#you dont need to change how you perceive reality to be simple
wyrmwuud · 1 year
you wouldnt care if things changed for the better. only that you get to feel like the hero versus me, who’s apparently your villain.
you dont care if the worlds not black and white. you want it to be. it makes you feel good about yourself to slay the bad guy.
you dont care if things could change. if he could change.
you would rather have a predictable, clean, hero’s story outcome.
everythings the same as it ever was. you get to feel like things are simple. that you’re superman and everyone else is the easy to distinguish bad guy.
a world thats not simple doesn’t fit the world in which you need to pretend exists.
tell me, what would even happen if you let go of the idea that you need to be the hero?
if you acknowledged that you weren’t pure? that you couldn’t and shouldn’t decide for the world what was good and what was bad?
what if the villain ended up being good to people, just not you or your family specifically?
what if it were just that simple too, can you imagine? the reality? that it’s that simple?
our families dont like eachother. we’re not opposites on a political spectrum. we’re not at war over ideas, not like you feel the need to tell yourself at least
we’re at war over feelings. over people we care about. over ourselves.
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idealspawn · 1 year
i got the highest grade possible for one of my philosophical essays but i dont even care. my professor told me in the feedback that my writing style is too complex, again. im so tired of it. i felt like i already intentionally made this essay extremely simple in wording but apparently i didnt. if i made it even simpler the idea simply wouldnt be able to translate. i literally had a huge paragraph talking abt why schools shouldnt strictly push analytic philosophy onto everyone over continental philosophy. the sentences are complex for a purpose. the point of philosophy isnt only writing fucking dry concepts but the emotional poetic nature that comes alongside it which simply isnt achievable when following the idea that the shorter the words and the lesser the amount of words used gets the point across supposedly more authentically. long complex words are necessary for rhythm, for emphasis, for accuracy. using multiple adjectives is important to getting the point across same to everyone with all the correct etymological connotations exactly in the way the author intended it. every connotation isnt always implicit for the reader even if it is for the author. the point of complex writing is to take the reader by the hand and on an emotional journey through metaphysical rooms in the mind. the point is the process itself not the overly simplified outcome. the feeling is an integral and irreplaceable part to philosophy. you cant grasp complex ideas fully without using fucking complicated language. analytic philosophy claims to be more concrete but logic and structure alone without experiencing the emotions cant possibly be concrete. philosophy needs the poetic part too, desperately, for accuracy. im tired. i came to uni so i wouldnt have to baby everyone through my ideas because the audience i am writing to are LITERAL SPECIALISTS in the field. i am aware that SOMETIMES i can go too far with the complex sentence structures and its fair but a lot of the times its literally necessary. the professors or peers never even fucking tell me what exactly should be different or how i could change it. how am i supposed to work on it if idk what to work on. if i knew or agreed that my writing is clumsy and complex i wouldnt fucking write like this. it feels literally so bizarre, as if i am living a diff reality to others. how is it fucking possible that i SIMPLY cant see what everyone else around me sees in my writing. their generally suggested style of writing is what i usually perceive as clumsy not mine. i dont get it. i dont want my writing to be stripped of any fucking personality just to please people who fucking cant grasp complex ideas. im sorry i know i should write for the reader but i cant fucking change my expression that much either. i tried SO HARD to change it in this essay but apparently its still too complicated. if i went any further it wouldnt simply be my writing anymore bc its so deviated from my original style and ideas. the complicated structures also give access to the complicated ideas. fuck idk. im sorry i know its not that bad and im overreacting but this kind of feedback is driving me insane. i keep getting it and i try to change but i just cant. my f brain just works differently idk. i feel helpless.
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
This isn’t some conservative trying to get on ur nerves. I’m a socialist and absolutely supportive of the trans community, but I’m really confused about neo pronouns. It seems like it’s just an attention seeking version of being non-binary, what’s the deal with that? What’s the purpose? It’s can’t be euphoric to use xi/xer because that literally doesn’t mean anything
To be completely fair; neither do she/her or he/him or they/them. They're all just words we use to define ourselves. And ourself is the Only person with the right to determine who we are. It means something cuz the person using it has given it meaning.
For context, I'm a deeply autistic nonbinary person who Regularly struggles with the concept of gender to begin with. To give a very Basic rundown of that, I mean to me, personally, it's all just lines drawn in metaphorical sand. Some people wanna be feminine, masculine, both, neither. And that goes for Every sex in existence. Identifying in the experience where those things intersect is human nature. The Name you give that experience of identity is what we call gender.
And everyone wants their gender validated. They want to be perceived as the gender they are.... Because that's what they are. That's their experience.
So what happens when there aren't words for it? What if none of the words fit? What do you do? You still need and crave that some personhood and identity and validation as everyone else on earth.
You need it just as much as the he/hims and she/hers and they/thems.
You make your own, that's what you do.
So maybe it doesn't mean anything to you... But someone else's human experience isn't about you. It's about them and what those words mean to them.
I don't know who you are, anon, but chances are... I dont get your pronouns. I don't get why people choose to label a human experience and strictly regulate it. I don't GET the purpose of turning gender into a performance that has to be performed in specific ways just so other people will respect you and your self-determination. I don't GET why knowing/recognizing our genders outside of our needs as people even matters.
If someone wants a dick or to wear a skirt or makeup or be a football player, why should gender matter? It's just a human experience. Everyone has it. Everyone's relationship to gender is different. How they see themselves is different. How they choose to Perform their gender for validation from their peers is different (personal style).
You knowing your own gender should be enough. And people should be able to act any way they want without having it invalidated.
But alas. My feelings don't change reality.
And the reality is that none of it makes sense to me and that's okay.
it's not about me.
I very strongly believe people have a right to self determination. And that means supporting people even when I don't understand them.
Because THEY know what makes THEM happy.
That too, is a universal human experience, and who am I to tell you that what makes you happy is attention seeking? Who am I to tell anyone that what makes them "euphoric" is nonsensical and shouldn't make them happy? What gives me the right to define an undefinable human experience and enforce my beliefs on everyone else? To use that belief to restrict and judge the infinite experiences and relationships that humans are capable of having with gender?
Sometimes, the purpose of things are simple and with gender it ALWAYS is.
Respecting the pronouns and genders that people determine for themselves makes them happy.
And that should be enough. Why does there need to be more than that?
And also just a lil ps: Who cares if it's attention seeking? Maybe they like attention. So what? Why is that a crime worth invalidating and belittling them?
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yrbshay · 4 months
Think of law of assumption like everything is already written out for you. You’re gonna get good grades, or the car you want or financial freedom etc bc it’s already written and it’s done. Affirmations and scripting are just ways to REMIND yourself what IS true. Affirmations change nothing bc it is already done!! It’s already written out. Your mind knows before you even speak that that’s what is true. It’s having faith. Be consistent and dedicated and disciplined.
Mental diet is LITERALLY what it means. You know that if you are going on a proper diet it helps you become healthier and lose weight. It’s guaranteed. People struggle with dicipline when they don’t see the results they want immediately. I personally can speak because I used to give up on diets so quick. Once I started being diciplined and consistent I lose a ton of weight and it felt like all at once. Well mental diet is no different. And it actually works faster than a regular diet but you need to shift your focus to HOW you think and perceive things and less on the manifesting part. Your desires will come with a strong mental diet.
Law of assumption takes literlaly REWIRING your brain and training it do do something different than what’s it’s used to. We are used to speaking negatively and having negative beliefs bc that’s just how society taught us. Unlearn bad habits and replace them with good ones. It is a complete lifestyle and it makes you view your whole life differently. The scripting, affirmations, stats etc. are literally just tools to help you. They aren’t the cause of why you got what you want. YOU we’re the cause. Your mindset and thoughts about yourself. It’s how you essentially view how your life is written out.
Also Law of assumption is just a term. It is a real thing. I am getting my degree in psychology and it has been proven to me multiple times that your perception and beliefs of life is literally what you see in your reality it literally molds and shapes it.
The Bible also has so much more on these same exact concepts but I feel like in more depth. I would love to speak on it more because I’m tried and true to my faith and in god but I know people hold negative assumptions toward that… but all I’m saying is wisdom is a powerful thing. So I will leave you with these simple basic concepts and hopefully you can understand more about “law of assumption” or basically just how life works lmaooo.
It’s not hard girlies(and men). Like at all. You don’t need coaching. (ThAts why I don’t offer it anymore and I just answer questions at no cost bc this shit is so easy and it doesn’t have to cost money. Id only be robbing you bc that is a just a crutch to lean on. Oh I need coaching. You DONT need coaching. I get people need to make a living but it’s completely unnecessary. There’s no secret behind coaching at all and it is very much a crutch. I have a tip jar but it isn’t required at all and yes most ppl don’t tip but that’s okay bc I love teaching.) You don’t need new affirmations. You guys rely on that shit too much and tbh you will never get it if you don’t realize it’s not affirming its literllay your whole mindset. Affirmations just help your confidence but aren’t the sole reason behind why you can manifest. I gonna write down some success stores so hopefully you guys will be motivated bc I was after I heard them from my friends, husband, people I’ve helped.
I’m not saying affirmations don’t help at all or stats bc they for sure help so much bc you don’t give time for your mind to think negatively. BUT what I am saying is people hold the belief that what they are doing wrong is not saying affirmations enough of they are saying it wrong. IT IS LITERALLY YOUR MINDSET that you need to fix . Not affirmations. They are just tools. Like I said you have to view life like this is already written out & this is how it’s gonna go. It literally can’t go any other way because that’s just the law and there’s no changing it. But there is changing your mindset to match how your life is gonna go. The reason it goes differently is because you believe that that’s how your life is.
Imma wrap it up. Happy manifesting because this isn’t hard and stop capping like you don’t know you will literally receive your desires immediately because that’s just how your life is written out.
Reminder: DMS are open where you can ask questions for FREE.
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digilotl · 11 months
i wanted to have a fit, but i just dont get made the same way i used to.
i am so tired of sex essentialism. and people who use terms like “gender ideology”. there isn’t one ideology that impacts how gender is used in society. heteronormativity is a gender ideology. chauvinism is a gender ideology. feminism is a gender ideology. there isn’t one “gender ideology” and the existence of transgender people isnt some universal idea either!
i used to be really into gender abolition and post-genderism. despite how the name would read now, it would be the great equalizer: no sex could do better than another, no gender more important than another, and all could be truly equal. it was about bringing out means of fairness. finding ways so you had more freedom beyond the limits of your body, physically and socially. it was cool!
but that catch 22 is that you cant be post-gender and say “you go girl” or “attaboy!” you could hurt someone, because for them gender is affirmative, not a burden. once i grew past that, i stopped talking about post-genderism, and really just focused on myself. what i want and how i identity.
i used to love the Gender Queer colors, but now TERFs have ruined that. i hate having to navigate labels because they are subject to change. i want to be able to actually communicate about ideas, but you need to set terms and meanings beforehand. there are no universal meanings!
i spent a good chunk of my college career and beyond tackling these topics. heck, ask friends and i was touching on these topics in high school in my limited awareness! i was happy to discuss and question these ideas! but now i hate it. because the people who want to discuss it arent cool: they want to destroy anything that isnt cisnormative. they want to insist on the easy version because it matches their existing beliefs. they dont want to find answers, only doubt those who are really living!
im just so tired of TERFs. any their biggest lies. if simply not conforming to gendered norms worked, we wouldnt have labeled and insulted people for living life beyond what was originally perceived. we wouldnt have evolved language to acknowledge such a simple and yet complicated issue! but they would rather leave it behind. because of some unclear selfishness.
i dont have a point to this. im not even going to tag it. im just tired of being to be gendered. and of people who cannot understand that life is not as simple as to reinvent major social ideas. transgender was not the term before, and wont be the term in the future. time will change as we develop cultures and definitions that help describe reality as it is: not as we want it to be.
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hearthandheathenry · 3 months
i dont want to be someone who has an obsession with an fs is there way to cut ties with fs and so they find someone whos both successful and can make them happier than what i couldnt offer for them?
I'm not really following your question here. No one is forced to be together in this life, which is why some people don't end up in relationships and others end up being happy in multiple. Nothing is fated in cement, and we control our fates with our actions. Life has different paths lain out for us based on our choices, because there's cause and effect for everything, and each new choice may open or close doors for us. So we are capable of an unprecedented amount of paths simultaneously, and everything is happening as it should all the time but we are still steering the ship, if that makes sense. This goes back to the multiverse/multi-timeline theory, and everything is simultaneously happening at once all the time, past, present, and future, overlapped with eachother and all connected but we can only perceive our own reality we are living. Time is a construct we create. Theres a lot of deep stuff here that is /why/ these things are, but it would take forever to explain and I don't fully understand /why/ myself. Feel free to jump into that rabbithole in your own time, though.
I personally believe we have multiple future spouse possibilities, because we're constantly changing and growing and becoming different versions of ourselves and people meet us while we're certain versions. Being with someone long-term just means loving each new version they become, ask anyone whos been married for 20+ years. People change. Love is an active choice. I know my husband and I are completely different people from when we first met, and we still choose to love eachother and get to know these new versions of ourselves. If you choose to be with one person your whole life then that is your person. If you choose to move on from one person and choose another, then those have both been your person at one point. You are choosing who you're meant to be with at all times.
So if you and your person are together, that means you have both chosen to love eachother, with whatever version you are at the time. Whether you continue to love eachother going forward is each of your own choices, so there is no need to fret about how to get away if it doesnt work out. If its not working out, one or both of you leaves, becausing leaving is another choice you are free to make at any time, whether you think you can or cant. Its that simple. There are more people out there for each of you. Love is an active choice we make, and so is leaving. Both are tough, so each person chooses their tough.
In terms of obsession, love is not obsession. Ever heard that famous poem, "Love is patient, love is kind, etc"? Well it's all true. Love is never a negative thing. Pure love will always just feel gentle and happy. Obsession is obsession and seperate. It's usually based on codependency issues, which a lot of people struggle with. If you are afraid of becoming obsessed with someone, then my advice to you is to work on yourself. Research healthy relationships, codependency issues, healthy boundaries, etc. Then you will have a better understanding on unhealthy and healthy relationships and what to be on the lookout for in the future. If something doesn't feel right, then change it. You are not powerless to your thoughts, emotions, and actions, in fact we can change all of it. Its actually the basis for cognitive behavioral therapy. Emotions may feel more powerful than our mind, but we will always have control over how we choose to act on those emotions.
Also, there will always be someone out there better than you. Its true for every single person on this planet. Someone will always have more money, be prettier, or smarter, or whatnot. You need to be able to accept that and trust that those who say they love you, love you for you, as you are, right now in that moment. In order to do that, you need to be able to love yourself, too. Every single person has a limitation somewhere, and its also true that there is always someone out there worse off than you too. You are not always at the bottom of everything. Have some confidence, accept your limitations, and learn how to work on trusting others. Pulling yourself away from someone's love they are trying to give to you because you are insecure is a problem that lies with you that needs to be worked on in order to find happiness and connection with others.
At this point in time I would recommend you stop worrying about future spouses and your future love life, and worry about yourself and who you are today and the difficulties holding you back or that may be detrimental to you in the first place. The future we truly want falls into alignment and comes easily when we are whole and aligned ourselves with who we truly are, not who we are with all the baggage and noise in our head that we need to unlearn. We pick up habits as we age that usually need to be adjusted, such as self confidence issues or anxiety, so we can come back into ourselves and who we were born to be. Everyone is unique and valuable in their own way, so take a second and find yourself and go on your own journey to becoming /you/. The rest of life you're looking for, future spouses and all that, will come when its meant to, when you are ready to make the choice to receive it.
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ibolyafagyi · 9 months
social pressures eating my ass up.......... i freak out about making new irl contacts online, as in adding someone i met in real life ; and im also insecure trying to measure up with my few instagram numbers on my private account. because my numbers are low, its like im elevating the ppl that i do have contact with, like those 20 ppl are my bffs, which is not at all true. its a couple past dating app matches, a really few legit friends, a few of their friends, loose university contacts.
i want everyone to see me quietly, unknowingly, and know that im interesting.
i dont want to make new contacts.
i dont want to be "someone who cares about this".
so many ppl from my major have hundreds of followers, insta baddies, strangely preoccupied with a niche aesthetic, that at the end still feels alien to me. i wanna be like that, but also i havent been collecting contacts since years ago, and i feel like i still dont do it "right" currently, i dont wanna add new contacts... i dont want to look at and care for other people, i want people to care for me, reinforce me!
i feel like i need a token friend in my learnt language (my major). it feels, seems easy for others to do, n i feel like im late again, just like in all my teens about making friends and making steps in socialization. i am at the same time literally running from the exchange student i ended up in contact with. and it makes me feel small that i dont wanna meet her. and if i think about my therapist picking at this and asking why, i get soooo annoyed. ik its telling something, it may be regressive to not engage, but i wont cuz i have a lot on my plate rn, even if i miss this specific opportunity. might be bc of the selfishness of give me x, but i dont wanna give you anything.
reading back, all this seems so juvenile. its not like people have more authentic connections cuz they have instagram contacts.
i hate my therapist for making these problems so everyday in their nature, like what steps can we do to do that simple thing that im insecure about. in my brain i know it, i have the voice telling me it, that its not glorious and not dramatic and not huge, but i dont internalize ngl!!! cuz i hate the ungloriousness of it!! i preemptively feel stupid about them. i take them seriously, but it feels like this sentiment wants to cancel that, emotionally. they are huge things for me, and it feels so dissatisfying that others are incapable of seeing me/it that way, that its just another small thing for them, my big step a dust in their universe..... is that self-centeredness and immaturity? i mean yea. is it also perhaps a wound? i mean it could be?
i have other friends i havent written back to in a year. i have my high school classmates i was never comfortable with. ik its mostly about getting over it. no ones even forcing my hand to be besties with anyone, to go back and befriend my high school class at a reunion. it just comes back exactly because im stressed and insecure ----------
this loneliness sucks so fucking bad!
i hate overindulgent introverts bc this is that side of me! wallowing in own sadness. i wanted to believe i just have to believe in connection with other people, but it doesnt necessarily work just like that. i cant know. i cant decide. i cant just go in and feel fine and connected always. the answer to this particular step isnt "just suck it up and extrovert more". its not "introvert and find yourself cool by yourself" either.
i dont want it to be "stop thinking about yourself so much" either. cuz come on >:( i have to be between people all day everyday, changing situations, how could i stop perceiving my percepted perception! instagram is that perception hyperrealized. its an imitation and caricaturization of that same reality, but also it *is* a part of reality, its not like its not. ugh
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alvinsoffie · 4 years
December 1,
Theme: Each World AIDS Day focuses on a specific theme,  
This years theme is  “ Global Solidarity: Shared Responsibility.  ”
A look back at recent themes gives an interesting perspective:
2020    Global solidarity, shared responsibility
2019    Communities make the difference
2018    Know your status
2017    My health, my right
2016    Hands up for HIV prevention
Personal awareness and responsibilty, coupled with Community support is a reasonable paradigm for moving the HIV/AIDS agenda forward. Embracing this can go a far way to achieve the Goals for eliminating HIV
"  World AIDS Day remains as relevant today as it’s always been, reminding people and governments that HIV has not gone away. There is still a critical need for increased funding for the AIDS response, to increase awareness of the impact of HIV on people’s lives, a need to end stigma and discrimination and to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV."  
I am quoting directly from UNAIDS here.
A useful way to compare The two pandemics:  The 40 year old HIV/AIDS pandemic is the stately annual  journey around the sun.   COVID 19  is the 28 day cycle of the moon around the earth.  It's busy and frenzied. Because it shares the same stigmas, the same governments the same communities; the same inequities: we get a quicker look at the cycle of events. Some countries are already on their third wave, their third cycle or go round of COVID 19. And lessons are being learned at this heightened pace.
This crisis, This frenzied pace has become  a wake-up call, an opportunity to do things differently—better, and together. In many respects, the defeat of AIDS as a public health threat could depend on how the world responds to COVID-19.
Inasmuch as  COVID 19  has overshadowed the AIDS pandemic. we  DO note that some important lessons are being learned and that with care we can utilize  aspects of the COVID 19 response to improve HIV response and awareness.
Since you have invited a religous, I believe that you are expecting some insight from a Christian or Biblical perspective, and if this is so, I wouldn't want to disappoint you.
I did some homework, a little research,  and came away shocked!   In a sense  upset on learning that Stigma is the main deterent and source of frustration for battling and overcoming the effects of the AIDS epidemic.
As I looked at the seven types of stigma identified across a range of psychosocial situations, I came to realize that Stigma and its associates, prejudice and discrimination, are deeply ingrained responses that are applied outside of logic and wisdom, and where it surfaces can surprise you.
For the record the seven types of Stigma are:
All of these manifestation  of Stigma are being  experienced in real time in this COVID 19 pandemic. Lets not forget that persons were beaten for sneezing, an involuntary act. Fear and paranoia brings out the worst in us. Where they find common ground, the excesses are very dangerous.
To return to the global AIDS response;  At a time when 'untraceable equals untransmittable is a reality already, It is strange that there is no obvious reintegration mechanism for the persons who can overcome the virus. Right HERE, such a mechanism or protocol could provide a rallying point against the stigma PLHIV face. It becomes a powerful incentive to reach for; a goal to achieve. This is one crucial difference with COVID 19, Governments want us to get back to work so there are tests and procedures for reintegration for those who have caught and overcome the virus. The reintegration is SPONSORED because it is deemed vital.
The HIV scenario still has gender bias and sexuality and dominance issues that drive the stigma and after 40 years they remain well entrenched globally.
What does scripture have to offer here. Both Old and New Testaments recognize a variety of diseases that initially demand isolation and removal  from communal life. Numbers 12 points to a situation where Miriam the sister of Moses was punished with a skin disease and was out of the camp in isolation for 10 days. Even here there was a clear return to community. She wasn't cast into outer darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth!  Israel camped and waited  for her. Just a biblical reminder that it always help to have a celebrity or power person build empathy for your cause.
The reintegration mechanism was well defined. The priests were trained and were the ones assigned the inspection of the suffering person. Once satisfied of their rehabilitation, they offered the necessary sacrifice and were fully reintegrated into family and community.
In the Gospels where Jesus was remarkably open to transformative action on peoples behalf, his advise to cured lepers, to
" show yourself to the priests ...  
" Offer the sacrifices Moses commanded"
leverages this generations old schema for returning the  renewed back to community. Jesus did not subvert the process: he co-opted the process for the validation that it offered. The process is Critical! In real life more than a few persons doing well on their regime fall away and do not return for medication and help. The validation process is aborted by some triggered fear and more than a few will end up dead; losing their lives.
   A lesson here is that education doesnt always defeat prejudice. In fact it can provide seemingly plausible justification for discrimination.  This is why discrete access to health care for PLHIV is a necessity. Thank God for JASL.
   The Label Avoidance Stigma is the most insiduous of the seven. It is the one that keeps the infected person from seeking help. in your community or elsewhere. They know full well that bush have ears and if you are seen in Mocho or Portland or Mandiville at a clinic the rumour mill will grind and your issues will be publicised. They keep quiet and die quieter still. I have seen it up close and it hurts my heart every time I am faced with it.  Let me say it again;  Thank God for JASL  
Sadly, you are as likely to hear a pastor or preacher condemn the sick and declare God's judgment rather than provide access to care and counselling and in hospitals one has to deal with health professionals whose personal biases become stumbling blocks to personal healthcare services..some share unethically, the details of their patients, furthering stigma and discrimination  ...   very well documented.
If the church would follow Its Lord's instructions. If it would extend itself to speak for the voiceless
Someone came to Jesus for healing and the discussion began:  'Lord, If you choose you can make me whole'.  Jesus said,  'I DO Choose!'  If our churches would follow Jesus and choose to facilitate health and wholeness, a lot could change.
Church could stand with or stand up for  the sick especially PLHIV/AIDS.  it could do a lot to counter stigma, to counter the whispered inuendos that is Stigma by Association. Stigma by Association is the one that kills community support for the needy. It is the one that ties you to the presumed sexual preferences and activities of the persons you are inclined to help.  
Churches could build support for members and persons who are HIV positive, but who would dare share their status with the brothers or sisters in church. Very few keep secrets, fewer still, exhibit compassion. We need radical Christianity of the leave all and follow Jesus variety.
Returning to the bigger stage,  the theme Global solidarity, shared responsibility invites us to revisit our relationships and the activities they engender. Global solidarity invites us to explore the Global response and align ourselves with projects and activities that we are able to support. There are a plethora of them and myriad best practices scenarios waiting for our implementation.
One important feature of World Aids Day is the memorialization of the dead. Given the early stigma and circumstances of dying,  many persons have not been properly remembered and closure is still eluding some families who have lost loved ones to  HIV/AIDS.
The opportunity to come out and name them and remember them is hugely therapeutic. This is something that the Church does well.   Catholicism provides a liturgy on All Saints Day, November 1 for the memorialization of our dead. We do it systematically and we know the benefits of it. We light the votive candle, we pray for those we love, and we ask God in his Love and Mercy to deal kindly with them.
There is a ministry here for churches. There is a place where we can quietly exercise the gift of presence as in grief counselling and just be there for those who need us. There is a place for a prophetic voice that can stop the slander and inuendo by its forthright affirmation of the Person living with HIV as a full and complete human being, bearing the image of GOD.  
Even in death, the stigma continues and the cause of death for the death certificate can be problematic for family members.  To remove Stigma is to open up the resources freely and fully for those who need it. This day must come sooner rather than later.  these are difficult times, make no mistake. But we can make a difference if we try a little bit harder.
 Shared Responsibility brings us back to Genesis and Cain's question  ' Am I my brother'e keeper?' Yes!  Yes we are.  God requires an answer of each of us. We are social creatures We need each other for Fulness of living.  We will need to develop more programs that bring real benefits to people living witH HIV
My word of encouragement for PLHIV/AIDS is simple:  Keep the faith. HIV is no longer a death sentence. Serious progress has been made and you can access a good life right here, right now. Your Life is precious! Dont throw it away! Do NOT let pride or shame rob you of health and family, joy and accomplishments. Still dream...  Most things are still possible if you believe and persevere.
Do the right things for yourself. There is now legal recourse to some forms of discrimination. Fight your battle for your life and find support for your cause along the way.  Life is Precious.... DON'T give up! Fight Fight   Fight!
With discipline and determination, the way things are going,  you might actually outlive some of your detractors.
Here I want to quote and close with Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn,
“Whether as funding partners, technical informants for policy design and programme implementation, or as medical workers serving people living with HIV and AIDS at the community level, we need to have all hands on deck." the Observer November  20
I endorse All hands on Deck! The world can  and must do better regarding the AIDS pandemic. We must remove the strictures and structures that maintain stigma and discrimination in all its forms.
I endorse all hands on deck and hope to see church and state join together to do the right thing for signicant numbers of our citzens who need our help
I endorse All hands on deck to design and build reintegration protocols and mechanisms for those on the margins right now. they dont need to be there!
I endorse all hands on deck if these hands are tender loving hands, desiring to nurture and to care for those in need.   We have had enough of the finger pointing sleight of hand deception > I'm just saying:
I endorse all hands on deck in the response from governments, NGOs and  Communities  acting globally and locally.  It is my hope that solidarity will facilitate the crafting of an accelerated response with a view to end Living with HIV/AIDS soon.
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cutemoniic · 4 years
full offense, because i care very little about this website anymore, but people who completely and consciously refuse at providing ooc communication should be kicked out of this community. there should be a certaint rulebreaker that doesnt allow people past a certaint point with this. there should be a message that pops up over their blog with something like ''buddy, you fucked up now'' in massive blinding lights and automatically kicks them out of the website. also, this rant was overdue.
im not talking about people who struggle with anxiety regarding communicating out of character, im talking about people who can communicate properly and weaponize the fuck out of it. social/online anxiety, bad news i know, isnt shitting on someone in a group chat while having complete power to communicate to them ''hey, this x thing that happened/that you said rubbed me the wrong way, can we talk about it?'', but choosing to withdraw any form of communication to stir some drama because youre thirsty for it. social/online anxiety isn't failing so badly at communicating that even YOU cannot accept it and unload the blame on someone else completely just because you feel like this is the right thing to do. REAL socially anxious people are in the rpc community and they are doing their best to reach out to people to form friendships and meaningful relationships. imagine having the power and the abilities to communicate properly, but withholding it all because youre on a sick power trip and want to shit as much as possible over the other person just because of a slight you perceived was done towards you. when this happens, you don't moan and whine about said perceived slight: you move your ass, gather your maturity and go talk to the other person about it. if it wasnt intentional youll receive an apology and a promise to do better, and if it was intentional or the person did it in a malicious light? call them the fuck out. warn others. make a fucking storm up so they will run away in shame. but at least you will have done the correct thing: communicating.
as i talked about it before over my dualscar blog, even if on another topic, this is a community hobby: it means that we are all conjoining energies to make ourselves and everyone else a fun time by communicating with eachother. i assume that everyone that joins here, or has been on tumblr for a long time, knows that ooc communication is a necessary thing to have a pleasant experience. there's a problem? we talk about it. something happens that causes anxiety? we talk about it! it should be this simple. this should be a source of solid comfort for other people. knowing that they are more than their own muses and knowing that the other person on the other side of the screen will reach out if they are upset at them, so the problem can be tackled out. i had a few traumatic experiences based on ooc communication that shaped up how much i oocly contact others: i have been blamed for being too attached to ooc communication when the other person completely and utterly failed to communicate their share and left me to shoulder it all. i have been withheld big time ooc communication until i talked about it, and gaslight into ''but if you asked me for more ooc communication i would have used it! xd'' when in reality it wasnt true, etc. man, i have been shunned so fucking much for valueing ooc communication as i do and i can see why, today. most of the people im talking about also shadily changed names to not be recognized by these days so lol!
because ooc is a powerful tool of communication, it will be weaponized from malicious people in order to stir up drama and to have both positive and negative attentions drawn on them. it will be withheld just to make the one doing it feel powerful and make their victim feel bad. anything that will be shifted from people who believe of themselves as ''blameless'' and ''the true victims'' will be shifted into the person who just wants to have a safer experience with communication. people will literally thing ''i know i am to blame for this, but let me flip it all around or ill shatter like a mirror because i cannot face responsabilities and have the maturity of a candy cane'' and shit like this. while im usually a very empathetic person, i see shit like this and i lose it.
if you don't get why ooc communication is important, or have no intentions on changing how you communicate, you are not welcome in the rpc community.
this rant, which will obviously be taken and talked about various malicious trashtalking chatrooms to judge me for it, because this is how ''ooc communication'' is right now, is aimed to be seen by certaint people and give them strenght. i mean to tell them ''you arent alone in having been mistreated over ooc community, c'mere. lemme give you an hug''. this rant is to reassure REAL socially anxious people that i feel for them and dont want uncommunicative fuckfaces to make their experience even worse than what it is already. if you feel called out by this rant, im not up to listen to your excuses and reasons, and if you contact me looking to argue, you're gonna be blocked the moment the sound of your message hits my IMs. if instead you feel called out by this rant and want to know what you did wrong and look for advices to improve, im willing to help you if theres no victimism involved and we can talk like two mature people if you want to get better. im a patient person if you show remorse.
if someone adamantly refused to ooc communicate, manipulates you or shuns you for it, start protecting yourself if you are not ready to call them out.
inform your friends in the most neutral way that you can. ''this person has caused me grief over ooc communication by not using it/weaponizing it against me etc, and has put me into a difficult situation. be careful''. mass block them the moment they try this bullshit over your other pals too. avoid this person until they have nothing left to do but apologize and promise to be better, and once actual progresses are made make sure to have a talk with them to make them understand why this happened and what about this irked you and caused you to react strongly. if there is no remorse or apology, continue avoiding them. people will eventually come around after they are hurt too, and will need you to mend their wounds. people will start listening after it. its all a chain of events that cannot be stopped until the perpetrator of this bullshit stops and looks at their actions.
callouts aren't required.
as a final word, i will say it again: if you cannot recognize that this community is still trying desperately to find comfort in communication and you wanna do your worst to ruin it, do everybody that still has some sanity a favor and leave, because you will not be welcomed unless you radically change how you act.
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insanityembraced · 5 years
Abnormal, Different, and Sometimes Extraordinary But Not Defective or Degenerate
I suffer from borderline personality disorder. It drastically influences my thoughts, actions, and understanding of the world around me. My perception, is and will always be altered by my, some say warped, I say realistic and unnaturally insightful, evaluation of emotional energy.
My personality disorder, label, or peculiarity, to me is a gift and makes me exceptional, not broken or in some way dangerous to leave unsupervised amongst non-afflicted personalities that perceive the world in a bland, underwhelming, and arguably are disordered, because they have lost or failed to attain enough focus or mental dexterity. In fact, the more we allow rigidity to limit man kinds ability to feel, sense, and accurately understand the emotional forces that bond us to each other and create the vivid colors of passion, creativity, and intensity only strong emotional tethers can sustain.
Sometimes my intensity and extrasensory ability is overwhelming and manifests in ways society labels as disordered, but in reality it is extraordinary and has mostly served to save rather than hinder my ability to navigate life. However, not every cloud is bright and humanity will always struggle with self control when faced with uncertainty and inesacapable animalistic urges that test our ability to get perspective in a world that never stops changing and evolving.
The following are some things that give insight into the extraordinary or even completely debilitating effects of my borderline personal perception of a world others see differently than I am capable of understanding:
I am insanely fickle. I can change my mind over and over and often times drastically reimagine my understanding of people and how we have shaped this globe or domed furmament into a prison with imaginary boundries created by hate and fear continuously infused into every fiber of human understanding.
As humanity becomes more and more oblivious to pure unadulterated empathy our sense of self blurs and society begins to eliminate diversity by allowing humanity to be silenced by fear built atop a drift of sand in the desert. However, even after the mirage has been unveiled as an invasive and aggressive sickness that has spread over the world consuming the rage and ignorance created by destroying pure empathy and viciously ripping humanity apart.
The more I explore the reaches of human understanding the less I believe we are even capable of understanding anything with certainty. Those who have attained great knowledge should have also gained an openness to the existence of many different kinds of intellectual perception that transcends traditional understanding of fact, fiction, or hypothetical scientific "certainty". Now I am convinced that the only thing I know with absolute certainty is that knowledge is currently to vast to contain within the limitations of our perception.
One thing that plagues those allegedly inflicted with a sickness so pervasive it has apparently permanently corrupted our souls and left us with scarred and impossibly broken personalities that now defines us entirely. Civilized, brainwashed, and fluoridated masses, given an instinctual fear of people labeled as mentally I'll. This instinct is based on a indistinct and uneducated manipulation of the different types of intellectual dexterity that can bless, awaken, and be a source of harmonious unification; instead the talents that I possess give me a different perspective on nearly everything. Different does not mean wrong. Failure of other humans to understand me or grasp the fiber of what makes me decipher the world in a different fashion that transcends even our sense of culture or language to create a group of individuals who consistently perceive stimuli from feeling, emotion, electrical charge of ions affected by forces not understood by those who close their mind to bothering with the difficult task of trying to think with other parts of your brain, even if it is unnatural or difficult.
I believe all intellectual or sensory talents are of value and should be developed in different environments that foster the use and improvement of our naturally occurring talents in says that create harmony and richer depth of understanding once we have opened our minds to different sensory observations that do not prove I am insane. All your label has done is help me to understand myself in a deep and intensely critical fashion that has helped me truthfully identify things I need to work on controlling and I also have had the opportunity to evaluate my triggers, identify signs of irrational or destructive thinking. This has allowed me to develop and institute coping mechanism and other internal and external tools to keep myself from allowing myself to overload my sensory system, not because I am permanently and invasively altered by psychic dysfunction that renders me a rambling, irrational nutcase unworthy of being trusted, believed, and people labeled borderline or who are labelled as having a personality disorder are just blessed with different sensory sensitivity that does create distinct differences in observation and unless there is effort exerted to understand and effectivy communicate with individuals who have a spacial or coordinated dexterity that can traslate into movement fluidity or accuracy that I am not natuRally blessed with and need help understanding and fostering such talent since I have an actual natural tendency to manage to fall inexplicably without warning or even applicston of outside force, but simply an internal lack of balance and a long term battle with my ability to see and thus manage my four dimensional space with grace.
All of this introspective personal reflection and growth should be a part of every human being on earth. Then those who suffer from similar difficulty in adjusting to certain triggers do not need to be defined by their diagnosis. The diagnosis is just how we find people who understand why my perception is differently aligned. We do not have to be feared, send to bedlam because of fear, or an irrational fear I will suddenly and violently embody my Hollywood stereotype and fatal ataction someone because I have been labeled and my internal bomb has been officially triggered.
Of coarse that is ridiculous and even people with the same disorder or same perspective still live life with shifting social, financial, qwwd many times has lead even similar differently abled souls to different ways to use our gifts to hopefully work towards harmony and unxersdnsign. 0⁰
t at your own understanding of the things you percieve. f we could acceptinstead of trying to force humanity into a mold f different talents and maybe even extraordinary abilities understanding with our surroundings. efear fear my extra personality have particularl feared the intense s have a history of failing to comply with medications and I am not good at consistently maintaining routine of anykind. I can only maintain a routine for days, occasionally weeks, and rarely have I ever maintained a consistent routine for more than six months.
I am capable of liking or becoming interested or disinterested in anything without warning. I consume myself with a fiery intensity for things that I will let consume me until I burn out. I have completely abandoned interests, hobbies, people, or career paths in a moment. The thing that I wanted to do every minute for the last 6 months, like when I fell in love with painting, instantly and without warning become unfulfilling, tedious, and inferior to a new and exciting passion to focus my obsessions on. I feel so intensely that I cannot enjoy or contain my energy in any repetitive or monotonous activity.
I unintentionally attract emotional disfunction; I have an uncontrollable urge to save certain dysfunctional or misunderstood humans; I become particularly enraged by the self designated elite, and often intellectually inferior humans, that intentionally exploit the weak, poor, uneducated, or disenfranchised; I cannot always protect myself from the emotions of others, human emotion produced by strangers can be so powerful I have literally fallen to my knees, began crying uncontrollably, or even been unable to breath based on proximity alone; pure emotion can be released from the body like a shockwave, but only if the emotion is genuinely produced; I cannot always distinguish liars, but I can always spot people who really are devoid of any kind if emotional depth, and they are the truly dangerous, because they dont care, feel, or empathize with humanity at all; I am intensely impulsive, particularly when I am having difficulty understanding and communicating with others; I am bad at maintaining relationships because of paranoia, constant fear of abandonment, and an inability to truly understand individuals; I only understand emotions and emotional energy, but fail miserably at understanding or anticipating actions driven by selfishness or purity of evil intent; I am unpredictable, even I cannot understand or predict all my begavior; once I cross the line into a psychotic episode, I lose all control, awareness, or ability to understand reality; I will black out entirely, and have absolutely no memory for hours or even days; when I gain control of my sanity the blackout lifts slowly like a thick fog; the lingering fog of psychosis is like a mental sedative that makes even simple tasks impossible, like remembering your name, or knowing if you are awake or asleep, or being able to understand basic human conversation; overwhelmingly emotional, and I have occasional breakdowns peppered with forced hospitalizations. Mental hospitals, particularly those that restrain the liberty of people who aren't capable of faking the numbness society expects of us all; are ineffectual, uninspired, and often the patients are treated without feeling, dignity, compassion, interest, competence, respect, understanding, and often staff not only refuses to listen, observe, or address any of the specific problems facing an individual. Instead the psychiatrists often do not even pretend to do their job and blindly medicate those they do not understand until they become someone else's problem.
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fairycosmos · 5 years
im kinda torn between staying a depression goblin or becoming someone more? like i can wallow in sadness all i want bc i could graduate with ok grades without doing much anyways, and it's not gonna stop me from having a job later but. i also crave to leave a mark on this world, to be intimidatingly smart and hardworking?? i may be going for the former atm, but these sudden sparks of ambition and determination make me curious what else there is, outside of this safe cage depression has given me
oh yeah, i totally get what you mean. i feel the exact same way sometimes. the problem with building your whole life around your depression and your sadness is that you’re essentially enabling a continuous, self destructive spiral for no reason. if the only part of yourself you acknowledge is the aspects of your personality that you find negative, then you’re basically throwing away the key to that cage you feel locked in. you’re saying ‘this is all i am’, despite knowing you’re more than that, despite proving it every day. look, you are a multi dimensional person, as we all are. you are a mass of contradictions and ideas and hope and hypocrisy, just like everyone else is. simply accepting yourself as one singular thing - a depression goblin - roots so much of your identity in that isolated notion. you cant live a full life if you spend all of your time narrowing down what it means to be you. i know it sounds cheesy but i mean it - in reality, you can be all of the things you want to be simultaneously. you can reach for the stars and still be sad. you can get ok grades and still be intimidatingly smart/hardworking/successful. there are so many ways to be intelligent and fulfilled. these traits can and do coexist, in many people. the you that cant get out of bed some days is the same you that has a hunger and a curiosity about the world, and about what you can achieve with the time you have on it. i think it’s natural to crave self exploration, like it’s a really healthy thing to feel and you should lean into it. even if you dont change the course of humanity, even if you dont revolutionize society, you should still give yourself the freedom to live the life you want to life. and of course, having a mental illness causes a lot of issues that healthy people dont have to deal with. it makes it feel impossible to perceive yourself and the world in an accurate way, for one thing. which is why i think your current main goal should be getting help with that, first and foremost (if you haven’t done so already, and if that’s an option.) talking to a professional about how you’re feeling, having your thoughts validated and receiving the actual treatment and guidance that you need - all of that will allow you to hold onto those sparks of determination and ambition. wallowing in your sadness is natural to an extent but you can condition your brain to come accustomed to healthier coping mechanisms so that when it happens, it doesn’t feel so permanent. it all just starts with making an appointment or calling a hotline or reaching out to a friend. if you take care of that first, the rest will follow. i promise. i get that it’s often not as simple as that, but just considering how to actively help yourself and making your own well being a priority will make a difference. it’ll show you how to stop feeling so restless and trapped. i really hope you’re okay and that you’re able to work through this one step at a time. i believe in you with all my heart. i’ll be here if you need a friend or if you want to talk more about it. just message me anytime. 
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maivalentine · 7 years
Why do “problematic” ships and characters appeal to us?
I really wanted to write up a long post on this subject, seeing the ever growing hate and even IRL bullying that occurs because someone likes a character or ship that is deemed “bad”. A lot of these people say they are abuse survivors and invalidate the feelings of OTHER abuse survivors and it’s really starting to get on my last nerve. A lot of people in fandoms commonly say things like “That doesn’t make sense to me” or “I dont understand it” or “they hate each other (as if we didnt know that already in canon)” .
Another popular thing to do is to claim we crave unhealthy relationships and glorify them to the point where mock posts and comments have been made about those of us that hate/rival ship characters.  Or, if we like an individual character that is a “bad person”. 
Coming from the stance of a physically and emotionally abused person - and from what I have seen in my own fandoms and other people who support characters and ships for the same reasons I do, this is an explanation as to WHY we like these characters and their dynamics. I only speak from my own POV and am in no way trying to paint a picture of everyone who can speak for themselves. 
1) Rival ships :
Why do people LIKE rivals together? Typically they are seen consistently competing and trying to show each other up. Sometimes it’s questioned if they even “like” each other, or if the rivalry ends the relationship ends. There’s several things people like about rivalry. There’s something really attracting about two people getting passionate about each other. At some point it becomes a routine - their routine. Often times the bickering starts out as legit teasing, that turns into friendly banter. There are a lot of people that love the idea of friendly bickering, teasing, and the dramatics of being someones rival. 
Sometimes this doesnt happen in canon. Sometimes we decide on a ship based on their character personalities and how we *think* they would act in a fanon reality. Others can perceive this TOTALLY different which is where the “not understanding” comes from. It’s kinda wilde but different chemistry appeals to different people. Unlike hateships however, rival ships tend to be really friendly. Not always, but usually. Rivals that turn to friends BUT STILL keep their antics is one of the most appealing things about their relationship(s).
2) Hateshipping:
Unlike rivalry (which can exist in hateshipping as well) these characters have made it clear in canon they DO NOT like each other, or have blatantly stated that they hate each other or even that they want to kill each other. The terrible misconception about those of us that ship these (personally, one of my favorite dynamics) is that we support abuse and we “get off” to bruised and beat up characters and we’re twisted. Now while I don’t think there’s anything WRONG with being attracted to that dynamic, for myself and many others I’ve seen in different fandoms, Hateships are NOT about abuse - and they are hardly ever based on canon events unless grabbed to use in fanon + AUs. Hateships tend to branch off from canon and form into fanon AUs where we see this chemistry working if x thing happened, or if x thing developed this way instead, etc.
Hateships aren’t all the same - sometimes we get clue-ins that the two characters are able to respect one another to a certain degree, sometimes characters start out hating each other and that changes, or sometimes they save the other’s life unprompted. Little things like that create more initiative for us to think “huh... this could work if circumstances were different”
A lot of time with hate ships, we see how the two characters personalities mesh together SO WELL even though sometimes they appear as total opposites. Like rivalshipping (which it grabs some similarities from) they have grown into a routine of needing each other in some strange way. And we LOVE to explore that.
Another big thing about ships involving hate, is that they are often written and drawn by fans as a couple that HEALS not a couple that ABUSES one another. It’s usually about healing and forgiveness - confused feelings, and really digging into how these characters really dont actually hate each other at all. The fun part is exploring their complicated relationship.
3) Problematic Characters:
*Characters that experience abuse, but have done unforgiveable things:
People tend to assume that liking a character like this means we glorify them, support what they have done (ex: murder, emotionally damaged others, acted out, caused physical harm to others) and fully support them to the point where we want them to be forgiven for the bad things that they’ve done. It varies for every character, but in most instances that is NOT the case. In fact it’s only a handful that call these types of characters “precious characters that did no wrong” and MEAN it. ( a lot of us joke abt it but arent serious ) 
Like I said at the start of this, as someone who’s been abused in both ways I feel like these characters deserve BETTER. Sometimes abused characters are unfairly treated in canon - they arent given help, their help is taken away from them, their abuse turns them into the awful person they are. We want them to have redemption - we want them to have a fair development. We want abused characters to have some understanding, some respect. We are not saying it’s OK that they physically or emotionally hurt others. We are saying we understand them -- sometimes their actions can reflect an abused persons *impulses* that arent acted on. Abuse pain and the inner turmoil goes deep. Abused characters usually end up with a terrible hand, shitty development, and usually die or never get a chance to be understood. 
*Characters that are mentally ill:
Similar to an abused character (sometimes characters fit BOTH) people think we are saying “theyre mentally ill so we should forgive them and support what theyve done” no . no . no. much like the abused character, we SEE how their illness has effected them and again -- how theyve received no help in canon. Thats why ships involving these characters often revolve around rehab, redemption, healing. Typically with both these types of characters we see glimpses of how they were a good person before their trauma effected them. And we want to see more of that person. We want that person to come to life. Because we almost NEVER see abused or mentally ill characters come out alive or with understanding. 
I know a lot of people don’t grasp this still, but you can like an evil character just because they are just so GOOD at being bad. It doesn’t make YOU a bad person for liking them. It’s fictional and their actions effect no one in real life. Yes, bad content can cause a trigger or a bad feeling - it can hurt. But liking a bad character does NOT MEAN we support bad feelings // things that happen to REAL people. 
Villains tap into dark fiction and it’s PERFECTLY okay to love horror and twisted things in fiction. Not all villains are 100 percent terrible either. Some start as a villain and become a hero. Sometimes, the other way around (a favorite of mine). Nothing about liking a bad character means that you are a bad person. 
What’s relateable about a villain? They aren’t perfect. They have interesting character development and back stories. Usually very dark things have happened in their lives. Sometimes, villains can draw out sympathy whether you see it personally or not.
People need to respect the fact that not all minds think the same. Abused and mentally ill people, do not exist in some bubble where you personally get to decide what content is right and wrong for them to consume.
People joke about “coping” but it’s true - we DO use fiction to cope sometimes and there’s nothing wrong abt it. We DO enjoy the darker side of things sometimes and want to explore it in fiction. There’s nothing wrong with it, and it hurts NO ONE at all.
If anyone tells you that you are hurting them for liking a fictional character or ship, they’re full of shit, plain and simple. You CAN NOT hurt someone by liking fictional pairings and characters.
It is not your fault if content you like triggers someone. It is not your fault if someone doesnt agree with your personal taste. It’s not THEIR fault either. It’s no one’s fault for triggers (unless we intentionally are trying to hurt someone which is shitty dont do that) and uncomfortable feelings arising for simply enjoying something.
It’s an unfortunate thing - we all handle these things differently. But what we have to realize is that all content is consumed differently and we need to respect that. We need to kindly deal with what makes us hurt (and what makes us not hurt) in a respectful manner.
It does no good to claim people are “rapists” “pedophiles” or “support murderers” for simply liking a character or a ship. You can be disgusted. You can rant. You can vent. You can express yourself no one’s stopping you.
But lines are totally CROSSED when you personally attack a person (who probably experienced some abuse of their own - its ,more likely than you think) or even physically attack a REAL LIFE person over content that they like. 
People have been bullied at cons for liking characters like Goro Akechi or Nathan Prescott . People have been called horrible things for liking characters that are deemed “bad” by others. 
I’m not saying pedophilic or legit horrible content doesnt EXIST nor do I condone it (lines to be crossed here too tbh), but it takes a bit of common sense... a common sense a lot of attackers against “problematic” content do not have.
To end this I want to say the most mind-blowing thing to me is a person claiming to be an abuse survivor and then emotionally or physically attacking ANOTHER ABUSE SURVIVOR (or any other type of person really) over what characters they happen to like. That IS abuse. That IS harassment. And you ARE a part of the problem. 
You are not protecting us by hurting us (ABUSE SURVIVORS AND THE MENTALLY ILL) & others .                                                                                     
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Typing Misadventures - IN edition
So, typing and the difficulties therein.
Aside from person-specific ad-hominems, some that have been elaborated upon in attempts to explain them on this very website.
Sensors: Bad Sensor descriptions written by NPs, combining with the fact that Sensors rely a lot on developing a practical experential “feel” for things. A bad, vague and overly abstract description that doesn’t relate to their life is gonna be not very useful. (especially for SFPs for whom what they relate to is srz bzness) - Interestingly I’ve seen a lot of Sensors saying that they easily indentify particular types once they have encountered them IRL. (Speculation: With intuitives it probably depends more on wether they have their definitrions straight.)
Ne-Doms: Type-hop and doubt their type alot because they know they always could be mistyped and possibilities are the primary facet of reality for them. The “creative” nature of the auxillary, and their auxillary being a function that generates and handles belief systems,  means they can always reinterpret the evidence by redoing their reasoning or reassigning meaning, also the lack of Si leads to less constancy in their thinking, they change opinion easily, which is normally an asset, but not so much for self-typing as every input generates new ideas. (The auxillaries also have this but to a much lesser degree - b/c)
But today, I want to talk about INs (I know, boring - but those are what I know the most about since I am one.)
You may have seen me caveat my posts with “Unless I am actually an xNFP or something” as of late Yeah. It went about like this:
Troll: Haha you’re mistyped!
Me: Why?
Troll: because X.
Me: I have an alternate, more fitting explanation for X and a lot of things which my current typing explains betters especially when you get into the nuance of mbti theory.
Troll: (*hamfistedly applies overreductionistic function definition*) “Anyone who ever quotes a source ever is a Te user”. Just like anyone who ever mentions memory is a SJ amirite?
Troll: *shifts the topic to my person and then accuses me of talking about myself*
Me: *blocks troll largely to curttail own tendency to waste time & energy with internet arguments*
So at my best,  I believe in not dismissing inconvenient PoVs and double-checking, and the main point of replying them was to leave an alternate opinion for future readers hence no point in continuing after that had been done.  
At my worst damn inf Fe makes it hard to ignore input even if I don’t believe it’s justified (except when it fails to pick them up - as inferior functions are wont to be its either sluggish or AHH with little inbetween. ) and that lil 8 fix of mine doesn’t want to “stand down quietly”.  
So I ask a few reasonable, knowledgeable, non-troll person, one of which said “Hm, could be, you anecdote alot which X type also does”
I believed this was better accounted for by simple ol’ Si and w4-self revealing tendencies, but, how could I know for sure? I never denied having a pronounced 4wing and fix, but I thought that sufficiently explaining their perceived discrepancies insofar as I found them consistent with reality and indeed all data collected so far. Too much would just be filed away as “inf Te” as a blanket term, the way any sign that [fan favorite character] is ST rather than INFJ is “inferior Se” though that supposed “inferior” is 80% of what she does and all moments claimed for F or N are the sort of situations where anyone would display emotion or philosophizing and what intuition they display is distinctly Ne instead. 
Like the proverbial man who dreamt of being a frog I couldn’t cast the doubt from my mind and went over reinterpreting my thought patterns throughout the day. How do I know I’m NOT X type? After all my idea of and criteria for type are based on the definitions I extracted from various mbti sources when first familiarzing myself with the topic… how do I know I understood it correctly? How can ANY human correctly understand a definition if they have to deduce/reconstruct/guess what the other meant with their own flawed mind?
(At this point the non-INs in the audience might be rolling their eyes)
I still thought my type made the most sense but the person, through trolling in that particular instance, was not alltogether clueless and had some good insights, and also, some ppl agreed with them (theres that Fe again) - I was pretty sure I was in the holographic-panomramic thinking style but I could be wrong,  thats a fairly rarely used concept which I simply started using cause I thought it made sense. ENFPs can mistake themselves for introverts. I have been mistaken for extrovert b/c of my lack of filter… but I was pretty sure I was a very pronouncedintrovert and had Fe, and so I went over it over and over again.
They said I didn’t comprehend _ i had some theory as to why they thought the way they did (not just bias against xNFPs but assuming all Ti is like aux Ti. After all, an introverted function as a dominant builds a framework and may be reluctant to accept or need time to withdraw when said framework clashes with reality to the point of needing a full revamping, purportedly resulting in a certain stubbornness particularly if it’s a Ji function.  )
but what if I really Didn’t comprehend? Then all my reasoning would be worthless! I dont think I have the skills of an INFP, but what if i misunderstood those? Was a lot of what I’d attributed to Ti just Ne? i thought I had rather typical Ti speech patterns (it was hard to unsee, like my brain used a highly predictable parsing alghorithm to make thoughts into words) but they disagreed and pointed to what they thought was Fi. 
I thought that despite all the differences introduced by  shared preferences and  there were differences between I and the Fi doms I knew. The 9 and the 6 were much more lowkey, non-confrontational than I and way more perceptive in line with how socionics describes Fi as the “Ethics of Relations” and how Nardi calls it an “Inner state of listening/reacting”; I mostly listen to the contents of someone’s words; I’d spot a liar by contradiction or unbeliavable statements, or by deducing what beliefs they are operating from. Feelers supposedly use primarily tone of voice... but I have sure noticed tone of voice a few times, and this is a qualia. I can’t compare what “Fi” or “Ti” feel like without making assumptions of which one I am using. 
The 4! INFPs should be the most similar to me, on the other hand, they tend to have a certain...absoluteness in their beliefs and statements in a way I wouldn’t be comfortable with. I’m more hesitant, more relativizing, adding qualifiers etc so bI don’t say anything incorrect. 
I don’t mean to bash the INFPs here, they are usually just processing their specific feels and do not mean to imply things about others. (Tumblr INFP: “I, an INFP, experience X.”. Tumblr xxFJ: “Are you saying that other types don’t????? You can’t say that! How self absorbed are you?” Immature  Tert Fe User:*distantly feels the same urge toward ,moral condemnation as FJ,but couldn’t care less if INFP offends anyone -  settles for calling them a snowflake instead. * TJs and Ti doms: *roll their eyes, half-assedly consider correcting whoever they disagree with but ultimately just keep scrolling*) Of course Team Fe sometimes has a point if the INFP in question is young and/or irresponsible. 
One INFP 4w5: “I be those shallow fake bitches look down on you just because you don’t wear as much makeup. I don’t think anyone who wears makeup can be trusted, unless it’s like,halloween makeup or something like that, they’re just putting up fake faces to be popular.”
Me (let’s say, presumed INTP 5w4): “I dunno... Like I agree that those girls are shallow bitches,if they had spines, they wouldn’ perform arbitrary fake behavior just to be popular.* But not everyone is the same - maybe some people might just wear makeup because they like how it looks. The real problem is people being judged by arbitrary conventions on principle. What does is matter whether someone wears makeup or not? Its a made-up convention with no real reason.  It’s none of anyone’s business.”
* for the record I have since realized that there’s nothing bad about wanting to be popular as long as yopu dont harm anyone, and that for some people its genuinely what they want. I was, like,  13. Common (w)4 pitfall I guess. 
As you see both I and this middle school friend of mine are expressing 4-ish povs, but I used to think  the difference in our reasoning highlighted some differences. 
Granted this is more 5w4 vs 4w5 than necessarily Ti vs Fi,  Could just be the 5′s general disconnect toward action and desire to “know more first”. 
There are 5 INFPs. after all. Mostly sx 5s and as such differentiable from the relatively intense, dramatic sx 4 as long as you’re certain enough that they’re sx. Thinking about how to describe them. More second-guessing and ‘drifting’ than the 4 ones but like them in their analytical nature. A different kind of contemplative.  Still reasons distinctlylike an INFP - See, One of them was religious, for example, and I’m pretty sure an INTP would have had more posts about why they were religious or not, though it’s one of the types most likely to be a non-believer, the religious ones tend to have a theological bent and talk about the perfection and incomprehensibility of god, how god is totally logical etc. (Thomas Acquinas is a famous example) - their faith will be an ordered self-consistent system. A bit like that example of copernikus assuming the orbits must be perfectly circular because natture as he understood it would tend toward the most “perfect” forms. I’m not religious and I could likewise talk about that at lenght.
Arguments that convinced me:  “This is how these beliefs came from, not an actual god” and “If were made out of single celled organism who die all the time as shed skin cells, how would the rest of them dieing at once be different?” “Even if your religion is true that means many, if not all others are not. So at least all some must be myths. How is your “true” religion different from them?” 
Arguments made by famous Te-Fi users: “Occams Razor.” “We can’t disprove a giant sucker on the back of Pluto either, but its no reason to suppose one.”“Belief in god hampers human development and creates dependent, slavish mentality”
That 5!INFP’s attitude toward their belief reminded me more of another Fi dom I know (albeit an ISFP). “Yeah, I know the common objections, but look, it’s what I believe. Don’t come into my house and be a jerk to me about it.” or “[Assholish behavior] is not actually in line with my religion. My religion, and this aspect of it, are actually about love/peace/duty/etc” 
If, while conversing,  you hit a hard disagreement, that is,  an axiom that’s not up for debate, your Fi-dom friend may change the topic/agree to disagree/ “It’s just the way I feel” 
[This could apply to other moral or ideological questions religion is just an example; This is not supposed to be about religion it’s just here to illustrate a perceived difference. . I’m not implying all INFPs have the same approach to religion or even have to be religious.]
Another conversation I remember having with them actually on the very subject of Fi vs Fe. IDK how we got to that topic but I mentioned something I initially thought was an enneagram thing (my memory is vague on the details) but I mentioned something like lowkey feeling guilty for receiving praise that I believe was undeserved. 
She deemed it a Fe thing and said that for her, as a Fi dom/ fe opposing type, a bit of praise she did not agree with might not cause any reaction at all unless she thought they had a point  or otherwise had a reaction from her end, like deciding the criticism was unfair - why should she feel guilty b/c of what someone else says? 
Granted that’s just an anecdote, but what am I to do? INFP 5s are not super common. Also I’m not making this decisionbased on any single of these examples but... not even from the “preponderance” so much as to how they can be best explained. 
And  of course, if I really did get everything wrong after looking into the topic for years, what guarantee is there that I typed any of those people correctly? None, as one of the trolls/claimants correctly pointed out. 
After all what I want is the truth, it doesn’t matter what it is. Or at least that is what I strive for as much as human frailty allows. so what if I’m an INFP? INFPs are awesome. I even considered the type early on, I just thougnt INTP fit better especially once I found out about inferior functions.  And I have always held that a person has no obligation to follow their “talents”. If I don’t have a “talent” for reason (which isn’t the same as mbti thinking anyways) all the reasons why I believe that it is a good way of life to aim for would still stand. Reason is a method to correct for human error and bias, after all, the error and bias we all have, no matter what Ji function we use.
Type insofar as it can even be said to be a real thing is a classfication of emergent qualities, not a hard measure you can get in an instrument. 
As much as I’d want to figure this out, there comes a point where you just have to like step back and put it in context.  it’s just a personality test/ little tool to facilitate communication in which “maybe this or that” is more helpful than nothing. 
Striving for it despite not being handed talent at birth is all the more worthwhile - and if reason was only for certain kinds of people what’s the point of it? Regardless of what tropes people associate with “science” or “logic”, what they actually are by definition are simple basic methods.
Last but not least there was a moment
Soo, existential crisis. At least they can’t doubt that I’m a melancholic or an oldham ideosyncraticXD
Then,  my doubt crumbled away to the “ mostly sure, dont think it could be anything else but im not omnicient” levels at which it was before.
What happened? Well, a rare event:
Well, I went outside and talked to people.
I visited my folks, saw new places, got into a few unscripted situations in other words. 
I’ve seen one post detailing that INs may mistype because they analyze themselves as a whole, feature in less apparent traits and second-guess their reasoning worrying about bias, noticing what sticks out more than the norm etc.  and so on and that may be it in part but I don’t think it’s only this relatively “noble”, too-much-of-a-good-thing mistake.
- It’s a matter about how we are all about ~extrapolating~ from data and using multiple data points and less about decisiveness and practicality. We brood away endlessly trying to come up with interpretations and conceptualizations that makes all the data points fit rather than just going with what they themselves largely seem to suggest. 
One good description I once heard is that Intuitives think in networks while Sensors think in puzzle pieces - I went overboard trying to build ever more complex networks instead of going “Yeah, with all the puzzle pieces so far it’s probably this.”. 
Sometimes the latter approach can be incomplete and miss game changing interconnections - but just as often, the former gets convoluted and therefore, both uselessly vague and too far removed from the actual data its meant to interpret. 
Aaaand, well, almost every sentence I said was “Did you know that...?” or “I think so/ don’t think so because of [observation followed by possible deduction].
Sure, I could be biased in my observation or unconsciously “doing it on purpose to appear a certain way” even if I don’t think I am or care about that, , but some critical mass of “doing it on purpose” would itself be equivalent with 5 (or a 3)
I was a little afraid one time; I reacted by withdrawing and looking at the whole thing as an observatrion and it was a highly temporary thing. And as much as I complain about Fe users playing police, I may have been guilty of one moment of overreacting, unwanted/socially-chiding “help” myself there. (The person perhaps justly called me a know-it-all. They were wrong about one thing but I may have handled it all more constructively) I repeatedly expressed vague undifferentiated preferrences that were closer to analyzing what factors were at work rather than having clear like/dislike reasons readily available. .
I critiqued a TV show (myself and the local INTJ annoying all the non-NTs with our loud, animated critiquing ) and a big factor to being unabvle to enjoy it fully was the lack of High-Concept abstract sci fi content and mostly the lack of consistency - normally a lot of my enjoyment would come from extrapolatinmg and deducing what the world is like and how it, the themes and charactzers “work”, but here I coulnd do that because it was tacked onto a ‘verse it did not fit into. I observed how said INTJ and I reacted to us correcting each other on small things with like a brief thanks or apology & just moving on whilst similar things had gotten annoyed snarks out of our otherwise patient Feeler sister...
The nails in the coffin were those 2 tumblr posts, one about differences in how Fi and low Fe argue (the latter pile including 3 phrases I used verbatim in the last discussion with my SO just hours earlier) and a post by the afore mentioned “resonable poster” about, as she called it “oversharing in soc variants vs soc blinds” though the correct amount of sharing might well be in the eye of the beholder.
But that was the one objection of the troll I didn’t have a non-vague satisfactory reply to, what rly kept me wondering rather than “eh not gonna reinvent the wheel again”, something about “sp/sx woldn’t have long descriptions or emo rants” Apparently they do when they never have to dea with the person again (such as on the internets. )
IDK I did move the description so no one’s forced to read it but lots of peeps have one (This is like... a blogging site??) but the reasons for its existence had more to do with “completionist urges related to then-current obsession (typology)” and “So I like X, bite me.” sort of sentiment than whatever it was they presuposed. 
Dear Causal-Deterministic peeps (ENTP, INFP, ISTP, ESFP): Instances of the same behavior can be caused by different causes! Look at this: 2 4 8.
What’s the pattern? - Could be “powers of 4″.  Could also be “even numbers” or even “any increasing integer”. 
Of course this whole mess is an example of where we H-P folks (INTP, ENFP, ISFP, ESTP) look at everything from multiple angels/Povs, (”Is it like this? Is it lika that? It COULD be seen this other way...”) rather than, well, decide which ones are most relevant here/ “Pick one”. At least the SPs have Se to “just grab one” or whatever it is they do. 
Whereas we just stand there speculating XD The ENFPs sorta do it too but in a whole different way/ area of life? 
Me: “Either he is nuts or I am nuts because we can’t both be telling the truth!”
ENFP: “Well I empasize with both of you so I don’t think either of you is nuts?”
Me: Sorry but this is a real dichotomy here for once. If he dun nothing wrong, then I would be wrong for accusing him thus, just as he says..
ENFP: Can we all agree to disagree and chil maybe? plz??
Might also be why there`s this overlap between ENFPs and Universalists? Though obviously not all ENFPs are universalists and vice versa. 
So yeah. Kinda comical in hindsight. I started out all second guess-ey and entertaining both possibilities in parallel but in the end, well, I do think it’s INTP after all, at least, I’d say its the most probable by a considerable margin. Most definitely 5 tho. For all the occasionall 4 ness its by far the most overwhelming tendency in day to day life/thinking ugh cant I NOT spew nerd facts about everything in sight. What are other conversaton topics? 
Bottom Line: By thinking about your own thinking you alter your thinking, and that way lie 2nd order chaotic systems, the Uncertainty Principle and Goedel’s Theorem...
So going outside both threw me out of that recursion and added new, raw data as a means to test the competing hypotheses. It forced me to see what I actually act like by and large in a natural setting rather than the many ways I could interpret or read the way I act like, which like, is not actually all that mysterious lol
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skrub-ttrpg · 7 years
The Aspects as in Skrub
here is the complete explanation of what Homestuck’s Aspects  mean in the tabletop Game Skrub, ripped straight from the rulebook. if these seem interesting to you, and youve ever felt the desrie to play through Sburb with your friends, come check this game out!
7.2.2 The Aspects
Painting metaphors have been used before, so I will continue with that. Aspects are the media of the painting, and each aspect is like a different color (as compared to the Classes which are like different painting techniques).
But truthfully, that's an oversimplification. The Aspects are a metaphysical system, in of themselves they are Abstract concepts. This means they are the fundamental structure of the universe, and that they are not directly physical. You can not simply walk about and find ‘Breath’, you can only find things that represent Breath. More specifically, aspects are the Metaphysics of a Story. They are the sum of the fundamental concepts that make up a story. Each of the aspects opposes another, which means their purposes compare and contrast each other.
But how do abstract concepts make a story?
Through the use of Symbols. [Rose’s apple speech that symbols hold all the power]. A symbol is something that represents something else, it’s meaning manifest. Symbols can be as simple as a physical object like a pumpkin, and action like a kiss, an emotion like anger, a game mechanic like ~ath, or more complex things I call themes, like Love. A Symbol is the means to the Aspect’s end. But, interestingly enough, since they are only a means to an end that is perceived and thus subjective, a Symbol in its performance may produce multiple ends, it might unintentionally represent many aspects. This is why most people have such a hard time differentiating the aspects in the story, because they are looking at things that are being used multiple ways. It is better to look at aspects in what they are trying to accomplish rather than what they are.
This guide is organized like this;
The binary between the next two aspects
The Number; I have associated on a d12, the Aspect itself and its Trait
The Meta; what the aspect at its metaphysical core
Themes: complex concepts that don’t have specific mechanics to express them, and exist in general in  the story, but still are used to support the aspects
Interaction: direct actions of the aspects, often what has to be done in order for the powers to take place
Objects: what physical objects are direct symbols
Strife Component: the in-combat representation
Status: what Emotions support them
Ultimate: the ultimate status of each aspect, and the greatest physical symbol in the Medium
Talents: talents that can be used to support the aspects
Space & Time, the basic building blocks of a story. [Screenshots of Calliope explaining space like the pages of a book, time is the turning of them]
12, Space, Imagination
Meta: the Setting.
Space is where everything takes place. The here, the there, and what's there. Its the set of the play, the buildings and props and the colors painted on everything. Anywhere that is Anywhere is Space (if you're nowhere, its void)
Themes: Creation, art, possibility, beginnings, Location. Space without time is the beginning of everything,  its looking at the stage and all the props before the start of the show, nothing has had time to do anything yet, it is the setup, infinite potential of all the thing that could happen to it before whatever does happen happens. Pure space without time is simple being without action, change, cause or effect.
Interaction: moving from place to place, touch, setpeice movements.
Objects: art supplies, any physical location, plants
Strife Component: the Chess board that represents where everything is
Status: Weird, Lonely, creative
Ultimate: Noblebright, (space is omnipresent, but either Skaia or Bilious Slick could work)
Talents: Art, Dream, Science, Cartography, Fashion
1 Time, Pulchritude
Meta: the Plot
Or more specifically just the chronology of the plot, the fact that event occur one after another, and that they continue to keep occuring. Not why they occur, or the specifics of what occurs, or how they relate, just that they do.
Themes: storytelling, Destruction, music, eventuality, endings, progression. There is a later section called Timelines (itll be at the end of the pdf, cause its a mess) that explains the horribly convoluted hell that is Timetravel in this game.
Interaction: letting time go by, playing music
Objects:instruments, clocks, metronomes
Strife Component: timing in combat, turn order, Actions
Status: aloof, entropic,
Ultimate: Grimdark
Talents: rhythm, fashion, nonchalance, dance, roast
Breath & Blood, [ i dont know how to describe the relationship between Direction and Investment]
9 Breath Adroitness
Meta: Story Direction
Breath is the why to Times when. Breath is moving to what's next, where you are going, what you are doing. New, unexpected events that are introduced that push the story towards a conclusion.
Themes: the mail, flying, goals, motivation, freedom, being let loose, not tied down, New Things
Interaction: anything touching the air or wind, moving around, breathing
Strife Component: Movement, Initiative, Absconding Strife
Status: flighty, confident
Ultimate: [free? Off the Railroad], The White Queen
Talents: ride, prank, rant, nonchalance, cartography, lift
4 Blood Vim
Meta: Investment
Do you give a shit about what's happening? Blood is if and how much you care about the story and characters. Your connection to it, your bond.
Themes: Relationships, Drama, Intensity, Family, Duty, Class Structure
Interaction: contact/ submersion in a liquid, especially with blood, bleeding, grappling and holding on
Objects: blood and other liquids, Rings,
Strife Component: Teams and Leaders, Being stuck in Strife
Status: <>,<3,<3<, c3<, angry, burdened
Ultimate: Stuck. The Black Queen.
Talents: Grip, Ship, Rant,
Light & Void; Relevance
8 Light, Sagacity
Meta: Importance
Even though there a literally trillions of bits of information streaming at you at every second, you only focus on a few sparse details. This concept is utilized very visually in stage shows, you can hardly look at everything on the stage, instead, our eyes tend to be led by a tool, the spotlight. This is the role of Light, it's the way the story signifies what is important, be it objects, locations, actions, or even the players themselves.  
Themes: Luck. Fortune. Agency, Sobriety. Knowledge. Attention.
Interaction: anything illuminated, in the light of some object, but especially in the light of Skaia
Strife Component: Focus, Crit Success, revealed areas
Status: Lucky(unlucky), conscious, illuminated, Smug
Ultimate: Enlightenment. Skaia.
Talents: Snark, Judgement, Wiles, Gumshoery
5 Void, Adroitness
Meta: Unimportance
If light is what is under the spotlight on a stage, then Void is what is everywhere else.  Void is where you aren't supposed to look, it allows the stage crew to move around the set, because if you can't see (or hear or perceive the event in some way) it's like it doesn't even happen. But thus goes deeper than just light and shadows, it's about attention. The street magician doesn't use magic, he keeps your attention one place, and in the void that creates he performs his magic and switches the cards around.
Interaction: any space where light is dim or nonexistent, especially in direct shadows
Strife Component: negative Focus, Critical Failure, Non Action, hidden areas
Status: Shy, unconscious, (lack of a status afflictment)
Ultimate: Nirvana. The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors.
Talents: Creep, Ride, Prank, Nonchalance, Lie
Hope & Rage; the suspension of disbelief
11 Hope, Pluck
Meta: Suspension of Disbelief
Hope is accepting something as believable. It is saying yes, this fits, this is explainable and justifiable in the setting and tone it is present in. Hope never needs to provide an explanation why, the answer is that when you believe in magic, anything is possible!
Themes: Belief in Magic, Romantic Crushes, Imagination, Shonen Heroism, Idealised Sexuality/bodies
Interaction: in dreams
Objects: globes, white stuff, phallic symbols
Strife Component: Dealing Damage, amount and note
Status: Hopeful, ( <3 and <3< but only when they are unrequited)
Ultimate: Magical. The White King.
Talents: Pester, Dream, Ship
2 Rage Vim
Meta: Contrivance
Breaking the suspension of disbelief. Rage is the realization that no, it doesn't fit, there is no believable explanation. It is complete and utter bullshit. Things that simply do not work, that are utterly impossible and unforgivable. And Rage is the reaction against this, screaming out that something is unacceptable, or reveling in the fact that it doesn't have to work, that its simply absurd and there is no changing that.
Themes: Disillusionment, Absurdity, Reality, Real human sex/bodies
Interaction: in nightmares, when things are in pain
Objects: clowns, game Glitches,
Strife Component: Deafness Resonance, Taking Damage, Response Actions
Status: Angry(calm), Afraid, Entropic
Ultimate: Berserk. The Black King
Talents: Rant, Lift, Lie, Science, Hack
Life & Doom; Tone
10 Life Pulchritude
Meta: Light Tone
Life is about having fun! Doing silly things, remembering to laugh, doing things that excite you, not always following the silly rules we make for ourselves. Rewarding yourself to a slice of pie, the sweetest pie called life.
Themes: Fun, Enjoyment. Endulgence. Growth. Power and the will to obtain it. The power to not have worry about the rules, to laugh without fear of retaliation, the power to afford sugar. The kind of power a monarch feels as they stare down upon the ants that are their subjects. The power to enforce their will upon the world.
Imagine an eagle as it swoops down to pull trout from its watery home. Imagine the strength it must feel, the rush of excitement as it swoops down from the sky, the power it feels knowing no other birds can compete, and the satisfaction it feels with the fish meat in its stomach. That is raw, unadulterated Life.
Objects: Organic structures, food, eating utensils
Interaction: consuming something, making a Joke
Strife Component: Vigor, Refill, Vitality Gel
Status: Sweet, Sour, Excited
Ultimate: Trickster. Prospit
Talents: Roast, Wiles, Fashion, Prank,
3 Doom, Sagacity
Meta: Heavy tone
Doom is Serious business, quite literally. It is the gravity of the situation, the weight that says right now is really not the time to be making a joke.
Themes: Rules. Law and Order. Structure. Should and shouldn't or Morality. Karma. Limitations. Sacrifice. Punishments. If Life is splurging and eating the entire ice-cream cake, then Doom is eating nothing but unsweetened, bland food for a diet.
When Life is the predator, Doom is the prey.
Interaction: Dying. Following the rules. Suffering from an Ailment
Objects: Dead things,
Strife Component:Despair, Decay, Ailments, ~ath,
Status: Bitter, Salty, Afraid, Paranoid, Ailments
Ultimate: Doomed. Derse.
Talents: Snark, Gumshoery, Hack, Judgement, Grip
Mind & Heart; the Self
7 Mind, Imagination
Meta: Choices.
What the player gets to decide for themselves.
Themes: Free Will, Pure rational Insight, Politics
Interaction: words, ideas, and concepts  read or heard, anything that causes a thought
Objects: clothing, Coins, Synapses, Hats
Strife Component: Strife Techniques
Status: Confused, Pretending(Mind cheats by making any feeling a Mind status,  but only if the player is pretending to feel it)
Ultimate: Fake. Denizens.
Talents: Lie, Cartography, Dance, nonchalance, Judgement
6 Heart Pluck
Meta: The person playing the game
Heart is the Ultimate Self, which is literally the person playing the game. Heart represents thing’s character, what they are regardless of choice. The character traits that make up “you”. The things that you were born with.
Themes: Capabilities/Talent, Preferences/Taste, true Love, True Friendship, Desire, Intuition
Interaction: touching, especially a kiss, direct eye contact
Objects: Shoes, player symbols and color, Hats
Strife Component: the players inherent stats, Talents, Weapon Quirks
Status: (heart cheats as well by making any feeling a heart status,  but only if the player is honestly feeling it),  <>,<3,<3<, c3<
Ultimate: Real. Denizens.
Talents: Pester, Ship, Lie, Dance, Dream
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webart-studio · 5 years
9 Suggestions for Designing an E mail Signature in 2019
It’s no secret that electronic mail signatures have a serious influence on this planet of electronic mail advertising and marketing. It’s additionally clear that they’re one of many best methods to re-engage together with your current prospects, with out spending any (or little or no) cash.
Profitable companies are utilizing the untapped energy of their electronic mail signatures as a result of they know that choices are all about prioritizations primarily based on invested effort vs profit.
Let’s check out how one can revamp your electronic mail signature for 2019 to offer it that “pop” issue.
  1. Create Your Signature with Cellular in Thoughts
It’s superb how many individuals utterly skip over this step, with out understanding the implications. Mobiles account for 46% of all electronic mail opens, that means that testing your electronic mail signature for cellular compatibility is crucial.
A typical false impression is that your electronic mail signature will probably be appropriate throughout all electronic mail shoppers. The unhappy reality is…it received’t. Though I might like to blame Outlook for this, the reason being really that almost all electronic mail shoppers (cellular included) use totally different HTML rendering engines and which means all of them show electronic mail signatures in a different way.
As well as, cellular screens are a lot smaller than PC shows, and so they additionally use scaling. Due to this, vertical layouts work a lot better on mobiles. Utilizing a large format on cellular units may cause your signature to look squashed and the pictures to be scaled up which makes them look blurry.
  2. Embrace Solely Important Particulars
The main points a school scholar contains of their signature will probably be so much totally different to the small print a lawyer contains. Solely embody the small print that are related to you. For instance, if you happen to’re a school scholar, you’ll most likely embody the college you’re attending and the topic you’re finding out. You wouldn’t embody these particulars if you happen to’re a lawyer.
Most individuals aren’t thinking about understanding your favourite band, or shade. Your electronic mail signature ought to embody the data wanted to contact you, and some other related data. When you’re not sure, ask your self “Would I give that data to a enterprise affiliate I had simply met?”.
Listed below are the most well-liked fields to incorporate in your electronic mail signature:
Full Identify
Job Place
Cellular Cellphone Quantity
Workplace Cellphone Quantity
Workplace Deal with
Profile Image and/or Emblem (or each)
Social Icons (elective, however beneficial)
Promotional Banner (elective)
Disclaimer (elective)
Particulars which aren’t wanted solely bloat the signature and make it laborious on your recipient to search out the small print they really want.
  3. Contemplate Fonts
A font can utterly change the appear and feel of an electronic mail signature. The identical could be mentioned for the colours and spacing. You must by no means use a number of fonts in your electronic mail signature. The one exception is that if your emblem makes use of a unique font to your signature.
By way of font sizes, you shouldn’t have greater than 2-Three totally different sizes all through your complete signature.
  4. Use Colours Which Mirror Your Model
Like fonts, preserve your choice to round 2-Three totally different colours. Any extra and also you danger creating that “rainbow electronic mail signature”.
It’s necessary that the colours match your emblem as a lot as potential. In any other case, your emblem can look misplaced, or your signature might have that “template” look which you don’t need.
  5. Use Stunning Photographs
In sales-based roles (corresponding to actual property brokers) the place you’re dealing straight with the general public, utilizing a picture of your face can add a private contact to your signature. When you’re not too keen on utilizing a profile image in your signature, you possibly can simply use your organization emblem.
Solely use good high quality pictures which have been professionally taken.
Use PNG or JPEG kind pictures for max compatibility and at all times make sure you compress them utilizing a software like TinyPNG.
PNG’s work greatest for logos and while you want transparency in your pictures. JPEG’s are greatest for profile photos the place the colour high quality must be good.
Keep away from utilizing GIF animations (extra on this later).
  6. Tweak the Spacing
Behind each nice trying electronic mail signature is constant spacing. When you’ve obtained 10 pixels of spacing above the contact data, then it’s best to have the identical spacing underneath the contact data too. The identical goes for all sections of the signature.
Constant spacing makes the signature look skilled and clear, even at a fast look. It additionally makes it simpler to identify data that you simply’re looking for.
  7. Maintain an Eye on Measurement
With electronic mail signatures, there’s 2 sizes to test. The scale in pixels, and the scale in kilobytes (KB).
Measurement in Pixels
The scale in pixels determines visually how massive your signature is, and whether or not it’ll match cellular screens. Remember the fact that narrower signatures look higher on mobiles due to display screen sizes and scaling.
For desktops and bigger display screen sizes that don’t use scaling, the beneficial most electronic mail signature dimension is 700(w) x 300(h) pixels.
For cellphones which have smaller screens that use scaling, the beneficial most electronic mail signature dimension is 320(w) x 600(h) pixels.
Checking the scale of your signature is so simple as opening your signature in an online browser like Google Chrome, proper clicking on it and clicking examine ingredient. You must then be capable of hover over the outer most desk, and it ought to present you the peak and width of the signature.
Measurement in KB
The scale in KB is the quantity of disk house the e-mail signature will take up when it’s saved on a mail server. When you ship roughly 30 emails a day, your electronic mail signature will probably be saved 30 occasions in your server, which may take up invaluable house in the long term. And that’s solely with you sending emails. You probably have a number of workers sending emails, it will probably add up in a short time.
You must purpose to maintain your electronic mail signature underneath 50KB in dimension. There usually isn’t a have to have an electronic mail signature that’s any bigger (even if in case you have a promotional banner).
  8. Check Your E mail Signature for Compatibility
Keep in mind earlier we touched with reference to electronic mail signature compatibility? To make sure your signature seems the identical in all electronic mail shoppers, you should cross check it between all the favored electronic mail shoppers. Simply because your signature seems good in Outlook, doesn’t imply it’ll look good in Gmail.
That is an instance of how cross testing ought to be finished:
Sending from Outlook 2013 to Gmail
Sending from Outlook 2016 to Gmail
Sending from Gmail to Outlook 2013
Sending from Gmail to Outlook 2016
…and so forth.
Hopefully, now you possibly can see what an infinite process cross testing could be if need your signature to be appropriate with the highest 10 electronic mail shoppers. Simply because you’ve gotten finished cross testing, it doesn’t imply that your electronic mail signature will work flawlessly in all electronic mail shoppers. For instance, Gmail inserts gaps beneath pictures, and there may be nothing you are able to do about it.
Generally you possibly can repair compatibility points, different occasions you merely can’t.
  9. Issues You Shouldn’t Do
Don’t make your complete electronic mail signature a picture
When you’re contemplating making a elaborate electronic mail signature, however you possibly can’t do it utilizing HTML + CSS, then both change the design so it may be coded, or don’t do it in any respect.
No matter you do, don’t make your complete electronic mail signature a picture, as the scale (in KB) is often massive and your recipients received’t be capable of copy your cellphone quantity or different particulars out of it.
Mainly, it screams “I care extra about seems, than I do about performance”.
Additionally, you possibly can’t do cut up testing on issues like CTA buttons, and you may’t simply make modifications to the signatures.
Don’t Over Complicate the Design
A easy design goes a good distance. Don’t consider your signature as needing to cram as a lot data into it as potential. Easy designs are simpler to code, and still have a a lot larger likelihood of trying constant throughout all mail shoppers.
Don’t Insert GIF Animations
Animations are enjoyable to have a look at, however more often than not they don’t work with electronic mail signatures. Along with probably being perceived as immature, animations don’t at all times technically work with electronic mail shoppers.
Some electronic mail shoppers convert GIF animations to nonetheless pictures. So, if in case you have an animation of your head shifting round, your recipient may see a nonetheless picture of the facet of your head…not look.
Don’t Use Inspirational Quotes
There isn’t sufficient room for them, and the concept is to maintain your electronic mail signature clear and litter free. Keep away from utilizing quotes in electronic mail signatures, until it’s one thing like a CEO quote that enhances the model picture.
Creating an electronic mail signature is kind of straight ahead so long as you retain the following tips in thoughts. Hopefully, now try to be absolutely outfitted to make a very nice trying electronic mail signature that will probably be appropriate and on the similar time have all of the options you need.
  Featured picture through DepositPhotos.
Supply hyperlink
source https://webart-studio.com/9-suggestions-for-designing-an-e-mail-signature-in-2019/
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nchyinotes · 6 years
How to turn your activist goals into reality in 2018
February 6 2018
Thoughts: They were all so funny and real and genuine, and it was a pleasure to hear their honest accounts and journeys to where they are now. The Q&A was very helpful and rich with advice. Really motivating, felt a very encouraging “just do it!” push.
Carys Afoko (Levelup) - “Full time feminist”
4 stages:
1) Idea
Most ideas are simple, don’t be too obsessed with being new
Look for closest examples of your idea that exist + rip it off
For her: ultraviolet (US), ultra gender?? (aus), 38 degrees (UK)
Trying to think more broadly about other groups that inspire me
2) Team
Very important in early stages
People who share and believe in your vision - Co founders, or people who generally support you
Women of color in leadership positions was very important to her
3) Testing
Get it into the world ASAP
Pays off 100%
Hard if you’re a perfectionist
Just trick yourself into it by reframing it! Say it’s in beta mode or something
It’s how you learn + find other people + get more confident
4) Funding / resourcing
Don’t be embarrassed to say that you want to pay yourself! Plan this! Don’t martyr yourself!
Biggest lie people tell themselves: I can just do this stuff for free
Gendered stuff about people who can (afford to) work for free
She was glad to take the risk + bet on self
Fuck it, just do it
Paula Akpan (I’m Tired Project + gal dem writer)
Microaggressions photography project
Social media → real life: exhibitions + workshops in schools in NY and Nairobi
Way to bring this art to the real world!
Arts council funding (ask for tips!)
Nicole Crentsil (Unmasked Women)
Exhibition of mental health in black community
Safe space to openly talk about it with different artistic mediums
Spent a lot of time talking to people, hearing their stories
Got too immersed in research + stats?
Always mentally doing so many things
Expectation management → to follow how great it is, not just stop
Curation, art, cultural research, public speaker
Nicole & Paula - story of the first black girl festival
WOW @ southbank (angela davis, chimumandah)
So many black women! Electric energy
Exhilarating to feel that energy
“We should do a project” —> 2 hour phone call, do a festival, googlesheets
Left it, knew they were sitting on a gold mine
Got approached for a venue (unrelated)
Black history month = 7 months to plan this
With only a spreadsheet + venue
Approached friends at ICA, southbank, was told that name might be controversial & that black women dont want to come to the southbank, come back when its successful, etc
Had to fund it themselves
Took domain and social media handles just in case
Made the crowdfunder - 3 hours work, tips on website, so easy
Critical point: will people actually give money?
2 days and (30 pounds) later, crowdfunder website co founders wanted to meet because thought it was a great idea, envisioned 10k + success, gave them tips (ie. facebook is the way to make community), really gave them a mental boost
Both working full time jobs
Actually had to check in with each other, were only whatsapping each other about work
Ended up getting lots of support online, breaking goal, stretched it - to make sure to pay every black woman who helped out
Free, community festival for all ages. 350 capacity, 4000 tickets sold
Best thing they’ve ever done
Engaged with so many different organisations, sponsorships, so many people wanted to support in some way
Paula induced anxiety by downloading kickstarter / eventbrite apps (looool, so relatable)
Emotional, cried so much during day
Getting over anxiety hurdle for putting idea into world?
Lowering stakes for self - doing a small version, iteration (lean startup) + improve
You need people who will tell you you’re great OR to do it as a team
Your tone + way you market need to come off as confident, so people believe in what you’re doing
Should come up with 1 strap line to not waffle (one mission / vision statement?)
How to get past people critical of what you’re doing?
Was asked: What would you do if it was called ‘white mans festival’ (actual reactions)
Mayor of paris, feminist festival? Something?
Assumption it’ll exclude other people, but is actually not? For anyone who celebrates black women. No racism, etc
Why are you not doing it for all women? Because i want this specific conversation.
But if someone is asking you questions like that, is not for them
Issues of inclusivity - role of white, middle class women?
The change needs to be in the way jobs are applied for and advertised (HR and directors)
In creative industries, an issue is that people don’t actually know what the roles mean
Creative mentor network
Access for young people to creative industry
Everyone experiences privilege and oppression
Most things are not in your experience
Allyship should really be about ‘creating space’ - bringing someone else’s voice in
When should i be opening out the convo, rather than speaking for
When challenging someone on their power = defense mechanisms often go up
How to be valued + not exploited for my work, but to work with new people and organisations?
Morally align with ethics? Orgs that work alongside what you believe
Black pain is now cool to talk about / monetise
You should tell your own story, champion yourself, create that work
Think about how do people approach you - do they talk about fee / payment / budget, or just “exposure”?
You need to value yourself (time, craft, expertise)
Be smart about how much you’re giving to people (writing everything on a twitter thread vs a piece you can pitch)
You can’t keep giving out of an empty vessel - it’ll deplete yourself, you need to look after yourself!
Fundraising is a feminist issue?
Definitely had sexist / racist reactions
How people perceive your ask, steeling yourself for this
There is the expectation that we should just do for free
Lessons from fundraising
Facebook, videos = more money
Went to people in network with a high ask (100+ pounds)
Crowdfunding is tied to your social network
Have your people primed to share it - don’t be embarrassed of that!!
You have to be a good listener - why they’re giving, motivation for it, what will get us both excited
Personal relationships matter
Person most likely to give you money has already given to you → more sustainable model
Project based vs idea based (different difficulties)
How the platform you’re using works + how people engage with it
Crowdfunder UK for the community aspect
The more it gets shared → bigger community
Keep engaging, re engaging, thank yous + pay attention to high donor
Doing things (imperfect testing) vs selling the idea
Nonny + Sophie: positive money = economic reform for fairer, youth network, dominant voices are white old male, we experience the brunt of the stupid decisions made  race/gender/class blind
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