#you wrote me a LOVELY LETTA
mermaidlighthouse · 7 months
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vikos-world · 4 years
Reader comforts Spinel after finding out about Christmas and thinking she's on the naughty list for trying to destroy Earth.
Ahhh This is so cute, ^^
For context, Spinel and the reader aren't dating in the beginning
Reader comforts Spinel: Christmas edition
🎄Spinel found out about Christmas when she saw the town all decorated, and some fat guy plastered all over
🎄you had to explain the concept of the holiday and who Santa was, lists, gifts an' all
🎄"ohhhh...Wait would.. would i be on that naughty list he has?!"
🎄uh oh
🎄Spinel, still having childish charm in her, believes everything and anything and Santa is no exception
🎄She was fascinated by your telling of him and loved it right away
🎄but remembering what she did, she was worried that she'd be on the naughty list and get punished with coal
🎄though she didn't really know what coal was, it sounded scary
🎄You honestly didn't know what to do, you didn't want to say he wasn't real and you couldn't for sure say she wasn't on the list
🎄then it hit, Just have her write a letter then you read it for yourself!
🎄Them you could learn what she really wanted for Christmas and give it to her so she wouldn't feel bad
🎄after calming her down about the whole situation, you told her to write him a letter and ask him, if she's not on the naughty list, give her the thing she wants the most
🎄that seemed to put her in better spirits but she was still nervous.
🎄after she wrote it, You said you'd mail it for her and that night (lets say the day before Christmas eve) you read it
🎄you were shocked at her request, it was so cute and you would never have guessed
🎄this was going to be difficult, but you had to do it.
🎄Also just because, you mailed the letter anyway. Promise was a promise after all
🎄the next day, you were at Steven's who was holding a little Christmas party for his friends, and while Spinel was talking to someone you slipped away to ask him for help
🎄the next morning, Christmas morning, Steven had a little gift exchange! Giving gifts to everyone. He took Spinel aside, he had a special gift for her
🎄they went to his house and went to his tree, where a decent sized box waited
🎄"Read who its from Spinel!" He said, and she did, it said 'from Santa'
🎄she gasped
"Is this really for me? From him?!"
🎄"yeah! Go ahead and open it" Steven said, preparing his camera
🎄she slowly opened the box, and out came you, a bow on your head, with something attached and confetti all over you. Her face had a small blush on it as she gasped in pure surprise
🎄"Y-Y/n?! How did?"
🎄"wasn't this what you wanted Spinel?" You asked. She blushed more and started stuttering for an answer
🎄 y'know that thing attached to your bow? It was mistletoe
🎄So you slowly leaned in and gave her a kiss. She was so surprised but was able to kiss back.
🎄"merry Christmas Spinel! I hope i was what you wanted because ya got me"
🎄"y-you hope? You were all i wanted Hun!" She gave you a hug you both laughing as you fell out of the box onto her
🎄Steven is gonna show this to everyone-
🎄 later that night at your place, Spinel came in with an envelope
🎄 "hey doll, look! A letta came for ya!" She handed it to you and went to go look at a snow globe.
🎄you opened it, it read;
'Dear Y/n,
Thank you for your kindness towards Spinel. I hope you both got what you wanted, don't go denying yourself now.
- Santa'
🎄You stared at the paper confused but then looked up at Spinel who was shaking said globe and smiled.. best Christmas ever
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hey my gorgeous peeps! I’ve gone through pretty much all of your page and have found some amazing fics! I’m just looking for some really good, slow build/pining sterek fics that are under 80k. I’m really into standinginanicedress’ fics just to give you an idea of what I like if that’ll help to narrow it down. only mature and explicit ratings please thank you so much!!
I found a few for you, @fvckyourfandoms . -Letta
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Inevitable You by Red_City
(1/1 | 22,261 | Mature)
“I’m Derek’s mate,” Stiles gets out, breathing hard. There is silence in the room.
As he looks around, he realizes that everyone else knew.
Living With Lycanthropy by WhoNatural
(1/1 | 44,095 | Explicit)
AKA: The Sterek Rival Bakeries AU
Wherein they both own bakeries, Stiles tries not to run his grandmother’s legacy into the ground, Laura wants to be a better alpha, and Derek can’t seem to get Stiles’ attention the regular way - so naturally, he accidentally initiates a prank war.
(Or, if Teen Wolf was more like Gilmore Girls, with everyone far too invested in whether the Hale boy and the Sheriff’s kid will work it out, and Laura Hale wrote a handbook for alpha werewolves.)
The Spark Within by Halevetica
(35/35 | 44,147 | Mature)
Deaton had always suspected a spark was buried deep within Stiles. When he proves it right he tells the alpha, Derek. Derek is in need of an emissary and Stiles would be perfect. But Stiles fights the spark within. He doesn’t want to be tied to Derek forever, he hates the guy. Derek fights for Stiles but will Stiles fight for Derek?
You’re the Riddle of the Century by stayingputwouldbeablunder
(2/2 | 45,700 | Mature)
“Okay,” Stiles says, drawing out the y. “Well, I’ve gotta go, Derek. Plenty more clueless individuals like yourself waiting to learn how to operate the majestic electronic device you hold in your hands.”
“I’m not holding it.” Derek doesn’t know why he does it but he waggles his fingers in front of the camera; the tablet is propped up against his legs. “See?”
Stiles rolls his eyes, smiling. “Goodbye, Derek. And thanks for calling Amazon today. Catch you on the flip side.”
“Bye, Stiles.”
Oh shit.
In which Stiles is a tech advisor for Amazon and Derek really loveshates his Kindle.
The Quickest Way to a Man’s Heart (is Through His Bottomless Pit) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 | 54,167 | Explicit)
Pulling open his apartment door, he let out an involuntary shout when something was quite literally thrust into his chest hard enough to have him almost tip backwards. He managed to right himself while keeping hold of what had been shoved at him and looked up in time to see his neighbour striding back towards his apartment.
“You’re going to fucking kill yourself.”
His door slammed.
Stiles blinked at the other man’s door, utterly confused, and looked down at what he was holding.
It was a plastic bag, full of what felt like tupperware, which made no sense to Stiles because when had his neighbour broken into his house to steal his tupperware?
Make Me Skin & Bones (Where The Hell Have You Been) by Kandakicksass
(44/44 | 54,865 | Mature)
Stiles takes the darkness from the Nemeton a lot harder than Scott and Allison do. Derek comes back after he goes catatonic.
Thank You For This Dance by matildajones for Emela
(26/26 | 62,463 | Mature)
Derek picks up another glass of champagne, and that’s when he sees him. A man stands at the edge of the room, chewing his lip and staring at the dance floor longingly. Every person walks past him. Derek must have done it a hundred times this evening. –Derek is not one for dancing, but at a ball he meets Stiles, an orphan, and he becomes quickly attached. He does not care what other people think about Stiles’ wealth and status, but it’s a lot harder for Stiles to ignore the comments that have haunted him his whole life.
It’s even harder to convince Stiles that Derek’s feelings are genuine.
Seeing Wolves (Where There Are No Wolves) by MellytheHun
(16/16 | 71,305 | Explicit)
Or otherwise known as “Derek Goes to the Doctor,” wherein Derek gets the therapy he so desperately needs and gets healthy. The clearer his head gets, the more room it seems to have for Stiles.
All Hale the King by Halevetica
(53/53 | 71,541 | Mature)
It’s been three months since Derek left Beacon Hills. He didn’t say bye to anyone. He left his pack without an alpha. Then all of a sudden he’s back, but he seems out of character. Stiles automatically assumes he’s been cursed, that is until he finds out that he isn’t Derek at all, but his twin brother, Gage. Gage is nothing like his brother and he falls in with the pack perfectly and he’s an alpha. Stiles and Gage become good friends. Then one day, Derek does come back and Gage steps down as alpha. Stiles is pissed. He and Derek never got along. Derek was rude, harsh, snappy, bossy, forceful, all the things you could hate in a guy. Now he’s forced to answer to Derek, who thinks he’s king. Stiles is sick of it and decides it’s time Derek was put in check.
First Rule: Do No Harm by LandingStrutts
(23/23 | 79,654 | Mature)
While they are both eye fucking each other, Dereks view of focus is replaced by someone else rushing toward him. It is Tom and he has a shitty evil grin on his face. “Derek. Where the hell you been man? You’re twenty minutes late. It’s freezing out here and we are waiting for someone to open up the building.” You would never have believed this is who sent a text with an exploding kitten. 
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Something Old and Something New - Chapter 1: Prologue
Marjory is bored out of her fucking mind.
Which is an unseemly sentiment, she knows – particularly when she's meant to be engaged in planning her own wedding. A wedding which she is actually looking forward to, despite her current aggravation. But it's true nonetheless.
Because honestly, there's only so many hours one can spend selecting table linens. At some point, the minute differences between ecru linen napkins and cream linen napkins just don't fucking matter anymore. And that point has come and gone. But Mother and Charles's grandmother are still arguing about it.
At least she can bitch about it to Honoria later. Preferably over a glass of wine. Or a raging bonfire made of the reams and reams of notes Marjory's required to take on every minute, insignificant detail. Details which Honoria, as a lowly bridesmaid, is not made to sit through – lucky girl.
Family politics being what they are, Honoria would be part of the wedding party regardless of how either of them felt about it. But fortunately, they've become quite close friends since that first slightly awkward meeting. And Honoria has remained a staunch ally throughout the many battles of wills that have occurred over the course of planning the wedding of the decade. Because of course the union between the Emerson Winchesters and the Oakes will be the wedding of the decade. And it's Marjory's job to get them there, even if she must wear a wig to the ceremony after pulling all her hair out in frustration over her various relatives' and soon-to-be relatives' conflicting tastes in flower arrangements.
Charles doesn't know how lucky he is getting to stick his hands in people's chest cavities all day. Particularly as the people are unconscious and therefore cannot express opinions on wedding dress style or candlestick height. But they all make sacrifices for the good of the family. And this is her particular cross to bear.
Still, there must me some way to ensure that the actual wedding is more than just a political showpiece.
“Hey, we got invited to the Winchester wedding.”
Trapper looks up from the bills he's paying. “Singly or collectively?”
“Well, it's addressed to both of us. But I imagine they assume we'll each bring someone else as a plus one.”
The question is, who to bring? Sure Hawkeye and Trapper each have a few girls they're friendly with down at the bar. But taking someone to a wedding seems like a pretty big step relationshipwise, and Hawkeye doesn't want to lead any of them on.
“Oh wait, Trapper, there's a note – Dear Hawkeye and Trapper... hope you can come, blah blah, also wanted to let you know we've invited Major Margaret Houlihan so you may wish to get in touch with her about attending before you RSVP blah blah Love, Marjory. So that's that problem solved – one of us takes Margaret and the other takes Kat. All nice and neat and heterosexual.”
“Beats going stag - this way we have someone to dance with. And Kat gets to go. That Marjory's one hell of a smart cookie.”
“And tactful,” Hawkeye adds. “What she's doing with Charles “Oblivious” Winchester, I'll never understand.”
They grin conspiratorially – Charles has interrupted date night several times now and he still hasn't bought a clue.
“Well, there's no accounting for taste. But I'm glad she's on our side.” And Trapper goes back to balancing the check book.
“Only problem now is, what're we gonna do for a wedding present?” Trapper asks after he finishes and looks at the final balance. “It ain't like we can afford something they'd want. Or that they'd want to admit to owning.”
It's true. Even with two doctor's salaries, they don't make anything close to enough to buy a present for the man who has gold-plated toilet paper holders in his bathroom. And they don't want to get something cheap that they'll just throw away – because then they may as well just not buy a present.
“Well,” Hawkeye says consideringly, “if money's an object, we should probably try and pull at the old heart strings. Get them something sentimental that they'll want to cherish forever for all the good memories it evokes or whatever.”
Trapper nods. “That makes good sense, Hawkeye. Who knew you had it in you.”
“Oh fuck off. If you're going to insult me like this, then you can think up the gift idea.”
Trapper always was the idea man of their little duo anyway. Better to leave him to it.
Trapper ponders for a bit. Then says, “What about making them a quilt – and we each do a square. Cuz they've already invited us and Margaret, who knows how many other former 4077 inmates made the guest list. Probably at least BJ and Sidney. And they're all gonna be in the same boat, presentwise.”
“I like it. Killing multiple birds with one gift. And we all know how to sew at least a little – so that shouldn't be outside of anyone's ability.” Hawkeye pauses “Only question now is, who else is on the guest list?”
“Honoria's helping with the planning, ain't she? She might be able to find out.”
“Aha!” Hawkeye exclaims triumphantly. He loves it when a plan comes together. “Honoria and I are meeting up this afternoon – since someone-” he looks pointedly at Trapper “-doesn't appreciate musical theater. I'll squeeze her for information then. You call Margaret and Kat and see which of them is willing to put up with you for an entire evening.”
Trapper flips him off playfully. “You're just jealous Margaret had the hots for me and not you.”
“As if!” Hawkeye exclaims, affronted. “I'm irresistible!”
“Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night.” And Trapper heads toward the phone. “Have fun at your interrogation, honey. I'll feel out Margaret to see if she thinks the quilt thing's a good idea or not.”
Margaret had liked the quilt idea – and she and Kat agreed to a double date with him and Trapper. So that's that problem solved. And fortunately, Honoria's willing to snitch for a good cause so Hawkeye gets the guest list pretty quickly. Now it's just down to coordinating everyone else.
Trapper takes one of the pages of the list Honoria'd slipped surreptitiously into Hawkeye's coat at their last little get together. “Looks like Steve and Letta and Sidney all got invited. They're close enough we can just call them up and ask if they wanna go in on the gift, so that's convenient.”
Hawkeye looks at his own page. “More good news, Trapper. Max is on the guest list, too.”
“Oh, thank God - someone who knows what she's doing. Think we can get her to take charge of this whole deal?”
Cuz it turns out that making a quilt involves significantly more work than Trapper had anticipated. And as Max is a professional seamstress, she probably has things like a sewing machine, or batting, or even just a big old piece of cloth to use for the back part.
“C'mon, Trap, let's write her now and ask. And we should write everyone else, to let them in on the plan.”
“I'll write Radar and the Padre. You better be the one to write BJ, otherwise he'll never agree to anything,” Trapper says, a little bitter.
It ain't his fault BJ still hasn't warmed up to him. And it ain't like they've gotta be best friends or nothing, but it'd be nice to all be able to be in the same room together without it feeling like sides are being drawn. With Hawkeye's favor some kinda token to be fought over.
“Right,” Hawkeye says tightly. Hawk's made it clear he ain't much more happy about the situation than Trapper is. But also that BJ's his friend and he ain't about to give that up. “I'll write Colonel Potter, and Donna Parker too since you never met them. Boy, Marjory sure has a sense of humor inviting Charles's former “wife” to his wedding.”
“I'm surprised Father Mulcahy made the cut – given how much Winchester hates the Irish, Catholics, and Irish Catholics.”
Though in fairness, Winchester has mellowed somewhat on that front since Trapper's known him. And the Padre's a pretty unobjectionable guy. But it kinda seems like Marjory – who'd been the one to draw up the list, according to Honoria – had just listened to Winchester's yearly drunken diatribe against all the MASH personnel and invited everyone he'd only pretended to hate outta obligation. Still, Trapper don't mind seeing some old faces – and meeting some new ones – at this shindig, so no skin off his teeth.
Even if it does mean more people to rope into their scheme.
Max gets a letter from Trapper – and it's not unexpected, exactly. They've been writing back and forth since she got back stateside.
First a Christmas card from both Trapper and Hawkeye – who are shacked up together now, surprise surprise.
Then Max wrote Trapper asking about Seong – making sure the kid didn't have anything wrong with him since he still wasn't talking for months and months of being home in Toledo and settled and safe.
And maybe Max knew Hawkeye better at that point. Been closer friends with him than Trapper cuz of going through all the real bad shit at the end of the war together. After all, they had almost two years of keeping each other the right kinda crazy – up till no one could do that for Hawkeye cuz what he'd seen was just too fucked up. And that kinda thing tends to bring folks together.
But Hawkeye wasn't the guy to go to with anything kid related on account of said fucked up shit. And sure, Max could've written to BJ – he's got kids too, and a toddler not kids in grade school already. But BJ'd been normal - the most normal outta all them 4077 folks. And he'd gone back home to his family, back to living his abnormally normal life, like some shining golden monument to God Bless America and apple pie. And she didn't wanna interrupt that.
So she'd written Trapper. Who kept insisting that he wasn't a pediatrician or a psychiatrist – and he'd tried to recommend both, but Trapper knows Max, knows Korea, knows what the kid's been through better than any so-called expert and she felt a lot more comfortable going to him than anyone she didn't know.
Plus, his parenting advice had been sound – the kid's gone from starvation skinny to plump and healthy and he's now babbling away at a mile a minute in three different languages.
And since Trapper's a family man, through and through – just absolutely loves kids, his own and other people's – that asking for advice had turned into writing more generally about family life, swapped kid photos, that kind of thing. Which is nice too, cuz Max don't have a ton of friends in Toledo who got kids she can ask for advice from. And sometimes asking family nets a whole bunch of conflicting advice that ignoring any part of would cause grave insult – so it's just easier asking someone who's hundreds of miles away and not related to her.
So they get to be friends – closer friends than they ever were in Korea. And so, when Max was figuring some stuff out about herself, they'd written about that too. Carefully, of course, and with enough misdirection and double talk to get past any of the army sensors from back in the day - Max still paranoid about other people reading her mail, and both of them knowing what could happen if the wrong eyes got the wrong impression. But they'd written. Cuz again, there ain't that many people out there who'd understand her – all the parts of her – from growing up a poor immigrant kid in the kinda neighborhood where being weak got you dead, to Korea, to being queer.
Hawkeye's really the only other one who maybe comes close. And Max ain't kidding herself that he don't know – that Trapper hadn't mentioned anything – since all Hawkeye's own letters refer to her right. But there's parts of Max's growing up that Hawkeye don't understand as well, so she'd gone to Trapper about it.
And maybe it ain't quite the same thing, the way the two of them are – though Max is married to a woman, so they're more alike that way than she'd though. And what a woman. Soon Li is a diamond – strong and bright and with an edge to her that was forged in war. But she's kind and sweat and gentle, too, when she's with Max and Seong and all the rest of her family.
And when Max realized that she felt most herself as herself – sharp and cunning and with teeth bared for a fight, but also pretty and fashionable and a woman – Soon Li'd just looked at Max like she was an idiot for thinking she'd have to remake herself into something smaller and softer and less just cuz she's a woman. Loved and understood Max for all the parts of her – even the parts that made her a little rough around the edges. Helped Max realize that she could be all the parts of her – even if everyone else said you had to choose.
Trapper'd understood that too, in his own way. Cuz, see, they'd slept together a couple times back in Korea. Just a fun little fling that didn't really mean anything to either of them. But Trapper'd looked at Max like she was beautiful. Treated her like she was pretty and feminine when she'd responded to that – without really knowing why at the time. And then he'd ribbed her good-naturedly at the next night's poker game, like she was still the same person she'd always been – tough and crass and crafty. Like those two things didn't have to cancel each other out.
So Max had trusted Trapper with the truth of herself as she learned just what the fuck that actually was. And they'd grown close on account of it.
So it's not a surprise that Max gets a letter from Trapper – but the subject of it kinda is.
Dear Max, A little birdy told me that you got invited to the Winchester wedding. Well, so did me and Hawkeye and a bunch of other MASH vets. There's a whole list of 'em with addresses included in this letter if you end up agreeing to the proposition I got – and not like that! You're a married woman now. Not that that stopped either of you before, you rogues. (Just kidding, Soon Li. Promise.)
Apparently the letter is from Hawkeye as well.
The proposition is this. See, I figure you and me and all the rest of us wedding guests ain't exactly in a position to buy Winchester anything he wants or needs cuz he's a rich bastard and we're all just culturally defficient plebeians (his words.) So Hawkeye figures that we oughtta get him something sentimental. Something that makes him feel guilty for even considering throwing out. Just really hit him where it hurts emotionally. And I had the idea of making up a quilt. Each of us doing a square of it and then sewing it all together. And Margaret and Steve and Sidney and Letta all think it's a pretty good idea – we're polling the others on it, but it's via letter so we ain't got answers back yet. But it seems like the plan's a go. And I ain't exactly a professional seamstress – not like you are. (I'm buttering you up a little, at Hawkeye's request. Is it working? You're also nice and kind and helpful and did I mention nice? Ugh, this is making me sick. You're a conniving bastard and we both know it – please help regardless.) I maintain it's a solid plan. You just weren't flattering enough, Trap. You've got to really lay it on with a shovel. What happened to the guy who could get nurses to go out with him just with a look? Maybe that's the problem – no eye contact in a letter. Anyway, I got no idea how to put everything together once all the pieces are done and make it look nice. So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to take charge of this little project. Lemme know either way – Hawkeye thinks he can sweet talk Mrs. Potter into doing it if you ain't got time. There's no “think” about it - I absolutely can. I'm a master of convincing people to do stupid things they really shouldn't. And Mrs. Potter apparently has a soft spot for incorrigible pranksters - which explains her decades of marriage to Sherm, I guess. But between those two facts, it's a sure bet. So stop maligning me, Trapper! So no pressure, Max. I know you're busy with running a business and having a family and all. Speaking of, I hope Soon Li and Seong are well – from your last letter, it sounds like the kid's gonna take after you in the smooth-talking department. And in three languages, yet. You must be real proud. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friends, Trapper John And Hawkeye
Max laughs as she reads the letter. The back and forth almost like having a real conversation. She's missed that – missed her friends. So she writes back right away.
Dear Trapper and Hawkeye (who is definitely not reading this over his shoulder), Of course I'll help, what kinda friend do you take me for? Don't answer that. Anyhow, I think the quilt's a real good idea. A little piece of all us 4077 folks together in one place. That's real sappy. Even Dr. Winchester ain't gonna be able to pretend to turn his nose up at it. And you were right to come to me about it – seeing as you don't know a back stitch from a blanket stitch. I'll write all the folks on your list letting 'em know I'm taking over the project and to send their squares to me. And the dozens and dozens of questions I'm sure I'll get. So thanks a lot for that, guys. It's late and I don't got much more to say other than Soon Li and Seong are doing good – I'll send a more detailed report in another letter, don't worry. I've been saving up some real cute pictures of the kid for your refrigerator. So keep an eye out for another letter soon. And I guess I'll be seeing you in person pretty soon too. It'll be nice to catch up face-to-face, you know? Till then, I hope you're both well. Your friend, Max
To be perfectly honest, Max has never made a quilt before either – which in hindsight is pretty stupid, given how cold Korea got in winter. But she does know how to do more than mend holes and darn socks. And she has made a quilted housecoat before and it ain't that different. So.
“Fear not, friends! Maxine Q. Klinger is on the case.” Cuz despite her status as a conniving bastard, Max ain't one to leave friends in a lurch. And it does solve the problem of what to get for Charles “Snobbery is my Middle Name” Winchester.
Soon Li laughs at her, but she'd gotten Max's sketch book as soon as she'd finished reading the letter herself. And all she says is, “Don't stay up too late plotting, jagiya.”
Allah, but Max loves her.
By the time Max comes to bed, she's got a rough sketch of a couple ideas and a whole bunch of scrawled notes. And of course, the final design'll depend on who all's participating in this little venture. But it's a start.
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thamsanqawrites · 5 years
Fast Car: A letter for Tracy Chapman
To Whom It may Interest:
Quite often people refer to me as an old soul because of the music I listen to, a lot of which I learnt from my dad during our trips home on the N1. He gave me the gift of good music, a gift I treasure and never take for granted. Through him I learnt about the likes of Jabu Khanyile, Busi Mhlongo, Chicco Twala, Letta Mbulu, Penny Penny, Tsepo Tshola, Lazarus Kgakgudi, Steve Kekana, Mpharanyana and the list goes on and on...
Of the different artists he introduced me to, Tracy Chapman is one that stands out the most for me and she is one who managed to stand the test of time. She's one of my favourites to date and her music touches parts of me many artists could never reach. Sometimes I listen to her and wonder if I wasn't meant to be an 80s baby, after all I missed it only by a few years.
I always get overwhelmed by the pleasant sadness of her music. The stories she tells, a mirror of our society 30 decades later. Not so long ago we were up in arms over the gender based violence that keeps rocking our everyday lives and the little protection our justice system seems to offer. Tracy wrote a song called "Behind the Wall" and to quote her she said: "Last night I heard the screaming. Loud voices behind the wall. Another sleepless night for me, it won't do no good to call, the police. Always come late, If they come at all". How many stories alike do we know of? How many times have police failed acting on domestic violence to point that we've had to bury the victims? One too many times. She asked a pertinent question, a question which still remains unanswered, a question that still has relevance today, "why is a woman still not safe when she's in her home?"
For me, through her music, Tracy is a champion of social justice. She spoke on race, inequality, justice, GBV, character, love , the revolution, broken promises and hearts, peace and capitalism just to mention a few. Her music spoke to everyday people, you and I, the ordinary people. She painted with words our different realities and struggles. I think those with leadership aspirations and those who want to uplift communities should listen to her music. She offers solid advice, my favourite being: "Don't be tempted by the shiny apple. Don't you eat of a bitter fruit. Hunger only for a taste of justice. Hunger only for a world of truth. 'Cause all that you have is your soul"
Whenever I feel down and out, discouraged by the time it takes to realise my dreams I play "Mountain O' Things" and it never fails to lift me up. I can't count the number of times I was ready to give up, the number of times I was ready to call curtains down on my dreams and the exams I was ready to walk away from. But Tracy, Tracy and her guitar came through for me. Ironic taking into account what the song is all about.
Bob Marley said "One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain" Tracy's "Fast Car" slaps differently when you're introspecting or on the verge of a life changing decision "you gotta make a decision leave tonight or live and die this way". You might be alone in your room facing uncertainty or troubled by the unknown that awaits but her music would reassure you that you're not alone ad that's it's going to be alright at some point.
A lot of us have done a lot of "foolish" deeds while in love, I found comfort and sanity in "For My Lover". It's okay to do the most for the person you love, it's okay to climb the mountain for them if needs be. Dala what makes you happy, at the end of the day when it's all said and done it's the things that make your soul content and not other people's opinions.
I once wrote a note to self that read "pace yourself, this journey is yours and yours alone" a rather a selfish note which stems from Tracy's quote "All that you have is your soul". I'm eternally grateful to my Dad for introducing me to her music, she has offered me warmth, comfort and healing. Above all she's had a great impact on how I perceive my current reality and the type of man I want to be.
#TracyChapman #FastCar #TalkingAboutARevolution
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willreadforbooze · 5 years
Hello fellow boozie readers!
Sam’s Update:
I had a good week all in all. I wanted to avoid the St. Paddy’s nonsense in DC so I hosted my own mini weekend readathon. I was hoping for 24 in 48, but I got to 12… so it was a 12 in 48 lol.
What Sam finished this week:
King of Fools by Amanda Foody: This is the sequel to Ace of Shades and we continue to follow our kids Enne and Levi. Holy hell was this good. I was meh about the first one but I LOVED this one. Our characters get more fleshed out, the plot twists were better, and we get angsty and non-angsty romances. I loved it. Review to come soon, closer to release date.
Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik: This is the 4th book in the Temeraire series. Talking dragons, gentleman’s honor, etc. I didn’t like this one as much as the others, but the end though. THE END. So. Good.
The Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa: I liked this much more than I thought I would. I liked the characters a lot. And the way it ended was… get this… a satisfying cliff-hanger. GASP. Linz wrote a review here.
What Sam’s reading now:
The Defiant Heir by Melissa Caruso: I’m literally in chapter one. But I’ve been trying to finish up series that i’m in the middle of that are already out. I finished The Tethered Mage last year. I believe I have a review… yep. Here.
Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik: This is the 5th book in the Temeraire series. Fortunately, this audio was available as soon as I finished the previous one and I was cooking so I needed something to listen to. Picks up some time after the 4th one left off.
Ginny’s Update:
 Well, I didn’t get much reading done during the week but I fucking crushed some books this weekend.  I mean, yeah, one was a novella and one was middle grade but I still read a lot this week (sorry Sam for making you find so many pictures….). 
Currently Reading:
Hold Me by Courtney Milan: I wasn’t lying about the romance novel kick.  This is a sequel to the one I just read by Courtney Milan, this book stars Maria who is Tina (from the first book’s) best friend who runs an apocalypse blog and absolutely loathes Jay, her brothers best friend.  She also has a long time commenter that’s she’s pretty into, one guess as to who it is… 
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta:  This is a book I’m reading for a book club.  Gonna be honest, I’m not very far into it, but it’s a book I’ve heard a lot about so I’m looking forward to telling you what I think. (Sidenote, goodreads is telling me I’ve already read it… Welp, guess who is still gonna have to skim it)
 Completed this week:
  The List by Patricia Forde:This was a pretty solid read, very reminiscent of the Giver, it’s a middle grade book (I assume) so I could give some of the more obvious twists and turns. Letta was a good character in that she grows to think for herself and fights for what she thinks is right.  For more info, Parker wrote a review.  (see it here) 3.5/5
An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire: OMG I love Seanan McGuire’s books so much.  I know I’ve said that I’m not huge into Urban Fantasy, and that’s still true (I feel things tend to need to be life or death at all times and that can be a bit frustrating) but this book was by far the best in the series so far.  Toby Daye goes to fight the proverbial boogeyman.  This is a book that could have ended in three different places if Toby wasn’t so damn noble, but nope, if she’s working a job she’s going to see it through.  My favorite characters made a return; Tybalt, the king of cats, Quentin, the quasi-awkward teenager who follows Toby around.  And holy crap do I have some new favorites too! 5/5
Once Ghosted Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole: Believe it or not, my biggest complaint is that I needed this to be longer.  Likotsi (from the first book in this series) has a novella of her own that explains her attitude in the first book.  I adore the way that Alyssa Cole fleshes out this universe she has created.  There are things going on in the background and it feels like she has thought out everything. Likotsi and Fab had a whirlwind romance set during A Prince In Theory, which is abruptly cut off for reasons.  This picks up 7 months later when they have a chance meeting and can’t fight their own magnetism.  4/5 but only because it was too short.
The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman: Ugh, I’m digging this series so much.  I’m hoping I can knock out a post on this one so I don’t want to give too much away.
  Melinda’s Update:
What Melinda is reading now:
Beach time! Great opportunity to finish what I’ve been reading and start something(s) new. What was the last thing you read at the beach?
What Melinda read this week:
Vengeful by V.E. Schwab – I was really enjoying this book and SO excited to see how it ended, and then… well it had an ending. It was a bit of a let down, but it happens. Review pending. 
What Melinda is reading now:
The Financial Diet: A Total Beginner’s Guide to Getting Good with Money by Chelsea Fagan – The title says it all—adulting all over the place. One of my resolutions this year was to get a handle on my finances, so figured this is could be a good first step. 
The Charm School by Nelson DeMille – Spies, Russians, POWs, and the CIA… what more could you want? This has been on my to-read list for awhile, so planning to start on our road trip home.
Linz’s Update:
What Linz read:
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal: HIGHLY recommend. A young Indian-British woman signs up to teach a creative writing course at a Punjabi community center in London, and after a series of miscommunications, ends up with a group of Sikh widows who want to write some sexy creative stories. It’s funny, endearing, emotional, takes some great plot turns, and frankly, a piece of modern fiction I ended up loving.
What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera: Didn’t love but I’m also not the intended audience. Two gay teens, Ben and Arthur, who are VERY different, meet-cute in a New York post office. Complicated teen romance and drama ensue. 
What Linz is currently reading:
King of Fools by Amanda Foody: I had to put this one aside for a bit because I’m in feast mode with the library loans right now *hysterical laugh**frantic hand flapping*
For A Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig: I started reading this yesterday and I’m just having a really hard time getting into it. I actually tried to read another book by her recently and I think her books just might not be for me–there’s a LOT of telling, not showing, and I’m having a hard time with the world building. I strongly suspect I won’t finish it, especially when I want to knock out King of Fools
Looker by Laura Sims: I REALLY want to finish King of Fools, but it’s got some formatting issues (it’s an ARC), so it’s hard to read when I’m working out, so I started this ebook today. I liked the premise–a woman set adrift by her inability to conceive (and subsequent divorce) becomes increasingly obsessed with a celebrity neighbor and her family–so I hopped on the waitlist immediately when it came out earlier this year. I GUARANTEE someone will try to tell me this is the 2019 Gone Girl; I don’t hate it, but I’m like 40% of the way in and wondering when the real action is gonna start.
 Until next time, we remain forever drunkenly yours,
Sam, Melinda, Linz, and Ginny
 Weekly Wrap-up: Mar 11-17, 2019 Hello fellow boozie readers! Sam's Update: I had a good week all in all. I wanted to avoid the St.
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rapsrisingstars · 7 years
How i was nothing to something in rapping
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Featured artist: Trizzy - How i was nothing to something in rapping
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Trizzy.
How did you decide to become an artist?
Trizzy: My 3 oldest brothers rap so as a youngin i use to go with them to the studio and me being so young hearing the lyrics not knowing what the words mean i just liked it and thought it was hot and Now im older and i listen to they songs im like "Dang they talking about some real stuff all that i can relate to" Then on top of that i was a LilWayne fan i remember when Lollipop came out i loved that song to death i am a die heart LilWayne fan and now im older i listen to old Lilwayne songs and albums such as "Tha Block is hot" and his songs that he make until this day i see the development and i want to be great as him that man is a legend so i said im going to start rapping too and now i am
"Not to sign to a record label because when you sign it is like selling your soul.When you sign your signature on them papers there is nothing you can do.The Record label decides when you drop your music and your mixtape and albums. It is in there hands and there decision stay a independent artist long as you can.
- Trizzy
What about concerts? Do you play live?
No i dont do either but i will very soon just not at the moment.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
You want a punchline my watch say eat these rappers at lunch time they put food on my plate call it crunch time you can give it your rhyeme well good luck cause its your last time
- Trizzy
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I am working on my upcoming project "Started From Hustling" and yes i released something in the past 2 singles from my project.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
I would sign to 300ent,YM(YoungMoney),Def Jam,Atlantic Records,Universal Music Group,MMG.
Some Pros to me are the record label actually working with me as they say something like"When you want to release your album" and ill say something like "5.17.17" they will say "Okay" and not have no push backs or issues going on
Some Cons to me are The Record label waits as in get you to wait to put out music when your fans need it the most so you wont loose popularity and stay relevant to your fans.
Any last words?
Shout out to my sisters "Jessie,Quita,Sydney" Shout out to my momma ,Shout out to My aunt "letta" ,Shout out to 33rd (GCBG), Shout out to NoOutsiders, Shout out to my cousins"Ziggy,Peaches,Ryan,Jaylen,Janiyah",LongLive My cousin Gutta, Shout out to mu grandma "Ella" shout out to the people in my family that actually communicate with me and the ones that never left my side
Where can we contact you?
Trizzy: https://mobile.twitter.com/TrizzyUpNext
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
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This interview opportunity has been provided by RapBeats.net, the digital marketplace for urban production music .
Want to get featured too? Apply here to get interviewed!
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beatrizefe · 7 years
#EnEstaRevoluciónHayPoesía - Día 1
Ntozake Shange
one thing i don't need
is any more apologies
i got sorry greetin me at my front door
you can keep yrs
i don't know what to do wit em
they dont open doors
or bring the sun back
they dont make me happy
or get a mornin paper
didnt nobody stop usin my tears to wash cars
cuz a sorry
i am simply tired of collectin i didnt know i was so important toyou i'm gonna haveta throw some away i cant get to the clothes in my closet for alla the sorries i'm gonna tack a sign to my door leave a message by the phone 'if you called to say yr sorry call somebody else i dont use em anymore' i let sorry/ didnt meanta/ & how cd i know abt that take a walk down a dark & musty street in brooklyn i'm gonna do exactly what i want to & i wont be sorry for none of it letta sorry soothe yr soul/ i'm gonna soothe mine
you were always inconsistent doin somethin & then bein sorry beatin my heart to death talkin bout you sorry well i will not call i'm not goin to be nice i will raise my voice & scream & holler & break things & race the engine & tell all yr secrets bout yrself to yr face & i will list in detail everyone of my wonderful lovers & their ways i will play oliver lake loud & i wont be sorry for none of it
i loved you on purpose i was open on purpose i still crave vulnerability & close talk & i'm not even sorry bout you bein sorry you can carry all the guilt & grime ya wanna just dont give it to me i cant use another sorry next time you should admit you're mean/ low-down/ triflin/ & no count straight out steada bein sorry alla the time enjoy bein yrself
Rae Armantrout
              1 Touch each chakra in turn and say, “Nothing shocks me.”                2 Watching bombs fall on Syria, we feel serious, occupied, not preoccupied as we were previously.                3 “Makes me end, where I begun,” wrote   John Donne, turning love into geometry.
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Hello! Do you guys have any mpreg, or pregnancy fics about miscarriages or still born births?
*sniffles* Yeah. -Letta
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might be left with my hair (but you’ll have your father’s eyes) byjust_a_confused_writer
(1/1 | 212 | Teen | Stydia)
I can still hear that sound of every wave crashin’ down like the tears we cried bySnowball
(1/1 | 339 | NR | Sterek)
Just a really short thing I wrote about Stiles and Derek losing their child.
Oh, Sweetheart by lavenderlotion 
(1/1 | 764 | Teen | Steter)
“I’m sorry,” Stiles whispered, not able to get out anything more. His hands were shaking, his heartbeat going even faster when he glanced back at Peter’s face.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Peter said, opening his arms and Stiles darted forward so he could bury his face into Peter’s chest.
Stiles, I Love You by AHuntersDream 
(1/1 | 896 | Teen | Sterek, Disaac)
Stiles knew that Derek wasn’t perfect. He just wasn’t expecting this.
Let me go by MulderScully 
(1/1 | 1,000 | Gen | Scisaac)
Isaac suffers a miscarriage and Scott is searching for words that will console him
Delusions by orphan_account
(1/1 | 1,135 | Gen | Sheriff Stilinski & Chris Argent)
Sheriff John Stilinski was a widower. A man who had spent twelve years happily married to the love of his life, only to loose her to cancer. Dedicated to his family until the very end. Until Claudia was buried in the cemetery and John was alone in the house they had bought to fill with their family. He wasn’t a father.There was no little boy with Claudia’s eyes and smile or his curiosity. A delusion, the therapist had promised, to deal with losing his wife. A coping mechanism that they would get rid of before it got too well entrenched.
Haunted By The Memories by ranae654
(1/1 | 1,371 | Mature | Sterek)
Stiles layed there faintly, wrapped in Derek’s arms , when that night came back to haunt him, the night that changed his and Derek’s life and turned it upside down forever.
But darling, love’s to blame by braeden
(1/1 | 4,860 | Teen | Sterek)
Stiles just isn’t sure what he wants.
(Bad) Habits by All_Is_Now_Harmed
(2/2 | 14,560 | Mature | Stydia | MCD)
The spinning tale of how Lydia Martin unravels after the death of Stiles and their unborn child. (Based on song by Tove Lo)
Tainted Love by readtolive
(11/11 | 34,157 | Explicit | Sterek, Jennifer/Derek)
The entire pack knew by now that Derek was back in Beacon Hills with a wife in tow. Stiles had to listen to four separate rants from different pack members, namely Erica, Scott, Isaac and Lydia, how they fully expected him not to lose his grip and to remain calm and composed. Stiles wanted that so much himself and he really thought he could maybe manage it. He was glad that they perhaps failed to realize that the main source of his agitation didn’t stem from seeing Derek after so long, but from the fact he was married now. It was something he never even offered to Stiles. It was something Stiles thought Derek would never do.He wasn’t wrong, as it turned out. He just didn’t want to do it with Stiles.
If I Could Just Hold You by IAmAVeronica
(10/10 | 42,776 | Explicit | Sterek)
Stiles is desperate to carry his husband’s child, so he makes a deal with a witch. If he can seduce an alternate-universe version of Derek in a week, he can have his heart’s desire and return to the world where Derek loves him, pregnant with Derek’s baby. He figures it’ll be easy. After all, he’s been married to Derek for eight years. Even in a world where Derek doesn’t know him yet, Stiles is sure he can win his mate’s heart with time left over to spare.But Stiles forgets the first rule of dealing with witches: they can always find a loophole…
Gravidity by readridinghood
(8/8 | 47,460 | Explicit | Sterek)
Before Stiles can get settled back in Beacon Hills, and in the new business he’s invested in, and before Derek allows his decade-long on and off again girlfriend back into his life, barring she agree to some specific ultimatums, Stiles and Derek meet at Cora’s wedding and decide to have a one-night fling. Their lives get a lot more complicated than either of them imagined because of the night they spent together and neither of them is ready for the journey, but they’ll learn that it’s important they make it together and by doing so Stiles may find the muse he’s been missing, and Derek will have a chance to build what he’s longed to have in his life.
We Were Built to Fall Apart (Then Fall Back Together) by seetherrayne
(32/32 | 118,150 | Teen | Stydia)
Stiles and Lydia have been dating since right before the end of Junior year. Now that they’ve started Senior year, Lydia can’t wait to graduate and continue her life plan with Stiles by her side. College, marriage, Fields Medal, kids. She had it all planned out. But as it is in her life, things never go as planned…
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