#you dont actually care about the characters you just want to be biphobic and hate women
lelianaslefthand · 1 year
im so so grateful ive never seen any original "astarion/karlach/shadowheart/etc is just gay" discourse posts with my own 2 eyes bc i'd turn into the joker BUT i will be postblocking every post i see about those posts bc i cant look at them anymore there's just so many and they ruin my mood every single time i see one
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edalynn · 2 years
every time i see a hl stan on tiktok say “theres enough lgbt rep” and shit like “why do straight ships get so much hate but lgbt ships dont” 50 years are taken off my life
I. Are there people actually. Saying this .It just goes to show you things. [otgw Greg voice] And by things i mean that lgbt folk can't have one fucking thing that's ours. You say "go make your own show if you want to see rep" and Dana did. And now youre complaining and boo-hooing and whining that there's no representation for you in there. Like, uh, yeah! It's not fucking for you! Oh cry, cry I am uncomfortable when we are not about me. That's it. That's what h/l shippers sound like. Clearly we don't have enough rep if that's the kind of reaction we're getting to the first show with a queer main character in a wlw relationship on Disney. I'm taking a stance. I don't fucking care if it's young girls that see themselves in Willow or look up to her and just want a pretty boy to love them. If you think lgbt people being uncomfortable with a m/f ship that has no solid backing in the show is a threat to you somehow, you are the problem and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the fact that I didn't get these kinds of cartoons with explicit lgbt rep at my age and y'all do, and instead of cherishing it straight fans are stomping all over it in favor of a straight passing ship. Yes, Hunter has canon bi imagery, but even that hasn't been explicitly stated in canon and Willow's sexuality has never been touched on. So whether it's actually straight or not, with the context we have in the show it's straight passing at the least and if a single fucking person comes at me yelling biphobia, they will get the same response they've always got. It's not biphobic to dislike two characters together especially when I've actively made content of the bi implied character being with both fem and masc people lmao. Just because I don't like your shitty ship doesn't make me biphobic- I just have good taste. You know why straight ships get so much hate? Because you guys pull shit like this and I'm tired of it. As a queer person that wishes cartoons like Gravity Falls when I was a teen could have had lgbt rep like TOH does, I'm fucking tired of it. Huntlow is boring, bland, and as much as you all hate it, Willow canonically does not like him back :-) Just a quick rebuttal to all the "Well whether you like it or not, Hunter canonically has a crush on Willow" comments I've got. Because guess what? That can be flipped right the fuck around on its head.
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here's the thing
no, no topic should be banned or censored either in fanworks or not, ao3 shouldn't censor their works, and people have the right to write whatever they want
and no, no trope/ship/whatever (or well, almost no trope/ship. shit like uncritically using the mommy trope is racist end of story) is inherently problematic to write about, and yes, it does depend on how its written and dealt with. god knows i write about abuse all the fucking time
and no, writing dead dove fics doesn't mean ur a bad person or are supporting these things, it just means ur exploring heavy topics in ur writing. again, god knows i do that
but that doesnt mean that
you cant criticize specific works that do handle certain topics in a problematic way
you cant point out that a fandom in general has a racism problem, or that the reason why a particular trope is so popular is because of racist/biphobic/etc bias
i know there are people who advocate for censoring in fanworks (although honestly, theyre a WAY smaller bunch than yall like to pretend), but over time this discussion (which is valid and important, because we should talk about art and heavy topics and how they intertwine) has become basically an excuse for ppl to think themselves, or their fandoms, above criticism
I've never met anyone who advocates for fanworks censoring, but over the last year, in the same fandom, Ive seen ppl call someone a bully for mentioning on their blog that a particular fic/author (without mentioning who the author was or giving any information that would make that obvious) bothered her because they wrote a latina character in a racist light; Ive seen people be cut off completely by previous friends for saying (nicely and upon being asked) that they didnt care for a ship said friend was writing about; Ive seen a person be kicked out of a fandom server for saying that they dont like a specific ship, without previous warning. not that it was wrong, not that it was disgusting, not that it should be censored. that they didnt like it. Ive seen any calling out within that fandom of racist or otherwise problematic tropes and works be shut down and regarded as "bullying" or "being the purity police". I've been assumed to be in favor of censoring because i complain on my fucking personal blog, with tags, while not advocating for shit, about things that i dont like within that fandom. Ive been assumed to hate a particular ship that i ship for pointing out that its fandom has a tendency to be acephobic. Ive seen people go out of their way to write untagged triggering content just to "make antis mad". I've gotten hate anons for posting about disliking certain characters (and even for making jokes about characters that i actually like), despite the fact that whenever i complain about that i always tag it as both hate for the specific character and a general tag for when im complaining about stuff, plus another tag for discourse shit, and i never ever put it on the general fandom or that character's tag or any other tag that isnt the ones previously mentioned. and that's all within the year, in the same fandom
and like its funny because the "anti-anti" crowd likes to say that ppl who criticize racist tropes and similar stuff (whom they all strawman as "antis" who "want censorship") dont know anything about Nuance and dont understand that you can mention problematic topics without being problematic. but they're the ones who suddenly decided that any and all criticism or debate within fandom means wanting censorship, banning of content, and bullying
and it's so clear and obvious that this has become simply an excuse to put yourself and the things you consume above criticism and to shut down, well, minorities as a whole, but notably people of color, who are upset by the bullshit we see in fandom every minute of every day, and that directly affects us and our mental health. and to make entitled ass people act like everyone must like everything they like, every ship and character and trope, and try to get people who dont (again, not even people who think it's problematic, just people who dont like it) to be bashed and excluded, all under the excuse of some sort of anti censorship activism
and it's fucking tiring and ridiculous and frankly disrespectful of a discussion that is extremely important, but that has just become a go-to excuse for spoiled ass fans to think themselves and the things they like as supreme and undeserving of criticism or even dislike of any kind
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
Lol and now its time for me to actually address some things. This isnt going to be a huge call out post because quite frankly im not the type to want to have fucking internet beef with people.
But this needs to be said. All of this shit happened because Cort ( @pogue-writings )stated her opinion in regards to not liking Jiara, Kaylee ( @socialwriter ) also did the same fucking thing. But neither of them were disrespecting snyone in any way shape or form. If you took offense and got bothered by opinions regarding fictional characters thats your thing, i get it, it happens. I get irritated when people dont like the ships i do, its normal. Not everyone likes the same shit.
But whats not fucking normal or okay is for people to make posts VAGUEING ONE ANOTHER, not just one person, a plethora of people going back and forth making these posts to talk shit. So dont think im over here calling out Dea ( @maybankiara ) and saying shes a horrible person because I’m not. That is one person who made one post that in my honest to God opinion was blown out of proportion by other people (NOT kaylee nor cort) egging shit on, especially anons.
If people respond to you vagueing them, thats on you. I dont care about the situation at hand, vagueing people is childish. Especially when you’re genuinely talking shit just to talk shit, it accomplishes nothing and you just look like a tool. This doesnt just apply to one person-no its a common thing that happens in this fandom and it needs to stop.
And sure things blow out of proportion but to go into someones inbox and openly talk shit about other blogs/people on this site is fucking disgusting. It’s childish and it contributes to the negative and toxic culture that is already present. Then if you respond to thise kinds of asks where anons BLATANTLY state a blogs name and you don’t @ them you’re also childish. Idc if that bothers you to read but its the truth, talking shit on people openly but not wanting to @ them just boggles my mind. Ive seen this shit happen across multiple accounts today and in the past when conflicts arise on the dash.
Then to people who are really still trying to cause problems after all is said and SHOULD BE DONE, youre not solving things, your approach to the situation is showing that you want to create more problems rather than solving them. Cut that shit out. If you don’t know how to properly mediate a situation don’t try to. Youre allowed to have your friends backs but honestly truly CORT AND KAYLEE DID NOT DISRESPECT ANYONE so dont send other blogs hate about them or send them hate.
So for them to recieve hate and smart ass remarks is fucking childish. Youre upset for someone not liking the same ship as you, and calling it out for its underlying issues and refusing to acknowledge the fact that said issues exist just make you ignorant. Also calling a member of the lgbtq+ community homophobic or biphobic is fucking disgusting especially when issues like internalized homophobia are huge deals in these communities.
And that goes along the same lines for Dea, dont send her hate. I dont give a fuck whos right or whos wrong to you in this situation, sending people hate is fucking stupid. Not everyone is going to agree on certain matters and thats OKAY but dont cast judgements on people for what they chose to like and dislike.
And finally: Don’t come at me sideways unless you’re actually educated wnough to back up your arguments because I am not the one two or three. If you want to have a conversation like two civil humans and adults then we can do so.
But cut the bullshit out.
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slxrpindust · 5 years
Yikes, apparently everyone is like HEY LETS FIND ANY ANGEL DUST TO SHIP WITH!! UWU who cares its fiction its not real. Most roleplayers in this fandom have no problem erasure.. its fucking sad, dude.. -__-
Yknow what anon? YEAH. They do.
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You’ve given me a platform so now I’m GOING to speak.
Now I’ve thought about what I was gonna say for a bit, because I’ve been fuming, mostly silently about this for a while. So I’m gonna talk a bit about representation and interpretation.
The last like, big fandom I was into on tumblr was Overwatch. And overwatch has quite a few problems with representation as far as I’m concerned. I don’t have a problem with Tracer and S:76 being confirmed LGBTQ+, and while I would love for that to be represented a bit more in-game that isn’t what this is about. The overwatch fandom was. .. SUPER biphobic. There was so much erasure, and lesbians loved to throw around terms like compulsive heterosexuality, to try and like. Justify erasing bisexuality and explaining that oh this character is a lesbian she didn’t *truly* love her husband, she just THOUGHT she was heterosexual before she realized. And while this is a perfectly understandable phenomenon for lesbians it was .. really hurtful, as a bi woman to constantly have my sexual attraction perceived as a Lie essentially.
So it was actually! Really relieving to come to hazbin. The main character is a bi woman? Who is in a relationship with a lesbian WOC? Who hangs out with an Ace-spec radio host and a gay sex worker? CANONICALLY??? Now if that doesn’t sound amazing idk what does.
And I will admit Viv has taken. Quite a lot of L’s. Like. A lot a lot. Like. A LOT A LOT A LOT— and I don’t condone her actions. I don’t think making the main cast all LGBTQ+ was problematic. But dont worry because!!! Thats where fandom came in. With L’s to spare. This fandom is so bi friendly that in fact it has decided its TOO bi friendly. It’s bi friendly enough to erase other sexualities in fact!!! And that is BULLSHIT!
Now I wouldn’t dream of trying to justify making Tracer bisexual so I could justify shipping her with men. I wouldn’t. I *get* wanting to ship chemistry. I didn’t like Radiodust at ALL for months until I began writing with my amaaaaazing friend, who ALSO didn’t like radiodust mind you, and then we both realized we like the dynamic our muses had and wanted them to be together. So I get it. Really, I do. But as someone who’s felt that hurt. And that outrage and discomfort. Of having their sexuality intentionally erased for the sake of ships? Why the fuck would I want to become the thing that I hated???
So yeah! I will address it when I see people shipping Angel with women, erasing Vaggie entirely if not shipping her with men, OR hypersexualizing Alastor. Becuase I won’t stand for that nonsense. Erasing ANY LGBTQ+ sexuality is WRONG, because we are ALL starved of representation, and none of us deserve to be hurt. Not by our own community. It’s fucking bullshit.
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
What do you think about all this poll drama? Lots of people claim that blarkes are cheaters and their ship should get directly removed from the poll since its a "straight ship" (I know relationships dont habe sexual preferences but that is what they've been saying) oh and lastly what is your opiniom on the bellarke fandom??
I think this is the part of fandom that I do not like. Shipwars. Antis. Dishonesty. Cheating. Ganging up. Trying to hurt people. Bullying. Grandstanding. Fanwars. 
It’s as if you can’t LOVE a fictional ship without being against someone else’s ship. Or hate a character or ship without needing to make it toxic or evil, and thus everyone who loves it evil in whatever way you think the most despicable.
Just to be clear: you CAN love a ship without turning it into a shipwar. Someone shipping something you don’t, even a ship that contradicts yours, is NOT an attack on you. People can ship whatever they want and it actually has NO effect on you or your ship. That is how THEY engage with fiction. That is how they experience being a fan, and it’s personal and isn’t about you. And you can HATE a character or ship and it doesn’t mean they or their fans are bad people. It’s okay. Your feelings are valid and you don’t need to make them righteous.
Calling the Bellarkes cheaters, and asking for an investigation of the poll for bots is… well… okay. They mistrust it and us. Fine. So zimbio does an investigation and finds out what? That Bellarke WAS cheating… by about 3k votes. Remove the votes. 
BUT Sanvers and CL were cheating by 30+k votes EACH. And Swanqueen was cheating by 10k votes. So okay. Investigation done. Sanvers and CL were cheating 10x worse than Bellarke, but they interpret that to mean that the poll is crooked, not the Sanvers and CL voters. Even though the evidence points to the cheaters being their own fandom. But they can’t accept that so they straight up rewrite the evidence to support their claim. This is called confirmation bias. 
Bellarke did not buy off Zimbio. What a stupid claim. We just vote hard because we’ve been voting against cheaters for years. And we know it. We know CL is organized and they cheat and they are obsessive and angry, so it feeds the rivalry and we vote HARD. Ask Outlanders fans from last year’s Alpha Male. They had to vote extra hard to keep up with us. It’s HARD to do that and we were all exhausted at the end of it. 
We vote hard because we’re voting against people who hate us and will stop at nothing to beat us, for whatever reasons.
What’s the point in voting in polls with people who are just going to cheat to win. It doesn’t even MEAN anything. And I’ve felt like this before with polls against CLs. Even if they don’t cheat, they gang up, and lie, and get people who don’t care to vote AGAINST us, simply to beat us. That’s not a fan poll, that’s an anti poll. And its intent is not to have fun and enjoy their ship but to hurt another fandom and take away their fun.  AND THAT SUCKS. 
Most of the Bellarke fandom is NOT against wlw ships or lgbt people. A big portion of the Bellarke fandom is actually LGBT. So to attack us feels very personal, since they are also attacking our identities. The comments on that poll explicitly call for all WLW ships to band together to beat “the straights” and knowing all the bisexual Bellarke fans I know, and that Clarke herself is bisexual and the gender of her partner doesn’t make her straight, well, hell, that feels like biphobia. And gate keeping. :(
Now what do I think of the Bellarke fandom? Well, back when it was very much Bellarke vs CL and I was getting bullied by the CL fandom and so were a lot of other people, I thought it was THEM over there that were the problem. It was the CLs that were the aggressors and attackers and wrong. And then the rivalry faded away and CLs moved on to other things and L wasn’t in the story anymore so Bellarkers moved on, too. And it didn’t take too long for new rivalries to rise up. People fought against fan theories they hated. Against characters they suddenly and violently discovered a hatred for. Against ships they decided were abusive, toxic and racist. Against other fans for being misogynist and/or racist.  So in other words, the Bellarke fandom isn’t better, special or different. We’re just the same.
People like drama and they rile the fandom up to HATE people. And they will find any excuse they can to call those people (fictional or real) the worst names they possibly can. Those characters/writers/stories/fans are racist/abusive/misogynist/biphobic/lesbophobic/abuse apologist and all around evil. People were told to go die if they liked this character, people were told they were racist if they liked that ship. People were hounded if they dared to speak about a storyline some didn’t like. They were hijacked and told they weren’t allowed to speak about certain characters or their stories. Oh and don’t forget Gossip Grounder. That was all bellarke, baby. And it wasn’t just the one person. Others within the Bellarke fandom knew about it and supported it and only got upset about it when she turned on them. 
Drama. Trouble makers. Bullies. 
Every time the drama in the fandom dies down, someone has to make more drama and climb up on their soap box to feel relevant and powerful. It’s a handful of people who like to start trouble, but they’re pretty good at riling it up amongst others.
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degrassinc · 8 years
First let me talk about the various issues they went over this season. Depression, Suicide, Abortion, Homosexuality, Religion, and many more. If i forgot anything please add!
I’m going to talk about Maya’s depression / attempted suicide first since that was one of my favorite storylines. First, kudos to Olivia Scriven, she is an amazing actress and I loved the way she portrayed Maya this season. You see Maya is becoming distant from her friends, her family, she stops writing songs, she skips school, and overall just becomes more rebellious. She does befriend one person this season, Saad, who is a Syrian refugee. Saad is a photographer and Maya models for Saad, they mostly take pictures that are very dark that relate to death. When Grace blocked Maya’s number it broke my heart.Oh and also this line really was amazing “I know you want the old Maya back but I don’t think she’s in there” that actually broke my heart. And then when she was telling her mom she needed help. Good job to Maya for taking that first step but she doesn’t listen to the doctor’s advice to go to therapy. When Maya was spending that last day with her mom and Katie it made me so sad and then when she grabbed all those different pills from the medicine cabinet. i was just anxious the whole time. The day of the play is when Maya tries to commit suicide, she goes on to the bus that crashed takes many different pills and puts her headphones on. I actually started crying at this point because I thought that would be it but she does wake up. She then proceeds to go to the roof, I assume it was to jump off but she ends up overdosing on the pills. Zig and Esme find her on the roof  and y’all this scene was so emotional omfg. When they were at the hospital and the kids were talking amongst themselves. Someone said (pretty sure it was Grace) “I knew she was sad but I didn’t know she was capable of this” I loved that the Degrassi writers put this in here because in real life a lot of people would be exactly how they were. They would assume that things weren’t actually that bad and so not really look at all the signs. Luckily, Maya ends up being fine.
Okay now I’m going to talk about Lola’s abortion. Lola has sex with Miles and she has been taking birth control the wrong way so she ends up getting pregnant. When she takes the pregnancy test she lies to Frankie and Shay and tells them she isn’t pregnant because she was planning on getting an abortion. When Lola was trying to ask Miles for a ride but he was basically blowing her off (not really his fault because he didn’t know why) it really hurt my heart. Luckily Yael accompanies her to the clinic and she gets the abortion done. Later when Yael and Lola are presenting in class, Lola mirrors her phone to the screen and her searching up where / how to get an abortion pops up. This is when Lola decides to do a video on her getting an abortion. I love that Frankie and Shay were comforting Lola about her decision. When Miles finds out that Lola had an abortion I wish they would’ve talked or something but nothing.
Rasha’s and Zoe’s homoesexuality. Rasha is a new student at Degrassi who is a Syrian refugee. She is living with Goldi who is kind of homophobic. I don’t really want to use that word for Goldi because it’s just ignorance not actual hate. Rasha is scared of coming out since she is living with a conservative muslim family. Oh and y’all I am LIVING for Rasha and Zoe’s relationship, it makes me so happy. Zoe comes out during a speech that she was giving as the student president. When Zoe and Rasha were dancing at Zoe’s moms wedding and Zoe was telling her mom she wasn’t going to pretend to be someone she isn’t I was just like YAASSS
Rasha and Goldi’s religion. Rasha and Goldi are both muslim. Goldi is a more conservative muslim while Rasha is a more liberal muslim. I liked how they showed that not all muslims are the same. Rasha believes that you don’t have to follow all the rules (i dont know if this is the right terminology since I’m not muslim) of the quran to be a good muslim while Goldi believes you have to. Like how Goldi won’t give Winston a high five since you aren’t supposed to touch the other sex , or wearing a hijab. I love the scene where Goldi takes off her hijab and but then she immediately puts it back on because she feels its a part of her. Goldi and Rasha’s talk after was nice. Rasha talking about how she doesnt feel herself with the hijab and Goldi doesn’t feel herself without it.
Rasha / Zoe - Literally one of my favorite couples now. They are soooo cute. Their dancing scene at Zoe’s moms wedding was amazing and hopefully they stay together
Zig / Esme- Started dating sometime in the summer before S3? I literally thought this was the most random couple but I don’t mind it. Zig was lowkey a douche for slut shaming Esme but they’re back on good terms now
Tristan / Miles- OTP OTP OTP OTP OTP. When Miles was in the hospital and kept telling Tristan “wake up wake up wake up” and Miles started crying like my fucking heart can’t handle this. And when Miles told Tristan “I love you don’t ever doubt that” literally cried so hard when he said that. After the play when Miles told Tristan about him hooking up with Lola I really thought that would be the end of their relationship but Tristan was really forgiving, I was surprised. TRILES IS ENDGAME that’s all I gotta say.
Tiny / Shay-  I feel like I’m one of the only ones who don’t care about this relationship that much. I don’t hate it but eh. It is cute how supporting Tiny is of Shay though.
Yael / Hunter- Okay this is another relationship I love but you see during the whole season their relationship is pretty rocky. I think they would be better off as just friends?? They pretty much act like just best friends now not like how an actual couple would act
Lola / Miles- Disgusting. Delete it. Wish it never happened. I do like their friendship though. Lola was one of the only ones who let Miles just talk about his feelings for Tristan.
Zig / Maya- Lowkey still like this relationship?? They didn’t have that much interaction this season but Maya did kiss him once but he rejected her because he’s dating Esme
Frankie / Jonah- RIP Fronah. lol I though this relationship was so random and I just didn’t like the relationship at all. I love Frankie but she was very clingy to Jonah and she’s very immature. I never liked Jonah?? something about him just throws me off. Glad they broke up
Jonah / Grace- So Grace likes Jonah now?? After him and Frankie broke up Grace lowkey asked him out. I don’t like this relationship either. Still not over Degrassi playing w/ our feelings by having Gracevas be a thing for .2 seconds but whatever
Issue I want talked about next season: BIPHOBIA
So Tristan is biphobic and I hate it becuase he’s my favorite character on the show. They’ve shown his biphobia for quite a while now but still haven’t addressed. ITS BEEN LIKE 4 SEASONS WYD DEGRASSI WRITERS!! I know it really couldn’t be addressed this season really since Tristan was in a coma for half of the season and couldn’t communicate much when he was out of the coma. Next season is Lyle’s last one so please don’t let me down degrassi writers. THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED!!!
Oh and one more thing. I NEED MORE TRISTAN STORYLINES NEXT SEASON!!! ONES THAT DON’T HAVE TO DO WITH TRILES!! I love Triles so much but all they show is Tristan having boyfriend drama and Tristan has been on Degrassi since S11 next generation AND HE DESERVES BETTER.
I said that last thing would be all but can we talk about how great Tristan’s hair looks this season??? Like slay a lil. Okay byyyeee
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rhiannongypsy · 8 years
For the character thingy I would love to see your answers for Maya and Miles
Maya Matlin:
Why I like them:.Basically I love her cause I truly think she’s a good person and that matters to me.Why I don’t: I use to hate her slut shaming but she sorta changed that in s1 of dnc when she discover feminism so now I can’t really think of anything.Favorite episode (scene if movie): I really always loved her in Zombie part 1 and 2Favorite season/movie: either s12 or s3 of dncFavorite line: I’m so sick of people telling me who I’m suppose to be!Favorite outfit: oh defiantly her floral bomber jacket outfit that was cuteOTP: Her and Zig Brotp: Tori tbh but the rubber room crew was really great in s14Head Canon: she goes to university to play celloUnpopular opinion: I’m not sureA wish: that we see her recovery next season and its not skipped over or rushedAn oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I hope she never gives up her music dreams5 words to best describe them: ambitious, fragile, visionary, loyal, leaderMy nickname for them: oh I like chicken little or little devil women
Miles Hollingsworth
Why I like them: he’s just saucy Why I don’t: Sometimes his plots can get a little too dramatic like can’t he ever have a plot that’s more fun u know? like he needs more fun plots.Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked him in firestarter part 1 and 2 because I feel like he finally got to stand up to his dad and that was nice to see and I like the closeness with Frankie and Hunter, them united was really great.Favorite season/movie: DNC s1Favorite line: It’s just a bunch of crap. You don’t wanna know how we feel, because when people ask you to “express your feelings”, they don’t mean your actual feelings. They mean the feelings that they want you to have, because people can’t deal with dark or scary, or weird. They want you to smile and say: “Yeah, I’m fine, everything’s great”, because then they can just go on with their boring lives, and never think about you again. OTP: um..okay before Zoe was gay I liked Miles/Zoe but I obviously don’t ship that now but I guess I liked him and Esme idk I don’t really have an OTP for him.Brotp: probably ZoeHead Canon: he writes a bookUnpopular opinion: I guess having anything negative to say about him would be unpopular but Idk maybe the fact that I don’t stan him..A wish: I hope he does confront Tristan about the biphobic comments, I don’t think he stands his ground on that enoughAn oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t let him relapse or be abused anymore5 words to best describe them: Creative, wild, charming, caring, insightfulMy nickname for them: N/a
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