#you need 4 different exams and many many many hours of studying and practice
mwagneto · 1 year
getting my driving licence tomorrow.. 😐
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lylianrae · 3 months
A list of all the things I have manifested ⋆˚⟡˖ ࣪
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We manifest everything in our lives btw - the good and the bad which is why I will be including both to prove that the law does not discriminate. If you can successfully become poor, you can most definately become rich with the same ease because everything is just a state.
Long hair
AHH this is one of my favourite manifestations. Ever since I was young I had a weird bob with a fringe (often crooked) and I wanted long hair like all the other girls (lmaoo) but my mum was strict so she didn't let me grow it out. Although I didn't know about manifestation back then, every new year and birthday I would wish for long hair and I would pretend I was a princess with butt long hair. Guess what, somewhere along the line, my mum let me grow it out and now I have butt length hair (don't really know what to do with it tho </3).
As all kids do, I went through an emo phase where I chopped off like half of my hair like 4 years ago. I literally grew back 7-8" of hair within a month because my parents got too mad. I knew about manifestation here so I just assumed my hair always grows unaturally fast. Same with when I cut bangs, they grew past my chin within a couple of weeks.
Manifesting my way into a private school
Honestly this just shows that you dont need 2430430 hours of working on your self concept to manifest. Literally so many celebs, including Marylin Monroe (the queen), manifested their fame with awful self concept. Likewise, here I was possibly going through the worst time of my life back then. I would wake up at 8 am and start studying and end at 11 pm despite being only 10 at the time. I was so freaking stressed and envious of all the other children and went into a depressive spiral where my two options were pass or die. I didn't even have enough practice and I cried my self to sleep on most nights. Anyways, when i did the exam I was deathly calm and even after the exam I was apparently so chill so my parents thought I failed.
I literally left 9 questions on one paper but throughout the summer, everytime I found a dandelion I would make a wish and imagine digging a tunnel to the examiners room where I secretly change my answers into the right ones (lmfao my tiny 10 yr old brain - idek how it worked). Anyways my results were sent back to me a month later on a random October evening and I got a really high mark. Even after 7 years of going to this school I havn't met anyone who has gotten a mark higher than mine.
Curly hair / straight hair
Sigh. We always want things we don't have. When I was younger I had really straight hair like 1A asian hair but when I was like 10, I really wanted curly hair and I would try to curl it often. After a few months, I manifested a curling iron and my hair literally became naturally curly like right after a wash it would curly af when before it was dead straight. Naturally I grew bored of it and I wanted my straight hair back and for ages I began overcomplicating the law and struggled to manifest it. It was only recently when I actually let go of the 3D that I manifested the silky, shiny straight hair.
Social life?
This is also a funny one, just shows how easily you can manifest. So back in 2021 after lockdown I felt so lonely and felt so left out of my friendship group so after a few months I began stressing myself out and spiraling for like 30 minutes, sobbing to myself about how I was so lonely and how nobody loved me (💀). Anyways it became reality, I found myself uncomfortable in many social situations and found myself becoming forgotten far more easily. I don't really remember the details but it was so bad that I think I accidently manifested social anxiety (oh well we still up tho).
However I am a loa girly so I found myself listening to popularity subliminals and slowly (but surely) my mindset change from having no friends to being the most popular girl in the year. Like no joke I became friends with like 3 people from different social circles so at lunchtime we had to join up like 3 different tables so we can all sit together. Overall I got myself 20+ close friends and even my ex friends began to admire me although it had ended badly. Even now, when someone says something thats untrue - for example saying that they are dumb when they are not, they would be like "ahaha so its like when Rae (me) says she has no friends, the whole school knows who Rae is".
Clear skin
This was sort of in the beginning of my loa (law of attraction back then) journey, I just randomly found out what subliminals were and was still quite new to everything. Now I don't even understand how it happened but I had busted some capillaries under my skin and it looked like small red viens under my skin and bro I was freaking out at the time. One night I was like just, I had enough, I'm going to get myself better skin and so I listened to a sub once for 3-4 days and on like the 4th day, my cheeks began to heat up which was odd and the next day it was 90% gone. Just like magikkkk.
Desired university?
Guys. Feeling is the secret. Don't you ever forgot that - not feeling as in emotions but rather the feeling of knowing. I had 2 entrance exams to do to apply for my universities and it was a stressful time where I wasn't getting enough sleep and wasn't eating enough simply because I didn't have the time. Like I come home from school and would have 3-4 hours of homework, then I need to revise for tests and then the remaining time would be spent on the entrance exams. Each past paper took 2 hours and I have around 13s per questions and I was already struggling on time. Anyways, I began to hate them and I would often complain to my mum saying things like "My score got even lower!!" or "I hate it so much" or "My head hurts / eyes hurt".
Guess what? Not only did I see my score decrease over time but I also made such a silly mistake on the most important entrance exam which I needed for 4/5 of my universities. I left a question and completely forgot to mark on the answer so when I finished the section I realised I had one more space on the sheet with like 10s to spare. I didn't have enough time to go back and fix it and lemme say that I did so badly in the test. Even while waiting for results I was just like "ah it would be a miracle if I scored above this bla bla".
I got the score back and it was so freaking bad like I did not stand a chance at my university at all. However, I started to affirm for a place and to my utter shock and surprise my desired university reached out and offered me an interview. I knew people who had like scores which were 50% better than mine and they still got rejected pre-interview. Anyways I began stressing about the interview and the results of the whole thing and boom. I got rejected 3 days after my birthday lmaoo. But its okay because I'm reapplying and I learnt so much more. I'm redoing the entrance exam and my score is a loooot better than it ever was last year.
A key take away would be thoughts are the result of the state you are in. Your dwelling state manifests and I was focusing on the unrealness and the difficultly of getting into this uni and thats what manifested. At the time I was heartbroken and literally went through the 7 stages of grief and spent so many months trying to revise it only for me to focus on the 3D. Just know that everything is done in imagination and it appears in the 3D as a result.
Photographic memory
So this is also something I had manifested before I actually knew about loa but the takeaway here is that manifestation is always instant. I was around 11 reading a random book on my tiny kindle and the book was on how to develop a good memory and I was like ah that'll be useful. Anyways later in the car, I asked my dad about photographic memory and he sort of explained it to me. I just assumed that I have that and I told him I do. He just laughed at me and said thats something that you have to train for and I was not impressed lmao. Inside my tiny brain, I was just like nope, I already have photographic memory and I dropped that thought. Let me tell you, my memory is actually photographic and has helped me out on so many occasions like my brain just takes pictures of things.
Learning fast
This is also something I did before I knew loa, I was just always wondering why the other kids couldn't grasp concepts as easily as I did. Literally in every lesson I would be like ah I learn so fast and now I am actually blessed with the ability to grasp complex subjects so fast. A favourite example of mine would be when I was obsessed with music but to take it to a higher level you need to be able to play an instrument. I couldn't at the time and my teacher told me the requirements a week before the actual deadline. I have never actually played piano with both hands but one day I sat down and worked through the entire song (fur elise by Beethoven) which is a grade 5 (I think) and it normally takes people months / weeks to learn. I learnt the whole thing in 3 days and from then on, I could play piano like I had been doing for ages. Again the memory thing was so helpful because I never actually used any sheet music, I learnt it off a youtube video and I remembered every single note I needed to play.
Hourglass body + 22" waist
This was a couple of years ago when I actually didn't understand loa. Anyways long story short, I would do a 3 minute workout and then flex infront of the mirror all day (💀) and be like omg I have abs. Overtime, I actually got so skinny everyone around me kept pointing it out to me and my mum got so concerned that she took me to the doctor like 4 times. It was so funny, I would loose like 2-3kg overnight and my parents would have to buy better fitting uniform.
Bigger boobs
This was also back in the day (2021?) when I didn't understand how to manifest things easily af. I had an A cup but I wanted better boobies and I listened to like 2 subs for a week and I went to a B cup. But I just assumed I have a bigger cup size recently and I just skipped C and went to D+ (haven't measured in a long time).
I'm not done but I'm tired now bye bye
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theangelsaid · 1 year
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crimson - soogyu
! nsfw content
wc: 2.7k
warnings: dom!soobin, sub!beomgyu, kind of switch beomgyu (actually brat!beomgyu) soogyu college friends, teasing (?), dry humping
no proofread !
i tried my best (4 julita loml)
when soobin was paired with beomgyu as his partner for an uni project he didn't really knew what to do. doing the assignment with him wasn't the problem, actually they got along pretty well and started talking a couple months ago when beomgyu asked for help, completely lost at the sight of so many people - none nearly close as nervous as him-, first day of class.
beomgyu's voice was calm, almost monotonous if you didnt pay enough attention, but of course soobin did.
a few days and he was capable of hearing his voice shaking when he tried to explain something and couldn't find the right words, and noticing how his lips slightly twitched upwards before making a mean joke -what soobin ended up realizing was the way of showing he liked him-.
beomgyu was a good friend, even if he talked nonstop soobin didn't seem to care, he was a great listener and in some way beomgyu's takes always made some weird point.
his company was strangely enjoyable besides his loud personality, totally different from him, an introvert who preferred to study alone and quiet hangouts at the park.
so, when professor kim assigned the groups, he wasn't worried about working with beomgyu, in fact, he's really cool to work with, straightforward, dedicated, and never hesitated to say when soobin had any shitty ideas.
the problem.
the problem was soobin couldn't stop thinking about him since that night.
they'd just passed one of the most important exams, and beomgyu wanted to celebrate.
to soobin, celebrating wasn't much more than playing video games with his roommate and eating his favorites snacks; but playing resident evil wasn't part of his friend plan at all.
that was how he ended up with a very happy beomgyu in a crowded bar -that seemed more like a small club to soobin- getting drinks he didn't even tried before.
green light was bathing the place, walls with abstract paintings and neon letters, small tables with bottles and cans were occupied by people laughing and talking with their respective friend groups, along with a typical wooden bar and a small dance floor.
this combination was kind of overwhelming to soobin, he actually liked bigger clubs, where nobody can notice him because of the large crowd, he didn't prefer it though, his bed would've sounded nice if beomgyu wasn't good company and practically begged to come with him.
an hour hadn't passed and their table was full of shot glasses. soobin realized he was drunk when he asked beomgyu if he was wearing lip gloss, and then realized beomgyu was even more wasted when the words "you look nice tonight" came out of his mouth.
it was hot, stuffed with sweaty people, and a mainstream song barely let him hear his own voice; beomgyu was yelling something about how he needs to relax and stop being a boring bitch (apparently a nice compliment and a few drinks can't make beomgyu less hostile).
the contrast between this version of his friend and the one he saw in uni was completely different, one was capable of being extremely convincing in such a charming way that with a few minutes talking with professor kim he got to change an assignment date, and the other one stole a little kid's ballon at the park and ran away.
soobin wasn't completely immune to his charm, in fact, he was so spaced out that he didn't even notice beomgyu now next to him, one side of his body on soobin's like his glued.
he started to calm down, getting used to the noise, peculiar smells and the beverage burning down his throat, until beomgyu's breath touched his neck.
"soobin," his voice was breathy and felt almost wet on his skin, his body froze. "i thought you were the weak one but you're spinning right now. " lips touching his neck, probably involuntarily, it almost felt wrong.
"okay i need to take you home now."soobin grabbed him effortlessly, catching beomgyu's waist just in case he falls.
the thing was, he was drunk too.
"you're soooo boring, did i told you that already?," beomgyu's voice sounds lower when he's drunk, that would've been kind of hot if he wasn't stepping on his own feet and almost throwing both of them to the ground.
"yeah.. beomgyu can you please try to walk properly i'm trying to get us out of here," soobin tried to sound annoyed, he hoped he did, because he couldn't thought of anything else more than how slim beomgyu's waist felt on his hands.
once they were outside, soobin stopped and told him they're were going to his dorm since it wasn't that far, that's the less he can do as a friend, right?
after a taxi and beomgyu's teasing about how he probably had anime posters on his walls, soobin tried to open the door with trembling hands and a really fuzzy head. at the bar he was okay, he's usually good tolerating alcohol, but considering the mysterious drinks beomgyu bought him he wasn't so sure anymore. he just wanted to sleep and try not to think of the hangover this would cost nor beomgyu's waist. just when his keys slipped from his hands and touched the ground he started feeling his hair getting wet. it was raining. he picked up the keys while beomgyu told him to hurry and that if he picked up the flu he'll kill him in some atrocious way.
at the dorm, soaked and head still spinning, soobin's heart skipped a bit. what had him so nervous?
"can you hand me a towel or something please?,"beomgyu's voice brought him back to reality.
"o-oh yes, yes sorry, i'll bring you dry clothes too," soobin left to what it appeared to be a small closet.
beomgyu's started to look around. in fact, soobin didn't have any anime posters on his walls but a couple of pictures and portraits on wooden furniture, it seemed to be him and his brother, other with - he assumed - a little soobin hugging-almost-choking an orange cat.
the dorm was kind of big for a college dorm, it even had a small kitchen; it didn't surprise him though, this was allowed only to the rich kids or the brilliant ones with scholarships, like soobin. actually, it was kind of surprising how he managed to do it, as far as he knew he even was away from his family and didn't have that much money, working a part time job as a tutor for other students who didn't nearly needed worry about money or scholarships. of course he didn't told soobin how much he admired him for that-
"hey, here's the towel and dry clothes, you can change in the bathroom if you want," soobin appeared with messy hair and a new white t-shirt, glasses on and pajama pants.
beomgyu walked to grab the towel but just stood there, his chest almost touching soobin's and both of their hands on the pile of clothes. he noticed how tall he looked in front of him, dark eyes behind his glasses, and soobin couldn't helped it. beomgyu's dark brown hair falling wet and messy on his forehead, pretty pink lips, the skin of his neck exposed by his loose shirt collar. he can even see the stubborn glint in his eyes. oh, he never wanted something so bad than watching that break, like a disorderly act of control put on the sole purpose of getting smothered into nothing the moment soobin's hands touched his body, turning him into a writhing.
a grin crossed beomgyu's face, like he knew exactly what he had in mind, looking at him directly in the eyes and parting his lips.
"i'm going to change now," he tried to walk away like that was nothing, like he hadn't just stood there, chest almost touching soobin's while looking at him that way.
all it does is earn him a deadpan look in return. soobin mumbles, "you do like a challenge, don't you?,"
soobin grabbed beomgyu's chin, making their eyes meet again. all his sudden dominant demeanor was thrown out by beomgyu getting impossibly close to him, so close that he could feel his warmth breath on his mouth. soobin opened his mouth just to say absolutely nothing when he felt one finger fixing his glasses and his syrupy voice, "i think you know the answer, the question here is, can you take it?," beomgyu talked barely touching his lips, almost whispering, "can you take me, soobin?," words coming out with a devilish smile, "so what are you-," his teasing was cut by soobin's lips on his own, big hands pressing hard on his hips, not knowing how they've ended up against the wall; his back arched. the kiss was bruising and desperate, beomgyu let out a whimper that almost got lost in soobin's mouth when he felt his hand going under his wet shirt to press his ribs.
soobin didn't missed the opportunity, his tongue feeling beomgyu's bottom lip in a delicate yet such obscene touch just asking for permission, like he wasn't going to do it anyways. the kiss started to get heated and soobin groaned while touching the soft skin of the other's back, lowering his touch to reach the button of beomgyu's pants to take them off, exposing his slim pale legs. beomgyu broke the kiss only to start new ones on soobin's neck, who felt the smile against his skin when he moaned pathetically at the feeling of wet lips and the caress of teeth.
soobin couldn't take it anymore, grabbing beomgyu's waist while sitting on his bed, placing him on his lap and their lips met again, this time if felt consuming, beomgyu's head was spinning and it wasn't even for the drinks, neither of them felt the heat because of that.
beomgyu tried to move for some friction, moaning on soobin's lips when he started to want more, putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on his neck while he moved on the hard clothed bulge.
and soobin knew. he knew how he was trying to act dominant, aura blazing with fiery desire as he grinds on his dick, one hand on his neck, pointing out how hard he's gotten with a peal of cruel laughter meant to humiliate him.
"so hard already, soob," he tries to act so mighty, but soobin can see the inside of this thighs glisten with wet arousal. beomgyu's trying so hard to convince him that he's in control, but soobin know it's a question of time until the facade slips up and he takes the opportunity. and that's exactly what happens when soobin stop his movements by pressing him down, putting his hands on his hips, "i can feel the way you're tensing on my lap right now, acting so tough when we both know you'll fall apart if you had to work yourself down on me."
he could feel beomgyu's annoyance fighting with his frustration to move, but soobin's hands were stronger.
"s-shut up," beomgyu's voice came out raspy and almost inaudible if it wasn't for his face close to his ear, resting on soobin's shoulder, trying to hide his need.
soobin let one hand pressing hard on his hip bone and sneaked the other inside his shirt, caressing his back, "hm? do i shut up or let you move?"
beomgyu faced him, a teary-eyed whiny mess, "please".
soobin smiled, caressing his cheek. "such a pretty brat, so so pretty", then his hands were on his hips again, helping him move while taking all those pretty sounds on his mouth, kissing him like he's already his. it was too much.
it ached, it burned soobin's chest. like an itch in the point of his fingers, wanting to break him in the most delicate way, little by little, but to ruin him so he's only his to use. he needed to impregnate his perfume on his own skin, like an invisible mark that only both of them would notice. tasting him wasn't enough, biting wasn't enough. to need is something but to crave is dangerous and soobin was feeling sick and the way beomgyu was squirming on his lap begging to be fucked wasn't helping at all.
little did he knew how beomgyu was feeling. he was burning inside out, embarrassingly wet, his mouth can't erase the feeling of the other's lips and his limbs felt numb.
he usually was sardonic and loud, almost annoying, so practically crying on his friend lap was new and fucking embarrassing, and the worst part wasn't only that he was enjoying it, but that he couldn't helped it. he couldn't help grabbing soobin's shoulders, nails digging, trying to hold in whatever soobin was making him feel.
beomgyu covered his mouth with his free hand trying to hide his pathetic cries, the other still bruising soobin's back with his nails; that didn't last much, long fingers taking his hands and putting them in his back, grabbing by the wrist with one hand to keep the movement of his hips with the other. that's when beomgyu let out the most lewd sound soobin ever heard.
"fuck- you look so-" soobin's words were cut by beomgyu taking off his damp shirt, revealing his wet torso, pale skin and little moles adorned his soft stomach, pink nipples begging to be kissed. soobin started to kiss his neck, hands on his small waist, leaving a trail of wet lips while accommodating beomgyu's body on the mattress. he looked sinful, parted glossy lips, brown hazy eyes; pristine soft skin, pretty collarbones, the way he tensed up when his hands touched the curve of his waist, perfect just for him to destroy. soobin brought their lips together into a sloppy kiss, his tongue easily slipping past inside and eliciting sweet noises. being on top was easier, his hips moving deliciously, desperate thrusts against beomgyu's clothed heat, who could only respond with grabbing soobin's hair and moaning on his mouth trying to buck his hips, wanting all of him. beomgyu felt himself almost gone when his wrists were grabbed and hold on top of his head, then he felt soobin's lips everywhere, saliva and bite marks on his neck, collarbones, but soobin stopped moving in the process and he was so close, he didn't liked to be edged, not when soobin felt so good against him, just thinking about being actually fucked by him, head smashed against the pillow took his breath away. his chest heaving as he gasped for air when soobin's warm tongue touched his nipples, "don't move or i'll stop," beomgyu could feel the vibration of his voice against his skin and stopped couldn't stop fighting for touch when he needed it.
he knew exactly what to do. he held tight on soobin's hair, lifting his head, putting on the best show he could, dewy-eyed, he even looked sinless, "p-please bin, need you, i'll be good," the slight smile on soobin's lips told him it worked out perfectly, "you know, one thing about sleeping with your friend is that i know when you're lying, no matter how pretty you look begging for me," or maybe not, "is this what you want, gyu?," soobin started moving his hips again, he could even feel how wet beomgyu was through his underwear, this time in a rough pace, barely letting him catch up with the overwhelming feeling of his weight pressing on his smaller body.
the new angle wasn't helping with that, when he was on top of soobin he had slight control, now having him on top, fucking him though his clothes over and over made the edge of his vision blurr with each thrust. the pitch of his voice went higher and higher as he felt his climax coming, his hands flew up to grab at his shoulders, "soobin, i- close."
soobin kissed him messy, beomgyu receiving his lips the best he could," shh, let it out for me, gyu"
he didn't needed to be told twice, throwing his head back he gasped and squeezed his eyes shut as he came, but soobin wasn't planning to stop, overstimulating him as beomgyu started to feel how pleasure can be perfectly painful, his lower belly starting to tense up again when soobin's thrusts become faster and erratic as they came together, beomgyu's face hidden on soobin's neck as his body goes numb.
soobin he put his weight on his left arm, removing beomgyu wet bangs from his sweaty forehead to see his eyes, "you'll need the dry clothes now," his chest vibrating with laughter as beomgyu punched him on his bicep, "oh my god, soobin, shut up."
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damagedintellect · 2 years
Trafalgar Law x reader
💌 Fake it till you make it: Chapter 1 💌
Summary: To avoid an arranged marriage set up by Doflamingo, Law needs to bring home a girlfriend during the Christmas break and you just so happen to be a theatre major in the same dorm at One Piece University. What could possibly go wrong?
Tropes: College AU, Fake Dating, Idiots in love, [Later chapters have🍋]
Chapter Navigation: [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
💌 Word count: 4,416 💌  | Next Chapter =>
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The common room was as packed as ever as finals had approached. It only got busier with the holidays around the corner. Luckily for you being a theater major had its perks in that your finals weren’t the traditional two to three hour long exam of your entire course curriculum. Unlike the rest of your social circle you got to sit back and relax as they crammed as much of the semester as they could remember into their already burnt out heads as they existed entirely off of coffee and other caffeinated beverages. You attended One Piece university which prided itself on being the most diverse and upstanding college of its time in that it was the top rated university across several different majors. One Piece of everything or something like that. It was interesting how oddly enough each of your dorm mates seemingly came together in such a tight knit group despite very few of you actually being in the same classes.
You had already turned in your final paper and the production you were cast as the lead in closed the weekend prior leaving only your dance and voice finals which were later in the week but all in all you were sitting pretty. You lazily stirred from your spot on the couch. It was still exhausting being a theater major but you had always been a night owl. Rubbing your eyes in an attempt to wake yourself up was a mistake as black ink smudged the backs of your hands. You could hear a chorus of snickering around you.
"Shishishishi (Y/N) looks like a raccoon dog!" Luffy keeled over draping an arm around Chopper causing him to spill a few papers from the stack he was working on. He only sighed but you could feel the annoyed rage bubbling up in his study partner as Law looked like he contemplated hitting the prankster with his thick medical book. "Oi, Mugiwara-ya if you're not going to study you could at least stay out of the way." Luffy only continued to laugh through his apology. Nami snapped a photo before she handed you a mirror "Guess that means I was right!" She giggled as Robin passed you some make up wipes to help get rid of the marks. You could also see Franky and Usopp stifling their laughter in the corner as they worked on their inventions.
You frowned "Okay haha, I take it this is Ace's handy work?" Not surprising. You had pranked Ace earlier in his burnt out sleep deprived state making him think he was late to his final only for him to realize halfway through taking someone else's exam that it was Tuesday. He didn't even have class on Tuesday. Moreover it was the Latin final he walked into. It made sense why the exam seemed like it was in a different language. You supposed this was payback that you should have seen coming.
Sanji passed you a cup of tea sitting in between you and Robin "He was here not too long ago. Said he was going to the library before you could hunt him down." You laughed while taking a sip from the tea. "As if that'd stop me but I'll let him live for now." You smiled at your mug. It was very good tea.
"So what's everyone doing for the holidays?" Ussop asked, wiping his hands as he joined everyone else on the couches. It seemed like most people were going home. You sighed knowing you'd be stuck in the dorms again. There was no point in going home since there was no one waiting for you.
Last year Zoro stayed back at the dorms with you but he ended up practically hibernating the entire break. You don't mind being alone but you're going to be really bored. There were only so many video games you could play and Netflix you could watch before you go stir crazy. If you weren’t a broke college student it wouldn't be that bad you could always go on a trip but theater consumes all of your free time and expendable cash is not exactly your best friend.
The conversation was put on pause as Law's phone rang. The opening theme to "Sora warrior of the sea" fills the silence as he grimaced hastily packing his things up giving Chopper last minute tips as he rushed out of the room. In his rush it seems like he dropped his wallet. As the conversation resumed you picked it up and walked out to catch up with your favorite medic.
"I don't need you guys to play matchmaker for me. You can tell Doflamingo to shove it up his ass."
Law pinched the bridge of his nose. When he went home last year he was less than pleased to find out that Doflamingo had tried to set him up with the daughter of a business partner but he declined. He left early for good measure when he tried to threaten him with an arranged marriage. When he saw Corazon's name on his caller ID his stomach sank at the thought of him continuing the sentiment. He kept in contact with his adopted family through mostly texts and the occasional visit during the holidays it was very rare he got a phone call. At this point he was expecting the worst.
"I know my brother isn't a good person all the time but you're twenty-six and he just wants you to make sure you’re taken care of."
Law rolled his eyes, "I can take care of myself," truly he had no interest in romance but if it meant he could shove it in that smug bastard's face then he was prepared to die on this hill "Besides I already have a girlfriend." Law said without thinking about the ramifications.
You turned the corner hearing the tail end of his sentence. Since when did Law have a girlfriend? He hated his fangirls and you could have sworn he was wing manning for Shachi the other night. On top of that you always thought he swung the other way. Thinking back about it, maybe he just had a soft spot for Luffy, most people do. When your eyes met he raised an eyebrow but you held up his wallet. He wasn't paying attention to what Corazon was saying and quickly agreed without a second thought as he reached out and took it from you.
On the other end of the phone he could barely make out the over joyed "Fantastic! I'll tell Doffy you're bringing your girlfriend with you this year! See you soon, love you!"
"Yeah yeah, love you too." Law’s eyes widened as he realized what Corazon just said. It was already too late he heard the call end. Stunned by his own stupidity he spaced out.
You snapped your hand in front of Law’s stunned face and you laughed "Earth to Law? Since when did you have a girlfriend?" He slowly turned to you with a light bulb going off in his head "(Y/N)-ya you're an actor right? What are you doing over the break?"
You blinked at him "I was just going to stay at the dorms, why?" You had a feeling you knew where this was going. He wasn't serious was he?
"If I paid you, would you come with me to Dressrosa and pretend to be my girlfriend?" That's the one benefit of going to One Piece Law thought, it was convenient having people in every trade under the same roof.
You were taken aback by the request but you do like money and you had to admit Law was attractive. He was your type that's for sure. It definitely would be interesting to peek behind the veil that was Trafalgar Law. The self proclaimed "surgeon of death" was a mystery to most. You weren’t really sure where you stood with the other. You and Law would talk if you had the time in passing but you never went out of your way to hangout outside of the friend group. To you Law was easy enough to get along with and you knew how to play the doting perfect girlfriend. Money, room and board, and a fake family experience was like winning the lottery over being single, sad and alone for Christmas and New year's.
"Sure, why not. I got nothing else better to do." You shrugged nonchalantly "Sounds fun if I'm being honest." You rocked back on your heels thinking about how you wanted to play it off. What kind of girlfriend would you be? You had so many options. What kind of girl would Law have fallen for?
Law sighed in relief. Step one was complete but he wasn’t out of the woods yet. Fooling Doflamingo would be hard. He knew you were a good actor. Bepo had begged him to see the show. He was kind of impressed with your range. That wasn't the problem. It was mostly him that he was worried about. Doffy knew how to get under Law’s skin, and who knows what kind of trap he'd be walking into.
He needed to be ready for anything the blonde could possibly throw his way. Law needed a plan. He stared at you intently, he really needed to sell this to get his family off his back but he never gave relationships a second thought. Sure he's had his share of drunken one night stands but those were hardly intimate. Emotions and feelings were never really his forte but obsessive pda wasn't going to be believable, would it? No, that wouldn't cut it.
At some point Law had folded his arms as he leaned against the wall closing his eyes lost in thought. He almost forgot you were there when you stripped him of his iconic hat placing it on your head as you decided to take some selfies.
Law scowled at you which only made you laugh and take another picture with his frown. He glared at you, almost snarling as he grabbed for his hat "What are you doing?"
You dodged out of the way "I need a new lock screen. It'd be weird if we didn't have any pictures of us together right?" You threw your arms around him trying to get a good picture, surprised that he didn’t push you away. You pulled back to check how it turned out when Law rested his chin on your head and pulled you into his chest. Your cheeks flushed at the sudden closeness as you see him follow suit snapping a photo of his own much to his dismay.
"Like this?" He showed you the picture. You're not going to lie, you two made a really cute couple. "That one's actually really cute. Send it to me, that'll be my home screen."
He nodded before asking "Should we take more or should this be enough?" It was a good question.
"We should, but later. After we change or something it would probably look suspicious if all our pictures were in the same outfit at the same location." You scrolled through your camera feed sending some candid shots Nami and Sanji have taken of you earlier in the year.
"Just in case you never know, right?"
He slipped his phone back in his pocket after saving the photos. You agreed to meet up with him later to go over specifics. Things that you both should know about each other and general boundaries. You laugh at the thought, being an actor and all kinda skews your perception on what makes other people uncomfortable. It's just like another show, you're pretty much okay with the notion of doing everything a normal couple would do. On top of that you've had to kiss your fair share of people, guys, girls and everything in between in front of a large audience. This makes no difference to you but this is Law we're talking about and the only people who are physically affectionate are Bepo and Luffy. Although Bepo practically grew up with Law, and Luffy doesn't know what personal space means.
When later rolled around you ended up in Law’s room with a thick packet detailing an elaborate plan that you thought was completely unnecessary. "You do know the more shit you make up for our backstory the more shit you have to remember right?" You said as you flipped through the pages skimming through the borderline script he's conjured up.
"Yeah no sorry to say but none of this is going to be believable. I can’t see you acting to save your life and this is a long shot even for you."
Law sighed out of frustration "Then what do you suggest." His jaw clenched clearly irritated with the idea of having to take direction from you but hey this is what you major in. The art of deception.
"Well the closer our story is to the truth the more believable it is. Your family knows you so it's best if you just act natural. Saying we met at a party when you never leave your room and you hate people sounds pretty sus."
You rolled your eyes "You know I'm right. None of this sounds like you, it sounds like some bad cheesy romcom?" Law flinched; it was true he had written it based on what Shachi and Penguin told him instead of trying to fit himself into the puzzle. "Think of it this way. What kind of girl could you see yourself falling for because right now this sounds like one of the fangirls that you so adamantly avoid." He grimaced looking over what he wrote down.
You leaned back in his desk chair "The way I see it right, you wouldn't be interested in any normal girl. It'd probably be one of two ways, one being that we would have absolutely hated each other's guts because we found the other insufferable until we realized how well we compliment each other when there is a common goal. Or two I pretty much decide from the get go I was going to be your friend against your protest like Luffy and eventually you got soft on me."
Law hummed it was probably true given his friend group "Sounds about right. I didn't like you when you first moved in either." You stared at him flatly "You didn't like anyone when we moved in. Even now I'm pretty sure you just tolerate our existence but what made you warmup to me?" Who could blame you, you were curious.
Law folded his arms leaning back on the headboard "Well for one you're not a diva and you are actually good at what you do. Overtly confident people annoy me when they don't have the skills to back up their claims." You hold eye contact with him and when he doesn't look away you smirked.
"Didn't know you thought so highly of me." You were met with another neutral expression. You hope you can read him by the time you're at Dressrosa it would be easier if you could.
He shrugged "I can hold an intellectual conversation with you without wanting to kill myself." You laughed at that knowing full well the amount of effort it takes him to have a conversation with Luffy.
"Good that’s better to work with than, our eyes met across the room butterflies in my stomach crap." You playfully teased knowing you were tiptoeing around a time bomb. "God I get it already. Are we done here?" He already wasn't fond of the situation but you knew what you were doing. You stood up to stretch a thought dawning on you that you never brought up "I guess so, oh since you're paying me I really don’t care about personal boundaries. Holding hands, kissing, cuddles whatever is fine with me. I'm your girlfriend now so don't be shy." You looked over at him, his expression unreadable as ever. You grinned "Or do, you're pretty cute when you're flustered." You shot him a playful wink as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
You sat on the corner of his bed seeing how far you could tease him "What not the affectionate type? I'm just saying if we get caught under the mistletoe it'd be weird if you hesitate." He didn't budge, only sighed knowing it was true. There was so much he had to keep track of because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Doflamingo pissed him off to no end and he tends not to think rationally because of it.
"This is already annoying but it beats an arranged marriage." He leaned back partially laying down. "Oh shit, really?" What kind of family does Law have?
Law only rubbed his face nodding "When you meet them you'll understand why. They're kind of a big deal but I'll tell you more later."
The next few days breezed by quickly with you and Law secretly meeting up to take pictures and talk about general information. You had to force most of it out of Law though despite this all being part of his plan it seemed he didn't want any part of it. Which was fair enough this was all just to avoid that arranged marriage but still. He could work with you a little right. It took forever to even find out that man's hates bread with a severe passion. Something about his uncle Trebol being a disgusting excuse of a human being. Other than that you both were getting along fine.
It was weird, you know you were both friends before but now you felt as close as Shachi or Penguin and on their last day in the dorms they even invited you out with them. You ended up making fun of Law for most of the night. He stayed on his stool at the bar and you kept making eyes at him from across the room similarly to his failed attempt at writing. He muttered something about getting revenge that you wouldn't see it coming but you only laughed. It wasn’t until you were four or five drinks in that you realized Law had been the one ordering them not the hottie from across the room while also telling the bartender to make them stronger. They almost hit you all at once but you were feeling good. At one point you even wingman for Penguin and you're pretty sure they even went home together.
You had fun dancing around with Bepo but you would glance over at Law occasionally. He wasn't sporting his usual frown; you could almost say he was smiling. You couldn't stop yourself from asking "You think Law’s having a good time?"
Bepo laughed "Since the two of you started hanging out he's definitely smiled more but he likes to sit and watch at these. I heard you're going to Dressrosa." You perked up, you didn’t think he would have told anyone about it. You nodded not wanting to fight the music. Bepo put a hand near your ear so he could whisper into it. "Don’t let Doffy win. He has a way of getting Law to do what he wants whether Law is aware of it or not. Make sure you bring him home okay."
"I will."
The rest of the night was a blur but you vaguely recalled Law trying to wrangle you in his car. When you came too you were not doing too hot. Your head was pounding but how could you say no to free drinks. When your eyes finally opened it was to the snap of a camera. This had been a set up. Law was sitting next to your bed grinning at his phone as he showed you said picture.
Your hair was unruly and all over the place, your makeup was smeared, mouth hanging open, limbs sprawled out twisted around your blanket and the dress you were wearing was falling off your shoulders. You were a mess.
"Revenge sure is sweet."
It was too early in the morning for him to be this chipper. "Okay I'll admit you got me. Now help me get rid of this headache." Surprisingly Law helped you get back to rights. Mostly because he did this to you and partly because he didn't want you blowing chunks on the way to Dressrosa.
You were in and out of it for the drive. Part of you thinks Law did this on purpose so he didn't have to deal with you asking too many questions he wasn't ready to answer yet. You ended up taking a nap for most of it. It was a few hours away so you should get there late afternoon, evening. When you were around twenty minutes away Law woke you up.
"We're almost there. You feeling better now?"
You looked out the window the sun was on the cusp of setting reflecting off of the fresh fallen snow. It was very beautiful "Immaculate! Are you ready to do this?"
Law sighed gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white "As ready as I'll ever be" You wondered what kind of place it would be as you passed more and more lavish estates you start feeling nervous and you were never nervous. You wondered if he was going the right way. Law cleared his throat "There’s one thing I forgot to tell you before we left." He paused trying to collect his thoughts "You know how I'm adopted?"
"Yeah?" you were hesitant as you noticed a huge manor on top of the hill you were approaching "I was adopted by the Donquixote family."
Your jaw dropped, you knew the names sounded familiar. Doflamingo Donquixote, founder of Smile Corp, the biggest toy manufacturer in the nation. Law’s family was practically royalty. "You decided now would be a good time to tell me!" You stare at him.
"I admit, it probably wasn't the best idea but the look on your face was priceless." Law pulled in to the open gates and parked "But now you see what I mean."
"No wonder they want to arrange your marriage." You looked at Law in disbelief "I just have more questions, like how'd you end up at One Piece? Not eager to take up the family business?"
He grimaced at you while getting out of the car "You could say that." He walked over to help you out of the car. You were still shocked just staring at him. You couldn’t see him with a significant other let alone being married. This is what Law had been hiding all this time. He put his hands on your shoulders "You're not thinking of backing out now are you? I never took you for a quiter (Y/N)-ya." He challenged you, being smug about it too. Seems he knows you so well.
You finally snapped out of it "As if you could get rid of me that easily." You were on a mission. You promised Bepo, the payment was just an added bonus almost forgotten at this point.
A tall blonde with a black feathery overcoat nearly sprinted across the courtyard. Right before he made it over he slipped on the ice but quickly recovered. Law gave you a reassuring look as if this happens all the time before the taller gentleman spoke "Law! Long time no see!" He encompassed both of you in a hug lifting you off the floor.
When he set you back down Law gestured to you "Corazon, this is (Y/N)-ya, (Y/N)-ya this is Corazon he's my adopted father. Doflamingo's younger brother." The blonde looked you up and down before extending his hand to you. You went to firmly shake it but he pulled you in for another hug "Thank you for taking care of Law. I know he can be a handful. It means a lot to me that he's finally found someone who tolerates him."
"Hey, I am right here ya know!" Law frowned at Corazon while pulling your bags from the car. You only laughed at his frustration before addressing Corazon. "Someone has to look out for him. Especially with his work ethic," you clicked your tongue "Someone has to make sure he sleeps." You smiled back at Corazon. He looked like he was so happy he could cry.
"Again, I am right here." Law held out your bag glaring at you. Although you noticed his cheeks were lightly tinted pink and you could see the faintest spot of red tint on his ears. You grab your bag from him as others come out to meet you. He only groaned and Corazon put a hand on his shoulder as presumably his sister came to greet you both.
"Heard you actually got a girlfriend. So how much are you paying her?" She threw an arm around your shoulder "Blink twice if you've been kidnapped." You smiled purposely deciding to have a staring contest with the green haired women.
Law rolled his eyes and scoffed "This is Monet, don't listen to a word she says she likes causing trouble." He gestured to the black haired woman with a cute ribbon tying back her hair "That's Baby five, be careful when asking her for help she is incapable of saying no and next to her is sugar who despite looking like a ten year old is actually in her twenties like us."
Baby 5 dropped herself on your other shoulder. "It's okay, you can tell us if he's holding you hostage." You laughed but gave them both a quizzical look "Is it really that unbelievable that I'm willingly dating your brother?"
Sugar finished the handful of grapes in her mouth before answering "Yes! You're too pretty and big brother isn't nice at all." She pouted and popped another grape in her mouth "Plus you're the first girl he's ever brought back. We've been waiting to make fun of him."
You looked back to Law who looked like he was having a conniption, a vein even popping out of his forehead glaring at his younger sisters. You gently slipped out of the girl's grasp before gracefully taking Law’s hand in yours. With the most smitten expression you could muster you tried to ease his suffering by giving him an out "Show me around?" You softly smiled at him as his eyes pleaded. He pulled you into the manor but you could still hear Corazon say "Well I like her."
Chapter Navigation: [You are here] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
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10hourshift · 8 months
Girl help the au is getting out of hand haha
Feel free 2 ignore this
For some reason I have spent quite some time doing some "world building" (if it can be called that) that I probably won't add in the comic, so, gonna dump it all here.
The school is not the best of all, not even by public school standards, if anything, the school is often a second choice, and most of those who enter there are mostly bc it has little requirements to get in, and is very lenient to special cases.
Some examples of these people would be Freddy (he enters after the classes started) Bon, Julian (both didn't enter the private school they were going to at the last minute, so they got "stuck" in that school, there's more to them later)
For the school itself, it's not that bad (there's a reason that many ppl prefer to go there as a second choice in comparison to other schools) the classes are fairly decent (though, some teachers are prone to not show up to class), and it has a bunch of academic and sports programs, even though it kinda lacks on the cultural aspect. Until a new benefactor steps in.
So, after Julian failed miserably during his entrance exams for the private school he was going into, his father got him into the school he is in now, and to "cover up" the incident his dad decided to become a benefactor of the school, and bc of that, now the school has more budget, with the condition of using it for the whole "art" section (idk how to call it). And out of the blue, the school now has an improved auditorium, a bunch of new material and instruments, and, of course, a variety of new activities for the students, starting with a brand new band contest where everyone can participate, who knows what might happen next, maybe there'll be an official school band, or a chorus or something, (this is all really just testing how the students might take the new situation)
**Julian exposition time again!. Let's go. He basically burned himself out for trying to study for the entrance exams, finish middle school, and all that. It was bad, like, forgetting weeks worth of studies the moment you start the exam bad, like staring at the questions for the whole 3ish hours of the test while none of the questions make sense bad, like, flunking so embarrassingly that it's basically a secret, to the point your dad makes up an elaborate plan to hide the true reason you're going to a certain school, and forces you to take a different path than the one he had already set up for you bc you couldn't keep up bad. Like, that bad. (Poor guy, every time I check on what his deal is, I add more to it. I'm sorry but I like it when the characters'actions are part of the setup of the story, idk how to explain but is Fun)
Now, onto the ppl behind the music contest.
Lana*- secretary- the one actually in charge of the contest
Vincent (yes, the waiter/presenter*) - intern teacher- the one who is supposed to do most of the work
Owynn- student 15 yr old- he helps out every now and then bc he has nothing better to do w no ulterior motives :)
Bon's dad*- music teacher (I'll get to that, hold on)- he has to set up practice sessions/ music classes for whoever enters the contest
[insert OC name here] (an oc wow)- student/intern 17 yr old- the one who ended up doing most of everything
*giving them roles bc I'm lazy 4 ocs, even [insert OC name] is almost the librarian, yeah he's another different character
The arrangement goes like this: Lana is the head of the project and the one who reports back to the boss (between the principal and Julian's dad idk). The planning of events, the coverage, and those administrative details get solved by Vincent, and Bon's dad is supposed to manage the music rooms and instruments, as well as make schedules for using those for practices. [Insert OC name] does most of the hard labor, checking registrations, putting up the signs, etc., since their job as an intern is basically to help w anything that needs to be done. And also basically doing all of Bon's dad responsibilities since he doesn't actually have the time to do his job as a teacher.
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gabicna · 2 days
Opening Your Career: How to Obtain Your CNA License Fast and Easy
**Title: Unlocking Your Career: How to Obtain Your CNA License⁢ Fast and Easy**
Are ⁢you looking to kickstart your‌ career in healthcare by becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)? Obtaining your ⁤CNA⁤ license is a fantastic way​ to enter ‌the ‍healthcare field and start making a difference in⁢ the lives of others. In this article,​ we ‍will provide you with valuable information⁣ on how you can obtain your CNA ​license quickly and easily. By following our tips and guidelines, you can be on your‍ way to a ​rewarding career as a CNA in no time.
**Benefits ‌of Becoming a CNA:**
Before we dive ‌into the process of obtaining your ⁣CNA‌ license, let’s take a look at some‌ of the benefits of becoming a⁤ Certified Nursing Assistant:
– Job​ stability: There is a high demand for⁢ CNAs in healthcare facilities, ensuring job security. – ⁤Fulfilling work: CNAs ‍have​ the opportunity to make ⁢a positive impact on ⁢patients’ lives ‌every ⁤day. – Career advancement:⁣ Becoming a CNA can be⁢ a stepping ⁢stone to further your career in the⁣ healthcare⁤ industry. – Flexible schedules: Many healthcare facilities ‍offer ⁢flexible hours for CNAs, allowing for work-life balance.
**How‍ to Obtain Your ⁣CNA License Fast​ and‌ Easy:**
1. **Research CNA‍ Programs:** Start by researching CNA programs‍ in your area. ⁤Look for programs that are accredited and have⁤ a good reputation. You can also consider online CNA programs for⁢ added flexibility.
2. **Enroll in a⁢ CNA Program:** Once ‍you’ve found‌ a CNA program that fits your⁢ needs, enroll in the⁤ program. Make sure to attend classes regularly and complete all required coursework.
3.⁢ **Gain Hands-On‍ Experience:** Most CNA ⁣programs‌ include⁤ a ⁣clinical component where you can gain hands-on ​experience working with ​patients. ⁢Take advantage of this opportunity‍ to learn and‌ improve your ⁤skills.
4. **Prepare for the CNA‌ Exam:** In order⁢ to become a Certified Nursing Assistant, you will need to pass ‍the ​CNA ‍exam. Study diligently ‌and practice sample test questions ​to ensure success on the ⁢exam.
5.⁣ **Pass the CNA Exam:** Once you feel prepared, schedule your CNA exam. Be sure to arrive‌ on time and bring all required ​documentation. With hard ‍work and dedication, you will pass ⁤the exam and obtain ‌your⁤ CNA ⁢license.
**Practical​ Tips for Obtaining Your ‌CNA License:**
– ⁤Create a study schedule and stick to it. -⁤ Practice‍ good time management skills to⁢ balance‌ studying ‌with other responsibilities. – Seek help from instructors or classmates if‍ you are struggling with any concepts. -‍ Stay⁢ focused and ⁢motivated throughout the​ CNA program.
**Case Study: ‍Emily’s Journey to Becoming a⁤ CNA**
Emily had‌ always ‌been passionate about helping others and decided⁣ to pursue a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant. ​She enrolled in ​a CNA program at ‌a local ⁤community ‌college and dedicated herself to her studies. Through hard work and perseverance, Emily successfully passed the CNA ⁢exam and ‌obtained her license. She now ⁤works in a‌ nursing ⁣home, providing‌ compassionate care to ​elderly residents.
Obtaining⁢ your CNA license fast ⁣and easy is⁢ achievable with the right mindset and⁤ dedication. By ‍following the ⁤steps outlined in this article and staying focused on your goals, you can‌ embark on a rewarding career as a Certified Nursing ‌Assistant.⁣ Remember to ⁤stay motivated, ‍seek support when needed, ⁣and⁣ believe in yourself. Your journey to becoming a‍ CNA starts now. Good luck!
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allcnaprograms · 5 days
Open Your Future: CNA Training in Stockton, CA - Everything You Need to Know!
**Title: Unlock Your Future: CNA Training in Stockton, CA – Everything You Need to Know!**
**Introduction:** Are ​you looking to kickstart a rewarding career in the healthcare industry? Becoming a ⁢Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) can ​open doors to a fulfilling and stable profession. If you’re⁣ located in Stockton, CA, you’re ⁣in luck! Stockton offers excellent CNA training programs that ​can equip you with the skills‍ and knowledge needed to excel in this field. In this article, we will cover everything ⁤you need to know about CNA training in Stockton, ‌CA, ⁢from the benefits ​of becoming ‌a CNA to practical tips on how to succeed ⁣in ⁢your ​training.
**Benefits of ‍Becoming a CNA:** 1. **Job Stability**: The demand for CNAs is on the‍ rise, and it’s projected to continue growing in the coming years. This ⁤means ⁤that you’ll have plenty of job‌ opportunities and job security as a CNA. 2. **Rewarding Work**: As​ a CNA,​ you’ll have the opportunity ​to⁣ make a ⁢real difference in people’s lives by providing ​essential care and support to patients. 3. **Career Advancement**: ⁤Becoming a CNA can ‌be a stepping stone to further ⁣your ‍career in​ healthcare. Many CNAs go ⁣on‍ to become registered nurses‍ or pursue other healthcare professions. 4. **Flexible Work Hours**: CNAs‍ often have flexible work schedules,​ making it​ easier to balance work with other commitments.
**CNA Training ‌in Stockton, CA:** If you’re interested in pursuing CNA training in Stockton, CA, there ‌are several reputable institutions that offer quality programs. Here ​are some key details about CNA training​ in ⁢Stockton:
**Institution**: Stockton Nursing ‌School **Location**:‌ Stockton, CA **Program ⁢Length**: 6-12 weeks **Curriculum**: Covers essential topics such as patient care, ⁣infection control, vital signs, and ⁤more. **Hands-on Training**: Students ⁤will have the opportunity to gain practical experience ‌through⁢ clinical rotations in a healthcare setting. **Certification**: Upon completion of the program, students will be eligible to ​take the CNA certification exam.
**Practical Tips for Success:** 1. **Stay‌ Organized**: Keep track of⁣ assignments, study materials, and important deadlines ​to‍ stay on⁣ top of your coursework. 2. **Practice Time Management**: Balancing school, work, and personal life ‍can be challenging.⁣ Prioritize your tasks and allocate time for ​studying. 3.⁣ **Seek⁢ Support**: Don’t⁣ hesitate to reach out to instructors, classmates, or support services if you need help or guidance. 4. **Stay Motivated**:‌ Remember your goals and the reasons ⁢why ⁢you chose to pursue a career as a​ CNA. Stay focused and motivated throughout your training.
**Case⁤ Studies:** Let’s hear from some successful CNAs ‍who completed their⁣ training⁤ in Stockton, CA:
**Case Study 1:** Name: Sarah Training Program:⁤ Stockton Nursing ⁣School Experience: Sarah completed her CNA training at Stockton Nursing School and passed the certification exam on her first attempt.⁣ She now⁣ works at a local hospital ‍and values the hands-on⁣ experience she gained during⁤ her training.
**Case Study 2:** Name: Michael Training Program: Stockton Community College Experience: Michael completed his CNA training at Stockton‌ Community College‌ and went on to pursue a career as a registered nurse. ​He credits ⁢his CNA training‍ for‌ providing a solid foundation for ‌his nursing career.
**Conclusion:** If you’re considering ⁤a career ⁢as a CNA in Stockton, CA, know that you’re ⁢embarking‌ on⁤ a fulfilling and impactful journey. By enrolling in a ‌quality CNA training ⁤program, you can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this field. Remember to stay focused, motivated, and seek support when needed.⁣ With dedication and hard work, you‍ can unlock a bright future as a Certified Nursing Assistant.
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sensitive-virgo · 8 days
Dive into the World of Dentistry with Top Dental Assisting Courses in Sydney!
**Title: Dive‍ into the World of Dentistry with ⁤Top Dental ‌Assisting Courses‍ in‍ Sydney!**
**Introduction:** Are you passionate about oral health and making a ‌difference in people’s smiles? Dental assisting ⁢could be the perfect career path for you! By enrolling in top dental assisting courses in Sydney,⁤ you can dive into the exciting world ​of⁢ dentistry and gain the‌ skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this‍ in-demand field. In this article, ​we ⁣will⁢ explore ‍the​ benefits of pursuing dental assisting courses in Sydney, provide practical ​tips for success, and highlight the invaluable⁣ experience you can gain through hands-on training.
**Benefits of Dental Assisting Courses in Sydney:** 1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Top dental⁢ assisting ⁤courses in Sydney offer a comprehensive curriculum ​that covers various aspects of dental care, including dental anatomy, ‍infection control, radiography, and⁢ chairside assisting. 2. Hands-On Training: These courses provide hands-on training in a real dental setting, allowing students to gain practical experience working with dental instruments, equipment, and patients. 3. Industry-Recognized Certification: Upon completion of a dental assisting course in Sydney, you will receive an industry-recognized certification that will enhance your employment opportunities and earning potential. 4. Job Placement Assistance: Many dental assisting programs in Sydney offer job placement‍ assistance to help ⁤graduates find rewarding positions in dental clinics, hospitals,⁣ and other healthcare settings.
**Practical ⁤Tips for Success in Dental Assisting Courses:** 1. Stay‌ Organized: Keep track of assignments, exams, and clinical hours to stay on top of‌ your​ coursework ‌and meet program requirements. 2. Build Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential in the dental field,‍ so practice active ⁢listening and clear language⁣ with instructors and patients. 3.⁤ Network with Peers and Professionals: Connect ‍with classmates, instructors, and practicing dental assistants to build a strong professional network and learn ⁢from others’ experiences. 4. Stay Updated on Industry Trends: Stay⁣ informed about the latest advancements in dental technology and procedures to stay competitive in⁢ the job market.
**Case Studies:** 1. Sarah, a recent ‍graduate of a dental assisting program ⁢in Sydney, ⁣secured a full-time position at a prestigious dental clinic within a month of completing her certification. Thanks to her hands-on training and industry connections, she was well-prepared for the demands of the job. 2. John, a current student in ‍a dental assisting course in Sydney, found his passion for dental care after volunteering at a local clinic. ⁣He is excited‍ to embark on⁣ a rewarding career helping ‌patients ‌achieve optimal ⁢oral health.
**First-Hand Experience:** “I enrolled in a dental assisting course in Sydney to pursue my passion for oral health and make ⁤a positive impact on people’s smiles. The hands-on training and supportive instructors have equipped me with‌ the skills and confidence to succeed in ‌the dental field. I highly ⁤recommend pursuing dental assisting courses ‍in Sydney to​ anyone interested in a rewarding​ healthcare⁤ career.” – ⁤Emily, Dental Assisting Student
**Conclusion:** Dive into the world of dentistry with top dental assisting courses in Sydney ⁤to kickstart a fulfilling career in oral health care. By enrolling in a reputable program, gaining hands-on experience, and leveraging industry connections, you can build a successful career as a dental⁤ assistant. Follow our practical tips ​for success, learn from real-life case studies, and explore the invaluable experience that dental assisting courses in Sydney offer. With dedication and hard ⁢work, you can make a difference in patients’ smiles and⁢ contribute‍ to⁣ the growing field of dental care.
By following the above advice, you can start your journey into the world ⁣of dentistry and make a positive impact on ⁤the⁢ lives of others. Good luck!
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nithiyanantha · 14 days
How to Prepare for the IAS Exam with Limited Time
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The IAS exam of India is serious and comprehensive in nature. The time needed for preparation is also significant, leaving very little left if you have a tight schedule. So whether you are working or studying, a tight schedule is no excuse in the preparation for IAS. In this blog, we will see some effective strategies that will help you to optimize your preparation and make most out of whatever time you have. We will also emphasize how enrolling yourself in one of the best IAS academies in Coimbatore can really improve your preparation process much better. 
1. Assess Your Situation
Before you begin to plunge head first into a preparation plan, an assessment of your current situation is highly important. Be aware of how much time you can realistically devote to IAS preparation in a day and week, and then only prepare a study plan that is workable with achievable goals.
2. Setting Goals That Are Well-defined and Clear
Set certain specific, clear-cut, achievable goals for your IAS preparation. Although the syllabus is huge, divide it into meaningful bits and draw clearly defined deadlines for each section. These goals have to be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. You may, for example, set a goal to complete the Indian Polity section within two weeks, revise it thoroughly, and then go on to the next topic.
A well-structured study plan is required in particular when one has less time. Fix the hours of the day for different subjects and try to follow the timetable drawn. Reserve enough time for revision, tests, and briefing of current affairs. Put more effort into subjects which carry more weightage and in which you lack competence.
Example Study Plan
Morning (1-2 hours): Current affairs/newspaper analysis.
Afternoon (2-3 hours): Core subjects like Indian History or Geography
Evening (1-2 hours): Answer writing practice or past years' solved question papers
Night (1 hour): Revision of key concepts or going through flashcards
4. Focus on Core Subjects
Try to focus more on those subjects that carry more weightage in the IAS exam, as there is a crunch in time. The core subjects that fall under this category are general studies, Indian polity, geography, history, and economy. Devote more time to these subjects without neglecting any other subject.
5. Studying Down to the Best Required Materials
Good study material that will comprehensively cover the IAS syllabus: standard textbooks, supplemented by reference books, previously asked question papers, and information available on the internet. Avoid overloading yourself with resources because that would just result in overloading of information and confusion. Invest time in choosing the right material; it will be key to how you study.
Online resources can be of great help at the time of scarcity of time. Look for authentic websites, online lectures, and video tutorials that can help you understand complex topics quickly. Many IAS aspirants find that online resources supplement their study plans effectively.
7. Practice Mock Tests and Previous Years' Papers
Regular practice is the key to self-assessment of what your plus and minus points are. Ensure you include mock tests and previous papers in your regular study time. This practice will not only make you familiar with the pattern but also help you manage your time in the actual examination.
8. Join a Quality IAS Academy
Enrolling at a reputed IAS academy can be very effective in making your preparation enhanced, and that too more when there isn't much time left for the examination. Best IAS Academy in Coimbatore offers well-structured courses, expert guidance, and focused preparation—so, all these critical things. They provide one with custom study materials, tests for practice, and personal mentoring that helps one streamline the preparation process. Their faculties guide students meticulously to provide a solution and strategies for fertile study.
9. Use Study Groups and Forums
You can draw additional support and motivation by joining study groups or forums. Having discussions with other students who are also preparing for the IAS examination helps in the sharing of ideas, clearing of doubts, and getting new insights. Many times, groups help in keeping the motivation and focus that are very much needed when preparing under a time crunch.
10. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle
It is vital to live life in a balanced way to maintain healthy fitness of mind and body. Make sure you are getting enough to sleep. Eat well, and give yourself the chance to exercise. You can meditate or do some breathing exercises to relax. A healthy lifestyle gives a lot of positive effect on better performance and concentration.
11. Keep Updated on Current Affairs
Current affairs occupy an important place in both Preliminary and Mains. Allot a specific time every day to read newspapers, refer to good news sources, and note down important current events. Keeping current affairs updated will also help not only during the exam but in the interview stage too.
12. Focus on Answer Writing Skills
Effective answer writing is the basic demand of the IAS Mains examination. You need to work on a regular answer writing practice in order to develop a good pace and hold over writing. Try to bring more clarity and brevity in your answers while addressing all the question's demands. Your answer writing practice can be perfected by providing your written answer scripts to any mentor or peer for taking their feedback on it.
13. Regularly Review and Revise
Revision helps you retain information and be well prepared for the examination. Allocate some time each week for a revision of work that you have covered. Summary notes or flashcards will help you go over the matter fast and strengthen your learning.
14. Seek Professional Guidance
Never hesitate to take professional help when you find it really hard in a certain area or need the right mentoring and tips for it. Most of the IAS academy centers usually mentor and guide you the way that will be perfect personally and help you to prepare with good motivation and without straying from the track.
15. Stay Positive and Motivated
Above all, it is about essentially maintaining a positive attitude and keeping oneself motivated during the entire cycle of preparation. Keep telling yourself about your goals and reasons behind taking up the IAS examination. Surround yourself by friends and family, supportive of you, and motivating you in every way possible.
Preparation for the IAS examination in a short time might be a little difficult to manage; yet, with a strategic approach and proper resources, it is achievable. Setting up long-term and short-term goals, making a proper study plan, concentrating intensively only on core concepts, and making perfect use of available online resources can make optimal use of time. Joining the best IAS coaching academy in Coimbatore will give you the structured guidance and support necessary for shortening the time length of preparation, but keep your regular lifestyle balanced, continue with daily current affairs, and practice rigorously. Hard work and appropriate strategies together can help you achieve your objective of being a successful IAS candidate.
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theoriedoen · 14 days
Passing your driving theory test is the first major milestone in obtaining your driving license. Whether you're a new learner or someone renewing your license, practicing for the theory exam is crucial. This guide will take you through everything you need to know about driving theory test practice questions and how to prepare efficiently for your exam.
1. Understand the Structure of the Test
The first step in preparing for your theory exam is understanding its structure. The driving theory test is typically divided into two sections: multiple-choice questions and the hazard perception test. The multiple-choice section covers various topics such as traffic rules, road safety, and vehicle handling, while the hazard perception test assesses your ability to identify potential dangers on the road.
Familiarizing yourself with these sections can significantly reduce test anxiety and ensure you know what to expect on the exam day. Many online resources, like TheorieDoen, offer practice tests that simulate the actual exam, giving you a chance to practice under real test conditions.
2. The Importance of Driving Theory Test Practice Questions
Practicing with driving theory test practice questions is the most effective way to prepare. These questions are designed to reflect the actual exam, helping you to familiarize yourself with the format, content, and type of questions you’ll encounter. Moreover, practicing with these questions allows you to assess your understanding of the rules of the road.
High-quality platforms like TheorieDoen provide updated and comprehensive practice questions that cover all the relevant topics, including road signs, vehicle safety, and traffic regulations. Consistent practice will improve your recall and help you navigate the test more confidently.
3. Utilize Mock Tests
Once you've practiced individual questions, it's time to take full mock exams. Mock tests are essential because they help you experience the timing and pressure of the actual theory exam. Time management is crucial in passing the test, as you must answer each question within a specific time limit.
When practicing, aim to complete the mock test in one sitting to build your endurance. Try to simulate real exam conditions by timing yourself and sitting in a quiet environment. Online platforms like TheorieDoen offer timed mock tests that replicate the actual exam's pace, giving you a better sense of what to expect.
4. Focus on Your Weak Areas
After each session of driving license theory test practice, review your results carefully. Identify the topics where you performed poorly and spend extra time studying those areas. Are you struggling with understanding road signs, or do questions on speed limits trip you up? By pinpointing your weak areas, you can adjust your study plan accordingly and ensure you’re fully prepared.
Many theory exam practice platforms provide detailed feedback on your answers, allowing you to see where you went wrong and how to improve. This feature helps you gain deeper insights into your mistakes, ensuring you don't repeat them on the actual test.
5. Develop a Consistent Study Routine
Passing the theory exam isn't about cramming the night before; it requires consistent practice over time. Developing a study schedule is key to retaining information effectively. Dedicate at least 30 minutes to an hour daily for theory exam practice, alternating between practicing questions, reviewing notes, and taking mock tests.
Consistency is crucial for retaining what you've learned. If possible, dedicate specific days to cover different aspects of the theory exam, such as focusing on traffic signs one day and road safety the next. Platforms like TheorieDoen provide tools to track your progress, helping you stay on top of your study routine.
6. Take Care of Yourself Before the Test
Finally, remember that mental and physical well-being plays a significant role in your exam performance. Get enough rest the night before the test, and avoid last-minute cramming, which can increase stress levels. Also, ensure you eat a healthy meal before heading to the test center, as a lack of energy can affect your focus.
Approach the test with a calm mind and confidence, knowing that your driving theory test practice has prepared you well. The more comfortable you are with the test format and content, the more likely you are to succeed.
Preparing for the driving theory test doesn't have to be stressful. With the right strategies—understanding the test structure, practicing consistently with driving theory test practice questions, and focusing on your weak areas—you can increase your chances of passing on the first try. Mock tests, detailed feedback, and a steady study routine are crucial components of a successful preparation plan.
For high-quality resources and the best tools to help you ace your theory exam, visit TheorieDoen. Their comprehensive practice questions, mock tests, and progress-tracking tools will guide you through the entire preparation process.
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soc-learning · 18 days
Top Strategies for Tackling GCSE OCR Math: A Comprehensive Study Guide
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When it comes to GCSE OCR Maths, success doesn’t solely depend on natural ability. A well-thought-out strategy can make all the difference. Whether you are confident with numbers or find maths challenging, a structured approach will help you feel more prepared and perform at your best.
At School of Coding, we have years of experience helping students succeed in their GCSE Maths exams. Here’s our comprehensive guide to preparing for OCR Maths, focusing on key strategies that can set you up for success. If you want to dive deeper, we also offer online and offline tutoring through our website SOC Learning.
1. Familiarise Yourself with the OCR Exam Format
The first step to successful revision is understanding what you’re up against. The GCSE OCR Maths exam consists of three papers: one non-calculator paper and two calculator papers. Each section is designed to test your knowledge across a variety of topics, from algebra and geometry to probability and trigonometry. Familiarising yourself with the layout of the exam will give you a clearer idea of what to expect and allow you to plan your revision accordingly.
2. Set a Realistic Revision Schedule
Effective revision starts with a solid plan. Organise your time in advance, allowing more study hours for areas you find tricky while maintaining a balance across all topics. A helpful tip is to break up your study sessions into short bursts. Many students find the Pomodoro Technique useful — studying for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. This approach can help keep you focused without getting overwhelmed.
3. Prioritise Understanding Over Memorisation
It can be tempting to rely on memorising formulas or procedures, but a deeper understanding of the material will serve you better in the long run. Spend time ensuring you comprehend the underlying concepts behind key topics like algebra, ratios, or geometry. Once you understand the "why" behind a solution, tackling similar questions becomes much easier, even if they’re phrased differently.
4. Practice, Practice, Practice!
Practice is the cornerstone of any good maths revision strategy. The more you expose yourself to different types of questions, the better equipped you’ll be to handle the variety that OCR exams can throw at you. Focus on practising past papers, which are widely available online, and aim to complete them under timed conditions to simulate the exam experience.
5. Tackle Your Weak Points First
It’s natural to avoid topics you find difficult, but tackling them head-on will make a significant difference to your overall performance. Make a list of the areas you struggle with the most — whether that’s quadratic equations or complex fractions — and dedicate extra time to improving them. If needed, consider reaching out for help from a teacher, or sign up for additional tutoring at School of Coding.
6. Take Advantage of Online Tools and Resources
The internet is packed with free resources that can enhance your revision. Websites like BBC Bitesize, Khan Academy, and Corbett Maths offer tutorials, videos, and practice questions covering every topic in the GCSE OCR Maths syllabus. In addition, at School of Coding, we offer tailored tutoring sessions and classes to help GCSE students master difficult concepts.
7. Regularly Review Your Progress
Don’t just move on from a topic after you’ve covered it once. Regular review is critical to cement your knowledge. Make it a habit to revisit notes, past papers, and difficult questions regularly. The more you refresh your memory, the better you’ll retain the information, and the more confident you’ll feel when the exam day approaches.
8. Learn to Manage Exam Time
Time management is crucial in maths exams. Once you're familiar with the question styles, practise completing past papers within the given time limits. Knowing how long to spend on each question will prevent you from rushing or leaving answers incomplete.
9. Stay Positive and Don’t Stress
Maths can be daunting, but try to stay positive throughout your revision journey. Stress can make things seem harder than they actually are. Take breaks, get enough rest, and maintain a healthy balance between studying and downtime. When you approach revision with a calm and determined mindset, you’ll notice a big improvement in your ability to focus and retain information.
At School of Coding, we believe that anyone can achieve great results with the right support. Whether you need help with specific topics or would like guidance with your overall study strategy, our GCSE Maths tutors are here to help you through every step of your revision journey.
For more support or to join our classes, visit SOC Learning and take the first step towards GCSE success!
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isabelwcna · 21 days
Open Your Future: Earn Your CNA Degree Online Today!
Unlock⁢ Your Future: Earn Your CNA Degree Online Today!
Are you interested ⁢in starting a rewarding career in⁣ the healthcare industry? Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) can be a great stepping stone towards a successful and fulfilling career in healthcare. With the increasing demand for healthcare professionals,‍ now is the perfect time to earn your CNA degree​ online and unlock your future.
Why Choose to Earn Your CNA Degree Online?
Earning your CNA degree online offers a variety ‌of benefits and advantages, making it a popular choice for many aspiring healthcare professionals. Some of ‍the key reasons why ⁤you‌ should consider earning your CNA degree online include:
1.⁣ Flexibility: Online CNA programs ⁣offer flexibility in terms of scheduling, allowing you to study at your own pace and balance ​your studies with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities.
2. Convenience: With online CNA programs, ​you can study from the comfort of your⁢ own home, eliminating the need to commute to a physical​ campus. This convenience can save you time ⁤and money while still receiving a quality education.
3. Cost-effective: Online CNA programs are often more affordable than traditional on-campus programs, making it a cost-effective ⁤option for⁣ many students.
4. Accreditation: Many online CNA programs are accredited, ensuring that you receive a quality education and that ‌your degree is recognized by potential employers.
5. Career advancement: Earning your CNA degree online⁤ can open up new opportunities ⁤for career advancement in the healthcare industry, allowing you to pursue higher-paying positions and specialize in different areas‍ of⁢ healthcare.
How ⁣to Earn Your⁤ CNA Degree ​Online
Earning your CNA degree online is a straightforward and accessible ⁢process. Here are the steps ‌you can take to start your online CNA program:
1. Research online CNA programs: Research and compare different online CNA programs to find one⁤ that suits your needs and goals. Look for programs that ​are accredited, offer a comprehensive curriculum, and have positive reviews ‌from past students.
2. Enroll ⁢in an online CNA program: Once you have chosen a ​program,‌ enroll⁢ and start your​ online ‍CNA courses. Make sure to​ dedicate time to study and complete assignments to successfully earn your degree.
3. Gain hands-on experience: In addition to ‍online coursework, you will also need to complete clinical hours to gain practical experience⁣ as a CNA. Your online program‌ will provide‍ guidance ‌on how to fulfill this requirement.
4.‍ Take the ‍CNA certification exam: After completing your online CNA program and clinical hours, you will⁤ need to take the CNA‍ certification exam to become a licensed CNA. Prepare‍ for the⁣ exam by reviewing study materials and taking practice tests.
5. Start​ your career as a CNA: Once you have‍ passed the ​certification exam, you can ‌start applying for CNA positions in healthcare ⁢facilities such as hospitals,‍ nursing homes, and clinics. Put ‍your​ knowledge and ⁤skills to use in a rewarding and fulfilling career as a Certified Nursing Assistant.
Unlock Your Future Today!
Earning‌ your CNA degree‍ online is a great way to kickstart your career in the healthcare industry and open up new opportunities for professional growth and development. Take‍ the first step towards a successful and fulfilling career by enrolling in an online CNA program today. Unlock your future and embark⁣ on a rewarding journey as a⁤ Certified Nursing Assistant.
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nurseeden · 21 days
Advance Your Career with Hospice Nursing Certification: Everything You Need to Know
**Title: Advance Your ⁤Career with Hospice Nursing⁤ Certification: Everything ⁢You Need to Know**
**Introduction** Hospice nursing certification is a valuable ⁣credential that can advance your career in the healthcare industry. By obtaining​ this certification, you ⁢will demonstrate your expertise in providing compassionate, end-of-life care to patients and their families. In‍ this⁣ article, we will explore everything‌ you need to know about hospice nursing certification, including ​its benefits, practical⁢ tips for obtaining it, and real-life case studies.
**Benefits of ‌Hospice Nursing Certification** 1. Demonstrates Specialized ⁢Expertise: Hospice nursing certification showcases your specialized knowledge and skills ‌in providing palliative care⁢ to patients with terminal ‌illnesses. 2. Enhances Job Opportunities:‌ Many employers prefer to‌ hire certified hospice nurses, as certification ⁣demonstrates a commitment to excellence in‌ end-of-life care. 3. Improves Patient⁤ Outcomes: Certified hospice nurses are equipped to⁤ deliver⁣ high-quality,⁤ personalized care that can improve patient comfort and quality⁤ of life. 4. Increases‌ Earning Potential: Certified hospice nurses often earn higher salaries and have more opportunities for ⁢career advancement within the hospice care field.
**Practical Tips for Obtaining Hospice Nursing Certification** 1. Research‍ Certification Options: There are several organizations that offer⁤ hospice ⁤nursing certification, such as the ⁣Hospice and Palliative ⁣Credentialing Center (HPCC) and the National Board for Certification‌ of Hospice and ⁤Palliative Nurses (NBCHPN).‌ 2. Meet Eligibility ‍Requirements: To be eligible for hospice nursing certification, you must have a valid RN license,​ a minimum number of clinical ⁢hours ⁤in hospice care, and ongoing professional development in the field. 3.​ Prepare for the Exam: Study materials and practice exams are available to help you prepare for the certification exam. Be sure to review​ the exam content outline and focus ⁢on areas where you may need additional study. 4. Maintain Certification: Once you have obtained hospice ‌nursing certification, you will need‌ to renew⁢ it periodically by completing continuing​ education credits and ​meeting other‍ renewal requirements.
**Case Studies** 1. Sarah, RN: After obtaining her hospice nursing certification, Sarah saw⁤ a significant increase in job opportunities and was able to advance her career as a ⁤hospice care coordinator. 2. ‍Michael, LPN: With his ⁤hospice nursing certification, Michael⁢ was able​ to transition from a general nursing role to a specialized⁢ hospice nurse position, where he⁢ found fulfillment in providing ‌compassionate end-of-life care to patients.
**Conclusion** Hospice nursing certification is a valuable credential that can⁢ enhance your career in the ​healthcare industry. By obtaining this certification, you will demonstrate your expertise in providing compassionate care to patients with terminal illnesses. Whether you are a new​ nurse looking ‍to specialize in​ hospice care or an experienced⁣ nurse seeking career advancement, hospice nursing certification can open up new opportunities for growth and fulfillment in your nursing career.
Remember, hospice nursing certification ‍is not⁢ just about earning a credential – it’s about ⁢improving the quality of care you provide to patients during their final days. If you’re passionate about ‍end-of-life care and want to make a difference in the lives of patients and their families, consider pursuing hospice nursing certification today.
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How to Become a CMA USA in 6 Months
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Becoming a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) in the USA is an ambitious goal, but with the right strategy and dedication, it’s possible to achieve it in just 6 months. This blog post will guide you through the process, providing valuable insights and practical tips to help you succeed in your CMA journey. 
Understanding the CMA USA Certification 
  The CMA USA certification, offered by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), is a globally recognized credential that demonstrates expertise in financial planning, analysis, control, and decision support. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to advance their careers in management accounting and financial management. 
The CMA exam consists of two parts: 
Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics
Part 2: Strategic Financial Management
  Each part includes 100 multiple-choice questions and two essay questions, with a time limit of 4 hours per exam. 
The 6-Month CMA USA Study Plan 
Month 1-2: Preparation and Part 1 Study 
Register for the CMA program and join the IMA
Obtain study materials (textbooks, practice questions, and online resources)
Create a study schedule, allocating at least 15-20 hours per week
Begin studying for Part 1, focusing on:
   – External Financial Reporting Decisions 
   – Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting 
   – Performance Management 
   – Cost Management 
   – Internal Controls 
Month 3: Intensive Part 1 Review and Practice 
Complete all Part 1 study materials
Take practice exams to identify weak areas
Focus on improving your weak areas
Review key concepts and formulas
Month 4: Part 1 Exam and Part 2 Study Initiation 
Schedule and take the Part 1 exam
Begin studying for Part 2, focusing on:
   – Financial Statement Analysis 
   – Corporate Finance 
   – Decision Analysis 
   – Risk Management 
   – Investment Decisions 
Month 5: Intensive Part 2 Study 
Continue studying Part 2 materials
Take practice exams for Part 2
Focus on improving weak areas
Review key concepts and formulas
Month 6: Final Review and Part 2 Exam 
Complete all Part 2 study materials
Take final practice exams
Review both parts, focusing on areas that need improvement
Schedule and take the Part 2 exam
Tips for Success 
Consistent Study Habits: Develop a routine and stick to it. Consistency is key to covering all the material in a short time frame.
Use Multiple Study Resources: Combine textbooks, online courses, practice questions, and study groups to reinforce your learning.
Practice Time Management: The CMA exam is time-sensitive. Practice answering questions within the allotted time to improve your speed and accuracy.
Focus on Understanding, Not Memorization: The CMA exam tests your ability to apply knowledge, not just recall information. Make sure you understand the concepts thoroughly.
Join a Study Group: Collaborating with peers can help you stay motivated and gain different perspectives on complex topics.
Utilize Practice Exams: Take as many practice exams as possible to familiarize yourself with the exam format and identify areas for improvement.
Stay Healthy: Balance your study schedule with proper rest, exercise, and nutrition to maintain peak mental performance.
Seek Professional Guidance: Consider enrolling in a reputable CMA coaching program. Our institute, Success Edge Academy, offers comprehensive study materials and expert guidance to help you achieve your CMA goals efficiently.
Overcoming Challenges 
  Preparing for the CMA USA exam in 6 months is an intensive process that comes with its own set of challenges: 
Time Management: Balancing work, personal life, and studies can be difficult. Create a realistic schedule and stick to it religiously.
Information Overload: The syllabus is vast, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Break down your study material into manageable chunks and focus on one topic at a time.
Exam Anxiety: Practice mindfulness techniques and take mock exams to build confidence and reduce stress.
Maintaining Motivation: Set small, achievable goals and reward yourself for meeting them. Remember why you started this journey and visualize your success.
Post-Exam Steps 
  After passing both parts of the CMA exam, you’ll need to: 
Fulfill the education requirement (bachelor’s degree or related professional certification)
Complete the experience requirement (two continuous years of professional experience in management accounting or financial management)
Comply with the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice
Career Prospects for CMA USA 
 Obtaining your CMA USA certification opens up numerous career opportunities. According to a recent IMA salary survey, CMAs earn 61% more in median total compensation compared to non-CMAs. Some popular career paths for CMAs include: 
– Financial Analyst 
– Corporate Controller 
– Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 
– Management Consultant 
– Financial Manager 
For more information on career prospects and salary trends for CMAs, check out this comprehensive report by the Institute of Management Accountants. 
 Becoming a CMA USA in 6 months is an ambitious but achievable goal. With dedication, proper planning, and the right resources, you can successfully navigate this challenging journey. Remember, the key to success lies in consistent effort, smart study strategies, and a passion for management accounting. 
At Success Edge Academy, we’re committed to helping you achieve your CMA USA goals. Our experienced instructors, comprehensive study materials, and personalized coaching can give you the edge you need to succeed in this intensive 6-month program. 
Is it possible to become a CMA USA in 6 months?
Yes, it’s possible with dedication, proper planning, and intensive study. Our guide provides a structured approach to achieve this goal. 
What are the main challenges in preparing for the CMA USA exam in 6 months?
The main challenges include time management, information overload, exam anxiety, and maintaining motivation. Our blog post addresses strategies to overcome these obstacles. 
  How much does it cost to obtain a CMA USA certification?
The cost varies but typically includes exam fees, study materials, and IMA membership. Check our website for current pricing and package details. 
  What career opportunities are available for CMA USA certified professionals?
CMA USA certified professionals can pursue roles such as Financial Analyst, Corporate Controller, CFO, Management Consultant, and Financial Manager. 
  Do I need work experience to become a CMA USA?
Yes, you need two continuous years of professional experience in management accounting or financial management. This can be completed before or within seven years of passing the exam. 
  How does CMA Success Academy help in preparing for the CMA USA exam?
CMA Success Academy offers comprehensive study materials, expert guidance, personalized coaching, and practice exams to help you efficiently prepare for and pass the CMA USA exam. 
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stephleb · 27 days
Release Your Potential: How to Earn Your CNA Certification in Las Vegas
**Title: Unleash Your Potential: How to⁣ Earn Your CNA Certification in Las Vegas**
Are you considering a career in ⁢the healthcare industry in Las Vegas? Becoming ‍a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) ⁤could ​be the‌ perfect starting point for you. CNAs play a ⁣vital role in⁤ the healthcare‍ system by providing direct patient ‍care under the supervision of licensed nurses. Obtaining your CNA certification can open up a world of opportunities in the healthcare field. In this ⁣article, we will explore the steps to earning your CNA certification in Las Vegas and how ‍you can unleash your potential in this rewarding⁣ career⁢ path.
**Benefits of Becoming a CNA in Las Vegas**
Before diving into the process of obtaining your CNA certification, let’s take a ⁢look at some of the key benefits of pursuing ⁤this ‍career path in Las​ Vegas:
1. **Job Stability**:​ The demand for CNAs ⁤in Las Vegas is on the rise, with‍ opportunities available in​ hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home healthcare settings.
2. **Fulfilling⁤ Work**: As a CNA, you will have the​ opportunity to make a real difference ⁢in the lives of patients by providing essential care and support.
3. **Career Growth**: ⁣Becoming a‍ CNA can be a stepping stone to furthering ​your career ⁤in healthcare. ⁢Many CNAs go on to become licensed practical nurses (LPNs) or registered nurses ​(RNs).
**How to Earn Your CNA Certification in⁢ Las ‌Vegas**
To become a‍ CNA​ in Las Vegas, you ‍will ⁣need to ⁢follow these⁤ steps:
1. **Complete⁤ a State-Approved CNA Training Program**: ​Enroll in a state-approved CNA training program in Las Vegas. These programs typically last ⁤4-12 weeks and include both classroom​ instruction and hands-on clinical training.
2. **Pass the CNA Certification Exam**: After completing your training ‍program, you will need to pass⁤ the ‌Nevada CNA certification ⁤exam. This exam⁢ consists‍ of a written ⁣or oral component and a skills‌ evaluation.
3. **Apply for CNA Certification**: Once you have passed⁣ the certification exam, you can apply for your ⁢CNA certification through the Nevada State Board of ⁢Nursing.
4. **Maintain Your​ Certification**: To maintain‍ your CNA ‍certification in Las⁣ Vegas, you will need to renew it every two years⁤ and complete a⁤ specified number of continuing education hours.
**Practical ​Tips for Success**
– Research different CNA training programs in Las Vegas ‌to find ⁤one that‍ fits your schedule and budget. – Practice for the certification exam using study guides and​ online resources. – Consider volunteering or shadowing a CNA to gain hands-on experience in the field. – Network with healthcare professionals in Las ⁣Vegas ⁤to explore‌ job opportunities.
**Case Study: Sarah’s Journey to ⁢Becoming ‍a CNA in Las Vegas**
Sarah always had a​ passion ⁤for helping others and decided to pursue a career in healthcare. After completing ⁣a state-approved ⁤CNA training program​ in Las Vegas, she passed‍ the certification exam with ​flying ⁢colors. Sarah now⁢ works​ as a CNA in a local hospital, where she provides ‍compassionate care ‍to patients every day.
Earning your CNA‌ certification in Las Vegas can ‌be the first step ⁢towards a fulfilling and rewarding career in ‍healthcare. By completing a state-approved training program, passing the certification exam, and maintaining⁢ your certification, you can unleash ‌your potential as a ⁣CNA⁤ in Las Vegas. Take the plunge today and embark on this exciting career path that allows you to make a​ positive impact on the lives of others.
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laurencna · 1 month
Opening Your Future: A Guide to Obtaining Your Virginia CNA License
**Meta Title: Unlocking Your Future: A Guide to Obtaining Your Virginia CNA License**
**Meta Description: ​Looking to become a Certified Nursing ‌Assistant in Virginia? Follow ‌this comprehensive guide to learn how to get your CNA license and embark on a rewarding⁤ healthcare career.**
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a rewarding⁣ career choice for individuals who are passionate about helping others and making a ‍difference‌ in ⁣the healthcare field. If you’re interested in pursuing a CNA license ⁤in Virginia, this ​guide ‍will walk you through the steps you​ need ⁤to take to ⁣unlock your future in the healthcare industry.
**Benefits of Obtaining a‍ Virginia CNA​ License:**
1. **Job Stability:** The demand for CNAs is ⁢on the rise, providing job stability and security⁣ in the healthcare industry.
2. **Career Advancement:** A CNA license is a stepping stone to ⁣further‌ your career in nursing and healthcare.
3. **Fulfilling Work:** CNAs‌ have the opportunity to provide essential​ care and ⁢support ⁤to patients in need.
4. **Flexible Schedule:** Many healthcare facilities offer flexible work hours for CNAs, allowing for a⁤ better work-life ​balance.
**How to Obtain Your Virginia CNA License:**
1. **Meet Eligibility Requirements:** To become a CNA in Virginia, you must be at least ‌18 years old, have a high ⁢school diploma or GED, and complete ‍a state-approved‍ CNA training program.
2. **Complete CNA Training Program:** Enroll in a Virginia Board ‍of Nursing-approved CNA training program, which typically consists of classroom instruction and hands-on ​clinical experience.
3. **Pass⁤ the⁣ State Competency Exam:** After completing your training program, you must pass the Virginia state competency exam to​ become a certified CNA.
4. **Apply for Certification:** Once you pass the exam, submit your application for CNA certification⁣ to the Virginia Board of Nursing.
5. **Background Check:** A background check‍ is required for CNA certification in Virginia.
6. **Maintain Your Certification:** To maintain your CNA ⁢license ‍in Virginia, you must renew it every two years and complete required‍ continuing education hours.
**Practical Tips for Success:**
– **Study Hard:** Prepare for the state competency exam by studying diligently and practicing your skills.
– **Gain Experience:** Consider volunteering ‍or working as a CNA intern to gain hands-on⁣ experience in a healthcare setting.
– **Network:** Connect with other healthcare professionals and seek mentorship to enhance your career⁢ prospects.
**Case Study: Maria’s ⁢Journey to Becoming a CNA**
Maria always had a passion for helping⁢ others and knew that a career in⁢ healthcare was ⁢her calling.⁣ After completing a CNA training⁣ program in Virginia, ⁤she passed‌ the ⁢state competency‍ exam and obtained​ her CNA license. Maria now works at a​ local nursing home, where she provides compassionate ⁤care to residents and⁣ finds fulfillment ⁢in her work every day.
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Virginia is a‍ fulfilling ​and rewarding career⁣ path ⁢for those who are dedicated to making ⁢a difference in patients’ lives. By following this guide and taking the necessary steps to obtain your CNA license, you can unlock your future in the healthcare industry and ⁤embark on a meaningful career as ⁣a healthcare ⁤professional.
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