#you’re not a whale Nathan
chloe-caulfield94 · 5 months
Max gives Joyce a piece of her mind
“Who is it that you got engaged to, Chloe?” Joyce only now noticed a new addition to Chloe’s usual hodgepodge of jewellery – a silver ring with many colourful stones on Chloe’s left ring finger. “I see he couldn’t even be bothered to buy you a proper ring. It should be gold, with a diamond. Like the one your father gave me”.
Chloe thought to herself: “Yes, that ring was beautiful. Too bad you sold it”. Chloe closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. “This is the best day of your life, Price. You’re not going to cry today”, she thought.
“It’s Max, mom”.
Joyce only now noticed Max standing behind Chloe in the doorway.
“Oh hi, Max! I’m so sorry you had to listen to our little quarrel. But you’ve been hanging around with Chloe almost every day since we moved to Seattle, so you’re used to that”.
“Mom, you’re not listening to me. It’s Max who …”
“Max is such a nice young woman. Why can’t you be more like her? She would never do something so reckless. You should …”
“Enough!” – said Max loudly, almost shouting, surprising everyone present, including herself. Max stepped in front of Chloe and continued, not as loud, but still way above her usual gentle tone of voice: “Enough. Joyce, there’s something I’ve wanted to tell you ever since I met you again at the Two Whales. You can’t talk about your daughter that way!”
Joyce seemed shocked by Max’s words. David and Chloe less so.
“We meet for the first time after five years and you spend the majority of our conversation going on and on about how big of a burden your own child is? ‘Chloe chose to remain angry’. That’s what you said. Maybe you don’t even remember saying it, but I will never forget you saying that. She chose to be angry? Chloe chose none of the things that happened to her. She didn’t choose for William to be killed by a reckless trucker who fell asleep behind the wheel. She didn’t choose for me, her supposed best friend, to stop answering her calls and texts. She didn’t choose for Rachel to promise her a life together and then break up with her using a letter”.
“Max, what are you saying? Chloe and Rachel were just friends. They had sleepovers all the time!”
David furrowed his brow, surprised with his wife’s obliviousness. “Joyce, that’s exactly why they had so many sleepovers. I thought that was obvious. It’s why I always woke them up so early and tried to get them out of Chloe’s room. I didn’t want them fooling around under our roof. Just like I would if Chloe tried doing that with a boy”.
Max continued telling all the things she’d been wanting to tell Joyce for the past year: “Chloe didn’t choose for her stepfather to slap and demean her!”
David’s face turned red. Not out of anger, though. Out of shame.
“Chloe didn’t choose for Nathan Prescott to roofie and attempt to assault her and then threaten to shoot her! She didn’t choose for Frank Bowers to threaten to kill her with a knife! By the way, David. That’s why she took your revolver. For self-defence”.
David was distraught that his daughter had been in danger and he didn’t even know about it. “What? Chloe, why didn’t you tell me about it? I would’ve done something!”
Chloe responded, quoting David’s own words: “’For your own good, stay away from Chloe. She’s a loser and she’ll only drag you down’. I didn’t want to drag you down, David”.
David hung his head low, confronted with his own venomous words, having finally realized how crushing it must’ve been for Chloe to hear something like that from her own parent.
Max kept pouring her heart out: “What did you even argue with her about when I picked up that phone call? I tell you David hit her and your reaction is to yell at her? Not to hug her, to console her, to tell her everything is going to be alright? To yell at her. Then again, she pushed him. That was the problem. Chloe pushing. Not her stepfather reacting with violence to being ‘pushed’, whatever that even means, by a teenage girl. Chloe being a bad daughter, a disappointment. That was the problem. Well, I know for a fact Chloe would give her life to save yours and David’s. Without hesitation. I know that for a fact! How’s that for a bad daughter? And why do you always seem to be annoyed when you see Chloe? When she went into the diner that day, before she even said anything, you were already angry with her. Why? What was even that stupid speech about Chloe blowing her college fund on bacon? Did you really charge your own child for a few scraps of bacon? When we were kids, we would visit you at work. You always gave us pie. Are you telling me you charged us back then too? Should I be worried about my own college fund? Did you really keep a tab for your daughter and you paid it off using money William had set aside for Chloe’s education?”
“Max, that was a joke. Of course I didn’t actually charge Chloe”.
“Well if that was a joke, I didn’t feel amused to hear it. More like embarrassed. Why even joke that way? What you were trying to get at? Did you want to remind her she had got expelled from Blackwell, as if she didn’t remember that? Were you complaining that she visited you at work too often? Or did you think she ate too much? She’s rail-thin, for God’s sake. I can feel all her bones when I touch her. If anything, she should be eating more”.
Chloe blushed, as Max’s remark clearly indicated she had seen her, and touched her, while she was in a state of undress. But it seemed neither Joyce nor David picked up on it.
“When I finish my classes at U-Dub in the afternoon and Chloe is there to pick me up, that’s the best part of my day. I always smile when I see her. I cannot fathom how could anyone react to my Chloe with annoyance. And yet, you do. Almost every time I see you interact. Could you stop doing that? Pretty please, now that we’re going to become a family? Because it’s me who proposed to Chloe. And by the way, that ring was the best thing I could afford using the money I made in my summer job. I admit, it’s not gold and diamonds. It’s silvered steel and agates. But I think it suits my fiancée. It’s bold and colourful, just like her”.
Joyce was floored with the revelation. David not so much.
Joyce needed a moment to process the news: “What? But … I mean … That’s wonderful, Max! I’m so happy for you. I know you will be a good influence on Chloe. I know you will help her change for the better”.
Max sighed. She was no longer angry and she reverted to her normal, gentle speaking voice. But she still had a lot to say: “Joyce, Chloe is not some kind of work in progress that needs finishing. Not any more than any other human being is. I love her for who she is now, not for who she might become. My love for her is not conditioned on her changing in any way. She will, of course, just as I will change going through life at her side. This is going to be our journey. But it doesn’t have any set goal, other than being together. Our love, it’s not a one-way street. I stand to gain from it just as much as she does. Chloe saved my life. Twice. When Nathan Prescott caught me snooping in the dorms, Chloe shielded me with her own body and pushed him away. Even though he was armed and had threatened to murder Chloe just two days prior. And when Frank Bowers lunged at me with a knife, Chloe stopped him. She wrestled a taller, stronger man armed with a knife to save my life, with no weapon of her own, because in my unmatched wisdom I had told her to discard it. And she did save my life”.
David nodded in respect, impressed with his daughter’s tenacity in defending her loved ones.
Max continued: “She taught me how to overcome my fears. How to be strong. And she proved she would be willing to die just to spare me from feeling guilty. Which is something I would never accept. But it’s proof how loyal she is and how far she’s willing to go protect the people she loves. To protect me. Joyce, I’m not the child you remember me to be and I’m not the perfect young woman you imagined me to be in my absence. You don’t really know me. You don’t know what I did and what choices I made. I think I’m much farther away from your idea of a good daughter than you think I am. And Chloe is much closer to it than you think she is”.
Max paused for a while. Both Joyce and Chloe sniffed. They had tears in their eyes. David’s eyes expressed profound sadness as well.
Max decided to tell the last thing she’d been wanting to tell Joyce for a long time: “Joyce, I’m going to tell you something now. I’m not telling this to hurt you, or make you sad. On the contrary. When you hear what I have to say, even before I’m finished, I want you to interrupt me. I want you to be indignant. I want you to tell me I’m wrong. That I have no idea what I’m talking about. That I have no right to say things like that. I want you to throw me out of your home for daring to say that, do you understand? Here it goes. Based on how you always have patience, support and kind words for me and how you have very little of that for Chloe, it seems to me that you’d rather have me as a daughter than Chloe. Is that true?”
Joyce did none of the things Max wanted her to do. She rested her elbows on the table and hid her face in the palms of her hands.
Continue reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55536358
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nyoomkitty · 1 year
Spotted what seems to be a little continuity error in Army of the Doomstar.
SPOILERS below the cut:
Before Murderface’s exorcism, the guys are arranged as so with Nathan and Skwisgaar at his arms and Pickles and Toki at his feet:
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And then during/after, they’re as so with Nathan and Pickles at the arms and Skwisgaar and Toki at the legs:
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I also like the detail that the shadow they’re standing in is protected from the sight of the Doomstar and it’s shaped like a whale. Just another couple of neat details.
Also, to make my intentions totally clear, this isn’t meant to sound like a criticism. I don’t criticize this type of small continuity error. I sort of like them in a way because it drives home that this was a piece of art made by humans, and even the little imperfections are imbued with love.
Another favorite shot from the movie that hasn’t made it onto my other posts. The sheer effort on Skwisgaar’s face as he’s getting kneed in the nose is really fantastic. Skwisgaar is so stoic but you can see how hard he’s trying to save his brother.
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I don’t know about anyone else, but I did NOT go into this movie or this series expecting to be this worried about something happening to William. I guess you don’t necessarily realize how much you love a character until you’re faced with them possibly dying.
I guess that’s all to say…
I didn’t always see or hear Murderface’s importance in the series.
But I always felt it.
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Why I Associate Nathan Prescott (and Grahamscott) with Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers
* Okay so this one is just more of an interpretation of Nathan.
* I think of it as Nathan trying to move past everything with Jefferson and he’s realizing he likes Warren.
* “I’ll wait for the next time you want me,” He doesn’t want to make himself a problem or burden because that’s how Jefferson made him feel; so now he won’t make the first move.
* “It’s [my birthday] nautical themed” HE LOVES WHALES AND THOSE ARE IN THE OCEAN THIS NAUTICAL
* As the song progresses he finds himself reflecting the relationship he had with Jefferson and finally realizing how god awful it actually was.
* “And if I could give you the moon,” - “And you might be dying,” all refers to Jefferson and how Nathan would’ve done anything for him despite all the red flags.
* “But you’re holding me like water in your hands,” - end is about Warren.
* Warren is trying to hold onto Nathan but Nathan is still reeling from all his still unprocessed trauma.
* “When you saw the dead little bird you started crying,” Repeating dog and bird imagery from before. Nathan is both. Warren sees him as the bird but Nathan sees himself as the dog. Nathan has finally opened up to Warren.
* “But you know the killer doesn’t understand,” Nathan STILL doesn’t understand the gravity of what happened to him. He sees himself as the killer.
I initially made this at 3 am about two months ago
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kittysamzkewlz19 · 3 months
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Medusa Ex Makina
Prologue: And the Winner is…
Rated: M for Mature
Warnings: None
Author’s note: This is a redo of the Prologue from my art blog, @kattartsblog from here on out I will be posting future chapters and canon Makina events here. Vignettes and other silly events outside of the main plot will be on the art blog.
It had been 3 years after the events of “Army of the Doomstar”. Dethklok was asked to judge the third annual “Doom-opolis”, a battle of the bands styled competition that also was a celebration of Dethklok saving the world from utter destruction. It was down to the final 3 groups; the Ska punk group, PulsinG, the Idol group, Jennifer’s Corpse, and the emo metal band Lycan RIOT. Nathan really didn’t want to be there, he was disappointed by the lack of creativity and spark the two acts he sat through were. He was already anticipating Lycan RIOT to be just as lackluster. Nathan had decided it was best to stretch his legs and wander about a bit before the band had to make their final decision. His mindless wandering ended him backstage where Lycan RIOT excitedly waited for their turn. Or at least their singer was excited. She peaked behind one of the curtains to see an ocean of cheering. Her eyes filled with excitement, “Isn’t this awesome?! We’re in the finals and Dethklok is here! I mean, even if we don’t win the prize, our names will be in lights and we can say that we opened for THE Dethklok! We gotta make every second count.” The singer’s bandmates were not as enthused, the guitarist put a hand on her shoulder, “Maki, look man. We’ve been friends since high school. And you brought us all together. But now… damn, what I’m trying to say is-"
"We’re done screwin’ around!” shouted the band’s drummer. “We got new jobs ‘n’ lives now, like normal gits. We got no time or dosh for your little doolally! Yer rockstar dream’s stone dead!” The singer furrowed her brow, fury and sadness had overcome her, “Are you serious right now?! Look at how close we are, how far we’ve come! And you guys have the nerve to just throw out this dream we built?!” The dark haired woman began shedding tears, slightly smudging her corpse paint, “After years of hard work, the countless failed gigs, and even a freaking catastrophic apocalypse; you’re all going to quit?!” The man with the ponytail nodded, “We’ve moved on from this shindig ‘Dusy, so pull yer head outta yer arse.” The purple haired one had hummed in agreement, “We’re bound to fail, so let’s make this our final show.” The woman clenched her teeth, there was a fiery anger burning deep in her soul. But it was covered by devastation in her voice. “Fine then, after this performance…” she sighed, “We break up.” Nathan heard the shakiness in her voice, he could tell that this was a passion of the lady. It was something he could relate to. Music was his calling, he wouldn’t be the man he was without it. “Oh and we’re changing the fucking song.”
“What, we could get disqualified!” The bassist exclaimed. “Well it doesn’t matter anymore to you, right? If we’re performing together for the last time, I wanna go out with a bang.” The announcer calls Lycan RIOT to the stage as Nathan watches in the distance, the rage festering in the young lady was something almost refreshing to him. But then that’s when Nathan felt a chill in the air, his eyes widened. The way she carried herself on stage gave him a fright. He stood there frozen in awe. It was as if he was staring at a mirror. The woman reminded him of his younger years; the frustration to start something big, the passion she possessed, and the sheer raw emotion from her stance alone was enough to make him almost crack a manic grin. Nathan didn’t quite know what he was feeling. He was reminded of the vision from the whale prophet all those years ago, to be the hand. Maybe this time it was a different kind of hand? The lady looked down at the stage, closed her eyes, raised her microphone in a pair of devil horns, and then… “FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK!” She growled, then a very familiar melody began to play.
Meanwhile, back in the VIP booth, Skwisgaar leaped out of his seat and ran to the railing with eyes widened with a sense of horror, disgust, and genuine surprise. “HOLYS SHIT THEMS PLAYINGS OUR SONGS!” The swede exclaimed. Murderface and Toki got up to join him, “Hey yeah, didn’t they submit a different piece?!” Murderface exclaimed, “They’re breaking the rules!” Toki nodded in agreement. The vocalist roared and screamed her heart out, the melody became clear and soon Pickles realized what song they were covering. Hatredcopter, a song that was meant to be sung as a duet, but now both parts were being sung by one artist. He had laughed at other covers in this style that failed to meet his expectations before, but not this time. Pickles couldn’t look away at the young singer. The raw emotion being poured out onto the stage, every note was in perfect pitch, and even the girl’s lowest death growl delighted him. “I’m kinda impressed, what do you think Nathan?” The ginger haired man looked towards his left and Nathan was not there. Backstage, Nathan’s heart began to beat fast, the sheer power in this girl’s voice him feel something. However something strange began to occur, there was a slight tinge of a green aura surrounding her. Initially, Nathan thought it was the lighting but now he see that there was something more mysterious at play. The large man gripped his chest, he wanted to run onto the stage and just talk to her but instead he just listened to the harmony of a duet being sung by one vocalist. Once the song was over, Makina raised the microphone to the sky holding it in a set of devil horns and chucked it straight into the face of an audience member, breaking their nose and teeth. “Wowie, that’s ams brutals!” Toki exclaimed, Murderface started laughing his ass off, “Ha! That guy had it coming!” The crowd cheered and applauded at the violence from the vocalist, it almost made Nathan chuckle a little bit. This performance was the best Dethklok had witnessed all night, but the only one that had the balls to cover one of their songs!
The announcer asked the audience to wait for the results as Lycan RIOT was then escorted off stage and into the green room. Nathan watched on, “Ok it’s over. You can go now.” the woman hissed, crossing her arms. “Whatevuh. Toddle off then, ‘Dusy.” the drummer said, flipping her off as the rest of the group packed up their stuff. Alone in the green room, the woman saw the bottle of champagne and popped it open. She had originally bought it for the group as a celebratory reward, now it was to be used to drown out her sadness. She didn’t bother pouring it in a cup and began chugging it down like a frat boy at a house party. Seething, she punched the wall as hard as she could, her knuckles began to bleed. Nothing mattered to her, she began to open the wine bottle on the vanity table and poured herself a glass. After taking a swig, she flopped her head in her arms on the vanity and began to silently cry. Nathan’s face grew concerned and without thinking, he knocked on the door. The woman rolled her eyes, “Chester I swear to fucking god if you left something I-” she was now face to face with Nathan. His intimidating size made her shiver, “Uh… Hi.” Nathan said and gave a slight wave. “Mind if I join you?” The lady nodded, “Sorry for the outburst. I thought you were someone else.” The woman gestured to Nathan as he entered the room. “You put on one hell of a performance.”
“Thank you, god I wish it didn’t have to end like this.” The woman sniffed as she swirled around her champagne. “Are you ok man?” Nathan asked, tears began to well up in the woman’s eyes but she violently wiped them away. “I’m fine, it’s just been a rough night. But nothing a little booze can’t fix, right?" She lied jokingly. Nathan invited himself in and sat on the couch. He pondered for a moment and tried to say something positive, “You were pretty brutal up there.” She giggled at the comment, “You don’t have to lie, I looked like a toddler with a temper tantrum.” Nathan shook his head, “No I mean it, it was great.” The vocalist smiled and thanked him. Just then, there was another knock at the door, this time it was a stage hand. “Excuse me, are you a part of Lycan RIOT?” The black haired woman nodded, “Sorry to interrupt, but your charcuterie board has arrived.” The lady thanked the stage hand and placed it on the table. “I was supposed to drink and eat with my stupid band to celebrate a job well done, but they left me to drown. And I can't finish this all by my- Wait, where are my manners? Would you like some?” Nathan nodded and took some cheese and crackers, she continued on. Something in his blackened heart shifted as she spoke. He wanted to reach out. But he couldn’t. Instead he kept listening. The woman stuffed a few pieces of cheese in her mouth, “I do all of the manager stuff, I got us this gig, and we practice like crazy. But no, they leave me high and dry!”
“Damn kid that sucks!” Nathan stated, “I mean you guys slaughtered that set. Kinda ballsy doing a Dethklok song though, let alone a duet.”
“It was a risk I was willing to take. I know we’ll get disqualified, but I hope that Dethklok had a good laugh out of it. I bet right now they’re probably disgusted with us.” Nathan smirked, “What do you think they’re saying right now?”
“Heh, probably something like ‘What a bunch of self righteous idiots. They sucked assholes! And that singer, who does she think she is?’” she chuckled but her breath began to stifle, her heart began to spill out, “What a poser, she is nothing more than an ugly wannabe loser who’s going to die alone. I mean really, wow. Her singing was like a little kid learning how to do a monster voice. How fucking pathetic!” The vocalist curled up in her chair and hugged her knees, she felt like the world was crashing down around her as she kept on venting. For some odd reason, Nathan wanted to comfort her. He wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay and that she wasn’t who she said she was. But his hesitancy bit his tongue, he mindlessly walked toward the spiraling singer. The woman snapped back to reality when she saw Nathan hulking over her, he knelt down to her level and quietly stared at her with a look of calm understanding in his eyes. Nathan finally spoke up, “You know what, fuck your old band. You were more metal by yourself than with those dildos! And sure Dethklok would laugh, but I don’t think it would be at you.” The lady was stunned at such kind words from a complete stranger. The vocalist aggressively wiped her tears away again, this time messing up her already tear stained makeup, “Ack, sorry. I just kinda drowned there for a second. Look at me talking too much again.” she sighed, “Thank you for listening to my stupidity.” She looked towards the bottle of champagne, “You can have the booze and the snacks. I think I’m gonna grab an uber home.” Nathan backed away slowly to give her some space and straighten herself out in her chair. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name.”
“It’s Nathan.”
“Nathan… I’ll remember that. I’m Makina Gorgon, that’s why they call me Medusa.” she smiled pitifully, trying to play off her sadness. Makina made little devil horns with her hands and winked playfully. Just then there was a sound coming towards the green room, a voice called out along with a set of footsteps. “Nathan, come on where the-. AH! There you are, come on we’re going up soon.” Pickles looked over at Makina who’s mascara was clearly messed up from crying. “Oh hey, you’re that singer from Lycan RIOT. That was metal as fuck, great pipes kid.” Makima blinked hard and fast, were her eyes deceiving her at this very moment? Pickles grabbed Nathan’s arm and began to drag him out of the room, “Come on man, let’s go!” Then the realization finally set in, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and her hands were shaking. “It was nice chatting with you, Medusa.” He said smiling as he exited the room, following Pickles out. Makina’s heart sank, the man who she was venting all her stupid little problems to was none other than Nathan motherfucking Explosion, the Nathan Explosion.
Nathan and Pickles regrouped with the rest of Dethklok, “Ah there you are.” The announcer greeted the two, “Gentlemen, we need you to make a decision before you go on stage. Which of the finalists should win?”
“Lycan RIOT.” Nathan stated bluntly, “They had my attention and deserve to win.”
“I second that vote, they were entertaining.” Pickles chimed in. “I agrees too! The lady singers was like if Nathans was a womens!” Toki gleefully exclaimed. “I would agree too. But I think those idiots had a lot of balls to cover us, especially since they broke the rules.” Murderface interrupted. “What rules?” Nathan asked. “It’s like that stupid European contest, they played a different song than the one they submitted.”
“That’s bullshit!”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, for once, Murderface is right.” The announcer straightened his tie, “They would be disqualified by default. Also for a number of other reasons. I’m sorry, but you all cannot vote for Lycan RIOT. We also received word that all the members left without a trace.”
“Damns, so it’s betweens that skas-punk trash heaps or dumb internets rap kids. Such disgustings choosinings.” Skwisgaar sneered. “Hold on a second, not all of Lycan RIOT left. The lead’s still here, I can find her. I’ll be back.” Nathan ran back to the green room. All Makina wanted to do was hide away in a hole 16 leagues under the sea. She debated whether to stay and watch the show or get that uber she promised herself. But before she could make that decision, Nathan bursted through the doorway. “DON’T LEAVE!” He yelled, “I NEED YOU TO STAY HERE, GOT IT?” And just like that Nathan left to join the other members of Dethklok onstage. Regrouping back with his band, Nathan pointed to the green room. “You, dildo, she’s still there. Make sure she doesn’t leave!” Pickles was surprised by Nathan’s words, he had never seen the raven haired man so adamant before on anything. Makina hesitated and cautiously walked near the wings, peeking from backstage. She could hear the sound of Guts Punch Balls Throw Up begin to play, her stomach twisted. What exactly was happening?
After Dethklok’s performance, the announcer was handed a microphone, “Alright, it’s time for our judges to make a final decision. What’s your verdict fellas?” Nathan looked to his band and then towards the wings, “We decided that Lycan RIOT should win.”
“Ooh, I’m sorry. Unfortunately, due to Lycan RIOT breaking some rules and some faces, they will be disqualified from the competition. So Dethklok, which band is going to win Doom-opolis this year?” Nathan snatched the microphone from the announcer, “We said Lycan RIOT wins, got it?” The frontman said more firmly. “But, they’re not even here! No representatives, no win! And like I stated before the band was disqualified.“
“WHO GIVES A SHIT!” Nathan shouted defensively. Meanwhile in the wings, Makina was utterly stunned when her band’s name was called. “We, Dethklok, have decided that Lycan- no, that Medusa should take the golden facebones.” She couldn’t believe it, Makina actually won something?! Maybe her string of putrid luck was finally coming to an end. At that moment she knew she had to stick a middle finger to the world and accept this award, after all it was the most metal thing to do. In a flash, all of her worry and doubt had melted away. It was as if everything she had suffered through that night was worth it. Makina walked on stage with pride in her soul, Nathan smirked and tossed the microphone to her. Makina wore the biggest shit eating grin and began her acceptance speech, “I am Makina Gorgon, former lead singer of Lycan RIOT and now a solo artist. I humbly accept this award on behalf of my stupid bandmates who decided to scurry away like sewer rats. Thank you Dethklok, thank you Doom-opolis, and a big fuck you to everyone who didn’t fear the Medusa!” The crowd roared and rumbled with applause. The other members of Dethklok were not paying attention to her speech, instead they were puzzled by Nathan’s facial expressions and body language. He was smiling and nodding in a fatherly manner, acting as if Makina was his own flesh and blood. Nathan crossed his arms proudly almost as if he wanted to say ‘That’s my little girl.’. The announcer and the award presenter were appalled by the disrespectful display that took place. Murderface snatched the award away and handed it to her, “You are one crazy son of a bitch.” He whispered. The crowd cheered, Makina handed the microphone to a stage hand and was ready to pose for a photo with the band for the press. Makina smiled widely and raised the award in the air in a pair of devil horns, Dethklok and Makina walked off stage together. They could see the angry look of the other bands but they didn’t care.
After the many photos, Nathan realized what he needed to say to them. How to reach out to them. “Medusa, since you’re solo now I think it’s best if you get some help. How about I become your mentor?” Makina’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree, “You mean, I can be your protégé?!”
“Is that a fancies words for pets?” Toki asked naively. “Nah Toki, she will be his apprentice, a student in the ways of metal. ” Pickles corrected. Nathan looked at Makina, he saw it again, that younger version of himself in her. The young man who he once was, when he signed onto Crystal Mountain Records. The same young man who had felt the betrayal of his former bandmate Magnus Hammersmith. A singer that could scream out their tragedies and make it into the most brutal form of art in the world. He didn’t want to fully admit his admiration for the singer. But in that very moment, Nathan wanted nothing more than to see Makina thrive. He could imagine how badass of an artist she could be. And with his guidance, the possibilities seemed endless.
“What do you say?” Makina wanted to scream and jump around like a little kid on a sugar high. All she wanted to do was to hug Nathan and thank him for the opportunity, but she didn’t. She held back her glee with all her might, her hands were still shivering as she went to shake Nathan’s hand to seal the deal in a professional matter. “I- I look forward to working with you!” Makina said nervously. “We start in a week.”
“YES SIR!” Makina said stiffly, the professional dam that held her excitement was slowly crumbling away. “Dude, you can let loose a little.” Pickles said, patting her reassuringly on the back. “Yeah s-sure. Totally totally totally. I’ll just be uh… right back.” Makina backed away slowly to the green room and slammed the door behind her. She smiled widely and began to squee like the fan girl she was. She pumped her fists in the air in a victorious manner and danced around like an idiot. Nathan didn’t realize it, but his world was about to be shaken. This was only the start of Makina’s metal journey.
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sniigura-archive · 2 years
i know you and i like you anyway (2)
chapter 1
tw/cw: drugs implied, slight violence (against nathan), parentification, tell me if i missed smth
nathan prescott x reader ; warren graham x reader
pulling all nighters was part of warrens everyday routine. he wouldn’t sleep for 3 days straight, finishing some school project or movie marathon, only to pass out for the rest of the weekend.
currently it was 6:30 AM and he was on his way to the canteen, wanting nothing more than to grab something to eat. warren couldn’t help but let his mind wander to the new students, or more like one new student. he was beating himself up, because he forgot to exchange numbers or socials with you. how creepy would it be if he showed up at your room?
thankfully, for once the universe was on his side. once he entered the canteen he saw you. if this isn’t a sign from above. you stood infront of the menu, probably trying to decide what to get.
“oh hey! nice seeing you again. how’s it going?” warren skilfully approached you. having you as a friend would probably be good, especially against nathan. another plus was you being actually somewhat nice and cool.
you quickly turned around and looked at him, “..warren, right? i’m doing ok…do you have any recommendations?”
warren shifted from one foot to the other, “hmm, usually i just eat cereal. between us two,” warren shifted closer to you and whisperd loudly, “the food here isn’t so.. radical. if you’re up for it we could grab breakfast at the two whales diner. they got the best food in town!”
you giggled slightly at his antics, “uhh, yeah sure. why not?”
warren gave you a smile which was pure sunshine. oh no, he’s precious. “that’s great! lets go, i will drive.“
shit, ok, you can do that. you can make friends. even if the guy has a cute smile. and a cute face. and a cute personality. god, you’re weak.
you were more than thankful that your scholarships cover more than enough. you appreciated nothing more than the fact that you don’t have to work, and that all your school expense and free spending money have been taken care of. free canteen food is another perk you love. but going out to eat won`t kill your wallet, hopefully.
a feeling in your gut told you that a certain sean prescott has played a huge part in the money you got. your brother has gotten the same perks. lucky bastard.
it wasn’t even you who applied for this school, it was your family who applied everything for you. being away would be good for you. yeah, as if. your mind was constantly buzzing with worry over everyone. the countless dislikes, allergies, appointments and play dates ingrained onto your brain. walking with warren to the parking lot was at least calming you down somewhat.
“so…are you a fellow night owl?” warren asked.
“no, i’m boring. i go to sleep at 9:30 and wake up at like 5 am.” you grabbed the straps of your tote bag tighter, then looking into it to make sure you really have your wallet with you.
“damn! healthy. i wish that was me. i haven’t slept for a second yet.”
nodding along to his confession, you furrowed your brows, “are you sure you should drive? i can also drive, you know.”
warren rubbed at his neck nervously, “no! it’s alright, really. i like to think i’m a pretty decent driver…if you feel unsafe tho! you can drive, of course, or we can reschedule! no stress.”
“it’s cool. i’m starving anyways. if i don’t get anything to eat soon i will get cranky, and i will make it everyone else’s problem.”
chuckling at your words warren continued the conversation, “well, i don’t want to keep you waiting and starving!” you guys reached the parking lot. with big strides, because warren was a long stick, you reached his car. he opened the passenger side for you, dramatically bowing while doing so.
“your majesty.”
you couldn’t help laughing at him, “finally, someone treating me like i deserve it.” sitting down on the seat, warren also closed the door for you. he quickly sprinted over to the drivers seat, and sat down. checking all his mirrors, he started the car. the ride was filled with mindless chatter and questions from both sides.
“i grew up here in arcadia bay, my parents moved away tho. so now i stay in the dorms and can fully live the student life.”
“i’m from florida, i like to blame that on my craziness.”
“i’m an only child. i don’t know if i would like to have siblings, not having to share is great. but being constantly in the focus of my parents also sucks.”
“i’m the oldest. if oliver says he is the older one he’s lying. besides oliver i got another 5 younger siblings. 3 boys and 2 girls. yeah, i hate and love them all deeply.”
“i love watching movies, no matter how bad. same goes for video games. hey! if you’re up for it you can come over to my room and we can play a good ol round of mario kart, or whatever else you want. i can even lend you my flash drive, it has a hundred movies on it.”
“oh that would be very nice. i’m down for movie and game night. i do in my spare time..uhh.. baking and reading..yeah. sorry, once again i’m very boring.”
(who were you if not a substitute parent?)
warren, the angel, assured you that you’re pretty cool in his eyes, “you’re fucking badass, dude! i have never, ever seen anyone stand up to nathan like that. even victoria is sometimes scared of him. she tries not to show it, but i think it’s pretty obvious.”
“..what’s he like?”
“nathan? he’s a fucking bully, man. no offenes. you know, when we were younger he was actually someone everyone picked on. kill the rich kid! but, i don’t know. he changed even before this senior program.”
simply nodding at warrens words, you said, “he..well, he always had…a problem with his temper. it just got worse and worse. i don’t know. i wish i could have done more, but i can’t really break into his head and like, re wire it, you know?”
“yeah, dude, mental illness is a fickle thing. you were also just a kid. i don’t doubt for a second that his life isn’t always fun, but it’s not an excuse to treat others like shit.”
warren took a turn and drove into a parking lot, “welcome to the best diner food you will ever eat!”
“i don’t think i have ever eaten actual diner food.”
“no way. you’re wayyy overdue.”
and with that you left the car and followed warren into the dinner. since it was pretty early into the morning, it was mostly empty. a police officer and a trucker sat at the front, but they paid you no mind. warren lead you to a booth in the back and you sat down. taking a look at the menu, you tried to decide what you wanted, “do you now have any recommendations?”
“everything, dude. i mean it when i say nothing disappoints here.”
a tired waitress approached, ready to take your oder. warren started, “i would have a coffee please, and the homestyle eggs and bacon, with toast.” she nodded along, while writing down the order. “i would like a hot chocolate and uhhh waffles, with a creamcheeese bagel. thank you.” the waitress left shortly, only to return with your drinks. while she was filling up warrens cup, the door rang and a group entered.
of course, because you are the luckiest person alive, the group consists of nathan, victoria, your brother and 3 strangers. 2 girls and one guy. out of habit and because you knew you needed it, you dumped 1 and a half sugar packs into your hot chocolate. you gave the rest to warren.
the group sat in a booth right beside yours. when you looked up, you could make direct eye contact with nathan. your brother sat besides nathan, he turned around and made the phone symbol with his hands, grinning at you. him being happy never meant anything good, you preferred him to be miserable, because then he didn’t get on your nerves. shaking your head at him, he started dramatically pouting. even going as far as clasping his hands together, in a begging way.
rolling your eyes, you took out your phone to actually check your messages. some where from your parents and siblings left behind, some how are yous and where is the vacuum cleaner, where’s my favourite t-shirt? you love do not disturb, it’s the only thing keeping you sane.
RECIEVED: yo u wonnt believe whhat a lil birdy just told me
RECIEVED: ok i will tell u because u asked soooo nicely
RECIEVED: and since im ur fav siblin
RECIEVED: im ur fave right
RECIEVED: right???
RECIEVED: anyyways guess. whoo misses u and is like madly in luv with u
RECIEVED: nathen
RECIEVED: btw are we fraternal or identical twins i keep forgetting
SENT: are you stupid?
looking up from your phone you glared at oliver. and you could see and feel nathan starring at you. ok creepy. whatever. as long as he didn’t follow you, like into the bathroom you were good. you looked over to warren, who looked a bit worried. probably because it looks like nathan wants to rip his head off. warren for your own peace of mind, don’t turn around.
covering the most part of the text conversation with your hand, you showed warren the twin question, “sometimes i wish i was an only child.” you whispered, warren couldn’t help but start laughing, “that’s a joke, right?…right?” shaking your head slightly, you both giggled at the stupidity.
getting up from your seat, you excused yourself and left for the bathroom. you had to take a break, anymore starring from nathan and you were going to die. literally. sitting on the toilet, with the seat down, you scrolled mindlessly through your phone. trying to recharge as best as you could. while you looked at a post from your 16 year old brother, zooming in and tryign to figure out if that was a vodka bottle in the background, you heard the door open. ok that’s cool, other people use the bathroom. but the person didn’t enter a stall, but seemed to wait something out. or more like someone: you.
you couldn’t help but sigh, betting 20$ that it’s nathan out there. fucker. getting up, you flushed to at least make it somewhat believable that you’re a normal person who does not need to hide away during social interactions to avoid being overwhelmed. you can do things like, talk to people and make friends and be normal. totally.
leaving your stall of safety, you saw nathan. who would have thought. looking away from him, you went to the sink to wash your hands. hearing nathan scoff (from where does he get the audacity?) he walked towards you. deciding to ignore him, you didn’t spare him a glance.
“what? can’t even look at me? i’m trying to have an adult conversation here.” nathan said, spoken with the audacity only a rich, white guy could possess.
“are you messing with me? you’re the one trying to have an adult conversation? where was that energy when i was calling and texting you like crazy. only to have goddamn kristine tell me you don’t want to see me ever again! go to hell, prescott.” at your answer nathan nervously wen through his hair, this was going as bad as it could.
“fuck, i’m sorry, alright? i know i messed up. i didn’t…i never wanted to leave. my dad and then also my useless fucking psychiatrist, they just, they kept pushing and pushing. leaving you behind is my biggest regret. believe me.” nathan saw you thinking, alright, this is going to be his lucky day.
“then why did you never contact me? anywhere? i think you had enough time to regret your actions.” right nevermind, this was the worst day nathan ever lived through and he nearly died of an overdose, twice.
“i..i don’t know. i was scared. being rejected by you is the worst possible thing that could ever happen to me.” wow nathan, being so vulnerable. hopefully this tugged on your heartstrings, “i will give you anything you want. you want money? to beat me up? want me to hook you up? cmon, say it and you will get it. you want the moon, baby?”
at the mention of him giving you cash you actually looked low-key disgusted, “i don’t want your money, or anything else. and don’t call me baby. jesus, dude.”
nathan nodded, “forgive and forget?”
“yeah, forgiving and forgetting jesus style.”
“thank fuck. give me your number.” you handed your phone over to nathan, “hey, this won’t be like a thing where you’re too embarrassed to be seen with me, so we never interact in public, right? because i’m not about to be your secret or change myself to fit into your friend group.”
“don’t worry about it, most of them aren’t even my friends. only victoria and rachel are the only real ones. and you, of course. maybe oliver too. he’s realll fun to have around.” nathan handed you your phone back, and with that you were about to leave. before nathan could open the door, you called out to him.
“hey, nathan.”
as he was about to fully turn around towards you, you sucker punched him in the stomach. hard. his knees were bent while he leaned against the door, making him smaller than you. grabbing him by his jacket you pulled him up.
“you ever leave again, without saying goodbye, i will kill you. i mean it, nathan joshua prescott. i don’t care where you are in the world, i will find you and i will shove your camera so far up your ass that you will be coughing up pictures for the rest of your short and miserable life. do you understand?”
nathan nodded wildly at you. you slammed his head against the door, “speak up.”
“y..yes. i won’t leave, ever again. i.. i promise.” at his response you smiled at him and let him go. nathan straightened up, trying to ignore the pain in his stomach. one thing he forgot over the years is the fact that you’re simply terrifying. god, he will probably have a bruise.
your hand petted over his jacket and shirt, making sure he looked presentable and not like you just punched the soul out of his body, “even though i think you’re a dick, i still missed you.”
nathan mumbled out an “missed you too.” and with that you guys left, finally.
yes, you’re scary with possible hidden anger issues and a control freak who just punched him, but why was he so attracted to you? that was like the hottest thing that happened to him. it was also a good thing he was in therapy already.
walking back to your booth, you saw that oliver took over your place. he made eye contact with you, while taking his first sip of your hot chocolate. he made a face at the overly sweet taste, “yikes, i always forget you’re trying to invent a new type of diabetes with your sweet tooth. the fact that you still have teeth is a blessing, man.”
sitting down besides him, you took the mug from him. “go choke.”
“wow! so rude. who raised you? anyways, i was actually about to join you guys in the bathroom. i was scared you were going to kill him. did you punch him? please say yes, i made a bet with rachel. she said no one would dare to punch a prescott, but you’re like, insane. so i said you totally would.”
“congrats, you just won 20$.”
“ha! see! i told you!” oliver climbed over you, while stealing your bagel. rachel got 20$ out of her wallet, or more like frank did. sucker. nathan was back at his seat, actually looking content for once. victoria frowned at you, she then turned to nathan and whispered with him.
warren leaned towards to you, “did you actually punch him?” he whispered. you nodded while
taking a bite of your well deserved food. nothing beats grease and sugar. his teddy bear brown eyes widened at the information, “you’re actually my hero.” you laughed with a mouth full of food.
the rest of the time spent in the dinner was relatively quite. once you finished up, you paid and left with warren, who drove back to campus.
“man, if i could punch nathan i would be the happiest kid alive.”
“you actually have to let it go, dude. i have other personality traits, besides punching nathan. like, insulting him and being his number one bully.” warren chuckled at you, “you’re actually a badass. how do you do it?”
“uhh, i don’t fear most people so i just do whatever goes through my head. i also have never lost a fight and i think that’s doing horrible things to my ego.”
“so cool..”
once you reached your dorm doors, you exchanged numbers with warren and said your goodbyes, for now. he said he would show you around more, once he actually slept for a bit.
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taocc-updates · 2 months
TAOCC but it’s 14 by Peter Clines because I am NOT NORMAL ABOUT 14
After all being offered what might be the lowest apartment rent in LA, a group of mismatched tenants start noticing some weird stuff about their new home. Bright green cockroaches with too many legs, a wall that’s freezing cold, apartments that are huge or have weird layouts, complex population calculations and circuitry below the painted walls, a massive geothermal generator miles below the ground, and whatever’s going on with the completely blocked off Apartment number 14.
(If you’re wondering why they’re all so random, that was on purpose)
Nathan “Nate” Tucker: Caleb A very normal guy with a very boring job in Data Entry in LA. After being offered an apartment for a ridiculously low rate, he moves into the Kavach Building. He ends up as the impromptu leader of the tenants, who slowly shift from a vaguely acquainted group of random people to a makeshift apocalypse prevention team.
Malavika "Veek" Vishwanath: Felicia A woman who works from home as a “call center employee”. In actuality, hacking and web investigation pays the bills. She’s closed-off and snarky, but does care for the group. She ends up with Caleb by the end.
Xela (Zeila?? Literally what is this girl’s name): Conny A bubbly, blue-haired Artist with massive social anxiety and a liking for the Greek Mythos. Has a large snarky streak, meaning she tends to bicker with Felicia.
Roger: Starro A outgoing wannabe actor who is stuck in set design. He does like his job, even if it isn’t his dream. Says “dude” a lot and has a hopeless crush on Conny.
Tim Farr: Charles A “retired publisher” who knows way too much about survival and has an arsenal of weapons big and varied enough to rival a police station. Turns out, his “publishing job” was probably the CIA. He’s being tracked by a PI because of his past.
Debbie: Elysia A very quiet ballet dancer who’s getting a degree in biology. She’s a good baker and very sweet, although she doesn’t handle the dangers of the Kavach building very well. At least she has her husband around.
Clive: Blaze A self-employed carpenter and the third guy who knows how to use power tools in the building. He’s upbeat and a bit dumb, but beloved by and super supportive of everyone.
Mandy: Umbra A nervous wreck who wants NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with the group’s investigations. Period. She ends up getting dragged into it anyways.
Ms. Linda(?) Knight: Sun The oldest tenant and everyone’s favorite snarky grandma. Nobody is spared. She also gets thrown into space. No, you don’t get context for that.
Oskar: Jacob The kind but a bit intimidating manager for the Kavach building. Very German. He knows both more and less than he’s letting on. Keeps telling everyone to stop investigating the horrors, to literally no success.
Andrew: Vamp A cleanly dressed member of some congregation. Everyone assumes she’s hardcore Mormon or something. But it gets more and more apparent as time goes on that whatever she worships, it sure isn’t a god we’re familiar with.
-The Cool Old People-
Alexander Kotorovich (please tell me I spelled that right): Dusk Saw beyond the veil, single-handedly figuring out the interdimensional threat to the world. She was called crazy, but she was right, and with her colleagues, she created the Kavach building. She died brutally inside the machine that she adored in the 1800’s.
Nikola Tesla yes that Nikola Tesla: Dialtone Dusk’s business partner and one of the people who helped turn her ideas into a physical reality.
W.P. (I can’t remember his name help): Uhhhhh like freaking Abayomi or smth Funded the Kavach building. He told his grandson (H.P. Lovecraft, yes THAT H.P. Lovecraft) the stories of Dusk’s theories after being minorly traumatized. Poor guy.
-the Horrors-
The Great Old One (“The Squale”): Clown Termed “the Squale (squid-whale)” by Conny in an attempt to make it less threatening. Whatever it is, it really wants worship and to eat all of humanity. The Kavach building is the only thing standing in its way.
The Kavach Building: It’d be really silly if it was House A huge machine created by Dusk, Dialtone, and Abayomi. Not alive in the original, buuuut heck why not make it House. It is benevolent, and saves the world every second that it exists. It is studied closely by the government and the manager. The control center is in Blaze and Elysia’s room, and apartment 14 just straight up leads to deep space as a counterweight for all of the dimension shifting that the control room does.
Anne: Niko Caleb’s coworker. Likes pizza. Thinks he’s pretty cool.
Eddie: Zachariah Caleb’s boss. Not too good at his job but goodness is he trying. Eddie sucks in the original but Zach in this version is a seriously cool guy.
Carmichael: Calamity Investigating Charles at the behest of the government. May or may not be dead by the end of the novel. Oops.
uhhh tags I guess because I used y’all’s sillies
@sh4tt3rg1rl @star-on-a-beach @feiar @silhouette-anon
Read 14.
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kattartsblog · 7 months
Prologue: And the winner is… (How Medusa and Dethklok met)
It had been 3 years after the events of “Army of the Doomstar”. Dethklok was asked to judge the third annual “Doom-opolis”, a battle of the bands styled competition that also was a celebration of Dethklok saving the world from utter destruction. It was down to the final 3 groups; the Ska punk group, PulsinG, the Idol group, Jennifer’s Corpse, and the emo metal band Lycan RIOT. Nathan really didn’t want to be there, he was disappointed by the lack of creativity and spark the two acts he sat through were. He was already anticipating Lycan RIOT to be just as lackluster. Nathan had decided it was best to stretch his legs and wander about a bit before the band had to make their final decision. His mindless wandering ended him backstage where Lycan RIOT were having a heated conversation.
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“So you guys are just going to throw out this dream we built?!” Cried the dark haired woman. “After years of hard work, the countless failed gigs, and even a freaking catastrophic apocalypse; you’re all going to quit?!” The man with the ponytail nodded, “We’ve all grown up and now have lives outside of music ‘Dusa, it’s time you wake up from this dream.” The purple haired one had hummed in agreement, “We’re bound to fail, so let’s make this our final show.” The woman clenched her teeth, there was a fiery anger burning deep in her soul. But it was covered by devastation in her voice. “Fine then, after this performance…” she sighed, “We break up.” Nathan heard the shakiness in her voice, he could tell that this was a passion of the lady. It was something he could relate to. Music was his calling, he wouldn’t be the man he was without it. Lycan RIOT was called to the stage and got into position to play.
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The way she carried herself on stage gave Nathan a fright. He stood there frozen in awe. It was as if he was staring at a mirror. The woman reminded him of his younger years; the frustration to start something big, the passion she possessed, and the sheer raw emotion from her stance alone was enough to make him feel something. Nathan didn’t quite know what he was feeling. He was reminded of the vision from the whale prophet all those years ago, to be the hand. Maybe this time it was a different kind of hand? The lady looked down at the stage, closed her eyes, raised her microphone in a pair of devil horns, and then… “FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK!” She growled, then a very familiar melody began to play.
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The crowd cheered and applauded. Meanwhile up in the VIP booth, the other members of Dethklok were in utter shock. Not only was this performance the best they had witnessed all night, but the only one that had the balls to cover one of their songs! Pickles left the booth to go look for Nathan, who was waiting in the wings. The frustrated woman had seen her former bandmates walk out of the green room. They left all their gear behind and left the lady seething. She punched a big hole in the green room wall and sat on one of the stools near the mirror. Nothing mattered to her, she began to open the wine bottle on the vanity table and poured herself a glass. After taking a swig, she flopped her head in her arms on the vanity and began to silently cry. Nathan’s face grew concerned and without thinking, he knocked on the door.
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The black haired woman turned to face the hulking man at her doorway, “Yes?” She said, masking her sadness with a professional sounding tone. “Uh… Hi.” Nathan said and gave a slight wave. “Mind if I join you?” The lady nodded, Nathan entered the room and sat down on the large couch across from her. “You put on one hell of a performance.” “Thank you, god I wish it didn’t have to end like this.” The woman sniffed as she swirled around her wine. Just then another knock at the door, this time it was a stage hand. “Sorry to interrupt, but your charcuterie board has arrived.” The lady thanked the stage hand and placed it on the table. “I was supposed to drink and eat with my stupid band to celebrate a job well done, but they left me to drown. And i can’t finish this all by my- Wait, where are my manners? Would you like some?” Nathan nodded and took some cheese and crackers, she continued on. Something in his blackened heart shifted as she spoke. He wanted to reach out. But he couldn’t. Instead he kept listening.
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“I mean hell, we played in front of Dethklok, and they turned tail and gave up! But maybe it was for the best, I mean Dethklok would be laughing at us right now.” Nathan finally spoke up, “You know what, fuck your old band. You were more metal by yourself than with those dildos! And sure Dethklok would laugh, but I don’t think it would be at you.” The lady was stunned, at such kind words from a complete stranger. “Thanks, hell I don’t even know your name.” “Oh, it’s Nathan, and you are?” The woman a painful smiled and posed with crossed devil horns, “The name’s Makina Gorgan, but on stage I go by Medusa.” Suddenly there was a sound from a set of footsteps, it was Pickles. “There you are! I’ve looking everywhere for you.” Pickles peered into the room and noticed Makina in the room, her eyes widened. “Oh you’re that singer from Lycan RIOT. Nice job, your set was brutal. Now come on Nate, the others are waiting.” Nathan stood up and walked towards the door. “It was nice chatting with you Medusa.” He said smiling as he exited the room. Makina blushed with embarrassment, the Nathan they were venting all her feelings to was the Nathan Explosion.
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Nathan and Pickles regrouped with the rest of Dethklok and unanimously decided that Lycan RIOT, or at least just Makina should win the competition. However due to the rules, all of the band members needed to be present. This didn’t sit right with the death metal band, especially Nathan. After some very ‘brutal’ convincing, the Doom-opolis committee decided to give into Dethklok’s demands and let Makina join them on the main stage. Nathan grabbed the microphone from the presenter’s hands, “We, Dethklok, have decided that Lycan- no, that Medusa should take the golden facebones.” She couldn’t believe it, Makina actually won something?! Maybe her string of putrid luck was finally coming to an end. Nathan handed the microphone to her, “Thank you Doom-opolis, and thank you Dethklok. To my old bandmates, you made a big mistake by leaving. Now all shall FEAR THE MEDUSA!” The crowd cheered, Makina handed the microphone to a stage hand and was ready to pose for a photo with the band for the press. After the many photos, Nathan realized what he needed to say to them. How to reach out to them. “Medusa, since you’re solo now I think it’s best if you got some help. How about I become your mentor?” Makina’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree, “Yes! I look forward to it!” Nathan didn’t realize it, but his world was about to be shaken.
Finally! The prologue is out! This is more of a condensed version of what I had envisioned and could fit into one post. Also the “Nathan Explosion, tony hawk” moment had been in my head for ages, living rent free. From here on out it’s going to be more episodic vignette styled story telling, so I hope you’ll look forward to all that. :3c
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slasherscream · 2 years
crazy ass boys gang finding the reader crying
crazy ass boys gang + finding you crying 
billy loomis: Hates seeing you cry but doesn’t panic about it. First things first, he needs to know what’s wrong. He’s patient while you cry through the entire explanation, no matter how long it takes for you to get it out. Once he knows what’s wrong, he’ll hug you until you’ve calmed down. After that, he tries to solve the problem. Very pragmatic about it all.
josh washington: Is no stranger to crying. His sisters cry. His friends cry. He cries. He’s used to it. It still breaks his heart that you’re upset. Goes all out while trying to make you feel better. Will order all your favorite food, run you a bath, light some candles, pour you a glass of wine. Anything and everything you need. You can’t cry if you’re too busy being pampered.
stu macher: Struggles a little with empathy at times, so his gut reaction is not taking it very seriously. If you seem really upset, or you keep crying after he initially tries to cheer you up with jokes or baiting you into getting angry instead of sad, he gets a little anxious. Will do pretty much anything to make you stop crying at this point, because he's now personally uncomfortable. But it seems like he's just stressed about seeing you cry, so it cheers you up a little. It's great to have such a loving boyfriend, after-all.
jd/jason dean: If you’re not crying because someone did something to you, then speak up now or forever hold your peace. Otherwise, he will jump to conclusions and he will go kill someone. Once you assure him that nobody did anything to you (if he believes you), he will comfort you. He’s honestly pretty good at it too. Will hold you for as long as you need and never judge you for anything you say out of frustration or anger. 
kevin khatchadourian: Isn’t very concerned, full-stop. Crying and sadness is an emotion that he’s completely unaccustomed to. He’s observed it, sure, but he doesn’t understand it. Still, he knows it benefits him to get you to stop crying. It also strengthens the bond between you when he does things like comfort you. Since it does have a tangible effect on your relationship, he’ll comfort you. If there’s a problem he can solve even better. If it was a person who made you cry... good luck to them.
nathan prescott: Absolutely panics. Was not born with the ability to comfort anyone. He can’t even self soothe and now he has to help someone else do it? Still, he does hate to see you cry. It’s best if he finds you crying somewhere private. He can’t be caring in front of an audience, no matter how much he may want to. His ego wouldn’t be able to take it. If you’re alone, he’ll do his best. He’ll put on the sounds of whale calls (is that to calm you down or him? who knows), and then just hold you. He’ll listen to whatever you have to say but won’t give any advice. He goes to you for advice, he doesn’t think he has any wisdom to offer you. But just him being there, quietly trying to support you when you can tell just how out of his comfort zone he is, means a lot to you.
sebastian valmont: Is actually very good at comforting you. How people work is his favorite subject. He’s an observer, and a talented one at that. He knows exactly what to do and exactly what will help. If you need a shoulder to cry on, he’s there. If you need someone to bitch to who agrees with everything you say, he’s wonderful. If you need advice, you’ll be shocked at how perfectly he can assess your problem. If you need pampering, he’s got the spa privately booked. By the end of the day, you’ll forget you were upset at all.
david mccall: Babies you. It would be condescending if you didn’t need it so badly. He’s determined to solve all your problems. He wants to be your hero. Something going wrong at work? He’ll step in. A friend stressing you out? He’ll “talk” to them. He pulls you into his lap and makes you pour your aching little heart out. “I’ll take care of it, baby,” and he’s not just sweet talking you. Watch exactly what you say to him, unless you don’t mind him solving certain problems permanently.
sparrow!ben hargreeves: Another one who is awful at comforting you. He didn’t get any comfort growing up and he certainly doesn’t get any now. The way he solves his problems is by taking it out on criminals and having a stiff drink afterwards. Will awkwardly go for holding you and order you not to cry because it will ruin his designer shirt. If that gets a laugh out of you, he’ll breathe a sigh of relief. It makes the situation feel less alien (and scary) to him. He settles on holding you for as long as you need and trying to keep his mouth shut. He can be bitchy when he’s worried and he doesn’t want to set you off into another crying spell. 
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mishirak · 3 years
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Pairing: Nathan Prescott(Life is Strange) x Reader
Ratings: General
Warnings: Mentions of drugs and bullying
A/N: First of all, that picture 👆, I fucking love it. My man looks so calm that it makes me feel clam... I don't know if it's a still image or a cut scene but if it is a cut scene, please send it to me! I want to see my baby boy relaxing ≥﹏≤ This is more of a self insert and I'm a sicker for size difference~(I'm 4'7/147cm)
Word count: 1k
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Nathan Prescott, a name you're very familiar of when you moved to Arcadia Bay and went to the Blackwell Academy. Your first encounter wasn't pleasant at all, you doubt anyone has a good first impression of him.
Your eyes glued to your phone screen as you were reading one of your favorite comics, when suddenly you've bumped into someone's chest, knocking you down. "Watch where you're fucking going!" A masculine voice yelling at you.
You immediately turn to them and apologize, "I'm so sorry! I will next time." You looked up and you realized that you had bumped into the worst person you could've ever bump into.
"What-the-fuck-ever..." he said, glaring down at you and walk away. Students around you look at the commotion. You grab your phone and dust yourself off; you checked your phone and realized the screen is cracked. You groan, already fed up with the day and just want it to end.
You quickly went to your class.
It was humiliating. It didn't help that Victoria Chase was teasing and making fun of you afterwards. Nathan joins in when he's there but Victoria talks the most shit.
As much as you want to counter them, you don't want to make them angry, especially Nathan. So, you just take the heat and hope your lack of reaction will bore them and move on to other targets.
From the gloomy afternoon, you knew that it will rain for a while. Luckily the day is Saturday, no school and just chill in your dorm. Your stomach decided wanting to eat something and just in case, you grab your umbrella and went to Two Whales diner.
You sat down at your usual booth, and Joyce took your order, as soon as you finish ordering, the rain started to pour. You enjoy your meal while listening to the pouring rain.
You open your umbrella and left the diner. You don't have a car, and you don't really want to wait for the bus and so, you decided to walk back to the dormitory.
You arrived at the parking lot, as you were walking at the sidewalk, you saw what seems to be a male student standing under the tree without an umbrella. The rain started to get very heavy; you quickly walk towards him and you soon realized that it was Nathan.
You stop in your tracks and just stare at him. This was very different from the usual Nathan Prescott. He seems more calm and relax looking up at the rain, at this moment, he looks human. Not that spoiled rich kid and have no feelings that everyone makes it out to be. Honestly, if he was more cool and collected, you would admire him from afar.
It seems like he hasn't noticed you yet, you continue to walk towards him and covers him with the umbrella.
Nathan jumped at the sudden cover. He looks down and saw you holding up your umbrella, albeit, struggling a bit because he is taller than you.
"What the fuck do you want?" The calmness before was immediately change to anger. You were so confused at his outburst; you're aware of his temper and such but you don't understand what he meant.
"What do you mean? You're out here in the rain, I saw you and I just want to help you." You said truthfully, still holding the umbrella but he pushes you away. "Quit your bullshit, is this your little act to make me stop making fun of you? Or do you want something else?"
"No! Prescott, I just want to help you. I don't want anything in return." You get close to him a little bit. He rolls his eyes at you, not believing you.
"Everyone around me is just using me when they need it. People acting nice to me because I got the drugs they want and you think, I'm gonna believe you?" You felt bad when you hear that. It seems like you caught him at his worst.
You didn't know any of that, you thought he was some spoiled rich kid that pays people to like him and didn't even mind it. You sighed and once again, covers him with the umbrella.
"I don't want anything from you. I don't want drugs or money. I just want to help you get back to your dormitory. That's it." You try again, you don't even know why you bother to convince him. You should've just given up after he pushes you away.
He looks...conflicted before quickly grabbing the umbrella from your hand. "What-the-fuck-ever..." he said and started to walk towards the boys dormitory.
You quickly follow him, not wanting to get wet. You realized that the umbrella was a bit small; you kinda have to get close to Nathan.
Nathan shifted uncomfortably, you quickly apologize and try to give him some space between you two. You never were this close to Nathan in any way, the first encounter with him should make you scare to get any closer to him and yet here you are, walking beside him in the rain while he’s holding the umbrella that’s too small to fit both of you.
You can feel your cheeks heating up from the thought, Nathan suddenly pull you and broke your train of thoughts. You look up at him in confusion and look at the front, realizing you both arrived at the boys’ dormitory. “We’re here already, unless you also want to walk me to my room, no need.” Nathan said and gives back your umbrella.
You watch him walk towards the door. He waits for a bit to turn around and look back at you but before you wave goodbye to him, he cuts you off. “Don’t tell anyone about this.” and walks inside.
You sighed and went back to the girls’ dormitory while thinking about what just happened.
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Metalocalypse is one of the few shows I’ve seen that successfully mastered the fact that every character was both a hero and a villain in their own story and in other characters stories.
Magnus was a villain, but in his mind he was a victim, to him he genuinely didn’t think he did anything wrong in the past or the present and you can tell deep down he is hurt by the loss of his old friends and he misses them still.
Charles is by the rule of aiding the protagonists a hero, but the fact he’s also killed a multitude of people, erased the band’s criminal records completely time and time again, as part of his work had people tortured and killed and arrested for various offenses and even non offenses. He is a villain in terms of corporation.
Edgar is a villain to the band, wanting revenge on them for the death of his brother which makes him the hero in his own story. His anger and resentment is valid and it’s understandable, he’s still going after the protagonists which makes him a villain, who then turns into an ally, so far.
The Metal Masked Assassin is a villain by design who is tragic and a hero in his own story. He’s out to kill the band because he blames them for the death of his brother, never realizing the fact that Crozier is honestly the one to blame for his brother’s death.
Speaking of…General Crozier is technically a middle ground. He’s a man stubbornly seated in reality, he denies the supernatural because it’s illogical, he does of course eventually have to confess the supernatural is real when undeniably confronted and possessed by it. Crozier does things he deems as the right thing according to a military black and white morality mindset, he’s willing for people to die to reach his goals, to keep a thousand people safe what’s the death of a hundred? He wants to be the hero, but by Doomstar even controlled by Salacia he voices his own buried conflict of if he should help Dethklok or kill them, because he no longer knows.
Salacia while deeply mysterious is a hero in his own story or at least he likes to deem himself one or more so a victim according to the lyrics of the track Nightmare. Salacia is doing things we don’t fully understand but they are things he’s waited possibly thousands of years to successfully accomplish. Of course both the show and Galaktikon 2 paint the obvious that he is a villain, at least outside of himself, ie maybe the Whale that speaks to Nathan can’t be fully trusted.
Which is kind of what I really love about the show. Every character introduced is flawed, if you try to claim a single character on this show is pure or right or has never done anything wrong then you’re not being honest with yourself. The show pretty much works as a chart from least offenses to the most. The show focuses on the fact that every person is living their own story and typically see themselves as the hero in said story but to another person they may be a villain to them.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Friends with Added Benefits (part 8)
Warnings - angst / pregnancy / cheating?
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen
You'd been back home from your holiday for a month, Cillian and Alison had talked extensively about their son and allowed the dust to settle before they met for the first time. Cillian had spent much of the last 2 weeks back and forth between your home and hers in Queens Park, getting to know Nathan. You weren't overly concerned about any of it, until a week earlier when you'd used Cillian's phone, with his permission, to send a text to your mum - you'd dropped yours on the kitchen floor that morning, smashing the screen.
While you'd been typing, a text had come through from Alison, the notification appearing across the top of his screen.
"It's been so good reconnecting with you these last few weeks x." kisses Why was she sending him texts with kisses on? Curiosity got the better of you, and you opened the message, finding yourself reading them all.
Cillian - "It was so good to see you, dinner was amazing, you're a great cook! X" Dinner??? A kiss?!
Alison - "You too. Next time I'll make sure we remember the peppercorn sauce for your steak! X" next time?? Why were there kisses on every fucking message? You looked down at your 34 week bump, you were huge now, spent most of your time on the sofa or napping. Sex was off the menu, you felt about as sexy as a humpback whale.
You couldn't look at any more texts, you simply threw the phone on the bed and tried not to cry. Clearly he wasn't interested in you anymore... Ankles swollen, constant back pain, all you'd done was push him away when he tried to help you and this was your own fault - sending him straight into the arms of Alison. Slim, toned, blonde fucking bombshell Alison...
Now though, a week on, waiting for him to come back from yet another 'date' with her, you sat on the sofa looking at the screenshots you'd sent yourself from his phone that day. He walked into the house, whistling chirpily to himself, making his way into the kitchen. You waddled in to him, watching him knock a sandwich up.
"Didn't get your steak this time?" You questioned, arms folded.
"What?" He turned sharply to ask, his brows furrowed.
"Or did she forget the peppercorn sauce again?"
"The fuck are you talking about?"
"Don't play fucking dumb with me! I've seen the messages you've been sending each other! Kisses on all of them!! If you didn't want me Cillian, all you had to do was say!!!" He put the butter knife down and closed the fridge door, giving you his full attention.
"You've been reading my texts?"
"I used your phone last week to text my mum, remember? Sick of the 'heavily pregnant, always complaining girlfriend' already? My god Cillian..."
"No!! Don't stand there and lie to me!!"
"I'm not going to lie to you."
"How long have you been fucking her?"
"I'm not fucking her!"
"Well you're not fucking me, and I know your sex drive Cillian, you're clearly getting it somewhere!"
"I'm not fucking you because you don't want to fuck me!"
"What? I feel like a WHALE Cillian!! Can you remember the last time I slept for more than 3 hours straight? The last time I was able to walk without feeling like my pelvis was gonna snap in two? The last time you fucking complimented me?" He hung his head.
"I'm sorry y/n... Okay? I'm sorry! I don't know what you want from me! I try to hold you, you squirm away! I touch you, you recoil like I'm a monster! I want to help you but you're not exactly making it easy to know what it is you fucking want from me!"
"I want you to not fuck other women!"
"I'm not fucking other women!! Those texts are between me and Nathan!!!"
"He doesn't have a phone - Alison won't let him have one yet. Madness.. the kid's 14.. but that's how it is! He texts me from his mum's phone!" You froze, unable to focus properly.
"How long have you had this shit in the back of your mind? A week? Do you trust me at all??" He was angry.. really angry.
"I do... I swear I do..."
"You clearly fucking don't!"
"Cillian I'm sorry!!! Okay? I'm sorry..."
"Fucks sake y/n... I need some air." He headed out the back door to the garden, slamming it behind him. "Here's my phone - read them ALL y/n, not just the ones that satisfy your crazy ass imagination."
You leaned on the wall, sobs wracking your whole body now you realised what a complete fool you'd been. You looked at the messages again on his phone, and saw them for exactly what they were - clearly a conversation between a father and son. Talk of fishing trips. Football. Meeting you.. his new little brother or sister coming in a few weeks... Why hadn't you seen those before? You looked out into the garden but he wasn't there, the side gate swinging open, he must've gone for a walk.
Drying your eyes, you headed into the lounge, before pausing. A dull ache across your lower abdomen, followed by a strong tightening across your whole belly took your breath away.
"Shit..." You picked up your phone and called Cillian, hearing his phone ring from the kitchen where you'd left it.
"Oh shit... Shit, shit, shit..."
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
somebody about xav to nate: that unhinged creature seems the sort to do at home body modifications nathan knowing his twin just like: ..... i’m not going to tell you how incorrect that is but that’s one of the things he takes very seriously ironically -which like, some senior trying to peer pressure nate into getting a stick&poke at a party when he’s a freshman and him being like- as much this could earn me some belonging i’ll accept coming off as a stuck up rich kid because i value my health -those sort of antics are disallowed at vortex parties once he becomes fairly in charge (of course nate is like i really have no say in it- if they are going to nothing’s changing that but i will actively kick them to the curb because no thanks) not for like preservation of the club or risk control but him just really not wishing to remotely be in proximity to those choices -you would think xav given his being reckless,etc has been in those situations but it’s one of his no go’s which can be a struggle for him because of how much a people pleaser he is/his mental health issues so when it’s 3am and he really wants a new tattoo sometimes he’ll be like I could do it, properly sanitize and not be stupid about it to which he usually counteracts by texting his go to tattoo artist/or doing a mockup, doodling the design etc till he falls asleep -nathan finds tattoos cool but isn’t hit with the actual motivation to get any personally/does have his health issues,etc (certainly wouldn’t mind getting a horror tattoo of some nature, actually has quite a few he’s seen that were like “cutesy” horror that he was like wow that’s fucking cool style- naturally would consider getting a whale related one too maybeee as cliche or nerdy a camera) piercings are even more unlikely for him- meaningful would be the drive for a tattoo *as funny it’d be for him to get like comedy/tragedy for the lols* -xav is just a connoisseur of tattoos, piercings to the extent of hardcore passion naturally especially regarding piercing jewelry/theming stuff,etc (though his body tends to not allow piercings very easily, will heal things up too well/like if he forgets to wear a piercing for x amount of time it’s like that spot never got pierced so that tends to be a complicated matter) -like with many things xav has also managed to get ink when he was underage (due to the crowd he hung out with plus the ability to seem older than he is+a really good fake id etc) which he’ll admit was probably not the smartest or like morally right but as if it’d been like ‘ah yes i will take my 16 year old to the tattoo shop, pay for me to get one of my concepts like ~arson is romantic~’ *tbh in his adopted verse he likely did go to his parents like take me plz cuz that’s one difference* -regarding the style of xav’s tattoos/wanted one’s its a lot of he is down to genuinely mean “have fun with it” because really respects the persons art style, wants them to have fun *does also communicate very well in general plus sometimes back forth art nerding* some have meaning, others not so much (he finds colored ink really cool+uv ink as well but also a typical sucker for black outlined designs etc) plus sometimes he just wants “dumb” tattoos like he won’t take shit for getting like a vampire c.are bear if that’s what he feels like getting -related, xav is actually pretty picky sometimes about certain things like carefully painting water on a envelope seal to activate it because “my tongue can only get destroyed by salt&vinegar chips, sour candy, and dry cereal” which is pretty amusing -both genuinely kinda shiver when like passing by c.laires or whatever especially if somebody they are with goes ‘i should go get pierced lol’ depending might be met with ‘no no no plz if you’re serious i will pay for you to professionally get what you want’
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writseo · 4 years
Nathan Prescott | I Won’t Say I Am In Love
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Word Count: 1.1k
Song: I Won’t Say I Am In Love by Susan Egan
(A/N: I found this song to be so similar and close to “I Can’t Believe My Heart” and decided to make it sort of like a prequel type of deal on Nathan’s perspective for that drabble! I found you don’t mind <3)
Part 1
 Nathan couldn’t stop staring at you during all of his classes. He would watch you go down the halls, get your items out of your locker, loving the sight of you. He didn’t know you well, and he wasn’t familiar with your identity. You barely spoke in class, always laid your head low and would generally stay in your own lane. All he knew was that you two shared one class together. In his eyes, you were perfect. 
Who’d ya think you’re kiddin’
It didn’t help when his friends would take notice of his strange, new behaviour. They saw the stares he gave you, the way he traced every move you made with his eyes, how sometimes he would accidentally end up following you when you were on your way to somewhere, how Nathan couldn’t even muster up the courage to speak to you properly, and it sure as hell didn’t help how he was in complete denial about you. They noticed how he was always so quick to defend you when the subject came up. In fact, the group would end up teasing him while referring you as “the little dove.” Eventually, it stuck itself into casual conversations. Nathan didn’t even know your real name at all though. It didn’t bother him. In fact, he kind of liked the presented mystery. 
“Dude, just admit it,” Hayden said, pulling Nathan out of his thoughts. It was Jefferson’s class and they were just taking a break from their now distracted teacher. 
“No, over my dead body,” Nathan snapped. 
“At this point, it just might be,” Hayden giggled at his own joke, the rest of the students at their table following suit. 
You looked over to the table and gave the group of boys a small stink eye. Those that noticed would tell Nathan, giving him a twisted version of “they just looked over here dude!” 
And instead, he just rolled his eyes and he turned to listen to the professor that announced his next project. 
It didn’t help his case when he almost choked on air as he saw you walking towards him. For once, at least he knew your name. (Y/N).
They are the Earth and heaven to you, Try to keep it hidden
Nathan never rested his eyes around you. They were always working and moving in some fashion. One minute they’d be gazing over you. The second he noticed your head slightly move, his pupils would focus on the ways his fingers would fidget. It didn’t help that you weren’t disturbed and intimidated by him like the others. You started carving your name into his walls and while he pretended to hate it, he loved every minute of it. He loved how you two spent your mornings making small chats about your dreams, how you asked him how it was going with his family, and especially when you asked how his day was by the time the night settled into the sky. 
He was just sitting on the bench, watching you take photos of the streets into a crouched down position. Your head retracted back as you moved towards his direction. As usual, Nathan turned his attention towards his phone to continue scrolling on Twitter. 
“Hey Nate?” 
“Are you okay?” 
He tilted his head. 
“You’ve been acting off lately.”
“I am okay,” he looked at his fingers as he huskily replied, “thanks for asking.” 
A part of himself was embarrassed, cringing at the aspect that he showed gratitude. When your stare lingered past its 1 minute mark, he looked back up at you. Even though he loved being the star of your attention, Nathan felt a tad bit uncomfortable and out of place.
“What?” Instinctively, he snapped at you. The attitude startled you, something that made him regret his actions, making you redirect your attention back to your work.
Honey, we can see right through you, Boy, ya can't conceal it
After the project had ended, Nathan would grow to hate your absence. He missed the time you spent together and how you two would go into the Blue Whale, just to order the same meal off of a dirty menu for the third time, listening to the same beat that had been playing all week through the jukebox. His friends started noticing him becoming more frantic. Always wanting to be near you at every chance he got, sometimes purposely being stuck with you in elevators or on the stairs. 
Eventually, he would find a way to invite you after your class together had ended. He wanted to hang out with you, talk to you, have a full on conversation. Nathan didn’t want to sound too strong, but neither did he want to sound too ignorant. His first plan was to ask you help him with some homework. However, his words jumbled when he faced you, “Do you want to hang out some time?” 
And of course, you nodded to him. 
Hayden and Trevor would notice from the doorframe, wolf whistling at the anxious mess. 
“Oh, shut up,” He rolled his eyes as he walked through the door, heading to his next class. 
We know how ya feel and who you're thinking of
He’d spend his days dozing off into the clear air in front of him. Victoria would notice him being hazy all the time. At first, it was a mystery. At least until you came into the picture, she would notice a pattern. When you were there, his attention was as sharp as a whistle. When you went away, he was daydreaming about his future life. The small personality traits that he had, his aggression, his snarkiness, everything would all fade away the second that he saw you. 
Nathan was staring out the bus, ignoring the conversation that was taking place next to him. He then heard and suddenly smelled a whiff of Victoria’s strong perfume next to him. 
“So, dreaming about (Y/N) again?” She giggled. Nathan sit back up straight, looked at her with wide eyes. 
“How do you-”
“It’s obvious,” she replied as he slunk back into his chair, defeat, ”I can help you, if you let me.” 
No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
“There’s nothing to help with,” he grunted with his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Why not?”
“Because they already have enough and don’t need me. Plus, I don’t need them for shit either,” he turned his gaze back out to the window. 
“But you do. You don’t even realize that the last few weeks has been all about them for you. But if you don’t want my help, then fine. But here’s what I would do if I were you….”
I won’t say that I am in love 
Despite his former protests, a thought overcame him the same night. And he thought long and hard about Victoria’s words. By the time the 15th minute came, he had made his decision. 
Part 2 >
Tagging: @sacredwarrior88
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Life is Strange x Fem!Reader - Platonic!Fic - Alternative Reality
You met Max when she started at Blackwell Academy, before she had to deal with Nathan Prescott or saw Chloe Price for the first time in five years.
You first saw her in photography class, the teacher Mr Jefferson was talking about something you were lowkey zoning out for, your eyes on your trainers. Until Mr Jefferson asked what he’d just said to you. You looked like a deer in headlights as you just shook your head, keeping your eyes on your textbook before you saw what you’d used the bookmark the page.
Everyday Heroes Photo Contest.
“What I was talking about, Y/n, was the-”
“Everyday Heroes Contest?” You interrupted, leaving Mr Jefferson to stare at you momentarily.
“Next time, pay attention to something more than your shoelaces, Y/n.” You didn’t take your gaze off your desk at that, ignoring how you could feel eyes on you as you chose to pick up your camera and look through the reel.
“Hey, that’s a cool shot.” You almost dropped your camera at the voice before your shoulders relaxed, acknowledging who looking at your camera screen over your shoulder.
“Thanks, you’re Max, right? You use polaroids?” You asked, tilting your head to the side as you watched Max shrink in on herself as soon as you mentioned her camera.
“Hey, it’s okay, I think the polaroids are pretty cool, I love your photos too by the way, I saw a couple back when we had that assignment to show what we could do, the benchmark project?” You replied, smiling as Max relaxed slightly.
“I was wondering if you’d want to exchange photo know-how sometime?” Max asked, leaving you to nod.
“Yeah, sure, that sounds awesome, how about after class?”
You knew Max was hesistant to hand in her photograph for the contest, much to your argument that you thought she’d win. She claimed you could too but you already knew back then, Max’s photo was way better than yours.
Max told you about her childhood friend Chloe Price on October 1st.
You never met Rachel Amber, you only knew what she looked like from her missing person posters that Chloe had plastered everywhere.
It wasn’t until you offered to pay for breakfast at the Two Whales Diner tomorrow that Max finally gave in, sending in her photo. But Max had been acting weird since that class on the Daguarrian Process.
After class, Max dragged you to the girls bathroom where the two of you hid in a corner until Nathan Prescott walked in, talking crazy. Max just held your arm as the two of listened to him talking to a girl with blue hair until Max started going for the fire alarm as Nathan got out a gun.
You let out a breath as you and Max ran out of the bathroom, freezing as David told you both to get outside. Max went to Principal Wells whilst you stood besides her, backing up her statement about Nathan Prescott with a gun in the girls’ bathroom.
Meeting Chloe was interesting, you didn’t think Chloe wanted anything to do with you as she only acknowledged Max. But it was Max who pulled you into Chloe’s pick-up truck, she slid into the middle as you shut the door, leaving Warren to punch Nathan Prescott in the face.
The three of you hung out, although it was awkward for you to try communicate with Chloe until you gave up, taking photos of her and Max when they weren’t looking.
“Another camera dork?”
“Y/n’s cool. She’s got this way with nature... a force of nature.” Max smiled, leaving you to roll your eyes before you spotted the doe watching the three of you in the junkyard.
Unlike the other timelines, it didn’t snow today. Why would it snow in October in Oregon? No weird weather here, thanks.
Chloe dropped you and Max off at the dorms after the three of you hung out at the lighthouse.
But it wasn’t until past 9pm that your phone began to go off.
PricelessPunk: max y/n you there
PricelessPunk: HELLO!!!!
MadMax: What’s going on? You okay?
PricelessPunk: crazy shit is going down. step-soldier called the cops and took off. he had his gun.
MadMax: That is crazy!
ForceOfNature: when is arcadia bay not interesting?
PricelessPunk: especially after hooking up with you again.
PricelessPunk: and introducing me to Y/n today
MadMax: Everything is going to be okay! We’re all together!
ForceOfNature: okay cheeseball
PricelessPunk: insert insult here
PrincessPunk: < image sent > load image
MadMax: Human emoji! :D
MadMax: Text back when you hear anything.
PricelessPunk: on it
You yawned when you realised it was getting closer to 10pm. All that fresh air from hanging outside had you completely forgetting to drink any more coffee, leaving to you crash in your bed almost automatically.
1 New Message from PricelessPunk at 8:30
PricelessPunk: good morning
PricelessPunk: your asses better be up if i am
PricelessPunk: wakey wakey egg n baky
ForceOfNature: who turned on the sun?
MadMax: You mean wakey baky. So what happened last night?
PricelessPunk: step-swat got home late last nite all jacked up about one of his investigations
MadMax: He might be right for a change
PricelessPunk: you funny
PricelessPunk: so meet me at the two whales asap
MaxMax: Ok, see you soon!
You had just gotten back to your room from the showers when you saw your phone.
By the time you were ready and about to be knocking on Max’s door, Max appeared out of Kate’s door instead, making you jump.
“Hey Y/n, c’mon, let’s not keep Chloe waiting.” Max smiled, closing Kate’s door.
“Is Kate okay?”
“Yeah, I was just returning her copy of The October Country.” Max explained as the two of you left the dorms.
The three of you were sat in the Two Whales when the cop sat at the counter had to run out. Max just let out a breath when it was revealed that the diner cop, Officer Berry and David had found the dark room, arresting both Mark Jefferson and Nathan Prescott at Blackwell.
It was around 5pm when your phone buzzed. You had just left Kate’s room so you stood in the corridor to check your texts.
PricelessPunk: max i need you right now
PricelessPunk: i know what happened to Rachel
PricelessPunk: come meet me at the lighthouse when u get this
PricelessPunk: bring Y/n too
PricelessPunk: please
MadMax: I’ll be there. I hope she’s fine.
1 Message from MadMax
MadMax: Y/n, I’ll meet you outside the dorms
ForceOfNature: on my way
By the time you and Max reached the lighthouse, Chloe was sat on the bench barely holding it together.
“Chloe!” Max exclaimed, the two of you running over.
“What, what happened?” You asked, crouching down so you could see Chloe properly as she slipped into a fetal position.
1 New Message
PricelessPunk: thank you for being there for me yesterday
PricelessPunk: i keep trying to wake up like this is a nightmare
PricelessPunk: why rachel? she never hurt anyone
MadMax: No, she didn’t. Chloe, I’m so sorry about everything
PricelessPunk: dude how do we get over shit like this
ForceOfNature: by living. Rachel would want you to have a great life.
MadMax: Exactly, that’s truly the best revenge
PricelessPunk: no we really do have to take over the world
MaxMax: No, we just have to be there for eachother
PricelessPunk: u are saint max
You were sat on the floor tidying your room that noon on Thursday when your phone buzzed, leaving you to chuckle as you looked at your lockscreen of you, Max and Chloe with ice creams.
PricelessPunk: yes i am hella bored
PricelessPunk: with nothing to do
PricelessPunk: whatcha doing hippie
PricelessPunk: u too nature lover
MadMax: some of us hippies have homework
PricelessPunk: no shit
ForceOfNature: tidying my room, homework is done
PricelessPunk: and i already did my paperwork for bay city college
ForceOfNature: yessss
MadMax: I’m proud of you
PricelessPunk: i hope so
It was during photography class that the winner of the Everyday Heroes Contest was announced. You just smirked since you’d known from the start that Max would win.
“You gonna tell Chloe the good news?” You asked, standing with Max as she held up a larger framed version of her original polaroid submission.
“Of course!” Max smiled at you, class had ended and people had faded away from congratulating Max.
MadMax: Chloe.
MadMax: Sorry.
PricelessPunk: HOLY SHIT YOU RULE MAX!!!!!
PricelessPunk: i am so proud of my superstar
PricelessPunk: this is just the start of your career
ForceOfNature: i knew from the moment you showed me that photo you’d win!
MadMax: I’m just so glad I can share it with you both.
ForceOfNature: damn right
PricelessPunk: plus max you deserved to win
PricelessPunk: (^_^)
ForceOfNature: hahahahaha
“You need help packing? Pretty sure Chloe will be rushing over too-” you were cut off as the two of you headed out the doors to the fountain, spotting Chloe parking her car.
“Speak of the punk and she shall appear.” You joked as Chloe ran over.
“Sup photo nerds!” Chloe grinned before Max grabbed the two of you, pulling you both towards the dorms.
Max was kneeling on the floor, folding clothes to pack as she was jetting off to San Francisco with Principal Wells, to the Zeitgeist Gallery where Max’s winning submission was being displayed.
Chloe was sat on the couch with her feet in your lap, strumming Max’s guitar as you sat with your camera, snapping a photo of Chloe’s side profile.
“What’s that photo term for when it’s like this?” Chloe asked as she spun around in a circle, her boots leaving imprints in the sand as you walked behind her, your camera strap around your neck as you had your camera balanced in your hand.
“Golden hour. An hour before sunset and after sunrise.” You explained, snapping some photos before Chloe nudged you, showing you the photo Max had taken in the Zeitgeist Gallery.
“She really deserves this y’know.” Chloe admitted, leaving you to chuckle.
“Then she’ll be back here hanging with us misfits, y’know.” You replied, smiling as you spotted a pod of whales.
“C’mon, I want to get a good photo of that whale pod!” You exclaimed, running towards Chloe to take her hand and drag her across the beach.
“Whoah, hey!”
The sun’s rays left the waves glowing, the clear skies showing no tornado in sight. Justice was served and both Chloe and Arcadia Bay lived.
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
The submersion | Intrulogical Mermaid AU
Future intrulogical.
Follow up on this animatic. | AO3
Words: 1728.
Summary: Remus has fun in his submarine. A giant barracuda disagrees.
CW: Dark humour, skeletal remains of a rat, drowning, deep ocean (if there's anything else do tell), death, sexual innuendo.
The submersion
It was cloudy.
And cold.
But that was to be expected when one’s in the middle of the Atlantic.
“Remus Prince, you dunce, how are you dressed like that?”
Remus turned around to see Ella Da Villa, the captain of the ship he was on, and an old friend. Her short afro was stuffed inside of a beanie, she held onto her sides through her huge puffer coat.
“I know you’d just rather I take it all off, but, honey, I need to at least wear something”.
She laughed.
“What you need is to make sure you don’t get drenched or--”
“First of all, I look amazing all wet. But if that’s what you’re so worried about, hey, I took care of that” he answered pointing at his green rain boots.
The crew looked at them in amusement as they moved the equipment, preparing everything for the submersion.
Ella took off one of her gloves and smacked Remus’ head with it.
“Ow! I thought you were against violence!”
“I never said that. But I am against animal abuse, that’s why I didn’t hit you hard. Now go and put on a coat, you dumbass”.
“Sure thing mommy, you know how to be commanding” he winked.
“It’s captain for you, now go!”
His boots squeaked against the flooring of the deck as he ran to get into the guts of the ship. He managed to hear Ella swearing under her breath.
“How did he even graduate? Going out in short sleeves…”
Ella was a funny one, Remus thought. It was easy to get under her skin, she also liked to play along which made it even better.
One of the people going up the metal stairs almost tripped against him, there wasn’t that much room, after all. Remus jumped over the railing and fell onto the lower level without a scratch.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?!” said someone.
A younger guy with spectacular hair held onto his forearm to check on him. Oh, this was the newbie.
“Don’t worry, I don’t have any lungs”.
“Wha…” he looked half perplexed and half horrified.
“You know, we all get it done since we’re going to end up sleeping with the fish anyway”.
He stood up quickly and mutely apologised. Remus enjoyed the view of his ass going upstairs as fast as possible. New meat was always hilarious.
When he entered the room his cupboard was already open. He liked to leave the sliding doors that way so he could see what was inside, otherwise, he’d forget about it. In a ship, that meant ending up with all of one’s clothes on the floor, but as long as Remus could see where they were he wouldn’t misplace anything. Object permanence was a bitch.
Messy floors did have an advantage, the coat on top of the pile was good enough to satisfy Ella and easy enough to grab quickly.
The backswing of the glove against his shoulder caught him off-guard.
“Ow! What did I do now?! This coat is fine!”
“The coat is fine, yes, but the new guy is shaking like a leaf. What did you tell him? He keeps saying stuff about drowning”.
“Hey, I’d never mention drowning when I’m about to get into a submarine”.
“Yes, that’d be very poor taste, sadly, you have it worse so you must have said something terrible. I expect you to fix this, or we’ll have to arrange you drowning”.
“You know I love choking on wet things”.
“Then your last moments will be pleasant. Consider me the best friend one could have”.
The new guy was holding onto the railing of the ship, staring at the water in concentration. Probably about to throw up or something.
“Ah!” he screamed.
“Do you have a name?”
“Uh… yes… um…”
“Great! I have one too, it’s Remus” he introduced himself with half a bow.
“I’m Nathan… sorry… I’m just anxious… it’s the first time I go on one of those” he gestured at the submersible held by the crane of the ship.
“First times are always awkward, don’t worry”.
Finally, Nathan let out a laugh, it was a nervous one but it would suffice.
“You know what I said earlier was a joke, right?”
“Oh, yeah, it just caught me by surprise. You’re the head biologist here, right?”
“Yup. Guess you could say I’m the dom of this study”.
“Darn it, here I was expecting to be more active”.
Remus smiled in surprise. It was always nice when people had similar humour to his.
“Oh, you’ll have to be. I expect it”.
“You wouldn’t expect we could go for some coffee after we get into…” the date proposition vanished into a look of fear at the submersible.
Remus put a hand over his shoulders. The drowning jokes would have to wait until they were emerging.
“Don’t worry, my thicc ass has been there tons of times! It’s just a lot of water”.
“While it’s true he’s been there more than you, he’s overplaying his own ass. It’s kind of droopy” a heavily accented voice said
“Who are you calling droopy?”
They turned to see a tall blond woman smiling smugly. Erika Engström, oceanographer and the operator of the submersible.
“You, obviously, do you have water in your ears?”
“Not yet, but we’ll see if…”
Nathan held his breath.
“Nah, I don’t”.
“He either thinks you’re cute or he’s afraid the captain will throw him off-board if he keeps bullying you”, Erika told Nathan.
“I wasn’t bullying anyone”.
“Sorry to break it to you, but you’re always bullying people, you don’t know how else to flirt”.
“Then I would be flirting with everyone”.
“Aren’t you?”
“Okay, yeah”.
“Come on, I have to set up things. Give me a hand, rat skull”.
“At least give me a knife or something”.
“You can chew it through”.
One last look at Nathan before following her.
“Well, I’ll leave you to stress out, if I don’t help her we’ll dro…” oh right, no drowning jokes. “We’ll…”
“Flirt with me when we’re back at the surface”.
Remus smiled.
“Will do!”
The light was beginning to fade out. The flickering of the few rays coming through a swirl of silvery fish would be their last glimpses at natural lighting for a while.
It was wonderful.
How the underwater landscape changed, morphing into something out of a nightmare. Never ceases to amaze him. People would say it was all just blue getting darker and darker, and it was! But it was also a thick fog from which anything could come out. He always looked forward to seeing the weirdest fish appear.
There wasn’t much room behind the giant acrylic viewport. Despite being stuck so closely together, Remus could feel a chill as the air within got cooled by the deep water. His coat lay forgotten at the back of his chair still.
Once the lights of the submersible switched on, a delicate dance of white dust shined just like it would on a sunny day. This was no room dust. But there was just as much beauty in seeing the marine snow surrounding them. Teensy tiny pieces of dead fish falling all around, making the nicest shapes.
“It’s so quiet” Nathan observed.
“Wait until you hear a whale. The first time I did I thought my skull would pop”.
“Which one?” Erika kept her eyes on the water, but he could see the reflection of a smile curving onto the surface of the acrylic.
“Well, the small one. I know you’d hate to have to scrape my brains off your console”.
“If you had any I would”.
“There would still be plenty of blood”.
The ship carried on with the descend, soon, they’d be at twenty thousand feet. Nathan leaned in.
“Hey, what did she mean by which one?” he said in a hushed voice.
“Oh! Right”
He pulled on the string of his necklace to get it from under his shirt. Remus held it in front of Nathan’s face.
It turned, revealing the empty sockets and the front of what used to be a snout.
“I have this rat skull as a necklace! Erika teases me because that’s how she copes with the fact that she hates it!”
“Anyone would hate it. You wear that thing everywhere. It’s creepy” Erika pointed out.
“Where did you get it?” Nathan asked.
In the dim light, Remus’s smile cast shadows, giving him a grim vibe.
“I used to have a pet rat. When it died it sucked, my brother and I buried it in the backyard. It was there until three years later when we got a heavy storm. The bones peeked through the mud. So I just yanked a bit on the spine and got it. The skull was already defleshed anyway, so, aside from cleaning it a bit, I didn’t have to do any of the work. I really like this necklace. I got into marine biology because I began looking at fish skulls and I wanted to see more”.
“That’s…” Nathan began to say.
Suddenly, the submersible turned violently.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know, I couldn’t take a good look”, said Erika.
Her frown told Remus something was seriously wrong.
“Guys, we’re picking up really weird signals from here. Are you all okay?” the sound of Ella’s voice through the radio distracted him from his train of thought.
“It’s all under control, but I am going to begin ascending” Erika replied.
“We haven’t taken all the samples”, Nathan said.
“We’ll have another chance. Right now I’m worried that---”
Erika did not have time to finish talking.
Its needle-like teeth loomed over the viewport. This creature was unlike anything he’d ever seen. Part of him felt excited at how terrifying it all was. Sadly, he had the feeling they were all about to die. This fish looked like a giant barracuda and an angry one.
The creature snapped its jaw closed, cracking the viewport.
Seemingly, it didn’t find it tasty enough and it swam away even moodier than before. The very least it could have done was eat them.
If you’re going to kill them might as well finish the job.
Remus’ body floated into the dark abyss as he struggled to breathe. Covering his ears tightly, he screamed in pain. The pressure was unlike anything.
Well, it had been fun.
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The continuation will feature Logan and another animatic!
Taglist: @lemonyscented , @emsiemaefander , @sunflower-avo-tea , @nadiestar , @amber-da-toon , @gabseliblack , @everythingisstardust
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yetanotherbuffyblog · 3 years
Everyone’s hooking up ‘cause why not
And so we’re back! Sorry I wasn’t blogging last week, but I was on a trip and I didn’t have the time to watch an episode and blog.
With Faith in charge, and Buffy squatting in some poor man’s house, the Potentials and Scoobies spend a lot of time arguing about how they’re going to decide what they’re going to do. After about two scenes of this, Faith decides they’re going to capture a Bringer, one of First’s cultists, and interrogate him. They end up using some kind of magic to make him talk, and with the information that Andrew and Spike come back with they work out that Caleb and the Bringers are getting ready for war, and that they’re doing it somewhere underground, so they plan to find a place with enough space underground to house them and attack it.
Spike and Andrew, when they get back, by the way, find Buffy gone. Spike doesn’t take this well (he chews out everyone) and goes out to look for her. He finds her and gives her a speech that reminds her that she’s Awesome (and also that he’s in love with her).
Also the First tries to mess with Faith, appearing as the evil mayor from season three!
There’s also this bit where everyone has sex? I mean Willow and Kennedy do it, Anya and Xander do it, Faith and Principal Wood do it, though Buffy and Spike don’t. She asks Spike to hold her through the night, and that’s all they do.
The next day they both lead their attacks--Buffy against Caleb in the vineyard again, and Faith and the Potentials go to the Bringers’ lair. Both are successful, sort of--Buffy beats Caleb and finds a shiny new weapon. Faith and company, on the other hand, get ambushed but pull through it just fine. Only for Faith to open a box and find, uh, a bomb with a timer. She tells the Potentials to get out, and that’s where the episode ends.
-They admit that they have no idea what they’re doing the second after Buffy’s been kicked out. And yeah, that’s often how these things go, but it’s not a great sign.
-Alright I get where you’re coming from and things are desperate, but kicking a guy out of his own house is pretty messed up Buffy.
-Has seriously everyone else left Sunnydale?
-They decide to make Faith leader but don’t really want to listen to her to begin with--her idea of kidnapping a Bringer for information isn’t a bad one.
-I had forgotten that of course Spike had to wait on the sun to go down to travel back to Sunnydale.
-Spike calling them all out on turning on Buffy--that’s fantastic. It’s great. But I don’t think we needed to go through the mutiny in order to get to that great moment.
-They don’t even know where Buffy went--there’s an apocalypse going on, they turned on her and kicked her out, and they don’t know or care where she went. They did this terribly.
-I was thinking about the evil mayor the other day, but I didn’t expect the First to pop up as him again. I’m glad he did though, because he was a fantastic character and his actor did a fantastic job portraying him.
-I’m sure that the Spuffy shippers went crazy for the scene where the two of them talk in this episode, and also she asked Spike to hold her while she slept. I’m not a huge fan of the relationship, especially when I remember that Spike tried to rape her? And yeah he has a soul now, so it’s not the same thing as in a mundane situation, but I’m not… hm. Don’t quite like that.
-They are the couple in this episode that does not have sex though.
-Buffy also accuses Spike of only being interested in her because she’s “unattainable” and he takes issue with that.
-Wood and Faith fonduing in Buffy’s bed is going to be a fun little thing that requires brain bleach whenever Buffy gets back, I think.
-That everyone’s having sex makes me think someone, or more than one someone, is going to die horribly in the final two episodes.
-Giles has kind of been a pain this season? Spike calling him out felt good. I know I said that already but it bears repeating. 
-I get wanting to give Willow another love interest, but after all the buildup and development with Oz and Tara, Kennedy is not that much of an interesting or well-developed relationship. It’s big shoes to fill. And not all relationships need to be deep, I guess, but also Kennedy’s not that likable? I get the impression from TV Tropes that the fanbase hated her; I don’t, but I don’t like her much either.
-Buffy dodging Caleb’s first blow has a lot of Matrix vibes. But the idea that you have to let him wear himself out and dodge his attacks is a good way to approach him, rather than letting him whale on you, which is how Buffy has approached the last couple of fights.
-That is one sweet axe that Buffy finds. Is that the thing Caleb is so mad isn’t meant for him?
-Of course we end with a bomb cliffhanger. Like, an actual bomb about to explode in Faith’s face when she’s with the Potentials.
-On a reply to one of my last posts someone mentioned that Nathan Fillion was given this role after Firefly was cancelled, and that’s why he comes right the fudge out of nowhere with very little explanation. And that… makes an awful lot of sense. If there was a Caleb-figure to be the First’s right-hand man, he absolutely should have been mentioned before now.
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