#even if he ends up having a relationship with chapel too
nathaslosthershit · 7 months
A Little White Chapel Wedding (LS18)
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(Part 3 of the Blind Item Series) Summary: Lance and his now wife had their reasons for eloping, he just hopes his dad will understand.
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Lance and his girlfriend, now wife, had always wanted to keep their relationship out of the spotlight. Given how much hate and controversy surrounded Lance due to his father’s ownership of the team, he had already taken a major step back from social media. He knew that dating another heir apparent would piss many fans off, even if it was solely for love that they were together. Both of their families knew and greatly approved of the relationship but once Lance had proposed it seemed their families wanted to take over fully. Wedding preparations had been started without any input from the groom and bride-to-be. Seeing all these decisions made without the two’s consent had put a ton of stress on them. This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and they had absolutely no say in the matter. Guest lists full of investors and other business partners took away from the intimacy of the event. No detail was left unscrutinized and it was going to be far too extravagant, as this was going to be the first time they announced their relationship and the families joining together.
When Lance and his fiancee had gotten to Vegas, they had no plans of getting married that weekend. The thought only crossed Lance’s mind after the race.
“P5 Lance! Oh honey I couldn’t be more proud.” She said as she ran up and hugged him. She had been waiting what felt like forever to congratulate him, as he had been so surrounded the minute the race ended. 
Pulling away from the hug, Lance put his hands on her cheeks as he said “let's get married”
“We are, Lance.” She responded, perplexed. 
“Tonight. Let's elope and have an actual wedding about the two of us. No one else.”
“Honey, our families would kill us if we did that.” While the idea sounded wonderfully romantic and gave her butterflies just thinking about it, it just couldn’t work with the way things were.
“Who cares? We don’t have to tell them right away. We get married now, take an extra long honeymoon over break and then tell them once the season starts.”
“I don’t know Lance.”
“Please? It is unfair we don’t get to have the wedding we want. Who gives a shit about the guestlist with a million business partners we’ve never met. If they still need a wedding then we will do it their way but let's have our way first.” 
She took a minute to respond, thinking the idea over before she finally gave her answer. “Okay, Lance. Let's get married.”
Lance had never envisioned his wedding going the way it did, but he also never saw it the way his family planned it to be.
Although as happy as he was, he felt so guilty when he thought of how his family would feel knowing that he got married without them there to see it. As important as business was to Lawrence Stroll, he knew his dad valued and loved his family above all else. 
Over break, the newlyweds had gone on a bit of a delayed honeymoon, posed as just a really nice vacation.
They only got the honeymoon suit because they really wanted to go all out. No other reason…
They thought they had made it out unscathed, planning on telling their family in a week when they had gotten back from their vacation. Too bad they didn’t get to.
Lance’s wife saw the post first. He barely checked socials anymore. When the photos of them confirmed that the Blind Items post was about them, she felt a chill run through her body. Their families had to have known already, public image was important to both of them so they definitely had PR teams constantly checking what was going on. And she was correct.
“Honey, I just got a call from my Dad. He sounded pretty upset, and said we had to come home quickly and meet with him.” Lance said, confused and worried. His dad rarely sounded as serious as he did on the phone. 
Wordlesy, she passed her phone to Lance with the tweet pulled up. She could see the color drain from his face as he read through replies. Fuck this wasn’t good.
What was probably the most stressful plane ride of Lance’s life was also painstakingly long. He couldn’t swallow the guilt building in his throat at how upset his father must be.
The once welcoming and happy house was now cold and silent as the couple walked inside. His father didn’t greet them, just told the two of them to follow him into his office. Lance just held his wife’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly as they made their way up there. 
Lawrence still remained silent as he sat in his chair, looking at his married son and new daughter-in-law for the first time.
Lance was the one to break the silence.
“Dad, I know this is a lot but please-” He was cut off by the simple raise of his father’s hand to silence him.
“Why, Lance? We spend all this time planning the two of you a beautiful wedding just for you both to throw it away? For what?”
“Dad, you dont under-”
“No, Lance, I don’t. I mean how could you be so stupid?”
“Please if you just listen, Dad-”
“I have never been more disrespected by yo-”
 “Stop!” Lance’s wife spoke up. She finally had to butt in. “You tell Lance you don’t understand and when he tries to explain you cut him off! How are we supposed to have a conversation when you won’t let anyone else speak?”
Silence spread across the room as no one dared to respond. She could practically feel the smoke coming out of her ears.
“Dad. We eloped because we wanted something that was for us. The wedding you were planning wasn’t ours. We didn’t have a say in anything. From guest list to menu, you all controlled that. We wanted to get married on our own terms. While I will forever be sorry you weren’t with us, I am not sorry for getting married the way I did, to the girl I love.” Lance grabbed your hand once again to squeeze, to remind him why he did what he did. 
His father didn’t say anything for a few moments. The newlyweds waited patiently, praying Lawrence wouldn’t fly off the handle again. 
Finally he said, “Then I owe you both an apology. I understand that you both had expectations for your wedding and not having any say in the matter didn’t feel good. I wish you both said something. At the end of the day though, this is still a big deal for our families business-wise. You are my only son though, Lance, I wish I could have seen you get married.”
“We can still have the wedding, Mr.Stoll. Our plan was just to have something for ourselves, then have the main event be for everyone else.”
Lawrence smiled at that. Happy he would still get to see his son get married, even if it is the second time.
This time luckily, the couple got a bit more of a say in wedding preparations. With no comment from either family, the Vegas elopement was quickly forgotten once more pressing gossip reached the public. 
While it still wasn’t what Lance and his wife had envisioned, having their families there this time was all they could ask for. 
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lance_stroll One for us and one for them
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
Somebody get some flowers! 💐 Somebody get a ring! 💍 Somebody get a chapel and a choir to sing! 🎶
Somebody get an organ to play! Cause somebody’s getting married today! 🔔 💕 🔔
This literally could not be a bigger deal! No one, and I mean NO ONE expected Bruce to ever get married. Alfred is so proud of him. He’s come such a long way. They all have.
Guess who’s slighted that he wasn’t invited? It’s Joker.
He’s pretty ticked at Batman. He’s taken Harley, he’s taken half his vision, he’s taken most of Gotham from him… and now he’s gonna stand up at that alter, being all happy? No no no… he’ll give him something to REALLY smile about…
So, the film goes about how you’d expect. Relationship drama, family drama, trying to put the wedding of the century together drama, and in the background, Joker’s ramping up to cause trouble. But also also in the background… Bruce is reminiscing hard on his past. He goes to visit his parents in the cemetery. He says he thinks they’d be proud of their grandkids. He just wishes… he’d finally been able to find the man who did it… who took them away from him. But then… he decides to take another look at that case… there might be some new evidence that’s come forward recently…
Anyhoo, that doesn’t last long, because: Joker.
Naturally, he hijacks the wedding, nearly stops the marriage entirely, but this time… this time, it’s not about the whole family coming together to fight a common foe. I mean, they’re all there, helping in their own ways, but… when it comes to Joker… this is it. This is the final showdown. Just him and Bruce. The way it was always meant to be. And this is the last time he tries to murder his kids, or his soon-to-be wife, or his friends. This is the last time he escapes Arkham. This is the last time he attacks Gotham.
Technically, it was Joker’s own fault… but Bruce didn’t exactly go rushing in to save him…
Either way…
…the Joker is finally dead.
Thus marks the end of an era.
The wedding continues (everyone’s a little banged up, but otherwise okay) and Bruce and Selina are officially husband and wife!
Later, at the reception, Bruce looks around at everyone… all his friends and family… and he can’t help but feel overcome with a bittersweet joy. He stands and makes a speech. He says that… when he was a boy, he thought he had lost everything. He thought his life was meaningless. He thought he would get lost in that darkness forever. But it turns out, he was never truly alone. And now, life had blessed him tenfold.
Alfred, who had never wavered once over the course of his life, and had always been there with a shoulder to cry on, or a pat on the back, or a quick scolding. The man who always believed Bruce no matter what, and who had become a father to him. He wouldn’t be the man he was today without Alfred.
Dick, the goofy kid he found years ago, and who barrelled into Bruce’s life so unexpectedly… he had been Bruce’s first guiding light. His first Robin. His first son. And he had made Bruce so proud, seeing the man he had become. A far better man than he was.
Barbara, his first Batgirl, and an unwavering ally in the fight. Her bravery and quick-thinking had saved Bruce on numerous occasions, and she had become a good friend. Not only that, but a good mentor as well. She would surely go on to do many more amazing things.
Jason, who never once stopped making him laugh. (Something Dick was always jealous of.) Jason, who they almost lost… but found his way back home. He doesn’t regret taking him in for even a second. He’d do it all over again the same way, just to see that smile of his… and although they differed in philosophy… he was proud of Jason, too.
Tim, who barged in unannounced, but ended up being the most welcome. The light he needed most during the dark days. Without Tim, Bruce might never have recovered… if it weren’t for his intelligence and determination… this wedding might not even be happening. So thanks, Tim. Thanks for all your hard work and sacrifice over the years. Bruce couldn’t be more proud.
Steph, the bravest, boldest, and loudest of them all. The glue that held them all together when all else had failed. The last bit of energy and optimism that he and Tim needed to get over those hurdles… she was just as much a blessing as any of the other Robins, despite how short her time with the title was.
Cass, who was hiding in the darkest corner of the room because she’s very antisocial, was another welcome surprise. She was growing into a fine superhero, and a wonderful person, and Bruce was happy for her.
Duke, the newest member of the family, who had never stopped working hard to help them achieve their goals and who single handedly helped keep Gotham afloat while he was away. He was proud of him too.
Of course, there were all his friends in the Justice League—Clark and Diana especially—not to mention Lucious, and all his years of hard work, Commissioner Gordon, Luke, Catherine, Harper, Claire, and so many more…
…but the person he was most thankful for was Damian. He had grown so much over these last five years. He had matured and made difficult decisions, had taught Bruce more lessons than he could count, had brought many new animal friends with him, and he had made Bruce so immensely proud to call him his son. If Thomas and Martha could see him now… Bruce knew that Damian would continue to grow into a great man. A good man. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind about that.
So here’s to family. Here’s to the long nights and the hard conversations. Here’s to the breakups and the reunions. To the first kisses, the newborn babies, the long walks and good times. Here’s to love… and here’s to the future. If it’s anything like these past 17 years… then Bruce can’t wait for it.
And now, there’s one final loose end.
After the speech, Gordon takes Bruce aside. He says, he’s got his wedding gift with him and he might want to take a look at it now. They’ve finally been able to determine who the Waynes’ killer was.
Bruce discreetly excuses himself from the party for a moment…
He goes to this quiet part of Gotham and the address listed brings him to an apartment… there’s a woman inside… and a baby… The file says that this man had been arrested for various unrelated crimes and went to prison for a total of thirty-five years. Now it seemed like he was trying to get his life together. He didn’t at all resemble the man in the alley from that night. And now that Bruce had found him… he was faced with a big question. What should he do? He watched the man eat dinner with his wife and clean up after his baby boy… they were living in a low-rent district… they looked like they didn’t have much… but they were trying. Trying their best. As much as it hurt… Bruce was happy for them. Happy that this man was in a better place. Happy that he had faced some form of punishment and had taken that as a good wake up call.
He left the apartment, no one having seen him.
Back at Wayne Manor, the reception was still carrying on down on the grounds outside. Bruce was in his study. He seemed tired. Tired, but happy. Selina came in, wondering where he had disappeared to. It was time to take off for the honeymoon. Bruce just smiled and took her hand, leading her back out. As we pan down to Bruce’s desk, we see Thomas and Martha’s case file… and on that file are written two words:
Case Closed.
Part 9 👇
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soupbabe · 9 months
Marrying La Squadra Headcanons
Anon asked: What would married life with la squadrons look like?❤️
Hihi!! Thank you for requesting, I had a lot of fun with these 😅😅 though I'll admit I lingered on the wedding back stories a bit too much lol
- Formaggio never in his life thought he'd be married, he always dreamed of living a bachelor lifestyle
- But y'know...sometimes couples get drunk on special anniversary trips and impulsively get married at a cheap, tourist trap chapel in Vegas
- Formaggio would've loved the stereotypical Elvis impersonator officiamt
- The morning after would've been a bit hectic on his end, but Formaggio is a man who can commit
- He's been thinking about taking the proper steps to marry you anyways, as long as you were fine with the night prior there's no harm done!
- The marriage is a secret for a while, to the team it's as if nothing changed. Your new husband was just as clingy and doting as ever
- I think if weddings are an important part of your culture and something you'd really want to do-over, I think Formaggio isn't opposed to something more formal and traditional
- Though I think he'll always prefer to tell people the story of the shotgun wedding in Vegas, definitely makes him feel cooler
- I think Illuso is similar to Formaggio, he never thought to be "tied down" to anyone, but meeting you absolutely changed his mind
- One word to describe Illuso: Bridezilla. He wanted everything to be perfect for the wedding, he might've been the most strict during this era
- I'm sure you had to talk Illuso out of having the wedding in the mirror world because he could control everything. Though after the wedding, he started to come down to his normal self
- The clingiest and softest you've ever seen him was during the honeymoon
- Illuso wouldn't stop calling you his husband/wife/spouse, he wouldn't stop referring to himself with your last name
- Being married you was something he didn't know he needed
- Illuso wears his ring like a badge of honor, he enjoys seeing the silver band that decorates your finger that tells everyone that you belong to him
- Every time he wakes up and you both have to leave for work, he makes sure to kiss your ring before he says goodbye
- To no one's surprise, Prosciutto easily adjusted to the idea of marriage and the married life
- He can be tender and affectionate, of course he wasn't scared of spending the rest of his life with you.
- Prosciutto would prefer something small, only wanting close family to attend
- Absolutely he would be open to having separate or fusion weddings if you come from a different background. He'd have a lot of enjoyment sharing your traditions with you
- There's so much more confidence within the relationship, Prosciutto smiles when you brag about your husband. A smirk graces his lips when he can hold you by the waist and introduce you as his spouse
- It's very natural for Prosciutto to fall into a house husband role, he loves unwinding in the kitchen and cooking dinners for you
- Even in the honeymoon, he'd scoff at restaurant food and insist he could provide you with something better
- He's an ideal husband if you want to get pampered and recreate the classy romance you see in the movies.
- Getting married to you was the scariest and the happiest moment of his life
- Pesci stumbled through the novel that was his vows, when he was able to kiss you he couldn't help himself and pulled you in with anxious excitement
- Even when he proposed, Prosciutto slapped his face and told him to man up before he pulled out the ring
- Like his brother, he prefers something smaller. He wants the moment to be intimate, private
- He cried so much ever since you two married
- Half the honeymoon was spent hugging him and reassuring him that yes, you two really are married, and yes, you really do love him that much
- Marriage or not, he's still just as shy and flustered since you met him. Doesn't matter how tough he tries to act
- Melone never really thought about marriage before, but it's a welcomed surprise
- I just know that when he got to kiss you during the ceremony, it made everyone instantly uncomfortable/j. He does not care about what others think, he just likes to show you how much he loves
- He absolutely uses the title of husband to his advantage, especially for silly things like pda.
- The honeymoon phase never actually ended for him
- As you two are further in the marriage, the more Melone starts to think about kids
- No secret he's good with them, Babyface has given him more than enough practice
- But having an actual, human baby? Oh it has him all giddy and anxious
- For the first time, you actually see him take a situation seriously. Whether you're giving birth or having a baby through alternative means, he doesn't want to have kids unless you know you're ready too
- I don't think marriage ever crossed Ghiaccio's mind growing up. Meeting and falling in love with you opened up so many doors
- It definitely scared him, if you weren't on the other end of the aisle waiting for him, he would've become a runaway groom
- Ghiaccio would so go off and rant about how nothing much has changed ever since you two got married. To him it's just "some name change and extra paper work"
- He'd say that he doesn't feel any different, but that's so far from the truth
- Tease him by calling him your husband, call him by your last name, and watch how his face turns pink and he tries to hide a smile
- It takes the longest for Ghiaccio to settle into married life. I'm not sure it fully registered to him how long you and him have been together
- He never thought he would be loved the way you love him. No matter how hard he pushed people away, you stayed and warmed his heart <33
- That being said never joke about divorce it'd freak him out. He'd cry.
Risotto Nero
- The married life with Risotto is special, as it brings out a completely different side of the capo
- May be an unpopular opinion, but Risotto is right up there with Illuso when it comes to being a Bridezilla
- All he cares about is adhering to your plans. He'll go above and beyond for research to make sure you won't get scammed
- Like yeah. He may have threatened the florist behind your back, but like. What was he supposed to do? The florist was the one trying to pass off rhododendrons as hydrangeas.
- But once the wedding is over, he's exhausted and looking forward to the honeymoon
- Solidifying the marriage made Risotto fully let down his walls around you. He smiles more, he's more physically affectionate, he lets you know that he belongs to you too.
- While you two try to keep chores and tasks equal, swapping out who does what, it's hard to deny that Risotto loves it when it's your job to cook
- He thinks it's adorable when you tie an apron around your waist, roll up your sleeves and get to work.
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totheblood · 1 year
imagine me & you. (one)
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
summary: ellie is the florist for your wedding, and you wonder is love at first sight is real and if it is the universe hates your guts
warnings: occasional cursing, suggestive themes, angst/pining, could this be considered infidelity? maybe?, drug/alcohol usage/mention, you marry a man i apologize
a/n: AI AUDIOS AT THE END this is a series i'm writing that is completely based on the movie "imagine me and you" which is a phenomenal lesbian romcom... i would suggest that everyone watches it but i dont want the series to be spoiled for you.. this is sugar sweet fluff and i think is overall really cute. I DONT CONDONE CHEATING! this fic is.... a gray area tho so.. enjoy! I would greatly appreciate any reblogs, comments, asks you have about this chapter. thank you for supporting me through this journey!
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This was the best day of your life. 
The chapel was adorned with flowers, the smell of tulips heavy in the air. The streamers were hung between each seat with careful detail, just as you had planned it months ago. You could hear the quiet chatter among guests, all beautifully dressed for the occasion, and at the end of the aisle stood your best friend. This was the day your best friend became your husband.
You had met Sully in your first year of college when his best friend, Ezra, began dating your best friend, Tara. While Tara and Ezra’s relationship was short-lived, you and Sully had something nearly impossible to break. He provided a kind of comfort that only came with knowing someone as long as you had, and a promise of a life that you imagined for yourself. 
You were in love with him, you knew this. This fact had never even come into question. You were sure of your decision every step of the way and you were positive that your walk down the aisle would be the easiest thing you had done in your lifetime. 
The only thing that made you nervous was the fact that everyone had their eyes on you. As the doors opened and it was finally your turn to make your way down the aisle, you knew that this was the first day of the rest of your life, but not for the reasons you expected.
Prior to the start of the wedding, Ellie was already having a shit day. Her supplier hadn’t arrived with the shipment of tulips she needed for the shop that day and it was just her luck that her last batch was already loaded in the truck for your wedding. Dina had assured her that she would call and bitch out the supplier until he delivered them, but something was still unsettled in her gut. Reluctantly, she relinquished her power to Dina for the day and made her way over to your venue to set up early.
It was the silent morning that Ellie loved the most. The air was crisp with anticipation of what was about to happen, the quiet echoed chapel that would soon be filled with celebratory cheers and applause. The idea that eternal love may exist soothed her, but only temporarily.
Ellie had found herself in somewhat of a dry spell, her only intimate interactions being with her pillow. It wasn’t something that necessarily stressed her out, but it was something that she thought about often. It wasn’t that it bothered her either, she was simply growing impatient for her chance to have this kind of celebration of love. It is legal now, she reminded herself. 
As the time for the wedding grew closer, Ellie found that she was in over her head. She assumed she would be able to finish decorating by the time guests started to arrive, so she could slip out unnoticed and no one would see her in her overalls, but she admittedly had paid too much attention to detail. It was no secret that she was a perfectionist, but she knew it would cost her.
Her anxiety only grew more and more as people started to arrive and sit in the aisles that she still was yet to decorate. By the grace of whatever was out there, she finished with little time to spare and had begun collecting her things but was stopped by who she assumed was a groomsman. 
“Hi, you must be Ellie, the florist.” He reached out his hand, a broad smile on his face. His eyes were a stark blue and his face was perfectly symmetrical. He oozed confidence and Ellie could tell that he had never faced a day of rejection in his life. She had a feeling this was about to change.
“What gave it away? The flowers or my overalls?” She joked, reaching her gloved hand out to shake his, a polite laugh escaping from his lips. 
“It was actually your indescribable beauty. I don’t know… I heard a thing about florists being hot. I’m Ezra, by the way.” Ellie wanted to scoff, throw up, do anything that would signify she wasn’t interested in the man before her, but more than that she wanted her tip. 
“Wonder where you heard that. Didn’t see that article in this month's Florist’s Monthly.” She joked back, her sickly sweet grin still painted on her face.
“Well, just wanted to introduce myself. Hope you're staying for the reception?” He questioned, moving back after the pace of the room began to change. It was becoming evident the wedding was about to start and he needed to be in his place. 
“It’s my job to be there so… I’ll be there.” She sighed, picked up the bucket that had scrap flowers in it, and began making her way down the side of the chapel, careful to not draw any attention to her. Ellie had never stayed this long before, she had never gotten the opportunity to watch the bride walk down the aisle and curiosity was getting the best of her. As she tried to sneak away, she attempted to get one glance at the girl about to be married. 
As you made your way down the floral-lined carpet, a line was tugged on your heart. Something inside of you was telling you to look to the left. So you did. It was almost as if time stopped for a moment as you caught a glimpse of the girl. Her hair was half pinned up, little strands of hair framing her face, her lips in an adoring smile. She was all-encompassing. This is what you imagined love at first sight to feel like. It’s what you would have imagined love at first sight to feel like if it wasn’t your wedding day.
Ellie had to stop when she saw you, your beauty overwhelming her. She was sure all brides looked this beautiful on their wedding day, but she was also unsure of that at this moment. It was an almost impossible idea that someone on this earth could look more beautiful than you did at that moment. It made her heart drop to the pit of her stomach, even more so when she saw the comforting smile on your face drop as you locked eyes and you quickly turned away. Ellie assumed you hadn’t recognized her and became confused so she quickly and quietly made her way out of the venue.
When you turned back around to get one last look at her, she was gone. You were almost sure she was simply a figment of your imagination, an ethereal dream that you had hallucinated, but what you felt was real. Almost too real.
The wedding went off without a hitch, fulfilling every dream you had for yourself. As you kissed your now husband you felt a great sense of relief, the pit in your stomach from earlier being filled. Whatever feeling you felt when you and the florist locked eyes was now becoming a distant memory. The only thing you could think of was that you had done it, and completed this task. This was what love felt like. Right? 
As the reception went on and the guests were full of liquor and good music, Ellie found herself wanting to introduce herself to you, as she did with every bride. She pushed past warm bodies till she found you hunched over the punch bowl, a ladle in your hands. 
“Hi,” She began, causing you to drop the ladle and turn towards her. She stood with her arms by her side and a gentle smile on her face. She seemed calm. Warm. Inviting.
“Hi.” You replied, moving to stand in front of the punch bowl, a smile gracing your face.
“We- um, we haven’t met. I’m Ellie.” She introduced herself. She smiled as you simply responded with your name. 
“I did your flowers.” She stated, assuming you were unsure of who she was. 
“You did?” You breathed, your shoulders relaxing. “My flowers are nice.” 
“Anyways, I was just going to get a-” Ellie pointed at the punch behind you, moving towards it but was stopped by your body standing moving in front of it, blocking it from her view.
“Drink.” Ellie said, suspiciously, brows furrowed in confusion as you gave her a nervous laugh.
“I wouldn’t.” You remarked through your laughs, slightly shaking your head.
“Wh- Is there something wrong?” Ellie questioned, unsure of what was happening right now. “I’m here to help.”  She watched as you blinked for a second and your smile fell. 
“My ring.” You told her as you turned around and picked up the ladle again, looking down into the punch. Ellie was at your side, watching as you stirred the red liquid, a smile back on your face. “I was getting some of this punch crap and-”
“Your wedding ring?” Ellie laughed, stealing a glance at your focused face.
“It fell off.” You giggled, a sound that made Ellie’s cheeks redden. “Off and in there. My wedding ring is in there.” You turned to her, the side of your lips curved downwards into an upside-down smile. You were impossibly close to her.
“And you tried the ladle?” Ellie questioned, humor in her voice. 
“Nothing.” You shook your head, a huge grin still on your face.
“And you can’t empty-” Ellie shook her head, her internal monologue running rampant. “No, it's too big. Um, alright.” Ellie’s mind almost short-circuited when you laughed at her manic raving.
“Only one thing to do.” Ellie simply stated. “Cover me.”
“What?” You question, staring at her, confusion written all over your face.
“Use the dress, I’m going in.” Ellie answered, rolling up the sleeves of her shirt before pulling you by the waist in front of her. She tried not to be distracted by your consistent laughing, but reality shook her as she reached her hand into the punch bowl.
You stood in front of her keeping watch but quickly became alert when another guest began making his way over to you.
Moving to stand in front of him and Ellie, you looked up at him and gave him your friendliest smile. Clearing your throat you offered the man a polite, “Hello.”
“They say white’s the color of virgins… if I know Sully the only thing virgin around here is the olive oil.” He commented smugly, reaching next to you to pick up a plastic cup. Ellie couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she fished around in the punch. What makes this guy think he can just-
“The old jokes really are the best aren’t they?” You quipped sarcastically, a groan nearly slipping from your lips. Ellie was laughing to herself at the sound of your annoyed tone and body being in such close proximity to hers.
“I’m Dennis. Sully works underneath me but not in the biblical sense.” He reached out and shook your hand, unwarranted confidence coming off him in waves. Just at that moment, Ellie felt the circular metal between her fingertips and pulled it out victoriously.
“You’re just like he described.” You told the man, it being painfully obvious (to no one but him) that you didn’t mean that as a compliment. Behind you, Ellie shook the juice off the ring and tapped the exposed skin of your upper arm, causing you to put your left hand behind your back, right in Ellie’s view. Carefully, Ellie slipped the ring on your ring finger, its rightful place, and found herself beside you again. 
“Now, I need booze.” Dennis remarked as he picked up the ladle and scooped some punch into his cup. If it was anyone else, you would have stopped him. But it wasn’t.
“Hi.” Ellie made herself known to the man. 
“Hi.” He replied. Ellie tried to ignore the way he looked her up and down.
“This is Ellie.” You said, a proud smile on your face. “She’s a florist”
“Name’s Dennis. But you can call me anything you’d like.” He outstretched his hand to Ellie, a dumbstruck look on his face. Ellie’s drenched hand gripped his as if she was punishing him for his behavior.
“And I’m sure I will.” Ellie smiled, holding back her laughter as he pulled his hand away and shook the sticky liquid off his hand.
The wedding was as eventful as any wedding could be. Family members were getting drunk, Ezra was flirting with as many people as he could, and you were wrapped up in Sully’s arms. The music had mellowed out and people had found their way back to their assigned tables, ready to eat. Everyone began eating, only looking up when Sully stood up, prepared to make a speech. 
You listened as he went on about how long he had waited for this day, how much he adored you, and the future he envisioned for the two of you. You wanted to relish in all the attention and love he was showering you in, but your mind continued to travel back to Ellie and the brief moment you shared with her. Ellie was most likely miles away by now, but that didn’t stop you from envisioning her there in the crowd. 
You were starting to feel guilty about it too. While your husband was boasting about how you were the best thing to happen to him, you were fantasizing about the girl you had just who you were almost sure was your soulmate. There was a thickness in your throat that only grew as Ezra described how he and Ellie had ‘hit it off’ and how he was going to ask her out. It shouldn’t have upset you but you did.
The following week your mind was still on Ellie. She hadn’t reached out after the wedding, but you were also unsure of why she would do something like that. It wasn’t like there was any specific reason for her to call you, but you still waited by the phone like she would. 
It felt like a regular day for Ellie, she reached the shop early and was finishing setting up. She had just opened the doors when a man had hurried in with a frantic look on his face. 
 “Hello.” She greeted the man, wiping the dirt from her hands on the apron wrapped around her waist. 
“Hi. You’ve got to help me.” He exclaimed frantically. “I need a flower. Just one. A good one. The best!” He watched as she continued to move things around the shop. 
“Okay.” Ellie said in her calmest voice, attempting to appease the man. 
“This is my last chance. My last chance flower.” He told her, looking around at the various flowers on display. 
“Your last chance?” Ellie questioned, finally giving her full attention to the man.
“I really fucked up. Only the right flower can save me.” He explained. “What about a rose? A red rose. What would that say?” He pointed to the basket of red roses sitting on the table.
“Love.” Ellie shrugged.
“Love’s nice.” The man thought out loud.
“And fidelity.” Ellie added. 
“Not a red rose, then.” The man pushed past the roses and continued looking. 
“No, not a red rose at all. It’s too obvious.” Ellie agreed with him, eager to make a sale. “If this really is your last chance we need to make it something spectacular.” Ellie moved to the other side of the shop and examined what she had in stock. There was a slight knock at the door, but Ellie didn’t look up, focused on the task at hand. 
“Be right with you.” She told the unknown guest. 
“That’s fine.” You spoke, your voice causing her to stand up straight. You had a pink scarf wrapped around your neck and your hair pulled back. You had this glow to you that only came with what Ellie assumed was natural beauty. Almost suddenly the air in the shop was much lighter. 
“Hi.” She breathed, smiling back at you.
“How are you doing?” Ellie asked.
“Good,” you shrugged your shoulders. “Great.” You corrected yourself.
“I just,” you began again but were cut off by the man making his way out the open door behind you to look at the flowers that were placed outside the shop. “Came by to say thanks.” You smiled, awkwardly putting your hands in your pockets.
“It was a total pleasure,” Ellie told you, her voice soft. She stared at you for a beat, almost forgetting what she was doing before you came in. “Listen, sorry, I’m just dealing with-” She pointed to the man outside scanning the flowers.
“Oh, of course. Go right ahead.” You blurted out, moving away from the door so she could tend to the man outside. 
The man looked at you through the window, smiling upon seeing your face. “What’s your favorite flower?” He asked, making you blink at him. 
“I don’t know, I think I like tulips.” You replied, giving him the kindest smile you could muster.
“They’re wrong.” He said, finger in the air as he continued to muck about. He made his way back into the store as Ellie pulled a long, colorful flower from one of the silver buckets attached to the wall.
“What about this?” Ellie asked him, showing him the exotic flower she had in her hands. “Bird of paradise.”
“Keep talking.” He instructed her. 
“Real name ‘Strelitzia’. Named after Charlotte of Strelitz. She married King George the third and had 15 kids. They never spent more than an hour apart.” She explained, looking towards you to see the grin you were hiding on your face.
“Okay, stop talking.” The man said as he abruptly left the store. 
“Do you want to come to dinner?” You asked her, just as abruptly.
“ ‘m sorry?” She asked, confused by the tone this conversation carried.
“Dinner, with us. Me and Sully.” You clarified, her chest deflating a little. You watched as an unreadable expression clouded her face, suddenly feeling embarrassed by the question. “I mean you don’t have to-”
“I’d love to.” Ellie cut you off, her heart blooming as she watched your smile grow.
“Really?” You asked sounding surprised. “This Friday?”
“Yeah, Friday. Why not?” Ellie nodded, unsure of why she was agreeing to this.
“Great. I’ll just write down-” You moved to write down your address on a card you saw sitting on the counter. 
“Perfect!” The man from earlier screamed, walking back in with a cactus shaped like a dick in his hands. “This is the one.” 
You and Ellie both couldn’t help but laugh.
Friday came around sooner than expected. You had spent the entire day cooking, dancing around the kitchen, and cleaning up the apartment. When you told Sully about the dinner party you were hosting, he decided that it would be best to invite Ezra since he and Ellie presumably ‘hit it off’ at the wedding. Admittedly, that made you want to not only pull your hair out but also Sully’s. Instead, you simply thanked him for being so thoughtful and tried your best to make it seem like you were impartial. 
The place was decorated to the nines. There stood long colored candles lit on the table, new spring placemats laid out, and bright pink tulips in a vase at the center of the table. You would never say it out loud, but the tulips were there for Ellie.
You hadn’t realized how much time had passed since you began cooking, but the sun was setting and Sully was already dressed for the guests. He sauntered into the kitchen, talking about how much he hated his job and threatening to quit for the sixth time that week. 
“You say that every day, baby.” You told him, stirring the pot before pulling the spoon out, swiping your finger on it, and tasting the sauce. It was perfect. 
“I know, but this time I mean it.” He told you, walking up behind you and placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Do you like Ellie?” You asked randomly.
“Yeah, sure. She seems nice enough. I mean Ezra likes her.” He responded, walking around the kitchen island. 
“Ezra likes anything with a pulse.” You reminded him causing him to laugh. 
“That’s true.” He smiled to himself. “But if you want her to stick around why are you introducing her to him.” 
“It wasn’t my idea. You know this.” You said, pulling the breadsticks out of the oven. 
“Oh, right.” was all he said before he popped a grape into his mouth from the bowl sitting on the kitchen island. You were about to scold him for spoiling his dinner but your thoughts were cut off by the ringing of the bell. 
“That should be Ellie. Get the door please.” You instructed him.
“On it, boss.” He popped another grape in his mouth before opening the door for Ellie. 
“Hey, Ellie. Nice to see you.” He greeted, stepping back so Ellie could make her way into the apartment. 
“Hey. I didn’t know what you drank, or if you drank, so I just made punch.” She smiled, handing the bottle to Sully. From the kitchen, you were blushing at the reminder of your first meeting.
“Thank you. She will love this.” He thanked her watching as you came up beside him. Instinctively, he put a hand around your shoulders.
“Hi.” You smiled at her. The air was thick between the two of you and there was an awkward silence. Ellie blinked at you. You looked as good as you did the first time she saw you. It always startled her how her pulse raced in your presence.
“Come look at our new sofa.” You told her, removing yourself from Sully’s grip as you led her into the living room. 
“Expensive new couch.” Sully corrected you.
“Can’t put a price on comfort,” Ellie told Sully, smiling as she plopped down on the couch. 
“A girl after my own heart.” You smiled down at Ellie, watching as her cheeks blushed once again. Sully sat down next to her, handing the bottle of punch over to you. 
“Do you believe in reincarnation? It’s just that my lover here thinks that you two have met before.” Sully asked Ellie, causing you to send a dirty look his way. 
“That’s not what I-” You started.
“I think I would have remembered.” Ellie said smoothly, eyes fixed on you. You ignored the way your heart picked up speed and your face grew with warmth.
“Well, I’m going to put this in the kitchen. You two talk.” You hurried away, checking yourself in the mirror before heading back into the kitchen.
On the couch, Ellie fiddled with her fingers as she examined the room around her. It was bright and well-decorated. She could tell that every piece in here was handpicked by you and it made her feel more at ease as she and Sully made small talk. 
“Anyway. How about you? Married?” He questioned. Ellie was unsure of how the conversation had led here but she so desperately wanted you to come back. “Ever been married? Ever gonna be married?” He continued to press her.
“Uh, no, no, and maybe now the laws have changed.” She chuckled as she watched the confusion cloud his face, leaning back on the couch.
“What do you mean?” Sully questioned.
“I’m gay.” Ellie flatly responded. Sully let out a laugh, before humming to himself. He didn’t know what to do in these situations.
“Lovely. Well-done.” He told Ellie, cringing at himself. Luckily, Ezra’s arrival had saved him some embarrassment. 
The dinner went on as well as you’d expected. Ezra consistently hitting on Ellie, Sully attempting to tell Ezra that Ellie was gay, and numerous stolen glances between you and Ellie all occurred within the half-hour you were sitting there.
Somehow the conversation drifted to how much of a player Ezra was, earning small laughs from the whole group.
“Well, that’ll all change when you meet Mrs.Right.” You told him, pushing your food around on your plate with your fork.
“And how am I supposed to know when I do that? Hm?” Ezra questioned, looking straight at you.
“You don’t know. Not straight away, anyways. It just feels warm, and comfortable, and you hang in there and give it a chance. Before you know it, you’re like yeah, this is it.” You were unsure if you were trying to convince him or yourself, but Sully was smiling at you from across the table so you found comfort in that. “Must be love.”
“Yeah, I’m with you.” Sully agreed.
“Yeah, I’m with her too.” Ezra chimed in.
“I don’t agree.” Ellie blurted out, causing everyone to look at her. “I think you know immediately. You know as soon as your eyes…” She was staring intently at you as her voice trailed off and she averted her gaze from you. “Then everything that happens from then on just proves that you had been right in that first moment.” Her eyes met yours again. It was almost as if she was speaking directly to you.
“When you suddenly realized you had been incomplete and now you are whole.” She finished, her eye contact with you making something inside you stir. You were staring back at you, mouth hanging open. It was almost as if she saw through you at that moment and it made you wonder if she had been feeling the same way. Whatever you were feeling, she had felt too. 
“Nevermind, I’m actually with her.” Ezra spoke up, breaking you out of your trance.
“Me too.” Sully laughed. “Okay, who’s ready for desser-”
“No.” You stated.
“No?” Ellie questioned. 
“No, if you think that, then you think that everyone who doesn’t have all that business is just settling for less.” You argued, unsure if you were trying to defend what you had with Sully.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Ellie corrected you.
“That kind of is what you’re saying.” You fought back.
“I think she said it a tiny bit nicer.” Ezra quipped in. 
“Cheesecake, anyone?” Sully said, bringing the cheesecake in from the kitchen.
The night carried on after that. You began to help Sully clean the dishes, but he insisted that he and Ezra should do it since you cooked dinner. You watched as Ellie made her way through the hallway, and out to the terrace, bringing her umbrella with her. Quietly you followed her, unsure of what your endgame was. You tightly wrapped your sweater around you, the chill from outside seeping through the walls. Ellie was sat on the edge of your terrace, staring out into the city. You watched her for a moment, content with just looking at her.
“What are you doing?” You called out from inside, causing her to turn her head and smile at you.
“It’s gorgeous,” Ellie told you, turning her head slightly towards the city beneath her.
“It’s raining.” You reminded her, the smile that was permanently on around her only growing. 
Ellie closed her umbrella and ran back inside next to you. Watching you as you closed the door shut behind her. You both stood there for a moment watching the rain pour from the warmth inside. 
“Sully won't come up here.” You blurted out. “He says there is a subconscious fear that you’ll throw yourself off, but he freaks when I get close to the edge too.”
Ellie remained quiet, smiling gently at you.
“Sorry about dinner.” You apologized for the tiny freakout you had.
“I’ve eaten worse.” Ellie laughed, trying to show you that she had no hard feelings toward you.
“I kind of went off.” You sighed, crossing your arms in front of you.
“You didn’t go off,” Ellie assured you gently, looking back at you with your eyebrows raised. “Okay, you went a little way off.” 
This time you both turned toward each other, the air once again thick between the two of you.
“You’re wet.” You said simply as you rubbed the water off her clothes. Ellie’s breath caught in her throat as you touched her.
“I’m fine.” Ellie laughed.
“And you’re cold.” You told her, pulling off your cardigan and beginning to wrap it around her shoulders.
“I’m fine.” She plead again, reaching for your wrist as you attempted to put your sweater on her.
“You can have it, really.” You told her. 
“I’m fine.” She said once more, finally giving up and you wrapped her in the sweater, pulling her close. If this was anyone else she would have kissed you right then and there. But you were you, and you were married. 
“Hey, what are you guys up to?” Sully called from downstairs, once again breaking the moment the two of you were sharing. 
Ellie took a step back away from you. This was a feeling she was unfamiliar with and that’s what scared her the most. She knew that you were going to be the death of her.
ai audios:
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allwaswell16 · 7 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that take place in the Victorian era as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please let the writers know through kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
~ Louis/Harry ~
🌿 A Taste of Desire by @casuallyhl
(E, 104k, omegaverse) Harry is the owner of the most successful cotton mill in Manchester, and Louis is an opinionated social activist about to disrupt Harry’s world.
🌿 Victorian Boy by @audreyhheart
(E, 101k, murder mystery) Victorian AU. Harry the virgin Duke of Somerset knows little of love, while Louis the sly Duke of Warwick knows too much. 
🌿 The Rose of Whitechapel by @itsmotivatingcara
(E, 100k, murder mystery) Jack the Ripper au - Detective Constable Harry Styles and his partner, DC Liam Payne, lead the case on the Whitechapel murders. Louis Tomlinson, the Rose of Whitechapel, is harbouring secrets of his own, along with a dark and sordid past. 
🌿 And down the long and silent street by whimsicule
(M, 86k, hurt/comfort) Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis' past finally catches up with him.
🌿 Coax the Cold by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics
(M, 86k, mermaid) When he hears whispers of a travelling freak show newly established in London claiming the existence of a monstrous sea hybrid, half-man, half-fish, Louis sees it as his ticket to credibility amongst his peers. 
🌿 Secrets in Winter by @softfonds
(E, 82k, omegaverse) If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
🌿 An Ever Fixed Mark (series) by My_words_fly_up
(E, 66k, sex work) Harry Styles lives quite scandalously in the slums of London and never expected to cross paths with a kind, well-bred gentleman like Louis Tomlinson. But once they meet neither will be the same again.
🌿 these still waters run deep by @levelofcharm
(E, 64k, aristocracy) Having accepted his engagement to Viscount Andrew, Louis is aware that it isn’t a love match and has no wish to be swept off his feet… until he meets the viscount’s brother, Harry, who makes him second-guess everything.
🌿 an everlasting eclipse by you_explode / @nobodymoves
(M, 63k, adaptation) Anne of Green Gables/Anne With An E AU. In 1891, orphan Harry is adopted by the Teasdales and goes to live on their small farm in Holmes Chapel. In his new life he finds supportive relationships, he finds himself, and eventually, he finds a home.
🌿 saw some things on the other side by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 61k, mystery) Louis’ plan doesn’t take into account the fact that instead of writing murder mysteries, he will find himself in one.
🌿 Forever Never Comes by Larry_you_know / @larryyouknow
(M, 25k, friends to lovers) Victorian au, where Harry Styles, the youngest son of the Duke of Sutherland, was always a little in love with his childhood friend Louis Tomlinson, the young Earl of Doncaster, though he would never have told him in a million years. 
🌿 The Four Seasons After You by neptune rising / @thelesserneptune
(E, 14k, adaptation) Corpse Bride inspired story where, after months of grief and guilt eating away at Harry’s soul, he finds forgiveness and tentative happiness in an advantageous marriage; only, Louis hasn’t quite caught up yet and isn’t ready to let him go so easily, not till death do them part - if that.
🌿 Even Supposing - by @casuallyhl
(M, 14k, established relationship) a Dickensian London AU where Harry and Louis overcome illness, small budgets, and their own stubbornness to give each other an unforgettable first Christmas together.
🌿 You Light Up the Path by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(T, 12k, mermaids) Harry, or so he likes to be called, is the myth and legend himself known as the Staithes Mermaid. No one has laid eyes on him, but everyone loves to tell tall tales.
🌿 lead me out on the moonlit floor by @scrunchyharry
(E, 12k, Christmas) Victorian!AU where Louis is a wealthy lord throwing a masquerade ball for his birthday and Harry is a toymaker who's only confident when he's wearing a mask.
🌿 We Never Said Our Love Was Evergreen by Pumpkinspice_Lou
(E, 9k, kidnapping) A Victorian Masquerade Ball AU where Harry is basically the Phantom of the Opera
🌿 You're Already Home by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 5k, historical fantasy) It's Christmas Eve and Harry's life is normal. Then he finds someone's barred the door to his favourite hiding spot -- the old groundskeeper's cottage -- and suddenly Harry's life isn't normal anymore.
🌿 Unto You by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 3k, winter) Louis is a lamplighter celebrating the saturnalia season in his own way. Harry is heavily pregnant and new in the city. The holiday of Christmas is yet to be created.
🌿 a rose by any other name by delsicle / @eeveedel
(G, 3k, omegaverse) Harry is a sheltered omega who is the pinnacle of good breeding, but the flowers in his family’s garden – and the alpha gardener who keeps them – prove to be his greatest weakness.
🌿 Rapture by @allwaswell16
(E, 3k, vampires) It was New Year's Eve in Victorian London, and a lonely vampire could no longer resist the stunning lamplighter he watched night after night.
🌿 Too Great a Temptation by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 2k, girl direction) Harry and Louis attend a fancy dress ball.
~ Rare Pairs ~
🌿 for years or for hours by narryblossom
(G, 8k, Niall/Harry) a Corpse Bride AU in which Harry wants to marry for love, and does, after The End.
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Recovery - Chapter 36
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Eminem x Female Reader Fanfiction
Synopsis : Reader and Em celebrate their first Thanksgiving together and she finally meets Kim.
The last thing Marshall expected was to get married again. After his second failed marriage to Kim, he swore he was done with marriage, and that he was done with her. He still loved her very much but he had to admit it eventually : it was never going to work between the two of them. Letting go of her and of their relationship was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do (even getting sober seemed easier than this), but he knew he had to, at least for the sake of his daughters. Every time they got back together after a breakup, the girls got their hopes up and it was heartbreaking. Plus, they were growing up and already smarter than their parents. It wouldn’t take long for them to realize that they were struggling, constantly cheating on each other, abusing substances… They simply couldn’t keep going on like this. When he got out of the courthouse after their second divorce was final, he swore he would never get married ever again, much less get back with her. And yet, more than a decade after, he was standing in a chapel with Kim, a minister and Paul as their witness. It wasn’t your usual wedding. In fact, it could barely qualify as a wedding. There was no service, no white dress, no guests… It was probably the best kept secret in America. Save for Paul and the minister, no one knew they were tying the knot again, not even his daughters. In fact, they were the last people he wanted to find out. They would never understand why their parents were getting married again. The first time, they got married on a whim, right before a tour. Kim had pressured him to propose because she feared he would be unfaithful while on tour (which eventually happened). The second time around, he actually pressured her into accepting when he proposed on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of their first date, only to file for divorce after less than ninety days of marriage. This time, though, that had nothing to do with love. He was marrying Kim out of necessity. She had tried to off herself, once again and, this time, she almost succeeded. If paramedics hadn’t been remarkably quick to save her, she would have left four children behind. Marshall was distraught by the thought that his kids could lose their mother. He knew he had to step up and do something. Especially when he was the one to blame in the first place for her substance abuse. 
Kim was a bit hard to convince this time, when he suggested they get married, but she ended up agreeing that it might make sense. If he was her husband, he would be able to make medical decisions and if, God forbid, something had to happen to her, it would be his responsibility to take care of her funeral, estate and her son’s upbringing. Otherwise, it would fall onto his daughters to do it all and care for Parker, but they were far too young for this. Kim didn’t love him anymore but she had always relied on him and his support when it came to her health, so she accepted. None of them were especially happy to tie the knot again but, at least, things would be taken care of. 
They got married in the utmost secrecy, Paul being the only person they knew who was aware of the wedding. Of course, the manager tried to dissuade him from marrying Kim again, but to no avail. The whole thing was expeditive : it took ten minutes, both of them wearing sweat suits and sneakers, no rings, going their separate ways after. Him leaving for a studio session in California, her going back to her rehab center. 
After that, they didn’t see each other for months, though they often spoke on the phone. They didn’t really mention being married again, save for a couple of jokes about how it might actually be their most successful attempt at a marriage. Maybe it was the best kept secret after all : you can be successful in marriage if you don’t love your spouse, don’t live with them and are only in this for practical reasons. They also didn’t really worry about a potential divorce. They had signed a prenup that would make it easy but they highly doubted it would come to that. They were pretty adamant about never getting married ever again (for real this time), to anyone else. They’d been broken up for a while and they didn’t love each other like that anymore, but they were in agreement that it would be unlikely for any of them to fall in love again, with anyone else. She wasn’t in a psychological state to date, and he was unavailable emotionally. As far as he was concerned, music was the only lady he was committed to, and he could make do with one night stands. When your relationships with women have been failures, you start to resign eventually. So he was at peace with his decision. It wasn’t like he wanted to be in a serious relationship with someone ever again anyway. 
He never really expected to regret marrying Kim for the third time. That was until Y/N walked in his life and things became more than serious between the two of them. At the beginning, even though he was head over heels in love with her, he sort of expected things to blow up between the two of them, so he didn’t bother telling her he was married. And sure enough, that’s what happened : they broke up because they were not in agreement when it came to the future, namely the topics of marriage and kids. He was distraught when she left but he didn’t blame her : she deserved to be happy and to have all her dreams come true. He knew he could not marry her and give her kids anyway. Letting her go was hard, but he loved her enough not to stand in the way of her dreams. But, by some divine miracle, she came back to him and their relationship got serious pretty fast. They even moved in together. He knew he probably should tell her, but he could never find the right time. First, they got back together, then some drama ensued when she learned that his assistant almost blew him a few days earlier, then they went on vacation with his family, then they almost broke up because he was a trauma-ridden asshole… He didn’t want to lie to her, but he also didn’t want to lose her. He could have gotten over his guilt by telling himself that no one else knew anyway, but when she mentioned him not being married to Kim anymore, he could barely ignore it. He knew he would have to tell her eventually, and hoped that she would understand. Because there was no way he could live without her. She was the one he wanted to grow old with. She might very well be the love of his life. So much so that, if he hadn’t been married to Kim, he might have considered proposing. That’s how in love he was. But for now, he could only pray everything would go well for their first holiday together. 
Y/N’s POV 
It was your first Thanksgiving with Marshall and you were happy to spend your first holiday together as a couple, after an eventful week. It was your first time seeing his brother and his family as an official girlfriend and, most of all, you were finally going to meet Kim. You knew you didn’t really have anything to worry about - Marshall had been pretty adamant - but you were starting to feel nervous as she walked through the door and you set your eyes on her for the first time. She was much taller than you, rather charismatic. There was something about the way she carried herself that made her sort of impressive. 
Hi ! You must be Y/N ! I’m Kim. It’s so nice to finally meet you, she said in a friendly tone. 
You too, you said shyly. 
Marshall stroked the back of your hand before greeting her. Their daughters were here, as well as Parker, Kim’s son, which made things less awkward. Nate and his family arrived too and the house was soon filled. It was a laid back atmosphere and Marshall seemed happy to have the people he loved around him. He was joking around with his brother and his nephews, whom he hadn’t seen in a very long time. They also remembered you and seemed happy to see you. 
Uncle Marshall ! Is it true that you have a girlfriend now ? Carter asked. 
It’s true, Marshall beamed. 
Hard to believe, huh ? Nate chimed in. The old man finally found someone to put up with him ! 
Where is she ? His nephew asked in excitement. 
I’m right here, you chuckled. 
Wait… I thought you were Hailie’s age, Liam asked with a hint of confusion in his eyes.
This is going to be fun, Nate said with a huge grin. 
Everyone was staring at the two of you with smirks on their faces. You blushed a little. You absolutely weren’t ashamed of your age difference, but you knew Marshall was a little more prone to this feeling. Also, there was something a bit unsettling about a child confronting you about it. 
Well, uh… I am Hailie’s age, you simply said. But sometimes, grown-ups fall in love with people who are a bit older. Or younger.
Yeah, but Uncle Marshall is like… really old, Carter said. 
Why, thanks, buddy, Marshall replied with a grin. So you expected me to end up alone or…?
No ! I figured you’d make friends at the retirement home, Liam shrugged. 
Everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and you could resist pecking his cheek. « I’m not that old » he muttered grumpily. Everyone hung out together and, once again, you proved bravery was not your strong suit. You methodically avoided standing anywhere near Kim. She was towering around six feet and you were feeling ridiculously small next to her. And she was definitely impressive, with some sort of mysterious aura. She was nice but, at the same time, keeping to herself and, whenever she spoke, she had some sort of sultry voice. For the first time ever, you felt conscious about your own voice and accent. Up until now, you had managed to stay sane and reasonable but you were starting to wonder what Marshall saw in you. You were not like Kim at all. Were you even his type…? Even Tracy had more in common with her. You, you were younger, nowhere near as charismatic either… To add to your misery, Kim even managed to make Marshall laugh. They obviously had their own inside jokes. Hailie, Alaina and Stevie seemed happy to spend the day with the two of them, though, and that was obviously the most important thing. 
I have a present for you, Stevie told you. Well, you and Dad, actually. 
I didn’t know we were supposed to exchange presents, you said shyly. 
We don’t, she giggled. And it’s nothing fancy ! But I hope you like it ! 
She handed you a small bag and you sat on the couch to open it, Marshall by your side. It was a photo album of gorgeous pictures she had taken with a disposable camera during your family vacations in Europe. There were a lot of candid shots of you and Marshall, that you hadn’t noticed her taking in the moment. One of the pictures was printed out and put in a frame. 
I thought you might want to have at least one picture of the two of you on display in the house, she said. 
You hugged her, almost emotional. It was a really beautiful shot of the two of you in Capri. It was taken from the back and Marshall was holding you and kissing your temple. You had spent a day on the island while you were in Italy and you absolutely loved it. You looked at the pictures in the album, reminiscing of your time in Europe. Some of them were really cute and sweet : Marshall sleeping on your shoulder on the jet, you, Hailie and Alaina drinking mocktails in Italy… Everyone looked at the photo and the girls provided commentary. 
We should really do this again, Alaina said with excitement. Europe was great ! 
It was, Marshall said with a smile. Maybe we could do that again. 
You got this man to travel and actually enjoy it ?! Nate asked you in disbelief. 
And she got him to reduce the amount of security, too, Stevie pointed out. We had a great time in Europe ! 
Who are you and what have you done to my brother-in-law ? Ashley joked. 
Is it Thanksgiving or is it “Let’s make fun of Marshall” day ? Marshall asked with an eye roll. 
Overall, you had a good day with everyone. You got to watch Marshall win his basketball game against Nate and everyone seemed to enjoy your cooking. Kim complimented you on your dish and joked that Marshall would definitely put on a few if you kept on feeding him french food. They joked around a lot and seemed like friends. In a way, they probably were. After all, Marshall had told you they met when he was fifteen and stuck together through thick and thin. After dinner, the whole family lounged in the living room, playing video games, drinking mocktails, talking… You had a great time with Nate, who made a point to call you his “favorite sister-in-law”, loud and clear right in front of Kim, who just rolled her eyes and pretended not to hear a thing. You didn’t really have the details, but you gathered they didn’t exactly get along. At some point, though, you realized that her and Marshall were nowhere to be seen. You did your best to appear unfazed. Once you were done, you stepped outside for some fresh air. You weren’t exactly big on gatherings and could feel a headache was on its way. You spotted Marshall and Kim talking from afar, seemingly having a serious conversation. At first, you didn’t think too much of it but jealousy poked its ugly head out when you saw her giving him a hug. You scoffed and went back inside, not willing to subject yourself to that. Hailie came to see you, making small talk. 
I wonder where Mom and Dad are, she said. Have you seen them ? 
I think they’re outside, talking, you replied with feigned ignorance. Do you want to go and get them ? 
It’s fine, she said. They’ve been out a long time, though. They’re probably talking about Christmas presents or something like that. 
You shrugged and quickly switched to another subject. The two of you went to the kitchen to make some tea and talk about what you could get Marshall for Christmas. She gave you a ton of ideas, which was pretty great. At some point, Kim and Marshall walked in and he chastised you for clearing the table and doing the dishes without him. 
You could have let me do it, he groaned. 
There it goes, Kim said playfully. Not a holiday unless Marshall gets grumpy. 
Not an actual day if he doesn’t get grumpy, you said with a smirk. 
Seems like you know him pretty well, she grinned. 
I don’t like this, Marshall sighed before pulling you to him and kissing your temple. 
They’re ganging up on you, Dad, Hailie warned. 
At least my children are nice to me, he said. 
Only because I need a favor, she said with a small smile. 
I knew it, he said with faux exasperation. What do you want ? Or should I ask how much this is going to cost ? 
Do you remember that one jacket that you had in one of your music videos ? I’d like to borrow it. We’re recording a new podcast episode soon and I have an outfit idea in mind, she said. 
Don’t you have your own clothes, though ? He asked with a smile. 
My followers love it when I pay tribute to you, she said. I’m merely indulging them. Please ? It’s Thanksgiving. 
Fine, he shrugged. But I’m going to need more details because “that one jacket from that one video” is a bit vague, Hay. 
Let’s just go look ! 
They went upstairs, leaving you alone with Kim. You were tempted to run away from the kitchen but it was impossible for you to do so without being painfully obvious. You were uneasy but she, on the other hand, seemed pretty comfortable. Why wouldn’t she, though ? She’d lived in that house for a while and she wasn’t new to the family either. She wasn’t the one out of place, here. You were. 
It’s, uh… It’s cute that she’s paying tribute to him in the podcast, you commented in an attempt to make small talk. 
It is, she replied with a smile. They have such a great relationship. He’s a great Dad. 
Yeah, he’s a great person, you said honestly. The best.
You’re all gushing, she teased. 
Sorry, you said awkwardly.
No, it’s sweet, she said. He’s really amazing so I’m happy he is with someone who sees it. 
I mean, he’s always been incredible to me, since we met, you confessed. 
About two years ago, right ? She asked with genuine interest. 
That’s right, you said. Our relationship is more recent, though. 
This, he told me, she chuckled. I probably shouldn’t tell you but he won’t shut up about you. 
Really ? You asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Oh, absolutely, she said. I think he even told me about you before you started dating. But that stays between us. 
Only if you told me what he said, you replied with a smile. 
The first time he ever mentioned you was when you had that incident at the bar, she said. He was pissed and worried. I could tell you meant a lot to him, by the way he talked about you. 
Oh wow, you said. I wasn’t expecting him to tell you about this. 
He doesn’t tell me everything, don’t worry, she chuckled. I happened to catch him on a day when he was pissed about it and he ended up telling me. But I could see he liked you. You know, it’s not often that he falls so hard for someone. 
I guess I’m pretty lucky, you said. 
I’d say he’s the lucky one, she pointed out. Seems like you gave up a lot to be with him. I mean, you moved to another country.
Yeah, well… He’s worth it, you said. I tried being without him and I didn’t like that. 
I saw him when you were broken up and he didn’t like it too much either, she said. You’re good for him. 
You think ? You asked with genuine curiosity. 
Well, you’re the only woman who got him to do therapy, she pointed out. Tried for years and he never agreed to it. 
You were surprised he told her about that, too. It was definitely weird, discussing your relationship with his ex wife, but her attitude put you at ease. It seemed like she genuinely wanted him to be happy. 
I’m really happy for you guys, she continued. I also wanted to thank you for having me today. I mean, you could have refused to meet me or have me in the house at all, a lot of people would have, but you didn’t. 
You debated telling her you couldn’t have put up much of a fight even if you had wanted to, since Marshall didn’t really give you a say in the matter. 
You’re welcome, you said. It’s a family holiday, both of you should be able to enjoy it with your kids. 
I’m really glad you see it this way, she said. It looks like we’ll be seeing each other a couple of times a year for a long time, so I’m really glad we get along. 
You’re not at all like I imagined, you couldn’t help but say. 
Meaning ? She asked with a grin. 
I mean… You know. You’re nice. 
She let out a hearty laugh and placed a friendly hand on your shoulder. 
Did you expect me to be the mean ex-wife full of spite ? She asked with a smirk. 
No… I mean… Kind of ? You explained sheepishly. For the record, no one spoke ill of you. But I figured… You know, there’s history. And usually, ex-wives and new girlfriends don’t get along. 
Well, there comes a point in life where you just have to accept that things don’t work out, she said. I’ll be honest : I will always love Marshall. He has saved me in more ways than one. But I’m just not in love with him anymore, you know ? Now, we’re just rooting for each other to be happy. And if that’s any comfort, I was a bit anxious to meet you, too. 
Were you ? You asked in surprise. 
Of course ! He told me you were amazing, and I know the girls like you, but… you know. You’re still the first person he fell in love with after me. It’s the end of an era. I’m not proud of it, but I guess I sort of liked having this bond with him, she explained. But hey, I’m happy for you guys. I really am. I mean, you’re so much nicer than the last one I met anyway… 
Who was it ? You asked with curiosity. 
Tracy, she said as she rolled her eyes. I hate that woman. 
Just like that, the two of you were like old friends. Proof that no one gets people closer than hating on the same person if there was ever a need for one. There was no real depth to it, just Kim feeding you old gossip and hating on Tracy. You were giggling like schoolgirls when Marshall walked back in the kitchen. 
Everything alright ? Marshall asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
Yes, you said with a genuine smile. 
I’m telling your lovely girlfriend what a terrible man you are. Just so that she knows what to expect, Kim said jokingly. 
Marshall glared at her, obviously not amused by the joke and she simply shook her head before going back to the living room, leaving the two of you alone. 
She didn’t say anything, you reassured him. 
What’s with all the giggling then ? 
Secrets, you chuckled. You’re right, she is pretty cool. 
Mmmh, he said with a small frown. 
He seemed pretty preoccupied, as if he were actually worried that Kim might let something slip. However, you didn’t pay it too much attention. You’d had a few talks about how abusive he’d been in the past, and you figured he just didn’t want you to be reminded of that, especially when you’d gone through a rough patch. You took advantage of no one being in the room to pull him in for a deep kiss. 
I’m so in love with you, he said. 
I love you too, you said. I’m so glad we’re celebrating our first Thanksgiving together. 
Me too, he replied. I can’t even tell you how happy I am that you get along with my family. Nate told me earlier how great he thinks you are. You’re so perfect. I’m so blessed to be with you. 
So… Am I on the list of what you’re thankful for ? You mused. 
You are the list, he said before kissing your forehead. 
The two of you went back to hang out with the others. Everyone was sitting on the couch while Stevie was showing them something on her iPad. 
You guys are just in time for my yearly presentation, she said with a smile. 
Shit, I thought I managed to miss it, Marshall chortled. 
What presentation ? You asked. 
Every year on Thanksgiving, Stevie tried to guilt trip us into adopting pets from the shelter she volunteers at, Nate explaied. 
They need a home, she pointed out. 
As long as it’s not my house, Marshall said with a grin. 
We usually get out of it by donating a bunch of money, Alaina said. 
You sat on the couch, curling on Marshall’s side as Stevie did her presentation, starting with dogs. Then, she got to cats and, as soon as you saw the first one, you fell in love. It wasn’t a cute kitten you would have expected to swoon over. It was a thirteen year-old cat with feline dwarfism that gave him a grumpy look. He had a few patches of missing hair and wouldn’t qualify as a beautiful cat but there was something about him that drew you in. 
Oh my God, he is adorable, you said. 
Adorable ? That… thing ? Marshall asked with a grimace. 
Have you seen him ? You asked him with love in your eyes. 
Have you ?! 
He’s old, and he’s grumpy, and I love him already, you said. 
Old and grumpy… I think that woman has a type, Kim said, causing everyone to laugh. 
Marshall looked at you while you made eyes at him while whispering “please, please, please”. After a few seconds he sighed and agreed. 
Alright, he sighed. I guess we’re getting a cat. But please give him a cool name. I can’t have a cat with a stupid name like “Fluffy”. 
It should be rap-related, Alaina suggested. 
I like that, Marshall said. 
How about Mew Tang Clan ? You asked. Or Wiz Catlifa ? He looks like a Wiz ! 
Ok, Marshall chuckled. Anything you want. Let’s go for Wiz Catlifa. 
You jumped at his neck and kissed his cheek, feeling like a kid on Christmas Day. He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your temple. You’d had a shitty week but you were incredibly happy, with the man you loved by your side, who agreed to go to the shelter with you the following week. 
Eventually, after a while, everyone left. Kim was the last one to say her goodbyes. As she went through the door, she turned to Marshall and looked at him with a smile. 
Oh, and, Marsh ? You’re off the hook. Happy Thanksgiving. 
You had no idea what that meant, and you figured out it was one of their inside jokes or something like this. You were just happy that everything had gone smoothly. Plus, you actually like Kim and were happy to get along with her. Marshall, however, seemed a little puzzled. He nodded silently. 
You were all relaxed as you went to bed. The nerves had drained you out from your energy.
Are you alright, babe ? Marshall asked as you rested your head on your pillow. 
Tired, but I had a good time. I can’t believe we’re getting a cat ! You said giddily. 
Only you could make me agree, he chuckled. When our last cat died, I swore we wouldn’t get another one. But if it makes you happy… 
It does, you said with a smile. I love him already. Have you seen him ? 
I have. You picked me so I knew you had bad taste but this… This is ultimate proof, babygirl, he chuckled. 
Shut up, you said with a pout. I won’t have you speak ill of our cat. 
“Our cat”, he said pensively. I like the sound of that. It’s like starting a little family with you. 
You giggled and nuzzled his neck, placing a small kiss there and prompting him to pull you closer to him. 
You’re all romantic, you said. 
You’re worth it, he said. I love you.  And the whole family fell in love with you, it seems. 
Did they ? 
They did, he nodded. Even Kim. I don’t know how you did that, honestly. 
Maybe she’s just pretending, you said. 
I don’t think she is, he said intently. Whatever. I’m just happy they like you. 
You nodded and nuzzled his neck. 
Happy Thanksgiving, my love.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
“Since the Cerritos is statistically the horniest and least romantically committed crew in Starfleet, we have no married officers aboard.”
- Lower Decks S4 EP6
First off if this is referring to just their current time period then yes I’d probably agree BUT since it’s a show and I think the creators were making a clever nod towards other shows I’d like to point out some things
This’ll get long. (Spoilers for TOS, TNG, DS9, & SNW)
Both Spock and McCoy are divorced (McCoy twice over)
Whatever was going on between Spock and Chapel ???
Kirk is apparently too committed to the enterprise (yeah definitely the ship… nobod-nothing else) to commit to any of the women that he has definitely fucked
Kirk didn’t commit to Carol Marcus and she had his son
The Shore Leave episode
Theodore Sturgeon’s letter about the Shore Leave episode
Episodes with “Paradise” in their name
Must I bring up Amok Time?
Half the crew is just in love with the ship and all their relationships fail. The one time someone tries to get married their spouse dies
Jean Luc is happy as is … Q however
Q is the horniest motherfucker for that frenchman and I’m counting him
Beverly with the ghost
Oh yeah Jean Luc literally kills two spouses (Crusher and Sisko) he’s actively uncommitting the romantics
The show’s SECOND EPISODE is where everyone gets super horny and fucks each other
Even the “emotionless” android gets some (I cannot blame Tasha one bit, Godspeed)
That’s all I remember from this show
Julian Bashir’s original name was Dr. Amoros. He is doctor dick.
Lwuxana Troi wants Odo so bad but that goop ain’t committing
Whatever is going on between Odo and Quark
Need I mention Garak?
Mirror universe (Kira is about to kiss herself)
Almost every character is dating each other in this show and they made it canon for several but they all fall apart (Except Rom and Leela cause they’re perfect)
The O’Brien polycule… I drew it out but it got more complicated than the O’Briens (basically Julian is best friends with Miles who is married to Keiko. Keiko was on a shuttle while pregnant with Julian and Kira when there was a crash and Julian had to transfer the child from Keiko into either him or Kira, so Kira volunteered. She ends up living with the O’Brien’s while carrying the child and bonds with both of them (to the point both she and Miles think it’s weird). Kira eventually gets with Odo who is Quark’s nemesis and Quark is crushing on Jadzia who is exes with Julian who is (somewhat unknowingly) courting Garak. Jadzia Dax becomes married to Worf but I think her and Sisko have definitely fucked. Sisko is married to Kasidy and enemies with Gul Dukat who reciprocates that but is also fixated on Kira who hates him. Did I miss something?)
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Now, I bet they did not count DS9 in their statistics because it’s a station not a ship but also because they’d always win this contest
Spock and T’Pring
Spock and Chapel
Spock and Kirk
Other Kirk and La’an
Kirk and Carol ???
(All of them fail that’s why I bring it up)
Pelia has been married to another woman (not canon but it’s gotta have happened, right?)
Whatever was going on between Una and Neera in the court episode
There’s no way Uhura’s in a relationship (they might set her up with Scotty next season but I’d like to see her and Chapel)
The others do not seem romantically committed to other people
Pike’s weird dinner parties
To be honest Lower Decks is maybe the most outright vulgar in its language but most of the time it’s a feel good show about a bunch of best friends. Their captain is married, their CMO and head security officer are in a (happy?) relationship, and third thing here.
I haven’t seen any of Voyager or Enterprise and I don’t think Discovery is that horny/romantically uncommitted
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heartbranches · 1 year
Spoilers for Strange New Worlds
Wow. That latest episode was a banger.
For those of you who haven't seen it, skip this post!
So there's a lot of ambiguity over what M'benga does to Rah at the end. Does he stab him in cold blood? Does Rah start it? Does Rah deserve it? I've seen people talking about it as an intellectual exercise and yet, I'm not really struggling with this one.
I'm coming at this with having personal experience with PTSD, and if the son of a bitch who gave me that PTSD is now walking around like his farts smelled like roses, while I get to spend my days wallowing in terror and pain, and now wants to to use ME as a means of proving that his halo is made of pure gold when my blood is made of acid thanks to him?
No matter how many times I tell him NO?
Fuck that motherfucker. He is getting stabbed in the FACE.
Because not once, does Rah acknowledge the damage he has done to M'benga or to Ortegas and Chapel. This is very telling for people who just want to be Forgiven and Need a Second Chance and are Atoning. What are you doing for the people you *actually* hurt? If you are sincere about changing and being better you acknowledge that not everyone is going to give you a hug and hear you apologies. You can't force your apology on people. You can't force people to forgive you (like Rah found out).
Rah literally walked up on a pissed off angry grizzly bear that he had personally and thoroughly tormented and enraged, and tried to force it to hug him. How in God's name did he think that was going to work out?
(and in b4 someone comments on my usage of grizzly bear, when I'm triggered sometimes I feel like a giant feral grizzly bear that's about to start eating furniture, hence the metaphor)
People who haven't been traumatized often don't get that. They want you to play nice. They want things to be good and easy. They want nice edges and soft surfaces. They want you to fold your trauma away and give your tormentor a handshake because the messy business of your trauma doesn't fit with anyone's gameplan. Which often isolates and makes the trauma even worse.
There's the banger of the line that I'm paraphrasing here, that "Some things can't be fixed, only managed" and it was like, YES, THAT, EXACTLY. That's what it feels like, some days.
It also makes Chapel's character make sense in a whole new way, too. Doesn't want relationships. Doesn't want to be tied down in any way. Doesn't want anyone getting close to her, even if she starts to have feelings for them. Because if they get close to her and see what she saw there, and see the broken, jagged, ugly pieces inside of her, she might start screaming and just not stop.
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
a photo of kyle sends you silly
kyle broflovski x gn!reader cw: implied neglectful relationship ?? also bittersweet ending wc: 449
an: i think i love this zsmmszmszm
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You were scrolling through the gallery of your phone, looking at photos of your boyfriend, Kyle. You came across one that got you particularly smitten with him even further.
It was a picture you took of him.
You two were on an impulsive trip upstate, living in a rented-out RV for a few days as you visited whatever attraction and nature you two came across. You two were just kids that wanted to have some fun, not thinking too much about monetary expenses. Living in the moment would be the exact phrase to describe the time you spent with Kyle during that trip.
In the photo, Kyle was photographed in the forest, relatively close to the camera. His gaze wasn’t set on your phone, though. It was focused somewhere else. Talk about a candid photo, right?
He was gorgeous in it. I mean, he always was, but this picture encapsulated everything wonderful about his beauty.
The sun grazed his face bright enough to showcase the faintest of freckles on his face but not too bright to make him look like he was meeting god himself. His hair was fixed but tidy. His grin, with his practically perfect teeth, shone. The nose of his that he hated but you adored looked like it was delicately carved by Prometheus itself.
His eyes were the best part of that photo, though. They gleamed in the sun. The small specks of brown in his green eyes were highlighted. They were slightly downturned, but the smile on his face had covered that detail up. Not that you found that hideous about him, no, his doe-like eyes softened his sharp features.
You felt like you were looking at the Sistine Chapel whenever you looked at him. 
The biggest grin was on your face. You were so stuck on him. Just the fact that he was your boyfriend blew your mind. Out of all people, you couldn’t believe that a man that is as wonderful and perfect as he chose you to love.
You remembered the flowers he sent you, the love letters he wrote, and the kisses he gave. Fuck, you would trade anything for him.
You felt tears prick at your eyes, not out of sadness but of happiness. Your heart was just so full of him that you couldn’t contain it in yourself. No, you had to expel your feelings out one way or another.
You missed him. You missed him a lot. He wasn’t dead or anything, no. You just kind of missed the person he was before—when he used to send you all those reminders of his love for you. You wondered if he still loves you like you love him.
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annaofaza · 1 year
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This reminds me of this scene from TriStamp, where Legato's telling Wolfwood that in order to become the perfect tool for Knives and the Eye of Michael:
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Wolfwood doesn't need love and connections; those need to die to be the best soldier. Chapel's espoused it, too. It's a fairly common theme for others (mostly elders but that's another meta) to call heroes to not be tethered to earthly attachments. (We see it in Avatar, for instance, and Star Wars... And look how well that ended up for the Jedi and Anakin.)
Evangelicals especially believe that perfect faith means living to go to heaven. To be a true believer means to commit yourself wholly to worship. You're not an individual. I think of Jane Grey's last letter to her sister, Katherine, before she was beheaded after refusing Queen Mary's offer to convert to Catholicism to save her life:
"[This Bible that she sent Katherine] will teach you to live and learn you to die ... Now as touching on my death, rejoice as I do, my dearest sister, that I shall for losing of a mortal life, win one that is immortal, joyful, and everlasting..."
Legato believes himself the perfect soldier for Knives, to whom he's devoted his life. And we all know how pretty obsessed and rabid he is to the mission. (You didn't need to invent the killing game, buddy.)
But emotions and connections are what makes us human! Legato and Chapel's philosophies are what Vash rejects! That's what his friends, both alive and deceased, have come to believe, who are arguably richer for having those things in their lives.
And Legato himself isn't immune to petty, earthly desires:
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See also: Legato sobbing as he sees nearly-dead Knives post-July:
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What does Legato get for his tears, his (pretty much) life-long devotion? Disgust, Knives telling him that it's "annoying," and to basically shut up. SPOILER: And ultimately, his own death.
What does Wolfwood get?
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Still death—but genuine peace, knowing he's loved by his old home and his friend. Who buries him, who mourns him, who (figuratively—in '98, this is quite literal) carries him as a talisman to the end. I'd argue that Wolfwood is more fulfilled by his relationship with one of two so-called angels—in all his doubt, fear, anger, and cutting arguments.
And afterwards? SPOILER: Knives doesn't get a mourning panel for Legato or even a simple complaint of "you killed my best servant." Wolfwood is beloved. Wolfwood is remembered by Vash, by Livio, by the people of No Man's Land (so says "Les Enfants"). Wolfwood is the one who's immortal.
I mean, at the end of the day, you can argue: Who cares? Both of them are dead. That's fair enough. But I think Nightow is conveying much, much more than that.
Side note: In terms of full individual sacrifice, the Bible says different things. (What else is new?) Via Jesus: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” and also “Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” So fuck if I know.
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dearlymrme · 2 years
On The Contrary (Copia x Reader) Part 2
Summary:   Newly converted and when your secret gets out you’re asked by not only your Papa, but also your best friend, to take part in one of the grandest ceremonies there is with him.
Part One Here
Copia x Reader || Papa Emeritus IV x Reader || Established Relationship || Virgin Sacrifice || Intercourse || Exhibitionism ||  Orgy || WC: 6968
"Brothers and Sisters of Sin. From this altar bed, we are gathered at mass today to perform a momentous ritual to invoke our master and procreate the unholy bastard." Copia says with tenor, addressing the congregation that had gathered at the chapel, all looking with glee and excitement. At this moment. He is Papa Emeritus IV. He is confident. He is a powerful man who lets nothing scare or threaten him. He is a figure to be gasped at in awe, with his paints immaculate and back straight. He is an unholy voice and vessel for their Lord.
Dressed in black papal robes, tailored specifically for this ritual, golden grucifix decorate the collar and shoulders with swirling designs trailing down his clothes. He is ceremonious, and when he gestures to you beside him, all eyes that were locked onto his presence switch to you.
You nearly shrink under the weight of their gaze, but then he sees you stand straighter, square your shoulders, and look out over the crowd with sure fire in your eyes. He smiles at the sight as you seem to channel your own inner Papa and grow strong before them, and you are a sight to behold as well.
Copia looks your body up and down with barely concealed desire. The ceremonial dress you were wearing accentuates your curves, and the white brings out the color of your features. Even though it was more lingerie than it was a dress, a cute babydoll gives the provocative idea that just because you were innocent didn’t mean you were ‘innocent’. Your hair looks radiant, and your eyes shine in the candlelight. It sends fire to his groin. He's never seen you so exposed like this before, and as you subtly shift in place, rubbing your thighs together, he smiles, knowing you are just excited as he is.
Copia was going to wreck you. Of course, gently at first, but the end goal was to make this night as memorable as possible. As he was, he was already having to hold back from ravaging you, barely concealed desire that formed in his tightly curled fists, with his knuckles bleached white.
Sitting in the pews, some of the siblings looked happy for you, happy to be a part of what was to come, and another looks as though to say 'fucking finally'. You see a few sisters you had gone to ask about the ghouls that had given you those secretive smiles, those who bit their lips and girlish giggled at your mild expense, now they look almost proud of you with some red in the face and others just grinning outright.
Speaking of ghouls, they were in the rafters. You glanced up at them, nervous, because you see tails flicking like an angry cat. Even though they wore their masks and the chapel was well lit, you could see their eyes practically glowing. You worry that a fight could break out, but they seemed calm enough despite what happened a few days ago. Copia noticed them too, knowing that they wouldn't dare to make a move against him now. Not after loudly announcing the past few days that he had outright claimed you for himself.
The weak followed the strong, and Copia was the strongest man in the church.
You bite your lip and turn your gaze down to grip the fabric of your 'dress'. There was nothing else underneath it, and shuffling your legs, your inner thighs were slick and wet from growing, mounting excitement. You didn't think you would be very into this, but looking out at the crowd and knowing just what was to come, to be seen by everyone and getting the chance they didn't. It did something for you you weren't expecting.
It made you feel a little embarrassed.
It made you feel very powerful.
You smirk to yourself at the thought of what your parents would say if they could see you now. Your mother would probably faint.
Copia addressed the crowd again and offered his hand to you. One you quickly took and squeezed, but he now knew it to be out of excitement rather than anxiety.
"A virgin sacrifice to be corrupted in the name of our evil Lord." He practically growled, rolling the words on his tongue and his lips pulling up in excitement. You shuddered as a hot flash of arousal scales down to your lower belly. He was doing that again.
Copia was just your friend. Yes, you had very good chemistry. It was fun to avoid your duties to whisper to him between the shelves of the library. When you brought up Latin to try and break the ice, it was like you took a hammer to his shell. He lit up like a child at Christmas. His words went from awkward mumbles to clear accentuated and confident. His eyes shined, and color came to his cheeks as his smile grew wide. He was passionate. He was happy.
You realized how deep your feelings had gotten when you desired to see it again. When you asked him for more and more about his hobbies just to listen to him talk about what he loved. His energy was contagious, and when he smiled at you, it sent warmth through you.
When he’s passionate, it makes you giddy. Like he’s being right now.
"I am sure all of you are excited. Tonight is a night we all are encouraged to give in to the sin of lust." He licks his lips and gives a smile. "...More than usual."
There is a small bit of laughter before a ghoul, Dew, starts to sweep through the pews with a platter. Many people reach for the silver dish and withdraw with foil pinched in their fingers.
You realize they are condoms and flush.
Copia and you had already discussed over the past few days what you wanted to do in terms of protection. You had surprised him when you told him you wanted to go without.
"The unholy bastard bit is just for show. You're not Mama, and if you don't feel like you -" He brings that up, and you quickly cut him off, having been reminded of who you weren't but dreamed of being.
"It feels different without it, doesn't it?" You had asked him, and he nodded. "I’m on birth control. We can do it without." As soon as you joined the Church, you had put yourself on it, the just in case for when you actually had the nerve to ask.
That had been the plan. After all, it was as he said, you weren't his partner or Mama. This was just a one-time thing you told yourself and didn't dare to hope.
Copia reaches forward to cup you by the back of the neck. It's a hard thing not to lift your shoulders and tense, but the touch feels grounding.
"Before we begin, there is something our little ghuleh here has to say."
You lick your lips and look out amongst the suspecting crowd and clear your throat.
"My body and spirit are willing." You state, voice ingrained in steel, reciting another thing that you and Copia had gone over days prior. This was important to say. It was part of the ritual and also to let everyone know that everything to come was fully consensual. This was planned with no surprises.
Copia gives a happy smile and a single clap of his hands, nearly jerking you out of your skin at the suddenness of it.
“Then let’s begin!” Copia cheers, and the crowd starts to applaud before he turns to you and takes you by the hand.
“We do this at your speed, cara mia.” You bite your lip at his name for you and nod. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as Copia folded his hand towards the altar in front of you. The wood was covered with a cushion for comfort, and you turned to sit at the edge of the table.
“How do we start?” You ask him, ignoring the burning stares at your back and Copia gestures to all of himself.
“How do you want to start?” You lick your lips and tentatively reach out to brush your hand across his covered chest, surprised by how soft the fabric of his robe was.
“Do we just bunch it up or-?” He snickers and reaches between his legs to show a part in the fabric that starts at his hip. You then flush when you catch sight of his cock standing at half mast, surprised. He sees your shocked face and smiles. Of course he’s hard already. How could he not be with the sight of you? Anybody with eyes would be turned on at your appearance.
You quickly find your mouth watering at the sight and swallow before you reach down to run your thumbs down the side of his cock and explore it. With a cock like this, you're sure it's not hard for him to get laid. You've never really seen one in person before that's not from watching porn and even you know that he's well endowed. He’s thick, more girth over length, and your insides clench tightly in anxiety, because no amount of preparation is going to make this altogether painless.
At the featherlight skim of your fingers, Copia’s stomach clenched as he gave a small hiss. Your hands are soft and warm. He impressively manages to keep still as you damn him with curious touches. You peak at him from under your lashes and then squeeze him by his shaft, earning a low moan from his throat. Your small hesitation quickly evaporates at his pleased sounds.
You slide your hand up and play at the head of his cock, surprised that he is circumcised. His dick quickly becomes harder in your hand, and his girth now is even more impressive. You swallow thickly at the sight. It was easy to see how having this kind of effect on a man could make sex one of the most addicting things in the world. But that could be because this man was Copia. You couldn't see yourself doing this with anyone else besides him.
Your eyes widen at this realization and you gulp, quickly distracting yourself by thumbing at the small bead of liquid forming at the tip of his cock. You catch it on your skin and bring your thumb up to your mouth for a taste and it's sour, salty, strong. It didn't taste bad and you know diet is what makes up most of the taste. It wasn't altogether unpleasant but it wasn't a flavor you wouldn't really go for in the market.
Copia watches you as you contemplate the taste and soothes his hands down your shoulders, skimming them over your stomach before resting on your thighs.
“May I?” He asked you casually. You give a firm nod of your head, and he presses his palm to your lower stomach with firmness. “Lay back, mia angelo. Let me take care of you.”
His soft spoken order sends heat igniting in your stomach, and you nod, taking a deep breath before doing as he commands and lay back against the altar. He smirked as once your head was just shy over the other side of the altar. He saw you flush, knowing full well that from that vantage, you still had a view of the congregation.
Sisters look at you with excitement, and already, they are dividing in pairs between themselves. Odd couples that’s heated kisses are quickly turning into needy touching and palming. Clothes are beginning to come off, and small moans start to sound through the chapel. Not everyone was taking part in the dance. A few people simply sat on the pews and watched, hands exploring themselves as they got to witness you experience what nearly every sister and brother of sin dreamed of.
You take a deep breath and look down your chin at Copia. You hand tightening to fists at the cushion, and you bite your lip to stop from grinning like an excited groupie.
He smirks, looking absolutely wicked, between your legs, with his palms sliding up. You heard yourself swallow when his thumbs rubbed circles over your inner thighs. Your voice cracked as soon as he pulled them apart to spread around his head, and his lips latched onto the tangy bundle of flesh he’d been lying to himself that he didn’t want to taste. His tongue slid up under the nerves, flattened out before he started swirling firm, then soft and then a suckle before circling you again and again. One of his hands held back your thigh as his other fingers came down to spread your lips in a ‘v’ and hold them back for him to feast.
A strangled sound leaked out of your throat as he went to work. In contact with his tongue against your slick divide, you tense and moan at the unique and foreign feeling. His tongue feels like warm wet velvet and soothes over your folds with purpose before Copia dives into your wet cunt.
“...Oh Lord.” You whimpered and prayed, churning your hips back and forth, shoving yourself into his hungry mouth. He could feel your thigh muscles under his palm quivering.
“Please.” You moaned for more.
He mouthed your plea into your slippery folds before giving them a rough suck. More of your sweetness and moans flowed, tasting sweet and sounding like music to his ears. He wanted more of you. He’s never tasted anything as good as the desire you leaked into his hungry mouth. He’s been denying himself this for too long.
The two of you could have been doing this ages ago. If he would have asked…if you would have asked.
“P-Papa.” You stuttered, your hand reaching down to smooth your fingers through his hair. No, that name didn’t sound right. You know that’s who he is at the moment, but it felt wrong to call him that during this. You swallow, take a breath, and moan again as you dig your nails into his scalp.
He shudders, the moan of his name on your lips is delicious, and sent heat shooting down into his loins. To hear you say it so intoxicatingly sweet, he wants to hear you say it again just like that if not louder.
He nipped at you in appreciation. The way your thigh muscles jumped in his hand and how the back of your knee draped over his shoulder was going damp with sweat. You were getting wetter, hotter, you were getting close. So, as your back arched, he latched onto your clit and sucked then slid one finger into your searing heat and curled it.
Your moans cut off at the first stroke. His fingers dug into your thigh as the damn broke, and you bucked and tensed, coming. Copia moaned as he could feel your contractions fluttering around his finger as you pulled him in and roughly ground against him, chasing the euphoric feeling before finally it all drained out of you. His tongue continues to lavish you through the convulsions until suddenly it’s too much. You grab him by his hair and give him a small tug to get him to come off as your moans of pleasure turn into a wail of overstimulation.
But he keeps going, adding a second finger and pistoning at a rapid pace and curling in a come hither motion forcing you to nearly rock off the altar.
“Haa! Aahaaa!” You moan and toss your head back and forth as he assaults the bumpy and hard gland inside of you causing your lower stomach to tingle with heat, rapidly growing again the size of a balloon before it pops and you arch your back as you crash into your second orgasm with a sob. Your thighs tremble around his head. You fist his hair as your lower stomach jumps and sob leaves your mouth. You shiver as though struck with a chill and try to catch your breath as he laps up your release like it’s a fine liquor.
Copia gave one finally lick before releasing you and pulling out his soaked finger. The pads of his digit were spongy, and a thin string of moisture connected between you and the tip. He lifted himself off of your folds and gave you a shiny grin, the entirety of the lower half of his face was wet with your release and his paints were smeared from the roughness of eating you out. His hair, normally stylishly swept back, was tousled and hung down in his face.
He devilishly stuck his finger into his mouth to suck off the remains of your climax. He then sighed, tracing his hands over your thighs as he gave you both a moment to catch your breath.
“I’m going to start stretching you now, cara.”
“Okay.” You dazedly replied, still shaking through the aftermath of two of the best orgasms you’ve ever had so far.
“You’ve been practicing, like we discussed, yes?” You’ve not been guilty enough not to chase after your own pleasure by yourself before. You’ve used your fingers, however it’s all you’ve ever used and only ever two. Copia had told you to stretch, get used to the feeling, and try more than one.
“Work up to three.” He had advised and given the size of his cock you understand now why such a specific number.
“Yeah.” You admitted.
Before he brushes his fingers back to your cunt you hold out your hand and make a grabbing motion for him.
“Wait, come here.” You demand more than ask, and he bows over you before you once again brush your fingers through his hair and bring him into a deep kiss.
He groans as he dips his tongue into your mouth, allowing you to taste your own flavor. You're not turned off by it. In fact, it makes your core feel even hotter. You broke the kiss with a deep sigh and brushed your nose against his. His breath was hot on your already burning face, and sweat had already begun to bead on the both of you. The room had been steadily heating up with time, the body heat of much more than just a handful of people was turning the cathedral into an oven.
Copia lets you hold him for a moment, reaching up to cup your cheek. He gives you a warm smile and a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Okie dokie?” He asks, and you choke at the question, moving your arm up to cover your eyes as you start to laugh.
“You…” You snort, shaking your head in disbelief at the ridiculousness of this man, but that’s one of the reasons why you loved him. You cleared your throat from the giggles and nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m ready.”
“Okie dokie!” He repeats with pep, and the giggles start up once again.
Coupled with the still pleasant after effects of your orgasm, the laughter helps to keep you relaxed as he reinserts his fingers at your cunt and slowly begins to scissor them. Two is fine, it's nothing too strenuous and you clench on his preparatory digits as he curls them against the firm spongy part of your walls again that has a pleased sigh leave you lips. He works them carefully and begins to prod you with his third. That’s when the sting starts but you're plenty wet there is no problem with him slipping it. He then rubs his thumb against your clit and your leg jerks from the oversensitivity.
His cock throbs when your walls clench around his fingers. He tries not to think with his dick, this is more about you than it is him, but he can’t wait to feel you around his cock. He can’t wait to have you gasping and moaning as he spears your innocence. He’s looking forward to how you feel when you strangle him in your velvet heat.
He stretches you for a good few minutes before he starts to thrust them again, curling them and attacking your spongy walls with gentle thrusts. You start to moan again, your body starting to tense once more. He could likely rangle another orgasm out of you from his hand alone, but he himself is getting antsy. He leans down and presses a kiss to one of your knees.
“Do you think you’re ready?” He asks, and you shuffle on his fingers. You groan and start to rock your hips against his hand again. The squelch wet sounds of your juices slicked with his penetrating digits are easily lost in the background noise of those behind you. Lewd moans and wet slaps of balls meet skin and hips colliding. Your ears and face were already red, but the cacophony of sex only serves to make you wetter.
“Y-Yeeeah.” You moan like a whore and try not to be too disappointed when he removes his fingers. Copia smiles then bows his head to give your clit a small kiss before standing straight.
Your stomach does a somersault as you watch him grab his cock and give it a firm stroke. It looks angry, a bright red and swollen thick. You begin to get nervous again as he glides his dick up and down your folds. You try to remind yourself to stay relaxed when he finally begins to slip in his cock. It's uncomfortable. It's a smooth glide given how wet you are but your brows pinch as you feel your walls stretching hot to accommodate him.
His hand on your stomach lowers down to the hood of your clit again before rubbing circles at it with his thumb. Your thighs tense and you give a whimper at the small volt of contradictory pleasure against the intrusive penetration. The fingers were one thing, this is a completely different monster.
It would be a good distraction if it didn't overwhelm you in a way that all together felt too much at once. You can practically feel your heartbeat through the heat of your walls as they mold to this new shape. It's borderline painful, but not enough you want to stop.
Certainly enough that you reach for Copia's hand to draw him away from your clit to hold onto instead. This was better.
He looks at your discomforted face and gives your hand a sympathetic squeeze before he notices something you don’t and his eyes go wide.
"Dolcezza. It would be easier if you breathed." He encourages, and at his advice, you realize at some point you had started holding your breath. You exhale, a lot of your tension going out with it, your muscles relaxing from the action, and with it comes some small relief, yet you can't help the small whimper that follows.
"Just the head. I promise it gets easier after that." He groaned. The tightness of you was almost enough to hurt and more than enough to take his breath away and leave him panting. He's so happy you decided to do this without the condom. He gets to feel every bit of your hot and slick wet walls clentch at him. It shook him to the core. You bite your lip as he lifts your joined hands to pepper kisses to your knuckles in an effort to distract both you and himself.
You shuffle as he painstakingly slowly presses forward, and then you frustratingly cross your legs behind his back before kicking your heels against his ass to drag him further forward. Him going slow only seems to draw out the discomfort.
"Do it quickly, like a bandaid." You repeat his peppy words from days before. He frowns in concern .
"You sure?" You nod and tap him again on the rear. You can adjust when he's fully seated. He nods and then starts to rock. You hiss between your teeth as he's able to feed more and more of himself into your cunt. He's right, the head is the hard part but it feels like once you're adjusted to it the rest of his length is easy sailing. The next thing you know his hips are flushed against yours and you're both shaking.
There is sweat starting to bead at your skin and pool down between your breasts only to disappear into the fabric of white. Copia wanted to dip his tongue down there and never get back up, but you needed patience, and he would be that for you. That didn’t stop him from letting go of your hand to run over your sides, trying to distract you.
You snicker at the featherlight touches, and he traces over your skin before he's leaning down to kiss you. You meet him halfway. Your lips knock into his sweetly, and you quickly get lost in the lashes of his tongue as he plays with your mouth. One of his hands rests on your cheek, and his thumb brushes away the loose tear of discomfort.
He tries to break the kiss but a quiet whine snuck into his mouth from your throat just as your hands flatten out over his chest, quickly sliding up around to the back of his neck, dragging him back further into your kisses, then you suck on his tongue for more. He can't refuse you. You taste like fine wine, and he groans into your kiss. His tongue clashes with yours, allowing you just a moment to lead before he quickly overtakes you and reaches up to thread his fingers through your hair and angles your head for better access to your mouth. He breaks the kiss with a loud wet sound before growling, and he bites on your lip, sucking it swollen.
The sound gets your insides clenching, making him suck in a sharp breath. Then you break the kiss with a moan as his dick twitches inside you; nearly feeling it behind your navel.
He chuckles against your lips, followed by your own giggles as your dancing tongues turn to soft loving pecks. He kisses you on your forehead where you sweat had started to gather at the crown of your hair. He kisses you on your cheeks, and then finally he’s able to dip his head down between your breasts to deliver a small lick up your chest before he comes back to rest your forehead together.
You thought this would be a bit more awkward. But it's Copia, it's a sweet awkward moment with a man who's made you the happiest in the past few months, then you have your entire life with your family. There's no judgment here with him, and truly, what is a little thing like virginity between two good friends? It's almost a tender hearted moment if not for the lustful moans of those you had forgotten were watching and sinning in the behind you.
"Okay?" He asked breathlessly, both wondering how you are and if he can keep going. You didn't know, but instinctively, it was hard for him to keep still. There’s a primal need to just take and keep taking you until there is nothing left for you to give. Perhaps after this you’ll come back for more. No, he will make this as mind-blowing as it takes for you to come back for more.
He doesn’t want to settle for just this once.
For you, the stretch is still there, but the burning has become a lot more bearable. For Copia, it was his biggest test of restraint.
“Not yet.” You shudder, and he nods, face pinching.
Patiently waiting, he pulls at the shoulder strings of your babydoll and lowers the silk fabric to get at your nipples before toying with them, watching them tighten into a hard bud and gives another low groan as your insides clench again. He wants more of that. He wants to explore so much of you. It’s your first time, and you're so sensitive, like a livewire. He just wanted to watch you snap. You sigh as he toyed with your nipples. You're chest heaving. Your cheeks flushed. Your impossibly tight flesh wrapped around his cock, it was driving him mad to have to stay still.
Finally, you shuffle a little in place as the burn settles somewhere between light discomfort and the weird feeling of just having something foreign inside you.
"Go slow?" You tentatively asked him and groaned as with no hesitation his hips gave a gentle rock forwards, rolling back and forth like lazy ocean waves on a shore.
Finally, delicious pleasure bloomed in your lower stomach, twisting and curling like your toes did behind his back. You tight hot walls dragging against his cock sending sweet hellfire into his groin. Each forward motion stretches your body to its limits. As he pulls his hips back he drives forward and the pleasant, tingling heat builds quickly, and soon the churning of his hips clapping against yours sounded wet through the room, joining the chorus of those behind you.
“Fuck!” You hissed as he twisted his hips in such a way that sent a powerful stab of pleasure through your core. You lock your legs around him and reach to snatch him by the wrist. “Do that again!” You ordered.
Copia chuckled in his throat before grinding down low and striking up, brushing against that bumpy rough gland inside you that has you seeing stars. From there, the adrenaline starts to kick in, the pleasure starts to amplify, and you link your legs behind him as he steadily drives into you. Your breathing was already labored before, but now you're breathless and lay back to enjoy the ride.
The pews may not have been the most comfortable surface to fuck on but that wasn't stopping most of the Siblings. Some bent over the wooden benches while others rested in each other's laps. You see some ghouls amidst your brethren and notice one in particular and it makes your stomach flip.
Aether is sitting up front in the pews with his eyes locked on you. His dick in his clawed hand and stroking along to Copia’s thrusts. His mouth opens in breathless pants as his dick throbs and you watch him with wide eyes as he reaches down and sinches his fingers around the base of his dick, likely forcing himself to stave off his orgasm.
Instead of looking away from him, you bare your teeth at him in a grin and push yourself against Copia's thrusts, relishing in both his and Aether's crippling groans of pleasure. Your core tightens, and you moan as you grind back against Copia’s thrusts.
"I'm close." You whisper, a strangled moan following as you try to catch your breath. Your hips jerk, thighs tighten around him, and you grab for the back of his robe like a lifeline. "...do you wanna go faster?"
"Please." He begged, his voice wavering and broken. It makes you realize just how much the man has been holding back so far. You reach up again and cup him behind his ear and drag him back down for another kiss, which he greedily inhales.
He then sets a rhythm that you can not hope to predict or match. All you can do is nothing more than let him. He secures his hands onto your hips and rails you without hesitation.
You have to reach up and brace at the edge of the altar as his thrusts start to scoot you up. He starts bringing your hips down with each upward thrust, striking against that place inside you that nearly has you biting your tongue.
“Holy fuck! Fuuuuck!” You whisper raggedly, choking on the scream that can’t quite work its way out your throat unable to do much but hold on as he savagely assaults your pussy in well aimed strikes that has you seeing stars behind you closed eyes.
He says your name, gasping on it like a man deprived of air, gulps of breath that only heighten the sensation of your cunt sucking on his cock. He readjusts your legs in his hands and spreads them further apart, anchoring himself to them and trusting that the altar won’t fall over as he seems a man on a mission to get your pelvic bone bruised by the end of the night.
Your so far blissed out of you mind that you don’t care for the dull ache centering between your thighs, the wet slick of your previous orgasms and rapidly approaching finale is more than enough to keep things smooth and quick.
You finish without warning, a high pitch scream louder than the rest of the sex goers in the background that cuts out as the tsnuami waves of pleasure surge higher than you anticipated, crashing over your nerves from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. It was overpowering and heady and nearly made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Copia felt you flutter around his cock as your nails dug into his arm. You went tighter and hotter…at that moment he saw Mother Lilith in your expression.
You were going to be sore, he realized. Somewhere in between matching some impossible speed and reaching dangerous depths. But that was okay. He would take care of you. He'd apologize and kiss you and do it all over again. He'd show you all the ways sex could be enjoyed.
Copia only seemed vaguely aware of you releasing him to reach a hand down between your thighs and rub at that wonderful bundle of nerves he had been molesting before. While he fucked and gasped and pressed into you like a man on a mission. Normally you can manage three orgasms in a row and that’s only with the help of a pillow and determination but this is the hottest thing you’ve ever done and witnessed. Sweat glistening on Copia’s brow and streaking down his makeup and the cords of his neck flexing as he grits his teeth and his muscles coiling with each thrust.
With your other hand, you reached up and grabbed him by his messy hair before bringing him down to kiss you again. He furiously obliged, sliding his hot tongue over yours and growling into your mouth like a fierce and angry animal.
The smallest nip of your teeth to his teasing tongue is what does him in. His balls tighten, and a bullet of heat shoots through his gut before planting his heels firmly on the floor and giving the hardest of his thrusts. Each spurt of his release is pulsating. You can feel him throbbing inside you and warm, fill your lower stomach, and stimulate you further.
What normally lasts a few seconds for Copia nearly brought him to his knees. He pants breathlessly, eyes closed as he lets his release shudder through him. He tried to ask if you were okay or if he had been too rough, but he was still coming. His thighs shook while his cock twitched and throbbed inside you.
The noises from the congregation flooded back slowly and fuzzy. Then your soft moan filtered in. You were still watching him, finger firm and demanding on your clit, swirling in just a way that made you bite your lips.
His cock gave another twitch and one last drop of cum at the sight.
You were young, as awkward at talking as he was, but when you had approached him in the library, there had been a shimmer in your eyes that drew him like a moth to a flame. And now here with you underneath him, body glistening with a glow of sweat, as you used him to get off, he can't help but notice the heavy thuds of his heart as it beats widely in his chest.
At this moment, he knew this went deeper than just two friends helping each other out, and he leaned down to seal his lips over the side of your neck and teeth, nip, suck. His dick jumps again at your groan of pain that borderlines pleasure as he lathes his tongue over the fresh mark.
Your soft cunt is clenching but he can tell you need that final push. He rasps in your ear, still out of breath.
"Are you going to come again, mia angela? Going to strangle every last drop out of me?"
You gasped, going as flush as a fever and he groaned as even with his softening cock the reaction was visceral. He gave another shaky thrust of his hips and gyrated gently.
"If I knew you were going to be this greedy with it I'd’ve made you Mama long ago." And he paused as the thought snuck up on him like a wild cat.
He gave another steadfast thrust, hissing at the oversensitivity as he ran his hands across your thighs before resting one high on your stomach before streaking his nails down to rest it low.
"There's an idea. What do you say, cara? Want to do this more often? Get fucked every night until your fat with my cum?"
You swallow audibly, your face pinching.
And you were coming again. A swap of heat and pleasure that bordered on pain. It hits you in one fell swoop, like a wave, and leaves you boneless and exhausted from pushing yourself further than your limits. Your insides milking Copia’s softened cock as if there was anything more to be pulled out of him. Perhaps in another few hours or so.
He breathlessly laughs. Smoothing his hands over your hips as your legs fall open. He idly notes the marks he's left that will most certainly be bruises by tomorrow morning.
"Fuck is right." He rasps, savoring the aftermath of the best fuck of his life and your first. It didn't last that long yet for you it felt like it had gone for hours, just sinking into each other and soaking up one another's solid presence.
After a while he finally stood up and you groaned quietly as his soft cock slipped out of you, covered in trace bits of your blood from channels unused to action. Warm cum leaked from your hole. Copia watched, transfixed, gathering the little trailing out on his finger before stuffing it back in.
Yes. This is a sight he wanted to see more than just once. He would never get sick of this view, he decided. Then as he removes his fingers he sees more blood makes a regretful face. Perhaps he was too rough. You didn't seem to mind though, instead looking at him with half lidded and sleepy eyes.
"I wasn't just dirty talking, you know. I was serious." He offered, and you chuckled breathlessly before holding up a hand, which he took to help pull you to sit up. You wince at the ache between your legs and run your hands down to wipe and rub at your inner thighs. Then you noticed the blood, you don't panic. It's normal, you know that, but the site still gets your heart to skip in anxiety. You will most definitely be sore tomorrow, but you wouldn’t regret it for the world. Besides, you glace up at Copia...
He watches you with soft eyes, smiling in return for your concerned and gauging look. He nodded, yes, he would most certainly take care of you. You would retire to his room after this, and then he can show you the proper aftercare. A nice warm and clean towel. A hot water bottle, perhaps even a massage if you would let him.
Life as Papa was short. He could die tomorrow and needed to get as much of you as possible before then. If you were willing, of course. Your chuckles paused when you stared into his eyes and tipped your head cutely to the side, eyes going wide in disbelief.
“You mean it?” You ask him tentatively.
He nodded.
“I’ll be honest with you, cara. I can’t see it being anyone else. I don’t want it to be anyone else.” He had you. He wanted to keep you. He takes your hand and brushes his thumb over your knuckles.
“We are friends, yes? Or do you want to just stay as friends?” You opened your mouth and closed it like a fish before you gave a shake of your head.
“No, I do. Wanna be with you, I just…” You give a disbelieving chuckle. “I didn’t think this would happen.” It’s your biggest dream come true, getting to be and stay closer with your best friend. He wanted to be more than that. You wanted him to be more than that.
Copia smiles, beams like a schoolboy at Christmas, and lifts your hand to place tender kisses upon your fingers before reaching for your face and your mouths fit together perfectly in a slow and languid kiss. He breaks the kiss to let his lips butterfly across your face, your eyes and cheeks before smiling at you.
People were coming down behind you and you glance to see Aether still sitting in the front pews with his head tipped over the back of the bench and his arms reaching out across in a relaxed and very much sated position. His flaccid member is still out in the air and you smirk when you see lines of cum crawling up his chest. You had hoped that perhaps he got this obsession out of his system.
The rest of the clergy were winding down as they all finally seemed to reach the climax of the night. A few ghouls are sweeping around and doing a check up, one stops and gives both of you a look. Copia gestures with his hand that everything is alright before taking both of yours in his and giving you a raised brow.
"What say we retire to the room and get your cleaned up?" He asked and you sigh in contentment and follow behind him, hissing at the ache that flares between your legs.
"And maybe the day after...Can we do it again?" You ask, idly playing with your robe and squeeze his palm. Copia chuckles and nods eagerly.
"From the darkness. Rise a succubus."
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itsasainz · 2 years
Heyy, welcome to the club (I’m a red too),
I wanted to request some Kylian fluff, where there at a party or a wedding and their relationship is accidentally exposed because in a story, they’re caught dancing together, and it’s all cute and always and maybe at first reader is scared of her relationship being public but Kylian calms her down — idk I just got inspired from the song bébé by dadju, so if you could include it in some way, ☺️🥹 thx again
hehe I love wedding fics lmao, this got a bit longer than I thought it was gonna be but anyway!! I'd literally never heard the song before but I listened to it while I wrote the dance bit <3
also I just used a random photo of him I found on Pinterest lol
"Kylian, we're late, and we need to leave time to check in!" you called, struggling to pull your heels on as you checked the time, groaning at the thought of him turning up late to a wedding where he was literally the best man.
"Bébé, it's fine!" he says, coming out of the bathroom, fully dressed up in a suit and smart shoes, looking handsome as ever. You pause slightly when you see him -- him in suits would well and truly be the death of you, you thought, fixing the buckle of your heel. He winks when he sees your eyes follow him across the room as he gets the car keys and wedding present.
You get one of your smarter coats -- it might be a wedding, but it was also the middle of the winter, and you weren't prepared to die of hypothermia. He takes your bag for you, sticking it in the boot as you get in the passenger seat, texting the groom's sister to tell her you were on the way.
"I love weddings." you confess on the motorway, seeing the photos your friends are sending you from the venue.
Kylian hums, "I love the free alcohol."
Frowning, you close your phone. "There's more to weddings than free alcohol, love, we're seeing all our school friends and the food sounds like it's gonna be great, plus two of our best friends are getting married."
He chuckles, "And that's all good, but they take forever."
"You're infuriating, y'know?" you tease, letting him know he had to take the next exit. The venue isn't far from Paris, but you'd agreed that rather than getting a taxi back to your place in the middle of the night, you'd rather just stay the night at the hotel, an old Chateaux overlooking the Seine that had been renovated in the past few years to be the perfect wedding venue; picturesque and charming.
The closer you get, the smaller the roads are, but you spot the venue long before you find the adjacent street, excited at the majestic architecture and the rows of cars already parked outside; he finds a space in the carpark and you check in, splitting ways so you he can catch up with the groom and you can go to find your friends before heading to the chapel.
As it turns out, the ceremony is delayed anyway, and you end up sitting on the bride's side of the audience with an old school friend, Amélie, even though you're technically here with the groom. Kylian's stood at the front with the groom, smiling and laughing at something he's saying, pausing his conversation to wave when you sit down.
"God, you guys are cute." Amélie mutters she settles beside you. "How much d'you wanna bet you guys'll be the next to get married?"
You roll your eyes. "We haven't even gone public yet, Ams."
"It's a matter of time, trust me." she chides, shushing you as the ceremony starts.
Hours later, after a prolonged meal and, eventually, the first dance, you're laughing with Amélie about the time you got suspended for smoking in the field during school, having lost track of Kylian a long while ago. Just when you're starting to get concerned about his whereabouts, you feel his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and kissing you on the temple. "Dance with me, please?"
You sigh, "Only because you asked so nicely." you tease, letting him pull you into the dance floor as the song starts up, a poppy ballad that you've danced with him to a thousand times before. Teasingly, as he spins you round, he sings the lyrics to you, laughing as you get flustered. pulling you close during the bridge, hands on your waist, your arms around his neck as you kiss him, smiling into it, happy to feel so relaxed about being with him in public, knowing it's only really family and friends seeing it.
He kisses you again, peppering you nose and cheeks as you giggle, squirming from the ticklish contact. You dance for another couple of songs before he goes to get you another cocktail, leaving you to check your Instagram. There are a few stories about the wedding -- photos from the ceremony and meal, but the one that catches your attention was posted by Marc, one of Kylian's friends; the photo is of him and his girlfriend, but you can see yourself in the background, laughing as Kylian spins you around, his face also clearly visible. Telling yourself that fans are hardly going to notice him in that background of the story -- especially since it would take some really deep digging to even know he's friends with Marc -- you put your phone away, seeing Kylian returning, Mojito in hand.
You sip the drink, sticking to his side as another guest, the bride's aunt, comes to greet him, denying you the opportunity to tell him about the photo, even though you know he'd just remind you of what you already know -- fans don't even know who Marc is, they're not going to see the photo.
It's only as people are starting to head home or up to their hotel rooms that you see all the notifications; within a matter of hours, your Instagram followers have shot up by nearly ten thousand people, and your DMs are full of people asking about Kylian; confused and more than a little panicked, you check Twitter, only to see your concerns are correct. Kylian's name is trending, with 90% of the tweets featuring various screenshots from different photos from the wedding, different angles of your little dance with him and his hands on your waist as you stand at the bar. You look across the room at where he's telling a story to the bride's parents, Amélie catching your attention as she rushes across the room to you. "
"Oh my God, have you seen the photos?" she asks, a little too tipsy to be genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, just now -- I'm totally freaking out." you admit, fighting the urge to bite your nails. "This is awful -- I'm getting absolutely spammed on all my socials."
She sighs, offering you a sympathetic look. "Talk to him. Oh, and if you're public now, that means there's nothing stopping him from proposing."
You roll your eyes, bidding her good night as she goes to leave -- seemingly in tandem with one of the bride's cousins, not that you say anything. Instead, you make a beeline for Kylian, hesitantly pulling him away from his conversation and saying your goodbyes to the other guests.
"What's wrong?" he asks, immediately catching onto how fidgety you're acting and how quickly you're ushering him to your room.
"'What's wrong?' Kylian, your entire fanbase has just found out about us!" you practically squeak, thrusting your phone in his face. "I am being bombarded with shit and I'm freaking the fuck out!"
He takes your phone from you, seeing the mass of notifications and frowning deeply. "Shit."
"Yeah, 'Shit', Ky." you groan, sitting down on the bed.
"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting beside you.
"No." you say, blunt as ever. "This is crazy."
He takes your hand. "We'll make it work -- there's nothing we can do about hiding it now, but we can control the narrative at least."
You look at him, at his worry-stricken face, at the cogs turning in his mind. "How?" you sniff. God, this was so embarrassing -- you were crying now too?"
"Cherie, don't cry, okay? We can post some photos from tonight and announce are relationship but leave it at that, okay? Confirm the rumours so that there's nothing more for them to say. Like, yeah, I have the most stunning, beautiful girlfriend ever, so what?"
You giggle. "Okay. yeah, okay."
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k.mbappe l'amour de ma vie
view all 54,895 comments
yourusername mon amour <3
k.mbappe je t'aime
achrafhakimi It was about time
psg 👀
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joanquill · 1 year
SFW Alphabet
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Billy the Kid/Henry Atrim
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
EXTREMELY affectionate. Pet names, holding hands, greeting kisses and hugs, flirting, pick-up lines, EVERYTHING. While you're walking down the street, you two are holding hands, Billy always asks for a kiss or a hug when you two have to be apart, and he even gets offended when you call him by his name and not his nickname. Even when standing while Sherlock reads out the mission, Billy is hugging you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder as you two listen. At one point, Sherlock got so fed up he pulled you two apart when Billy went in for a hug when they came back from a mission.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You two are partners in crime. When you two look at each other, there's an unspoken language, and you both instantly know what trouble you'll cause. However, you keep a close eye on him during missions, knowing how self-sacrificing he can be during dangerous situations, keeping him out of danger when needed. You two met most likely when he moved into the big city and became partners for jobs. You two were rough around the edges at first and may have clashed here and there, but now you work together effortlessly as if you can read each other's minds.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves cuddling, whether it's after a long mission or he just woke up and saw you making breakfast in the kitchen. Whether on the bed, couch, or just on a chair, he's always down for a cuddle. He loves surprising you with hugs as he snuggles close to you. He also has a habit of teasing you. While you were walking by, Billy pulled you down to his lap and cuddled you, making Sherlock grimace and throw the mission papers on Billy's face. If you're on the bed, he's usually the big spoon. But he also loves being the little spoon as you massage his scalp, making him sleep soundly.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don't think settling down has ever crossed his mind a lot, especially if your relationship has just started. He loves the time you're spending together now, and Billy's happy with what you have together. He's in no rush to settle down with you and just wants to enjoy the time you have together now. I would imagine Billy's decent with housework and pretty good with cooking. While Billy likes cooking for you, he would always say he prefers your cooking. He doesn't complain when doing house chores, but he prefers doing those tasks with you, and unfortunately, it usually ends with you two playing and forgetting about those chores.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would try to let you down gently, not wanting to hurt you more than needed. He'll probably pull you somewhere you can be alone, not wanting to drag Sherlock and William to your personal affairs. He'll be honest with you and apologize for it not working out. If you two are still friends after the breakup, he'll try to be as normal as possible, not wanting it to become awkward between you two. Sometimes a little too much. Like when you start moving on with someone, he'll try his best to keep smiling, but Sherlock and William could tell he was faking it all.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He thinks weddings are sweet, but he's in no rush to tie the knot with you. But the moment you accidentally called Billy your husband instead of boyfriend, it looked like your brain malfunctioned, and you were shocked yourself. Sherlock never let you live it down, though. While Sherlock was teasing you and William joining in with him congratulating you, Billy just had a large smile on his face the whole time. After that, his eyes would drift to wedding shops, jewelry stores, and even chapels. He'd even tease you, saying your name would sound nice with Atrim or Bonney at the end.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's pretty gentle and subtle about it. While walking down the street, he would smoothly change sides with you so that he's on the roadside without you noticing, or he makes sure you don't get soaked in the rain even if his shoulder gets wet. He also has a habit of holding your hand when he sees you're uncomfortable or upset. Billy always tries to read your emotions, making sure he says the right thing, and he lets you know he's always there when you need support emotionally or physically. Whenever you need to vent, he listens intently and wipes your tears as you let your emotions out.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
LOVES hugs. Billy refuses to go on a mission until you give him a hug. He likes hugging you even when doing mundane things, like while one of you is cooking, lazing around the couch, or just standing while listening to Sherlock and William about the next mission. He does them often, too often if you ask Sherlock. His hugs are usually a surprise, warm, and with him swaying you both from side to side. But sometimes, after a mission, especially when he sees you injured, his hugs are tight, desperate, and shaky.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He says it as easily as he breathes. Just kidding! But really, if he falls for someone, I don't think he'd have a hard time saying or showing how much he loves them. However, if his partner is uncomfortable with him saying it, he will just show how much he cares about them through his actions. One random day after dating for a while, while you two were going home, he says I love you while you open your apartment door. He reassures you that you don't need to say it back to him, and he just wanted to say those words to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He's not much of a jealous type, more on the protective side. If someone compliments you genuinely, he'll agree and join in, listing more things he adores about you. However, if someone is being inappropriate, he'd try to be civil, but there is a dark aura around him. If he catches someone trying to make creepy advances on you, he's immediately by your side, calling you pet names and snuggling. If someone still doesn't get the idea and starts getting touchy with you, he'll grab them by the collar and throw them out.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves kisses, especially when you pepper his face with kisses. If you kiss him on the cheek and your lipstick stays, he won't clean it off and wears it like a badge of honor. His kisses are usually short and sweet, wishing you good luck and goodbye before a mission. But when you two are alone, he takes his time to kiss you, being more gentle and soft than usual. He loves kissing you on the lips, on your nape while he's bugging you from behind, or on the back of your hand before he goes off on a mission. He loves being kissed on the cheek, nose, or lips while you're cuddling.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He likes children. He thinks they're adorable and doesn't mind playing with them when they ask him to. Definitely knows how to play along with children, whether it's playing pretend, tag, or any other children's game. He has definitely taught some kids old games he used to play when he was a kid. He's also good with entertaining babies but not so much with babysitting them. He thinks they're cute but knows how big of a responsibility they are.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with him start with Billy groggily saying good morning as he rolls over and cuddles you in bed. If you two have a day off, good luck getting him out of bed. Let alone get out of his death grip. Most mornings with him are lazy and slow unless you two have work. If you had a long night, Billy will take it upon himself to make breakfast for you two and help you prepare for the day. If he was the one who had a long night and got home late, he'll most likely sleep in and not wake up to any alarm or noise.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It depends. If you're both out on a mission, you'll hear a bunch of space and night-themed pickup lines while waiting or before sleeping. Billy has definitely used the "The moon looks beautiful tonight" line once. If you're at home, you two usually decide whether to eat out or make dinner at home. While eating, you two usually catch up if you had different missions or one of you just came back home. Afterward, Billy likes to cuddle in bed, clasping your hand and enjoying your presence before sleeping.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He is usually open, but you notice he keeps some things about his past to himself. If you ask him simple questions, he'll happily answer you. But if you ask deeper questions, he keeps some things out, specifically about his past and old best friend. However, during the mission with Sherlock, he started becoming more open, sharing everything from his childhood--both the good and bad memories with you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn't really get angry, especially when it comes to you. He has really long patience. Even when you're in a bad mood, Billy tries to be understanding and help you. Usually, he's the one trying to annoy you to get a reaction. There was one time he got sulked and ignored you for hours, and it was because you got revenge by switching his water with strawberry-flavored water. Ever since then, he doesn't trust his flask with you. If he does get angry, it doesn't last long, and he tries to communicate with you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot of things, like your favorite restaurants, food, flowers, dates, occasions, and others. He even plans surprise gifts a few days before your anniversaries or birthdays. However, if you say something to him while he is doing something, it will most likely not stick with him. If you ask him to take out the trash while he's working on something, he will forget you even mention it. However, if you mention a play you've been wanting to see, he will plan to buy you both a ticket.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in the relationship was when you two went on a carnival date. He won you a bunch of prizes with the shooting games. Some were even too big for you to carry. When you both went on the Ferris wheel, you surprised him with a small toy you won on a shooting game while he was buying you two food and drinks. You told him how you applied what you learned from him but missed a few shots since the game was rigged. Since then, he kept the toy in his pocket as a lucky charm.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
VERY protective. If possible, Billy doesn't want you anywhere dangerous or alone while you're on a mission, even when he knows you can fight. He has no problem throwing himself in front of a bullet for you. Which makes you anxious every time you two are out on a mission. If you two are out fighting, you're usually back to back and cover each other's blind spots. If someone manages to hit him, he would want you to get out of danger, but he gets a sense of pride when he sees you defeat your enemies with ease.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in the effort. If you're sharing an apartment, he does his share of chores. When going on a date, he makes sure it's something you'll both enjoy together. It ranges from a home date, where you'll just enjoy each other's company, or something extremely eccentric and new. For gifts, it's either something that he thinks you will like, something you suggested, or something that reminded him of you. It can be flowers or a random trinket he found in an antique shop. For your anniversaries, he makes a plan before the occasion, making sure it will be memorable and fun for you both.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
One of his bad habits would be putting other people before himself too much, especially his friends and you. As generous as this is, his self-sacrificing attitude does make you worry and frustrated. Another bad habit would be smiling or laughing off his problems, making them not a big deal, even if it bothers him. He has a hard time staying serious about his problems, sometimes even making jokes about it to lighten the mood.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is not concerned with his looks, but he does get giddy and smiley when you compliment him on his hair or outfit. If you suggest a hairstyle, he'll try it for you. If he notices you seem more shy when he's in a certain outfit or style, he will tease you in no end while still wearing it. You might catch him keeping the hairstyles and clothing that made you shy, which made you ruffle his hair back to normal and hide those clothes, saying he's handsome enough as he is. At most, he would like to be presentable and look good enough, but that's it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He tries to keep a distance, knowing already what it feels like to lose someone important to him. Even when he met you, he tried to keep some distance between you two despite his friendly nature. However, you slowly became a part of his day. Even when you would only see each other occasionally by accident or for business, he would smile when he saw you. Now that you're dating and sharing an apartment together (for looking after Sherlock and William, of course), he couldn't imagine how he would spend his days without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He has definitely tried square dancing with you. You were clumsy at first, learning as you go, but it slowly became a fun activity for you both. Especially after you practiced with him after hours. If you don't know how to shoot or ride a horse, he uses that as an excuse to flirt with you. He wraps his arms around you while teaching you how to shoot and always offers to ride the horse with you. Unfortunately, the road becomes bumpier when you ride with him, or the horse will randomly run faster, making you cling to him tighter.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who isn't open-minded, too rigid and serious. Billy also doesn't like someone who is easily angered or annoyed, especially since he likes to tease people. He might also not be compatible with someone who hates physical affection since I think that's one of his top love languages. Anyone with a bad personality like very selfish and only cares about themselves. While he does like to do things for his partner, he also wants them to be capable.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He definitely snores. Not to the point where you can't sleep because of the noise, but he snores. He also likes cuddling with you before and after sleeping. However, I feel at times, he is a messy sleeper. So, there might be a chance you'll be on the floor while he's sprawled all over the bed, maybe with him slowly descending from the side of the bed until he falls. Usually, if you spoon him, you'll be all right the morning after. He might get nightmares once in a while, but he usually calms down after talking with you and cuddling.
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worflesbian · 2 months
things i liked about strange new worlds:
the costumes (aside from the starfleet uniform) were so intricate and cool!
the alien designs, especially the practical effects and makeup, were inventive but not overdone
it tried to take a lighter tone than the prevailing edginess of current sci fi, there were some fun moments and genuinely good character stuff bc of that
things i disliked about strange new worlds:
okay i've got to give the context of the journey i went on with this one. i didn't initially like how chapel, uhura and t'pring were written bc the first two were basically brand new characters and t'pring's inclusion messes with continuity so badly, but i found myself being won over by the seemingly honest intention to give more screentime and depth to the otherwise underutilised women of 60s trek. that's an admirable goal! i didn't like how they had to rewrite uhura and chapel's personalities to achieve it but i still respected the intention. until several things became clear to me: firstly, the writers of snw are far better at lighthearted writing than serious drama, and secondly, they cover up that deficit by taking their cues from soap operas. i think other people have mentioned that giving every single character a tragic backstory is not a shortcut for writing realistic sympathetic people (this was the main problem they had with uhura), and that relationship drama and love triangles is not a solution to not knowing what to do with your female characters (the main problem with chapel and t'pring), but it stands to be said again because it's so fucking frustrating! why bring in uhura only to kill off her loved ones and make her suffer needlessly? why bring in t'pring under the guise of developing her relationship with spock only to have him leave her for chapel? why bring in chapel and rewrite her as a hashtag girlboss looking to advance her career if she's theoretically going to end up still a nurse on the enterprise pining for spock by tos? there's no reason or purpose to the plotlines so they just feel aimless
m'benga, una and la'an also suffered from needless tragedies, as well as the writers' difficulty tackling serious subject matter. i liked the plotline with m'benga's daughter and the pre-holodeck holodeck episode that concluded it, but the man got no time to grieve or adjust to the loss before they threw him into a war trauma plotline. una's main character moment was a weaker version of several stronger trial episodes in past trek that came very close to saying something slightly challenging (to the average trek viewer) about race but apparently forgot the real reason that eugenics are bad, and have been bad long before fictional warlord khan noonien-singh was on the scene. la'an's gorn trauma plotline was, like many of snw's "serious" episodes, ripped directly from better sci fi. like i could've been watching aliens. aliens is a good film. ortegas got very little to do and pike isn't really worth talking about as i think the writers know he's not that interesting and tend to sideline him anyway, so aside from hemmer (rip) and spock (it's all been said) that's the full cast and it's all pretty disappointing!
i'll also say that while i enjoyed the lighthearted episodes more, the only one that i felt was actually warranted or contributed meaningfully the overall season was the body swap episode in s1, but then in s2 they repeated the same formula with a far weaker episode so even that's lost its shine for me. politically the show is a mess as many others have explained (the whole gorn thing...) and when it comes close to making a point it always seems to flinch away into a marketing-approved federation optimism that feels way more sinister than it ever did in tng for the fact that it's obviously Trying to keep you from thinking too deeply about anything. the number of gimmick episodes they've already done in two short seasons is indicative of a fundamental lack of substance that they're trying to cover up with whimsy but it just feels unearned and imbalanced. shallow hijinks or vapid angst, void of meaning.
so yeah now that discovery's concluded with its fifth season, stp is dead and gone, and prodigy is cancelled it's only strange new worlds and lower decks left and although i believe lower decks relies a lot on references to older trek (i've not seen it) it's not inserted itself awkwardly into some past era of the timeline, nor is it bogged down with legacy characters, meaning strange new worlds is the last remaining pillar of the reboot remake rehash industrial complex in current trek and i hope you'll join me in wishing for its downfall 🤞
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cowboylivio · 1 year
A mashwood qpr is practically canon. Like the only things about it that isn’t canon is actually calling it a queer-platonic relationship.
Manga, 1998 and Stampede spoilers below the cut
The biggest thing for me is that they're not just friends. they're not fucking either, but the relationship between the three of them doesn't feel like just a friendship to me.
So Vash and Wolfwood specifically. the longer they spend together, the more they kind of adopt each other's ideals and ideologies and have character development that is impossible without the other. one of the biggest instances of this is how in 1998 what gets Wolfwood killed in the end IS his adoption of vash's no-kill ideology.
And how about (and sure you can chalk this up to them being good fighters or whatever) but the fact that Vash and Wolfwood understand each other so well that when fighting Livio and Chapel (I believe) that they can switch who they're fighting against instantly with no qualms about it.
Onto Vashmeryl. Easily the most intimate moment between the two in the manga is the fist bump kiss. Thats not all that relevant i just think its interesting. But how about the fact that she will willingly put herself in mortal danger for him. in 1998 if Milly wasn't there holding her back, she probably would've died at the fifth moon incident.
And in stampede, her inherent determination and hopefulness that Vash can hear her and snap out of says something about their relationship. How despite the major threat to her life it poses after she falls off the vines, she gets right back up there and tries to do everything in her power to save him.
Now theres not as many notable merylwood instances, the big one for me is him saving her in stampede. He didn't have to. He was out of the city and safe. But he did. And more in that scene, the relief on Vash's face seems more than just a sigh of relief oh good my friends are safe. There's more to it.
And theres more to it too. All three of them would do drastic things to save the others or even just make sure they'd make it out alive. Or in badlands rumble how when Wolfwood thinks Vash to be dead he utterly destroys the only red thing in his hotel room. Or the fact that both Wolfwood and Meryl spend years searching for Vash first after the fifth moon incident and then later on at the end of the manga as well.
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cleoluvrr · 2 years
The Last Days of Summer VII (Rafe Cameron x Heyward!OC)
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Warnings: violence, underage drinking, drug use, verbal abuse, jealousy, forbidden relationship, enemies to lovers, gaslighting + manipulation
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Synopsis: Stuck in a situation she never dreamed of, Neriah Heyward blurs the line between Kook and Pogue; Rafe Cameron a witness.
word count: 2.4k+
The later half of the humid, North Carolina evening was spent with Londyn, once again. Her parents were away on the mainland to visit her older brother, leaving her home alone. She hates when they go but refuses to leave the island if I can’t come with her.
Sometimes I wonder if she has some serious codependency issues, her blatant refusal to go anywhere if we aren’t attached at the hip worries me deeply. 
However, I don’t think about it tonight, needing a distraction from the earlier events of today.
“It’s not that I can’t leave the island, I just don’t want to.” She refutes, flopping down dramatically onto the bed next to me. “I’d be bored and lonely and hanging out with old people all day. Plus, you’d miss me too much and would probably die without me.”
“That’s what phone calls are for.” I chuckle. 
“But it’s not the same!” She whines, rolling over to lie on my back. “I need to be in a ten-mile radius of you or else my body starts slowly shutting down.”
“You are such a drama queen.” 
The two of us go down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. The taller girl watches the popcorn in the microwave closely as I stare out the large windows behind the sink. Suddenly I hear sirens in the distance, and only a few moments later a bunch of police cars speed down the road. 
I hum in curiosity, not thinking anything of the situation. That is until my friend says something that makes my heart drop.
“Oh my God!” Londyn says, stopping the microwave before rushing up to me. “Kelce just texted me. He said he found John B in his house!”
“What?” I say, standing so fast that the stool I was seated on almost topples over.
“Yeah, the police are on their way there right now.”
“John Booker Routledge? That John B?” She nods. “Shit.”
I rush out of the house, Londyn hot on my tail as I grab one of the bikes in her garage. She does the same, the two of us hauling ass to their location. I spot the red and blue lights of police cars in the distance after a few minutes, speeding up my pedaling as Londyn calls my name from behind me. 
My thighs burn, legs wobbly as I jump off my bike and run to the crowd with it in tow. I watch as the police run out of the house, saying something about a creek as they speed off in their cars. The crowd of Kooks follow, and so do I.
I stop abruptly before I get too far, wondering where John B could have possibly gone with the entire town looking for him. I search every corner of my mind, nothing surfacing. I ignore the sound of Londyn calling my name as I rake my brain as fast as I can.  That’s when I hear the sound of a bell, my ears perking up immediately.
The church.
John B took me there once when we were a few years younger. My brother doesn’t know this, and never will, but his dear friend was my first kiss. John B has an unreciprocated crush on me in middle school, right before I left for the kook academy. He took me into the woods one day, showing me the chapel when my brother was out with my dad working on something. 
It was something neither of us could tell the rest of the Pogues. JJ would tease him to no end, Kie would go on and on about “Pogue-on-Pogue macking,” and my brother would definitely kill him and lock me away in a tower.
I start pedaling my bike again, steering it in the direction of the rundown building. I see the tip of the cross in the distance amongst the green of the trees and speed up as much as I can on the dirt floor of the woods. My legs burn with exhaustion and my heart tightens with anxiety. I throw my bike onto the ground when I get close enough, running towards the church.
I don’t even notice the footsteps behind me, the sound hidden by the soft dirt beneath our feet.
“Woah, princess.” I hear, a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and stop me from going any further. “What do you think you’re doing out here?”
“Let go of me, Rafe!” I fight against his hold, arms held tightly against my chest by his.
“Hm, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He tuts, leaning down to speak lowly into my ear. “I asked you what you’re doing out here.”
“What are you doing out here?”
“Oh, me?” He feigns innocence. “I’m just being a good citizen and helping get a criminal off the streets.” I hear the smile he has on his face and I shiver. 
“He’s not a criminal. He would never kill someone.” I say still pushing against his arms.
“Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think you do?”
“He’s not a murderer!” Blood rushes to my ears, the sound similar to that of white noise.
“Well then, who killed Pertekin?” I don’t answer, chest heaving as he speaks into my ear.
“He’s innocent, Rafe.”
“This is why I don’t want you near those Pogues, princess.” He tuts and shakes his head in disapproval. “First they corrupted my baby sister, now they’ve brainwashed you too. We just can’t have that, can we?”
“Nobody has ‘brainwashed me.’ You sound like a crazy person.” He chuckles darkly into my ear, the sound giving me goosebumps.
“If John B didn’t kill Peterkin, then why is he running? Hm? Are you calling my father a liar?”
“Because there’s a bounty on his head!” I don’t answer his second question because he wouldn’t like what I have to say. “You guys are chasing him down like a wild animal! Of course he’s running.”
“Well maybe that’s what he is. A fucking animal that needs to be put down.”
“Rafe, let me go.” I say, tears welling in my eyes ready to spill over. 
“I can’t do that.” He lifts his head away from my ear, motioning Kelce over to the two of us. “I need to make sure you’re safe and not getting into things you shouldn’t. It’s a dangerous place with killers on the loose.”
I start to smell smoke, the strong scent filling my nose causing my face to scrunch up in disgust. I look up in the direction of the church, watching as the wooden structure slowly lights up the dark woods. The building is slowly eaten away by fire, the orange-colored flames traveling up the base of the chapel.
“What did you do?” My voice is quiet, only loud enough for the boy next to my face to hear. He chuckles, grabbing my bicep firmly before dragging me toward the front of the church.
I hear the police pull up in the front of the old church, the mob close behind. My heart drops.
I fight against him but he doesn’t relent. I almost forget about my friend until I hear her voice speaking in a hushed tone, asking Kelce what’s going on. He tells her not to worry about it and she doesn’t push any further. The fire grows, the smoke thick in the air and flames flying out of the windows as they climb higher and higher.
“Behave yourself.” Rafe says when we reach the front, the gaggle of police and Figure 8 residents appearing before us. He lets go of my arm, opting for a firm arm around my waist.
“What are you kids doing out here?” Shoupe asks when he spots us, suspicion heavy in his tone.
“We found them walking through the woods, sir.” Rafe answers, his tone drenched in false worry. He looks down at me as he feigns a look of deep concern. “They had no idea there’s a murderer running around here. I would just hate myself if something terrible happened to them on our watch.”
“Okay, son.” Shoupe says nodding in understanding. “Hey, you’re Heyward’s girl, right?” The officer asks when he notices who I am.
“Yes sir.” I answer lowly.
“Your brother is friends with John B?” I nod. “You have any idea where he might be hiding?” Rafe digs his fingers into my side as a warning. I shake my head side to side.
“No sir.” I don’t look up at him, sight firmly set on my own shoes. “I don’t really know him very well.”
Shoupe stays silent for a moment and I can feel him watching me, his gaze heavy on my frame. I look up finally, our eyes catching each other. I give him my best doe-eyed frightened look, trying my best to make him less suspicious of me.
“Alright. Officer Leon!” He calls out, motioning a large black man over to us. “Will you take these young ladies home?” The officer nods, prompting Londyn and I towards a car a few yards away.
I turn my head to face Rafe as I walk away and lock eyes with him. He looks at me smugly, waving before turning back to the burning building. My neck throbs, the phantom feeling of his hand wrapped around it returning as I get into the backseat of the patrol car.
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“Shit, boy, get in the house!” I hear my father say, swiping at the gas canister Pope held in his hands.
My brother showed up this morning on a bike, his loud arrival waking me out of my not so peaceful slumber. I stumbled outside after a couple minutes, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Heyward beat me to it, already outside having a confrontation with his son.
“I’m walking out of here with these damn cans and you’re not getting in my way.” Pope states standing chest to chest with our dad. His face is hard, set firm in his decision to defy the man before him.
“Oh, I’m getting in your way.” Dad says, stepping closer to the boy. “And one day, you might be able to whoop my ass, but it ain’t today.” He pushes him back and Pope stumbles, dropping the cans.
Pope shoves him back, much harder than our dad did. The man stumbles back a few feet as well. The two of them start getting physical, pushing at each other in an attempt to prove their dominance. I almost go back inside, letting them work out their issues alone, but watching Pope land a fist on Heyward’s face stops me in my tracks.
“Pope! Dad! What the hell?” I yell, trying to get their attention. They ignore my voice.
“Oh, yeah! It’s gonna take a little more than that.” My father says as he gets in Pope’s face again. “Try again.”
Pope raises his fist, breathing heavily as he gears up to punch him again. He hesitates.
“C’mon. You wanna hit your daddy?” Dad taunts, encouraging him to land another one. “Try it again. You wanna hit me?”
Pope drops his fists and backs away, leaning down to place the gas canisters in his hands once again. He looks up at our dad angrily before speaking.
“I don’t have time for this, I gotta help my friend.” He storms off, leaving my father to stand alone. 
“Yeh, you just go ahead!” Heyward shots after him, following a bit behind. “Yeah, you take everything, son.”
Pope doesn’t look back, just keeps walking away without sparing my father a glance. 
He turns his head towards me for a brief moment, catching my eyes as I look at him disappointedly. There are tears in his eyes that he tries to fight back, ready to spill over onto his dirty face.
“You’re an ungrateful son of a bitch, Pope.” Is the last thing my dad says to him, leaving the both of us in silence as we watch him walk away.
Pope’s back gets smaller and smaller as he retreats back to wherever he came from. My own face is emotionless, eyes dry of tears and body still. 
A dangerously quiet rage fills my body as I stand outside with my father.
Angry with John B, angry with his friends. Angry at Pope for ditching his own family for days at a time like we mean nothing to him. Angry for making me have to console our mother when he vanishes without a word, trying to convince her that her son isn’t dead when I don’t even know myself. Angry with him for doing stupid shit that only lands him in trouble.
Angry with myself for still caring about what happens to him when he clearly doesn’t care himself.
“If your brother comes back here, don’t let him in.” My father instructs me as he walks into the shop. “He can sleep on the streets since he’d rather be there than home.”
My parents got a call later that night from the police informing them that they needed to pick up Pope. They almost had a heart attack, rushing out of the house before the officer could even hang up the phone. 
I was in my bedroom when they returned, the sound of the door opening and shutting the only indication that they arrived.
I rushed into the living room to spot a wet, disheveled Pope in a bloody t-shirt, his face drenched in rain and tears. I look between the three of them in confusion, the atmosphere of the home suddenly filled with despair and sadness. 
My dad walks up to me while our mom holds my brother in her arms tightly as he shakes with sobs.
“John B…didn’t make it.” He tells me sadly, his own face is tired and sad. I knit my eyebrows together, mind not allowing me to comprehend what I was just told.
“What do you mean he didn’t make it?” I ask, looking between my mom and dad once again. “Didn’t make it where?” My question is answered with a tense silence, dread filling my stomach as my heart drops to my feet. I swallow dryly, nodding my head as I walk back to my room. 
Shutting the door quietly, I slide down the wooden frame, body racked with silent sobs of my own.
I hear Pope enter his own room a few minutes later, door shutting loudly with a thud. I listen to his pained screams and sobs through the wall, heart tightening at the sound. 
I feel my brother’s grief in the air of the house, my parents speaking in hushed voices in the living room. I hear him destroying his room, throwing objects at the door and assaulting the walls with his body.
I am angry again. Angry for my brother. Angry for his friends. Angry for John B.
Eventually he stops, crying himself to sleep after being restless for hours. I didn't fall asleep that night, mind racing and stomach churning with grief.
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