#youngmee song
itzpris15634 · 29 days
Blythe and friends!
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They’re aged up here- lets say… mid 20’s ish
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kittytoto-12345 · 2 months
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✨️Youngmee, Blythe, Sue✨️
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↑ Shadow version
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darwuzhere · 5 days
One of the reasons why i love "What's In The Batter":
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The main 7 AND Buttercream defending Blythe as then Blythe defends them back.
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ezzysicons · 3 months
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Youngmee Song from Littlest Pet Shop icons. Like/Reblog if you use.
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punk-63 · 5 months
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Youngmee took a good look at her surroundings. Trapped here with no idea why anyone was even on this island was a mystery to everyone, but there had to be a logical reason for so many people who had originally lived in different cities and different states and even different countries to be here, right? She had just finished a very long work shift at the Java Lava Coffee House, when she suddenly noticed that a person is nearby her. Hoping to potentially make a new friend, or get some possible reasons on what had happened to them, Youngmee walked towards the person. "Hi, I was just wondering if you might want to help me out with something? You see, I'm trying to figure out what happened to everyone who is now trapped here, with no possible way of returning back to their hometowns, and I was just wondering if you think we were kidnapped, or something? What are your ideas on what happened to us, for all of us to be living here and not our hometown?" She asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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clonecircus · 2 years
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unbelievable how the lps writers gave blythe a generic guy as a love interest as if she doesn’t have 3 girls in love with her 🙄
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themightymoose · 2 months
Topped With Buttercream
Is this where we see the rabbit
Youngmee is so excited I love her
Popsicle made from cake icing sounds really good
i want
Buttercream, Sunil, and Pepper doing the robot together is just wonderful
"Being impossibly cute can be such a burden." 💅
They're so sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Sunil's little claps
Song jump scare
It is very sudden
Does Penny have a different va for when she sings or am I hearing things
You know if Vinnie and Pepper gave those pleading eyes I'd probably agree to anything they asked
Including arson
Why does Buttercream keep doing that I am confused
Bruh Russell we all know that if one of them ended up getting hurt you'd be the first one by their side
Minka literally just licked paint that was in the process of drying
"Yum yums" Sunil stop it stop being cute
Ruh roh raggy
These are just dorky teenage girls hanging out I love it
Sunil sounds like he's in so much pain right now
Someone give him belly rubs right now
Oh shit Penny died
Penny 💀💀💀
They're all getting high rn
Russell jumping on Pepper
"I'm okay! Pepper broke my fall!" "And Russell broke my rib..."
If any one can guess that quote I will be pleasantly surprised
"Y-Yeah, I bet Blythe i-is really worried about us! Or she's already forgotten!" Either that's the sugar talking or you have issues
Everyone is so fucking twitchy
I have reason to think Pepper is the reason that Blythe thinks this is a prank
Blythe immediately going to the worst possible outcome when she realizes they're gone
Could never be me...
I say, like a liar
Jasper and Sue appeared out of nowhere but I'm not complaining
Sue immediately trying to calm down Blythe
Okay that cut to Sue immediately panicking actually got a laugh out of me
That doesn't usually happen
Mrs. Twombly actually has so much patience I don't think she'd be that mad at you Blythe
The fact the pets are literally just next door
"CURSE MY FREAKISHLY LARGE HEAD!!!" Blythe have you looked at the people around you
But I like the self awareness
"Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?" Because you're the main character Blythe try to keep up
Okay I'm scared
Pepper and Zoe are actually bouncing in sync
Why is this so amusing
They both want to lead together
That is so oddly sweet
They're friendship is everything to me
Pepper taking offense at "Smelly Pants"
Pepper struggling to come up with an insult on the spot
"Tiny boy."
Is Penny planning an assassination
"Jasper shut the fuck up my gf is having her fifth emotional break down of the week and it's Monday!"
"We'll get.... really really mad..." Everything that comes out of Pepper's mouth is comedy gold istg
Youngmee going on a wild goose chase
Vinnie being the first one to go back to normal
Pepper is literally fighting Buttercream with her tail
Loving how Vinnie is the first to realize what's going on
Pepper and Vinnie are the first ones to snap out of it
Hell yeah
How deep is that purse holy shit
Bruh Pepper and Zoe licking Blythe's face is so cute
Pepper literally just roasted Penny
Also is something wrong with her eyes or is she just chilling
Now they have a phobia of sugar
I'm still waiting for my icing pop btw
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my5unday · 1 month
Helloo everypet 💜 today me, @octonauter and one of our friends (who i dont think has tumblr) worked on the second chapter of that evil vinnil angst fanfic from a while ago err have fun reading 😭
It was the coldest day of the summer but the most humid, tere was a negative and uncomfortable energy that clung to the air of the petshopt. It was awfully quiet.. Apart from Sunils WICKED giggles. The other pets were huddled around the campfire singing the campfire song. “C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG” they chanted in unison. Sunil was in a secluded corner of the day camp, scheming up an evil plan. He felt that Vinnie had disrespected him immensely by launching him into the ocean then giving him cpr in front of Youngmee, Sue, Jasper.. YOU GET IT. To get back at him, Sunil had the grandiose idea to grow black mold in the petshop and give Vinnie black mold poisoning, because he is deathly allergic to it [most people are.. I think.. But hes worse]. Sunil used his magic to create black mold spores on the corner of the day camp he stood in front of. He then used his magic even more to speed up the spread of the black mold. He let out a wicked laugh, excited to get his revenge on that green goblin.
Speaking on thr vinnie, no one had seen him in two days. He hadnt showed up to the day camp at all. All the pets just assumed that vinnie had just stayed home. He heard coughing from the other side of the room, volient and deadly, sickening and heartstopping. He turned around, pennlyling collasped on the floor, clutching her stomach. The animation meme black goo poured from her mouth. The pets payed no mind to this and continued singing the camp fire song because it was more important than penyling not succumbing [cucumbing[cucumber] to a slow and painful death [C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁]. She was expenspensible in the senseless world. A baby panda like her was all too rare in the cat and dog world. Sunil rushed to Penny lings side, dousing the fire so the pets would shut the up for once. They all groaned in annoyance. Despite gaining this illness less than ten seconds ago she was dawned with the heroin chique, her facial struture bolden and cheeks caved in gibing her that sickly starving model look. “Oh my John Eclipse penny ling! What in dogs name happened to you?” Zoe asked, appalled and honestly disgusted. Pennyling tried to respond but only coughed violently in response. She became delirious and suddenly got the urge to write on-twitter…
“Fetch me my cellular, heathen!” Pennyling shouted like a queen, and Zoey quickly did as she was told, believing this request to be her dying wish. She snatched the cellular from Zoey and began writing her first tweet on her account “PLMofficial” [Penny Ling Moulding]. Her first tweet read “The mold would NEVER bless trans people #moldingout #themoldsaves #jesusmolds #moldlovesmeyesIknow” The mold had turned Penny Ling PROBLEMATIC!! Zoey starts to feel weird as the mold starts to corrupt her brain 2. The animation meme black goo pooled at the corner of her mouth as she became chronically online. Zoey snatched the phone off Pennyling and read her tweet. “Wait.. IM TRANS! IM TRANS AND SHES SAYING THIS ABOUT ME” Zoey yelled in her mind. Chronically online rage consumed her.. “I… I HAVE TO RATIO PENNY LING!”
SHe typed furiously on her own phone and  whipped up a horrible comment that we don[t get paid enough to show and PLMofficial Was so offended she spiraled into depression within 10 seconds and  typeda undercover compliment comment to self medicate her self.
¨fr¨ the comment read, and penny smiled to herself.¨ Inally, someone cares…………..”she said, but she realizwd she forgot to switch accounts! Üh oh wrong account she posted and became mad at ZOey for tricking her [she didn really but pennyling was delusional] And a fight started brewing!
Blythe meanwhile was in her room, eyes red from being awake for the past 3 days. She had a twisted smile on her face, one of pure insanity. Huddled underneath her blanket she clung onto her phone which was scorching hot from over using it, the extreme heat burning off her fingerprints. She was playing dressed to impressed, desprate for the role of top model, refusing to eat or sleep until she achieved her goal. Everyone was worried about her, Youngmee, Sue, Jasper, Mrs Twombly, her father, all the pets owners and cousins and all the kigs’ horses and all the king's men havent seen her since this addiction started. Mr baxter decided enough was enough and forcibly burst down her dor with a machine gun. Instantly exploding into pecices “blythey, this HAS to stop!” he cried “DAD not now! Im playing roblox.” he unplugged her phone wich had been running on -1 percent and she let out a shrill shreik. He slung her over his shoulder and marched out the door. “Your going to rehab!”
at the pet shop, all the pets starting to place bets on whod survive the fightn when all of a sudden… “GUYS! COME OVER HERE YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!” Russel shouted. Everyone ran over to see Blythe being forcibly pushed into the back of a cop car!? “RELEASE ME I WANT MORE MORE” Blythe screamed as the cops finally managed to shove her in and lock the car door behind her. As they drove off, Youngmee, Sue, Jasper, Mrs Twombly, her father, all the pets owners and cousin and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men stood there in shock when a somber voice broke the silence. A group of government official looking peeple walken up to the crowd. “We’re sorry, everyone,” they said, “but vinnie’s body has been found.”
Blythey sat in a room of the rehab facility, sitting on one of those loungey chairs at therapy. Her rehab guy began asking her questions. “So, Blythe, tell me when this addiction first started.” Blythe looked at the rehab guy with an ellie and mason LOOK 💜 “Four days ago.. A uh… talking lizard introduced me to the game” Rehab guy gave Blythe a confused look. “A talking lizard showed you dress to impre-?” “YES! 😁😁😁🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😜😉😉😜😜omg😜😜😜😜😜😉🤯💅💅💅💅” she replied, instantly excited over the mention of the game by name. Rehab guy began writing notes in >*~-THE BOOK OF NOTES-~*<. “Blythe, you have a serious addiction to roblox games, in order to get you under control….” The words seemed to blur out after that in her mind. Her fingers began pointing to the assortment of clothes around the rehab room. “Blythe.. Blythe.. BLYTHE!!!” rehab guy yelled, finally catching her attention. “What are you doing??” he asked, to which Blythe replied, “Dressing💅up..” Blythe addiction had worsened to the point she thought the real world had turned into Dress to Impress, perchance a side effect of her withdrawal. She had to be strapped down to a stretcher as she began to lash out when the game was taken from her and she halucinated themse before her “NO! NO ! A FUR COMBO! I WONT LOOSE TO A FUR COMBO!” she screeched. And was locked away in a paddedroom.
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leffee · 7 months
i know youre mostly focused on the pets and all (especially Vinnie), but I’m curious- thoughts on Blythes human friends? I mean Youngmee, Jasper, and Sue. Maybe even Kora. and maybe even Whittany (even if it was just for one episode)
Ok, listen, back in the day everyone used to say that the pets' part of the episodes were much better because well, the pets were just better, and as much as I agree/d, I think the human side was pretty great too. Honestly? I don't think this show had any bad human characters, a lot of them were just straight-up great. While they were a few pet characters I found annoying or just bad, when it comes to people? I don't think I disliked any. But anyway, Blythe's friends, huh? This is actually something I really wanted to talk about, so thanks for that my dear anon.
Youngmee, oh boy, I love Youngmee. Though I always liked her, only recently I have developed genuine love for her. There's just something about her being nice and kind overall of course, but also mixed with some more "wilder" traits that I absolutely love. When Blythe said in one episode "Reverse psychology doesn't work on her. Neither does normal psychology actually." (or something like that) it was incredible. She has that sort of unnerving trait sometimes, like when in that one episode she kept creeping Blythe out by messaging her whenever Blythe hit new stage of her dad having a date (that we know he didn't actually but that's not important rn). Like, Blythe was just straight-up creeped up, it was great really. She's great. But after discovering that she has the same VA as Biskit twins I can't unhear her talking like them sometimes, it's especially easy to hear when she's laughing, check if you don't believe.
Jasper, I love Jasper, I love him so much, to me he is like Vinnie of the human group, trust me, they'd be bros. The one problem, much like Vinnie, he was often treated like the "stupid and obnoxious friend who talks without thinking" and sometimes it was genuinely annoying. It wasn't his fault though so I don't blame him, and that didn't diminish my enjoyment of him, thank the stars. Where did he disappear in season 4 I do not know, but we need to find him, where is bro. He deserved more, and I think he's my favourite out of Blythe's friends, but Youngmee is not far behind. Oh another thing, I said it before and I say it now, peak outfit design for me on a character is them wearing a hoodie, so like, he gets bonus points for that.
Sue while definitely my least favourite of Blythe's main friends, is still pretty good. I don't like her stubbornness though, it exists in some moments, an example? When in Blythe's crush episode she pretty much forced Blythe, who mind you had no roller skating experience, to ride on one leg. Like, miss, no, you don't force people to do something like that, especially when they can genuinely hurt themselves. And guess what? Blythe did, she ran into Josh and fell. Sure, nothing happened, but it could have. HoWevEr, there is one thing that absolutely sold her to me and to this day I think it was one of the most thought-provoking of the people's part of the episodes. When she praised Blythe to no end and wanted to be just like her, you know, Be yourself song episode? She just threw everything away and wanted to be 100% like Blythe, and if that doesn't speak of some deep insecurities then I don't know what does. You know I love me some confident characters that are actually deeply insecure, so that was my absolute jam. It bordered on obsession, and you know I love obsessions also. My goodness, she's just like me fr fr, wanting to steal someone's entire personality because (maybe) she doesn't like her own.
Kora disappeared ;-;. She was only in her introduction episode, and I think she was somewhere in the Pet Fest episode, but like in the background, and I think once more before that when she was helping Blythe with organizing this thing, but it was never a big role, or heck, she didn't even have any dialogue if I'm correct. Wait no! She was in one more episode in which Blythe worked with her and then bought too much and had to give back money, got it, I almost forgot about it. Still, that's not that much. That's a shame actually, because I think she was a really pleasant character, even if I don't have much to go over. Oh well, what I saw I did like, she's good.
Whittany huh? Biskit twins are great, they are great characters, because if they were real I would smack them upside the head, as characters they are incredible though and definitely entertaining, not to mention have good songs. When it comes to that one episode when they were friends, I must admit, it was very nice, them just talking and sort of bonding was heart-warming. In addition, it provided one of the funniest scenes in lps - Whittany: "This is my soap, just like everything else in this house." Blythe: "Everything in this house is your soap?" or something like that. Maybe it's just me, and now I don't find it as funny, but not so long ago I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Having said all that, I don't believe in that whole "I'm mean to you because Brittany doesn't like you and she's my twin sister," reason at all. Girl, you were there when you first met Blythe, and you didn't like her just as much, plus Whittany's usually the one who comes up or initiates plans against her.
At the end of the day, we all know that Roger is the best human character 😀👍. 
I need to overanalize and overthink this show all the time or I'm unfulfilled in life, I'm obsessed with it. It's crazy how the one difference between normal and abnormal obsession (like in obsessive-compulsive disorder) is whether it causes you mental distress. Lemme tell you, lps causes me only happiness and serotonin output that was repressed for years because I had no one to talk about it to.
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itzpris15634 · 18 days
doodle comp time!
first we got lots of zoe (i love her)
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even a genderbent version wowie
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and other characters
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dreamscape-popstar · 1 year
any ships for the lps girls?
For the pets; like the boys, I am a big fan of the polycule idea. I even dubbed it "Girl Time Polycule" because of that one incredibly but unintentionally lesbian song by the same name.
Zoe, Pepper, Minka, and Penny Ling are all dating, to me. Pepper, Minka and Penny Ling are one thousand percent lesbians. (Before anyone comes at me with "Pepper had a crush on a guy", my response is compet/compulsory hetero. Aka she forced herself to be attracted to men because she felt she would've been shamed for being lesbian.) Zoe is either also comphet lesbian or bisexual, though I'm leaning more towards bisexual.
And for fun, I do like putting Mitzi, Sugar Sprinkles, and Buttercream in the poly. Why have a few favourite monogamous ships when you can just ship them all in a happy polycule? I do think Sugar Sprinkles is more queerplatonic with the others than full on romantic, but she's still apart of the poly methinks.
As for the human(s); Blythe x Youngmee is the only ship ever. Girlfriends, both of them. And Blythe and Josh could be queerplatonic partners.
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darwuzhere · 12 days
I have so many video ideas and one of them is 100% doing scene packs of the LPS2012 characters.
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manilafm · 1 year
most wanted characters by the members/admins, please?
Everyone who is a member/admin. of this RPG would love to see Rose Granger-Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, the rest of Ginny Weasley's brothers ( Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Bill Weasley ), Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Mr. Remus Lupin, Katie Bell, Neville Longbottom, Mrs. Molly Weasley, Mr. Arthur Weasley, Mr. James Potter, Mrs. Lily Evans-Potter, Emma Vanity, Romilda Vane, Penelope Clearwater, Hugo Granger-Weasley, Professor Severus Snape, Professor Minerva McGonagall, Marlene McKinnon, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, and Oliver Wood from Harry Potter ; Gerald Johanssen, Arnold Shortman, Patricia ‘Big Patty’ Smith, Nadine, Sheena, Lila Sawyer, and Sid from Hey, Arnold! ; Payton Saunders, Autumn Brooks, Sakura Watanabe, Max Warren, Kara Sinclair, Ezra, Hope Castillo, Julian Castillo, Katherine, Koh Sunya, Derek, Nick, Shane, Wes Porter, Nishan Khandaar, Chelsea, Owen Harris, Brigette, Lacey, Kimi Chen, Quinn, Asher Rollins, Chase Cunningham, and Fibikemi ‘Phoebe’ Ayotunde from High School Story ; Sam Puckett, Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Spencer Shay, and Gibby Gibson from iCarly ; Elena Gilbert, Hope Mikaelson, Joesette 'Josie’ Saltzman, and everyone else from The Vampire Diaries / The Originals / Legacies ( excluding Damon Salvatore, though ) ; Youngmee Song, Mrs. Eliza Biskit, Mr. Fisher Biskit, Mrs. Lauren ‘Betty’ Smith, Sue Patterson, Joshua 'Josh’ Sharp, and Mr. Roger Biskit from Littlest Pet Shop ; Adrien Agreste, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Jessica ‘Jess’ Keynes, Alix Kubdel, Luka Couffaine, Nathalie Sancoeur, Kagami Tsurugi, Mrs. Emilie Agreste (neé Graham De Vanily), Mr. Gabriel Agreste, Lila Rossi, Mrs. Sabine Cheng, Mr. Tom Dupain, Master Wang Fu, Félix Graham De Vanily, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Mylène Haprèle, Ivan Bruel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Ms. Caline Bustier, Principal Damocles, Ms. Mendeleiev, Fred Haprèle, Armand D'Argencourt, Mr. André Bourgeois, Jagged Stone, Nadja Chamack, Mr. Roger Raincomprix, Mr. Alim Kubdel, Jalil Kubdel, Xavier Ramier, Mr. Otis Césaire, Mrs. Marlena Césaire, Nora Césaire, Wayhem, Ms. Anarka Couffaine, Ondine, Mrs. Amélie Graham De Vanilly, Grand Master Su-Han, Ms. Tomoe Tsurugi, Aurore Beauréal, and Mrs. Audrey Bourgeois from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir ; and lastly, we would also absolutely love to see Peter Parker, Loki Laufeyson, America Chavez, Carol Danvers, Pepper Potts, Mary Jane Watson, Michelle ‘M.J.’ Jones, Cindy Moon, May Parker, Kamala Khan, Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Emma Frost, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and Jean Grey from Marvel !! However, if you have any specific fandoms in mind to bring into this RPG, please send us another ask with the FULL name of the fandom !!
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hammysigvard · 7 years
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Traditional artwork of Sue dancing.
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