#you’re hurting everyone who doesn’t fit into the binary gay and straight rhetoric
ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Kurtzman Trek is The First Time I Have Hope They’ll Confirm Queer Spock. (GASP!)
It continues to boggle my mind that people are accusing Spock of being written like a ‘typical horny straight guy’ in SNW
When literally all he’s tried to do
Is have a decent relationship
With his fiancé
And pretty much only his fiancé!
And yet, and yet, people are acting like Spock is some kind of, woman of the week tomcat everytime he talks to a woman, Uhura, Chapel, or T’Pring. He says something nice to a female character and it’s like “HETERO ALERT OMFG IM GONNA THROW UP” Ugggggh.
Which honestly actually pisses me off. And not just because of the entitlement and biphobia baked into it. Although that part does make my blood boil.
Like, what happened to Geordi and Data, Bashir and Garak, Malcom Reed, all that Rick Berman fueled sexist queer rep smothering bullshit, is NOT what’s happening, at all.
This isn’t trying to hook up Garak with 18 year old Ziyal, or trashing the Dax/Bashir friendship arc in favor of having him hook up with Ezri, or Reed being really gross about T’Pol, or deciding Chakotay & 7 of 9 would be hot because Jeri Ryan, established romantic subplot and wlw Janeway energy be damned.
Spock is trying to make things work with his fiancé that is literally it.
Honestly, I’m not exaggerating when I say if we are gonna get any kind of non-subtextual non-book confirmation on queer Spock it’s gonna be NOW.
Kurtzman Trek is responsible for pretty much all the not one-shot outright queer rep that we have in the franchise! Stamets and Culber! Adira and Gray! Beckett and Jill! Heck, this era has proved it isn’t afraid of making preestablished characters canonically queer thanks to Raffi and Seven in Picard! Lower Decks is where we got the Spirk engraving at the space station bar!!
Check your perspective. Damn.
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