#you: hmm. *points at Foul Legacy* i want that one
*skitters through window* guess who's having more sagau thoughts? that's right ME getting transported to Teyvat and hailed as the Creator would normally be the dream, but for someone as quiet and nervous as you it's more of a nightmare. yes, you're being treated kindly- a bit too kindly to be comfortable- but you're very much aware it's just because they think you're some deity. what happens when they find out you're not the Creator? that you're just a normal person who somehow ended up in a popular video game, that you didn't create Teyvat and don't have incredible powers and really shouldn't be getting all this special treatment? fear fills your veins when you think about it too much, so you try to focus on all the things everyone wants you to do and how to simultaneously help and stay away from most people at the same time. you hate crowds more than almost anything, so most of the little time you have alone is spent in the lavish room given to you by the Qixing. one day you're approached by Ningguang and Zhongli- now again going by Rex Lapis- as they ask who you'd like to have as your acolyte, as every god must have assistants and attendants. personally, you prefer the word "companion", and momentarily frown as you rack your brain for someone you wouldn't mind having by your side. you blink, a sudden idea beginning to form in your head, and you turn and timidly ask if you can choose anyone you'd like. Zhongli nods and smiles when you perk up, hopping out of your seat and rushing towards the door. it's the first time you've seemed truly excited since you descended onto Teyvat, and he and Ningguang watch as you make your way down the streets of Liyue. with the hope blooming in your chest you reach your destination- the Golden House- fairly quickly, pausing to smooth out your clothes before cracking open the door and peeking inside. to your delight, the person- or perhaps Abyssal monster- you're looking for is right inside, and Foul Legacy tilts his head curiously towards you. without another word you stride over and throw your arms around him, mumbling apologies for taking so long to come looking for him, it's just that everything has been so overwhelming and so much. Childe squeaks in shock as you squeeze him, overcome with emotions and the fact that the Creator, his god is hugging him, the one he reveres more that the Tsaritsa herself desires the presence of a weapon such as him. his hands hover above your shoulders, unsure if he should dare even touch you, but as you snuggle against him he tentatively lowers them until he's holding you back, and you let out a joyful hum as Childe instinctively begins to purr sweetly, your calming aura washing away the pain of his transformation. yes, you've found your first, perhaps only, companion, and you don't really care if everyone else has a fit about it, because Foul Legacy's your favorite and if anything helps you feel a bit safer in this new, chaotic world.
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ratmonky · 4 years
The Wolf Within A Puppy
word count: 5.9k
warnings: gaslighting, noncon, violence, fingering, oral
AO3 link
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A wolf was meant to be wild, untamed, and carefree. It was simply impossible to tame an animal born into the wild, it had already had a taste of freedom, and forcing it to be in a cage in shackles wouldn’t work but if the wolf was put in a cage, it would do anything until it was free. Even if it meant pretending to be a dog.
Humans were like animals.
They followed their instincts to live their life, that was what created them had intended. Humans were supposed to be following unwritten rules instead of the written ones, just like animals.
Animals lived without guilt, pain, or worry.
You wished you could live freely like animals.
Your teacher had told you specifically not to leave the campus, you lacked cursed energy and fighting spirit to be able to face any curse without the help of your younger classmen.
Yet, you desperately wanted to prove them wrong, you were more than your healing powers, you weren’t just a damsel in distress, you were the person who was going to save others. You were the main character.
Being able to sense cursed spells and energy from far away gave you the advantage of sniffing out low-level curses and exorcising them with the cursed tools you had stolen from the school.
Unless you did all of this, you wouldn’t be a sorcerer, being a sorcerer meant fighting curses and exorcising them, if you didn’t do any of that, it would be meaningless. Your existence was meaningless.
Today was supposed to be like any other day, you were following the low leveled curse energies to exorcise them and try to build your own cursed energy. Although Gojo had told you that you were a special case and didn’t have any, you refused to believe him and wanted to prove him wrong.
“It was coming from here,” you chirped, tightening your grip around the dagger’s handle. You stood in front of the sewer gate, some cursed energy was leaking out from inside, something that could be a grade four or even maybe just a fly head.
If you were lucky, it could be a third-level curse and you would have the chance to practice fighting with a higher grade curse than you’re used to.
Kneeling down, you crawled inside the sewers to find and exorcise the curse. Using your phone’s flashlight, you navigated your way through the larger gates and pipes. The foul smell was disturbing but you managed to ignore it with your willpower only.
You walked for minutes, trying to find the curse but failed. The energy had withdrawn itself, perhaps it actually was a fly head and it had run away for its life.
With a click of your tongue, you kicked a small pebble and it hit the water.
This was useless, you were useless. Why did you come here anyway? There was no way you could succeed at anything yet you kept trying as if that was going to do something.
Your eyes were glossy with tears, you were a failure. You hated this feeling, you hated the jujutsu school and your younger classmen. You knew they were looking down at you, even though you knew they cared about you, they were babying you. You were nothing, absolutely nothing compared to them.
Even thinking about becoming a fourth-grade sorcerer was an insult to your teacher. He had told you that you didn’t possess anything. You were just lucky to be born with the awareness of the curses and the ability to heal others.
You wouldn’t last a minute fighting with a cursed spirit.
No, no, no.
You had exorcised many spirits and curses with the help of the cursed tools. You were capable of certain things, you were being harsh on yourself, come on now…
Your hands went to your hair and you ruffled it with a groan. Maybe, if you told Gojo about the things you had done until now, he could give you a chance. You could train with others and maybe even possess an ounce of cursed energy.
Yes, Gojo would understand. You could return the cursed dagger and ask for Maki’s help to build your stamina, you could learn to use larger weapons. Maybe then you could become a worthy opponent to your lower classmen.
It was time to head back, you knew what to do.
“Ah, I wasn’t expecting any visitors!”
From the corner of your eye, you saw it. You were about to turn around and run out of the sewers but your body refused to move. Your mouth opened in pure terror but you couldn’t scream out of pure shock.
The cursed energy you had thought to be faint was overflowing your senses, your head hurt, your eyes felt like they were about to pop out of your head.
This couldn’t be happening.
Whatever it was, you knew it was something that was about to kill you.
You had to run. If you didn’t run, you were going to die.
This was a special grade cursed spirit. It could even talk.
Quick, legs, move!
Your legs refused to register what your brain was telling them, although all of your instincts were screaming for you to run, you stood exactly where you were, paralyzed from head to toe.
“Hmm, weird, I thought you sorcerers were a lot more… livid but you’re just like a statue.”
Footsteps came closer, you felt its hand on your shoulder and a whimper left your lips as it walked around you until it was facing you.
It happened in the blink of an eye. You tightened your grip on the dagger and lifted it, ready to stab the cursed spirit.
“Are you sure you wanna do that?” it chirped in a sing-song tone, then cocked its head to the side and smiled.
You dropped your dagger, fear coursed through your entire body before you felt your lips tremble.
“I don’t sense any cursed energy from you, how come you were confident enough to come after me?”
You bit your lip in frustration until you tasted the bitter copper. Nobody knew you were here, you had thought you would be able to handle this by yourself.
You didn’t have any cursed energy or special abilities, you were just a healer. You were nothing, you were nothing against this cursed spirit.
It must have noticed your despair because it had a nightmarish smile on its face, its skin snagging on its stitches as the skin crinkled around the corners of its mouth.
“I haven’t met you before,” it said, grabbing a chunk of your hair and pulling it back until your head lifted from the ground to meet its gaze. “Are you one of the new first years?”
“I’m a third-year,” you replied, your hand weakly grasped on its wrist. It was futile though, you were weak. You wouldn’t be able to fight. “Please let me go, I won’t tell anyone.”
It laughed as if you told it the funniest joke it had ever heard.
“My name’s Mahito, what about you, little lost puppy?” He ignored your cries.
You sniffled, your throat ached and clenched as if you had been screaming nonstop. Your body hurt from fear. “Please, I won’t tell anyone about your presence to anyone, please… just let me go. I- I don’t… I don’t wanna die-” By the time you finished your meaningless sentence, you were sobbing uncontrollably.
Mahito pulled your hair back and forced you to look at his mocking face. “I-I-I won’t k-k-kill you.” His eyes squinted, his cursed energy had lessened but you were still drowning in it. “I’ll maybe even let you go,” he said, pausing a moment longer to watch your face muscles relax and listen to you stuttering empty promises and gratitude. “I’ll let you go after I’ve made an example out of you.”
“No- Please!” An audible whimper left your lips, your tears were streaming down your cheeks. You couldn’t see straight, you could only make out the blurry outline of Mahito and his eerie smile. “I’ll do anything, please…”
He raised a brow at your promise.
His fingers loosened their grip on your hair and he instead carded his fingers through your hair slowly, like petting a scared animal.
His free hand landed on your shoulder before sliding down your spine and to the small of your back, he placed his hand steadily and pulled you towards him to close the gap between the two of you.
“Humans try so hard to leave an imprint of their lives. Are you one of them?” he asked curiously, “Is that why you became a sorcerer? Do you want to be remembered by others even after you die?”
You stayed quiet.
“When you die, nobody will remember you. From the moment you stepped inside here, I knew how insignificant your soul was. It’s not vibrant nor has any specialties. If I were to kill you, nobody would know, right? Your only legacy would be a framed picture of you... if you let others take your picture at some point that is.”
His words were like razor-sharp blades. It hurt you even more because he was right.
“It’s boring when you don’t fight or react, you know.” He twirled a strand of your hair between his fingers. Leaving your hair alone, he took your bag from you, unzipping and turning it upside down to empty it out. Once he was done, he threw your bag into the sewer water. “You’re supposed to fight with tooth and nails, or was it… fighting with all your might… is that what they say? Whatever, you understand what I'm trying to say, right?”
You nodded without paying any real attention to his words or what laid beneath them. You were only desperately trying to get this over with. If he was going to kill you, so be it.
This was your fault for coming here.
Mahito crouched to look closer at the items on the concrete, there were makeup, a hand mirror, books, pens, and a small good luck charm you had gotten when you had first started the jujutsu school.
A bittersweet memory invaded your mind, how excited you were about entering the school and how hard you had been trying to improve. But that excitement died quickly as you watched Gojo search for more students, hoping to gather around powerful sorcerers with a promising future.
You remembered the jealousy you felt of others. The way they all treated you like fragile porcelain, ready to break at any given time. The way they always looked at you with pity.
“(name) should never leave alone, it’s dangerous.”
“Making (name) participate in the sister school event is cruel, she can’t protect herself.”
If you were to die here, you would never be able to prove them wrong. If you exorcised this spirit right here, you would be free from the shackles of the expectations and opinions of others.
Mahito smirked at the way your eyes sparkled with determination. He put the sketchbook with your name on it down to instead watch you crouch and reach your hand to retrieve the dagger you had dropped with a smile.
It happened all too quickly, you were about to grab the dagger but found yourself tackled to the concrete. You let out a pained yelp as Mahito’s entire weight pressed on your back.
“What a magnificent fighting spirit!” he barked, pressing your cheek down onto the concrete and laughing hysterically.
You struggled to breathe but you kept squirming. Ready to fight this cursed spirit with everything you got.
His hand reached for your face and you jerked away from his hand, “Don’t touch me!” you screamed, your eyes finally meeting his, they were sparkling with vicious intent.
You shrieked upon seeing his stitched-up face up close, he was hideous. Him being this close to you made you panic even more. “Stay away from me!” Your body automatically tried twisting around from where you were trapped under his weight.
You started to scream as you struggled in his hold. It was barely evening, someone would hear your screams for help.
Mahito grabbed a chunk of your hair and pulled your head back before abruptly smashing your face into the concrete with tremendous strength.
The moment your face hit the cold concrete your nerves struck your entire body. The pain quickly hit you and your head bounced off from the ground like a ball, only to crash to the ground with a loud thud once again. You hit your head hard, the second impact left you dumbfounded, you could taste copper in your mouth. Your hand went to your mouth, only to discover the wetness… You looked at your hand in horror, you were bleeding.
The fear came rushing back.
Mahito looked down at you with a sinister smile, he was entertained by your pain. A low chuckle coming from him made you scream for help again.
It was no use though. On your way here, you hadn’t seen a single soul out in the streets. You were left to his mercy, you could only hope he didn’t kill you.
You were completely vulnerable and defenseless. All you could do was scream for help or beg for this merciless cursed spirit to stop. You had no idea what he wanted but if he actually wanted to hurt you, there was nothing you could do to stop him, especially not when you were bleeding and were in unbearable pain.
“You have no idea,” He suddenly said, startling you out of your frantic thoughts. “How much I'm going to enjoy this.”
He shrugged out of his shirt, the clothing fell next to your head and you found yourself sobbing in horror, “Please, please don’t hurt me,” your voice echoed in the sewers.
Nobody was going to save you.
You kept holding onto that small hint of hope that someone would come running into the sewers any second now, you were desperately trying to deny the realness of the situation.
“Calm down, puppy,” he spoke softly, you suddenly realized that he was crouched next to you now. You tried to see him through your tears, -God when did you start crying again?
You tried to move, crawl away from him. “Please,” you said, “I don’t wanna die.”
He laughed lowly and grabbed you by your ankle, pulling you towards him, “They all get talkative before their fate.” Mahito grabbed a chunk of your hair again and turned you to face him. “Ah, how pretty.” He pouted his lips, “You look gorgeous with all the blood coming out from you.”
He paused, noticing how your wounds were closing.
“You can heal yourself?” He laughed to himself, amazed by your ability. “You get more interesting each passing second!”
You still tried to hold onto that brim of hope that someone would come to save you.
You inhaled as much air as you could to start screaming again but the cold metal against your cheek forced you to keep quiet.
“Now, keep still,” he pressed the dagger down to your cheek, “I’m gonna make this quick.”
Terrified, you watched him move between your legs.
With a sudden rush of adrenaline being released into your body, you blindly kicked at him but fail miserably as he violently pounded your head to the concrete twice with a laugh at your attempt of kicking him.
The first blow stabbed a sharp pain into the side of your face, your vision went blank for a brief moment and you bit your tongue in the process.
The second hit on the concrete made you whimper helplessly.
Your hands fell to your sides in defeat.
When Mahito let his grip on your head loosen, you couldn’t move anymore, you laid on the concrete entirely motionless, blood emerged from the large cut on your temple and your nose. “Wait,” he smiled and lifted the skirt of your uniform, peeking under the fabric with a giggle. “Is that all the fight you had in you?”
He had noticed how you were still saving energy instead of healing yourself. He knew what your useless plan was.
Your eyes watered and you felt even more warm liquid gushing out from your nose and mouth. Your skin warmed and throbbed as you writhed in pain, gritting your teeth while the taste of copper spread in your mouth.
Your cheek laid flat on the cold concrete, your skin must have been burning hot because it relieved some of your pain you had on your face.
He placed the dagger next to your head, it was so close yet so far away.
“Don’t you think it’s funny how some humans follow the rules blindly until they take their last breath?” Mahito placed his hands on your thighs, spreading your legs and pulling you towards his hips. “I think it’s interesting, I wonder if their last thoughts before dying are about how they should’ve done something exciting in their miserable lives?”
You squirmed in an attempt to push yourself up or away from him but he effectively had pinned you down, using a single hand on the small of your back.
“Do you have any regrets? Were you a goody two shoes in your life? You came here to exorcise me, right? You wanted to be praised, didn’t you?” He pressed his chest on your back, nosing some of your hair out of the way to whisper into your ear. He kept sluggishly pressing his stomach against your back until you felt his lips brush against your earlobe. His warm breath tickled the side of your face. “Aren’t you the type of person who would be too stuck up to hang out with their friends and study instead?”
You mumbled.
Mahito pouted his lips. You were getting boring. “What can I say to get to you, huh?”
He started thinking, the makeup stuff you had earlier meant you had to be the organized type, he had seen a keychain and a sketchbook with your name on it but it was nothing useful. But… your books about improvement could mean that you felt you weren’t enough at some academic level and then there was this good luck charm that had gotten you in a feisty mood…
An imaginary lightbulb popped over his head.
“Ahh, I see.” He took a staggering whiff of your hair. “Your life is already miserable enough.”
Your breath hitched, giving Mahito the reaction he had been looking for.
“I think,” he breathed, his lips were brushing against the shell of your ear. “It's finally time you and I had some fun, hmm?”
Your pulse went absolutely berserk with the threat of his words, the dark promise that loomed within his words.
Mahito flipped you over like a sack of potatoes. Once again, you were facing him. You stared at his patchwork of a face, loudly gulping at the disgusting sight. Before you could even comprehend what he was doing, you felt his cold hands go under your skirt.
With wide eyes, you struggled with renewed vigor as you tried to close your legs shut. But he was so much stronger than you. He only chuckled as you made a useless effort to stop him.
You were left to his mercy, once you realized that, you looked away from him.
“Ahh,” he smirked as he lifted the skirt of your uniform, “Such a naughty girl, you’re wearing these to school?” You felt his fingers gently feeling the fabric of your panties.
You squirmed uncomfortably on the cold concrete, knowing that he was staring down at your clothed cunt. You refused to give in to him, refusing to grant him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you.
He snickered and the sound of the clinking of his belt buckle startled you enough to yelp. You quickly closed your eyes.
“Eyes on me, (name),” he uttered as one of his hands kneaded the soft flesh of your thigh.
Your eyes widened at your name. How did he-
“You should enjoy doing bad things, (name),” he said. “Listen to your soul, be free as the shape of your soul.”
Mahito’s hand squeezed your cheeks together until your lips puckered and he leaned to press his lips against yours. At the same time, you felt a fabric being pulled down, it took a staggeringly long moment before you realized it was your panties.
“If you keep living your life to please others, you won’t be able to please yourself.”
A loud sore tore out of you and disappeared into Mahito’s mouth as he let his tongue loll out before licking your lips. His saliva left a wet feeling and the breeze from the sewers chilled your skin.
“How cute.”
Mahito lifted your legs and you laid there completely motionless as he palmed his cock through his boxers. You looked away from him, refusing to watch him violate your body.
Although you weren’t watching him, you could feel his fingers moving along your folds. He lifted his hand and held it between your faces, smiling widely. “You’re sopping wet, (name).”
He forced his digits into your mouth, swirling them until you cleaned his fingers with your tongue. He watched you with an amusing smile.
Finally satisfied, he took his fingers out from your mouth and slipped them inside your slick heat.
You jolted and a noise closer to a moan came out from your mouth.
Mahito’s thumb rested on your clit, rubbing sluggish circles over the muscle as his digits went in and out of you.
“Don’t close your legs,” he said, curling his fingers inside your pussy and started making a scissoring motion.
You squirmed, one of your hands found his shoulder and you held onto him to ignore your legs shaking in pleasure.
“Ahh, I can feel it throbbing,” Mahito chuckled, “You’re sucking my fingers in, (name), how naughty.”
“I’m not,” you whined, lifting your hips subconsciously to feel more of his fingers. His fingers reached much deeper inside your pussy than your own fingers ever could.
“Really?” he hummed, he leaned over to your face until his lips brushed against yours. “But you’re moving your hips so cutely.”
When you opened your mouth to deny he took the momentary opportunity to shove his tongue down your throat. His lips moved roughly against your unresponsive ones. He frowned into the kiss and pulled himself away from your face.
His fingers scooped your juices and left the warmth of your pussy. Mahito lifted his fingers up to his lips and he opened his mouth. You watched as he placed his fingers on his tongue before closing his mouth agonizingly slowly with a smile. His lips curled upwards, you heard him moan while licking his own fingers clean.
Funny enough, his voice made more juices leak out from your pussy.
“What a sweet taste,” he said, gazing down at you and licking his lips. “Makes me wonder if it’d taste more vibrant from the source.” Mahito moved between your legs.
Your cheeks flushed red, “Wait, it’s-”
He used his thumbs to spread your folds and chuckled at the sight of wet strands connecting your folds together breaking out slowly. “You’re going to be a good little puppy, right?”
You let out a hot breath, nodding rapidly.
He lapped at your pussy menacingly slowly, savoring your taste greedily.
Your legs shook around his head, your hands immediately went to his hair, gripping tightly while Mahito’s tongue moved between your folds. Lifting your hips up, you pulled his hair when he laid his tongue flat against your clit.
His hands that were spreading your folds slid to your inner thighs and he pinned them down. He pressed his lips on your clit, sluggishly lapping at the muscle and sucking it in his mouth gently.
Your fingers in his hair pushed him towards your cunt, begging for more. You turned your face away as you bit back a moan. Then your eyes landed on the dagger, something was clinging to the back of your mind, you heard your own voice screaming at you to get yourself together but they all disappeared when Mahito inserted his digits inside of you.
His fingers thrust inside, his lips sucked on your clit while his tongue lapped at the muscle one last time before he pulled himself back, leaving you needy.
“Just as I thought, it tastes much better straight from the source.”
He licked his fingers without breaking eye contact.
“You’ve become so much more obedient, (name).” Mahito crawled on top of you, your hands in his hair slid down to his neck, and rested there. “You’re a good little obedient puppy, aren’t you?”
A dreamingly sick smile spread across your face, nodding approvingly.
He matched your smile, amazed by your reaction.
Mahito leaned in for a kiss and this time you kissed him back, you tasted yourself in his mouth. Using your hands, you pulled him closer. His shoulders lowered and rose slightly as he tugged down his pants along with his underwear. He kicked his pants off from his ankles and only a couple of seconds later you felt him drag the tip of his cock between your folds.
He pulled back from the kiss and the second your eyes met his, he shoved the entire length of his cock inside of you. You tensed and yelped as he watched you with dark amusement while his cock stretched your tight virgin walls.
You opened your mouth in a silent scream, his girth was too much, he was filling you up with no gaps. The gummy flesh of your walls pulsated around him, warm blood trickled from the length of his cock and pooled under your bodies, on the concrete.
“You probably didn’t know but our souls are one, only for this moment, (name)!” He cackled, his voice filled with mischief. “Isn’t it great?”
“Yes,” you hissed as he moved. His hips slammed into yours with a disgustingly wet sound.
“Can you feel it?” he asked, pulling back and thrusting in your pussy, growling lowly. “Can you feel how free your soul is?”
You could feel it.
You felt all of your guilts and worries wash away each time he thrust inside.
“This is how animals feel,” he groaned audibly, your walls were squeezing the girth of his cock from tip to the base. You were such a perfect match, you were made for him, your cunt fit him like a glove. This was the only purpose of your existence. “Animals are always free, (name).”
You kept nodding even though his words seemed to go over your head, you were only focused at the firm length moving inside you.
“Do you know why?” he hit a significant spot that made your walls clench around his cock. “It’s because animals don’t know sin, (name).”
He was right.
“I’m taking your innocence, doesn’t that make you happy?”
He laughed, placing his hands to the back of your knees and pushing them towards your chest. He mercilessly humped your pussy which made you scream in pleasure. His cock was reaching so far deep in this position, it was hitting all the good spots now. You couldn’t help but curl your toes and move your hips to feel more of his cock.
“I won’t allow you to show this face to others.” His grip behind your knees softened, he held you more gently before leaning onto you to whisper his next words, “I’m the only one who can make you feel this free. Don’t forget that.”
You nodded, placing a hand on your stomach and you felt his cock grow bigger inside of you. Your hand pressed against the bulge that had formed from what was moving inside you.
The bulging on your stomach made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
He laughed lowly, you were quite amusing. He snapped his hips forward, you moaned louder this time. Your voice echoed along with his laughter in the sewers.
“Mahito,” you begged, the waves of pleasure from his cock hitting your sweet spot made your voice tremble, “E-enough, please-”
He watched you with his half-lidded eyes intently, ignoring your words as your legs started to shake with each brutal thrust, you were close. He started pulling out from you until only the tip was in your entrance and slamming inside you with his entire length. His pace was like an animal in heat, his balls slapped against your ass each time he thrust inside.
Mahito quickened his pace, his large cock stretched out your virgin walls until they took the shape of his cock. He pushed your legs to your chest and buried his cock even deeper inside of you.
“You’re mine.”
You nodded frantically, his thrusts were punishing. Eventually, your pussy started spasming around his twitching cock. Unable to resist your virgin walls clamping on him any longer, Mahito spilled his thick and hot seed inside your womb.
He growled loudly and continued fucking his cum deep inside of your pussy until the squelching sounds of his cum mixed with yours gushing out from your abused hole started echoing in the sewers.
It was like music to his ears, he was humming to himself, rocking back and forward.
Your body relaxed and fell back on the concrete after he pulled his dick out from you. His cum spilled out from your slick heat and down to the cold concrete to mix with your blood from earlier.
You heard Mahito getting dressed but you were unable to move, your body was exhausted. Your wounds had healed themselves, but the thin layer of dried blood was making your skin itchy.
The last thing you were aware of was the soft tune of your cell phone and it grew more distant as you drifted into slumber, feeling free.
The next time you opened your eyes, you were staring at the morning sky. The soft sound of trees shaking and birds chirping filled your ears.
You sat up abruptly and looked around in confusion. You were under a bridge, your bag was under your head, your cell phone by your side and you were clutching onto your dagger.
Hastily, you took out your hand mirror from your bag and checked your face. You didn’t look anything out of the ordinary other than your clumped lashes. Your hair was matted from laying on the concrete.
Suddenly, your hand went under your skirt but you couldn’t feel any difference.
What had happened?
Had that happened?
You stood up, clutching your bag and putting the dagger inside. The walk back to the city wasn’t too long as you checked the missed calls on your phone and the worrying amount of messages you had gotten from your lower classmen along with your teachers.
You weren’t sure what had happened. You remembered everything so faintly, each memory was a blur.
Unable to let them suffer like this, you replied to each text by saying that you were back at your own apartment because of a family issue.
The lower classmen believed you but Gojo had texted you to come back to the campus as soon as possible, saying that he would lend an ear and whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on, you had to trust him, he clearly was worried. Yet your mind was a whirlwind of different thoughts, you ignored him.
Back at your apartment, you kicked off your shoes and threw your bag onto the couch before crashing on the couch yourself.
There was something deeply wrong, the stench that lingered on your uniform was unbearable.
So, you stripped yourself from the uniform and filled the bathtub. While your clothes were washing in the machine, you soaked in the bath, letting your muscles relax.
The apartment was empty and quiet, which disturbed you deeply solely because you were forced to be alone with your thoughts until you found the courage to go back to the campus.
You got scolded for leaving without notice and they found out you had stolen a cursed tool. Although you tried to explain how you were using it to improve yourself, you still got detention.
In the end, Gojo didn’t react the way you thought. He didn’t let you practice with others or tried to find a way to build up your cursed energy.
Days passed, you found yourself back in the shadow of everyone else.
Today, you found yourself under the same bridge you woke up a week ago. The night sky was beautiful, the stars sparkled brightly. None of it helped ease your nerves, your stomach churned and the feeling of uneasiness surrounded you.
You hadn’t brought anything with you. Your phone, bag, and good luck charm were back at the campus, in your room.
Not sure what to do, you simply stood there, staring.
The large gate was inviting, the darkness promised to swallow you whole and the stench… was welcoming.
Hesitantly, you took a step forward and then another until you disappeared into the dark sewers.
You walked for hours. Each right you took led to dead ends and each left you took led you back outside. It was like you were going in circles.
Perhaps, you thought, you had imagined that whole thing.
You pressed a hand between your thighs at the memory, your legs were trembling. The trembling turned into violent shaking and your legs gave up from under you.
Planting your hand on the cold concrete, you tried pushing yourself to get back up on your feet but it was futile.
Your eyes were glossy with tears, you couldn’t comprehend why you were crying.
“Ahh,” a familiar voice cooed. “The obedient little puppy came back to its owner.”
Almost immediately you lifted your head. Tears streamed down your face as you stood up and stared at Mahito welcoming you with open arms.
Your lips parted, conflicted if they should curl up to a smile or down to a frown. The feeling that surrounded you wasn’t something you could explain with words.
You rushed to him and crashed into Mahito’s arms and lips. You were fiercely moving your lips against his, your desperation made him laugh into the kiss.
When he finally decided to kiss you back, you were trembling from head to toe, holding onto Mahito. The kiss was wet and tasted salty from your tears but none of you paid any mind.
“(name).” Mahito broke the kiss to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. “Why did you come back?”
He looked amused, not confused enough to ask you that question but that same question was something you had to ask yourself.
“Mahito,” you sobbed, clutching on his shirt, your lower lip wouldn’t stop trembling as you were unable to answer his question.
Were you only obsessed with the idea to live freely without sins or did you want something more than that?
“Nevermind.” Mahito pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead, leaving his lips there for a moment. After you stopped crying, he led you deeper inside the sewers until the darkness consumed the two of you. Your heart was shuddering in your chest, you couldn’t believe how much power he held over you.
It was just Mahito had said, animals lived without guilt, pain, or worry because animals didn’t know sin.
But that statement didn’t matter, you weren’t an animal.
You were a human and your sins would follow you to your death.
And he was a cursed spirit, he didn’t know any sin.
Oh… it was him who was the animal.
A wolf couldn’t be tamed, you remembered. You weren’t the wolf. You were a domestic wolf tasting the sweet freedom for the first time. No… you were only a puppy.
A small puppy following after the big bad wolf.
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musubiki · 4 years
do u have any chilumi hc’s ?
aaa sort of!! but again i havent played his quest yet so some of these may in inaccurate and/or confirmed/unconfirmed!!
- they sparr at least once a week. this was childes proposition, and he looped her into it by promising lots of rewards (which she wasnt sold on at first), with paimon being like “no!! no trust!!” and then he threw in a free dinner afterwards and paimon was like “HHH LUMINE..JUST A FEW TIMES A WEEK...WOULDNT HURT...” so now its a regular thing. think of it like the golden house fight (except he doesnt use the foul legacy), and its somewhere in the mountains where they wont get in trouble with anyone
- and then they go to various restraunts afterwards (he is a man of his word)
- lumine never asks him for mora. even though hes offhandedly said “come to me for mora anytime~” she feels uncomfortable about it and/or thought he was being an ass again. instead she works vigorously on commissions for the guild
- (BASED ON THAT LAST PIECE) sometimes he cant make it to their little sparring “dates,” and she finds him at the northland bank suffering because he has to do paperwork, which he hates. he stares at the wall for 5 hours wishing he could go fight someone instead
- so she helps him with paperwork stuff. once it was after she did like 16 commissions that same day and just passed out.
- childe has a little suite in his office at the northland bank that he stays in. that time she passed out he let her rest in his room because god knows when was the last time she had an actual bed instead of just sleeping in abandoned treasure hoarder camps (you know the ones)
- he spoils her LMFAOOO!!! he always says “gotta make sure my sparring partner is in top shape, otherwise its boring!” which is the same excuse he convinces himself is the reason. deep down he kinda cares about her. 
- i just got the black sword in-game and it looks so much like a fatui weapon, so i like to think its a gift to lumine from childe after she complained once about her sword getting too old and damaged. 
- she looks at the lore, “hmm it says this sword makes the user thirst for violence...” childe just replies “i know right?!?! isnt that badass???” hes so happy. right up his ally
- (she uses it anyway)
- but she also gave him a bow she pulled from the gacha because she doesnt use bows and his heart skipped like 5 beats its such a nice bow (THAT ONE NICE BLACK AND RED BOW THAT MATCHES HIM SO WELL)
- lumine doesnt know that exchanging weapons used to be a courting gift. childe doesnt tell her. he uses the bow regularly
- they go walking in the city a lot
- they also play theatre mechanics against each other and its brutal
- sometimes on his day off he tags along in her adventures!! catch him running up to her at the city gate going “ahaha im free today, need an archer??” and shes like “ok”
- he gets jealous when she tells him she has OTHER people she sparrs with. he acknowledges its a dumb thing to be jealous about, and its a normal thing but...,..,,. hes lowkey seething in his office, filling out new recruit forms while his girlie sparrs with xiao. he’ll kill that dumb bitch
- i think scaramouche knows him and lumine are “friends.” he tried to hold it against childe once but then childe was like “oh yeah what about you and that water witch from mondstadt?” and now scaramouche shuts his stupid ass up. catch them being emo about their cute not-girlfriends 
- (I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THAT CUTE COMIC OF CHILDE WEARING LUMINES FLOWER AND SCARAMOUCHE IS LIKE “lmfaoo bro whats that on your head???!!!” and childe goes “...whats that on your head?” and its MONAS HAT)
- everytime lumine kicks someones ass and/or does/says something violent, childes reaction is either “thats hot” OR “when are you joining the fatui?”
- childe told the northland receptionist to give her vip access to the bank and if she ever asks for him let him know IMMEDIATELY. he also gave her full access to withdraw from his account whenever she wants (she found out via the receptionist. lumine dare not touch his savings)
- people at the northland bank who know are like “has....has he lost his mind?” and someone else goes “what, are YOU gonna confront childe, the 11th harbinger, about his mental health?” and the answer is no.
- hes very attracted to her. and she is to him too. lumine hides it better/doesnt act on it but catch her checking him out lowkey when hes not looking
- theres a 100% chance they made out at some point but im not sure what point or how it happened
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zebrabaker · 4 years
Choosing Destiny; Part 1
TA-DA! I promised this to @sayuricorner like, two weeks ago, but it’s finally done! THis is a Twisted Wonderland/Ever After High crossover, and pretty salty. PLEASE COMMENT
Rook had been relaxing in a grove when he heard a rustling in the woods. His eyes snapped to the side when a branch snapped just beyond the tree line. Slowly, he stood, preparing to fight if necessary. Then, stumbling, no, limping, out of the woods, came a girl. Her skin was deathly pale, and her t-shirt and sleep pants were shredded in some places. Her left ankle was swollen and bruised, and she whimpered every time she put her weight on it. The girl’s eyes lit with hope and desperation when she saw him, and she froze, lifting her hands in the universal gesture of surrender.
“Please, I don’t know where I am, or what I’m doing here, or how I got here. I just need a doctor, I hurt my ankle at one point, running from a pack of wolves. I hid in a tree for a few hours, but I’m really lost and scared and I don’t know what to do.” Her voice was rising and her eyes starting to water.
“You can come here, Mademoiselle. I won’t hurt you. Come, there should be a doctor at the school.” He slowly walked towards her, keeping his hands up to show he was no threat. Still, the girl remained wary, her shoulders tense. He took her hand in his, and slipped an arm around her shoulder. She sagged into him, and he could feel how weak she was. Slowly, they made their way towards the main building. Almost halfway there, the girl let out a gentle yelp and collapsed, clinging tight to his arm in an attempt to stay upright. Thinking fast, he squatted and swept his free arm under her legs before standing. After taking a moment to adjust his hold on her, he continued up the path, moving slowly to not jostle the poor girl. How had she gotten lost in the woods? There wasn’t anything but trees for miles around.
They had just entered the main building when the girl spoke.
“My name is Raven. I really can’t thank you enough for helping me.” Her voice was lovely to hear, slightly raspy and sweet like a candy apple.
“There is no need to thank me, it’s what anyone would do. My name is Rook Hunt. We’re almost to the nurse’s office. How did you get lost in the woods? There’s nothing around for miles.” There were no students in the hallways, as it was technically time for classes. He had a free period, so he wouldn’t get in any trouble. Gently tapping his boots against the door to the nurse’s office, he waited for the school nurse, Nurse Isla, to open the door.
“Mister Rook? Who is this young lady?” The frail looking woman asked. She stepped back, making room for Rook to carry Raven over to a cot and set her down.
“My name is Raven, ma’am. I got lost in the woods. Where am I?” Isla and Rook shared a look. Everyone in Twisted Wonderland knew what NCR was.
“Well, you’re at Night Raven College, of course.” Raven’s brow furrowed.
“I have no idea where that is. Are we still in the White kingdom, or anywhere near Ever After High?” Something like realization dawned on Nurse Isla’s face.
“Mister Hunt, you need to go fetch the Headmaster.”
“What? Why? Is something wrong?” There was a note of panic in Raven’s voice.
“Nothing dangerous dear, now let’s see what we can do for that ankle of yours.” Rook waited no longer, and left for the head office.
Today had started well, considering that it was just three days since the disaster that was Legacy Day. Maddie was sick with some Wonderland virus, and had been in the school infirmary for a day and a half, leaving Raven alone. Most of the other Rebels had been supportive, but she wasn’t close with any of them. She had taken to hiding in the woods between classes, just to avoid the hateful words and glares of the Royals. Everything had gone wrong when she had tried practicing her magic. She centered herself, and slowly took deep breaths. She had just been trying a simple teleportation spell to take her back to her room when a twig snapped and she lost control. The next thing she knows, the woods look different, and she hears the baying of hungry wolves.
“Ah!” She snapped out of her remembrance when the nurse pressed on her ankle.
“Sorry, dear, but I need to check if anything is broken.” The nurse continued to poke and prod the throbbing area. After five minutes, the nurse spoke again. “Not broken, but seriously sprained. I’ll need you to drink a potion, and it should heal in a few minutes. For now, just stay here.” The nurse bustled away, rifling through a cabinet for a few moments. The door swung open, revealing a man in what looked like a plague mask. This must be the headmaster, she realized.
“Hello, young lady. I am Headmaster Crowley; might I know your name?”
“I’m Raven Queen, sir.” She greeted.
Crowley watched as the girl seemed to shrink as she introduced herself. Odd, she was a rather pretty girl, but she seemed scared to death of him.
“Queen? That’s a rather unusual last name.” Nurse Isla commented as she came back over, carrying a potion vial.
“It’s from my mother’s side.” Raven murmured, looking ashamed. “Next Evil Queen and all that…” Crowley sucked in a deep breath. Between her references to Ever After High and what she just said, this girl was a descendant of the Beautiful Queen, one of the seven founders.
“Drink up, Miss Queen.” Nurse Isla said, handing Raven a small vial. Raven wrinkled her nose and drank the potion like a shot, gagging on the foul taste. He winced in sympathy. Nurse Isla’s potions were terrible tasting, but they worked wonders.
“Miss Queen, if you would come with me, we can get you sorted out.” Raven nodded and swung her legs over the edge of the cot, testing her weight on her ankle as she slowly stood. With her arm wrapped around herself, the girl slowly padded after him down the hall. Classes were still in session, which was probably for the best, since Raven looked ready to jump out of her skin at the slightest hint of danger.
“Um, Sir, where am I? The nurse said something about a college?”
“This is Night Raven College; an elite boy’s school founded several hundred years ago by seven powerful people. I believe you are descended from one such person, the one we call the Beautiful Queen. However, I need to test this belief, before we decide what to do with you.”
“Really? But, why would you call her that? She was second fairest, that’s just…how the story always goes.” Raven asked, seeming to hesitate.
“Though Snow White was deemed fairer than the Queen, Snow’s beauty and kindness were a façade, hiding just as much vanity and cruelty as the so-called ‘Evil Queen’. Honestly, such a mean thing to call someone.” He sniffed. Miss Queen was looking at him like he was quite mad. They arrived at his office, and he pushed the door open, revealing the floating mirror. He heard Miss Queen suck in a deep breath.
“Is that…the first magic mirror? It went missing almost five hundred years ago!” She slowly walked forward, reaching out one hand towards the glowing mirror. Right before she set her hand against the gilded frame, the mirror lit up, making her recoil in shock.
“Who goes there?” It boomed, an eerily under-lit face appearing in the perfectly smooth glass. “You!” The face boomed. “You are of the blood of Queens! You are not to be here! Has the fool Grim truly let one slip from his grasp after so long?”
“If Headmaster Grimm knew where I was, he would have taken me back to Ever After High by now. He’s very strict on the whole ‘destiny-or-poof’ thing…” Raven seemed disgruntled. “So, what exactly is this place? Everyone keeps calling it a college, but what kind of college has the First Mirror?” Hmm. Miss Queen seemed to be rather bright.
“Well, simply put, Night Raven College is a prestigious boy’s high school for those with the potential to become a truly powerful magic user. We were founded almost five hundred years ago by seven powerful beings, each of whom has a house for their favored students. Your ancestor founded Pomefiore on her heavy efforts.” Crowley paused as an idea came to mind. “Say, Miss Queen, I have a most brilliant idea! Why do we not enroll you as a student?”
“What?” The girl spluttered. “I thought you said this was a boy’s school?”
“Only by tradition. There’s no official school rule or policy that says no girls can attend. Now, to begin, simply place your hand flat against the mirror. From there, the magic of the mirror will sort you into the proper house. I highly doubt you’ll be placed anywhere but Pomefiore, but formalities must be observed!”
Raven, feeling rather steamrolled, did as she was told, pressing her palm flat against the cool glass. She shuddered at the slight tingle that raced up her arm and down her spine from the overwhelming magic in the mirror. The image of a poison dipped apple appeared in the mirror, with the poison taking the shape of a skull.
“Just as I expected then! Now all you need is a uniform!”
“I can handle that aspect, my mother, despite being in the mirror prison, taught me whatever interested me magic wise. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was a little girl…” Her voice trailed off, melancholy, as magic washed over her. “I can base it off the uniform I saw Rook in earlier.” Raven’s hair tumbled down her back, dark and smooth, missing the usual purple streaks, and reaching the small of her back. She wore a peasant collared, knee length black dress with sleeves reaching just beyond her elbows. Underneath were fishnet knee highs, and fingerless gloves of the same material. Around her waist was a lavender knot belt that matched the headband that materialized on her head, and the new shoes that appeared on her feet.
“Most impressive, Miss Queen!” Headmaster Crowley cheered. And it really was. In a swirl of lavender and lilac magic, her clothing had been completely transfigured from decidedly disheveled and torn pajamas to a fully functional, seemingly stable outfit.
“Ah, it’s nothing. I haven’t done it in a while, since I was maybe thirteen, I suppose. I just…lost interest.” She shrugged, seeming to shrink under his praise. There was a knock at the door, and Grim clapped his hands.
“Ah, there’s your new dorm-mate. Come in, Mister Felmier!” He called towards the door. It swung open to reveal a rather short boy with purple hair, who was almost as pale as she was.
“You called for me, headmaster?” The boy asked, seeming to be scared of his own shadow.
“Indeed! I’d like you to meet Miss Raven Queen! She’s just been sorted into Pomefiore, I was hoping you could show her to the dorms, as I have some business to deal with concerning her enrollment. Miss Queen, I leave you in capable hands!” And with that, the headmaster was gone.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (29/40)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
a/n: You all remain the best! If you celebrate any holidays this week, all the best to you! This will probably be the only chapter this week because I’ll be traveling, so I hope you enjoy!
Thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for her awesome work as my beta! ❤️
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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Tag list: @stunningswan​ @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog​ @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ 
“Isn’t that your second hot dog of the day?”
Emma stops in the middle of her bite of what is frankly one of the most delicious hot dogs she’s ever eaten – apologies to all of the vendors at Yankee Stadium because Fenway Park might have them all beat today – to look over at Robin and roll her eyes. At least it wasn’t Will who said it. He hates hot dogs, and while that’s probably good for the health of his heart, she is fully enjoying the fact that she’s devouring this thing even if it does mean that she’ll end up on the Jumbotron at some point.
That sick joke is never going to end. Being shown eating ballpark food is going to be her legacy. Maybe one day she’ll write a book about it.
It’ll be a horrible book, and the synopsis will probably read something about her being the woman who was asked out live on television by a baseball player and said no so that people will recognize her. .
But with very good food mentioned.
A segment on TV where she tries out all of the stadium food would probably be better.
“And what of it?” she mumbles to Robin, covering her mouth with her hand as she chews. “I’m hungry because I didn’t eat breakfast, and this game is going on forever. I want to go back to the hotel and sleep, and you guys are keeping me from it.”
“I’ll try to play faster for you, lass.”
“That’s all I ask. Throw your strikes in quicker succession. Allow a few less hits.”
Silence settles back between the two of them as they watch Will hit his third foul in a row. She should probably be writing that down or doing something with it, but honestly, Emma’s only really hiding out in the dugout because there’s shade and close access to air-conditioning. She already did all of her pre-game coverage and can pretty much chill to the end despite the fact that this the final Red Sox series of the season. A part of her wishes that she was up in a booth commentating, but she knows that she’s not going to get to do that too often. She’s mostly going to be the on-field girl for the rest of this season.
There’s always next year, though. David said it went over really well, especially considering what happened with Killian during the game, and all Emma can do is take a deep breath and let things play out. She can’t control any of it.
Easier said than done.
“Did he really not tell you?” Robin asks. She nearly chokes on her food. Maybe she shouldn’t be eating this. “Killian, I mean.”
Emma quickly glances around and sees that no one is paying attention, nearly everyone leaning up over the railing to watch the game, but it doesn’t keep her from leaning back into the bench and making herself smaller so that she’s as far away from everyone as possible.
“He really didn’t tell me,” she whispers, her fingers fumbling with the chain around her neck. “About any of it.”
Robin is shaking the conversation off, but she’s curious. “What? You have to tell me now.”
He sighs, and Emma kind of gets the feeling that Robin sees Killian more like a younger brother than a friend sometimes. He and Liam should really make a club or something. They’d probably stress themselves out too much. She knows that she does, and she’s only been worrying about Killian’s overall well-being for five months. They’ve been worrying about it for decades.
“It really is nothing. I just – I’ve been around Killian for a long time. I was there when he cut his dad off, when he and Milah broke up, when all of the women happened after her. And I have so many vivid memories of taking Roland over to Killian’s apartment after the accident just so we could cheer him up, you know? Killian was there for me after my wife passed, and I always wanted to be there for him. So, I guess, it’s simply a bit difficult for me to understand how he couldn’t tell any of us this.”
Oh shit.
In all of her own hurt, Emma never actually seriously thought about Robin or Will or Ariel and how this was affecting all of them. She knew that it was, but she was so caught up in her own mind that thinking about this giant support system that Killian has wasn’t really her biggest priority.
Her biggest priority was that bag of salt and vinegar chips.
“I think he was scared.” Emma shrugs her shoulders, trying to play off the little bit of lingering hurt that she still has. “I think that it doesn’t matter how much he trusts all of us because his fear was taking over him. He’s always so worried about being a disappointment, and he probably couldn’t bear to disappoint you again.”
A loud cheer erupts around the stadium, and Emma looks at the monitor inside the dugout to see Will’s ball being caught in the outfield just as he runs over first base. Damn. Five more feet, and he could have scored.
“How is he?”
“Killian,” Robin continues. “How is he? Actually?”
“I think,” Emma sighs, stretching out her legs, “that he’d feel a lot better if he got a call from you instead of the two of us talking about him when there’s baseball to be played.”
“Oi,” Will mutters as he walks down the steps to the dugout, everyone slapping his shoulders and his ass, “I hate Boston.”
“You’re from here, Scarlet.”
“Yeah, well, playing here makes me feel like the damn Joker.”
“To be fair,” Emma sighs as she gets up from the bench so that she can stand to watch the game, “the Joker is one of the best characters, and you do have that creepy smile going on.”
“And for that, I’m telling Belle to not serve you dessert at our wedding.”
“You can’t take dessert privileges away from me.”
“I’m the groom.”
“Yeah, but I’m friends with the bride, and that’s all that matters.”
“Scarlet,” Al yells over at them, “stop trying to get Ms. Swan to give you a better exclusive and figure out how to hit a better ball.”
“Geesh,” Will moans, dropping his helmet to the ground and wiping off the sweat from his buzzed hair, “I guess his date didn’t go well yesterday.”
Emma’s head quickly snaps around, and she steps down from her position next to Eric to walk back over to Will and Robin before whispering, “Al had a date last night?”
Will’s brow arches. “You didn’t know?”
“How the hell would I know that Al had a date?”
“Because it was with a teacher from your sister-in-law’s school. His nephew apparently goes there, and they met at some event. Jasmine something.”
A lightbulb goes off in Emma’s head, a slight memory of meeting a Jasmine at David’s birthday party back in March. What a small world. She’s going to have to text Mary Margaret after this because there is no way Mary Margaret didn’t know about that.
“Huh,” Emma breathes out, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at Al as he paces back and forth looking down at his phone. “Well, maybe it did go well, and he’s just in a bad mood because you guys are getting your asses beat.”
“Go back to your reporting,” Will mutters under his breath. Robin barks out a laugh at that, and even though it’s really weird not having Killian here, a little bit of the world rights itself then having the two of them teasing her like they seem to like to do.
Even if they do lose 1- 6.
It doesn’t matter. They’re 92-50 for the season with only a handful of games left. They’ll probably officially qualify for the play-offs next week even if everyone has known for a while now. Everything from here on out is basically a bonus.
A really damn good bonus.
They end up winning the next three games in the Red Sox series in what turns out to be some pretty boring games that have Emma struggling to come up with any more interesting questions to ask everyone. It’s easy to talk to the guys that she’s close to because of Killian, but sometimes it’s a struggle to talk to the others without feeling like she’s simply being repetitive. But August and Phillip smile and charm their way through their interviews, as they always do, and the three minutes that she spends talking to Arthur after he hits a grand slam are pretty much three of the most torturous minutes of her life.
There have been no more incidents with him, at least that she knows of, but a shiver still runs down her spine when she thinks of the words he said about her back in London.
Things like that change the way a person feels in their workspace, and even though she’s done a pretty damn good job at pushing the niggling fears down, sometimes they do come back to haunt her and make her worry about what other kind of disaster is lurking around the corner and waiting for her to get comfortable before it attacks.
But , despite missing having Killian to travel with even if the hotel beds are surprisingly very comfortable with just her in it, Emma would definitely count Boston as a success.
After all, their hot dogs were really good.
David: MM and I are going to Mom’s this weekend, and I know that you have the weekend off. Why don’t you come with us and ask Killian to join?
Emma’s phone dinged with that text five hours ago, before the game against the Tigers even started, and while it initially made her heart beat a little quicker than usual, she forgot about it as she got engrossed in work and trying to help Jeff with the camera issues they were having. It was pretty much a disaster, one that took about five years off of her life, and she ended up having to work next to one of the network’s cameras that films the game for the few times they went to her.
Jeff simply muttered a few curses under his breath and then said he was glad for the day off.
But the game is over now, the Tigers winning by one run in the bottom of the ninth, and even though the game didn’t really matter, it still stings a bit. Now she’s staring at this text, and even though she and Killian have talked about going to Portland so he can meet Ruth, it was supposed to be when the season was over. It wasn’t supposed to be this soon.
She wants to go, and she wants to take Killian. But the nerves over the whole thing are definitely still there. She’s no longer mad at Killian or worried about making future-type plans (okay, well, overly worried), but having him meet Ruth in three days is a bit overwhelming.
What if she doesn’t like him?
That’s a ridiculous thought. Emma knows that it is. But the demons in her mind stay active even if their presence is a little less obvious than it used to be.
Life is weird. Seriously.
And she should really bite the bullet and text David back that she’ll talk to Killian about it.
Everything will be just fine, and a weekend away full of home cooked meals and a place with a backyard sounds really damn nice even if her bed at home will have to wait for her return a little longer.
Emma: I’ll call Killian and ask him if he’s free this weekend.
David: You’ve been away for a week, and those are the days you’re coming home. He’ll be free.
Emma: How could you possibly know that?
David: Because I am a man who knows what it’s like to be away from the woman I love for a few days.
Emma: Ew, gross. Don’t go there.
David: How do you know I was going somewhere gross?
Emma: I had a feeling.
Emma closes out her messages and swipes over on her phone so that she can call Killian, pressing the option to FaceTime him since she’s apparently sappily in love and sentimental and wants to see that handsome face of his.
It’s a very handsome face. Seriously. She’s very happy with her life choices right now.
Killian answers the call, and when he comes into view, she can see that handsome face as well as the faces of approximately thirty stuffed animals surrounding him in what can only be described as a weird pop music video.
“Hello, my love,” Killian greets with an absolutely gigantic smile that has the lines around his eyes crinkling. Her heart is definitely doing that thing where it stutters whenever he calls her by that particular endearment.
“Hey.” Emma smiles into the phone and ignores how lopsided her bun looks in her little picture in the corner. “Who are all of your friends?”
“Ah, well, they all have names, but I’m remiss to say that I can’t actually remember them all right now. But I’ve been sequestered into Addy and Lucy’s playroom.”
“And where are they?”
“Elsa just came and got them for dinner. I meant to go join them, but then you called.”
“That seems like a pretty flimsy excuse. I think you just wanted to hang out with all of the stuffed animals.”
“You’ve bested me there, Swan.” He smiles again, and instead of her heart doing that stuttering thing, it aches a little bit. That’s ridiculous. She shouldn’t actually miss him like that. It’s only been a few days even if it feels so much longer since they barely got anytime to be back together before she was hopping on a plane to Boston. “What are you up to tonight?”
Emma shrugs her shoulders. “You’re looking at it. I think I might do a face mask because my skin feels gross. I also might paint my nails. Real exciting stuff over here.”
“I might help with Addy’s spelling homework, so it’s even more exciting over here.”
She laughs and shakes her head a bit before getting up from the bed and taking her phone with her to the bathroom. She might as well wash her face while she’s thinking about it instead of inevitably forgetting whenever it’s time to go to bed. Emma props her phone up against the vanity so that Killian has a particularly nice view of the underside of her chin and starts her routine by wiping of the makeup from today. Most of it has already sweated itself off, but the remaining is all of the product that likes to be stubborn about coming off. Killian tells her about his day, which pretty much consisted of physical therapy and picking the girls up from school before taking them to Liam and Elsa’s townhome and being smothered in stuffed animals.
As awful as it is for Killian to have to sit on the sidelines, he looks so damn happy just to be able to spend more time with his family. She knows that he sees them a lot, much more than most people do, but he’s always got some place to go or somewhere to be during this time of the year that the visits usually aren’t long. And Emma swears that he gets a few months of his life back every time Killian gets to spend time with Addy or Lucy.
It’s like magic.
That’s kind of how she feels when she gets to spend time with her family too.
Emma opens up the jar of her face mask and dips her finger insider before spreading the green clay over her chin.
“I didn’t know my girlfriend was secretly Shrek.”
Emma rolls her eyes. “I am not dignifying that with a response.”
“You look positively charming, love. I think the green is a very good color on you. Brings out your eyes.”
Emma scoffs and ignores the waggle of Killian’s eyebrows while she rubs the mask in the space between her own brows. “So, if you stop being an asshole for a second, I have something I wanted to ask you.”
“Is it how I stay devilishly handsome all the time?”
“No, I was saving that for our next conversation.”
“Ah, ah, gotcha,” he sighs, shifting against the stuffed animals until he’s sitting up and the hair that had been pushed behind him is falling in front of his face. “Go on then, Swan.”
Emma brings her bottom lip between her teeth before releasing it with a pop. “How do you feel about going to Portland this weekend with David, Mary Margaret, and Leo?”
“Are you not coming?”
“I was implied in that list.”
“Well, I don’t know, love. If it was just Dave, Mary Margaret, and Leo, I would of course go to spend some time with Ruth. Now that I know that you’re going to be there – ”
“Shut up. You’re lucky that you’re hundreds of miles away. I can’t slap you from all the way over here.”
Killian barks out a laugh at his own joke, his head thrown back with the joy of it all, and all Emma can do is shake her head at him. He’s in rare form tonight with his jokes and teasing and that ever-present smile on his face.
Well, no. He’s not in rare form. This is how he always is, but it’s been awhile since she’s seen him be carefree enough to actually feel this good.
It’s a beautiful sight.
“I will make it worth your while if you come.”
The downright dirty smirk that graces Killian’s face after she utters those words makes a shiver run down her spine and regret settle in her stomach for all of the things she just set him up for.
“Worth my while, then?” Killian prods, raising that brow a little further. “What does that entail, exactly? Are you going to come home early and immediately fall into bed to me? Or do you have a nice set of lingerie in that suitcase of yours that we’re about to put into good use despite the fact that you have a green face right now?” Killian gasps, something overdramatic and self-indulgent, and Emma can barely keep herself from laughing even if the tone of his voice is something close to sinful. “Are you going to seduce me in your childhood bedroom, Swan? Is that it? Is that what will make it worth my while?”
“I mean, I was kind of thinking we’d book a flight so we don’t have to spend seven hours cramped in a car together with the Nolans. They play very intense road trip games. Singing is involved.”
His face only falls a little bit. “Damn, okay. Yeah, I’m all for flying there, but I could also drive us. It wouldn’t be a big deal.”
“I’m pretty sure elevating your shoulder for that long is not what you’re supposed to be doing.”
“You make a good point.”
“I tend to.” There’s a knock at Emma’s hotel room door, and she tenses for a second before taking a step to the side and pressing up on her toes to look out the keyhole to find Ariel standing there in a pair of white pajamas with little red bows on them. Emma opens the door, forgetting about her face and Killian for a second. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
“A few of us are going to eat pizza in mine and Eric’s room, and I was trying to invite you but I couldn’t get you to answer your phone.”
“Oh,” Emma sighs, looking back into the bathroom to the direction of her phone. “Sorry about that. I was talking to Killian, and I – ”
Ariel’s shoulders perkperk s up, and she steps inside the room without asking, which Emma has learned is pretty par for the course when it comes to Ariel. Emma closes the door behind her and walks into the bathroom to grab her phone, where Killian is still waiting in the screen, and she hands the phone over to Ariel because she knows that’s what she wanted anyways.
Plus, her face mask is starting to crack, and she’s got to get this gunk off of her. The water drowns out the sound of the conversation happening in the bedroom, but as soon as she turns it off, she can hear Killian talking.
“No, A,” Killian sighs, “I am not overexerting myself. Yes, I have talked to Rob this week. No, I didn’t watch last night’s game. You know you can just text me, right? You didn’t have to steal Emma’s phone.”
“I didn’t steal her phone. She handed it to me.”
“You basically stole it.”
“I did not.”
Emma laughs under her breath before walking into the bedroom. Those two are ridiculous. Their friendship makes no sense, but Emma knows they wouldn’t survive without each other.
“Babe, Ariel did not steal my phone. You’re just complaining because I gave you away to her without warning.”
“I am not,” he scoffs, and when she can finally see his face again, the tips of his ears are noticeably red. “Where’d your green face go?”
“Washed it off.” Emma settles down on the bed next to Ariel who scoots over for her. “So, what is this I hear about you talking to Robin? Did you guys finally hash out all of your emotional issues about your penchant for keeping secrets?”
“I still can’t believe he did that,” Ariel tells her, an exasperated look on her face.
“I would say welcome to the club, but you’re already an established member.”
“I feel like I could be co-chair or vice president or something.”
“You might be able to be president.”
“No, you or someone from his family gets that role, I think.”
“Really, because – ”
“The two of you are never allowed to go anywhere without me ever again,” Killian interrupts, and they both turn from each other back down to the phone screen.
“It’s funny you say that because I have planned a vacation with all of the women in your life, and all we’re going to do is plot ways to make you miserable.”
“You are not funny, A.”
“I think you’re hysterical,” Emma combats, winking at Killian. “But seriously. You talked to Robin? Did you tell him the whole ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ spiel?”
“Yes, love, I used the cliché breakup line to explain to Robin that it had nothing to do with my trust in him and everything to do with me being a cowardly asshole.”
“And he accepted it?”
“Yep,” he murmurs. “He accepted it, and we’re all sunshine and roses now. Seriously. We probably talked for an hour or two this morning.”
“Good,” Emma breathes out, a smile on her face. She’s so relieved that they talked. She’s kind of been far too worried about it since she and Robin talked about it in the dugout a few days ago. “I’m going to text you later, okay? I’m going to go stuff my face with pizza with everybody.”
“Yeah, Swan, that sounds nice. Have fun. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Bye, Ariel,” Killian says, waving his hand. “Please don’t plot my death while you guys eat pizza.”
“I make no promises.”
The phone disconnects, and Emma places it on the bed next to her before scooting away from Ariel to give her some space since their bodies were pretty much aligned during that conversation.
“He’s happy today.”
“Hmm?” Emma asks, not really hearing Ariel’s words, her mind still replaying all of the craziness of her conversation with Killian.
“Killian,” Ariel says, smiling at Emma. “He’s happy. Like, he’s got that fresh glow of a man in love. It’s just nice to see is all. I like that you make him happy.”
“Oh no,” Emma protests with a shake of her head. She gets up from the bed, too flustered to stay still, and reaches down into her suitcase for her moisturizer simply to have something to do with her hands. “I don’t – that’s not on me. That’s on Killian and how he’s got a lot of really good people around him. I know I wasn’t around for the last lay-off, but I know it was rough. I think he’s in a better headspace now, even if it did have a rough start.”
Emma dips her finger into the container and swipes the cream across her forehead while she tries to regulate her breathing. She knows where this conversation is going. Ariel is very much like Mary Margaret in all of her love and hope for good in the world, and she likes to talk about these things like big emotional moments aren’t a difficult thing to talk about.
“You’re one of those people he’s got around him, though,” Ariel continues, and Emma keeps rubbing her hands in circles across her face. “Killian is one of my best friends in the world. I know him almost as well as I know my own husband, and I know that he’s so much happier now because of you. That’s a good thing.”
“I know. I’m just – ”
“Scared?” Ariel gets up from the bed and walks over to Emma so that Emma can see her face and see the hopeful smile that resides there. “Does it make you feel better that I’m still scared?”
“No,” Emma laughs, something that settles her stomach a bit. “How would that make me feel better? That sounds like a nightmare. You’ve been married for half a decade.”
“Love is always scary. You never know what’s going to happen when you wake up in the morning. Like, ever. I don’t know if Eric and I are going to have a day where it’s like we’re on our honeymoon again or a day where the sound of him chewing is going to get on my nerves. But I love him, and I love getting to have him be by my side every day. He’s not the sole reason I’m happy, but he’s a big part of it. I think it’s the same with you and Killian. That’s a good thing.”
“Have you ordered a really nasty pizza? Is that why you’re trying to butter me up?”
Ariel laughs and walks toward Emma but seems to step back from giving her a hug. “No, I’m trying to butter you up because I hear you can do all kinds of braids, and I’ve never quite been able to figure out the Dutch braid.”
“Luckily for you, I am an expert in that.”
“Good. Now, come on. We’ve got to go before the boys eat all of the pizza.”
“Who all is in there?”
“Just Will, Robin, and Eric.”
“Well, shit,” Emma laughs as she grabs her phone and her hotel key. “You’re right. They are going to eat it all before we get there.”
Emma follows Ariel out into the hall and follows her down the hallway to the stairwell so they can walk up the two flights of stairs to everyone else’s floor. Before they even enter the room, Emma can hear the three of them laughing. Sure enough, once the door is open, they’re each spread out across the room – Will on the couch, Eric on the bed, and Robin sitting in the desk chair – and pizza boxes litter the room along with beer bottles. Emma has been around professional athletes for most of her adult life, and she’s never seen a group of them so consistently break their nutrition plan like this team.
Not that it bothers her. Though, tomorrow she is eating a hell of a lot of fruit and vegetables to make up for it.
She says that a lot. It usually works.
“Emma,” Will yells as she walks into the room. He holds up his half-eaten slice as a greeting. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. I was almost afraid I was going to forget what you looked like.”
“Am I still as beautiful as you remember?”
“Eh, you’re looking a little rough right now.”
“Asshole,” Emma laughs, walking toward the desk and opening a box to grab a piece of pizza. “What about you, Robin?”
He points to himself. “Are you asking if I’m still as beautiful as you remember since I saw you last? Because I personally think I’ve become more attractive.”
Emma snorts, actually snorts, and she doesn’t bother trying to cover it up before plopping herself down on the bed next to Ariel and Eric, squishing herself down on the mattress. It’s not the best pizza in the world, not even close, but the company is top notch and not something Emma would like to ever trade for anything.
In the past, she’s never gained friends from a relationship. Neal had all kinds of people in his life, but they were always temporary. She’d meet them once, ask about them two weeks later, and then Neal would claim to not know who she was talking about. He was always onto the next thing and the next group of people who could help him get what he wanted. Walsh had friends, a group of people he’d met through some kind of club for antique furniture, but they were all obnoxious and unfriendly. She didn’t want to be friends with them, and they certainly didn’t want to be friends with her.
And maybe it has helped Emma now that she already knew most of the people in Killian’s life because of her work, but they’re all so welcoming and supportive that she couldn’t imagine them not getting along.
Usually it helps that Killian is around, but this past week, it’s been kind of nice to get to talk to all of them simply because they want to talk to her. For someone who isn’t used to that, Emma thinks that it could become a familiar feeling.
She wants it to.
Emma pulls out her phone later that night and takes a video of everyone talking and laughing. Will is telling some insane story about a caterer who they interviewed for the wedding who wanted to serve all raw food, including meat, and it’s caused an uproar in the conversation. She sends the video to Killian, making sure that the last frame is her smiling at him.
Emma: Wish you were here.
Killian texts her back five minutes later. It’s a picture of him in Addy’s bed, his legs hanging over the end, with both Addy and Lucy draped over him asleep.
Killian: Same here. I don’t think I’ll be moving for the rest of the night. They’re not quite as good of a bedfellow as you.
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callmcgills · 6 years
werner ziegler 😭
! major BCS spoilers from this point on !
Werner (send me a character and I’ll list…)
thank you for giving me an excuse to dump my emotions! THAT SAID:
*sits on the sidewalk* *screams into my hands*
favorite thing about them
a huge part of me liking him is his duality between professionalism and goofiness. (“for my father, it was his achievement. a creation that will endure,” and “very good! now you use your thinking head, not your drinking head!” are lines from the same episode) i also liked how he was an architectural genius, but was downright incapable of thinking ahead when his smarts were applied to any other situation. but most importantly, i like him because he had so much heart that he was KILLED OVER IT!!! the crimes he was killed over were being friendly/proud of his work, escaping the warehouse because he’s tired and wants to be with someone he loved, and trusting someone to be honest!!!!!!! Rainer Bock also gave a great portrayal which definitely helped too
also, relevant: i went from liking Werner to being absolutely invested after he had a panic attack in Wiedersehen, and then it hard cut to him walking back into the room with a smile.
least favorite thing about them
to this day i still have to watch the pool-side scene in Winner while peaking through my fingers. partly because Werner WHY did you have to BLAB AGAIN! but mostly because, well… i’m glad Werner didn’t have to die in those clothes. i also can’t let it go unstated that Werner most likely did know he was working on something w/ criminal ties. but w/ the way Werner acted, he CLEARLY must have thought that Gus and Mike were just storing illegal fireworks or something
favorite line
“Ah, not true. He also left you, Michael. You are his legacy.” Werner doesn’t think Mike needs a grand accomplishment to be worthy of being called a legacy. he could have just said “oh, that’s a shame” about Mike’s previous line, but instead he tells Mike that he’s good enough just for existing. and that’s incredibly meaningful and sweet. (but Mike laughs, because he’s a murderer. his son’s death is on his hands. some legacy he is! and if Werner knew, he wouldn’t be saying that. then, har har har, Werner is killed by him.)
close runner up: “Now say Mittagsschläfchen,” and literally every other line in that scene. for example: “How do you say bullshit?” “Hmm, bullshit.” his dialogue with Mike was gold.
Werner and the construction crew. They Are His Sons. the reason Werner said ‘once, maybe’ about if he wanted to have kids was because living w/ someone like Kai for 9 months was enough
if that’s too obvious an answer… Gale and Werner. “wow. i mean, it’s incredible. […] an architectural feat. herculean.” RETCON WERNER’S DEATH SO THEY CAN DRINK COFFEE TOGETHER!!!
throwback to when i said ‘wehrmantraut endgame’ to myself during Coushatta. those were simpler times.
Werner/Kai. a very hard nOTP at that. i haven’t seen anyone ship it, but the Mere Concept is enough to squick me out. and if i’m being frank, Werner/any of the six people in his team. i can’t see Werner’s relationship w/ them as anything other than familial.
random headcanon
i’ve put a lot of thought into this, because i’m working on (more like… planning but avoiding actually writing) a construction crew-centric fic. and since i only have 1 piece of backstory info and a piece of lint to go off of for Werner, i realized i had to fill in some of the blanks! here’s a piece of what i came up with!
i think his father’s work would’ve left a negative impact on Werner. if Werner’s in his 50s, then when he was a kid his father was working on what would be The Most Important Project Of His Life, and he wasn’t able to interact w/ his family often. this would put Werner in an uncomfortable position – being upset about his father being so busy would mean he was being “ungrateful.” his father was sacrificing so much and working so hard, after all!! his attire and work methods might reflect that he’s almost replicating his father in a way. he’s almost deliberately old fashioned, even for someone his age. contrast w/ the French engineer, or even Mike, who is more adaptable to the point he notices dead pixels and what was used to create them
it can’t be good for anyone to have a parent who is constantly busy w/ their “achievement” during some of the most important years of your development. and imagine at least one of your parents being more of a legend than a family member! you’d internalize unrealistic expectations of yourself and flat out wrong ideas of what’s good enough, and you’d look at every moment in your life using that parent’s experiences as a frame of reference. you’re constantly comparing your experiences. not in a “am i as good as them?” kind of way, but in a “in terms of work, i don’t have it NEARLY as hard as they did, so i must be grateful for [X]” way. you also can’t complain about anything that’s given to you, because at least you didn’t have to aid in revolutionizing architecture and construct a new type of concrete arch
while Werner clearly said “you are his legacy” as a way to make Mike look at things more optimistically (and because he really meant it) you have to wonder what him choosing that word says about how he thinks of himself. if you are your parent’s legacy – working in their occupation, even – does that mean just the fact that you exist is good enough, or does that mean you can’t let your existence as a legacy go to waste? of course, when he said it to Mike he meant the former, but that’s not necessarily how the child of someone like his father applies that message to himself.
unpopular opinion
i’ve noticed a lot of people saying that Werner was “stupid for not realizing the severity of his situation” and thinking he’d be able to go back to work after escaping. in my opinion, Mike screwed up by not clearly defining the rules to him. his death was unfair, but even more so because he was punished for breaking the rules to a game he didn’t know he was playing. Gus is playing 4D Chess, and Werner was playing Jenga at a completely different table.
as far as Werner knew, all that mattered was that the work got done and that it got done in secrecy. after all, i don’t imagine any of his other employers would have killed him for what was just a day off. it doesn’t matter how much Werner knew about his job, your instinct isn’t to believe you are going to be murdered for leaving your workplace. not when every single job you’ve had hasn’t worked that way. and that’s where the communication problems spring from, almost every other job Mike has had did work that way, so to Mike the implications were clear and he didn’t need to clarify what “think about who you’re working for” meant.
Werner lacked the context: that Gus was playing a long con that ran deeper than just what they’re building. while Werner believed what they were building was the most important part – and thus no harm no foul in leaving for a few days because the work was going to get done – it was really the revenge and end game that mattered, which meant everyone was replaceable and expendable. especially when they blab to a Salamanca. so it’s about more than whether he knew the people he worked for were dangerous, it’s about the fact he was wrong about what the priorities were.
song i associate with them
Miles, by Mother Mother. a post-Wiedersehen song
“Miles / and miles / and miles / Before we reach the sand / Cacti / and cacti /  for miles / miles of dry land, dry land / We gonna make it / Oooh we gonna make it / We gonna take it / Oooh we gonna take it / Easy / Once we feel the sea breezeMy my my my my my my lover / My maker / My breaker / Take me by the hand / We could go walking for miles / Once we reach the sand / the sand”
favorite picture of them 
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A Very Tender Photo Taken One Episode Before Disaster
bonus: an excerpt from an IM w/ kiraalexander, after they filled me in on what Werner did during the finale
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lillaxtrigger · 6 years
The ghostly maid: Shady secrets
Both boys were relaxing in the pool, with Trevor climbing up the diving board. “Hey Pike, check this out. Imma do a flip.” he said. “Uh, have you ever done a flip before?”. “Oh sure, plenty of times. I’m a real pro. Watch this.”. Trevor took several jumps before he flipped across the pool. However, he misjudged the speed of his flip and land in the pool his back. As soon as he surfaced, Trevor let out a painful scream as he feebly swam to the side. “Ahh! Why does water sting so much!?”. “You gonna be okay?” Pike asked. “Yeah...Yeah, I think I’ll be fine.”. Trevor looked up from the poolside and saw Jeff, who sounded like he was out of breath. “Oh, hey Jeff. We haven’t seen you in a while. What’s up?”. Pike asked as both of them got out in the pool. “I...I got done reading through the journal you lent to me. And I may have discovered something that might truly be shocking.”. “Journal?...Journal...Oh! You mean Rafortion’s dairy. I kinda forgot about that.” Trevor admitted. “Okay, okay. Trevor, you said that Jewely died through some unknown sickness right? Well, I was doing research in try to find out what deadly disease might have done her in.”. “So what did you find?”. “That’s the thing. I couldn’t find any known illness with the symptoms listed in this book. So I ventured out a little bit and found out that they were not from any kind of disease. But instead they showed the symptoms of...of poison. Trevor, I think that Jewely might have been murdered.”. With shock laid across his face, Trevor looked around, got out of the pool, then closely approached Jeff and said quietly: “Jeff, are you absolutely certain about this?”. “...9...90%.”. Trevor thought to himself for a moment before saying: “Come with me.”. He lead both boys to the giant library, where they walked through bookcase after bookcase. “Hey, where are we going?” Pike said. “Somewhere where we may find answers”. All of them kept walking until the found upon a big fancy golden bookcase, swirls traveling down from the top down to the legs. Inside were a bunch of variously colored books, each one a half foot thick. They were arranged like a rainbow, each color mildly different then the one next to it. “Is that a golden bookcase?” Jeff asked. “Guys. What you’re looking at here is the entire Juda family history. First recorded all the way back in the early modern period. Every single Juda is categorized in this bookshelf down to yours truly. If were gonna find out whoever killed Jewely, this would be a good place to start.”. “Well, why not just ask Jewely about-”. “Absolutely not! We don’t have all of our facts straight yet. Coming out with such a big accusation without a suspect or proof would be stupid. Once we have a solid lead, then we can break the news to her.”. Trevor walked in between the boys and said: “I want you two to read up on my family history and figure out who murdered my maid.” then started to walk off. “And where are you going?” Pike asked. “I’m going ask Jewely a couple question.”. “But you said-”. “I know what I said. I’m just going to dance around the situation and try to not clue her in what’s going on.”. The boy then rushed out of the library, leaving the Pike and Jeff alone in front of the large bookcase. “Whelp, let’s just get this started already.” Pike unenthusiastic. Trevor peeked behind a corner to see Jewely cleaning the carpet. He took a big breath and slowly approached. Jewely saw her master behind her and said: “Bonjour, jeune maître. How are you today?”. “I’m fine Jewely...Listen, I was just wondering if I could ask you something. Can you tell me more about Rafortion and back in the day. I want to know more about my family.”. “If you want to find out more about your family, then why not seek the family archive.”. “I want hear it from you. You were alive during that time, right. I feel like I could get more light on it from you rather then some dusty books sitting on a shelf.”. “Très bien. Let’s go somewhere where we can talk.”. Jeff and Pike looked through the stacks of books they got of the shelf, trying to find Rafortion’s entry. “Did you find him yet?” Pike asked. “No. What era did Jewely say he came from again?”. “I don’t know. 18th century?”. “Oh...Then we should probably look further down. These books seem to take place in the 1400’s.”. Pike let out a frustrated sigh as he threw his book on hand aside. As Trevor sat down in a comfy chair in front of a fireplace, Jewely poured him a cup of tea. After which, she floated up in front of him and said: “Now, we’re should I start. I suppose I should begin at where I came from. I was raised on the streets of France. I had lost my family in a house fire at a very young age, leaving me to fend for my self. It wasn’t until I turned 16 that I was approached by your young at the time ancestor, Rafortion Juda while I was trying to find shelter on a stormy night. He took me back to his manor, where he offered me food and shelter from the rain. I asked him why he let me in. He told me: “Because I couldn’t let such a lovely face get swept up in the storm.”. Rafortion told me that he could offer me a home at his luxurious manor. All I would have to do was become one of his maids.”. Jeff trailed his finger across the row of books until he picked a random one off the shelf and opened it up. “1701. He might be in this one.”. “Great. Which page is he on?” Pike asked. “Umm...I don’t know. It doesn’t have a table of contents. Did Jewely ever give a certain date? A year maybe?”. Pike let out a sigh and said “No.”. “I had little to no experience with cleaning at all back when I first started out work as a maid for Rafortion. Luckily the other servants at the manor were able to teach me the ropes of the job. Even teaching me a few tricks that I still use to this day. They we like a second family to me to be honest. Whenever I’d been given a load of work to do, the master would sometimes help me with his own two hands. When I asked him why he lent me his aid, he simply replied: “Because I like spending time with you.”. Both boys kept looking through the book, there eyes growing weary from skimming through page after page. Pike was on the verge of falling asleep, but snapped out of his daze when he hit his head on the table. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna go get myself a drink.” Pike said as he got up. “Wait! Wait. I think I might have found it.”. “Really!?”. “Yeah. Uh...Here it is. Rafortion Parcless Juda. Born in 1728.”. Pike sat next to Jeff as he read aloud. Raised in Europe France, Rafortion’s life was known as quite an unusual person. Unbeknownst to everyone but his closest friends and family, whenever he was not discovering new advances in political studies, Rafortion was partaking in supernatural misadventures.”. “Well, doesn’t that sound familiar.”. “He would often come back from his quests with newly discovered legends that he would be passed along from his work staff, all the way down to the streets of France and beyond. Including when he was lead by a dragon to a mystic cave full of moonlight drip, Driving off a beast with a thousand teeth from a village in the east. And saving a hidden city whose citizens were...were living foul mouthed pastries?” “Wow, Raff sure got around. Does it say anything about his family, any relationships?”. “Hmm...It says that he had an arranged marriage but that’s about it. Maybe if I cross reference the people he worked with.”. “After a couple years at the manor, I manage to find out about Rafortion’s other hobby. Studying and recording legends from around the world. When he learned that I was aware of this, he made me swear to never tell anybody outside the manor. That the people on the outside would react in fear and trail not only him, but his linage as well. After that, he said I could help him on his adventure whenever I wanted. Oh, you should have seen him back in the day. He was always so brave and kind, never to back down from anything. He was the first to jump in a perilous situations and the last to come out. I saw so many wondrous sites while by his side. The edge of China where we went to try and find the feather of a giant silver sea bird. The Egyptian deserts to foil the curse of the an evil sand snake. And to the North Pole to find the mystic snow elves.”. Jewely sighs and says: “That night I spent with him under the rainbow night sky was truly magical.”. “You really liked him a lot, didn’t you?” Trevor asked. “More than anything.”. “Right...So, I know this might be a touchy subject, but...how did you become a ghost?”. “Well. As you know, I was conflicted with a nasty illness that left me in a horrid state. Rafortion didn’t want me to die so young. He took me to a witch called Hazel to see if she could treat my sickness. She said there was no cure for my aliment, but instead she knew of a way I could exist past my death. You’ll never guess how.”. “Uh huh.”. “But, there was a price. I could no longer be with Rafortion again. I declined at first. But my master insisted, saying that it would mean so much if I served his family. He wanted me to see his family flourish all they way to the end. And for that, I took the deal.”. “...Do you ever regret it?”. “No...Because I got to watch his linage grow from Rafortion onward. I have seen the Juda family accomplish many great feats. Some high, others low.”. Each of them a living legacy in their own right, even if some of those legacies remained lost to the rest of the world. I have always been there to see their high points. Your ancestor would be quite proud of what his small family grew into.” Jewely said with a smile. Trevor gave a grin after hearing what Jewely had to say. “Now will that be all?” she asks. “Oh! Uh, yes that’s it. Thank you Jewely” he said as he got up from his seat and started to leave. Vous êtes les bienvenus, maître Trevor.”. Trevor met back with the others and told them what Jewely said to him, while Pike and Jeff told him with they found out. “Huh, maybe it’s likely that Jewely just got poisoned during one of her adventures.” Pike said. “It can’t be that simple. If it were, then why did those dreams that I had lead me to that journal? What else do they say?” Trevor asked. “The journal or the biography?”. “I don’t know. Both?”. “Um...Well, from my analyzes. I think that the most likely suspect would be...Rafortion’s wife.”. “What!? You mean to tell me that my great grandma murdered my maid? How!? Why!?”. “Well a couple of things really. “First is the fact that Jewely hasn’t really expressed any sort of displeasure towards anyone but her. Second, it’s pretty clear that Rafortion and Jewely had something going on between them.” I’m not entirely certain that it was happening before or after the arranged marriage, but considering the situation, the latter is more likely.”. “Ooh, juicy.” Pike asked. “I can’t believe it.”. “Trevor, don’t feel so bad. Affairs like this were rampant around that time. Everybody was having an affair with everybody. It was more common than people dying of smallpox.”. “I just don’t know how were gonna break the news to Jewely.”. Pike looked behind Trevor and said: “Uh, Trevor.”. The boy looked behind him and saw his ghostly maid floating at the end of the hall. “Jewely! Uh...I...”. “I...I don’t really know what to say. I...I need to time to process all of this.”. Jewely flew off out of the library, Trevor sprints after her. “Jewely! Wait!”. When he made it out, he looked around the hallway, but could not find her. “Jewely!” Trevor shouts. His voice echoes throughout the entire manor, but his call reaches deaf ears. Pike and Jeff walked out seconds later to find their friend hanging his head down. As they approach, Trevor says: “I didn’t want her to find out like this. I wanted the news to be easy to take in. Now she’s gone.”. “Cheer up, man. I’m sure that Jewely will be back before you know it.”. A couple days later, Trevor stairs out the window as rain pours down, his phone next to his head as Pikes voice comes out saying: “And how long has she been gone?”. “About three days now. I’m getting kinda worried.”. “Alright, alright alright. Listen, if she hasn’t come back yet. I think that I might know where she is.”. At Tracy’s house, the lanky ghost hunter was in the family car. He stuck his head out the window and said: “Come on, mom. That sale for the prime ecto filter’s is hot right now, and there’s only so much of them. We need to get there now!”. His mother came out the front door, saying: “Alright, honey. I’m coming.”. She got in the car and drove off. Trevor, Pike, and Jeff peeked from around the corner. “Okay, I think he’s gone.”. All three of them snuck into the backyard and found a window leading to the basement. Trevor smashed it open with his foot, glass shards shattering inward. “Guys, aren’t we breaking the law here?” Jeff asked. “Screw that! If he has my maid, then I don’t care what the law says.”. “Beside, the dude’s a prick. Who cares.” Pike said as both he and Trevor climbed down, with Jeff following suit. As Jeff climbed down into the basement, he saw his two friends stare at an underground lab. The glowing beakers filled with green ectoplasm strewed across the metallic table made the dark basement light up. Along side those were several pieces of metal with nuts and bolts. All of them looked around the room, going through piles of ghost hunting equipment laid across the floor. As they dig through the piles, Jeff asks: “Uh, what are we supposed to be looking for?”. “Something that can be used to trap a ghost, like...” Trevor says as he’s digging. He pulls out a metal cylinder and says: “Like this. This cylinder...thing must be what that scumbag uses to hold his ghostly prisoners.”. “More like his soup. Trevor, that’s a thermos.” Pike points out. “...What?” the boy says as he stops looking down the can. “I use one whenever my family goes on holiday to the Canadian rockies. Chicken doodle soup does wonders to combat frostbite.” Jeff mentions. After looking back down in the can and back to his friends, Trevor throws the thermos to the side. Pike reaches down under the bed and feels something slimy underneath. He pulls his hand out and finds green ectoplasm all over his palm. “Ew.” he says as he shakes of the green slime. Jeff pulls out a PDA from the junk pile and says: “Hey guys. I think that I might have found something that can help.”. Both Trevor and Pike look over, with Trevor saying: “What ya find.”. “This thing says it’s a ghost tracking device. Maybe we could use this to find Jewely.”. “Does it even work?” Pike asks. Jeff flips the switch on the side and a radar comes up on screen. From there, the radar shows several signs detecting ghostly energy. The radar pointed to the beakers on the table. As Pike inspects the beaker, he says: “Aren’t ghosts made from this kind of stuff?”. “Then the answer is yes. Does that thing say Jewely is in here?”. “I don’t think so. Maybe we should try looking somewhere. You know, before we get busted.”. The trio moved over to the city. As they walked through the streets, Pike says: “Find anything yet, Jeff?”. “Nothing yet. Maybe there’s a way to adjust the range on this thing.”. Trevor looks up and sees that the rains starts coming down harder then before. “Oh man. We better find her soon. The rain is really starting to come down.”. After fiddling with the radars controls, Jeff said: “Oh, that’s how you adjust the range.”. Tuning the radar to the farthest frequency, Jeff saw a small blip out on the far left. “Hey I found something.”. Both Trevor and Pike looked at the radar, Pike commenting: “Isn’t that where the slums are at?”. “Slums?” Trevor questioned. They walked into the a neighborhood that looked like it was on the verge of collapsing. Cracks could be seen on the sides of the stone buildings trailing down to the roads below. The smaller buildings were clustered together, almost looking like they were stuck to each other. Rotting fauna covered some of the buildings and streets, not a single hint of green among them. “My god! This place is a hole. People actually live like this?”. “Yep. Not the most homey place, but ya gotta work with what you have.” Pike added. “Geez. This looks like a place where hopes and dreams go to die.”. “You know Trevor, maybe you can donate some of your money to help out.” Jeff said. “Well, I would. But I don’t actually own any money. My company does.”. “What? Isn’t the company in your name?”. “Technically, half of it. Nearly all of my families money is used in shares they use. I don’t own a cent.”. “Uh...Anyway, the radar says that Jewely is just at the end of this block.”. The three found themselves in front of a giant, broken down house that looked like it could collapse any moment. “Are you sure she’s in there?” Pike asks. “That’s what the radar says.”. Trevor took a deep breath, then said: “Whelp, let’s go.”. They walked through the broken doorway, seeing moldy furniture on a cracked wooden floor. All off them looked around the house, but couldn’t find any sign of the ghostly maid. “Jeff, I thought you said she was here.” Trevor said. “I…I don’t know. The radar say that theres a huge spike of ghostly energy here.”. “Well, clearly she isn’t. Ga, I knew I should have just kept that journal for myself. it’s been nothing but trouble.”. “Why are you yelling at me for? You’re the one who wanted me to study it.”. “Guys. I found something.” Pike shouted in the distance. Both of them walked over and saw that Pike had found a trap door, leading to the basement. Going down, the first thing they saw were prison cells. Wasn’t this place a manor at one point? Why does it have a dungeon?” Jeff questioned. “Come on, let’s go.”. All of them headed down into the dark depths. They traveled down the brickwork tunnel, passing down several empty cells on the way. Pike saw something in one of them. The darkness made it hard to see what it was. It looked like someone in chains. He pulled out his phone and lit up the cell to find a body with long hair staring down on the floor, which was mostly decomposed. The head then fell off and rolled its way up to the front of the bars, revealing its hollowed face. Pike backed up after seeing this and jumped up when Trevor said: “Hey Pike, check this out.”. The boy quickly ran back to his friends. Catching up to his friends, he found a red pentagram painted on the floor surrounded by fancy metal torch stands. “Wow, this went from a 1 to a 10 real quick.” Trevor said. “Um...Maybe we should be getting out of here...Like right now!” Jeff says. “No way. Not until we find Jewely. What’s the radar say?”. Jeff looked at the device and said: “She’s close. Very close.”. Pike grabbed one of the torch stands and said: “I’m bringing this home. It’ll look great in the living room.”. Trevor looked around the chamber until he came across a chained up door. The boy tugged on the chains and felt that they were on the door tightly. He looked at the chains and locks decorating the door and saw that they were covered in rust. “Hey Pike, hand me one of those stands. Pike handed over his stand so that Trevor could put it in between the chains and the door. He started pulling as hard as he can. “Guys, help me out with this.” Trevor said as he pulled. Pike and Jeff grabbed parts of the stand and started pulling. All three of them fell down as they broke the rusty locks of the walls. With nothing holding them, the chains fell straight to the ground. Trevor quickly got up and opened the door. On the other side, he saw absolutely nothing. It was nothing but an empty room. “Wha...what the...Jeff I thought you said she was in here.”. “It did. I don’t get it. The radar said that something was on the other side of that door.”. After climbing back up to the abandoned manor, Trevor tried to open the front door, but it was stuck. No matter how hard he pulled, the boy couldn’t get it opened. “Wasn’t this door unlocked when we came in.” he said. Jeff heard the radar acting up and was shocked at what he saw. “Guys, look at this.”. Both of them looked at the radar and saw a bunch of reading surrounding them. Suddenly, loud growling could be heard through the home. “Okay, I think it’s time for us to leave!” Jeff said. “Stand back, I’ll break one of the windows down.” Pike said as he picked up a nearby chair. Trevor looked up at the chair and said: “Uh, Pike...”. “What?”. Pike looked at the chair he was holding and saw that it had a fleshy mouth with sharp teeth. Pike threw the chair aside before it could bit him. “Just tackle through the window!” Jeff shouted. Trevor backed up and dashed at the window, but it was as solid as a brick wall. “I cant break it!”. They looked around and saw that the other furniture were soon coming to life, slurping as saliva dripped from their gaping maws. “Run!”. All of them scurried away before any of the furniture could take a bite of them. As they ran through the manor, they tried to dodge living furniture bent on chewing them to pieces. “Where are we even supposed to go? We have no way out.” Trevor said. A couch lunged straight at them, missing and instead ramming into a support beam. “The attic! I saw a broken window in the attic! We can get out from there!” Pike said. All of them booked it while a herd of living furniture rushed behind them. They made to a lone room and locked the door behind them. After catching their breath, Pike said: “Shh...Do you hear that?”. All of them listened in, but heard nothing. “Hear what?” Trevor asked. “Exactly. Did the furniture stop chasing us.”. Pike looked under the door, but couldn’t see any sign of the chairs and tables. “Uh, Guys.” Jeff said as he look behind him. Trevor and Pike looked in the room they were in and saw in the dark room a giant black piano with a single light above it, shining on the onyx finish like a spotlight. With the exception of a door on the right, nothing else seemed to be in the room. There wasn’t even anything decorating the walls. No pictures, ornaments, nothing. “I don’t like this.” Trevor said. “Let’s just get to the other side.” Pike said. All three of them walked over to the door, being very careful not to wake the piano. When they reached the door, they tried to open it only to find it locked. “Locked.” Pike whispered. Jeff looked over and said: “Um, I think I might have found the key.”. “Really? Where?” Trevor said. He pointed to a rusty key, which was under the slumbering piano. “Oh...”. Trevor took a deep breath and slowly approached. He ducked down and crawled under, being careful not to hit the under belly. When he grabbed the key, the entire house started to shift, making loud squeaking noises. The piano started to move. Trevor rushed out of the underside and ran back to his friends. He quickly put the key in the hole and tired turning the lock. The piano started waking up, opening it’s case to reveal a gaping maw with jagged teeth. “Come on, Hurry!” Jeff shouted. The piano lunged at them. Trevor managed to get the door open. All three of them rushed out of the room right as the piano was on top of them. They slam the door shut, hearing banging and scratching on the other side. “I think I might need therapy after this.” Jeff mentions. In his fatigue, Pike looked to his right and saw a set of stairs leading to the next floor. “Ha ha! Finally, the stairs! We just gotta get through the second floor and were home free.”. After catching their breath, they climbed up the staircase to see a dusty old attic. The room lined up with boxes upon boxes stacked against the wall. As they walked through, Trevor asked: “Where this broken window you said was here.”. He then looked down to see that he kicked something over to a light shining on the floor. Picking it up, he saw that it was a wooden doll with an open mouth. He then looked up and found a broken window on the ceiling. “There it is.” Pike said. “Of course it is.”. Trevor then felt a sharp pain on his finger. Looking at his hand, he saw that the doll head was biting his pinkie. The boy pried the head off and threw it to the other side of the room. It landed behind a pile of boxes. The head then looked from behind the boxes, all three boys looking above the window with their backs turned. “So how are we gonna get up here?” Jeff asked. “Easy. We build a tower.” Pike answered. “I don’t think all three of us could reach.” Trevor retorted. “Not of us.”. Pike walked over to a pile of boxes and pushed them under the window. Oh, right.”. All of them started to stack the boxes atop one another. As Trevor was moving one of the boxes, he saw a lone doll arm crawling along the floor. He flicked it out of his site, continuing to move the box. After a minute, the stack of boxes looked like it could almost reach the window. “Almost there. Looks like one more box should do it.”. Jeff was about to pick up a box from a different pile, when he saw a doll leg squirming on the side. He saw that the leg extended past the pile, following it to a giant ligning cluster of doll parts. The doll head that Trevor threw on top, staring at Jeff with its red glowing eyes. Jeff let out a scream, which drew the others attention. “Jeff, what are you- Whoa!” Pike shouted. Before their eyes, the boys saw the giant cluster slither towards them, knocking over whatever was in it’s way. All of them ran to the other side of the attic. The cluster knocked over their stack of boxes as it pursued. “Come on! I just finished stacking those!” Trevor said. As the cluster of plastic moved in closer, backing each of them against the wall. The boys split up, Jeff and Trevor going left, while Pike went right. “What are we gonna do!? What are we gonna do!? What are we gonna do!?” Trevor panicked. Jeff looked over to the ceiling, then to the cluster of dolls. “We need to distract that monster so we can climb it.”. “What!? Are you nuts!?” Trevor said. “That thing is just tall enough to reach the window. If we climb up it, we can get out of here in no time.”. Trevor thought for a moment before saying: “Give me a second.”. He then dashed over to Pike and says to him: “Hey, Jeff’s got a plan.”. “Really, what is it?”. Trevor and Pike lead the plastic beast to the window. Jeff started climbing up the beasts back. As he started to reach the window, the doll head turns its head and stares at him. Some of the plastic doll parts on it start pulling the boy in. “Ahh! Ahh! Help!” he scream. Pike runs to a nearby box and throws it at the monsters head. The head turns back and lets out a demonic scream. The doll parts loose their grip on Jeff, the boy hurries up the back and jumps to the window. After taking a quick breath, he reaches down to his friends and shout: “Come on! Hurry!”. Trevor and Pike split off again in hopes of drawing the monsters attention. It turns it’s gaze to Pike, who leads it down the attic. Trevor leaps on his back and starts climbing upward. Halfway to the top, he stops climbing and reaches out his hand to Pike. Pike looks around and sees a stack of nearby boxes. He dashes to the stack and jumps off, leaping towards his friend. Trevor manages to grab onto Pike, and they start climbing up. The plastic beast starts thrashing all about the room, trying to shake the boys off its back. Trevor lost his grip and nearly fell off, but Pike grabbed onto his hand. The monster was swinging itself all around, Pike was about to loose his grip. He thought fast and with the added force of the beasts thrashing, threw Trevor near the window. Jeff caught his friend by the leg and starts to pull him up. “Pike.” Trevor shouts as he watched the monster throw the boy across the room. The beast starts backing the boy against the wall, his eyes start shrinking as looks at the beasts. In the corner, he sees some loose wires leading up to the window. He makes a break for it, dashing into the corner, nearly avoiding the clusters grasp. Pike grabs onto the wires and starts climbing up. The support of the house starts to give, shaking the wires loose. The wires loosened up to the window, Pike started climbing for his life. He manage to reach the top and grabbed both of his friends hands. The beast takes grip on the boys, starting to consume his legs. Both Trevor and Jeff pull with all their strength. They manage to jerk Pike out of the monsters pull and reach the roof. After recovering, Pike said: “The house is about to fall! We need to jump, now!”. All of them run to the edge and jump off the 2 story house just as it was collapsing. They managed to land in the mud as the house behind them collapsed. All of them look back to the rubble, with Trevor commenting: “I don’t think Jewely was in there.”. As they get up, Jeff says: “Ok-okay. I’m...I’m gonna go home and go to bed...forever.”. Trevor was on his balcony back at his mansion, on the phone with Pike. “So, you think there’s anywhere else Jewely might have gone to?” Trevor asks. “Don’t know. We’ve looked everywhere in the city and haven’t found another sign of her.”. “...What about Jeff? How’s he doing? I haven’t heard about him since we escaped that broken down manor.”. “He’s fine. But I think it might be awhile before he tags along with us again.”. “Okay, tell me if you find anything.”. Trevor hangs up and looks off into the distance. “Where are you Jewely?”.
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