#young Kim Kitsuragi
silanb · 4 months
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Harry single-handedly healing Kim’s inner child juvie one trinket at a time
Little Kim is gonna kill him if he pushes Harry away one more time
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votive-candle · 2 months
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29 / 07 / 2024 🪩🕺🏽🚓🤞🏽
i got WELL carried away with this one, lads
couldn't decide if i wanted to write a fanfic or draw fan art so i kind of did both at the same time for maximum efficiency
again i’ve not even played much of the game because i've been so inspired to draw and write as soon as i got started, so i am maybe projecting some personality onto them for now, but i want to think Kim likes to fluster Harry a lot (platonically or romantically, either is good)
mostly gleamed that from the "mambo or jambo line" among others
also wrote an excerpt from Shivers but it got a little suggestive for the comic
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bubblingsteam · 5 months
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brainpoker100 · 2 months
perhaps you could draw younger harry ...
Ok yes i can ive been waiting for this THANK YOU i went a little overboard , gave you a whole timeline LOL
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The last one was my initial kim and i dont like it very much honestly but i spent hours staring at my ipad trying to make it look good so i have to post it you know how it is
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sygneth · 1 year
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them, but young (late night sketches)
(i make a DE comic)
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cardboardcheese · 30 days
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hes vietnamese in my heart
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iskander-tm · 2 years
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I am cruel, I am gentle, I can make you laugh I am cruel, I am gentle, I can make you laugh I've loved many boys, I've loved many girls I don't think about the past, it's always there anyway
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 5 months
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Oh look! It's Juvenile Crimes Division's *only* detective: 37-year-old Kim 'Pinball' Kitsuragi!
He's suited and booted and ready to be a liaison for Homicide Division's newest case! Hopefully it's a nice *simple* one to ease him in :)
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underground boy
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the keychain is done!
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[x] [x]
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meinqiwu · 2 years
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the homosexual underground
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Magnificent MLM Matchup Round 2
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milanesa-enthusiast · 6 months
rip kim kitsuragi you wouldve loved those realistic plane simulators
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spacey-png · 2 years
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Kim wip
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
came up with the idea of a. disco elysium deadpool au. (im thinking like movie not comics idk the comics) harry as wade (obv) kim as colossus, jean as vanessa, maybe cuno as negasonic teenage warhead bc thats funny to me. can you picture it
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vendettavalor · 10 months
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“I don’t know how else to start this so first, I’ll apologize. I’m sorry for everything I put you through. I can’t imagine what I put you through. The bullet in my chest is nothing compared to the weight of the guilt I unknowingly burdened you with. I know you may never believe this no matter how much you’re told, but it was not your fault. It was never your fault. You had no control over the situation. You never could have seen it coming. And even if somehow you had been able to, you would still be innocent and blameless. I made my choice to protect you and given the opportunity, I would take that bullet for you again and again forever. In every universe and in every life, I would have chosen to save you.
I’m sorry I never told you the truth. I’m sure by now you’ve figured it out. I’m sure you’re still in disbelief about it despite the evidence. You were always a skeptic towards the supernatural and the paranormal. Fables and tall tales never amused you or piqued your interest. You were a pragmatist, a realist. Even now, I know that you’re searching for a more rational answer almost as much as you’re searching for me. You can close that case now though. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. I am what I am. It makes sense why I was always able to see the things no one else could now, doesn’t it? Still, I know that clarification offers no comfort. I know you’re desperate to know why I never told you. I’m sorry to keep you in dark. I know it was wrong of me. But the truth would have put you in danger. I can’t say more than that but know that it already did. If I hadn’t been there, it would have killed you. Moreover, I did it because I was selfish. I cared for you. You were my partner and the person closest to me. My secret cost me everyone I loved. But still, I feared more than losing you to a bullet that, if I told you, you’d walk away from me voluntarily rather than be taken from me. I’d lost everything but as long as I had you, I felt that I could still keep going. It almost made me confess. But then I realized that the chance of you having a bad reaction was not 0, and the idea that you might change and see me as a monster scared me. I didn’t think I’d be able to survive that. The thought of losing you made me paranoid.I never wanted to show you my fangs or my claws in case you became afraid of them, afraid of me. So I kept them from you thinking it would keep us both safe. I lived a double life and filled myself into thinking I was protecting us both. And I was wrong. I see that now. And I am sorry.
I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I know I don’t. Not after all I’ve put you through. But I wanted to apologize and give you some closure. How I don’t know. By reassuring you that I didn’t die because of you maybe. Or maybe I did it to quell the suspicions you undoubtedly had. Either about me being alive or about me being something else. In any case, I wanted to offer you that peace. We were partners and you meant so much to me. You were all I had when everything else I loved was lost. It was the least I owed you.
I know you’ve been looking for me. I don’t know if you’ll keep looking after you’ve put all the pieces together and seen this. Maybe this will do its job in putting your mind at ease finally. I hope it does. You deserve at least that much. I can’t claim to know you anymore but if you’re still the man I remember, then this likely won’t satisfy you. You were always steadfast and determined to finish what you started, no matter how long it took. If you still are, if this isn’t enough, if you still need to see this to its end, if you still need to see me - come find me.
Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting for you.
And I’ll wait forever if that’s what you need.
— A letter marked “To Kim Kitsuragi” from a ghost sender unknown
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