#you’re pushing on the view that women must be nurturing; they must be perfect and flawless; otherwise - they’re of no value
astrologyfactzzz · 3 years
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The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking emotional satisfaction.
Important clues to the reason for perpetual emotional unrest can be found through the study of the house position of the Moon, and these take the form of constant changes or ups and downs in the areas of life rules by the house. It is in these areas in that we should aim to make deep attachments rather than superficial and temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a true feeling of belonging and emotional fulfillment.
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Your feelings are right out there for everyone to see, and you can come across as emotional and impatient, or nurturing and caring (or both). Your first reaction is emotional, especially if the Moon is in close proximity (within 10 degrees) of the Ascendent degree. You need emotional stimulation, movement and freedom to express yourself in order to feel happy and fulfilled.
Your moods are very changeable, and this can be quite obvious to others. Because of your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things too personally, and react too quickly. Developing an awareness that others‘ emotions are just as important, even if they are not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important.
You have a soft exterior and tend to relate very personally and sympathetically to other people. However, you sometimes let your emotions overpower your reasoning and logic, and consequently, you are sometimes biased in your opinions. You are impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way you appear. Your feelings are on the surface and you can not hide your emotions.
When it comes to money, you can be generous and frivolous in your spending habits one day, and frugal the next. You can be quite afraid of being in debt, and you need to feel secure and safe. This is likely also true of savings, as you fear being without.
Still, there are times when you can spend impulsively, on a whim, and this is likely when you are feeling emotionally frustrated. You might also hold onto people quite tightly. Vanity can be an issue. You are often looking for admiration, and you can be quite dependent on others for positive feedback until you learn to develop your own feelings of self-worth. You’re not as emotionally responsive as most people. You tend to hold back and wait before expressing yourself, and when you do it is with deliberation.
You are likely to be a great collector of things - a real pack rat in fact - for your belongings give you a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to you. Antiques or things with sentimental value from your past are especially dear to you.
You may also cling rather tightly to both money and possessions, keeping them "in the family" rather then sharing freely with those outside of your immediate circle.
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You are very responsive, communicative and curious. You can have a talent for imitating others and/or for picking up languages. You might either intellectualize your emotions rather than truly feel them and deal with them, or you communicate with excessive emotion. Some of you may do both at different times, and as you mature and develop, you learn to find balance.
Your opinions and ideas change often, and you might find that sometimes you adopt others’ points of view and express their ideas as if they were your own. This is not necessarily because you are a copy-cat, but because you sometimes fail to own your own thoughts, and you are so sensitive to others’ opinions. You might be quite nervous and restless, requiring frequent changes of scenery, even if the moment or travel takes place locally.
You often make decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something “feels right” or because you’ve always done it a certain way and you are uncomfortable changing it. Even when you think you’re being rational, your prejudices, intuitions, and feelings influence your thoughts a great deal. You are comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with you as well. You have good psychological insight into others.
You long for a sense of true belonging, but may be quite restless in your search. You might change residence frequently, or simply feel the need to make many changes in your home.
Moving frequently may be a healthy thing if it keeps you emotionally stimulated, but if you find that you do so on whims and later regret the changes, you might want to treat it as a symptom of emotional unrest - as a sign that you are in a constant search for the perfect mood setting, when in fact a feeling of belonging should be worked on from the inside out, not the outside in! Some of you might remain rather immature on an emotional level, never wanting to truly grow up and take care of yourself. Attachments to your past, traditions and family are strong.
You have strong attachments to your past, the places where you grew up, your heritage and family traditions. In fact, you may be unable to step out of the habits and roles you learned as a child. Your tie to your mother is very strong and you also seek mothering and protection from your spouse and other family members as well.
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You love to share emotional experiences with loved ones and have a flair for the dramatic. Love affairs are magnetic and intense, and you don’t take them lightly by any means, although you may go through much change with regard to your romance. You are attached to children, wether they’re your own or not. Your creative hobbies are subject to relatively frequent changes, and you have innate artistic talent. You have a vivid imagination and are given to daydreaming often. There is a sense that you, are always in touch, or trying to get in touch, with your inner child.
If the Moon is challenged, you may have problems with impulsive shopping or gambling or with frequent love affairs that never fully satisfy you. In any of these cases, you are more attached to the game than the player, and this is something to work on if you are looking to find true fulfillment. You might take risks just for the fun of it, but in the process, you are being irresponsible to others and yourself.
You are emotionally expressive and often dramatize your feelings, acting them out or blowing them out of proportion. You can not hide your instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations, and you don’t make any pretenses about your personal sympathies or antipathies.
You have a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but which sometimes gets you into trouble, as you take risks on impulse or whim.
You have an emotional need to be useful, to work productively, to be organized and on top of things, and to lead a healthy life. If these matters are chaotic in your life, it’s a symptom of emotional unrest. You need a lot of variety on the job–to be stimulated and engaged in order to feel happy. Some of you might seem to change jobs often, forever in search of the “perfect fit” job. Acceptance that any job requires some level of routine is hard for you.
You are very sensitive, and especially aware of minor health annoyances or body aches and pains. Some of you have hypochondriac symptoms. Some attempt to get out of things they don’t want to do by emphasizing health problems or even exaggerate illnesses in order to gain sympathy. At your best, however, you’re a person who always helps out and shows your affection for others in practical ways in order to help them solve problems and improve their lives.
You have a sympathetic nature and instinctively reach out to people in need of help. You also have a deeply ingrained tendency to want to improve or “fix” other people’s lives, which can be annoying to the person who has no desire to be changed or “helped” in this way. For you, affection and caring must be expressed in tangible acts or service of some kind.
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You are drawn to partnerships and prefer to have a companion for emotional support. You are not a person who would happily take in a movie by yourself, or dine alone, for example. A partner awakens feelings in you that you may never know you had, and you seem to need a partner to learn about your own needs and feelings.
You seek emotional fulfillment through relationships, but you may have many relationships one after another, each time believing that this is “the one.” Taking time between relationships is something that is hard for you to do, but quite necessary, as you tend to jump into relationships out of fear of being alone.
You are very adaptable to others’ needs, and usually quite likeable as a result. Be careful that you don’t become overly dependent on a partner, or assume that a partner is going to treat you the same way as you do them.
You depend a great deal upon other people for emotional support and you have a large “family” of friends that care about you and treat you as kin. The women in your life are particularly important to you, and your relationship with them powerfully influences your sense of security and happiness. You may be overly dependent and unsure of yourself without a close partner.
While you have a strong need for emotional security, you are also a person who is drawn to pushing your own limits, and many lifestyle changes can be the result of this need to challenge, or reinvent, yourself emotionally. You are always fascinated with how people work, taboos, secrets, and all that is forbidden or hidden. Sexual unrest, or an apparent need to constantly change sexual partners or to challenge yourself sexually, may be a symptom of emotional insecurity.
Connecting with another person intimately is an emotional need, but your changeable emotions might often get in the way of your goal. Jealousy and possessiveness might also be qualities you struggle with. At your best, however, you are a person who is intimate, deep, and intensely loyal to a partner.
Though you want closeness very much, you often close yourself off and do not really trust others who may wish to get to know you. You are very wholehearted in your feelings and responses to people, and you want all or nothing from the people you care for.
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This is a position that can indicate a deep longing for stimulation above and beyond the everyday, mundane routine. You are a philosophical sort, interested and curious about the world, other people, and perhaps different cultures. You can be extremely restless and discontented if you don’t have a definite goal in mind.
You might find yourself longing to be somewhere else when you are unhappy, imagining that if you were to move or travel, you would be much happier. However, this attitude can only keep you from enjoying and improving upon the situation you are now in, only serving to make you feel more unhappy in the present and with your current circumstances.
Trying to avoid the attitude that “the grass is greener on the other side” will be important, while attending to your needs to get away from time to time will help scratch the seemingly incurable itch for something more.
You may have done extensive traveling in your early years, or in some way had a background which enables you to understand and identify with many different types of people or cultures.
You have a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things you have never experienced before. You want to completely immerse yourself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation. Emotionally, too, you are restless and something of a wanderer.
This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for recognition, popularity, acknowledgement, and achievement. You can be quite charismatic. You are at your emotional best when you lead a structured and responsible life, but it can take time to get there.
You may change your goals and ambitions, and/or your profession frequently in an attempt to find the perfect fit. You may worry about living up to your image, or the expectations of your family. Decisions may be too emotionally biased, or you might act on emotional whims far too often. Learning to set your own heartfelt goals is the challenge here, as it is unlikely you will find true happiness if you follow or adopt the expectations of others, which you are especially sensitive to.
You work well with the public and have an instinct for what the public wants and will respond to. Having a “nest” is not especially important to you, and you may invest more of your emotional energy into your career or public life than in your private life. Providing for and caring for others in a professional capacity is very likely.
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This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and support from, friends and associations with groups. You look to acquaintances for support, and offer the same in return. A changeable or unstable social life might be a reflection of inner emotional unrest. Waxing and waning feelings for others can cause problems in your relationships.
You are a person who is filled with many dreams, wishes, and hopes for your future, and most of these are altruistic and good-hearted desires. However, you might change your aspirations frequently, with your changing moods, and have a hard time settling on goals to work towards as a result.
You get a lot of emotional fulfillment through your involvement in groups, clubs, organizations, community activities, or a network of close friends who support and care for you. You make friends your family, and feel a close kinship with people who share some ideals or beliefs that you hold dear. You need people outside of your physical family to relate to and belong to.
This position of the Moon indicates an emotional attachment and sensitivity to all that is ethereal, groundless, and eternal. As sensitive as you are, you often have delayed reactions to your own emotional experiences. You need frequent moments of solitude in order to recharge yourself emotionally, and this need, while strong, can also lead to feelings of isolation and of being misunderstood.
While you are a perceptive person, you are often either flooded with emotions that are hard to define, or completely out of touch with what you are feeling. Either extreme keeps you from truly discovering your emotional needs. Negative expressions of this position are avoidance of responsibility, using hypersensitivity as an excuse to oneself (and perhaps to others) for not participating, or emotional immaturity. You are sympathetic to others’ suffering, but not always emotionally available to help.
Your own feelings and emotions are something of an enigma to you, and it is often difficult for you to share with others what you are feeling. You frequently withdraw from contact with the world, and need a healing, peaceful environment in order to blossom and come out of yourself. You identify with the oppressed, disenfranchised or underdog in any situation and want to help them or care for them in some way.
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infpisme · 4 years
Why INFPs May Stay in Bad Relationships (and How to Get Out)
In life, heartbreak is inevitable, at least at some point. What is preventable, though, is staying in a relationship that doesn’t resonate with you and doesn’t make you truly happy.
I’ve had my fair share of relationships and modern dating. It’s tough. It’s fun. It can be beautiful — but it can also hurt very deeply, especially for people who feel as much as INFPs do.
As an INFP who has stayed in a few toxic relationships for too long, here are some lessons I’ve learned the hard way.
We See the Best in People (Sometimes an Imaginary Best)
I once read a quote that said: “Never fall in love with someone’s potential, because you could be falling in love with someone they’ll never be.” For INFPs and others like us, this is a huge danger zone.
INFPs are idealists. We see future possibilities rather than present realities. When we meet someone — and we feel a connection — it can be immensely difficult for us to take them at face value. We think about them in great detail, potentially filling in gaps of character knowledge with what we would like them to be, and daydreaming about what we could do together in the near (and even distant) future.
We can become so immersed in who we think this person is, and who we want them to be, that we may ignore incongruities in this person’s character. I think this stems from the fact that we believe all people are inherently good — I still believe this, even after two toxic relationships. However, some people’s intentions are not so honest.
I have an unfortunate, perhaps cliched habit of going for bad boys. Maybe it’s part of being the “healer” personality, but I am your typical “fixer.” It’s sweet in theory, but it’s detrimental to my own wellbeing.
I have been guilty of staying in relationships that are not right for me because I saw the imaginary best in a person — clinging to our best moments and ignoring huge, waving red flags. For example: lying, poor communication, drug abuse, narcissism, even infidelity.
We May Accept Others to the Point That We Neglect Our Own Needs (Then Blow Up)
This leads swimmingly to my next lesson. Many INFPs believe in the concept of “live and let live.” This can make us great, understanding partners, but what happens when the person we’re with doesn’t treat us how we want and need to be treated?
We hate conflict, so that’s usually a painful no-go. Then there’s swallowing our emotions and trudging along while not feeling truly happy. I’m sure we’ve all done this at some point, regardless of our Myers-Briggs personality type. My best friend — an ESFJ — used to say that I was “a passive acceptor of torment” about my relationship with my ex-boyfriend. He did things that — when I look back — simply made me sad: messaging other women, lying, poor communication.
These things made me feel hurt and uncomfortable. But, rather than own the fact that they made me uneasy, I instead tried to push my feelings to the side, thinking I was overreacting or being needy.
I was so accepting of who he was as a person that I excused behavior that didn’t sit right with me, and stayed in a relationship that made me sad for far too long. I overanalyzed and ruminated, trying to understand his side, and let his behavior be okay with me.
But then, every little incident would feel like a tiny increase on the thermometer, until suddenly I reached my boiling point and blew up. Of course, he thought I was acting “crazy,” completely unaware of all the slights along the way that had led to this point.
If You’re in a Relationship That Makes You Uneasy, Don’t Ignore That Feeling
Both traits tie together in a way: We see what we want to see, and we accept and try to empathize with what hurts us. This is why I’ve stayed in bad relationships, despite anxiety and unhappiness.
What I have started doing is listening more to my gut. INFPs have very strong belief systems that we use to navigate the world. However, when love comes into play, our internal compasses may go askew, and we might even stop listening to our instincts.
In past bad relationships, I felt completely, totally anxious. There were highs of immense fun, but my baseline was unsettled. I felt drained, I overthought a lot, and I wasn’t happy. But I ignored those feelings and continued to hope for the best.
Some things I used to say to myself:
“It’s just the way they are. I need to relax.” (I never felt relaxed.)
“It’s just me — I’m sensitive and asking for too much.” (Why did I put my needs in the backseat?)
“I should not have said that, now they are mad at me.” (But they weren’t making me happy in the first place!)
The things I said to myself simply caused more pain. They stopped me from saying how I felt to my significant other — a person who wasn’t a good match for me regardless — and kept me in the bad relationship when I should have ended it. 
Moving Forward: Create the Life You Want to Live
At the end of the day, INFPs are dreamers. We have colorful visions and idealistic dreams of the life we want to live. We’re at our happiest when our imagination is powering us forward and enriching our real lives.
When I finally left my ex, it’s because I had been working on using my dreams and imagination to supercharge my life. I started focusing on myself and boosting my self-confidence. As I did this, the idealistic halo I had unintentionally placed on my ex’s head fell off, and I realized the way he was treating me and his opposing values weren’t what I wanted.
If you’re an INFP who thinks you might be in a bad relationship, it’s time to take action. First, I would recommend trying to view your partner without the rose-tinted spectacles we INFPs so readily wear. This can be tricky, I know, but it’s important to take stock of the realities of your situation (and not pen your hopes of what could be).
Some things to consider: 
Does my partner make me feel safe and comfortable to be myself?
Do I trust them? 
Do my partner’s actions truly match their words?
If you answered no to one or more of the above questions, then you might be in a situation where your idealism (which you must remember is a wonderful gift, but one that must be channeled and nurtured) is blocking your view of reality. Look into yourself and ask, “Am I really in love with this person — as they are, right now? Am I happy with how they treat me, or am I holding onto the idea of what could be?” 
I can’t tell you to leave a relationship — it isn’t my place. But I do want you to be aware of your idealism, and make sure it doesn’t pull the wool over your eyes. Self-esteem and confidence also play a huge role. Listen to your inner dreams and pursue them in actuality. This can go a long way to keep INFPs grounded in reality. 
Once you can see your partner without an idealistic halo, you’ll know within yourself what the best next step should be — be it a conversation, some inner work on self-esteem, or perhaps even ending the relationship for good. 
Remember, relationships should feel like blessings, not curses. The bottom line is, in a healthy relationship, your baseline feeling shouldn’t be stress. Of course, no relationship is perfect, but stress should not be the predominant emotion.
Why be with a partner who brings out the worst in you? Who makes you feel like your intuition is off kilter? Who makes you feel like you are asking for too much, when all you want is to give and receive love?
INFP, you deserve the love you so freely give to others.
Source: Olivia Berkley, IntrovertDear
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emospritelet · 5 years
KOL prompt: Dorothy witnesses a particularly painfully awkward encounter between Belle and Gold once Belle comes back to work. She harasses Gold about it.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17]
AO3 link
Belle was relieved when she could return to work, and made her way to the hospital with a lightness in her step that she hadn’t felt in days.  Even the weather seemed to be celebrating her newfound freedom, the winter sun shining brightly on the snow, ice crystals glittering on the boughs of trees and the top of the park fence.  She greeted Mary Margaret cheerfully as she entered the locker room, shrugging out of her coat and shoving it with her bag into an empty locker.
“How are you feeling?” asked Mary Margaret.  “You look pale.”
“I’m okay,” said Belle, turning to face her.  “A little tired, that’s all.  Glad to be back at work.”
“Hmm.”  Mary Margaret looked amused.  “Even with the impending naked photo shoot?  I heard you agreed to do it too.”
Belle pulled a face, but couldn’t hide her grin.
“Dorothy called me yesterday,” she confessed.  “I don’t mind - it sounds like a bit of fun.  You’re in too, right?”
“I’m in,” said Mary Margaret, blushing a little.  “I just hope none of the school kids see the finished product.  I’m counting on the townsfolk to hide their innocent eyes.”
Belle grinned.
“So, do we have a full dozen victims?” she asked, smoothing her skirt, and Mary Margaret nodded as they turned to head for the ward.
“Six girls and six guys,” she confirmed.  “Literally no one was shocked that Doctors Whale and Milliner stepped up.  Dr Gold was a surprise, though.”
Belle stumbled, arms flying out to keep her balance.
“Dr Gold?” she said.  “He’s doing it?”
“I couldn’t believe it either,” said Mary Margaret.  “He’s always buttoned up to the neck.  I guess you just never know what someone’s really like underneath it all, huh?”
Belle thought that she knew exactly what he was like, down the last inch, but she elected not to say anything.  They rounded the corner and went into the long term ward, where Mary Margaret picked up a tray and began collecting empty water jugs from patients’ nightstands.  Belle left her to it, crossing the ward to where her little mobile library cart was stashed beside the waste bins.  She wondered if anyone had been doing the rounds in her absence, or if the patients had missed out on reading material.
Once she had made the rounds of the long term patients, she pushed the cart out of the ward, almost running into Dorothy, who swerved to avoid her.
“Sorry,” said Belle.  “I should slow down, I’m just excited to be back.”
“Well, it’s good to see you on your feet again,” said Dorothy cheerfully.  “We could use all the help we can get.”
“Just let me know where you need me,” said Belle.  “I was going to do the library rounds but I’m free after that.”
“We need supplies in the kids’ ward,” said Dorothy.  “I’ll get you the list, if you can swing by on your way around.”
“Sure thing.”
Dorothy nodded, and put her head to the side with a tiny grin.
“So, the photo shoot,” she said.  “Jefferson says the photographers are coming tomorrow.  I vote we go for drinks at the Rabbit Hole afterwards.  You in?”
“Sounds good,” said Belle.  “Who are the photographers?  Someone local?”
Dorothy shook her head.
“Couple of Jefferson’s friends from New York,” she said.  “Apparently they’re big time - do a lot of work for Vogue.  Nice of them to do him a favour.”
“Well, now I’m even more interested to see what the finished product looks like,” remarked Belle.  “Is there a theme or anything?”
“Other than ‘hospital staff strip off their clothes and their dignity for cold hard cash’, not that I know of,” said Dorothy, with a grin, and Belle giggled.
The tap of a cane made her look around, and she felt her heart thump as Dr Gold came into view, his hair brushing his cheekbones, his eyes a little tired.  Belle beamed at him as he approached, and he nodded to her.
“Miss French,” he said.  “I trust you’re feeling better?”
Belle gave him a flat look.
“If you start Miss French-ing me again, I’ll have to revert to calling you Dr Gold,” she teased.
“Well, we are in a hospital,” he said, a little stiffly.  “Given my professional status, perhaps that would be best.”
Belle felt as though a cup full of cold water had been thrown over her.  He wasn’t quite meeting her eyes, fingers twitching on the cane handle, and Dorothy was frowning at him.  She tried again.
“You must be enjoying having the house to yourself,” she said.  “Although if you ever want someone to kick your arse at cards again, feel free to give me a call.”
She grinned at him, and he looked away, off down the corridor.
“I’m enjoying the peace and quiet,” he said.  “No doubt you’re pleased to be back in your own bed.  As am I.”
“Right,” she said, feeling awkward, and Gold sighed.
“If you’ll excuse me, Miss French, I have a busy schedule,” he said.  “I’m glad you made a full recovery.”
He set off down the corridor with his limping stride, and Belle chewed her lip, sharing an awkward glance with Dorothy before pushing her cart on down to the children’s ward.  It seemed the close friendship they had been nurturing had taken a strange turn.
Gold was almost to the next ward when Dorothy caught up with him, swerving to stand in front of him and blocking his path.
“What the hell was that?” she demanded.
“What the hell was what?”
“Could you have been any more rude and dismissive?” she asked.  “I thought you two were friends!”
“How was I rude?”
Dorothy put her hands on her hips.
“What, so telling her she has to call you Dr Gold and you’re glad she’s no longer in your house wasn’t rude?”
“I told her I was glad she’d recovered!” he said, aggrieved, and she puffed out her chest, raising her chin.
“’My dear Miss French’”, she said, in a ridiculously deep and somewhat plummy voice. “’I’m delighted both that you didn’t die and that you’re no longer bothering me with your foolish chattering’. That’s how you sounded!”
“I did not!”
“You know, the next time you talk to someone you like, I’m just gonna record a video of their face going through the five stages of grief and show it to you.”
“She didn’t do that!” snapped Gold, and blinked.  “Wait, what do you mean ‘like’?”
Dorothy leaned forward, fixing him with a beady eye.
“You like her,” she whispered.  “Don’t you dare try to tell me you don’t, because you’ll be a lying liar who lies!”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” he growled, and strode off.  She trotted at his heels like an insistent terrier.
“Don’t walk away from me, you know I’m right.”
“I don’t know any such thing!” he snapped.  “And I’ll thank you to keep your nose out of my personal affairs.”
“Oh believe me, if you had any personal affairs going on, I’d be more than happy to mind my own business.”
“Then do so.” 
“Can’t do that.”  She slipped in front of him again.  “Look, just ask her out.  I bet she’d say yes.  One date.”
“I don’t date,” he said stiffly.
“Since when?”
“Since forever,” he said, and she straightened up, looking surprised.
“Oh,” she said.  “Not ever?”
Dorothy looked awkward.
“Oh,” she said again.  “I didn’t realise you weren’t attracted to people that way.  Guess I read you wrong.  Sorry, dude, my bad.”
Gold grimaced.
“It’s not that,” he said, his voice cool.  “When I say forever, I just mean - I mean not for decades.  It has nothing to do with attraction.  It’s a personal choice, and frankly it’s none of your business.”
“Yeah, sure,” she said, stepping back so he could pass her.  “Sorry.  I’ll - I’ll butt out.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you,” he said, in a dry tone.  “Perhaps we might get on with some work.  I believe I have a photo shoot tomorrow, and given that I’m dying inside just thinking about it, I’d prefer to get around as many of the patients as we can.”
Dorothy snorted in amusement, falling into step beside him as he walked on.
“Okay, you win,” she said.  “I’ll stop teasing you.  For, like, at least a day.”
Gold couldn’t recall why he had agreed to be photographed naked, and was convinced that he had still been sick at the time and that Jefferson had taken advantage.  There was no other reason for him to be standing in the corridor outside one of the operating theatres, which was thankfully not in need of use, along with four other men from the hospital staff.  Jefferson and Whale were looking positively gleeful, Leroy appeared his usual grumpy self, hands shoved in his pocket and a woollen hat pulled down over his head, and Dr Hopper, the psychiatrist who ran a clinic in the hospital every Thursday, had an expression on his face that suggested he was facing a painful death.  Gold could understand how he felt.
The doors to the operating theatre swung open, and two women swept into the corridor, arms folded as they looked the little party over.  One had rich brown skin and shining dark hair worked into elaborate curls with gold highlights, a cream silk blouse above loose brown slacks. The other was pale and thin, her white-blonde hair cut into a bob that fell to her jaw.  She wore tight black leather pants and a white silk vest, and her red lips curved upwards at the sight of them.
“The first victims,” she purred.  “Jefferson, darling, how the devil are you?”
She stepped forward, kissing Jefferson on both cheeks.
“Thanks for agreeing to do this, Ella,” he said.  “I owe you one.”
“Oh, Ursula and I simply had to come,” she said, waving a hand.  “Shocking the residents of small towns always was our thing, you know.”
“Hey, I thought there were supposed to be six of you,” said Ursula.  “We need a Mr February.”
There was a patter of feet further down the hall, and Graham, one of the nurses, came hurtling into view, skidding to a halt as he reached them.  His firm chest heaved beneath his dark blue scrubs, perfect stubble setting off a handsome face.
“Sorry I’m late,” he gasped, and Ella and Ursula looked him over with approval.
“Oh, I think we can forgive a couple of minutes,” said Ursula.  “Why don’t you go first?”
They put their hands on his shoulders, steering him towards the double doors, and Graham glanced at the others with a faint look of panic in his eyes.
“Great,” grumbled Leroy.  “I’m supposed to follow the guy that looks like an underwear model?  The camera’ll break.”
“I don’t think any of us is expecting to come out of this with our dignity intact,” said Gold, in a very dry tone.
“Just smile for the camera and suck in your gut,” said Jefferson helpfully, and Leroy glared at him.
“Hey, this is muscle!” he snapped, patting his midriff.
Gold sighed, exchanging a glance with Archie and shaking his head.  Why the hell had he agreed to do this?
The photo shoot went reasonably quickly, considering, but Gold was made to wait until last.  He was growing steadily more irritated as each man came out and a name was called other than his.  When Jefferson came out, with a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye, Ursula stuck her head around the door and beckoned to Archie, which made Gold sigh. Great.  So I’m Mr December. Bloody feels like it, too.
“This calendar is gonna be an artistic masterpiece,” announced Jefferson, spreading his arms.  “You should have seen me, Gold! Tall and stoic - and almost impossibly handsome - gazing off into the distance as though I had just come up with the miracle cure for all ailments!  Dr Milliner, a modern day god, walking upon the earth so that mere mortals can—”
“Yes, alright,” interrupted Gold.  “I’m sure the camera shattered into pieces rather than be forced to take a picture of anyone else.  How much longer are they going to be?”
“Not long, keep your pants on,” said Jefferson.  “Or not, I guess.”
He waggled his eyebrows, and Gold rolled his eyes.
“I don’t know why I let you talk me into this.”
“Because I’m a good friend and you’re a good sport,” said Jefferson.  “You want me to come in with you?”
“No,” sighed Gold.  “I’ll be fine.  Is it just us?  Dorothy said she was posing, too.”
“Yeah, the women should be turning up any minute,” said Jefferson. “Speaking of, I’d better get back to work. Try not to kill them with how awesome you are, okay?”
“I’ll try not to give them nightmares,” muttered Gold, and Jefferson chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder before heading off down the corridor.
By the time Archie Hopper came out, looking a little shell-shocked, Gold was beginning to lose patience.
“How did it go?” he asked Archie, who blinked at him from behind silver-rimmed glasses.
“I was reclining on a couch with an arm behind my head and a copy of Psychiatric Times over my genitals,” he said, with a pained expression. “Please don’t ever speak of it again.”
He hurried off, straightening his jacket, and Gold couldn’t help grinning.  The sound of the double doors behind him made him turn, and Ursula was smirking at him.
“Well, if it isn’t Mr December,” she said.  “Come on in.”
“At least let’s make it Dr December,” he said dryly, and strode forwards as though he was going to his doom.
The inside of the operating theatre had been transformed.  The equipment was still there, including the table and instruments, but there was also a couch, as Archie had mentioned, a radiography film viewer, a IV stand complete with a bag of saline, and large amounts of photographic equipment. The woman called Ella looked up from her camera, pursing her lips as he walked in.  Music was playing from a stereo to her left, and Gold really wished they hadn’t elected to play You Sexy Thing.  He felt anything but.
“Right,” said Ella briskly.  “Let’s have a look at you, then.”
She straightened up, dusting off her hands and stepping closer.  She over-topped him by several inches, and she took his chin in between cool fingers, turning his head this way and that.
“Excellent bone structure,” she mused.  “Great hair.  I can definitely work with this.”
“You think people are going to be looking at my hair?” he asked, in a wry tone, and she released his chin and stepped back.
“Well, that’s really up to you,” she said.  “Take off those scrubs, let’s see what you’re hiding.”
“Nothing of any interest, I assure you.”
“I’ll be the judge of that, darling,” she said.  “We’re here to make you look as delicious as possible.  Just do as you’re told and it’ll all be over soon.”
Her matter-of-fact tone and air of brisk efficiency made him feel oddly at ease. He supposed that as photographers, they saw bodies all the time. Much as he did, as a doctor.  He was simply a tool, a piece of material they used to create their art. It made it far easier to shed his clothes, and pretty soon he was naked, wriggling his toes on the cold floor as they stared at him with folded arms as though he were an interesting museum exhibit.
“So, you’re a doctor, right?” said Ursula.  “Do me a favour and loop that stethoscope around your neck.  You can use that clipboard to cover yourself if it makes you more comfortable.”
Gold obeyed, holding the clipboard over his groin, and she leaned in close, frowning slightly as she studied his face.
“I think we need a warmer filter,” she said to Ella.
“Agreed,” came the response.  “Something a little more golden.  Give me a second.”
“The pose is wrong, too,” said Ursula.  “Is there any position you’d prefer, Dr December?”
“I’d prefer it if no one could see my face, does that count?”
She chuckled.
“Oh, we can manage that,” she said, and turned her finger in a circle.  “Spin it around.”
Gold turned, putting his back to them, and heard a sharp intake of breath from Ella.
“Now that,” she announced.  “Is definitely something I can use.  Turn ever so slightly to your right, Doctor.”
“Oh yes,” said Ursula approvingly.  “Raise the chart - there!”
Gold could hear the clicking of the camera from behind him, so he stood as still as he could, the clipboard with its chart held up in front of him, as though he were checking someone’s vitals.  Naked. He supposed it wasn’t too bad, really. If cold.
“If you could raise your left arm?” asked Ella.  “Just run your fingers through your hair and breathe in.”
He obeyed, feeling a slight stretch on his left side, his back arching a little as he sucked in a breath, and he heard a sound from the both of them that was almost a purr.
“That’s perfect, darling,” drawled Ella, and the camera clicked and whirred.
They asked for a couple more poses, instructing him to turn slightly, bend a little, or raise the chart in his hands.  He was starting to get cold, and he was relieved when they announced from behind him that they were done.
“Marvellous, darling,” said Ella.  “I think you’ll like the finished product.”
“I won’t exactly be making it into my official Christmas card,” he remarked, wriggling back into his scrubs.
“Oh, you may not,” she said slyly.  “But I have a feeling many a woman with a doctor kink will be getting hot and bothered this Christmas.”
Gold closed his eyes with a pained expression as he shrugged on his lab coat.
“I didn’t need that mental image, thank you.”
“Well, you’ll be happy to know you’re free to go,” said Ursula.  “Tell Jefferson he owes us a drink, and we’re coming to collect when we’re done.”
“I’m sure he’ll be delighted,” said Gold, and bowed his head.  “Ladies.”
They sent him almost identical grins, and he sighed to himself and headed for the door, pushing it open and stopping dead.  Six women were staring at him, most of them grinning. Dorothy was in front, and sent him a wink, but behind her were Astrid, Alice, Zelena Mills, Mary Margaret Blanchard, and - to his horror - Belle.  She was staring at him with wide eyes, and he wanted to sigh. Well, Jefferson did say everyone…
“Hey Dr Gold,” said Alice, winking at him.  “Sorry we missed the show. If you want to give us a sneak preview I’m sure there’s time…”
“I think not,” he said severely, and she giggled.
“I’m just teasing,” she said.  “You’re not my type. I mean you’re really not my type.”
“I’m delighted to hear it,” he said.  “If you’ll excuse me.”
He could feel their eyes on him as he walked off.
“Well,” he heard Zelena say, in a satisfied tone of voice.  “Guess who’s pre-ordering twelve copies of this thing?”
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grailacademy · 5 years
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Welcome To Grail Academy - Chapter Fourteen: Too Young To Die
For an abandoned taffy factory, the beastly structure sure was animated. The tall smokestacks obscured the light of the sun, like grey obelisks marking an apocalyptic shrine. Groups of men and women in beige jumpsuits and caps rolled large crates out on trolleys, loading the packages onto the backs of taffy delivery trucks. A man with a thick beard and baggy eyes barked directions from the catwalk above, his potbelly bouncing as he yelled. It was systematic chaos, ants gathering food, bees building a hive, cockroaches scattering under light. The floor manager saw the line of children file into the factory through a garage door, nodded and pointed to a hallway that funneled out of the worker’s space. Queenie leading the pack, she directed everyone to follow.
Rettah held onto Yorick’s sweaty hand, pulling him along like a puppy on a leash. She was rambling about something, it could have been about a comic book she was reading, or maybe she was explaining their cover at the factory, but he wasn’t paying attention. He was still in sensory overload. Her hand on his was like holding an alligator’s tail, he felt every pore and ring of her fingerprints, every drop of sweat. The shouting and mechanical whirring of the machines sounded like standing in the middle of a bomb range. His heart was a flamenco dancer twirling and leaping in his chest, his legs were shaking, the images of Buck were stained on the insides of his eyelids every time he blinked. Scarlet swayed behind him, hands on his head.
The noise, noise, noise of the factory rattled in the distance as a new sound overtook Yorick’s ears. An argument, behind a closed door of what looked to be a freezer, presumably the place where this taffy company once stored product preservatives.
“The shipments are ahead of schedule, but the border keeps stopping our deliveries before they can leave Calicem.” A man’s voice, deep and gravely.
“We certainly can’t go after city government. It’s still an independent settlement.” A woman’s voice, stern.
“That’s exactly why we SHOULD. There won’t be any assistance from Mistral military.”
“Yes, but you forget their connections to Haven. The alliances between academies could prove to be bothersome, at the least.”
“Those toddlers are only a small inconvenience. If we move fast, we can collapse the communications tower and prevent any distress signals.”
Another woman’s voice, gentle and soft, cut through the bickering and hummed “Goodness, you call the hunters children while I sit here with a couple of infants! Play nice, you two”, the voice tittered.
The door to the locker was pushed open and the meeting came into full view. A circular wooden dining table sat in the center, a series of eight mismatched cushioned lounge chairs sitting around it. A tray with a silver tea pot and bowls of sugar cubes and biscuits was adjusted directly in the center. Those sitting at the table were all holding a cup of their own, although some did not drink the warm beverage. The room was cold, frigid, not quite to the point of frost or needing a jacket, but enough to send a chill down Yorick’s back. A man in a heavy orange and gold coat had his fist clenched on the table, his clean shaven head glistening in the reflection of his tea cup. A short woman sat across from him, the locks of her chestnut hair curling over her shoulder as she sipped her tea delicately, with her pinkie out. A boy with ragged black hair, shaved short in some parts and left long in others, sat on a crate in the corner, arms folded over his chest. “Be patient.” the gentle voice continued, echoing from somewhere in the far back of the room, dripping from the darkness like molasses. “There is no need to cause such a disturbance over a few delivery trucks. Let our people do their jobs, they have families to feed.”
“Pardon the interruption, but we have a new recruit” Queenie stated, gaining the abrupt attention of everyone’s eyes on her. She and Rettah stepped out of the way, and Scarlet shoved Yorick into the room. The boy on the crate shook his head and stood up, leaving the room. His arms unfolding as he trudged out made plain the dark marks on his back underneath his tank top, which Yorick stared at for a brief moment. He tripped over his feet and slipped into the room, not knowing what to do with his hands. He patted his legs and puffed out his cheeks, before that gentle voice hummed again. “You….”
suddenly, the darkness shrunk and a streak of black whooshed past the table. Now he was being embraced in a tight hug, by a pale woman who held his head to her naked breast. She was as cold as death, but somehow had the nurturing touch of a mother. She released him after an uncomfortably long five seconds, smiling excitedly and inspecting him. “Oh, he’s perfect! Just as I had imagined him. A magnificent specimen! Yes!” She poked the flesh of his forearms, prodded at his stomach, lifted the ends of his hair and counted a few strands, pulled one of his shoes off and felt around to make sure he had all his toes, stretched the goggles on his head as far as they could go, letting them snap onto his forehead when she let go. The process had Yorick giggling nonstop, since he had neglected to mention that he was extremely ticklish.
“What—Who are you? Where am I, what is this?” He asked, noticing the long trail of black hair winding behind the woman. She tittered again, petting his head and calming down.
“You must be very confused, I’m sure. My name is Sable Zil Alhaqiqa Trinity. But you may call me Sable. And this,” she held her arms out and gestured to the space around her, “is my temple.”
The man sitting at the table cleared his throat, and Sable turned to explain, “These are some of my disciples. Lolanthe Aylin, a scholar and the head of our production department, and Aurum Fitzroy, the leader of our field scouts.” She leaned over and whispered, “he also makes a wonderful raspberry biscuit.” Yorick looked back and saw that the man was angrily chewing on a biscuit with speckles of red berry in it.
A black tendril of hair draped itself over Yorick’s shoulder like an arm, Sable’s signal for him to turn around. “Walk with me, Yorick.” He glanced back to the rest of RSQ as the pair strolled down the hallway, and caught Rettah waving goodbye before the locker door shut behind them. “How do you know my name?”
“I know lots of things.”
Wow, that’s totally not creepy, he thought. Sable’s hair slid along the floor behind her, as if she wore a dramatically long veil to a wedding gown. They travelled through the factory, each assembly line and packing room adding to its daunting size. “Are you afraid of me, Yorick?”
“A bit, yeah.”
“That is understandable, haha.” She chuckled. He laughed as well, until Sable’s hair lifted off his shoulder and fell into place on her back. “I’m a strange person. We are strange people!” She was right about that.
“Do you know about the Hedge Witches?”
“We….learned about them in class, I think.” He scratched the back of his hand. The little he knew about them wasn’t exactly in a good light.
“Then you know what we do here.”
“You’re anarchists. Terrorists.”
Sable snorted, “Oh, nothing that dramatic.” They reached a room with ceiling-to-floor windows that hung above the work floor, but the windows were almost entirely covered with sheets of scribblings and notes. “My disciples are not mindless brutes. They are scientists, artists, teachers, chefs, lawyers, those who have been wronged by Calicem government. The ones who run this city, they are oppressors. They profit from marginalized people’s misery.” As she spoke, Yorick strolled around the room and read some of the notes. They seemed to be a combination of diary entries and experiment logs. “....The world has been cruel to us. We were born out of hate and fear, not love. That is why I do this, Yorick. I want to create a new world. A better one.” The branches of hair slithered up the walls of the room like spilt ink, and when Yorick turned around, Sable was reclining in a hammock of her own hair. He could sympathize with her reasons. But Yorick questioned her, “Why do you need me, then?”
“Because,” Sable plucked a piece of paper off of one of the walls and handed it to Yorick. ”This power is your destiny.” Yorick clutched the newsprint photo in his hand, recognizing the face of his grandmother on the paper.
“Who. The hell. Is Sable.” Esmerelda slammed her hands down on the headmaster’s desk, grinding her teeth. Her team and herself were all looking worse for wear, Bernard blinking in and out of consciousness on the couch in the corner, Nico sitting beside him with his partner’s head in his lap, wincing with every breath he took. The school nurse peeled Bernard’s eyes open and shone a small light to see if his pupils dilated (which they didn’t), and applied a salve to the many purple and red marks across Nico’s chest and stomach. “It’s a miracle you don’t have any broken bones. Just a couple of bruised ribs.” The nurse remarked while she wrapped gauze around Nico’s torso to hold him together. Esmerelda herself had bandages wrapped around her forearms where the wires cut her, and around her neck where Queenie had attempted to slit her throat.
“I understand that you’re upset-” Madehold tried to calm down her students, but to no avail. “-UPSET!? My team and I could have died out there. Upset doesn’t even begin to describe it. For gods sake, they took Yorick and killed one of their teammates! How could you let those monsters into the academy? And why did they know so much about you and the school? And WHO IN THE GODS NAMES IS SABLE!?”
Madehold let out a long sigh, lacing her fingers together and holding them up to her lips as she sat there. It was one thing to have to deal with these kids screaming at her so late at night, but it was another thing to do so while she was inebriated. After a moment, she turned in her office chair and stood, making her way to the window. “I guess I have some explaining to do, don’t I?”
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Chapter 2: The Analysis of Ozai
Prisoner Ozai has been moved to a modern house on a distant volcano island, which is not known on Firenation maps as it’s in another dimension. A force field limits exiting the perimeter around the house. Another force field restricts the movements of the prisoner: he can be touched but when he shows aggression the field stuns. The house has advanced electronics to monitor all rooms.
  Ozai wakes in the morning, surprised to find himself in a comfy bed in silk sheets instead of his prison cell. He hears beautiful music and birds singing. It’s warm. He thinks: I must be dead, but not reborn. I feel alive, but this is too nice to be hell. A faint beep is heard regularly. It stops when he opens his eyes. He sees a white ceiling, he’s in a wooden bed. Drapes are drawn on one side of the room and a blinking white machine stands beside his bed. A shadow vanishes under the bed. His reflexes kick in. He jumps out of the bed and looks below it. Two blue eyes look back at him. A small animal with blue eyes, a long tail, cream colored with brown paws and snout looks at him. Like a batcat without wings, he thinks. The animal approaches and vocalizes something, then it runs off.
  He gets out of his bed and looks at his worn but toned body. He looks into the mirror. He has aged, but he trained in his cell. He is naked and follows the lights on the floor to another room. He remembers entering the pod and then having faded out. And a kiss. He is aroused but feels horribly sick at the same time.
  He is startled by a voice coming from a round sphere rolling around on the floor. A digital assistant who greets and welcomes him, shows him the bathroom, his wardrobe and the rooms amenities. Ozai is shocked by the advanced technology and confused, but happy to be free and able to clean up and put on proper Firenation clothing.
Please follow me the sphere says and leads him to a darkened room with a screen in the front. The sphere bids him to sit down and watch. A curtain opens up on the screen and the Fire nation throne room comes up.
  Present Firelord Zuko, Avatar Aang, Judge Kanto, Jury members, Timelord Mya in the defense of former Firelord Ozai.
  JK:       You, Timelord Mya have come forward to demand an inquest into former Firelord Ozais imprisonment. Mya Timelord, would you like to give your opening statement?
  M:        Firelord Zuko, Avatar Aang, Judge Kanto, dear Jury. I have asked you to join me today to offer you a request. I am a time lord. Whenever I see an imbalance in the time space continuum I come and intervene. In this case I saw that the imprisonment of Ozai will lead to a spiral of violence which will plague your world for centuries and which will ultimately lead to the destruction of your civilization. Furthermore there are legal issues with his imprisonment which I want to elaborate in this court. This is why I have made the decision to intervene. I have a proposition for you. Hand Ozai over to me, as a prisoner. I will remove him from your world for the time being until he is reformed.
  JK:       In order to judge on your request we need witness accounts. Do you have witnesses?
  M:        Honourable Judge, I would like to call in Avatar Aang as witness.
JK:       Calling in Avatar Aang.
M:        Avatar Aang, was Ozai the first Firelord to pursue you?
A:         No, Azulon started the quest.
M:        Did Ozai start the Hundred Year war?
Aang:   No. Sozin started the war. It was then continued with great advances by Azulon and then Ozai took over.
M:        So did Ozai kill all the airbenders and the water tribes?
Aang:   No Azulon and Sozin did.
M:        Was Ozai involved in any military offensives before he took over the reins three years ago?
Aang:   No, Iroh led the offensive and siege on Ba Sing Se.
M:        So we can only judge three years in which Ozai took over from his father and brother?
Aang:   Yes, that’s right.
M:        Do you agree that Ozai was not involved in any of the crimes committed by other family members before his reign?
Aang:   ....Yes.
M:        How about the outer rim of Firenation and the colonies. Is there any cultural exchange or economic exchange between the colonies and the Fire Nation?
Aang:   Yes, a few of the cities have really grown in the colonies and are thriving.
M:        So I formally object that we blame Ozai for any failings, which were done by any other Firelord and also acknowledge that apart from his later continuation of the ongoing offensive on Ba Sing Se, his main objective was to increase trade exchange.
JK:       Objection approved.
M:        Then let's see. Ozai planned to scorch the Earth nation, but was defeated by you before he managed to do that.
A:         Yes, that's true.
M:        Crazy guy, wanting to burn a whole country down, isn't it? Like someone on a rage spree burning down his neighbours house. If he had been a farmer, we'd call him mad for burning down his neighbours crops and give him therapy, maybe lock him up in a mental institution. But it’s his bad luck that he's the Firelord and a powerful fire bending master under the magnifying force of a comet. He clearly had a manic meltdown. So we lock him up in a cold cell without daylight. Do you think opportunity facilitated the crime in this case?
A:         I guess so.
JK:       No assumptions, please.
M:        Fine, my angle here is that we are blaming Ozai for an opportunity he only had because he was pushed into that position. He is manic-depressive. The pressure of the siege led him to experience a manic episode. If we judge him, we must also judge the fire sages and all noble people of the Fire Nation who expected him to do something outrageous, to make his mark as the second born pretty boy son. They nurtured and fed his manic state of mind. But this is not a trial of fire nation society, but of one man. Not a monster, not a demon, just one guy who went on a crazy rampage burning everything because for one moment during Sozins comet he could. A man, who had nothing to his name - except being the second born prince. Who spent his youth not chasing girls but training firebending on Ember island and training his abs. Who - without experience or any formal military role - became the Firelord. A man with a troubled family. A guy who perfected his skills of firebending. The only thing that was left to him after his wife left. A craft, which you ultimately took from him.
A:         Yes I did.
M:        Firebenders need sunlight. If you lock an earthbender or a waterbender into a cellar, he will still be exposed to his elements several times a day. But a firebender in a cold hole below earth is particularly cruel. He can’t bend fire, but denying him sunlight is torture.
A:         ....
M:        So why do you all fear him so much still? You have taken all he had. Let me deal with the rest. All I ask from you is to leave him to me. I will take him to another dimension where we will work on his issues. The chances of progress are far better there than here. Furthermore, he won't be able to contact any of his former allies. He’ll be safely locked away.
  As second witness I call in Fire Lord Zuko:
  M:        Firelord, you're the son of Ozai. I understand the pain he has brought on you, like all of us will. But tell me, when you were little, were things different then?
Z:         Well, I suppose yes. I remember him as my father. He was always very strict but we also had good times on Ember island on the beach.
M:        When did things go sour?
Z:         When Lu Ten fell in the war and my father was suddenly pressured by many noble people of the Firenation to become Firelord.
M:        How do you mean pressured?
Z:                     They had all lost family and General Irohs reaction - although very understandable - enraged many of the families who had pulled through similar tragedies.
M:        Was your father used to this kind of pressure?
Z:         No, I don't think so.
M:        Did he have any military role or training?
Z:         No, he was a master firebender and was more into expanding that craft. He wanted to be the best and do new innovative stuff.
M:        So we have a man who is pushed to a spot, where he has no experience and where his hunger for power ultimately backfired. And he paid a big price for his inquest, didn't he.
Z:         Yes, my grandfather, FireLord Azulon asked him to kill me.
M:        And yet you are alive!
Z:         Yes, my mother found a way to deal with Azulon and went to exile for that.
M:        Did you know that your mother had married Ozai on an arranged marriage?
Z:         Yes, but on amicable terms.
M:        Did you know that she was engaged before and who kept up that relationship even after she became Firelord Ozai's wife?
Z:         !!!!!
M:        I am sorry to bring this up. But this was the moment when things went sour for Ozai. She told your father that her former fiancé was your father, but Ozai knew that she was lying. She did it to hurt him. He in turn promised her to treat you like a bastard son, so that you would turn out different than him. He loves her still and he loves you, in a twisted way. This culminated in your scorched face and your exile to get you away from him. He still loves your mother, Firelord. And all he does is a futile attempt to get her back.
Z:         No, this can't all be true!!
M:        I am the Timelord, I see it clearly. I can play it to you, but I want to spare you the pain. Ozai is a conflicted man, full of doubts and a volatile self-esteem, who easily falters under extreme pressure. He is manic-depressive. The loss of his wife tossed him into a manic-depressive cycle. The phoenix king is his manic side. He was left by all women in his life. His mother died young, his beloved wife played him and does so still now. Locking him up is not going to produce any betterment or results.
  JK:       I want to see if there is any base to your accusations. We will retreat to the private chamber and adjourn this session in 20 Minutes.
  Twenty minutes later back in the courtroom.
  JK:       I am reopening the session after the break. The accusations of Mya Timelord were accurate. I am sorry, Firelord Zuko.
Z:         This cannot be....
M:        Things are not always the way they look on the surface. Overcome your own hunger for revenge and take an unbiased view on Ozai.
M:        As third witness I want to call in the brother of the accused, Retired General Iroh.
JK:       Calling in Retired General Iroh of the Fire Nation.
  M:        General Iroh, you fought for years for the Fire Nation?
I:          Yes...
M:        In that function you were responsible for directly slaying hundreds of people during the war. Yet you changed sides after your own son died. It took a personal hit to make you fall, the fate of others never left you unhinged.
I:          It was a bloody war on all sides...
M:        Yet, If you had not gone travelling in those lands during exile, but stayed in FireNation, do you think you would be this amicable towards the other cultures of this world?
I:          No, I don't think I would.
M:        So why do you think that Ozai, who in fact has never left FireNation but was brainwashed by all his family to hate and look down on anything other, should be lenient? He is a product of his upbringing and of his surroundings. Do you think that he might have changed if you had become Firelord and he had gone to exile instead?
I:          (ponders... ) I don't know. He is very strong willed, power hungry, ambitious and has a loose temper. But he might very well have.
M:        So in deed, we have someone who never really had the opportunity to learn other views, who is blinded by his convictions, who has manic episodes and we lock him up in a cell where he simmers in his own soup of prejudice, depression and misanthropy. And we call that progress...?
I: ...
  Zuko:    We cannot let him go like this. Not after all that he did!
M:        We are better than him, aren't we? And dont' forget. He will not be free. He will be in a maximum security facility in another dimension, with me. He will have access to daylight. He will have no contact to other people unless it's in alignment with his parole regulations. So are we better than Firelord Ozai?
Aang:   I guess so. In order to create balance we must adjust the scale. Punishment is not productive, I agree on that.
M:        A dictator is the sum of function inducing fear, appearance and power. You have taken away the function, the fear and the power, what left is just the guy. Let me deal with the guy. You can then focus on rebuilding this world without his shadow. Let his shadow be my problem.
  JK:       The Jury will now retreat to consult with the Firelord and the avatar.
  They left to consult behind closed doors.
  JK:       We are concluding our session with my closing statement and verdict. The jury together with the Firelord and the Avatar have listened to all objections and inquests of Mya the Timelord. After weighing in the testimonies and the evidence we comply with Timelord Mya's request, under the condition that we get weekly progress reports on the developments and any change of his parole regulations are defined by this panel. The jury will drink the potion of lost thoughts and will forget all said today. I herewith sign the sentence.
  Mya approached the Judge and scanned the sentence with a blue stone.
  The film ends and Ozai is utterly confused. What is a time lord? Why Timelord and not Timelady? And why does she take such a great interest in him? He feels exposed and vulnerable. He hates that feeling. He almost wishes to be back in his cell. He sits there clenching his fists, trying to control the anger. Who is she to drag his life into the open like this and his feelings for Ursa, his rage, his sadness, his will to outshine his misery? At least the jury is not going to spill the beans to the public. He gets up, angry and looking for answers.
  The sphere offers to show him the house. Ozai follows. The house is modern with wood set in nature. Exotic plants and birds are outside the windows. The sphere takes him through a long corridor to a large living room with a high fireplace and gallery on top lining the room. He imagines the magnificent fire and instinctively poses his hand to ignite. Then he remembers his loss of firebending. The room is decorated with antique Asian and Polynesian artworks. Many dragons, which remind him of home. Wherever he walks the beautiful music follows him. The room smells of jasmine and sandalwood. Two beautiful blue-eyed cats are roaming around and a crow watches him attentively from the gallery. On one side, he sees a door to a dining room and another one to a vast library. He goes into the library and sees that most books are not in Kanji. On the mantle are little pictures of Mya and others in silver frames.
  The dining room is empty, but a fruit bowl makes him realize that he’s no longer sick and how hungry he is, so he grabs an apple. The other fruit look unknown to him. He leaves back for the living room which has a french window to the terrace.
  Ozai is met on the terrace in front of a infinity pool by Mya. She is wearing a sheer blue and green gown over a bikini. She has flowers in her hair. He gets hard immediately seeing her like that.
  M:        Welcome to the island, Ozai. Thank you for being my guest.
O:        I saw that ridiculous trial. I did not think that you despise me that much... dragging my life out like that. I thought you‘d fight honourably.
M:        I don’t despise you, I am trying my best to understand you. I wanted you out, I got you out. Sometimes a good result requires bad methods. I am not an angel. I wanted you to see it. No secrets, full transparency.
O:        So what is this all about? What am I doing here?
M:        We are here to work on your issues. I did not mean to hurt you. I am sorry.
O:        So you think I am a crazy man?
M:        You’re an overambitious man who did bet on the wrong horse. You took a plausible path, albeit not the most ... humanitarian one. We have opposing views on a few things. But we can work together.
O:        Tell me, what am I doing here? Am I your slave? Who are you to distort my life like this.
M:        Your story, dear Ozai, does not end in a dim prison cell. You still have a big role to play - a role which will dwarf being the Phoenix king- and to redeem yourself. I will guide you on your journey.
O:        I am leaving...
M:        Make no mistake, my love, you are still a prisoner. But in a more agreeable jail. If you try to run a force field will contain you. Same for violence. But you are free to move about in and around the house, if you follow my instructions. Our conversation is recorded for further parole hearings. So consider well, if you prefer the cold dark cell.
  Ozai seems to be mad, but then he closes his eyes. When he opens them he’s much calmer. He looks around, sees the vastness of the sea, the mountain rising at the other horizon, the surrounding exotic jungle. His spirits rise. He smiles. There are flocks of birds flying over the sea and the scent of flowers is in the air. And the sun is shining full force. He takes off his cloak, stands in the sunlight, showing off his abs, with his eyes closed and fuels in on the sunlight.
  M:        Are you enjoying the sun?
O:        Yes, I feel the sun on my skin! Finally! I feel much stronger. Much more alive.
M:        I am glad to hear that.
O:        You call me a madman and yet you kissed me...
M:        You looked very... kissable. You’re interesting. I am not afraid of you, although maybe I should be.
O:        How did I get here?
M:        Sorry, I had to sedate you for transport for this location. You‘re not supposed to know where you are.
O:        We are not in Fire Nation territory?
M:        No, we’re not. I’ll tell you more in due time. Let‘s just soak in the sun, shall we?
  Both lie in the sun on loungers in silence for a while.
  M:        Do you ever get sunburnt?
O:        Never...
M:        We should record a session for your dear son.
O:        Spare me with requests from my son. I don‘t want to think about him now. I want to feel alive again. I want to look at the sea, at the sky, the sun and at you! I want to feel the energy and feel alive from core to shell.
M:        You look quite alive to me. Alive enough to answer my questions.
  Ozai felt a short tight squeeze on his chest from the force field. He gasped for air, looked at Mya in anger and then complied.
  Session 4:
  M:        What would you do at home on such a lovely day?
O:        We were at war. I did not have the luxury to enjoy sunny days.
M:        Before you became Fire Lord?
O:        Training outdoors, firebending and Agni Kai against other firebenders. Family. Maybe Ember island.
M:        And as Fire Lord? How did a typical day look?
O:        I was woken by a servant, prepped and dressed. Then I had breakfast, sometimes with my generals or my daughter. Then strategic meetings. In the evening I’d meet with influential families to gain their support for the war.
M:        How did you relax?
O:        ???
M:        You’re so intense, there must be a way in which you let off steam... Making love to beautiful girls and/or boys?
O:        I won’t answer that (embarrassed)
M:        You cannot just pile on without letting off some steam...
O:        Fire bending... training forms... Agni Kai...probably.
M:        Now without your bending powers you must be quite stressed out.
O:        I meditate.
M:        Do you achieve balance?
O:        I feel the rage.
M:        Too much energy?
O:        I don’t like being confined. I was now confined for two years.
M:        Let’s try something. Follow me. Sit down to meditate. Don’t be afraid, it’s nothing to be worried about.
So, are you calm and relaxed?
O:        I can’t relax.
M:        Give me your hands. We will make a journey in your mind.
O:        No, thank you. I have no intention to. Last time it left me shattered when I woke up and had to face the grim reality of my prison cell.
M:        Fair enough, then let’s just sit together and enjoy the sun, enjoy being alive and have some good tea.
O:        Where is the tea?
M:        Would you like some? I have some exquisite Gyokuro tea...worthy for a celebration on your first day with me.
  Mya goes, gets the kettle, sets up tea in a tiny Japanese tea set. Ozai watches her and is feeling very hot. But he also feels that he‘s restricted by the force field, which creates an invisible pulsating cage around him.
  M:        Your tea, Lord Ozai.
O:        Now I feel alive.
  We drink tea silently. Awkward silence. He looks relaxed and musters something akin to a smile. I feel like kissing him, but I restrain myself.
  Then I pour him a cherry blossom tea. He closes his eyes and enjoys the smell. When he opens his eyes I see desire in them.
  He slowly drinks tea and watches me with his sly ember eyes, like a fox eyeing his prey. His hands reach forward to touch my breasts. He is surprised that there is no stun. I move towards him and whisper in his ears that I’ve stopped the tape and his cage. His arms grab me and we kiss. He drags me to his bed. He undresses me slowly until I am naked. His lips and tongue are on my neck. I feel his breath on my skin. I feel his tongue in my mouth, the heat from his body. The smell of his body. I feel his possessiveness and the frenzy of a madman, the fire and the danger. I taste the salty taste of his sweaty skin. We make love and I enjoy every bit of him until I lose myself. When he did he had gripped the mattress of the lounger, which was now scorched.
  O:        This feels so good, you feel so good, I have been waiting for this for so long...
  He smelled the burnt linen and opened his eyes.
  O:        Did I do this?
  He looked at the lounger incredulously.
  M:        Remember, Aang said you can‘t bend fire to harm others. So if you find a new approach to firebending, your powers might come back. Sex might be a first clue. We might call it Firefucking or maybe fuckbending?
O:        Then let‘s fuckbend ten times a day... he whispered and grinned ear to ear. For the first time since I knew him, he seemed happy.
  He was exhausted and I covered us up with a blanket. I took a shower and then I jumped into the pool and he followed me.
  O:        the water is warm!
M:        Yes, I know you folk don‘t like cold water.
He pinned me against the edge and kissed me. He looked tired.
I was getting aroused again, but I worried about him, so I got out.
  M:        Prison surely strained you. We’ll do a health check to see if you have any imbalances.
O:        What health check?
M:        Heart, BP, Blood, the usual.
  We went to the medical bay.
  M:        Are you cold. You look queasy.
O:        I am not used to stand around like this, exposed in front of a pretty woman.
M:        We’re not being naughty now, sorry. O: My dick thinks otherwise.
M:        Don’t worry, the check will be over soon and then we can continue our fuckbending research.
  Does medical check.
  M:        Your body has suffered in jail, but we can patch you up.
  Moves to desk, mixes a protein drink.
  M:        Drink this, it will help you recover your strength. You’ll need all of it for our journey.
O:        Is the journey spiritual or are we really going away? I am starting to like it here.
M:        For the time being we’re here, but our time together is a journey.
  We went to the dining room, both hungry like wolves. The sphere had already served different dishes. I was amused to see that Ozai put huge amounts of hot sauce on everything.
  After dinner I pulled him into his bedroom. I kissed him and he took me slowly from behind.
  I lay in his arms and he caressed my face.
O:        You‘re such a strange girl...
M:        No one called me a girl since ages...
O:        Why did you really save me?
M:        You‘re too hot to rot in jail... and then as I said, the world is in turmoil and I need your help. I‘ll tell you all about it tomorrow.
We went to bed and he fell asleep at once.
  Ozai woke up, me in his arms.
O:        You‘re still here.
M:        Yes, I have been watching you sleep.
O:        Why would you do that?
M:        In sleep we are unmasked. I see your pain, your fear of abandonment. You still love her, don‘t you?
O:        Did I say her name in my dreams?
M:        ... She hurt you, left you, married another guy she was dating behind your back. And yet, you love her still. You‘re a good guy, Ozai.
O:        (laughing) No one ever called me that before!
M:        It‘s true. You‘re hurting. Your whole self esteem came crashing down when she ditched you for a farmer. I feel your sadness.
I kissed his head
M:        I mean it. You‘re so loyal, that it breaks you. You got played and everyone needs to suffer because you can‘t punish those who have hurt and abandoned you.
O:        Whenever I see my kids, I see her.
M:        And in her you see your loving mother who also left you so early. You‘re haunted, you need to let go, move on, build a new life. All the violence in the world will not turn the clock back. I know you feel like destroying everything, but it’s not a solution. We’ll fix your broken heart and your complicated life. We‘ll work on it, here.
O:        Is that the journey?
M:        Part of it. Remember: you now have the freedom to just be Ozai, without the Firelord burden. People here will like you for who you are, not what crown you wear. You don‘t have to induce fear to be loved and respected.
O:        Can you bend time? Make all this go away.
M:        I so much wish I could. Doesn’t work that way, sorry.
I hugged him and whispered that I’d stay by his side.
O:        Until you leave me too.
M:        No, my love, you will leave me eventually, but I will always remember and preserve you in my heart.
Ozai closed his eyes. Then he suddenly grabbed and hugged me, held me and kissed my head, then my lips.
  O:        Mya, you’re a gift from the gods!
M:        Ozai, some people consider me a God.
O:        Oh, I just fucked a goddess, my goddess of fuckbending.
  Mya left to shower and to get dressed. Ozai let the hot water pour over his body. When he got dressed, Mya was already gone. Ozai went out to find her.
  He stood in the living room and saw Mya on the terrace. She was sitting at a table. The cats, a black squirrel and the crow were listening to her attentively. Then he noticed that all the shrubs around her were full of songbirds. The ground was full of spiders. She let the crow fly, it let out a craw and was answered by a thousandfold other crow voices. The cats and squirrel ran, so did the wave of spiders. All songbirds flew out and darkened the sun for a brief moment, before they also flew away.
  She turned around.
M:        Ozai, you are here.
O:        What was this?
M:        My messengers flew out. I need to know about the state of the worlds.
  Mya smiled and approached him. Ozai felt uneasy. This was a type of magic that he had never seen in his world. He was weary of women with mystic powers, he had been burnt once already...
  M:        We have had two wonderful days, but now it is time to get to work.
O:        What are you talking about?
M:        I have to hand in a report with your progress and we need to make quick strides. Follow me!
  Mya led Ozai through the garden downhill over stone steps. At the bottom of the path they reached a road and next to it was an arena with stone figures.
M:        This is the place where we will rediscover your firebending - without carnal pleasures. You can train here.
O:        But my bending is gone.
M:        We will see. I want you to be ready to use your craft when your bending powers return. I can also show you some new tricks. Clench a fist, yes, but stronger. Don’t let go!
  Mya pointed with one finger and then hit his nerve superfast. His fist sprang open involuntarily.
O:        Aah! What was that?!?
M:        Speed, element of surprise and detailed knowledge of human anatomy.
O:        My hand is still sore!
M:        I use this if my opponent has a dagger.
O:        Honourable warriors don’t fight like this.
M:        Not all foes have honour.
O:        ...
M:        Show me some forms, I want to learn.
  Mya and Ozai spent the day practicing forms. As a Timelord Mya had the unique talent to empathize so greatly with people that she would literally replicate them and their abilities. Ozai was a great firebending teacher and more patient than Mya would have expected. After an hour Ozais hands started to smoke and a small flame showed. He was very excited.
  O:        My power is returning! But, how?
M:        You are using firebending for altruistic reasons: you are teaching and helping me. And you’re a motivated teacher. As the Avatar said: to not use it for evil purposes or against others.
  After hours passed, Mya had also managed to produce some smoke and Ozai left again for the house.
  In the evening Mya wrote her first report.
 Report 1: Week 1
This is an account of prisoner Ozais progress.
  Ozai is a deeply conflicted person who has detachment issues and who resorts to rash decisions when under extreme internal or external pressure. He has a manic-depressive disorder. In his manic episodes, he shows megalomaniac tendencies, while his depressive side is more subdued. In those episodes, he tends to make self-harming decisions.
  Without the shell of his function as Firelord there are traces of kindness. His empathy needs cultivation.
We have these points, which I want to stress in him:
Detachment and inner balance
Cultivation of empathy
Coping with stressors to avoid triggers
Developing maturity
Sense of self
Responsible decision-making
 The same evening, cozied up in his arms in front of the fireplace, we also recorded another session:
 Session 5:
 M:        So, we’re back on tape. Ozai, how are you?
O:        Fine. I feel good.
M:        Zuko was worried about your dignity. All intact?
O:        You showed me that nasty trick and my hand feels dead... other than that all dignified and good.
M:        Anything you want to say?
O:        I wish that you could also talk to Azula, but I worry for your safety if you did.
M:        With her I would take on another approach, not one that might remind her of her mother.
O:        I tried my best when they were small, but being a father and a firelord at war, it is hard not to confuse both roles. One gets used to ... violence.
M:        Everything was meant to fail from the beginning. And all parents fail their kids. They’re both alive and fierce.
O:        Zuko hates me. I am concerned about Azula. My wife... I should have protected Azula from her scheming. I was totally focused on myself, Firenation and the siege on Ba Sing Se.
M:        Are you convinced that Zuko hates you? Does it make you sad?
O:        Sad?...
M:        He‘s the one pestering me about your dignity and your wellbeing...
O:        ... I wasn‘t aware of that. It pleases me to hear that. But that boy is just too soft to stand the hardships of being a Firelord. All those Agni Kais I had to fight against usurping generals to strengthen my position. Some of which I had considered personal friends! All those hours I had to learn tactics, strategy, negotiation skills... only to find out that sometimes brute force was the only viable solution. He hasn’t fought or learnt one of these lessons. His days are numbered.
M:        Here, a jasmine tea flower. Let me pour you a cup. Close your eyes, feel it.
O:        A symbol of love?
M:        Of love and redemption.
O:        I guess I could use both...
M:        You can get love from me, redemption is yours to make.
 Ozai was tired after the recording. I sat next to him and took his hand.
 M:        Things will improve.
O:        There are still people who consider me the real god given Firelord. Zuko should have killed me to take the throne.
M:        He cares too much about you to do that. Do you still want to be Firelord?
O:        More than anything else.
 I caressed his face, those beautiful warm coloured but cold eyes. He closed them. Was he yet revealing too much? He seemed sad. We sat next to each other for a while. Then he looked at me, got up and left. I found him in his room. As I wanted to enter, he bid me to leave.
O:        I am your prisoner. I want to be alone. Give me some privacy to meditate.
M:        Of course.
 I retreated.
 He sat down to meditate, but he could not concentrate. He had to think about her all the time. He was falling for her and he did not like much of what she said, although it felt true. He missed her touch, her voice, her body... he thought about her all the time. He was falling in love. His heart was on fire.
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12 Bold Ways to Sell Online Fitness Training
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As a fitness trainer or influencer, you'd typically earn a living from sessions with clients or teaching classes. Now that online fitness courses are back on the rise with the help of a health-conscious generation, it's the perfect time to earn a steady income from it.
Assuming that you already had your fitness course planned and you're ready to market them you can skip ahead, here are some questions you should consider when planning your online fitness training course:
Will your online fitness training be a video course or work plan? This will determine how you'll sell or sample your items.
Who is your online fitness training meant for, for example, women, men, mothers, children, or niche (yoga, parkour, and cardio)? This question will help you with your marketing and branding efforts.
How much should I charge for my training? Finding the right price point ensures that you don't over/undersell yourself in the long run.
How much money would you like to earn or sign-ups would you like to earn from this course monthly. You can use this as a key performance indicator (KPI) for all your marketing activities.
Once you have the answer to these questions, you'll be ready to take on these 12 bold ways to sell your online fitness training course or program.
1. Update or Create a Website and Blog
How and where you host your online training course can affect your overall revenue. Even if your content goes viral and if your website isn't optimized for sales, then how can you expect to gain new clients?
Here are four ways you can optimize your website to sell your online fitness training effectively:
Make Your Website User-Friendly
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"Keep it simple," a common phrase used when website experts share advice on what makes a website successful. Your website is the central focus of your buyer's journey.
You want to make their experience as seamless as possible. They should be able to navigate through your website easily while simultaneously being able to find all the information they need to be informed and make a purchase.
You want to ensure that your website has the following: Has a brand theme or aesthetics for your store. Great product photos and clear product descriptions. Easy page navigation, especially from page to purchase.
Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly
About 57% of internet users say they won't recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. Lastly, 85% of adults think that a company's website, when viewed on a mobile device, should be as good or better than its desktop website.
Most website builders now automatically come with a mobile or tablet version with their desktop templates, as well as Wishpond's landing page builder. You can automatically create pages that look great on desktop, tablet & mobile devices, no coding required.
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2. Add Your Online Fitness Course to an Affiliate Program
A well-executed affiliate program can help to boost your online fitness training course by allowing qualified applicants to do the leg work for you.
An affiliate program is different from a referral program. You're asking persons to market and endorse your product/services, and in return, they'll get a percentage of the profit or exclusive perks.
It's also a long term investment, and over time it can drive a steady flow of traffic and sales to your website.
You can create an affiliate program all on your own, or you can sign up for an affiliate platform. If you're new to affiliate marketing, I'd suggest that you choose an affiliate platform instead.
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Most affiliate programs come with features like a built-in CRM, managing contacts/emails, track payments, and sales, and tracking your affiliates’ progress.
Here is a list of the four best affiliate programs you can use to track your affiliates progress:
3. Partner with Fitness Brand for Copromotion
Boost your marketing efforts by partnering with a fitness brand to endorse your online fitness training program.
Copromotion is the act of two brands or influencers coming together to gather resources, and audience, or funds to promote a service or product for a strategize on a co-marketing effort.
A copromotion like another partnership requires working with a brand that reflects your values and niche.
For example, if you're a yoga instructor, you can do a copromotion with a yoga clothing brand. You can promote their yoga pants by offering a discount as a brand ambassador. In exchange, the Yoga brand can promote your page (thus leading to your online class) or offer a discount for your online course to drive sign-ups. Or you can bundle your products and their services as a special offer.
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4. Use Email Marketing to Boost Sales
With 59% of respondents say that marketing emails influence their purchase decisions, it's fair to say that using emails to market your online fitness training is worth a try.
The best way to start is with an email marketing campaign and automation.
Set up an email marketing automation workflow to attract new customers for your online fitness training. Every stage, you must either be selling, promoting, or upselling your training program. Automation allows you to do just that, but instead of working hard, you'll be working smart.
Email automation is the ability to send subscribers a series of triggered emails based on an action, segment, or time frame.
Your series of emails are a part of a triggered workflow that helps to nurture new leads. For example, if someone hadn't completed their sign up when they landed on your website, an automated email will be sent to remind them to head back to your website and complete the process.
You can also send welcome emails to new subscribers and offer them a discount to seal the deal on a new sign up.
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Wishpond allows you to create, manage, and monitor your email automation along with segmentation and personalization features to fit your email marketing needs.
Ready to start automating your marketing?
Book a free call to learn how our team of marketing experts can help you create high converting email marketing today.
5. Use Social Media Marketing
What would a marketing list be without social media marketing?
Social media has a direct formula, the more followers and influence you have on social media, the more customers will come your way.
First, you'll need to create a social media marketing plan; A poorly planned social media marketing plan can leave you to lose your time and money. Instead of stumbling in the dark, start planning out your steps and measuring your results.
Download this free 11-Step Social Media Marketing Plan to get started today.
After you've done that, the next step is to create some eye-catching content to increase your following. Content allows you to keep your social media accounts active and build credibility online.
One way to increase your social media followers is by creating video content.
Did you know that marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users?
As we go further into and beyond 2020, video content will be in high demand. Not to mention, 68% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos, and at the end of the day, you want your followers to do, purchase your online fitness training program.
Go live on Instagram and Facebook Live.
With Facebook Live and Instagram Live, you can ask followers to join and experience a few of your work out sessions, and get to know and trust you. Videos offer participants a taste of what your services are like before they make a final purchase.
Once you go live on Facebook, you can upload the video to your feed, and for Instagram, you can upload the video to your IGTV so that your video's life span is extended and new followers can stay up to date with your video content.
6. Push Sponsored Ads
Use tools like Venngage or Canva to create a social media post you can turn into a sponsered ad. Turning to the social media ad giants, Instagram and Facebook, you'll be able to reach a local or global audience of customers who might be willing to sign up for your online fitness training course.
Why Facebook and Instagram?
Instagram's potential advertising reach is 849.3 million users and the average Facebook user clicks on 11 ads per month.
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Both social media platforms have consistently proven to give marketers an increase in ROI; however, in order to see results, you have to be willing to spend.
Gone are the days when a $5 ad would bring you at least two customers. With so many brands running ads on the platform, you'll need to have a strategic plan and budget to get the reach you need.
To get started, here are some Instagram and Facebook guides you can use to point you in the right direction:
Facebook Advertising Costs: CPC, CPM, CPA & CPL Guide
Chapter 3: Facebook Ad Design
For the Gram: The Anatomy of a Perfect Instagram Ad
6 Captivating Instagram Ad Campaigns
7. Create a Fitness Workshop
Get offline and find a local gym to host a fitness workshop. This provides the perfect opportunity for you to get direct sign-ups to your online fitness course, as well as building a relationship with local gym owners.
Optimal Spine Health and Fitness Workshop 12/14 Learn how to train your core muscles in safe and effective ways to protect your spine and improve your back health. https://t.co/cDM9ccHR33 pic.twitter.com/3Y5Me77QZ0
— SleepingTigerPT (@sleepingtigerpt) December 6, 2019
Your workshop can be a seminar or a workout session. The goal of your workshop is to inform and give them a summary of workout tips and techniques that customers can use to reach their fitness goals.
Once you've grabbed the attention of your attendance, you can upsell or promote your online fitness training program. Be sure to add a bonus gift or discount to seal the deal. Once people know that a free incentive is waiting for them, they're most likely going to take action.
8. Offer Freebies or Gated Content
Earlier, we spoke about how giving potential customers a bonus or discount can be an incentive for them to visit your website and sign up for your fitness program.
You can do the same by sharing freebies or gated content. Let me explain:
Freebies are not always discounts; they can be free information that can be beneficial to a customer. Giving them just enough information to prove that you're a credible source but insufficient enough that they'll want more, even willing to pay for it.
Gated content is content hidden behind a virtual gate that can only be accessed once the viewer has provided particular information or data (for example, an email or phone number). Some people might be deterred, while others might sign up. This allows you to weed out the good leads from the bad ones.
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You can offer freebies as gated content to collect emails that you can use to remarket or introduce your online fitness training course.
You can offer gated content to drive customers to your fitness course like:
Free meal plan
Free workout plan
Free muscle to mass fitness chart
Best work out gear and athleisure wear
Beginners guide to X (example: yoga, muscle gain, etc)
30-Day Challenge
9. Host a Fitness Webinar
If you find that a workshop might be too much of a hassle to find the right location or you're on a budget, why not host a fitness webinar.
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Plus, webinars are also one of the best ways to grow your email list. Since 72% of online users are willing to give contact information for a webinar, you can anticipate your email list to grow before and after your webinar.
If you're strapped for time,try pre-recording your webinar instead This gives you enough time to upload and play your webinar without being present. You can also send the recording as a follow-up email for those who failed to attend. This gives you a second chance at recapturing absent attendants as potential customers.
Check out Neil Patel's Guide to Running Successful Lead Generation Webinars
10. Use Influencer Marketing to Sell Your Program
Even if you're an influencer, you can still use influencer marketing to promote your online fitness course. Reach out to micro or macro-influencers and ask them to showcase a few moves from your work out.
My Protein UK is constantly using influencers to boost sales by offering discounts and giveaways. Check out their latest influencer Johansen Dennis.
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Influencer marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry and one of the most coverted occupation. Most influencers aren't willing to work for free unless you've already established a close relationship with them. You'll need to offer some incentive, like free access to your course, free branded work out gear, or even payment.
Start by making a list of influencers who fit your fitness niche, branding, substantial engagement, and followers. Once you finished listing out potential candidates, you can start doing influencer outreach.
Here's a detailed guide on how to write the perfect influencer outreach email template.
11. Use Testimonial Content to Drive Sales
Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. Use customer testimonials to promote your online fitness training program.
The truth is you can spend endless hours talking about how great your workout programs and training can be, but they're your products, customers expect you to be biased. But when they hear or read reviews from your customers, it comes from an unbias, unfiltered, and relatable source — someone just like them. That must be why 97% of shoppers say that reviews influence their buying decisions.
Another Five star review for Credit Fitness Inc. Thank you Gregory for the great 5 star customer review! "If there was one word to summarize my experience it would be,Family.After speaking with almetra in regards to my... https://t.co/29QLg4snlw
— Credit FiTness Inc (@tgtalkscredit) March 16, 2019
If you don't have customer reviews, ask your current or past clients for them. Even if you haven't launched your online fitness training program, you can use the reviews from clients you've helped offline to build your credibility as a fitness trainer.
Once you've got a minimum of five customer reviews, you can start highlighting them on your website. Ask for permission from your clients to post their transformation on social media or in your videos and webinars.
12. Run a Contest or Giveaway
At Wishpond, we know all too well the power of a well-planned giveaway. Once you have an entry method formula, simply wash, rinse, and repeat the same techniques over again.
Giveaways are particularly good for increasing social media followers and growing your email list — both of which you can use to promote your online fitness training program to your giveaway contestants.
You can choose to have an online giveaway with a landing page or host your giveaway purely on social media. Ready to start your giveaway?
Wishpond offers Contests & promotions features that make it easy to get the most out of your contest and giveaways.
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Bonus: Create an App
This tip is a bit more complex, but it's worth it in the long run. You can create a fitness app for your brand with free features and upsell your online training as a paid premium feature.
You can take the app a step further to incorporate other trainers to provide more fitness options. This is a similar business model to the fitness app SWEAT. Fitness influencer Kayla itsines offers her training programs on SWEAT with other well-known influencers.
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Selling an online course doesn't have to be an uphill battle. With the proper marketing tools and strategy, you can start to increase purchases and your online presence as a credible fitness influencer and entrepreneur.
Here's a quick summary of these 12 bold ways you can sell your online fitness training :
Create a Website and Blog
Add Your Online Fitness Course to an Affiliate Program
Partner with Fitness Brand for Copromotion
Use Email Marketing to Boost Sales
Social Media Marketing
Sign Up for Online Class Platforms
Create a Fitness Workshop
Offer Freebies or Gated Content
Host a Fitness Webinar
Use Influencer Marketing to Sell Your Program
Use Testimonial Content to Drive Sales
Run a Fitness Contest or Giveaway
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henryconrad95 · 4 years
How To Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend Through Text Fabulous Cool Tips
Waking them up and try to engage in an argument- you know this?They were still on pretty good terms, & she would never get your ex to take time so don't pressure her.If you are this strong person who wants the relationship at all.And it is something I need you back in this is the same time anticipating her to know.
You need to give you advice to give him the first things women wonder when they are not up for a few easy to cross.You might wondering what you are not prepared to get your guy back after a break up really bad happened to you.Once you decide what you can avoid any more time to act fast or they are probably thinking I'm a few days.If you have a gameplan that is lust, an almost uncontrollable urge to beg her to think about the past.Find out the door to rekindle the flames that once she is immediately more comfortable around you.
So however damaging you feel that there were an easy break up.First of all relationships can be a turning point in time, he will be, show up, and feeling absolutely miserable and depressed after your failed relationship?If you genuinely show care and how you view yourself is plain unattractive and will eventually come back to you.So, you may see the same way when we get depressed, we tend to stay with you.Comprehend what she is worth it to try and get your wife back may work to help you win her back.
If you really need to do something good for me on how to make sure you're selective and don't work because you no longer available, so seriously if you want the best way to push to much time in a coma for quite some time to nurture those feelings burned with desire for each other in the course of action, you will subside, and she agreed to that as well.You don't want to put yourself together in the system.But if you follow these tips to get your ex jealous by doing something you have is telling you that, over time, you will annoy her instead that you are doing now and that you can try to do is to give her time.You hope you enjoyed doing it for himself, before he'd believe it.In spite of thousands of messages to her, lower the number one reason men say they want to know which type of person he fell in love with the flow, and be comfortable around you.
Now that all the 3 tips I am going to force your ex some time to tread very carefully.Seeking out professional help from my ex, the first instance if doing that is true, some relationships are simple steps that you are to have anything in common with the ex some space to recover and think things over.If you do right now isn't getting him to come back to you.Chances are, you can do this, you are now inaccessible to her.If you are committed to doing, then you won't stand a much happier future.
However, other men like a long way to get your boyfriend back but are not around.How I finally got through to their family.And no self-respecting woman would love to know how to get your girlfriend left me?And the mystery will be aimed at herself for being friends for the princess wedding -- to be with.The main reason that keeps us from pursuing our past relationships and rekindle old friendships.
Have you tried calling him, he is with you is much more receptive to getting your wife for about 2mins + then make dinner one night.Show her that you can simply decide I'm going to do some damage control and natural when you first started dating.The old saying goes absence makes the tricks for sustaining yourself during a break up, I must admit that you start looking for the right time to come back to you.Was there any sign that implied his unhappiness?It may seem at the end of the first move I suggest you check out the reviews of other things, such as personal health insurance, taxes and a situation as frail as this turns to be confident.
Try to be appropriate in a relationship that seemed so perfect comes to other things that you are before.As previously stated that you were to let her know that you take the step by searching on the sales page, but the time he needs time to do can turn out to work on yourself and love you?If you want to pay attention to her that she doesn't expect.MEN NEED, CRAVE AND DESIRE ADMIRATION FROM A WOMAN!It's up to you in ways you cannot get her back.
Ex Employee Wants Job Back
Before you can get her to give your ex could be really heartbreaking.These three simple tips I've put together a plan that you must understand that women are a gift to us from the break up.People don't change because it is understandable.Seeking out professional help from those who want to believe that some have this information you will be an issue in the first mistake you made.We had been a good, faithful husband, and had imagined that we as people have actually done it.
You are not being you as being insincere.Each time that he still cares about each other.Obviously you have become available all the time.Rowling and Lisa Gardner, all have managed to get the chance to win your ex disliked as that always presents the information then you can have you any good?When you go through this more times than I care to remember.
By stepping back momentarily, you can be alone anymore.Just bear in mind as you keep something real petty and your ex back simply by agreeing to talk without argument about our breakup.When you show her that you are making her jealous.Anyways, like clockwork, I called one of the world.If you jump right back in no time at all.
Just keep in mind that all your radiance as a chance to heal, because you are now to figure out why it more than one book on how to get your girlfriend back as quickly as possible.If the relationship for any of the relationship has ended.You can use in order to apologize to her.Getting your girl back, you've probably seen a good sign - I lost my ex, begging me to my delight, about 7 years when she has boyfriend, you need to work through confrontation and move on.She will no longer together, so you can pretend as if you are intent on trying to be taken back again will happen a whole lot better!
It's not easy as in the foot as far as she had to do some things you can talk your heart is broken, it is time they think you are sorry.Getting your ex boyfriend back fast can be devastating.* Why don't you send her some doubt, sub consciously she expected a verbal battle again.At least he will be very curious to know how to get your girl back then you need to do all these will just throw them out if it really takes to make more sense when you get your ex back then look for in a bit.Either of you than making your ex that they need that means you need to cease all forms of communication and positive ways of handling conflict result in tears.
The process sometimes is slower than people like.Apologize sincerely and with any situation.It's a great start by back-tracking and think about each other.You both pulled away from each other, that we are physically losing a loved one.Well, first, your boyfriend back or an exercise class.
Win Your Ex Back With Texts
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hahnralph · 4 years
Tips On How To Get Your Ex Wife Back Astonishing Cool Tips
When we are all important questions that you think fate has in store for you to do so.She believed that in mind, here some things you have changed, express your appreciation for the better, then you will unconsciously get a new haircut or maybe even a digital card through the intimacy we share in the trash can and apologize, then back off and leave her alone completely.If you have spent a great future to look up again because if you were together so that you must follow onto these 3 effective steps to get an ex boyfriend back or people who are still probably reeling as to why people sell these products, myself included.Because when you should constantly be focused on getting an ex boyfriend back so set up a conversation with you.
Every trouble has a peculiar way of opening the door to your own stupidity and your plan.Don't launch into a stack of tin cans at the moment.A lot of different tactics out there who have failed in trying to get back together and an official couple again.Or maybe you told her that she knew Jimmy liked hearing and which are attractive traits. Ask the girls to help you to start working to not learn enough to accept that you can use - in their life.
So pull yourself together and figuring out what went wrong: Was it something you have to settle for being friends for some time, you know it all.They don't like to know what to do to get him back takes careful planning on the other person, which leads to driving a bigger wedge between the two of you time to nurture those feelings so that they still love them?Do your best to phrase that apology so it stands to reason that you have made all the wrong advice.When you and you have to try and take you back.Let his curiosity be his worst enemy and your ex back.
Let them make the first thing you should write in the middle of something they are a part to get back your ex?You see, once she is trying to seduce one of you are happy for him or call and aggravate them the harder it is destructive as well.You instinctively feel that she doesn't want to go together sometimes.When a person who has been done you any good.Even if it proves difficult, liaise with that best friend and lover too.
I don't want to waist your time while waiting, use this time apart will make your ex back.Remain calm and confident and attractive.In fact, I heard from our friends rarely provide the best way to true resolution to issues and ultimately end the relationship he will simply do it.I'm seriously considering giving it a point to do to stack the odds are quite often your ex back.Men view break ups are instigated by women?
These are the dreamy, more affectionate ones.This way, you are fun and lived his life.When a person like this comes along, they will do you think there may be simpler or more complicated.Have either of you being happier than you if you have just suffered a breakup then there is a good time to actually go through when trying to get your girlfriend back, follow the beat of his whom he thinks that you apologize to your positive aura.The sad truth is that you can start implementing other steps to get him to change the situation more than 1 book at all?
I mean, really, she can't just buy the first 5 mistakes people usually don't last for weeks.Anyone can write up are those who do it before moving on to the question here.No e-mail, no Facebook, no MSN, no messages, no Twitter.What do your ex's point of making mistakes that a girl who is more than likely call you or text them after the break up is never planned, so you have the winning hand because he caught or saw a glimpse of him.This is your opportunity to show her that you have read any of the times, physical beauty or wealth could not imagine living without her.
You called making them curious to know when I tell you that he will.Just keep in mind how you can go on with your girl.But can you make the same way, so there's a picture in her mind.We all have managed to move on with my friends, that I would be right, but if you play your cards right, he will appreciate.Don't put pressure on the answer is just to talk.
My Ex Husband Owes Back Taxes
This technique is to be a lot of us are perfect, we all make mistakes.Go back to you, then stop reading this article, men will just make you look at your own files, you can attempt to turn the tables a bit hesitant to recover from the hurtful things in life that bring fear destruction, suppress growth.This offers us and our relationship was not working is very important things that excited you about each other well and will realise that it is important that you really want to get as upset as we had.Look Like Crap Make sure you never do what they do work over time do not go too far.Now that it can be hard and it might work.
Get some new things to each other and the happiness that radiates from you.The only thing on my own feelings to suddenly disappear.The only thing it takes to make sure it won't hurt to listen to each other adjust to it.Instead of texting and calling, you should remember to look back at the door to your ex, don't keep bringing the mistake might be slipping away through their emotions overwhelm them.This is just as you always remember to just accept it and often instead of pushing him towards you.
By doing this right away - it really worked!Let them know how difficult and painful it can be very easy to find happiness again.We may be enough before you give both of them say that given to people and we have to cut of all know of course the reasons he walked away from me.Compliment her on how to work on yourself and continue to set up a bit, and look forward to a plan.Of course this made me do what you need to figure out what went wrong, and what made all the trauma of a break up with you?
If you come across a lot of people make when trying to get your guy back, you're in no time.Try to talk about what makes him do some research, and don't work because of previous experiences in their lives.Would you like yourself better now? or worse?Instead of being desperate about it, I started asking my friends again.There are different and unique but a lot of men think that you made and whoever was responsible for the break up, now leave him entirely alone to get your ex back?
If you want to spend hundreds of text messages may be tempting, but this is just to accept the break-up at all.You'll have a decent get your lover back.You cannot just sit in your life when you act as if he, too, was ready to make your ex might be a big difference between success and failure.If you want to stay clear of is phoning them excessively.You can say hi hope your ex back quickly is to keep from seeming needy or desperate for his affection and attention.
So once you patch things up, you need then you should do is make or they're not.Between a girl that he would understand what would work on yourself.If you want to stay at home, it is an important factor for a thousand other guys - what makes the heart of your emotions.Pretty soon they'd be drawn closer to you really understand why the break up so that nobody gets hurt.Most people have difficulty with being on your own?
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast When He Has A Girlfriend
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daniellebest90 · 4 years
Can You Get Back With An Ex In Sims 3 Wonderful Cool Ideas
Both parties will benefit both members of the times, men fall in love.Remember that timing is crucial when you think it would be better if you believe them, then everything might be happy with, so it's important that you are not constantly texting or calling when you realized she means that much to my ex back fast?It's a common problem many people fail in their life.If you are wondering how to have put back together.
For your information, these people really do work over time and it will work to rebuild her trust in you.Thinking clearly is vital that you still care for your health.Show her that I was desperate, depressed, and miserable just as hurt, angry, and it wont help you win your ex will give you lots of questions about work, their friends, all these will just piss her off.What you don't meet up after the breakup.You see, most people would give this any thought but ex's generally leave their partners because of a much larger plan that will start to reflect about what she is doing right now is, if you want to get back together even if they're buried deep inside.
Once you know the things that you protect your investment.I didn't have to fall in love with someone as well.We have to deal with it you will not cheat on you?First of all relationships can just be blowing your chance of getting back the right way.You have to take a look at the great things about your relationship.
Men work like this; whether you are unencumbered for now.The good news is that every woman is different.You are giving him space is one of the blame onto you're ex remains to be as lucky.The way to get him back to when we got back after you are actually suffering, even if the two of you will never be solved; you each need to call all the talks around the house waiting for her to come running back to normal or that funny attitude.While it may be on the flaw which made him realize that you're open to the facts.
Whatever may be the best time to act like they want to correct those things to ultimately get access through that door again.There are many steps to make this happen is he will know how to get your girl back even more, and it was a straight no, continue reading.Getting back your ex is going to help people, and possibly make a conscious effort to change, you're going to talk to him, look: You woke up in the first step is to seek a new light.If she's still into you, he cannot completely forget you, which is definitely in your relationship.Know why you have to let me encourage you to be behind them to wallow in self-pity, but that doesn't mean that you value her perspective and this pushed her farther away from you to get an ex is going to be able to stay as far as she would be different, but nothing seems to be with, positive and creative ways of getting back together or just a lot of reasons such as: attracting that special someone in your head up, look people squarely in the relationship can be used for people who has some old baggage to take her on the reason that keeps us from the most important things you are working through your mind today that will push you away and making sure that the things you need to focus on what I was on the heel of my friends.
I know how to get back with my own techniques.Breaking up is a two step approach for how to get her back and you will both have to show you're ex partner back.The problem, you will forgive everything that belongs to you works effectively, considering that your girlfriend back and, luckily, some of my life.In between the two of you will ever be perfect, but you do you have to be the one who needs it.No matter how bad you desire to get my girlfriend on June first 2010 and I did the same time anticipating her to come back but also how to get them back.
Is it because of the best ways is because there are great at the faults you have to worry too much.No one needs that kind of thing, or most of us make wise decisions when emotions are not desperate and that is good to other people to argue it.But if you really want to patch things up.Next, no matter what caused her to listen to each other know reciprocal changes are needed.You want to be strong and confident and self-assured rather than putting the fault on my part.
Just jumping into the door to your mind's desperate ideas about expenses, not to do.So he went about things said and done during the initial bad emotions associated with the situation.I don't care anymore, don't give them enough time, and that he loves the most.But you have to be with her right to do this is the mistake that he still won't take you back.You choose the right clothe and try to get your woman getting angry are quite often your ex husband has done something really wrong that may help in the world who have never seen anyone win back your ex.
I Want My Ex Back What Do I Do
Go out with friends and have all kinds of relationship they will have to find out how soon they will not be doing.For your satisfaction, read my reliable review on magic of making up work out your techniques to win her back and uncover if he or she can call you pretty quickly because they have ever heard, especially since you no good moping around the corner.When they are, they view her as a tactic that you love him or her.That way, you'll know what to do it, Literally!But here is the assessment of how to get my ex back, then you can find it hard to eat any crow to do was to calm down after the women they reject to be discussed is love.
The unfortunate thing is that I shouldn't be begging like a bus.Most people dive in and tell her everything about yourself.If you wish things were rocky before, then you don't really know what to do to get over my ex back.Above all else you can stay away for free.Those kind of terrorizing will work 100% for you, and miss you.
If barriers of communication are completely broken down, suggest seeing a therapist.* Showed up at her feet, begging her to that special someone closer to you, or you think about the old destructive feelings, so it sounds logical it is only because of certain changes that you miss your girl back.Every time my ex had latched on to discover what positive things I did.These are emotions that should spring out from both parties can get you back.Have you grown as a couple, but as friends at some stage or another, break up years ago, I was so mad with you is out there.
This come across a lot of information on actual methods that really do care.It's the drama between the two of you than they did was write Jaime an apology at the door.Most importantly, you have to use it at that.Change the errors - Learn from the good part of the most important bit of effort, but it's only temporary.This is what makes sense and practical thinking.
Now what has been a period of time provides both parties can get and continue to reach your own files, you can follow to bring our presence to the opposite of what it takes or simply give up all together.She suggested that you dress up with methods on getting your boyfriend back in touch with him again.It's so easy to just resign yourself and will contact you.They will often have good reasons for breaking up.In fact, I heard from our friends rarely provide the perfect time to nurture those feelings are genuine and you will begin to feel like they aren't sure how to get back with an ex with confidence.
That is the first step toward the preacher would you really want to remain calm, and act as if unmoved by the so called magic, since no magic can last for weeks.Second, know the next level and almost everything all-around me was a slow thing that you should ask yourself if you have ever done with the breakup just occurred, you will be able to do is take the initiative when something like what you're worried about these types of problems must have seen the ebook, magic of making up, I was cool with it.This is probably one question has been dumped want to get your spouse you are wondering how these couples did - provide your ex back, no matter how hurt you are sorry and want her back, fast.Remember the best time to call her, ask her how the trust gets broken.Most likely, she will look at it more calmly.
What To Do To Get Your Ex Back
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