#you were consoling him if anything. and will the fuckboy?? don’t make me laugh. he only hit on her because i started blatantly
hqbaby · 4 months
four — just a little
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
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word count. 1.8k content. profanity, alcohol consumption, a lil bit of tension???
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booger: r u up?
It’s 4 AM and you should not, in fact, be up. But you are. And apparently so is Sukuna.
You contemplate ignoring him. You can get back to him in the morning and act all high and mighty like, “I’m a proper human being with a life, so no, I don’t stay up until 4 AM like you, loser.” It’s not like anything good has ever come from you replying to his late-night/early-morning texts. You recall another time you replied to him at this hour; the two of you ended up almost getting arrested after sneaking into a reservoir.
Alas, you’re still up and you’ve been rotting your brain on your phone for hours, so your better judgment has gone the way of your last few brain cells.
you: what do u want
You watch as he types something. “Damn, so hostile,” probably. He deletes it. Then, he types again. “Why are you up?” maybe. Deletes it. Then, “Wanna fuck?” before he remembers who you are. He types again and actually sends the message this time.
booger: be there in 5
Part of you wants to prank him. Go to sleep and let the poor guy pound on your door until one of your neighbors—probably the grumpy old lady who lives beside you—scolds him and threatens to call security. It’s a good prank. You go as far as thinking about it.
When gets there, he’s got his hood pulled over his head. He’s wearing a pair of sweatpants, black sunglasses, and a serious expression on his face.
“Damn, you look so cool,” you say. He cracks a grin and you crack up. “What the fuck are you doing? You look ridiculous.”
His face falls into a frown as he steps into your apartment, closing the door behind him. You’ve already left him behind, crashing onto your couch as he changes his shoes into one of the slippers you keep for him by your door.
“You’re a real bitch, you know,” he says. He sheds the sunglasses and pulls his hood away. You’ve ruined the whole vibe he was going for. “Aren’t you gonna offer me a drink or something?”
You lift your head and point at the console table by the door. “There’s a bottle of Cuervo there,” you tell him. “Get it for me.”
He huffs but does as you say anyway. He picks the bottle up and walks over to you, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. “You’re a shitty host,” he says as he opens the bottle.
“You’re an intruder,” you say, snatching the bottle away from him before he takes a sip. You raise it to your lips to take a swig. “Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend?”
You choke on the tequila. “What?” You cough as he laughs and pats your back. “Don’t say shit like that.”
He grabs the bottle from you and chugs a good amount. “I love teasing you,” he says, pinching your cheek. “It’s so easy.”
You slap his hand away and sit up. “I hate you.”
He just grins and passes you the bottle. “You love me,” he chirps. “Wouldn’t put up with me otherwise.”
“Haven’t you heard? Everyone’s saying I’m incapable of love.”
You don’t know why you say that. It’s not part of the script, the usual back and forth between the two of you. For a moment, you worry that you’ve said something wrong.
“Who says that?” He looks serious now. Like he’s about to beat someone up. You know, the usual. What were you even worried about? “You got a gun for me to use on them?”
You laugh at his dour expression. It’s true, of course, that people have been spreading this new rumor that you’re a cold, ruthless bitch who doesn’t have room in her heart for someone, let alone a boyfriend. It’s why you broke up with Satoru apparently. You know it’s stupid and people don’t really know what they’re talking about, that they’re bored and just making shit up, but for some reason, you can’t shake the thought.
What if they’re right?
You put the Cuervo on the floor beside Sukuna and hug a throw pillow to your chest. “I had a dream.”
“Is this where you break into song?”
You roll your eyes at him. “I’m not talking to you anymore.”
He doesn’t take the challenge lightly, immediately hopping onto the couch beside you and dropping his head onto your lap to stare up at you. He bats his lashes at you and says, “What did you dream about?”
You place your hand on his face. Then, you feel something wet on your palm. 
His fucking tongue.
“You’re so gross,” you whine, wiping your hand on his hoodie. “What do girls even see in you?”
He smirks. You’ve just given him an opportunity and you wholly regret it now. “It’s not so much what they see, but how big it is,” he says, amused by the disgusted face you make. He pokes your cheek with his finger now. “Tell me about your dream.”
He pouts, his lower lip jutting out as he looks at you with big eyes, practically getting teary-eyed now. He’s a great actor, you’ll give him that. He’d probably get better grades if he was a theater major.
“I wanna know,” he says softly. “Tell me.”
There’s something about the way he looks at you that feels unnervingly familiar. You’re used to his antics, you’ve had to deal with them since the two of you were in high school, but it’s moments like this that you remember just how much you know each other. It’s a constant thing, always lurking beneath your banter and jokes—it just surprises you when it’s in your face.
You place your hand on his shoulder and sigh. “It’s stupid,” you say. “I just keep having these dreams where I’m running from something. Different things every time. Zombies, ghosts, clowns—”
“You run away from clowns?”
“Clowns with murderous intentions.”
“Okay. Valid.”
You shake your head, smiling now as the teasing reminds you of who you’re talking to. It’s just Sukuna.
 “Anyway,” you say as you stare off into your empty living room. “I just… run. And I get to a point where I feel safe until I realize that I’ve actually been cornered. I wake up before anything happens.”
When you look at him again, his brows are furrowed, already in deep thought. He considers your dream carefully. You wonder if he’ll crack another joke, change the tone of the conversation, but of course he doesn’t.
“What do you think it means?”
You squeeze the throw pillow beside you. “I don’t know,” you say. “I should probably ask Nobara. Psych majors know all about that shit, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, they got that Freud dude.”
“I’m not sure that Freud dude is necessarily accurate about dreams.”
“You never know until you try.”
The two of you are quiet for a moment. You can hear the air conditioner buzz, the fridge rumble. You’ve gotten used to these sounds of silence, what with you being more alone than you’ve been in a while. This time though, you can hear Sukuna’s breathing. Quiet, but steady, a reminder that you’re not completely alone this time.
“Is that why you’re still up?” he asks eventually. “You can’t sleep?”
“You’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not.” Earnest. Sincere. “I just wanted to know.”
You look at him skeptically, but he just stares up at you from his place on your lap, blinking in the light of your living room.
“I mean, it’s not just the dreams,” you tell him. “I’ve been feeling a little lonely, you know. Since… Satoru.”
He cringes at the name but schools his expression before it turns into a full on snarl. “Still don’t know what you saw in that guy.”
“He was good to me,” you say. “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
“He must’ve if you broke up with him.”
You hesitate, but you find it in yourself to insist, “He didn’t do anything wrong.”
Sukuna stands up. “If you say so,” he says. He reaches his hand out in front of you. “Come on. You gotta sleep.”
You stare at his hand. “You don’t think you’re taking me to bed, do you?”
“I am taking you to bed.”
He stays there for a moment, watching you watch his hand, unmoving. “I’m not getting in bed with you. Chill, bro.”
A beat.
“It’s not that,” you say, taking his hand and letting him pull you up. “It’s just…”
He raises a brow. “What?”
Yeah. What?
“Nothing,” you whisper. This is stupid. “You can sleep beside me. It’s fine.”
It’s his turn to be taken aback. Suddenly, he thinks that your hand being in his feels terribly comfortable. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, pulling your hand away. You pad over to your bedroom, walking straight ahead without looking back. Pretending like you don’t care if he follows. “We’ve slept in the same bed before. It’s no big deal.”
But it is. Somehow, you feel like it is.
You’re already under your blanket when he follows you into the room. He stands at the foot of the bed a little awkwardly. Like a lost puppy.
“When was the last time you slept in the same bed as a girl you didn’t fuck?”
He’s sheepish now, stripped of all his usual brazen demeanor. “A long time.”
His hand reaches for the hem of his hoodie.
“What are you doing?” you ask, eyes wide. “This isn’t—”
“Relax,” he says, pulling the hoodie off his head. He’s wearing a t-shirt underneath. Plain red, one you’ve probably seen more times than you can count. “I just run warm is all.”
You feel your face heat up. What did you think he was doing?
Your best friend slides into bed beside you. This isn’t anything strange for the two of you. You used to sleep over at each other’s houses back when you were in high school and one of you wanted to avoid the chaos of your home. You’ve slept beside each other before. It was never a thing.
But it’s been a while since then. You’re no longer the kids you were, all playful and shameless.
It feels different this time. Somehow.
He’s keeping his distance and you can feel it. Your body is turned away from him, but you can feel his eyes on you. He wants to be closer to you.
You want to be closer to him too.
“You can—”
His chest hits your back as he rolls over to lie directly behind you. “Is this okay?” he asks quietly. You can feel his breath on your neck.
You swallow. “Yeah, it’s okay.”
You feel his hand carefully move around your waist. He doesn’t touch you, his arm hovering just above the thin fabric of your top. “Is this—”
He rests his arm on your waist and you feel yourself relax into his touch. He wasn’t lying when he said he runs hot, it feels like you’re melting against a furnace. Still, somehow, you can’t find it in yourself to mind.
If anything, you might just admit that you like it. Maybe. Just a little.
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notes. soooo the besties are doing a thing 👀 how do we feel about reader and sukuna so far 👀 we also haven't seen much of gojo yet but next chapter is gonna be interesting ;)
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as promissed, a knarlie snippet - and still dares me on
Firstly, thank you for all who asked for it, it means a lot.
Secondly, this is more of a discontinued fic. Would I love to continue? Yes. I'm capable of it? Eh, apparently nah.
Hope you enjoy~
Since that day at the courtyard last year where he got hit on, he knew – he just knew – Charlie Dalton was trouble.
Everyone seemed to admire him. Want him, even, if the way Chris’ friends would giggle at the sight of him and the quiet whispers of pretty face and bedroom eyes around them, around the boy’s locker room either, were something to go by.
And after the blowjob incident with Michael Cartwright, the resident fuckboy around school, the guy seemed to become sort of a legend, which was bullshit.
So, he never ever thought he’d ever have anything to do with him one day.
Well… that is, until one Todd Anderson.
‘…I had an anxiety attack and ran away from class… he came after me an-and he helped me.’
The guy did one decent thing and had one incredibly cool friend and, that was it, here they were, having coffee with the guy and the aforementioned incredibly amazing friend Neil Perry.
And worst of all, from up close he seemed sort of… normal. Just a regular guy, a bit too big in attitude and little in sense, but just a guy, not the godly sex-fiend school painted him as.
Even though he did apparently sleep with half of it.
And in two weeks-time, he became aware of two things:
One, Todd for sure had a crush on Neil, with the way his eyes would light up at the sight of him and how much easier he’d let himself laugh since he met him.
It was a bit of a blow on his ego, since all he had been trying to do since day one was make the boy more comfortable, but he’d take what he could get. It was good to see him flourishing like that.
And number two, now they all were some sort of group and that meant he and Dalton were friends now. Which was just weird as hell, but still felt right, even though Charlie would get out of his way to annoy him if he could.
It was as if getting an eye roll or a huff was some personal accomplishment for the guy.
But Dalton seemed to genuinely like Todd, and not in a come-to-my-room-and-I’ll-eat-you-whole kind of way, but more of the way he seemed to care for Neil.
Dalton was sexual about everything it seemed, even his interactions with all of them. But there was a lack of intent there he could notice and respect.
And as for himself, Charlie only seemed too delighted to provoke him to really mean the flirting for sure.
So, he let himself relax. Let his guard down a bit.
And then before he could know, Charlie was just there. A fixed presence in his life. Almost more present than Todd himself, since all the blonde seemed able to think about these days was of sharp cheekbones and deep brown eyes.
Which broke his heart when Neil initially seemed to get together with Jean Miller after his initial freak-out over the stolen kiss.
Todd deserved better than some unrequited love. He deserved to be truly cherished and appreciated like the great guy he was. So, it felt like a betrayal when he learned Charlie had lead Todd, their gullible, gentle Todd to the claws of one Michael Cartwright as a consolation prize for the apparent inevitable heartbreak this crush would lead him to.
Cause that was bullshit. Sex wouldn’t make Todd’s feelings go away. In his own experience, it’d just feed the hole in his chest and make him feel empty inside. And to make things worse, he’d feel used too, since he was just another notch on Cartwright’s belt. That guy would eat Todd alive and spit whatever was left on the cold hard floor, and he hated Dalton so much for it.
“Knox, c’mon…”
“Don’t you dare, Dalton. Don’t you dare come and patronize me, not after you threw Todd to the wolves like that!”
“Mike’s a cool dude! I just want Toddy to have some fun-.”
“He’s not you! He’s soft and romantic and that guy will just use him and spit it out whatever’s left after and if he gets himself hurt it’ll be your fault!”
“You call me patronizing? What do you think you are, his mother?”
“I'm his friend!”
“‘Friend’, sure…Some friend you are!”
“That’s rich coming from you after what you did! I, for one, am just looking out for him!”
“So am I!”
“By whoring him out?”
“By letting him make his own choices! If you’re such a great friend, then why don’t you let him live his own life a little then, instead of trying and controlling him, just so you’re not alone in being a pathetic pinning mess forever!”
“Oh… That’s it then? Yeah… Alright. You know what?… Screw you. You know nothing about me and clearly knows nothing about love too. You think he’ll get over Neil by getting his dick wet? He’s not you, your self-centered asshole.”
“No, fuck you, Dalton.”
“Knox, c’mon…”
“You don’t get to talk to me again. Ever. I opened up to you and you throw it in my face? I thought we were friends! I thought I was wrong before, but turns out I was right: you really are just an asshole.”
“Get out of my face Charlie, or I swear to God, I’ll punch you. I don’t want to ever talk to you again.”
Chris was still a sore subject and he used her-, used his feelings against him.
It had hurt, that betrayal.
He never expected that from Charlie. Not after he witnessed how protective he was of Neil. How caring he was when he thought no one was looking.
But no. He clearly meant nothing to Dalton after all, if he’d just use his weakest spot against him like that.
Chris left him for Chet Danburry again because he was stupid and acted like a creep, stalking her, sending flowers and little notes and chocolates and writing poorly made poetry to her, begging for a chance to sweep her off her feet because he was obsessed with her.
She was beautiful and sweet, and he thought he’d rather die than live without her just like a delusional bastard, and she did what she should and took off. But only after they got the chance of making something real out of it, when things were good and more than love, they were learning to trust each other.
…Only to come right back to that worthless piece of shit of a guy who only treated her right when he wasn’t treating her like property, worse yet, and that sure hurt more than the dumping per se.
And he opened up to Charlie about that like he never did with anyone, just to get it thrown on his face in the first fight they had.
He didn’t want to look at his face ever again.
He got a vicious pleasure out of ripping the little apology note left in his locker, leaving it back in the boy’s locker as an answer.
He never, in his defense, claimed to be a good person.
And after Todd came back of that abominable date with a hickey on his neck and all that shamefaced secrecy about what had happened, he stopped aggressively avoiding Charlie to just plainly ignoring his existence altogether.
But the notes resumed then.
They varied from ‘I’m sorry I was an ass, I didn’t mean what I said’, to ‘Can you please just talk to me?’, to ‘You’re killing me here Knox’, to ‘Yell if you want, I don’t know, just talk to me, please.’ And for some reason, he kept those notes.
And the more desperate they became, the softer he felt himself get over it.
So, when Charlie called that fatidic Sunday morning, desperately telling him Neil had disappeared, it was with a softness in his heart he hadn’t felt for that boy in a long time that he tried to calm him down, suggesting he tried to talk to Todd about it, since the two had become so close over that year, he might have some idea where Neil could be.
And when Neil was found, and Charlie called again, so clearly hurt and angry and still terrified, he knew he had already forgiven him.
“Give him a chance, Neil probably would’ve gone to you if he felt he could. Something probably made him consider a less obvious alternative a better one, since the Perry’s did contact you first thing.”
“Fuck… I know you’re right, Knoxious, I know. It’s just-… I’m his best friend since we were in diapers! And he up and leaves without even telling me? What the fuck?…”
“If you’re right and he and his parents got into a fight, then he wasn’t thinking straight.” – he ignored the derisive little snort at his choice of words and continued. – “Don’t take it personally.”
“I just wished those two would just fuck already and stop orbiting around each other and neglecting their friends.”
“Wait-. You-you mean-? Neil’s into Todd?”
“I think so, yeah. But he’s so adamant about not being gay, cause he’d know if he was into dudes and all that jazz, I have no idea if he even knows. That’s why I tried to steer Toddy-boy away from his infatuation, even though you don’t approve my methods.”
“I still wanna kill you because of this. Did you see that abomination on Todd’s neck?”
“It’s called a hickey, Knoxious. Which means he did have some fun after all.”
“What it means is that that fuckboy tried to feast on his neck like a fucking vampire, that’s what it means. And now Todd’s completely embarrassed about the whole thing!”
“…What do you have against Mike? You keep talking about him like he’s something revolting. Are you seriously slut-shaming him?”
“You keep acting morally superior and judging him for sleeping around, acting like he’ll infect Todd with something. What the hell?”
“I’m not-.” – but he stopped there, inhaling sharply.
Cause he was.
He was.
“Look, Toddy’s not a child. Damn-, he’s not even a virgin if he was up to hooking up with Mike. And Mike’s solid. He’s not for romance, but he doesn’t play games. He’s brutally honest about what he wants, so those horror stories about him seducing unsuspecting victims to use them and throw it away ‘s all bullshit from people who don’t accept boundaries not drown by them.” – Charlie’s voice was dead serious right then. – “He’s not the big bad wolf.”
“…‘s jealous as fuck. He never minded Mike while he and I were hooking up. You all like to talk about the janitor’s closet incident, but we got something going for a while yet. I put an end to it cause I was getting a bit attached and he was clear about the no feelings thingy. So, there. Boundaries. He’s solid.”
Knox felt his stomach turn at the thought of Cartwright and Dalton, but swallowed it down quietly, cause he was in the wrong there.
He was totally slut shaming the hell outta that guy because he couldn’t fathom being involved with someone without coming to care for them, even a bit.
“It just feels so… cold.”
“That’s because you are a romantic, Knoxious. You want the roses and the candlelight dinners and the handholding and stargazing and all the cliché, mushy date-y stuff.” ­– he teased, clearly trying to sound condescending, but it was noticeable the underlining fondness behind those words and at that, Knox felt his own fondness for that asshole like a beacon inside his chest.
“Well, that’s what bugs me: So does Todd. He’s maybe worse than me even, cause I show it, but he breathes it. You can see how he looks so much more alive around Neil. It’s like he can’t help but orbit him. It’s not desperate and obsessive,” – like his thing for Chris had been, before he really got to know her and got something solid to fall for other than his idealized version of her. – “it’s just… I don’t know. It looks like an inevitability.”
“…I don’t want him to get hurt if Neil never comes to realize it. It’s like he’ll content himself with being around Neil without even getting shit in return. And don’t get me wrong, Neil absolutely loves the shit outta him just like we do, but-.”
“Neil’s dense and Todd’s not a go-getter.”
“Pretty much, yeah. And that asshole ‘ve been holding things back from me too. Like all this bullshit with his parents. He never breathed a word about having trouble at home at all and then outta nowhere he just runs away without any explanation? What the fuck?”
“Aaand now we’re back to square one.”
“Shut up, I have a right to be angry.”
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [6]
A/N: You guys might want to whack out your love song playlist for this one…I cried writing this BYE I'm posting this from my grave!!
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), fwb, f2l?, college!au, fuckboy!bias, nerd!reader, ANGST, smut
words: ~ 3.8 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez, @runaway-fics, @mainexiii, @awfullytiredbuthealing, @erikyoong, @etherealuv, @staysuki, @justcuz-ican, @yeostars, @hyuckthangs, @teenloves, @mexious18-blog, @sunghoonied, @mailobjaeyoon
couldn’t tag: @chorizoek
You: can I come over? I kind of need u
H/N: you need me huh…you’re lucky I’m home alone
It always starts differently. Some other question, or a subtle message of telling him you’re bored, or a flat-out confession of being horny. The ending is always the same. You, naked in his bed. You just had to get there, and things were easy when you were already on his dorm’s doorstep.
The moment he had opened the door, you had fistfuls of his hair between your fingers and attacked his mouth in a feverish kiss. He made a noise between a laugh and surprise but reacted quickly. His lips parted right away, letting you in, and you tasted mint from the chewing gum he liked so much.
“Let me- at least- close the door,” he mumbled. “Jeez, what’s gotten into you today?”
You stepped aside and mirrored his grin. He was acting surprised, but the way he instantly locked your lips after he had shut the door told you he was enjoying this as much as you were. You ran your hands down his torso and along the side of his thighs. His happy hum only poured oil into the fire, and you saw no reason as to why you should have kept your clothes on any longer. In minutes, in the middle of heated kisses and clumsy chuckles, your clothes were discarded, and you were left in your underwear. You stumbled into his bedroom in a tangle of arms and legs and heads barely pulling apart.
“Will you tell me about the date you had today or are we skipping over that part?” he asked, as he pushed you down by the shoulders onto his bed. You groaned a little, not even knowing where to start.
“Didn’t go well, huh?” he asked. Only a few nights ago you had consoled him after his failed date, now the roles were reversed.
“That’s one way to put it,” you said. He was climbing on top of you now, and the weight of him between your thighs still did the same things to you it had done the first time. There was one of his random playlists playing quietly from the speakers, but you were both too occupied to even consider switching the music off. You weren’t in the mood for a chat, not when he was biting and sucking bruises into your chest, pushing aside your bra just enough. But you knew he wasn’t going to let it go this easily.
“Tell me about it or I won’t take one more piece of clothing off your body,” he threatened. You shot him an are-you-serious-look while he only blinked at you innocently, like he was awaiting your response.
“Fine,” you groaned. “But hurry, now.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, before unclasping your bra and throwing it to the other side of the room. “Go ahead, I expect a story.”
You had rolled your eyes at him, but when he sucked on your nipple all of a sudden, and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bud ever so perfectly, your eyes moved to the back of your head involuntarily. And, before he could complain, you started to retell today’s events.
“Alright. First of all, he acted all gentleman-y. Pulling back my chair at the restaurant, letting me have a look at the menu first, letting me order first, asking me if I was okay with our seats because they were in the sunshine, or whether he should have requested we get a different in the shade table, blah, blah, blah.”
With the lewd noises he was making, kissing your chest and fumbling with your breasts, you almost wondered whether he was paying attention to you at all.
“I’m waiting for the plot twist,” he chuckled. “If he had been this great, you wouldn’t be in my bed right now, would you?” He was now on his way to your lower regions. Your breaths came out shaky when he gripped your hips with familiar fingertips and placed a few kisses there, right above the material of your underwear. Nonetheless, you had to continue your story.
“Oh, it’s coming,” you said. “Because I suspect, the only reason he was acting that way was to compensate. For the fact that he was an hour late.”
He stifled a laugh, and you slapped his head playfully. “It’s not funny! I stood outside that restaurant on a busy street like an idiot for an hour. During exam season!”
“I wonder, if studying is so special to you- ,” he said. He tugged on your underwear, and you barely cared about his words when you were already imagining his mouth on your pussy. “Why aren’t you at home right now, doing just that?”
“Too frustrated,” you groaned, spreading your legs, practically inviting him in. “You don’t get it. That was only the beginning of the date. It gets worse.”
“Oh, damn,” he laughed, and you were going to slap him again. Harder, this time. But his tongue kitten-licked over your clit and you didn’t dare interrupt him further.
“First of all, he turned out to be boring. An economics major. And look, I’m not generalizing, I’ve met some cool economics majors. But when I said I never really understood the whole thing with inflation and deflation, I wasn’t asking for him to explain it to me. I know what it means, I just meant to say money is the root of all evil,” you said, little moans slipping inbetween your sentences. He laughed whilst sipping on your clit. You couldn’t be mad at his laughing anymore. In fact, at the sound of his chuckles, your own lips curled into a smile, too. God, he was so good with his tongue.
“But turns out he loved money. Like it was the sole reason he was doing anything. When he showed me his gold watch I almost yawned,” you continued.
“Dating a rich guy can have its upsides too, though,” he said, but you knew he was joking. He was running the tips of his fingers over your core, and you whimpered at how badly you wanted him to put them inside of you. You loved watching him, loved feeling his hair tickle the side of your thighs and having his free hand laying on top of your hipbone. The familiarity of it all, his little habits, made your heart heavy, so full of emotion, all of a sudden. But you had to snap out of it.
“Not this guy. He kept saying these lowkey sexist things I won’t repeat now. It’ll only make me mad again. He was one of those who thought money would buy him a girlfriend. And I was really trying to see the good in him…only there was none,” you said.
“Alright, I’m starting to understand why you needed some cheering up,” he said. “Good thing you’re at the right place. I know just the thing.”
At this, he slid his digits into you. You hummed and dropped your head into the plush pillow. Slowly, you exhaled, happy you finally got to relax after being so upset. But of course, he had to interrupt. Again.
“Did I say you could stop? Was that the end of the story?” he said. How did he expect you to form a coherent sentence? He fingered you gently, but the slowness of it all only drove you crazier. You felt every tiny sensation, every new bit of you he touched.
“No,” you sulked. “Fuck, it feels so good.”
“Go on, then,” he encouraged you, grinning because he was proud of your reaction he had caused.
“Fuck- okay. He was super shitty to the waiter. I’m talking about criticizing everything. This man had the audacity to complain about the food. I’m not a food critic, but I swear the food was amazing, there was nothing to fault at all,” you said, and then whined when he switched from licking your clit to sucking it between his teeth. You knew he was doing this on purpose. To make speaking harder for you.
“Oh my god, H/N. Wait, let me finish this. Not only was he horrible to the waiter in person, but he also made fun of the waiter’s appearance behind his back. And all along he expected me to find him funny. I used to think he had a sense of humor but not after today. Blech.”
“At least you got a free dinner?” he said, and without awaiting your answer, went back to work. Your head was spinning in pleasure, and you could only laugh sarcastically at his suggestion.
“Yeah. And after that train wreck of a date, he really thought he’d get to stick his tongue down my throat,” you said.
“Did he at least ask permission?” asked the boy between your legs.
“Mhm…but I told him I don’t do that on the first date,” you said. “Safe to say there won’t be another date, though.”
He looked up now, laughing more than before. You grinned, mainly because the sight of him was so cute. He folded his hands on your belly and put his face down onto your skin to giggle. In no way could you be upset or urge him to keep giving you head. In fact, you had forgotten about all of that for a while, as he seemed to enjoy your misfortune a little too wildly. You should have been hungry, eager to have the half-naked boy inside of you. Yet, you laughed at the way his breaths tickled your stomach and when he finally made eye contact, it was a wholly different sort of hunger which overcame you. Instead of the heat he usually made you feel, it was a comfortable warmth that was in your chest. It reminded you of a bonfire or of drinking your favorite hot drink on a cool autumn day.
“I want to watch you come,” he said, casually. “Were you close?”
You were so lost in his trustworthy, dreamy eyes, you almost forgot to reply. Quickly, you nodded and hummed.
“I would have already come, had you not pestered me to tell you all the details of my date,” you said. The way his cheeks beamed when he smiled made you feel as if your insides were turning into mush.
“I’m sorry. I’m your friend, aren’t I allowed to ask how your day went?” he asked.
“Of course you are,” you said. The word ‘friend’ echoed off every wall in your head until you wished you could have deleted it from the dictionary.
“I’ll make sure it feels extra good now,” he said, kissing your stomach. You shivered as you watched his gentle lips move lower, to your hips and the insides of your thighs. The touch felt like butterfly wings on your skin, and the tardiness of it made you impatient. When his tongue came in contact with your clit again, you sucked in a breath of surprise.
He tried to start slowly, but then you gripped his hair tightly, and carefully pushed him further. It was something you did often, a way to tell him you wanted more without having to use words. After all this time, he understood perfectly. Your clit was between his lips and his tongue flicked over the sensitive bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pleasure. It felt incredible, creating a funny sensation in the pit of your stomach. His fingers grazed over your slit until you were whimpering and shifting your hips, trying to make him hurry.
One of his digits slid into you easily, curling against your sweet spot, and it hit you only now how much you had missed him between your legs since he had stopped a few minutes ago. It made you feel as though you were suddenly overwhelmed with all of him, but you were willing to let the heat crash over you if it meant you could be close to him.
“Am I making it up to you now?” he asked as he pulled away merely for a breath. “I’ll turn your day into a good one after all.”
In a different tone his words would have sounded like the exact thing one would have expected to hear from a fuckboy in the bedroom. He could have boasted and bragged endlessly about how great he was with his tongue and fingers – he would have been right – but he didn’t mean it like that. You could tell from the uprightness and the authenticity in his voice that he really was doing his best because he wanted to make you feel better and turn your day around. Because you were special to him. Or so you desperately hoped.
Your legs wrapped around his shoulders as if you were trapping him between your thighs. But he was right there, and he would gladly stay for so much longer, and to say it puzzled you was an understatement. The boy who belonged to everybody, who was known by all of the campus, was treating you like you were royalty, and not the other way around. You moaned, his name inevitably falling from your lips. He added another finger and the slightest stretch made you lose your mind for a split second.
“That guy could have never made you feel this good, could he?” he suddenly asked. Your initial response was a helpless whine. You had been so close, and his talking had interrupted the otherworldly bliss for a moment.
“No, never,” you then whimpered shortly. ‘No’ was such a tiny word. It could barely encapsule what you truly meant to say. Which was that it would have never even gotten that far. That other guys couldn’t even have you at all. They didn’t get their turn to try and beat him. Not as of lately, at least. That you didn’t so much as dare to think about sleeping with other guys. That even before you had gone on the date, you had known it wouldn’t lead to anything. No guy could let you develop an interest on him in the same way the boy between your legs had done it. No other would be able to kidnap your brain like that. H/N was always there. Even when it was only you and your sex toys, you would automatically pretend it was him getting you off. You were so far gone that it was embarrassing how long it had taken you to admit it to yourself. But it was a colossal thing to confess to him, and you would never do that. Rejection would hurt a billion times more than whatever it was you two had now.
Your heart was racing as you closed your eyes. You had been so lost in thought, it was wondrous you hadn’t fallen yet. But you were right on the edge, making your breaths come out like puffs and a string of moans and swears sound from your lips. He too had stopped talking, concentrating on the task at hand, and judging by the way your back arched he was doing one hell of a good job.
“Oh my god- “ you whimpered. “I’m so close, H/N.”
This time he didn’t reply, which was for the best. Only a few seconds passed until you started to quiver and whine beneath him. You were going to outer space behind your eyelids as your high rushed through you. Your fingers curled and tightened in his locks while your legs clenched around his head. He was quick to pull your thighs apart again, still not being finished. For long seconds you swam in pleasure, with nothing on your mind but bursting stars. He was heaven, knowing precisely how far he could take it until you were too sensitive to take any more.
When you were at that point, he finally pulled away and looked up at your crumpled form. There was a lazy smile playing in the corner of your lips and your vision was hazy after having had your eyes closed for a while. He climbed up your body until his chest was against yours so he could really look at you.
“I get all of this without ever having been on a single date with you? I’m so lucky,” he said. You only smiled at him, at a loss for words. What were you to say? The two of you were clearly past the awkward dating stage already.
“I’m lucky you let me come over all the time,” you said. “I would have expected the campus fuckboy to be busier. To not have an empty spot in his bed every night.”
“Ah, shut up,” he said. “I’d rather have you here than a girl I don’t know at all. Look, I’m really tired so I don’t know how this will go…but can I?” He was on his knees, a tent visible in his boxers. With a questioning look, he was tugging them down his legs now.
“Of course,” you said. As you watched him roll on a condom, your ears perked up. Did that song have to come on shuffle just now? The coziest, most romantic love song you adored so much? You knew if you looked him in the eyes you’d be done for. But there wasn’t anywhere else to look when he settled between your legs and held up his weight with his forearms. His eyes were deep enough for you to get lost within a second. Distracting yourself was impossible. The one last thing you could do was to reach between the two of you and guide his length into you.
The song’s chorus came on, you looked at him once again, and suddenly you were all his. You didn’t need to tell him so. He thrust gently, almost carefully, like he had never done it with you. Your heart hammered against your ribcage so vivaciously, you wondered whether it had turned autonomous and was now trying to jump out of your body, onto his skin and through it, so it could nestle next to his own heart.
Neither of you spoke. Yet, there had never been so much chemistry, such a heavy amount of uncommunicated emotions between the two of you. You were ready to hang on his every word, should he decide to speak up. In your head rampaged a billion sentiments you needed him to know, but there was no option to express them adequately. Perhaps there were simply no words in the English language to declare your feelings for him.
Small whimpers and moans left your lips only for him to hear. Sometimes he moved a little quicker, gifting you with the most perfect sounds he could make. And to know you were the cause for it sent you into overdrive. His mouth was right above yours. If you lifted your head slightly, you could have kissed his sweet, sweet lips. But you were so afraid. What would he think? You had never kissed him during sex. Not softly, like you wanted it so terribly.
Even worse, you craved so much more than that. You wanted to pull him in, envelope his mouth in your own, crawl over the edge of his lips and reside in his chest for safety. Because that’s what he was. Comfort. Reassurance. Home. How foolish you had been, pretending this little fling would lead to nothing more. You really had told yourself this would work. No feelings. Just fun. You couldn’t deny having fun with him. He was the best company you had ever known, and he had become your most precious friend quickly. It was as if you had only been waiting for the silly, flirty boy to sit across from you in the library and make weak advances towards you.
The love song tuned out slowly, replaced by something more sensual and sinful. In accordance with the new background noise, he gripped your hips a little meaner and went faster. You barely noticed how his breathing had sped up as he was getting closer to his orgasm. A trance had overcome you, transfixing you on his godlike features and how much it hurt to know you couldn’t call him yours. In your head you were made for each other. They always said to date your best friend, didn’t they? You could try to turn back time, go back to your first meeting place, at the party. See if things would turn out different. But you knew they wouldn’t. As much as your fear tried to suppress it – you would take the same path again, stumbling head-first into his arms and letting him into your life like a crashing wave of laughter and heart-crushing conversations.
Now you reflected in despair, how he had taken your heart in a storm, without having to try too hard. And worst of all, you were okay with it. Your heart was secure with him, you thought. The feelings yearned to be spoken out loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“You feel so good,” he said. “Always, so fucking good.”
He snapped his hips against yours, burying his cock deep inside of you and all you could muster was a hum of agreement. This is what you got for keeping him at arms-length from the beginning. Wasn’t it you who had challenged him to be friends and only that? Perhaps you would be okay, so long as no one else called him theirs either. You could go on like this, letting him use you for sexual relief and making him laugh when he needed it. Gladly, you would take the pain of not being allowed to love him with your whole being if it meant you could see him whenever you wanted. Exposing those silly emotions would wreck your friendship and you wouldn’t let it happen.
He grunted and only then, when he lowered his head into the crook of your neck and moaned your name, you realized he was reaching his high. Softly, you cradled his head in your hands, as if it was the last time you could hold him like this. When he put his forehead against yours, he had his eyes closed and his chest was moving steadier than before.
“You’re the best,” he whispered. “Stay the night?”
Should you have gone home, and missed him all night? Would you have regretted saying no while you curled up in bed with no Cheshire-cat-grin-boy to hold? Or were you to remain in his bed, and pray you would survive the torture of not speaking your mind? His skin radiated the most wonderful warmth and you wanted to trace his lips with your eyes until you fell asleep. That’s how quickly it was decided.
“Okay,” you answered.
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kimnjss · 4 years
just hanging out | jjk
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⤑  series: cherry pickers
⤑ pairing: gamer(fuckboi)!jungkook x video vixen(virgin)!reader
⤑ genre: fluff!... some angst at the end if you squint.
⤑ rating: pg13
⤑ word count: 3.9K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: lmao second hand embarrassment probably.
⤑ A/N: hey :( love you all who have been enjoying this story nd sending your thoughts in - they really make my day. so thank youu! let me know what you think x 
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FEBRUARY 22ND, 2020 | 16:49
Casual. You're constantly reminding yourself the entire time you're getting ready. This was supposed to be casual. This was not a date. So there was no reason for you to go through the process of getting ready for a date. You didn't shave, just took a regular shower with the regular soaps. 
Spent very little time in the mirror when getting dressed, there was no need for frilly shirts or form-fitting pants. Instead, you settled for a pair of ripped jeans and a hoodie that Taehyung had lost a little while back. Minimum makeup, hair up, and out of your face.
Needed to cement it in your mind that this was not a date. Steal away any reason for you to act like it was one. No matter how much you knew you'd enjoy the whole shebang, candlelit dinner, romantic walk admiring the night sky, kiss on the doorstep – you had to ignore that.
Bottle it up and stuff it down because there were many things you didn't know about Jungkook and the bits you did know weren't great. His shitty friends being at the top of the list. So, until you were sure he wasn't like the lot of them... not dates were what you'd settle for. Because at the end of the day, you wanted to see him.
It's a thirty-minute drive from your house to Jungkook's and you spend the entire car ride agonizing on how this 'not date' was going to turn out. And then immediately scolding yourself for freaking out over something that shouldn't matter as much as you were making it out to be.
For all you knew, he probably was just waking up... barely remembering that he had plans with you. Most likely hopping in the shower just minutes before you were said to arrive. Mmh, Jungkook in the shower. Droplets of water rolling over his tone skin, following the dips and ridges until...
It's hard to shake the image of Jungkook showering out of your head once you've got it there. Even with his insistent need to wear baggy clothes, it didn't take a detective to see that the kid was ripped. No doubt spent hours in the gym working on his arms, his abs, his thighs...
Nope. Not going there. No reason to go there when you were on your way to hang out, innocently hang out with a guy that you were just barely friends with. That's all it was. Two people getting to know each other after clicking the first time they talked. God, the way you clicked with Jungkook was unbelievable. 
He made you laugh. And it was weird because you don't remember ever feeling this comfortable around someone this quickly. Jungkook was different. At least you hoped he was. Instantly, you're shushing your thoughts. Refusing to mentally put so much pressure on something that more than likely become nothing.
Getting your hopes up too early was the reason why people got hurt in the first place. So this wasn't a date. And you weren't going to expect him to treat it as such. Just hanging out to get to know each other. That was it.
That was it. Your new mantra as you shove your car into park, heading up the walkway to his front door. Knocking while repeating those four words to yourself. Casual. That was it.
You're not even waiting a full minute before the front door is being pulled open, revealing a fresh-looking Jungkook. Dark hair falling in pretty waves, on either side of his pretty face. He seems to be glowing and you feel it throughout your entire body when he smiles.
A baggy pink sweatshirt swallows his figure, paired with equally loose gray sweatpants. His house is spotless when he lets you in, obvious that he spent the duration of the morning cleaning. The smell of Lysol still lingered in the air. Even the white socks on his feet seemed oddly clean.
You can't help but smile at the effort, allowing yourself to believe that all the trouble was for you.
Once he's setting your shoes in his extremely organized coat closet, he's leading you through the house. Smiling big as he gives you a mini-tour of the first floor and you swear you're paying attention. You're trying your best at least, but it's hard to concentrate on anything that wasn't how cute he looked.
“And this is the arcade,” He's showing off both rows of teeth with his broad gesture into the room located at the end of the hall. Obviously proud of this part of the tour.
As he should be. When the kid said arcade, that's exactly what he meant. Old school game machines lined the walls, ones that you'd actually find in an arcade. Some games that you've never heard of before. All with the high score name: 'Koo'. A dramatic two-person car racing game tucked in the corner.
There's a curved 90 inch TV mounted on the wall, in front of it on a stand is every game console ever made. He has his laptop set up in the room, with two monitors and two gaming chairs in front of it. In the middle of the room is the most comfortable L shaped couch.
All you can say is, “Whoa.” And he's laughing at your reaction.
“It's my favorite room in the house. Well... aside from,” His eyes shift up, obviously gesturing to upstairs where his bedroom is.
The insinuation has a blush darkening your cheeks, but you choose to ignore it, stepping further into the room with a tiny gasp. “You have Skee-ball!?” He's right behind you as you rush across to the room to where the game is set up. A manicured nail pressing against the start button, grinning wide up at him as the balls roll down.
Bright red numbers flash on the screen, the high score followed by his name: 310...Koo. A smirk instantly settling onto your features as you reach for one of the bright-colored balls. “I'm gonna beat that,” Lifting a finger to point at the numbers on the screen.
Jungkook is letting a loud laugh leave his lips, a pretty smile settling on his features as the sound dies down. “That took me two weeks... good luck,” Drawing your hand back, you release the ball on the swing. Watching as it travels upward toward the slots, dropping right into the gutter.
It takes four throws before you're getting it right, the ball traveling up the slope and directly into the 40 point slot. You're letting out a loud whoop, arms lifting in slight victory.
Eyes wide, you're turning your head to face him. “You saw that!?” You're shocked that he's already looking at you. With this soft lovey look that you were the one to hang the stars in the sky. And it makes you wish that this was a date because if it were you'd be able to let yourself enjoy the feeling that comes with the way that he's looking at you.
But it's not a date. So you don't. Shove the fuzzy feeling away with a shake of your head, reaching for another ball from the rack and thrusting it forward. 
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FEBRUARY 22ND, 2020 | 18:08
Jungkook is scary good at games. Like scary good. If he wasn't matching your score, he was doubling it. Didn't even graze his high score in Skee-ball and every game after that was his domain. And he was having fun beating you, the smile growing on his face each time you were crossing your arms with a pout – claiming the game had to be rigged.
Foosball to Car Racing to Dance Dance Revolution (he had way more rhythm than you'd expect). You've settled down quite a bit since you first showed up at his house, finding it easy to relax around him. He was cute when he got competitive, not like you were much of a competition in these games... but it was nice to see him like this.
The scrunch of his nose as he focused on the screen. The cute dimples that popped out whenever he won. And how he mindlessly sat close to you, engulfing you in his sweet scent. There was just something about being with Jungkook that made you feel at ease, could someone who made you that comfortable really be as bad as his trash friends?
His shoulder brushes against yours as he settles further into the comfort of his couch, his thumbs moving over the controller quickly. Implementing combo after to defeat your character. In the fourth round of Mortal Kombat and you've only one once.
“Hey! You said you'd let me win,” He's laughing, not even letting your character get up before the large K.O. letters appear on the screen and his person is giving their little victory remark. A dramatic huff leaves your lips, the controller being tossed to the side to cross your arms over your chest.
All he wants to do is lean in and kiss that pout off your lips. Has wanted to kiss you since he beat you in table tennis. You're so pretty and he can't hold back from moving closer to you, guiding your movements just so he can have an excuse to touch you. And he doesn't miss the way you blush. The cute giggles that you let out when he flirts with you. Making him want to flirt with you more just so he can hear the sound.
“I tried,” He speaks through a laugh, taking in the skeptical look on your face. “I did! You're just so bad,” His eyes watch your fingers move around the controller, switching the screen to the character choice.
Gasping when his words sink in, landing dainty punches onto his shoulder. “You're mean! Rematch. I'm not bad,” Jungkook's pressing start on the game as soon as you both have picked your characters, leaning back against the couch as he instantly starts trying out combos on you.
Your whines and protests are cute. It's all he can focus on when he's supposed to be paying attention to the game. And the shout of triumph you let out when you're managing to knock his character down squeezes at his heart, he can't help but turn to look at the smile on your face.
“Look at you losing!” He's sure his health bar is at the end by now, but he can't tear his eyes away from you. In awe, because how could someone actually look like that? So effortlessly... beautiful? 
The tip of your tongue poked out the corner of your lips, brows furrowed as you work hard to take him down. So wrapped in the game, you don't even realize that he had stopped playing. It's his luck too, no telling how embarrassed he'd be if he was caught staring. Yet, he can't bring himself to look away.
Not until you're jumping up excited, clapping for yourself and your win. “Did you see that?” Your body is whipping around, forcing a surprised look on his face. Worried that you might've caught the way he had been looking at you. “I just fucking destroyed you! You can't even say that was beginners luck, either.”
You're lifting your hand for a high five, which he's happily giving to you. His smile matching yours as you flop down on the couch beside him, thighs grazing over each other and he feels it in his chest. “Do you want a chance to redeem yourself?”
Not even a minute is spared for him to answer because you're already starting up a new round. He's got his game face on now, shaking himself out of the daze. “Can you believe I just kicked your butt?” There's this taunting look on your face and all he wants to do is lean over and kiss you.
He takes for teasing you instead. Noticing your ridge posture that he had commented on in your picture. “I don't know how,” A large hand reaches over to touch your back, your body automatically leaning into his touch. “Your form is all off, it had to be luck.” Just a bit of pressure is applying to your back and you're slouching forward.
With a laugh, you're rolling your eyes – reaching a hand back to swat his away. “Watch me beat you like this too. I'll even let you pick my character,” You've been using the same girl since you started playing while he's surfed through the entire catalog. He's taking you up on the offer, picking one of the bulkier characters that don't do all the jump moves you seem to love so much.
And you still beat him.
This time distracted by the frustrated rants from you whenever your guy doesn't do what you tell him to. Time runs out and he ends up having less on his health bar and you're taking that as a proper win, lifting your hand for another high five.
Jungkook congratulates you quietly, more so trying to figure out just what was going on inside his chest. He's had girls over before. In much more intimate settings than this... but never has he felt like his heart was about to burst through his chest. This unbearable feeling to be close to you and it's quickly becoming all he can think about.
You're just so pretty. And you look oddly sexy in your sweats. But it's not just that. There's something else that he can't really place that's pulling him to you. Making it hard for him to stop thinking about stupid things like holding your hand or kissing your cheek. Imagining if days like today were the norm and after he'd grow tired of playing games, you'd let him stretch out his head in your lap – playing with his hair.
And it has to be crazy because this was only the first time the two of you were alone. The late-night texts being all he had to back up knowing you, but at the same time, he felt like he knew you. Like he's known you well. He can't describe it either, but he's almost positive that you feel the same.
“Are you hungry? Should we order a pizza?” You've already whipped your phone out, reluctantly putting a bit of space between the two of you as you scroll through your phone. Jungkook is quick to agree, fingers moving over the buttons on the controller to switch the TV.
No idea why he all of a sudden feels so nervous. “Sure,” He's managing to mumble out, but you're not listening. Already putting together a pizza for both of you. “Do you, uhm... do you wanna watch a movie? Something on Netflix?” Your thumb is stilling on the screen at the mention of Netflix.
Yoongi's playful warning ringing loudly in your mind. 'Playing video games was just Netflix and Chill with more steps,'. But there was the chance that he was actually tired of playing games and wanted to watch a movie with you. It didn't have to be that serious, you had been going at it for hours.
“Yeah, go ahead. Pick something.” His body slouches back on the cushions, scanning through the movies halfheartedly before choosing a random one with a really long title. After tapping his fingers against the screen, the neon orange lights in the room are dimming. A comfortable warmth settling around you.
Jungkook watches as you take your time putting the order together. The beginning credits playing on the screen and he's not even paying attention, too busy with his eyes glued to you. “I got meat lovers, you like that, right?” Setting your phone aside, you allow yourself to sink into the comfort of the cushions. 
“Mmh, my favorite.” Not a lie. It really was. And the fact that you had chose it without knowing just added to everything about you that made him want to kiss you. A small smile spreads across your lips as you nod, turning your attention to the screen in front of you.
The two of you sit side by side, watching the characters on the screen, but you're not listening. It's hard to hear over the pounding in your chest. The nervous bounce of his leg as if he was waiting for something. And you have no idea what because the pizza is no where near being on its way.
A pretty girl is in an argument with her male lead, something about debt and you're trying your hardest to follow the storyline. Although, you have no idea what this movie is and why he picked it. 
It's the thick yawn from beside you that catches your attention, Jungkook's arms lifting over his head in a stretch. You don't think much of it, other than the fact that he's being a little dramatic with his stretch. Until the arm closest to you is dropping down, not at his side like it had been before but around your shoulders – gently tugging your body into his side.
“Did you just do the yawn move on me?” You can't help but laugh. Even through the darkness, you can see the pink tint on his cheeks. “Shh, this is my favorite part.” You're actually positive that he's never seen this movie before, but don't put up a fight. Instead, you let yourself lean into his chest.
He's warm. And smells like flowers. His eyes don't move from the screen as he's reaching down, soft hands reaching for the outside of your knee. Slowly, he's lifting your legs onto his lap, only glancing in your direction briefly to gauge your reaction. Leaning back when there's no sign of you wanting to move.
“Your feet are so small,” Toes curling at the random attention, you're leaning over to reach for his face attempting to pull his focus. “Don't make fun of them! What the heck?” He's laughing loudly at you, allowing you to move his head. Shifting his focus from your feet to his face.
Your fingers are cold against his warm skin, but he can't keep himself from leaning into your touch. “They're cute.” Big eyes scan over your face, smiling softly when they're landing on yours. “You're cute.”
Almost instantly, the atmosphere in the room seems to shift. And you're not sure how he did it, but the way he was looking at you, the soft whisper in his voice... you can't but melt in his strong arms. Basically sat in his lap and it's nice. Jungkook takes his time with inching forward, entering your space which has your hand falling from his face.
He's quick to replace your hand with his one your cheek, tilting your head up toward his. You're sure he's going to kiss you. It's obvious with the slight pucker of his lips, the droop of his eyes, he's tapping a rhythmic beat against your knee ten times faster than the rush of your heart. He was going to kiss you.
Jungkook was going to kiss you and it felt like you couldn't breathe. Nerves on a ten because this wasn't even supposed to be a date. And now you were in this situation and you weren't the least bit unhappy about it. You wanted him to kiss you and it's a new feeling that you don't fully understand. It freaks you out.
Just inches from your lips and your face is twisting up, head jerking back before he can reach you. “What are you doing?” Instantly hating yourself for the embarrassed look on his features that slowly morphs into a puppy dog pout.
“I was going to kiss you...” Jungkook mumbles out sheepishly, dropping his arm from your body to push his hair back. Making an effort to put some space between the two of you, trying to figure out where he had gone wrong.
Because in his mind he had done everything right. Had been making you laugh all night, set some type of mood, told you that you were cute. And you seemed to be enjoying yourself... so what was he missing?
“Why would you do that? This isn't a date, Jungkook.” The mantra that you thought you had worked into your head seemed to be slipping. Not sure when you had forgotten what this was supposed to be, but now it was all rushing back to you.
The reasons you had rejected going on an actual date with him in the first place. And the realization of how stupid you were to think that this was a proper substitute for it. No matter what you decided to call it, it didn't erase the fact that this... tonight, with him... felt like a date.
And it wasn't supposed to.
“Do you kiss all the people you just hang out with?” It's wrong to put the blame on him and only him, but you can't help it. You're a mess in your head for a plethora of reasons, because it had been obvious. How he was looking at you, his arm around you, your legs in his lap... everything that you decided to ignore.
But in the same breath, he told you this wasn't a date... so why bother with all sweet shit. Turning movies on for one reason. Maybe you were reading too deep into all of this? Maybe you were overreacting. Jungkook didn't act like his friends when he was with you, maybe he was really different.
“Oh, come on, Yn... are you being serious?” He doesn't look all too embarrassed anymore, just a little bit sad from the rejection. It's fine, though. He'll live. “Dead serious, Jungkook. You got me here saying this wasn't a date. You need to stick to that,” You felt strongly on that part.
You had told him you didn't want to go on a date with him and even though this 'not date' was literally the same thing, he shouldn't act as if you had said yes to a date. Right? He should keep his word, that way things wouldn't get messy. Like right now.
Jungkook seems to put it together in his head, nodding his head in agreement – yet, the pout doesn't leave his lips. “Alright, alright. Fine. My bad,” He's tugging at the rolls of fabric on his sweats, avoiding eye contact with you. Dark hair covering his eyes, all you can really see is the pink of his lower lip.
And you feel bad, even though you know you shouldn't. It's not like you would've hated kissing him. It was just too nerve-racking to think of doing right now. You didn't quite understand it yourself, so there was no way you could go and explain it to him.
Instead, you're extending a finger. Poking the tip of your nail into his knee. “Don't pout. Come on, you'll miss the best part.” Referring to the movie that you're both watching for the first time, but it has a smile pushing onto his lips. His head lifting and gaze shifting onto the TV screen.
“Sorry,” He mumbles out after a moment, but you're not sure if he's apologizing for the almost-kiss or something else. Either way, you're flashing a genuine smile in his direction, lifting a hand to playfully shove at his shoulder. “Don't worry about it. It's fine,”
It really was.
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— known for your body and surrounded by rumors about your sex life… rumors that he doesn’t think to doubt. until he’s meeting you… forced to realize there’s much more to you then the thonged shorts and lacy costumes.
⤪ masterlist ⤨
⇝ taglist: @randomkoalablog @smoljams @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @houseofarmanto @preciouschimine @chocobetterknot @kookiesjoonies @ashleyjoyx @thia-aep @jinhitwhore @silentlyimpractical @acc3ssdenied @triviasjms @joonies-babyy @bangtansonyeondayyyum @bangtan-noona @mipetronella @lilacdreams-00 @strawberryforever25 @tae165 @jikooksgirl19 @dee-ehn @butterflylion @alterlovess @joontopia @my-odd-mix @yeontanie21 @sw33tnight​ @kookiesdoe @daydreambrliever​ @elliemeetsevil​ @hellotherehoneybee​ @bangtansbun​ @taefect94​ @tricethecharm​ @pjmcth​ @0xmysticx0​ @samros95​ @codeinebelle​ @vmin-soulmate​ @bluewhale52​ @thecityrain​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @diminieshoe​ @kelitt​ @soulstaes​ @ayyyocee​ @betysotelo18​
⇝ taglist: @elephantdoors​ @ratking101​ @amour-quinn​ @gemad08​ @yoooonie​ @ughtear​ @ambersaesthetics​ @peachy-tata​ @moonlitmyg​ @trinityxsope​ @diorhobii​ @miagracegrande​ @tom-hollands-wife​ @loveyoongles​ @seokjinslittledumpling​ @kerikaaria​ @ggukkieland​ @gwsyoongi​ @salty-for-suga​ @beeeb05​ @dionysusrage​ @jungkookspromise​ @princecalpal​ @agustneeds​ @neverthefirstchoice​  @agustdakasuga​ @veronawrites​ @omot7​ @agirlintheparkjimin​ @wildly-lost-lantern​ @goldenkookietae​ @ephyraaaa​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​ @sungieshines​ @embrace-themagic​ @kim-ji-hyeons-world​  @mrksmrks​ @hyunjinhasmyheart​ @paddingtonrue​ @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta​ @veryuniquenamegoeshere​ @niieceyy​ @lowlifeoeuvre​ @lee-karliah​ @angiexyoung​ @marifujioka​ @softlyjins​ @mochibabycakes​ @producerjk​ @hqtetsurou​ 
⇝ taglist: @heyitsbreeeeee​ @munkey888​ @bbyjoonies​ @prdshobi​ @myworldisgone11​ @kthvol6​ @soloikeadates​ @illwritetomorrow​  @jiminbabyluv​ @parkjammys​ @mypurplelamp​ @namjinsbbyj​ @hansolsrightnut​ @vanillabrightlightning​ @huhuehuey​ @jiminshibaby​ @rjsmochii​ @certifiedcrazycatlady​ @jayyayyy17​ @my-current-mood-is​ @bangpink123​ @btsbed​ @definitely-not-tina​ @jeonsbae01​ @metaethically​ @kb-bangtanenthusiast​ @ardenlovesyou​ @simplymemyself​ @jin-from-the-block​ @janieooo​ @xxstrangegirlxxx​ @pastelbleuet​ @pxjiminsi​ @ruinsofangels​ @ladyarmanto​ @bloopkook​ @hopiebabie​ @bigimpression​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @hisunshiine​ @uxwi​ @yayo-kittty​ @taejinminsu​ @miss-jupiter​ @btsbangtanbois​ @sugalou​ @pjminmin​ @lukeofmine​ @94ser0da​ @kim-jias-den​
⇝ taglist: @imezz @itookallthejamsbruh @kimsouthjoon @ephyra1230​ @telepathylftv @awhnamjoon @jkismyasmr @eyereen @gldnrecs​ @jiminddaeng​ @morndas​
⇝ taglist: @squirrelandcrafts @sweetnight @kooafraid @trynavibewhileicry @eatjeanjin @nightapple4jk @localjisung @aureumjeon @kooknova @ardoren @diamonddia-mond @dammit-jjk @jwlmnbt @jiminsreads @poisoneveyyy @girlontheblock @bunny-on-crack @sweetestdreamssuga @tommasauras @cecedrake2217 @bangtan-ology @hobiismyhopeu @subtlepjiminie @bangtangrl @kooks3uphoria @vampgguk @alpaca1612 @gukkiecuddles @hazefilter @nochujjk97 @smol1 @mama-m0chi @blue1928 @babelleerr @awhnamjoon @rlynotme @jaywalksalloverme @bansheehunteremissary @kai1697jeon @giadalin @ladyartemesia @xxunmeixsenpaixx @ot7always-main @msunnsstuff @tew-atx @lierr007 @bishuthot @jaebeomsblackgf @taexmichi @lovingele @patpus @anothershorthuman @izzyexe @clouds-of-my-breathe @okaysoplshelpme​ @chogiyeol-utopia​​ @iforgotthemelody​​ @kookiepout​​ @sunshine-ybba​​ @lovelyseomin​​ @super-btstrash-posts​ @calikoocat​  @richkookie​ @yoong-i​ 
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
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honeyxchoso · 3 years
Promise (fuckboy!Satoru Gojo x reader) (college AU)
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warnings: Gojo being a fuckboy who knows his effect on women all too well, MC's declining mental health implied
genre: angst? (sfw)
word count: 1.9k
“Please, just hear me out!” Gojo begged, face contorting into a desperate expression you knew all too well by now.
The scene is just like the numerous ones you’ve experienced in the past few months, all consequential to Satoru Gojo asking you out earlier that year. You should have known better. After all, you’ve been a witness of all of his intimate endeavours throughout high school. It was naive to assume that you would be spared of his promiscuous behaviour and that, somehow, this would be different.
“I promise you it won’t happen again!”
The exclamation just fell on deaf ears. That very promise, which he never fails to make in moments like these, has lost all meaning long ago. The sincerity fading more and more each time it was broken. These conversations, which once used to reduce you to tears, have now lost all meaning they once might have possessed.
All you know is the emptiness you feel resulting from your heart being shattered over and over again, your soul reduced to nothingness. You can no longer cry. You can no longer get mad. You are no longer surprised. Just a shell of the person you once were.
No longer are you even aware of your surroundings, lost in your own mind as Gojo spouted endless dubious apologies and false promises, all of which you’ve heard dozens of times before. How many times have you turned a blind eye so far? How many second chances have you given? How much longer will this go on? You do not know.
How did it come to this?
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You and Satoru are first years in an honours programme at Jujutsu college, with you majoring in Biology and him in Physical engineering. Although you had known him since your first year of high school, you two have only gotten close in the summer leading up to your first year at college. During that summer, he’s managed to get closer to you than anyone ever has before. It really isn’t that difficult to imagine considering his flamboyant personality and stunning appearance.
Right now, you were at a cafe, waiting for Mr Perfect to show up for your weekly Math and Chem study session. You chuckle looking at a meme he just texted you. The lovely bastard is fashionably late per usual, but you are somehow never annoyed at that nasty habit of his. Five minutes of texting later, you feel a tap on your shoulder alerting you of Satoru’s arrival. Soon after the tap, you can feel his presence on the left side of your head.
“I think you can kiss heaven goodbye, as it must be a sin to look that good,” he proudly stated right next to you. You gazed to the side with widened eyes and your mouth slightly agape. It was just quick enough for you to catch a glimpse of those gorgeous sky blue eyes of his, mischievously peeking up at you from the pitch-black sunglasses the man always adorned. It truly was a sight to behold. To your great misfortune, however, it was gone as soon as it came, with him rising up to ruffle your hair a bit with his enormous hand before going to sit at the other end of your small table.
You focused on regaining your usual composure, as you’ve grown accustomed to his flirty persona during the summer while observing him picking up girls wherever you went. His sense of humour is just atrocious, but it eventually grew on you also. Despite his provocative behaviour and dirty humour implying he’s still very much immature for anything of the sort, you’ve started harbouring hope that one day, just maybe, he’ll give it a shot for you. Yes, as naive as it was, you couldn’t help but fall for the marvellous man sitting across from you.
You sighed at your inner turmoil and slightly irritably ran a hand through your hair. Satoru, of course, interpreted your reaction as you being annoyed at his borderline foul compliment and the thought elicited a deep, alluring chuckle from him. Slightly shaken from the beautiful sound, you plastered on a smile and looked at him, asking to begin your study session already since he was late again.
Two hours of studying later, you two were walking back to the student dorms on the other end of the campus site making small talk on your way.
“Argh! I hate this unit so much. Why do we have to memorise all the functional groups when it would be so much easier to just look them up in the data booklet during exams? It is so unnecessary!” you cried out, pouting while clenching your fists in exasperation. When Satoru didn’t respond, you relaxed your posture and turned to address him, only to blank out upon seeing the way he was staring at you.
He had a tender look on his face the likes of which you’ve never seen before. His lips formed into a small but genuine smile with his eyes relaxed as he just looked at you. You felt as though he was staring right into your soul. At this point, you both stopped walking instinctively and held your eyes locked wishing for the tender moment to last forever. Satoru was the first to speak up.
He called your name, not breaking eye contact. You just barely took notice of his voice, getting lost in his gorgeous blue eyes during your little moment just now. God, does your name sound good coming from his mouth. You barely had the common sense at this point to utter out a small “Hm?” and no notion whatsoever of what was yet to come.
“Would you like to go out with me sometime?”
You were baffled. The person you’ve been crushing on for months now just asked you out. You. Little old insignificant you. Too startled to form a coherent response, you replied with the only concern you had. “Me?”
After all, you were a nobody. You’ve seen the women who talk to him on a daily basis. The perfect height, athletic, well-adorned in all sorts of jewellery and fancy clothes, makeup perfectly done and never a single strand of hair out of place - those were the type of women surrounding Satoru Gojo. Compared to them, you were the lowest of the low. Your face contorted into one of confusion before your eyes started tearing up. This must be a joke...
That was only in the few seconds leading up to Satoru bursting out in a tear-inducing laugh. This did well to break you out of your small trance, sobering up a little before becoming even more confused. He asked you out, and now he’s laughing about it? Is this man in his right senses? You don’t recall him having any alcoholic beverages at the cafe so it can’t be. He stopped laughing soon after and used the tip of his right-hand sleeve to wipe away his tears.
“Of course it’s you, silly! It’s 10pm. We’re the only ones here right now!” he exclaimed, giggling a bit throughout forming his sentence still. This only served to confuse you even more. It must be a joke, then.
“You’re joking,” you voiced your thoughts. At this, his formerly happy expression fell and formed into one of concern.
“How could I be?” he asked. Seeming genuinely concerned as to why you’d think that. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips formed an unusual frown. “How could I ever joke about something like that? You have no clue what you mean to me, Y/N.” You could tell from his expression that he was being sincere, making you falter. Your face seemed to be enough of a response for him to continue speaking.
“You are honestly the best person I have ever met. You are strong and independent despite everything life has thrown at you. You are smarter than anyone I know. You have an amazing sense of humour and are a great listener. You’ve always been there for me when I needed you most. Along with being a good person, you also make me a better person myself. You fulfil me. Without you, I feel my very existence would be meaningless.” All the while saying this, he hasn’t broken eye contact once. “So I will ask you once again, Y/N, will you go out with me?
Following that evening, the two of you were in a happy relationship.
So how did it turn into this?
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You first noticed something was wrong when you saw him dancing really close with a girl at a college party. He had his left hand low on her waist and his other hand entangled in her hair, bringing her closer so he could lean into her neck. It was just an embrace, right? Perhaps she was his friend who needed comfort of some sort? These are the excuses you made for yourself at the time to console the slight pang of concern and betrayal felt upon witnessing that scene. You never confronted him about that. At the time, you told yourself that was because there was no issue to address but reflecting on that moment now, you know it was the fear of your suspicion being proven right that discouraged you from bringing it up.
This happened about an additional five or six times before you started acting a bit more adverse to Satoru’s usual affection. You would no longer initiate kisses and would become stiff in his embrace. It was mortifying to know he was behaving so naturally around you when you know he’s off with other women when he thinks you aren’t looking. Despite this, the relationship was maintained as your love for him didn’t falter.
After a while, his endeavours would cause arguments. He would argue the women were coming onto him, that he was drunk or anything of the sort, just to get out of the situation, and you would argue he was fully aware of his promiscuous behaviour. These arguments would always end in forgiveness and the movie would rewind yet again. That is what led you where you are now. Your forgiving nature backfired and your feelings for the man were constantly extorted.
Sometimes, enough is enough.
It is time to put a stop to this neverending loop your relationship has turned into.
“Stop,” Satoru was still pleading for forgiveness when you interrupted him mid-sentence. Your simple exclamation seemingly pausing time, as it was the first word you have uttered in this conversation so far. Gojo looked at you anxiously, hope evident in his eyes that you would forgive him. Oh, how you loved those eyes of his, full of deceit.
“I’ve had enough. I’ve given you far too many chances and have been disappointed every time without fail. It is time for both of us to admit to ourselves that this won’t work. Not the way it is now.”
Despite your calm exterior, your previously empty inside now felt a sharp, anxious pain. No one said it was going to be easy. While the fear of change is strong, you know this is the right thing to do. Fear can bring no actual harm, but this relationship has and will continue to do so if you don’t put a stop to it. It is time.
“Goodbye, Satoru Gojo.”
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
pw [2] | the cars that go boom
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perfectly wrong | drabble [2]: when your boyfriend likes to play with the cars, but you like to play in the cars.
word count: 2.0k
warnings: unprotected car sex, road head / oral (m. receiving), cussing, mature language, reader catches an attitude and tae knows just how to test you
notes: i’m sorry, i’m filthy lmao i’ll make a softer drabble next 😂 but uh, if you want something messier, acquainted is up. if you want something a little softer, big red is up. 😬 hehe ily, y’all are always so sweet and supportive!!
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Your boyfriend was a certified dork, but you couldn't ask for anyone better. He wanted to drag you to the mall to visit the closest LEGO store for a special edition car set, or whatever the hell he said it was, being he stumbled on his own words over the phone due to his excitement. You had never heard his deep, nerdy laugh so much until today. But, you agreed to go because you wanted to go wherever Taehyung went, even if that meant running to the nearest convenience store for toilet paper.
"Baby, let's go! Hurry that ass up! The mall doesn't wait for anyone!" The mall was going to close in the next hour, hence the sense of urgency from Taehyung.
"You better keep your tone down or else the mall is gonna have no choice but to wait." You yelled from his room as you lazily slipped into some biker shorts and his hoodie. You threw the hood over your head and slipped on your crocs before meeting him in his living room. He showed off his boxy smile and danced in place before engulfing you in his arms and showering you with kisses.
"You are such a dork. You're never this excited when you come to see me."
"I'm always excited, love. It's just—"
"Mhm, yeah yeah, special edition. Limited time. Yes, I'm aware. Let's go, you little baby." You walk out his door only to see him standing there with this look on his face. "Babe." You whined. "For real? You rushed me out of the bed! What are you doing?"
"Mm-mm, not until you give me a kiss." His hands are tucked into his pocket while his head remained tilted to the side.
You stood on your tippy toes to plant a good one on his plump lips. "There."
"Okay." He shrugs and happily walks off to the elevator. You shake your head at him, because sometimes, Taehyung was definitely more dramatic than you were.
The drive to the mall isn't far, and your boyfriend is damn near hopping out of the car before putting it in park. Too bad his parking spot was on the opposite end of the LEGO store.
"Because I love you, I'll walk at a normal pace." He slows his speed.
"Yeah, thank you Daddy Long Legs."
"Which leg are we talking about, sweetheart?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making you playfully shove him aside.
"Ew, don't do that." You laughed.
"Hey Tae!" You and Tae were pulled out of your moment when a familiar face from school had passed in the oncoming crowd.
"What's up, Sabrina?" She stops in her tracks and twirls her hair, causing Taehyung to stop in his own tracks. You chuckle to yourself because for one thing, you know the boy is dying to get to his LEGOs. And two, all of a sudden he's a nice guy saying hi to people? Boy, bye. Where was that energy when he was the campus fuckboy?
Anyways, Miss Sabrina doesn't even take one look at you or acknowledge your presence, which makes you stand there with your hand on your hip as you eye her.
"It's been awhile." She bit onto her bottom lip. "Call me sometime so we can catch up." She quickly brushes her hand down his chest before walking off.
"Uh?" You pop your head out from the side, raising your eyebrow at Taehyung who is literally just standing there looking at you.
"Babe, don't even start."
"Don't even start?!" You crossed your arms and began to walk away from him. You can hear him catching up to you with those damn long legs of his, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you back to him.
"Don't be like that." He kisses you on the forehead, but you push him off and continue walking towards the LEGO store.
"Go and get your thing, Taehyung. I'll just wait out here." You pout. He clicks his teeth before pouting and making his way inside to grab whatever he needed to grab. It only takes him about 5 minutes before he's happily walking back out, even though you're standing there completely unamused.
"You want anything to eat, you little brat?" You rolled your eyes.
"I'm fine."
"Fine, starve, since you wanna have an attitude." He says, walking next to you, arms crossed. You knew he was testing the fuck out of you - you could sense that smirk from a mile away, and it wasn't funny. He always knew how to push your buttons, but you could never stay mad at him for long. That's the part that wasn't funny.
"Fine." You say. At this point, you both are walking to the car in silence, even though you can see Taehyung from your peripherals, eyeing you with his lips doing that thing where it folds inwards every time he wants to hold in his laugh. You plop into your seat, slamming the door shut to buckle your seatbelt and immediately look out the window. A couple of minutes have passed and you realize you still haven't left the parking spot. "Tae." You shift in your seat to look over at him in the driver's seat.
"We're not leaving until you communicate and tell me why you have an attitude all of a sudden."
"All of a sudden? She got all flirty with you when she walked off and you didn't even say anything."
"First of all, just listen to what you said. She walked off before I could even say anything. And what was I supposed to do, push her in public?"
"I mean--"
"Y/N." He looks at you. "Think for a minute, yeah? Don't let your feelings do the talking for you. I know it wasn't the greatest thing to see, but I'm obviously not planning on calling her or interested in catching up."
"She didn't even acknowledge me."
"Why does it matter?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend."
"You are, and everyone is aware. I can go put up fliers if you want me to."
"But that's not my point, you didn't even try to introduce me."
"Why? She doesn't matter to me." You stay silent as you sink back into your seat. Now, it was pretty obvious you were picking a fight for no reason and Taehyung was well aware of your ways. Although it was frustrating, he always tried to be patient and talk you through this. He knew that sometimes, you just needed to be reassured and he had no problem doing that for you.
"She just wanted to get to you, and quite frankly, you're letting her for no reason." He looks at you, but you break eye contact and fiddle with your fingers. You feel his hand lift your chin so that you could be at eye level with him once again. One thing he was also very well aware of was the fact that you broke eye contact every time you started to realize you were wrong. "Baby." He chuckles. "You know I love you, right?"
"Yes." You say lowly.
"I know you're upset, but trust me when I tell you that I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. Even down to entertaining another woman at the mall. Are you with me?" His thumb is drawing soft lines down your chin.
"I am."
"Then you know we're in this together. Don't shut me out." You whine.
"Why do you have to be so good looking?" He laughs.
"I don't know, but I'm all yours, you know this." He smiles. "Now please stop with the attitude and give me a kiss so we can go home." You plant a kiss on his lips before retreating quietly into your seat. He begins to drive off, getting onto the freeway that would take you back to his place. You smirk, a nasty idea popping into your head as he leans back, one hand on the steering wheel, while the other rested on the center storage console of the car. And you were going to do it for the way Taehyung teased you and tried pushing your buttons earlier. You flip the seatbelt strap over your head so that you have a little more room to move. You start palming at his member on top of his grey sweats, causing him to shoot you a look.
"What do you think you're you doing?" He asks, but doesn't even stop you as you continue, feeling his member quickly harden in his sweat pants, the bulge becoming bigger by the minute. You reach into his sweats and deep into this boxers, pulling out his member to toy with. "Y/N, what are you doing?"
"Since you wanted to test me earlier, thinking you were funny." He bites onto his bottom lip, his knuckles turning white as his hand grips tighter onto the steering wheel. You lower your mouth onto his cock, tongue teasing the red, angry tip as you lick the pre-cum pooling at the top.
"Are you really doing this right now?" You say nothing, but allow the sounds of your slurping do the talking. "God." He groans, quickly taking his eyes off of the road to watch your head move up and down on his cock. "You're going to make me take an exit so I can fuck you proper."
"All talk and no action, Kim Taehyung." Suddenly, the car abruptly swerves, causing you to squeal right before you were planning to lower yourself back down onto his member. You can sense the switch in Tae's body language, causing you to silently chuckle to yourself as you lick swipes down his tip and suck on it gently. Everything suddenly gets darker, and you quickly raise your head to see the car coming to a stop near the curb on a dim, quiet street. Tae shifts the gear into parking and turns off his headlights before raising your chin up to his face.
"Get the fuck on top right now." You bite onto your bottom lip, gladly releasing your seatbelt and getting out of your biker shorts to ride him properly. He shoves your panties to the side, allowing you to instantly sink down on his member, your walls wet from how turned on you are at this moment. He lets out a breathy moan as his hands are gripping your hips, watching you sink further and further down until you feel his entire member filling you up, ready to re-arrange your guts like there's no tomorrow. You could careless about this public indecency and if any cars passed by, catching you fuck your boyfriend in the driver's seat. All that mattered right now was how good it felt and how his tip constantly touched your spot every time you rocked your hips back and forth. Your head tilted back in pleasure, Taehyung's fingers digging deep into your hips while he hisses and groans. "Faster, baby. Show me that this cock is yours." So you do what you're told. Your hip movements get messier, completely disregarding the fact that the car is slightly shaking from how hard you're riding your man.
"Fuck, babe! Ughhhhmygod." Your words mesh together as you feel your climax approaching, ready to take over your entire body.
"Oh, shiiiiit." He gasps, feeling your walls tightly constrict and hug his hardened member, causing him to cum a lot quicker than expected. "Fuuuck!" He groans into your chest, his fingers ready to pierce through your hips. Your lips lightly graze his forehead as you catch your breath, pressing your lips against them once you've gotten yourself together. You look down at him smiling from beneath you, his teeth almost piercing his bottom lip. "You're nasty."
"Don't ever try and test me like that again." You smirk.
"That's fucking hot." He tucks his sweats up while you fix yourself back into the passenger's seat, slipping into your biker shorts. "I hope you're ready for when we get home."
"Please, as soon as you pull out your LEGO set, I won't be hearing from you for the rest of the night."
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Love talk - Yoongi
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader (nicknamed Kitten)
Wordcount: 10k words
Genre: fluff, smut
Rating: 18+
Hello bunnies! I know you’ve been streaming Dynamite (I’m doing so as I revise and edit). I decided to postpone publishing the piece, so that we can focus on streaming and then as soon as the 24h are over and you’re well-rested you’re hopefully all ready for this 😏
Basically, I’ll do a quick recap of Yoongi and Kitten’s sliver of backstory. They’ve been dating for a couple months on again off again (he’s quite busy with schedule) and have been on several dates, however the situation escalates when the two start playing a steamy late-night after-date 20 questions game.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Consumption of alcohol. Swearing. This is smutty, especially in the end. This is intended for an adult public. Some of the themes are only discussed by the characters. Strong language, alcohol consumption, masturbation both male and female receiving, same for oral (feat. face riding). Mild voyeurism/exhibitionism, quite detailed description of sexual positions and fantasies, discussion on STDs, mentions of previous relationships and past traumas (abusive boyfriend and one very sorry fuck). Choking, breast worship, mentions of restrictions, sensation play and switch Yoongi. This should be all. Also, watch Kitten thirst for Yoongi’s hands (and tongue. and lips. and all the rest of Yoongi) for 10k words. (On a second note, watch Yoongi drool -- only metaphorically, much to his dismay -- over Kitten’s tits).
Yeah, it’s date 10 and these two haven’t kissed yet, I somehow think that Yoongi is the kind of guy who would wait till he’s dying and then just pounce. Also these two just want to jump each other’s bones and I can’t wait for you to see them in Illicit Affairs (definitely my 2nd favourite couple -- ‘cause Joon will be A Lot™)
Wordcount is around 10k.
Since I need to start planning next scenarios, I need you to help me choose the theme, you can vote at the link in my bio!
Here is my masterlist, enjoy 💜
“God, what’s with the weather tonight?”
“Man, this is a nightmare, get in quick.” The arm around your shoulder loosened a little as he let you move quickly from under his umbrella to the passenger seat of his car. As you got comfortable and tried to fix your hair and makeup a little, he walked around the car, opening the driver’s door, sliding in quickly and, with a sleight of hand, shaking the umbrella, closing it and smashing the door shut as fast as possible.
“Damn it.” He moved the soaked object at the foot of the backseat, stretching in the process with a groan.
You set with your hands pressed together, shoved innocently between your thighs.
This was your tenth date with Yoongi and you were smitten over him. Also, horny, but that’s for another moment. You’d been dating without commitment for about two months, the timing absolutely awful – he was in the middle of promotion with the group – but he had been too hung up on you to wait. He had wanted to do things properly, but after two weeks of stalking your profiles on social networks and making a fool of himself anytime you accidentally met, he decided he needed to act, and quickly so.
You went for a coffee once, then he brought you lunch, then you started with your sneaky dates at the cinema, walks at Han river late at night and dark and discreet bars dominating the rooftops of Seoul.
But the cinema was your most recurrent. You were just back from one of your dates at your go-to theatre, at two a.m, the late night show allowing him enough privacy to sneak around and protect you from any prying eyes.
He started the car and asked if you needed the AC on. “You have goosebumps on your arms.” He commented.
He is attentive. And caring. Which really makes you want to jump him. But again, digressing.
“No, thank you, Yoongi.” You replied kindly.
“Okay.” Moving out of the parking lot he started driving to your house, stopping at a couple traffic lights, looking at you as he waited. You looked back at him, smiling affectionately. He took your hand, holding it and warming it up in between his.
“Who would believe it’s September, it feels at least November out there.” You commented, feeling extremely dumb in discussing the weather, but too afraid of letting your mind delve in more mature or appropriate topics.  
“Sure you’re okay?” He asked, as he placed your hand back, the lights turning green.
“Yeah.” You risked evaporation, looking at his focused expression as he drove. Could you believe he hadn’t kissed you yet? No. Could you imagine why he hadn’t done that yet? Hell, no. You had squeezed your brains trying to imagine why he hadn’t kissed you while at the same time keeping on asking you out, date after date.
The night lights reflected beautifully on his delicate features, on his cute nose and his round and soft cheekbones, on his pouty, blatantly soft, deliriously pink, wildly wanted lips, on his flashy silver watch, on his sparkly, delicate necklace, on his small and sober earrings. You wanted him. Your heart skipped a beat at the way your body and mind aligned in that statement. The pressure you felt within you was a living, beating, ravenous thing, enlarging its size like a bird puffing its feathers.
His hands on the wheel were extraordinarily pale and sturdy, skeletrical but also undoubtedly strong. You wanted them on you, grabbing and groping your flesh. And the way he seemed to chew on his lower lip, opening and closing his mouth in that gesture which is so his, as if he were tasting wine or coffee.
You didn’t even realise you had arrived at your place, since you were so caught in staring at him. “A picture will last longer, Kitten.” He teased.
You blushed, turning quickly to look out your window.
“Oh, you’re shy now...” He smirked. “Go figure, I had a proposition for you.” He commented, almost with disinterest, his mouth speaking through a fake pout, the corners of it turned downward.
“I’m curious.” You said, turning to him.
“I don’t wanna let go of you yet.” He admitted, catching your hand again. “I’ll be away for ten days. With the guys. We’re leaving tomorrow evening.” He explained. “Tonight is my last available moment with you and I know it’s two in the morning and all the rest, but I want to spend more time with you.”
You raised your eyebrows, surprised. “Do you mean…?” You hoped he had somehow sensed your longing. He seemed to have a direct line to your brain, reading you in a way that scared you too often.
He grinned. “I mean, whatever comes from this. Just talking. Just watching you as we talk. It’s not the same over the phone.” He said with a frown.
You nodded. “Do you wanna talk here? Would you like to come upstairs?” You asked, trying to feel the mood.
He bit his lip and laced his fingers together, placing them between his knees and hunching his back. “You see, I kinda wanted to take this to my place. But I promise you I won’t make a move. It’s really just talking.”
Please, do make a move. You silently begged – although you were too shy to actually speak.
“Yeah, nice. Okay.” You replied with a happy smile.
“It’s okay if you want to stay here. Or go upstairs. It’s just that I really wanted to see you at home.”
The tenderness of his domesticity killed that hunger rumbling in your insides and made your head float up high, with cute pink clouds and angels singing and stars glimmering.
This is a crush.
“Show me your crib, kitty cat.” You joked. He laughed adorably at that. He looked radiant.
As he started driving to his place you got back to your thirsting over him, this time openly oogling at his confident charm, at the way he looked so used to all of this. The way he lead you out of the car in the underground parking lot of the residence, the way he locked the car and punched in his passcode to the apartment.
“Here’s the crib, kitty cat.” He taunted right back.
The place looked immaculate. Spot on. Tidy. Neat. A bit cold but his. And it smelled so good. Like cinnamon and fir. Like a cosy, winter cabin. You wanted a blanket and a hot chocolate and a Christmas tree. You wanted him in an ugly turtleneck jumper and flannel sweats and furry slippers.
You wanted home.
“It feels very nice in here, Yoongi.” You couldn’t stop looking around, drinking in every small detail. You understood why he had wanted you here. He wanted to see if you could fit here.
He noticed you did.
“I got these, for you.” He said, offering you a pair of slippers, gesturing for you to take off your shoes as he did the same. He didn’t need to ask twice.
He led you through a quick tour of the house, moving quickly away from his most private places – the bedroom and the studio. You understood his reserve on those, giving his hand a quick squeeze in understanding.
“Finally, the living room.” He explained as he switched on the lights illuminating a large space with a thick cream carpet covering the cold white marble, the room completely dominated by a black leather couch. It looked very traditional and “grandpa”. It really resembled him. “Might as well settle in, we’re gonna be here for a while. Want to drink something?” He asked.
You. “What do you have in mind?” You asked, shutting up your inner slut.
“Well, I was thinking I wanted to do that ‘get-to-know-each-other’ kind of thing.” He said, opening a cabinet in the console under the gigantic tv. In the meantime ha started a slow rap playlist from his phone. “I know this will sound like usual fuckboy who’s trying to make a move, but I have no intention of getting you drunk. I’ll drink, and I promise I’ll be perfectly responsible for my actions, but you don’t have to drink or do anything you don’t want to.” He said, putting some whisky on the coffee table together with two tumblers.
However, you opened the bottle and poured some alcohol first in his glass and then in yours. “Now it’s me the one with a proposition, mr. Min.” You cocked your head playfully. “We play twenty questions. In turns we will ask twenty questions to each other. If you don’t want to answer you pass and drink.” You explained quickly.
“Okay. Let’s get it, Kitten.” He said with a smirk, as both of you sat down at the two sides of the L-shaped sofa, near the corner. “You start, ____.”
“Warm up round, yeah?” You asked.
“Play your advantage carefully.” He suggested.
You nodded, quickly leaving aside dumb and obvious questions, but still going for an innocent one. “How many exes do you have?”
“Okay, nice. Well. I’ve “officially” had three girlfriends and two flings. All the relationships ended because of my job and lifestyle.” He offered you a free piece of information. He didn’t mind anyway. “My turn?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m satisfied.” You replied. “For now.”
He grinned devilishly. “What about your exes?”
You nodded as if expecting the question. “Officially one. It was a long, painful relationship. I’ve had flings though. Maybe eight or nine occasional partners.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Okay. I really didn’t expect that but it’s cool to me.” He said. He really didn’t mind. You’re a woman in her midtwenties, and you have the freedom to do what you want with your body. “Next.”
You looked down and toyed with your fingers, then looked up with a curious smile and gleaming mischief in your eyes. “I’ve gotta ask. When was your first time?”
He smiled. “I was nineteen. I had been dating this girl for a few months. We did it on my birthday. She was two years older than me, showed me the ropes. But even if I really liked her, it all got to hell when we debuted. She was only in it for the fact that I was an idol, she wanted an in, I think. Changed her mind when she realised I was sort of a loser.”
“Well, look at that loser now.” You said, looking him up and down and licking your lip.
He laughed embarrassed.
“I won’t do that mistake.” You promised, this time with a serious expression.
“We’ll see.” He commented, looking you up and down himself. God, he was getting flirty. A pleasured shiver ran down your spine. It wasn’t the cold. “My turn. When did you do it for the first time?”
Again you nodded. “I was with a childhood friend. It wasn’t a relationship. Just, we thought it was a good idea to do that together, because we knew each other and we trusted each other. It was nice. It felt nice. It was the summer after our senior year in high school. He moved out for university afterwards and we lost each other. But it’s a good memory, I must say.” You reminisced fondly. “No unrequited feelings, though.” You clarified, afraid that he would misunderstand.
“Okay. I’m glad it’s a good memory. I was afraid that the painful ex had been your first.” He commented, leaning towards you slightly.
“No, thank fuck.” You muttered. “Let’s move on, yeah?”
He nodded.
“I kinda have to ask this one, out of curiosity and for personal reasons. Have you ever been tested for STDs?”
He blinked and crossed his legs. “I have. It’s part of my medical check-ins. Of course the tests are more for... completeness, so to say, rather than actual need. My sex life is not that active, and when it is, I always use protection. I’m quite obsessed with it, to be honest.” He explained, his defensive stance opening up. He answered thoroughly, not even thinking of how much he was offering freely. “Do you mind me asking the same question?”
“Not at all. I also got tested. After my relationship I had to. My ex wasn’t very faithful.” You replied, blushing. “During all my flings I’ve always used protection except once. I was a bit dumb back then.” You admitted, wincing painfully. “And after my last one I got tested. He didn’t make me feel like a condom was safe enough. Thank God, everything is absolutely fine and I’m clean.”
“Oh, yeah, same here.” He offered back, with a shy laugh. “Ready for question three?”
“Yeah. I’ve got to ask one last question, for my peace of mind. Do you expect monogamy from me?” You asked.
“Do you?” He deflected.
You smiled “I asked you, Yoongi. Do you want me to date you exclusively?”
“Well I do. Do you? Want to date just me? I mean.” He asked.
“Yes, I will date you exclusively if you’re dating me exclusively.” You replied, matter-of-factly.
He shook his head, incredulous. “Of course I’m dating only you.” He murmured with a pout. “Why would I be seeing someone else?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged.
“Well, I’m strictly monogamous, ____. I’m giving you my undivided attention and all my spare time. Don’t you ever doubt my commitment. I don’t cheat.” He seemed almost too serious for a moment.
“I needed to know.”
“It’s okay. But just because you got burned once, that doesn’t mean that everyone wants to burn you, okay? That’s a bastard’s move. I promise you I won’t.” He said. And for the first time you felt like believing in it.
You took a deep breath, then smiled. “Well, anyway, you already asked your question. So it’s my turn again.” You said, cheekily.
He huffed, offended, but let you go on.
“Time to start drinking, Yoongles.” You chanted in a sing-song voice.
He laughed silently. “We’ll see.”
“What’s your favourite position in bed?” You asked, trying to peek into his private life.
“Should I drink? At this? You have to seriously one-up your game, kitten.” He stared at you intently. He was desperately trying to keep a poker face to hide how much he wanted to climb over your body and hide in the crook of your neck, inhale your sweet scent, which was enhanced by the rain that had hit you earlier.
“I’m quite traditional. I like anything that allows me to see the face of my partner. So missionary, cowgirl and lotus. When I’m a bit angsty I go for doggy. Spoons is another one I like – and also an awfully underrated one. My past lovers all said that the angle is amazing. It’s very rewarding.” Again, he gave you more than what you asked for. He wanted you to know these random things about him. He was telling you everything he wanted you to know. Who cares about vulnerability and offering too much? His aim was to earn your trust. And for you to repay his prodigality in kind. He wanted you to open up and overshare things about yourself. He wanted to know what to imagine when he thought about kissing you. When he thought of you while touching himself. He wanted to understand what he could ask, what you could possibly like, what scared you, what you needed comfort in.
At this point you were imagining him behind you, a hand at your waist, the other on your breast, his low moans caressing your ear, eyes closed, lost in bliss. Snap out of it, slut. “Wide choice.” You commented with an awkward chuckle, still trying to get back from your fantasy.
“It really depends on my partner, though. Whatever works for them.” He shrugged, his arms leaning forward, palms up. “My turn, right?” He waited for your confirmation.
“Off you go.”
“What’s your most frequent fantasy?” He muttered, shy but also sultry, his voice a low rumble.
You inhaled deeply, noticing how close he had got to what you were thinking a few seconds ago. “Dammit, I might drink.” You looked at the glass, almost lunging for it. But it was a feint. ”Actually lately I’ve been thinking a lot about having sex in the kitchen.”
Fuck. He was out. He licked his lip. He almost thought you were done with your confession, but you went on.
“Being pushed up against the counter and bent over. Or being lifted up and sat on the counter. Having someone tease me while I’m spread on the table. Or having to keep a straight face while someone is toying with me underneath the table.” You scratched your cheek, “You pick.” You whispered slightly embarrassed, laying your hands on your cheekbones in an attempt to calm down your blush.
He lifted the glass. He needed to calm down.
When you noticed his gesture you sucked your lips in, trying to hide a smug grin.
“Are you proud of getting under my skin, Kitten?” He asked.
“Yes, of course.” You replied immediately.
“Well done, ____.” The way he almost moaned your name made your blood soar to your ear. “Your turn, kitty.”
“Are you more on the dominant or submissive side?” You asked. You honestly couldn’t figure this out. He showed small signs leaning towards both sides. He was traditionally courteous, giving you attention and taking care of you, paying for food and using his body language to show you were taken, that you weren’t hanging out with a friend or a relative, but a possible love interest. At the same time, he never initiated openly intimate contact, rather he waited for you to initiate. And he had never kissed you, nor shown any interest in doing so.
“I’m leaning dom. But it’s a slight preference. It has a lot to do with my partner’s preferences. I’ve both dommed and subbed in the past. I like the protective, possessive side of domming, but I also like the receiving, caring side of subbing. Still I enjoy the control that comes from being more dominant. I would say it’s 65 to 35 for domming.”
You nodded. That sounded good. “That’s nice. I’m also a bit in the middle. Leaning sub, though.” It felt natural replying. It felt like he should know.
“Thank you for giving that up.” He smiled, warming up to you, trying to associate a positive outcome to your sharing personal information about yourself. “Now, about my question.” He fumbled a bit in his head, trying to go for something intimate, but not openly sexual. “Okay, if you could kiss any part of your significant other but their face, what would it be?”
You smiled at the cute question. Because you honestly didn’t think of the sexual side of it. “Well, you said no face. Let me think... I think I really like giving hand kisses. They’re old school, but also so meaningful. They’re apparently platonic and innocent, but they have that side of worship and adoration that just makes me weak.” You hugged yourself, growing smitten at the thought.
He cocked his head to the side, looking at you with a curious and endeared expression.
“I also like kissing on the chest, like the breastbone, like the very center of the chest. Another not openly sexual spot, but I think it’s so tender. There’s the heart there, so it’s an especially fond spot. It sort of implies that the other person is hugging you, and that you’re laying your head on their chest.” You gushed, turning absolutely tender at the thought.
“What about the face?” He asked. He wanted your hand kisses. He wanted his fingers in your mouth, but that was not the point of the question at all and you were there smitten and cute and he should stop sexualising your cuteness outburst.
“Isn’t that another question?” You smirked, brow creasing.
“I should have asked for ‘anywhere but mouth’. Dumb me.” He huffed out and sulked.
“Then, forehead kisses. Underrated. Affectionate. Platonic but so tender. They go to a whole other level of intimacy.” You murmured, anything to stop his sulking, which was making your heart twist in your chest.
He grinned “Thank you.” He said, sinking his head between his shoulders.
“Well, pay up for it with question six. Thoughts on being vocal during sexy time?” You asked.
“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate one second. “Tendentially I’m not very verbal, and I try to keep it quiet. After such a long time with roommates, that’s kind of ingrained in me. Since I moved out, I kinda got more vocal, still not very verbal, but don’t expect pornographic feats.” He laughed, trying to relax the mood. “For my partner, any sound is a nice sound, as long as it’s not fake porn screaming. Subtle moaning and heavy breathing get me going quickly. Sensitive ears and stuff.” He scratched his neck. He was getting worked up again. Deep breath, boy. He scolded himself. “Anything else?”
You shook your head. “I’m good, thanks. Come on, shoot it.”
“It’s my number six?”
“Yes, champ. Go get it.” You teased cheekily.
He took in a big breath, licking his lips.
God, any more lip game and you’d throw yourself at him.
“Quick reminder: you have your drink there, just in case.” He offered. “Have you ever had a sex dream?”
Yes, about you and your dirty mouth and naughty hands. Wait, do dirty daydreams count?
He misunderstood your pause for a sign of reluctance. “Your drink is there, ____, waiting for you.” He reminded you.
You took your glass.
He nodded with little movements of his head, his expression neutral. That’s how much is too much, he though.
“I’ve dreamt of a classmate performing oral on me, once during that relationship I mentioned.” You admitted after taking a sip. Indeed, liquid courage. “I felt awful when I woke up. But it was an epiphany of sorts. It really made me understand how fucked up it all was. I don’t usually have those dreams.” You admitted. “Although I have dreamt random stuff about being naked and sexual feelings related to non-sexual contexts. Like once I dreamt I was canoeing on a rough river and I had this complicated torso bondage thing going on.” You laughed awkwardly.
Breast bondage. He was salivating. Maybe he was overthinking it but his mind had reserved a special spot for your breasts and maybe you didn’t even like nipple play that much and he was just making it up in his head. He closed his eyes to avoid checking your chest. He knew it would kill him. He was already dealing with a semi, elbows propped on his knees to hide it, hoping that the angle and the dim lights would help him. In a part of his brain he started building a folder about your previous relationship, saving there all the useful information. He sort of assumed, because of the dream you had recollected, that oral was some sort of hot topic during that time.
“Thank you, Kitten. I was afraid I had gone too far.”
“It’s okay. It’s just… I do wanna open up to you, but there’s hurtful stuff in the process.” You admitted. “I’m a bit fucked up.”
“We all are, sweetheart.” He reassured you, wanting nothing but to hold your hand, bring it to his heart, to his face, to his lips.
“My turn!” You smiled excitedly. “Sleeping habits: pjs, underwear or naked?”
“My sleeping habits or my preferences for my significant other?” He asked, trying to understand the answer you expected.
“Well, since you asked, both? For the kisses question earlier.” You reminded him.
“Nice, okay. I often sleep in pjs, especially when it gets colder. Naked feels nice too, I guess. Usually in the summer. When I’m on vacation.” He thought about the other one. How would he want you to sleep next to him? “I think I like my partner in very loose clothing. Oversized t-shirt and panties.” No bra, of course. He wants his hands to move there freely. “Naked sounds nice, but I don’t expect it. Some people feel vulnerable like that. My ex did.” He explained.
You understood, people are different, et cetera, but at the same time you asked yourself who wouldn’t want to sleep naked next to him. Feel him waking up, his warm skin enveloping you, his hands and mouth having free access to anything he craved, being completely laid bare for his whims and wants.
He noticed you were distracted and asked you his question right away.
When you noticed him staring you moved your head forward, waiting for him to speak.
“I’ve already asked, but maybe you were distracted, Kitten. How would you rate your sex drive from one to ten?” He asked. “To understand your needs, you see.”
You settled back against the back of the sofa, smiling and thinking. “I’d say around seven? Maybe eight? Like, usually I fool around about two or three times a week. Maybe four if I’m feeling very spoiled and needy.” You explained, fumbling around with the words. Yeah, you have toys and use them. Yeah, you masturbate and have an healthy sex life. Getting laid helps you deal with stress and mood swings, and endorphins help you keep your mood up, what’s wrong with that?
“Reasonable.” He didn’t comment on your fooling around. He might as well try to figure that out with the next question.
“What about you?” You asked.
“Is that your question, Kitten?” He waited for your confirmation. At your lively nod, he smiled. “I think I’m also around seven. As you said, I fool around about three to four times a week, when I’m quite relaxed. Sometimes I might get too tired and just avoid it entirely. Sometimes I’m tired but nervous and just do it more often but take shorter sessions. My question now.” He wanted to speed things up a little. It was around three now and he was afraid you wanted to bail on him.
“Go.” You said, already expecting this one to be bad.
“Do you use any sex toys?”
You laughed. “Yes. I do.”
“That’s it?” He asked, impatient to know more.
“When did this conversation become so explicit?” You asked.
“It was you who started it. But since I’m interested in knowing what you like and what you need, I realised I could use it to my advantage. I want to build intimacy with you before I start actually messing with you. I want our first time to feel right. I want to be able to laugh it out, were things to get messy. I want to know how to make you lose your mind beforehand.”
“If you say so…” You smiled suspicious but also curious. “I have a vibrator. A simple, practical one. Very old school, a bullet number. I also have a double density dildo. Expensive ordeal, but most definitely worth the money. And nipple suction cups. They’re still new. It’s a gift from myself I did a few months ago after a tough time at work.”
Fuck, he wanted to shove his head in a frozen lake. Could you? For real? He dragged his hands down his face.
“I wish I could see what’s going on in your head right now.” You wondered, faking aloofness. You were most likely ready to spread yourself on the coffee table and ask him to feast on you. “Now, about my question.” You followed your intuition. “What’s the body part that turns you on the most?”
He took a sip.
Don’t leave me hanging, Yoongi, please. “I like eye contact. Makes me understand the mood of my partner. It really turns me on when my partner maintains eye contact during sex. And I’m a breasts man. A hopeless one at that.” Again he shrugged in an “I can’t help it” kind of way.
You laid your head back against the sofa, looking at him with a knowing glance from under your lashes. “Interesting.” How long would it take to convince him to rip your shirt, slip the cups of your bra under your tits and suck your nipples until you orgasmed a couple times and fell asleep?
He took another sip. He was blushing. You liked your nipples sucked. And he liked sucking them. How convenient. “What’s a blatantly nonsexual thing that turns you on?” He asked, putting down the glass.
You did consider drinking. Could you handle him knowing such a sensitive piece of information? To hell with reason. “If you cup my face I’ll go smitten. Pair that up with a term of endearment or a little praise and I’m ready to drop to my knees.” You admitted.
“Praise kink?” He asked.
“No. I just get soft when someone cups my cheek. It makes me want to please them.” You admit.
“You know I’ll use this against you the moment you allow me to, right?” He states openly.
“Yes. I don’t mind.”
“Ask your question. It’s number ten baby.” He looked at his watch. “It’s late. Tell me when you want to go. I’ll understand.”
“I want to keep going.” You said. In more ways than one. “What’s something you want to try in bed?”
He stared off in the distance. “Oh. Let me think.” He started bouncing his leg. “Specifically in bed?”
“I’m pretty sensitive. Maybe I would try something with blindfolds and restraints and sensation play? Like a feather or silk or something along that line.” He blushed and his his eyes in his hands.
“That sounds interesting. You want to try that on someone else or on yourself?” You asked for clarification.
“Myself. But I’m not opposed to doing that to someone else. Okay, let’s go on, I’m suffering here.” Inhale. Exhale. “Do you want to take it down a notch or keep going?”
“Keep going.” You murmured, afraid of what would come next, but also excited.
“Kitten, what makes you wet in seconds?” He whispered.
“You want to use this against me too?” You suspected.
“Only in your best interests.”
“Do you mean sexual things that turn me on innocent ones?” You pushed your head behind your ear.
“Do your thing, kitten.”
“On a more innocent level, I’m really sensitive to voices. I must say that yours unsettles me a little.” You confessed on a small note, with a tiny voice. “On a sexual level, I’m a mess for anything around my chest and neck. It makes me weak at the knees, it really drives me wild.”
“Touching, kissing, biting, sucking, licking…?” He suggested, fixing his posture.
“Yes to all.” You whispered, stretching to get the glass.
“Yeah.” He took a sip himself.
You gulped and put down the tumbler. “Do you ever willingly deepen your voice?”
“Yes. I did it for you, when we met. I saw you shiver when I did it accidentally, the first time we met at the office. So I did it again. I wanted you to notice me, I wanted to get you flustered.” He admitted shyly.
You sucked you lip. “You did. I was squeezing my legs so bad. You know when you stood up and said goodbye?”
“You were holding the edge of the table.” He remembered, nodding.
“My knees were wobbly. I don’t think my legs could hold me up.” You confessed, shaking your head timidly.
“Poor Kitten.” He said, hiding his mouth behind his hand. “Can I ask you a tricky question, sweetheart?”
As you nodded he huffed out a question, scared to ask. “Oral: giving or receiving.”
“Giving. Receiving is a difficult matter. My ex didn’t really… enjoy that.” You spoke vaguely.
He did a double take. “He didn’t eat you out?”
You shook your head gingerly.
“He was shit.” He muttered, pouring himself another shot. You were eleven questions in and he’d drunk only sips. And it was not because he didn’t answer but rather because he needed to calm his nerves before he jumped you.
“I guess so.” You giggled embarrassedly.
“Never?” he asked again, shocked. “Never in 3 years?”
“Never.” You confirmed. “He said the taste made him gross.”
“Gross… And he wanted you to suck him, quite obviously.”
“I didn’t mind. I like the view”. You admitted with a playful gleam in your eyes.
He saved that for later, but at the moment he was too busy handling the matter of your ex. “Fucker.” He replied and took a sip. “But are you opposed to it?” Yoongi asked, curious and honestly worried. He would give anything to convince you to let him change your mind.
You blushed. “I’ve done it a couple times with a few flings, but just like you and noise-making, my mind is kind of set on giving rather than receiving. Still, I think I could give it a try.” You announced.
“I’m glad you’re not letting that fucker take that from you.” He admitted, keeping the glass in his hand and holding onto it like it were his sanity.
“If I’m being honest, after that time we went to the park– you remember the ice cream right?”
Yeah, he remembered. Most importantly he remembered the huge boner he’d got as he watched you eating it, his body losing it like a teenager. He nodded.
“I think I’ve started to think about… Your head. There.” You were getting loose-lipped.
You were going to make him sin. He swore under his breath, downing the shot. Again you laughed, enjoying how you were affecting him. “Gonna show you how good it is.” He teased.
“Hope you’ll show me many, many things.” You joked cheekily.
“Trust me, I’m keeping a list, sweetheart.” And the final smirk made you want to rip your own panties and offer yourself to his pink, wet tongue. “Are you okay, Kitten?” He asked, reaching for your knee.
If he touches me, I’ll fucking explode. And there was his hand. On your knee. “Have you ever had sexual fantasies about a man?” The words left your mouth quickly.
He let his fingertips caress your clothed skin. He wished you were wearing a skirt. “I consider myself attracted to people regardless of their gender identity. I had a very brief fling with a man once, but nothing truly ever happened. We just kissed a couple times, but we weren’t right for each other, emotionally. He was too reserved for me. And he was incredibly untrusting.”
“So trust is the dealbraker? Trust?” You asked, immediately interested in something that had changed his relationship so dramatically.
He didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
“Okay. I understand.”
“Moving on. What are your thoughts on the last time you had sex?” He kept spurring you on, going deeper and deeper under your skin, getting closer and closer to your soul, trying to discover the very heart of you, and most importantly if he had any chance to settle there.
“Oh God.” You laughed. “It was almost eight months ago. It was traumatic.” Again you laughed.
“Is that an exasperated laugh?” He asked, worried but also interested in your ironic reaction.
“I’m laughing to hold back tears. Last time I had sex, the dude had a dick too big for his own good and didn’t know how to use it. I definitely faked the second one because he kept poking me with his fingers. I asked to change positions so I could touch myself and cum. It was awful.” You laughed some more. “When I went back home I just had to take care of myself.”
“Promise you won’t fake with me.” He almost begged. “Promise me you won’t go home and take care of yourself.”
“I can promise you the first.” You bit your lip. And drank. Don’t ask me the second, please don’t. Please.
“I’ll need the other one too, you know.” He said, pressing you in the matter.
You have no idea, Yoongi. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” He murmured, frowning.
Because I did that so many times already coming home from dates with you, every time silently begging you to kiss me, to touch me, to ruin me. “I’ll try to from now on.”
“I’m sorry if I sent you home frustrated before. But I honestly needed to take my time.” He shoved his hands in his hair, combing it back. “I tend to rush. Once I let go.” He confessed exhaling loudly. He looked at you with a lustful glance. “But I promise I’ll take care of you. Completely.” He was getting flirtier.
“Quickies or long session?”
“Is that your question, kitten? Are you sure?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Answer me, Yoongi.” You laid back, opening your legs just lightly. Anything to lessen the discomfort lodged in your crotch.
He looked amused. “I can do both. But long sessions for the win. The devil’s in the details and the sex is in the foreplay.” He also leaned back and parted his legs, mirroring you perfectly. “What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?”
“A guy I was dating on-again-off-again, before I met my ex. I was twenty. I let him go because I was starting to fall for my ex. He showed me half the stuff I like. The other half I picked up myself.”
He wanted to know more. He wanted to know what you liked, what he owed some horny teenager and what you had discovered yourself. How you had discovered it. Most importantly, he wanted to excel in everything you liked. He wanted to please you again and again, till you were drunk in bliss and his taste, your skin glistening in a gross and divine mixture of his sweat and drool and your own perspiration. He wanted messy and loud and obliterating.
He wanted…
“Have you ever touched yourself while thinking of me?” You asked, bold, spitting the question out of your tongue like ripping off a band aid.
He threw his head back, groaning in something that looked like pain. It wasn’t arousal. You were quite sure.
He was burgundy with shame and effort. He grabbed the glass and downed the alcohol in one go. “Yes.”
You rolled your neck and exhaled, moaning.
“Almost every day.” He went on. “I can’t get you out of my head and I need it to stop for just. One. Second.”
You gulped, then took a big breath through you mouth. “I have too. Thought of you, that is.”
“I assumed so.” He whispered. “I’ve thought of things I’m not proud of, Kitten. I’m a grown, respectful man, but you’ve made such a sorry mess of me.”
“I am so sorry, Yoongi.” No, you’re not.
“You’re truly sadistic, aren’t you?” He asks.
“Is that your question?”
“No.” He pauses. “What’s your favourite body part on yourself and on me?”
Your heartbeat felt like a joke. You closed your legs. No need to try and play it cool. You were drenched, and you were afraid that by now it was actually starting to show. “I think I like my hands? Or maybe… I don’t really know. I think my hands are nice.”
“They are beautiful, ____, really.” So were your tits, but it didn’t feel quite right to point that out in that precise moments.
“Thank you.” You took a long break, biting your lip before going on with your answer. “On you... I’ve been thinking about those hands a lot”
“Yeah.” You deadpanned. The background music shifted to something sultry and so slow you felt like desire was spiraling in your loins with that cool, rich drawl.
“What about them?” He continued.
You took a sip of your drink, looking at him from under your lashes. “Around my throat.”
Yoongi sat back, undoing one button of his shirt. “Keep going.”
“One around my throat, the other in my hair as you kiss me, drawing me in. Keeping me still.”
“Keep going.” He said, closing his eyes and rolling his shoulders.
“Maybe I’ve been thinking of your hand on my chest. Your fingers pinching my nipples.”
“God bless you, Kitten. What else did my naughty hands do in those dreams of yours.”
Your voice got breathy and shy. “Maybe… Just maybe they got between my legs.”
“And how did that make you feel.” He was going to lose it.
His heavy breathing stopped for a second. “Did you touch yourself?” His eyes opened to look at your reaction.
You nodded slowly, trying to get some saliva in your awfully dry mouth. The whisky helped. “I needed it.”
“Good girl.” He praised your honesty, again trying to work on that association between your openness and a positive outcome. He thought it was over. Your confession.
“But to be honest what really made me cum was thinking of your pretty pout on my breasts, licking my tits and biting into the soft skin there.”
He growled, pushing the balls of his hands against his eyes. “Kitten, I think I just came in my pants.”
You laughed wildly at his honesty, rolling your head back and teasing him, showing the expanse of your neck and chest.
“Cruel, ain’t you?”
“I’m also sweet.”
“I don’t care, I’ll lick you up anyway.” He teased downing his glass. His second.
You both did a refill. You were tipsy and his eyes had a gleam that wasn’t there at the beginning of the evening.
“You won’t be able to drive me home.” You murmured.
“Do you really want me to?” He asked.
“No.” You answered.
“Remember, I promised not to fuck you tonight, Kitten.” He reminded you.
“Not even foreplay?” You pouted. “Not even making out? A small peck on the lips?”
“I’m hungry for you. That shit just ain’t it.” He growled. You knew he had deepened his voice for you.
You crossed your legs. “Do you like massage?”
“What number is that?” He asked, referring to how many questions you’ve gone through.
“Fifteen. Do you?” You pressed him, trying to get him to talk.
“I mentioned being sensitive. I do like that when I’m in a stressed mood. I like it after a warm bath, with warm lotion or massage oil. It really makes me weak. An ex introduced me to it and I think I got a bit addicted to it, whenever I feel like I need to be taken care of.”
“It sounds nice.” It felt like a nice pause from the kinkfest that had been going on until five minutes ago.
“Have you ever cried while you were in bed with someone?” He asked, his voice delicate as he reached for another intimate, although innocent side of you.
“The first time I hooked up after my ex. It was so liberating I cried. The guy beside me freaked out a little, but he understood. He was kind, just very emotionally dumb, I suppose.”
“I’m sorry for that. It sounds like he scarred you so much.” Yoongi commented, his boiling desire subduing at your vulnerable, tender side. A silly, egotistic part of him wanted to heal you. Try as hard as he might.
“It’s cool.” Your mouth quirked to the side. “Let’s move on to brighter themes, yeah? What’s your favourite thing to do, sexually speaking?”
He looked at you with doubt in his eyes. You knew the past scars conversation wasn’t over. Still, he smiled bright and replied. “I want to suck your nipples. Bite your soft, round tits, leave hickies all over them.” He leaned over, feeling bold as he let his hand catch yours. He scooted closer to you, his voice so deep he sounded like Hades, god of the Underworld. “That’s one of my favourite things in bed. And not just there, honestly.”
Could a person die from arousal? Because you felt your heart burst at that moment, explode like a match and light up your bonfire body. “Yoongi.” You murmured as he let the back of his fingers travel along the outer side of your thigh in a phantom touch.
“You wanna know what else I really, really like doing in bed? Another fantasy of mine?” He asked, his tone patronising but his posture all the opposite, respectful and tender, like a man talking to his woman. He leaned down, close to your ear. “I want you to sit on my face, Kitten. I wanna lick you up like you’re dripping in cream. I want my face covered in jour taste. I want to choke between your legs. Will you give me that?” He asked, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and placing a soft kiss on your temple. “Will you give me that, Kitten?”
You had gone completely still, afraid that even your smallest move could break the spell. “Take it now, please, Yoongi.” You begged. “I can’t take this anymore. I’m so wet. I’m so tired of needing you all the time!” You whined, grabbing his hand and placing it between your clothed thighs, where your wetness had started to diffuse.
“I can’t, Kitten. You know our promises. But what about my question, uh? Have you ever had a threesome, sweetheart?”
“Once. After leaving my ex I had some wild times. A couple of university friends asked me to join them. I sort of liked it.” You admitted, as your hips tried to grind against his barely-there fingers.
“Liked doing it with a girl?” He asked, gripping your thigh and pressing you down, stopping your attempt at release.
“I liked eating her out.”
“Kitty girl likes using her tongue. Good for her.” He murmured, trying to stop the image of you doing that. He needed to try. Needed to see. Fuck monogamy, he could try this before you became too his to share.
By now he was sitting at your side and you were doing everything, everything in your power to stop yourself from straddling his lap and shoving his head between your breasts. You took your glass and took a sip, his nose drawing a thin line following the outline of your throat while swallowing. You almost choked. “What’s your favorite part of sex?”
“Foreplay. But it was already clear, wasn’t it?” He taunted. “You need to focus, Kitten. Ask the right questions. Mirror sex?” He queried.
“Yes.” You replied. Alcohol spurred you on. “Honestly, I want to try giving a man a hand job while stading behind him, in front of a mirror. I’d like to feel the power of that.” You shrugged.
“That sounds nice.” He played it cool, the erection in his trousers now too blatant to even bother covering.
You almost wanted to ask him if he had a full-length mirror nearby so you could get started right there and then. But you didn’t like how cool and unaffected he seemed. You wanted him to get flustered and drink and undo another button. You wanted him to throw his head back so you could lick a stripe up his neck. “And I would whisper dirty stuff in your ear. Don’t think I didn’t notice how flustered you were during our gallery visit.”
“Darling, that was an exercise in restraint. I almost smashed you against the closest painting at least three times.”
“Only three times?” You lifted your eyebrows dramatically.
“I’m almost offended, Min Yoongi.”
“Careful there, Kitten.” He warned.
“Unless?” You provoked him.
“I’ve promised I won’t fuck you tonight.” He murmured.
“Such a coquettish tease you are.” You huffed, looking away.
“I want you to ruin me, Kitten. We can’t do that until promotion is over and you can leave marks all over me as much as you want.” His deepened voice made you squirm on your seat, legs crossing in desperate need to ease the pulsing under your panties.
“It’s almost four a.m. Are you sure you want to finish this?”
I want you to finish me. “Question...”
“Eighteen, babe.”
“Mh, nice. If your partner ever caught you touching yourself, would you keep going?”
“Depends, but yeah, I think so.” Pause. “I would put up a nice show for you.” He palmed his erection through the fabric, trying to get more comfortable.
Yes, you noticed. No, you did not comment. Self combustion is not your current goal, after all. “That’s all you’re gonna offer me?” You asked piqued, dragging your fingernail from his knee to his hipbone slowly. He didn’t manage to hold back a shiver.
You chuckled lowly. “Sensitive little thing.”
“My turn, little devil. What of masturbating while dirty talking?” He asked, his arm moving behind your back and climbing up, snaking around your shoulder, his hand grabbing your chin to shift your gaze from his lap to his face.
“Want to know a secret, baby?” You lured him in, carefully.
“I’ve touched myself while listening to you.” You whispered at his ear, goosebumps raising everywhere, his whole body growing too sensitive as your hand moved to his inner thigh.
“Really?” Yoongi asks, trying to push his crotch in your palm.
You retreated your hand, offering only the tip of your index finger, which started lazily tracing the outline of his hard on. “I’m sorry. Does it bother you?”
He winced. He would really come in his pants like a teenager. Was your question about your hand or about using his voice to get yourself off? He didn’t mind, both. “I’m perfectly good with it, Kitten. I’m just surprised. What was I talking about.” His voice was neutral, but his eyes were closing, mouth hanging open.
You neared your mouth to his ear and started explaining. “It was a voice note. You were discussing a beat, describing the vibe of the piece you had just finished, murmuring stuff about the bass and not being sure of the tempo, maybe slowing it down.”
“And you came to that?” He asked, opening his eyes and meeting yours.
You were stroking him through his clothes and you hadn’t even kissed him yet. I told you. A slut. That’s what you are. You reprimanded yourself. “I came to the sound of your voice. The pattern of stresses. It was so relaxing. The way your voice resonated.” You kissed his jaw, taking courage.
He smiled. “Next time I’ll send you something more... stimulating, then.” He cocked his head to the side, showing you the soft skin below his chin.
You kissed there too. “I’ll look forward to it.” Another kiss. “Final question.” Another. “if you could do anything to me right now, what would you do?” You placed another kiss on his neck as he moaned, his hips moving shamelessly.
You offered him your palm.
He groaned when he started answering. “Tear your clothes off. Suck your panties clean ‘cause they must be soaked.”
You squeezed your hand around his shape. He was rock hard, the curve following the waistband of his pants. He didn’t feel excessively big, but still his thickness felt nice on your palm. You just wished you could see him naked. He emitted a low whine, his hand dropping from your chin and hitting your chest. “Keep going, Yoongi.” You encouraged him, needing to know what he wanted to do to you.
“I would lick you clean. Fuck you on the sofa, you on top of me. Riding me while I suck on those gorgeous tits.” His hand reached lower, holding your breast and rolling it expertly in his gentle grip. “I’d cum in your cunt while I’m balls deep inside you. And when we’re done I would fuck my cum back inside with my tongue.” He growled like a vicious beast and you just couldn’t help it, you needed your hand between your thighs. You obeyed to your need.
“You’re a filthy, greedy boy, Yoongi, aren’t you?” You asked, giving him more, rewarding for the glorious image he’d just gifted you.
“It’s with you. Just you.” He called out, his voice broken, his mouth desperate. “My final question. Why haven’t you kissed my lips yet?”
“I was waiting for you.” You murmured, bringing your lips upwards, against his throat. He was completely immobilised as you lingered a hairsbreadth from his plush pout. “Yes?”
“Yes.” He whispered.
That’s when you lowered yourself on him, once hopeless, starved and now finally hopeful and nourished.
He feeded you milk and honey, his assault sweet and rich, a balm to your tarnished soul. His lips latched onto your lower lip, sucking and sucking in a way that made you want to offer him every inch of your body. Yes, you would still wait for this. You would keep waiting. For this moment to come back, for this feeling to bloom and fill you over and over again, anytime he kissed you, from now to the rest of eternity. You murmured his name on his mouth and he spoke yours, with alarm over his features.
“Too much, too much, Kitten, please.” He whispered, pressing harder against your hand. “Want you. Please. Touch yourself. I wanna cum with you.”
He was lost and desperate, grinding against you like a fool.
You undid your zipper and put your hands on your sodden folds. You delivered a peck on his lips. “How close?” You asked.
“Very.” He replied, wetting your lips with the tip of his tongue, making you open your mouth and licking you up, flirting with your own tongue.
You pulled away to bite his jaw gently. “I’ve never been this wet, Yoongi. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
“Gimme...” You studied the geography of his lap, finding his tip and focusing there. “Yes.” He murmured, before intensifying his pushes. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Please, ____, let me hear you.”
You let out an embarrassed, tentative whine, then, trying to properly assist him, you started getting carried away, losing your damper, clenching your inner muscles and whispering his name. “Yoongi, I’m close.” You murmured. “Need you to…”
“Yes, Kitten, baby, please… I–” With a groan, he hid his head in the crook of your neck, biting on the skin, not too harshly.
It was all it took. “Yoongi!” You screamed, pushing into your own hand and collapsing against the back of the couch, dragging him with you.
When you regained conscience, he was already out of his high, looking flustered and sleepy and glowing. Beautiful.
“Can I?” He uttered quietly.
You nodded, barely coherent.
He helped your hand out of your waistband, careful not to stain your clothes. And granting you a fine view, he brought your hands to his mouth and licked them clean.
His tongue delved into every angle and plane, making sure he got every drop. Licking his lips, he stared into your soul and murmured deeply. “The fucking sweetest.”
And then he held you close. “There’s a spare bathroom, at the end of the hall. It has everything you need.” He explained. “I’ll get cleaned myself. Will you sleep in my bed?” He asked, his voice so vulnerable it shattered your heart.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Back (Juban)
note: hey so i'm back. i recently got into a3! and i wrote a fuck ton of juban one shots so i'm just going to dump them here as a consolation for my hiatus. my apologies for those who have been waiting for the part 2 of the college childe au, i'll quickly get on that as soon as i gather my thoughts again.
word count: 1.2k
"This is such a pain in the ass."
Banri always considered himself to be a decent looking guy. Sure, he might not have the princely-type of charm that Itaru pretended to have, nor did he have the "I'll protect you and take care of you always" vibe that Omi gave off, but he always thought of himself as an attractive looking guy. He was rather famous at Hana High, he just didn't find it amusing to be fucking around with the girls who thought he was hot. People might have labelled him as a fuckboy who'd gladly stick his dick in any hole available, but he had standards.
That standard in particular was Hyodo Juza.
Banri always hated Juza for making him feel like shit. He was the Banri Settsu; Never lost at anything, good at everything, always number one Banri Settsu. Yet Juza came crashing into his life like some damn meteor from outer space, ruining the self-esteem he took pride in for over seventeen years of his life. After Juza made him realize that there's more to life than just being exceptional at anything and everything you do, Banri had to stop and reevaluate is principles.
Did Hyodo really just awaken something in him that he didn't even know existed?
Did Hyodo really give Banri a sense of purpose?
Did Hyodo really make Banri realize that he actually wanted to be passionate about something?
"Oi, Settsu,"
Banri's line of thought was cut short by Juza's raspy voice ringing in his ears.
"What?" Banri snapped.
"The hell are you scowling for?"
"Your face is annoying me."
"'M not even facing you, you fox-eyed piece of shit."
"Who the hell are you calling a piece of shit, you daikon?"
Banri was about to start a full-on fight with Juza until his eyes met one of the most gorgeous things he's ever seen in his life. His deep purple eyes widened as he saw the Juza Hyodo struggling to pull-up a zipper from the back. No, no, it wasn't a simple zipper of a jumpsuit or anything like that.
It was a fucking maid outfit.
Apparently Muku and Kazunari had this genius idea of opening a maid cafe for the third anniversary of the new Mankai Company's first official show. Why were the other troupes involved in this? Banri had no idea. He wasn't really opposed to wearing a maid outfit since he was comfortable in his sexuality, but something about the man in front of him wearing one made the cogs in his head turn the other way.
Banri did his best to hide his crimson face with a half-assed laugh.
"You look so dumb." Banri didn't like the way it came out of his mouth because of how pathetic it sounded.
"I don't give a single shit about what you have to say, Settsu. Just help me get this zipper up. Yuki's gonna kill me if I don't fit into this. It's only been a week since he last took my measurements."
Banri was hesitant at first. Was he going to help Juza like a normal person? Was he going to let his crazy teenage hormones get the best of him? Who knows?
He stopped to breathe for a few seconds, eyes still glued to Juza's struggling figure. No doubt, he had one of the most well-built bodies in the Mankai Company. Banri was well-aware of the fact that Juza went to the gym once in a while if he could squeeze it between school and practice, but since when the hell did he get this damn sculpted?
He marvelled at how Juza's muscly thighs were exposed because of how the maid outfit was. It covered enough for it to be deemed decent, but it was still a refreshing sight to see this much of Juza's flesh exposed. He was always one for modesty, after all.
His eyes travelled upwards, noticing how Juza's biceps flexed each time he tried to reach for the zipper against his spinal column.
Since when did he get so buff, anyway?
He could've sworn that all the air was knocked from his lungs when his eyes finally rested on Juza Hyodo's back- his goddamn motherfucking back.
Banri was always confident in how he looked. He kept himself in-shape just enough to maintain a flat stomach, he took care of his skin, and he just knew that he was hot shit in general. He also knew that he was straight. He was heterosexual. He was into girls.
So why the fuck did he, Banri Settsu, feel a rushing heat creep up on his face when he stared at Juza's toned, muscular, and absolutely beautiful back?
He could've sworn some drool actually escaped from the corner of his lips upon seeing how gorgeous Juza's back looked. He only ever saw Juza's back during the occasions that they'd accidentally encounter each other in the bath (maybe Banri "accidentally" delayed his bath schedule to "accidentally" meet Juza in the bath once or twice but that was definitely unintentional). Even if he did see Juza's bare body in the bath, this was the only time that he got to see his back up-close and personal.
Banri didn't even think that it was humanly possible to get attracted to a fucking back. He wanted to just outline all the ripples and definitions etched on his back. He wanted to trace over the cute little birthmark in the middle of his spinal column. He wanted to know how the skin on his back would feel against his fingernails if he-
"Oi, Settsu!"
Again, Juza's voice boomed in his ears. Only now, it sounded more annoyed and exasperated. His eyes were finally piercing Banri's.
"Stop spacing out and help me get this zipper up!"
"U-Uh, yeah. Whatever." Banri swallowed the lump in his throat, his adam's apple visibly bobbing.
Banri strode over to Juza and quickly pulled the zipper until his sultry back was no longer in sight. A shame, really.
Juza exhaled, straightening out the front of his costume and dusting it off.
"Don't look half bad," Banri heard Juza mutter to himself as he eyed himself in the mirror.
Banri absolutely loathed at how he wanted to agree with Juza's self-praise.
"'Chu think?" Juza asked half-heartedly, slicking his hair back. Oh my fucking god, was Banri hard?
"Looks fine. Whatever." Banri didn't even want to face him because of how ashamed and absolutely mortified he felt. He quickly excused himself and left the room, leaving a confused Juza standing there in a maid outfit.
"Never know what's going on in that head of his." Juza continued to admire himself in the mirror.
Meanwhile, Banri slammed the bathroom door rather loudly, startling the people who were hanging out in the lounge. His head was resting on the palms of his hands. Was he straight? Did he like Hyodo? Was this okay? How was he that hot? Thousands of questions ran across his mind, and he could barely even manage the red flush on his cheeks.
Overall, what did Banri learn from this experience?
Even though Juza Hyodo made him feel emotions and complexes that he never really felt before, he could temporarily forget about his personal vendetta against the guy if his gorgeous back was on display like that.
20 notes · View notes
softrenjunnie · 4 years
collection l njm (part one)
Tumblr media
Na Jaemin, star quarterback and infamous fuckboy, likes to collect girls. It’s a well-known fact - yet every girl swoons over and crushes on him. Well, everyone except you; yet you’re the one he’s longing the most for to add to his collection. But are you sure that’s the only thing he wants to do to you?
part one/?
pairing: reader x jaemin, reader x jeno
characters: fuckboy!jaemin, brother!donghyuck, football players!nct dream, hina, koeun and possibly other former smrookies
genre: fluff, suggestive themes, smut in the next part, college!au
word count: 6.5k
warnings: swearwords, mentions of sex & lowkey bullying (nothing major)
note: aaaah sorry for being so slow with the hogwarts!aus, and part 2 of the royal wedding, and the ways to say “i love you” requests... i’ve been working on this and requests on @softseongminnie​ instead... anyways i hope you like this one! feel free to leave any comments or feedback, and i hope you all have a great day! also uhhhh i had some problems w making this appear in the tags yesterday when i was supposed to post it so sorry for the delay!! 
series masterlist l full masterlist
You put your spare key into the hole of Donghyuck’s door, turning it around hastily and practically throwing yourself inside.
“LEE DONGHYUCK!” you yelled, not even bothering to close the door behind you first. He was sitting, as usual, in front of his television with a game console in his hand. And, of course, his best friend Jaemin was sitting next to him. “I can't believe you!”
“What?” he mumbled, his eyes not leaving the screen and his mind obviously not focusing on you.
“You broke up with Hina,” you spat, the disgust in your voice not easy to mistake. “On a Monday after school. Over a text message!”
“Pause the fucking game this exact moment, Na Jaemin.” Even though he was a tough guy, and usually wasn’t afraid of anything, Jaemin understood that you were furious and that this whole situation would explode if he didn’t obey. Your brother finally turned his head and looked at you where you were now standing a few feet away from them. “You dated for what, five months? You can’t just break up like that after such a long relationship. She's wrecked, I'm telling you.”
“She was boring, what was I supposed to do?” Jaemin snickered from next to him and you sighed.
“You realized as late as after five months that she’s boring?”
Donghyuck shook his head. “No, I knew it all along.”
“Then why-”
“Because the sex was good,” he hummed, earning a yooo and a high-five from Jaemin.
“You’re both disgusting,” you muttered before walking over to his desk, pulling out the chair and sitting down on it. You took up a takeout menu from the pile of papers lying in front of you, and you were about to ask them if they wanted some Chinese when Donghyuck cut you off again.
“You’re just grumpy because you haven’t had good sex in a while.”
Your jaw dropped as he unpaused the game and they started playing again. “And why’s that, do you think? Couldn’t be because you make sure no one in your team even looks at me.”
“They wouldn’t have sex with you anyway, a sister of a brother is like their own sister-”
But now, it was Donghyuck’s time to be interrupted. By Jaemin. “I wouldn’t mind banging you, though.” A wide smirk was spread on his lips, but he was instantly kicked off the couch he was sitting on by the other boy.
“You are not having sex with my sister just to have another girl to collect, you idiot,” Donghyuck huffed and Jaemin stood up, massaging his butt that he had fallen on before sitting down again.
Pretty much everyone called Jaemin a fuckboy. It was well-known across campus that he “collected” girls - almost every weekend morning new girls were leaving his room in the frat house in yesterday’s clothes. No one got more than one night with him, yet everyone wanted him. Except for you. Almost the entire cheer team was swooning over him at all times; how could they not? He was tall, handsome, the quarterback and MVP of the football team - and according to many, the best sex of your life. But none of this mattered to you. Jaemin had from the day that you two met acted like you were just another girl who was head over heels for him, who he could toy around with. You tried your best to dismiss him and show him that you didn’t care about him at all - yet he always kept trying.
“So if I’m doing her for something more long-lasting than just my collection, it’s okay?” he asked, and Donghyuck was about to answer when you cut in.
“Don’t I have a say in this?”
“No,” they both said at the same time and you shook your head.
“Besides, I’m not letting you date my little sister, we’ve been over this a thousand times...”
“I’m only a few minutes younger, get over yourself.” You sighed when you could tell than Donghyuck was grinning and stood up, taking the menu with you. “So I take that as you two don’t want takeout?”
“Get me a number 23,” Donghyuck said, and you snorted as if to tell him that he had forgotten the magic word. “Please.”
“Should’ve thought about the fact that you're so lazy that you need your sister to get you dinner before you acted like an ass, hm?” You shuffled over to the door, opening it. “You’ll only get it if when I come back, you’ve gone to Hina's room and apologized to her.” You left the room through the front door, but before you closed it behind you, you could hear Jaemin’s voice again.
“Number 11 with tofu! Thank you!”
Despite his constant (failed) effortless tries to flirt with you, you and Jaemin were actually pretty good friends. A best friend of your brother had always become a friend to you, and Jaemin was no exception. The two of you would bicker over anything and everything, and nobody could stop you from calling each other rude names. Whenever your practices were at the same time, you’d be spending half the time sticking out your tongue at him, but during games you were always the biggest fan of him (and Donghyuck, who was a wide receiver on the team).
You weren’t denying that Jaemin was extremely attractive, and you weren’t denying that it was tempting to give in to him. But you had decided that you weren’t going to for two reasons. The first was your extreme hate of his view on girls; you weren’t just going to be treated like an item, someone to just have sex with.  And the second reason was that there were probably a bunch of guys out there who’d take care of you and love you without viewing you as an object. And to confirm that, you had actually found someone who seemed to really care about you.
Lee Jeno had transferred to your school only a few months ago, having gotten in on a football scholarship just like so many others on the NCT Narwhals football team. He played running back and since he was new in the team, you assumed he didn’t know about your brother’s stupid ban on dating you. And you didn’t tell him, either, as it would put him in a tough position. You hadn’t gone especially far, but you had been going on a few dates that you had kept secret to make sure Donghyuck didn’t find out. Because as much as you wanted to hold Jeno’s hand in public and kiss him in front of your friends, you knew that Donghyuck was extremely overprotective of you as he’d scared away many of your boyfriends before - and you knew he’d do it again.
So the following evening when your cheerleading practice was at the same time as the football practice, you made a great effort trying to focus on your own training instead of looking over at the boys. And every time you let your mind and eyes slip, you had to force yourself to keep a straight face and hold back a blush because Jeno kept winking and smirking at you.
What you didn’t see, though, was that Jaemin had noticed the rookie’s lack of focus and how his eyes fluttered back and forth between the two teams’ practices. It didn’t take him long to figure out that Jeno was so interested in your practice because of a girl.
After the practice had ended, Jaemin was about to leave with Donghyuck to hit the gym, but spotted Jeno leaning against the fence surrounding the field, looking over at the cheer team wrapping up. He jogged over.
“Hey, fresh meat!” he shouted, making Jeno turn and look at him with a questioning but slightly happy look. When Jaemin arrived, he leaned against the fence too. “Checking someone out?”
Jeno shrugged. “I guess. Or, more like, waiting for,” he said.
“Can I ask who?” Jaemin grinned and crashed his shoulder into the other boy’s playfully. “If it’s Koeun, you should know she’s very tough to handle even though she looks sweet. Hina is a good fuck, but I should warn you that she kind of has this on-and-off-thing with Donghyuck. And-“
Jeno interrupted him. “Actually, she wants to keep things secret for a while we’re getting used to each other." He paused for a moment. "But let me tell you, it's going slooowlyy..."
Jaemin chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully. “Booriiing,” he hollered, making Jeno laugh.
“I agree, bro. I mean, if we’re being honest, I think we’re going a bit too slow,” he muttered. “Not that I can tell her that, of course. Might have to get a plan B going in the meantime, if you get what I’m saying.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
Jaemin opened his mouth a little in shock. Ever since the first time he had seen Jeno, he had thought that the new boy looked so innocent and sweet; not as rough or “fuckboy”-like as he himself and some of the other boys on the team. So it surprised him to hear those kinds of words from Jeno’s mouth.
Jaemin patted his shoulder, standing up properly again and shooting a glance behind him where he could see Donghyuck waiting impatiently for him. “If you need any help with that, let me know. I have some connections.”
“Thanks, bro,” Jeno said, giving Jaemin a bro-hug before leaning back onto the fence and letting Jaemin strut off.
Jeno didn’t have to wait long until it was your turn to walk up to him (after making sure there were no other boys in sight, of course). You greeted him with a quick hug, both of you chatting about your practices for a while before you questioned him on the main reason you had gone up to him.
“What were you talking to Jaemin about?” you asked.
“He just...” His eyes wandered over the field as he tried to make something up. “He invited me to a party on Friday. Do you want to come too?”
You shrugged. ”If it’s at their frat house then no, thanks.”
Jeno frowned slightly. “Why’s that?”
You checked the time on your phone, and as you had forgotten that your coach had been late today (and then forced you all finish late), it was later than you had anticipated. “Can we maybe talk about this in like an hour? I need to proofread my paper on the Cold War until tomorrow and I also need to take a shower, and-“
“Mr. Kim’s class? American history?” he asked, interrupting you. You nodded. “I can read it and give you notes if you’d like? I sent in that paper last week and got full marks.”
And just over thirty minutes later, you opened the door to your dorm to find Jeno standing there freshly showered, just like you were. He snickered when his eyes caught the oversized t-shirt hanging past your pyjama shorts, and as it was actually Donghyuck’s shirt and you still hadn’t told Jeno he was your brother, you didn’t say anything but only pulled him inside the room. You pushed him down to sit by your desk, the document for your essay opened on your laptop and ready to be beta-read. You mumbled a quick “don’t judge” before pressing your lips to his cheek and running off to your stove to make some tea.
Just as you had poured two cups full to the brim with some earl gray, there was a knock on your door. You put the kettle back on the stove before going over to the door, peeping through the little hole before opening to see who it was.
It was Jaemin.
You opened the door but only a big enough that you could stick your face out through the hole. “Yes?”
“Donghyuck sent me here to ask you-“ He stopped mid-sentence. “Why aren’t you opening the door?”
“What do you mean? It’s open,” you uttered, opening it only a few centimeters more than before, still not enough for him to look inside the room. You couldn’t have him see the boy who was currently sitting by your desk, it would ruin everything because he would definitely tell your brother and then Jeno would be bullied. You knew so, because they had done it before to the boys before you’d done as little as study with.
“Are you hiding something?” he questioned. “Is it a boy? Oh, I know someone who’d love to hear about this!”
“Go away,” you told him through your gritted teeth.
Jaemin, however, didn’t seem to find this situation as serious as you were. He was grinning brightly. “At least tell me who it is, will you? Is it someone from the team?” Your eyebrows knotted in frustration, and you considered just slamming the door into his face. Then, what seemed like a funny idea came into his mind. “Is it that new guy? Jeno?”
Your jaw dropped. How’d he guess it right? Instantly after realizing your absurd give-away, you tried to cover it up by adapting the same expression as earlier and trying to come up with something witty to say. “No, I’m-“
“Is it really Jeno?” Your expression wasn’t the only one that had changed. Jaemin wasn’t grinning anymore. He looked shocked too. In one swift motion, he grabbed a hold of your wrist, pulling you out through the door and pulling it closed behind you. “You can’t date him, he-“
You curt him off. “Yeah? And why’s that?” you spat. “I’m fucking tired of Donghyuck thinking he can determine the entire outcome of my life. I’m going to do what I want to do, no matter what he says.”
Jaemin shook his head, his eyes scanning the corridor around you to make sure nobody was near enough to hear either of you. “It’s not about him. It’s about Jeno. You...” His voice trailed away as he tried to find words. He couldn’t just straight up tell you what he’d heard today - that Jeno was even considering going to someone else while he was seeing you - it really didn’t feel like his place. And he didn’t think you’d believe him anyway. “You can’t trust him.”
“Fuck, Jaemin, I actually thought you’d grow up over these years. But I guess not.” He looked at you, confusion prominent in his face. “You’re just jealous, huh? You’re mad someone else is giving me attention for once. You know what? I’m tired of you always talking about me like I belong to you or something. Like I’m only here for you to have sex with. Surprise! Not every girl on this campus wants to suck your dick.”
You felt almost out of breath after your rant. But it felt so good. Finally, you’d said all those things you’d been thinking for an eternity. It was like a weight was lifted off your chest.
“So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go inside to a person who actually cares about me.” You opened your door, squeezing yourself in through the opening and just as you were about to close it, Jaemin stuck his foot in through the hole, keeping it opened.
“I promise you, he’s up to no good,” he breathed. But you only shook your head, giving his foot a slight kick to make it move, and closing the door fully. And you didn’t forget to lock it, just in case.
The days went by and you didn’t speak a single word to Jaemin. What had been on about, anyway? Was he really that obsessed with you that even seeing you studying with someone else made him so upset? You couldn’t help wondering if he was so intent on having sex with every girl on campus that he would actually get jealous over one of them dating someone who wasn't Na Jaemin.
At lunch every day or in your shared classes, the two of you sat quiet, only speaking if spoken to, with frowns upon both of your faces. Donghyuck had noticed instantly, but it took until lunch break on Thursday before he said anything.
“Why are you two so quiet?” he questioned in a mocking tone with his mouth full of rice, pointing his chopsticks towards the two of you who were seated at the opposite sides of the table. “Are you fighting or something?”
You threw a glare over at Jaemin, who seemingly did the same to you, before rolling your eyes and looking down at your food again.
“You’re seriously not going to tell me? Sis, what-“
You had to control yourself not to slam your fists onto the table. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, you stood up and grabbed your tray, looking back at Jaemin. “Go ahead and tell him if you’d like,” you started. “Then everyone can know how obsessed you are with me.” As you turned around to leave, you could hear him huff loudly but Donghyuck stayed quiet, which he usually wouldn’t be unless he had been confused. And that you assumed he would continue being, because you thought that no threats in the world from him would be able to make Jaemin admit that he was just jealous.
The day after, you decided it would be better to skip lunch than have to face Jaemin again. Besides, you had some maths homework due on Monday that you felt like you should work on, so the library felt like a good option compared to the cafeteria. But after only studying for a few minutes, your phone beeped. It was a text from Jeno.
jenooo <3 : where are you?
You quickly typed out a message telling him that you were at your usual table in the library, before putting away your phone and trying to focus on your work again. This time, it took a bit longer until you were interrupted again - but it wasn’t by your phone. It was because someone was walking up to the table.
When you looked up, you saw Jeno’s sweet eye-smile shining down on you. “You didn’t answer my text,” he started before putting down a brown paper bag on the table. “so I got you a sandwich.”
You smiled, opening the bag and pulling it out. “Thank you,” you hummed at him.
He pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the table and sat down. “I noticed that you weren’t sitting at your usual table,” he said and you nodded slowly. “Why?”
You hadn't told him about your "talk" with Jaemin. And you still hadn't told him that Donghyuck was your brother, which you had been planning to do after he read your essay; you had just been too caught up in the moment and too angry to say anything.
“I had a fight with Jaemin,” you mumbled as you unwrapped the sandwich. “He’s just jealous of you.”
Jeno frowned and you took a bite. “He knows about us?” You shrugged.
“Well, he saw us together once so I guess he understood.” You took another bite, chewing it down quickly. “He’s not jealous jealous, he just wants to fuck me. And since I’m not letting that happen, he’s taking it out on you. Only in his mind, of course.” You glanced at him. “Or, I hope?”
Jeno chuckled and shook his head, smiling. “No, he hasn’t said anything to me. Thanks for the warning, though.”
You knew Jaemin wouldn’t physically hurt someone only from jealousy. You knew he wasn’t like that. As cocky as he may act, he wouldn’t hurt a fly without a proper reason. Though, you were a bit scared he would take out his anger in another way. And you would soon realize that you hadn't been too wrong to think he would do something to get revenge on Jeno.
Friday nights were for football, and today was no exception. The team was up against one of the bottom teams in the league, so everyone was quite relaxed and sure it would be an easy game. You and the girls in the cheer team had just greeted the audience and were shaking your pompoms at them when the game started, and the NCT Narwhals got possession of the ball. Jaemin, as the quarterback, started off the match with two beautiful passes to Donghyuck, making the team move down the field by a great bit. From their formation, you could tell that their next play was going to be a running play - which meant that Jaemin would toss the ball to Jeno who would try to run as far as possible. You watched intently, hoping for everyone’s best that it would be successful; but it wasn’t. The pass, which was only a few meters in distance, didn’t make it to Jeno’s hands. It was too short, making Jeno having to stop in his tracks to pick up the ball from the ground and therefor lose distance.
You knew it wasn’t Jeno’s fault. It could’ve been an honest mistake, but you weren’t so sure about that. To you, it had seemed like Jaemin hadn’t even tried. You shook it off, trying to tell yourself that it wouldn’t happen again. But then, a few plays later, Jaemin threw another pass to Jeno that was too short. The audience roared, as the team now was in a very tough position with a lot of distance left and only one down left. Luckily, the team was known to be bold - so even though the risk was high, and it was only at the beginning of the game, Jaemin decided to pass to Donghyuck, and the pass laid in your brother’s hands just a few moments later. It was almost as if Jaemin was like a light switch; one second he was playing without a flaw, and the next he was playing with only flaws. And he showed that irregularity the very next play when he was supposed to hand the ball over to Jeno, but instead only dropped it to the ground, not making a single effort to pick it up again. As Jeno had already picked up speed in the direction past the ball, he had no chance of turning around and getting the ball. Especially since the opponents had already grabbed it from their feet, running towards the endzone to score.
By now, you were furious. It was clear he was doing it on purpose. And he kept on doing it. You could hear yells from the bleachers and whispers from your teammates about how bad Jeno was playing and how he should be substituted. You thought that they obviously had no idea how the game worked, but you luckily did, so you knew who was actually to blame.
At the end of the game, when Jaemin nonchalantly missed his hand-over to Jeno at the last play of the game, making them miss the last chance to score and take back the lead that Jaemin had lost them, he had crossed the line.
When both teams were on their way to their changing rooms, you spotted Jaemin walking alongside Renjun, a defensive player - and they both looked way more satisfied than the rest of the team combined. There was a subtle smile on Jaemin’s lips; one that certainly wasn’t appropriate for what had just happened. You dropped your pompoms right in your spot and hurried over to him before he could make it off the field.
“You idiot,” you spat, pushing his chest with your hands to make him stop. “You guys just fucking lost to them!”
Jaemin chuckled. “It’s not my fault your loverboy can’t catch a ball,” he breathed.
You couldn’t control your impulses - your hand slapped across his face before you could even react. But you didn’t regret it. He held up a hand to cover his cheek, feeling the skin where you had slapped him. He looked as if he was in pain but trying to cover it up by grinning. “You think I’m stupid? I haven’t missed a single game Donghyuck has played ever since he started, so don’t think you can trick me into thinking that Jeno is the one to blame when I know the game well enough to see that it was you.”
Jaemin shook his head, looking past you to where Donghyuck was walking nearer, wondering what all the commotion was about. “I’ve told you, he’s not as good as you think.”
You had an urge to slap him again, but you held back, taking a deep breath. “And I always thought you had at least a bit of good in you, but I guess we're both wrong.”
You turned on your heel and rushed off, almost knocking into your confused brother but quickly sidestepping him. You ignored his calls of your name and questions of why you were so angry - was that really so obvious? - and continued back to your dorm room again.
Behind your back, Jaemin had finally dropped his hand from his throbbing cheek and rolled his eyes at the way you were storming away. “Your sister sure knows how to throw a punch, huh?” he muttered. “Did you teach her that?”
“Watch out before I punch you too.”
The only person you talked to before bed that night was Jeno. Or, maybe not talk - what you did was send him a text message, apologizing for how Jaemin had acted right before putting your phone away to try not to think about the situation more. You had gone to bed with one of your favorite tv shows playing on the television screen in the room, trying to block out all thoughts of Jaemin, Donghyuck, and Jeno. It had worked while you were awake, though you hadn’t exactly gotten a good night's sleep - you had been dreaming several nightmares that you couldn't recall the plot of, but what you could remember was that they were about Jeno and Jaemin.
When there was a knock on your door, you were pulled out of your sleep. Yelling a quick “coming!” in the direction of the door, you got out of bed and pulled on a t-shit and a pair of pyjama pants. Making your way towards the door, you combed through your hair with your fingers, hoping to help fix your appearance a bit - but it wasn’t necessary, as the one standing on the other side of the door was Hina.
“Oh, hey,” you said, inviting her inside. “What’s up?”
“I don’t know, I just need to take my mind off some things, distract myself,” she huffed, taking a seat by your desk.
“Perfect,” you started, taking off the shirt you’d put on hastily (muttering to yourself something about how dirty it was and how you needed to do some laundry soon), instead putting on a clean one and changing your pants to a pair of jeans. “so do I!” You smiled at her.
“You want to catch some lunch, then?”
“Already?” You frowned, looking up at the clock on your wall. You instantly took back what you said, as it was nearing two in the afternoon.
“You must’ve had a good night's sleep?” Hina hummed, spinning a few times on the chair.
“I wish,” you muttered, checking yourself out in the mirror next to the door, making sure you looked alright to go out. Then, you grabbed your phone and opened it for the first time since last night, and out of all of the notifications you’d gotten, there were four that stood out. Four texts from Jeno; one from just about three hours ago, three from yesterday. You started off by reading the old ones.
jenooo <3 : it’s all fine! it’s not your fault. it’s all on him, you don’t need to defend him. the coach knows jaemin was the bad player, though not why, so he isn’t mad at me.
jenooo <3 : do you want to meet up now? i didn't see you after the game when i went to the bleachers, i thought you’d stay with your friends as usual
jenooo <3 : welp, you not answering me either means that you’re ignoring me or that you’ve already gone to bed. hoping for the latter. sleep well :)
Then, your eyes landed on the last one.
jenooo <3 : in case it makes you feel any better, i just saw one of the girls from your team leave his room
It did make you feel a bit better. You hoped it meant that Jaemin had moved on, at least a little - even if you yourself were happy with Jeno, you didn’t want a jealous boy run after you. Especially if said boy was more than happy to go great lengths to make sure Jeno was unhappy.
Though, you were a bit confused as to how Jeno could know that. He didn’t live in the frat house, he lived on campus like any regular student.
Shaking the thought out of your head, you turned back to Hina. “Chinese?”
You two went to the little Chinese restaurant right next to campus, and thankfully it was almost empty so the two of you could talk without worrying that someone would eavesdrop (except for the staff, but you wondered how interested they were in your gossip anyway). You told her all about Jeno and Jaemin, and Hina told you all about how Donghyuck had come to apologize to her, saying that he had joked and didn’t really want to break up with her (to which you made a mental note to kick him the next time you saw him).
You loved the food at the restaurant, but another reason you went there was the fortune cookies you could get for free after the meal. So, naturally, both of you reached into the bowl on the counter after paying to grab a cookie each. You cracked your cookie open right in the middle, put a piece of it in your mouth before reading the paper that had been inside of it out loud.
“You will realize that you’ve taken the wrong side of an argument and your enemy will become your friend.” You snorted. “No way, Jaemin is a dick.”
Hina read hers out loud too. “Don’t give out your trust too easily. What’s that even supposed to mean?” She scoffed, as you picked up another cookie from the bowl, thinking that you deserved another shot as the first one was completely ridiculous.
“Hey, I got the same one!” you exclaimed and you both laughed it off as you exited the restaurant.
“You’re coming tonight, aren’t you?” Hina asked, shivering slightly from the cold wind blowing over her body in contrast to the heat from inside the restaurant. “To the party at their frat house? I heard Jeno will be there.”
You shook your head. “I already told him I wouldn’t come,” you said.
“Then make it a surprise for him!” she squealed. “It’ll be really cute, because he will be sitting there all alone and thinking about you and then - there you are!” You chuckled at her excitement, but thought to yourself that she was right. It could be fun to surprise him - and besides, you hadn’t been to a party in a while now, so maybe it was about time to let loose. And some alcohol in your system most likely wouldn't make it harder for you to forget about Jaemin.
So just a few hours later, you left your room wearing a cute white blouse tucked into a pair of jean shorts with Hina, making your way towards the frat house. Upon entering, the smell of liquor combined with too strong perfumes and cheap cologne crashed over you, though you weren't surprised. You had been to a fair share of college parties in your days, even before you started college yourself; since Donghyuck often was invited to parties because he was a player (and apparently they were invited to all parties, no matter the age), he dragged you along since he said he needed company to make him seem less lonely. But he always made you swear you wouldn’t tell anyone you were siblings and that he was bribing you with cookies...
Speaking of Donghyuck, he was one of the first people you spotted when you entered the big lounge. He was sitting next to Jaemin (of course) in a couch to your left, the both of them seemingly happily engrossed in a conversation - until Jaemin’s eyes accidentally landed on you. His grin turned into a frown and he looked away instantly. You rolled your eyes mentally but smiled as you waved goodbye to Hina who was making her way to your brother, telling you to “go find him!”.
You continued your journey through the house, looking around in several different rooms that were all filled with drunk students making out or fighting - but Jeno was nowhere to be seen. You found it strange, but then you realized that he might just not have arrived yet. You decided to make your way back to the lounge to find someone else to talk to, even if it was your brother and Hina because you had a feeling Jaemin would stay quiet as he had these last few days. You took a shortcut through the kitchen, but something caught your eyes before you left. You found Jeno, but not like you wanted to see him.
You almost didn’t recognize that it was him at first where he was standing by the wall, since his face was being covered by another girl’s face. Her lips on his, Jeno’s eyes closed in satisfaction and his hands on her hips, keeping her close.
You couldn’t believe your eyes at first, but as you took a few steps closer and sure enough, it was really him. As if he could sense your presence, his eyes flung open and after searching the room, they flew to you. He pushed the girl away and took a few steps towards you. “I- I can explain-“
You shook your head and cut him off. “No,” you spat. “Don’t come near me. Ever again.” As of that, you turned around and made your way towards the exit.
Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes any second now, but you forced them back, not wanting anyone here to see you as weak. You had trusted Jeno. You believed he wasn’t like any other boy. But it seemed like he was.
As you had been too focused on not crying, you hadn’t been aware of your surroundings. You accidentally bumped into someone, stumbling a little backwards before apologizing quietly and trying to move past the person. But that someone grabbed your wrist, holding you back. Looking up, you could see who it was through your tear-stained eyes. Jaemin.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and at first you froze, not sure what to answer. You had been fighting with him for days now, but... he had been the one to tell you to stay away from Jeno.
So even if it hurt your pride, you didn’t pull away. You shook your head, and as he saw the lonely tears dragging their way down your cheeks, he felt his heart breaking a bit. He pulled on your arm, dragging you along with him to a room at the end of the corridor you had been standing in, the room you recognized as his own from the times you had hung out in there with him and Donghyuck. As you walked inside, he closed the door behind you and was just about to walk over to his bedside lamp to turn it on when-
You threw your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. You completely let go, no longer holding back your feelings. The tears that you had pressed back were now falling down your face rapidly. And if Jaemin’s heart didn’t break earlier, it sure did now.
He pulled his arms around you too, holding you close to him as you put your face into the soft material of his hoodie by his shoulder, letting it get wet from soaking up all of your tears. But he didn’t mind. One of his hands drew circles on your back, hoping to calm you down, as he started mumbling to you along the lines of “I’m here” and “you’ll be okay”.
As you finally calmed down a bit, you pulled away from him, wiping away the last of your tears on the back of your hand. Jaemin’s voice was low as he spoke. “What happened?”
“Jeno,” you sighed. “He- I saw him with another girl.”
He remained silent.
“Are you going to go all I told you so on me now?” you huffed, looking down on the floor.
“No, why would I?” he asked. You shrugged, shutting your eyes when you felt tears coming near again. “I’m sorry, really. I know how much you liked him and wanted it to work.” You didn’t know what to say, so you just sighed again. “A few days ago, he told me that he was seeing someone. And he said that he thought she was taking things too slow, so he was going to find someone else to have on the side.” You looked up at him. “I didn’t know he meant you at first, but when I found out you were seeing him, I told you to stay away but-“ He cut himself off, dragging a hand through his hair as his eyes wandered over the room. “I should’ve told you the truth right away. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “No, I’m the one who should be sorry,” you said, voice barely above a whisper. “I should’ve listened to you.”
“I heard him talk shit about me to Renjun this morning, but the only reason he was even here in the house was that he had slept on the couch with some cheerleader in his arms.” You gasped. That’s why he’d known about Jaemin when he texted you earlier today? “That guy isn't good. Bad luck that it was him you got involved with.”
There was another moment of silence, but a comfortable one. You felt good. Sure, you were angry at Jeno, but you weren’t angry at Jaemin anymore; and frankly, that was more important.
“So... are we good?”
You nodded, and were about to stand up to go and get out of the room when you had an impulse you couldn’t control. And before you could think, you leaned forward and pushed your lips onto his.
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yankyo · 4 years
Message Recieved- Part 2
Part two of the fuckboi Beej idea that @beetlejuicebeadoll thought of!
Warnings: mention of hypnosis, stalking, general creepy beej, light hints of sexual frustration
Ding.... Ding.... Ding.... Ding
       You refused to look up, what was the point? You already knew which jackass it was that was spamming you this late at night. The only douchebag who never went on silent, no matter how many times you tried turning off the ringer. 
Ding... Ding... Ding... Ding... DingDingDingDing
With a few choice expletives snarled under your breath, you snatched up your phone, "Can you shut the fuck up already? I'm reading it!" You snapped to the empty air, hoping the bastard was close enough to hear you. Fuck, you barely had to hope, he never seemed to stray far now. You scanned the texts, your irritation growing with each word. 
🐞🥤: hey, hey babes 
🐞🥤: I'm booored 
🐞🥤: at least put on some TV or somethinggg 
🐞🥤: babes, stop ignoring meeeee 
🐞🥤: I'm dying heeeere 
🐞🥤: figuratively lol 
🐞🥤: hey, whatever happened to the sexy shorts?? 
🐞🥤: can we bring those back?? I miss them 
🐞🥤: babes, are u still ignoring me?? 
🐞🥤: baaabes 
"Don't you have something better to do with your life?" You snarled, glaring at the empty air. 
🐞🥤: not living, babes. 
"You fucking know what I mean, you dickbag!" 
🐞🥤: ooh keep talking dirty babes 
       You threw the phone this time, an almost too common occurrence ever since this creep decided to situate himself in his life. The fact that any of this could be common was crazy, but apparently humans could get used to anything and in the past few weeks of being haunted, you found that you were more irritated by the pervy spirit currently possessing your phone than actually scared. After all, all he could really do here was annoy you through the phone, he couldn't affect anything else or really cause trouble without you saying his name three times and since that wasn't happening anytime soon, the both of you were more or less stuck with one another. At least until you could figure out a way to get him out of your phone. 
       Ding, ding, ding the sound of your phone made you sigh, but you turned on the tv and just tried to ignore it now. Beetlejuice loved getting under your skin, constantly flirting and joking around, just trying to either make you blush or piss you off - usually succeeding with both. Every day ended with him begging you to say his name to no avail, and then every night he would torment you with stupid dreams. That was the worst part of it all. Every single time you tried to go to sleep, you saw him, could feel his rough hands pinning you down, felt his lips painting a sweltering path along your skin as he growled his devotion to you. You dreamt of those sharp teeth of his gleaming in the light, hovering just above your neck as a cocky smirk spread across his face, you had woken up begging for him to bite you, thankfully you hadn't said his name, but it was getting just far too close these past few nights. And the worst part was that no matter how desperately needy you woke up, you couldn't do anything but take a cold shower and try and not think about the promises he had hissed in your ear in your dreams while the fucking bastard acted like he had done nothing wrong. It was frustrating and even when you tried to ask him, he would just get all the more cocky with you and ask you all sorts of questions about your dreams as if he wasn't the one causing it. Prick. Well, you weren't going to just give him a free show - and besides, the idea of him just watching you was.... ding, ding, ding. God. Fucking. Dammit. 
🐞🥤: u know, babes 
🐞🥤: u've been looking awfully tense lately 
🐞🥤: I could help out u no.
You scoffed, shaking your head, but you didn't dignify that with a response. 
🐞🥤: nothing pervy ya know, a little massage
🐞🥤: I'm real good w/ my hands u know
🐞🥤: just an offer
Having his hands on you was the last thing you needed right now! Implications of what freeing him would actually do aside, if he was this distracting just living in your phone, you shuddered to think of the mischief he could get into if he was free. 
       "I'd be a lot less tense if you moved out of my phone and found someone else to fuck with." You deadpanned. 
🐞🥤: 😢 hurtful, babes 
🐞🥤: I LIKE being here with you tho
🐞🥤: ur pretty and cool and all, sides 
🐞🥤: u summoned me, can't leave til my name is called and all that 
How the hell that worked, you had absolutely no clue. You did know that swiping right on tinder did not equal a summoning, but then again, what did you know about summoning a ghost demon fuckboi? "Got anything else?" Why you asked, you didn't know. The smart thing would have been to just leave the phone there and go to bed, hope that you could get through the night without any more frustration, but the thought of going back to those dreams and not having an outlet for them.... yeah, not how you wanted to spend another night. 
🐞🥤: hmm 
🐞🥤: I've got one trick, but I dunno if U'll be up 4 it. 
You should back out now. You should just step away and find something better to do with your time. "What's that?" 
🐞🥤: Texting isn't all I can do. 
For a moment, you were confused, you knew he could somehow send pictures. They were blurry as all hell, but got the point across. And the thought of asking him if he meant what you thought he did was enough to make you want to self combust right then and there. 
🐞🥤: .... my voice is weird tho 
Oh. Oh. How did that work? "You can call me?" You pressed, curious now. Silence. The screen went black and a mass of unintelligible letters popped up as a distorted ringtone echoed through the apartment. Now would be a great time to collect your brain cell and run. Maybe to a church or something, stop being the main white lead in every horror film and perhaps not be possessed by a being you barely knew anything about - why were you answering the phone? 
       Static rippled through the speaker, the person on the other line drew in a trembling breath. 
       "Hey babes." His voice was low, gravelly, it sent a tingle down your spine. 
       "H...hey..." what were you even supposed to talk about now? "Your voice isn't weird." Perhaps it was the nerves, perhaps your own awkwardness, but thankfully Beetlejuice laughed, a soft, deep chuckle that somehow made you join in as well until the sound turned cold, intimidating, almost threatening. 
       "Just wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet." The desire to drop the phone and run was back, but you were glued in place. "Breathe, babes. Can't have you passing out on me yet." You exhaled a shaky breath you hadn't noticed you were holding in. "Good. Relax now, I ain't gonna do anything scary." Almost against your will, tense muscles relaxed and you leaned back against the couch, eyes falling shut. You hadn't lied, his voice wasn't weird, it was nice, almost too nice. Though he never raised his tone above a husky purr,  it filled you, his voice was your entire world. "Better. Now, what's got you so tense, huh, doll?" 
       "You do." The response was automatic, you couldn't have stopped yourself if you tried. 
       "Just me? Come on, that can't be it. You were tense when I got here." He was right, you couldn't blame all of your frustrations on him, there had been a reason you had been scrolling through tinder from the beginning, after all. 
       "You can be honest with me, you know. You're lonely, just like me, aren't you?" The words were settling in your bones, dragging out those thoughts you had been pushing down. 
       "Yes." A breath, a relieved exhale that made your heart twist violently in your chest. 
       "Isn't it better to be truthful with yourself?" You found yourself nodding in response. "You can depend on me, I won't let you be lonely anymore.  You don't even have to say my name, just don't chase me away, let me stay by your side just like this." Just like this? How was this satisfying for him? Bound within your phone, invisible and formless, only able to reach out from within a screen - it had to be torture. 
       "Why me?" The question shocked both of you and the spell that had settled over you shattered. "How is this good?" You pressed forwards, and for once, you had rendered Beetlejuice silent. "Why didn't you just force me to say your name or something? Don't you want to be free?" 
       "I..." it was his turn to flounder.
       "Better yet, why stay here? Why waste your time on me at all? I'm not giving you what you want so why don't you just leave?" 
       "I just... I..." 
       "You don't know anything about me anyways, Beetlejuice, I'm not that treat of a person, why cling to me like this?" 
       "I DO KNOW YOU!" His purr had become a wail and even as your phone slipped from your fingers, his voice came through the speaker clear as ever. "I know you." He repeated, insistent. "I know how you speak to yourself when you're alone, how you laugh at your own jokes and console yourself when you're sad. I know how you like to fall asleep watching old crime shows, but will get so scared that you wrap yourself up in your blanket and walk circles around your home to make sure everything is safe. I know that you meet people just to shy away the second they try to get close. I know how your face brightens when you laugh and how your eyes dim when you're sad. I know you hate crying, so you cry in the shower so there'll be no evidence left behind." You were backing away from the phone now, how could he know all of that? He's only been here for a week, right? Your phone was shaking now, the screen sparking with green and blue and red. "I know you because I watched you. Because I love you. Do you know how long I've waited just to be able to talk to you like this? So you would know who I am?" He watched you? He called your name, the sound sharp, imploring. "I just want to be a part of your life. I don't want to be invisible anymore!" Scared wasn't an accurate enough word for how you were feeling in that moment. You felt as if you would be sick. You had to get away from here. Away from him. "W-wait!" As you stepped back, he called for you, as if he could sense what you were doing. "Don't leave me, please. I'll be quiet! I'll stop being so annoying! Babes!" 
       "Stop calling me that!" The scream echoed through the apartment and Beetlejuice fell silent, your phone screen turning a darker purple before it finally turned black - but you were already turning on your heel and running from the apartment.  
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jjpmoans · 5 years
Fairy Lights | Jaebeom
Merry late Christmas and Happy New Year @twinmoles​. Hi, I’m Nik and yes I’m your secret Santa. I’m so sorry for scaring you about our first interaction and again, sorry for all the awkwardness. I’m a writer so I figured it is good if I can gift you a fic. I hope you like this fic and I’m sorry that we don’t interact as much. It was good to talk to you, I hope we can still be friends in the future. May 2020 be kind to you! Also special thanks to @ahgaseloveletters​ for arranging the project. May god bless you guys! And to my fellow mutuals and followers, Happy New Year!
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Word count : 3.1k
The sound of keys jingling outside your room makes you flicker your eyes away, just in time as Jaebeom walks in. Giving him a brief smile, you turn your attention back to the movie played, relieved now you know who's home. To be honest you don't have to wonder who because the only person who share the room with you is Jaebeom but who knows in case of any intruders.
"What are you watching?" dropping a kiss on top of your head, Jaebeom proceed to undress his coat and hang it on the coat hanger.
"Hmmm, Searching." you reply halfheartedly, eyes fixed on the screen. The amount of concentration you have been giving makes Jaebeom chuckles in adoration, the spot beside you dip and you feel his head on your lap.
"May I know why you are on my bed instead of yours?" you heard him but you ignore, like he doesn't know how you love his bed better than yours. Granted, your beds are just the same, perhaps the difference is presence of the bed owner instead.
"Is it good?" he asks, face appearing from below you. Absentmindedly, you hold his cheek and another hand on his hair, scratching his scalp lightly. "Hey, give me some attention too."
"Well, I can't say it's good or not if you keep distracting me like this." you proceed to ruffle his hair, Jaebeom hisses in return but keep his position on your lap. "But all I see now is her father is a mistake. He doesn't even know his daughter but act like he knows her."
"He's unbelievable."
"Her father looks stressed."
"Well if your beloved one goes missing, aren't you stressed?" you reply, still running your fingers along his locks.
"I won't even you out of my sight, let alone go missing."
Your attention of the screen diverts, straight to the man below you. He's staring at you, unreadable gaze with a hint of fondness. Your lips curls into a smile.  "Is that a way to say you love me Jaebeom?"
"Well, if you put it that way-- probably I'm just very fond of you." joking, of course he loves you. But you won't think that love as a love, instead you'll take it as friendly love.
You know he is too limited to love you.
You hit his shoulder lightly, scolding him for taking your eyes off the movie and now you need to rewind the scene so you let him snuggles against you while you try your best to focus on the movie.
Except you can't.
With Jaebeom sleeping on your lap, you're forced to think again the complicated relationship of you two. Instead of being normal roommates, you guys have gotten the title so mixed that now it involves your feeling too. You went from sleeping separated to inseparable, in bed or outside the room. Each day you wake up tangled between Jaebeom's hold and his legs all over you, back pressed against his chest.
On other days where he is extra affectionate, he'll shower you with kisses to wake you up instead of shaking your shoulder. On sunny days, he'll bring you on walks and ice creams while on rainy days you'll be huddled under your blanket, head on his arm while you both fixed your attention on some movies.
It has become complicated ever since Jaebeom saw you broke down over some heartless fuckboys who was one of those he knows. Jaebeom himself has a big reputation in the college, listed as one of the big shot if anyone can ever score him. However, Jaebeom is well known as someone who will never bring back girls to his room, neither do he go to the girls' room. In short, he doesn't do one night stands. That makes him even more interesting, countless of girls have been trying to the only one in his bed.
But they just don't know.
You're the only girl he ever let on his bed.
On the day you broke down, Jaebeom was there to pick up every pieces of you, mending it back by hugging you tight, consoling you with promises that aren't empty. He promised to protect you, to hold you and to always be with you, nonetheless how busy he is.
So there he is, fixing your breakfast every morning, though it's just cutting some apples and making sandwiches, he does it for you every day.
The first time he did that, you almost die of laughter because who knows, the big shot Jaebeom has a heart of gold?
Please, don't mention when you almost have a heart attack when you heard a faint meow and wake up to grey kitten kneading your blanket, which almost went flying if it wasn't for Jaebeom's fast reflex catching the poor tiny paws in the air.
Everything about Jaebeom is fascinating. How he lives absolutely opposite to what he painted his mask outside the room. How people picture him as someone who enjoys party and only go private parties where actually, he rarely attends parties except from the other six close friends of his. How people always picture him sexually and disgustingly trying to get inside his pants while all he cares are strawberry milk and his kittens and you.
Never have you thought you'll be important to Jaebeom.
But never have you thought you want to be more important than just friends.
Feelings are complicated, they grew out of fondness. What used to be normal now seems really personal, the way Jaebeom will drop a kiss on either your cheeks or your forehead or on top of your head when he's heading out, or the way he looks at your lovingly whenever you rant about your day. How his eyes twinkles whenever you jump in excitement when his kittens roll over on the carpet.
Everything in him makes your dizzy. You feel over-loved. You feel overfed.
So you don't dare to ask for more because you don't know, how well can this tiny heart stands. One wrong move and Jaebeom will be out of your life, forever.
 "Where are we going, Jaebeom?" your breath hitch when you heard the sound of owls and countless of cricking of crickets. You are about to turn around but Jaebeom stops you from doing so, knowing you will freak out if you see something you shouldn't see.
"Just a little more walking, princess. Now stop grumbling and start walking." walking is definitely okay but now the slope becomes higher and to the point of it’s wearing you out.
"This better be good or I'll pushing you off the hill when we arrive, Jaebeom." you curse under your breath, running out of oxygen though the night seems breezy with lots of wind. "That is if we ever reach the place. Is this place non-existent Jaebeom? Because I can't see anything- oh my god."
Jaebeom knows you've reach his surprise for you because you are frozen on the spot, amazed by the brightness of the fairy lights.
"Jaebeom! This is so pretty!!" you scream, turning to him and running into his arms in return of his thoughtfulness. You pretty much crashing on his chest, knocking the breath out of his lung with your beaming smile and excited laugh.
"Careful- ooofff. You're so excited huh?" he laughs as you nod, skipping even to match his pace, getting closer to the well decorated hut. Now that you are standing right in front of it, you are more amazed by the decoration.
Fairy lights are already out of question because the hut is literally built up from lights all over the place. Between the wooden pillars are strings, clipped on it are pictures of both of you, together in every picture. From the first year of you being official roommates to the year you become unofficial bed mates and to the year where everything becomes more complicated.
One thing that you can spot in each pictures is you, smiling wider than usual. You know you were happy. And you know that Jaebeom makes you happy.
"Come on sweetheart. Go sit near the box." then you realise that there is a black box situated in the middle of the hut, sitting alone, probably waiting for you to open it.
You look at Jaebeom, waiting for his signal to let you be the clumsy girl who just climb the hut not-so -girly. Luckily you're wearing a pair of jeans and hoodie, not a dress. Jaebeom nods, burst out laughing after seeing you hurriedly discarding your shoes and crawling towards the box.
"This is for me?" you beam in excitement, eyes inspecting the black box. Jaebeom, always being the cheesy one, giving you a stretched smile.
"Of course, sweetheart. For you." he takes a seat at the edge, watching you inspecting the box curiously. "Are you ready to open your present?"
You nod eagerly, having so much adrenaline in your blood. Just as you pull the cover open, the whole hut goes black and your scream echoes on the hill.
Not because of the black out.
But because the black box is an explosion box with more pictures of you and Jaebeom and fairy lights. The only light illuminating your face is coming from the box, you gape in awe you watch the perfectness of the gift laying in front of you.
"You did this for me?"
Jaebeom is now sitting opposite of you, watching you with interest.
"Oh my god- Jaebeom!" you want to cry. Attached in the box are the pictures where you are chilling on your bed, one of it is best described as just woke up to utter disappointment. You remember that was when Jaebeom pranked you by saying you were late to class when it was in the middle of the night. However, it was a fail prank because he didn't know that you're the type to check the watch before waking up.
You can't express how touched you are. So this is where Jaebeom has disappeared to. You thought he was busy going on parties at Jackson's but instead, he's busy making the explosion box.
"It was hard but luckily Bambam has the hand of an Art God. He forced me to mention him since he said you won't believe I did this all alone." you chuckle at his attempt to hide his embarrassment. "But I still did most of it."
Your hand reaches to cup his cheeks, caressing it softly. "I know."
He grins, ushering you to open the second layer of the explosion box.
You give him a look; he is more excited than you are to un-box the gift. "How many layers does this explosion box have?"
"I think around uh-- five?"
"That many? Bambam's right. There is no way you can do this alone."
"Heyy!" you snort, however your eyes find a square shaped paper, pasted on one of the four walls of the box.
"First year of us?"
He nods, gesturing you to open the second layer.
Falling just nice on the first layer, your second layer is filled with even more pictures, one of it with a pocketed note to which you quickly open to read.
‘This year is the worse. I saw you broken apart in my arms, because of someone whom I've known a potential danger. But I never warned you, but I never thought it would be this bad. You were trembling and I were never that close to kill a person. I'll protect you, sweetheart. I promise. I protect you with all my life.’ - Jaebeom
You put down the note, eyes glimmering with tears. "Jaebeom."
"Don't give me that look- oh! Come on. I don't want you to cry! Please?" he rushes to your side, wiping away one drop that has fallen. "Oh god"
"Thank you, Jae." you press a quick kiss on his cheek while composing yourself. "The year where you break apart. Very original, Jaebeom."
"Excuse me will you stop trying to condemn me in each layer?" to that you burst out laughing, proceeding to open the next one.
"Let me guess, the year where we become bed mates? My goodness, Jaebeom. Be original!" just as you open it, a set of pictures of you and Jaebeom having selfies on bed and a picture of you hugging his kitten and a bottle of strawberry milk on your hand.
"When did you took this picture!?" you can't believe he took picture of that because he was sulking all the time. Nora didn't want to be in his lap and you stole his last strawberry milk. So he scooted further from both of you, sulking on his own. You on the other hand, were too engrossed into the movie that you don't even persuade him to cool off. "My goodness you were so childish at that time!"
"If I stole your fried chicken, you would burn the whole room." he points that out. True, you would burn him if he tried that. "Talk about being childish."
"Whatever. Can I move to the next layer?"
Him hesitating is already a signal for you to stop but you go on, not realising he hesitated for a second. The fourth layer unveil, making your heart stop altogether.
'The year where everything gets complicated.'
Under it is a pocketed section, meaning there is a note meant for you. Ignoring the weirdly silent Jaebeom beside you, you reach to read the said note.
'It was messy. I wake up every morning to see you by my side sleeping soundly and so beautiful. I know what you're going to say, you're pretty even you're asleep. I can't help but wonder if you feel the same way I feel. I did everything without feeling forced. Waking up to you is the most natural thing out of everything. There were days where I wait for you to be in my arm because I feel so calm when I have you close. I know I am the one to blame, but I can't help to treat you more than just a friend. I know I shouldn't be crossing lines, but I can't stop thinking about what will happen to us when we finish college in one more month?' - Jaebeom
True, that has been on your mind since the start of the semester. Both of you are graduating soon. You only have this semester, then you're going on internship before graduating. Like him, you just don't know what will happen to you both if you keep this mess going.
"What are we going to do Jaebeom?" you slowly lift your eyes from the note, meeting his own gaze. You almost snort when you can actually see mixed feelings conveyed in his eyes. Fear of uncertainties. "What are we?"
 He holds your hand, bracing himself to speak.
"I know I'm a coward who writes it down instead of saying it out loud. But I can't risk a confession because I don't want to be rejected. Deep down I want you to feel the same way and I don't have to do all the talking." You know where this is going. Your chest burns with tension and you have countless of things trying to simultaneously think inside your head.
"I love you, y/n." Breathing has never been lighter than now. It feels like all of your burden has been lifted, all your insecurities and fear has naturally dissipated into thin air. "I love you so much that I feel like I've becoming stupid for you."
"But you are stupid."
"Shush! Don't say that."
You reach to hug him tight, burying your face in his chest. "I can't believe this actually happens."
"Me neither." Jaebeom palms your hair, dropping kisses on your forehead.
"Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"
You almost wanted to cry out of giddy and cheesiness. You swear, Jaebeom makes you curl your fingers all the time but this time, you don't seem to care. You're over the moon and you will definitely be sleeping tonight with wide grin.
"What if I say no?" you want to see to what extend he loves you. Trust you to be that clingy girl but you want to know.
He looks down, knowing you too well to fall for your trap.
"Then you have to be single for the rest of your life. I don't think there will be any guy who loves the girl who stole his last strawberry milk that his mom made specifically for him."
His laugh echoes when you quickly punch his chest and wiggle out of his grip. Pulling you onto his lap while you try to escape him, he successfully stops you by trapping your hands with his arm.
"I'm kidding, princess. You love me too much to reject me." you made a face at that but you can't deny, you have been too whipped for him to reject him. "Also, if you don't accept me, you can't open the last box."
You gasp, forgetting that there is one more box left to open. Jaebeom chortles, letting your hand to reach the last box and open it.
"What- Jaebeom!" irritating snorts coming from him and you want nothing other than to bite his cheeks for laughing at you.
"Here," he taps your left shoulder, making you turn to the said direction, holding his hand up in the air.
In a split second, a chain of necklace falls vertically from his fist, the pendant stops right in front of your eyes. It is silver, the pendant the shape of stars, a big star in the middle surrounded by smaller stars circling it. Your eyes dilate, shocked from the sudden reveal.
"Do you like it?" Jaebeom whispers beside your ears, creating goose bumps all over your body.
"It's beautiful, Jaebeom." you reply breathless, too many things to absorb from tonight's occasion. "Can you put it on me?"
After twists and turns, Jaebeom manages to clip the beautiful necklace without damaging it, both of you dying of laughter after he succeeds.
Now that everything is over, you scoot to the edge of the hut, leaning against Jaebeom to see the sky.
"I never thought I'll end 2019 like this."
"Neither do I."
With you in his arm, he closes the distance between you, leaning slowly to take your breath away with lips skimming just above yours before molding it to his own. It feels like two seconds but your lung is on fire that he needs to pull away before you lost consciousness.
"Happy New Year, princess."
Just as the clock strikes 12, you are snuggling in Jaebeom's arms, fireworks shooting in the sky indicating that you are now, entangled from the messiness.
Never have you thought the year will be this surprising. Never have you thought that you are Jaebeom's.
Happy new year, indeed. 
All rights reserved © jinyoungmoans
[ Writings ]
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kweebtrash · 6 years
Or Nah (M)
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Messy Ch. 2
Pairing(s): OC X Johnny (features other members)
Genre: College AU, Fuckboy AU
Summary: Fuckboys are basically good for one thing. You hit it and quit it- except when his voice draws you in, his body keeps you there, and dumb ass feelings linger making things particularly messy.
Warnings: drugs, anxiety attacks, night terrors
Features: POV changes, bathroom/rough sex, fingering, blowjobs
Word Count: around 14k
A/N: ‘they’ and ‘she’ are used interchangeably on purpose.
Messy Masterlist  Buy me a Ko-Fi    Other Stories
Lucas Pov
My phone was vibrating against the glass top of the coffee table ripping me out of sleep. The incessant buzzing was driving me crazy especially since my head was still fuzzy from last night. I barely remember getting home...well to Quinn and Eri's place anyway. I groaned and slammed my hand on the table feeling around until my phone was in hand. I squinted an eye open, peeking at the influx of messages that continued to scroll about my screen. I opened the messenger app and read through the dozens of texts. Johnny had added me to the group chat shortly after I met him and Jaehyun during ‘Welcome Weekend’. It was how i had found out about their party and now it was how I found out that Eri had hooked up with Johnny. He was supposedly the “king of of one night stands” and Eri was just another one to be added to his list. Or that was how it would all start out. Clearly, Ten and Yuta had met their match once they started playing with her. I wouldnt be surprised if Johnny started drooling over her too.
There was something about Eri. I still hadn’t quite figured it out myself. She was far from my type-which is why I first got with Quinn. Quinn was soft, small, pale blonde and a little ditzy- perfect. Eri on the other hand was raw, loud, obnoxious, and volatile. Dominant yet bratty, needing to be in control of everything and the first to protect if needed. She always ended up “momming” Quinn and I no matter what. She was also gorgeous in a way I didn't often see back home- tattoos everywhere, her hair a mish mash of colors, her skin deep, rich and intoxicatingly sweet. She had managed to seduce every last one of us. We were putty in her hands. Eri and I were only friends but i would be lying if I failed to admit that there were times where all i thought about was being between her legs for days on end.
I sighed and finally sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I tossed my two cents into the group conversation and yawned deeply. The smell of something cooking caught my attention and i realized I was fucking starving. I looked over at the small kitchen and saw Eri standing in front of the stove in nothing but her underwear and a little ass tank top, looking like i should eat her for breakfast instead. I adjusted myself on the couch and opened my camera, zooming in close to get the best view. I grabbed a pic and sent it to the chat. They would all be jealous of me getting to see this first thing in the morning-afternoon….whatever.. “Babeeeeessss, whatcha making me?”
“I had some pancake mix in the back of the fridge that was still good so there's that. There’s also some left over pizza. Breakfast of champions.”
“You look like a hot little wifey cooking for me. Just saying.”
“You know what you could say? Nothing.” She came towards me with the plate of food. “Here.”
My camera was still open so i faced it towards us under the guise of taking a selfie but i turned my head towards her, just as i hit the button, giving her a kiss. I posted it to the group chat too just to see if i could piss Johnny off. “How's your vag?” I asked Eri as i sent the picture.
“I survived I guess. My thighs still fucking hurt.” I moved my legs so she could sit on the couch beside me.
“Was he better than me?” I asked just out of curiosity.
“Lucas, you know I dont compare anyone. But he didn’t go down on me so he's already losing, just saying.”
I picked up one of the pancakes and shoved it in my mouth. “Fuckin’ pussy.”
“Dont talk with your mouth full. You're gonna choke.” She grabbed her PS4 controller and turned on the console as well as the tv. She flipped through the apps pulling up Netflix. “You wanna watch something? Quinn said they'd be coming home soon but i don't know how true that is.”
“Heard she was at T.Y.’s place.” I replied in between chewing and shoving another pancake in my mouth.
“Yep. Fucking him this time, i guess.”
I swallowed and shrugged. “I'll ask her to take a shower before we fuck.”
“How gentlemanly of you, Lucas.” She scoffed and started typing in the name of whatever show she wanted to watch. I noticed the hickies that were covering her dark skin, blending in with the tattoos on her back and shoulders.
“Damn, he did a number on you.” I said leaning in closer to her and running my fingers along the bruises. She winced a bit and tugged away from me.
“It's fine. I've had worse.”
“Yeah like when Ten accidentally cut you so deep you had to get stitches and Quinn wanted to deck him.”
She inhaled sharply. “Not one of our best moments. I squirmed by accident so I guess it was my fault.”
“Or he could’ve not hurt you.” I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand before kissing her shoulder.
“Eh. Whats the fun in that?”
I kissed up her neck, resisting the urge to bite her and make my marks better than Johnny's. “I make you cum just fine without hurting you.”
“Question.” She said, turning to me. “Do you like choking me?”
“What? Uh...i mean...it gets you off right?”
“Yeah, but do you like it?”
I scratched at the back of my neck. “I mean….”
She sighed. “Nevermind.”
“Aww, Eri, don't be mad. I dont mind doing it for you!”
“It's fine. Im not mad.” She curled up against my chest, wrapping her arm around my waist, and setting her legs on my lap.
I rubbed her thighs slowly, going up and down the length of them and paying extra attention to her hips. “Did you try and get him to do it?”
“Yeah, well sorta. I didnt say it outright but i kinda hinted at it. He pulled his hand away like he didnt want to touch me.”
“Not for nothing Eri but you’re like the only chick who's like ‘CHOKE ME’ during the first fuck. It can be kinda scary and not everyone's into that.”
“Fuckin’ wack is what that is.” She laughed.
“Maybe he'll do it next time.”
“Next time?” She scoffed. “I doubt there’s gonna be a next time.”
“You'd be surprised.” I kissed the top of her head and kept her close, kind of wondering if I should ask her if she wanted to fuck. It was too much work to do anal right now but maybe she'd at least want it slow. I could do that. I slipped my fingers underneath the strap of her tank top moving it down her shoulder.
I hated when she said my name like that. It was like i was in trouble with my mom. I kept rubbing small circles on her thigh, pretending like i wasn’t doing anything. “Hmm? What?”
“Cut it out.” She was always much stricter with how much we fucked, unlike Quinn. Eri was picky and everything had to be on her terms, which was why i always got reprimanded. I knew she still couldn’t resist me, especially when i gave her my puppy dog look.
“I swear i'm not doing anything!”
She rolled her eyes and pushed away from me. “Not right now.” She got up from the couch and headed back towards the kitchen. I stuffed the last pancake in my mouth and followed after her.
“Come on! I'll go slow! It wont even hurt. You know i take good care of you.” I chewed faster and swallowed hard before she yelled at me again.
“My thighs are killing me. I don’t even think i have the strength to open them for you to eat me out.”
“Well...you wanna at least suck me off?” She glared at me so hard that I stepped back in case her fist wanted to connect with my stomach. She was always an aggressive lover. “S-sorry…”
“You'd probably taste like pool water and sweat. No thanks.”
“Ok, you can pull one of my numbers and ask me to shower before hand. It's just...you know how i get in the morning, babes.” i pouted at her, starting my puppy dog stare.
“Don’t look at me like that. You know i hate that.”
“Pretty please? Pleaaassseeeeeee.”
She set her little hand on my face, smooshing me away. “I dont have time. I have band practice tonight and it starts soon.”
“Just a quick one i promise!! I'll be done fast!”
She groaned. “Lucas, seriously??” She rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine! FINE! I don’t know how you always convince me.”
“Because you can’t resist me, that's why.” I gave her a quick kiss before running towards the bathroom to shower. Honestly, i should probably bring my shower stuff to their house at some point so I could stop smelling like vanilla, and cookies, and marigolds or whatever they used. I chucked off my shorts, tossing them in the corner where Eri could get them and do the laundry for me later. I grabbed my toothbrush and slapped some toothpaste on it before getting in the shower. I turned it on full blast, preferring a cold shower than the usual depths of hell i had to suffer through when i showered with Eri or Quinn.
“Some random person added me on snapchat! Do you know a DJJ0209?!” i heard her yell at me. I almost choked on my toothbrush. I hoped the running water hid the sound of my laughter.
“Oh...no! I dont! Did you add them?!” i called back out to her before spitting toothpaste down the drain.
I could tell she was responding but i had no idea what it was. It was hard to hear her now with my head fully under the water. Hopefully it wasnt too important. I finished brushing my teeth and moved onto washing my hair, trying to get chlorine smell out of it.
“Did you hear me earlier?” her voice appeared from inside the bathroom.
“No, all i heard was someone random added you on snapchat. Who was it?”
“I have no clue. Probs some weirdo from online. I'm just gonna block it.”
“No,” i tried to keep a straight face even though she couldn’t see me behind the curtain. “Just accept it. I'm sure it's fine.”
“What the hell!? I got another one….wait this one has a little character thing. Kinda looks like Taeil…”
“Just accept them both. Who knows maybe you'll find the love of your life.” I snorted.
“Hmm yes how romantic. Mommy, daddy, How did you meet? Well son, your father sent me a dick pic on snapchat and I was so in love we instantly got married.”
“Aww, you're like a real life Cinderella.”
She hit the shower curtain, trying to get at me. “Shut up, dumbass. I have to leave here by 6, and it's a little after 4:30 now.”
“I'm coming! You wont be late.”
“Mhm.” I could hear her walking back out of the bathroom. I finished rinsing my hair and washed up quickly. I was done in a few minutes, pulling back the shower curtain to see that Eri had left a fresh towel on the toilet. She was seriously the best. I dried off a bit then wrapped the towel around my waist, heading back over to the couch. She was laying on her stomach, feet crossed at her ankles in the air and typing furiously on her phone. I leaned over the back of the couch and trailed my hand over her lower back, watching her tense for a second. She was way warmer than my hands were. I couldn’t help but wish I could play with her a bit before she left.
“You're freezing.” She said as she set her phone beside mine on the coffee table.
“It's too hot. I felt sticky.” i moved around the couch, taking my place beside her again. She scooted closer to me, her hand tugging at the towel and pulling it open.
“Let’s get this over with.” She said.
“Gee, dont sound so enthused.” I rolled my eyes as she giggled at me. In a way i knew she was joking but also she was probably ready to get going to band practice. It was important to her but so was i. She would make time for me. I cupped her face in my hands, pulling her close for a heated kiss while her hand fell between my thighs and groped my cock. I licked her lips before she let me in, my tongue filling up her mouth and making her squirm a bit. I loved the way it felt when we kissed. She was always a tease, hungry yet slow, or fast and harsh. You never knew what you were going to get. Whenever i could get a soft little moan out of her, it would go straight to my cock, making me breathe harder and want to fuck her for hours on end just to coax more out.
I slid my hand down her back, moving down to cup her ass. It was one of my favorite things about her. There was nothing better then seeing how good it looked while i fucked her from behind, better yet when i fucked her ass. I tried pulling her onto my lap but she let out a strained whimper.
“Careful…” She whispered. Ok, note to self, beat the shit out of Johnny next time i saw him for making my Eri so sore. I let go of her ass and opted for her hip again while my other hand slid under her tank top. I was already half hard, giving her some room to start stroking. I opened my legs wider as she rubbed her thumb over my head in slow circles making every nerve feel electrified. I was already wiggling my hips towards her palm, parting my lips to feed a deep groan down her throat. She already knew everything i loved, everything that turned me on, everything that could make me cum. She guided her kisses to my neck, sucking on my jugular just a bit before pressing her lips down my chest.
I relaxed my head back against the couch, my nails digging into the armrest when i felt her lips surrounding me. She eased herself down, little by little, stroking what she couldn't fit in her mouth. Her tongue circled around my head and she popped off it completely to kiss up and down my shaft. Her kisses slipped down to my balls, tongueing them just enough to make me almost lose my cool. I thrusted my hips more as i tried to get her to take me back in. She looked up at me, that same controlling look in her eye.
“You gonna behave?” She asked, raising a brow.
I licked my lips and looked at at her. “Are you?”
She sat up and pulled away from me. “I'll stop right now, Lucas. I swear.”
“No you wont.” I dared.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Oh really?”
“Mhm.” i moved closer towards her, angling my head for a kiss which I knew she would pull away from. In that instant i grabbed her neck making it disappear in the coverage of my hand. Her whole body relaxed and her face fell into an expression of bliss. Her eyes were practically rolling back in her head as her giddy giggles became strained when i closed my fingers around her tighter. It was scary as all hell to do this and it wasn’t necessarily something I enjoyed but seeing how good it made her feel got me going even more. Over time i got used to it, especially when she'd clench around me and scratch at my back, her body begging me to choke her harder. “Keep sucking, babes. It feels so good when I'm in your mouth.” i swiped my thumb over her full bottom lip, watching as her tongue poked out to lick it.
I let her go then and she eased back down, sucking faster this time. Her cheeks were starting to hollow out dragging more moans out of me. I set my hand on the back of her head, adding just enough pressure to keep her in place. I trailed my other hand down her back, sliding one of my fingers underneath her panties to feel how wet she was. She was trying to squirm away from from me but i let my finger slide slowly up and down her lower lips, rubbing each drop of slick through her folds and around her clit. I shushed her gently, telling her that i just wanted to make her feel good. I loved when she came with me and i was hoping she would swallow if i had her distracted enough.
I made circles on her bundle of nerves with just the tip of my middle finger, finally managing to get a louder moan out of her. The timbre from those cute sounds were enough to make my toes curl. I choked back her name, opting to keep quiet for now so I could concentrate. Her warm hand cupped my balls then, squeezing each one slightly as her thumb pressed into the sensitive points. I was already starting to throb in her tight mouth and it was making my nails dig into her scalp harder. I felt her wiggle her hips, reminding me that my finger was still in her panties. I rocked my finger through her wetness one last time before pushing it in slowly. I let her fuck herself on it as much as she wanted, leaving her to control the pace while i focused on my impending orgasm. “Eri...fuck…” i whispered.
She pulled off in one slow drag, rolling my precum over her tongue. “You know the drill.”
I groaned. “Please, Eri? Please? Just this once? I promise i’ll-”
“No. You know the rules.”
“But Quinn-”
“Then you should've asked Quinn.” she snapped back.
I dodged her glare and nodded in defeat. One day I was going to get her to swallow but for now i guess i had to cum on myself….again. She switched out her mouth with her hand, fisting the head of my cock before sliding down my shaft and giving it a squeeze. Cum was already starting to dribble down her hand as her hold on me tightened and loosened with each stroke. She pressed her chest to mine, bringing my head closer to cover her neck in kisses and miniscule bites. Her nails were digging into shoulder ever so slightly and her angry, commanding tone melted into that dangerously sweet voice.
“Come on, baby boy. Cum for me.” she cooed.
I held onto her then, so fucking tight, trying to bury my scream into her skin. I felt my stomach heat up as i came all over myself, my thigh muscles tensing. I swallowed back, panting against her chest as i worked through the tail end of my high. She kissed the top of my head, running her fingers through my hair, until I regained my composure.
“I gotta get dressed now.” She said, wiping her hand on the towel. I slid my hand out of her panties and groaned as i looked up at her.
“Stay for a bit…”
“I cant, its’ already about to be five. Quinn's gonna be home soon and you should actually get to your dorm sometime soon. You have class tomorrow.”
“Fuck class…”
“If you skip i'm gonna beat your ass.” She slid off the couch and headed to her room. She didn’t bother closing the door as she pulled her tank top over her head and dropped her panties. I had to look away, knowing i would make a bigger mess if i kept staring.
Eri's PoV
I shoved open the apartment door, kicking off my boots that were starting to dig into my feet. It felt so good to be home instead of a tiny garage sweating my ass off. I lugged my guitar and amp back to my room trying to ignore the loud moans coming from Quinn's room. I set my instrument down in the little sacred corner I set up where it wouldn't be disturbed, making sure to keep my cords wrapped up. Now that I was finally in the semi-peacefulness of my room I could take off the clothes that seemed to be glued to me. I pulled off my shorts, taking my phone out of my back pocket. I hadn’t checked it in hours and i could see the screen full of notifications. One caught my eye in particular. I clicked on the little bell which opened up my snapchat. There was one photo notification from the username i didnt recognize from this afternoon. I was going to scream if it was a dick pic. I dont even know why i thought it was a good idea to listen to Lucas and accept the request.
I braced myself as i clicked on it, waiting for the worse, even closing my eyes a bit. But it wasn’t bad. In fact...it was just Johnny. Johnny?? I gripped my phone tighter, pulling it closer to my face to examine the cute puppy filter on his black and white selfie, a simple caption of ‘hey’ towards the bottom of the screen. I couldn’t help the smile that tugged on my lips. He looked incredibly cute and definitely less like an annoying fuckboy. My heart started beating faster as i realized i should respond to him. I looked like a mess and i had no idea what i should i take a picture of. My room wasn't that clean, my face was meh at best and it was way too early for ass pics. I stared into my full length mirror, accessing the damage of my makeup. With my crappy room lighting and the use of a hundred filters I could potentially pull off a worthwhile selfie to send.
I angled my phone from above and mulled through the filters, finding a cute cat one that smoothed out my face to an angelic glow and made me have giant doe eyes. When i was satisfied i snapped the pic and typed in ‘Hey yourself’ as the caption. I expected him to leave me on read for most of the night and moved onto the other notifications i had. There was a text message from Yuta showing off new hot pink rope he had gotten (one of my favorite colors), a text from Taeyong telling me that Quinn had left their vest there (which im sure he texted just to have an excuse to talk to me), and a comment from Ten on my latest instagram selfie i took at practice (when my makeup was not so gross). I went to work answering them making the minutes pass by, keeping my mind off the thought of waiting for Johnny’s response. Thankfully, the waiting was short lived.
It was another picture but this one wasn’t so innocent and cute. His shirt was halfway up his torso, exposing his abs and the trimmed line of hair that trailed below his belly button and disappeared under the waistband of his Supreme briefs that were barely covered by his sweatpants. They did no justice in hiding the thick bulge beneath. His caption this time was ‘wyd?’. I stared at the picture so intently that my eyes started to blur a bit. I hadn’t even noticed i was holding my breath until my chest struggled to expand. He was reminding me exactly why i ended up in his bed last night and why i still felt the ache in my thighs.
I wasn't going to snap him back this time. No way. I knew exactly what he was doing- just trying to get me back in his bed. I wasn't going to fall for it. I was going to let him think that i wasn't desperate and let him suffer. I set my phone face down on my bed and pulled off my fishnet stockings and my shirt, tossing them in my hamper. I whipped off my bra and pulled on the tank top i had earlier, returning to my comfy pj state. Flopping onto my mattress, i laid back and reached for the headphones that always resided beside my pillow. They were my prized possession, complete with perfect outside noise cancellation. I opened up my spotify and hit shuffle on one of my favorite albums, sighing contently as Quinn and Lucas’ moaning was finally blocked out. I set my phone on my stomach and closed my eyes. I could use another nap to be honest…
But first…
I opened up my snapchat again succumbing to the victory of being the last one to send a teasing picture. I put the hem of my tank top cheekily between my teeth while i pressed my boobs together, making them fuller and have optimum cleavage. My caption was just a response to his question; ‘nothing much. Hbu?’.
I was too damn weak for him. I knew what the hell was under his sweatpants already but somewhere deep in the back of my mind, no matter how much i tried to ignore it, i had been thinking about the way he felt inside me. The dull ache, his long fingers, every bite of his perfect teeth on my skin, the small growls that made every one of my hairs stand on end. I thought there wouldnt be a next time- That i would just have to chalk him up to another one night stand- but now i knew he was interested in something a little more and i could play my favorite game of cat and mouse.
I set my phone back on my stomach opting to focus on the music. My nails drummed against my phone case following the beat of the heavy bass. It felt like an internal clock was ticking, reminding me like an annoying little devil that I was desperate for a response. Minutes turned into a half hour, a half hour turned into  an hour. I gave up on my ability to wait when Lucas banged on my door, loud enough to shake me from half asleep stupor. He was asking me to drive him back to his dorm. I didn’t bother putting my shorts back on. Instead i trudged to the front door in just my panties, sliding on my flipflops as we made our way out to the parking lot. The both of us were yawning as we got into my car, the passenger seat was still all the way back from when he got in three days ago.
“Had fun?” I asked. I could tell he was getting drained. Having sex non stop was going to run him right into the ground. He and Quinn were always hot messes like that. And I got called the stuck up one because my relationships were slightly more calculated.
“Yeah…” He grumbled.
“How many you'd get out?”
“2...Quinn got 5.”
“Oh boy. Let me guess, you didnt eat since I fed you either, right?” He didn't answer. I sighed and took a right turn away from the dorms and towards the strip of fast food places downtown.
“Where you going?”
“To get you food.” I flicked him in the temple, making him wince. “You need to eat and stop thinking with your dick so much.”
“Yes, Eri.” He sighed as set his head on his open faced palm, staring out the window. I pulled into a Taco Bell, rubbing his knee to pull him out of his sleepy daze. He gave me his order which seemed to be a whole laundry list of calories and fat. I pulled up to the next window and automatically reached for my debit card only to realize that i had left it at the apartment inside my shorts.
“Fuck.” I whispered.
Lucas dug into his pocket and handed me his card from his wallet. I started to protest but he just gave me a small smile. “I owe you. Dont worry about it. Youre always taking care of me anyway.”
I took his card and handed it over to the employee, waiting for his order. I felt his warm hand slip into mine giving it a little squeeze. “Dont start that gay shit.” I joked. He was always so clingy, loving, and sweet and I...liked to suppress everything I could about my emotions. Somehow he always found a way to bring something caring and nurturing out of me. He was so far from home that within the year or so that Quinn and I had known him, we became his family. Sure we all fucked but it just...kinda worked that way. I could be his best friend and caregiver and we could also connect physically to a point where it was neutral. He knew i would never want a relationship with him and that was for the best.
“Dont lie, Eri. Somewhere between your big tits you have a heart and not some black void like you pretend to have.”
“Excuse you, you leave my black void alone. It's fine just the way it is. I'm going to keep it that way.”
“Admit it. In there you have love for me and Quinn. And probably Johnnnyyyyyyyy~”
“Oh, grow up.” I scoffed. “Besides he's the one who wants it more than i do. It was him who sent me the request this afternoon and he’s already sent me a slutty snap.” i replied, grabbing the bag of food from the worker and handing it over to Lucas.
“Ohhh so that’s who that was? Shocker.”
“Yeah, you knew it was him, you little shit.”
“I’m your wingman, babes. You'll thank me later.”
I pulled out of the drive through and headed back in the direction of his dorm building. “I doubt that but ok. I dont even know if i'm gonna fuck him again.”
“You will.” he replied before shoving a burrito in his mouth. I pulled up to the building shortly after, ignoring his little quip and setting myself in park.
“Here we are, kid.”
He swallowed hard, licking his fingers of cheese sauce. “Can i come over next weekend?”
“I'm gonna be busy with Yuta on Saturday so see what Quinn says.”
“Ugh, fine.” He leaned in close and gave me a soft kiss, holding it for a bit longer than usual. “See you around!” He got out the car, taking his bag of food and backpack with him. I waited until i saw him disappear into the building before taking off. My phoned buzzed from within my cup holder and i wondered if it was Johnny. I waited until i came across a red light before stealing a glance at my phone. My mouth went dry as soon i saw his username on my screen. I wanted to see what he had sent so bad but if it was too good i didnt want it to happen while i was in the car and distracted.
I zoomed down the street, my foot a little bit heavier on the gas pedal than necessary. I was home in a flash, almost drifting into a parking space before taking the steps to my apartment two at a time. I unlocked the door and rushed in, surprised to see Quinn hobbling out of their room.
“Now i know how you feel with Johnny. My thighs are killing me.”
“Speaking of Johnny.” I spat out excitedly. “He added me on snapchat and his last snap to me was him in sweatpants with his dick print all perfect and his abs out and shit. I wanted to die. And now he just sent me another one and since you’re done with Lucas you can see it.”.
“God i hope it's his dick. Will you let me see his dick? I want to see his dick.”
I shrugged and clicked on his notification. “i guess we'll see- holy fucking shit.”
I could barely see his face, only his lips curling into a smirk as his monstrous hand groped at his bulge, giving it a quick shake. God it was so gross yet here i was salivating over it. His caption was ‘thought about how good you felt’. The 10 second clip was gone almost instantly but the view was already ingrained in my mind.
“Well if youre not gonna go over there and fuck him i will.” Quinn said.
“I’d rather you kinda….didn't.” I  looked down at them as a little bit of awkwardness sparked between us.
They pouted and crossed their arms. “You're gonna hog all that to yourself?! That's so unfair!”
“Ok, i know were pretty open about who we fuck because were in the same social circle but we kinda share Yuta and Lucas already! And i'm pretty sure Taeyong is up my ass again too, so that’s three guys! Let me have this ONE.”
“Ugh!! You’re getting soft! Was his dick that good that it went straight to your head and made you loopy?! We’re supposed to use them and leave! That’s it.”
“I know! I mean i usually leave right after when I’m with Ten and Yuta, i dropped Taeyong entirely, and Lucas hangs around here constantly so i can’t do much about that. You're the one that usually kicks him out. I dont know...i just…”
“You like him?!”
“I do not! I just like his dick! And maybe his lips….and his eyes...and his arms. And his tummy is cute too. His butt looks suuuuper good and-”
“You're weak, Eri. Promise me you will only use him for his dick. He's a dumb fuckboy who doesn’t deserve you.” Quinn said.
“I know that! And it’s gonna stay that way. Trust me. I'm not even going to answer him back. I’m tired so i’m heading to bed. I’ve got an early class anyway.”
“Yeah you do that. Between Jae, Taeyong, and Lucas, i’m pooped. I'm gonna stay home tomorrow.”
I rolled my eyes. Sometimes their will to not do anything successful with college was irritating. “Ok well you do that. Just be quiet if you're going to stay up late.” i said as i disappeared into my room and curled up in bed. What i said was partially true; i wasn't going to answer Johnny back. Well not now at least. He made me wait an hour before answering me. I was petty enough to make him wait twice as long for my response. I decided to set a timer as a reminder to get up and take a cute pic of my ass. But first a quick nap would do me good.
My alarm shook me out of my sleep, the heavy guitar riff scaring the crap out of me. I felt around for my phone groaning as i lifted my head off my pillow to shut it off. I blinked a few times bringing the time into view. It was 7:30 am. I totally missed my timer to respond back to Johnny and i didn't have time to take something sexy now. There were no other notifications from him either. I only had a few texts from my harem and a good morning selfie from Lucas. Glad he was actually going to class at least.
I forced myself out of bed and started getting ready. Shower, brushing my teeth, getting makeup on my face so i looked semi alive and like i didnt want to throw myself out a window. I picked out a random pair of leggings and a cut up band tee. That would suffice for today. I pulled on my worn out converses and grabbed my backpack, stuffing my headphones and laptop in it. I put some deodorant on and tossed it in my bag as well. I still had a decent amount of time to get to the commuters parking lot and head to the dungeon of journalism buildings. Once i got there, it only took a few minutes to find my classroom. It was a tiny box of a room with barely any air conditioning and older wooden desks. I plopped down in the middle aisle, already feeling my thighs stick to the chair.
Waiting for class to start was a pain. I was hungry and wanted coffee. I would maybe have some time to go to the Starbucks downtown before my next class. I didnt really have Starbucks money to spare but i needed a pick me up. Other students started shuffling in as the 9 o’ clock mark crept closer. Our professor still hadn’t shown up yet. The general consensus was 10 minutes without a teacher and you were free to leave. Please let me leave, i begged silently. If I didn’t cave in and get Starbucks I could sleep in a bit more in one of the quiet rooms in the library. I had some heavy decisions to weigh out within the next five minutes before I was able to book it.
I was watching the time tick on my phone when i saw a notification from snapchat. Oh fuck…It was Johnny. I opened it quickly, covering my phone just in case it was some sort of morning wood pic. I started wondering, just for a moment, if he slept in those sweats or completely naked. When i looked down at the picture it was actually of me sitting at my desk. The caption was ‘Ur not even gonna say hi? Lol’. I straightened up and whipped my head around trying to see where the fuck he was. I saw his smirk from the back right corner of the room, sunglasses over his eyes as he gave me a little head nod and stuck his tongue out. I whipped back around in my seat, trying to hide the blush that splattered across my cheeks.
Of course he would have class with me. Of fucking course. I had no idea what to do. Would this be awkward for us if we kept fucking? I could just ignore him for the entire semester. Pretend that any emotion towards him didn't exist and that we hadn’t fucked. While i was building my exterior facade into a sturdy wall my interior was crumbling with panic. I started furiously texting Quinn, even though i knew they weren't awake, just to get my internal screaming out. How was i supposed to get away from him now?! I had to look at those stupid gorgeous lips and thick thighs every single day of fall semester! All i could do was pray that the professor still didn't show up. My foot was furiously bouncing in anticipation of my freedom and potential to leave Johnny in the dust.
Unfortunately, i didn't get my wish. The professor came in then, huffing, puffing, and way too flustered. I set my head on the table and groaned, barely ready to suffer through the next hour and a half. Every once in awhile it would feel like Johnny was watching me but each time i looked back i was sure he was sleeping behind his sunglasses. He was probably up partying too late last night again. i caught him rubbing his eyes and yawning, looking so soft and sleepy. My lips tugged into a smile, that gooey, sickly sweet feeling returning to my stomach. I needed that to stop. I sighed and looked down at the syllabus that had been passed out. No one actually gave a crap about these. We just needed to know the due dates and what stupid projects we had. Time droned on but luckily we were let out a little early.
I stood up quickly, grabbing my bag and heading straight for the door, not bothering to look back to see if Johnny was on my tail. I got my answer either way when i felt an arm around my shoulders steering me towards the rows of rentable lockers. “So you are definitely ignoring me, right?” I heard him ask.
I groaned internally. “Not necessarily. I mean i couldn't just get up in the middle of class and ride your dick.” I kept myself in front of him, shuffling my weight from one foot to the other and gripping the strap of my backpack tightly.
“Definitely would have been better then going through another fucking syllabus. Like we dont know how to read.” He rolled his eyes. “Anyway, when’s your next class?”
“Why?” I asked curiously.
He looked around for a second before leaning against the lockers. “Wanna hook up again? I need a quickie.”
I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me. “Oh you need one, huh? Damn, didn't think you'd be the needy type Johnny.”
He sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. “Let me put it this way then. I want to fuck and you’re the only one that’s here right now. Hows that sound?”
“Sounds like you're still thirsty from when I didn't answer your snap last night.”
“Don't know why you're playing hard to get when you weren’t that hard to get in my bed on Saturday.”
“And you definitely aren't hard to wrap around my finger.” I shot back, glaring at him as our bodies edged closer to each other.
“I’m hardly wrapped around your finger.” His almost hissed as he leaned in.
“You're here wanting to fuck me again, aren't you?” I crossed my arms and smirked up at him, knowing I had bested him in his little shade contest.
He dragged his tongue over his teeth and scoffed.  He looked away for a second, probably trying to recoup his ego. “Look, you want it or nah? I don’t have time to waste”
I got my phone out of my bra and flicked on the screen, pretending to see if I had enough time for him. My next class still wasn’t for another hour and a half. I could squeeze in a quickie. Besides if this perked me up then I could save a few bucks on coffee. I let out an exaggerated sigh. “I guess I have some free time. You got a condom?”
He patted his shorts, grabbing his wallet from his back pocket before flipping it open and checking the money pocket. “Yep.”
“I’m not about to fuck you with some old ass condom you’ve had in your wallet since you were like 16.”
“I just put it in there the other day, stupid. Anyway, where you wanna go?”
“Third floor has private bathroom. Normally that floor is pretty empty until later on in the afternoon. Follow me.”
I slipped in front of him, trying my best to make sure he had a view of my ass in the leggings that left little to the imagination. Besides if I lead the way I wouldn’t have to struggle as much to keep up with his long strides. We maneuvered up the stairs, flowing around the clog of students shifting classes. When we got to the third floor it was mostly clear as I had expected but I still looked around to see if anyone would possibly notice us. Johnny didn’t care, however. He sprinted ahead of me, swinging the door open the to single stall. “Come on already. No one’s gonna see.”
I sighed and scurried over to him, bouncing into the room and rushing him to close the door. He rolled his eyes as he set his backpack down and locked the door. “What? You think we’re gonna get in trouble out something? A bathroom isn’t the same as the student affairs office.”
“Shut up, asshole. I just want to be sure no one is going to interrupt us is all. I don’t have time to hear you whining about blue balls or some shit.”
“Whatever, scaredy cat. Let’s get this over with.” He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it by his backpack.
“Let’s get this over with? You know I can just leave you here to jerk off if that’s how you’re gonna be.”
“Yeah but you wont.” He grabbed the strap of my backpack and forced me close to him, my head almost ramming into his chest. I braced myself against him, about to bombard him with profanities when his hands cupped either side of my face. His head came down to connect our lips and I melted then, hungry to satisfy my addiction that already developed for his sensual kisses. I clung to his waist tight as we melded together. His tongue slipped out to massage my own, sucking it into his mouth to control every aspect of our tangle. He retreated his hands from my face and worked to shove my backpack off and drop it beside us. I had begun to claw at the waistband of his shorts while he grabbed a hold of my hair. His other hand rested on the small of my back, making sure i was crushed against him. My breath was barely able to escape with how close we were and his lips not breaking from mine. I managed to pop open the button of his fly while he moved us backwards, trapping me between his well built frame and the bathroom wall. I pulled away finally, gulping down air that he threatened to take away again.
“You like shoving me against shit, don’t you?” i panted heavily.
He licked his lips, lowering himself even more to kiss at my neck. “I like having you exactly where i want you. Plus, it's hot to see you stand on your tiptoes just to try and kiss me.”
“I'm pretty sure you just like me being short because my mouth is closer to your dick.”
“I mean that too.” He chuckled lowly before wrapping his lips around my collarbone to draw blood to the surface. “We can test that out if you want.”
“If i'm good at giving head?”
He small groan against my shoulder. “Yeah. That.”
“Well…” I grabbed onto his shoulders and shoved him back, switching our positions to have him pinned to the wall. “I haven't had any complaints yet.” Johnny looked a little surprised, yet excited at the prospect of me sucking him off. His eyes were fixated on me, on my lips, as i trailed passionate kisses down his stomach and nipped at his iliac's crest. In a split second, his shorts were around his ankles and my knees followed them to the ground. I was mostly confident in my ability to pleasure him until a sickening feeling started bubbling in my mind. How the hell he was even remotely going to fit into my mouth? I could barely take him inside me without minutes on end of preparation. Now he expected me to shove him down my throat? I swallowed hard when the outline of his dick trapped in his boxer briefs stared me down.
“You just gonna sit there or-?” he snapped.
I realized he had been waiting for me to start. My heart was thundering already as I tried to conceive of a way to swallow him down comfortably. I sighed internally and just decided to bite the bullet. I rested my hands on his hips kissing the outline of his cock through his underwear. His breath stilled as his eyes closed and his head dipped back ever so slightly. I kissed the head of his cock, sucking gently and tonguing around the thickness. My hands wandered from his hips to his ass, grabbing a hold of his firm cheeks. I heard him let out a small laugh before pulling my hands away, making me pout.
“What's up with you girls and my ass? Ya”ll are always grabbing it.” he said.
“Not for nothing but it’s pretty cute and if you want me to enjoy sucking your dick even more, you should probably let me do it.” I yanked my hands from his and pulled down his underwear swiftly, revealing what made me scared yet lustful. He was rolling his eyes, preparing to retort with another quip when i wrapped my lips fully around his head. He exhaled softly instead, making the easiest of thrusts into my mouth as he started getting hard. My mouth was expanding to accommodate being fuller and I tried swallowing around him, inching my way down gradually. My eyes were already squeezed shut, my chest heaving as i forced myself to breathe through my nose.
The groan that came out of him was definitely a bit louder and deeper than what i heard during our last hookup. It was followed by a much softer ‘keep going’ as his long fingers came to rest on my shoulder. His thumb stroked my jugular, keeping me steady against him. My body relaxed a bit more as i felt the warmth of his hand so close to my neck. I was leaning into him again, wanting to feel the constriction of my air supply. I was able to swallow down more, barely half way but better than what i expected. I worked a hand around his base, giving a small squeeze before starting rhythmic strokes. My fingers met my lips as I flowed between sucking and stroking, trying my best to coax those rumbly groans out of him once more.
His thumb finally pressed into the front of my throat and I could feel the pressure every time i swallowed back. My grip on his ass tightened my nails digging into the muscles and leaving small marks behind. I wrapped a small moan around the tip of his cock as I felt the beginning drops of precum coat my taste buds. He hissed softly as he slipped the condom from his pocket into my hand. “Hurry…”
I smirked, releasing him from my mouth and tearing the foil open. “Still so needy, Johnny~”
He turned his eyes away from me. “Just hurry up and make me cum.”
“Hah, funny. I'm the one who should be cumming before you, asshole.”
“If you earn it.” He guided my hand towards his dick, commanding me to roll the condom on. 
I scoffed, pinching the tip of the rubber as i rolled it down his shaft. “If I earn it? You’re seriously bad at trying to be the one in charge.” I lied. His sharp tongued quips and deep tone was sending shivers down my spine. I wanted him to control me, command me, and have me fight tooth and nail against him.
Johnny grabbed me by my arms, hauling me up to my feet and harshly pulling down my leggings. I couldnt even say anymore before his fingers were down my panties. His middle finger was coyly circling my entrance and I knew he was just trying proving his point. Specifically, when his finger made one slow drag up to my clit before sliding back down again. “You were saying?”
I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. “Instead of annoying me with your smart ass mouth and your boring repeated tricks, why don’t you repay the favor by eating me out?”
He looked down at me, wrinkling his nose in a face of disgust. “Nah, i'm cool.”
Excuse me?? What? Did he really just deny eating me out? What kind of nonsense was that?!
“Why not? I literally just sucked your dick. It's the least you could do.” i almost growled. I would have much rather had him go down on me and not be such a jerk about it. Maybe i was spoiled. Every single one of my other partners would do it for me, from Taeyong to Quinn to Lucas and everyone in between. Johnny was the worst exception and my mind still toyed with the idea of leaving him here to get off on his own. I felt his finger dip into me again, trying to distract me from my tirade of angry thoughts. I hated him for all the convincing he was doing by filling me with his thick long fingers, furling and unfurling at a pace that made me squirm against him. My anger was slowly dissolving and my hips were grinding into his palm with each thrust. His breath brushed against my ear while his other hand tugged on the hem of my tee.
“Off, now.” He purred against me.
His command was better and more convincing this time. The timbre of his voice made my thighs clench just a bit and brought out the worst in my bratty personality. “Make me.”
I didn’t expect him to laugh in my face. “What are you, twelve? Just take it off.”
“Shut up! You're the one trying to command me and shit!.”
“I thought that's what you liked? Or is that only when you're tied up with your legs open?” He pulled his fingers out of me, my juices glistening under the fluorescent lighting. I stared at them, my tongue coming to drag over my bottom lip as tension filled the minimal space between us. I swallowed back when i saw the way he was looking at me, irritated yet primal in a way. He gave another tug on my shirt and i didnt question it this time. I pulled it over my head, along with my bra, and dropped it to the floor, never taking my eyes off him as he gripped my chin and pushed his cum covered fingers passed my lips.
The way he filled my mouth so easily had me clawing at his waist to keep him against me. My tongue worked over each digit, sucking my taste off before forcing myself down to his knuckles. His brows furrowed as he watched, concentrating on every movement and the way I grabbed at his wrist as if I was pleading to never pull away. I did however manage to regain myself enough to send a taunting question his way. “Remember when you said you were going to finger me so hard you would have me cumming in minutes? That didn't happen last time. Gonna make up for your lie?”
“i wasn’t lying but since you want to test me so bad bend over the fucking sick then, smartass.”
He shoved me towards the sink so fast that I struggled to kick off my converses and leggings so i wouldn't trip. I grabbed onto the sides of the sink, glaring back at Johnny through the mirror that was bolted above it. “You don't have to push me.”
“Aw baby,” he cooed as he lifted my knee onto the edge of the sink. “Dont lie, i know you love this. I’m gonna make you cum all over my cock.”
“Pause. Big pause. Don’t ever, and i mean, EVER say that. It's gross and literally the most unsexy thing someone could ever say.”
He shrugged, his voice dropping in tonality. “Usually girls want me to say shit like that.”
“Get it through your thick skull that i’m not one of your little chickenheads. What works for them doesn't do shit for me. Just...be yourself.” I sighed as I squared my shoulders and looked back at him. “Ok?” I said softly.
He licked his lips and cleared his throat. “What fucking ever.” He was back to his cocky attitude then but for a split second i could see a small shift in his eyes. Maybe it was doubt or him softening up a bit through me calling him out. I hoped it got through to him or else i'd have to use one of Ten’s ball gags every time i was with him.
He resumed his impatient plunges, as if nothing had transpired, discarding whatever feelings that were passing through his thoughts. He pressed his chest into my back, forcing me to stay bent over the small bowl. The pressure of his body against mine continued to build up and overwhelm my endorphins. I braced my hand against the mirror, the heat from it fogging into a print. God, he was such an asshole for making me feel this good.
He gathered my hair in his fist, tugging slightly to angle my head towards the mirror so i could see the smirk on his reflection.“You know i think i like it better when you don't talk either.”
I gave him a spiteful glare as our eyes chased one another before his tongue dove to place lavish licks across my throat. My shoulders tensed at the sensation, fighting to give into carnal desires that seemed to flare up whenever I was with him.
He placed more bites between my shoulder blades mixing them with the still fresh marks from our previous escapade. He joined his destruction of my skin's surface with the curling of his fingers again, pressing the pads of his fingertips against the sensitive area within me. My lips clasped into a impenetrable wall, sealing in my moan while his were flowing freely into my shoulders. I felt his cock burying into my back, the friction of my squirming leading him into torment. My supporting leg seemed to lift up on its own, bringing me to my tip toes, making him get as deep as he could. The torture ceased when i finally gave into his claim, my first orgasm shocking me as it had in fact hit me in minutes. I almost believed i could snap the sink in half with how utterly amazing his fingers were.
My head dipped low as i sank back, trying to recover before he worked me up again. I wanted to rest my propped up leg down on the ground but Johnny kept it pinned in place. He didnt let me have a moment to myself. Instead he vanished inside me so breathtakingly fast that my gasp surrounded us in echoes. His hand forced an iron grip on my hip while his muscles worked to piston into me. I leaned back against his shoulder reminding me of the climax of our first fuck. My eyes were fluttered closed, lips parted and waiting to feel his tongue overrunning mine. The small teasing nibbles to my lips that turned into rumbling bites were enough to make me weak.
Mewls, curses, and begs circulated between us Then it was over. He pulled away without an explanation, a pattern he was performing all too familiarly. He busied himself with kicking off his shoes and stumbling out of his shorts. I knew he hadnt cum yet and i need that deep stretch between my thighs and that radio voice to make me drip. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for his next move. “Well?”
He showed nothing more than calculated movements to pull me up into his arms, keeping me between his chest and the wall anew. There wasn’t any struggle to lift me, not even so much as a grunt when the muscles in his arms flexed to support my legs and my ass. I watched every inch of him tense; his legs square and steady, his chest rising and falling with each heavy inhale, and his shoulder blades pinching inwards. He was literally beautiful and i despised it. He was making my brain feel as if it was stuck in the clouds and was never going to clear itself of the fog.  He had spread me out for him, my legs dangling over his striated forearms,
I felt him then, his shaft riding between my lower lips to coat himself in my wetness. It was opposite of the rushed thrusts he had moments ago that made my stomach burn. The ridge of his head ghosted across my clit with each upward motion reminding me that the simplistic move was enough to bring me closer to insanity. That sensation was my favorite thing in the world and i ached for more. I held onto his shoulders, stabilizing myself as i inched my hips to meet his in an unwavering continuation of my satisfaction. His eyes flickered down at me, that smug look mocking me. Why did he know how to tease me so well?
I wanted to shove his face away from me but instead i dipped a hand down from his shoulder, my nails scraping against his torso. His eyes followed my fingers, getting wide as he found them spreading myself open for him. I could see his adam's apple bob with a hard swallow. “Fuck...” He shuddered. I felt my back slide down the wall as his hold on me wavered for a second. He hiked me up, repositioning me as he got a hold of himself. He was at a better angle now and the tip of his cock was already pushing past my entrance. I rested my head against the wall trying to distract myself from the way my already sore thighs were shaking and instead concentrate on the returning thrusts.
The slow sweet feeling got my body on edge just as much as the fast pace plowing did. I could feel myself tingling, shuddering each time his head caught a sensitive spot within my walls. Johnny dripped kisses across my breasts as his tongue teased tantric circles around my nipple before capturing it between his plush lips. My back arched, my breast filling his mouth enough for him to bite the swell of it. My breath hiccuped as i felt the sting of his teeth grazing against my skin. I wanted to see the after effects of those perfect rows when i thought of him later on tonight. He kissed at the indentations, creeping his way back up to my neck. 
His motions switched to a rough slam that had his hips forcing me back against the clammy wall as i clutched onto him for dear life. The calculated and harsh thrusts were powerful enough to drive feelings out of me that i preferred to keep repressed. It didn't help at all when his husky fervored radio voice finally groaned in my ear, “Fuck, Eri….you feel so good.”
In my head i was begging him not to stop though all i could get out was little squeaks as my nails etched streaks into his back. He hissed as i clenched around him with as much strength as i could muster, spurring the morphing jagged stutters of his hips faster. Our lips met in a rougher kiss once more, teeth clashing and moans interrupting each grab of our tongues. He was stretching me as he throbbed until the ever euphoric feeling flushed over us together. Our bodies had somehow managed to sync our orgasms which shocked me into silence. Johnny pressed his forehead into my shoulder as he slowed down, riding out the last aching feeling between us. I was tingling all over, my limbs feeling like tv static, as a wave of warmth washed over my skin. Everything about this was a mystery I had to unravel. It was new and different. I had never cum at the same time as my partner before. I always thought it was an enigma that only appeared in movies and tv shows. Now that I was experiencing it I had no idea what to do or say. I looked up at him as i tried to gather myself.
“Shit...uh…” What did you say to someone who made you feel so painstakingly good?
He pulled out of me gently before setting me down on my unstable legs. I diverted my eyes from him and managed to catch my reflection in the mirror. New hickies were all over me flowing with the others and the teeth marks on my chest made the skin tender. The fatigue was setting in hard and i was harshly reminded of the warm September weather that the shitty air conditioning in this building couldn't keep up with. I wanted to shower then sleep forever, maybe with him in my bed.
That minuscule daydream ended as i saw him tossing out the used condom and getting dressed. He was cold and distant like i usually was after a quick fuck..
“See ya.” He said as he pulled his shirt back over his head and grabbed his backpack. I gave him the finger as the door shut behind him, cursing under my breath. I was pretending that it wasn’t phasing me that he was leaving me out in the cold again. I turned on the faucet and ran some water over my neck and chest, trying to cool myself down. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail before wiping the cum that was now making me uncomfortably wet from between my thighs. Getting dressed was a painful ride that i was sure to carry onto my shift at work later on. I took a deep breath before opening the door and sliding back out into the world, less horny but still feeling incredibly reckless.
Johnnys POV
I unlocked the door to the apartment, sighing deeply as i still felt the scratches from earlier beneath my backpack. They had bothered me all day during my shift and I had half a mind to curse Eri out. I dropped my backpack to the floor, grateful to get rid of the weight and kicked off my work boots. I ran my fingers through my hair as i took off my hat, setting it on the hook by the door along with my keys. Jae was sprawled out on the couch seeming to have done nothing all day. “Hey dipshit.”
“‘Sup, asshole.” he replied.
“I’m fucking starving.” I announced as i headed over to the kitchen. I opened the freezer and took out the frozen pizza i had been thinking about all day. I had barely eaten since i had started my shift this afternoon and at this point i would eat everything if our fridge wasn’t so empty.
“Hey i got you something.” I heard Jae call out as i tore open the box and pulled out the pizza.
I turned back to see a little plastic baggie dangling from his fingers. I rushed back to him snatching it up. “Fuck! Where'd you get this from? Matt?”
“Yeah, i managed to have enough for the good shit.”
“Thank fuckin' god because Josh kept giving us mostly stems.” I replied. “I'm gonna put some food in the oven in a sec, if you wanna share.”
He nodded. “What are you making?”
“Pizza, i dont think we have another one but ill double check. Oh, we need screens.” I headed into my room for a moment, grabbing my bowl off my dresser and searching for the screens i had….somewhere. I opened my drawer and moved some of my underwear around, searching for the stupid little envelope. “For the love of tits, where is it? JAE! You got any screens left?”
“Fuck if i know.” he called back.
Thanks for helping, asshole. I went to check my desk drawer, pushing aside some of my sd cards, lighters, and notebooks until I finally found the tiny manilla envelope with the mesh screens for the bottom of my bowl. I went back to the living room and handed them over to Jae. “You wanna get it ready? Im gonna put the pizza in.”
He sat up and grabbed his grinder that was on the coffee table. “Yep. Can we use your good lighter? Mine barely has any juice left.”
We always use my good lighter. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide my annoyed sigh. I couldn't be too picky. He did get me good weed after all. “Yeah, no problem, bro.” I left him to work and shuffled back to the kitchen, getting out a cookie sheet and slapping the pizza on it, sans plastic. I looked in the freezer to see if we had anything else I could whip up. There was some left over frozen fries and onion rings. I shrugged and dumped them onto the cookie sheet, shoving the pizza aside a bit. That was good enough. I tossed it in the oven and set the timer for like 20 minutes.
I sat down beside Jae on the couch just as he was lighting the bowl, taking in a big inhale before handing it to me. I did the same, waiting a bit before exhaling, my eyes resting on the rerun of Rick and Morty he had put on. I thought about telling him what happened between Eri and I this afternoon. We normally told each other about who we fucked but i felt like i wasn't going to hear the end of his bitching if I did. Oh well. I had a mental shrug before taking another hit. “So….i fucked Eri again today.”
“Damn, for real?” He looked over at me in disbelief, shaking his head a bit. “I knew you were whipped for her.”
“Fuck off, i am not. She’s just you know…hot.” As in ridiculously cute even though she was not the usual type i went for. “And she has nice tits.” As in they fit so perfectly in my hands and i wish i could hold them all day, that i could hold her all day… “And shes tight as fuck, to be honest.” As in, i could hardly give a shit about that but she feels so damn good that my mind just turns to mush when im inside her. “Oh, and shes good at giving brain.” As in, her lips are literally a gift to this damn world and all i could think about was kissing them...but also yeah, she gives good brain too.
“Damn, her pussy must be that special to end your one night stand streak then. What happened to ‘only get her snap or instagram so she cant call you’, or ‘only ask for nudes’, or ‘fuck her and leave and dont ever text her back’?”
“The dick wants what the dick wants, bro.” I said before taking another hit. I really wished she would get out my head. I was stuck with her though. For an entire semester i had to stare at the way she twirled her hair around her finger as she tried to look back at me and hope that i didnt notice. I noticed it all and it only made it worse. Everything about her was frozen in my head like a damaged vhs tape caught in the same scene. Even at work i was fucking up coffee orders because i would remember the little moans she made in my ear or some other gay shit. Sometimes i would think about tracing my fingers over her tattoos and seeing what other things turned her on. I hated this. I needed to separate myself from her. Sleeping with her again was a mistake.
“You good or are you just spacing out from the weed?” Jae laughed.
I blinked quickly and looked at him, suddenly coming out of my funk. I had no idea how long I spaced out for or however many hits i took. It was kind of an unconscious motion at this point. I laughed nervously trying to cover up that i had been thinking about Eri. “Oh yeah, haha. Shit's good. I'm gonna check on the food ok?”
“I think the timer went off.” He shrugged as he packed another bowl. I went to check the food, taking my phone with me. I was secretly hoping that i would have a snap from Eri. There was nothing. I should've been happy because it meant i could cut ties and not have her in my room again (or bathroom for that matter). But a feeling in my stomach kept tugging. It was if my gut was telling me to just take the chance and message her again. We barely talked otherwise. Even today i just left her in the bathroom because it was what i was used to even though I felt like I should’ve said more. That orgasm was fuckin’ insane-better than anything I had ever had before. Maybe one more little hook up wouldn’t kill me. No. I was starting to break my own rules.
I wanted to slam my head against the wall with all this back and forth bullshit in my mind. I needed to smoke more; until my head got foggy, my eyes blurry, and i could laugh this feeling away. I opened the oven and stared at the food for awhile, trying to gauge if everything was cooked without actually touching it. I cocked my head to the side, watching the slow bubbling of the pizza cheese and listening to the sizzle of the fries that were just starting to crisp.
“Is it done?!”
I stepped back from the oven, wiping away the sweat on my forehead that had started to accumulate from being in front of the heat for so long. I looked around for a potholder, finding it on the floor because Jae could never pick anything up. I pulled the tray out and grabbed a plate for myself. “Come get your own shit!”
I grabbed a knife and started hacking away at the pizza, trying to get it into slices. I was so focused on trying to unstick it from the tray i almost didnt notice the two quick vibrations that went off as my phone screen flashed on. I tried not to look at it right away since Jae was making his way over to the kitchen. If i didn’t play it cool he would go back to bitchin’ about me hooking up with Eri again. He started picking off fries from the tray, opening and closing his mouth to try in get cold air in, instead of waiting for it to cool like a normal human being. Meanwhile, I managed to get half a slice of pizza unstuck and dropped it onto my plate before joining it with some onion rings. I picked up my phone, making sure Jae was too engrossed with eating to see what Eri had sent me.
It was a picture of her neck and shoulders. The new hickies from today that had amassed into a weird purple splotch on her skin. Her caption was ‘can you not? I do have to go to work you know lol’. I smirked. Seeing them all over her made me feel something. Like i had marked my territory? Eww no. That sounded gross. Maybe i liked seeing a reminder of me on her? It was feeding into my thoughts of ‘maybe she was thinking about me too’. My thumbs hovered over my keyboard for a solid minute. I didnt want to sound like an idiot or worse, a desperate idiot.
Text me when ur free?
I hit send in the chat section then typed out my number. I never did that. Never fucking ever. I was kicking myself mentally already. She wasn’t going to text back. I set my phone in my pocket and pulled off more pizza from the tray and went to the couch, alternating between eating, smoking, and feeling my body start to give into sleep. “Dont sleep on the couch.” I yawned at Jae, seeing him start to slump over on the armrest.
“I’m chill. I had a productive day of not giving a fuck and staying home. Go snap your girlfriend.” he laughed.
“Go text yours.” I got up and shuffled to my room, slamming the door behind me. I tossed my phone onto my bed and took off all my clothes, kicking them towards the giant pile of laundry on my floor. I shook off a condom wrapper that stuck to my foot then fell face first into the mattress. My body felt heavy. I hoped i would stay asleep through the night this time and wake up not needing 4 Americanos to start the day. I felt a vibration through my bed and poked my head up from my pillow.
I guess im free
I immediately saved her number.
I could feel a smile start to form on my lips and i shoved my face back into my pillow. If i suffocated myself enough i’d end my misery. I wouldn't need to wait for my heart stop beating so fast if i was dead. Minutes passed by and there wasn’t another message. I waited just a bit longer, until my eyelids felt heavy and i dove deep into the void.
The void was sometimes peaceful but it never really lasted long. There were times where it shifted into an ocean and made me choke on the waters of my mental distress. Other times it was a sterile room, bright and menacing. It housed my body on a slab that couldn't move, my mouth wired shut and my inability to scream permeating my mind until all i did was panic. The worst of times it was a monster that sucked me back into a realm of corrupted childhood innocence and i could never escape the horrors of being chased. It felt so stupid that i could do all this to myself but never had a way to stop it. The fear was overwhelming, creeping through each nerve until all that was left was the suffocating silence and the streaks of tears on my cheeks that smothered me in emotions that were usually locked away and buried under time and ignorance. I was fading into a forgotten mess and still trying to claw my way up, reaching for absolutely anything that could pull me out.
I gasped as my body yanked upright. My room was stuffy and heated. My sheets stuck to my sweat drenched body, clinging like a second skin. I looked down at my hands that were slowly coming into view as i blinked away tears.
I looked around in the darkness of my room. I had no idea where that voice was coming from. Was i just imagining things? Was i even actually awake? I spotted my phone, the screen glowing as it showed an ongoing call to Eri. I picked it up, trying to even out my breath. “H-hello?”
“Dude, its like 4am. Why are you calling me?” she sounded groggy and irritated.
“So-sorry. I uh...i think i might've rolled over onto my phone and dialed you. Didn't mean to wake you.”
“You sound out of breath. Did you call me while you're fucking someone?!”
“No...seriously i’m not. I-i-i gotta go.” I hung up instantly, not wanting to dwell in my weakness. I didn't need her to know about my suffocating anxiety forced night terrors. I didn't need anyone to know about those. I wasn't sure if i rolled over onto my phone or picked it up and dialed her in my sleep. I assumed i had done it more so on accident. Who knows how much thrashing i did this time. I laid back down, kicking off the sticky blankets and instead focusing on the dozens of messages i had missed in the group chat since i had fallen asleep.
The Boys Group Chat
Jae: the king has been bested lol
Taeyong: ohhh shit what happened now?
Jae: the one night stand turned into another fuck
Ten: wait he fucked eri again????
Jae: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jae: yup
Ten: holy shit
Taeyong: holy shit is right
Taeyong: thats like...
Taeyong: i mean hes never done that
Jae: not since we became friends
Jae: its been like 2 yrs since we met too
Ten: oh how the mighty have fallen
Johnny: can yall not???
Johnny: like i can literally read everything youre sending
Johnny: i havent fallen anywhere
Ten: hell yeah you have. Youre literally trapped now
Johnny: im not fucking trapped. Its done and over with. Were not gonna fuck again
Yuta: ok bro whatever u say tbh
Johnny: get out of here yuta
Yuta: 👅👅👅👅👅👅
Taeyong: dont listen to them. Ten and yuta drool over her every time she comes near them. Theyre like addicted or something
Taeil: ive seen you commenting a few times on her ig ty. Seems like theyre not the only ones addicted
Taeyong: ive literally just liked a few of her posts! So fucking what? That doesnt mean anything!
Taeil: you were literally staring at her at the party
Taeyong: yeah because you were trying to do your innocent boy schtick!
Ten: ty no matter how much you want to deny it you want her too
Johnny: shes literally not that great. I was just horny today after class. Yall need to chill
Jae: ok but if you hook up with her a third time then we know ur for sure whipped
Johnny: fucking choke. Pls.
Yuta: once you get used to her she aint so bad
Johnny: im cool. Trust.
Ten: hes too vanilla for her lolol
Johnny: fuck off. At least i dont have to like strangle myself to get off
Ten: awww chokings fun j-suh. Im surprised she hasnt asked you to do it yet
Johnny: well i mean like
Johnny: she kinda leaned into my hand a bit
Johnny: on saturday i mean. But it was weird so i just moved it
Ten: lmaooooo pussy
Yuta: dude just do it. She just gets this look in her eyes and its fucking insane
Jae: can yall not right now? Im about to puke
Taeil: im sure shes fine having normal sex. You act like every waking moment with her has to be kinky
Johnny: i havent had any complaints yet either
Taeil: yet? As in youre actually planning for another time? Lol
ten: #whipped
Yuta: #johnnyiserisbitch
Jae: then what does that make u two?
Yuta: her fuckin doms, dumbass 😂😂😂
Jae: what does that even mean????
Taeyong: even i know what that means jae damn. How dumb are you?
Jae: its just weird! Idk!
Yuta: it means when ten and i fuck her we control everything about her
Taeil: jfc
Ten: its a gift what can i say
(Downloading picture)
Johnny: Yuta are you fucking serious rn bro?
Taeil: Did you really take a picture of her tied up and gagged?
Yuta: lmao yeah. why fckn not? its hot
Johnny: how many pics of her do you have?
Yuta: lol so fucking many
Ten: ive got videos too 😏😏
Yuta: i mean theyre all up for grabs in case you want em 😜
Taeil: dont you think you shouldn't be sending those without her permission?
Yuta: i can dm u them
Taeil: yeah tbh
Taeyoung: youre just as bad as everyone else
Taeil: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Johnny: cut it out
Ten: boo yall are no fun at all
Yuta: anyway just dont fuck her again or else ull get trapped
Johnny: like you two are?
Ten: guilty tbh
Yuta: mood
Jae: yall need to sleep
Jae: asap
Jae: and stop bugging me
Taeil: mute the damn chat duh
Johnny: i gotta get back to bed too
Johnny: morning shift tomorrow
Taeyong: wack but same
Taeyong: ill see you guys
Ten: nighty nighty tae tae😚😚😚
Jae: ten ur gay is showing. No homo
Ten: literally all the homo. Anyway tell us again if you fuck eri
Ten: and ill let you know what happens on thursday ;)
Johnny: id rather not know and not fuck her again if ur gonna touch her
Taeil: i mean u basically already have so….
Johnny: shut up
Yuta: 😂😂😂😂
Yuta: dumbass
Taeil: im dipping out but ill let you guys know if she comes to the library ✌👅
Jae: eww dont talk about that
Taeyong: stop being such a kid and just go down on her
Johnny: off limits for damn sure
Ten: i'm telling you she wont keep you around if you dont
Johnny: good lets keep it that way
300 notes · View notes
kimnjss · 4 years
only you | jjk
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⤑  series: cherry pickers
⤑ pairing: gamer(fuckboi)!jungkook x video vixen(virgin)!reader
⤑ genre: some angst :/... nd fluff!! (implied smut)
⤑ rating: explicit 
⤑ word count: 3.3K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: slight dry humping, groping, neck kissing, a lot of inner monologuing, yn turns her emotions on nd off (lowkey scary), there are some tears, jungkook shows up w a ponytail nd glasses (what the actual fuckkk), 
⤑ A/N: uhm!? i think there’s like one more chapter left ., hello??? this was wicked fast i didn’t expect it but yeah . pretty sure there’s one more after this one guys??? 
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JUNE 15TH, 2020 | 23:43
Fighting Jimin. That's the only solution you can come up with for the way he's been acting the past few days. You had to fight him. Not only did he post, and tag!, you in an image of you and Jungkook... from a happier time, he has been 'accidentally' sending you alike pictures and even gone as far as to ask you to find a picture of the two of you for him to post.
What was his problem? It was like he was ignoring the fact that the two of you were on the rocks? All for what? To further this brand new interest in photography that really didn't have to include either you or Jungkook? 
It was annoying. The constant reminder of the good thing that you had, which was always directly followed by the worry of whether or not the two of you would be able to get back to the way you were. Of course, you wanted to be with Jungkook. You... had really strong feelings for him, but at the same time, you weren't sure if the Jungkook you fell for even existed.
What if it was all an act?
It didn't feel like one. Jungkook always seemed so genuine, so pure whenever he was with you. He took his time getting to know you, it really felt like he was himself around you. And he really has no given you any reason to doubt your relationship before, so why now? 
He explained himself, has given you the space that you asked for... so were you just being stubborn? Overreacting? Or reacting just the right amount? You couldn't tell, but the more you thought about it the stronger the urge to just go and see him grew. And Jimin's daily semi-hourly messages for couple shots of the two of you were not helping.
Now it seemed like every little thing reminded you of him. Had been doing such a great job at removing him from your thoughts, but with each scroll through your camera roll, you're hit with another memory and then swarmed with the countless memories you made in your own home.
You contemplated selling the place but ruled that as crazy. Maybe you'd just rent it out? Something. Anything so that everywhere you turn, you wouldn't be bombarded with all things Jungkook. The couch where the two of you spent nights cuddled up, kitchen where he'd cook for you, bedroom where you...
It was all becoming too much, a little bit overwhelming at times too. But bearable if you concentrated hard enough. You weren't really breaking until late one night. No text from Jimin, but you still found yourself scrolling through your camera roll. Smiling at a picture the two of you had taken.
Just of your fingers intertwined over the middle console of his car, nothing major but you find yourself missing how well his fingers fit in yours. The simple way you'd trace the tattoos printed on his knuckles. They were always so warm in yours and he never minded how cold you always were. Took it upon himself to warm you up. Oh! And the way he'd mindlessly reach for your hands whenever you were laying together, toying with them as he rambled about God knows what.
You missed him. So much, it hurt. All you wanted was to be near him, fuck everything else. Why did everything else have to be so complicated? Why did you have to ever find out about that stupid bet? Things were so much better when you had no idea what he and his ex-friends talked about. He'd still be in your arms right now, playing with your fingers if it wasn't for that.
Before you even have the chance to stop yourself, fresh tears are rolling down your cheeks. A sob breaking through your throat as salty droplets land on the screen of your phone. For the first time, in a very long time, you feel lonely. And the only person that you want to be with is Jungkook. Positive if you were in a room full of people and he wasn't there, this lonely feeling wouldn't go away.
You needed to call him. Hear his voice, his laugh, anything. You needed him.
The phone only rings once before he's picking up, sounding out of breath as if he had been working out. Little did you know, Jungkook had been waiting weeks for your call. Ready to run the moment your familiar ringtone was blaring through his phone speakers. His voice is breathy, but it still makes your heart skip a beat. “Hello?”
“Jungkook,” As soon as his name is leaving your lips, you're realizing how much you've missed saying it. And that thought alone has you crying harder. “Jungkook...” You repeat with a heavy sigh, head falling in your hand as you try to wipe the tears that just won't stop coming.
He shushes you on the other line, the sound of your cries has a crumbling feeling taking over his chest. He hated that he's the reason you sound like that, that he's the one that hurt you. All he wants to do is hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay, but he wasn't sure if that would be the truth.
There was only one thing that he could tell you that he was sure of. So he's apologizing, over and over again. For what he did, for what he didn't do, for making you cry. The pained sound of his voice only has your sobs growing louder, because he's hurting too. None of this made sense, you wanted to be together. So why not just be together?
“C-can you come over... please?”
He's nearly rushing for the front door at the quiet sound of your voice. Had hoped to hear you say that, wanted nothing more than to be with you right now. Even if it was only for a little while. He missed you, all he wanted was to see you. Three weeks was too long for him to spend away from you.
Then again, this wasn't about him. “Are you sure?”
“No. I feel like I'm all broken up. And it's your fault... but only you can make me feel better. I know that.” You're huffing, obviously frustrated with yourself. Ruffling is heard from your end of the phone and he can only imagine you're roughly wiping at your face. One final sniffle sounding, followed by a sharp clear of your throat. Mentally deciding that that was enough. No more crying.
He can almost feel the wall going back up, shielding him from the emotions you had let slip. Locking them back up where they couldn't make you look weak. He can even hear the difference in your tone now as if you hadn't just been crying to him two seconds ago.
“Yeah, come over.”
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JUNE 16TH, 2020 | 00:27
Jungkook shows up at your front door almost immediately. Did not need to be told twice, he was on his way as soon as the words were leaving your mouth. Handsome, like he always is. 
Long hair pulled out of his face, you had said it was cute once so he figured he'd try to appeal to you. His white long sleeve is clean, baggy gray sweats hanging low on his hips. He looks like your Jungkook. Despite the weeks you spent apart, he still looks the same. So inviting, you wanted to be in his arms.
A pair of glasses rest on the tip of his nose and through them, you can see the slight red of his pretty brown eyes, the puffiness that surrounds them. Jimin had mentioned a few times before how much he's cried in the past few weeks, you never thought it would be this obvious though. It makes your heart hurt.
He's closing the door behind him after you let him in, kicking his shoes off in the threshold and then staring at you. Neither of you sure what to do next, what to say. It's the first time that you feel awkward around each other and it kills you. Nothing was ever awkward with Jungkook, he was always so eager and obvious.
But now, it was like he didn't even know where to look.
“You can go sit down,” You say after a while of just standing there, silently competing to see who can avoid eye contact the longest. 
It's weird, normally he'd be kicking off his shoes and heading straight to the couch. Demanding that you sit too so he can put his head on your lap. Much different from the careful steps that he takes across the living room as if he's never been there before. He's sitting with his head bowed, hands clasped in front of him.
And you almost expect him to mumble out a: 'Nice place you got here,'. He doesn't. What he does do has you almost convinced that things aren't so bad between the two of you now. In the shyest, sweetest Jungkook voice, he's saying, “Come sit with me too,” It's quieter than you're used too, but still holds a certain familiarity to it that you can't mask your smile.
There's a lot you need to get off your chest, but you have no idea where to start. You don't have it in you to be mad at him anymore, it had you feeling heavy all this time and you just wanted to let it go. You just wanted to be with him, but you knew that in order for that to happen properly... the two of you needed to talk.
“You told me you loved me.” His words have been like a skipping record since he was rushing them out. Despite the undesirable nature, he was telling you, he had still told you and it hasn't left your mind since.
Jungkook's eyes are going wide, cheeks turning pink, caught off guard with the way you're able to just blurt it out. He had said it and meant it, never thought about taking it back. But wished he had done it differently. At the moment, he was panicked, worried that he was losing you so it came out.
If he had the chance to do it again, he'd come up with a speech, something that let you know how much you mean to him, how lucky he thought he was to get to be with you... and then he'd say it. Not in the midst of an argument as an attempt to get you to stay with him. That was fucked on his part, though.
And there was nothing he could do about it, the cat was already out of the bag. “Yes. I said that. And I meant it.” He's not sure where you're going with this conversation if you're preparing him for the clean break of your relationship or whatever, but he urges himself to be patient. You're the one in charge because he had hurt you.
This was your call.
“I know you have changed, Jungkook. You're so much different from when I first met you. I can see that. I just... the bet made me doubt whether or not the changes I saw were genuine. I didn't know what to believe, but now.” Weeks upon weeks, you spent thinking about this. Weighing your options, thinking, and rethinking the situation. You wanted to be right.
You wanted this to be right. “Now, I want to believe you, Jungkook. How you were when you were with me... I don't think someone can fake that. I kinda knew you loved me before you said it, you know? I could feel it or whatever. I don't think something like that could be all for pretend,” You're not even looking at him, but you can feel the way hope lifts his body.
He's all but jumping at the chance to assure you. “It wasn't pretend, I swear. Every last thing between us was all real. I fell in love with you, Yn. I love you.” He's reaching for your hands, lacing your fingers together. His are warm against yours and the warmth is quickly spreading throughout your entire body.
Warming your cheeks and coaxing fresh tears to pool at the brim of your eyes. “I love you too,” If you had held it in a second longer, you're positive you would've puked. Something like that needed to be said out loud. And from the way his face lights up from your slightly teary confession, it's worth it.
Jungkook moves before he can stop himself, leaning forward to cover your lips with his. It's a soft, quick kiss that doesn't last long before he's realizing what he's doing. Quick to pull away, that light pink dusting over his cheeks as he mumbles out an apology.
“It's okay. Just, uhm, one more thing.” He's leaning back to give you some space you don't exactly favor. Fingers pushing through his hair as he nods, teeth and tongue working over his lip. “Of course. What is it?”
He looks ready to fix any issue you might have with being him and you don't doubt that he'd work himself making sure that everything was all right. That's the thing, though. There weren't any real problems being with him, Jungkook was a good guy. You knew that and he showed you time and time again, just in case you forgot.
Being overwhelmed in the moment had you losing sight of that, doubting him in ways that he never gave you a reason to. He was always good to you, since the beginning. And that was something you found a little hard to understand. “Why me? I mean, it's no secret you've had a plethora of girls knocking on your door. So how come you chose me to fall in love with?” A tiny insecure thought that popped in your head from time to time, but a lot more in the past few weeks.
What made you so different?
The sound of his laugh is the last thing you expect to hear. His pretty smile rests on his lips as the sweet sound dies down, eyes shining as he looks at you. “I didn't choose you, baby. I got lucky and you chose me. And I have zero complaints. I don't know if you know this, Yn. But you have really high standards. You make me want to be better for you.” He's confident this time when he reaches for you, hands settling on your hips as he tugs you toward him.
A natural position between the two of you, sat up with your legs draped over his hips his stretched out behind you. Crazy how perfectly you fit in his arms. “No one has made me feel the way you have. Only you.” You're embarrassed with how dramatic your heart is for this man.
Fingers brush hair from your face as he leans closer to you, nose just barely brushing against yours. “Does that answer your question?” Using that deep voice of his that you only recently discovered. Eyes lifting to look at you through his long lashes, your entire body heats up from the look alone.
“Yes, it does.”
The corners of his lips lift into a smile, fingers tracing the side of your face to tip your chin up toward his. Gaze dropping to your lips, then back up to your eyes. “Can I kiss you now?” There's something about him asking that makes you want it more.
Paired with the patient way he sits awaiting your answer, holding you close but still giving you space. Subtle things that he did to make sure you were comfortable, make sure that he was never pushing too much. Jungkook was constantly proving to you that you could trust him, without a word.
And you do, trust him. With everything you do. So you don't even have to think twice about nodding your head, welcoming his lips onto yours. His fingers tangling in your hair to hold your head in place as his mouth moves over yours. Kissing you the way that he's dreamt of after all this time.
He's missed you. Being apart from you was something that he never wanted to do again and he was going to make sure that neither of you would have to experience that again. His warm tongue glides over your lower lip and you're sure he's going to push his way through.
But he doesn't, instead, he's dragging his teeth over your skin, dragging your lip back as you pull away. It's hot. The feeling of his teeth pressed into your skin, the look on his face as he does it. You can't help the soft moan that falls from your lips. A sound that goes straight to his pants.
“Tell me that thing again, you know? About how you feel about me...” There's a hint of blush on his cheeks. It makes you feel warm all over. Lifting your arms, you wrap them around his neck, scooting a bit lower on his lap. Hips pressed against his.
You think about teasing him, acting as if you have no idea what he's talking about. One look at the slightly nervous look on his face is stealing all of that way. As if you wouldn't say it again like the first time had been a fluke. Yeah, right.
Lips molded against his, you place a sweet kiss on them. Smiling brightly as you pull away, lifting your gaze to look him right in the eye. He needed to know that you meant business when you said what was coming next. “I love you, Jungkook. Only you.” He's kissing you again before the words can fully leave your lips, hand pressed firmly on your back as he holds you to him.
The slow lift of his hips, dragging a moan from you. “I just told you I love you. Why are you hard?” Your giggle vibrates against his lips. Jungkook does nothing to pull back, lips still sealed together as he murmurs.
“It's a love boner,” He groans softly, rolling his hips up. Using the grip he holds in your hair to tilt your head back, trailing his lips down toward your jawline. Sucking wet kisses into your skin, creating a path toward your collarbones.
Your laughter is interrupted by a moan, your own hips moving at their own accord into his. His cock dragging against your core through the fabric of your clothes, but you can still feel him as if you were bare. His freehand is traveling down your back to grip your ass, encouraging the movement of your hips.
Gruff grunts leave his lips from the friction and it takes everything in you to concentrate on your words. “S-shut up, those aren't real. All you think about is sex,” Ignoring the moans that lace your words and the insistent roll of your hips. He's the focus subject here.
Jungkook is shaking his head quickly, pulling back to get a good look at your face. Already flushed and he was just getting started. “Correction. All I think about is you. How my body reacts is not my fault,” You laugh to hide your blush, hand reaching out to shove at his shoulder.
“You're an idiot,” You're mumbling out, which he assumes is code for some term of endearment in your head. He'll take it, leaning down to press yet another soft kiss to your lips.
There was no way he'd grow tired of the feeling he got from kissing you. “And I love you. And you love me too. So let's make love,” It's corny, so you have no idea why your heart is screaming, fighting against your rib cage to get to him. But you've learned to not have everything figured out when it came to Jungkook. Things were the way they were and you liked them exactly that way.
You loved it.
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— known for your body and surrounded by rumors about your sex life… rumors that he doesn’t think to doubt. until he’s meeting you… forced to realize there’s much more to you then the thonged shorts and lacy costumes.
⤪ masterlist ⤨
 taglist: @agustdef​ @smoljams​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire​ @hehehehahahohohuhu​ @houseofarmanto​ @preciouschimine​ @chocobetterknot​ @kookiesjoonies​ @ashleyjoyx​ @thia-aep​ @jinhitwhore​ @silentlyimpractical​ @acc3ssdenied​ @triviasjms​ @joonies-babyy​ @bangtansonyeondayyyum​ @bangtan-noona​ @mipetronella​ @lilacdreams-00​ @strawberryforever25​ @tae165​ @jikooksgirl19​ @dee-ehn​ @butterflylion​ @alterlovess​ @joontopia​ @my-odd-mix​ @yeontanie21​ @sw33tnight​ @kookiesdoe​ @daydreambrliever​ @elliemeetsevil​ @hellotherehoneybee​ @bangtansbun​ @taefect94​ @tricethecharm​ @pjmcth​ @0xmysticx0​ @samros95​ @codeinebelle​ @vmin-soulmate​ @bluewhale52​ @thecityrain​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @diminieshoe​ @kelitt​ @soulstaes​ @ayyyocee​ @betysotelo18​
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taglist: @anothershorthuman @izzyexe @letmebreathepls @okaysoplshelpme @chogiyeol-utopia @iforgotthemelody @kookiepout @sunshine-ybba @lovelyseomin​ @super-btstrash-posts @calikoocat  @richkookie @yoong-i​ @koochiekoo​ @thephotoend​ @heavenspidey​ @perseephony​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @mina-bear​ @holdinbacksecrets​ @drumsofheaven​ @na-na-na-nanna​ @sunset-and-daydreams​ @luvtaeha​ @yoongipsychic​ @bipolarbeyotch​ @fanfics-for-fun​ @anoncutiw​ @stillphoria​ @lomeinchicks​ @anjcia​ @keenmedstudent​ @xtrataerrestrial​ @queengalathynius​ @sweetrenr​ @deeepvibes​ @somelazysundays​ @hyungaway​ @komoruarchives​ @junebug322​
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
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namjoonysl · 6 years
don’t play (m)
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jimin’s your roommate and you’re convinced he’ll never see you as anything more than a friend. jungkook’s the fuckboy you match with on tinder who decides to help you make your roommate jealous. (1/?)
reader x jimin, reader x jungkook
Some people in life had it easy. They were gorgeous, beautiful, and everyone wanted them. That wasn’t you. You’d never been the pretty one. Guys didn’t hit on you when you went out with your friends, they didn’t go out of their way to hold doors open for you, they didn’t slide into your DMs when you posted selfies, but that’s okay.
There’s more to life than being pretty. You’ve learned to love yourself for other things, more substantial reasons: you were smart, you were hardworking, and you tried to be kind, which was more than a lot of people could claim. After recognizing these qualities and loving yourself for them, the state of your looks didn’t bother you anymore. For the most part.
Most days, you were fine. But days like today, when you walked into your kitchen first thing in the morning to see Park Jimin making waffles, wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist, droplets of water traveling down the defined expanse of his back—days like today, feeling a little self conscious was unavoidable.
You didn’t anticipate moments like this when you agreed to be Jimin’s roommate. You were just trying to be nice. Sometimes you really wished you were less nice.
“Morning, Jimin,” you mumbled, sleepy crankiness making your voice thick.
Jimin whipped around, a droplet of cold water flicking off his damp black hair and hitting you on the arm. “Oh, you scared me,” he laughed, “morning! Want a waffle?”
You grunt a “sure” that sounded both masculine and inelegant. Accepting the plate of waffles covered in thick golden syrup, you busied yourself with cutting into crunchy food and nibbling on a piece. You stared into the patterns of the marble countertop in front of you, pointedly avoiding looking at Jimin’s topless upper body.
Jimin chuckled. “Oh my god, you’re so cute.”
You paused chewing. “Wha?” you ask with a mouthful of waffle. You swallowed and looked up, narrowing your eyes. “Why’d you say that?”
He grins. “You never look at me when I’m shirtless. It’s cute that you’re shy, and a bit of a prude.”
A path of embarrassed stinging traveled up your neck and red blossomed on your cheeks. “Hey, I am not a prude. And I’m not shy either. I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“Oh, I see,” Jimin nodded, a tug of teasing at the corner of his mouth, “well that’s very considerate of you, but I’m super comfortable with my body. Look all you want.”
You roll your eyes fondly. Most mornings went like this, playful exchanges over shared breakfast, an unexpected domestic routine you’d fallen into and would miss when you inevitably parted ways. No one stays roommates forever. Jimin would fall in love with a beautiful girl because that’s what beautiful people did: they paired off together, two by two, until all that was left was you.
“So, Tae told me you went on a Tinder date,” Jimin says casually.
You almost spat out your orange juice. Thankfully you stifled your gut reaction and swallowed the tangy beverage with some grace. “He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that.”
Jimin tilted his head thoughtfully. “Why not? And why would you tell Tae instead of me? I’m your roommate. Also, I tell you every time I go on a date.” The pout could be heard in his voice. It was true, Jimin had many colorful accounts of his romantic life and he had no problem sharing them, but there was a reason for that. Jimin’s dating life was amazing, and you could barely get matches on Tinder. Still, you felt bad for not telling Jimin.
You shrugged. “I’m sorry. It’s just really lame and not even worth mentioning. It’s not a big deal, plus the date went horribly. I just didn’t want to keep talking about it.” You tried to brush off the conversation, but Jimin was never one to let things go.
“Why did it go horribly? Was the guy a dick to you or something?”
“No. I mean, yeah actually. He showed up like twenty five minutes late, rattled off an apology about his job or something, I don’t even know, I could barely hear him. The bubble tea place he wanted to meet up at was so loud. And the conversation was stilted and awkward,” you said. You tried to sound nonchalant and not let on that it did bother you. You didn’t want Jimin to know that you were actually disappointed and hurt by the date, very much so.
“Oh no,” Jimin intoned sadly, an empathetic frown on his face, “I’m sorry.”
“Like I said, it’s not a big deal,” you chuckled and walked to the sink with your plate, washing off the sticky syrup residue. You felt his presence beside you. “It’s just a Tinder date. It’s how these things usually go, you know? Can’t expect anything good.”
Jimin sighed and took your wet plate from your hands. He lifted the dry towel by the faucet and wiped your plate, then placed it gently on the drying rack. “I know you hate being comforted, but I don’t care. The guy you went out with was an asshole and I’m sorry you had a shitty time. You deserve better.”
You smiled, tight-lipped and uncomfortable, but grateful nonetheless for his thoughtful concern. “Thanks Jimin. I only hated that a little bit.” You nudged his arm playfully with your elbow.
He laughed. “Well, now that the serious moment is over, I’m curious about something.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “You met up with a guy from Tinder.”
You blinked, expecting him to continue. “Yes?”
Jimin smiled, an angelic expression that could make anyone give up incriminating information, but he looked far from innocent right now. “Level with me.You trying to fuck?”
You sputtered and slapped him on his shoulder. He tipped his head back and laughed, the ridges of his throat protruding underneath his milky skin. “Please,” you said with mild annoyance.
“What? It’s a valid question. You go and meet a guy on Tinder out of the blue. You’re an adult. Everyone does it. Nothing wrong with it.”
You shake your head. “Random hookups aren’t my thing. That’s more of a Jimin thing.”
“Yeah?” Jimin half-smiled bashfully. At least he had the grace to look a little embarrassed about his reputation. “Are you slut shaming me?” he asked jokingly.
“Nope, we’re just completely different people.” You opted not to explain that Jimin looked like a runway model and you… did not. It was sad enough to think it. Saying it out loud would’ve been too pathetic. “Live your best life, get that shit, dick everyone in this whole town, it’s none of my business, Jiminie. I support you!”
“Did you just say dick everyone?” he sputtered through giggles.
“Gotta go shower! I’m late for work. Have fun dicking!” you called on your way to your bedroom, leaving behind a sputtering Jimin by the sink.
At work, Taehyung laid it on thick with the charm. Aside from being his friend, shifts with Taehyung generally went really well since his effortlessly pleasant and non-threatening flirting personality always raked in the tips.
Today however, every time you watched Taehyung flirt with another unsuspecting girl, you glared in his direction. You were jealous. What a life he must have with that magnetic personality and that pretty face. If you dared to try to be flirty, you would make everyone in that interaction uncomfortable, including yourself. You tried your best not to let on that you were a little annoyed with Taehyung, but every time you thought back to this morning when Jimin was interrogating you about your love life, it soured your mood.
“Jeez, are you still pissed?”
You paused in the middle of tossing a latte into a metal tumbler. Taehyung was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, leveling you with a knowing stare. “I’m not allowed to be pissed that you told Jimin about my pathetic love life?”
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “No one’s love life is perfect. We’re friends, we tell each other embarrassing shit, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” you whined. Tossing the cinnamon latte into a plastic cup and sealing the lid, you smiled and handed it to the customer waiting by the bar. “Jimin brings home girls all the time. He’s had multiple girlfriends. I had one boyfriend two years ago and he was barely nice to be. Going on a shitty Tinder date, going on a Tinder date at all at this age—it’s just really lame.”
“What age? You’re only twenty two, not some thirty year old desperate spinster.”
You shrugged. “It feels like I am.”
“Is that the only reason you’re so bothered?” he said suggestively.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Are you sure it’s not because you have feelings for Jimin?”
You blinked. “Feelings? For Park Jimin? Do I look stupid to you? That was a rhetorical question,” you clarified when he opens his mouth to answer.
“I was going to say,” Taehyung began, “that you shouldn’t feel stupid about it. Lots of people fall in love with their roommates. It’s a really popular trope.”
You snorted. “That’s hilarious. I meant that it’s stupid because Jimin’s really attractive. Have you seen the women he dates? I don’t compare to them. And don’t try to console me about this. It’s not a big deal, I’m fine, I’m just stating facts. Why do you think he even asked to be my roommate? You think if there was any chance he’d catch feelings for me that he’d want to live with me?”
Taehyung blinked. “I don’t get it. What does being roommates have to do with negating feelings?”
“You see, when you live with someone, you can’t really put up any pretenses, right? The other person sees all the ugly, boring sides of you—not that Jimin really has any. The point is, he doesn’t care about impressing me, so he’s okay with living with me. He thinks of me as a friend, and I’m not stupid enough to believe he’d ever think otherwise.”
Taehyung nodded. “Wow, you’ve got it all figured out. Impressive,” he said flatly.
“Shut up. I’m serious.” You playfully whacked his leg with a mini towel on the way to the sink, which was piled high with coffee-stained mugs and saucers. One by one, you scrubbed the ceramic dishware and arranged them onto the drying shelves. You’d entered a peaceful rhythm of scrubbing, washing, and drying when Taehyung called you over to the front counter. You rolled your eyes. Just when you thought the rush was over another customer shows up. What did Taehyung need you for anyway? He was perfectly capable of taking orders by himself.
When you get to the front counter and plaster on a giant fake smile, the expression immediately shatters when you realize why Taehyung had called you over. It was Jungkook, your shitty Tinder date.
“Jungkook,” you stated. Underneath the counter, you felt a light tap against your foot. You didn’t need to look down to know it was Taehyung, the same person you initially confided in when you were trying to decide whether you should go out with Jungkook when he matched with you and asked you out. Taehyung looked over his profile and read your messages, and ultimately decided he seemed harmless enough.
“Hi,” Jungkook said, smiling tight-lipped. “Do you have a minute?”
Your mouth went dry. You glanced at Taehyung for help, who nodded and gave you a light pat on the back. “You can go,” he said, “I’ll hold down the fort.”
“Okay,” you said quietly. You cleared your throat and removed your apron, pulling it over your head, hoping it wouldn’t get caught on your hair like it sometimes did—it didn’t. “Wanna sit here?” You pointed to a table in the corner that was in a blind spot from the cameras so your boss wouldn’t see you sitting down, but was close enough to the counter so Taehyung could hear your conversation.
Jungkook nodded and followed you. “Sorry to show up out of the blue,” he said. “I texted you but I didn’t get a response.”
“My phone was in my bag, sorry. I wasn’t checking it. So what’s up?”
Jungkook ducked his head, tendrils of wavy black hair falling in front of his eyes, and you were reminded why you had a such a hard time deciding whether you should meet him. When you saw that Jungkook swiped on you, you figured it must’ve been a mistake. Jungkook was really hot. He was also twenty one, one year younger than you. Even so, you thought there would be no harm in matching, so you did. He sent you the first message, four words that almost made you fall off your bed: “wow, you’re really pretty.”
Now here he was, one shitty encounter later, sitting in front of you wearing a white tshirt and ripped black jeans with his hands folded on the table, looking guilty and a little sad. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know the date went bad and it’s my fault. I showed up late and I was out of it, and I felt really bad, so I’m sorry.” He peered up through his bangs, brown eyes wide with sincerity and remorse.
“Oh,” you said, caught off guard. “Um, it’s alright Jungkook, I wasn’t expecting you to sweep me off my feet or anything. It’s no biggie. No hard feelings.” You let out a little laugh, not quite sure what to say. No one had ever apologized for being a bad date before. It was unclear whether you should feel like he was validating your experience or pitying you.
He stood up straighter. “No hard feelings, okay, good.”
“Yeah.” You scratched your brow awkwardly, peering back at Taehyung, who was leaning over the counter looking as confused as you felt. “Is-is that all? Cause I kinda have to get back to work…” You stood up and Jungkook instantly mirrored your movement, reaching out a hand.
“Wait, that’s not all. I was also sorta wondering if we could go out again?”
Your mouth fell open a little. “Um. What? You want to go out again? Why?” You stepped beside your chair hesitantly.
“I just want to do things right this time. You know, show up on time, go somewhere we can actually hear each other.” He chuckled, the corners of his eyes wrinkling up in a way that was adorable and boyish and exactly the kind of thing that made you weak. Your guard was already dropping. “I just like talking to you, and I was the one who asked you out. I was a rude date, but I’m not a bad person, I promise. So, what do you say?”
You froze. People always told you you were too nice for your own good, too understanding, giving second chances to people who rarely deserved them. This felt like one of those moments. The first date with Jungkook had gone so poorly. He didn’t even offer to pay for your tea, and considering he was the one who asked you out, it would’ve been the polite thing to do. His age was probably partially responsible for that, and the tardiness. He was still in college, and from what you saw of single guys in college, they weren’t the most collected individuals.
Still, your resolve was feeble, and Jungkook was a hot guy who apologized and wanted to take you out again. Your mind was filled with doubts and suspicions of ulterior motives, but in the moment, you couldn’t find it in yourself to reject him, at least not to his face. Thankfully, customers just walked in, an impatient looking group of older women who probably wouldn’t appreciate being kept waiting.
“I’m sorry, I have to go, people just came in.” Jungkook peered over his shoulder and his shoulders drooped in disappointment.
“Can I text you later then? Or you can text me, let me know if we’re on for round two?” He grinned, glints of hope in his eyes.
“Sure, I’ll text you.”
“Okay, cool. Sounds good! Then I’ll catch ya later hopefully.” He gave a little wave on his way out, and when you joined Taehyung at the counter again, you pointedly avoided looking at his smirking face.
When you get home, Jimin wasn’t there, not surprising. He usually went out on Friday nights, the more extroverted counterpart to your homebody nature. With the luxury of the whole apartment to yourself, you took a shower, took out your contacts and put on glasses that looked like you borrowed them from your grandma, put on the fluffiest, least sexy pair of PJs you own that had little hearts and sheep on it, an oversized college tshirt, cooked a pot of ramen, and started watching a space documentary on Netflix.
It was nice, being able to exist in a common space with wet hair and no bra, being able to ugly in peace without worrying about your hot roommate witnessing you in your natural state. You didn’t have a TV in your room so you were happy to watch something on a screen that wasn’t your laptop for once.
When all the noodles were finished, you placed the fork on the coffee table and began to drink the salty soupy remnants of the ramen by slurping it out of the bowl like it was a mug, the way kids do. It was when the bowl was at your lips, angled it so it largely covered your face that you heard the front door open, along with the voice of your roommate and the laughter of a woman.
You brought the bowl down immediately and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. “Jimin, hi,” you said with a small voice, your cheeks flaming red.
“Oh hey,” Jimin smiled, “sorry, I should’ve warned you. I thought you’d be hanging out in your room. Amy, this is my roommate, _____.” The woman nodded curtly at you, a stiff smile stretching her plump, glossy lips.
“Hello,” you waved, embarrassment making your palms sweat as you became painfully aware how toned her body looked under her elegant black dress, and how much of a slob you were in comparison. “Nice to meet you. Um, do you guys want to hang out in here? I can go to my room, it’s fine.”
“No no, that’s alright,” Jimin said, “we’re just gonna be in my room.” A small suggestive grin tugged at the corner of his mouth and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes in his face. “I’ll see you in the morning okay? Goodnight!”
With that, he took his date’s hand and pulled her into his bedroom, and she followed eagerly. Her elated screeches and giggles could be heard after he closed the door.
With effort, you tried to erase the most recent moments of your life from your memory and resume your space documentary, but Carl Sagan’s voice could barely be heard over the moans and wistful sighs coming from the next room. You glared at the beige wall in front of you and turned up the volume a few notches. A few seconds later, you heard three sharp raps against the wall. Unbelievable.
With a scoff, you turned down the volume and tried to ignore the girlish yelps and the low grunts that you’d heard many times before from the previous women Jimin brought home. The deep, throaty groans shot straight to your gut, and it was all you could do to scurry into your bedroom and slam the door shut before your mind started to go to dark places.
This was how it usually went. Friday night, Jimin’s got a hot date, and you’ve got desire pooling in your belly and nothing to do about it but sulk. It was then that your phone vibrated on your bedside table.
Jungkook (11:35 pm): hey sry i know it’s late but have u decided yet ? can we go out again ?
You wanted to say no. You wanted to say that he blew it, that if he really wanted to go out again, he would’ve shown up on time and he would’ve picked a better place and he would’ve at least offered to pay since he invited you. But then you heard a high pitched whine, albeit muffled, but the sting was of it was fully felt. Jimin was in his bedroom having the time of his life, just like everyone else you knew on a Friday night, and you were in your PJs and your breath smelled like noodles.
Maybe you were getting desperate, but you liked the feeling of being pursued for once, even if it ended in disappointment again.
Me (11:38 pm): yeah i guess we could go out again
Jungkook (11:41 pm): cool! wanna get dinner tomorrow night ? i know this cool thai place, my treat ?
Well, at least he was offering to pay this time. You had the receipts if he wanted to back out. You could handle disappointment again if free food was involved.
Me (11:42 pm): sounds good, see you then
The following afternoon, you rushed home from work to get ready, but not without ducking most of Taehyung’s intrusive questions. (“Where are you going? What are you gonna wear? How did he get you to agree to go out again? Are you gonna fuck him?” “None of your business, I have no idea, I just feel like going out again, and fuck off.”)
Thirty minutes before the date you found yourself standing in front of your closet, at a total loss for what to wear. Getting dressed was generally a traumatic experience since nothing ever seemed to fit right, and a childhood of being taught to hate your body didn’t help your self-esteem.
Jungkook said he was taking you to a Thai restaurant, so you had to wear something nice without looking like you tried too hard. There was no avoiding it: you had to wear a dress, something you rarely ever wore. You never really got out of the college phase of wearing tights and tshirts, and at work there was no uniform, so you generally wore jeans and a simple tshirt.
In the end you decided on a cream colored mesh dress that had embroidered flowers on it. You tugged uncomfortably on the thin straps. Your shoulders and your upper back, and a lot of your cleavage was exposed, but that was the point. Exposure. You bought the dress thinking someday you’d be brave enough to wear it, and today was the day. You were going to push yourself out of your comfort zone because that’s what grown ups did. You weren’t an insecure little kid anymore.
Standing in front of the mirror, you inspected your appearance from every angle, and then lifted up your arm to double check you wore deodorant when suddenly you heard a sharp rap at your door. You yelped.
“What is it?” you called.
“I’m going out, just letting you know I’ll probably be late!” Jimin said from outside your door. You rolled your eyes. Of course Jimin was going out two days in a row.
“Sounds good!”
“What about you? Are you staying in?”
You froze. Internally you debated whether you should tell him you had a date, weighing the pros and cons.
Cons: He’d want to know who you were going out with and you’d either have to lie and make up someone new, or tell him you were going out with Jungkook, after which Jimin would probably judge you or chastise you or worse, pity you. He would also want to know all the details afterwards, and since tonight will probably end poorly at worst, mediocre at best, it isn’t information you want to relay to anyone, least of all Jimin.
Pros: You could ask him if you looked pretty in your dress. You could ask him what boys like when they went out with girls. You could ask him for advice, assistance, just anything that would help you feel less lost and vulnerable.
Your stomach spurned and you felt queasy. You decided to keep your plans to yourself.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna stay in, watch Netflix or something.”
Jimin’s fond sigh could be heard through the door. “Some things don’t change, huh?”
You gulped, taking in your appearance in the mirror. Forty minutes was spent straightening and styling your hair. You managed to tame the frizziness and create some loose waves. An additional thirty minutes was spent on your makeup. Hours of your life had been dedicated to watching makeup tutorial videos, so you knew how to do a golden bronze eyeshadow look with a shimmery lip, with some semblance of hope under layers of cynicism that Jungkook might want to kiss you.
Briefly you wondered what Jimin might say if he saw you like this. He’d never seen you dressed up before. You never bothered to look the least bit glamorous around him. Making an effort for him seemed pointless. He’d never see you as a viable girlfriend or hookup or anything really.
“Yeah, some things never change,” you murmured to yourself, hoping with all your heart that that wasn’t true.
You waited until Jimin left to go out. When you arrived at the restaurant, Jungkook was waiting for you outside. He was wearing a striped button up and skinny jeans, black boots, and silver hoops in his ears. It would always be a mystery whether it was his appearance or the heel of your shoe that made you stumble a little walking up the sidewalk. It was almost as mysterious as why someone as attractive as Jungkook would want to see you again. You wondered if the people outside were surprised that you were the one he was waiting for.
“Hey,” he greeted politely, briefly glancing down to do a once over, “you look um, really nice.”
Your cheeks suddenly felt hot, and you were grateful for the layers of foundation and concealer on top of your pink skin. “Thank you, you also look nice,” you said shyly, picking at the embroidery on your skirt. “Should we go in?”
“Yeah, of course! Here, watch the steps. Thank god I made reservations. I didn’t think it’d be this packed tonight,” Jungkook said, lightly touching your back and gently guiding you up the steps outside the main entrance. It was a cute gesture, something you’d seen guys do for girls in movies, and you fought to keep the smile off your face.
“I’m impressed,” you said, smiling, “most guys in college I knew wouldn’t have had the forethought to make reservations. They just winged everything.”
Jungkook let out a little laugh. “Yeah, that’s pretty much how it is, but I just wanted to make sure everything went well this time, since I fucked up last time.” Jungkook ducked his head, a characteristic gesture that seemed to indicate that he was nervous or embarrassed, or both. It was cute. He really knew how to play into the whole adorably clueless, but with the best of intentions schtick. At the front of the line, he greeted the waitress at the podium. “Hi, reservations under Jeon?”
“Yes, Mr. Jeon,” the waitress smiled, barely sparing a glance at you, “your table is right this way.”
Jungkook kept the hand on your back as you both followed the waitress. She seated you at a table by the window. “Please let me know if you need anything,” she said, addressing only Jungkook, whom she was still smiling at.
“Thank you,” he nodded at her. When she left, he picked up the menu. “This place has really great noodles. If you want any recommendations, let me know.”
Six minutes later it was decided that you would get the chicken and he would get the beef, and you were both allowed to try each other’s food because greediness was decidedly lame.
“So,” Jungkook said, “did you have a nice day today?”
You grinned at his attempt at making conversation. “Yeah, it was a pretty uneventful day. Just went to work.”
“Ah yes, at the coffee shop. It’s so cute that you’re a barista.”
You snorted. “Why is that cute?”
He shrugged and laughed, fiddling with a button on his shirt. “I don’t know, it just is. The coffee shop you work at is so lowkey and vibey, and then you’re just up there, making coffee. It’s a thing, trust me.”
His explanation made you laugh again. “If you say so. It’s less cute when there’s a line out the door and people are getting mad at you because they have to wait so long.”
Jungkook frowned empathetically. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound pleasant. They should expect to wait? And I’ve had the coffee where you work. It’s good, totally worth the wait.”
“Oh, you came by the shop?”
“Yeah, once a while back. You weren’t there.”
“I see. So where do you work, if you do at all?” you asked curiously.
“Oh, I don’t work,” he said, leaning back in his chair, “If I did, I’d probably fail all my classes.”
You nodded. “Fair enough.”
A different waiter brought you your food and arranged it on your plate. Jungkook stopped the man before he left. “Excuse me, could we also get two glasses of the house wine please? Oh sorry, _____, is that okay with you?”
You blinked, not expecting Jungkook to go ahead and order alcohol. You didn’t have anything against drinking, but you were a little hesitant to consume something that would lower your inhibitions in case you said or did something embarrassing. “Y-yeah, that’s fine, wine sounds great,” you finally decided, remembering that you were trying to go out of your comfort zone and do things you were afraid to do.  
Jungkook grinned when the waiter left. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” you said.
“I don’t actually like wine. I just thought you would be impressed if I ordered it.”
“What?” you sputtered, giggling. “Seriously?”
“Yes!” he laughed. “Thought it’d be classy and mature or something, I don’t know. Was it lame?”
“Oh jeez. Yes Jungkook, it was very classy and mature of you. Only thing is, I don’t much like wine either.”
“Oh my god,” Jungkook paused in the middle of swirling a fork into his noodles, “for real? We’re really gonna be sitting here drinking something we both dislike?”
You shrugged, biting into your chicken. “We don’t have to drink it.”
Jungkook’s shoulders drooped and he gave you an unamused, slightly hurt pout. “Oh… it’s just, I made a big thing about ordering it, and it’d be kinda embarrassing if the waiter came back and saw both our glasses left untouched.”
You giggled. “Fine, fine, I’ll sip it a little.”
“Thank you,” Jungkook said, doing a little bow. “We still good on trying each other’s food?”
After that, conversation came easy between you and Jungkook, which was a relief. The first date was so stiff and awkward, but so many factors were different this time. He picked a nicer place, he even showed up early, he complimented you. Maybe you were too cynical. Tonight could actually end up perfectly fine.
You heard your name being called, but it wasn’t Jungkook who said it. When you looked up at him, he gave you the same questioning look. And then it became clear. Standing about three feet behind Jungkook was the owner of the voice, your roommate Jimin.
“Jimin! Hey,” you said, smiling. Your expression faltered when he didn’t smile back.
“Hi,” he said slowly, “What are you doing here?”
Briefly, you glanced at Jungkook, then realized why Jimin looked so confused. Back at your apartment, you’d told him you were planning on staying in. You’d been caught in a lie. “Oh, um, yeah I… I decided to go out.” You hesitated, unsure whether you should introduce Jungkook, how you should even introduce him. Would it be too forward to call him your date?
“Ah,” Jimin nodded, his eyeline moving to Jungkook, “is this your date?” He walked forward until he was standing by your table.
“Um…” you started, looking at Jungkook, who’s eyes darted between you and Jimin with faint amusement.
“Yes, I’m her date,” Jungkook said, extending his hand to Jimin. “I’m Jungkook, and you are?”
Jimin’s eyes went imperceptibly wide as he took Jungkook’s hand. He glanced back at you, his gaze slightly confused and accusatory, but it was abundantly clear he was less than pleased. You shook your head apologetically, pleading him silently to be cool. “Jungkook. I see… I’m Jimin, her roommate.”
“Oh, nice to meet you,” Jungkook said.
“You too,” Jimin replied curtly. “Well, my date’s waiting back at our table so I can’t introduce her right now, but it’s wild that we ran into each other here, isn’t it?” You could feel Jimin’s eyes burning into you. You nodded, taking a sip of your wine, grimacing at the bitter, oaky taste.
Fingertips grazed the back of your hand where it was placed on the table. You looked up to find Jungkook looking at you curiously, a small smile at the corner of his mouth. His fingers brushed against yours in a gesture that signaled something like allyship, support.
“Well, we should get back to our date,” Jungkook said.
Jimin’s expression was unreadable, his stare focused now on your hand under Jungkook’s. “Right,” he said after a moment, letting a smile stretch over his face, “you two have a lovely time. I’ll see you back at home, ____.” The way he said ‘home’ made it sound like something intimate, something meaningful just for the two of you. He touched your shoulder and left his hand there, just for a moment, but the seemingly innocent touch was enough to send a shiver down your spine. And then he was gone.
“So, that was your roommate. Seems nice,” Jungkook said nonchalantly, taking a sip of his wine. “Fuck, that really is gross.”
You snorted. Suddenly you became aware that his hand was still covering yours. You moved your fingertips against the cloth in an attempt to stir Jungkook’s senses in case he forgot he was still touching you, but he didn’t budge. Instead he grazed his thumb against your knuckles. He was aware and full of intent, and maybe it was the wine going to your head, but the gesture made you sigh softly in contentment.
“Sorry about that,” you said quietly. “He was just surprised to see me. I didn’t tell him I was going out tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I kinda mentioned how shitty our first date was, so that didn’t leave a good impression on him,” you said bluntly, surprised by your own honesty.
Jungkook blinked and sat up straighter. “Oh. Yeah, I get why he was glaring daggers at me now.” He grinned.
“He was not,” you muttered. “Wait, you’re joking right? I didn’t notice him doing that.”
“Oh no, he looked like he was ready to punch me.”
You frowned, chewing nervously on your lip. “He did look a little angry… don’t worry, he was just judging me.” You let out a fond laugh.
“Judging you for what? Going out with me again? That seems a little unnecessary. He’s not your brother or your dad or anything. He’s just your roommate. Why does he care who you’re out with?”
“He’s just a caring person. We’re really good friends, and also, I don’t do this much, this whole dating thing. He’s just watching out for me, you know?”
Jungkook nodded slowly. “I guess I understand…” He laughed. “I swear, I really thought he was your ex or something. Are you sure he doesn’t like you?”
You were about to take another sip of wine, but Jungkook’s question made you freeze. “Like me? Please, don’t be absurd.”
“Why is that absurd? You live together, you seem close. People can catch feelings being around each other for so long.”
You shook your head, another scoff of laughter escaping you. “He doesn’t like me.”
“Excuse me?”
Jungkook leaned forward and wove your fingers together on the table, a bolder gesture than before, one that made you sit up straighter and cross one leg over the other. “I bet you he likes you, and I know how to prove it.”
“Prove it?” you asked. Your voice sounded far away. All you could focus on was Jungkook, the collarbones peeking out from under his shift, the way his dark hair cascaded over his eyes, the slight smirk hooked at his parted pink lips.
“Mhm,” he nodded, “don’t look now, but your roommate, who you’re convinced has no feelings for you, is sitting about seven tables behind you, and he’s completely ignoring his date because all he’s looking at is us.”
The haze clouding over your brain parted momentarily. “Jimin’s looking this way?”
“Yeah.” With his other hand, Jungkook reached across the table and tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear. The intimate gesture made you look away, but Jungkook wasn’t gonna put up with your shyness. He gave a sharp tug at your hand. “You’re cute when you’re shy,” he said, grinning.
His words paralleled Jimin’s own observation about you, and the memory of him, combined with the way Jungkook was looking at you like you were the unofficial off the menu dessert was a bit too much.
“Jungkook,” you murmured, “what are you doing?”
“Trying to prove you wrong,” he said, a teasing lilt to his voice. “Wanna play with me, _____? Here’s what I’m thinking. If I lean over and kiss you right now, I bet Jimin will react. If I’m right, I get another kiss. If I’m wrong, well, then at least I got to kiss you once.”
“Um, I…” You had no idea what to say. A large part of you didn’t believe that Jimin was actually looking at you, but some small part of you didn’t see why Jungkook would lie about something like that. Unless he was just teasing you to get you to kiss him.
And then there was the voice inside you screaming with joy that Jungkook was flirting with you.
Maybe if you hadn’t been drinking, you could think more rationally about this, but the part of you that never got to indulge in fun and spontaneity had been denied for too long. In lieu of answering Jungkook, you leaned across the table and placed your lips on his. You felt his sharp intake of breath through his nose, and then he relaxed and kissed you back, placing a hand on your cheek and angling his mouth, deepening the kiss.
You could taste wine on his lips, and he didn’t seem to mind when you lightly ran your tongue along his parted mouth. With a low growl, he cupped your jaw and gave you one last kiss. When you pulled away, his eyes were dark with lust and half-lidded.
“I was right,” he mumbled, tracing his finger along your jaw.
“Hm?” you hummed.
“Jimin looks like he wants to kill me.” Jungkook grinned, a look of victory and vindication. “See for yourself, baby.” He nodded in Jimin’s direction. Nervously, you turned around, and sure enough, Jimin was leaning back in his booth, staring directly past his date and straight at Jungkook with a look of murder in his eyes.
His eyes found your’s, and his gaze softened at the edges. Still, he didnt look happy. Quickly, he averted his gaze and took a sip of something amber from his glass, and then pushed back his hair.
You turned back to Jungkook. “See? He totally likes you. He looks so pissed that I kissed you.”
The waiter came back and Jungkook asked for the check. He pulled out his wallet and deposited his credit card inside the leather holder before you could look at the amount, but from the small glance you managed to sneak, it looked like a substantial price.
A warmth settled into your skin, and it wasn’t unwelcome. You found yourself smiling as Jungkook traced patterns against your knuckles. “Hmm, maybe he’s just pissed that I kissed the asshole who showed up half an hour late to our first date,” you teased.
Jungkook chuckled. “Fair enough, but wouldn’t you say I’ve made up for it with this one?”
“You think you can just buy me a fancy dinner and some wine and we can call it even?” you accused with no real malice in your voice.
“I mean, there’s more I’d like to do to you,” he murmured, glancing down briefly at your body. “The terms of my bet were that if I won, I would get another kiss. You seemed fine with those terms before. And since you still don’t seem to believe that your roommate’s into you, I have no problem taking you home and finding other ways to make him mad. You know, purely for research purposes. Gathering evidence. Gotta prove a point to this girl I know.”
You giggled. “That’s a bold proposition. You basically just said you wanted to fuck me to prove a point. Is that supposed to tempt me?”
Jungkook smirked. “Not gonna lie, I wasn’t expecting you to be so forthcoming. It’s really hot that you just called me out, but it’s true. You’re attracted to me, otherwise you wouldn’t have taken the initiative to kiss me. And that was a hot kiss. I bet if we fucked, it would be good too.”
Instinctively, you glanced around to see if anyone was listening to your conversation. Everyone seemed too invested in their own dates to care that Jungkook was trying to get you to fuck him. A lurch of insecurity brought you back to reality.
“Jungkook,” you said quietly, “you’re right. I’m not usually this forthcoming. I didn’t plan on giving you a second chance. I didn’t plan on drinking. I didn’t plan on kissing you. Cards on the table, this isn’t really who I am. I’m just trying to convince myself that I can be someone who can go with the flow, stop worrying about every little thing, but that’s not me. The real me still doesn’t understand why you wanted to go out with me again. A part of me still thinks it’s because you feel bad for me,” you rambled. “And now you’re playing this, this game? Are you being like this because you’re actually attracted to me, or because of some other reason? I’m sorry to ask and shatter this illusion, or whatever. This is just what’s on my mind.”
Jungkook tilted his head and released your hand. He inhaled. “Alright, let’s just slow down, okay? You haven’t shattered anything. I’m glad you told me what’s on your mind, because now I can set the record straight. I wanted to see you again because I ruined things the first time and I wanted to give this thing a fair chance. With that being said, I’m here because I think you’re hot. Everything I did tonight was so we could both have fun, and so that you’d be more inclined to sleep with me. I feel like I should tell you that because you appreciate honesty. Was I wrong? Are you repulsed by me now?”
Your lips parted. You weren’t expecting him to be this forthcoming, but he was right. His honesty was appreciated. You nodded in affirmation. “Do you really think I’m hot?” you asked quietly.
Jungkook let out a breath of disbelief. He grinned. “Yeah. I don’t know if I’ll get slapped for this, but I’ve had to stop myself from looking at your tits like ten times tonight. I wasn’t expecting you to show up here looking like this. You look beautiful. But even before tonight and our last date, when I saw your pictures and swiped on your Tinder profile, I did that with every intention of sleeping with you.”  
“Oh,” you said dumbly. “That’s… good to know.” You cleared your throat awkwardly and nodded.
Jungkook’s sharp features lit up with amusement. “Is it? That’s interesting. So you really like it when I’m upfront with you. I feel like I could use this information to my advantage.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed. “Apparently honesty is my new kink. Unfiltered, shameless honesty.”
“What’s there to be ashamed about? To quote you, cards on the table: I wanna sleep with a hot girl, dinner and wine is the extent of my romantic capabilities, and I’m not promising you anything more or less than amazing sex.”
“You’re promising that?” you scoffed playfully. “That’s a heavy promise, kid. I haven’t slept with anyone since my last boyfriend, and that was two years ago. My expectations have been building up. It’d be a shame if you had performance issues and I waited all this time for nothing, right?”
Jungkook’s jaw dropped open slightly and he looked absolutely indignant. “First of all, I’m not a kid. According to Tinder, I’m only one year younger than you. Second of all, that sounds like a challenge, and I can’t wait to win. Again.” Jungkook leaned in close until he was inches away from your ear. “Let me take you home and fuck you until you scream,” he murmured softly, “Two years is a long time to wait. I’ll fuck you so good you’ll forget your ex’s name.” His words sent jolts of pleasure and anticipation to the apex of your thighs. You squeezed your legs together and squirmed in your seat. “Plus,” he said, “wouldn’t it be fun to give Jimin a show? Let him hear how good I can make you moan?”
You reeled back. “Why are you bringing up Jimin again? That whole thing was just a ruse to get me to kiss you, right? This has nothing to do with Jimin.”
Jungkook’s eyes glittered with knowing and mischief. He was up to absolutely no good. “You’re lying. I saw how you reacted when he touched you. Anyone could see how much he affects you. It’s fine if you don’t want to admit it. I’m basically a stranger, but I have eyes. And from my perspective, you want him. I’m just hoping you want me too.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He sounded so arrogant and self-assured. “Who are you to tell me what I want? You think from one interaction you understand my feelings?” With that, you stood up.
“Woah woah,” Jungkook stood up too, “I’m sorry okay? You’re right, that went a little too far, but you don’t have to leave,” Jungkook said.
“We both have to leave. Didn’t you say you were gonna take me home?”
Jungkook blinked. “You still want me to…?”
“You think after all this, I’m gonna stop now? I haven’t gotten laid in two years, Jungkook.” You chuckled, a little humiliated and regretful that you let that bit of information slip out, but if after all your ranting and your insecurities, Jungkook wasn’t turned off, then things are still good. “Did you drive here?”
“I did too. Follow me back to my apartment. Oh, and one more thing.” You pulled him in by his collar and kissed him again. His hands immediately found your waist, gently but firmly holding you against him, and he moved his mouth against your’s. You pulled away. “Is Jimin watching?” you mumbled against his mouth.
“Yeah,” he breathed.
“Hmm, maybe you’re onto something. Or maybe Jimin just has a thing for watching people kiss,” you snickered.
Jungkook grinned. “I’m fine with either as long as you keep kissing me.” Jungkook peppered a row of light kisses against your jawline. “Your lips are so soft,” he mumbled. “I want them wrapped around my cock when we get back to your apartment.”
You playfully shoved his chest. “You college kids and your filthy mouths. We’re in public,” you whispered. He was unbothered, his grin only spreading wider over his eager face. He let you lead the way to the doors, and on your way out, your eyes inadvertently met Jimin’s wide orbs. His soft questioning gaze hardened once he saw Jungkook following you. You swiftly averted your eyes and walked out the door, Jungkook a couple steps behind you.
Fifteen minutes and a missed exit later, you were finally home, but you weren’t alone. Jungkook stood in your living room, watching as you kicked off your heels.
“Nice place,” Jungkook commented, the first exchange of words between you since you left the restaurant. “Did you just move here?”
Your brows scrunched in confusion. “No?”
“Oh okay. I was just wondering why you got lost and had to do a u-turn on the way to your own apartment.”
Your eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Sorry, I got nervous, sue me.”
“Nervous? About what?”
“Never had a random hookup before, haven’t gotten laid in two years, you know, all that embarrassing shit I let slip back at the restaurant.”
Jungkook shrugged. “I’m not judging you. I really just care about one thing, and I stopped feeling bad about it the moment you said you came out with me to prove something to yourself. Technically, you’re using me too. Let’s not pretend either one of us is better or worse than the other.”
You nodded, letting his insights sink in. “Wow, you just keep dropping these pearls of wisdom all over the place today,” you deadpanned. “Got anymore truth bombs you wanna blow me away with?”
Jungkook plastered on a fake smile. “No, I think that’s it.”
“Great. My bedroom’s this way. Let’s do this before I change my mind.”
Jungkook snorted, but followed you anyway. “You sure know how to make a guy feel special.”
“Oh, you mean like how special you made me feel when you told me you were just using me? I really loved hearing that,” you said sarcastically. Jungkook suddenly took hold of your elbow and spun you around, walking you backwards until you were trapped between him and the wall.
“I think you did,” he mumbled. His hand slid up your arm, coming up to firmly clasp your throat, his grip loose enough so you could breathe, but tight enough that it promised despicable intentions. “I think you actually loved hearing that I want to use you. I mean, I found you on Tinder of all places. No one looks for love or romance on Tinder. You knew what was up. You act like this is all so unexpected, and maybe it is, but that doesn’t mean this wasn’t exactly what you were looking for. Just a night of meaningless sex with a stranger, someone to stretch you out and fill you up like you’ve wanted for two years.” Jungkook’s other hand pulled down one strap of your dress. He left a trail of soft kisses against your newly exposed skin.
A whimper left your parted mouth when a row of sharp teeth grazed your collarbone. Your hands sought purchase, clinging to his shirt. You tried to pull him down and pull yourself up at the same time. There was more distance to bridge now that you didn’t have heels to support you anymore. The fist wrapped around your throat loosened, the free hand reaching down to hike up the skirt of your dress. His fingers climb up the back of your thigh until his palm met the fabric of your underwear. He squeezed the flesh of your ass, pulling your hips against his.
Your hands gripped his shoulders, your head bowed against his chest to hide your face. Sex with your ex boyfriend had never been like this. It was boring, customary. It felt like a formality, something you did because that was what people in relationships did. He never made you cum either—he never lasted long enough.
“Jungkook,” you moaned.
“Hm? What is it baby?”
“I want that, what you said, but I’m nervous. I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “Can we go to my bed?”
“Yeah, if we can find it. Where’s your lightswitch? Can’t see shit in here—”
“No. Lights off,” you said firmly. “Bed’s this way.” You took Jungkook’s hand and led him to your bed. “Um, sit.”
Jungkook chuckled. “Yes ma’am.”
In the darkness, being naked felt less intimidating, especially next to someone as physically imposing as Jungkook. It was a scary thought that Jungkook would feel your body, all the places you were soft instead of toned. Your confidence with your body had been a tumultuous journey. It took a long time, but you were finally at a place where you didn’t hate your body anymore, but that didn’t mean you loved it either. One of the biggest reasons you hadn’t been with anyone in so long was exactly this, the fear that someone would be repulsed by your body.
It was one thing for Jungkook to think you looked hot in pictures, or glammed up with a pretty dress at a restaurant with your hair and makeup done. It was another thing to be naked with him. You couldn’t turn back now, you thought, reaching behind you to pull down the zipper of your dress.
“Need help?” Jungkook asked. You nodded and he reached out for your hand, guiding you into his lap. His arms wrapped around you, one hand brushing your hair away from your clasp of your zipper and the other hand tugging it down. “You look so pretty in this dress. Lift your hps, baby.” You complied. He bunched up the skirt and lifting the garment over your head, leaving you in your bra and panties. “Got all dressed up to see me,” he said softly, “made your lips all shiny, made me want to kiss you the whole night. You had your tits pressed up in this fucking bra all night. God, I’m so glad you agreed to fuck me.”
Jungkook’s hands landed on your thighs, squeezing a little. His own felt so solid and strong and you resisted the urge to grind down on them. He must’ve sensed your squirming because he started trailing his fingers up your sensitive inner thigh.
“Can I touch you?” he asked, fingertips inches away from your pussy. You were soaked, you could feel it, smell it. The thought that he could smell your arousal too made you glad he couldn’t see how embarrassed you looked.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “touch me.”
Jungkook’s fingertips brushed against your pussy over the lace of your panties. The small caress alone had you hunching over, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Does that feel good? You want more?” he said, stroking your pussy.
You nodded vigorously. “Please,” you whimpered.
“Then ride my hand.” Jungkook laid his hand flat against your pussy. “Show me how much you want it.”
When you hesitated, he stroked you again, wedging the ends of his fingers between your pussy lips, still covered by your drenched underwear. Slowly, you started to move your hips, arching your back to angle your clit downwards. Everytime you brought your hips forward, your clit brushed against Jungkook’s palm. Soft moans fell from your lips, your head hung downward.
“That’s it, you’re doing good. Take what you need,” Jungkook told you, encircling his arm around your waist and urging you to go faster. “You’ve never done this before, have you?”
You shook your head.
“That boyfriend you had didn’t deserve to be with you.”
You scoffed, still riding his hand. “You know nothing of it,” you muttered. “You don’t need to say that to me. I don’t need sympathy.”
Jungkook’s thumb then started stroking your clit, his fingers rubbing against your folds, breaking you out of your rhythm and making you gasp his name. “You know what? You’re right. I don’t feel bad for you, because you chose to be with him. I just think it was a waste that you dated this guy and you never got to experience this. Bet he didn’t even make you cum.”
You growled then, anger infusing with your arousal, and you covered his hand on your pussy and pressed down, rubbing harder to get more friction. “Shut up.”
“Oh, we’re sensitive about it,” he mocked, removing his hand. You whined at the loss of contact. “My hand’s soaked, you were dripping out of your panties. Gonna fuck you now, alright?”
Your breath caught in your throat, but you nodded anyway. “Yeah, fine.”
“Go lay back by the pillows,” he told you, “since you probably want it missionary right? I was gonna ask you to ride me, but I think that might be too much for you. Want me in control?” Jungkook’s tone was a little teasing, but you could tell he was looking out for you, trying to assess what would make you feel good.
“You can be in control,” you mumbled, climbing up your bed and laying down like he instructed. “Just… start slow, okay?”
He hummed. “I’ll try, but I’ve been thinking about how tight you are all night. I mean two years… fuck.” In the dark, you could make out the outline of him. He unbuttoned his shirt. Then you heard him unbuckling his belt. His clothes fell in a pile on the floor. It was when the bed shifted that you knew he was climbing up over your body, kneeling between your legs.
Two fingers hooked into your panties. “Okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed, doing the work for him and peeling your panties down your legs in a rush, exposing yourself fully to him. “Um, I’m assuming you have condoms, because you sure as fuck know I don’t.”
He chuckled. “Yes, I already put it on.”
“Oh, okay good. Sorry, I’m a little out of sorts.”
“You still wanna do this? It’s okay to say no. We can stop everything right now,” Jungkook told you, placing his hand gently on your knee. For a fuckboy in college, he was remarkably considerate.
“Hell no,” you muttered. “No way we’re stopping. You promised me you’d fuck me and you promised it’d be good.” Your tone bordered on pouting but you couldn’t be bothered to care. “I just wanna feel good, okay?” You spread your knees, reaching out your hand. “Please make me feel good, Jungkook, please?” you said quietly, whining for his touch in an attempt to trigger a dominant kink he probably had buried somewhere.
“Shit,” he muttered, spreading your knee further open. You jolted when suddenly his fingers touched your wet pussy, wedging between your lips and spreading your wetness around your entrance. “Really? Just gonna beg me to fuck you like that, huh? God, why are the inexperienced ones always so fucking needy, it’s so hot.” He definitely liked being a dominant. “I gotta get you a little more ready, okay? If you’re gonna take my cock, you gotta take my fingers first.”
You nodded frantically, clenching your stomach as you felt the initial intrusion. Slowly, inch by inch, he sheathed two fingers fully inside you. The stretch was uncomfortable, but not as painful as you expected—but then again, you hadn’t been touched in two years and you were so wet your underwear had to be peeled off you.
“Feel okay?” Jungkook asked. “You’re so tight, god. I need to stretch you out a little more. Can you take three fingers?”
“That’s fine, I can take it,” you said, grimacing when you felt another digit enter your tight hole. “Wait, slower please,” you winced.
Jungkook complied, taking his time to move his long fingers in and out, his thumb slowly circling your clit. Jungkook hooked his fingers and brushed against your upper wall. In response, you cried out.
“Ah… wait, keep going, that feels good,” you whimpered. And then a door slammed. You yelped.
For a moment, you froze. “Sounds like your roommate’s home,” Jungkook whispered, followed by a devious chuckle. “Wanna make you moan again, want him to hear you,” he urged, circling his thumb quicker around your clit and pressing his fingers deeper inside.
“Jungkook,” you moaned, barely over a whisper.
“Come on, you were just making so much noise, why’d you quiet down? Don’t you want Jimin to hear how good I’m making you feel?”
Indecision clouded your brain. You were two warring halves. One part of you was embarrassed. You weren’t the girl who went out and brought someone home. You were never that adventurous, never that sexy. This didn’t feel like you.
But a needier part of you wanted to prove that it could be. And as twisted as it was, you wanted Jimin to hear you. You wanted him to know that he wasn’t the only one who could fuck around.
You let out a kittenish mewl as Jungkook rubbed your clit furiously. You brought him down for a messy, wet kiss. Entangling your fingers in his hair, you slipped your tongue into his parted lips and licked into his mouth. The pressure below your stomach was building and you arched your back.
“That’s more like it,” Jungkook praised as he pulled away. His fingers slipped out of you. “Need my cock in you now,” he said, lining up his cock with your entrance. In the dark, all you had to go by was feeling, and the head of his cock felt massive against you. He rubbed it against your folds, swirling your juices with his precum, brushing his cock against your clit a couple times.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, spreading your knees wider to accommodate him, but the action felt futile. He was big, he was going to stretch you out, and it was going to hurt. Inevitable. “Okay, I’m ready,” you told him, trying to unclench and relax as much as possible, but the anticipation was still making you tense.
Jungkook pushed in, holding his shaft and slowly getting deeper. You cried out, digging your nails into your mattress. The pain was worse than you thought. If you’d gotten a look at Jungkook’s cock, you would’ve had a better idea of what you were getting into.  
“You okay?” Jungkook grunted. He propped up one of your knees and you were happy to accept the help. Your energy was slowly being drained, all of it being used to breathe through the intrusion that was splitting you in half.
“Ye-yeah, I’m good,” you panted, “are you, are you almost in?”
“Um, like halfway,” he said. “Can you take anymore?”
“Yes,” you said with resolve, “yes. Keep going, just go slow, please.” You held onto the pillow above your head, turning to your side and squeezing your eyes shut. You didn’t recall losing even your virginity being this intense.
After what felt like hours, Jungkook filled you to the hilt. He was panting above you. “Shit, I didn’t think you’d be this fucking tight. It still hurts a lot, doesn’t it? Tell me to stop, and I will. Or just tell me when you want me to move.”
You gasped, trying to even out your breathing. The pain was starting to subside, giving way to an aching between your legs, uncomfortable, but not intolerable. “Move, now,” you gritted out.
Jungkook started pulling out and you inhaled sharply through your nose. This wasn’t the hot, fast hookup you envisioned. This wouldn’t be easy, but you were going to stick it out until it felt good. You owed yourself that.
“Better?” Jungkook asked when he was halfway in.
“A little,” you winced when he was almost out, just his tip at your entrance, “just, start moving. I just need to get used to it.”
You heard his exhale of relief. His sweat was starting to meld with yours. He must’ve really been holding himself back. Slowly, he pushed back in. He held himself up with one hand braced on either side of your head, his hips pushing into you with precision.
After a few minutes, the pain became a dull ache. Your pained groans turned into a staccatoed gasp. “That’s good, that feels good,” you whispered.
“Really? Want it faster?” Jungkook muttered.
You nodded, a wistful sigh. “Yeah. Thanks,” you panted, “for going slow. I’m good now, I promise. Just, fuck me, fuck me please.”
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice. He readjusted, hiking up your knee and leaning forward. The new angle let him go deeper and faster. He snapped his hips into you, shaking free gasps and moans from your throat. “Good. I knew you could do it, I knew you could take my cock well.  Love hearing how good I make you feel. Don’t hold back, yeah? Be a good little needy slut and moan loud for me,” he growled. He pushed down the cups of your bra until your breasts were freed. He cupped one of them, squeezing. “Feels so fucking good inside you, so soft inside this dripping cunt,” he groaned.
Jungkook rutted his hips faster, almost aggressively. “Oh my god, Jungkook, I’ve never been fucked like this,” you gasped. Your toes curled and you wrapped your legs around Jungkook’s waist, bringing him closer to you. The pressure at the junction of your bodies was mounting, on the verge of snapping. You were going to fall apart soon. “Fuckfuckfuck I’m so close, please, please make me cum Jungkook, keep going just like that,” you whimpered, certain that if he stopped now you would lose your mind, what little of it was still intact.
His thumb started circling your clit again, his face tucked into the crook of your neck, his lips whispering obscenities into the bruised skin there. “Gonna come for me, huh?” he mumbled, his words punctuated by the slap of his pelvis against yours. “Gonna come all over my cock like the filthy little slut we both know you are?” Jungkook sped up, his hips slamming into you now. High pitched moans spilled out of your throat as you moaned his name. “There you go baby girl, say my name. Don’t let Jimin doubt for one second what’s going on there, what I’m doing to you, what he’s missing out on.”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled, completely beside yourself now that Jimin was once again in your thoughts, the cut of his hip bones when he walked around shirtless, the veins that resided there and along his toned arms, the lingering touch he left on your shoulder, the cut of his jawline, that angry look on his face after he saw you kissing Jungkook, his pretty pretty face, those pillowy lips, how good he sounded all those nights you overheard him fucking someone else, his low grunts, how it would feel if it was Jimin between your thighs right now sliding in and out of you.
And then you were coming. “Fuck,” you hissed, “oh my god, oh my god, please, please Jungkook,” you almost sobbed. Nothing you’d ever accomplished with your hand, your dildo, or your ex had ever made you feel like this. The burst of pleasure was palpable in every corner of your body. Your body was quivering and your hands sought purchase in Jungkook’s hair, his shoulders, your pillow, anywhere to cling to and anchor yourself to something.
Jungkook came after a few more sloppy thrusts with a drawn out groan, filling you completely. When it was over, he pulled out and peeled off the condom, and fell on the bed beside you. Neither of you said anything. You couldn’t even if you wanted to. All you remembered when you dozed off was feeling jolts and tingles on your sex for minutes after you came, hearing your heartbeat pounding in your ears, and Jungkook’s exhausted pants to your side.
In the morning when you woke up, Jungkook was gone, leaving you alone to deal with the consequences of your spontaneous night of debauchery with a stranger, aka, a sleep-deprived, confused, and very angry Park Jimin.
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jeffrinamichelle · 6 years
Ugly Christmas Sweater
So my Pitchmas recipient  is @magda-adgam. It totally won’t let me tag your blog. Lame. 
Anyway, I am hella sorry that you are getting this late. And trust me, I feel like a total dick about it. But, emergencies happen and they always seem to happen to me. So, to make it up to you, I am going to give you at least two parts to this story. Maybe three. I like to ramble when I write.
You won’t have to wait 100 years for the next installment. I am almost done with it.
Once again, I am so sorry. Merry Pitchmas/New Year!!!
How losing a bet and having to buy ugly Christmas sweaters changed Beca’s life. 
Read on AO3
There were few things in life that Beca hates more than movies. If she had to pick one thing that was almost as painstakingly awful as losing two hours of her life to some predictable cinematic snorefest, it would have to be Christmas. Without a doubt. One would think that she would hate Valentine’s Day more, seeing as she was perpetually single, but no. The only reason why she could stomach Valentine’s Day just a smidgen more is because she has a soft spot for the candy hearts. Her best friend Stacie makes fun of her all the time because she tells Beca that they taste like chalk. And maybe they do, but Beca still thinks that they are delicious.
Maybe the reason behind Beca’s distain for Christmas is the fact that she worked retail throughout high school and college. Stacie never knew the horrors of dealing with bitchy people who absolutely needed the newest video game console for their bratty child. She is insanely smart and got into college on a full ride scholarship. Beca wasn’t dumb by any means, she was just lazy in high school. After she graduated, she tried to talk to her father about her college plans. She wanted to major in music management and production. He immediately freaked out and told her that he wouldn’t pay for her college education if she chose that path. According to him, she needed to major in something that would give her a lucrative career. He wanted her to be a college professor like he was. They argued about it for months. There was no way in hell that Beca was going to become a teacher. Not that she didn’t respect teachers or anything, that just wasn’t the career choice for her. Since she was a child she had loved music, and she’d be damned if her father stopped her from going to school for her dream job. So, at the end of the argument, she refused to change her career path. In turn, her father refused to pay for her school. So, she put herself through college working a horrible retail job. It paid well, but she was miserable for the entirety of it. Thus came her hatred for the whole holiday season.
Aside from Beca’s affinity for the chalky heart candies that made Valentine’s Day, she can never seem to turn down a bet. Most of the time when she bets against Stacie, she loses. But for some reason she can never stop herself from agreeing to Stacie’s outrageous bets. After fifteen years of friendship, she should know better. But, she just can’t help it.
“Come on Becs, let’s go dance.” Stacie eyes her best friend with a grin before slamming back the last of her jack and coke.
“Ugh, why? You know that I hate dancing.”
“Yeah, I know. But you’re so good at it. And I need you to be my wing woman.”
“What lucky dude does the hunter have his eye on this evening?” Beca asks with a grin as she finishes her tumbler of whiskey.
Stacie tsks softly, cupping Beca’s chin with the palm of her left hand. She leans down to lightly kiss the corner of her best friend’s mouth.
“Now Bec, you know that the hunter doesn’t discriminate when it comes to sex.”
“I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget that the hunter is so fluid. So, let me rephrase. Who is on the hunter’s radar tonight? Which lucky lady or guy will you be attempting to seduce tonight?”
“I’m getting some very sexy, sapphic vibes from a tantalizing brunette at the bar.”
“Stace, I don’t even know what the hell that means.” Beca turns her head to look over at the bar, only to be stopped by Stacie’s hand gripping her chin tightly.
“Don’t look over there. You’ll ruin the air of mystery.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, woman?”
“She thinks that we here together. That’s why I need you to dance with me. It’s like she’s having some kind of internal battle on whether she should come over here and talk to me or not.”
“Any how exactly does us dancing together help this situation?”
“Because, jealousy is going to seal the deal. After she comes over to break up our dance, I’m going to take her back to our apartment so that I can make her squeal.”
Beca scowls at Stacie’s choice of words before smacking her arm lightly. “Ew! Dude, that’s so crass. You sound like a fuckboy when you talk like that.”
“I am anything but a fuckboy, Bec. I know how to treat a lady. I won’t apologize for being crass. Now are you going to help me bag this babe or not?” A perfectly sculpted eyebrow raises in question as Stacie eyes her best friend.
“Okay, fine. But when this girl shuts you down or punches you, I’m going to laugh.”
“Keep talking crap Becs and I’ll hide your beats that I bought you when we get home. And then I will fuck that hottie all night long.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Wanna bet?”
“No, because I know that you’ll do it. I love you but you’re kind of an asshole.”
“Right back atcha, babe. But since you are so doubtful of my seduction skills, how about a little bet?”
Honestly, Beca is also well aware of her best friend’s sexual prowess. She has fallen victim to it many times in their fifteen year friendship. Beca isn’t ashamed of it either, she knows that her best friend is insanely attractive. And Beca is very, very gay. When the opportunity presented itself, she would’ve been a fool to say no. It hasn’t made their friendship suffer in any way either, which is something that Beca is monumentally thankful for. Stacie has a high sex drive, and rather than risk getting some sort of std, she made a deal with Beca. When Beca is single, which is more often than she’d like to admit, they sleep together. It keeps Stacie safe and it keeps them both satisfied.
So, taking this bet is really a horrible idea. But Beca has the best punishment if she manages to beat Stacie.
“Fine. What’s the bet?”
“I bet you that I can take this girl home tonight.”
“That’s it?” Beca looks over her shoulder at the girl that Stacie is talking about. She’s attractive, yeah. Tall, brunette, and she looks kind of bitchy. She’s exactly the type of girl that Stacie usually goes for. And she’s totally flirting with the very male bartender. There’s no way in hell that Stacie is going to win this bet, because this girl is totally straight. Beca smirks in the girl’s direction, Stacie totally oblivious as she runs her hands up the bartender’s bicep. “You just want to bet that you’re going to take this girl home?”
“Yup,” Stacie pops the ‘p’ loudly, biting down on her bottom lip with a smirk. “I can’t wait for you to lose this bet. I have plans for you.”
The tone of Stacie’s voice makes Beca shiver. She just hopes that whatever Stacie has planned for her is as awesome as her plan.
“Oh, babe, you are so going to regret this.”
As it turns out, Beca didn’t stand a chance when it came to this bet. They didn’t even make it through the first song of their dance before the brunette approached them. She introduced herself as Aubrey, eyes raking over Stacie’s body shamelessly. Honestly, the way the two women were eyeing each other made Beca incredibly uncomfortable. So uncomfortable, in fact, that she quickly excused herself so that she could make a beeline for the bar. She’s positive that Stacie and her flavor of the night didn’t even notice her absence.
The bartender gives Beca a sympathetic look as she slides a tumbler of whiskey over to her.
“Tough night, Becs?”
“You have no idea, C.R,” Beca mumbles from around the rim of her glass. She swallows her drink with a grimace. “I didn’t even want to come out tonight.”
“So, why did you?”
“Stacie needed to get laid. Finals have been kicking her ass.”
C.R. chuckles softly, wiping the countertop with her rag. She turns her attention to a customer, quickly making them a drink before turning her attention back to Beca.
“She’s the one that decided to go after her graduate degree. Nobody forced her to stay in school, therefore she has nobody to blame but herself.”
“This is true, but that girl is so fucking smart. She’s going to change the world.”
“Or destroy it.”
The two women share a laugh as Beca drains the last of her drink. C.R. is quick to refill Beca’s glass, pouring way too much into the tumbler.
The night drags on as Beca waits for Stacie to seal the deal with the angry brunette. Beca knows that she’s lost this damn bet, so she’s going to drown her sorrows in whiskey. Whiskey that Cynthia Rose isn’t going to let her pay for at the end of the night. The upside to having a close friend that is a bartender is free drinks. As long as Beca doesn’t ask for expensive, high end drinks, that is. But, she’s a college student, she will drink Jack Daniels if she doesn’t have to pay for it.
It’s nearing two a.m. when she hears her phone notification ping. She’s pleasantly buzzed, nearing on being drunk. She fumbles with her cell phone as she pulls it out of her tight jeans. Her vision is a little blurry, but she’s just going to blame it on the fog lights. Yeah, definitely not the Jameson that she has been borderline binge drinking for the last three hours. She just has to squint a little bit in order to read the text.
Best Sex Ever: (1:55 a.m.) Aubs and I took a Lyft home. Thought that I should let you know so that you don’t worry about me.
Broody Bitch: (1:56 a.m.) Did you change our contact names again?
Best Sex Ever: (1:56 a.m.) Like two weeks ago, babe. Lolz.
Broody Bitch: (1:57 a.m.) What the fuck, dude? Why?
Best Sex Ever: (1:57 a.m.) Aww, baby, don’t be mad. You know that I love you the most.
Broody Bitch: (1:57 a.m.) It’s weird that you’re telling me this while you are probably fucking another girl.
Best Sex Ever: (1:58 a.m.) Aww, Bec, are you jealous?
Broody Bitch: (1:58 a.m.) Not even close, dude. I’m just worried about the hunter’s sexual prowess. Why are you texting me, instead of making that hot chick ‘squeal?’
Best Sex Ever: (1:59 a.m.) Oh, I fully intend on making her squeal. And you know first hand just how much sexual prowess the hunter possesses. How many times have I made you scream?
Broody Bitch: (2:00 a.m.) That statement goes both ways, asshole.
Best Sex Ever: (2:00 a.m.) I’m not going to deny that you know how work this body. You just didn’t seem to be in the mood tonight. So, I decided to bring somebody home.
Broody Bitch: (2:01 a.m.) You know the rules. Also, it’s not my fault that work was a bitch today. I really just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep until tomorrow. But I know that you needed some sort of release.
Best Sex Ever: (2:02 a.m.) I’m sorry babe. You manage the studio though, so you could just fire all of the incompetent assholes that work for you.
Broody Bitch: (2:02 a.m.) I know that. Stacie, remember the only rule that we have.
Best Sex Ever: (2:02 a.m.) No fucking on the couch.
Broody Bitch: (2:03 a.m.) Thank you.
Best Sex Ever: (2:03 a.m.) I don’t know why we still have that rule. We have sex on the couch all the time.
Broody Bitch: (2:04 a.m.) That’s different.
Best Sex Ever: (2:04 a.m.) It’s literally the same thing, but whatevs. I gotta go, Aubrey is all sorts of naked on my bed right now. Love you, bitch.
Broody Bitch: (2:05 a.m.) Love you too, asshat! Also, I hope this goes without saying, but don’t fuck that girl in my bed!
Best Sex Ever: (2:06 a.m.) I’m sorry, the person you’re trying to reach is currently preforming cunnilingus. Please try again later.
Broody Bitch: (2:07 a.m.) Anastacia Marie Conrad, I swear to Lesbian Jesus that I will tit punch you if you have sex in my bed again.
Beca slams her phone down on the bar top with an annoyed sigh. Cynthia Rose smirks at her friend as she refills Beca’s tumbler. She should probably cut Beca off, but she knows that the brunette can hold her liquor. Despite her small stature, Beca can definitely drink with the best of them.
“Last one, Becs.”
“Whyyyy? C.R., you’re killing me.”
“I’m not in the business of letting you get white girl wasted. Remember what happened the last time that you did.”
“It wasn’t my fault, dude. That skeezy guy wouldn’t take no for an answer. I told him that we played for the same team and he refused to leave me alone. He even grabbed my ass.”
“So that gives you the right to break his nose?”
“He touched me first. Sorry, not sorry.”
“Regardless, you are not allowed to get wasted when Stacie isn’t here to keep you from kicking the shit out of somebody.”
“I have you.”
“I have to close the bar. And I’m sure that I have other people to get drinks for before I kick everybody out.”
“Ugh, fine. Take away all my fun.”
“Whatever, you love me.”
The buzz of her alarm startles her awake at what she knows is a godawful hour. Her head feels like somebody is jackhammering inside of it, and her mouth is as dry as the Sahara. Beca groans painfully as she stretches out her sore muscles.
“I’m never drinking again,”Beca grumbles to the otherwise empty room. She reaches out blindly, scrambling to grab her phone off of the bedside table. Her hand smacks softly against a glass cup that definitely wasn’t there when she went to bed at three a.m. She opens one eye slowly, looking over at the table. A fresh glass of water is sitting where her phone was last night. Two round orange pills are next to the glass, sitting on top of a folded piece of paper.
“What the fresh hell?”
Beca grabs the pills hastily, throwing them into her mouth and swallowing them dry. She sits up with another groan, rolling her shoulders to work out the knots. She grabs the glass and chugs down the water, slamming the glass back onto the table a little too hard, wincing at the loud clunk. She then turns her attention to the folded up piece of paper that she knows for sure wasn’t there this morning. She grabs the paper and unfolds it, tired eyes roaming over Stacie’s loopy scrawl.
You lost our bet, babe. I don’t know why you continue to bet against me when you almost always lose, but whatever. I’ll bask in my glory.
I made a fresh pot of coffee. When you’re feeling human enough to leave your room, come get some. Aubrey and I are in the living room. You and I have a date to go shopping this afternoon.
Love ya,
Stace xoxo
Beca groans, crumpling up the note and tossing it onto the bed. She gets up, wincing at the painful throb in her entire body. She walks to her en suite, stripping off her dirty clothes and leaving them carelessly in her wake. If she has to go shopping, taking a shower is a must.
She just hopes that whatever Stacie has planned for shopping isn’t completely horrible.
“Stacie, no.”
“Stacie, yes.”
“I’m not going in there.”
“But you are.”
“Why?” Beca whines petulantly, frowning at her best friend.
“Because you lost our bet. And my punishment for you is that for the next two weeks, you have to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. A different one each day, to be exact.”
“I….but you know that I hate Christmas time.”
“I know.” Stacie laughs softly. “That’s what makes this punishment even sweeter.”
“You know, when you said that we were going shopping, I thought that this punishment might be fun.”
Stacie grips Beca’s shoulder as they walk through the front door of the store. The fluorescent sign above the door says ‘Aca-amazing Threads.’ Just the name alone makes Beca want to vomit. She can tell before they walk in that there is going to be a really perky, annoying salesperson. The store will more than likely be playing Christmas music, even though it’s barely the fourth of December. A tiny bell announces their presence before Beca can make a stealthy escape.
“Hi!” An all too perky voice calls out as Stacie and Beca make their way into the building. Beca hasn’t completely recovered from her hangover, so that cheery voice just makes her cringe.
“No, Stace. For lesbian Jesus’ stake. I am too hungover to deal with that voice.”
“Beca, you seriously don’t have a choice in this matter.” Stacie’s grip on Beca’s shoulder tightens slightly. Beca winces at the movement, but not in pain. To be honest, the forcefulness of her best friend is kind of turning her on a little bit. But now is not the time or the place for that.
“Dude, I will literally do anything else.”
“Nope, I think that this is the right punishment. Aubrey actually helped me come up with it.”
“Of course she did. I knew that she looked evil as hell.”
“That woman is amazing, not evil.”
“Awww, Conrad. Are you getting soft on me?”
“Hardly. I’m just letting you know that I’m going to marry that girl one day. So you should probably be nice to your future….I was going to say sister-in-law but that thought just kind of makes me want to puke. It makes us sound like sisters.”
“Ew, dude. Sisters don’t do the things that we’ve done to each other.”
“At least, not normally.”
“Welcome to Aca-Amazing Threads, ladies. Are you looking for anything in particular?” The chipper voice is closer now, making Beca finally turn her attention away from her best friend.
The first look that Beca gets of this chipper woman takes her breath away.
The woman is gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.
She’s a little bit taller than Beca, with bright blue eyes. Her red hair makes her eyes look ridiculously blue. Her smile is so bright that it makes Beca’s sensitive eyes hurt. Beca does a once over of the other woman, looking at her nametag after what she hopes is a subtle glance at her boobs.
Beca is so, so gay and this woman is one thousand percent her type.
Her subtle staring might not be so subtle because before she knows it, Stacie is jabbing her in the stomach with her elbow.
“Ouch, what the fuck dude?”
“Becs, tell Chloe the reason why we’re here.”
“I need a sweater….” Beca mumbles quietly, still gob smacked by this outrageously attractive woman.
“Okay, that’s a start. What kind of sweater are we looking for?” The woman enthusiastically grabs Beca’s hand, pulling the brunette alongside her.
“What my best friend is looking for is a Christmas sweater.”
“Okay. We have plenty of Christmas sweaters. Tis the season after all.”
“I hate you so much right now, Anastacia.” Beca grumbles as Chloe stops them in front of a very elaborate display of Christmas sweaters. She turns her head to glare at the best friend, scoffing when she is nowhere in sight. After looking around the store, Beca notices her, standing by the front doors, looking down at the phone with a goofy grin.
She’s probably texting that girl from last night. Amanda or Ashley or whatever her name was. Beca makes a mental note to give Stacie so much shit when they get home.
“Are you guys looking for matching sweaters? I always love it when couples have matching sweaters.”
“Oh no, we aren’t a couple.” Beca’s eyes roam over Chloe’s body once more. It dawns on her at that moment that Chloe is still holding her hand. Her entire body feels warm next to the other girl. She wants nothing more in that moment than to pull Chloe’s body against hers.
Whoa. You’re treading dangerous waters here, Mitchell.
“No? You guys sure argue like one.”
“No. Not even close. She’s just my best friend. We’ve known each other for a long time.”
“Gotcha.” Chloe clears her throat softly. “So, do you see any sweaters that catch your eye?”
“Yeah, that one.” Beca blindly points to the sweater that is closest to Chloe. She has literally no idea what the sweater looks like, to be honest. She just needs to get far away from this girl before she does something stupid.
She’s actually surprised that she can still form coherent sentences at this point. Usually she becomes a useless mess around pretty girls.
Chloe is so breathtakingly beautiful that Beca should probably be drooling troll by now.
Beca watches Chloe as she walks away to look for the sweater in her size, which she totally didn’t tell the other girl. She is about to call out to the other woman, but all the can think about is how cold her hand feels without Chloe’s wrapped around it.
“Becs? I am going to leave you here in Chloe’s very capable hands. I’m meeting Aubrey for lunch down the street.”
Stacie’s voice breaks Beca out of her reverie.
“How am I supposed to get home? You drove here.”
“Well it just so happens that the bistro that we’re going to is like five blocks down the road. So, after Chloe helps you pick out your sweater, you guys can meet us there.”
“Fine. That’s fine.” Beca’s eyes widen as Stacie’s words sink in. “Wait, what?”
“Oh didn’t I tell you? Chloe is Aubrey’s best friend.”
“What the fuck dude?!” Beca hisses under her breath. “I can’t go to lunch with her.”
“Because, dude, she is so fucking attractive.” Beca huffs indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest. “You know how I get around pretty girls, Stace.”
“I know. You become a useless lesbian.”
“I can’t be around her. I’ll make a fool of myself.”
“Would it help matters or make them worse if I told you that she thinks you’re totally hot.”
“That doesn’t help, at all Stacie!” Beca squeaks, her neck flushing with embarrassment. “Also, how do you know that?”
“Um, so I’ve maybe been dating Aubrey for the past month,” Stacie whispers. “Look, Bec….”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?!?” Beca yells at her best friend, waving her arms in the air.
“Seriously Becs, I’ve been meaning to tell you. It just hasn’t come up.”
“That’s a copout and you know it. We spend a lot of time together, you could’ve told me at any point. Were you guys dating while we were still sleeping together?”
“No, you gotta hear me out. We were only kind of seeing each other. It wasn’t anything serious. But I really like her Beca. And for the first time since I dated Joey Presley sophomore year of high school, I can see myself falling in love with her.”
“That’s great.” Beca shoves her hands into the back pockets of her skinny jeans. She’s mad, sure. But she hasn’t seen this look in Stacie’s eyes in the last eight years. So, really she wants to support her best friend, but fuck, she really hates it when people lie to her. “Really it is, Stace. I’m happy that you found somebody to make you want to settle down. But you didn’t have to lie to me.”
“I didn’t lie to you.”
“You kind of did though. Lying by omission is still a lie. And what’s worse is that you felt like you couldn’t tell me that you met somebody.”
“Becs, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“Save it. I’m gonna go. Have a good lunch with your girl. I’ll see you later.”
Beca holds a hand up to stop Stacie.
“Just, don’t right now. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Without another word, Beca walks out of the store.
The next three days are absolute torture for Beca. She doesn’t like fighting with her best friend. But she is mad and a little bit hurt. Not because Stacie found somebody that she wants to be exclusive with, because honestly Beca wants that for her best friend. It just kind of makes her feel gross to know that Stacie was still sleeping with her while dating another person. Just because it makes her feel like a little bit like a homewrecker, even if they weren’t technically together.
So, for the past three days Beca’s been crashing on Cynthia Rose’s couch. She’s pretty sure that C.R.’s girlfriend Denise is ready to scream from having little to no privacy. But she’s too nice to say anything.
She’s done her fair share of housework and cooking to try and make up for the fact that she’s basically freeloading. She also hid money inside of C.R.’s refrigerator last night. She’s not planning on telling her until after she leaves the apartment, because she knows that C.R. will find a way to slip it back into her bag.
Stacie has tried texting and calling her nonstop since she stormed out of the clothing store. Beca wasn’t ready to talk to her, so she has been ignoring her best friend’s messages. If she’s completely honest, she’s still not quite ready, but she’s out of clean clothes and C.R.’s laundry room is out of order. So, if that isn’t a sign from Lesbian Jesus that she needs to go home, then Beca doesn’t know what is.
Luckily, when Beca gets dropped off by Denise, Stacie is still in class. Beca thanks Denise before trudging up the two flights of stairs that lead her to her and Stacie’s apartment. She goes into Stacie’s room to grab her dirty clothes so that she can wash them along with her own. After starting the washing machine, Beca grabs a beer out of the fridge and plops her body onto the living room couch. She puts something menial on television to pass the time until the inevitable conversation the she will have with her best friend.
She’s so immersed in the cooking competition on the television that she doesn’t notice the box on the table right away. It isn’t until she goes to put her feet up on the table that it finally catches her attention. Well, the attention of her feet, anyway.
Beca grabs the box and pulls it into her lap. She studies the box curiously. She’s not quite sure what it is, but her name is written on top of it. It’s in a loopy cursive scrawl that she knows isn’t Stacie’s. She unties the ribbon on the box and opens it.
Beca isn’t able to stop the sarcastic chuckle from escaping her lips when she sees the most godawful Christmas sweater that she’s ever seen in her life. On top of the sweater is a folded up piece of paper. Beca grabs the piece of paper out of the box and then sets the ugly ass sweater on the couch beside her.
With a sigh, Beca reclines her body against the couch and unfolds the paper.
Here’s the sweater that you picked out. Although, I’m pretty sure that you just blindly pointed to one. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas sweaters but this one is just terrible. You left before I could bring it out to you, so I bought it and had Stacie bring it home for you.
I’m pretty bummed that you didn’t come out to lunch with Stacie, Aubrey and I. While we were eating, Stacie told me about the whole not telling you about her relationship with Aubs. I’m sorry that she kept that from you, it totes sucks.
I know that I didn’t really get to talk to you much while you were in the store, but here is my number in case you want to get together sometime. I think that we’ll be fast friends.
Enjoy the sweater!
Chloe XOXO
Beca laughs softly at the cheekiness of the redhead. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and immediately opens up her text messages. She types in Chloe’s phone number and creates a contact, listing her under ‘Redheaded Babe.’ She starts a new message thread using the acquired phone number.
Beca takes her time planning out her message to Chloe. She doesn’t want to sound like a complete idiot if she actually sacks up and sends the text. She barely knows this girl, there is no reason for her to be so damn nervous. She’s such a gay disaster and Chloe just might be her undoing.
After much deliberation, she finally types out the message. She presses send before she can talk herself out of it.
Unknown (4:30 p.m.) Hey.
When she rereads what her ridiculous brain actually came up with, she wants to punch herself in the throat.
‘Hey.’ So freaking eloquent, Beca.
If Chloe didn’t think that you were an idiot before, she surely will now. There’s no way Chloe’s going to respond to that stupid message. No way in hell.
With a resigned sigh, Beca tosses her cell phone onto the couch cushion next to her. She’s just going to sit in place and die of embarrassment now. She leans back against the back of the couch, bringing her left hand up to her face to pinch the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She’s so busy chastising herself that she doesn’t hear the ping of her phone.
10 notes · View notes
Prompt: “My dick feels like it’s about to fucking fall off, I haven’t fucked anyone because of you!” 
Description: Fuckboi! Jungkook series continues!
AN: I am taking prompts, they can be 1-2 lines and you can send me separate OC profiles too!
You thought Jeon Jungkook was successfully out of your life. A small part of you treasured how you had the best sex of your life with him, even though the experience for him was probably apart of some twisted little fantasy to get past on his fuck boy conquests of college. 
You were so wrong. 
“Did you drug me?” Jungkook asked from behind as you walked out of lit class and went to the nearest coffee vendor. 
This was the 10th question Jungkook had asked you in the past week about the quote ‘out of this world’ sex you had both had at the party. It was also the last straw. 
“You’re not going to leave me alone, are you?” You sighed.
“My dick feels like it’s about to fucking fall off, I haven’t fucked anyone because of you!” He hissed in your ear to get your attention. You saw the frustration laced on his face, anyone else would say he was looking at you with the gaze of a mad man in love…or lust. You looked at the way his lips slightly curved when he was angry a little too long before snapping out. 
“Why are you even telling me this? Don’t you have the college sorority sisters to help you out? Go tell them about your little problem!” You yelled, fire in your eyes as you were blinded by the thought of Jungkook’s raging, engorged member tucked away in his tight jeans. Your mouth watered.
Snap out of it, Y/N!
“You’re eyes are dilating, Y/N. I’m sure you could help me out.” He said softly in  your ear this time boring his eyes into yours. Shit, you were obvious.
“Two americano’s on the house. You two look great together.” The kind vendor that you had liked for the past three years said, but now she had just become your worst enemy. She placed two americano’s in front of you which Jungkook took with a bunny smile thanking the vendor. You swore your heart skipped a beat. 
“Thanks, Ajumma.” You smiled brightly before you shot a disinterested look to Jungkook as you started walking away from him by the coffee cart. He looked at you with awe before telling the vendor how cute you were. You felt red rise up your cheeks, he really loved riling you up. 
Later that night, you were nestled in with your housemates watching a movie. Thinking about Jungkook out of the blue had become a regular part of your life now, like when in the movie the protagonist fell into the arms of the super hero. You normally sneered at stuff like that, but you were suddenly reminded of Jungkook’s strong arms as they pounded into you…
It was that bad. 
You didn’t even have time to register the tense atmosphere around you, where all your housemates were looking at you. 
“Is it true, Y/N?” Maddy asked, a look of curiosity on her face. 
‘True what?” You asked, taking another handful of popcorn and stuffing your face as  your eyes still focused on the scree in front of you.
Maddy nudged Miranda. 
“I can’t deal with this tension.” Miranda sighed before bursting. “How long have you and Jungkook been together? I mean, not to be rude or anything but we kind of are your housemates, and it would be nice to find out from you since we’ve been living together for the past 3 years and Jungkook is kind of a big deal.” You stopped eating your popcorn midway through.
“What the- how did- no?!” You stuttered in astonishment looking at both of them.
“She’s lying.” Maddy said. 
“I’m not fucking dating Jeon Jungkook!” You yelled. “Where are these rumours coming from?”
Maddy and Miranda looked at each other with confusion. 
“You don’t know?” They asked in union. 
“Tasha from Physics and I are partners for a project so we met up a few days ago. She’s in the sorority too and was telling me about how Jungkook’s been rejecting all of his usual fuck buddies lately because of you. Someone saw you two kissing at a party a few weeks ago before going into a room. He hasn’t gotten with anyone since. We all thought you two were probably a thing.” Maddy explained. 
“But that mean’s he’s so into you! This is Jungkook- fuck boy extraordinare who hasn’t fucked anyone because he’s so dick whipped for you!” Miranda said, lifting herself up on the couch.
“Are we still in high school? You guys I can’t deal with people talking about me!” You said, your heart beat rising in realisation that people were talking about you. You hated it, you could literally do anything as long as people weren’t talking about you. 
“So you two did get together?” Maddy confirmed. 
You nodded weakly. “I mean, he was really, really good and I can’t stop thinking about him but people are talking about me! Sorority girls too, you know how viscous they can get!” You said, internally hyperventilating. 
“Awh, babe I’m sure it’s not that bad. I mean he’s not use to girls like you so he probably needs to think a little before going back to his usual game.” Miranda came over and hugged you, but you were starting to get a headache as you thought more and more about how the hot topic of the sorority house- Jungkook was now involved with you. All you wanted to do was avoid that sort of crowd, but by sleeping with Jungkook who couldn’t fucking move on, you were on their hit list probably. 
‘I just don’t want to be talked about in the sorority, you know how it gets there?” You said, pushing your head in your hands. 
Your housemates tried to spend the rest of the night consoling you but it was no use. They knew you tried to keep yourself away from stuff like that. The next morning you rushed into class after spending a sleepless night debating whether to call Jungkook  and tell him that he needed to move on, since he did put his phone number into your mobile when you weren’t looking in class. You decided against it eventually, you didn’t have the energy too because the thought of his velvety voice on the phone would make your knees weak. 
“Y/N, right?” You had come back from asking the professor a question at the very end of the lecture when everyone had mostly gone, when a pretty girl you recognised from the sorority house asked. Shit. At least you were prepared now, thanks to your housemates who had coached you on how to act. 
“Stay away from Jungkook.” She hissed in your ear before grabbing your hand and squeezing your wrist with her sharply manicured hands a little too much that you nearly screamed. 
Your eyes widened as you realised the bitch had scratched you. Your mouth dropped because of all things, you didn’t know sorority sisters were that bad. 
“D- did you just scratch me?” 
“Jungkook doesn’t go with girls like you. He needs a girl that can keep his interest.” She glanced your body up and down and winked, before sauntering away without any sign of remorse. You sat back down in your chair in shock. Were you still in high school? This shit couldn’t happen at college, you didn’t work your ass off to get to a place like this and have girls scratch your wrist. 
You looked at bloodied scar. a straight red line. Your mouth dropped ever further. 
Taking your phone out, you debated on what to do. You knew you had to call someone, because you couldn’t just walk out of a lecture hall around campus with blood dripping from your wrist. Taehyung…Taehyung was a good option, but you thought about who caused this to happen in the first place. 
With little thought, you pressed Jungkook’s name. 
“Hello, Y/N. I hope you’re calling with some good news.” He answered cockily on the second ring. 
The words struggled to come out of your mouth and you realised calling him was a stupid idea. What would he do anyway? 
After a pause Jungkook spoke again. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” His voice had morphed into worry now, sensing something was wrong since nothing came out of your usually cocky mouth. The worry in his voice, something that you never knew existed  made you even more tongue twisted. 
“Y/N? Speak to me. Where are you?” 
“Hey, do you know what class Y/N/L/ had?” You heard him ask someone close by, who answered he thought you might be in the same class as one of his other friends. He was right.
“Are you still there? Stay on the phone, I’m coming.” Jungkook said, and you heard him move around. 
“I’m in the next building, I’ll be there in like, 20 seconds.” Jungkook said, and you were even more confused now with the worry in his voice. He shouldn’t be worried. He should have just laughed and hung up. You expected him to laugh and hang up. 
“Y/N!” You saw Jungkook sprint into the empty lecture hall and up to you. He couldn’t understand the small feeling that started building inside him when he saw you sitting alone looking scared. 
Coming up to where you were sitting, he scanned your features before landing at the bloodied slit on your wrist. 
“Fuck.” He whispered, sitting down and taking your small wrist in his hands. 
“What happened here?” He asked softly, soothing your hand. His hand felt warm and inviting. It send shockwaves of pleasure down your spine.  
When your hand was warmed up from his soothing, you snapped out of your initial shock and took your hand away. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I should have known they’d do this.” He said, looking into your eyes with regret. 
“You knew?” You asked, horrified. 
“Not like how you think. Sorority girls are…kind of wild when it comes to guys they get obsessed with…this is their way of telling someone to back off.” He said, training his eyes on you wrist. 
“That’s completely fucked.” You said, even more horrified with this secretive little practice that existed. Even more fucked was that they could get obsessed with someone so much that when they rejected them, they decided to harm people as a threat. 
“Does it hurt a lot?” Jungkook asked even more softly, taking out a box of plasters from his back pocket. That surprised you. He took your wrist again. 
“Do you carry that around for all the girls that get scratched by lunatics because of you?” You asked sarcastically trying to take your mind off the pain of your wrist, not answering how much the scratch hurt because it was still pretty big and stinging. 
Jungkook ripped the wrapping off gently and placed the plaster on your cut, smoothing his fingers over the pink rectangle. 
“Only the pretty ones.” He smirked meeting your eyes. The corners of your mouth curved up involuntarily. 
A moment of silence washed over you both. 
“This shit won’t happen again, Y/N.” Jungkook said sincerely. These sororities were ancient and they had weird codes that he had subjected himself too by fucking nearly every girl in that group some way or another. Y/N had to bear the brunt of it now he had an issue with being unable to think about anyone else because of her. Jungkook knew it from the beginning when she was so different from the girls he usually went for, and he thought Y/N was just an flavour to get rid of. 
That clearly didn’t happen. 
“You kind of need to stop coming after me for that to happen.” You pointed out, grabbing your bag as you prepared to get up. 
“They’ll stop if they know we’re together. If they see you with me, they won’t think it’s just a rumour and they’ll leave you alone.” Jungkook said taking your hand in his and meeting your eyes with determination. He feel uncomfortable with the thought of you having to face those girls again because of him. Was it regret he was feeling? If he didn’t start this, you wouldn’t have to worry about some girls that didn’t grow up from high school. 
He fucked around himself, but he wouldn’t bash a guys head out for fucking someone he fucked every now and then. Well, if that person was you…Jungkook sighed. He couldn’t resist you, your flavour was becoming his favourite. That’s probably what it was. It couldn’t be anything else. You were cute, and very funny, and in your own world most of the time when he caught you ever since you screamed at him at your party- but Jungkook was probably, just really interested by you. Surely that was it. 
“You mean…like pretending?” You asked, wanting clarification. He had a point, everyone knew those girls could get wild when it came to a girl they didn’t want with their ‘idol’ guy. It was fucked up. 
“Depends what you mean by pretending. Pretend sex…could be arranged.“ Jungkook said, his eyes darkening as he pulled your body closer to his. 
“You want to fake date me but have sex on the side?” 
“The regular, the better.” He winked. “I know you want me too, I can practically feel you dripping from here Y/N.” 
Your ear was starting to love the sound of his voice so close to it. You clenched your legs at the sound of his voice. 
“Okay.” You said, giving in to what you wanted for once. He would probably break your heart in the process, but you guessed the sex would compensate. 
“Only until they move on though. When they start forgetting, this thing is finished.” You said, trying to regain your head sense again after feeling dizzy with his sweet voice in your ear. 
“No problem.” Jungkook answered, taking his phone out. He didn’t know why he was going to such lengths, a simple walk around a party with his arm on around your neck would do and they’d just back off.   He became certain that he just wanted to find out more about you, there had to be something he didn’t like or was repulsed by so he could go back to what he was use to- something that was not you. 
“Wait- what are you doing?” You asked, seeing Jungkook turn his phone to his camera selfie mode. 
“Smile, I need a new display picture.” Oh.  This was to make his project more believable. 
“Is this really necessary?” 
“I haven’t changed this display picture since I started college. It’s a pretty big deal, shouldn’t you know as a true millennial?” He teased, moving closer to you and positioning his phone. 
You rolled your eyes before putting on a big smile. 
“Why aren’t you taking it?” You asked still smiling with gritted teeth. He was smiling himself, beautifully might you add. He looked too good to be true. 
You moved your face to ask him why but as soon as you moved your head his face tried to pull a ridiculous face. Your laugh was then interrupted by his lips settling on yours quickly, slowly easing the smile that you had out.
Your mouth was just getting use to the taste of him and you began to realise how parched you felt from not having his taste when he slowly pulled you. 
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” He said with a bunny smile, before checking the candid picture of him kissing your smiling face and setting it as his display picture. Inside, a small part of you was screaming. Jeon Jungkook was to everyone else, officially your boyfriend. The other part of you realised he kissed you, and you…like was an understatement. 
You hoped that Jungkook wasn’t going to play you so well that when he left after getting his final fix of you, you’d be left crying on the side walk. 
“Jungkook?” You asked, your voice smaller than he had ever usually heard it. 
‘Can you promise me one thing?” 
“What is it?” 
Don’t break my heart too much. 
“Just don’t over do it.” 
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