behindywm · 3 years
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Before & After
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pastafossa · 2 years
I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little extremely embarrassed that I did this. But alas, here I am.
I wanted to write a one shot for you for your birthday, but I ended up getting COVID right at that time and starting a new job, so life just got in the way. But I finished it though!
So, happy late birthday/congrats on demolishing the fiberglass, maybe?
okay I’m running away now u really don’t have to read this
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neonponders · 3 years
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Either a) I’m not sure when I’ll get around to writing this or b) it might be my own guilty pleasure story that I write like 23432423 chapters for and then upload it.
So ~
Plot point dump beneath the cut, and massive thank you to  @harringrove000 and @memes-saved-me for these glorious mood boards ✨
(Their specific posts: harringrove000′s https://harringrove000.tumblr.com/post/189794081420/the-mummy-1999-au-in-1926-robin-presents-her memes-saved-me’s https://memes-saved-me.tumblr.com/post/657771451218296832/booksfoxesandcoffee-the-mummy-1999-au-where )
Prequel chapter
Instead of Rick O’Connell’s back story with the city of the dead, it would be Billy already back from said journey and drinking/gambling in some less-than-reputable establishment.
BUT Steve’s there, apparently winning the gambling table. It’s down to him and Billy, and Billy just manages to win the game and all of Daddy Harrington’s blown away funds.
But who’s a loser when this Billy guy treats Steve like he’s on the pile of money too? They go behind the building, heavily making out in a nook of an alleyway, before the police break up the party.
Billy gets arrested but Steve gets away.
Chapter 1
Robin Buckley-Harrington is stepsister and best friend to Steve, and they both regularly make fun of each other for it.
“You lied to me!”
“I’ve taken to lying to everybody. What makes you so special?”
“I’m your sister!”
“Yeah, still can’t believe that. What was dad thinking?”
It’s all done in love, obviously, because the Harringtons have the money and connections, but the Buckleys have the brains. Robin is the aspiring Egyptologist working as a librarian. She’s just as much of a disaster as Steve and wrecks the library.
BUT during that make-out session, Steve pick-pocketed something hefty from Billy’s jacket. It wasn’t really done out of spite; he didn’t mean to keep it, but then he had to make a run for it. Steve and Robin are apart of high society’s haute fascination/obsession with the ancient world, so he immediately knows he has something interesting. He gives it to her to cheer her up.
Chapter 2
Obviously things lead to the hanging scene. Steve nervously gets dragged to the jail to question the guy about where he got the “key,” etc. but Billy does the math real fast about who this Steve Harrington is.
“I’m sentenced to hang but you’re trying to gallivant in the desert? Huh. Not like it would mean anything, I guess, with daddy’s money at the beck and call.”
Billy gets his one last kiss, and Steve’s feeling awful about the unfairness of their situation. Robin quickly learns what happened and Steve negotiates Billy’s release.
Desert adventure pending, ahoy.
And you know Billy cleans up so nice for that boat ride. Steve realizes he forgot how good he looked in that gambling club, but he kind of misses his long jail hair, though.
Billy’s the military veteran and his comment about Mr. Harrington bothers Steve because he’s got that classic 20th century “survivor’s guilt” about not being involved in the idealistic war scene that young men had back then. Sure, Mr. Harrington’s name and money kept Steve out of harm’s way, but he feels like the weakest dog in the pack for it.
Thing is, he spends a large chunk of his teens and adulthood with Robin. He’s just as literate in hieroglyphics as she is -
*scene were Billy witnesses Steve looking over a passed-out Robin at her researching desk. He picks up her notebooks, puts on his reading glasses, and finishes the translations for her*
- and he’s a sharp shooter (The Mummy 2, anyone??). I’m unsure yet how/why he’d be super good with guns, but this makes him super useful during the Medjai ambush.
I’m not sure how much Stranger Things I actually want in this, or if I want it to be a fusion between ST and The Mummy, or to deviate completely.
But here we are.
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Did you know I have my own writing blog now?
where I actually share a part of Andy/everyone else’s life?
Well I do....
And you can find it right here if you want to: https://with-the-holograms-beside-me.tumblr.com/post/651288022575431680/warning-adult-content
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is-weird-me · 3 years
i saw this https://is-weird-me.tumblr.com/post/654869765196824576/desis-and-gaysis-pull-up-in-my-ask-box-i-want-to
so hi 👀🤠
omg?? hi!!! how are you uwu
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The Brothers(Plus un-dateables) taking care of their kids
This is somewhat of a continuation of these https://husky-obey-me.tumblr.com/post/618967886622572544/the-brothers-when-mc-has-their-babyies and  https://husky-obey-me.tumblr.com/post/619064228858527744/can-you-do-the-baby-thing-with-the-undateables (note: if you wish to see the baby as a different gender or as single, twin , triplet, etc, feel free to do so, it’s all about imagination ! As well as names too! these are names mainly just for the post , not all of them say the kids name )
-He’s very nervous  -His daughter is only a few months old , so she’s still very fragile  -He’s constantly holding her in fear of setting her down then his brothers do something stupid that might end of hurting her  -As fearful as he is , he enjoys his precious jewel  -He likes how she tries to play with his pens (takes them away if she tries to eat them)  -If she starts crying, he’ll do what he can but if all else fails, he seeks you  -and she somehow stops crying  -so either she wanted you or he just sucks at calming her down  -He’ll most likely wear a baby holder in case he gets busy but only when you’re not able to watch her  -In free time, he’ll teach her basics and as well as things babies learn to  -Gets very excited when her first word was “dada”
-Like before, there are 3 Mammons now -The twins were roughly 2 months but they were very active for newborns -Mammon can’t take his eyes off them without worrying  -”Oi ! Manny! quit pulling at your brother’s hair!”  -”Ollie no! don’t rip that!” -He was in utter defeat, now he knew how his brother’s feel around him expect his kids were worst  -For the most part, the twins would be with you and for some reason they’re well behaved around you  -”oh imma kick their butts-” -”they’re just like you~” -The Twins first words were Mama and Mammon felt defeated 
-He was scared and nervous for his newborn daughter -He loved his daughter but he had no clue what to do  -you’d always have your daughter but have him be there too so he can learn  - For now, He’s used to changing diapers and feeding her  -Your daughter is interested in the games Levi plays but he makes sure that they’re friendly enough for her  -He’d sometimes give her a non working controller so she feels like she’s participating -His favorite thing to do is have her on his chest while he plays but stops it if she whimpers or such  -Her first words were “ruri chan” -you weren’t happy but he was sobbing tears of joy  -”BABY OTAKU “
-He wasn’t afraid at all for his daughter  -during pregnancy, Satan read books about children (mainly human just in case) -He was confident but there will be times he needs your help since you are the mother  -He loves to read to her , it helps her sleep when he reads to her  -Your daughter also loves to  play with Satan’s tail when he’s in demon form  -He mainly doesn’t when your not around but you were lucky to snag a pick of him doing that with her (now you’re homescreen) -He in secret would try to teach her how to say Dada when the time comes  -And he succeed when she said “dada” when wanting him  -but shortly after she said “mama” but he was happy she wanted him first 
-Not good at parenting but he tries  -He’s more of a “I must make my child fabulous “ parent while you mainly take care of her  -He loves to get outfits for his daughter like dresses, cute little onsies, etc  -He makes sure to by the best products (for babies) to make sure she stays super soft  -He swoons at her touch , cradling her and humming a melody  -Takes hundreds of selfies #beautifulprincessanddaddy -loves to try to get matching outfits for you guys for a matching family photo -sadly her first words were “mama” -he felt defeated but he still loves her more 
-Best dad ever to his twin sons  -As much as he’s gluttonous, He makes sure to properly take care of the twins  -He’s good at multi-tasking, so it was a breeze to eat and take care of them -He nicknames his sons “mustard and ketchup”  (mainly because of the color choice you gave them at birth) because of their personality  -Mustard is more hyper and active while ketchup is a little lazy (omg MC did birth another beel and belphie )  -Belphie is often there with him because he loves the twins , Ketchup loves uncle belphie and sleeps on him  -The twins favorite sleeping spot is on Beel’s chest , for being warm and soft , it felt nice when he purred for them  -Both of their first words were “dada”  -He was happy but felt a little bad for you 
-He’s lazy but he tried and he was a good parent  -He had triplets , no one else had to right to complain about there children unless they have more then him  - He gets them little cow onsies , they had collars stitch to them and he made sure each had a different color  - “is this A Daddy cow and his herd?~ “ you’d tease  -”moooooo” he’d say and then the triplets would do the same and they’d continue to moo for a few minutes   “please don’t let this be a thing-” you feared while he chuckled -When you both got into teaching them mama or dada , one girl said “mama” , the other girl said “dada” but the youngest boy wouldn’t talk for a while  -WHen he tried to utter his words , you both got excited as he said “M-M...” -you smirked “He’s gonna say mam-” “Mooo” 
-He’s an ok dad, but sometimes makes dumb decisions - He wears a baby holder 24/7 , he’s proud to show off his son  -He’d spoil him so much , with toys, cloths , you name it  -On certain days , He’d take a day off just to spend time with you and your son , maybe have a picnic or go out somewhere fun , sometimes to the human world for places like chuck e cheese for your sons (and Diavolo)  -He would actually try the baby food first , if he didn’t like it , he wouldn’t feed it to his son but  you put a stop to that quickly , espeically since your son could have different taste then him  -He plans to have make Jr a special crown made from Silver and moonstone ,to match him  -When he gets to saying Mama or dada  -He says “mama”  -HE wasn’t mad but a little jealous 
-Best father there is to his twin daughters -He careful watches their behavior and reaction to all sorts of things, like what they likes/ dislike, how they react to scary or nice situations  -His daughters are identical and look a little like him ,he can tell the difference easily but for others, Melody wears pale Yellow and Hera wears Lime  -During tea time with Diavolo , The girls have their own little chairs and and gives them their favorite cake  -Whenever he gets a day off, he just sits with you and your daughters all snugged in his arms , he just wants to enjoy your guys company for as long as he can  -Melody’s first word was Dada while Hera’s was “mama”  -so it was tie but Barbatos is still the better parent 
-Not the worst but the not the best dad -His  daughter was fragile psychically , so he was a little overprotective  -He’d only let someone like you or Asmo go near here, anyone , you better stay 10 feet away or else  -He would try to teach her magic early on, with your permission , mostly basic magic like summoning or teleporting (which might be bad to teach-)  -He enjoys to have fun little trips to the park with you two (and prank people with magic )  -You and Solomon have a dare to see if she’ll say Mama or dada , loser has to wear whatever the winner picks  -He tried to teach her to say dada a lot of times , to better his chances  -but sadly they were for nothing and she ended up saying “mama”
Simeon(Plus Luke as a son)
-A little experienced before hand (with Luke) so he doesn’t have much of a problem -your daughter is very shy and quiet baby , so she doesn’t cry too often  -Luke loves to play with her and brags to other how cute his little sister is ) -Simeon sometimes wears a baby holder so that he can have her close  -He also likes to sing to her , whether to see or calm her down, he just loves to see her relax as he sings her a gentle melody  -Luke tries to make sweets for his sister and sadly she couldn’t eat most of them . he got sad but then looked up recipes safe for babies to eat  -Simeon would always offer to do everything for you , because you already suffered through the 9 months and all he could do was watch and calm you , so he feels he needs to  -When it came to her first words , it was a surprise  -”come on sweetie, say dada!” simeon tried  -”say mama!” you cheerfully said  -”....uke” -”huh?” -”uke! uke!” -She said Luke thecially and he couldn’t help but sob  (Hope you enjoyed!)
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obaby-me · 4 years
Please Stay
Author’s Note:  This is raffle prize fic for @socially-awkward-lvl-over9000!  Romance and angst, just as requested.  Hope your heart breaks, but in the best way.  (This is a continuation of the Anxiety headcanon found here:  https://obaby-me.tumblr.com/post/617140937244786688/an-mc-that-has-really-bad-anxiety-but-likes, and https://obaby-me.tumblr.com/post/617232394679894016/anxiety-anon-here-i-love-your-headcanons-they) 
When you first came to the Devildom, Levi wasn’t exactly thrilled to have you, to be quite honest. Another normie in his house!  Just what he needed, more people to judge him.
And then, Lucifer assigned you to his room!  His room! Lucifer didn’t give him any choice in the matter.  Not unless he wanted to be hung upside down from the chandeliers for the entirety of your stay.  And you’d still be in his room.
In the beginning, you spent your time curled up in his room by the tank, just watching him. Sometimes you’d open your mouth like you wanted to say something, and then immediately you’d clam it shut.  It was unnerving to have you stare, but the silence was worse.  Especially when he realized it was because you were too frightened to talk.
In his own awkward way, he tried to make conversation with you.  And in your own awkward way, you reciprocated.  It was a slow going pace, but that was okay.  He needed that as much as you, as you two slowly adjusted and became more comfortable together.  There was no pressure to impress, no judgement on your part for how nervous he could be—you were in the same boat!
Slowly your conversations began to pick to pick up speed, as commonalities between you emerged.  You had a love of the deep blue, that was why you were in his room after all.  You took a liking to Henry, and for your respect for his fish, he in turn respected your narwhal, Sparkle.  You weren’t quite an otaku, but you certainly weren’t a normie either.  You loved anime and you loved karaoke, and you loved singing anime openings and endings in karaoke!
You were a good listener, and never minded when he’d go on and on about his passions.  And in the rare instances that you’d get enthused to share yours, he didn’t mind giving you his utmost attention.  He rather liked it.  You were as in love with things you cared about as he was about his—you understood him in a way his brothers never could.
As you grew closer as friends, the closer you seemed to sit.  As days passed, you inched your way closer from across the room to cuddled up beside him as he raided.  And he was surprised to find that he was quite comfortable with that.  He preferred it.
And then, you started sleeping in his room!  It started with naps, and then it became accidental sleepovers where you’d pass out during late night marathons, and then, you just sort stayed and he never asked you to leave.  Soon, it just became the new normal.  And Levi liked that.  He liked you—really liked you, more and more each day.
But he found that it wasn’t just him you were becoming more comfortable with.  You were slowly opening up to all his brothers as well, and soon his room because a lounge.  Even Lucifer was showing up.  Coming by to constantly check in to ask if you’re doing well, and if you’ve eaten, and if you need help with school work.  Menial chatter.  All the time.
Mammon was an absolute nightmare, barging in at all times without a knock, without a text for warning. Obnoxiously loud, constantly startling him, but worst of all you.
Each and every time he’d have to hold you while you shook and came down from the shock, as he hissed at Mammon to shut the hell up.  Bickering in hushed voices until Mammon would huff and get in beside you to chat with you about the scummy scams he pulled.  Levi would never understand why you put up with him.  He wasn’t worth your time.
But he’d bring you little things, with narwhals or little sea creatures on it and you’d smile and laugh. Levi hated when he did.
Asmo was a frequent visitor, but he never stayed long.  He’d come in practically singing to show you catalogues of items to decorate your room. He was so eager to get out of here. And every time you gave him just a little more to add, the more Levi’s heart seemed to drop.  Did you really want to get out of here that bad?
Beel and Belphie were definitely a pair he was becoming to despise.  The way they draped over you when they’d come to visit!  While they were the quietest of the brothers, Levi thought they were worst.  To have them come in here and put their hands on you!  It made Levi’s blood boil.  Belphie curled up into your side as if he were a cat, and Beel sitting on your other side as he munched on treats.  And you never fought them on it.  You just quietly accepted it, carrying on as if this was becoming your new normal.
But even Beel and Belphie didn’t compare to Satan.  Levi was beginning to hate him most of all.
He stops by pretty rarely unlike the rest of his brothers, and when he did, it was always for just an hour or so drink a little tea and eat some biscuits and some light studying—sometimes just to lend a book with you with eared pages and sections he wanted you to read.
Of his brothers, the fact that he was hardly tracking into his room should have been something Levi would be thankful to him for.
But the problem wasn’t him coming into his room.  It was taking you out.
Out of Levi’s room, out into the Devildom to libraries, restaurants, shopping centers.  Levi offers to take you instead, and he was able to take you out bustling otaku dream strip of anime themed cafes and stores specializing in manga, and figurines, and the arcades—it was the absolute best of the best of the Devildom for any otaku!
But the crowds, and the chatter of so many seemed to overwhelm you.  He hadn’t quite planned well enough for this, and so he took a teary you home, feeling rather guilty.
Instead, you now took trips with Satan, strolling through Devildom on perfect itineraries with few crowds, sharing parfaits and cakes.  Levi seethed every time the two of you went out.
As the weeks passed, he began to notice more and more that you visited less and less.  You still came by, but he found himself feeling somehow lonelier than he’d ever been before meeting you.
He asked you once, when your phone rang off, and you stood to leave, “where are you going?”
“To see Satan!  He’s teaching me magic.”
You smiled so brightly, the nervous smiles he knew when you’d first come, just blooming.  And not for him, not with him.  You were off and out the door.
What broke his heart, the final straw, was the morning he saw you coming out of Satan’s room. Rubbing your eyes tiredly as you traversed the hall to your own to get ready for class.  “W-what was she doing in your room!”  He wailed.
Satan only smirked. “Nothing at all.  She just happened to fall asleep while studying is all.”
He wished he could say he was angry.  Angry enough to punch that smug grin of his little brother’s face.
But instead all he felt was an overwhelming weight on his chest—crushing his lungs.
Satan must have been expecting a fight out of him, and he could see his brother’s brows furrow when the brawl never came.  “Hey, Levi—” Satan began, reaching out a hand.
Levi was quick to smack it away, and trudge back to his only haven, and lock himself away.  He skipped school, much to Lucifer’s disappointment. He ignored texts, and then calls, and his door remained locked, even to you.
But it hurt being in his room.  It hurt to think of you.  And to think of how much he’d liked you.  Of all things he wanted to say and then didn’t.  And then of how you abandoned him for his brother—and he couldn’t really blame you.  When weighed against Satan, who in their right mind would choose the gross otaku?
Somehow he was more alone in the one occupant room than he had ever been before.
At dinner, when he did not appear, Lucifer came to speak with him.  Levi ignored his knocking and requests to open the door, until the prideful avatar was threatening to break it down.   Complying, Levi opened the door but a crack, but it was enough for Lucifer to see red, puffy eyes and cheeks stained with trails.  Any anger Lucifer had died in his throat.
“Just leave me alone,” Levi whispered.  “Please.”
“Levi, why did you skip school today?”  Lucifer looked as stern as ever, but his voice was laced with concern.
“I—I don’t want to talk about it.”
There was a pause as Lucifer considered his answer.  “How long do you intend to be absent?”
“Until it stops hurting.”
Worry flashed in his eldest brother’s eyes.  “Are you injured?”
“No.”  Levi said with a finality that Lucifer did not question.
“I will check with you again tomorrow.”
It was three days before anyone other than Lucifer saw or heard from Levi again.  He’d been in his room living on the snacks he had stashed in his room.
“Oh!  L-Levi!”  You called to his as he was raiding the fridge.
He froze, blood running cold.
“You’ve finally emerged,” you tentatively teased as you approached.
“Yeah.”  He muttered, avoiding your gaze as he filled his arms with anything not tagged with Beelzebub.
“So, are you uhm, playing a newly released game?  Maybe, watching a marathon?”  You asked, your voice coming closer.
Quickly he moved away, go the long way around the island counter and towards the door.  “Y-yeah, something like that.”  He mumbled as he strode past.
“Oh,” you whispered sounding disappointed.  “D-do you think maybe I could join you?”  Your voice wavered, and he knew, he just knew you were staring into his back with those large doe eyes, and if Sparkle was with you, probably fidgeting with its little horn.
He couldn’t say no to you. It was easier with a door closed, or through a phone.  But not like this, out in the open.
Not when you latched on to his arm, and forced him to look down at you.
You watched him play newly download DLC, commenting every so often, cracking jokes, like you used to.
And he let you.
You fed him chips so he didn’t have to let go of his controllers, just like you used to.
And he let you.
You pulled a blanket around you both, and you cuddled into his side, just like you used to.
And he let you.
But it didn’t feel the same. His heart still maintained that flustered flutter that you pulled from him with your every action, but every beat stung.
As the night wound down and he watched the credits roll, you gently ran your hand up and down his arm, a gesture meant to soothe him as you asked a painful question.
“Levi, can you tell me what happened?  I mean, it’s okay i-if you don’t want to.”
He couldn’t find a way to answer and fully express himself.
He thought he was special to you.  Just like he thought you were special to him.
He thought that you liked him and his room, and his bed.
He left you in silence, during which you fidgeted.  “I—I’m sorry,” you whispered, and he felt you detach from him, shifting as if to stand.
His hand was quick to catch yours, faster than his brain had thought it through.  You stared at him rather wide-eyed.
“Don’t go.”  He pleaded.  “Stay here.”
“O-okay,” you promised with a nod and a small smile.  “I’ll stay a little longer.”
“H-how long is a little?” Levi shyly asked.
“Well, I have a magic lesson with Satan—”
His arms were suddenly around you and he yanked you into him, his face buried into your shoulder. “Stay here.”  He asked again, his voice wavering.  “Don’t go to him.  Stay with me.”
“L-Levi?”  You questioned, nervously, your hand gently rubbing his back.  “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t want you to go.” He choked.  “I don’t want to have you leave me and go to Satan’s and stay in his room.  I don’t want you to choose him over me.  I don’t want you to love him.  I want you to love me.”
He could feel you warm beneath him.  “L-love?” Your voice shook, and your hands stilled.
His heart was sinking slowly into his gut with dread, but his arms refused to loosen, as he tucked his head further into your neck.  “Please,” was all he could think to say.  “Please stay. Stay with me.”
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g0--d0wn · 3 years
i'm back
hey guys, after a long time trying to access to this account without any success, finally tumblr decide to let me do it. the thing is, I have another tumblr now, and idk if I come back to this account because of my old content and start to publish my actual content, or if I delete this account and stay in the one I've been using for the past few years (more like 5 years lol)
i think I'm gonna stay with the two accounts tbh. if you want to follow the other one (it's more minimal and girly there you go: https://rand0mly-me.tumblr.com/)
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love-bigboss1fan-me · 3 years
Tagged by @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves thank you :)
1. Why did you choose your url?
I didn’t it was originally supposed to be Bigboss1fan since I’m a huge fan of Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid saga, but someone already had a similar user name so my sister chose this one.
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name and why you have them.
No side blogs.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Maybe 5-4 years? Hard to imagine it’s been that long.
4.Do you have a queue tag?
No I’ll just post when I think I have something noteworthy.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to talk to other Metal Gear fans and theorize with them and bounce ideas of each other. Then I found @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves and fell in love with the Witcher and she is an amazing person and knows Geralt very well if you want to know more about him or the world check her out.
6. Why did you choose your icon & header?
My icon always changes on what mood I’m in right now it’s Ciri because I enjoyed her character and her relationship with Geralt in the Witcher 3 and so far Geralt’s fatherly worries pull on my heart every time. I choose my header as a reminder to myself to always be myself and that will allow me to be free and not worry so much about what others think of me as long as I validate myself without being so worried about what others think of me and it’s something I work towards everyday because life is too short to worry.
7.What is your post with the most notes?
I just have these three the first one is my take on Death Stranding. Everyone used to call it a “Walking simulator” I wanted to show this game has heart and is more than what what it is at first glance and how it gets us to value the connections we make both online and off it. 
https://love-bigboss1fan-me.tumblr.com/post/189458097788/if-someone-asked-me-what-death-strandings-storyThe next one is Netflix’s first season of The Witcher after talking to @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves and everyone else on what the Witcher is and what it means to them I was inspired to write it. https://love-bigboss1fan-me.tumblr.com/post/638875223386701824/netflix-season-one-you-all-knew-i-could-not-say
Last is my two cents on The Hexer, The Witcher but the Polish version. Sure it’s campy, but the best things are. What can I say I love stories with both heart and soul it makes them worthwhile.
8. How many Mutuals do you have?
I don’t know
9. How many followers do you have?
I don’t know I haven’t been keeping track honestly, but if you do follow me thank you for doing so.
10. How many people do you follow?
34, different Witcher, Star Wars, Metal Gear Solid, nature, and story blogs.
11. Have you ever made a shit post?
I have been tempted believe me, but honestly it’s not worth it because you can’t tell a person’s tone all the time online they may mean it a different way then how it’s typed. So I don’t try to give in and waste my energy on it.
12. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Not very often and other times when I don’t have much else going on.
13. Did you have an fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Don’t get to excited because this only happened once. Someone was saying how the Metal Gear games are sexist and I didn’t agree. As a woman the women in the games never offend me like their men counterparts they have their own reasons for doing things that they do. For example when The Boss showed her scar I didn’t see this to be sexual or fan service this was her way of being vulnerable because this was a pregnancy scar, a reminder of what she gave up for her country. Even Quiet didn’t offend me I saw how she was dressed and saw it has her selling her body for revenge. This argument didn’t last since I never heard back from the person I sent that too and probably for the best that it ended there then continued.
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” post?
I don’t pay attention I will reblog what catches my eye.
15. Do you like tag/ask games?
This is my first one so far it was nice.
16. Which of your mutuals do you think is the most famous?
I couldn’t tell you, but I’m sure they are all popular.
17. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Sorry no
18. Tags?
Just one if you want to do it @emiel-rxgis
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behindywm · 3 years
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My Before and After
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huskyrbtorchick · 4 years
The Brothers reacting to Outlast with an easily scared MC(Horror Game 2)
I PUT THIS ON THE WRONG BLOG- I’ll do it again tomorrow, i’m too tired TTWTT
(MY COMPUTER SHUT OF GOOGLE CHROME TWICE ERASING THIS TWICE QWQ) (This time I made it a Scared Easily MC 1. You can be scared for one game and not another game 2. unfazed MC would of been the same XD Also im adding react games depending on what genre , I’ll make them squeals like horror 1 and 2 or cutesy 3 and 4 )
Previous:  https://husky-obey-me.tumblr.com/post/618668040318484480/the-brothers-reacting-to-alien-isolation-with-an
Suggested by @izzieg3987 Warning: cursing
-When you once asked him to watch you play a horror game again  -he was about to denial until he noticed how she seems a little tense -after a minute , he sighed in defeat and agreed -This time when he sat down , you went onto his lap and huddle up against him  -This concerns him even more given how you were shaking a little before -The game soon starts and the aura the game gave off was the same as the last but was in a more normal-ish situation -once again you start shaking , he wonders if this game was worst then the last  -”So you’re scared of Insane humans but not blood thristy aliens?” he teased a little -”n-no! It’s just more realistic and a bit more graphic  -As the game continues, you were right, the game was more graphic then the other game and can see why you’d be scared  -During chase scenes, you’d freak out and at small moments , you’d hyperventilate and he’d force you to pause until you calm down -After you were finished with the game ,he makes a note to research any horror human world games might be too scary for MC
- “NUH UH “No way! i ain’t watching another scary game!” -then he noticed how scared you looked in your face -”Mammon...P-please..?” -he clenched his heart. You looked so cute but he felt so bad  -”....UGGHHHHHHHHHHH fine.” -When you started , the back of his head was on your chest, he made sure to have you close, not for his sake but yours, since your HIS human -This game was scarier then the last. -He tried to keep his cool but the chase scenes showed his fears -”FUCKING RUN MR PIGGY IS HERE” -after it calmed down, he put his head on your cheek to soothe you and you would nuzzle in it -after you finished you both sighed in relief - “if you’re still feeling scared, THE Mammon will protect ya!” “you were screaming just as much as me~” “Sh-Shut it!” -he kisses your forehead “that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to protect ya..”
-He loves playing games with you so it’s no surprise he would say yes , though he was hesitant when you mentioned it was a horror game again -This time , he notices you being a little frightful when you insert the game  -He didn’t judge since he would be scared of horror games too but you weren’t scared last time...was this one worst? he thought -As soon as the game starts, he already has a chill down his spine -As much scarier as it was, he wasn’t as scared as he was before  -the only scenes that really scare him are the first chase scene and the “main “ villains  -When you heard “little piggy” you immediately freak out since the bad guy is there  -He tried to calm you down and tried to guide you “just go the other way, MC He won’t find you if you go there!” -you were still afraid  -with his gaming senses, he held your hands while you still had the controller and he moves the character away -He soon realizes he was technically holding your hands and is a red mess -He feels bad about how startled you were so you guys finish half way and head back to his room to watch anime and finish another time
-He only has interest in watching you play horror games, so you make sure to mention that first  -He cheerfully agrees but takes quick notice to how scared you were  -”are you ok, Kitten?” -”y-yes! I’m fine! Im just so e-excited!” -”Liar. he knows when you lie and he can definitely tell  -besides , he knows the difference between fear and excitement and it doesn’t wasn’t excitement -He let it slide until it started -He had his arms wrapped around you in case you were really scared  -Like before, he found the game interesting and fascinated by the story  -He wasn’t really scared at all , just disturbed by ..certain scenes *coughnakedbrothers*cough* -The chases scenes really scared you and he was shocked since you were complete fine with them in the last game -he’d tell you to pause when the chase was done so that he’s stroke your head to calm you  -After finishing, you were fearful and sleepy , so he picked you up and took you to his room , where you would rest on him with his jacket over you while he read his story 
-”No! Im not watching another horror game! Not even if you sit on me” He crossed his arms in a huff “Please Asmo?,,I don’t wanna be a-alone...” -His eyes got wide when he saw you were scared -he was straight up confused but that meant that this one was scarier then the last -He hesitated but gave in “fiiiine, only for you sweetie “ -He has his arm over you for comfort and through out the game , he wasn’t scared -he was too busy being horny over the guys in the game  -”look at that muscular figure~” -you weren’t disturbed by the fact he found them attractive, you were disturbed because the guys were insane with the thirst for death and asmo was horny for them  -when chase scenes were on , He was complimenting on how Chris Walker is “meaty” -He calmed you when you were a scared mess  -After the game, he’d offer a bath salt bath to calm your nerves and massage your tense body  -you agreed and held his hand on his way to his room
-Like before he doesn’t care for Horror games but will still watch you play them or even movies -Though, he’s worried since you’ve been shaking  -The game starts and he can fully understand why you’re scared -This game is hella bloody and gorey , he’s surprised your still awake, but it in a way made him hungry -He feeds you snacks like he did before but only really did it when you got scared  -When he was Chris walker and when he called you little piggy , he wanted ham or pork chops  -He covers your eyes at certain parts and takes the controller so that he can move your character away from that -The chases scene freaks you out and he just waist there until she dies or when the chases is over and then he’d nuzzle into you check  -After that , He would sleep over in your  room , and wrap his arms around you “protecting “ you from nightmares
-you were really lucky since he was fully awake and in a decent mood  -He didn’t notice you were scared until he laid himself onto you -you doin ok..?” -”y-yeah...just excited “ -”bullshit.” -you looked in shock “w-why?” -”I know when you’re scared MC..”He snuggled up to you  “I’ll still watch but stop playing if it’s too much ...” The game’s atmosphere was chilling but he wasn’t bothered until he saw gorey deaths  -He was semi freaked out because some of the character died in the most horrible ways ,even your death scenes were brutal -When the chase scene started , he automatically pauses the game , snatch the controller , and plays , when it happens 3 times, he just plays the rest of the game  -you felt bad that he played for you but he didn’t care, all he cared about was having you in his arms feeling ok -”if you think, You need my “forgiveness” then stay in my arms and we’ll sleep here toghter  -you both snuggled in with each other and slept the night away 
(Leave any suggestions game wise or for other scenrios ! ) 
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thequeerwitch · 4 years
Next fanfic: Albert Wesker x OC
Victoria Martinez Character Bio 
Basic Stats:
Name: Victoria Martinez
Age: 33
Sex/Gender/Pronouns: Female, woman, she/her
Race/Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Fandom: Resident Evil
Background: Fed up with her parent’s conservative views, Victoria ran away from her home in Iowa and began an education of science in Racoon City. She was discovered by William Birkin, who at the time was T.A.-ing for a biology professor, and she became acquainted with Albert Wesker. Victoria became heavily involved in Umbrella’s work, and worked undercover along with Wesker as a S.T.A.R.S. operative.
Figure/Eyes/Skin/Hair/Other: Victoria is tall built, curvaceous body and toned muscles. She has deep brown eyes and pale skin, and long blonde hair.
Dress style: Victoria dresses for necessity, which typically means dress slacks and a white button up in the Umbrella labs, or nice jeans and blouses in the RPD. Her casual attire typically consists of flowing sundresses and elegant evening gowns.
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Love interest(s): Albert Wesker
Friends: William and Annette Birkin (kind of)
Enemies: Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Brad Vickers
Sexuality and Romance:
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Attraction: Strength, power, mystery, intelligence
Experience: Victoria has dabbled in relationships here and there, but mostly put relationships on hold due to her work with Umbrella.
Skills and Work Life:
Skills: Chemistry, combat, knife wielding, gun training
Hobbies: Chess, glass collecting, reading, shopping
Education: PhD in biology and medical sciences
Job: Umbrella scientist, S.T.A.R.S. operative
Theme Songs: Control by Halsey 
On a side note, if you wanna see a badass Wesker tribute set to this song, check this video out
Personality: Victoria is passionate about science. She’s quiet, but not difficult to talk to. She’s stubborn and a great fighter. She also has a fear of spiders and absolutely can’t stand the giant mutated t-virus spiders. Whenever I think of Victoria, the song that pops into my head is Control by Halsey. The song is dark and talks about being in control. Victoria hates to be seen as weak and always tries to be the best at what she does. Even though she manages to put on a hard exterior, her emotions run deep and she fears one day they will be too strong to hide and she will break in front of her peers. She’s deathly afraid of being betrayed or murdered (especially by Albert, this is expanded upon in later chapters).
Likes: Biology, genealogy, viral studies, classic literature, classical music
Dislikes: Weakness, being emotional, overly emotional people, people in general,
Colors: Red, black, gray, white
Beliefs/Spirituality: Raised Catholic, but identifies as Agnostic
Struggles: Towards the middle of the fic, Victoria struggles with her identity. I won’t go into too much detail, just read the damn fic and you’ll see what I mean.
Insecurities: Her emotions
Fears: Death, spiders, losing control of herself, crying in front of people
Goals: World domination, to live a perfect life in a perfect world with her perfect mate.
For those of you coming from my old blog, you may remember this one. I didn’t like the writing style I used so I rewrote it and made some things a little better. The old one isn’t going anywhere, you can find it on my old blog: https://my-blog-for-me.tumblr.com/ Most of the introduction information is basically the same, but I might as well post it here as well.
This fanfic was inspired by a oneshot written by @albertweskerrip2009. https://albertweskerrip2009.tumblr.com/post/161791952674/i-dont-own-the-picture-i-found-it-on-the-internet on Tumblr. I’ve written a beginning and I’ve expanded the ending.
I wanted to keep Wesker as close to his canon personality as possible. Obviously he’s more sympathetic towards Victoria, but I tried to keep it within his personality.
I’m begging you, PLEASE send in oneshot requests. I love writing for this OC and I want to get her out there more.
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dream-of-wanting-me · 4 years
Sorry for the attack to your blog but @bitchy-akerfeldt-quotes was in need of new posts... And this must be said so that everyone listen:
@dream-of-wanting-me has great Opeth content!!!
Ps: sorry for disturbing your "asks box" 😳
You and I have to talk about Opeth more often, it will elevate our quality of life.
I was inspired by Bitchy Akerfeldt Quotes to start saving his precious quotes too.
I’m thoroughly enjoying your attack on my blog. Come to the Mikael tag too.
I had a Mikke roleplay blog too, but the Great Chaste Purge flagged it... because it contained a healthy amount of sex with Steven Wilson... under read-more, mind you!
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The Brothers reacting to Outlast with an easily scared MC (Horror 2)
Edit: i accidentally put this on the wrong blog and i didn’t notice until my laptop and stuff was shut down qwq , so I’m going to repost it here still
(MY COMPUTER SHUT OF GOOGLE CHROME TWICE ERASING THIS TWICE QWQ) (This time I made it a Scared Easily MC 1. You can be scared for one game and not another game 2. unfazed MC would of been the same XD Also im adding react games depending on what genre , I’ll make them squeals like horror 1 and 2 or cutesy 3 and 4 )
Previous:  https://husky-obey-me.tumblr.com/post/618668040318484480/the-brothers-reacting-to-alien-isolation-with-an
Suggested by @izzieg3987 Warning: cursing
-When you once asked him to watch you play a horror game again -he was about to denial until he noticed how she seems a little tense -after a minute , he sighed in defeat and agreed -This time when he sat down , you went onto his lap and huddle up against him -This concerns him even more given how you were shaking a little before -The game soon starts and the aura the game gave off was the same as the last but was in a more normal-ish situation -once again you start shaking , he wonders if this game was worst then the last -”So you’re scared of Insane humans but not blood thristy aliens?” he teased a little -”n-no! It’s just more realistic and a bit more graphic -As the game continues, you were right, the game was more graphic then the other game and can see why you’d be scared -During chase scenes, you’d freak out and at small moments , you’d hyperventilate and he’d force you to pause until you calm down -After you were finished with the game ,he makes a note to research any horror human world games might be too scary for MC
- “NUH UH “No way! i ain’t watching another scary game!” -then he noticed how scared you looked in your face -”Mammon...P-please..?” -he clenched his heart. You looked so cute but he felt so bad -”....UGGHHHHHHHHHHH fine.” -When you started , the back of his head was on your chest, he made sure to have you close, not for his sake but yours, since your HIS human -This game was scarier then the last. -He tried to keep his cool but the chase scenes showed his fears -”FUCKING RUN MR PIGGY IS HERE” -after it calmed down, he put his head on your cheek to soothe you and you would nuzzle in it -after you finished you both sighed in relief - “if you’re still feeling scared, THE Mammon will protect ya!” “you were screaming just as much as me~” “Sh-Shut it!” -he kisses your forehead “that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to protect ya..”
-He loves playing games with you so it’s no surprise he would say yes , though he was hesitant when you mentioned it was a horror game again -This time , he notices you being a little frightful when you insert the game -He didn’t judge since he would be scared of horror games too but you weren’t scared last time...was this one worst? he thought -As soon as the game starts, he already has a chill down his spine -As much scarier as it was, he wasn’t as scared as he was before -the only scenes that really scare him are the first chase scene and the “main “ villains -When you heard “little piggy” you immediately freak out since the bad guy is there -He tried to calm you down and tried to guide you “just go the other way, MC He won’t find you if you go there!” -you were still afraid -with his gaming senses, he held your hands while you still had the controller and he moves the character away -He soon realizes he was technically holding your hands and is a red mess -He feels bad about how startled you were so you guys finish half way and head back to his room to watch anime and finish another time
-He only has interest in watching you play horror games, so you make sure to mention that first -He cheerfully agrees but takes quick notice to how scared you were -”are you ok, Kitten?” -”y-yes! I’m fine! Im just so e-excited!” -”Liar. he knows when you lie and he can definitely tell -besides , he knows the difference between fear and excitement and it doesn’t wasn’t excitement -He let it slide until it started -He had his arms wrapped around you in case you were really scared -Like before, he found the game interesting and fascinated by the story -He wasn’t really scared at all , just disturbed by ..certain scenes *coughnakedbrothers*cough* -The chases scenes really scared you and he was shocked since you were complete fine with them in the last game -he’d tell you to pause when the chase was done so that he’s stroke your head to calm you -After finishing, you were fearful and sleepy , so he picked you up and took you to his room , where you would rest on him with his jacket over you while he read his story
-”No! Im not watching another horror game! Not even if you sit on me” He crossed his arms in a huff “Please Asmo?,,I don’t wanna be a-alone...” -His eyes got wide when he saw you were scared -he was straight up confused but that meant that this one was scarier then the last -He hesitated but gave in “fiiiine, only for you sweetie “ -He has his arm over you for comfort and through out the game , he wasn’t scared -he was too busy being horny over the guys in the game -”look at that muscular figure~” -you weren’t disturbed by the fact he found them attractive, you were disturbed because the guys were insane with the thirst for death and asmo was horny for them -when chase scenes were on , He was complimenting on how Chris Walker is “meaty” -He calmed you when you were a scared mess -After the game, he’d offer a bath salt bath to calm your nerves and massage your tense body -you agreed and held his hand on his way to his room
-Like before he doesn’t care for Horror games but will still watch you play them or even movies -Though, he’s worried since you’ve been shaking -The game starts and he can fully understand why you’re scared -This game is hella bloody and gorey , he’s surprised your still awake, but it in a way made him hungry -He feeds you snacks like he did before but only really did it when you got scared -When he was Chris walker and when he called you little piggy , he wanted ham or pork chops -He covers your eyes at certain parts and takes the controller so that he can move your character away from that -The chases scene freaks you out and he just waist there until she dies or when the chases is over and then he’d nuzzle into you check -After that , He would sleep over in your  room , and wrap his arms around you “protecting “ you from nightmares
-you were really lucky since he was fully awake and in a decent mood -He didn’t notice you were scared until he laid himself onto you -you doin ok..?” -”y-yeah...just excited “ -”bullshit.” -you looked in shock “w-why?” -”I know when you’re scared MC..”He snuggled up to you “I’ll still watch but stop playing if it’s too much ...” The game’s atmosphere was chilling but he wasn’t bothered until he saw gorey deaths -He was semi freaked out because some of the character died in the most horrible ways ,even your death scenes were brutal -When the chase scene started , he automatically pauses the game , snatch the controller , and plays , when it happens 3 times, he just plays the rest of the game -you felt bad that he played for you but he didn’t care, all he cared about was having you in his arms feeling ok -”if you think, You need my “forgiveness” then stay in my arms and we’ll sleep here toghter -you both snuggled in with each other and slept the night away
(Leave any suggestions game wise or for other scenrios ! )
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buckysteveloki-me · 5 years
Silent Running - Part Two
Part two is arrived! I wanted thank: @riricitaa, @lethal-desires, @rainbowkisses31, and @tea-with-seb. Thank you - for the bottom my heart!Here's the prequel and part one. Thank you!
Prequel - https://buckysteveloki-me.tumblr.com/post/187707002828/buckysteveloki-me-riricitaa-i-made-it-myself-i
Part One - https://buckysteveloki-me.tumblr.com/post/187843231363/silent-running-part-one
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lee-donghun · 5 years
I mentioned earlier that I wanted to talk about my logan theory in depth. I can’t take complete credit for it though, some points i’ve picked up from other people after all, but i still want to add some more insight on this from my perspective.
first: https://tyrus-is-endgame-fight-me.tumblr.com/post/184088552454/okay-so-there-is-one-part-of-the-new-video-that-i at point point I talk about a theory involving the clothing style(not my own) and how it could help to prove that Virgil was a dark side and wants to hide this. Theres a plot hole in this theory involving Logan though. OP of that theory ( @just-a-random-word ) even mentioned it in the tags (and probably the comments)
Basically, Roman and Patton wear all bright colours to symbolize their “lightness”, and Deciet and Virgil wear black with a single accented colour at most.
According to this though, shouldn’t Logan be a dark side? he has a single spot of white to be fair but for the most part- what does he wear right now? a black shirt and a dark blue tie (remember the dark blue tie for later).
in that aforementioned post, I explained it to the fact that logan probably wanted to look more professional, and thinks a black shirt looks better with a coloured tie. Now, because of his character, this could easily have been true if it wasn’t for some minor details.
1) haven’t we seen him in jeans? if he was purely focused on appearing professional- than wouldn’t he wouldn’t wear jeans. Dark or not- he would wear dress pants. Much more professional- don’t you think? However, it seems his tie is enough for him right now, and so thus-professionalism isn’t the only thing on his mind
2) the tie. In the beginning- the tie was light blue like Patton, but he darkened it. The only other side to change a colour, was Virgil but he lightened up a bit which in my mind at least, symbolizes how Virgil was realizing that he was finally earning his spot amongst them all, and growing-or changing-. So wouldn’t it make sense that Logan’s change meant a change in himself as well? I highly doubt that he changed yet at this point, for it wouldn’t make sense. However- I do believe that it foreshadowed change.
Besides just the clothes though, let’s take a look at Logan’s attitude. 
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we all know Logan has a temper. We’ve seen many examples of him lashing out, especially when it comes to him lying. The question is though- why would the logical one have the anger issuses? shouldn’t he be the rational one, thinking things through first? but no- he’s impulsive at times. 
Is it really so far off to believe that Logan’s anger wouldn’t get the best of him for an extended period as well? especially when he’s been hurt again and again-
let me back up here-
How many times has Roman insulted him? a lot.
Has Virgil gotten mad at him? yep.
Patton even yelled at him in “Moving On Part 2″, causing Logan to storm off.
You add that to Deceit is the one to call Logan “everyone’s favorite character”, and while it’s proven that he can tell the truth if he chooses to, it’s likely that Logan wouldn’t of taken it as the truth.
Moving back towards his attitude though, Logan has proven to be insecure and not able to hide it.
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This specific gif isn’t the best example, it still counts mind you, but it’s what I could find. In this, Logan got upset because he wanted to solve the problem by himself, to prove that he should be listened to and regarded as important as well. On first glance, it could be passed off as “he’s a know-it-all who believes that he would never need help” and he doesn’t trust patton to not disrupt him perhaps, but when you look deeper, there’s more. Logan got really upset fast, or he wouldn’t have yelled, so he obviously feels that Thomas feels that he’s inferior to the rest. Thinking this about Roman would make sense, because as a actor and singer, Thomas places more empathsis on his creatitivity than his logic abilities but for the others? For him to think that even Virgil- Thomas’ ANXIETY- has been more helpful? Logan can’t be very secure.
It’s true that in this episode, Logan still blamed everyone but himself but insecure or not, he’d probably still think he’s *know* if his fault.He may have felt in the back of his mind, but tried to ignore it, and purposely avoided suggesting it, but when someone else did it, he couldn’t avoid it anymore. This part is merely a speculation though, for theres no evidence to back this part up.
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Let’s look at this one. Logan worked on learning spanish simply because Roman knew it, and he didn’t. Roman knowing something that he didn’t probably hurt, especially because’s well Logic. Now, while, this specific phrase was obviously used as an insult- he also chose “stupid” for a reason. He was telling *himself* that he’s smart and Roman isn’t.
In a different episode, “Is LYING good?”, when we are introduced to Deciet, Logan also showed a lack of confidence when Deciet -disguised as patton- was saying things about Kant. Instead of simply being proud that Patton knew something (though he did express that he was proud as wll), at one point he says “I know things too” which should have been implied without him saying anything. He’s logic- of course he’s smart. Yet, he still felt the need to say this. He obviously felt insecure that the others were questioning his abilities, and probably wanted to remind himself of that as well.
What’s strikes me as odd about this- is what would be the purpose of him being insecure? Roman deals with ego- so pride or lack there of in moments makes sense for Roman, in Virgil because of his anxiety function, and even Patton as emotions. Logan though? how would insecurity be logical?
So, he’s insecure, he has a temper, and he’s well- decietful himself. 
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He’s always saying how he’s emotionless- but i don’t even need to explain how this isn’t true. I”ve already done that above. He not only feels emotions- but can feel so passionately that they even defeat any sense of logic for him as well.
Basically, Logan has proven to show his own less than happy and helpful emotions yet tries to hide it. If Thomas didn’t have a reason behind Logan’s intense emotions, than why would he have Logan lie all the time? The one who is always yelling “Falsehood”?
So- while i’m not saying that Logan is a dark side, he’s not exactly a light side either. 
I can’t help but feel like we havent seen the climax of Logan’s emotions just yet. Sure- he threw something at Roman, but I feel like they’ll be more. After all- everyone was shocked in that episode right than- but never really mentioned it again. I may just be crazy- but I feel like Logan will explode in a larger way. Logan will be forced to confront his feelings, and maybe Deciet will be the one to do this. (remember in the last video? Logan: “I don’t feel anything”, Deciet: “oh of course you don’t” in a mocking tone) 
I can’t say I know how this will play out- but I feel like *not* having Logan’s objection to feelings having a reasoning behind it would be bad characterization on Thomas and Joan’s part. There’d be no point in his outbursts really.
So to summarize: Logan will explode and forced to confront his emotions.
@pawtonsanders as promised! -also I apologize for probably wasting your time, i always take an overly long time to get to my conclusions because I feel like I have to explain everything. It’s how I end up with atleast a paragraph on answers that only need a sentence-
-this was going to be longer, but i forced myself to cut back on some of it-
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