#you have no idea how i’m crying over how the photoshoot part was edited cause i cannot gif that many cuts and transitions lol
accio-victuuri · 7 months
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xiao zhan x gucci mfw behind the scenes moments 🤍
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Ba-by Vlog doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Summary: Imagine being part of the inner circle of friends that's known as the Vlog Squad. You've known Zane the longest, but his friends became yours instantly when introduced. You've been there for them through all their ups and downs, so you're not exactly surprised when they insert themselves into this next chapter of your life.
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Words: 4.7K Warnings: Language.
For the passed few weeks you've felt like utter crap. You've had no energy, you were constantly nauseous, and the small bean growing in your womb caused a big fight with your boyfriend of three years that ended with him walking out on you.
Your friends have been calling and coming over to check on you, but you weren't in the mood to hang out, especially while they filmed their bits because it usually involved something outrageous and you didn't want to chance being hurt.
But apparently, Zane has had enough of your excuses.
[unlock ur door. omw.]
You had sighed at his text, but did as you were told. Then falling back on the couch, you awaited his arrival.
Fifteen minutes later, your front door is being opened.
"Baby," Zane groans. "What is you doing? It's three in the afternoon, you're still in pajamas, and you look like death."
You smile weakly at him. "Love you too, bitch. And I'm tired. I haven't been feeling well."
"Well get up and get showered. We're having a kick-back at David's and everyone misses you."
"I don't know, Zane. I honestly don't feel so good."
"It's because you've been cooped up alone all week. Now come on!" He steps around your couch and grabs your hands, he then yanking you into a standing position.
The moment you get your bearings and inhale deeply, you get a whiff of something that upsets your stomach. Gulping down the sudden rush of saliva in your mouth, you lean back with a grimace. "Zane, is that- why do you smell like bacon?"
"Because I got hungry. Duh."
"No, Zane," you say, stepping away from him and covering your mouth and nose with your hand. "I can't- back away. "
You cough and gag, and turn to rush out of the room. You've barely made it to the bathroom, falling to your knees and throwing open the lid to the toilet before barfing your guts out. You stay there until you're done vomiting, only to flush the toilet and fall back on your butt.
Zane is standing in the doorway, expression curious. "Y/N, what's going on?"
Shakily wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, your eyes tear up as you meet Zane's gaze. "I-I'm pregnant."
A beat passes and then the most brilliant smile takes over his expression. "Oh my god! My baby is having a baby!?" Weakly grinning, you nod and then stand to rinse your mouth out at the sink. After doing so, Zane pulls you into a careful hug. "Is that why you haven't been hanging with us?"
"Yeah. Well that and the fact that Dillion split after hearing the news. Apparently having a baby was too much for him."
Zane tenses and when you pull back to look at his expression your heart softens towards your friend. "I'm going to kill him."
You huff. "No you're not. He's long gone by now. Probably went back home to his mother in Texas."
"I can't believe that asshole!"
"What's done is done. Let it go."
"The others are going to be pissed, Y/N. I can't believe you kept all this bottled up."
"Let me tell them," you say. "The pregnancy has to be kept under wraps until after the first trimester is over, but the news about Dillion.."
"Yeah. Okay." Zane glances around and then, "Why wait until after the first trimester? How long is a trimester?"
"I'm a bit superstitious," you shrug, smiling sheepishly. "The first three months of a pregnancy are crucial. This is the time where chances of a miscarriage happening are at its highest. I don't want to tell everyone I'm pregnant and then something happens, and then everyone is walking on eggshells around me."
Zane hums. "I get that. But three months? I'm gonna die keeping this secret!"
"Shut up." You playfully swat at him, but then quickly backpedal when you get a whiff of bacon again. "Jesus. I've only known about the peanut for three weeks and he's already turned me against bacon. I really hope he or she doesn't make me eat weird shit."
"I don't know about you, but I'm excited to see you hormonal and crying at every little thing."
"Fuck my life," you groan. "This is gonna be a tough three months. Our friends are gonna be suspicious as fuck."
"Yeah they are. Now go get dressed and drive your ass to David's. I would drive you, but I don't want you barfing in my car."
"And if I barf at David's?"
Zane shrugs. "Food poisoning? If they ask about your absence, just admit to the breakup and make up an excuse about not processing it as quickly as you thought."
"You know what? That's actually not a bad idea."
"Don't gloat. Now get going. I'll be there in half an hour."
"You better or I'm gonna stir the pot and convince the boys to fly out to Texas to confront Dillion."
"God you suck. Go. I'll be there."
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The first three months pass fairly easily. The morning and afternoon sickness is easily remedied by your doctor, and now the sonogram picture weighs heavily in your hoodie pocket.
Zane has been a good friend through it all, he helping you keep the secret while keeping your friends all focused on what a dillhole your ex had been. But now it's time to come clean and you're on your way to pick up Zane who had asked beforehand if he could document your pregnancy.
As Zane settles in the passenger seat, he mounts his camera to the dashboard. "Are you ready for this?" He asks.
"Not really, but I'm tired of making excuses for not drinking and sleeping all the time."
"Alright, so just like we planned." He turns the camera on and after giving you a reassuring nod, you paste on a smile before both of you look towards the camera lens. "Hey guys, Zane here and today's video is going to be a little different. As you can see, Y/N is here with me and I'm sure you've all been wondering where she's been since she hasn't been in anyone's vlogs."
You wave at the camera. "Hey guys. Sorry for going awol on you, but I'm back and I've got some news to share."
You grin over at Zane and he practically beams towards the camera. "We're pregnant, bitches!"
You snort and swat at him. "I'm pregnant. Zane's just super excited and has been a great help these past few months."
"Girl, whatever. That baby is gonna be calling me daddy. Just you wait and see."
"God I hope not."
"Uh," he scoffs. "Rude!"
"Shut up. You still love me." He hums and you take over explaining the next bit. "Anyway, today's the day I'm finally telling my friends, but we're only going to record the ones I think we'll get a reaction out of."
"Josh Peck, obviously," Zane muses. "Then David, Natalie, and Jason."
"Carly and Erin."
"You also wanted to record Kristen, but she, Scott, and Todd are still on tour."
"I know." You pout. "I'll tell everyone else, but I'm not sure they'll be as excited and I don't want to record them and have it be awkward."
Zane laughs. "I can just picture Ilya blinking and not knowing what to say."
The two of you laugh and then taking a moment to calm down, you say, "So yeah. That's what we're doing today."
"Oh! Show them the sonogram."
"Oh yeah." Pulling the picture from your pocket, you hold it up to the camera and Zane helps you so the camera can focus on the image. "That right there is the little peanut. I seriously can't wait until I can find out the gender. Zane wants me to do a gender reveal party, but I don't know."
"Uh.. were doing it, baby. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."
"I swear it's like he's the pregnant one sometimes."
"Mhm. So, viewers, sit back and relax, and let's get to telling people we're having a baby!"
"Oh my god. You're too much."
Instead of turning the camera off, Zane lets it continue to record with promises to chop down the footage when in edit.
Then as you're driving over to meet Josh at the hotel he's currently staying in while he's in town for a few photoshoots, Zane gets you talking to the viewers about your current situation and why he's taken it upon himself to help you out. You end up crying when talking about your break-up, but Zane cracks a few jokes that soon have you laughing.
At Josh's hotel, you grab one of the gift bags from the trunk of your car and Zane leads the way up to Josh's room. Once there, immediately seeing the camera, Josh's eyes narrow.
"What's going on?"
You and Zane laugh. "Nothing. I got you a present just because and Zane wanted your reaction."
"Uh huh. I'm not gonna open it and be attacked by bees, am I?"
"Okay. Good." Josh leads you towards the couch and you take a seat next to him while Zane sits across the two of you. "So what's the occasion?"
You shrug and hand over the bag, but before josh can open it, you say, "All of you guys have supported me while I've been going through this post-breakup funk and I just.."
"Just open the goddamn present!" Zane urges.
You snort and in retaliation Josh sluggishly pulls the ribbon off the bag handles. When Zane makes a noise of aggravation, Josh laughs and then pulls out the tissue paper. He reaches for what's inside and he's barely fully opened it before a beaming smile blossoms. "No!"
"Yes," you laugh, tears already filling your eyes.
"Really?" He asks, then reads the personalized indie aloud, "Plot Twist! Coming January 2020."
"Oh my god. Congratulations!" Josh hugs you, clearly excited. He gets even more excited when Zane hands over a sonogram. "Look at the little peanut!" He coos. "How far along are you?"
"First trimester is officially over," you say.
"Yeah? Who else knows?"
"Well besides baby's deadbeat dad, I was the first," Zane says. "And you're second."
Josh's smile falters, his gaze subtly darting to the camera before settling back on you. "It's okay to ask. Zane's documenting the good, the bad, and the ugly."
He takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "So I'm guessing Dillion didn't take the news well?"
"You'd be correct. We were having problems before I found out the news, but a surprise pregnancy really wasn't in any of his future plans."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine," you assure Josh, wiping tears from your eyes. "He took some time to think about what he wanted to do and baby Y/L/N will be solely mine when he or she is born. Dillion plans to sign away all his rights."
"Oh man." Josh reaches in for another hug and you sniffle into his shoulder. "Whatever you need, just let me know. I'll help you out as much as I can."
"You really don't have to, but I appreciate the thought."
Zane turns the camera off, setting it aside. "Okay so that's one friend down," he muses. "Who's next?"
"I don't know. Lets see who's available?" You bring forth your phone and immediately start texting your friends, side-eying Josh who keeps smiling at the onesie in his lap. You receive a few texts back, grinning. "So Carly and Erin are at David's. Looks like I can kill four birds with one stone."
You then bid Josh farewell, promising to keep him updated with your pregnancy and to call should you need anything. You let Zane take over the driving and end up at David's in no time. But instead of heading inside, Natalie waves you over towards the Tesla where they're getting ready to leave. So after grabbing four gift bags from the trunk of your car, you head on over while Zane rearranges everyone in the Tesla. Carly and Erin are moved into the back seats, Natalie is seated with you in the middle, and Zane sits in the passenger seat while David drives.
"Okay so what's the big deal?" Erin immediately asks as Zane films everyone present.
"Just hold on a few more seconds," you say while passing out the gifts. "You all have to open them at the same time. Well not David because he's driving, but I'm sure he'll know soon enough."
"Enough chatting and open the gifts!" Zane says.
The girls all laugh at his anxiousness, but they open the gifts nonetheless. You see when they pull out the onesies and unfold them, grinning as you see Natalie read hers and it takes a moment for it to click: And so the adventure begins. January 2020.
"Shut the fuck up!" Erin screeches from the back seat. "You're pregnant!?"
"What?!" David's head snaps in your direction as Zane cackles, but then he quickly stares back towards the road. Instead, he looks to Zane. "I'm gonna be an uncle?"
"Is this a joke?" Carly asks
"Nope. The eggo is preggo." You pull out the sonogram and pass it around. "I'm now four months along."
"Look at Natalie," Zane laughs. "She's crying!"
"You better stop those tears right now!" David jokes, glancing at his best friend-turned-assistant. "You're gonna make the pregnant lady cry!"
"Too late."
"I'm sorry!" She laughs, wiping her tears. "It's just- you're pregnant." Natalie beams, her excitement shining through her eyes. "We're gonna have a baby!"
"Uh excuse you," Zane scoffs. "You are not having a baby. We're having a baby," he says while gesturing between himself and yourself.
"Wait, what?" Carly exclaims and you sigh.
"You really need to stop telling people that you're my baby's father." Without even having to look around, you know your friends are curious about who the baby daddy really is. "This pregnancy is why Dillion and I broke up. He intends to sign away his rights."
"Oh fuck him," Erin immediately huffs.
You crack a smile and let Natalie grab your hand to squeeze. "Hey. Whatever you need, all you have to do is ask. We're here for you."
"Yeah," David says. "That kid of ours is gonna be spoiled as fuck."
The entire car laughs and you flash them a smile. "Thanks, guys."
The camera gets turned off and Zane turns around in his seat. "Okay so where are we going because our last surprise for the day is Jason."
"Uhh, nowhere in particular," David says. "I just wanted to drive."
"Well drive on back to your house because we need to get Jason's gift and take it to him."
"Oohh. What did Jason get? Or did we all get the same thing?"
"No. Josh got a onesie that said plot twist and the due date beneath it. You guys got the adventure onesies, Jeff got a shirt for Nerf that proclaims Nerf the cool older cousin."
"Todd, Scott, and Ilya got bottles of Vodka, but the label on them says do not open until I am born. January 2020."
"And Jason?" David wonders.
"Jason got the most heartfelt gift," Zane chuckles. "Even I teared up when Y/N showed me."
"It's because I actually do have a father/daughter relationship with him. I know it started off as a joke, but it actually cemented into a familial bond. So I framed a sonogram in a picture frame that says hello, grandpa on top and I can't wait to meet you on the bottom."
"Dude," David says. "He's gonna cry."
"Counting on it."
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Walking into David's house, you can't help but smile at the all the pink and blue. It's the day of your baby's gender reveal, Natalie having set it all up since she was the one entrusted with the envelope from the doctor.
Out back there's a chalkboard where everyone's writing their names under whether they think the baby is a girl or boy, pink and blue cupcakes, pink and blue candy, and pink and blue balloons.
Everyone's dressed in white and the way the whole reveal is going down is that everyone will split into two groups and stand on either side of you. Then armed with confetti cannons, they're going to pop them so that the colored confetti arches over you. All the while, David and Zane are going to be recording and taking pictures.
"Wow. You've gotten fat." The words surprise you, however, the person they come from doesn't. Jonah.
"I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" Those within hearing distance snort and laugh, and you grin at your friend. "Don't fuck with me, Jonah. My hormones are up and down, and my comebacks are meaner."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't mess with preggers. I got it."
You shake your head in amusement as he walks off, one hand resting on your hip and the other absentmindedly rubbing your stomach.
"Wow. You've really popped." Jeff joins you then, expression soft as he gently hugs you in greeting. Out of everyone, he was the one to surprise you the most. He had taken it upon himself to change your diet after finding out you were pregnant, and even got you exercising to keep you and baby as healthy as can be. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm good," you tell him. "I'm really excited to find out whether I'm having a son or daughter."
"Do you have a preference?"
"Nah. As cliché as it sounds, I'll just be stoked as long as he or she is healthy."
Jeff grins. "Nerf's little cousin is going to be perfect. Just you watch." Your baby kicking startles you and makes you wince, and you rub the spot you felt it at. Jeff continues to watch you. "You know, I never understood why people are obsessed with touching someone's pregnancy belly, but now I think I understand."
You chuckle at him. "Do you wanna feel? Baby is kicking right now."
He glances at you in surprise before slowly nodding. Then taking his hand, you press it to where the baby is more active and watch his facial expression showcase his awe. "That's freakin' crazy, man."
"Try being the one experiencing it. The first time I felt the kick, I started crying. Not because I was happy, but because it freaked me the fuck out. Jason had to console me." You laugh as you remember calling Jason to ask him if what you felt was normal. He obviously wasn't a woman, but he was married before and experienced everything with his now ex-wife.
"Hey! If Jeff gets to rub the belly, so do I!" Heath marches up, swatting Jeff aside and placing his hand where Jeff had his. Seconds pass and his eyes widen. "Holy shit!"
"I know."
"Alright, bitches, gather 'round!" Zane shouts, recording. Next to him, David follows with his own camera. "If you haven't written down your name under whether you think the baby is a girl or boy, do so now. David's decided to make things interesting."
"Yes because finding out the gender of my baby wasn't interesting enough," you deadpan.
"Shut up. Yes it is," Natalie says, coming up beside you and shoving Heath away from your stomach.
"So the way things are going down," David starts, "is that whoever guesses the right gender wins a thousand dollars."
Your friends cheer, with the exception of Natalie who can't play because she already knows what you're having, and after the hype has gone down it's time.
Standing out in the middle of the back yard, you wait patiently as your friends split up. Heath, Mariah, Natalie, Corrina, Josh, Jason, and Matt stand on your left while Scott, Kristen, Carly, Erin, Todd, Jeff, Jonah, and Ilya stand to your right. Everyone anxiously waits with their cannon in hand, and then Zane and David count down.
"Three.. Two.. One!"
The cannons pop.. and pink confetti rains down.
There's screaming and shouting, and tears immediately fill your eyes as you laugh joyously. Erin, Matt, Todd, Josh, Jason, and Jonah are more excited than the others- they being the ones who had guessed you were having a girl.
"Baby, you is having a baby girl. How are you feeling?" Zane asks, camera in your face.
"Like I'm gonna barf," you laugh. "Holy shit. I'm having a girl!"
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For the last hour and a half, you've been washing and folding baby clothing for the umpteenth time, and repacking your hospital bag. Lately you've been in the nesting stage and your friends found it rather hilarious.
Just after you've placed the hospital bag atop the changing table and have taken a seat in the rocking chair, a rather intense cramp causes you to lightly groan and cradle your stomach. You've been cramping since early morning, but you're still two weeks away from your due date so you think nothing of it.
Natalie soon enters the room, smoothies in hand. "Let me guess," she says, "you've been washing again."
You grin tiredly. "I feel so restless," you tell her, accepting your banana drink. "Thank you."
"No problem." Natalie then takes a seat on the floor, her back against the open door as she glances around the nursery. Each piece of nursery furniture was purchased by your friends and assembled by a professional. David, as a present afterward, got a mural of the entire gang painted on the wall and peering down into the crib. Half the group thought it was creepily hilarious, but you found it rather endearing. "So what's on the agenda tonight?"
Still rubbing your stomach, you hide your grimace behind the smoothie cup. "I, uh, I actually think I need to go to the hospital."
Natalie's head whips in your direction. "What?"
"I've been cramping all morning and thought they were Braxton Hicks," you admit. "But they've only gotten more painful and closer together."
"Holy shit, Y/N. Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because if you freak out, I'm gonna freak out. So stop freaking out!"
"O-okay!" Natalie quickly stands, taking a moment to center herself. "Has your water broken?"
"No." Your voice wobbles, but you quickly gulp down the knot forming in your throat. "Am I- do you thinking I'm overreacting?"
"Nope. But whether these contractions are the real deal or not, I rather have the nurses look you over and decide themselves."
"Yeah. Okay. I'll just- I'll grab the bag." Natalie walks over to the changing table and shoulders the bag's strap. She then walks over to you and helps you out of the rocking chair. "I'll drive and you make the phone calls to everyone."
You hiss in pain. "Sounds like a plan."
          - X - X - X - X - X -
Waddling back and forth in your hospital room, you mentally curse your option to not have an epidural. Natalie has been a trooper, calling and texting your friends to let them know this was the real deal. You can't have too many people in your room before the actual labor takes place, so everyone plans to visit for a few minutes and then rotate with the others. For the birth, though, Natalie and Zane were staying.
"Knock! Knock!" The door opens and in walks David, Jeff, Zane, and Jason.
"Oh fuck you and your dumbass smile." The boys all laugh and Natalie hides her smile behind her phone. After all, she's been the sole target of your mean remarks since you've been admitted so she's just happy to see someone else targeted. "God I hope your daughter doesn't inherit your meanness."
"I'm so sorry," you tearfully apologize to David. "But if I hear your laugh one more time, I'm gonna punch you in the face."
"Aw baby," Zane coos. "Have they given you anything for the pain?"
"She decided against the epidural," Natalie advises them.
"Wait, what?" Jason asks. "Seriously?"
"I heard stories," you mumble. "The cons outweighed the pros, so I told the doctor I didn't want it."
"God you're brave," Jeff huffs. "I've heard horror stories."
"Not. Helping," you grit out when yet another contraction hits. Hissing, you stop pacing and bend over the side of the bed. Natalie rushes over and starts to rub the small of your back as you start to cry.
"And that's our cue," David says. "We'll send in the next group. Erin and Mariah are super stoked."
"That's because they're not the ones pushing a baby out of their vagina!"
Zane sticks around, planning to record part of the birth, but also knowing full well that he and Natalie are to stay near your head. You don't plan on having any vagina shots on film or picture.
          - X - X - X - X - X -
Thirteen hours.
Thirteen long excruciating hours and baby Wren Y/L/N has finally entered the world.
Natalie and Zane held your hands throughout the entire birth, letting your insults slide off their backs when their encouraging voices grew aggravating. Natalie took pictures and videos for Instagram when baby Wren was placed on you directly after being pulled out, and Zane excitedly cut the umbilical cord when asked if he wanted to. Baby Wren was then taken away to be cleaned up, weighed, and measured, and your friends gave you some privacy for the after birth and clean-up.
Now your two friends are dozing on and off in some recliners the nurse had wheeled in, and you're curled on your side as you stare at your sleeping baby in her bassinet right next to your bed.
A gentle knock sounds on the door and it opens to David's grinning face. "Can we come in?"
"Yeah." You tiredly wave him in. "Just be quiet."
The rest of the gang enter behind him, pink balloons and teddy bears in hand.
"Oh my god. She's adorable!" David gushes, already filming Wren as she sleeps. "Jesus, Y/N, you're a mom."
"Total MILF," Todd giggles. Kristen rolls her eyes and swats him upside the head. "Ow! What? I was joking."
"Whatever. Keep it in your pants, Toddy. I doubt Y/N is looking to get pregnant anytime soon."
"Try never," you muse. "Giving birth fuckin' sucks."
"But it's totally worth it. Right?" Mariah asks, touching Wren's tiny hand.
"Can we hold her?" Jason asks.
"Yeah. Go ahead. The nurse should be back in, in a few. It's close to her feeding time anyway."
Jason picks Wren up, gently cradling her in his arms. Seconds pass, and David and Jeff start to snicker at Jason's sniffling. "You're already loved so much, you have no idea. Welcome to the Vlog Squad, kid."
Everyone softly laughs and then take turns holding your baby. She grunts and yawns, and sucks on her tiny fist, and she has everyone wrapped around her tiny finger in a matter of minutes. As your own eyes then start to droop, they flutter back open when you feel a weight settling next to you on the bed.
"Hey, David."
"Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Like I pushed an eight pound baby out of my vagina and haven't slept in forever."
He chuckles. "Just wait until you're all healed up. You'll look back on this day and say it was all worth it."
"I don't know about that, D. There's still months of Wren waking up every three hours demanding the tit. I don't know how I'm going to handle it."
"You'll figure it out. You always do," David says. "And when you're feeling overwhelmed, call someone. Everyone loves you and Wren, and I'm sure you'll have no issues finding a babysitter."
"Yeah. I guess you're right." Wren lets out a brief cry and you glance over at her, only to be met with Jeff's panic-stricken expression. "Quick! Someone snap a picture."
Your friends all laugh at Jeff, which only upsets Wren even more. She cries louder, but the sudden knock on the door and a nurse walking in causes your friend to sigh in relief. "Feeding time!"
"Alright, losers," you muse, slowly sitting up, "that's your cue to leave. Jeff, hand over Wren."
Jeff walks over and cautiously passes you the baby, he then lingering to brush his thumb over her brow. "She really is something, Y/N. Congratulations."
"Thanks, Jeff." As your friends all walk out with quiet reminders that they'll be back later after you've bonded more with Wren, you stare down at your baby tucked into the crook of your arm. "Well, kid, I would say it looks like it's just you and me, but I'm pretty sure all your aunts and uncles would say otherwise. Grandpa Jason was right. You have no idea just how loved you already are."
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haiyuta · 5 years
Helping Hand || Felix
Summary: You miss your bf Felix alot
word count: 1.3k || Genre: smut, kissing, dirty texts, fingering, smut with plot lol
a/n: check out this ask for the full idea here. I loved this idea I had to write it!! Ugh I hope I did good!!! Please enjoy. (limited editing lol)
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You missed him. You missed him more then you could explain. It's been a week since Felix got home from tour yet he was still extremely busy like shoots and things like that. 
"I'm sorry Y/n I probably won't be able to swing by," Felix deep voice hummed on the phone. In the background, you could hear the hum of the music as they were probably doing some practice or interview show. 
"Oh it's fine," you mumbled. It wasn't fine you thought he's been gone for so long and all you wanted was to just hug him, talk to him, kiss him and your mind trailed off to the more lewd part of your mind.
Felix gave a soft sigh "I can tell it's not fine," he spoke. "Just hang in there when I finally have a weekend off it'll be just us okay," he told you. 
Your heart fluttered at the thought of you guys finally together. Looking down you felt a little desperate laying in one of Felix's old hoodies he gave you before he left.
"That sounds good," you replied. In your mind, you debated what you would do with that time. Probably cook his favorite food, maybe watch a movie, and cuddling.
"Hm I knew you would like that," Felix hummed back at you. "Well I have to go I think our photoshoot is almost over," he said.
"Okay I'll see you soon Felix," you mumbled looking down at the pillow in your lap. "Love you," you hummed.
"I love you more," he hummed "I'll see you soon baby," Felix said. And with that, you were alone again.
Huffing you laid on the bed lost in thought. Looking at your phone you grinned seeing your background of Felix. A selfie of his that you especially loved. Frowning your brows you looked at the old conversations you had with your boyfriend. They always warmed your heart. Being on tour he sent you funny memes, videos, and talked about how much he enjoyed traveling.
Your eyes lingered a little longer to the more lewd conversation you had with Felix. Eyeing the conversation you felt your stomach turn with want at his intense words. 'Baby I'm so hard for you' the text read on your phone.
"Fucking Felix," you mumbled. Feeling especially lonely you sighed looking at the text messaged.
Leaning over you snuggled deeper into Felix's hoodie you felt your fingers find there way below your navel. A large blush filled your cheeks at the thought of pleasuring yourself. Your heart longed to call or text Felix for help but you knew he was busy.
In longing, your fingers went back to some past conversations with Felix. He was sending you lustful tweets that helped your imagination go to its fullest.
Your fingers danced across your lower stomach until you gentle placed your fingertips to onto of your underwear. The scent of Felix still lingered on the hoodie making you imagine him there even more.
Letting your mind wander you thought of your handsome boyfriend words "All I can think about is touching you," his text messages slowly changing into his real words. All you could imagine was him lonely in his hotel room the lights dim as he went to 'sleep' early so he could send you dirty text messages.
"Hm," you hummed lightly rubbing yourself through the fabric. 'Baby tell me you're touching yourself,' his text begged. "I am Felix," you whined knowing he couldn't hear you but you needed to say his name.
Felix hand palming himself invaded your mind. One hand on his phone as he bites his lip as you send him a dirty text message about how much you miss his tongue, his fingers, his body.
Your fingers started to go faster as arousal lit your skin on fire. You and him in tandem continents apart but touching one another at the same time.
"So this is what you were doing when I was away," a familiar deep voice filled the room. Stunned you shot up seeing Felix standing at your doorway. Your heart thudded your cheeks on fire realizing he caught you touching yourself.
He stood confidently a smirk on his face as he looked at you. "And in my hoodie wow that's hot," he commented.
A smile lit your face seeing him after 2 months "Felix," you mumbled your heart almost wanting to leap out of your chest with joy.
"Don't stop just because I came home," Felix told you as he put his bag down strolling inside your room.
"You can help me right," you grinned he was here in front of you he could help you kiss you hold you tight, pleasure you.
"No I want you to keep touching yourself," he said ever so seductively out. Sitting on the bed as he gazed at you. "Come on you were doing so good," his deep voice commanded you.
You shivered the feeling embarrassed, aroused and needy. filled your body. Without arguing, you felt your fingers go back to your panties as you closed your eyes to tease yourself.
The erotic nature of letting your boyfriend watch you made you even more aroused. It was a tense moment as you slowly parted your slit letting your fingers ever so gently tease yourself through the fabric.
Your finger lingering over your clit for a moment letting rub over it for a moment. "Spread those legs baby," Felix hummed his large hand went to open up your leg exposing your shamefully to him.
"Fuck that's amazing," he commented. His Australian accent coming out thick. Your free hand went to grab a plushie Felix got you from Japan. You clutched it harder as your fingers finally dipped into your panties.
"Please Felix," you moaned wanting him to just touch you. Felix groaned his hand placed on your thigh.
"Look at you touching yourself in my hoodie I can't get this image out of my head," he told you. His fingers danced across your thigh as he came closer to your core.
"Should I touch you," he said. You desperately looked at Felix he handsome gentle face was twisted into a sexy smirk his hair slight done up from the photoshoot you were guessing. Seeing the way he looked at you with the visual of his good looked caused your stomach to turn as you touched yourself.
"Please," you begged slightly wanting his touch.
"Well since you asked so nicely," he commented. Leaning closer to you, you smelt his familiar cologne making your mind whirl as his hand joined yours. He placed his hand over yours as you kept fingering yourself.
His took control of your hand moving your fingers around hitting the lovely part of your slit. "Ah Felix," you moaned.
The erotic tension of him touching you making your insides feel so light and amazing. "I bet you love fucking yourself when I'm gone," he teased out.
"I did every night," you cried out feeling your stomach twist with want. The familiar build of an orgasm coming making you cry with want.
"And you think of me while you do it," his deep voice groaned out as he made the pace faster and needier.
"Only you," you moaned pressing the plush close to your face as the oncoming orgasm was slowly coming.
"What a good girl," he whispered out so smoothly. "Now come for me okay," he told you.
With those orders, you felt your legs twitch, letting out a smooth moan out. You felt your fingers slowly leave your core making you shiver at the lost.
"You did good," Felix told you a small smirk on his face.
Blushing you sat up looking at Felix "I missed you so much," you whispered a little embarrassed he saw you touch yourself.
"I missed you more," he commented back his eyes had that adorable shine in them. Leaning over you placed your lips upon his kissing him finally.
"I finally have you," you told him feeling lucky he was finally home.
"I finally have you," he mumbled looking at you as he leaned over to capture your lips once again.
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Picture Us Together (Part One)
Pairing: College!Peter Parker x Reader Summary: You’ve been paired up on many school newspaper assignments with Peter Parker, taking photos. But your new interest in writing an article has you learning new things about yourself, as well as Peter. Words: 1,201  A/N: Thank you to @lethargicprofessor for editing!
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“Say Cheese!” Peter said, pointing the camera in your direction. You flashed him your best smile before scanning the room once more. Tonight was the biggest Halloween party of the year, and both you and Peter Parker were chosen to cover it.
It was your first year in college, and you knew that the easiest way to make friends was by becoming involved. Though there were different types of clubs, the thing that really stuck out to you was being a photographer for the newspaper. In high school, your closest friends were fantastic with photography. They were always having photoshoots, something you grew to love. You’d begged your parents for a high end, and very expensive camera for your birthday, and were surprised when they actually gave in.
At first, you were nervous about how your photographs would be seen. You were used to photoshoots, but candid shots were another thing entirely. However, both the editor and professor with the newspaper loved your photos.
You’d even been paired up with Peter Parker for a whole section on the Halloween events going on in the school. There was a lot of ground to cover, and although you were halfway done with the events going on in the clubs, the week of Halloween was the busiest, and tonight was where you’d get most of your shots.
The Halloween Party that the Student Government threw was not only the biggest event of the season, but also the most talked about. You knew that outfits were crucial tonight. People tended to talk about the best ones for years to come, or so you’d been told.
You showed up wearing a pair of black leggings, a black tank top, and a rainbow colored tutu. On your feet you wore neon green converse, and rainbow colored cat ears were worn on your head. You’d even gone full out in whiskers and painted the tip of your nose black.
When you saw Peter, however, you tried not to crack a smile. Peter was by far the smartest guy you’d ever met, and had even gotten a science scholarship from his school for having the highest average in their history. Tonight, Peter’s nerdiness was no exception. He wore jeans and a t-shirt that had a pumpkin sitting on top of a pi sign.
“Pumpkin pie?” You’d asked as you rolled your eyes. Peter looked down at you before laughing.
“Yeah, I thought it was funny.” Peter replied, chuckling. I cannot believe I have a crush on this guy, you thought to yourself. The two of you headed into the dark room.
You were often surprised at how artistic Peter’s pictures turned out. You knew that tonight would be no exception. He would take a lot of low exposure pictures which always turned out incredible.
You, on the other hand, were left with candids. Because there wasn’t much light, it was crucial that you stay close to what little light was being emitted, as well as holding the camera completely still. The last thing you wanted was to cause a disruption with your flash photos.
As you walked around, surveying both the light and trying to get as many students in shots as possible, you couldn’t help but see that Peter was surrounded by a flock of girls. They were all flirting with him, and Peter didn’t seem to mind the attention. You knew it was stupid, but you couldn’t help but feel a pit in the bottom of your stomach. Focus on what you came here for, you thought to yourself.
But try as you might, you couldn’t help but keep looking over at Peter and becoming more and more jealous. You left the room, deciding to get pictures of students as they were coming into the party. At least that way you wouldn’t have to see Peter anymore.
As you were taking pictures, you were stopped by a beautiful girl. She had long brown hair and like you was wearing a tutu, but had a crop top with candy nerds taped to it and glasses on. “Hey! You’re taking photos with Peter tonight, right?” You nodded and smiled, knowing exactly where this was going. “Do you know where he is? I wanted to say hi.” She said, twirling her finger around a strand of hair.
“He’s inside,” you said, pointing to the dark room. While you watched her walk away, a sharp realization hit you. I cannot even compete with that girl, you thought to yourself.
Before you knew it, you were outside. You weren’t sure when you had left or even how you’d gotten so far away from the party. You’d been so upset that the only thing you’d known was that you needed to leave. Spotting a bench, you walked over and took a seat. Tears started to fall from your eyes, and you couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous you were being.
“Has anyone seen Y/N?” Peter asked, noticing that you were gone. He tried to leave the room, but was stopped by the same girl who you’d seen.
“Hey Peter!” She said, giving him a wide smile. She tried to lead him inside, but Peter stopped her.
“Hey, I’m so sorry, but I’m actually looking for my friend. Have you seen her? She was supposed to be taking pictures with me.” Peter said, looking more concerned each minute.
“Yeah, she was outside, but I think she left? I have no idea where she went though.” Peter moved around her before going outside into the night. Surveying his surroundings, he did his best to think about where you were. As he continued to walk, he saw you.
If he’d been concerned before, he was even more so now. You had your head buried in your hands, and he watched as your shoulders spasmed. He took a seat, and you felt the bench shift under someone else’s weight.
“Y/N… what’s wrong?” Peter asked, rubbing small circles on your back. The fact that Peter came to find you only made you cry harder. “Is it me?” Peter asked, sounding concerned.
You wiped your tear stained face before replying, “no.” You tried your best to smile and laugh. “You should be at the party, hanging out with your friends!” You couldn’t help it but tears had started to fall again.
Peter took your head in his hands before replying. “Y/N, my friends can wait. I’m more concerned about you right now, and I’m not leaving until you feel better.” You rolled your eyes, and Peter brought you into his chest. “Can you at least give me a hint?” He asked, before rubbing your back once more.
“Fine. I like this guy, but he’s got girls who are into him that I could never even compete with.” You said, trying your best to stop the tears from welling up in your eyes. Peter grabbed your shoulders and looked at you. It felt like his deep brown eyes were looking into your soul.  
“Then that guy is an idiot. If he can’t see how great you are, then he doesn’t deserve you.” Peter said sternly. “Y/N, I mean it. He’s not good enough for you if he isn’t interested.”
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blancagriswold · 8 years
Real Weddings: The Beautiful Welsh in Breathtaking Italy
Good Friday to you all Cwtchers!
We have an absolutely stunning wedding for you which is about to inspire the socks off you!  Our gorgeous couple, Jenna and Gareth always wanted to get married abroad.  So after lots of researching, they, and the rest of the Welsh contingency, flew to the stunning Lake Garda.
You wait until you see the results! Over to Jenna to tell you more about their breathtaking big day…
Jenna and Gareth
What was your budget?
£15,000 (approximately)
How would you describe your wedding theme?
We didn’t really choose a theme per se, we wanted the whole day to be a reflection of us with I suppose a touch of boho in terms of the dresses and flowers.
What was your favourite part of your wedding?
Definitely the ceremony! It was just magical!
On a terrace of a castle over looking Lake Garda surrounded by mountains. I walked down the aisle to ‘Everybody’s Free’ by Jennifer Ann, which was playing when Gareth proposed on the last stretch of the Ironman. I have very talented friends and family who arranged to sing it flash mob style. It was beautiful and caused a lot of tears. Gareth and I wrote our own vows, mine were a lot more elaborate than his, including the line; ‘I promise to always lock the doors before bed and love you forever’.
My youngest sister, Sienna, wrote a love poem for us. It was both funny and emotional. That poem, by a 10 year old, had the biggest tears and cheers.
After the ‘I do’s’ were exchanged, we danced down the aisle with tambourines to T Rex’s Ride a White Swan. It was just perfect.
Tell us about your Wedding Dress
I was probably an exception when it comes to the wedding dress cliche of going for something completely different to what you’d imagine.
I imagined a dress and was determined to find it. I visited a wedding gown boutique, tried on some beautiful dresses but none of them fitted in with my vision.
I went on a Pinterest mission for a few months and eventually came across Rime Arodaky. I fell in love with all her dresses but there was one ‘Solane’ that had all the elements that I’d envisioned; a low back, the neckline, beautiful embroidery, light fabric and flowy yet sexy.
I hunted down the only shop in the UK that stocks her, The Mews in Nottinghill, London, and made an appointment. It became clear that Rime Arodaky was the designer for me, my maid of honour and my mum were sold too. All her dresses just suited me perfectly even though they were all so different. As soon as I tried ‘Solane’ on I felt like it was me, of course my mums tears helped. The price tag was way over my budget, so I held off for a few months until I knew there would be a sample sale and luckily ‘Solane’ was part of it.
The lovely girls at The Mews put the dress to one side for me & sent it up to the Bristol shop for me. I cannot recommend The Mews enough!
Who did you pick as your bridesmaids &/or best man and why?
I had some difficulty picking bridesmaids as I have an amazing group of friends and also two sisters and two sisters in law.
Getting married abroad and wanting a small intimate wedding, I didn’t want to have a huge bridal party. I decided to involve my sisters in law in other parts of the wedding and have my niece and nephews as part of the bridal party. They both sang phenomenally, and were witnesses for us too. I had both my sisters, one as my maid of ‘dishonour’, my longest best friend of 25 years as the other maid of ‘dishonour’, school best friend of 20 years and my best friend from University of 13 years.
Gareth knew who he wanted as best men probably before he knew he wanted to marry me. Geryn and Gavin have been his longest most loyal friends. They are complete opposites. Geryn is the organised and sensible one while Gavin is the wild and mischievous one.
Why did you choose your venue?
We always wanted to get married abroad. We originally France, as we love it there.
However after some research we realised that we couldn’t legally get married there and actually becoming man and wife there was important to us, I couldn’t have a blessing and pretend.
A friend of ours had been to a wedding in Malcesine Lake Garda and said it was immense. We booked our flights and made various appointments for different venues around the lake.
We visited the castle in Malcesine and the restaurant Al Corsaro first and was sold straight away. It was exactly what we wanted, laid back, rustic, open and the views were incredible.
Tell us about your photographer
We did a lot of research for a good photographer. Photography is important in our family. My father loves a camera and it’s his hobby. Originally he would take the photos but I wanted him to relax on the day and enjoy it.
Nikola Smernic popped up on Facebook as there was a competition running to win him photographing your wedding. He had won a National Geographic award and several wedding ones. I entered but didn’t win.
However, due to entering he offered us a deal. His photography is random, relaxed and natural just how I like it. He and his wife are both so laid back to work with. We met them the morning of our wedding and said how we’d like a 10 minute photoshoot at the most as my husband hates it and that’s exactly what they did. To be honest I didn’t even really notice they were there. The end photos are amazing.
How did the proposal happen? 
I was very lucky to have the most incredible surprise proposal. Gareth competed in IronMan UK. The friday I arrived in Bolton he had already picked up all the merchandise and event booklet. I was sat there reading about the event when I came across a page containing messages from the competitors, I just scanned the page and saw Gareth’s name. I was about to read it out loud when Gareth snatched it from my hand and said I wasn’t allowed to read it. I should’ve clicked then, but I’m pretty gullible. Gareth said that he had arranged to do something stupid on the finish line and that I would spoil the surprise if I knew. He is pretty random so I believed him, I thought he’s not going to carry a ring around the course with him anyway and carried on eating Pizza. The next day was brilliant. The pride I felt watching him complete the swim then the bike was immense. His parents arrived to watch his marathon as well as his best friend. We positioned ourselves along the finish line. I wanted to see him cross the line so made my way through the crowds a few meters before it. I saw him approaching and shouted out for him so that he knew I was there.
He to my annoyance turned around and came over, I waved him on as I knew that they timed the last 100meter split. He luckily ignored me. He gave me a sweaty hug, whispered in my ear that he had travelled 140 miles for me, that I was his first, his last & his everything and got down on one knee.
I still wonder how he got down on that one knee to this day. There was a huge crowd clapping us, Everybody’s Free was playing at the finish line and the presenter stopped the music to congratulate us on the big screen. I grabbed the ring before I even said yes, I was completely speechless.
All was captured on camera which I was so thankful for as it was a complete blur.
Any DIY stories/tutorials you’d like to share?
I made complete use of my friends and family’s talents.
From creating the chalk board signs, filming the wedding, musicians, to hair and make up. I am very fussy with hair & make up & getting married in Italy it was very difficult to shop around and have trials.
Instead I had some trials with my bridesmaid Nicky, who, due to having a baby 6 weeks prior to the wedding, didn’t even know until 4 weeks prior that she’d make it. She also did some of the other bridesmaid’s hair too, whilst breastfeeding I might add. She’s brilliant at multi tasking. She did a beautiful job and it was exactly how I wanted.
My maid of honour Rhian did my make up. We had been to MAC and another make up artist for ideas and stocked up on the make up at the airport. It meant the getting ready was intimate and nobody knows me better than these girls so it made complete sense.
All the name cards for the reception were polaroid photos of some of our favourite memories of our guests. I’ll be honest it took ages and the website crashed many times. But, the fact that most took them home with them showed how much they appreciated it. These doubled as a favour too as my husband has an unhealthy hate towards favours.
We hired cameras from ‘Shoot it Yourself’ to film our wedding and chose responsible friends to film the day for us. Shoot it Yourself then does the editing for you. I was nervous, as were they, but it worked out amazing. I didn’t want the usual romantic montage as that’s not us at all. I wanted it to be funny and us. The final edit was exactly how I’d hoped and both of us were crying tears of laughter and happiness watching it.
What was your first dance & why?
First dance song obviously wasn’t the usual romantic ballad type, as that is just not our style. But, it wasn’t easy to choose a non-ballad that meant something to us.
We spent many wine fuelled nights playing different songs and trying to dance to them to see if they were right. We kept coming back to ‘our song’ which we had originally decided was too hard to dance to and a bit random.
I read somewhere to not choose a crowd pleaser song but choose one you’ll always remember as yours however random. So we did. We dance to Johnny Cash ‘Walk the Line’ with tambourines being played for added effect.
After the first chorus we invited everyone in to join us for a boogie.
In hindsight, was there anything you would have done differently?
I’d have had a few Proseccos with everyone the day before to relax me as I was running around like a headless chicken trying to get everything ready and stressing. I’m guessing this is normal. I also found it tricky to recruit helpers as I was very aware that everyone had paid a lot of money to join us in Italy and were on holiday.
However my day before stress did mean that on the day of the wedding I was completely relaxed. I know also it’s a cliché but I would’ve got married a little earlier. The day flew by and by the time the 4 course meal and speeches were over we had little time for dancing.
It really is true what they say, time does fly by.
Do you have any advice for future couples?
Don’t make decisions based on what’s trendy or what you think your guests will like. Choose what you both want as that’s what it’s about.
It’s good getting a man’s perspective as they don’t care about décor and details, a wedding day is a day to remember because of the atmosphere you create, good food, good wine, good people and good music.
Also if you’re planning a wedding abroad don’t feel as though you have to fork out those extra thousands for a wedding planner. We did it without and managed perfectly. It meant we got a few small trips to Italy in prior instead.
What’s the best piece of marriage advice you received?
Always say I love you!
What was your favourite thing about planning a wedding?
Our favourite thing was definitely the trips to Italy we made. We got to explore the Lake and visit nearby Verona and Venice, drank good wine and Limoncello, and ate a lot of Italian food.
The Suppliers
Photographer: Nikola Smernic  Videographer: Shoot It Yourself  Ceremony Venue: Castello Scaligero Malcesine Reception Venue: Al Corsaro  Bride’s Dress: Rime Arodaky ‘Solane’  Groom’s Outfit: French Connection Bridesmaid’s Dresses: Jarlo at ASOS and Millie Mackintosh Flowers: Tania Muser  DJ: Roberto Palma Stationery: Etsy Any Reception Decor/Props: Etsy
The Wedding Album
I think you will agree, this is a killer wedding! I wish so much I could go back in time, find Jenna, become her best friend, then be invited to the wedding!  But that sounds a bit creepy. So scrap that!
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The post Real Weddings: The Beautiful Welsh in Breathtaking Italy appeared first on Cwtch The Bride.
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