#you have to order it taur style
doggirlhen · 2 months
worldbuilding for dumb furry bullshit is so goddamn fun
for a while now ive had the thought "yknow. taurs probably need to eat more food but just having them order double of things is boring" so i decided, in universe, every burger/chicken sandwich/ fast food item in a similar vein can be asked for "taur style" where its now longer, kinda like the burger king chicken sandwiches. instead of the typical 1:1 overhead aspect ratio of a burger, its 2:1 with the same width as a typical burger at that establishment.
also establishing that they used to be served like that one outside wolves image, but that fell out of fashion as that was difficult to package and eat. also also, theres some locations that assume taur style by default, and theres a whole culture and foodie discissions about what makes a good taur burger. arguments about if it has to be one long patty or if two regular ones are fine, arguments about how the bread must be made. all down to preference, mind you
i also really like the idea of someone who's not a taur going to one of these taur-assumed joints and the guy taking the order shouting "CAN I GET A NUMBER 4 FOR THE BIPED" and that translating to "make this burger small this guy isnt a taur"
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eleneressea · 9 months
Could you do: ☪️🌸⬜☮♦️☯️♒ for Elrond please? I really liked what you wrote on him in your Aragorn headcanons ^^
(Sorry for the emoji chaos, i am new to tumblr)
☾ - sleep headcanon
Needs more sleep than most elves, and sleeps deeper than most elves as well. This is very disconcerting to anyone who isn't used to the sleep habits of men; Gil-galad, who was normally used to mannish sleep habits (and Elrond's in particular), found it particularly unsettling while they were marching on Mordor and would occasionally double-check that Elrond was still breathing.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Likes giving oral. Particularly likes giving oral with his partner sitting in a chair and him kneeling under their desk. Also has an enormous praise kink.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Has a vast collection of little trinkets accumulated over the centuries, ranging wildly in value and age, from river-rocks proudly presented to him by fosterlings to jewelry made in Valinor before the Sun rose to wooden trinkets that Maedhros carried with them. They're arranged in a cabinet in an order known only to Elrond.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Had a number of friends among men and dwarves in the early Second Age who, intentionally on Elrond's part, had no idea who his family were, which was an enormous relief to him at the time since just about every elf he met not only knew exactly who he was related to but also had expectations of him because of them.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Could not stop adopting foundlings. Even in the Second Age, before founding Imladris, Gil-galad often found him taking care of/being trailed by small children (mostly mannish, but some elvish children as well), woodland animals (to be released once no longer injured), and one injured minstrel that Elrond identified as his uncle (no not that one).
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
His favorite part of healing is midwifery because he gets to see all the little babies being born! Elvish babies typically come out fairly easily, and complications are rare, and rarer still that they're fatal, but even so…best to have someone nearby just to make sure. (Mannish babies even more unpredictable, of course.)
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
As a result of growing up in the apocalypse, his nostalgic comfort foods range from the unusual (insect salad à la Taur-im-Duinath and Belegost-style dwarven cuisine) to the nearly unpalatable if not outright unwise (warg broth soup and roast giant spider legs).
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kariachi · 1 year
Random Taur Shoe Stuff
Whether or not fuckers even wear shoes varies depending on the type of taur, the terrain, how active they are, etc. After all, getting dressed in the morning can already be a bitch and if you don’t need them...
Shoes are more common if you’ve got softer hooves, are very active on hard surfaces, are going to be hauling things, or need the added traction
You also of course have medical shoes, but those are their own thing
Boots are commonplace, having a single rubber sole, a rigid fabric or leather body that wraps around the hoof(hooves), and an ankle strap, closing at the front
You can also find a more sandal-like shoe, which comes up to cup the back of the hood and straps on around the front. These tend to be more common on even-toed taur, as these come in a paired version- unlike boots- allowing for those who prefer to keep maximum hoof flexibility to have their wish
Most formal shoes are the sandal-like variety, though there are formal boots as well
Sandal-like boots are also used for entertainment and flashy events, as their soles tend to be thinner and less conspicuous than boot soles and can also be finished with metal to produce sparks on stone or just as a pretty flash
There are also, for the sake of fashion and for those who only need shoes for weather, the pad-style shoe- most commonly used by odd-toed taur, they’re quite literally a single pad of leather, rubber, or even woven plant matter, held onto the bottom of the foot with lines running up to an ankle strap. Rivets can be installed in leather and rubber varieties for improved traction
Pad-style shoes are commonly only worn for brief periods, such as while traveling short distances or over steep terrain, and individuals who wear them in daily life also typically go barefoot otherwise
While these are the main variety of shoe, they all come is various forms to fit the various feet of taur
Most areas will have stores that carry shoes befitting the more common forms of taur in their area (mid-sized deer and bovids have the best of it worldwide) and are willing to order in whatever they don’t have available
Despite this, most taur who aren’t in the majority- whether in form or size- in their area prefer to shop online or via catalog for the convenience of it, and many families have a time-honered tradition of going through the top catalogs on their region and ordering as a family. Many families also buy accessories at this time as well, as these catalogs often have sections for them
Some individuals to choose to get professionally done up with metal or rubber shoes like those used for horses and oxen, for reason including- ease of maintenance (you get shorn and you’re set until your next trim), medical recommendation, personal expression, etc. These can be nailed or glued in.
Trimming of hooves/nails can be done at home or professionally, though most individuals find it easier to have a second person do the job wherever they are. Depending on the taur trimming may be anywhere from every month to twice a year
Let me tell you a farrier can make a good living, charging on average ~$60 per trim, upwards of $110 for putting on long-term shoes if they offer the service, and most will do a full measurement of a client’s feet for a small fee. Average income for a self-employed individual with a building and employees, once business expenses are paid and before taxes, is about $100k a year in the US. Self-employed individuals who work in their client’s homes make on average $70k a year in the US.  Individuals working for someone else may make as little at $50k a year.
Farrier is a trade school job that costs about $17k  and 8 months to learn and receive licensing for
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dystopianplayground · 9 months
Haven't seen you in a minute. Let's talk.
Work has been hectic. We're booking them in back to back. It's exhausting. I have been struggling to keep my energy up.
Recently I discovered that I'm actually malnourished. The food I eat at work isn't enough. And usually by the time I get home, I'm so exhausted from work that I don't have the energy to eat so I just go to bed instead. My breakfast isn't enough. So I now deal with vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
I explained to my friend that is just how it goes. If you are booked, you hope people don't show up for appointments, or they are quick cuts. Because that's the only way to use the toilet or eat something.
I haven't been to the gym since May. It's ending August now. No energy. Because no food.
I have a plan. I'm going to replace my sodas with milk. That should be a higher fat and calorie content. Hopefully it will be enough to change what I'm going through. At least a start.
Breakfast will still be hard, but I'll figure something out. I miss the gym.
In other news, I ordered my taur on Tuesday night. It should arrive next week. I'm rather excited. It should be small enough to put in the commandant and take places. It will also allow me a different ride when scootaloo sounds angry, or when I want to make major changes to it.
The taur also has better, safer, breaks so fall and winter riding won't be as dangerous. In theory.
Last month was when I went back to the tie style at work. I feel so much more like myself again. I don't fit in with my coworkers, and now it feels more honest.
Otherwise, what else? Not much. I think I'll go get groceries tonight or tomorrow after work. Leaning more to tomorrow.
Hopefully good videos are coming soon.
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verecunda · 2 years
Mairon, 1, 6 and 9 for the character headcanon asks please! :D
Oooh, these are good ones. :D *flexes fingers* Let's go!
1) Something this character is truly proud of.
I think this is one that changes depending on which age of the world we're in. While was still in the household of Aulë, he was extremely proud of his talents and the place he held in Aulë's esteem, but felt too constrained in his role to feel very proud of anything he actually created.
Later, he was truly proud of his standing as Melkor's lieutenant, especially the way he held things together during the three ages of his captivity, keeping Angband running and their various designs trucking along (with some his own touches, of course!).
On an objective level, he's aware that the One Ring is his greatest work, but his triumph in its creation was marred rather by the fact that it revealed him to the Elves before he'd planned. And then there was that business in Eregion. Messy, wasteful - really, what was Celebrimbor thinking? And he never even got the Three in the end. 6) Something they lost, but would love to have back.
My disgusting soppy shippy brain is leaping up and down shrieking "MELKOR!!!" XD Shippiness aside, I think he genuinely does mourn the loss of his master, but doesn't have any realistic expectation of freeing him from the Void. Instead he's poured all his energy into being Morgoth's true successor, with all those little homages (naming a valley in Mordor after Utumno, the battering ram called Grond, etc. Isildur even noted that when slew Gil-galad, his hand was "black and yet burned like fire" - as if his very appearance revealed him as Morgoth ver. 2.0).
Anyway, I think there is, very, very deep down, perhaps even without him realising it, a part of him that misses having the love and admiration of the Valar and his former peers. In LOTR, Aragorn mentions that he doesn't use the name "Sauron" or allow his servants to use it. So he may revel in his evil, but he doesn't like being "the Abhorred". I'm sure he prefers still to think of himself as "the Admired/Beloved". To quote Galadriel, "All shall love me and despair!" I think that's the style of evil overlordship he aspires to. He's a vain wee thing like that. :P 9) What calms them when they are upset.
When he was still serving Aulë, he'd probably find something in the forge to hammer at until he'd worked out his frustrations. And maybe if Melkor was being especially... Melkor, he'd go and bitch to his wolves for a bit. But in the main, I think he's someone whose bad tempers are let loose to run their course. Orcs and other underlings probably got very good at recognising the signs that the Lieutenant was in a foul mood and better get out of his way fast. Again, from the way he spends some time hiding out in Taur-nu-Fuin and "filling it with horror", and the restless, brooding clouds that Frodo and Sam see gathered about Barad-dûr, suggest to me that Sauron tends to indulge his bad moods, rather than find ways to alleviate them. He may be all about order, but he's still a bit of a prima donna!
Send me a character + a number and I'll tell you my headcanons for them
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Classroom Ghoulia Yelps Physical Deaducation Survival Guide
Class Overview
Physical Deaducation is considered a core class at Monster High and as such all students must complete at least four units over the course of their academic career with us. Students who are members of a Monster High athletic team may be exempt although we strongly encourage them to take Phys. Dead as an elective.
As manager of the Fear Squad – yes we are considered part of the athletic department – I am technically a member and would therefore be exempt but I like Phys Dead.
Lecture will normally consist of a demonstration of the day’s class activity and a brief explanation of the rules followed by the activity.
Rarely do we engage in an activity that needs to be explained, monsters who want to swim go to the pool, soccer players go outside to the pitch, casketball players go to one end of the gym, and dodge ball players go to the infirmary… that is our name for the place where we play.
Students will be graded on participation and attitude rather than ability.
Students should dress in non-logoed, or Monster High logoed, t-shirts and shorts or sweats. Appropriate athletic footwear is also required for those students that wear shoes.
Poor skills coupled with a good attitude will earn you a better grade than the reverse.
The line about “athletic footwear” is also known as the Clawdeen Wolf Rule. It was instituted not for Clawdeen, whose athletic ability is scarcely affected by participating in platform wedges, but for other monsters that lack her athletic prowess yet try and emulate her style.
Swimming Activities
I will give you some brief, but hopefully helpful pointers on some of the other activities before launching into how to survive the mad, yet scary sweet science of dodge ball. 
Casketball - I enjoy watching the game and have ample opportunity to do so as I am the scorekeeper for the boys’ casketball team when they play at home. It is, however, a bit fast paced for me to play. If you happen to be in a class with either Clawd or Deuce you will want to get on their team if they are playing, as any team they are a member of rarely loses.
Soccer - There always seems to be enough room for any monster that wishes to play. Although soccer is hideously popular I must confess to not being an enthusiast of the sport as it is seemingly fast in pace yet slow in scoring. I do however enjoy watching Clawdeen and her younger sister Howleen play. If they would actually listen to each other they would make a great team but Howleen does not often heed the advice of the more experienced Clawdeen causing them to butt heads at times. 
Swimming Activities - If you are ever in the pool and Frankie Stein happens to walk in the direction of the water, it would be advisable for you to leave the pool as quickly as possible in order to avoid the shock that is about to come. The MH pool seems to exert a strange gravitational pull on Frankie and I have, on more than one occasion, watched her simply fall in even though she was neither jumping nor being pushed. It is certainly a curious phenomenon that deserves to be examined. 
The infirmary is actually an old batminion court that we have claimed as our arena. We call it “The Infirmary” because we think it is just a scary perfect name for a dodge ball court. I wish there was a more elaborate story behind it but alas there is not. The infirmary has the perfect dimensions for dodge ball and even a small observation area where the eliminated can watch and wait for the next contest to begin. 
It may seem that dodge ball would be a game that zombies would not want to participate in because we are not exactly... speedy. However, after observing the game for a couple of weeks I was able to develop a strategy that, while not always ghoul-proof, allows for even the most athletically challenged to participate and survive against the game’s strongest players. 
Manny Taur - Manny is the classic bully. His game is about intimidation and preying on the weak. He will always attempt to pick off the slower players first and he relishes the opportunity to take out players who are looking the other way. If Manny is taunted he will become so focused on the player who is taunting him that he will become reckless and can be easily eliminated.
Clawd Wolf - Clawd’s combination of leadership skills and athletic ability make him very difficult to eliminate. He knows how to maximize the strengths of his team and expose the weaknesses of his opponents. Clawd also has a scary strong arm and can hit an opposing player from anywhere on the court. Unlike Manny, Clawd will always seek to eliminate the strongest player first, which can leave him vulnerable to an attack from a lesser player.
Deuce Gorgon - It should come as no surprise that Deuce is as quick as a striking snake. You must use multiple players all throwing their balls at once in order to have a chance against him. Deuce does not play often because of his concern that an errant ball will knock off his shades and cause him to accidentally stone another player. 
Heath Burns - Heath is totally unpredictable. I have watched him get eliminated in the first moments of one game only to see him single-handedly eliminate the opposing team in the next. Heath is very distractible though and if he can be caught watching something happening off court he can be taken out. 
Abbey Bominable - Abbey is monstrously strong and never seems to run short or breath. She throws the ball with such velocity that players will move out of the way rather than try and catch it. If Abbey has a weakness it is that she does not completely understand the game and will play hesitant at times. Once she fully learns the game she may be unstoppable. 
Ghoulia left this survival guide in my car after Clawdeen and I took her home from school one day. She left herself off the list of strongest players so I added her.
Ghoulia Yelps - Ghoulia may not move fast but she definitely moves with a purpose. Somehow she always manages to be in the right place at the right time and it’s like she knows that you’re going to do before you do it. Oh, and don’t think she can’t throw the ball either because she can. She may not have the strongest arm but it’s definitely the most accurate. I found that out when I ignored her the first time I played against her and she ended up taking me out. I don’t ignore her anymore cause she’s the first player I pick if I’m the one picking teams. 
Howl at you later,
Clawd Wolf
Coaches of the various Monster High athletic teams will be leading the class on a rotating basis until a new Physical Deaducation faculty member is hired.
Our last P.D. teacher had an unfortunate accident while demonstrating the proper way to execute a yoga position called the pit and the pendulum. It is my understanding that he is doing well and is expected to make a full... physical recovery.
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getallemeralds · 4 years
explorers of arvus: port draavos / 3.23.20
and now for something different: the misadventures of the hope’s guard
so for the past 3 years ive been in an ongoing dnd5e campaign run by michael called Explorers of Arvus, which is super cool and super fun and i love it a whole lot! and back when i used twitter, i’d liveblog our sessions and that ended up being my way of note taking bc im otherwise quite terrible at it
after i stopped using twitter, that had the side effect of me not keeping notes anymore, so i kind of didnt remember any of the past couple sessions? especially because its hard for all 6 of us to have like, schedules that make sense, so there’s a lot of distance between each session.
and then i realized i can just take notes shitpost-liveblog style and then just… like, put it on tumblr or whatever. i’ll probably make like, ill probably port over my old liveblog threads onto here sometime but until then: we played d&d today! Time For Shenanigans
some quick context: we’re called the Hope’s Guard, but our unofficial silly name is Chunch Bunch the Dungeon Master is Michael aka Skalter aka @openlyeight​ Taure M’ea is a half-elf paladin played by Penn aka @penn-name​ and she is doing her best. Sieron Astora is a human (secretly half-orc) wizard played by Jorb aka @jorbs-palace​ and he’s basically the protagonist, and also starting to be gay for Charlie Charlie Wickfield is a halfling wild magic sorcerer played by Leos aka us and she’s known for being very chaotic, lighting things on fire, and having a high charisma score but no idea how to articulate anything Thorne is a half-orc warlock played by Solar aka @craftlands​ and he grew up in nonsense land aka the feywild and i love him, and also he’s fine-tuned to be able to snipe the shit out of anything within a 600 ft radius of him w/ eldritch blast Silje Cottonwood is a tabaxi blood hunter played by Nyx aka @patheticnyas​ and he is very edgy but also a cat and is VERY gay for Thorne our general goal is to stop some motherfucker called Halvkar / the God-King from… i dunno, being a huge bitch? he dumped zombies all over Arvus and that’s a problem. its late at night and i just played d&d for several hours
last time:
chunch bunch beat up the cult and now we’re FINALLY GOING TO ARVUS, YALL (also we picked up a cat) (his name is silly. its silje but literally pronounced like “silly”) sieron hatched a child! so like, we have a lil coatl friend now OH RIGHT SIERON HAS A MOM. sierons mom is here charlie and sieron attempted to have a gay scene but charlie went off script by being “[internal dial up noises]” when sieron said something really heartwarming we’re in fort draavos! and now we’re picking up sidequests and just kinda wanderin around. woo!
thorne and charlie discuss the morals of necromancy, and also the concept of “[charlie voice] necromancy racism”
EVERYONE IS BONDING WITH CHARLIE TODAY taure gave charlie the rune of wound closure and told her to stay safe and im :keralisweep:
accidentally started a cutscene bc charlie is very loud in a temple, oop. some priests(?) glared at us and walked off and im sure they wont stab us later! ingrid the adorkable friend has been having reoccuring nightmares about a dark figure w/ black robes standing above a bleeding platform high in the air over a swamp and summoning undead, so we’re gonna go hit that up! it MIGHT be like, a vision of the past, but even if so thats still pretty relevant also there’s a cool half orc lady named undril silvertusk who we’re gonna escort to camp vengeance! she’s awesome
thorne: i was in a dungeon once charlie: you got better! thorne: [points] i DID get better!
summer: can i roll to steal the laser gun? michael: if you find the dragon, you can try to steal the laser gun.
solar: guys, we have to protect the lesbians at all costs. and if one of them turns out to be an ancient gold dragon and curses my dick, then so be it
taure: dont worry, i wont let you die. ingrid: …okay :D!
THE HOT SPRINGS EPISODE IS FINALLY HAPPEN sorry thorne. charlie dabbed at a buff tiefling charlie is too fucking short for the hot springs. also she’s like 50% hair so she is Dying
time for food! we ran into an adventuring party that is apparently based off one michael was part of in another campaign, and i think the buff tiefling is his? also taure ordered samples of everything and then got Super plastered
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thorne rolled really good to infodump hardcore about arvus artifacts and it is cute and id die for him oop michael asked for all our passive perception
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omg theres an introduction of a ~mysterious character~ and originally theyre supposed to just sneak off but then michael realized they’d be genuinely interested in thorne’s infodumping so now theyre just Lurking
the opposite of a slow burn is a fast explosion
[everyone gets distracted quoting realtime fandub]
oops taure is depressed! ALSO SHE BROKE UP WITH SIGRA??? charlie is VERY bad at emotional support so she’s just “uhhhhhhhhh”, but thankfully thorne catches her before she faceplants into her potatoes CAN ANY OF US CARRY TAURE??? SHE’S IN FULL ARMOUR AND ALSO PASSED OUT
michael: what do you do with the bottle? summer: eat it
charlie get haircut! WITH SWORDS. her hair is now like midway down her back so its like, a bit shorter than when she first met everybody silje: do you want this [the hair he cut off]? charlie: UH WHAT WOULD I .. DO WITH IT… silje: …make a rope? charlie: yknow what i might as fucking well, who knows if id need spare hair
penn: i dont think taure is horny tho! summer: ITS OK, SILJE IS HORNY ENOUGH FOR ALL OF US
michael: Sieron, Str of 10- action hero Thorne, str of 14- twink nyx: silly, str of 13- cat solar: i guess thorne is a hunk. michael: thorne is a twunk summer: the t in thorne stands for twunk
taure, extremely drunk and sad: CHARLIE IM SORRY I MADE YOU BURN DOWN THAT LIBRARY (sieron and thorne carried her to bed and she ended up apologising a whole lot about literally everything)
jorb/sieron wants to know if charlie’s hair has any lingering wild magic nonsense!
thorne’s staring out the window! and also discord kept censoring solar when they were trying to say that THIS ENTIRE AREA IS WITHIN THORNE’S RANGE. solar: i could shoot someone at the thundering boar tavern [from our tavern] jorb: [as thorne] WRONG TAVERN, IDIOT!
solar called soldier:76 a cornfucker and it blindsided me so hard
michael: silje cottonwood, dark edgy blood hunter. [flops over on camera] NOTICE MEEEEEEEE
WE’RE NOW MAKING NONSTOP FORT DRAAVOS PUNS. i had to go clean pepper’s litter and when i came back they were STILL GOING
thorne pets silje on accident bc silje ws doing an anime squat on the balcony’s railing and is now having a crisis of “is it appropriate to pet the furry?” AND ALSO SILLY IS VERY SOFT
jorb & michael: [say something cursed] summer: [looking around frantically] I DONT HAVE AN IMPROVISED WEAPON solar: Allow Me. [brandishes baseball bat on camera]
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mahou-furbies · 5 years
Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart character design ranking
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Starting with a great magical girl chef design. The outfit is recognisable as a chef’s uniform but is still strange enough to be a magical girl outfit, and the silly red thingies on the hem resembling stovetops keep it from being just a chef’s coat with frills. And the red stove things also repeat in her boots. The multicoloured hair is a little odd choice here, but at least the colours look good together. Add an overall pleasant colour scheme and a cute hat and you’re done, though the tail feathers kind of bother me. The one in the hat is an okay decoration, but the showy tail doesn’t really have anything to do with the rest of the outfit theme. 8/10.
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I really like Clantail but the design is kinda meh. There is something that fascinates me about deer-taurs and in general they are always charming and pretty to me so that is a big plus for Clantail, but since that’s not really a permanent part of her design when she can use any animal for her lower body I can’t give her too many points for that. And if you ignore the animal part of her design there’s not much to talk about. I mean, what is the theme here? She has sort of kimono-esque clothes, and a frilly apron, feathers (?), triangle tattoos on her neck, and floating flowers, one of which makes me think of a halo? And also horns (?), which I guess at least go with the deer theme, but overall I find Clantail kind of a mess and none of the individual design elements are particularly interesting details either. Nice hanging tassels and eye makeup, but sorry Clantail, this just doesn’t work for me. 2/10.
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What I find a missed opportunity here is how you can barely see that she’s a doll. Shouldn’t a short-sleeved dress be a better choice here to show her elbow joints, or even a sleeveless dress altogether? The dress itself is a pretty basic frilly lolita dress without much in the magical department so in order for the design to stand out you should play up the doll body. But at quick glance she looks just like an ordinary anime girl, and even her eyes don’t really sell it properly that her sclera are black (at least in Marui-no’s style). But at least the dress design is cute with all the ribbons and layers, the colours and patterns are nice, and blue and beige (?) wouldn’t be the first option to come to my mind when thinking of a lolita style doll so there’s something non-standard there. The one unique detail she has is the... thing behind her, which bothers me a lot since I can’t quite make out what it is, which makes drawing her difficult. It’s like she has a paper fan glued to her butt, which is probably an inaccurate interpretation but it’s the best I can manage. 6/10.
Miyokata Nonako
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I like the webbing and ribbons on the sleeves, but other than that this is quite a basic miko outfit (as in anime miko). Still looks alright tho since miko outfits are already aesthetically pleasing so it’s a good basis for a design, and the sleeves are nice enough that the look is not completely boring. But there’s not much I can say about this one 6/10.
Magical Daisy
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I really like Daisy’s look; it doesn’t have a specific theme (like detective, chef, etc) and instead is just a basic magical girl outfit, as in a frilly dress with lots of layers and ribbons. But even though it is a basic magical girl look it still isn’t a boring and unimaginative one, since the cut of the dress is unique enough. Also the pale green and brown colour palette is a nice change from the usual pink you’d expect from a character who in-universe is the star of her own magical girl tv anime, and I like the logo on her (admittedly strange) headpiece and... bag? Apron?. Plus some bonus points for unique eyes. What I don’t like however are the dumb floating flowers behind her. 9/10.
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When you really think about it, this is a basic maid dress and there’s nothing that stands out about her from neck down, and the headpiece only really has the cat ears that differentiate it from a generic maid hat. But still I find Nokko-chan super appealing to look at. Must be the hairstyle then; the way her braids are stuffed into those poofy cloth “bags” is just so cute and gives her a soft and friendly look. Add a good amount of ribbons and the aforementioned cat ears to add to the cuteness, and finish with a simple but appealing colour scheme. 8/10.
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At first I thought this was a pretty basic anime China dress girl, but upon closer inspection I find that I actually quite like this design. The way the dress is cut obviously lends itself to fanservice that I don’t really care for, but without it there would be nothing of notice about this. And the overalls-like cut gives her a nice sporty vibe. The puffy arm things and the long ribbons add the much-needed details for this to have anything to do with a magical girl look. I do question the need for the tail though. 6/10.
Yumenoshima Genopsycho
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Not into this kind of superhero suit things, sorry. The cat ear helmet and the tail give the suit some personality but I can’t think of anything to talk about this one, like there is enough detail for the design not to be completely boring but there’s nothing that stands out either. Next! 3/10.
Detec Bell
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I like detectives and the generic Sherlock Holmes look, so this design is right up my alley. I think the key here is all the fluff; without that the design would be more of just girl detective, but the fluff with the ribbons pushes it to magical girl territory. Even the bunny tail like thingy works since now it doesn’t feel so random and out of place visually since there’s similar fluff elsewhere. Having the cape double as an utility belt is a fun idea and the asymmetric haircut adds some extra flavour to an otherwise (comparatively) down to earth look. 10/10.
Lapis Lazuline
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One of my least favourite MagiPro girls but at least she has a great design. The dark palette and fur give her a classy and mature look, and even the tail doesn’t look as out of place as with many other Marui-no designs since she hast the same fur on her cape, earrings and socks too. The design is also recognisable enough as a magical girl design (must be the mini-dress and poofy detached sleeves?) and not just any fantasy anime outfit. And there’s just the correct amount of detail so the result is in the ideal spot between boring and overdesigned, like there’s a lot going on with the dress, but the hair and legwear are nice and basic to balance it out. Can’t really think of anything to dislike about this one. 10/10. 
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I like the idea for the outfit more than the actual design. I’m a big fan of concept designs, redesigns, adapted costumes and such, so a look that’s in-universe based on some other design is already an interesting idea. And I guess the actual result isn’t too bad either, though I have trouble figuring out how the pants work and it greatly bothers me. And I don’t like the huge roses at the edge of her cape, they make it look heavy and not very flowy. But at least the roses and thorns look good otherwise and the cape has a more unique look around her shoulders so that’s good. 6/10.
Cherna Mouse
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I love everything a bout the hamster headgear, the ‘no cats!’ signs tell so much about the character, the single strand of hair poking out adds a playful detail and most importantly the hanging paw thingies are just so cute. Especially in the picture where she uses them as hands! The x eyes and band-aid also give the impression of a childlike character who tumbles around a lot. However while it may fit the character’s personality I’m not a huge fan of the babylike elements since I’m not a baby person in general, but apart from that I can’t really think of anything I’d dislike about this one. 8/10.
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Not sure about the theme of her outfit. I mean, I suppose we’re going for some kind of “sickly girl” look here, with the eye patch, wheelchair and nightgown-like dress, but that sounds like such a strange theme for me when the rest of the characters have more understandable themes like “cowboy” “nun” “doll” “maid”. And then there’s the fact that the bandages aren’t actually even a part of her look and are instead added later. But if this is what we’re going with, uh, I guess it’s not that bad. The hairstyle certainly adds to the upper class lady’s cozy homely bedtime look, and I like that the bird theme is consistent through the whole design. 6/10.
Shadow Gale
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Shadow Gale is alright and a dark ‘evil’ nurse image is a less generic take than just a regular one, like I’d expect a nurse to have a white colourscheme, or at least pink or pale blue or green. Though at first I thought that without a more recognisable colour scheme you wouldn’t know this was a nurse design in the first place if you removed the hat, but then again she does have the medical crosses and a name tag. And the name being scribbled out adds to the shady look created by the dark colour scheme. Not a huge fan of the tacked on tail, but at least it is somehow related to her name and there are also feathers on the collar, which look a lot better (and black feathers also work with the eerie feel of the rest of the outfit). The tight dress and a wide outerskirt thingy also look good together. 8/10.
Masked Wonder
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The tail is just unacceptable and pointless, there’s nothing cat-like about the rest of her design or personality and there are plenty of other MagiPro characters with animal features so that could have been left out here. But apart from that I think this is an alright design even if it’s a little too basic; solid black and some cool details. I like the sparkles on her cape and the rose theme ties everything together so it’s not just a bunch of random elements in the same design. 8/10.
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Not enough magical girl here, she could easily be just another anime samurai. I do like the giant flower headpiece thingy and there are enough details so that the design isn’t exactly boring, but nothing about this excites me as a magical girl design, nor does it do enough to differentiate itself from other anime samurai looks I’ve seen. It does convey the character’s personality and role in the story well though. 3/10.
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Okay this one isn’t even trying to be a magical girl. It’s just a generic anime nerd girl in a generic bikini and generic oversized lab coat. Like can’t you give the coat an interesting cut at least? Can’t the pockets be heart shaped, or maybe there could be frills on the hem or something? Or if you’re not into the frills-and-ribbons cutesy look, that’s okay, not everyone has to, but surely there are other ways to incorporate interesting details. Unique rims on her glasses perhaps? A bytecode tattoo? Some cool pattern on her socks? At least do something with the Rubik’s cubes, I mean we’re magical girls here and the best you can do is flat colours, can’t the thing at least glow?
I do like the poofy hair and the pale and muted and kind of sickly colour scheme which fits her shady and antagonistic character, and the hairclip is alright, but as a magical girl design there is nothing that interests me about this one. 1/10.
Restart average: 6,4.
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currydomi · 6 years
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Taur Brazen - Page 52 - The Kingfisher and Her Foil
Taur Brazen’s Home | Patreon | Tapastic | DA | The Duck
Taur Brazen’s currently at a print shop for samples. Here’s page 52 and Page 53 is now available for $1+ patrons.
Page 54 is in the works with scripting. There may be a slight style change. The full blown detail and shading look it wears now takes me a ridiculous amount of time to achieve -and it’s just me working on this my dudes, and in order to work on Taur Brazen, I have to pull all nighters a few times a week now.
In better news, I’m FINALLY GYMING. Do you even lift? Yes. I DO. FINALLY.
Donations accepted on my site Or become a patron Questions? I have Answers?
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the-fitsquad · 6 years
How Can I Move My ITunes Library From My Mac To My New Dell Personal computer?
Do you have a “totaled” or wiped out Dell laptop? Dell has been enduring grave pressure in recent years to reduce back overheads and construct up performance, since of the latest economical downturn and a broad range of contending private computers and notebooks in the business. Previously well-know for its moderate priced PCs, Dell was losing its upper hand to organizations like HP and Acer, which supplied comparable or superior performing PCs at low-cost prices. Previously the foremost maker of PCs across the world, Dell essential a modify in method and a concentrated attempt to consolidate its location, which had been sliding in current years.
In terms of computing power, workstations lie amongst personal computer systems and minicomputers , though the line is fuzzy on both ends. High-finish private computer systems are equivalent to low-finish workstations. And higher-end workstations are equivalent to minicomputers. If you have an economical pc, then pricing can be a large aspect. There is no sense in obtaining the motherboard repaired for $300 if you can acquire a comparable laptop for the identical price tag. Get a quote before dropping off your laptop. Repairs are supposed to be more affordable than buying a new pc. Ask about the price tag to make certain that you are saving money by getting the repairs.
KVM switches have a multiplatform style, which means that they can handle computers and servers primarily based on a number of platforms such as Dell, HP, MAC, IBM, SUN, Linux, Unix, Windows and Netware. These switches are also simple to use in that you just need to press the KVM buttons on the screen show to switch from server to the next. The KVM Switches buttons are nicely abbreviated and as such you can easily identify what ever server you are working on. Most respectable switches feature the multilingual option on their screen display menus, and they also let for the creation of user profiles and OSD hot key combinations.
You should have the original Microsoft Windows 7VistaXP disk (from Dell) or Dell technique restore disk for reinstalling the operating technique on your computer. If you don’t have the disk, then speak to Dell support & assistance solutions to send you a new 1. Normally they’d rather not erase your tough drive, since it is a lot more beneficial to turn your computer into a ” zombie ,” operating or accessing it remotely with no your knowledge. Huge networks of “zombie” computers are pressed into service by scam companies for all kinds of purposes! The “zombie” computer’s true user can not tell their computer is serving another master, except possibly by the fact that the computer appears to have slowed down slightly.
SAP ko German language mein Systemanalyse und Programmnetwiclkung bhi kaha jata hai SAP aik multinational business hai jo kay Germany mein hai. Ye aik software company hai jo kay business ki management aur customer relations kay softwares bhi banati hai. SAP ki corporation Walldorf, Baden-Württemberg, Germany mein waqiya hai. SAP kay regional offices 130 countries mein hai ye company 293,500 customers ko 190 countries mein serve kar rahi hai. SAP Euro Stoxx 50 stock marketplace index mein bhi shamil hai. 1975 mein is company Xerox ne Laptop market place se nikalne ka faisla kiya jab unhon ne aisa karne ka faisla kiya to phir IBM sey mashwara kiya aur unhen apne systems ko IBM technologies mein shamil karne ko kaha iskay mawazy ke badly mein IBM ko Scientific Information Systems (SDS) ya SAPE software program ke rights diye gaye.
Providing you the best variety of Pc Workstation, Modular Workstation, Office Pc Workstation, Office Workstation, Wooden Workplace Workstation and Modular Office Workstation with successful & timely delivery. Here at Precision Computers we are 100% devoted to generating ultimate workstation solutions for the skilled marketplace. Created to streamline all areas of the style & manufacturing pipeline we specialize in integrating the very latest laptop workstation & graphics technologies. We Design Custom Desktop Computer systems and Workstations for Auto CAD, Solidworks and Revit.
Assistance from experts at Dell repair seems important not just when an issue surfaces up, but it might also be necessary even though installing new application, drivers or much more. Dell has brought for customers some of the most trustworthy machines, each in terms of computers and laptops. But, even these sophisticated machines are not totally free from the risk of facing concerns that could seem in the type of errors, dilemma in smooth functionality, slow speed and much more. Contacting an professional at this point of time hence appears as the only selection.
I just bought a Western Digital Components 2TB external hard drive and I tried to hook it up to my laptop (which has Windows XP). I got the little yellow popup in the bottom of the screen indicating there was new hardware and then it seemed to do the quick set up, which was generally what I get when plugging in a USB thumb drive, but then when I went to My Computer the drive wasn’t listed there. I tried restarting, but still nothing. I tried distinct USB slots on my laptop, and still nothing. Every 1 of these slots has been tested with other USB devices and does function.
DELL ko 1984 mein jab founder Michael Dell ne DELL Corporation banayi thi jisy PC’s Restricted kay naam sey jana jata tha. 1985 mein DELL ne pehli bar apna pc banaya jo khalis taur par DELL ne he design and style kiya tha jiska name Turbo PC’s tha. PC’s Limited ne apne pc systems mein mukhtalif magazines ki advertising shuru kar di firm ne pehle saal mein bohat ziyada paise kamaye 1987 mein firm ko DELL Pc Corporation kay naam sey tabdeel kar diya gaya aur isay international level par shuru kar diya gaya saal 2014 mein DELL ko Fortune 500 list mein 51st position par rakha gaya aur saal 2015 mein DELL individual pc banane wali duniya ki teesri bari company ban gai DELL sey HP aur Lenovo ki technologies company ati hai.
Dell’s direct- to-customer approach has given the business a substantial expense and profit margin benefit more than its rivals. Businesses such as Compaq, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard manufacture private computer systems in big volumes and keep their distributors and retailers stocked with ample inventories. In contrast, Dell manufactures computer systems only when an order is received. In carrying image source out so, Dell has virtually eliminated completed solution and component components. These expense and profit positive aspects have allowed Dell to prosper and grow throughout the past a number of years, even though many of its competitors have weakened or gone out of organization.
“Dude! You’re getting a Dell.” Those words are as prophetic right now as they were 15 years ago, when Dell and a scrappy spokes-teen introduced the now iconic phrase into the lexicon of American pop culture. But it was another young upstart who was responsible for the meteoric rise of the tech company: Michael Dell. At the age of 19, Dell borrowed $1,000 from his family members to commence what he was then calling PC’s Restricted. Even though still a student at the University of Texas at Austin, Dell operated the fledgling organization out of his dorm room, and within a year he had developed a laptop that sold for much less than an IBM machine. The outcome was nearly quick recognition, and a gushing report in Computer Week catapulted the business into the spotlight.
The author is a technician at Techvedic technologies, a firm that delivers finish to finish Dell support to clientele. Online computer repairs, Dell Technical Support , Laptop Technical Support, Dell Service Support are few services provided at this 1 platform along with a lot of other people. We all know that is a personal computer but do not really know the distinction among some, for example, there are desktop computer systems and transportable computer systems that are also divided into categories such as notebook, netbook and laptop, it is true that usually can be mistaken as the market place gives as well considerably and not known in several situations to select from.
echnological troubles are an daily occurrence in today’s technologically sophisticated world, and when it comes to laptop assistance, all is not produced equal. Not all pc support technicians are devoted to good quality and reliable service, and if a laptop is in require of repair, it is crucial to locate a reliable and qualified help firm. Possessing years of expertise is wonderful, but you also want to ensure that the repair organization has at least one particular certification. These certifications are produced to test the technician’s capability, and they show that the company is adequately skilled in fixing computers. Whilst there are no certifications especially for fixing a laptop’s motherboard, there are certifications for general repairs.
The State of Arizona delivers even more rewards. Employees take pleasure in unique competitive prices on Auto and House Insurance from Travelers and Liberty Mutual. Computer systems from Dell and Gateway. Plus discounts of up to 50% on nearby and national products and services with our State Employee Discount Plan. Note: As soon as any workstation computer that accesses your database has been updated, you will be prompted on every single computer to update there as well. If you are installing a remote database, you will not acquire this prompt on other computers.
Understand why you should defrag a Dell personal computer routinely. When you add and delete files to a Dell laptop, the difficult drive becomes fragmented, which can trigger the Dell laptop to run sluggishly. Defrag a Dell computer often in order to maintain it operating a lot more effectively. Desktop Computer On Sale #1 Compaq Presario CQ1-1225 All-In-A single Desktop Pc-Black HP Pavilion p6620f Desktop Pc-Black HP 2010i 20-Inch Diagonal HD Prepared LCD Monitor (Black). Compaq Presario CQ1-1225 All-In-1 is the initial I have seen the monitor is incorporated. Genuine Windows 7 House Premium.
LIRA workstations are located in the Reference Solutions location to the left as you exit the elevators. The computer systems close to the Reference Desk are LIRA computer systems (REW411, REW417, REW419 and, REW420). One further LIRA workstation is located in the Course Reserves location (SLW401). The newly shipped Dell computers (with Windows 7 OS) come with DataSafe Local 2., a backup application that aids customers develop recovery disks for recovering or restoring such software applications. It is not important, but you should select a repair enterprise that has one or much more certifications. These firms are usually far better at repairing computer systems.
If you are in want of laptop batteries, notebook batteries, other kinds of laptop accessories, or need batteries for GPS units, power tools, or radios, Laptop Akku is the on the web shop to go to initial. Probabilities are superb that they have specifically what you are looking for and have it at a value that will please you. Check out their site right now. Access to the web site is totally free and open to the public. Features: Workstation PCs have distinct functions that give them their title. These normally contain: ECC RAM, several processor cores, RAID, SSD and optimized GPU. All of these components and elements make a CAD workstation Pc a lot more dependable and reliable. For instance, ECC RAM fixes memory errors ahead of they have an effect on your system, which prevents crashes and downtime. SSD cards are a lot more reliable because they do not have moving components and are more quickly.
Workstations are a sort of individual pc, as distinct from, say a mainframe, but not like the a single you could be reading this on. They’re generally the high-finish offering of several pc makers, and they are normally promoted as offering professionlal-grade power with industrial-level reliability (a trend stemming back from when they had been invented, when computer systems have been much less reputable than now). They are found in designer’s offices, assisting render Hollywood specific effects and shaping the curves of next-generation cars-each in terms of design and style and calculations about aerodynamics. The industry is typified by staid design, slow iteration, higher cost, and boxy, functionality-led computers that can be about the size of an undergrad’s dorm area refrigerator.
I’ve had a few computes in my lifetime and I have however to locate a single that ought to have been offered the approval to sell !!! I’ve used others, no difference. I bet you at least 69% of folks whom personal computers would agree. I’ve never ever had a optimistic point stated to me about computer systems. All you guys our there Gates and all the other individuals want to buy every single of us a new personal computer that performs. I guess we’ll never ever get a personal computer. No one makes one that performs.
All in one computer systems, such as the free Dell all in one, are amazing pieces of technology. They combine a monitor and a tower into a quite little unit that oftentimes is going to be more affordable than a comparable personal computer. They have tons of ports and even consist of an HDMI out so you can hook up your personal computer to a Tv. Also, the free Dell Inspiron 1 comes with spdif out for those who want to connect their technique to a high finish speaker setup. Dell pc systems will require really small launch dell inspiron 6400 battery consequently they are authorized as becoming a testimony concerning class and a lot much better capability.
Filed under: Tagged: beeps, computer from KelsusIT.com – Refurbished laptops, desktop computers , servers http://bit.ly/2k3D5nv via IFTTT
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kariachi · 1 year
Fuck it, random centaur au clothing things. Just whatever pops into my pretty little head
As a rule taur apparel consists of so many parts, minimum six not including the modestywear
Each leg gets it’s own covering, it’s just not convenient to do otherwise, though how many pieces they come in, how much of the leg is covered, and how all vary
You could get a four piece set that slips/buttons/zips/ties around the lower leg, a four piece wrap that covers the whole leg, an eight piece that slips/buttons/zips/ties around the lower and upper leg, or a loose four piece that slips/buttons/ties near the top of the leg and covers the whole thing
Otherwise lower body apparel tends to consist of blankets, both those that are actually attached and those that are just laid over a bitch- how much and what they cover can vary widely, from things that button around the waist and cover the whole lower back + drag on the ground to short little things that just get tossed over the rump and heyo you’re decent
Though in snowy or just cold and wet areas underbelly covers are also common, typically attaching around the waist and tail, sometimes the legs as well or over the back, if the snow gets deep enough
Tops are often similar to what you’d find in humans, but the number of horns and antlers going on means that button-ups and similar tops that are slipped over the shoulders rather than pulled over the head are very common
The closest to a gender divide in clothing is that in some forms of taur women are more likely to wear closed-front tops, but it’s far from universal or reliable
Underwear is just simple shit, comes in three main varieties- triangle of cloth that goes from between the hindlegs up to the tail, a girdle around the end of the body with a flap covering the rump, a wide piece of cloth that attaches around the upper legs and hangs over the rump and legs
Then shit like jackets and hats and other bits and bobs, ya know, as such is, it’s regional and personal and cultural and all that jazz
As a general rule, whether the people involved like it or not, taur and human fashion tends to reflect each other no matter where you are. Not on a 1:1 scale but, similar elements come into play
Both might wear similar styles of sleeve hems, or embroidery, or color tones- they tend to be notably different but also similar enough you can tell when a human and taur are from the same area
Because taur have such a wide range of sizes, much like housing standardization isn’t really a thing and most items are either made-to-order or altered-to-order
As a result taur fashion moves more slowly than human fashion, and elements that tie into human fashion seem to ‘jump’ from trend to trend while skipping several along the way- on the fashion savannah taur are the elephants making their way amongst the smaller, faster herds
Historically taking advantage of the broad sides of taur to display stories and large scenes on blankets and fallen in and out of fashion repeatedly
A lesser version tends to stick around, however, and even in modern times taur formalwear often includes a blanket with boldly embroidered patterning or painted scenes or other such things.
Coats and jackets are typically cut such that the front hangs low towards the front legs and the back and sides just overlap with the blanket
Western fashion, in the modern day, calls for shorter cuts on blankets and you’ll rarely see any that go passed the knees, if that far, unless the weather calls for it
Patterning on large blankets and on coats isn’t common nowadays, instead normally being restricted to tops, leggings, and smaller blankets and overblankets. It’s all the open space, ya know?
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