some of the stress and it could defo help you loose weight to just from little things that you crowd out
Joint pain is avoided with excersise, breathing problems lifted with regular activity and a little stamina training
San antonio is a booming economic city there are a shit ton of jobs you can get and i know it can be overwhelming especially when mental illness can hold you back but in a loving sense you fr just need to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get shit done or else you're always going to suffer man
i super appreciate this sentiment and im not going to get defensive like my initial reaction usually is to someone telling me to "get a real job" b/c i do see youre genuinely trying to help me out and give me advice so thank you
my problem honestly is that i dont see myself as fit to having a "job job" as i am right now. i feel like all im good at/able to do is art, and thats why i put all of my effort into that. basically i dont have enough confidence in my abilities outside of art :(
constant thoughts of "what if it makes me miserable? what if i do a horrible job b/c its not art?" and etc. yknow? i feel like i need to work on myself mentally a little still
like to be fair i have looked for in person jobs around san antonio, on MULTIPLE occasions. ive had a few interviews even. ive held a job for a couple months at an aquarium (granted it was art--caricatures) but that was a couple years ago and i was in a worse mental place than i am right now so it only lasted a couple months and i was like..miserable, even though i was doing art. everywhere else i had an interview just didnt want me bc of my lack of experience (which is stupid bc i was genuinely making an effort to get these jobs and how else am i supposed to get experience if not from Your Business like????? cmon. anyway)
a major problem even outside of myself is that, between my wife and i, we only have one car. i am planning to learn to drive genuinely and getting my own vehicle, but right now we only have one ride between us, and she has a full time job so she cant take care of driving me to my job all the time and i wouldnt want to put that on her anyway. so thats also an issue we run into when it comes to me having a job job
trust me i do on occasion look for "actual" jobs outside of my commissions. ive applied to a lot and nobody ever gets back to me or if they do they dont want me, which both very much hurt my confidence in getting a job outside of art but thats another issue i think. if i want to get a non-art job i think i'll be forced to try a work from home route like data entry again or something
again, i thank you for wanting to help and i appreciate it and apologize for basically responding with a bunch of excuses but i want you to understand my position as well u_u/ i dont post a lot (if..at all) about when i do non-art job searches bc i never feel like theyll work out and so far they havent but i honestly havent given up the idea, i do think about this a Lot, way more than i let on, and i do go back and forth searching for non-art jobs on occasion when things feel really rough. so its not something thats lost on me
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fetaspeak · 2 years
Idt we consider enough the effect doing a service oriented job that doesnt live up to ones own personal expectations of what both other humans and we ourselves know we deserve. That is to say the only kitchen i ever worked in where i was confident about the cleanliness was the school kitchen which we deck scrubbed after each class.
And like eating out a lot of the time feels like an exercise in denial and blind spotting, because you want to enjoy yourself but the knowledge that the employees are Not having a good time lowers the confidence in a good time for yourself.
You cannot manufacture a good time, when the knowledge must be there to exist at all. As in no minute long dance party will take away the knowledge that the last shift wasnt paid enough to care about putting the yeast in the pizza dough. And so this shifts pizzas will be bad bc no one has time or energy to make another and corporate wont let you anyway and theyre so stuck on money grubbing they drive away most staff within a month.
Or having to lie about timing as your manager glares at you bc they lie about hours to the delivery drivers so theres always a surplus until the drivers realize they're each averaging 6 hours a week in competition with each other, until enough quit that one gets maybe 10 (gas not free) and the cycle starts again!
And having been in kitchens before the knowledge that you're forced to sell a substandard product to survive, bc everything is rent, absolutely ways on your conscience, until you just cant give a shit at all. You end up desensitized to what you're doing if you at all know the standards at your place of work are compromised.
The knowledge that your livelihood depends on hurting others for a dollar you'll never see is so demoralizing, its like i give a fuck if fast food is hiring im tired of hurting people to live.
0 notes
introloves · 4 years
— demon! satori + corruption + extreme sacrilege + back shots + hair pulling + overstimulation + creampie + f! reader
— wc; 1k
“i saw you crying in the chapel”
he thinks you’re beautiful.
morning light breaking into a hundred peices against your skin, catching in your hair- running down with each drop.
it’s the smell of you that brings him out, the sweetness of your tears falling against the floor.
he walks toward you, soft footfalls echoing into the cold and empty chapel.
“its a shame, isnt it?” he calls to you, watching your head lift from the safety of your hands, peering at him with wide and glossy eyes. he can see the remnants of your pain, of your despair- of all the unanswered prayers leaking down your palms, running down your arms and face.
“they never answer.”
even he sounds sad, a stark contrast to the way his lips have curled into a small smile. you might think it’s for comfort, but it’s mocking. silently challenging a higher power to stop him from taking you.
and of course, they won’t.
the words have died in your mouth long ago- nothing tumbles from your lips as he nears, not with the way he leans down and offers you a hand, despite the pain and desperation still pooled in every crease of your palm.
head tilted down to offer a sense of comfort, letting you know he wasnt there to hurt you, lulling you into a false sense of security. it didnt seem to take much to convince you, he supposes its why he liked picking the ones on the cusp of hopelessness.
hands meet and you dont catch the way his already vibrant hair seems to catch every refraction of light pouring through the stained glass.
there’s a smell of smoke permeating the air, it’s faint, but it makes you want more- gentle tugging brings you close to him.
with glazed eyes, you look up at him, captivated in how beautiful the color is. you don’t see or hear his lips move as he recites scripture over and over. looking down at you still caught in the same stupefied manner- lust and hunger lurking behind his actions.
“ye shall overthrow their altars.” he prays all the while releasing your hand, capturing your chin instead- tipping your head up to look at the concaved ceiling.
“and break their pillars.” his hand crawls up your neck, curling around your pulse points, tips of his fingers finding purchase in the hook of your jaw.
“and burn their groves with fire.” the gentle lull of his voice keeps you silent and still, even as he squeezes. even as he leans down and clasps his lips around your throat, a tongue much too thin and wet to be considered normal laving up, up and up.
the taste of him is heavy, something like ash and it nearly burns, it’s pure heat being exhaled into your lungs and it makes you dizzy.
gentle and shaky hands come up to hold onto his shoulders, a contrast to how he takes your mouth. pure lust and want make you crumble against him, eyes closed in the feeling of something wet swiping against your lips.
it’s not a tongue, not a tongue by human standards, but it doesn’t scare you, not even when he curls it into your waiting mouth, swiping against your teeth.
you’re good, he thinks as you’re pulling him in closer. not afraid, unwavering as he tugs your body against his.
an unholy being like him shakes as you cry out a plea- turning to him in solace. it’s what he feeds off, makes his skin tingle, fire inside him stroked as you settle your hips against his own.
“give me your name.” he whispers, pulling away from the sweetness of your mouth.
“y/n.” it’s uttered almost too easily, he knows you know there’s something off about him, but you still give it to him.
it makes him tip his head back. the moment you speak your name- he moans out into the chapel- it seems to vibrate off the walls, deepening as it echoes, all before it returns back to your ears in the form of a growl. he whispers your name again and again, the hands holding onto your thighs sink in deeper each time.
he brings you down, palms roaming up your legs, up your side- to rest at either sides of your neck once more.
“what would you give me, if i could take all your pain away?” satori breathes onto your lips, slithering his ‘tongue’ up the trail of still wet tears, cold atop the warmth of your cheeks.
his eyes widen slightly when you turn around silently, untangling yourself from his being, pushing the sweet little sunday dress up and over the curve of you, leaning over to rest your palms against the cold and ungiving wood of a pew.
he cant think of the last time he was ever rendered speechless or surprised, to think a little, broken, soft human like you was the one to stop all thoughts makes him shiver, head tipping back to chuckle freely.
it doesnt take long for him to sink into you, hand clasping up to entangle long fingers in your hair, pulling you up to hear him- words branded onto your naked skin with each thrust. nails scrape the lacquer off the wood, held tightly in your hands as he takes you.
you’ve never felt this good, there’s pure pleasure crawling up your back, traveling along your spine and down each limb. screams leave your drooling mouth freely, hoping, wanting someone to come see what this... man is doing to you.
he fucks the wetness out of you, splattering it against his feet, it runs down your legs and your orgasm brings more tears- the smell of it twisting in with the cum still pouring out of your battered pussy. he brings you to a point of overstimulation that might be too much, body slumping against his hold, kept upright by only the entanglement of his fingers in your tresses and the hold planted firmly onto your neck.
he starts the prayer once more, wanting to see the verse through- he thinks the words are real pretty, likes the way he can feel the eyes of holy beings drill into the back of his head while he takes you.
“ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods.” satori pants directly into your ear, not stopping despite the way you thrash against him, this was the price you had to pay- a small exchange of your own essence in order for him to truly heal you.
how could anyone think that a being of pure carnal lust- born from sin couldn’t do a better job of repairing the soul of a dirty and inherently sinful human?
he would take it- take you and break you down, orgasm by orgasm, bring you on the cusp of unconsciousness- before truly mending the pain and hurt.
he begins the tugging of your hair once more, moving your head to look directly ahead- blurry eyes focus on the sad image of a cross.
“and destroy the names of them out of that place.” he finishes, pushing into you with the final thrust, cumming inside you with a ferocity that has it squirt from where you’re connected.
it joins your own, puddles of it coagulating in clumps as it drops down from your cunt.
“say my name-” satori whispers, and despite not uttering it once, you know it.
“satori.” it leaves you with ease, it sounds like honey and it rumbles in the walls around you.
his body shakes behind you, and you whimper with the way his hold tightens.
“you’re mine.” he barks, hysterical and loud, facing directly at the altar- smiling wickedly when the chapel seems to bend, twist, and shake... all before settling back down.
you sound so sweet, crying out his name in reverence, seeking the warmth of his being- the warmth he could provide.
claiming you, keeping your soul in his filthy hands was the best thing he’s done in a while, and all because:
“he saw you crying in the chapel.”
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 3 years
Teaching Sanji how to make a meal he’s never heard of
Did this for randomly for fun, idk the idea hit me as i was drinking coffee at 5am. this is completely unrevised and unedited so its probably all over the place knowing my tired self. 
Also a few of my irl friends know this acc and im suddenly im kinda hella embarrassed to post anything lmao
hrng theres always so much dialogue but im to lazy to add a background and stuff for a proper one shot aaaaa
it was a lazy day on the sunny
the next island was still quite a ways away so everyone was doing there own thing to pass the time
but you were feeling kinda hungry, so of course you call sanji over
arriving at your side in record breaking speeds he smiled as he grabbed your hand and kissed it
“how may i help you my love?”
you returned his smile and laughed
“im feelin kinda hungry, do you think you can make me something to eat?”
he seemed to glow at your request and nodded his head
“Of course i can y/n-swan! Do you have something in mind or should i just make the usual”
you tilted your head in thought as you thought of the dish
“Actually i do have an idea”
You told him the dish and expected him to immediately run off like always but instead he blinked
“Erm...can you repeat that please?”
Telling it to him once more, the blond frowned and closed his eyes in thought
“I don’t believe i’ve ever heard of this dish, do you think you can describe it?”
“Sanji, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of this dish before?!” you say, eyes wide with shock
And now he feels even more guilty than before
He knows that there are food and meals out there he’s never heard of, but now when your requesting one of them and he cant do anything about it? He feels awful
“I apologize y/n-swan. I’ll make you some--” you interrupt him by poking his chest “Nope you’re not gonna cook anything now” 
This time he’s the one whos surprised
“Bu-” “Alright Sanji, today im going to teach you one of the best meals out there” 
Grabbing his hand, you lead him to the kitchen with a smile
“Y/n-swan...you can cook??” “Of course i can! I may not be a pro like you are, but i know a couple dishes pretty well. Only reason you don’t ever see me in the kitchen is simply because im lazy. Plus i prefer your cooking more, feels like im eating food that only royalty deserves”
His heart seemed to explode at that, he quickly pulled you back into a tight hug
“Y/n-swaaaaan~! What did i do to deserve an angel like you?” you laughed and hugged him back equally as tight
Once you finally made it to the kitchen, the chef grew excited
Excited to learn a new dish, excited that you are the one teaching it to him, excited to taste his lovely s/o’s cooking for the first time
You turned to him and crossed your arms
“Alright, how do you want to do this? Do you want to do it while i explain the steps, or do you want to just watch me make it?”
He thought for a few moments. While he was tempted to do it himself, he really wanted to try your cooking 
“I’ll watch you do the cooking, but i’ll help prep if thats alright with you. Just tell me what to grab and ill get it!”
You nodded your head and begun to list the ingredients
Throughout the whole process, Sanji was much quieter than you had initially thought he would be
Much less fawning over your actions, and more determination and focus as his blue eyes watched every little thing you did
Every now and then he would ask some questions or clarification but he didn’t say much else
Though actually, i think he would randomly give compliments to you while you cooked 
Soon enough the meal was complete, and suddenly you became slightly self conscious about your cooking
“Alright Sanji, the plating is a bit messy, and the flavors are probably not up to your standards but-” “Nonsense. I’m sure it tastes amazing, after all you were the one to make it”
You sigh and place the dish in front of him
He inspects the dish for a few seconds, turning it around and smelling it, sometimes gave it a light poke or two before finally taking a bite
He closes his eyes as he chewed but they suddenly shot open
“This is really good!”
“Really? You don’t have to be nice you know, its fine if you dont like it” you say but he shakes his head
“No no, this is seriously really delicious! Amazing job y/n-swan! The seasoning is amazing and the texture is very nice, the flavor isn’t too strong or light its just right. This is a great dish that I will definitely try to make in the future”
You can’t help but get a bit flustered at the compliments
“Thats..thats very sweet of you to say thank you” 
You lean over the table and kiss his cheek
From that alone he had to fight against getting a nose bleed honestly
“Now eat up, i believe you were the hungry one after all” he says and you nod
“Sure, lemme just grab another plate and fork and we can split it” you say but he quickly stands up “Here, let me grab it for you. Its the least i can do”
Standing up, he walks towards where the dishes and silverware is but pauses
“Instead of dirtying more things, how about you let me feed you?” he asks with a cheeky smile
You roll your eyes with a smile, deciding to indulge him of his request you nod
“You know what? Sure why not”
Later on he would practice the dish and have you taste it to see if it was correct/to your liking
Unsurprisingly, It only took him a few attempts to nail it 
Another one to add his own flair to it and make it even better
And man, the proud grin he had when he served you this dish
Like many of his other dishes, he practiced it to the point where he could probably make this perfectly blind folded
He gives you a sincere thank you for teaching him a new dish
Will make it for you whenever you ask
But please make him more food, he absolutely loved your cooking and hope it wasn’t a one time thing
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probably-haven · 3 years
after binge reading i have come to a new revelation: I’m not a fan of most Xiaoven fanfics
Don’t get me wrong, I love the ship and its one of my favorite to think about.... but most of the fanfiction for the ship just- doesn’t sit right with me for a number of reasons. 
Disclaimer: these are personal opinions from my own taste and are in no way an attack against any authors out there, because frankly fanfic authors are great and not like i could do better lol. As these are personal opinions, I acknowledge here and now that a number of people disagree and that they are under no obligation to change their opinions in any way as it is not and never will be my intention to tell others what they should be thinking That said- read at your own risk if you want- meh, anyway-
time to share some opinions that have been on my mind lately
The biggest reason.... is how they handle Xiao. And I don’t even mean mischaracterization because Xiao is such a complex and yet simultaneously simple character that as long as you’re somewhere in the range of “Xiao vibes” it’s really hard to write him out of character because of his complexities. What I mean is something that i actually completely agree with as being accurate to his character. In nearly every single fanfic I’ve seen, there is some element of idolization that Xiao has for Venti, or for the sake of reference, Barbatos. He tends to think himself beneath Barbatos and/or indebted to him, whether that be because he’s an archon, because he saved him, or simply because of Xiao’s tendency to dehumanize(yes i see the irony in that word usage) himself.  This by itself isn’t an issue but its often how this trait of his is treated.
Imma just list a few ways I’ve seen this be handled within Xiaoven fics. - It isn’t handled, it’s just there and accepted as a part of who he is in the story - It isn’t handled but his trait is treated as source of humor within the story - Venti(and others) roll with it (finding humor in it, just cant change it, encouraging it, making jokes about it, etc.) - Venti takes advantage of it(whether accidentally or purposely) - it’s actually addressed(by Venti or someone else or the narration- can go a number of ways, but just- even a brief reference to the fact that its not a good mindset fits in here) - savior!Venti(Where venti disagrees with it but the way it’s written gives off “god among mortals” vibes- like he’s just being humble and truly is above him in reality) - its the focus of the story  - not directly addressed but shown to be destructive.  - they chose not to not include this in the story’s characterization of Xiao(just saying that this is valid ahead of time) Theres others but i have a lot already.  Note that I tend to read more ‘serious-toned’(idk if that makes sense) fics so that may skew my perception
Now there’s a few that i have issues with on their own- both instances of it not being handled, Venti(and others) rolling with it, Venti takes advantage of it(purposely(and without good intent)), and savior!Venti. Xiao not only has this trait, but he is unfamiliar with what is normal in relationships or emotions as a result of isolation and inexperience. He is also either not aware of or not concerned with what is considered strictly “healthy.” Combining these makes for a rather dangerous combination and just accepting it as “oh he’s just like that, it’s who he is” or making it out to be something funny- It’s not wrong or bad by any means necessarily, and I could still possibly enjoy it to an extent depending on a series of different factors, but its- not as often.  Even in the case where I do enjoy reading it however, I would still feel uncomfortable sharing it with or recommending it to others because in the first instance it feels like normalizing a destructive and dangerous mindset, and in the second case it does the same while simultaneously making a joke of it. It’s the same deal with Venti or other characters rolling with it, but that’s probably gonna be mentioned later too. Not to say that this is a “wrong” way to handle it, that it makes the fic bad, or that authors even are normalizing anything by doing so, just that in my specific instance- not a fan. 
I’ll get to the others when i talk more about Venti, but for now: It’s the focus of the story. I think I saw like... 2? where the story was like- focused on this and why its a problem which- power to them, address those real world problems like a boss- but also i wouldn’t actively seek it out or anything- like, good job, but doing so just leaves it open neutrally for other factors to decide how good a story i think it is. 
not directly addressed but shown to be destructive. You’d think i wouldn’t like this- but frankly in fanfiction not everyone wants to address every character flaw verbally because it can through off story, narration, dialogue, and general flow to do so. This can be with an event, an action, a dialogue, a mere comment, making it actually fit into the it’s actually addressed category except that its- subtle enough to make its own category. plus i live for show not tell- in everything- its a thing. im- very much a fan of when the fics do this but the subtlety is easy to miss and its not common so- 
It’s actually adressed- doesnt have to be a lot- just mention anywhere or imply anywhere that maybe idolizing someone as a god and savior and being in a relationship with them while having little knowledge of standards, emotions, relationships, or healthy behaviors in general- maybe isnt the smartest idea in the word. (”Call me Venti, not Barbatos” by itself is not enough to fit in this category tho as a note)
Now lets talk about Venti...
uh.... those who have followed me for awhile will probably already know this but... I have a lot of opinions on Venti and a pretty- “niche(?)” perception of his characterization that isn’t shared by a lot of others- so I don’t actually read as much Venti fanfic in general as you might expect because I often end up disagreeing with how writers portray him, which again, in no way is their characterization wrong, but- “their perceived truth” conflicts with “my perceived truth” and by extent so does the characterization, though neither is any more correct than the other from an objective point of view, if that makes sense... but anyways now that that’s said, moving on before this becomes a philosophy lecture, as fun as that would be for me.  I’ll try to keep my “perceived truth” out of this for the first bit. 
Venti’s response to this: 
He rolls with it: this depends on the mood of the fanfiction. If they dont put a lot of stress on that trait of Xiao’s it totally fine but if the trait seems to be a major part of Xiao’s character, it seems like normalization once more. (more on this later)
he takes advantage of it purposely: if its an AU or something and Venti’s like a villain(i saw a few) then- villain venti isnt my cup of tea but i have no qualms. If they don’t portray Venti in a negative light while having him take advantage however that’s a bit uncomfortable to read for me because it feels like normalizing taking advantage of that mindset as well as the mindset itself. However, i did see a number of instances of Venti using it as leverage for like- self care- which i definitely have no qualms. Xiao: [insert probably destructive idolizing statement about being indebt] Venti: How bout you pay me back by actually sleeping for once smh or other variations are okay and depending on the vibe are actually a really fun dynamic as long as it doesnt turn into romanticizing or normalizing it, y’know?
Venti accidentally taking advantage of it.... I love angst- and in most of these theres a sense of guilt when he realizes- and i just think thats a lovely way of addressing the dangers of such a mindset for both sides. As long as it doesn’t keep repeating to the point of romanticization its totally cool to read in my eyes(not irl ofc). If Venti never realizes he accidentally took or is taking advantage it feels a bit like normalization, and if he does but just- doesn’t care thats- a rip.
savior!Venti...... i- i hate. the story giving off vibes that Xiao’s mindset is technically correct while Venti oh so humbly tells him to treat him as an equal like the wonderful and charitable person he is.... i just- no. of course thats over dramatizing it- I think the main thing that gives it this vibe is when Venti doesn’t seem either concerned, surprised, uncomfortable, or otherwise have a negative feeling towards Xiao’s mindset. Just- it makes the whole thing weird in my eyes when Venti doesnt really seem to have his own reason to oppose the mindset idk- 
fact time!
Venti is the god of freedom. His backstory is freeing Mondstadt from a god’s tyrannical reign. His origin is a windsprite, just another breeze bringing changes for the better. His form is a nameless boy who played an instrument and then died, thus failing at his only dream and only ever accomplishing anything because of the help of others. He slept for a thousand years after the archon war to avoid putting Mond under the rule of yet another tyrannical god. He only even became a god because Andrius chose to let him. He wouldn’t have even had that chance if the nameless bard had survived, he’d remain just another wind while his friend ascended to godhood. Venti sacrifices his own power for his people’s freedom. 
now that I’ve laid out a number of canon facts, time for opinions:
Venti has little to no desire to be seen as a god. He thrives in, comes from, and emphasizes a lack of superiority in quite nearly everything. The first Ragnvindir, who canonically turned his back on Venti after Decarabian’s fall, likely did so because one- he anticipated power would corrupt and Venti would soon become just another tyrannical god, two- he suspected Venti used the nameless bard in an attempt to rise to godhood, or three- idk insert other possibilities to acknowledge again that i could totally be wrong.
Look me in the eyes and tell me Venti wouldnt trade godhood for his friend in an instant. His godhood was only granted to him because his friend died and could easily serve to constantly remind him of what could have been and what he lost. Venti takes no enjoyment from being seen as superior and in my opinion, I feel that it could actually make him largely uncomfortable when his divinity and abilities as an archon get involved-
also self promotion for my favorite posts- check out #archon war era venti if thats interesting to you
so anyway Venti rolling with it or making jokes about it just doesn’t sit right with me.- 
Okay! enough talking about that mindset!
idk- i have... a few/lot of other gripes and stuff or just things that kinda throw off the vibe for me but that’s the main one plus my general personal pickiness when it come to Venti fanfics- but this has gotten long enough already- 
idk i just felt like rambling about it and i haven’t done a long post in a while so-
again, I love the ship and its actually one of my favorites- just the fanfic isnt my thing..... that doesn’t mean i don’t still love it and come up with a whole ton of brainrot and ideas on it tho lmao
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Don’t Hook Up With Your Friends (Sero x F!Reader)
Jealous!Bestfriend!Sero x F!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Smut ahead~
To say you and Sero were close would be a bit of an understatement. The two of you debuted as sidekicks in the same agency and though you had picked different agencies as fully-fledged pro-heroes, Sero was never far from you. This had culminated into you being entwined with his group, affectionately called the ‘Bakusquad,’ despite Bakugou huffing every time they referred to it as such. Being so close to Sero and his friends had some interesting repercussions, such as Sero and Mina trying to hook you up to each and every one of their available classmates.
You should have been thankful, that was how you landed your job as a hero at Shouto’s agency. You were a nice counterpart to Shouto’s stoicism and the media ate up your hot and cold personalities. This also meant you were conned into a date with Kaminari, his usual flirty nature replaced by a bleating, nervous wreck, flowers and all. You had banned any and all blind dates after that. Kaminari could barely look you in the eye anymore.
 As close as you were to them, especially Sero, there was one secret you held close. One secret that meant no amount of hook-ups or blind dates would work. You were hopelessly in love with Sero. Every smile, every touch, every joke lit up your world. This was the reason you would never tell him. How could you risk losing that? There was a ridiculous level of burnout in the pro-hero scene, but one joke from Sero would pull you from the depths of your worst days. No, you were content being Sero’s friend. Perhaps even best friend.
 You truly shared everything with him, which was why you were spending one of your precious free Friday nights sprawled out on his couch complaining about your lack of a love life.
 “I just need a good fuck, Sero.” This fazed neither of you. With the introduction of Mina, you and Sero had learned the unadorned truth of each others preferences. From then on, it was less awkward to run with it than to avoid it. Now there was no filter to what you could talk to him about.
 Sero chuckled, waving his phone. “I still have a few friends we haven’t tried. I could make some calls?” His wide grin faltered as you threw a round pillow at his face. He caught it out of the air and glanced around it. “I know they’re called throw pillows, but I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to actually throw them.”
 You rolled your eyes, but the corners of your mouth still pulled up into a grin. “Sero! I said no more hooking me up with old classmates. You know that I’m already terribly in love with someone.” Yes, even this he knew. He heard how you pined for someone, he just didn’t know it was him. It was only fair, Sero often talked about his crush. Neither Sero nor you pushed for a name, knowing you would be pressured to reveal your own.
 “Don’t you think it’s time to move on?” Sero pouted. He knew you couldn’t resist when he gave you that face.
 “What about you? Are you moving on from your mystery girl?” You could tell by the way he averted his eyes that he wouldn’t- couldn’t move on. You tried in vain to push down the ache in your chest. As much as you wanted it to be you, even more so you wanted Sero to be happy.
 “This isn’t about me! This is about you pining after someone, who from your own admission is blind to your feelings. Who is, and I quote, ‘Never going to happen.’ At least I’m optimistic.” His grin returned, a little bit lopsided as his thoughts drifted to more romantic affairs.
 “It’s kind of hard to move on from someone I see damn near every day, Han.” His goofy grin intensified at your nickname, but you didn’t miss how he turned his phone back to his face. While he didn’t push for a name, he was adamant about trying to figure it out on his own. On his phone was a note listing all the little hints you never meant to give. With another bullet point, he jots down ‘sees often, every day?’ and closes the note.
 “Well, instead of sitting here like two lovesick teenagers, why don’t we get out and do something about it. Maybe a couple of drinks and some good music will make you more open to a good hook-up.” He shot you a wink, and you were glad you had such a resistance to his flirtations. Your heart picked up, but the heat didn’t stain your face. There was little resistance from you, anything to make it seem like you had a life.
  The sun had set long enough for a chill to set it, and you wrapped Sero’s arm closer around your shoulder. Despite his warning, you didn’t want to deal with keeping track of a jacket tonight. Not that he complained about you sapping his body heat. Luckily, you were able to slip into the cloying heat of the club soon after you arrived. You danced out of Sero’s grasp and to the bar, ordering for you and Sero right away.
 You sipped on your drink heavily, wanting the alcohol and music to course through your veins. Sero merely chuckled at you, dipping into his drink to match your pace. A few more drinks and you and Sero prowled the dance floor. For a while, you were content to dance against the twenty-something-year-old frat boys and hero-chasers. A few more drinks and you started to look with intent. Even with the haze of alcohol over your eyes, every dance partner fell short. Curse your standards and subpar sex life.
 You knew it was Sero from simply touch alone. It was as if the memory of his hands was seared into your body. You took no time to lean back against him, allowing the bass to drum through your body. You moved as if you were a thrall to the music, letting everything fall back except the noise and all the parts of Sero that pressed against you. His hands were fire on your hips, his face nestled into the crook of your neck. You allowed your hands to caress your sides as they slid up, barely ghosting your breasts. Your breath hitched at their passing, moving ever high to nestle into Sero’s hair.
 All at once, you notice his hard length against your ass. It was a wonder you hadn’t noticed sooner. Your body seemed to move of its own accord, spinning in his hold. Sero’s hand dipped from your waist to trail down your thigh and you threw it over his hip. The effect was immediate on Sero, grinding up against you. You threw your head back and barely registered Sero’s face following to trail his nose along your collarbone.
 You knew this was more than dancing as soon as you met his eyes. Half-lidded and blown out with lust, you never felt anything burn hotter in your core. You were unaware who leaned in, but your mouth was hot on his. It was nothing like you had imagined your first kiss with Sero, drunken and messy. Teeth hit teeth and lips, but neither of you shied away. As soon as you pulled back, Sero was dragging you from the club.
  The two of you laughed as you crashed into Sero’s house. The door clattered and then slammed as you moved your way in, never out of Sero’s grasp. Hands, lips, and teeth were everywhere. You couldn’t tell if your head was spinning from the drinks or the pleasure of Sero touching you like this. Everything was such a blur. You fell into his bed with him settling on top of you. This wasn’t a time for the slow, sensual love you’d like to give him. Not while he’s sucking a deep purple into your neck and the metallic clink of his belt rings in your ears.
 Your panties were slipped off and surrendered to a distant part of the room. You didn’t even get a good look at his dick before he ducked back to your lips. The desperate meeting of your mouths and the feeling of his hair running through your hands damn near distracted you from the prodding of his length at your heat. He swiped his cock through your slick, parting your lips as you bucked against him. His hand gripped your shoulder as he pressed into you with a groan. You winced at the stretch and your sober voice wondered softly if you should have prepared a bit more. That thought was quickly lost as the alcohol dimmed the pain. Sero’s soft murmurs into your hair and the shallow, slowly deepening thrusts grounded you as the stretch subsided. You felt his hips brush against yours after a few more thrusts, but you were too needy to listen to your body’s need to adjust. You rolled your hips against him and whined as your clit met the cool air and nothing else. It tempted you to flip Sero on to his back for the simple purpose of grinding the sensitive nub against him, but he quickly stopped those thoughts with a sharp thrust.
With how far gone you both were, there was no pacing. It was all or nothing, and the way Sero’s hips canted against yours, you couldn’t help but give him all you had. You arched you back as he gripped your hips and rutted into your heat. The sweat on you cooled on your skin in stark contrast to Sero’s smoldering heat. “Looks like drinks were enough to loosen you up for a hook-up.” Sero chuckled gruffly. Your heart sank to your stomach with his words. You felt sober all too suddenly as Sero groaned into your neck at his release.
   You awoke to the tinny chime of your phone the next morning. For what had transpired last night, your headache was relatively dull. You didn’t dare look back at Sero, his soft snores assuring you that your phone had yet to awaken him. You slipped out of his bed as smoothly as you could, hoping you pulled it off at least a little bit better than a newborn calf. Your phone was snatched out of your bag and muted as you padded into the attached bathroom.
 Shouto’s stoic face displayed on your screen as he called you again. “Shouto, it’s my day off, what do you want?” You usually had a bit more patience for these calls, but after the night you had, all you wanted to do was wallow at home by yourself.
 “It’s your day off of work, but you did say you would help me train today.” You could almost hear the gentle smirk in his voice. You sighed heavily, running a hand through your hair.
 “That’s right, sorry. I thought this was a work call. I… I’m gonna be a bit, but I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You winced as you felt the dried juices rub against your thighs. You hung up shortly after, assuring Shouto that you knew where to go. You peeked out the door, Sero turned toward you but still asleep. After a cursory glance, you gave up on trying to find your missing panties. It was just more time than you had to spare. You did stand for a minute, contemplating whether you should wake Sero. What would you say? ‘Thanks for the fuck, see ya around buddy?’ You didn’t have time to get into what it means for you. At this point, you just wished everything would go back to normal. No, you would pick the coward’s choice out and leave while he was asleep.
  If Shouto had noticed the change in your mood that day, he said nothing. Not like you expected him to, he was still emotionally constipated. Sero had gone back to the goofy friend you had grown to love after a day of silence, but now his antics hurt. It was like that night had never happened. While it ached, you thought it was for the best. You’d rather have him like this than not at all. So you followed his lead, responding to all the group chats and texts with your usual fervor, even if you couldn’t bring yourself to believe it.
 You had avoided him for a week and a half, something that was almost unheard of in your friendship. As much as you wanted to see him, you needed time to heal. Time to grieve. You were planning on holding out a little longer, but Sero’s reminder of your planned movie night ruined your plans. You couldn’t bail on him again without it becoming suspicious. The last thing you wanted to do was make him question your feelings.
 You found yourself at his door, allowing yourself a deep breath before you walked in. “Hey Han, I brought popcorn!” You cheerily yelled into the halls. You set down your bag of goodies on a counter as you walked further in. To your surprise, Sero was sat in the living room, his elbows braced on his thighs as he leaned his head into his hands.
 “Sero?” You questioned softly. He looked up to you, his eyes hard and angry. You weren’t used to seeing him angry at all, definitely not directed at you. “What’s wrong?”
 “What’s wrong?! What’s wrong… you mean besides you ignoring me for over a week! Pretending nothing happened? Leaving me in bed after we fucked to see another guy and not even having the balls to wake me up before you go?” You flinched at his tone, each word like a cut to an already aching heart. “If you thought we could just go back to the way we were, you were wrong.” You broke at that. Pride thrown aside, you launched yourself into his chest.
“Please no Han- Sero, please.” You let your tears fall, as unbidden as they were. You could feel the heat radiating from Sero’s hands as they hovered over your arms.
 “No, I can’t just go back to being your friend after this.” You jerked your head up to meet his eyes. His hands finally found purchase on your arms, nervously rubbing them up and down. “You can either go, leave now, or…” You shook your head before he stilled it with his hand. You couldn’t bear looking him in the eye, so you kept your eyes shut tight.
 “I can’t lose you.” It was merely a whisper, but it was soon swallowed by Sero’s lips crushing against yours. You were so startled by it that you didn’t think of reciprocating. He was steady as he walked you back to the wall. Being between him and the cold roughness of the wall made your head spin. You gripped his shirt, desperate to anchor yourself to something. His body was pressed against yours, and you wished this was happening in a better situation. If it was friends-with-benefits or nothing, you were sure you could get used to it. It would hurt, but not having him would hurt more.
 You gave in, letting his shirt drop from your hands in favor of winding them around his neck. The hot sting of tears burned in your eyes, but you kissed him like you wished you had earlier. Sero wasted no time in running his tongue against the seam of your lips. You opened easily to him, how could you not? It was sweet torture feeling his nose brush against yours as he tilted his head to slot against your mouth. You tried to ignore the feeling of a tear running down your face. Sero’s arms traced down your sides, sending a flutter through you when his hands met the bare skin of your stomach.
 You felt empty as Sero pulled away, straying only far enough to push your shirt up and off of your body. He quickly started his assault on your collarbone, suckling an ever-darkening spot on the fragile skin. He continued down to the valley of your breasts. You tried desperately to lose yourself in his actions, to enjoy what you had desired for so long. Your hands searched for him, tangling in his hair as he lavished the skin he could reach.
 You arched under his touch, inadvertently rubbing yourself softly against his leg. A gasp escaped your lips, causing Sero to look up at you. You tried to turn your face from him, hiding the wetness on your face but Sero knew you too well. His hands abandoned your sides, finding the swell of your cheeks. A rough thumb swiped at your tears as he kissed your cheek softly. His head bowed, once again nestled in the crook of your neck. You could feel the feather-light touch of his lips against your shoulder.
 “I know I make you feel good. I know I can make you happy, so why?” Sero’s voice was a soft whine, the brush of his breath sending shivers through your skin. “Please don’t cry.” His hands fell against the small of your back, bringing you ever closer to him. You cradled his head in your arms, urging your tears to dry. Sero’s tongue wet his lips, accidentally dragging against your sensitive skin. He watched the effect he had on your body, leaving soft kisses on your shoulder. “Just tell me who… I know I’m not the best hero and I know that my looks don’t stand up to some of my friends… but I know you. There’s nothing that you haven’t told me.” His hands traced light patterns on your back. “I know your favorite movies, your order at every restaurant in town. I even know what you want your future house to look like and how many kids you want. You’ve told me all of your fantasies, just like I’ve told you mine. We know each other more intimately than anyone else in the world… so how? Who took you from me?” A defeated chuckle sent hot breath cascading over your skin. “It’s Todoroki, isn’t it?” He finally pulled back to look you in the eyes. You couldn’t hide from him anymore.
 “It’s… you. Sero. Hanta, it’s always been you.” You were prepared for him to release you from his hold, but his arms tightened instead. The world seemed to be thrown out of balance as Sero hoisted you over his shoulder. He quickly made his way down the hall and into his room. You bounced softly as he laid you on his bed. Sero returned to ravishing your chest, arms straining against the plush of his mattress to remove your bra. You went to cover your chest, say something in protest, but you were swiftly reminded just how fast Sero had gotten. Before you could move, his tape had already circled your wrists, pinning them to his headboard. Your words died in your throat as you looked up at him, his eyes dark with want and an incomparable joy shining on his face. Sero stood, pulling off his shirt and pants as he grinned down at you.
 “So you’re telling me,” he leaned over you, placing ticklish pecks on your hips, “that for years, you have been telling me all these dirty things you want to do with this mystery man,” he paused, allowing himself to enjoy the way you squirmed against his ministrations. “How badly you wanted his touch,” he sucked a dark mark into your hip, “how you wanted to suck him dry.” He made quick work of your pants, slipping them off your legs and abandoned them to the floor. His fingers traced you through your panties, slick already coating them. “And you were talking about me?” He laid a kiss on your thigh as he moved down. “Dirty girl.” His fingers were already hooked around your panties, pulling them slowly down your hips before you found your voice.
 “Han, what… what about that girl that you like?” You were desperate to continue, but you needed to know. You watched him grin up at you from between your legs, biting your lip to contain the moan that the sight brought. Your panties were finally stripped from you and went the way of their predecessor, lost to Sero’s room. His fingers trailed up your thighs. “She’s amazing, but she’s oblivious as hell.” You tried to keep your head as his fingers trailed over your slit. “I thought I made my feelings clear over a week ago, but I guess it didn’t take.” You gasped, gripping the tape above your wrists as Sero softly pushed a finger into your warmth. “Lucky for me, I get another try.” It didn’t make sense, Sero knew how you felt now, and you knew Sero wouldn’t say things that would hurt you so badly. He ducked his head down, lapping at the excess wetness dripping from your core. You dropped your head to the pillows with a groan. “And she tastes so sweet.” It took a moment to register as Sero’s tongue circled your clit. Your head snapped up, desperate to see him. His eyes stared up at you hungrily as he lapped at you. Another finger entered you, curling and scissoring you open.
 “Ha-Han! Please tell me you’re saying what I think you are?” He wiped the slick from his face as he crawled up your body. His fingers pistoned inside you as his palm ground softly against your clit.
 “We’ve been pretty dumb, huh?” he peppered your face in sweet kisses. “I love you. Always have.” His last kiss pressed to your lips. Sero knelt, using his free hand to release you from the tape. You hands went to his hair, pulling him back into a messy kiss.
 “You are an asshole, Han.” You panted against his lips.
 “Your asshole, hopefully.” You swatted at his shoulder. Despite the remnants of tears glistening in your eyes, you smiled up at him.
 “You’re stuck with me now.”
 “Then let’s make it official.” He shucked his boxers in record time, removing his fingers only to glide your slick on his cock. You watched, enraptured, as he closed his eyes in bliss. His lip was worried between his teeth and you couldn’t resist tracing it with your fingers. You pulled his lip from his teeth before allowing yourself to trace down his body, following the lines of his lithe muscles. Sero rubbed his length against you, causing your breath to hitch every time it passed your oversensitive nub. Delicate nips and kisses were laid at your throat, traveling down your chest. Your arms grasped as Sero’s back as his lips brushed your nipple. His tongue traced idly around it, enjoying the way you tried to press yourself closer to his mouth. He obliged finally, sucking your nipple into his mouth softly. His tongue swirled around before releasing it with a satisfying pop. He quickly moved across your chest, repeating his movements as he ground himself against you.
 “Hanta, please,” You maneuvered your hand between the two of you, trying to line him up with your opening. He chucked against your chest, sending the vibrations rippling through you. Your hand was softly pulled from his length. He brought your wrist to his lips, laying a kiss over your pulse before placing your palm on his chest. Sero adjusted between your legs, gripping himself as he ran his head over your slick lips. He touched his forehead to yours, gazing into your eyes adoringly as he slowly pressed inside. The stretch felt heavenly. Sero claimed your lips, a passion you had hardly felt before radiating from every touch.
Sero thrust into you slowly, taking his time to bottom out. He stilled as he did, peppering your face with kisses before snaking his arms underneath you. His first few thrusts were shallow as he took his time to enjoy your heat wrapped around him. It was a stark comparison to your first encounter.
 He held you close to him, pressing kisses to every bit of skin he could reach. Each press of his lips was like a prayer, an apology for every day he made you wait, every time one of you had missed the obvious signs, every time something he said came out wrong. Your skin was begging to buzz from his affections. His fingers trailed up your shoulders, one hand cupping the back of your head as he focused on curve your jaw. He suckled a mark into the juncture of your neck causing you to buck into his lazy thrusts.
 After a moment of hesitation, he rocked to the side rolling you on top of him. His hands slid down your back, settling on your hips as he helped you keep pace. He stared up at you like a worshipper at an altar, reverence and awe written on his face. His lips were swollen from his affections. You couldn’t resist dipping down to run your tongue over his lip, drawing a moan from deep withing him. He bucked up into you harder, urging you to pick up the pace. Your hands settled on his stomach, trailing through the sparse hair leading to where you were connected. The feeling of his hands pulling you down against him was a sweet torture, almost saccharine. Each time he brought you down on himself, you ground against him, pulling gasps and moans from the both of you. Your lewd duet only served to drive you higher, the sounds of your skin meeting his as your wetness pooled around you a lustful accompaniment. Your fingers stopped their roaming as you used your hands to help lift you higher, faster. You chased after your high, eyes locked onto your lover’s. His eyes were lidded and blown out as he panted underneath you. His dull nails desperately tried to find purchase in your hips, pulling you harder against him as he bucked into you.
 Your moans only grew louder the harder he pushed. Sero seemed reluctant to move his hands from your hips, but the desperation of his face mirrored the quickening pace he set. His hand sent sparks through you as it dragged over your hip, settling on your oversensitive nub. He rubbed lazy circles against it, pulling broken moans from you. His touch was feather-light, causing you to grind even harder against him to gain friction.
 You knew he felt you clench again him as he groaned, his eyes fluttering behind his lids. His hips stuttered and you took control, not faltering in your pace until your crest washed over you. Sero couldn’t hold back any longer, the fluttering of your walls driving him to buck into you with a desperate fervor. It only drew out your ecstasy as he chased after you. His release pulsed inside of you soon after.
 You collapsed onto his chest, uncaring of the sweat that clung to the both of you. His forehead fell to yours, his breath hot against your face. You couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. You basked in the moment, pressing lingering kisses to his face as he did to you before. You would have been content to stay like this for a while, if not for the obnoxious sound of crunching popcorn from the doorway. Sero quickly pulled a sheet up over your bare form, slipping you to his side furthest from the door.
 “Oh, you don’t have to stop on my account.” Mina popped another handful of popcorn into her mouth. She leaned causally against the door frame, a wicked grin plastered on her face. “Just thought you guys might want a reminder that movie night is a group thing. That started like fifteen minutes ago.” Sero stood with a start, finally getting over the shock of Mina appearing in his doorway. You didn’t want to dwell on how long she had been standing there. Sero quickly wrapped a blanket around his waist, leaving the sheet to cover you. He nearly stumbled over the dragging fabric as he rushed Mina out of the door, slamming it behind her. Her boisterous chuckle was loud even with the barrier between you. “Maybe close the door next time?” She cheered.
 Sero turned back to you, an embarrassed grin on his face. “Well, I guess we better get dressed and get this over with.” He sighed, scratching at his face. You nodded, sitting up with the sheet pulled to your chest.
 “Hey Hanta?” You murmured.
 “Yeah?” He didn’t even look up as he scanned the room for his clothes.
 “If you liked me so much, why did you keep trying to set me up with your friends?”
 “First of all, I love you, not just like you,” he straightened to look you in the eye seriously, “and I just wanted you to be with someone who would be good to you.”
 “And you weren’t part of that list why?”
 He chuckled, “Doesn’t matter now.”
 “Oh, and why is that?” You asked coyly, unable to resist the usual banter.
 “Because I’m gonna marry the shit outta you.” His trademark grin was stretched across his face, warning your heart. Even with your fondness for him, you couldn’t let him get off with such a bold statement.
 “Why sir, we’re not even dating and you’re talking marriage?” You gasped dramatically into your hand.
 “Oh my apologies,” He threw the end of the blanket over his shoulder before dipping into a frivolous bow, “I would be forever grateful if my lady do me the honor of letting me court her.” His eyes twinkled in delight as he extended a hand to you. You accepted, holding the sheet to yourself as you returned an equally cheesy curtsy.
 “How could I turn down such a chivalrous request.” You fell into Sero’s hold as laughter bubbled up between you. The two of you broke apart to search for stray clothes. You grimaced as you held up your panties, drenched and cold. Sero must have seen the dismay on your face.
 “Catch.” He called from across the room. You barely caught a bundle of his clothes before glancing over to him in confusion. “Your shirt is in the living room,” he snickered, “and I figured you would be more comfortable in clean clothes.” Warmth bloomed in your chest at his thoughtfulness. You slipped on a pair of his boxers and shorts before slipping on an oversized tee. Sero tugged to you his side, tucking you under his arm. “You look good in my clothes.” He grinned against your hair.
 “I like being in your clothes.” You retorted, mirroring his grin. He ushered you out of the room, not bothering to pull away from you. Everyone had at least heard the two of you already, no point in pretending.
 The squad was gathered in the living room, and uncomfortable silence hanging over everyone except Mina, who twirled your shirt on her finger. Bakugou stared angrily out the window, but the tips of his ears were bright red. Kirishima was more upfront. His face practically glowed red.
 “Uh, good for you guys!” He choked out, thrusting out a thumbs up towards you and Sero.
 Oddly enough, Kaminari seemed the most put together. “So does this mean I don’t get a second date?”
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