#you're as racist as the dragon age fandom
enby-hawke · 10 months
Wyll is quickly becoming my favorite character out of spite. I need to do fanart asap
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requiemforthestars · 3 months
Being back in the Dragon Age fandom has awakened something long asleep within me, which is a seething deep, feral hatred and disgust for Cullen and dismay at the way everyone in the fandom is head over heels for him. Literally it's as fresh as it was on the first day. Truly, things you feel at 15 years old do not wane.
#dragon age#i just... there are other let's say problematic white men who are problematic characters#aka anders and solas lol#that the fandom has been and is obsessed with and they coddle them like uwu my tortured boy can do no wrong#and like while that is sometimes a bit annoying#and alienating when you keep finding people who seem to believe the one correct way to play the game is to romance X character#bc all the content is fucking about them!! ugh it seems like other romances do not exist#but at least then i can tolerate it bc like#i enjoy anders and solas as characters#i get them they're flawed and can be downright horrible at times (I don't mean anders blowing up the chantry btw i mean how fucking cruel#he is to others in game)#but i get it#but not with that man!!#they only kept him in da2 and dai because idiots romantized the shit out of a very fucked up situation in the mage origin#then he became even more horrible in da2!!#and THEN in dai they just whitewash him and instead of properly redeeming him they just ignore everything bad he ever did#and that's when they add the romance option#a romance option that is kind of a joke seeing as he's still hung up on female amell/surana from like ten years ago#he even asks a romance leliana about her and will say shit like maybe me and hof would have had a chance like hello???#also his type is just... amell/surana copies he is a racist piece of shit who only likes human and elf women like hello???#and the straight girls just ate it the fuck up because there's nothing more they love than the fantasy that they can redeem an evil man#but like you're romanticizing the hell out of a prison guard/inmate situation like get help
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Hello neighbor!!!!
Welcome to my blog. What's up. How's it going.
I'm Rose, she/her, 34
I am an old married lady with kids
💖💜💙 bi/pansexual but women have my heart
I'm super friendly and dtf as in "down to flirt" and "down to make friends" but given my life situation probably not "down to fuck"
(But I'm still incorrigably horny on main and will be till I die)
Lots of personal posting, LOTS of sexual content, some scattered fandom stuff, occasional religion posting. Disgustingly earnest, unabashedly cringe.
This blog is not family friendly, so 21+ pls
If you're also old and into Dragon Age, my DA fandom blog is @theheartofhawke
I block liberally and with no ill will so don't take it personally if
🌸 You're hella young (18-20yo I know you're adults and can do what you want but this blog is not for you)
🌸 You don't list an age in your bio
🌸 You follow me from a fundraising blog (I'm more than happy to signal boost, no need to follow me)
🌸 You're into kinks that aren't my cup of tea (inc, hard cnc, scat/piss, ageplay, maledom)
🌸 You don't tag the rough stuff
🌸 You've got an "edgy" sense of humor
🌸 We just don't vibe
Absolutely do take it personally if
💀 You're a rad, a trad, a transphobe, a racist, a misogynist, someone who thinks they aren’t a misogynist but is vile to trans women (ie a misogynist), a prick about bisexuals, or someone who wants to get mad at me about my religion. Nazi pigs fuck off.
💀 You don't respect my boundaries or take uninvited liberties in my DMs. Do not try to sext me unless we’ve had flirty interaction, and even then it’s nice to ask.
🧦 honestly new cishet men are on thin ice right now— I really want to be friends, but you lads have got to behave yourselves or you’re catching a block. Idk why I made dirty socks your emoji but that’s how I feel about you rn
Again, welcome, and have an excellent day 🌈
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Gosh all this talk of policing F/F brings me down to one of my greatest gripes about the Dragon age Fandom. The double standard between shipping Celene/Briala and Maric/Fiona.
I'm not going to go into too much detail, but TLDR both of the couples have a power difference of human ruler vs member of the elven minority who is discriminated against. Celene has tried to improve some elven rights but not fast enough or the 'right way' and in fact in doing so provokes a response where she has to put down an elven rebellion or lose legitimacy with the nobles vs her male cousin (and it all erupts into war anyway) She's been with Briala, her handmaiden and spymaster since they were both teens.
Maric does nothing to improve elven rights in his country, and in fact his two main love interests are elves and you could interpret him as being interested in them *because they are elves* in the companion books he's in (could be my interpretation because salt but eh)
Guess which one is often accused of fetishizing elves? Of having a problematic power dynamic and age difference of when they first got together? And if you ship them together you're a horrible ally who's probably racist.
Anyway it really sucks the fun out of making f/f content when it seems like people actively try to interpret events in the worst way possible if they're both women, even when literally, in the same game even, you have a direct male comparison to it where its all sunshine and rainbows.
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shardain · 14 days
im gonna complain about da4 fandom again for a hot sec
so like, back when folks were defending the surprise layoffs, there was an argument i saw from 2 or 3 big DA4 accounts on here that mary kirby deserved to get fired for writing all the racism into the dragon age universe (??????? HUH??? WHA???). anyways it's VERY FUNNY (weird) to see the exact same bloggers gushing about mary kirby's work on DA4, because they found out she wrote their new fav blorbo lucanis. like a month ago yall were saying she was a horrible terrible person and deserved to get fired and were accusing her of being violently racist??? now you're clinging to her every post about her writing for the game??
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biowho · 1 month
Do you have a fear for veil guard for once it comes out? Like something happening in the fandom or in the game after Halloween that you're dreading? (i'm afraid of the folks who are going to be barking up the walls about 'racist' solas)
Dear listener, I do have something I'm afraid of but it's not Dragon Age focused. If anyone is also following my dnd/baldur's gate sideblog, you might remember my frustration upon realizing that my ex-best friend became obsessed with Gale and BG3 once it launched even though they made fun of me relentlessly and cruelly during early access for enjoying it and having him be my favorite. They carried that same sentiment to my love of Dragon Age and made me feel terrible for sharing something I loved with them
And while I do have them blocked in every conceivable way on Tumblr, if I see a drawing of Lucanis in their style... I'm going to need to set my phone down and go on the longest walk of my life
I'm also afraid of the younger companions and 'beautiful' face mods that are going to come out after launch
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azrielgreen · 2 years
Hi! I really hope that this doesn't come across wrong, because you're my favorite author of all time, but I am curious about how and why you write pairings with Billy? I mean, he's a violent and awful racist who tried to kill a kid. I'm just curious about Billy shippers, and I wanted to know what you think about all that! You really are my #1 author, and I really, really hope this doesn't come across as mean!
I debated answering this at all because I really don't involve myself in anything remotely related to fandom unpleasantness or the kind of immaturity that leads to "ship wars" and outright bullying, but I can tell your question was asked in good faith so this will probably be the one time I answer anything like this.
I write for myself. I write characters that interest me. I'm interested in complex characters. They have the most wiggle room for expression and interpretation of angst and growth and suffering within my kind of creative narrative. I fully appreciate that the Stranger Things fandom is where I gained traction, but I've been in fandom for a decade and I've written for Hannibal, Supernatural, Vampire Chronicles, Dragon Age among many others that I usually orphan because writing for myself is essential. I don't write to appease or instruct or create a moral guideline for how to be or how to love.
I won't reel off a list of reasons "why" i write pairings with Billy because I don't need to justify anything to anyone. I don't endorse what I write. I explore complicated characters and I feel things through them and I write and follow my creative instincts where a story might lead. I don't write to be popular, I never have, and I never will and if I thought for a second that the only reason my fics gained traction in this fandom was because anyone saw me as some kind of Anti-Billy Flag-waver, I'd delete every single thing I wrote including my AO3 username. Luckily, I know that's not the case and those who like my writing and stories enjoy them because they're smart enough to select what they like and leave what they don't.
I think there's a stunning level of dissonance between people who are insecure and fandom and those who are secure. It's fanfiction. It's literally transformative works. I can transform whatever I like and I write what I'm drawn to and I am drawn, always, to complicated characters with the potential for growth and evolution from low places. I've written so much for so many fandoms and some of what I've written has been pure, ice cold horror, straight up. The idea that I'm supposed to be someone who only ever writes Fandom Stamp-Approved Characters is hilarious to me. I write about murderers, people who kill, soldiers, assassins and even serial killers. I could spend time and energy explaining why I'm drawn to writing darker elements and giving them a bright, hopeful growth arc but I shouldn't have to explain ANYTHING and I don't, so I won't and please, anyone else reading, do not ever feel like you have to explain or justify what you write. That path leads nowhere good. No one should regulate what people write. NO ONE has the right to bully someone out of a fandom because they disagree with what they're writing about. No one.
I have always tried to be very open and supportive about encouraging people to feel safe exploring their interests, be it kink, trauma, whatever. I'll fight fiercely to defend people's right to enjoy literally whatever the fuck they want because life is hard, time is short, real life is disappointing and AO3 at the end of a long day can be comforting as fuck. The idea that some people are handwringing because people write about a "violent awful racist who tried to kill a kid" is so ridiculous to me it makes me laugh every single time. It's not real. It's a story. It's a TV show. I can explore whatever I want and so can everyone else.
Here's the very closest you'll come to hearing me give reasons why and I'm only doing it because I want other people who feel belittled and bullied and shamed for exploring what they're drawn to, to see this. The person I was at 17 years old is nothing like the person I am now and I cannot emphasise that strongly enough. I come from an abusive home. The girl I was at 17, 18, 19 and even 20... if I met her now, I wouldn't know her and she absolutely wouldn't know me. I lost who I was as a child because I was abused and it's only in the last ten years I had enough experience, distance and self-exploration to rediscover myself and really grow. Nothing excuses racism or violence. Me writing these characters is not excusing it. Writing domestic violence is not endorsing domestic violence. People need to understand this because it's a massive problem in the queer publishing community; this idea that all queer media needs to be morally squeaky clean, to be flawless and sexless and adhere to the perfect cis-heteronormative outline in order to be "acceptable" and not cast a pall on queers overall. I believe people can change. I believe people can see themselves in a piece of media and WANT to be better. I know because it happened to me. People can change. I like to think there are circumstances in which Billy could change. In which there was an intervention point, the possibility for redemption.
Fanfiction isn't real life. I would be so happy if people could understand this. Fiction is FICTION. It's exploration, it's themes, it's freedom of expression, it's art, it's for fun. It's not for everyone. No single thing is for everyone and it never, ever should be. My writing isn't for everyone. That makes me really happy because it means those who might resonate with what I write, will find it and have their own space to enjoy it. I'm a person with finite energy and time who dedicates a lot of that energy and time to this corner of fandom where I reasonably expect to be able to write whatever the hell I like however I like and if anyone has a different opinion of that, they'll be sorely disappointed. Complex, flawed characters whose experiences mirror my own will always be compelling to me and I will always be drawn to exploring redemptive narratives for them. If people don't like it, they don't have to read. If they get upset that I'm writing something they disagree with, that's on them and if they feel the need to draw attention to their discomfort, that's far less to do with the person they're complaining about and more an indication they need to do some serious shadow work.
Thank you for your question, no harm was inferred and I wish you all the best. Az. 💜💜💜
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digiships · 1 year
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more info under the cut!
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DNI: pro/comship, age down self inserts/age up characters for selfshipping, under 16, transmed/truscum, ship with racist/rapist characters, racebend your self insert, erase canon orientations, are weird to ppl who arent ok sharing, etcetcetc be normal
- if i softblock you, chances are either A. we share an f/o i have unlisted that youre not comfortable sharing or B. you share an f/o with my partner or qpp!! it's nothing personal!
- please tag posts that talk abt f/os as if theyre real people with "unreality"! example: a post saying "your f/o feels your love for them across universes", i have ocd and that kind of thing is Bad for me mentally
- yes some of these characters are "yanderes" and/or are from media made by pr0sh1pp3rs, this does NOT mean i am pr0sh1p. i am vehemently against any of that kind of content and am still disgusted by it. i selfship w these characters for coping reasons that i'm not going to list out here, but if it's important for you to know you're more than welcome to dm me/send an ask off-anon!! i actively avoid engaging w the creators and the fandoms and i stay in my little corner playing w them like dolls. if this still makes you uncomfortable then please hardblock me, do what you need to stay safe!!
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* - ok with sharing!
^ im ok sharing Most f/os if we're already mutuals, but if we r strangers i will block you So sorry . if im still not ok w it i will just blacklist your ship tag if u have one! tldr mutuals i love you
Main F/O's:
🌌 Kurt Wagner - X-Men
🍎 Wally Darling - Welcome Home
🍑 Sun Wukong - you know
🌺 Vash the Stampede - Trigun
🎤 Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-Sama
🪽 Dick Grayson - DC
💳 Mammon - Obey Me
🔥 Caleb Widogast - Critical Role
🖍️ Sunny Day Jack - Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack
🩶 Pe.ter Dun.bar - Yo.ur Bo.yfrie.nd*
🌱 Law.rence Ole.ander- Bo.yfrie.nd to De.ath 2
🔪 John Doe - Mortisfox*
🦇 Rei Sakuma - Ensemble Stars
⚔️ Future Trunks - Dragon Ball Z/Super
Other F/Os:
🌐 Gamma 2 - Dragon Ball Super
🍖 Son Goku - Dragon Ball series*
💎 Demiurge - Overlord
🧸 Toki Wartooth - Metalocalypse
🖲 HAL9000 - 2001:ASO
🩸 Ve.ssel - Sl.eep Tok.en
🔮 Gale Dekarios - Baldur's Gate 3*
❤️‍🩹 Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3*
🐻 Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3
🗡 Wyll Ravengard - Baldur's Gate 3*
💣 Hi.romu Taka.hashi - NJ.PW
👹 Ka.ne - W.WF
🦷 Ma.nkind - W.WF
📌 Floyd - Trolls
🍦 Kaito - Vocaloid
🔑 Chilchuck Tims - Dungeon Meshi
🌤 Dogday - Poppy Playtime
🔫 Pico - Newgrounds
👢 Boothill - Honkai Star Rail
🧨 Scar - Wuthering Waves
💐 Pim Pimling - Smiling Friends
⚾ Kenji Sato - Ultraman Rising
🟪 Infected/Kasper - Regretevator (Roblox)*
⚪ Wallter - Regretevator (Roblox)*
🐟 Sebastian Solace - Pressure (Roblox)
👔 Aaron Hotchner - Criminal Minds
🧤 Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
📱 Derek Morgan - Criminal Minds
👒 Luffy - One Piece
🃏 Bittergiggle - Garten of Banban
🥊 Banban/Uthman - Garten of Banban
💤 Geshu Lin - Wuthering Waves
Familial F/Os
🎸 Dethklok + CFO - Metalocalypse
🍷 Sebas Tian - Overlord
🐛 Piccolo - Dragon Ball series
🛡 Vegeta - Dragon Ball Z/Super
🌟 Daycare Attendant - FNAF:SB
- ☀️ Sun, 🌙 Moon, 🌗 Eclipse
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asterissporadical · 20 days
Hi it appears you've came across a two little sillies. There aren't many rules for this blog but here's a list! 👇
•Minimal cussing. Cussing is allowed but I don't wanna see a 5 word sentence turn into a 11 word one because of cussing.
•No being racist, homophobic, disrespectful, ect. This is a safe space lets keep it that way. Everyone is welcome as long as they don't stur up trouble.
•Please keep it Pg13. I don't feel comfortable having NSFW is any context on my blog. Keep any comments platonic as well.
•Be within the age limit before interacting with me. If you're younger than 13 since you shouldn't be on Tumblr anyways please don't interact with me.
•Me personally I don't have much of problem with Solarmoon, Eclipseearth, or any other celestial ship as long as it's not literal inscest like Sun x Moon but please dont promote it on my blog or tag any art as it.
•And lastly have fun! This is a safe place for anyone and everyone here.
•Pinterest: here
•Youtube: here
•Character ai: here
•A03: here
•Tumblr: You're here!
•Call of duty
•The owl house
•The sun and moon show
•My hero academia
•Gravity falls
•Teenage mutant ninja turtles
•Wings of fire
•How to train your dragon
•Hello kitty
•Murder drones
•The amazing digital circus
•Hollow Knight
•(And some others I can't remember off of the top of my head)
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sawthatmountainburn · 5 months
there's something to be said about anti-sjws on various websites, especially youtube, making mountains out of molehills and deliberately misinterpreting feminist points and other manipulation tactics, but geek feminism/social justice was not doing itself any favors by making the most ridiculous dramatic media criticisms ever conceived by humans. people like to blame christian upbringings and "puriteens" for this shit now, but no motherfuckers the same fandom bloggers who self-id as proship were happy to share posts about how liking certain movies makes you a violent incel and how you're racist if you like the wrong dragon age character and how any show where a female character experiences pain is misogynist. you did this to yourselves. i refuse to forget.
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tacticalhimbo · 4 months
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welcome to my wild ass corner of the internet — here's some important information taken from this post [link that can be reblogged]:
I've joined the writer's portion of the ficsforgaza initiative to help encourage fundraising to vetted fundraisers to aid those in Gaza! Please check out the blog's guide on participation as well as their FAQ. Make sure to check out the other writers taking requests!
WHAT YOU DO: Donate to any of the vetted fundraisers found on the blog, or the blogs they have reblogged information from, and send me an ask or DM with your request!
Also, if you're unsure where to donate to, check out the following resources: Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraisers List Help Gaza Children Operation Olive Branch's Spreadsheet of Fundraisers
It is mandatory that you include proof of donation for this. Please redact personal information! I will verify proofs where needed with the blog organizers. Example: hey jay! i donated to the palestine childrens' relief fund and would like a fic featuring [character] and [character] with [prompt]. here's proof of my donation! [attached image]. There will be NO anonymous requests! It's harder to verify things that way.
For every $1 you donate, I will write 100 words. My limit on this will be $20, or 2000 words. That's the average wc for most of my fics.
WHAT I DO / MY PERSONAL GUIDELINES: Safe for work (SFW) content only! I don't feel comfortable writing smut for people.
YES: OC x OC, OC x Canon, Self-Ship or x Reader, Canon x Canon, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, pretty much any dynamic or theme goes! NO: Proship content. I do not feel comfortable with that, and I do not endorse any of that kind of stuff.
FANDOMS: Cyberpunk (Edgerunners & 2077), Disco Elysium, Dragon Age, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Fallout, Far Cry, Hitman (World of Assassination Trilogy), Metal Gear, Outer Worlds, Rainbow Six Siege, Red Dead Redemption 2, Reflect Studios franchise (Welcome to the Game, Scrutinized, Dead Signal, etc), Resident Evil, Skyrim, Splinter Cell (games only)
Full DNI / BYF criteria [below; originally linked NeoCities page]. Examples of my written works can be found here, with fanfictions toward the bottom of the page!
I will try to publish requests as soon as possible! I've luckily got a decent bit of free time, but I am also chronically ill and have a life outside of Tumblr! There is no real deadline with these things, as the main goal is (again) helping people and families in need. That should take precedence above all else.
Please don't feel pressured to donate! I know things are rough for everyone across the board when it comes to finances! If you happen to have the extra money and would like to contribute to this cause, then please do so! This applies even to those who may not want something out of it. I've shared many fundraisers and resources, as have countless others, and there are proper channels to help people out <3
now, here's a bit about me:
name. jason (jay or jas works too) pronouns. they / it / xe / pup & es / xier (auf deutsch, bitte!) age. 24+ languages. english (and sometimes german) misc. chronically ill / disabled (long covid, impaired vision, impaired hearing), neurodivergent (autism, adhd, c-ptsd), regrettably from florida
and my blog:
do not interact if you are… racist / xenophobic antisemetic / islamophobic / discriminate against non-christian religions queerphobic / terf / tehm / transmedicalist / misc. exclusionist misogynistic ableist pedophile (apologist) / "pro-ship" pro-ana / pro- eating disorders a nazi, right winger / conservative, trump / desantis / maga supporter, pro-police / pro-military, believe all lives matter (aka: discredit blm and similar bipoc-focused movements) etc etc.
i support human rights for all folks, plain and simple. if you're willing to make any exceptions because "xyz group makes me uncomfy and i heard from fox news", i do not want you here. i do not care for you. you deserve rights, too, but you are not entitled to my time or energy.
i reserve the right to block or refuse interaction in accordance to my safety / comfort. any content i post across my platforms is for me / those who request it. don't like it? keep scrolling. asks are off for an indefinite period of time until y'all learn to fucking behave. asks back on but the privilege can and will be revoked at will. my content may not be suitable for all audiences, but i ensure to do my best in tagging potentially mature and / or upsetting content material. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need specific things tagged for your viewing pleasure.
the template i use for my fic uploads was made by noahresources! [template link]
tracking tag: #userhimbo
here are some navigation links (that may or may not work):
mutuals / besties. hev [tag] | delia [tag] | vendetta [tag] | ollie [tag] | avarice [tag] | alice [tag] | my brother [tag] | my dog [tag] | my three cats [tag 1 ; tag 2 ; tag 3] | stray cat we've practically adopted [tag]
creations. ocs [tag] | writing [tag] | fics [tag] | art [tag] | gifs [tag] | edits [tag] | virtual photography [tag] | nsfw virtual photography [link] | neocities [link]
information. general [tag] | mutual aid [tag] | neocities [link] | ko-fi [link]
sideblogs. pistolenprinz (rdr2; link) | jessepinkmanbf (brba & bcs; link) | devitalization (gamedec; link) | tacticalvalor (multimuse rp; link) | tactikink (multimuse smut rp; link) | simply-jason (archive url; link) | j******* (rpc/rph; not-affiliated / purposefully separate)
more below the cut.
potentially frequently asked questions:
why do you type in all lower case? easier to read, easier to type.
didn't you used to go by [x]? i won't say, usually. i have posted about some of it before, but i'm not gonna trudge anything back up. personal name changes are part of my gender journey, url changes are for a reason / because i can.
i saw you used to do paid commissions! will you open those again? maybe. it really depends on how i can take payment and whether or not i feel safe doing that. accessible payment methods risk me being outed, and in the most unsafe state in the united states for trans* folk... i would rather not risk that if i can avoid it.
do you take writing / fic requests that aren't paid? sure! i don't mind writing things or creating things for people free of charge, as long as you actually... respect it. don't steal my shit, don't claim you wrote it, etc etc. i know i can't stop you, but i can (and will) shit talk you and drag you through the mud if i catch you doing it. i know my worth. don't try to play me because you're an insecure fuck.
why do you sometimes write trans*? isn't the asterisk redundant/problematic/etc? afaik, no. it's a habit i picked up while writing about trans folk in an academic context where my audience was primarily cis. it literally means nothing more than showcasing that trans is an umbrella term that includes various labels (e.g., transgender, transsexual, transmasc, transfem, etc etc.). if someone has made it problematic, or used it in discourse/exclusionary circles, i am not aware of that. and if that is enough to make you think i'm an exclusionist... why are you even here? genuinely.
can you tag posts with queer as "q-slur" or something similar? no. queer is my identity. don't like it, don't stick around.
why are some types of campaigns tagged as "important" and others tagged as "bump!"? well, context is dependent. but right now trying to help victims of genocide takes precedent. of course, i encourage everyone to donate to any of the campaigns i share regardless of content, as everyone deserves their basic needs filled.
some terms i use to describe my identity and orientation include:
cybercoric (coined by fairystar-fag)
cyberdog (coined by burgerlabs)
cybertransmasc / cyber transmasc (coined by grief-chapter)
gender outlaw
and some fun facts about me include:
i'm a college graduate with a bachelor's degree focused on social work and correctional support management. i aim to work in mental health advocacy, and want to focus on marginalized / underrepresented populations.
i've also gotten into formula 1 again, but i used to be a more consistent fan during the mid 2010s (shoutout sebastian vettel). if you wanna know who i'm out here cheering on, here's your one-stop shop!
carlos sainz — ferarri (2024) charles leclerc — ferrari (2024) george russell — mercedes (2024) lewis hamilton — mercedes (2024) ollie bearman — haas (2025) yuki tsunoda — red bull (2024)
fandoms i'm in / enjoy include but are not limited to:
alien isolation
amanda the adventurer
american mcgees alice
among us
better call saul & breaking bad
bojack horseman
the boondock saints
the boys
call of duty
criminal minds
cyberpunk edgerunners & cyberpunk 2077
dark souls
dead by daylight
death stranding
disco elysium
dragon age
dungeons and dragons
the elder scrolls
faith: the unholy trinity
far cry
ghost recon
grand theft auto
god of war
heaven will be mine
his dark materials
l.a. noire
the last of us
local 58
love, death + robots
mafia: the definitive trilogy
mass effect
metal gear
the metro saga
monster hunter
the outer worlds
rainbow six siege
red dead redemption
reflect studios (wttg, scrutinized, etc)
saints row
scp foundation
snowpiercer (television series)
sons of the forest
splinter cell
stardew valley
star wars
squid game
tell me why
watch dogs
the walten files
we happy few
wilsons heart vr
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alistairkisser · 4 months
about post
throwing this together quickly and will probably edit it later for stuff i forgot, but wanted to get something up to pin on my page.
you can call me g, she/he/they pronouns
there will be adult content here
my tag for any of my own posts or comments is #mine
ask me about my ocs anytime! i have literally never finished putting together my oc page and i probably never will, but i have a lot of dragon age and bg3 ocs, plus some various other ones floating around
i am a hater and i have no interest in arguing on the internet about my opinions. i do generally avoid making overtly negative posts, especially about other real people, but sometimes i want to complain on here. it's my blog! don't come into the replies or reblogs in bad faith or saying stuff like "let people enjoy things!!" because you're just going to get blocked. thanks. if you have questions or want to have a discussion in good faith i'm happy to have that.
DNIs never work but if you are so invested in shipping discourse you feel the need to identify as a "proshipper" i have no interest in interacting with you and i'll block if i have to see it. obviously, this is not a space for racists/homophobes/transphobes/zionists/etc.
if i don't follow you back, it's just because i very heavily curate what fandom content i want to see and we may not have interests that align fully. i am still happy to chat with people i don't follow back on my posts
my main non-fandom-focused blog is @notpietromaximoff
i am on ao3 as g6force
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bonecuisine · 5 months
Coughs pinned post/intro?
Tumblr media
Hi! My name is Ziggy, people also call me Z or Zig (along with a bunch of other nicknames) I'm fine with either! For those who are wondering I go by they/she :)
. . .
I'm an artist, somewhat, and I tend to draw charaters/fandoms I'm fixated on or interested in.
Along with art, I do rambles/rants on specific things of the stories. Hell, sometimes I wanna get a psychoanalysis on the characters I'm fixated on..
- Other stuff -
• I don't have a specific dni list? Mainly the basic stuff. no interacting whatsoever if you're racist/homophoic/transphobic/ableist/antisemitic/zionist/etc.
• I don't really care what age you are - I physically cannot stop you from interacting with my content. As long as you aren't creepy or weird, you are chill with me!
^ Add on to this, This is not an NFSW account, nor do I post any NFSW content whatsoever. I am underage, and in general, I have no personal interest in that content. Nothing against anyone who is or does post it to clarify.
• I have points where I get on a post rampage, post regularly, or go silent for a few months or days sometimes. It just happens, and we all have our own personal lives.
- Socials + Tags! -
Charlie tag!
^ One of the science teachers at my highschool has a bearded dragon named Charlie, I'm one of her best friends, and I post about her often ^
Rufus tag!
^I have my own bearded dragon named rufus lmao^
Art tag! (Old art warning ahead..)
My stupid rants/rambles tag! (idk who would wanna see this?)
Insta (I'm somewhat alive there-)
Tiktok (Kinda active?..)
X/Twt (I barely post art here. Wanna see me post random stuff? Go ahead.)
Disc server promo post (self explanatory)
. . .
That's mainly it! Post may be updated in the future.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Okay, once again, from the top- top of the mornin' to ya! My humblest and sincerest greetings to all mortals, dragons, demons, spirits, celestial beings and all in between and many more!
I’m your local multifandom enthusiast, I go by Starr!
I’m aroace and intersex, and I am genderfluid/nonbinary! Presentation changes from time to time but I really want an undercut tbh. I'm still kinda sad that sex-ed in schools isn't LGBTQIA+ friendly yet.
I also have very few but very loving and wonderful IRL friends! Usual pronouns change between she/her, they/them/ he/him and it/its; I am a neopronouns user too!
Also please use tone-tags around me, this user's can't tell a joke from a serious statement a lot of times-
Personality: Hopeless idealist, wants deep companionship, feels lonely and ignored from time to time but that’s aight, life do be like that sometimes though. Sappy poet and writer lol-
I do program and write and draw, but half the time whenever I program I just wrestle with the computer lmfao (ESPECIALLY the standard library like tf)-
DNI: Transphobes, Truscum, Transmeds, TERFS, ableists, anti-cluster B/believe in n@rc abuse, racist, aphobes, homophobes, queerphobes, xenophobic, gender-critical, bigots, LGBTQIA+ exclusionists, thinspo/pro ED, bullies, NSFW/K!nk, anti-agere/agedre, Pro-DDLG and all its variants, P3d0ph!l3s, N@z!s, really anything that makes me feel uncomfortable- just come on here and you're welcome as long as you're not being an ass. (and don't make fun of me for having a DNI, it really isn't that hard to spare me the trouble of blocking you and just... not interact).
Actually REALLY high empathy by modern standards, just figured out I have to turn the tap off a lot because the suffering of other people affects me deeply!
I stim alot irl (playing with hair, foot/leg spazzing out restlessly, vocal echolalia/mimicking choirs, rocking back and forth but never adjusting position, chewing gum a tad too aggressively if I have any- if not then grinding teeth way too much, etc.)
I'm diagnosed with depression, PCOS and ADHD, and have a lot of symptoms of autism and dyscalculia (because of how genuinely chaotic and dysfunctional I can be at times tbh). I also do descend into major depressive episodes from time to time, though I don't know how to recognize if they're just sensory overloads, meltdowns, brain fog episodes or just bad brain days/symptom days in general.
My mental and physical health is getting better, but I still hate being called a cis woman or being referred to as strictly feminine.
Multiple fandoms and hyperfixations, including but not limited to:
ROTTMNT, FNAF, Poppy Playtime, Fire Emblem, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Demon Slayer/KNY, TMNT, Stranger Things, Star Wars, OMORI, Transformers, Pacific Rim, The Owl House, Zelda, Zenless Zone Zero and much more!! Sorry if you're here for any one of these specific fandoms, I tend to aggressively post about my current hyperfixation depending on it lmao-
Additional facts: Kind of a glutton when it comes to food, introvert asf on top of being autistic (doesn’t know how to do human social things), has way too many hobbies/things I find interesting to count! Absolutely fuckin HATES dresses and the unnecessary, excessive femininity of periods (especially when they worsen my gastric issues and give me stool problems)! I DO also age-regress and age-dream from time to time!
I like sweets, rice, food in general, dogs (have one, he's named Bruno and he’s a little baby I love him sm), butterflies, sleeping, plushies, space, dragons, fantasy, sci-fi, writing and reading fanfic, drawing/painting, numbers, napping in the sun/underneath the stars, stargazing, etc.
I strongly dislike spiders, too-spicy food, tofu when it’s cooked wrong, cooking (because I’m a disaster at it), bigoted people, strong smells and bright lights, difficult people, being bored- y’know, the works.
Aesthetics change from time to time but I love wierdcore, dreamcore, 80’s core, nostalgiacore, fantasycore, faecore, dragoncore, cybercore, kidcore, spacecore, liminalcore, etc.
Will update this Pinned Post from time to time as time goes on and my fluid identity changes, but for now, I’ll keep being me and I hope to get along well with everyone here!
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
As a House Martell stan, it's been interesting to watch the evolution of that particular corner of the ASOIAF fandom over the years. For a while, because they were less present on the show (and their actual focus on the show was pretty bungled), they were mostly the favorites of superfans who'd read the books and therefore were deeply devoted to the whole ASOIAF universe, and given how much that means memorizing various types of Targaryen incest over the years, were almost never antis. A lot of people were also drawn to that they were the ~sexy, liberated house, as well as there being a fair number of POC who identified with some of the few non-white people in those books who were actually fully-realized characters (in the books, not so much in the show). IME it was usually people who were also shipping a lot of the other popular "problematic" ships in the fandom like Jaime/Cersei and Sansa/Petyr Baelish.
Then, at some point - particularly after the show ended and the fandom shrunk a lot - it got infected with a bunch of people writing long essays about how Daenerys and the entire Targaryen family were inherently "white supremacist" (previously, it had been more common for POC and other fans who focused on anti-racism to stan Daenerys, and point out that what the final season did with her was some white bullshit that tried to conflate killing oppressors like slavers with killing poor downtrodden people) and there ended up being a fandom fight between those people who saw the Targaryens as the more racist house or the Starks, but they all stanned Martells but in a very shallow sort of way just because they were the POC house. It's also worth nothing that Dorne has equal primogeniture - women can inherit, and in the books it's Doran's eldest daughter, Arianne, who is his heir, even though he has two younger sons - and it also is more accepting of LGBTQ+ people and bastards and general "sex outside of marriage" than most of the rest of Westeros, so it attracts a lot of people who are into them for that reason. I mean, I like them for that reason among others, but of course that's going to be a magnet to people who want to prove that they're extra special progressive for stanning them over like, the Lannisters.
Also, probably worth noting, the people in the second group were generally younger. Book-centric fans generally tend to be older IME in ASOIAF fandom. I feel like whenever a fandom is younger, there's more likely to be more anti behavior.
Anyway it was very weird to get back into ASOIAF when I read Fire and Blood and then when House of the Dragon started airing, and feeling like "my corner" of the fandom had become completely unrecognizable in my absence.
Also, I suspect it's probably drawing in some people who just really like Pedro Pascal. (It was better when it was drawing in the Alexander Siddig stans from DS9 fandom, snerk. Although even that fandom has had an obnoxious influx of younger purity-policing virtue-signalling types discovering it these days, writing stupid discourse about how Garak/Garashir is problematic and people should instead ship characters who don't like each other that much and don't interact much one-on-one because the combinations of them are more progressive or something.... sigh! Anyway, probably not helped by the fact that Game of Thrones completely wasted him, even though his character was one of the best ones in the books and a big one that drew me into loving House Martell. He would've been great as book!Doran, but alas....)
I'm also going to say that as others have pointed out, I'll always be mystified by the fact that ASOIAF even HAS antis. If you're that opposed to incest, age-disparate relationships, violence, etc. anything controversial, how can you stan the actual canon of that show? Or the books, which arguably have even more rape and incest and ephebephilia going on. It just seems like you'd have to have a very adversarial relationship with canon to a point that I just don't understand why you don't pick another fandom. Of course, it's probably really just that antis are hypocrites.
Hypocrites, yes. But also drawn to material that they're not comfortable being drawn to. The younger they are, the more the cognitive dissonance makes them act out.
I don't condone it, but I do understand it.
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themightymoose · 1 year
Hi! I'm Moose. (That's not my actual name for obvious reasons) but I did previously have another account @theoneandonlymoose which I honestly didn't really use that much. But if you wanna check on stuff that I previously did, then be my guest.
My fandoms include (will probably add more as time goes on:
Warrior Cats
Wings of Fire
The Owl House
The I Hope So webcomic
The Dragon Prince
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
The Lion King
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Rise, Mutant Mayhem)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Amazing Digital Circus
Lackadaisy (Pilot)
Total Drama
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Ride the Cyclone
Minecraft Story Mode
Stardew Valley
Indigo Park
Five Nights at Freddy's
Littlest Pet Shop 2012
Epic: The Musical
DNI if you are: homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, a zoophile, pedophile, nsfw, proshipper, or MAPs. This isn't the blog for you.
I'm also working on a warrior cats rewrite titled "Rising Flame" you can read on my Ao3 account under themagnificentmoose.
I am a minor, if you're a creep, you're immediately getting blocked
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