#you deserve financial compensation
werewolfetone · 2 years
This is going to be like seeing a massive plume of smoke in the distance for most of you but god I would literally rather apply every modern lgbtq label there is to Dorothy and William Wordsworth both than seriously believe the "the Wordsworth siblings were fucking" theory
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therealvalkyrie · 1 year
sorry for melting all over your dash😭
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dailytunes6 · 7 months
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im bringing back playlist of the week
this week: taylor swift for the uneducated masses by meeeeeee
i made this one on tuesday, after one of my friends complained that mother is overplayed. i do agree. shes so popular that most of the songs on the radio are made to be marketable, which is really annoying when trying to convince people that she has nuance. i tried really hard to keep “common/overplayed” songs out of my playlist, but who knows! my pal (who im en route to making a swiftie) hasn’t updated me on her thoughts so who knows if i succeeded lmao
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ambassadorheli1 · 9 months
for the two people that follow me here and know me irl, I am so sorry.
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bonefall · 15 days
i saw one design where they gave her what this person described as "a hapsburg jaw, because incest lol" and the way i physically recoiled
I am keeping a personal folder of fucked up shit people have been saying about Moonpaw (with the names of posters removed). Some of the things I've seen and screenshotted include;
A person hoping that Moonpaw "dies of inbreeding complications to make the Erins face the consequences of their actions." As if she's a real person the writing team has no control over?? The ink on the page is going to die of incest???
Open calls and wishes for a "mass extinction event" in ThunderClan because "we need to kill them off" for being too genetically unhealthy
Delight and revelry in the fact that Moonpaw's chimerism probably comes from inbreeding, often paired with conflating chimerism with mosaicism
LOTS of jokes about "ugly, misshapen, deformed" Moonpaw, some saying she would be mentally impaired, even comparing her to unethically bred animals because her parents are "practically siblings."
So forgive me for having a hunch that these people don't actually give a shit about the victims of incestuous abuse. I've got a feeling they just want an acceptable target to make ableist comments about. Something tells me they might not think eugenics isn't all too bad if it's done against populations they think are "actually" undesirable.
These jokes and comments are not fucking funny and the fact that some of these are the very top of the Moonpaw tag makes me sick. I NEVER want to hear these ghouls complain about the tangled family tree ever again if your reason for it being bad isn't because of intense social control or authorial carelessness, but because it might produce ugly and/or disabled people. Wither and rot.
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sealrock · 1 month
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the major arcana, shuffled: 8/??
DEATH; ⤉ spiritual transformation, endings, transition, sudden or unexpected upheaval ⤈ fear of change, repeating negative patterns, stagnancy, decay
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 years
Pete The Hedgehog
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eclipseshotel · 1 month
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tethered-heartstrings · 8 months
people who deal with chronic heartburn or migraines or joint problems are god's strongest soldiers
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syn4k · 3 months
its seems gigalogs has opened a new department that's, well, less family friendly
"the pleasure of our customers regarding our service is our ultimate priority," announces ren to the inhabitants of the Neighbourhood. someone (probably iskall) snickers.
cleo raises their hand.
"yes?" asks ren, pointing to her.
"ren, this sucks," cleo says with a small, tight-lipped smile thats half forced and half genuine. "can we all just go home now?"
"well," says ren after a short pause, "i sure hope this doesn't suck! but then again, better to suck while pleasuring and servicing customers than to have no customers at all."
it is dead silent. iskall has collapsed onto the ground from giggling so hard and is currently beating the grass with his fist in pure mirth.
"i'm moving to Magic Mountain," says Beef, picking up a shulker box and turning to leave. "i don't care how nice the land is, nothing is worth this."
"can we kill him again?" asks false.
"please," says cleo.
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mitskijamie · 3 months
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Wasn’t originally gonna draw her this sad but she makes me so sad
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cordycepsbian · 9 months
If you're still doing the color palette challenge thing could you do zommoth in "my wife fucking left me" or whatever the name of that one is
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sorry this took a million years to do the skull got us
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leofrith · 9 months
opening a dating app in my shitty little hometown is really just. hunting picture. picture of a guy with his pickup truck. guy who looks like the average freedom convoy participant. fishing picture. girl who bullied you in high school. picture of guy holding beer. picture of a snowmobile. attempted thirst trap that looks like it was taken on a potato. odd man out who seems to actually give a shit about dressing well and grooming himself—uh oh! he owns investment properties in toronto and doesn't see poor people as human beings. fishing picture. guy who pretended to ask you on a date as a joke in middle school. beer picture. homophobic straight woman who recently divorced after getting married and having two kids right out of high school who now wants to give women a try. hunting picture. fishing picture—you have run out of people to swipe! please expand your search area! :)
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carcarrot · 2 months
the ONE TIME in my life i consider that i actually flirted (the classic "phone number on the napkin" bit) did not ultimately work out at all plus i later realized the guy sucked so. so far so good
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venturelovebot · 2 months
The entire Wobbledogs OST is what it sounds like in Venture's head at all times...
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